Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses: the main symptoms of sinusitis. Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment at home Signs of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and treatment

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Sinusitis is the name given to inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses. The maxillary sinuses occupy the entire cavity of the upper jaw bone. Sinusitis is one of the types of sinusitis - inflammation of the sinuses, i.e. empty bone cavities that form the human face. The basis of the disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the inner walls of the sinuses, sometimes the disease penetrates into the bone tissue.

Types of sinusitis

Depending on the causes of the disease, mechanism and course of the disease, sinusitis is divided into several types or types.

Acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis is a rapidly developing form of the disease, which, as a rule, is a consequence of acute respiratory diseases: ARVI, colds, common runny nose, as well as inflammation of the roots of the front teeth of the upper jaw. The mechanism of the disease is the same: pathogens penetrate the maxillary sinuses through thin channels that connect the sinuses to the nose, or through the bone tissue of the jaw. The body begins to produce lymphocytes - special cells immune system, which are designed to neutralize dangerous microorganisms. Mucus accumulates in the sinuses, which flows through the channels into the nose. If mucus clogs the ducts, it accumulates in the sinuses and begins to put pressure on the walls, causing even greater inflammation.

If the mucus leaves the site of inflammation without obstruction, the disease passes without complications. When the canals are blocked, problems begin:

  • elevated temperature;
  • breathing becomes difficult;
  • when touched, the upper jaw around the nose hurts;
  • a person sleeps poorly at night;
  • feeling unwell, tired;
  • performance decreases;
  • the face swells.

Chronic sinusitis

In some cases, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses takes a chronic form: as a rule, this occurs after one or more attempts to treat acute sinusitis. Chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses may be caused by the presence of other diseases not related to the ENT organs or traumatic factors. Symptoms of inflammation periodically subside and worsen:

  • body temperature rises, not exceeding 38 degrees;
  • headaches appear and disappear when tilting the head;
  • snot of yellow, yellow-green shades flows from the nose;
  • the sense of smell deteriorates - the patient does not smell food;
  • the face constantly swells;
  • Tears come for no reason and conjunctivitis appears.

Purulent sinusitis

Purulent sinusitis is a complication caused by incorrect treatment or attempt self-treatment acute forms of the disease. The cause of the disease is most often colds, infectious and viral diseases that a person undertreated or suffered “on his feet”. Purulent sinusitis is caused by accumulations of pathogenic bacteria in the maxillary sinuses. The main danger of this disease is the possibility of damage to the bone tissues of the face, which will seriously complicate the treatment and prolong it indefinitely.

Bilateral sinusitis

The most difficult and treatable is bilateral sinusitis - simultaneous inflammation of the mucous membrane in the sinuses located on both sides of the nose. The cause of the disease is most often microorganisms that have entered the sinuses from oral cavity or respiratory organs affected by pathogens - bacteria, fungi and viruses. More often, bilateral sinusitis manifests itself in an acute form, becoming chronic if treatment is ineffective.

The disease is easily diagnosed by the following signs:

  • intoxication of the whole body: a sharp increase in temperature, vomiting, pain in joints and muscles;
  • lethargy, apathy, loss of ability to work;
  • swelling of the face on both sides;
  • soreness of the maxillary sinus area when palpated with fingers;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • releasing a large amount of snot.

Allergic sinusitis

People suffering from allergic sinusitis are susceptible to negative reaction the body's immune system to external irritants: pollen, dust, poplar fluff and even water. The allergen, penetrating into the paranasal sinuses, causes increased production of leukocytes, which, accumulating in the sinuses, clog the channels and inflame the mucous membrane.

Allergic sinusitis is characterized by:

  • headache;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • pain in the area of ​​the eyes and cheekbones;
  • temperature increase;
  • nasal obstruction.

Catarrhal sinusitis

Catarrhal sinusitis most often affects children and adolescents. It occurs after harmful bacteria enter the maxillary sinuses, when the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity swell. This narrows the channel through which mucus is excreted. Catarrhal sinusitis is the most light form inflammation, which timely treatment passes quickly and without consequences. People who have had catarrhal sinusitis note:

  • lack of appetite;
  • swelling of the eyelids, face;
  • change in snot color;
  • increased temperature;
  • the appearance of headaches and a feeling of pressure around the nose;
  • aches throughout the body, muscle pain.

Polypous sinusitis

Polypous sinusitis develops when polyps appear in the nasal sinuses, blocking the channels for removing mucus from the sinuses. Sinus polyps are abnormal, painful growths that appear on the mucous membrane as a result of rapid cell division. Doctors have not worked out the exact cause of the formation of polyps, believing that they appear as a result of the influence of one or more negative factors: heredity, trauma, viral or bacteriological diseases.

Patients complain of signs characteristic of most forms of sinusitis: fever, snot discharge; deterioration general condition, dullness of taste and smell, nasal congestion.

Odontogenic sinusitis

Dental diseases affect the health of the ENT organs; evidence of this is odontogenic sinusitis, which appears in people who do not take care of their teeth. The roots of the 4th, 5th and 6th teeth in the upper jaw are very close to the walls of the maxillary sinuses or grow inward. Dental disease, affecting the dental crown and root, infects the mucous membrane of the sinuses, “releasing” pus into the sinuses. Mucus, accumulating in the sinus, clogs the canal - sinusitis develops.

Causes of occurrence

The maxillary sinuses are a natural barrier against infections, pathogens and other negative factors that are in the air. Therefore, the main cause of sinusitis is the contact of infections, allergens, and fungi on the mucous membrane. Inflammatory agents can enter the maxillary sinuses through the blood.

A weakening of the human immune system can worsen the functioning of the mucous membranes: the reasons for the release of an insufficient number of leukocytes are constant colds, acute respiratory viral infections, rhinitis, allergic reactions, and improper treatment of diseases.

A person may be a carrier of staphylococcus - a type of harmful bacterium that may not cause harm to its owner for some time: the immune system successfully copes with it. As soon as the immune defense weakens, staphylococcus begins its destructive work.

The main reasons causing sinusitis, we can highlight:

  • injuries of the maxillary sinuses that disrupt the mucous membrane;
  • illiterate or incomplete cure of a runny nose or colds;
  • entry of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses into the nasopharynx;
  • burns of the mucous membranes of the sinuses by harmful chemicals;
  • insufficient air humidification in enclosed spaces;
  • past infectious diseases: acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • abnormal structure of the nasopharynx organs;
  • physical trauma to the nasal septum;
  • the appearance of neoplasms (adenoids, polyps);
  • allergic reactions to various irritants;
  • diseases HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis;
  • some treatments (radiation exposure);
  • the appearance of malignant and benign tumors.

Medical fact: one of the main causes of sinusitis is frequent use drops for the treatment of rhinitis. As a result of excessively frequent use of the medicine in the sinuses, a large amount of mucus is formed in the maxillary sinuses, causing blockage of the channels into the nasal cavity.


The appearance of several alarming symptoms separately or simultaneously should alert the patient: triggering the development of sinusitis means losing best time for treatment and develop many complications, including inflammation of the lining of the brain.


Pain most often appears in and around the nose: in the morning painful sensations weaker, intensifies towards night. The pain becomes increasingly intense: the intensity varies, from several days to a couple of hours. After some time, the pain ceases to be felt in specific places and appears headache.


An increase in temperature is the body’s reaction to the appearance of pathogens that cause such a phenomenon as general intoxication - poisoning of the body. In the acute form of the disease, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. The chronic course of sinusitis may not cause a high temperature or its increase to 37-37.8 degrees. The temperature indicator is influenced by the state of the immune system, the characteristics of the body and the age of the patient, and the presence of other diseases.


A clear sign of sinusitis is copious discharge of snot. At different stages of the disease, snot may change color:

  • on initial stage disease produces white snot - when an infection occurs, the mucous membrane actively produces a protective liquid - white or translucent mucus;
  • the development of inflammation causes the release of green snot, which will tell the doctor that sinusitis is in the acute stage;
  • adding a yellow tint to the green color indicates the appearance of pus and the need for urgent medical intervention.

Traces and blood clots in the snot are a danger signal, indicating a severe form of sinusitis, which can lead to the most unpredictable consequences if treatment is not started in time. Blood can appear due to injury to the highmore sinuses, painful changes in the membrane and bone tissue.

Sinusitis develops against the background of other signs:

  • stuffy nose;
  • pressure in the bridge of the nose, increasing when a person tilts his head;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • apathy and fatigue;
  • chills;
  • pain in the areas around the nose, eyes, cheekbones; gums;
  • headache of varying intensity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • loss of smell and taste;
  • lacrimation appears;
  • bad smell from the mouth and nose.


An otolaryngologist can diagnose sinusitis with a high probability; if it is impossible to get a consultation with a specialized specialist, you need to make an appointment with a therapist.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the disease is made using:

  • anamnesis: analysis of data reported by the sick person, records from the medical history, external examination of the patient, palpation of painful areas on the face;
  • studies using instrumental methods - computed and magnetic tomography, x-ray, ultrasound equipment, sinus biopsy, fiberoptic endoscopy, diaphanoscopy;
  • laboratory tests: blood, nasal discharge.

A diaphanoscope, a medical instrument that “transparent” the upper jaw, can detect an anomaly in the paranasal sinuses. The end of the device tube contains a powerful light source - a very bright light bulb. In a special darkened room, the doctor inserts an instrument into the patient’s mouth, directs the light to the upper palate and looks through the “illuminated” maxillary sinuses.

Fiberoptic endoscopy is a research method in which the patient’s nasopharynx is examined through an endoscope, an optical device that allows one to examine organs with magnification. Modern endoscopes have the ability to collect tissue and nasal contents for analysis.

Biopsy - penetration into the nasal sinuses using a special needle and taking mucus for analysis directly from the site of inflammation.

Help from specialized doctors

If the diagnosis reveals signs of polypous sinusitis, the patient will have to consult an immunologist, pulmonologist and allergist to avoid possible complications: Treatment is carried out only by surgery. Consultation with an allergist will be necessary if allergic sinusitis is detected.

To successfully treat the odontogenic form of the disease, you will need the help of a dentist: to eliminate the main irritating factor, you will have to heal or remove the roots of the affected teeth.


The key to successful treatment is timely access to qualified medical care. Do not hope that it will “go away on its own”, do not endure the pain until the last minute - make an appointment with a doctor. Painkillers that you can buy at the pharmacy will not get rid of the disease - they will simply ease the pain.


Treatment of acute sinusitis consists of relieving swelling of the mucous membrane of the sinuses and freeing the channels for the passage of mucus: the doctor prescribes local vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, naphazoline. The patient takes the drug for no more than 5 days. In order to bring down a high temperature, various antipyretics are prescribed; if the patient continues to have aches and pain in the muscles, or other signs of intoxication, general or local antibiotics are prescribed.

The main task in the treatment of chronic sinusitis is to eliminate the causes: untreated ENT diseases, dental diseases, improperly fused nasal septum, adenoids. If the disease worsens, exacerbations are relieved with local vasoconstrictor medications.

To clean the nasal sinuses, a rinse is used, which doctors call “cuckoo”: a disinfectant solution is injected into the patient lying on his back through the nasal canals. The procedure got its name from the request of the doctor performing the procedure to repeat the word “peek-a-boo” - this is done to ensure that the solution does not enter the respiratory tract. The feeling of the procedure is like being immersed in water and slowly “inhaling” the water.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to patients who have seen progress in treatment: the sinus canals are clean, the temperature has subsided. One of these methods is warming up: it is carried out using a blue lamp. Warming and inhalation can be done independently at home by breathing over a pot of potatoes, covering yourself with a blanket, or applying a hot boiled egg to the area near the nose.

For patients recovering from sinusitis, speleotherapy is useful - treatment with air from karst or salt mines, caves: there are no microorganisms in such air, it is saturated with carbon dioxide.


To treat advanced forms of sinusitis, as well as to remove polyps and other tumors, surgical treatment methods are used.

A puncture or puncture of the sinus is made with a special needle to diagnose and extract purulent masses.

Gairotomy - surgery by opening the paranasal sinuses to clean them of foreign bodies, accumulations of pus, widening the canal or creating an additional path for mucus drainage. Gairotomy is prescribed:

  • with severe forms of purulent inflammation;
  • when polyps and tissue growths of the mucous membrane of the sinuses are detected;
  • for removing parts of tooth roots and fillings.

To do or not to do?

When prescribing treatment, the doctor, of course, takes into account the patient’s wishes and, at the slightest opportunity to avoid intervention, will prescribe conservative treatment. However, it is worth listening to the insistent advice of a specialist to perform a puncture of the nasal sinus. Fear of a puncture is most often based on horror stories from a friend, acquaintance or relative: “I had it done five times,” “the hole did not heal for a month, although the doctor said that it would heal in three days.”

In most cases, surgery to puncture the maxillary sinuses occurs without complications, and the wound heals after another week, depending on the person’s body. A puncture will allow the doctor to make a more accurate diagnosis, quickly and promptly clean the sinus, removing pus, and speed up healing.


In order to avoid inflammation in the paranasal sinuses, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • completely cure runny nose, colds, viral and microbial diseases;
  • carefully monitor dental hygiene, promptly contact a dentist if caries or gum disease occurs;
  • avoid staying in dusty, smoky rooms;
  • If possible, avoid sources of allergies, visit an allergist, take antihistamines prescribed by a doctor;
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, buy them at the pharmacy and take vitamin complexes to maintain natural immunity;
  • for the same purpose, you can begin to harden yourself - gradually, without extremes like dousing cold water in the winter frost;
  • avoid contact with sick people or use medical masks;
  • if a family member gets sick, provide him with separate dishes and a towel;
  • do not overuse drops for rhinitis;
  • drink more water;
  • rinse your nose with a solution of sea salt or using special nasal sprays.

People prone to sinusitis should spend less time in cold air and avoid swimming in pools with chlorinated water, which irritates the mucous membrane of the sinuses.

If a person has already caught a runny nose, then rinsing with saline solution is a good way to prevent blockage of the sinus canals. Use grandmothers' recipes: drop solutions of chamomile and calendula tinctures - natural destroyers of disease sources - into your nostrils.

Help: you cannot independently warm up the paranasal sinuses in case of acute sinusitis: heat will only “spur” the development of the disease and complicate further treatment.

Sinusitis is inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses.

It is accompanied by difficulty in nasal breathing, mucopurulent discharge from the nasal passages, intense pain in the bridge of the nose and at the wings of the nose, swelling of the cheek and eyelid on the affected side, and a rise in body temperature. Timely treatment will help avoid serious complications: otitis media, meningitis, brain abscess, orbital phlegmon, osteomyelitis, myocardial and kidney damage.

Sinusitis can be acute or become chronic. According to international medical statistics, about 10% of the population of developed countries falls ill with acute sinusitis and other sinusitis every year. The disease affects people of all ages. In children under 5 years of age, sinusitis almost never occurs, since at this age the paranasal sinuses are not yet sufficiently developed.

Reasons for development

Of all sinusitis, which is the name given to inflammation of the various paranasal sinuses, sinusitis is the most common. Almost always it occurs against the background of an existing runny nose or a cold that was not treated as it should be.

There are other causes of this disease:

  • abnormal structure or pathological condition of the nasopharynx, namely: adenoid growths, curvature of the nasal septum, changes in the inferior turbinates;
  • improper treatment with antibiotics to which the pathogens turned out to be resistant;
  • too dry or polluted indoor air;
  • fungal infection due to decreased immunity;
  • allergy manifested allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma;
  • chronic course of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, manifested in the form of chronic tonsillitis or adenoiditis;
  • untreated caries.

The following pathogens can cause sinusitis:

  • bacteria, among which the first place is given to streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, diplococci;
  • viruses, which after a few days are joined by a bacterial infection;
  • Fungal infection is rare, but is severe and difficult to treat.

Sinusitis can have a different course: acute, subacute and chronic.

As a rule, catarrhal sinusitis is associated with viral rhinitis. By multiplying in the nasal cavity, viruses penetrate into the paranasal sinuses, causing inflammation there.

First signs and symptoms

In adults, when acute sinusitis occurs, the same symptoms are observed as with a cold, but with the addition of painful sensations in the areas where the sinuses are located (on the forehead, near the nose, on the cheeks).

Symptoms of the disease also include:

  • Severe headaches and pain in the nose, which get worse in the evening.
  • Nasal congestion, nasal voice.
  • Yellowish-green mucus.
  • Temperature, chills.
  • Signs of intoxication (weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite).
  • Lack of smell.
  • Sore throat when swallowing.
  • Pain in the infraorbital region.
  • Cough.

If at least one of the above symptoms is present, you should immediately consult an otolaryngologist.


Sinusitis in adults is diagnosed and treated by ENT doctors; the diagnosis is made based on complaints and examination, as well as x-rays of the paranasal sinuses. Diagnosis of sinusitis begins with a general examination, including:

  1. Studying the patient's medical history (previous colds, results of recent laboratory research etc.);
  2. Nasal examination, a physical examination in which the doctor palpates the area around the nose, above and below the eyes to determine the presence of tenderness and its intensity.
  3. General blood test, which includes counting all types of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), determining their parameters (cell sizes, etc.), leukocyte formula, measurement of hemoglobin level, determination of cell mass to plasma ratio
  4. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses. To clarify the diagnosis, as a rule, an X-ray examination is prescribed. With sinusitis, the image shows a darkening in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses - the accumulation of mucus in the cavities does not allow x-rays to pass through.
  5. CT scan of the sinuses. The situation is more complicated in the chronic form of the disease: you need CT scan paranasal sinuses to identify a foreign body, polypous process, cysts and other changes. The examination of the sinuses is carried out within 5 minutes and is absolutely painless. This method involves the use of X-rays on the area being examined.

How to find out whether you have sinusitis or not on your own? Try to tilt your head down and hold for 3-5 seconds; usually with sinusitis there is a strong feeling of heaviness, pressing on the bridge of the nose and the eye area. Raising your head, the discomfort usually subsides, disappearing completely after a while. Of course, this is an approximate diagnosis; only an ENT doctor can establish the correct diagnosis.

Treatment of sinusitis in adults

To quickly treat sinusitis at home, a set of procedures is used to reduce the pathological symptoms of the disease, eliminate inflammatory processes, and also fight the infection that caused the disease itself. In combination with the above methods, physiotherapy procedures are used that improve blood supply and metabolic processes at the level of inflamed tissues.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

In adults with sinusitis, treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is chosen. They are prescribed in the form of tablets, capsules, and if necessary and possible for the patient, injectable forms are recommended.

What groups of antibiotics are used for sinusitis:

  1. Regular and protected penicillins (Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Flemoclav and others). In the absence of allergies, this group of antibiotics is the treatment of choice for the treatment of acute inflammatory process in the sinus;
  2. Cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime, etc.). This group is similar in action and structure to penicillins, but is more resistant to bacteria;
  3. Macrolides (Sumamed, Azithromycin, etc.). Used for allergies to penicillins. These medications for sinusitis are active against intracellular bacteria (chlamydia, ureaplasma). They are well tolerated by patients and have a wide spectrum of activity.
  4. Other groups of antibiotics are used less frequently. They are used as reserve drugs or if the sensitivity of the causative bacterium to a specific drug has been revealed in the patient using bacterial culture of sinus discharge.


The main task in the treatment of sinusitis is to ensure the outflow of secretions from the nasal sinus and sanitize its cavity; antiseptics do an excellent job of this.

Antiseptic drugs are an affordable and effective method of treating sinusitis:

  1. Dioxidin - used in a 1% solution, available in ampoules. The drug destroys most infectious agents. Not recommended for the treatment of sinusitis in children and women during pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Miramistin is a chlorine-based antiseptic drug used for rinsing and instilling the nose. There are no contraindications for children, pregnant and lactating women, but the drug can be dangerous for people prone to allergic reactions;
  3. Furacilin - a solution of this drug (0.02%) is used to rinse the nose. Two tablets are dissolved in a glass of water, drawn up with a baby syringe and washed alternately through the nasal passages. Involuntary ingestion of the solution during rinsing in small quantities is not dangerous, but should be avoided. To destroy the causative agents of bacterial sinusitis, 5-10 procedures are usually sufficient;
  4. Chlorophyllipt is a very effective bactericidal preparation based on eucalyptus. To treat sinusitis, chlorophyllipt is used in the form of a 2% oil solution. It must be instilled 2 drops into each nasal passage 2-4 times a day for 10-14 days, or put cotton wool soaked in the medicinal composition for 15-20 minutes.

Antihistamine therapy

Treatment with antihistamines is carried out if sinusitis occurs due to allergies or severe intoxication of the body is observed. Antihistamines help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. The most common antihistamines are usually prescribed: Clarotadine, Erius, Cetrin and any others.

Nasal drops

The most common effective drops and nasal sprays for sinusitis:

  1. Vasoconstrictors (Naphazolin, Xylin). To eliminate swelling and facilitate nasal breathing. Do not use for more than 7-10 days;
  2. Hormonal sprays (Flixonase, Nasonex). Effectively relieve swelling 3-4 days after use. Can be used for several months. Used mainly for chronic polypous sinusitis;
  3. Moisturizing sprays (Humer, Rinolux, Aqualor). Products based on sea water to moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  4. Antibacterial (Bioparox, Isofra, etc.). These sprays contain a topical antibiotic.
  5. Herbal (Sinuforte). Drugs that can liquefy and remove viscous secretions from the sinuses.


Effective and comprehensive treatment of sinusitis is impossible without the use of special ointments with an antiseptic effect. The ointment is applied to turundas made of cotton wool, which are placed in the nasal passages after washing them. Treatment time is from 10 minutes to half an hour. Use ointments for about 3 weeks.

The most common of them:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment. An old and proven preparation based on birch tar, castor oil and xeroform. It can be improved by diluting it in half with aloe juice or juice squeezed from a cyclamen tuber.
  2. Fleming's ointment. It is made on the basis of calendula, chestnut, menthol, petroleum jelly and zinc oxide.
  3. Simanovsky ointment. Contains diphenhydramine, zinc oxide, adrenaline hydrotartrate, lanolin, menthol and petroleum jelly. You cannot buy a ready-made drug at a pharmacy; you can only make it to order according to a prescription issued by a doctor.

Bacteriophage solutions

Bacteriophages were previously often used in the practice of otolaryngologists to treat sinusitis, successfully replacing antibiotics. Bacteriophage solutions are used to rinse the nasal passages; they inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria. The effectiveness of treatment with bacteriophages depends on the causative agent of the disease - these drugs help fight sinusitis, which is caused by a violation of the bacterial microflora.

Before prescribing a bacteriophage, the doctor does a bacterial culture and determines the causative agent of the infectious process and its sensitivity to medications. Bacteriophages are used to treat sinusitis in children caused by staphylococcus and klebsiella. The solution is stored in the freezer and a small amount is warmed at room temperature before washing.

Folk remedies for oral administration

Against sinusitis at home, not only drops, ointments and rinses are used, but also oral agents:

  1. A decoction of lavender, string, sage and chamomile. To prepare, you need to mix the herbs in equal proportions. 10 g of raw material is poured into 2 liters of water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it is filtered and divided into 4 servings. During the day you need to drink 500 ml of the product in 2-3 doses. Treatment is continued for at least two weeks;
  2. An infusion of viburnum bark, nettle leaves and St. John's wort herb. 2 parts of viburnum bark are mixed with one part of nettle leaves and the same amount of St. John's wort herb. 2 g of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for 40 minutes. Strain and drink in 2 doses;
  3. Tincture of viburnum, sea buckthorn, rose hips. A glass of ripe fruits of viburnum, sea buckthorn and rose hips are crushed using a blender, two glasses of honey are added and left overnight in the refrigerator. Then add 500 ml of vodka and leave for a week. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. This remedy improves the functioning of the immune system, which allows the body to quickly cope with the disease.

Cyclamen root is one of the the best means for the treatment of a disease. Its extract is included in many pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of sinusitis.

Folk remedies for sinusitis at home should be used only as an auxiliary treatment. If there is a suspicion that a child is developing the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for rinsing the nose

To rinse the nose for sinusitis, decoctions/infusions prepared on the basis of medicinal plants or special solutions:

  1. An infusion of a mixture of plants. To prepare the infusion, take one teaspoon of chamomile flowers, calendula or sage leaves and add 200 ml of water. The broth is boiled for 5 minutes, then covered with a lid and left to cool. The product is filtered and dripped into the nose using a pipette 3-4 times a day. It helps reduce inflammation.
  2. Propolis tincture. To prepare a solution for rinsing the nose, 1 teaspoon of tincture is diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. Using a syringe, the solution is injected into the nose in the morning and evening.
  3. Multicomponent solution. Add 1/2 teaspoon to a glass of warm boiled water sea ​​salt, 20 ml of eucalyptus tincture and 2 drops of iodine. To do this, close one nostril and suck in the liquid with the other. The procedure is repeated twice a day. This product has an antiseptic effect, it helps reduce inflammation and improve drainage of the sinuses.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide, H2O2). This folk remedy is used to treat sinusitis in adults, since swallowing it can be dangerous to health. To prepare the solution, dissolve one teaspoon of peroxide in a glass of boiled, cooled water. The patient needs to blow his nose, lean over the bathtub, pressing his head to his shoulder, and inject a portion of the solution into the upper nostril. If the procedure is carried out correctly, it will pour out of the second nostril.

Rinsing the nose is a fairly serious procedure that requires caution, since if done incorrectly, fluid may enter the middle ear, which can lead to the development of otitis media.

Treatment of sinusitis at home

Tips for home treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis:

  1. Get more rest. If you work, be sure to visit a doctor and take sick leave. Rest will help your body fight the infection and recover faster.
  2. Drink more fluids. Juice or plain water will do. This will help make the mucus more liquid and improve its outflow. Avoid alcohol and coffee. Alcohol increases swelling of the sinus mucosa. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, due to which it reduces the amount of fluid in the body and makes mucus more viscous.
  3. Keep your airways moist. You can breathe steam over a container of hot water while covering yourself with a towel, or inhale warm, moist air while taking a hot shower. This helps reduce pain and facilitate the flow of mucus.
  4. Apply a warm compress to your face. Place a damp, warm towel around your nose, cheeks and eye area. This will help reduce pain.
  5. Rinse your nose. To do this, use special containers that can be bought in pharmacies. You can use distilled water, which is sold in bottles, or regular tap water, after passing it through a filter and boiling it. After each use, the nasal rinsing container should be thoroughly washed and dried.
  6. Sleep with your head elevated. This will help ensure that less mucus accumulates in the nasal cavity and sinuses.

These measures are not an alternative, but a complement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In any case, you need to visit an otolaryngologist.

Method of rinsing the nasal cavity “cuckoo”

A non-puncture method for treating sinusitis is rinsing the nose using the fluid displacement method (the well-known “cuckoo” or Proetz method). It is important to know that this form of treatment can be used only if the functions of the anastomosis are not impaired and the local immunity of the mucous membrane is strong enough, and the disease is not at a too severe stage. Sometimes this treatment is combined with laser therapy: rinsing helps remove pus and mucus from the nasal cavity, and the laser reduces inflammation and stops the inflammatory process.

“Cuckoo” is most often prescribed for mild forms of the disease. The method is quite painless, so it is performed without anesthesia.

During the procedure, you lie on your back and then a doctor or nurse inserts special flexible catheters into your nostrils. Through one catheter, a medicinal solution is gradually poured into the nasal cavity, and through the second, the contents are sucked out using suction under vacuum.

The method was called “Cuckoo” because during the procedure the patient must say “cuckoo”. This is done in order to prevent the medicine from entering the lower respiratory tract.

The therapeutic effect is achieved by flushing, moving the medication in the sinuses and creating pressure to facilitate the drainage of pus from the sinuses. Typically, recovery requires 5-7 cuckoo sessions. Due to the removal of pus and inflammation, improvement occurs after the first session: the headache goes away, it becomes easier to breathe.

Surgical treatment

Feasibility surgical intervention largely depends on how sinusitis begins and how it subsequently develops. Surgery is resorted to in cases where conservative treatment has proven ineffective or initially does not make sense (for example, when a foreign body enters the maxillary paranasal sinus).

Surgical methods:

  • Puncture. It is a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure based on puncturing the maxillary sinus, followed by removing purulent contents from it and washing the cavity with an antiseptic.
  • Balloon sinuplasty. Artificial increase in the diameter of the anastomosis of the paranasal sinus and nasal cavity.
  • Installation of the Yamik sinus catheter. The method is based on creating an artificial vacuum in the area of ​​the anastomosis, which allows the fluid accumulated in the sinus to be pumped out without injury.
  • Caldwell-Luke operation. Radical method treatment in the presence of irreversible changes in the affected sinuses. An indication may be fungal sinusitis. The sinus is accessed through an incision under the upper lip.
  • Endoscopic surgery. It is less traumatic compared to the previous one. A fiber optic tube is placed into the affected area (the image will be transmitted to a screen) with working channels for surgical instruments, including a coagulator and laser. The purpose of the manipulation is to remove damaged areas of the mucosa and aspiration of purulent contents.

Yamic catheter

One of the most modern and physiological methods of treating sinusitis is the procedure of clearing the nasal sinuses using a special soft catheter YAMIK.

The procedure begins with nasal anesthesia, through which a catheter with a balloon at the end is painlessly inserted into one of the nostrils and inserted into the nasopharynx. The second balloon is located in the middle of the catheter, and after insertion it ends up directly in the nostril. By inflating the balloons, the nasal cavity and sinuses are sealed. The catheter has two working outlets for syringes. Through the first, pressure is manipulated, drawing in and pumping air into the nasal cavity through the movement of the piston. This contributes to the destruction of the colloidal structure and the subsequent separation of pathological mucus from the epithelial membrane. The second output is needed for input medicines and antiseptics.

Thanks to the YAMIK catheter, quick and painless treatment sinusitis. The procedure is applicable for children and pregnant women, since it does not require potent medications that are absorbed through the mucous membrane.

Balloon sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is a method of treating sinusitis (chronic and acute), which consists of surgical intervention. However, this method is not traumatic and is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Its essence boils down to expanding the anastomosis of the sinuses using a special catheter balloon. The sphenoid, maxillary and frontal sinuses, depending on the patient's condition. To carry out the intervention, endoscopic equipment will be required.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  • A sinusoplasty system is inserted into the inflamed sinus. This is done using a thin guiding catheter.
  • The contents of the nasal sinuses are aspirated by probing using a conductor connected to a light. The use of a light source allows the physician to clearly visualize the location of the guidewire tip.
  • A balloon catheter is inserted into the anastomosis through a guidewire.
  • Liquid is injected into the balloon, causing it to inflate. The exposure time does not exceed 5 seconds, then it is blown off. In this case, the anastomosis increases in the lumen, this allows the sinus to be washed using medicinal solutions. Accumulated pus and mucus are flushed out of the affected sinuses.
  • All equipment is removed from the nose.

Once the procedure is completed, the sinuses remain open, allowing them to function normally. It is worth knowing that only a doctor with a certificate and skills in endoscopic surgery has the right to perform this kind of intervention.

It is also important that performing minimally invasive surgery on the sinuses is not an obstacle to other methods of treating sinusitis. It may well be combined with other therapeutic procedures, the decision on the need for which will be made by the doctor.

Is it possible to warm your nose if you have sinusitis?

Sinusitis does not go away on its own or just from warming up, so under no circumstances should it be started. And even a common runny nose must be treated, since the likelihood of it turning into acute and then chronic sinusitis is quite high.

Sinusitis should not be treated with heating at the acute stage of its development. Heat leads to increased swelling, congestion will not go away, it will only increase. It is heat, acting on purulent inflamed areas, that activates the process of pus coming out. But the sinuses are blocked, and the movement of pus will be in a completely different direction: the infection will spread to the teeth, ears, eyes, and brain.

As you can see, the possibility of using warming depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of its course in a particular patient.
In general, if you are not sure whether it is possible to warm your nose during sinusitis at your stage, you should contact a specialist to avoid various kinds of complications. After all, prompt and correctly selected treatment will give extremely positive results.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis

To achieve a sustainable effect of therapy for chronic sinusitis, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that contribute to the development of inflammation in the maxillary sinus (adenoids, chronic diseases ENT organs, deviated nasal septum, bad teeth, etc.). During an exacerbation, local vasoconstrictors are used in short courses (to avoid mucosal atrophy).

The maxillary sinus is drained. Sinus lavage is carried out using the “cuckoo” or sinus evacuation method. For this purpose, disinfectant solutions are used (firacilin, potassium permanganate). Proteolytic enzymes and antibiotic solutions are injected into the cavity. Physiotherapeutic techniques are used (inhalations, diathermy, ultraphonophoresis with hydrocortisone, UHF). Patients with sinusitis benefit from speleotherapy.

For purulent polyposis, polyposis, caseous, cholesteatoma and necrotizing forms of chronic sinusitis, surgical treatment is indicated. The maxillary sinus is opened - a maxillary sinus.


When it comes to the prevention of sinusitis, it is immediately necessary to emphasize that all the measures taken in this direction increase the body’s resistance and are at the same time preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of any disease that leads to inflammation not only of the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses, but also of all upper respiratory tract.

  • If one of the family members is sick with a contagious disease of the upper respiratory tract (flu, acute runny nose, sore throat, etc.), I use special masks for the mouth and nose area, when talking and caring for the patient.
  • Adults, and especially children, who are just beginning to experience cold symptoms should seek primary medical care to avoid complications.
  • Hardening procedures include periodic physical exercise, outdoor sports, sunbathing, and rubbing with a cold towel. These activities not only increase the immune status of the body, but also contribute to better growth and children's development.
  • It is preferable to avoid stressful situations and emotional overloads that reduce the body's defenses.
  • Compliance with hygiene standards is one of the main rules of every person. Adults should teach children to wash their hands with soap before eating, coming from outside, or after using the toilet. Brush your teeth with toothpaste to prevent tooth decay. Before eating fresh fruits and vegetables, be sure to wash them thoroughly.
  • Periodic wet cleaning of premises will reduce the amount of flying dust and reduce the risk of the spread of germs.
  • Immunity is strengthened not only by hardening and playing sports. If you don't comply correct mode nutrition and not getting all the necessary nutrients and vitamins from food. Naturally, anyone who sneezes or coughs nearby can easily infect you with a cold.
  • General hypothermia of the body, drinking cold water, excessive eating of ice cream - all these factors lead to a decrease in the body's defenses and the occurrence of a runny nose, sore throat, bronchitis and other infectious diseases. inflammatory diseases. Don't let this happen.

Complications and consequences of untreated sinusitis

Sinusitis is a very complex disease, and if properly treated, patients can face serious consequences:

  • the appearance of swelling of the maxillary sinuses;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • strong discharge of mucus from the nose;
  • accumulation of pus in the maxillary cavities, etc.

After treatment of sinusitis, some patients experience various complications:

  • very often the acute form of sinusitis passes into the chronic stage, which requires longer constructive treatment;
  • inflammatory processes of the bronchopulmonary system, pharyngeal tonsils and other organs develop;
  • against the background of the inflammatory process, otitis media appears.

Patients who have been diagnosed with an advanced stage of sinusitis may encounter more serious complications in which various diseases appear:

  • kidney;
  • hearts;
  • joints;
  • organs of vision;
  • brain, etc.

When complications go beyond the boundaries of the bronchopulmonary system and damage to other internal organs patients may experience sepsis. In the event that the patient, upon identifying the primary symptoms of sinusitis, immediately contacts medical institution and will undergo medication and physiotherapeutic treatment, he will be able to avoid any consequences and complications of this disease.

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis. Sinusitis causes inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Sinusitis – this is the general name for inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses. If the disease affects only one sinus or two, located symmetrically, then the diagnosis contains the name of the sinus (sinuses) where the inflammatory process occurred. In hospitals, they mainly treat inflammation of the frontal or maxillary sinuses, as well as their simultaneous damage. The diagnosis of sinusitis is known to everyone, as this disease occurs frequently.

Causes of sinusitis

The main cause of acute sinusitis is acute respiratory infection, spread of infection in dental diseases (odontogenic sinusitis), allergic reaction(allergic sinusitis). If acute sinusitis is not completely cured, it becomes chronic - it occurs long-term purulent bacterial inflammation maxillary sinuses.

Sinusitis can also be caused by a deviated nasal septum, the presence of chronic foci of infection in the nasal cavity and mouth (for example, chronic pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic rhinitis, adenoids).

The main link in the mechanism of development of both acute and chronic sinusitis is blockage of the maxillary sinus outlet, leading to inflammation and accumulation of pus inside it. Such a blockage can occur, for example, against the background of an acute respiratory infection, when the nasal mucosa becomes swollen and inflamed. Chronic rhinitis, which causes thickening of the nasal mucosa, can also cause sinusitis.

Both adults and children are susceptible to sinusitis. The incidence during the cold season increases significantly.

Symptoms and signs of sinusitis

Symptoms of sinusitis differ in different forms of the disease.

in the acute form, the symptoms of sinusitis are usually superimposed on the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, which provokes the disease. The first signs of the disease are increased body temperature, chills, general malaise, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing. But these common cold symptoms are quickly accompanied by pain in the face, which radiates to the teeth, forehead, and root of the nose. When pressed, the pain intensifies, spreading to the infraorbital part of the face. In some cases, swelling and redness of the eyelids may occur. Leaking acute sinusitis within two to three weeks. The disease usually ends with complete recovery.
symptoms of chronic sinusitis are less pronounced and erased, this often delays the identification and initiation of treatment of the disease. Main symptom chronic form sinusitis - permanent ( chronic runny nose), which does not disappear with traditional treatment. Patients with chronic sinusitis often complain of headaches and pain localized in the depths of the eye sockets. These pains are often worse when blinking and go away when the patient lies down. Characteristic feature chronic sinusitis is the appearance of swelling of the eyelids in the patient in the morning, the development of conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva) - a sign that sinusitis is spreading to the walls of the orbit. In both acute and chronic sinusitis, the patient’s sense of smell is dulled. The result of treatment of chronic sinusitis depends on the quality of treatment and the structural changes that have occurred in the maxillary sinus.

Possible complications of sinusitis

Complications arise when the disease spreads to neighboring organs from the maxillary sinus. If the infection spreads into the cranial cavity, it may develop meningitis, and encephalitis. The spread of infection to the eye socket causes inflammation eyeball and its membranes (ophthalmitis). Most often, the cause of complications with sinusitis is refusal of appropriate treatment or non-compliance with its rules.

Diagnosis of sinusitis

Diagnosis of acute purulent and catarrhal sinusitis is quite simple. As a rule, it is enough for the doctor to question the patient, identify his complaints, examine the nasal cavity, and perform an X-ray examination of the facial sinuses. An accumulation of pus in the frontal and maxillary sinuses will appear as “fluid level” on an x-ray. Making a final diagnosis in this case is quite simple. The situation is more complicated in the chronic form of the disease: computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses is needed to identify a foreign body, polypous process, cysts and other changes. If chronic sinusitis does not respond therapeutic methods treatment, perform the operation.

Treatment of sinusitis

Viral acute catarrhal sinusitis can be cured at home. For this purpose, drugs are used that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and accelerate the removal of stagnant contents. It can be otrivin, nazol, sinupret, rinofluimucil. It’s worse if purulent inflammation has already developed, then you need to regularly visit a doctor or go to the hospital. Sinuses with purulent inflammation need to be washed by moving fluids or using punctures. The results of treatment should be monitored by a doctor, who also prescribes antibiotics and other drugs (restorative, antiallergic, detoxification). With adequate treatment, the disease lasts no more than 10-12 days.

If the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses is chronic, then surgery is necessary. Its name maxillary sinusotomy The purpose of surgery is sanitation, in other words, cleaning the sinus. A foreign body, fungal colonies, or polyposisally altered part of the mucosa can be removed from the sinus; the natural anastomosis can be expanded or an artificial anastomosis can be applied to improve drainage in the sinus cavity. The extent of surgical intervention depends on the extent of the lesion. Usually the inflammatory process is localized in the maxillary sinuses, but with ethmoiditis, opening the cells of the ethmoid bone may be necessary, and with sphenoiditis, opening the sphenoid sinus. Technique surgical treatment a lot, both traditional and innovative (endoscopic) can be used. You can learn more about surgical techniques in a specific clinic where this or that method is practiced. The recovery period after such operations is short. Complications are very rare. Efficiency surgical methods treatment is 95-100%.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are also used to treat sinusitis.

Propolis tincture is especially effective. You need to boil water in a saucepan, then pour half a teaspoon of 30% propolis tincture (alcohol) into it. The patient needs to breathe steam over the pan, covered with a towel.

You can mix honey, aloe juice and celandine herb in equal parts. The resulting mixture should be instilled into each nostril 5-10 drops three to five times a day.

For both acute and chronic sinusitis, it is useful to instill rosehip or sea ​​buckthorn oil into the nose 6-8 once a day.

You can mix the following plants in the following proportions: eucalyptus globulus, St. John's wort, spiked lavender, sage, chamomile - two tablespoons each; string tripartite and common yarrow - one tablespoon each. Three tablespoons of the mixture are poured with two liters of boiling water. The decoction is taken one hundred grams 6 once during the day. In the evening you need to inhale this decoction 4-6 times, at hourly intervals.

Cyclamen juice will help get rid of headaches that often accompany inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. For a patient lying on his back, two drops of juice are instilled into both nostrils. After five minutes, a reaction appears: the patient begins to sneeze and cough, while he feels intense heat and sweats. Within 24 hours after the procedure, yellow-green pus of a thick consistency comes out of the nose, which was the cause of the headaches. As a result, the patient begins to sleep with a more restful, long sleep, and the disease gradually recedes. Cyclamen can be purchased at the pharmacy. The name of the drug containing it is Sinuforte.

If you have sinusitis, you can boil a partial kettle of water, put one tablespoon of honey in it, cover yourself with a large towel and breathe alternately through your right and left nostrils. Need to carry out 9 such procedures.

Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis, which is caused by the process of inflammation in the maxillary sinus. The name of the disease is taken from the name of the sinuses, pathological process which provokes the disease. Inflammation can affect one or two sinuses.

About the disease

The structure of the nasal cavity is quite complex. Slightly above the upper jaw there are cavities that help the respiratory process. This arrangement creates a kind of pyramid near the nose.

Each level of this pyramid has a unique name. There are frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses. They are all arranged in pairs symmetrically from the nasal cavity.
Inside the cavity you can find mucous membranes.

When the cavity suffers from inflammation, the entire maxillary system begins to fail. The membranes swell, the nose does not breathe, and mucus begins to accumulate. The clusters contain the waste product of bacteria. The development of sinusitis begins.

The condition is quite dangerous, since each sinus is located in close proximity to the brain. If you do not start timely treatment, then each sinus will suffer from excessive pressure. This leads to pathogenic contents entering adjacent organs or the brain.

If this does not happen, compression of blood vessels and nerves may occur. Complications affect the eyes or ears (otitis media).

A particular danger of sinusitis lies during pregnancy. At that time female body extremely weak. An outbreak of the disease is not diagnosed by x-ray and antibacterial tablets are not used to cure sinusitis. This creates a number of difficulties in therapy.


Medicine suggests that main reason The formation of the disease consists of bacteria entering the nasal sinuses. During the cold season, the immune system is especially weak and the body is attacked by microbes and viruses that provoke the disease.

The maxillary sinuses are located in the bone layer of the upper jaw in the area of ​​the nasal passage; their volume is about thirty cubic centimeters. They can secrete mucus that moisturizes the nasal passages and protects against dust and allergens.

Causes of sinusitis:

  • Violation of the structure of the nasal cavity.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Dry indoor air.
  • Drafts.
  • Colds.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Injury to the septum.
  • Polyps or adenoids.

The likelihood of developing sinusitis is very high. Among diseases of the nasopharynx, it occupies a leading place. According to statistics, more than ten million patients suffer from sinusitis in our country.


Sinusitis can be divided into two types: purulent or catarrhal. With the catarrhal type, the snot is aseptic, with purulent form they contain microflora.

Based on the provoking factor, sinusitis is divided into:

  1. By area covered. One-sided, two-sided.
  2. By the presence of inflammation. In one sinus or in two at once.
  3. The nature of the problem. Acute, subacute, chronic stages.
  4. Due to the appearance. Viral, bacterial, traumatic and fungal.

In most cases, both sinuses are irritated, so bilateral diseases are most often diagnosed. But in some cases, only one sinus becomes inflamed, so unilateral sinusitis can be of two types: left-sided or right-sided.

Each type of disease poses a threat to the patient's health. This is due to its ability to develop into a chronic stage and cause complex problems. If you have symptoms of sinusitis, it is important to consult a doctor and begin treatment.


Most often, the symptoms of sinusitis are pronounced. The presence of nasal discharge alone does not indicate illness.

But we can talk about the development of sinusitis if rhinitis lasts more than seven days (long) and is accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • The nasal discharge has become green or yellow in color.
  • Sinuses hurt. The pain becomes stronger when tilting the head.
  • During rhinitis, the throat hurts and a cough begins.
  • Teeth hurt.
  • Headache.

In some cases, the disease is accompanied by swelling, redness, and swelling on the cheeks. Tears flow from the eyes, they react sharply to light. Chills, lack of appetite and problems sleeping are additional signs of sinusitis.

You should consult a doctor in such cases as:

  • A runny nose cannot be cured in one week.
  • The condition becomes worse three days after the start of treatment.
  • The temperature rises to 38 degrees and above.
  • This is not the first case of sinusitis.
  • Eye pain, vision problems, redness around the eyes.

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. During the chronic stage, symptoms of sinusitis in adults do not disappear for two months or even more. This condition requires urgent treatment, as metamorphoses of the mucous membranes occur, the body will be more susceptible to various pathogens.

The symptoms of each form of the disease have their own differences and nuances. It is worth highlighting each form separately in order to be able to presumably recognize the disease.

Symptoms of the chronic form

All symptoms of sinusitis at the chronic stage may not be clearly expressed. Patients often complain of congestion, problems recognizing odors, changes in voice, and aching pain in the nasal cavity.

It is worth noting that during the rest period there may be no sensation of pain.

During exacerbations, health begins to deteriorate, the temperature rises, migraines and swelling of the eyelids bother you. Pus comes out actively when the head is tilted.

Mucous discharge irritates the lining of the nose. This causes swelling and redness. Polyps grow regularly, which also irritate the mucous membrane and interfere with the proper breathing process, bringing discomfort to the patient.

Acute symptoms

The acute form of the disease indicates that the infection process develops very quickly and is distributed throughout the human body in a couple of days. The most striking symptoms are:

  • Difficulty breathing due to a stuffy nose.
  • Mucus discharge. Sometimes with pus.
  • Problems with the perception of smells.
  • The area near the forehead or sinuses.
  • The severe form of the acute course of the disease is caused by such signs as: general intoxication, fever above 38 °C, tissue swelling.

During the severe course of the disease or with moderate severity, there is a possibility of a number of complications associated with the intracranial cavity.

Symptoms of an allergic form

It is caused by attacks with sharp and sudden onset of nasal congestion, itching, regular sneezing and severe discharge. Often the disease develops into a bilateral form. This type of sinusitis is characterized by:

  • Headache.
  • Strong discharge of mucus from the nasal cavity.
  • Chills and feeling unwell.
  • Sinuses are tense and painful.
  • Pus that comes out through the nasal cavity.
  • Fear of light.

Symptoms of the viral form

Most often, the disease occurs without clear symptoms; more precisely, they are mixed with signs of a viral disease. There are signs such as:

  • Migraine.
  • Bad breath.
  • Cough with mucus.
  • Fever.
  • Pain in teeth.
  • Decreased sense of taste.

Symptoms of bacterial and fungal forms

The bacterial form of sinusitis most often worries patients after rhinitis or a cold. They notice a deterioration in health, weakness, and increased temperature.

From the nasal passage on the affected side there is discharge of pus or yellow mucus with an unpleasant aroma. There is a feeling of stuffy nose and heaviness. Symptoms worsen with head movement.

The fungal type begins after pneumococcal, streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria enter against the background of a weak organism. Based on the type of provocateur of the inflammation process, the color of the discharge may change. The symptoms are:

  • A yellow or white, curd-like discharge appears.
  • There may be bloody spots in the discharge.
  • Blue discoloration of the mucous membrane.
  • Swelling.
  • Pain and heaviness in the head area.
  • Toothaches.
  • Problems with smell.


Installing sinusitis is quite simple. For this purpose, studies such as:

  • Blood analysis.
  • Blood culture on nutrient medium.
  • Nasal swab with sensitivity determination.
  • Examination of the nasal cavity with a mirror.
  • Examination of the ears.
  • Radiography.
  • CT scan of the skull in complex cases.

Based on the examination results, the doctor will prescribe therapy. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and its companions. Modern diagnostics needed to quickly get rid of the problem.


Treatment is considered a complex and painstaking process. Therapy acute form The disease consists of several stages:

  1. Active antibacterial treatment. Drug therapy is selected blindly. After receiving the results of the culture analysis, the doctor adjusts the medications.
  2. Detoxification activities.
  3. Using anti-inflammatory agents.
  4. Drops in the nose to relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation.
  5. If there is significant presence of pus, a puncture of the sinuses is performed. The contents are brought out. Antibiotics are administered.
  6. Some physiotherapeutic techniques (laser, cuckoo, rinsing).

Therapy for the chronic form is particularly difficult. This is explained by the fact that microbes have learned to resist drugs due to their long stay in the human body.

Antibacterial drugs can be prescribed only after culture. Next, vitamins and microelements are used in the form food additives. This is important for the patient's immunity.

The allergic form of the disease is treated with antihistamines. Most often with a visit to the clinic.

In case of acute inflammation, strict adherence to bed rest is recommended. This will help avoid many complications. In general, carrying diseases on your feet is very dangerous.

Among the methods traditional treatment They practice using aloe or Kalanchoe juice. Beetroot juice is used less frequently. It is not recommended to rinse your nose or do inhalations yourself without a doctor’s prescription.

The puncture technique is very common. Short description stages of the procedure:

  • Used local anesthesia to relieve discomfort.
  • A puncture is made in the nasal passage. A thin bone plate is pierced.
  • When antibiotics are repeatedly injected into the sinus or to get rid of pus, the doctor may install tubes that help the mucus drain.

The operation also plays a diagnostic role - the contents are sent to the laboratory.

Possible complications:

  1. Head pain for several days.
  2. Blood from the nose in small quantities.

It is worth noting that if you perform a puncture once, it is not a fact that you will have to repeat it again - this is a misconception. The puncture can completely kill you from sinusitis forever after the first procedure.

Local preparations

Besides effective drugs, which are taken orally, doctors may prescribe local remedies. Most often they come in the form of a spray or drops.

The composition of such funds includes:

  • Components that constrict blood vessels. They are able to relieve swelling and free breathing.
  • Components from the inflammation process.
  • Elements to improve immunity.
  • Antiseptics.
  • Antiallergic components.


Possible complications from sinusitis:

  • Meningitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Angina.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Fistula on the eyelids.

The most dangerous stage is chronic. It can lead to inflammation after symptoms subside. Therefore, it is necessary to treat sinusitis as soon as it begins to appear.


Prevention of sinusitis is quite simple and can be done at home. The main goal is to prevent the development of colds, to protect the body from the addition of bacterial microflora. For this it is important to use effective methods treatment. There are three areas of prevention:

  1. Fighting bacteria and germs that enter the nasal cavity.
  2. Fighting swelling of the nasal cavity.
  3. Extraction of mucus with pathogenic microflora.

Among general measures prevention, it is worth remembering the dangers of hypothermia, strengthening the immune system and timely treatment of all emerging problems.

Acute sinusitis is a disease for which treatment cannot be neglected. The problem can progress to a purulent or chronic stage, which ends in the development of many complications. It is important to treat the disease in a timely manner and not forget what prevention is.

To understand this, you need to understand anatomy.

In the bones of the skull there are small cavities that communicate with the nose - sinuses, or sinuses. On the inside they are covered with a mucous membrane. Inflammation of these sinuses is called sinusitis Sinus Infection | Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | ACAAI.

Sinusitis is a special case of sinusitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which are located in the maxillary bone (on the sides of the nose, under the eyes).

In addition to sinusitis, there are also:

  • frontal sinusitis - inflammation of the frontal sinuses;
  • ethmoiditis - inflammation of the ethmoid bone sinuses;
  • sphenoiditis - when the cavities of the sphenoid bone are affected.

In most cases, even with normal inflammation, many sinuses are affected, so the correct term is “sinusitis.” However, for simplicity, both patients and even some doctors more often use the definition of “sinusitis.”

By the way, in children under 7 years of age, most of the sinuses are not developed Sinusitis in Children - Stanford Children's Health Therefore, preschoolers suffer from sinusitis and other types of sinusitis much less often than adults.

Where does sinusitis come from?

Here are the main reasons for the development of the disease:

  • Viruses. Sinusitis caused by viral infection, many suffer in parallel with the usual ARVI. In most cases, it goes away on its own along with a cold.
  • Bacteria. A bacterial sinus infection is more dangerous than a viral one because it causes a lot of pus to accumulate in the sinuses. It may form, and the inflammatory process will spread to other organs. For example, the brain, which can sometimes even lead to death. Most often, bacteria attack an organism weakened by viruses. Also, bacterial sinusitis can be a complication of certain diseases - scarlet fever, pneumonia, measles or the same.
  • Allergens. Allergic sinusitis may not go away for months and constantly interferes with normal breathing.

Accordingly, the more often you get ARVI, the higher the risk of contracting inflammation of the mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses. And if ARVI is not treated (that is, does not help the body recover), bacteria are activated.

In addition, sometimes they can “break through” into the nose from diseased nearby organs: tonsils, ears and even untreated teeth. And if you surround yourself with allergens, dust and tobacco smoke, it will also be easier to get sick.

How to recognize sinusitis

This type of sinusitis has quite obvious symptoms. Sinusitis (sinus infection) - NHS:

  • Persistent runny nose.
  • Stuffy nose, difficulty breathing and, as a result, some nasal voice.
  • Discharge from the nose - often in the form of yellow or green mucus.
  • Loss or significant deterioration of the sense of smell.
  • A bursting feeling in the sinuses.
  • Pain in the front of the face (nose and bridge of the nose), which gets worse when you tilt your head forward.

Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by high (more than 37.8 °C) temperature, toothache, ear pain, bad breath, weakness.

These signs are enough to suspect sinusitis. If they are, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to treat sinusitis

Let us clarify right away: self-medication is unacceptable. Even if you feel tolerable, it could very well be bacterial sinusitis. The same one that can provoke meningitis. Don't take risks.

Prescribe treatment Sinusitis (sinus infection) - NHS Only a therapist or otolaryngologist can, and only after he has examined you, will he give you a referral for the necessary tests and make a diagnosis.

  • For viral sinusitis you will be prescribed symptomatic treatment. It coincides with what is recommended for ARVI - rest, peace, more fluids, monitoring the level in the room, and so on. The doctor will describe in detail all the necessary elements of the treatment program.
  • If sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics will be needed. The doctor will again tell you which ones.
  • If the cause is an allergy, you will need to determine what caused it and try to minimize contact with the allergen. Your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays or drops to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Regardless of the type of sinusitis, you may be recommended; you should not skip them.

Is it necessary to get a puncture for sinusitis?

If we are talking about alleviating the condition, then no. Puncture (puncture) of the sinuses was often used in the past to remove pus accumulated in the sinuses. But today this painful procedure has become archaic: sinusitis is much more successfully treated with drugs correctly selected by the doctor.

puncture Needle Puncture and Aspiration of Sinus Contents for Sinusitis They do it only if the prescribed treatment does not produce results and you need to take an additional test to determine which microbe is to blame for the inflammation.

How to make your home easier

Here are some simple ways Nasal Congestion & Pressure: Home and OTC Remedies improve your well-being at home.

Drink more fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids thins the mucus accumulated in the sinuses and improves its outflow.

Use a humidifier

For sinusitis, it is extremely important to maintain normal humidity in the nasal passages - this relieves swelling.

Inhale the warm steam

For example, over a pan of water (not hot: it is important not to get burned) or while taking a long shower. These procedures also increase the hydration of the nasal passages.

Use a nasal saline spray

You can buy a salt spray at a pharmacy or make your own. The recipe is simple: add ½ teaspoon of salt and a pinch of soda to a glass of warm water. Spray the solution three to four times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

Use vasoconstrictor drops

They eliminate swelling and slow down the formation of mucus. Please note: such products cannot be used for more than 3 days. Otherwise there may be unpleasant side effects: from simple addiction to a specific remedy (then the vessels will simply stop reacting to it) to thinning of the nasal mucosa and the development of drug-induced rhinitis.

Make a compress

Place a warm, damp towel on your face for 5–10 minutes. This will help reduce discomfort and make breathing easier.

Take a painkiller

An over-the-counter medication, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, will do. Such drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect, that is, they reduce swelling in the sinuses and nasal passages.

Rinse your nose with saline solution

Lifehacker wrote in detail how to do this. If you don’t have time to read, you can watch a detailed video prepared by experts from the authoritative research organization Mayo Clinic.

Daily nasal rinsing - simple and effective method decrease What To Do About Sinusitis sinusitis symptoms. However, the procedure has a number of contraindications. Don't do it if:

  • your nose is so blocked that you can’t breathe through it;
  • you have a deviated nasal septum or polyps - benign formations on the nasal mucosa;
  • you often suffer from nosebleeds;
  • you have or know you are susceptible to ear infections.

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