Breast lipomatosis. Breast lipoma

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

One of the benign tumors of the breast is a lipoma, or wen. It is formed in the adipose tissue of the gland. At the same time, a woman who develops such a tumor is not necessarily overweight, the formation of a lipoma does not depend on the complexion. Even if a woman loses weight, the lipoma still remains. Tumors are not big size usually not treated, only frequent preventive examinations are required, since it is possible to increase the lipoma and even form malignant neoplasms on its basis. If necessary, the tumor is removed by surgery.

  1. Solitary lipoma. It is found only in the chest, in other organs of the body there are no similar formations.
  2. Multiple lipomas (lipomatosis). The presence of lipomas not only in the chest, but also simultaneously in several organs. Usually this disease is hereditary. The peculiarity is that when a lipoma is removed in one place, the rest begin to grow.

Form and structure:

  1. Nodular lipoma. It is a rounded neoplasm in the form of a capsule with clear boundaries.
  2. diffuse. It is formed due to the growth of adipose tissue beyond the boundaries of the capsule with the formation of shapeless seals.

In composition:

  1. Lipofibroma. A tumor consisting mainly of adipose tissue, as well as fibrous (connective) tissue.
  2. Fibrolipoma. It consists mainly of connective tissue with inclusions of fat.
  3. Angiolipoma. Wen, riddled with small blood vessels. When such a breast lipoma is surgically removed, severe bleeding may occur.
  4. Myxolipoma. Adipose tissue is mixed with mucus.
  5. Myolipoma. In the composition of the tumor, in addition to adipose tissue, there are muscle fibers.

Symptoms of a fatty tumor

Breast lipoma looks like a soft, painless lump that sticks out from under the skin. It is easy to detect by touch. It can be located in any part of the chest. This tumor can be distinguished from others by a number of symptoms. So, the skin with lipoma does not change color and configuration. Sometimes a lipoma occurs directly in the peripapillary region, while a small white rash appears on the skin around the nipple.

Painful sensations and a feeling of swelling of the mammary gland occurs only when a large tumor is formed. The pain is due to the fact that the wen presses on nearby vessels and tissues. If the lipoma increases in size, then the shape of the gland changes. The chest becomes asymmetrical.

The nodular lipoma usually does not increase, it worries only with certain movements. Often it is removed as a cosmetic defect. However, constant irritation with underwear can cause the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant tumor (liposarcoma). Solar exposure and exposure ultraviolet rays in the solarium can also provoke the onset of degeneration of lipoma into cancer.

Diffuse lipoma is much less common. Especially dangerous is the spread of the tumor to the fibers of the connective tissue (fibrolipoma). Often there is calcification of such a tumor (calcium salts are deposited in it). Touching the chest becomes painful.

On average, the diameter of a lipoma is from 1 cm to 5 cm, but there are also large tumors (12 cm, weighing 0.5 kg).

Video: Breast self-examination technique

Causes of lipoma in the female breast

Usually the main cause of breast diseases in women are hormonal disorders. Lipoma is no exception. As a rule, it is formed in women after 45 years. It is at this age that change occurs. hormonal background in connection with the extinction of the reproductive abilities of the body. Hormonal disorders can also appear as a result of the use birth control pills And medicines hormonal action.

One more possible cause disease is a metabolic disorder (protein and fat), occurring in diseases of the thyroid, as well as the pancreas, liver. The cause of a lipoma in the breast in women who have given birth many times may be stretching in the tissues that occurs during lactation.

If a woman wears a tight bra, this can cause lymph stagnation in the tissues, which leads to the formation of such a tumor. Violation of the lymph flow also occurs with a sedentary lifestyle. An important role is played by hereditary predisposition to the formation of wen. Often, breast lipoma occurs in women with diabetes.

Lipoma diagnostics

Diagnosis of breast diseases, including lipoma, is of great importance, especially if it is going to be removed by surgery. The fact is that the lipoma itself and its removal do not pose a mortal danger to a person. But if during the operation it turns out that the tumor turned out to be malignant, then the woman's condition can worsen very quickly. The operation provokes the entry of cancer cells into the blood and lymph and the rapid spread of the tumor to other tissues.

Advice: Before agreeing to the removal of a lipoma, it is necessary to insist on a histological examination of the contents of the tumor. If it is found to be malignant, then a completely different treatment and operation is required.

A biopsy allows you to establish the nature of tumor cells (the tissue of the tumor is taken for examination directly). The resulting material is examined under a microscope. For primary diagnosis, methods such as ultrasound and mammography are used. Pictures taken in different projections allow us to determine the size of the tumor, its shape and location in the mammary gland.

A more accurate, but also more expensive, method for examining tumors is MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Using this method, a three-dimensional picture of the tumor and nearby tissues is obtained, the location of the vessels in the tumor area or the vascular network inside the lipoma is detected. If the biopsy shows the presence of a malignant tumor, then the presence or absence of metastases can be detected on the image.

Treatment of breast lipoma

Lipoma is not treated, but removed surgically. Treatment with medicines and folk remedies does not work, because even if it is possible to reduce the size of the tumor, it reappears or forms in another area of ​​the body. Lipoma removal is performed in the following cases:

  • there is a noticeable growth of the tumor, there are pain sensations;
  • lipoma puts pressure on blood vessels or neighboring tissues, disrupting the work of other organs;
  • the lipoma of the mammary gland sticks out strongly, which is a cosmetic defect and causes inconvenience.

Small wen are usually removed under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is used if the tumor is unusually located or large.

During the operation, the lipoma is removed by exfoliation (enucleation) or the contents are pulled out with a special needle, as in a biopsy (puncture-aspiration method). At the same time, there are no traces of the operation on the skin. After the lipoma is removed, the puncture on the mammary gland heals quickly. Most often, hospitalization of the patient is not required.

The method of removing a lipoma using high-frequency radio waves and laser removal of a tumor are also used. The advantages of these methods are that no incisions are required, the procedure is painless, bloodless. After removal, there are no tissue edema, the patient immediately goes home.

After removal of the lipoma, drug treatment with the help of antibiotics, drugs to enhance immunity, homeopathic remedies and vitamins.

Video: Treatment of lipoma

Lipoma of the mammary gland is a benign tumor that grows in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Less commonly, a wen in the mammary gland can form closer to the surface of the skin. A similar problem is most often encountered by women after forty years, but there are also men among patients. A wen in the chest area can jump up in girls and boys in adolescence. Lipoma can occur where there is adipose tissue, and in the mammary glands, to a greater or lesser extent, all patients without exception have it.

Breast lipoma - what is it?

The formation of a wen is difficult to identify at an early stage and distinguish from healthy adipose tissue in the mammary gland due to structural features. The mammary gland, in addition to adipose tissue, includes glandular and connective tissues. The glandular tissue consists of alveoli (lobules), from which the thoracic ducts stretch towards the nipple.

Lipoma on chest is a benign tumor that arises from adipose tissue. The main signs of breast lipoma are as follows:

  • node in the center of the tumor;
  • the contours are quite clear;
  • capsule containing fat content;
    can form on any part of the breast (wherever there is adipose tissue), as well as in the areola of the nipples;
  • the symptoms of a lipoma in the chest area are similar to other wen, in most cases the growth of the formation occurs in the absence of pain.

Classification of fatty formations

A lipoma in the mammary gland can be of one type or another, depending on the structure and characteristics of the contents. Allocate:

  • If the basis of the lipoma is adipose tissue, but there are inclusions of connective tissue, we are talking about lipofibroma, if the latter has a preponderance - about fibrolipoma.
  • When in the structure of education, in addition to fat, predominates muscle, talk about myolipoma.
  • In the structure of the tumor there are smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall - an angiolipoma is diagnosed.
  • If there is mucus in the wen, we are talking about myxolipoma.

Mostly wen are formed in the thickness of adipose tissue, but can also be formed directly under the skin or on its surface in any area, including in the region of the nipple circumference.

Most often, the wen is enclosed in a capsule (nodular formation), that is, it has a clear outline. When probing, you can easily determine the location of the formation and its mobility. But there are also diffuse lipomas that do not have clear boundaries.

Causes of growths

Lipomas in the breast, as well as those located on other parts of the body, form and begin to grow in the presence of one or several factors at once. The first and main one is genetic predisposition. Most of the patients with lipoma on the chest are over forty years old. But with poor heredity, a wen in the chest area can also appear in a young girl.

The risk of developing wen is higher in smokers and those who regularly experience severe stressful situations.

The impetus for the development of lipoma are:

  • Hormonal changes caused by dysfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle in young girls and women.
  • Decreased functionality of the ovaries, failure of metabolic processes by the period of menopause. With the growth of adipose tissue in the breast (due to age-related involution of the glands), a lipoma can be mistaken for normal adipose tissue. Pathology is detected with a more thorough examination.
  • Prolonged and incorrect use of oral contraception.
  • Contusion of the mammary gland with damage to its tissues.

Why education is dangerous for women, men and children

Lipoma in the breast in most cases remains benign education. The risk that the pathology will move into the field of oncology arises if:

  • education is large;
  • a wen on the nipple and there is a risk of mechanical damage to tissues (trauma, bruise);
  • there is a chronic disease of the internal organs;
  • accompanied by a decrease in immunity or an inflamed wen;
  • during pregnancy, a woman had clearly expressed pain "bursting" sensations in her chest;
  • on the sternum of a man under the skin, a formed nodular formation of a spherical shape has formed, which increases in size and is accompanied by strong painful sensations.

It is important for men to pay no less attention to the health of the mammary glands than women. In men, both benign formations (in the form of bumps, dense nodes) and malignant ones can form in the chest area, since in addition to fibrous tissue, the male mammary gland also consists of fat.

The chances of their development are higher in men suffering from gynecomastia - the growth and thickening of breast tissue. The entire area may swell and become especially painful. Infants also face a similar problem due to exposure to maternal hormones, as well as children during puberty.

Lipoma diagnostics

It is possible to identify a wen under the mammary gland and differentiate it from other formations by studying the results of mammography. Ultrasound is also ordered.

If necessary, to clarify the results, a biopsy, histological and cytological research. After confirming the benign nature of the wen, it is usually recommended to surgical removal.

Since the lipoma is a benign formation, there are no direct indications for its removal. The need for an operation is due to the fact that there remains a small, but still risk of degeneration of a wen into one of the malignant neoplasms (liposarcoma).

How to treat

With a small size of the wen and the absence of its changes over time, the attending physician will select an individual course of conservative treatment.

With multiple wen (lipomatosis), the presence of complications and the risk of degeneration of the lipoma into a malignant tumor, surgical intervention is indicated.

Conservative therapy

Wen in the breast, if they are small, may not require immediate removal. In this case, the patient is taken under constant supervision. Repeated studies to determine the dynamics of the development of the wen are carried out every three months.

In case of lipoma conservative therapy is considered not in connection with the possibility of eliminating the tumor (in rare cases, it is possible to solve the problem by introducing the drug Diprospan near the lipoma, which has a resolving effect), but is aimed at correcting the factors that provoke the formation and development of the lipoma.

Depending on what diseases are present, their stage and severity of the course, it is recommended:

  • balance nutrition, create a menu and monitor regularity (eating at the same time), calories, enough fiber to ensure normal stools;
  • normalize water balance and daily consume a sufficient amount of fluid to prevent slagging of the body;
  • identify foci of chronic infection in the body and eliminate them;
  • take control of existing chronic diseases, undergo treatment if necessary.

Surgical intervention

The main indications for the removal of a lipoma on the chest are associated with:

  • the rapid growth of the wen and severe pain in its localization;
  • the large size of the formation, which noticeably deformed the shape of the nipple or the mammary gland as a whole;
  • marked tissue necrosis in the tumor;
  • genetic predisposition to lipomatosis.

The wen on the chest is excised surgically. Removal of a lipoma should be as accurate as possible. The surgeon will select the appropriate method in a particular case and cut out the tumor without damaging either its capsule with fatty contents (thus the formation is completely eliminated without the risk of recurrence) or the surrounding healthy breast tissue.

Methods for removing a wen on the mammary gland vary depending on the size of the lipoma, the severity of the course of the disease and the general health of the patient. Most often, we are talking about a sectoral resection of the mammary gland (with a mandatory histological examination of the tissue), which is performed under local or general anesthesia.

It is recommended to get rid of a lipoma in the chest as soon as during the next examination it turns out that the formation is actively growing and has led to a violation of blood circulation in the localization zone, as well as a disruption in the functioning of organs and systems.

This method is preferable if the lipoma is large and there is a high risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor. If such a risk is assessed as small, removal is performed by enucleation (cleansing, "taking out" the tumor). In some cases, it is possible to remove a lipoma by applying:

  • puncture biopsy (aspiration puncture) - the contents of the wen are sucked out through a puncture and a thin needle;
  • radio waves - the radio knife completely removes the lipoma, minimal trauma, after the operation the rehabilitation period is short;
  • laser - high-precision operation, does not affect the surrounding healthy tissue.


Even with benign tumors of the mammary glands traditional medicine can't be handled. Plants and preparations prepared on their basis are certainly strong medicines, but it is important to remember that lipoma cannot be eliminated by a simple effect on the skin.

It is even more dangerous to do this in the nipple area, where the skin is especially sensitive and there is a hole for the exit of breast milk.

The risk of complications and infection is extremely high when trying to pierce or otherwise open a small lipoma that has not formed in the thickness of fatty tissue (as happens in the vast majority of cases), but directly under the skin or close to its surface. Under no circumstances should this be done.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

At timely diagnosis, controlling the development of lipoma and correct treatment, the risk of recurrence is extremely low in women. Moreover, it is small in men, in whom malignant neoplasms in the breast account for less than a percent of the total number of detected cases and most patients have already crossed the 65-70-year mark.

Particular attention should be paid to patients after forty years of age who have been diagnosed with fatty tumors with inclusions of connective tissue (lipofibroma, fibrolipoma). Pathology of large sizes leads to deformation of the mammary glands, and its fast growth may be a sign of degeneration into a malignant formation.

A benign fatty tumor is called a lipoma. In another way, you can hear such a name as a wen. A lipoma develops in the connective subcutaneous loose tissue, grows in vascular bundles and grows deep to the subcostal.

What is a lipoma (wen)

Breast lipoma can be attributed to benign neoplasms. It is observed mainly in women over 40 years of age. Although the wen itself is considered a benign tumor, there is a high risk of transition to a malignant neoplasm. That is why it is necessary to know the symptoms, causes and preventive measures.

The lipoma itself looks like a capsule, which consists of connective tissue. The capsule contains fat cells. On palpation, the wen resembles an almost motionless nodule of a rounded shape (may be oval, flat, the edges may not be clear).

Scheme: lipoma (wen) of the mammary gland


To determine the type of lipoma (wen), the doctor is based on the following points: location, histology, size, degree of damage to neighboring tissues. So lipomas are divided:

  • classic - which include only fat cells;
  • lipofibromas - which include adipose tissue and connective tissue, but adipose tissue predominates;
  • fibrolipomas - consist of adipose and connective tissue, connective tissue predominates;
  • angiolipomas - consist of adipose tissue, where blood vessels predominate;
  • myxolipomas - consist of adipose tissue, where it produces mucus;
  • myolipomas - combines fatty lobules and smooth muscle fibers.

Such types as myolipomas and mixolipomas are quite rare in practice. Basically, in women, the classic appearance of lipomas and fibrolipomas is detected.

Lipomas are distinguished by the degree of delimitation from other tissues. They are divided into nodular and diffuse.

They are distinguished by the place of localization, divided into:

  • subcutaneous, which do not penetrate into the parenchyma of the mammary gland;
  • intramammary, which are localized between the lobules of the mammary glands;
  • deep, which are located deep behind the mammary gland.


There is no definite reason for the appearance of lipomas. There are only risk factors that contribute to the formation of wen. These include:

  • violation of fat metabolism in the body;
  • violation of protein metabolism;
  • excess body weight;
  • heredity;
  • slagging;
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • blockage of the sebaceous duct;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • malnutrition;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives for more than 5 years;
  • chest injury;
  • repeated pregnancy and childbirth (stretch marks);
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • wearing improper and tight underwear;
  • ecology.


Basically, lipomas do not bring discomfort. That is why the wen can only be felt when it reaches its size from 1.5 cm to 2 centimeters. Also, lipoma can be detected during a preventive examination.

If the lipoma grows large, then it is possible to see a small cosmetic defect.

As a rule, lipomas are localized subcutaneously in the upper outer quadrant of the breast.

On palpation, the lipoma is painless, rounded, oval in shape, with a smooth surface.

Lipofibromas, as well as fibrolipomas, are quite dense in structure to the touch.


Since lipomas are usually asymptomatic, laboratory and instrumental methods are considered the most reliable diagnostic methods. It is with the help of these techniques that it is possible to determine the location, size, shape and composition of the wen. To do this, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Ultrasound examination, which allows you to consider the shape, contours of the neoplasm. They also look at hyperechogenicity.
  • A mammogram, which takes a special x-ray. If there is a lipoma, then in the picture it looks like a gray formation with clear contours and a radiopaque capsule.
  • Puncture biopsy of the breast. This is the most reliable diagnostic method, which makes it possible to determine the exact composition of neoplasia.

Additional (differential) diagnostic methods can be assigned: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT scan(CT), tumor markers. Biochemical analysis blood will reveal violations of metabolic processes.

Such a diagnosis is prescribed for nodal forms of mastopathy, benign tumors of the mammary glands, liposarcoma, and breast cancer.

Don't forget to do a self-examination. This will help to notice the problem earlier and solve it.


As a rule, when revealing small sizes of lipomas, the doctor recommends constant monitoring. It includes:

  • once every half a year examination by a mammologist;
  • undergo a mammogram once a year.

A conservative method of treatment is not used. Since practice shows that even small lipomas do not dissolve.

If detected accelerated growth, joined pain syndrome, aesthetically, the breasts look ugly, tissue necrosis occurs, it develops into a malignant formation, then surgical intervention is prescribed.

Ways surgical intervention:

  • Aspiration of the contents of the tumor: with the help of a puncture, adipose tissue with a tumor capsule is removed; after this puncture, no scar remains. The disadvantage of this method of treatment is the risk of relapse.
  • Enucleation of the tumor with a capsule: prescribed in cases of nodular neoplasms. It is performed using a laser, scalpel or radio wave apparatus. The advantage of the method is that the risk of recurrence is reduced.
  • Sectoral resection of the mammary gland: is prescribed in cases of diffuse lipomas or large tumors, as well as in case of suspicion of a malignant neoplasm.

Postoperative treatment

After any of the listed surgical interventions, a woman must be prescribed maintenance therapy, namely:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E;
  • antibiotics;
  • treatment of wounds with antiseptic solutions;
  • immunostimulating agents;
  • homeopathic preparations.
  • complete physical rest;
  • constant slow walks in the fresh air;
  • proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Folk remedies

  • Onion compress. To do this, the onion must be baked in the oven, then grind into gruel. Mix the resulting mass with laundry soap. Mix everything, put on a cloth and attach to the chest. Such a compress must be worn constantly.
  • Aloe compress. An aloe leaf is cut to obtain juice, the resulting juice is applied to the neoplasm constantly.
  • Honey-alcohol bandages. For cooking, you need to take a 2: 1 ratio of honey and alcohol, mix everything and put it on a cloth. Attach to the chest and fasten. The dressing should be changed two or three times a day.
  • Taking cinnamon. Take 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily with water
  • Bodyagi compress. The grass must be steamed and applied to the neoplasm for 2 hours.

But do not forget that all folk recipes do not give 100% results. Without consulting a doctor, it is not recommended to self-medicate. Since improper treatment can lead to the rapid growth of lipoma.

Any seal, a lump in the mammary gland causes horror in a woman. This is natural, since thoughts are only about the malignant nature of the neoplasm. But you should gather your will into a fist and contact a mammologist or oncologist, undergo an examination.

Not all breast tumors are carcinomas. The wen on the chest also looks suspicious, but does not pose a particular danger. What are the signs of the disease and how is the pathology treated?

What is a breast lipoma

A wen in the mammary gland is a benign seal consisting of modified lipid cells. Pathology is diagnosed mainly in women over 40 years of age.
A wen in the mammary gland has a capsule of connective tissue and contents of mature fat cells. To the touch it is a dense painless tumor.

There are 5 main types of benign changes in the mammary gland. The classification is based on the consistency of tissues that fill the growths:

  1. Myxolipoma - capsule filled with fat cells.
  2. Myolipoma - the shell of the neoplasm is filled mainly with muscle tissue.
  3. Lipofibroma - adipose and connective tissues make up the body of the lipoma equally.
  4. angiolipoma in pathological process blood vessels of nearby tissues are entrained.
  5. Fibrolipoma - connective tissue prevails, fat cells are practically absent.

In addition, there are encapsulated and diffuse lipomas. In the first case, the breast lipoma is enclosed in a dense capsule. She is mobile and painless. In the second, there is no capsule, and fatty tissues are freely distributed throughout the mammary gland. This type of neoplasm on the chest is extremely rare.

Causes and symptoms

Why wen appear in the chest area, other parts of the body at the current stage of development of medicine is impossible to find out. Doctors identify a number of factors that can trigger the appearance of fatty tumors. Excess weight is not the cause of the growth of lipomas.
Causes that provoke the development of lipomatosis:

  • metabolic disease;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • genetic factor;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • the use of illiterate or self-selected hormonal contraceptives;
  • frequent pregnancies, which leads to stretching of the breast tissue;
  • wearing uncomfortable underwear.

In the period after 40 years for women, a gradual decrease in the production of sex hormones begins. Therefore, it is then that lipomas begin to appear.

The symptoms of the disease are blurred, since the growths grow slowly and are most often detected during an ultrasound, x-ray, or examination by the attending physician. Neoplasms are soft and mobile, separated from gland tissues connective tissue. The size is from 1 to 2 cm, but lipomas weighing up to 12 kg have been described in the literature.

Methods of diagnosis and connection with cancer

If you suspect any seal in the mammary gland, you should definitely contact an oncologist or mammologist.
The procedure for making a diagnosis is prescribed in the WHO protocols:

  1. Inspection and palpation of the chest.
  2. Mammography or x-ray.
  3. Breast ultrasound.
  4. Needle biopsy with material sampling for histological examination. This procedure is essential for making a diagnosis. It is performed regardless of the results of mammography and ultrasound, since diagnostic imaging methods cannot always distinguish a wen from liposarcoma or rare types of breast carcinomas.

On x-rays, lipomas appear as gray, transparent neoplasms with a clear capsule. On ultrasound, a wen looks like this - a tumor with clearly defined edges.

Lipomas rarely degenerate into cancerous growths. But it’s not worth letting it go and hoping that it will resolve itself.

Methods of treatment and removal

There is no conservative treatment for breast lipoma. For the patient, there are 2 ways to solve the problem:

  1. If the wen is small - no more than 1 cm in diameter, then they prefer not to touch it. The patient is under the dynamic supervision of a mammologist, periodically comes for examinations and does an ultrasound.
  2. Removal of neoplasm by invasive methods.

When choosing a method for removing a formation, doctors offer sparing methods that allow you to save both the shape and all the functions of the mammary gland.

Breast lipoma removal methods:

  • Puncture-aspiration method.

A needle is inserted into the body of the growth and the lipoma content is sucked off. The advantage of the method is the absence of scars, there is no risk of bleeding and infection of nearby tissues. The disadvantage of this method is that the neoplasm capsule remains in the mammary gland. This can provoke a relapse of the disease.

  • Radio wave method and laser therapy.

Bloodless low-traumatic procedures. Either a radio wave or a light beam of a certain frequency acts as a scalpel. The capsule is opened, the lipoma content is removed. The cavity is treated with a laser or radio wave. At the same time, vessels in neighboring tissues are cauterized, which prevents the risk of bleeding.

  • Surgical intervention.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor opens the capsule, squeezes out its contents, the shell is removed. The cavity is washed with antiseptic solutions, the incision is sutured. After the procedure, a small scar remains. Manipulation is invasive, so there is a risk of bleeding and infection of the wound surface. But the likelihood of recurrence is minimal, since the body of the lipoma will be extracted.

Do I need to remove the neoplasm

The decision to remove a wen in the mammary gland is made by the attending physician together with the patient. If the dimensions are small, and it does not cause either physical or aesthetic discomfort, then you can take a wait and see approach. The patient is under the control of a mammologist.

If the neoplasm is of considerable size, compresses the surrounding tissues and creates discomfort, then in this case it is recommended to remove the wen. If in the family history there were cases of degeneration of lipomas or oncopathology of the mammary glands, then the husking of the wen is carried out without fail, regardless of the size of the tumor.
Indications for urgent removal of the neoplasm:

  • rapid and sharp tumor growth;
  • inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary gland;
  • significant growth sizes;
  • self-opening of a wen;
  • the formation of a fistula with the discharge of the contents of the capsule;
  • change in the skin over the lipoma;
  • discharge of pus, blood or ichor from the gland.

In this case, no attention is paid to the size, and the tumor must be removed without fail.

Prevention of the disease and its consequences

There are no specific preventive measures for breast lipomatosis. Doctors recommend to healthy lifestyle life, pay attention to sports activities, eat high-quality and healthy foods.

This will reduce the likelihood of developing hormonal imbalances in the body. In addition, try to keep your own weight within the limits recommended by nutritionists.
The prognosis of the disease is favorable, since the probability of degeneration of a wen into a malignant tumor is extremely low.

Do not compare your tumor with photos from the Internet and do not look for information on request what is this breast lipoma. If you find any growth, then do not hesitate a minute. Address to the mammologist or the oncologist. It might save your life!

The presence of a seal in the chest is not always a signal of a malignant pathology. In many cases, it can be a benign tumor - a lipoma, which is popularly called a "wen".

The formation of a lipoma is typical for women after 45 years, but pathology can also occur in more early age.

Lipoma is a benign tumor that develops as a result of the modification of fat cells and their excessive division. The neoplasm has clear boundaries and localization.

Most often, it develops at a slow pace, keeping its small size and acting as cosmetic defect. In rare cases, it can grow up to 30 cm or more, and disrupt the functioning of adjacent vessels, tissues and organs.

Classification of wen

There are several types of lipomas, which differ in type, number and tissues that make up their structure.

By type, there are two types of wen:

  • nodal. Formed inside a dense capsule of fibrous tissue. From the moment of appearance to full increase, the lipoma has clear boundaries that do not smooth out over time;
  • diffuse. Wen have a tendency to bulk growth. The borders of the tumor are smoothed, asymmetric. When magnified, the transition from healthy to pathological tissue is not displayed.

In addition to fat, other tissue may be present in lipomas. Depending on this, the following types are distinguished:

  • myolipomas- include a large amount of muscle tissue;
  • myxolipomas- in the structure of the wen, multiple inclusions of mucous cells are observed;
  • fibrolipomas- the main tissue here is connective, between the fibers of which there is an insignificant mass of fat;
  • lipofibromas- is a wen, in which, in addition to fat, there is a small amount of connective tissue;
  • angiolipomas- these include tumors with adipose tissue penetrated by the vessels of the circulatory system.

Lipoma can be divided into types, according to the number of tumors that occur on the body:

  • single. It is characterized by the formation of a single tumor in any part of the body;
  • multiple. They are diagnosed in the presence of 3 or more wen, which can be located on different parts of the body, or have a common localization;
  • lipomatosis. A separate pathology of lipoma, in which many wen grow simultaneously throughout the body. An attempt to remove them often leads to the growth of new formations. The main cause of this disease is a hereditary factor.


The main cause of lipoma is uncontrolled growth of fat cells. This process can be triggered by certain factors:

  1. Hormonal reorganization. During the period of fading of the functioning of the ovaries or their failure, there is a hormonal imbalance caused by uneven production of progesterone, prolactin and estrogen. This ratio of hormones leads to improper functioning of metabolic processes and the accumulation of fat.
  2. Violation of fat metabolism. The main reason for this phenomenon is the dysfunction thyroid gland and adrenal glands, which are not normally able to produce enzymes and hormones that promote the breakdown and removal of fat. As a result, there is a blockage of the sebaceous ducts and the formation of a lipoma.
  3. Heredity. Researchers have noticed that if one of the parents has a wen, the likelihood that it will appear in an adult child increases several times.
  4. Trauma and surgery, which lead to a modification of the structure of fatty tissue and skin. This worsens the metabolic processes occurring in the injured area, and contributes to the formation of a capsule with adipose tissue inside.


In order for the patient to be sure that he has formed a lipoma, it is necessary to know its specific characteristics and the main differences from cancer. Wen can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Appearance on the chest small seal in the form of a fixed node of a symmetrical shape. The knot has a homogeneous consistency. With large sizes, you can feel the lobar structure, which is not characteristic of oncology.
  2. Node has well-defined, even subcutaneous base, the boundaries of which are easily felt on palpation. In cancer, the base has an uneven edge and is not always determined.
  3. No pain on palpation even a big wen. For a cancerous tumor in the initial stages, painlessness is also characteristic, which disappears when deeper tissues are affected.
  4. The skin at benign tumor do not change their structure and shade. Malignant formation provokes a violation of the elasticity of the skin. It is determined by simply pressing on the affected area.

    After it, the skin becomes deeply wrinkled and slowly restores its normal position. The surface above the cancerous tumor becomes hyperemic or cyanotic.

  5. Unlike malignancy, lipoma characterized by a slow growth rate.

With ignorance of the symptoms, a malignant formation is often confused with a common lipoma. But if a wen does practically no harm, then even a slight delay and lack of treatment for cancer significantly reduces the chances of a successful outcome.


The danger of a wen is that it can degenerate into cancer, in the presence of constantly acting negative factors. But, experts assure that the probability of such a rebirth is very small.

To exclude it completely, it is necessary to regularly monitor the growth and condition of the neoplasm. It includes not only self-monitoring, but also periodic hardware examination in a clinic setting.


To detect a tumor and determine its quality, standard diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Self-examination. It is a study of the mammary glands for changes by examination and palpation.
  2. Mammography. An X-ray method that allows you to study the structure of the mammary gland in two projections and identify the presence of a neoplasm.
  3. ultrasound. According to the results of ultrasound, one can judge the size of the tumor and the degree of involvement of adjacent tissues in the pathological process.
  4. Biopsy. It is a sampling of affected tissues for histological analysis. Designed to determine the quality of the tumor. If malignancy is confirmed, then according to histology, subsequent treatment is built.


Despite the benign nature of the lipoma, it cannot be eliminated by taking any drugs or folk remedies. The main treatment is surgical removal of the tumor. If the wen has a minimum size and does not bother, then choose the observation option, which is referred to as a conservative technique.

In this video, experts talk about whether it is necessary to remove a lipoma and why it is dangerous:

Conservative treatment

Conservative therapy consists in constant monitoring of the lipoma. In the absence of tumor growth, this type of therapy can continue throughout life. Special attention pathology is given during the period pregnancy, diseases with hormonal disorders and postmenopausal.

Expectant therapy is used if:

  • the tumor is small;
  • its malignancy has not been confirmed;
  • for a long time does not increase in volume;
  • does not affect the function of blood vessels and organs;
  • does not cause aesthetic discomfort.

During the observation period, the patient should regularly visit a mammologist and undergo ultrasound. As a rule, up to 4 ultrasounds and 2 mammograms are prescribed. In addition, it is recommended to take a blood test for tumor markers at least 2 times a year.

Photo: breast after removal of a large wen


Despite the fact that malignancy of the wen occurs in rare cases, many doctors ignore the method of observation, insisting on the removal of the lipoma. Before agreeing to the operation, each patient should know that there are certain indications for it:

  • achievement of a tumor of large volumes;
  • aggressive growth;
  • unspecified histology;
  • the influence of the wen on the functionality of the surrounding structures;
  • cosmetic defect;
  • soreness of the wen.

This procedure can be carried out not only according to the listed indications, but also at the request of the patient. In doing so, one should focus on general state patient and the presence of comorbidities.

The complexity of the operation

Removal of a small formation on the chest up to 2 cm does not cause any difficulties. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and in most cases does not require hospitalization.

Larger tumors should be removed by an experienced surgeon. During the operation, there should be special equipment in the office that allows you to clearly view the structure of the tissues of the operated area.

The procedure for excising a diffuse lipoma requires special attention. The complexity of removal is due to the structure of the breast. Adipose tissue is in contact with the main blood vessels and nerve fibers of this organ. In addition, there is a risk of damage lymph nodes, with the localization of the wen, closer to the armpit area.

The removal procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Multiple aseptic processing of the operated surface.
  2. Soft tissue incision, which is carried out in the center of the lipoma if it is small, or around it with an indent of 1 cm if it is large.
  3. Extraction of the wen along with the capsule, by breaking the connective tissues and pulling the tumor with tweezers. A large lipoma is removed fractionally, previously divided into parts.
  4. Aseptic treatment of the cavity.
  5. Wound closure with preliminary drainage, which is removed after 2 days.

The procedure can last from 15 to 40 minutes, after which the patient can go home.

After removal, a small scar may remain at the site of the lipoma, which is easily removed. plastic surgery. If a large lipoma was removed, then mammoplasty may be necessary. In some cases, the operation provokes a relapse, in which the wen may no longer be single and form in different parts of the body.

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