What to drink with anemia pills. The best medicines for the treatment of anemia

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Maltofer is one of the iron preparations, therefore it is often prescribed to adults with a lack of such an element, for example, during pregnancy or with anemia. But is it possible to give it to children, in what form is it more convenient to use such a medicine in childhood How does it work and what can be replaced?

Release form

Maltofer is produced in several forms:

  • Drops. Such a drug is presented in vials or tubes of 10 ml or 30 ml.
  • Syrup. This Maltofer is available in 75 or 150 ml bottles.
  • Solution taken orally. This form of medicine is packaged in 5 ml vials, which are sold 10 pieces in one box.
  • Chewable tablets. Inside one pack there are 10 or 30 tablets.
  • Solution for i / m injections. One box includes 5 ampoules containing 2 ml of the drug.

Separately, we note the drug called Maltofer Fall. It is presented only in chewable tablets, in which the source of iron is supplemented folic acid. They are rarely prescribed to children, since this version of the drug is intended primarily for pregnant women, because both active compounds of the drug are important for bearing a child.


Any of dosage forms Maltofera contains 3-valent iron as the main ingredient. It is presented in such a medicine by polymaltose hydroxide, and the dosage differs in different forms of the drug:

  • In 1 ml of syrup - 10 mg.
  • In 1 ml of a solution that is taken orally - in the amount of 20 mg.
  • In one drop - 2.5 mg (50 mg / 1 ml).
  • In 1 ml of injection form - 50 mg.
  • In 1 chewable tablet - at a dose of 100 mg.

Additional substances in each form are also different. For example, the drops contain sucrose, Na hydroxide, cream flavor, water, and sodium propyl and methyl parahydroxybenzoate. In tablets, ingredients such as MCC, vanillin, macrogol 6000, chocolate flavor, sodium cyclamate and other compounds provide density and sweetness.

Operating principle

Maltofer is a source of iron, which is important for the formation of hemoglobin. The drug provides the need for this element, helping to eliminate its deficiency and cure anemia. As a result of its intake, the level of hemoglobin in the blood is normalized and maintained at an optimal level.

Iron from any form of Maltofer is well absorbed and transferred to the bone marrow. Since it is associated with polymaltose, the release of ions occurs gradually, avoiding excess. That iron, which was not in demand, combines with ferritin and is stored, and some of the element leaves the body with feces.


The drug is prescribed:

  • When anemia is detected, provoked by insufficient intake of iron (it is called iron deficiency).
  • With a latent form of anemia (it is determined in the laboratory).
  • With increased waste of iron, for example, associated with the active growth of the child.
  • With insufficient consumption of foods containing iron (for example, with a vegetarian diet).

Injections are used in situations where the use of Maltofer inside is not possible, for example, with malabsorption or ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The release of Dr. Komarovsky's program on the problem of low hemoglobin in children, see the following video.

At what age are they prescribed?

Maltofer in drops and syrup is used from birth, prescribing such forms to infants both with anemia and with a high risk of its occurrence. They can be used even in premature babies. Maltofer in injections is prescribed from the age of 4 months, and the tablet form is given to children over 12 years old.


All forms of the drug are prohibited:

  • In case of intolerance to any component of the selected medication.
  • With hemosiderosis and other iron overdose.
  • With anemia that is caused by other causes, and not a lack of iron (hemolytic, thalassemia, etc.).

Injections of the drug are contraindicated in acute kidney pathologies, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis, bronchial asthma, hyperparathyroidism and some other pathologies.

Side effects

Receiving Maltofer usually does not lead to a discoloration of the enamel of the teeth, but often changes the color of the feces, making them darker. Such a side effect is considered the norm, and the color of the stool returns to normal immediately after cessation of therapy.

Maltofer injections can cause allergic reactions. Some children react to tablets or liquid medicine with diarrhea, skin rashes, nausea, or headaches. In rare cases, oral Maltofer provokes abdominal pain, pruritus, constipation or vomiting.

Instructions for use and dosage

The appropriate form of the drug should be prescribed individually, choosing the most convenient option for a small patient. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the reason for which Maltofer is prescribed. For example, if this is the prevention of iron deficiency, then the doctor may recommend drinking the medicine for 1-3 months. If the child was diagnosed with anemia, then the drug is prescribed for 3-5 months at a therapeutic dose, and then for several more months at a lower dosage.

Most often, Maltofer is prescribed to children inside, and injections are resorted to in extreme cases.

Injections are performed intramuscularly, and their frequency and dose are determined individually for each patient. At the first opportunity, injections are replaced with the appointment of drops, syrup, or other form of medicine that is taken orally. It is optimal to give the drug immediately after feeding or during meals.

The tablet can be chewed or swallowed with any drink other than tea. Liquid forms of Maltofer are allowed to be diluted with compote, fruit drink, water, juice or other drink (but not tea). For infants, the medicine is combined with milk formula or mother's milk. But if the child does not protest, any of the liquid preparations can be given undiluted.

The frequency of administration is determined taking into account the convenience for a particular child - the remedy can be given once in a full daily dose or divided into several single doses, drinking the medication during breakfast and other meals. Daily dosage for children different ages can be seen in the annotation to the selected Maltofer. They are also influenced by the reasons for admission. For example, if an infant develops anemia for 6 months and he is prescribed a drug in drops, then he is given from 10 to 20 drops, and only 2-4 drops per day are enough for prevention.


Any forms of the drug that are taken orally are classified as low-toxic, since so far there have been no cases of the harmful effects of an excess dose of such drugs. Due to an overdose of injectable Maltofer, cold sweat may appear, liquid stool, severe nausea, pallor and other negative symptoms. For treatment, the patient is given an antidote and other medications that the doctor will prescribe.

Interaction with other drugs

  • You should not simultaneously treat a child with Maltofer and any other iron-based medicines.
  • Mixing injectable Maltofer in one syringe with any other solutions is not recommended.
  • You should not combine Maltofer and ACE inhibitors, so as not to increase the risk of side effects.

Terms of sale

Any of Maltofer's options is a prescription drug, so you need to consult a doctor before buying it. The cost of the drug depends on its form. The average price of a bottle of drops is 250 rubles, and 30 chewable tablets or a bottle of 150 ml of syrup cost about 300 rubles.

Storage conditions

All types of Maltofer are advised to keep at home at room temperature in a dry place. Such a place should not be accessible to small child. The shelf life of syrup and drops is 3 years, other forms - 5 years.

The use of iron in ampoules for injection is justified in cases iron deficiency anemia. Preparations that are administered parenterally (with the help of injections) begin to act faster, allow you to cope with anemia in especially severe cases. Substance injections have many pros and cons. All features of intramuscular and intravenous administration iron preparations are described below.

When are injections given?

Indications for parenteral droppers or injections when iron is administered intravenously (intramuscularly) are situations when the patient must urgently receive a dose of a useful substance. The use of ampoules is prescribed when the patient, due to injuries, systemic disorders or temporary illnesses, cannot fully absorb iron through the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for the use of exclusively injections of the drug:

  1. Ulcerative colitis in the stomach or intestines acute form. The use of iron for an ulcer does not in itself harm the patient with an ulcer. However, often with oral iron therapy (taking tablets by mouth), additional drugs are prescribed to increase the acidity of the gastric environment. The higher the acidity, the better the substance is absorbed. Sharp drug enhancement acid environment in the stomach can lead to exacerbation of ulcerative formations.
  2. Systemic disorders of iron absorption. A person may be genetically predisposed to malabsorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes dysfunctions occur against the background of hormonal failure, an intestinal virus, etc. In any case, if the patient's body does not absorb iron well from the intestines, there is no point in taking oral medications. It is necessary to inject the substance intravenously or intramuscularly so that the patient receives the full dose of the element. Absorption problems occur with pancreatitis, enteritis and similar disorders.
  3. Partial removal of the stomach or small intestine. In violation of the natural physiology of the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption of certain elements, including iron, is significantly impaired. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, specialists in the case surgical removal tissues are given injections.
  4. Complete removal of the stomach. The indications are the same as described above.
  5. Intolerance to iron salts. This allergy can be circumvented by immediately injecting a useful element intravenously or intramuscularly.
  6. Ulcerative colitis.

Most often, ampoules are used if the patient suffers from traumatic anemia (he has lost a lot of blood, as a result of which hemoglobin levels have dropped sharply). To quickly restore vital supplies and reduce the risk of death, doctors use the parenteral method of administering the drug.

Important. The doctor should determine the need for injections.

With small degrees of malabsorption (impaired absorption of iron or other substances), oral tablets can still be prescribed, and not injections, simply by supplementing the course of tablets with drugs to increase the acidity of the stomach. In the case of ulcerative exacerbation, intolerance to components and colitis, they must switch to parenteral administration.

If you suffer from one of these disorders, you must inform your doctor in a timely manner. Then he will select the right parenteral drug for you. If we keep silent about the presence of gastrointestinal problems or allergic reactions, the consequences can vary from a decrease in the effectiveness of therapy to death in the case of anaphylactic shock.

Benefits of injections

Iron with injections intramuscularly or intravenously is absorbed better. If during absorption through the stomach, part of the element is filtered by the liver, then with direct administration, natural filtration is much lower. This is the main advantage of ampoules with a substance, but there are other advantages:

  1. Safety for allergy sufferers. In the case of introduction directly into the blood, iron does not enter into chemical reactions, iron salts are not formed. But it is iron salts that often cause rashes and other allergic manifestations.
  2. Possibility of fast replenishment of stocks of microelements. If the patient replaces the tablets with an intravenous iron preparation, the rate of obtaining substances is accelerated tenfold. When taken orally, the substance must pass from oral cavity to the blood, while passing through the esophagus. To achieve the maximum concentration of the drug, you have to wait 2-3 hours. When using injections, the absorption rate is 15-20 minutes.
  3. Use of small dosages. It is enough to make one injection of 1-5 ml (depending on the drug) to give the patient daily dose drug. If tablets are used, then you have to drink several capsules with a dosage of 50 mg.
  4. No side effects in the oral cavity. If drugs are taken orally, then on the tongue and on the inside of the teeth often forms gray coating. With parenteral use, there are no such side effects, which allows you not to worry about your appearance.
  5. Saving. Ampoules with an equivalent amount of the drug usually cost less than blister boxes. The fact is that the packages themselves cost less, plus a larger amount of excipients is used in the manufacture of tablets than in the creation of injection solutions.

However, it cannot be said that the use of injections is the most convenient, optimal option for treatment. This method of drug administration has a number of disadvantages. They are presented below.

Disadvantages of parenteral administration

The injections are painful, leave marks on the hands, and can cause fear in children. These are not all the negative aspects of intravenous (intramuscular) administration. The disadvantages of the method include:

  1. Inconvenience in using the drug. It cannot be introduced at work, at school, at the university. We have to wait until the patient is at home. It is very difficult to inject correctly in public conditions, and besides, not everyone understands why the patient resorts to the use of injections.
  2. The need to see a doctor or do injections yourself. Both of these options are bad. If you get injections from a doctor, you will have to spend time on an appointment, waiting, traveling to the nearest medical department. If the patient gives injections on his own, the main drawback is the need to first learn how to do it correctly. If a person is not trained in basic injection skills, he may not get into a vein or muscle at all, or he may make injections that will be accompanied by severe pain and discomfort.
  3. Pain sensations. When taken orally, there are no inconveniences: you can only choke on a tablet if you do not drink it with water. But when the injection procedure is carried out, if the skin is broken, even with a thin needle, discomfort can occur. They intensify at times if the injection was carried out incorrectly, and a bruise occurred. The hematoma can stay at the injection site for several days, all this time it causes discomfort.
  4. Psychological discomfort. Emotional people, children will negatively perceive the need to constantly inject. For them, one injection is already a test, and if a specialist prescribes a whole course of injections as part of therapy, this can cause a complete rejection of the prescribed treatment.
  5. Additional costs for syringes. Although disposable instruments cost very little, the process of buying them, as well as the fact of small additional expenses, can be annoying for many.

The main disadvantage of injections is the problems when using syringes. Unprepared patients with no contraindications to oral administration are always prescribed tablets to make the therapy process easier.

How best to administer: intravenously or intramuscularly

Each of the methods of drug administration has its own characteristics. They are taken into account when prescribing a solution.

Intramuscular preparations are most easily absorbed by the body. To saturate the body, 1 ml of solution is enough. But injections can be too painful. The body absorbs the substance faster than with venous administration.

Intravenous use is less painful, but the effect is achieved 1.5-2 times slower. For one injection, 2.5-3 times more solution is required than when the drug is injected into the muscles. This is a more gentle type of injection.

Duration of therapy and acceptable dosages

Treatment is carried out until the content of the substance in the blood is restored. There are several injection steps:

  1. Primary. The patient uses the ampoules according to the dosage.
  2. Secondary. The concentration of the substance in the blood has already been reached, it remains only to stabilize the reserves and prevent them from dissolving. Usually the dosage is reduced by 2-3 times according to the doctor's indications.

Important. One course lasts up to six months in the case of oral administration. Since the injections work better, the treatment period with their help can be shortened.

Injections during pregnancy

In the case of pregnancy, specialists rarely prescribe treatment with injections. There are no contraindications to oral administration of the drug. Injections can be prescribed only in the following cases:

  • severe blood loss as a result of a threatened miscarriage;
  • severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, due to which the body does not receive the full range of necessary substances.

Even if injections are prescribed, the period of their use does not last long: the patient remains in the hospital and receives injections for several days, after which she can switch to home use tablets or capsules.

Possible side effects

A small papule or bruise may occur at the injection site. They dissolve quickly, but when touched cause pain.

Other possible problems after injections:

  1. A rapidly developing allergic reaction. May lead to anaphylactic shock.
  2. ICE syndrome.
  3. Exceeding the permissible concentration of iron in the body. Leads to dizziness, nausea and other disturbances of well-being.
  4. The appearance of abscesses in the area of ​​the needle insertion.

Important. Side effects are less likely to occur with professional injections.

The likelihood of allergic reactions

In the case of intravenous and intramuscular administration, there is a high risk of allergic reaction. Some patients develop anaphylactic shock within a short time.

You can prevent an allergy attack only by first checking the body for a tendency to it. A specialist should determine the level of sensitivity of the body to iron preparations.

If an allergy is detected, you will have to abandon the specific medication and look for an analogue. Often, an allergic reaction does not develop on the iron itself, but on the auxiliary substance contained in the solution.

Contraindications to the use of injections

Injections are prohibited under certain conditions of the body. You will have to refuse to use this method of administration if:

  • the body is too sensitive to influences, which is why bruises constantly appear on the surface of the skin after injections;
  • the body is oversaturated with iron;
  • non-disposable, non-sterilized syringes are used;
  • there is a suspicion of an allergic reaction from the body.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage. If, when taking tablets, it is calculated as 2 mg of the drug per kg of weight, then when using a solution, the calculations are different. The patient should not use more than one ampoule per day.

List of drugs for intravenous and intramuscular administration

List of medicines containing iron:

  1. "Ferrum Lek" - a drug for intramuscular injection. Ampoules contain 2 ml of solution. Dextran and iron hydroxide are the main and only components of the substance. If you are allergic to dextran, the drug will have to be abandoned. Assigned by weight, in one ampoule iron content equivalent to 100 mg tablets (maximum dose).
  2. Venofer is available in 5 ml ampoules. One ampoule is the equivalent of a 100 mg tablet. In addition to iron, sucrose compound products are included in the composition. Allergic reactions may occur with intolerance to sucrose.
  3. "Ferkoven". The ampoule is minimal, with a volume of only 1 ml. The composition contains cobalt compounds, carbohydrate complexes. Easily administered intravenously.
  4. "Gektofer". It is considered a combined type of medicine, because it contains citric acid. "Gektofer" is injected into the muscles, the solution is available in containers of 2 ml.
  5. "Ferrlecite". Produced with sodium and ferrous gluconate in the composition. It can be in the form of a 1 ml ampoule for injection into muscles or 5 ml (injected into a vein).

Prescribers must prescribe the drug. Without a prescription, the ampoule may not be sold.


With iron deficiency anemia, for successful treatment, it is necessary to take iron supplements, use time-tested folk remedies. Otherwise, the patient complains of general weakness, and more frequent fainting becomes an unpleasant surprise for him. It is required to act immediately, especially since iron in tablets and ampoules is sold freely and in most cases is available to the patient at a price, it is dispensed without a medical prescription.

What are iron preparations

These are medical preparations of various forms of release, the active component of which is iron, which is necessary for the restoration of hematopoiesis. It is possible to determine the iron deficiency state by a blood test, and the patient himself feels internal weakness, other signs of anemia. This is a disease that needs to be treated, otherwise the consequences and complications apply to all internal organs, systems. As an effective prevention, you can use vitamins with iron for women and men, systematically or seasonally increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Classification of iron preparations

If anemia is detected in a patient, doctors prescribe drugs with iron in a full course, which can be equated according to the principle of action to multivitamin complexes. Depending on the method of administration of the daily dose, there is a conditional classification of characteristic drugs, which additionally differs in the speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect, recovery. For example, oral tablets act slowly, while injectable drugs have a more rapid and productive effect. A more detailed classification is presented below.

For oral administration

When anemia occurs, iron preparations are prescribed in the form of capsules, tablets or dragees. It is indicated to take such medications orally, while not chewing, drinking plenty of water and not violating the prescribed daily dosage. When ingested, active substances reach the stomach, from where they are absorbed and distributed through the systemic circulation. This is not happening quickly, and expected therapeutic effect sometimes very frustrating with its mediocrity.

The optimal dose of iron entering the patient's body should correspond to 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. It is not recommended to overestimate it, since there are side effects, medical contraindications. Below are the best of the best medicines available in tablet form:

  • Ferroplex;
  • Maltofer;
  • NovaFerrum;
  • Theozol;
  • Tardiferon.

parenteral therapy

With extensive intestinal pathologies, the process of iron absorption with its further distribution through the blood is disrupted. In such cases, the patient is prescribed parenteral therapy with the involvement of drugs with a capacious iron content. It is appropriate to perform similar injections for stomach ulcers and iron intolerance, as a valuable component of immunity. The maximum allowable dose in such a clinical picture is 100 mg, there are contraindications. Below are the most effective liquid preparations with iron for injections:

  • Venofer;
  • Zhektofer;
  • Ferbitol;
  • Ferrlecite;
  • Ferrum Lek.

For intravenous administration

This is a better appointment for progressive anemia, since the maximum concentration in the blood of iron reaches 30-40 minutes after the injection. Kneading the stomach, the valuable components of the drug immediately begin to restore the disturbed circulatory system, somewhat change the composition of the blood. Such drugs are available in the form of injections, and are used more often as emergency help patient with pathologically low hemoglobin. From the best side, the following medications have proven themselves:

  • CosmoFer;
  • Infed;
  • Ektofer;
  • Ferinject.

Vitamins containing iron

For prevention, the doctor prescribes modern multivitamin complexes that contain iron in their natural composition. Such drugs can rarely cause side effects, but it is also important to follow the recommended daily doses. Among the advantages of such an appointment, it is necessary to emphasize that the intake of characteristic drugs exceeds the absorption of dietary iron by 20 times. However, the result of treatment and prevention depends not only on the dosage, but also on the correct choice of a multivitamin complex.

For women

When choosing reliable vitamins, it is important to once again make sure that the concentration of iron prevailing in the composition is able to fill the daily need of the body for such a microelement. Only in this case, the treatment will be as effective as possible, will not harm the general state of health. Effective multivitamin complexes include the following pharmacological products, which can be freely purchased at any pharmacy:

  • Complivit Iron;
  • Elevit Pronatal (allowed during pregnancy);
  • AlfaVit Classic;
  • Vitacap (allowed for pregnant women);
  • Teravit.

For men

Iron deficiency anemia can also progress in the male body. Treatment should be timely, otherwise, among the signs of a characteristic ailment, doctors focus on joint pain, sleep disturbance and appetite, fatigue and increased sleepiness. Proper nutrition is not always able to restore the hemoglobin in the blood, so the basis effective treatment become medications for anemia on the recommendation of the attending physician. Here are effective medicines in a given direction:

  • Velman;
  • Complivit,
  • Vitrum.

The use of so-called "stimulants" to raise the level of hemoglobin is necessary at any age, otherwise the disturbances in the body due to iron deficiency anemia become chronic. The development of the disease at first is expressed by general weakness, but then there are more serious consequences for immunity and the entire organic resource. Sitting on a therapeutic diet and eating food from iron products, the desired result cannot be achieved in full. Additionally, it is recommended to use the following medications in a specific clinical picture:

  • totem;
  • Tardiferon;
  • NovaFerrum;
  • Ferroplex;
  • Hemopher.

For children

Taking such medications in childhood is indicated with great caution, since a violation of the daily dose can lead to the development of dangerous diseases in the child's body. Therefore, such an appointment must be previously agreed with the attending physician, and the doses are determined according to age category clinical patient. For a child, it is appropriate to use the following medical preparations:

  • Aktiferrin (capsules from 7 years old);
  • Heferol (from 12 years old);
  • Ferroplex (allowed from 3 years old);
  • Tardiferon (tablets from 6 years old);
  • Hemofer prolongatum (according to the weight category of the young patient).

Ferrous preparations

The active component of such medicines is iron sulfate or chloride, which is rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation, maintains an increased concentration in the blood for a long time. Children are recommended trivalent iron, safer for health. Medicines based on iron salts are supposed to be taken in a daily dose of 200 mg. The following are reliable options for what a cure for anemia involving ferrous iron might be:

  • Sorbifer;
  • Hemopher;
  • Maltofer;
  • Gino - Tardiferon;
  • Aktiferrin;
  • Ferrum Lek.

Pregnancy and iron supplements

If a woman is diagnosed with B12-deficiency anemia in an “interesting position”, the doctor prescribes drugs with the presence of iron, an additional intake of folic acid. Take such medicines strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, through ignorance or negligence, you can harm the intrauterine development of the embryo. The main goal is to increase hemoglobin, prevent oxygen starvation and fetal hypoxia. More often, the doctor recommends drugs Elevit Pronatal and Vitacap, produced in the form of tablets. The following are valuable recommendations for pregnant patients:

  1. Prophylactically, the dose of the medication chosen with the doctor should not exceed 30-40 mg of iron per day.
  2. Iron deficiency anemia progressing during pregnancy is treated with 100-200 mg of iron per day.
  3. If the disease was formed before pregnancy and acquired chronic form, for 9 months of gestation, it is supposed to drink 200 mg of glands.

Which iron supplements are best?

When buying any medication, the patient is counting on the positive dynamics of the aspen disease, and drugs for the treatment of anemia are no exception. Some patients are sure that the solution for intravenous administration (iron in ampoules) is a panacea, while others choose a more gentle way of using the drug - syrup or tablets. In any case, the characteristic medication and its daily doses should be prescribed by the attending physician. Below are the favorites of such new generation pharmacological products:

  • Sorbifer Durules;
  • totem;
  • Heferol;
  • Hemopher Prolangatum;
  • Tardiferron.

Admission rules

Before choosing from the catalog, ordering and buying a medicine in an online store, you need to decide on the form of release of the medicine, the relevance of such an acquisition and the permissible daily doses. This is necessary to reduce the risk of side effects, accelerate the positive dynamics of the underlying disease, rapid and final recovery. Here are valuable recommendations for patients who will be taking medications containing glands in the chemical composition:

  1. If these are tablets, do not chew a single dose, but swallow it whole, while drinking plenty of water. Drops for oral administration can be pre-dissolved in water and then drunk.
  2. best method introduction of iron into the body - intramuscularly or intravenously (using a dropper), since in this way the process of absorption of active components is accelerated, the absence of irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Before buying a medicine in tablets or vials, you need to determine the valency of iron. For example, for better absorption of ferrous iron, vitamin C is needed, and trivalent iron requires special amino acids (serine).

Side effects

During treatment general state the patient may suddenly worsen. This is due to a systematic violation of daily dosages, or the body does not tolerate such active components of the prescribed medication. Side effects are temporary, require immediate correction of daily dosages. When ignoring such valuable recommendations clinical picture only worsens, and the symptoms of the pathology become more pronounced:

  • problems from the digestive tract, represented by indigestion, bloating, chronic constipation;
  • pathology of tooth enamel, which becomes faded and brittle, and teeth may even begin to collapse;
  • on the part of the skin, doctors do not exclude allergic reactions in the form of a rash, urticaria, skin itching.

How to choose

It is important to start choosing not from the price of a medical product, but from the concentration of iron, which prevails in each tablet. It is very important not to harm health, besides, the excess of the characteristic trace element is still not absorbed by the body. Therefore, the name of the medication should be additionally agreed with the doctor, to avoid iron overdose. Other equally relevant selection criteria are detailed below:

  1. Compound. For treatment, it is desirable to focus on the concentration of iron in the preparation; for prevention, you can give preference to multivitamin complexes for general strengthening of the whole organism.
  2. Release form. Iron supplements are easier to take in tablet form. However, if you need a quick action, it is better to stop the choice on injectable drugs with rapid entry into the systemic circulation.
  3. Manufacturer and cost. Such nuances of conservative treatment, prevention need to be discussed on an individual basis. However, it is worth noting that domestic products of medicines are no worse than imported ones.


The cost of drugs with a concentration of iron in the natural composition is different, but doctors strongly recommend not to save on such an important acquisition, your own health. This is explained by the need for rapid positive dynamics, which will help to avoid serious complications of iron deficiency anemia. Below are the prices of both cheap medicines and expensive ones that meet all the stated requirements of the clinical patient and the attending physician. So:


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Iron preparations: a list of the best

It belongs to the most common ailments and occurs in people of any age category. A low level of hemoglobin affects well-being, reduces activity and performance. Whatever the causes of the disease, but iron preparations for anemia must be present in therapy. Pharmaceutical companies offer many names and formulations of this group of medicines.

Why does the body need iron?

Iron is a unique trace element that is vital for the body. As part of hemoglobin, it is involved in the supply of every cell and organs with oxygen. The normal functioning of the circulatory system without iron is simply impossible. In addition, the element is necessary for the process of cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of cells of the protective (immune) system, and the neutralization of accumulations harmful products in the liver.

Iron deficiency leads to a serious pathology - iron deficiency anemia, which affects about 20% of humanity. The disease is most dangerous for newborns, pregnant women, adolescents.

Iron deficiency: causes

Iron deficiency can develop for the following reasons:

  • malnutrition, obsession with strict diets;
  • blood loss various etiologies(including those caused peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhage);
  • severe blood loss during menstruation in women;
  • a period of rapid body growth in children and adolescents;
  • pathology of the female reproductive system (myoma, endometriosis);
  • surgical intervention.

In order to restore the balance of the microelement, it is necessary, first of all, to apply for medical care, undergo diagnostics, pass laboratory tests. A qualified doctor will select a treatment regimen and prescribe the best iron preparations. With anemia, it is important to eliminate the cause that led to the development of the disease.

Iron deficiency anemia in children

The lack of an element is fixed even in newborn babies. This can provoke a number of undesirable consequences, because from the end of the last trimester and in the first year of life, the development of brain structures occurs. Iron deficiency, lack of oxygen in the body can lead to physical and mental retardation, weakening of protective functions (immunity). In junior school age this will manifest itself in the form of inattention, rapid fatigue, and a decrease in learning abilities.

During the childbearing period expectant mother it is necessary to control the level of hemoglobin, since iron deficiency is often associated precisely with its lack in the body of a woman. In premature babies, pathology develops much faster.

In adolescence, iron deficiency anemia is associated with intense growth. The onset of menstruation in girls also affects its appearance. The body at this time needs the most correct and balanced nutrition.

Iron preparations for anemia for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician, taking into account the age of the patient and the individual tolerance of all components of the drug. Preference will be given to funds in liquid (syrup, drops) or tablet form. The therapeutic course can last from 6 to 12 weeks (taking into account the degree of anemia). In some cases, the treatment of the baby may be delayed for six months.

Women are at risk!

Almost every woman has an iron deficiency. This is due to regular blood loss (menstruation), a lack of foods enriched with trace elements in the diet, pregnancy and breastfeeding (during these periods, iron should be supplied to the body in double quantity).

Anemia is fraught with serious consequences during gestation:

  • hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • disturbances in the development of the fetus;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • weak labor activity.

The woman will be given iron supplements for anemia, which must be taken until the hemoglobin level reaches normal indicators. It is also necessary to review the diet and introduce foods containing a large amount of iron.

What are iron preparations?

In medicines, iron (non-heme) is present in bi- and trivalent forms. The first type is better absorbed by the body, and it is also more bioavailable. When taking ferric iron, it must be borne in mind that such products should contain an antioxidant (for example, ascorbic acid), which will convert it into a divalent form.

Medicines based on iron hydroxide polymaltose (III), compared with sulfate, are safer, well tolerated and rarely cause side effects. In any case, without a doctor's prescription, it is forbidden to take iron supplements for anemia. An excess of a trace element in the body can lead to undesirable consequences: it will begin to oxidize and infect the cells that it meets on the way. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and undergo an examination.

When are iron supplements prescribed?

It is impossible to defeat iron deficiency anemia without iron-based drugs. Only a small part of the required amount of this element is absorbed with food.

Drug therapy is started when the following symptoms of iron deficiency are detected:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • pallor of mucous surfaces;
  • peeling and pallor of the skin;
  • glossitis, stomatitis;
  • severe hair loss;
  • fragility of nails;
  • perverted taste preferences (the desire to eat chalk, clay, eggshells, paper);
  • dystrophy of the nail plates (in the advanced stage of anemia);
  • frequent colds against the background of reduced immunity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • low hemoglobin values;
  • palpitations with little physical exertion.

Only a doctor can tell you which iron preparations are best taken for anemia. The dosage and duration of therapy are selected individually (depending on the level of hemoglobin and ferritin in the blood serum). It is impossible to increase the daily dose of iron, as this will lead to its overabundance and provoke the development of serious pathologies in the body.

Iron preparations for intramuscular administration for anemia

Parenteral administration of iron preparations is indicated when standard therapy does not improve the patient's condition. Intravenous or intramuscular administration is prescribed by the attending physician and is carried out under strict control over the further reaction of the patient.

Parenteral administration of drugs is prescribed for individual intolerance to oral iron preparations, stomach ulcers, malabsorption and the need to quickly replenish the lack of a microelement (severe anemia). This method of treatment can cause serious complications in the form of an allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, an abscess at the injection site, iron deposits on the internal organs.

Iron preparations for anemia, the names of which are given below, are used for intramuscular administration.

  1. "Gektofer" - complex compound ferrous iron with citric acid and sorbitol, 100 mg per ampoule.
  2. "Ferrum Lek" - ferric hydroxide with dextran, 100 mg per ampoule. Before initial use, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test (¼ dose is administered).
  3. "CosmoFer" is a preparation containing ferric iron in combination with dextran. It is used for both intramuscular and intravenous administration.

How to choose iron preparations?

For patients diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, it is preferable to take drugs in the form of tablets. This will help prevent staining of the enamel on your teeth. For better absorption, it is necessary to choose products that contain ascorbic acid. Special attention given dosage. It is optimal to use 80 mg of iron to avoid the negative consequences of an overabundance of the element.

The best iron preparations for anemia: reviews

The pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of drugs with iron in various forms of release. Customer reviews indicate what to choose effective drugs iron for anemia and the doctor should calculate the dosage necessary in a particular case. To the most effective means based on ferrous iron include:

  • "Sorbifer Durules" (Hungary).
  • "Tardiferron" (France).
  • "Aktiferrin" (Germany).
  • "Totem" (France).
  • Ferroplex (Hungary).
  • "Hemofer Prolangatum" (Poland).
  • "Heferol" (Macedonia).

Ferric iron preparations belong to a new generation. They were designed in such a way as to minimize side effects and overdose.

The best for the body are considered the following drugs iron in iron deficiency anemia:

  • Ferrum Lek (Slovenia).
  • "Maltofer" (Switzerland).
  • "Venofer" (Switzerland).
  • CosmoFer (Denmark).
  • "Fenyuls" (India).
  • "Likferr" (Russia).

In addition to taking iron supplements, it is necessary to review the diet and introduce foods that will promote the absorption of iron from medicines.

Oxygen starvation affects the development of babies and can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is not surprising that many parents are looking for the most the best drug iron for anemia, which will be well received by the child's body and quickly restore hemoglobin levels. The duration of treatment should be at least 2 months.

For the younger age category of children, iron preparations in the form of drops and syrup are suitable. Babies from birth to 2 years old can take Hemofer, Aktiferrin, Maltofer. They are also prescribed to premature babies in whom anemia develops by the 2nd month of life.

In the period from 2 to 5 years, for the treatment of iron deficiency, it is convenient for a child to give medicines in the form of a syrup (Ferronal, Ferrum Lek, Aktiferrin). Older children can take iron in tablet form to avoid yellow staining of tooth enamel.

The dosage is calculated strictly by the pediatrician, and it is forbidden to exceed it. If the doctor has prescribed a complex iron preparation, there is no need to additionally give ascorbic acid to the child.

The drug "Tardiferon": brief information

Faced with the problem of anemia, you need to know which iron preparations for anemia will have the most positive action and will not cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Attention should be paid to the drug "Tardiferon" with prolonged action.

The composition of the drug contains the substance of mucoproteosis, due to which the active component of ferrous sulfate is released more slowly, which ensures good tolerability. Ascorbic acid provides absorption, the process of which begins in the small intestine and does not adversely affect the gastric mucosa. Assign "Tardiferon" if necessary, treatment or as a prophylaxis of iron deficiency.

The drug is allowed to be used by children from 6 years of age and women in position (from 4 months of pregnancy). Using the remedy according to the doctor's instructions and without increasing the recommended dosage, you can not worry about the occurrence of side effects.

The drug "Maltofer": description

The best iron preparations for anemia are produced on the basis of Fe (III). "Maltofer" refers to this group of medicines. A significant advantage is also the variety of forms of application: drops, syrup, tablets (chewable), parenteral solution and oral liquid. Each type has its own dosage of the active substance.

Chewable tablets are specially designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Drops and syrup is the ideal form for pediatric use. The drug has high efficiency which is confirmed by positive feedback from patients. "Maltofer" quickly increases the level of hemoglobin in both children and adults. The course of treatment for iron deficiency can be from 2 to 5 months.

Despite good tolerance and rare cases of side effects, Maltofer is prescribed only by a doctor (like other iron preparations for anemia). The names of the analogues of the remedy: "Ferrum Lek" and "Aktiferrin".

The drug "Hemofer"

Another anti-anemic agent based on ferrous iron. Available in the form of yellow-green drops. It can be prescribed for infants, including those born prematurely, during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of iron deficiency anemia or for the purpose of prevention.

The daily dose of "Hemofer" is calculated depending on the age of the patient. For adults, it should not exceed 200 mg per day, and for children - no more than 3 mg per kilogram of weight. Side effects the drug in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bouts of nausea, vomiting often occurs with an overdose.

In order to avoid darkening of the tooth enamel, it is recommended to take Hemofer drops with a straw. After drinking, drink juice or water. The drug contains glucose, so it is necessary to control the sugar level in patients with diabetes.

Interactions of iron preparations with other medicines

Before using antianemic drugs, it is necessary to warn the attending physician about treatment with other drugs. Iron preparations for anemia are not used with enzyme drugs, chloramphenicol and tetracyclines. Absorption of trace elements gastrointestinal tract lower: carbonates, phosphates, zinc salts, antacids.

The concentration of iron in the body rises sharply with simultaneous estrogen therapy. It is undesirable to combine non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with anti-anemic drugs. This will enhance the negative, irritating effect on the mucous surface of the stomach.

Nutrition during treatment with iron preparations

Therapeutic diet is another key to successful therapy. Products in the daily diet should not block the effect that iron supplements have on anemia. Reviews of experts indicate that caffeine (black tea, coffee, cocoa), milk, whole grains, some vegetables (beets, cabbage), legumes, nuts should be excluded from the menu.

The nutrition of a patient with iron deficiency should be as varied as possible and consist of foods containing a large amount of this trace element. Of particular benefit will be the daily consumption of red meat, liver (pork and beef), fish. It is advisable to cook such products for a couple. The amount of fat must be limited, because they inhibit the process of hematopoiesis. Sausages, sausages and minced meat dishes are also excluded.

It is necessary to consume fruits and berries containing vitamin C for better absorption of iron in the body. It is better to replace strong tea and coffee with juices, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions.

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