What is the most effective scalp scrub? How to accelerate hair growth and increase their volume with homemade salt scrubs? Do-it-yourself head scrub

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Home hair care products will provide benefits without spending a lot of money. Prepare a scalp scrub according to the recipes from our new article.

Why scrubs are useful

As in other parts of the body, the scalp is regularly updated. Old, dead cells on its surface, together with the secretions of the sebaceous glands, create a layer that interferes with skin respiration.

Exfoliating treatments with scrubs provide a number of beneficial effects:

  • Removes particles of dead cells and styling residues from the surface of the skin
  • Combat oily skin and hair
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the scalp area, which helps to improve hair nutrition, their rapid growth
  • Helps prevent dandruff
  • Prepares the epidermis for scalp masks

Like all exfoliating treatments, scalp scrubs should not be used too often. Apply on dry hair home scrub allowed no more than once a month. With normal and oily hair, you can use the scrub once every 2 weeks.

How to apply the scrub

  1. The scrub is applied to the scalp before washing the hair. It is undesirable to apply it to clean hair, as the natural fatty layer will protect them from injury during the procedure.
  2. Moisturize your hair and scalp. Apply the scrub evenly, distributing it along the partings in the root zone. Special attention allocate areas of the hairline along the entire perimeter of the scalp area.
  3. Massage your skin with your fingertips for 5 minutes.
  4. Wash off the scrub with warm water.
  5. If the scrub contains oils, you can use a small amount of shampoo when washing your hair after using it.
  6. If the scrub contains nutritious ingredients (honey, oils, dairy products, herbal decoctions, etc.) - before washing off, it is left on the head for another 10-15 minutes, covering the head with a film and a towel.
  7. If there are wounds or inflammations on the scalp, you can not use a scrub!

What can you make a scrub out of?

The main component of the scrub is solid particles that have an abrasive effect. They should not be too large and rough so as not to scratch the scalp. Several products that you will find in your kitchen are suitable for the role of the basis for a home scrub: salt, sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal.

Honey salt scrub

If you have sea salt, use it: it has a richer trace element composition. But ordinary edible salt is also quite suitable as an abrasive for a scrub. For scrubs, you need to take finely ground salt, without aromatic additives. Coarse salt can scratch the skin. If there is no small one, it is worth grinding it in a blender and sifting.

4 tsp salt;

2 tbsp. l. sparse honey.

Sugar and clay scrub

2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 st. l. pharmaceutical cosmetic clay;

2 tbsp water, green tea or decoction of medicinal herbs.

Sugar oil scrub

2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1 st. l. any vegetable oil(sunflower, olive, burdock, almond or grape seed oil);

2 drops essential oil (tea tree, rosemary or almonds).


Ground natural coffee is used in scrubs in two ways: in its original form and in the form of coffee grounds after brewing. Coffee grounds are gentler and softer, and do not stain hair as much. That is, the use of thick is preferable for dry sensitive skin or blonde hair. It is useful for brunettes to hold the applied coffee scrub for 10-15 minutes, blondes will have to wash it off immediately.

Oil-coffee nourishing scrub

2 tbsp. l. ground coffee;

1 tbsp burdock or castor oil;

2 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Nourishing coffee grounds scrub

2 tsp coffee grounds;

1 egg yolk;

1 tsp honey;

1 tsp lemon juice.


For an oatmeal scrub, oatmeal ground in a blender is used, which is poured with warm water for 5-10 minutes until it swells. Based on them, a very gentle scrub with a nourishing effect is obtained. It will be strengthened by the addition of fermented milk products or a decoction of herbs.

2 tbsp dry ground flakes soaked in water and squeezed;

2 tbsp mineral water, kefir or decoction of herbs.

Any of the above recipes can be changed and combined to your liking. Making a scalp scrub is a creative process!

Scalp scrub, a popular hair care product, is present in the bathroom of almost every girl. After all, everyone dreams of beautiful, thick, silky strands. To achieve this effect, you need to properly care for your hair and scalp. Only with comprehensive care will the hair be healthy, silky, without split ends, dullness, dandruff.

What it is?

This is a kind of peeling that deeply cleanses the skin. The scalp scrub works like a facial scrub.- removes dead cells, fights dandruff.

It facilitates penetration beneficial vitamins, trace elements.

Scrub is an effective beginning of a caring or medical procedure, it cleans better than any shampoo.

What useful properties does it have?

The scrub cleanses the skin:

  • pollution;
  • excess silicone;
  • sebum.

Such a tool:

  1. allows you not to disrupt the nutrition of hair follicles;
  2. favorably affects hair growth;
  3. stabilizes antioxidant status;
  4. contributes to the integrity of the stratum corneum.

It is important that the scrub is capable of:

  • it is good to remove a variety of styling products, silicone from shampoo, balm, so that pores do not clog, the skin is more saturated with oxygen;
  • eliminate dead skin particles, fatty secretions;
  • accelerate hair growth;
  • relieve itching, soothe irritation;
  • reduce for some time the production of sebum;
  • effectively fight dandruff;
  • keep hair roots clean longer.

If the hair grows poorly, thinned, then proper complex care of the scalp will contribute to:

  1. healthy metabolism;
  2. renewal of skin cells;
  3. increase the level of microcirculation.

This will create favorable conditions for the growth of new healthy hair.

In some cases, scrub cleansing can give a little volume. both the root part of the hair, and along their entire length.

After the procedure with a scrub, it is very good to apply nourishing mask, because deeply cleansed skin absorbs nutrients more easily and faster.

The best recipes at home

Scrubs prepared at home are not inferior in popularity and effectiveness to products from salons and stores. For that to prepare a healthy, nutritious scrub at home, you do not need to spend a lot of money, hard to find ingredients, no special skill.

There are many more hair follicles and sebaceous glands on the scalp than on the face. That is why dead skin cells and sebum quickly accumulate on the head. The scrub, thanks to its texture, removes all unnecessary and deeply cleanses the scalp. Another advantage of using a scrub is that any skin care products, including balms and masks, work better on exfoliated skin, since the ingredients penetrate much deeper. But how to save money and make a scalp scrub at home? We share simple recipes.

How to make a scrub for hair and scalp: homemade recipes

1st Recipe: Cleansing Lemon Scalp Scrub

This scrub recipe is a great option for dry and dull hair. To prepare, you will need one yolk, 1-2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of salt and a drop of olive oil.

How to do:

    Mix all ingredients in one container until smooth.

    Massage the scrub onto the entire surface of the scalp. Leave the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes and then wash off with shampoo.


2nd recipe: salt scrub for the scalp

Homemade salt scrub is the most popular scalp scrub recipe. To prepare the scrub, take 2 tablespoons of salt and the same amount of olive oil.

How to do:

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl until smooth.

    Then apply the scrub to damp hair and massage the homemade product into the scalp with massage movements for 2-3 minutes.

    Wash off the scrub with cool water and shampoo.

3rd recipe: sea buckthorn scalp scrub

Vitamin scrub from sea buckthorn, vitamin C and castor oil is suitable for all hair types. It will improve blood circulation and make curls grow. You will need 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of regular shampoo, 3 tablespoons of fresh orange juice and some peel, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of fresh sea buckthorn.

How to do:

    Finely chop the orange peel with a knife or blender.

    Mix all products until smooth and apply on the scalp.

    Wait until the sugar has melted, then start gently massaging your homemade scrub for 3 minutes.

    Wash off the scalp scrub with cool water and shampoo.

Homemade salt scrub is the most popular scalp scrub recipe.

Recipe 4: Aspirin Scrub for Oily Scalp

Aspirin gently dries oily scalp due to salicylic acid in the composition. After applying the scrub, the skin will become less oily.

For the scrub, you will need 8-9 aspirin tablets and 4 tablespoons of warm water.

How to do:

    Powder the aspirin in a bowl.

    Then pour 4 tablespoons of warm water and dissolve the tablets until smooth.

    Take toothbrush and apply the mixture on the scalp.

    Finally, rinse your hair with water and shampoo.

5th recipe: lavender scalp scrub for dandruff

Scrub not only fights dandruff, but also excessive oiliness of the scalp. How to make a lavender hair and scalp scrub? Very simple - you will need 2 tablespoons of table salt, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of lavender oil, 2 tablespoons of nettle decoction and about 300-400 ml of water.

How to do:

    First you need to make a decoction of nettles. Buy pharmacy nettle and pour boiling water over it - after 20-30 minutes the infusion is ready.

    Mix salt with lemon juice and lavender oil. Apply the mixture on wet scalp.

    Gently rub the mixture and leave it for 4-10 minutes.

    Rinse the homemade scrub with shampoo and water, and then rinse your hair and scalp with nettle infusion.

Now I am doing a course of masks from oils, I want to nourish my hair for the summer, because. Last summer, my hair burned out badly, and I still cut off the split ends.

Somehow I came across an article that with the regular use of oil masks, the scalp becomes clogged, and the effect decreases, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to peel the scalp.

For a long time I was looking for what and how best to do it, I bought ordinary sea salt, tried it in the bathroom, during the shower, I didn’t understand how to rub it, as a result, after shoveling the Internet again, I decided to make this scrub:

- A bag of clay (I used blue), it cleans well, including silicones;

- A few tablespoons of ordinary table salt;

- Hair balm, also about 2 tablespoons, otherwise the clay will begin to harden;

-Hot water.

Mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained, I got thick sour cream, no need for thinner, otherwise the clay may leak.

I was worried that the salt would dissolve, and there would be no such effect, but in vain, nothing dissolved.

It turned out a lot, because. overdid it with water. Enough for 2 times.

She combed her hair well, applied the composition to the partings, then massaged it well. Do not forget that it contains salt, and do not rub hard, you can damage the skin. I forgot about it, fortunately, I didn’t spoil anything, but my head burned well.

After I massaged my head, applied a nourishing mask to the tips, put on a bag and a hat, for 10 minutes, this is enough.

You can apply clay to the entire length, but it is better to do it without salt, because. She dries out her hair a lot.

Everything is washed off easily, I just washed my hair with shampoo once. You can use a deep cleansing shampoo for maximum effect.

The effect is visible immediately and does not require much time.

Outcome: It's been 2 days and my hair looks like I washed it a couple of hours ago! The hair is not coarse, not overdried, although I expected only such an effect from the clay! They are soft, fluffy (for some this is a minus, but not for me). The undercoat of new hair immediately became visible, apparently because of the oils it "stuck".

In general, I am satisfied with the procedure, I did not expect such an effect, I will do it once a month, more often I don’t see the point, because I don't use any styling products.

Of the minuses: it’s worth doing before a manicure)) Clay is absorbed into the nails, cuticles, it’s still a sight, just washing your hands well is not enough.

You might be interested in reading about the hair care products I have tried.

Due to the abrasive particles, scrubs are much more effective than shampoos, removing dead skin cells, dust, hair styling residues and excess sebum. The skin begins to breathe, the hair grows faster and less dirty.

Depending on the composition, scrubs can also nourish and moisturize the skin, add shine to the hair, fight dandruff or excess oil.

In addition, massage improves blood circulation in the scalp.

How to use scrubs

If you have greasy hair, use scrubs once a week, if dry and normal - once every 2-3 weeks.

Scrub only the hair roots and skin. You do not need to wash your head before this, just moisten it with warm water. After the procedure, wash your hair as usual.

Refuse scrubbing if you have damaged skin or are allergic to the components of the product, as well as in the first few days after dyeing your hair: active mechanical action can accelerate color loss.


Sea salt cleanses the skin well and eliminates excess oil. In addition, it makes the hair roots stronger.


Preparation and application

Make a slurry out of salt and water. Apply the scrub on the scalp and rub it into the roots for 5-7 minutes, moving from the back of the head to the forehead and temples. Wash off with warm water.


Sugar cleanses the scalp, nourishes it, and cream deeply moisturizes.


  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of drinking cream.

Preparation and application

Mix sugar and honey. Add cream, stir. Apply the product to the scalp, massage for 5 minutes and leave for another 10 for a deeper effect. Rinse off the remaining scrub with warm water.


Sea salt strengthens hair and cleanses the scalp. Honey has nutritional properties.


  • 4 teaspoons of finely ground sea salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of thin honey.

Preparation and application

Mix honey and salt. Apply the scrub on the scalp, spread the product well and massage for 5 minutes. Leave the scrub for a couple of minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.


Sugar gently removes dirt, oil and dead skin cells. The oil moisturizes the skin and gives the hair a healthy shine.


  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (burdock, almond or grape seed oil).

Preparation and application

Mix sugar and butter thoroughly. Apply the scrub to your skin and massage your head. Move from the back of the head to the front. Rinse with warm water after 5-7 minutes.


Coffee and salt scrub deeply cleanses the skin, strengthens hair follicles and eliminates dandruff.


  • 2 tablespoons ground coffee;
  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt.

Preparation and application

Mix coffee and salt well. Apply the scrub on the scalp, massage for 5-7 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Just be careful: the coffee may turn brown.

Do you know interesting recipes for homemade hair scrubs? Share them in the comments!

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