Name of the first nurse. Functional duties of a nurse in a polyclinic and department

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

When a person first goes to the hospital, he wants to get to a good doctor. But already during the second visit, he is more concerned about the qualifications of the nurse, whose professionalism largely determines both the "comfort" of medical procedures and the general emotional state of the patient. That is why the representatives of the profession of a nurse are considered the second most important person after the doctor, not only formally, but also in fact.

When a person first enters the hospital, regardless of whether he needs to undergo a routine medical examination or the reason for the visit is in poor health, he wants to get to a good doctor. But already during the second visit, he is more concerned about the qualifications of the nurse, whose professionalism largely determines both the "comfort" of medical procedures and the general emotional state of the patient. That is why representatives profession nurse are considered the second most important person after the doctor, not only formally, but also in fact.

It is quite natural that the requirements for nurses are no less, and in some cases even more stringent, than for certified doctors. After all, the doctor only examines the patient, and, if necessary, prescribes treatment for him, and the nurse is directly involved in the treatment and implementation of medical procedures. Accordingly, there is nothing strange in the fact that only people with certain personal qualities can become good nurses, with a list of which, as well as with all the features of this profession, we invite you to familiarize yourself.

Who is a nurse?

A representative of junior or middle medical personnel who occupies the niche of a junior specialist in the hierarchy of health workers (as evidenced by the corresponding entry in the nurse's diploma). This is a doctor's assistant who follows the instructions of the doctor and carries out the nursing process.

This profession is a logical continuation of charitable societies, consisting of the so-called sisters of mercy, who saw disinterested help to all the weak and suffering as the main task of their activity. The first professional nurse is considered to be Florence Nightingel, who, during the Crimean campaign, organized a detachment consisting of nuns and sisters of mercy, whose members helped doctors nurse wounded soldiers in field hospitals. By the way, the world professional day of the nurse is celebrated on May 12 - the birthday of this brave woman.

It should be noted that if the first nurses, as a rule, did not have a medical education, then for medical workers of our time this is a prerequisite for admission to work. An exception can only be those employees of medical institutions who are not directly related to the implementation of medical practice (that is, nurses, nannies, housewives, etc.).

The professional duties of modern nurses directly depend on the type of their activity. So, a nurse in a treatment room is engaged in sterilizing instruments, performing procedures prescribed by the attending physician (for example, giving an injection or putting a dropper), collecting biological material for analysis, etc. The operating nurse assists the surgeon during surgical interventions (including preparing a surgical instrument, dressing and suture material, etc.), and the district nurse helps the district doctor to receive patients, maintains a patient record, takes part in preventive measures and performs healing procedures according to the prescription of the doctor at home.

What personal qualities should a nurse have?

The work of a nurse involves communication with different people. And the effectiveness of her professional activity largely depends on how the nurse manages to find a "common language" with the patient. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine a nurse who does not have such personal qualities as:

  • politeness;
  • tact;
  • responsiveness;
  • sociability;
  • stress resistance;
  • a tendency to empathize;
  • responsibility;
  • dedication;
  • accuracy;
  • personal organization;
  • tolerance.

In addition, a good nurse should be a little bit of a psychologist. After all, it is possible to treat patients not only with medicines, but also with the right words, instilling confidence in the patient in himself and his strength. And of course, the nurse should be able to provide first aid, know the features of the reception medicines and love your work so much that you do not think about your own comfort and convenience.

Benefits of the Nursing Profession

Main advantage of the nursing profession, as well as any other medical specialty, lies in the ever-increasing demand for qualified specialists for modern market labor. Despite the fact that every year from the walls educational institutions Russia is leaving a huge number (about 100 thousand people) of well-trained specialists of middle and junior medical personnel, the shortage of nurses is acutely felt in almost all medical institutions in the country.

Another advantage of this profession can be called a large "geography" of employment. Firstly, you can get a job as a nurse not only in a hospital, clinic or medical and sanatorium institution, but also in a kindergarten, school, large enterprise or recreation center (by the way, nurses with an attractive appearance and knowledge of a foreign language are in great demand in airlines for flight attendant position). And secondly, a nursing diploma will allow a specialist to find a job in their specialty in any country in the world, and for this it will not be necessary to undergo expensive training at all.

And most importantly, the knowledge and skills gained both at an educational institution and at work allow nurses to quickly respond to the slightest changes in the health status of their loved ones, and thereby prevent the development dangerous diseases.

Disadvantages of the Nursing Profession

It is not difficult to guess that the main disadvantage of the nursing profession is low wages. According to statistics, the average salary of a nurse in Russia is about 20 thousand rubles. The salary of a nurse seems especially low compared to the rather difficult working conditions:

  • irregular work schedule - nurses have to work on weekends / holidays, and on night shifts;
  • emotional and psychological stress - often patients of medical institutions become asocial personalities (drug addicts and alcoholics), who do not differ in balance and mental stability. Yes, and ordinary patients at the time of exacerbation of the disease may not behave quite adequately;
  • professional risks - nurses, like doctors, often come into contact with people suffering from deadly diseases, so there is always a risk of contracting a dangerous disease.

Well, if we take into account that people’s lives depend on the concentration and professionalism of a nurse (imagine what can happen if a nurse mixes up tests or a doctor’s prescription), and this is a huge responsibility both to her own conscience and to the public, it becomes clear that only the person who really loves this profession can become a nurse.

If you are ambitious and think that you can help sick people not only in treatment or manipulation rooms, but also at the post, for example, of the head nurse, who is responsible for the competent organization of the work of all junior and secondary medical personnel in medical institution, then you have a direct road to the faculty of higher nursing education at a medical university.

Well, to make it easier for you to decide on the choice of a place of study, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the TOP-5 best medical schools in Russia on the basis of which the training of nurses is carried out:

  • St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P. Pavlova;
  • First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov;
  • Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky;
  • Miass Medical College;
  • Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.

On the eve of the International women's day we talked with the chief nurse of the Saratov city hospital No. 6 named after academician V.N. Koshelev Zoya Kuryshova about everything related to the work of beautiful ladies. And also: the attitude of patients, the modern realities of medicine in the style of “Knew where they were going!”, salaries and the prospects for effective cooperation between doctors and patients. Zoya Pavlovna devoted about 30 years to her work, was awarded the badge "Excellent Health Worker" and cannot imagine life without a hospital, her colleagues and wards.

- Zoya Pavlovna, let's start with you. How did you get into medicine?

- In the city where I was born and raised, there is a branch of the medical school. My mother's friend worked there as a teacher, and I, imperceptibly for myself, also became interested. I came and listened to lectures. She loved to visit her older friend, who studied there, to look at all this beauty: syringes, ampoules, first aid kits. A white coat, medical caps - everything caused a sacred awe. Therefore, the decision to become a nurse became a matter of course. Although there were no doctors in my family and there are still none. And for all these years I have only established myself in the fact that I have chosen the right profession.

What do you need to do to become a head nurse?

- First you need to work and love your job. I graduated from a medical school in 1988 and came to the 6th city hospital for distribution. I ended up in the emergency department - this is an outpost of a medical facility. Adaptation is different for everyone, which primarily depends on the team. I was lucky: our older sister was Zhiganova Olga Nikolaevna, a very serious woman, demanding. The setting was such that all household chores remain outside the gates, you come to work to work, and not to drink tea, you can’t relax. This approach has since become a habit. Then there were the departments of planned surgery, traumatology, the post of the head nurse of the operating unit, the Laser Surgery Center. I also worked in a manipulation room, in a dressing room, and was a ward nurse. People think that a nurse is the one who gives the injection, in fact, there are different areas in our work, fortunately, I was able to learn the nuances of almost each of them.

- Do you have a higher nursing education?

– Yes, I graduated with honors from the Institute of Nursing Education at the SSMU already in adulthood. I believe that higher education is necessary for every nurse. To simply work in the department, it is enough, of course, to have secondary specialized education, advanced training courses, but still higher education is not an empty phrase. Training gives a lot of knowledge in the field of management and personnel management. The world is changing and now there are many questions in the field of medical psychology, ethics and deontology.

- What do you have in mind?

- Let's start simple. Previously, there were no cell phones, but now everyone, from young to old, has gadgets. The nurse should not be at the workplace with the phone in her arms, there should be no unnecessary conversations, SMS correspondence that are not relevant. But the hospital is not a military organization, and there is no direct ban on phones. The employee himself must be aware that the discussion of personal matters in front of patients is unacceptable. How to achieve this?

How to ensure that professional burnout does not occur in people, their attitude towards patients does not change? The work is nervous, and it happens that after three years a person begins to hate everything around. What to do? These are topical questions for many physicians. And I see the future in the creation of psychological help rooms for them. A clinical psychologist is always available to our patients, but there is no such thing for the hospital staff yet. Although the load is extreme. Many have a work schedule, as in a joke: “If you work for a rate, then you have nothing, but if you have two, that is, there is no time.” People want to earn more money exhausted mentally and physically. Someone has to support them. You won’t earn all the money, and medicine is not the area where you can become an oligarch. But because of this, you should not hate the whole world. We ourselves chose this profession. I believe that you need to work out at least a year in this area and draw clear conclusions - is it yours or not. If not, then quit and never return to medicine. And those who linger and feel that their life is here, they need help. The turning point comes somewhere in 5 years, when you can really get tired and disappointed in people. This is where a psychologist is needed. Who will help us if not us?

- And who helped you?

– I guess I’m my own psychologist (laughs, – Note Aut.). I manage to shift the angle of view and not dwell on the bad. Take the same wages. Many are indignant - there is a lot of work, but there is nothing to live on. Wait, was there less work five years ago? No, just the same. Was the salary higher? No, it was 3 times less. So why did they work with pleasure then, but now we don’t want to? Prices have not increased 5 times, now many have the opportunity to take out a mortgage, buy a car, a fur coat, go on vacation abroad. Let it be on credit, but there is an opportunity to pay it back. Yes, we can't waste money left and right. But medicine is not a business, and not all people can be businessmen. Doctors have an average salary in the country, so there is no need to trample ourselves into the dirt - we are not the poorest segment of the population.

“Then why is there so much discontent?” Features of psychology?

- I think that now everyone is watching the Internet, TV, society is hyper-informed. But instead of looking at the work of an ordinary person, seeing his achievements, we see yachts, palaces, entertainment. And it seems that here they are - they do nothing and everyone has it, and here we lay our lives on the altar, but we have a gulkin nose. But there is no need to look into someone else's pocket, condemn someone else's success, wait for money from heaven.

"Knew where they were going!"

- Do you support the frequent expression addressed to doctors “You knew where you were going” and the hint that all difficulties must be endured in silence?

- Responsibility should not be removed from patients: people go into medicine not to be rude or humiliated. Previously, the health worker was a respected person, now it is the attendants. But we cannot be considered service staff, I think the word "medical support" is more suitable here. When we hear about “attendants” on rounds, it hurts. Helping and serving are two different things. Patients have greatly changed their outlook and attitude towards doctors, too. The opinion that they are grabbers and do not work without a bribe does not inspire joy.

- Maybe the doctors themselves compromised themselves?

- The world as a whole has changed, the mentality, the level of requests. Some patients believe that “if I give money, they will cure me right away.” Others think - but I will not give anything, they must treat me like that. But if other people did not give money, then there would be no such discrepancies at all. The issue of wages is controlled by the state, that is, the relevant legislation. Why provoke and then complain? Therefore, I say that everyone needs a psychologist: both doctors and patients. To avoid internal conflicts. Now this role is taken over by the hospital administration. We have to maneuver so as not to offend anyone.

What are the patients complaining about?

- The last case - a patient comes and says: “I am not being treated and the doctor is not suitable. Some one system is being dripped, and the doctor has been only 3 times.” I clarify: that is, there is no daily medical round, and no one comes to you? No, he says he does. First in the morning, then in the evening. But you understand that this is not enough for her? A person wants an individual approach, but he forgot that there are 60 people in the department and the doctor does not have time to sit at the bedside of each patient. She remembers only those moments when he explained something to her for a long time. The rest of the time I feel abandoned and forgotten. Therefore, my task is to explain what a doctor does during the day, what a nurse does, what their duties are, and to calm the person. People may simply not know the organization of work in the hospital, they may represent it somehow in their own way.

- By the way, you can also hear from patients: “Nurses do nothing, they only drink tea!”

Such impatience is also understandable. When something is urgently needed, the patient runs to the nurses, looks for them in the rest room, sees that they are drinking tea, and automatically thinks that every time something important happens, they are busy with the wrong thing. Or you are in a hurry somewhere, come to a stop, and there the drivers stand smoking by the buses and do not go anywhere. And you need! And now 10 minutes have passed, and it seems to you - an hour! And they have an interval between trips of 12 minutes. But even those two minutes feel like an eternity. Although in fact everything is in working order. Responsibilities are also distributed between nurses: someone drinks tea, someone works. If the situation is urgent, then there is no time for tea at all. I understand that patients want their sisters to be by the bed all day, but, unfortunately, health workers are not robots, and they also sometimes need to eat, drink, and go to the toilet. They are on duty in the hospital for days.

- You, as the head nurse, do not have direct contact with patients?

No, but I remember that time very well. Communication with patients energizes the work. When you see that patients are recovering and happy, this is happiness. Recently, my grandmother, a former patient, called me to wish me a happy new year. 20 years have passed! And she remembers me and thanks! Is this not happiness? Most of the time spent with patients, of course, nurses and nurses. Senior nurses monitor their work and order in the department. If there is any conflict, they resolve it on the spot. I, as the head nurse, are called upon to monitor the entire system as a whole so that it works like clockwork, and there are as few people dissatisfied with each other - both patients and doctors.

- Nursing teams, by and large, are female. Are women harder to work with than men?

- It is more difficult, because everything needs to be done with an eye on yourself. You are an example, and any oversight will be immediately noticed. Starting with how you look, where and with whom you rest, what car you came in, what earrings you put on. It is undesirable to stand out. A nurse, first of all, should look modest and aesthetically pleasing, observe the rules of decency. If I walk in feathers and rhinestones, I doubt that this will cause respect.

What if there are other nurses? Can patients complain about this?

- This is in principle unacceptable, the medical staff has a strictly defined uniform and requirements for appearance. No cleavage, short robes, bright makeup, long nails. We come here to work, not to flaunt like on the podium. I understand that the image of a nurse is a little sexualized, it has gone from time immemorial, when nurses were the only women in men's teams. White is the color of purity and purity, it adorns a woman, and if someone likes her, that's fine. But this image should not be misinterpreted.

How do you feel about personal relationships at work?

- All personal relationships at work should be behind her gates. There are marriages between doctors, but this is a personal matter for everyone. In order to get married, one short dressing gown is not enough, you need to be an intelligent, interesting person, a good and diligent worker. Entire medical dynasties then grow from such families.

What do you think is the ideal nurse?

- In fact, everything is spelled out in the job description. As for personal qualities... A person should be positively disposed towards his work, be able to find mutual understanding with patients and doctors, and be a good performer. You can not be malicious, or vice versa too soft. When you see that someone is trying to impose their incompetent opinion on you, you need to be able to refuse these requests. You should not be too imbued with the pain of others and take this burden home. Sympathize - yes, but do not cry with everyone. You need to be able to abstract. It gets difficult. Especially when there are people next to you who cherish the hope of recovery, and you know that the end is near and there is nothing to help. Therefore, psychology is so important for each of us - to be able to adapt to people, circumstances, not burn out, to select the right tone for communication. People are different, you can just stroke someone on the arm and it will make him feel better, and someone to say sharply: stop the tantrum! And at the same time not to be affected.

– What advice can you give to patients: what complaints and suggestions should be addressed to the head nurse?

– Patients can apply with any complaints. The most important thing is to decide on its essence and the final addressee, who needs to be held accountable. When it comes to legal issues - one thing, the quality of food - another. Washing the floors is the third. If the picture of the disease is not clear - the fourth. Not every person immediately understands how a medical institution functions, who is responsible for what. Suppose the doctor says: the results of the study are such and such, the treatment is prescribed adequately. The patient to the nurse - what was prescribed to me? She names drugs. He is on google. He reads the descriptions, as a result, does not understand why he was prescribed this, panics, believes that the nurse and the doctor are bad. And the only problem is that he was not explained about comorbid diseases, a complex of treatment. And the only thing to do if trust is lost is to contact the head of the department, who will sort everything out. It is important to find a common language with everyone so that the stay of patients in the hospital is comfortable, the treatment is effective, and the work of the staff is equally pleasant for both parties.

Interviewed by Victoria Fedorova, Saratov

Nurse- This is a medical worker with a secondary specialized education and related to the nursing staff. She is an important assistant to the doctor in any medical institution. The duties of a nurse include the implementation of the nursing process and the implementation of medical appointments.

Positions of nurses

Nurses, depending on the profile of the work performed, are divided into:

  • The head nurse has a higher medical education, obtained at the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education of Medical Universities. She supervises the work of junior and middle medical staff.
  • The senior nurse is the main assistant to the head of the department in solving administrative and economic issues. Her responsibilities include supervising the work of the middle and junior medical staff of the department.
  • Guard or ward nurse - monitors the condition of patients and provides care for them, as well as fulfills the appointment of a ward doctor. Feeding bedridden patients is also the responsibility of the nurse.
  • Procedural nurse - according to the doctor's prescription, performs intravenous infusions and injections, takes venous blood for laboratory research assists the doctor in performing medical manipulations.
  • Operating nurse - prepares underwear, instruments, suture and dressing material for the operation. Responsible for maintaining asepsis and antisepsis in the operating room. Helps surgeons during surgery.
  • The nurse is an anesthetist. Helps the anesthesiologist to provide anesthesia care for various surgical interventions. Carries out registration and write-off of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
  • District nurse - while receiving patients, the doctor helps him, performs medical procedures prescribed by the district doctor at home. Directly involved in the implementation of various preventive measures.
  • A dietitian (dietary nurse) - works under the guidance of a dietitian. She is responsible for the quality and organization medical nutrition, supervises the distribution of food, composes the menu. In addition, she is obliged to control the sanitary condition of the dining room for the sick and the catering unit.
  • Nurses working with doctors of narrow specialties (with a neuropathologist, otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, etc.)

In accordance with the job descriptions, the nurse has the right not only to give orders to nurses, barmaids, and the hostess, but also to control their implementation.

Responsibilities of the Senior Nurse

Cleanliness and comfort in the department, the style of work of middle and junior medical staff, and the culture of patient care largely depend on the work of the head nurse. In her official duties includes:

  • Implementation of rational placement and use of junior and middle medical staff, scheduling of duty and vacations;
  • Ensuring a clear rhythm of the work of the treatment and dressing rooms;
  • Control over compliance with labor discipline by employees subordinate to her, timeliness of fulfillment of medical appointments;
  • Keeping records of the use and expenditure of dressings, bacterial preparations, medicines and medical instruments;
  • Accounting and storage of potent and narcotic drugs;
  • Maintaining medical records;
  • Assistance in the introduction of the scientific organization of labor;
  • Drawing up plans for advanced training of nurses of the department, organization and control of their implementation.

Job description of a nurse

The duties of a nurse include:

  • Implementation of all stages of the nursing process. This includes conducting an initial assessment of the patient's health status, interpreting the data obtained, drawing up an individual care plan and assessing the result achieved.
  • High-quality and timely implementation of all medical, diagnostic and preventive procedures prescribed by the doctor.
  • Assistance to the doctor during minor operations or medical and diagnostic manipulations in the conditions of both a hospital and an outpatient clinic.
  • Provision of first aid emergency in case of catastrophes, accidents and acute diseases with the subsequent referral of the patient to a medical institution or a call to a doctor.
  • Self-administration of drugs for anaphylactic shock or other life-threatening conditions in case of impossibility of timely arrival of a doctor. Special instructions for nurses describe in detail the procedure for their actions in extreme situations.
  • Reporting to the head of the department, ward or on-call doctor about all complications in patients arising from medical manipulations.
  • Reporting to the head, ward or duty doctor about violations by patients of the internal regulations of the medical institution.
  • Ensuring proper storage, accounting and write-off of medicines. Control of medication intake by patients.
  • Maintenance of medical records approved by higher organizations.

A nurse (in the male version: a nurse) is a specialist with a specialized secondary medical education who helps the doctor, provides pre-medical medical care, performs many tasks for the needs of a medical institution.

Depending on the doctor of which specialty the nurse is assigned, she performs various auxiliary functions: collecting tests, performing injection prescriptions, droppers, changing linen, organizing medical nutrition, preparing surgical instruments, filling out medical documents.

The nurse is engaged in medical procedures, monitors the well-being of patients, distributes medicines, observing their dosage prescribed by the doctor, keeps records of medical equipment, controls the timing of the technical inspection of medical equipment, and submits documents for registration.

The profession of a nurse is designed to facilitate the work of a doctor, to free up his time for receiving patients and performing professional duties.

The nurse facilitates the work of the doctor, frees up his time for receiving patients and performing professional duties.

Nursing Specializations

There are many specializations of professions:

  • chief nurse supervises the work of all nurses, fulfills requests for the purchase of medicines, dressings, other medical supplies, and also draws up a schedule of duty and vacations for nurses, monitors the material and technical equipment of the hospital. She must have a high school diploma.
  • Senior nurse helps the head of the department, is responsible for the order in the department, controls the nurses and nurses subordinate to her.
  • junior nurse takes care of patients, follows the instructions of senior colleagues.
  • post nurse Responsible for the implementation of doctor's prescriptions, controls medication, visits to relatives.
  • Charge nurse monitors the condition of patients in the wards of ordinary and intensive care, is responsible for compliance with bed rest, diet, measures arterial pressure, pulse, respiratory rate.
  • procedural nurse works in the treatment room, makes injections, droppers, medical manipulations prescribed by the doctor (nebulizer, aspirator), collects analyzes and sends them to the laboratory.
  • operating room nurse assists the surgeon before, during and after the operation: prepares instruments, assists during surgery, counts the instruments and dressings used during the operation.
  • surgical nurse works in the surgical department, in the dressing room, makes dressings, removes sutures, assists the surgeon in minor surgical interventions (opening a boil, placing a catheter, drainage).
  • laboratory nurse accepts biological material and performs manipulations as directed by the doctor.
  • Patronage Nurse monitors the condition of the newborn after his discharge from the maternity hospital, monitors compliance with the schedule of vaccinations and examinations of the baby by narrow specialists.
  • Gerontological nurse works in a nursing home, in the gerontology department of a medical organization, helps the elderly maintain their health, follows the recommendations of a doctor.
  • school nurse(or a pre-school child care institution) monitors the condition of children, admits them to classes after a disease, conducts hardening measures, preventive examinations, performs vaccinations and medical tests, appoints quarantine if infections are detected, gives a diversion from physical education or sports competitions for health reasons.

There are also nurses at specialized departments - physiotherapy, exercise therapy, dental and other offices.

The school nurse monitors the condition of children, conducts preventive examinations, performs vaccinations and medical tests.

Places of work

Nurses work in polyclinics and hospitals, in schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums, rest homes, hospices, maternity hospitals, military hospitals, places of detention and many other institutions.

History of the profession

The Sisters of Mercy trace their genealogy back to the 11th century, when in Europe, on the basis of monasteries, the first women's communities began to appear, in which they cared for physically suffering patients. In the 13th century, the first orphanage was opened, where orphans and abandoned children were nursed. Then the sisters of mercy began to help the wounded, a little later they took responsibility for those with leprosy. Officially, the birth of the first community of sisters of mercy dates back to 1641 - then the first school was created to train women in this profession.

In Rus', sisters of mercy have been officially known since 1863, when the Ministry of War issued a decree on the creation nursing care for the wounded on an ongoing basis. Since 1997, nurses in Russia have received an official code of ethics for communicating with patients.

Sisters of mercy of the Omsk military hospital during the First World War. 1915

Responsibilities of a nurse

The main duties of a nurse are:

  • Pre-medical care.
  • Patient care.
  • Assistance to doctors, sterilization of instruments.
  • Collection of biological material for research.
  • Fulfillment of medical orders.
  • Management of junior medical staff.
  • Disposal of medical waste.
  • Records management.

Requirements for a nurse

The main requirements for a nurse are as follows:

  • Higher medical or secondary medical education, a valid certificate in nursing.
  • PC skills.
  • Performance and courtesy.

The duties of a nurse include the collection of biological material for research, as well as the execution of medical appointments.

How to become a nurse

To become a nurse, you need:

  1. Graduate from a university (faculty of higher nursing education) or a medical school / college with a degree in Nursing.
  2. Receive a certificate along with a diploma for the right to self-employment.
  3. To be eligible to work as a subspecialty nurse, you must complete advanced training courses.

Nurse's salary

The spread of income is large: a nurse receives from 15,000 to 80,000 rubles a month. The most demanded and paid profession is in large cities and in the Far North (a vacancy for a nurse with a salary of 80,000 rubles per month was found in the Yamalo-Nenets District). The work of a nurse at home is paid by agreement.

The average salary of a nurse is about 27,000 rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

Medical University Innovation and Development invites you to take distance courses for retraining or advanced training in the direction of "" with a diploma or state certificate. Training lasts from 16 to 2700 hours, depending on the program and your level of preparation.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) teaches in the specialization "" and issues a diploma and a certificate.

Nurse(nurse) - a specialist in the field of nursing, a professional assistant to the attending physician. The male version of the profession - nurse. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A doctor or paramedic examines the patient and prescribes treatment, someone must fulfill these appointments: give injections, put droppers, bandage a wound, give medicine, check the temperature, etc. All this is done by a nurse (or nurse) - a specialist from among the nursing staff. Often a nurse communicates with patients even more than a doctor. And the success of the treatment depends on her skill.

The specific set of duties of a nurse depends on the place of work. For example, in a polyclinic, a nurse can help the doctor see patients. This district nurse. She monitors the delivery of outpatient patient cards from the registry (they keep case histories); receives test results and conclusions in the laboratory and X-ray room; makes sure that the doctor always has sterile instruments and the necessary preparations at hand.

In anti-tuberculosis, dermatovenerological, neuropsychiatric dispensaries, as well as in women's and children's consultations, patronage nurses. Patronage (from French patronage - patronage, guardianship) means that medical procedures are carried out at home. Patronage nurses go to patients at home and give them injections, dressings, measure pressure, etc.

Nursein the physiotherapy room conducts medical procedures with the help of special devices: UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis, etc.

procedural nurse makes injections (including intravenous), takes blood from a vein, puts droppers. All these are very difficult procedures - they require high qualifications and impeccable skills. Especially if the procedural nurse works in a hospital where severe patients can also lie.

Charge nurse- distributes medicines, puts compresses, banks, enemas, makes injections. It also measures temperature, pressure and reports to the attending physician about the well-being of each patient. And if necessary, the nurse provides emergency care(for example, fainting or bleeding).

The health of each patient depends on the work of the ward nurse. Especially if it's a seriously ill patient. In good hospitals, ward nurses (with the help of junior nurses and nurses) take care of weak patients: they feed, wash, change clothes, make sure that there are no bedsores.

A ward nurse has no right to be careless or forgetful. Unfortunately, the work of a ward nurse involves night shifts. This is bad for health.

operating room nurse assists the surgeon and is responsible for the constant readiness of the operating room for work. This is perhaps the most responsible nursing position. And the most favorite among those who at least had a little time to work on operations. Sister prepares everything for a future operation necessary tools, dressings and suture materials, ensures their sterility, checks the serviceability of the equipment. And during the operation, he assists the doctor, supplies tools and materials. The success of the operation depends on the coherence of the actions of the doctor and the nurse. This work requires not only good knowledge and skills, but also reaction speed and strong nervous system. As well as good health: like a surgeon, a nurse has to stand on her feet throughout the operation. If the patient needs dressings after the operation, they are also done by the operating room nurse.

For sterilization, instruments are referred to sterilization department. The nurse working there is managed with special equipment: steam, ultraviolet chambers, autoclaves, etc.

Head nurse supervises the work of all nurses in a hospital or polyclinic department. She draws up duty schedules, monitors the sanitary condition of the premises, is responsible for household and medical supplies, for the maintenance and safety of medical instruments and devices. In addition to their own medical duties, nurses have to keep records, the head nurse also monitors this. She also supervises the work of junior medical personnel (orderlies, nurses, nurses, etc.). To do this qualitatively, the head nurse must know the specifics of the department's work to the smallest detail.

junior nurse takes care of the sick: changes clothes, feeds, helps to move bedridden patients inside the hospital. Her duties are similar to those of a nurse, and her medical education is limited to short courses.

This is far from complete list nursing options. Each has its own specifics. They are united by the fact that, although a nurse is considered a doctor's assistant, the main goal of a nurse's work is to help sick people. Such work brings moral satisfaction, especially if it is work in a hospital. But it is also very hard work, even if you love it very much. There is no time for smoke breaks and thoughtfulness in the middle of the working day. The most difficult are the departments in which operations are performed and where emergency patients arrive. These are surgery, traumatology, otolaryngology.


Nursing has several career options. It is possible, while remaining in the same position, to improve your qualifications and receive an appropriate salary increase. Another option is administrative: you can become the head nurse of a department or even a hospital. The third option is to continue your education and become a doctor.

But why "sister"?

The fact is that the first nurses appeared under the auspices of the church. And the word "sister" meant kinship not by blood, but by spirituality.

In the 11th century, communities of women and girls appeared in the Netherlands, Germany and other countries to care for the sick. In the XIII century, Countess Elisabeth of Thuringia, later canonized, built a hospital at her own expense, and also organized a shelter for foundlings and orphans, and she herself worked in it. In her honor, the Catholic community of Elizabethans was founded. In peacetime, sister nuns cared only for sick women, and in wartime, they also looked after wounded soldiers. They also cared for those with leprosy.

In 1617 in France, the priest Vincent Paul organized the first community of sisters of mercy. He first proposed this name - "sister of mercy", "elder sister". The community consisted of widows and maidens who were not nuns and did not take any permanent vows. The community was headed by Louise de Marillac, who organized a special school for the training of sisters of mercy and nurses.

Similar communities began to be created in France, the Netherlands, Poland and other countries. By the middle of the 19th century, there were already about 16 thousand sisters of mercy in Western Europe.

In Russia, the profession of a nurse appeared in 1863. Then the order of the Minister of War was issued on the introduction, by agreement with the Exaltation of the Cross community, of permanent nursing care for patients in military hospitals.


Nurses and nurses work in hospitals, polyclinics, maternity hospitals, private clinics, children's institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes.

Important qualities

The former name of this profession is "sister of mercy". Mercy and sympathy for someone else's pain is one of the most important qualities of a nurse. This must be accompanied by care, accuracy and responsibility. Good coordination of movements is also important (this is especially important for operating rooms, procedural, ward nurses), good memory, and the desire for professional growth. Good health and stamina. Allergies to certain drugs can be an obstacle to work. For example, an operating room nurse cannot assist in operations if disinfectant vapors cause her to cough. But in the profession of a nurse, there is such a vast field of activity that you can simply move to another job.


Salary as of 12/11/2019

Russia 15000—35000 ₽

Moscow 28000—60000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

The nurse must have an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, be able to provide urgent first aid, perform the necessary medical manipulations, ensure infectious safety, and keep records.

Where to study for a Nurse (nurse)

To work as a nurse, you need a secondary medical education. It can be obtained from a medical school or college. Many specializations require additional training. For example, in order to treat people in a physiotherapy room, you need to undergo special training in working with all devices.

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