Question: Do I need to go to the doctor if I have nausea, vomiting and loose stools? If you feel sick and have diarrhea

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Almost all people have experienced diarrhea and vomiting without fever at least once in their lives. What could these signals indicate? unpleasant symptoms and what to do in this case?

Most diseases are accompanied by fever, but what if a person has diarrhea, vomiting, but the body temperature remains at normal levels? In what situations is this combination of symptoms possible? The reasons most often are as follows:

  1. Food poisoning. This is the most common reason, arising due to the fact that a person has eaten something unsuitable for food - a product of poor quality, containing toxins or expired. In most cases, primary symptoms appear within the first day and last about 3 days. In some adults, food poisoning occurs only with diarrhea and vomiting, while others may experience general weakness, heat body, feverish state. In this condition, first of all, it is necessary to find out which product caused the poisoning and eliminate it from the diet. The patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids at first to cleanse the stomach of toxic contents.
  2. Viral gastroenteritis (intestinal flu). Infection which is caused by rotavirus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, so you can become infected even during communication. Among its main symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, elevated temperature also happens, but not in all cases. Stomach flu requires inpatient treatment, as it can provoke the development of dysentery.

In some cases, this condition can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Gastritis - in addition to diarrhea and vomiting, the patient may be bothered by heartburn, weakness, pain in the peritoneum, pressure surges; the disease is detected only after a thorough diagnosis, treatment is prescribed by a gastroenterologist.
  2. Pancreatitis - added to the main symptoms constant nausea and encircling painful sensations; The disease can be provoked by cholelithiasis, trauma to the peritoneal area, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Gastroduodenitis - occurs in an adult without fever or with its increase to a subfebrile level (from 37 to 37.5 ° C), in addition to the gag reflex and diarrhea, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, pain in the epigastric region, heartburn, and loss of appetite.
  4. Enterocolitis - often develops against the background of other gastrointestinal diseases, the symptoms of this disease are loose stools, vomiting, general weakness, and often the patient feels sick; mucous or blood impurities may be present in the stool.
  5. Intestinal dysbiosis - can develop against the background of long-term use of antibiotic drugs or with viral immunodeficiency; the patient has regular vomiting, diarrhea, everything is aggravated by severe pain and bloating, and all these symptoms appear due to the fact that the body cannot accept and digest food normally.

If vomiting and diarrhea do not stop within 72 hours, you should seek medical attention. medical care since this is clear signs other, more serious diseases that require timely treatment.


The presence of a virus or intestinal infection in the body in most cases manifests itself in the form of diarrhea. The patient may feel weakness, nausea, and less commonly, fever. Of course, such a condition requires seeing a doctor, diagnosis and drug treatment, but is not critical.

The following symptoms may cause concern:

  • dry skin;
  • cracking of the skin of the lips;
  • strong constant thirst;
  • pain when urinating or defecating;
  • severe, frequent diarrhea, accompanied by pain;
  • vomiting that does not stop or occurs every hour;
  • tachycardia (increased contractions of the heart muscle);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • seizures;
  • loss of consciousness.

Even one of these signs is a reason to call an ambulance.

Before her arrival, it is necessary, if possible, to rinse the patient’s stomach by giving a large amount of water to drink (up to 1.5 liters), and if vomiting does not occur, provoke an attack.

Ensure peace by putting the person to bed and placing a basin nearby. Vomit must be removed immediately by treating the container with bleach for disinfection.

At severe pain You can take a painkiller - Drotaverine, No-shpu, Nosh-bra, Spazmalgon, Spasmonet, etc. It is not recommended to take any medications on your own before a medical examination other than those listed.

As soon as an illness is discovered, until the cause is determined, it is worth allocating separate dishes to the patient, and disinfecting the one he used.


It doesn’t matter whether diarrhea and vomiting occur without fever or with its increase, dehydration of the body must not be allowed.

To do this, the patient needs to drink constantly, but in small portions (a few sips every 10-15 minutes).

When the body is intoxicated, it is necessary to take enterosorbent drugs that can bind toxins found in the stomach and intestines. These include the following:

  1. Activated carbon;
  2. Smecta;
  3. Polysorb;
  4. Atoxyl;
  5. Enterosgel.

After taking one of them, toxic substances are eliminated naturally. This method of dealing with toxins is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. To eliminate vomiting, you can take the antiemetic drug Cerucal, and the drugs Motilium or Hofitol are also suitable.

If blood is found in the stool, then this is a sure sign of serious illness that requires medical intervention. If an adult has vomiting and diarrhea without fever or other symptoms, then most likely no special treatment will be required.

In most cases, after such a condition, the patient needs to restore normal intestinal microflora; for this, you can take a course of probiotics:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Linux;
  • Normobact;
  • Dialakt;
  • Acipol.

It is recommended to follow a diet for some time, excluding fatty, fried foods, richly seasoned with spices. It is worth giving preference to boiled or steamed products. Avoid flour and sweets, replacing bread with crackers made from gray flour. Food should have a liquid consistency; thin porridges with water, soups with water are suitable. chicken broth. You should exclude tea, coffee, cocoa from your diet; it is better to drink dried fruit compotes and jelly.

However correct treatment vomiting and diarrhea can only be carried out by a doctor after diagnosis. Self-medication in this case is contraindicated.

Nausea, vomiting and loose stools most often develop with intestinal infections, stomach flu and poisoning. In these situations, in addition to diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain of varying intensity, weakness, pallor and fever are observed.

In case of poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea bring relief to a person. Therefore, if after vomiting and diarrhea you begin to feel better, then you don’t have to visit a doctor, but treat the poisoning at home. To treat poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, drink a sorbent and restore the volume of fluid and electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea. Gastric lavage is carried out with solutions of soda or potassium permanganate or mash with activated carbon. A solution of potassium permanganate is prepared at the rate of 1 g of crystals per 1 liter of water, and soda - 20 g of powder per 1 liter of water. Activated carbon mash is prepared from powder into which tablets should be crushed. For 1 liter of water take 2 tablespoons of powder. Rinsing is carried out to clean water. After washing, take a sorbent (white coal, Polyphepan, Polysorb, Enterosorb, etc.) and start drinking salt solutions Regidron, Trisol, etc.

With an intestinal infection, vomiting and diarrhea do not bring relief. Because the infection is caused by pathogens, it must be treated with antibiotics. In addition to antibiotics for intestinal infections, medications, restoring microflora (Linex, Bifidumbacterin, etc.), and saline solutions, aimed at replenishing the volume of fluid and electrolytes in the human body (Regidron, Trisol).

If you suspect an intestinal infection in a child, you should definitely go to the doctor. If an intestinal infection is suspected in an adult, then you may not immediately go to the doctor. First you should observe the dynamics of the state. After vomiting and diarrhea, you should take a sorbent and an antipyretic. After 2 – 3 hours, you need to assess your own condition: if it has not worsened, then you can continue treatment at home, but if you begin to feel worse, then you should call “ ambulance" If there is an admixture of blood in the stool, then it is necessary to call an ambulance in any case, since this may indicate dysentery or salmonellosis. If you decide to stay at home, then you need to start taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as Levomycetin, Tsiprolet, Cefodox, Sumamed, etc. Along with antibiotics, it is logical to take drugs containing natural bacteria of normal intestinal microflora, for example, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Subtil, etc.

If a person develops vomiting and nausea in combination with diarrhea with discolored feces, you should immediately go to the doctor or immediately be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital, since these symptoms indicate acute viral hepatitis A.
Nausea, vomiting and loose stools can also develop during exacerbations of the following diseases of the digestive tract.

Any of the diseases is fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences. Diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract. and diarrhea are direct symptoms of these disorders. Nausea and vomiting may also be accompanied by such unpleasant phenomena as vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, pain or cramps during bowel movements, weakness, and cold sweat.

Patient complaints of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are common. The doctor’s first question will be what the patient ate. Malfunctions digestive organs can be present at almost any age.

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • How to avoid vomiting and diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea

If you follow some tips, you can avoid the harmful consequences of such unpleasant phenomena as diarrhea and vomiting:

  • always try to determine by eye by color, smell and taste whether the product is contaminated or not
  • keep your hands clean
  • wash vegetables and fruits before eating
  • do not self-medicate
  • do not abuse the diet for weight loss, consult a nutritionist
  • at food poisoning you should take adsorbents, which include Smecta and activated carbon, drink plenty of fluids
  • during severe and persistent vomiting, you can take antimicrobial drugs
  • provide first aid to the patient before the doctor arrives;
  • after the complete disappearance of vomiting and diarrhea, improve nutrition and restore intestinal microflora

What to do if a child has vomiting and diarrhea? You will find answers to questions in the following video:

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18 comments on “If you feel sick and have diarrhea”

    When a person has diarrhea and vomiting, the first reason that comes to mind is food poisoning, often food poisoning. I immediately drink a glass of weak potassium permanganate, it always helps 100%. The vomiting stops, and then I drink sweet tea throughout the day. You need to drink a lot of fluids to avoid dehydration. And it's better to eat something for diarrhea. Everything is more difficult with a child, because here good advice given.

    Who runs to the doctor with such symptoms? No one. We think, well, we ate something, got poisoned, it doesn’t happen to anyone. Strong sweet tea helps in such cases. And it doesn’t hurt to take a few tablets of activated carbon.

    Basically, nausea and vomiting are signs of poisoning. If they do not stop for a long time, then you need to call an ambulance or a doctor. Since dehydration of the body is possible, it is better not to self-medicate.

    Vomiting and diarrhea happened only with mushroom poisoning, and after drinking. But this definitely didn’t happen from bacteria or overeating. Well, it’s also strange from nerves, but I’ve heard that this happens too.

    I also had vomiting and diarrhea, and I also had pain in my lower abdomen. We thought that before menstruation, we consulted a doctor, he said that there might be appendicitis. I do not know what to do!! Now the diarrhea seems to have gone away, but I still feel nauseous.

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