Breast nipples hurt after menopause. The nature, diagnosis and treatment of chest pain in menopause

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Due to constant fluctuations in hormonal levels, pain can be divided into:

  • cyclical in which there is a constant unpleasant sensation in the chest and nipples;
  • sharp;
  • oppressive;
  • sharp, in which there are sharp tingling and stabbing sensations in the nipples.

During such painful attacks, a woman may lose sexual desire, feel a breakdown. As an option, it appears, libido decreases, problems with the genitourinary system may arise, frequent, itching and burning of the genital organs are diagnosed due to thrush, and.

Why do breasts and nipples hurt? This is a very frequently asked question. And all because the mammary gland is subject to changes in hormonal levels. A low concentration of estrogen is manifested by painful sensations in the chest.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative methods also help relieve pain during menopause.

Here are some helpful recipes:

  • the main means is cabbage leaf compress. Its very easy to use. You just need to grease the sheet with honey or butter and attach it to your chest. You can do such manipulations at night, and in the morning just wipe your chest with a clean napkin. The result comes after 2-3 applications.
  • If the first option doesn't work for you, you can grind the leaf into gruel and make a compress, which is applied to the chest for 2 hours, wrapped with a bandage.
  • recommended to do various tinctures and decoctions, which can be prepared from pumpkin or beets.
  • if compresses are not suitable, you can make a homemade ointment from ground flax seeds and butter.
  • you can also rub your breasts calendula oil, which soothes and relieves the inflammatory process. The oil should be applied to the areola of the nipples in a small amount and left for several hours.

All folk remedies have their own positive effect, but they require regular use for several months. None of them will eliminate the symptoms in a few applications.

It is worth consulting a doctor before using, because folk methods treatment in some cases can cause complications.

Pain relievers

Medicines, various biological supplements and painkillers should only be prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to take any drugs on your own.

To eliminate pain in the mammary gland during menopause, you can use different painkillers.

It could be:

  • Paracetam;
  • Ibuprofen.

Main, tell your doctor about taking these drugs.

Experts do not recommend the use of long-term drugs containing antibiotics, as they can aggravate the situation.

Food supplements include:

  • fatty acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • linoleic acid;
  • vitamin B6.

They will help relieve the inflammatory process, and thereby reduce pain. These additives can be used if you do not have hypersensitivity to the main active ingredients.

In addition, you can take medicinal fees based on herbs, for example:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • celandine;
  • plantain.


The main thing is to observe the dosage and carefully monitor your well-being while taking herbal preparations.

Depending on the condition and level of menopause, the doctor himself may prescribe medications, antibiotics and may even recommend inpatient treatment.


Menopause is a very serious stage in the life of every woman.

With the help of various medications, pain in the chest can be avoided. But it is worth remembering that need to see a doctor regularly

Women during menopause are often worried about chest pains, as well as soreness affecting the nipples and their areola. After 45 years, many people have a logical question about whether pain can be an early symptom of a tumor or other dangerous disease.

What is this

Menopause is a difficult time for the female body. At this time, a number of important physiological hormones cease to be produced, because of which the body undergoes stress and undergoes slow changes.

During menopause, the female reproductive function comes to naught, which is why women need to see doctors more often due to health problems.

Despite the need for observation by a professional, a woman should remember that changes in the body during menopause are the norm.

If your nipples hurt or mammary glands during menopause - this is an ordinary phenomenon that accompanies many women.

The chest during menopause usually hurts in the same way as it hurt before ovulation. That is, the pain is cyclical. However, if the woman did not suffer from chest pains as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, then the pains can appear at random times, as well as swelling affecting the nipples.

Sometimes the feeling of soreness is so strong that it significantly affects life in general, but this happens quite rarely.

The most common characteristics of pain experienced by physicians are as follows:

  • No specific location of soreness.
  • There is a burning sensation.
  • As if something is squeezing the chest and making it difficult to breathe.
  • The pain affects only the nipples, they can become very sensitive, they swell.

Additional symptoms

In addition to soreness in the mammary glands, the onset of menopause can also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Women need to remember that the chest can hurt locally, and then you need to be wary. If the pain is not diffuse, but has a clear location, this may indicate the development of a cyst or neoplasm, and this is a reason to consult a doctor.

If it is not possible to clearly determine the place where it hurts, then everything is not so scary. However, this does not mean that you should not visit a doctor for prevention purposes.

The time of menopause is stress for the whole organism, when there are severe disruptions throughout the body and many chronic pathologies appear that a woman could not even suspect before.

Also, the reason for contacting a doctor is the release of any liquid from the nipples. For menopause, such a symptom is not typical, especially if the discharge is green or yellow and has an unpleasant odor. But it serves as evidence of a number of other serious pathologies.

What causes pain

The reasons why the mammary glands hurt during menopause are very obvious.

In the body, there is a change in the balance between a number of the most important hormonal substances in a woman's life and in her reproductive period: production of estrogen and progesterone is declining.

Actually, these same reasons usually explain the appearance of pain during ovulation, during the period of bearing a child, after the completion of the breastfeeding process.

The female body is generally very susceptible to hormonal fluctuations, which women usually feel more strongly than men.

The response to changes in hormone levels is individual for each individual woman. Someone may complain of discomfort and swelling at a time when there is an increase in progesterone, and for someone these unpleasant symptoms are caught during an increase in estrogen in the blood. There may be a reverse situation, that is, a reaction to a decrease in a particular hormone in the blood.

In addition to changes in the hormonal background, the sensitivity of the female breast can be influenced by such a parameter as the balance of fatty acids. If the delicate balance between these substances is disturbed, swelling may occur. mammary glands, sore nipples, other unpleasant symptoms appear.

Another reason explaining this unpleasant feeling is emotional overload and the effect of stress on the body, which, due to menopause, has become especially sensitive to such changes.

How to fight

In general, pain in menopause is not treatable. You can, of course, after consulting with your doctor, pick up painkillers, but there is no guarantee that this will help. Women are prescribed painkillers for soreness in the mammary glands in response to menopause only when the pain seriously disrupts the usual rhythm of life, for example, interfering with sleep.

To relieve symptoms, your doctor may recommend:

  • Seek help from a massage therapist or independently massage the mammary glands.
  • Choose the right underwear, paying attention not only to the size, but also to the material from which it is made.
  • Carefully observe hygiene procedures.
  • Do small compresses with cold or take a contrast shower.

Do I need to go to the doctor

  • Conducting a mammogram
  • Correction of previously prescribed drugs.
  • Adjustment diet food based on the needs of the woman.

Regular visits to the doctor will help a woman in the early stages to diagnose any pathology of the mammary glands and engage in timely treatment.

This is especially important in relation to such a dangerous disease as cancer. It is he who most often affects women in menopause and represents the greatest danger of all diseases of the mammary glands.

One of the main symptoms of menopause is pain that can appear in different parts of the body. Most often, the chest hurts during menopause as a result of hormonal changes that have occurred in female body. However, in some cases, this phenomenon may be a symptom of serious pathological changes.


Possible causes of pain

Why do breasts hurt during menopause? The point is that she is strong influence sex hormones. And during menopause, the reproductive functions of a woman are indicated, and the ovaries produce fewer hormones. A change in the hormonal balance negatively affects the condition of the breast, its soreness appears. Moreover, some easily tolerate this symptom, while for other women the pain becomes simply unbearable.

Pain in the mammary glands with menopause appears for other reasons. So, its occurrence is provoked by the following factors:

  • Mastopathy. This is a disease caused by a change in the composition of fatty acids. The breast consists of adipose tissue, so if the fat balance is disturbed, problems appear. In the case of mastopathy, a woman experiences mild aching pain in the breast during menopause.
  • Osteochondrosis. If a woman had diseases of the musculoskeletal system before the onset of menopause, then during menopause they progress. Due to violations in the area thoracic of the spine, a woman may experience slight pain in the mammary glands. In addition, a clear liquid is released from the nipples, there is a slight swelling of the breast.
  • Stress. During menopause, the emotional state of a woman changes, she becomes irritable and tearful. As a result, the flow of chemical reactions in all tissues of the body, including the chest, is disrupted.
  • Postponed operations in the chest area. Even surgical intervention was carried out for a long time, scars react to hormonal changes more strongly than healthy tissues.
  • Any medication. By the age of 50, most women regularly take medication - for headaches, pressure, and the like. They also negatively affect the course of chemical reactions in the body.
  • Bad habits. Due to smoking, the volume of adipose tissue increases, and the blood supply to the body is also disturbed. Due to the lack of oxygen in the cells, metabolism is disturbed.
  • Pregnancy. It is not worth excluding conception during menopause, because the reproductive function of a woman will completely fade away only a year after the last menstruation. Therefore, if the nipples hurt during menopause, you should definitely take a pregnancy test.

As a rule, chest pain during menopause is not constant, but occurs periodically. Moreover, it can be cyclic (observed at the same time, for example, in the morning) and non-cyclic (it can appear at any time).

How to alleviate the condition?

If the mammary glands hurt during menopause, and this brings discomfort to a woman, there are several ways to get rid of discomfort. Any medications can only be taken as directed by a doctor.

Use of medicines

You can reduce discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands by using such medicines:

  • Ibuprofen. It is a non-steroidal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. It is shown to reduce pain in various diseases, does not affect the progression of pathology. It is not recommended to take people with renal or hepatic insufficiency, intestinal diseases, individual intolerance to the components. Cost - from 16 rubles per pack.
  • Mastodinon. Indicated for women with premenstrual syndrome, fibrocystic mastopathy and in violation of the menstrual cycle. Not used to treat malignant diseases. Price - from 500 rubles for 60 tablets.
  • Bromocriptine. It is used for more severe chest pain, when the mammary glands are very tense. It should not be taken by people with low blood pressure. It should also be borne in mind that the drug has a sedative effect, therefore, after taking it, a decrease in working capacity is possible. The cost of the drug is from 250 rubles for 30 tablets.

During premenopause, a doctor may also prescribe a combination oral contraceptive pill (COC) for a woman. They stabilize the hormonal balance in the body, reducing the soreness of the mammary glands.

Reception of phytocollections

Treatment with medications can be combined with the use of medicinal herbs. As a rule, the duration of the course of phytotherapy is 2-3 months. After that, a two-week break is taken, after which the herbal intake is repeated. Moreover, they can be collected independently or purchased at a pharmacy at a low price. For treatment, you can use the following recipes:

  • Take 1 tbsp. linden, birch leaf, marigold flowers, nettle, dandelion leaves and red rowan fruits. All plants are mixed, and then pour 2 tbsp. collection of 500 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to insist in a thermos all night. Then the agent is filtered and taken half a cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Mix in the same amount of raspberry and plantain leaves. Add chamomile and calendula flowers, as well as red rowan and rose hips. Take 4 tbsp. prepared mixture and pour them with a liter of boiling water. Insist all night, filter in the morning and take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
  • Dry leaves of dandelion, nettle, hogweed are mixed. Burdock root, dill seeds and hawthorn fruits are added to them. Take 3 tbsp. prepared mixture and pour 800 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos until completely cooled. Take half a glass 3 times a day.

If the breast is swollen, you can grate red beets. At night, it is applied to the mammary glands and wrapped with cling film. The course of therapy using this tool is 1 month.

In order for premenopause and menopause to proceed almost asymptomatically, a woman should change her lifestyle. For this you need:

  • Daily walk in the fresh air for 30-60 minutes.
  • Stop wearing overly tight clothes that squeeze your chest. When exercising, wear a supportive bra.
  • Eat foods that are low in fat.
  • Reduce salt intake, which retains excess water in the body.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Following these tips during menopause will not only reduce chest pain, but also reduce the manifestations of menopause - hot flashes, headaches, and others.

In what cases may medical attention be required?

If the size of the mammary gland increases during menopause, you need to beware. Normally, breast growth continues only up to 20-25 years. However, if a woman has recovered, then the mammary glands should also change. Another thing is when the changes affected only one breast. In addition, in older women, adipose tissue is replaced by connective tissue, leading to a slight increase in the organ.

However, during menopause, you need to especially carefully monitor your breasts. If it has increased in size and hurts, it is possible that a cyst has appeared in the chest or even a malignant tumor. Purulent discharge from the nipple bad smell can also signal the onset of a cancerous process. Therefore, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist 2 times a year.

Before menopause and with the advent of menopause, pronounced changes occur in the female body due to the cessation of the ovaries and a decrease in the level of female sex hormones in the blood. In the mammary glands, involutive processes begin, leading to a complete loss of lactation function. When the chest hurts with menopause, you need to see a doctor to find out if this is the result of age-related changes or a disease.

Breast changes with menopause

Normally, the mammary gland consists of 3 main anatomical structures:

  1. Glandular tissue (milk lobules that produce a secret for feeding the baby);
  2. Fat cells (provide the shape of the breast);
  3. Fibrous tissue (connective tissue frame of the breast).

During menopause, when the influence of female sex hormones is significantly reduced, tissue structures are redistributed with the replacement of milk lobules by fat and fibrous cells. Against the background of age-related changes, soreness in the mammary glands, tingling and discomfort may appear, but in most cases these problems are not dangerous.

But with menopause, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the mammary glands - it cannot be ruled out that under the guise of menopausal restructuring, the formation of benign nodes or a malignant tumor may begin.

Why does the chest hurt with menopause

Cyclic pain in the mammary glands in women before menstruation is due to the influence of hormones that stimulate glandular tissue in the breast. During menopause, when there is no menstruation, and hormonal function loses its cycles, the following factors can become causes of chest pain:

  • age-related structural changes in the mammary glands (involution);
  • an increase in small cysts ();
  • formation benign tumor ( ,);
  • mechanical injury (shock, fall);
  • acute stressful situation;
  • heart disease (angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease);
  • chronic pathology of the lungs;
  • diseases internal organs(liver, kidneys);
  • metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypertension);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • long-term medication.

Most often, in menopause, the chest hurts not due to hormones, but against the background of external influences, anatomical changes or influence. vascular factors(pressure jumps, blood flow to the mammary gland). It is important to pay attention not only to pain. Unpleasant chest symptoms include:

  1. Increase in breast size;
  2. Feeling of pouring mammary glands, as if;
  3. Burning, itching and discharge from the nipples;
  4. Detection of the node (seal in the tissue).

If additional symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to detect a dangerous disease as early as possible.

At the same time, one must understand that pain on the left side of the chest may appear against the background of heart disease or worsening of the course. arterial hypertension, which will require a mandatory consultation with a cardiologist. With the existing chronic pathology of the lungs, liver or kidneys, it is necessary to visit a therapist and doctors of narrow specialties (pulmonologist, hepatologist, nephrologist). Obesity requires consultation with an endocrinologist.

Breast augmentation with menopause

Normally, with age-related involution in menopause, the breast decreases in size. When the mammary gland grows, this is an unfavorable sign indicating the possibility pathological process. Especially dangerous is the asymmetric change in size, when one gland becomes larger than the other. TO possible reasons breast augmentations include:

  • pronounced deposition of fat against the background of general obesity;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • mammary cancer.

In each case, in a woman in menopause, the breast increases by different reasons: it is important not to hesitate, contacting a doctor in time to examine and determine the main factor provoking breast growth.

Discharge from the chest during menopause

Galactorrhea is an unpleasant and dangerous symptom of breast diseases. In menopause, against the background of the cessation of hormonal influences and the replacement of glandular tissue with adipose and fibrous, there should not be any spontaneous discharge from the nipples. When a woman notices that her bra gets dirty from time to time due to discharge from the mammary glands, she should immediately consult a doctor. The following options for discharge from the nipples are possible:

  • transparent;
  • dairy;
  • yellow;
  • bloody.

The situation is especially unpleasant when pain appears or sometimes the chest is filled, increasing in size. These symptoms indicate the possible presence of a tumor of a benign or malignant nature.

Breast nipples hurt with menopause

An important factor in self-diagnosis is regular breast self-examination, which every woman should do monthly. You have to pay attention to the nipples Special attention- most often dangerous diseases and conditions, it is they who will help to notice the pathology in time. Important symptoms include:

  • soreness in the nipples (periodically occurring or constant);
  • mild itching;
  • tingling;
  • slight burning sensation;
  • discharge from the ducts.

These cannot be ignored early signs diseases. It is optimal to immediately consult a doctor and not wait for severe and constant pain in the nipples with obvious burning and itching.

Breasts hurt in menopause - what to do

About 10% of women experience chest pain during menopause, but most often these sensations are due to age-related involutive changes. Every woman needs to know about possible risks oncology or benign tumor, which include:

  • hereditary predisposition (family history of breast cancer in close relatives);
  • any breast surgery;
  • endocrine disorders and diseases;
  • refusal of childbearing and lactation.

The mammary glands in menopause never hurt for no reason, but it is important to distinguish pain involutive and tumor character. The doctor knows what to do, how to detect pathology and determine age-related problems: by contacting a specialist as soon as possible from the onset of chest pain, you can identify the main causes unpleasant symptoms using the following research methods:

  • ultrasound scanning of the mammary glands;
  • a blood test for a tumor marker;
  • microscopy of discharge from the nipples;
  • aspiration biopsy (performed according to indications when a node is found in the chest).

Accurate and timely diagnosis is the basis of successful therapy. Not always required surgery, a significant part of diseases in menopause can be treated with pills. In each case, the mammologist will select the optimal and effective treatment option that will save the woman from unpleasant problems.

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Menopause is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations that cause discomfort to a woman, sometimes pain. Soreness in the mammary glands is noted by almost all women who have entered the period of menopause. Breast pain is caused by a hormonal imbalance. With this problem, you should definitely consult a doctor, because serious pathologies, up to cancer, can also be behind the pain in the glands.

Menopause or pathology: chest pain after forty

The onset of menopause initial stage which sometimes drags on for 5-10 years, a difficult time for many women in emotional and physiological aspects. In addition to a tendency to depression, a decrease in self-esteem, a change in mood towards negativity, a woman during menopause feels many unpleasant symptoms: sweating, hot flashes, discomfort in sexual life. Often, with menopause, the mammary glands hurt, the sensations are often frightening, suggestive of dangerous diseases.

The chest begins to hurt because of the changes that occur during menopause in the body of every woman. This is a completely natural reaction, not always indicative of illness.

But still, pain in the mammary gland in menopause should be a signal. Women over the age of forty should consult a specialist - exclude the onset oncological disease.

Hormonal changes

Any pain in the chest, changes in the structure of tissues are called mastodynia. These symptoms appear with certain changes in the hormonal background. Often pain in the mammary glands during ovulation, on the eve of menstruation; soreness and breast enlargement occurs against the background of gestation, during the production of milk during feeding of the baby. All these changes, like menopausal chest pain, are explained by bursts of hormonal levels in a woman's body.

The question of whether breast pain during menopause is due to hormones or is it a dangerous symptom of pathology visits many older women who are aware that their reproductive abilities are moving in the direction of decreasing and fading. It is the reduction in the number of estrogens in the body that provokes chest pain: the mammary glands begin to decrease, as if to shrink, and swelling occurs in the tissues. It is he who becomes the reason that the chest hurts during menopause.

Soreness of the mammary glands during menopause can occur due to a striking imbalance in the content of some hormones in relation to others. Therefore, a woman in the first stage of menopause does not feel well, she is tormented by unpleasant sensations, including breast pain. There is a pronounced discomfort in the chest, there is a burning sensation or tingling. There may also be such a reaction of the body to menopausal imbalance as swelling of the glands due to a malfunction in the balance of fatty acids. For the same reason, women sometimes notice that their nipples are very sore during menopause.

Diseases of the mammary glands

But there are other reasons that cause breast changes: an increase or decrease in the mammary glands, they can begin to grow, a tingling sensation is recorded inside. If it's not hormones, then why are there such frightening changes during menopause?

During the onset of menopause, a number of different processes are launched in a woman's body, which can become an impetus for the progression of existing diseases, and this is already a good cause for concern.

Against the background of the appearance of such symptoms are often diagnosed:

  1. Heart disease, which is accompanied by pressure in the chest, tingling, tachycardia, shortness of breath, burning in chest. These symptoms have nothing to do with breast pain due to menopause. Such signs should make a woman see a doctor.
  2. Osteoporosis and osteochondrosis. Menopause provokes a lack of hormones necessary for bone tissues, and the rate of its destruction increases. With the progression of these diseases, the chest begins to hurt.
  3. Mastopathy, expressed in the abnormal growth of tissues. It occurs during menopause or outside of this period.
  4. Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. Accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Menopausal pain: symptoms

It is not difficult to distinguish chest pain during menopause from other similar conditions of soreness in the mammary glands, because menopausal pains are not strong, they are not pronounced.

During menopause, breasts may:

  • increase, swell and swell;
  • become more sensitive, especially in the nipples;
  • feel heavy, as if swollen;
  • whine and even burn for a long time;
  • hurt when moving, in a dream, tingle.

With a cyst or tumor, the breasts behave differently than during menopause, and these symptoms do not cause discomfort to all women, as they last a short amount of time. Of course, it happens that hormonal background so unstable, a woman constantly endures similar manifestations of menopause even from simple movements or touches. This can disrupt the sex life and significantly disrupt the emotional state of the woman.

Dangerous signals of pathology

A woman should be alerted not by pain spread over the entire chest, but localized, in a particular place, since this type of pain is often a symptom of cancer. But still, with pain in the mammary glands, one cannot rely only on one's own sensations.

Therefore, despite the intensity of pain in the chest, a woman must definitely consult a specialist during menopause and undergo an examination with him in order to exclude possible pathologies that are not associated with the menopause period. For this, a mammogram is performed. The study will show if there are any changes in the tissues in the mammary glands, such as tumors or cysts.

Upon reaching the age of forty, women are advised to examine their breasts annually in order to diagnose neoplasms in time. In addition to pain, the disease is evidenced by:

  1. External changes in the breast: the skin turns red, darkens, wrinkles.
  2. Changes in the shape of one of the glands: one breast may increase or decrease, look deformed.
  3. Deformation of the nipples: color, appearance.
  4. The appearance of any discharge from the nipples.

These disturbing symptoms are often accompanied by fever, frequent chills. Symptoms such as dizziness, anemia, nausea, shortness of breath, lack of appetite, weakness, and vomiting clearly indicate oncology against the background of soreness of the chest. These are symptoms of intoxication, which appears against the background of breast cancer. The same symptoms are accompanied by a pre-infarction condition, so it is necessary to immediately call emergency care.

In menopause, breast diseases often go along with other pathologies (uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplastic process). In this situation, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

If, when contacting a doctor, menopause is named as the reason why the mammary glands hurt, then the woman is prescribed a course of therapy in order to alleviate this condition and relieve discomfort. Often these are hormonal preparations, which reduce soreness, but at the same time negatively affect the body, causing harm.

There are alternatives to hormone treatment that are less detrimental to the health of the weaker sex. For occasional, uncomfortable breast tenderness, there are a few simple solutions to try to alleviate the condition:

  • use a contrasting, short-term shower;
  • wear spacious underwear, and only from natural textiles;
  • if possible, replace the bra with T-shirts or tight tops;
  • reconsider the diet: greens, legumes, avocados, raspberries are useful;
  • consume less fat and salt, alcohol and coffee;
  • refuse bitter and spicy in daily nutrition;
  • do an independent massage of the mammary glands or attend sessions with a professional massage therapist;
  • use acupuncture, homeopathy;
  • limit yourself in the use of fluids: you should not drink more than the norm required per day;
  • introduce decoctions of nettle, burdock, oregano into the diet;
  • adjust the mode, lifestyle, adding daily walking.

Take medications on the advice of a doctor should be intensive, severe pain that cannot be removed by other means. It could be:

  • Ibuprofen, (non-steroidal drugs);
  • Mastodinone (phytoestrogens);
  • oral contraceptives.

The doctor will prescribe hormone therapy only if there are other symptoms of menopause, which, together with chest pain, greatly affect the woman's condition. But this is a rather rare occurrence, and soreness in the chest during menopause, with due regard to this issue, will not become an obstacle to an active interesting life. rent a pantry rent a pantry in moscow rent a pantry.

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