Presentation of plant technology in the interior of a residential building. Project on plant technology in the interior of a residential building

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

1. Problem situation My parents have finished building a new house. We really like the house. It is spacious, each family member has their own room. One thing is upsetting so far: it is not very cozy yet. In technology lessons, I learned a lot about the use of plants in the interior and decided to try myself as a phytodesigner.

2. The goal of the project is to investigate the issue of using plants to decorate a home and purchase a plant that matches the interior of our home. To do this you need: 1. Visit a store that sells indoor plants. 2. Select several plants for the purpose of their further acquisition, find out their biological names. 3. Using Internet resources, become familiar with the technologies for growing these plants. 4. Choose from the studied plants one that is most suitable for the conditions of our home. 5.Use your research data for further care of the selected plant.

3.Research I visited a flower shop. The variety of beautiful plants amazed me. There are decorative flowering ones - Saintpaulia, azalea, begonia, cyclamentum, etc. There are also many deroctative-leaved plants that will decorate the interior well - arrowroot, ficus, sansevieria, dieffenbachia, dracaena, etc. Most of all I liked the decorative flowering plants violet, aporocactus, orchid and glaxinia. At home at the computer, I continued my research, visited sites about indoor plants. From them I learned a lot of useful information: what care these plants need, what kind of lighting they need, what size they can reach.

Gloxinia Description. Gloxinia, or Sinningia, is a perennial tuberous plant. Gesneriev family. Gloxinia's homeland is South America. It blooms from April to October, depending on the length of daylight and growing conditions. Has a winter dormant period. Gloxinias are amazing plants with exquisite gramophone flowers. Another name for this plant is Sinningia. One and the other name owe their origin to the botanist Sinning and the doctor Gloksin. For us, the name gloxinia sounds more familiar.

Diseases: Viruses, bacteria. Fungal diseases: Tuber rotting, fusarium, late blight, gray rot, powdery mildew, etc. Care. When growing, you should observe the temperature regime - in summer there are enough degrees, at night the temperature can drop to 18 degrees. In winter, about 12 degrees Celsius, Gloxinia also needs periodic fertilizing with fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. From April to August it is fed once a week, using half the dose indicated on the package. But during the dormant period, gloxinia should not be fertilized.

Description. Violet (lat. Viola) is a genus of herbaceous plants of the violet family (Violaceae). The violet has a shortened stem bearing a rosette of hairy, highly pubescent leaves. The leaves are broadly oval or round, the shape of the wavy edge varies depending on the variety. In different varieties, the diameter of the rosette can vary from 7 to 40 cm or more. The flowers are simple five-membered or double, of various colors, collected on stalks of 2-7 pieces.

Diseases: late blight, fusarium, rust, gray rot, etc. Care. You need to spray the violet carefully, using small portions of water and trying not to get it on the flowers. The ideal watering for violets is from a tray. But if you pour water directly into the pot, try to pour it in a thin stream, not to get it on the leaves or in the center of the rosette - this will cause the flowers to rot and die. It is recommended to use fertilizers no more than once a month. Too much fertilizing affects the leaves - they turn yellow and fall off.

Orchids Description. Orchids are like works of art; they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble either birds, or butterflies, or lizards, or swans. The subtle aromas of these flowers make your head spin. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them “aristocrats” among plants. Orchids grow all over the globe. But in the north they are modest and discreet. Most orchids grow in the tropics, most often they are epiphytes, and settle on other plants, but do not feed on their juices. Many of the orchids are vines, their stems climb up the tree to great heights. They attach themselves to the tree with tendrils and hairs and thus bring their flowers to the light. Luxurious garlands - inflorescences of beautiful large fragrant flowers - sometimes hang from the trees.

Diseases: flaccid (flabby) leaves, cracks in the middle of the leaf (along the lobar vein) Care. There is no need to rush into replanting, since the orchid can grow in its substrate for two years. During the period of adaptation to home conditions, the plant needs to be fed regularly. Immediate replanting is required if the flower was growing in sphagnum moss when sold. One of the features of caring for orchids at home is their habit of insufficient moisture in the substrate and high air humidity. That's why, root system The flower is able to quickly absorb and retain enough moisture for a long time.

Description. Aporocactus (Aporocactus) are epiphytic plants of the Cactaceae family, native to Mexico, growing on rocky slopes, clinging to ledges of stones, branches of bushes and trees, often forming powerful hanging thickets. Aporocactus has a highly branched stem, reaching 1 meter in length and 1.5-3 cm in diameter, covered with thin, weakly defined ribs with short bristle-like spines. In young plants, the stem grows upward and then descends in the form of lashes. The lashes are bright green, shiny, but become gray-green with age. The flowers are tubular, up to 10 cm long, pink or crimson. The fruit is a round red berry covered with bristles.

Care. The plant needs some shade. Should be protected from direct sunlight. In summer, you can take it out into the fresh air. The optimal temperature in summer is 20º-25º. For successful flowering, it is necessary to ensure a cool winter with a temperature of 8º-10º. Plants that are preparing to bloom are not recommended to be disturbed or rearranged. Diseases: dropping buds, stem rot. Pests: spider mites

6. Conclusion These plants are completely suitable for the conditions of our room. You just need to decide where to get them. You can buy or ask someone for a tuber or petiole. To get a tuber, you need to wait for someone to plant these plants. My friends have these plants. They promised to give me tubers when transplanting, I will plant them in the appropriate soil mixture and grow larger plants.

7.Self-esteem and evaluation. I enjoyed reading about houseplants and learning about their diversity and characteristics. My parents said that I made the right choice. Now everything depends on proper care. A pot with a violet tuber, aporocacti, orchids and gloxinia were installed on the south window in the living room. In the family, we agreed that only I would water the flowers, so that it wouldn’t happen that everyone would water and the violet, aporocactus, orchid and gloxinia would get sick from excess moisture. I hope that in the future our flowers will look in the interior as in the photograph.

Problem situationMy parents finished construction
new home. We really like the house. He
spacious, every family member has
own room. There is only one thing that upsets me so far:
it's not very comfortable yet. On lessons
technology I learned a lot about
using plants in the interior (about
phytodesign) and decided to try myself in
the role of a phytodesigner.

Objective of the project

Investigate the question of the use of plants for
home and buy a plant,
matches the interior of our home. For this
need to:
1.Visit a store that sells indoor plants
2. Choose a plant for its further purpose
3. Familiarize yourself with Internet resources with
technologies for growing this plant
4.Use your research data to
further care of the selected plant


I visited
flower shop.
Diversity beautiful flowers me
I was amazed, but I chose Ficus
At home at the computer I continued
my research, visited sites about
indoor plants. From them I learned
a lot of useful information: what
What kind of care is needed for this plant?
What kind of lighting do they need?
size they can reach.

Ficus benjamina

Description of the plant

Benjamin -
the most
popular indoor trees from the family
It has
extending from the main woody trunk,
branches with glossy dark green leaves.
The leaves are approximately 5-10 cm long.
Quite often, ficus branches are braided
or nicely trimmed. The tree is slow
grows, but even indoors can reach 3
m. Dwarf varieties are limited to a height of 90
cm. At the same time, the growth of ficus can be controlled,
pruning its branches in time. Anyway
The plant requires bright light.


Homeland of the plant: Southeast Asia and Northern Australia.
Height: up to 3 m.
Lighting: bright. Requires application away from direct sunlight.
Watering: from spring to autumn - abundant, but the soil should keep up slightly
dry out between waterings. In winter, watering is reduced, the soil should
be in a slightly dry state. Lack of moisture leads to
wilting and falling leaves. This is also true when caring for
ficus Ali It is necessary to avoid overmoistening the earthen coma.
As for irrigation, water should only be used
distilled or filtered. If you are going to water
tree with tap water, then it should first be left for
nights. Unsettled tap water contains a lot of chemicals
substances that can harm the plant.
Air humidity: should be kept at medium or high
level (not lower than 40%).
Optimal temperature: 16-24 °C.
Soil: any mixture with sand or perlite, with good drainage
Feeding: balanced liquid mineral complex For
indoor plants in half concentration - once a month with
spring to autumn.
Reproduction: in spring - by apical cuttings.


The most favorable time for reproduction is
spring and early summer. At this time there is active
formation of roots and foliage.
Ficus propagates well from cuttings. Can be cut
apical stems with leaves or one. Cuttings
placed in a jar of water on a sunny window. Water
must be constantly replaced with a clean one. Through
some time will begin to appear on the cuttings
roots. Cuttings can also be rooted in wet
sand After cutting, wash the cuttings from milky juice and
let it dry a little. Then planted in small
pots with wet sand.
In order for rooting to occur faster, the cutting
cover with a jar, thereby creating the effect
greenhouses It is better that the cuttings have 2-4 nodes with
foliage. A cutting that is too large may not be accepted
due to excessive evaporation of moisture.


Ficus benjamina is an excellent plant for
indoor floriculture, from everyone else
ficus plants are distinguished by a certain grace.
Unfortunately, Ficus Benjamin diseases are
quite a common occurrence. They can be called
as unfavorable environmental factors
environment and various pests.
Ficus Benjamin diseases:
Ficus sheds leaves. There may be reasons
several: draft, lack of lighting, watering
cold water or low humidity.
The appearance of dark spots on the foliage. Reason
This is achieved by excess watering.
pests: spider mites and scale insects.

Self-esteem and evaluation

I liked reading about indoor
plants and learn about
diversity and features.
The parents said that they were not mistaken
choice. Now it all depends
proper care. In the family we
agreed on what to water
queues, for weeks. I hope in
in the future our plant will be
look like in the interior


This plant is completely
suitable for our home

Information sources

1 Internet resources
Textbook technology "Technology"
housekeeping" 6th grade. N.V.
Sinitsa, V.D. Simonenko

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Orchids Description. Orchids are like works of art; they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble either birds, or butterflies, or lizards, or swans. The subtle aromas of these flowers make your head spin. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them “aristocrats” among plants. Orchids Description. Orchids are like works of art; they delight and enrich us with their beauty. And the shapes of these flowers are the most exquisite. They resemble either birds, or butterflies, or lizards, or swans. The subtle aromas of these flowers make your head spin. Perhaps, orchids are one of the most perfect creations of nature, and it is not without reason that many call them “aristocrats” among plants. Orchids grow all over the globe. But in the north they are modest and discreet. Most orchids grow in the tropics, most often they are epiphytes, and settle on other plants, but do not feed on their juices. Many of the orchids are vines, their stems climb up the tree to great heights. They attach themselves to the tree with tendrils and hairs and thus bring their flowers to the light. Luxurious garlands of inflorescences of beautiful large fragrant flowers sometimes hang from the trees.

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Technology teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Korolev M. o.

Monina Anna Alexandrovna

Lesson Objectives

  • Educational - introduce students to the role of indoor plants in human life; study technology, care rules various types indoor plants and their arrangement in the room depending on the type.
  • Educational - instill a desire for beauty and comfort in the design of the surrounding interior.
  • Developmental - develop aesthetic taste, broaden your horizons.
  • Career guidance – introduction to the profession of phytodesigner.

The role of indoor plants in the interior.

It's hard to imagine a house without flowers these days. Advice from video ecology experts: people in the room where they are on duty should definitely start

indoor flowers, because they improve mood, purify and humidify the air, and also destroy harmful microorganisms.

Rules for caring for indoor plants.

Success in gardening depends on the correct choice of plants that match their natural properties room conditions.

Conditions of detention.

  • tropical plants (Tradescantia, ferns) - require a lot of heat.
  • Subtropical (geranium, Chinese rose) - require a lot of moisture.
  • Shade-tolerant (monstera, begonias) - tolerate low light.
  • Photophilous (aloe, lemon, asparagus) – demanding of light.
  • Fresh air Well-ventilated areas are beneficial for most plants.

Conditions of care.

  • For further normal growth and development of plants, care is required, which includes: choosing appropriate soil, watering, cleaning, fertilizing, replanting or transshipment.


Indoor plants are grown in pots with the top wider than the bottom or in wide bowls. This shape makes it easy to knock out plants from the container when transplanting. Before planting plants in them, new pots are well soaked, and old ones are thoroughly washed in hot water and dried over a fire.

Soil mixtures.

  • Each plant needs to choose the appropriate soil mixture , consisting of leaf (peat and humus) and turf soil, sand. Different plants require different soil compositions.


  • Its frequency and amount of water depends on the type of plant, development phase and time of year. It is recommended to water with water at a temperature 2-3 degrees higher than the ambient temperature.

Watering groups.

  • Abundant watering (begonias, ficus, ivy, lemon) - water as soon as the top layer of soil dries.
  • Moderate watering (chlorophytum, palm trees, asparagus) - water 1-2 days after the top layer of soil dries.
  • Rare watering (cacti, aloe, gloxinia, hippeastrum) - can be left without watering for weeks or even months.

Most plants are watered deeply in summer and moderately in winter.

In spring and summer, plants must be sprayed (just not in the sun).


  • To improve photosynthesis, prevent diseases and damage to plants by pests, regular cleaning, i.e. washing the leaves, helps. Plants with pubescent leaves are cleaned of dust with a soft brush.


  • Plants require additional nutrition to survive - feeding . It consists of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, which are not enough in the soil. Plants are fed during growth (spring and summer), after watering them with water.


As the plant grows and its root system increases, it is necessary transfer(replacement of soil without preserving the coma). Pots are chosen larger than the previous ones by 2 - 3 cm. Plants are replanted from the end of February to May.


For plants that do not tolerate replanting, it is used transshipment, i.e., the plant is transferred to a new, larger container while preserving the coma. The lump with the plant is placed on a new drainage layer and the empty spaces between the wall of the pot and the lump are filled with soil, the earth is compacted. You can transship the plant at any time of the year.



The soil should have average humidity and the temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees.

Technology for growing indoor plants.

Dividing the bush.

By dividing the tubers.

The separated parts are planted in pots of appropriate sizes.

The tubers are divided so that each part has a peephole.

Technology for growing indoor plants.



The bulbs are separated in the spring after flowering and planted in pots in light soil.

Merging a scion with a rootstock. It is used to preserve the varietal characteristics of the propagated plant.

Hydroponics .

  • Growing plants on artificial nutrient media in which all the necessary nutrients are given in an easily digestible form, in the required ratios and concentrations. Plants with this method of cultivation are placed in hydropots.

Technology for growing flowers without soil.

  • Substrates– inert soil substitutes: gravel, vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, coarse sand, moss, peat. They are easy to disinfect, do not enter into chemical reactions with mineral salts dissolved in water, and provide good air access to the roots.

Technology for growing flowers without soil.

  • The root collar of the plants is secured with clamps on the lid of the box, which is filled with a nutrient solution so that 1/3 of the roots are in the solution, and 2/3 in the airy, moist space between the poured solution and the lid of the box.

Aeroponics – substrate-free method of growing plants (air culture).

derived from the ancient Greek phyton - “plant” and English desiqn - “to make a plan, to design”. Thus, phytodesign is the design and decoration of a person’s living space using living plants.

Word phytodesign -

For each style and for each room there are different types of plants that are designed to regulate humidity, oxygen levels, and absorb dust and harmful substances.

The correct selection of plants is the key to success, because a thoughtful phytodesign in any room will benefit all its inhabitants.

Placing indoor plants in the interior.

  • Before you start working on the composition, you need to determine where it will be located. It is necessary to take into account the plant community of plants and their physiological characteristics. Plants must be correctly selected in size, appearance, by shape and growth rate, structure and possibility of grouping.
  • In addition to the basic placement techniques (single, compositions of potted plants, indoor garden and terrarium), there is a wide variety of combined compositions using potted, forced and cut flowers.

Single plants.

  • Evergreen or flowering - placed on the floor, stand, windowsill. They can be miniature (cyclamen, begonia) or large (ficus, palm).

Composition of potted plants.

  • Placed on shelves, shelves, stands. Flower pots are placed close to each other to form a large green spot: background – a tall plant with large leaves, foreground – lower.

Indoor kindergarten.

  • A container with plants planted in the ground or in separate pots and decorated with moss and pebbles. He might. both miniature and forming a large composition.


  • Flower arrangement inside a glass vessel.


  • Field of activity : man is nature and man is an artistic image.
  • Phytodesigner – a specialist in creating interior design projects using flowers and ornamental plants. A phytodesigner cannot do without knowledge in the field of botany, agronomy, biology, chemistry, because this specialist must know the name of the plant, where it comes from, how to care for it, how a particular flower gets along with its “colleagues,” what fertilizers are needed use in this or that case, etc. Plus, you need to understand the trends in floral fashion, know what the design principles are, what design styles exist, etc.


  • ABC of flowers / Comp. I. V. Roshal - St. Petersburg: Crystal; Tertsia, 1998.
  • Kapranova N. N. Indoor plants in the interior - M.: Publishing house - Moscow State University, 1989.
  • Strashnov V. G. Your home - beauty and comfort. – M.: Moscow. worker, 1990.
  • Semyonova A. N. Indoor plants: friends and enemies. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Nevsky Prospekt”, 1998.
  • D – r D. G. Hessayon. All about indoor plants. Translation from English O. I. Romanova. – M.: “Storehouse – Books”, 2005.


  • Article “Hydroponic method of growing plants without soil”:

  • Article “Profession designer”:

  • Article “What is phytodesign and why is it needed”:

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