How to get rid of oily hair. Oily scalp - how to deal with it? How to treat sebaceous glands on the head

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

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Oily scalp is a problem that occurs due to unhealthy activity of the sebaceous glands. It causes a lot of trouble because it affects the condition of the hair - it quickly becomes dirty and does not look its best. However, this is only the external side of the issue. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands is a problem usually caused by disturbances in internal processes in the body. That is why it is very important, when it occurs, to fight not only the external manifestations by selecting special cleansers, but also to treat the internal factors that provoke it.

Main causes of oily scalp

The reasons why the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted are very diverse, but in most situations the problem lies in the following:

  • Hormonal changes. In view of this circumstance, it is not surprising that very oily scalp is often the fate of girls and boys during puberty. As the period of hormonal changes passes, the activity of the glands decreases and the problem disappears by itself. In addition, women often suffer from this problem, because in female body Various hormonal surges constantly occur. The chance of developing a problem during pregnancy is especially high. Representatives of the fair sex who prefer to protect themselves with the help of birth control pills- these drugs affect hormonal levels. However, “jumps” of hormones are not the only factor that provokes improper functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Stress. Many of us underestimate its effects, but it can affect not only the health of the scalp, but also the body as a whole, and this effect will, of course, be negative. If you regularly lack sleep, work hard, eat poorly, etc., most likely, the banal establishment of a regimen can solve the problem of fat head. Everything becomes more complicated if the stress is caused by this or that tragic circumstance, in this case, you can not do without the help of a psychologist. However, it is absolutely necessary to solve the problem with stress, because, we repeat, untidy hair is not the main trouble that a depressive state leads to, it gradually destroys the body on all fronts.
  • Metabolic disease. Disruptions in metabolism caused by certain factors have a strong influence on appearance skin. This is the body’s way of showing that “something has broken inside.” In the event that the scalp has become oily due to metabolic problems, the facial skin is likely to also be oily and problematic. Of course, this situation requires careful diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a competent specialist.
  • Fungal infection of the epidermis. Another serious reason that negatively affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands and requires serious medical intervention. In this situation, a number of unpleasant symptoms- pain, burning, itching sensation. In addition, dandruff often appears, and increased hair loss is observed.
  • Wrong selection of cosmetics. Another factor that can lead to increased oily scalp. We are used to taking proper care of our facial skin, but not so much for our scalp yet. It is necessary to select adequate methods of care. If your hair is prone to oily or normal type, you should not even use a product for dry curls. Thus, you make problems for yourself out of nowhere.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that there are a number of risk factors that increase the likelihood of malfunctions in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, they are associated with conditions environment, among which: poor environmental conditions in the place of residence, too hot climate, high humidity. That is why the problem of increased oiliness of the scalp is often observed after a change of residence.

What to do if your scalp is oily

As you probably already guessed, methods of treating oily scalp are determined largely by the cause that triggers disruption of the sebaceous glands. However, while the diagnosis and search for an internal problem is being carried out, it is necessary to eliminate its external manifestations through special cosmetic products, medical supplies and public funds.

Shampoo for oily scalp

In most cases, the attending physician advises changing the shampoo. Oily skin and oily hair, as we mentioned above, are always special care. Means for dry hair, shampoos for normal hair and miracle remedies for all types of curls will not work here at all. It is necessary to purchase a shampoo, on the label of which it is written in black and white - "for the care of oily hair."

However, you should not blindly trust the inscriptions on the front side of the bottle, be sure to read the composition. It is good if it contains zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide, it is bad if there are any oils (except essential ones).

Focus mainly on professional line cleansers and treatment products, but remember that good products are also found in the mass market line. In general, it is best to ask a doctor for recommendations on choosing a shampoo and other care products, indicating specific options, because every day new, more progressive and effective “bottles” are released. However, if the doctor did not advise anything specific, you can use the recommendations of this article.

Here are a few popular shampoos today that have a lot of positive feedback:

  1. Desert Essence, Lemon Tea Tree. A professional and expensive remedy, which, however, boasts not only the ability to cleanse oily scalp, but also the most natural composition. However, it must be taken into account that natural remedies, in view of the absence of chemistry, do not foam too well, this increases their consumption.
  2. Nature Siberica "Volume and Balance" and Shauma "7 Herbs". These are affordable shampoos that do not differ exclusively in natural composition, but they demonstrate good efficiency - they not only cleanse oily skin, but also give hair volume and shine. In addition, it should be noted that the Shauma remedy is not suitable for those who have sensitive skin and are prone to allergies.
  3. Apivita Propoline with Nettle and Honey. A very interesting and somewhat unique professional product is shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair. The product belongs to the professional series, has an 85% natural composition, and it should be noted that it does not just degrease the skin, but has a positive effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and in addition, has a smoothing effect, gives the hair softness and shine.
  4. Redken, Clean Brew. Shampoo created specifically for the stronger half of humanity with a deep cleansing effect. Refers to professional products. A worthy and affordable analogue is “Fat Control” from Clear Vita ABE.
  5. Syoss Anti-Grease. This is a dry shampoo that cleanses oily hair well. It will be a suitable solution for those who are always short of time.
By the way, not only the product you wash your hair with is of great importance, but also how you do it. There are a number of recommendations that must be followed when washing oily hair:
  • You should wash your hair every 3-4 days. Frequently washing your hair stimulates the sebaceous glands, this is due to the fact that when sebum is washed off, the body intensively produces it again, since one of its functions is to protect the skin from the pathogenic effects of pathogenic organisms.
  • Don't wash your hair before bed. At night, the sebaceous glands are more active, which means the restoration of lost “accumulations” will be more intense.
  • Use water at room temperature. Cold can cause damage to the hair, and hot increases the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Don't rinse off the shampoo right away. The wash should be kept on the hair for 3-5 minutes for reliable cleansing. As for the balm conditioner, if you need it, it must of course also belong to the series "for oily hair».

Masks for oily scalp

An additional remedy that improves the condition of the scalp can be a mask for oily hair. Let's consider some of them:
  1. Guam Thalasso Hair. Professional mask-shampoo from an Italian company. It contains mainly extracts of various plants and essential oils. It perfectly fights greasy hair, and at the same time saturates the strands with vitamins and significantly improves the appearance.
  2. Urtinol Dixon. A professional tool that helps not only cleanse oily scalp, but also significantly improve hair. It will also provide excellent prevention of hair loss and dandruff. The mask is available in ampoules, which is not very convenient, but the effect is worth it.
  3. . Another Italian remedy with several active ingredients. Natural lemon extract restores the normal functioning of the glands, an “ingredient” called irikalmin soothes and refreshes the skin, and aloe extract makes hair voluminous and shiny.
  4. L’Oreal Elseve, “3 valuable clays”. An affordable clay-based product that cleanses the skin and hair well, and also gives a noticeable volume. However, many complain about the product’s not very pleasant smell.
The choice of a cosmetic product is always a very individual moment, and therefore there is no guarantee that the shampoo and / or mask that suits hundreds of girls will suit you. Unfortunately, in order to find your remedy, you sometimes need to go through a lot of options.

Treatment of oily scalp with medications

Medications for the treatment of oily scalp are usually prescribed after determining the cause that led to the development of the disease.

In the event that the problem is associated with hormonal changes, hormonal ointments are prescribed: Hydrocortisone, Celestoderm, Akriderm. When using them, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations; they cannot be used for a long time; they are usually prescribed in a course with breaks.

If stress is the cause of the problem and the person is unable to cope with it on his own, sedatives: Novopassit, Diazepam, Pantocrine, Motherwort, Valerian. The choice of drug depends on the patient's stress level.

If the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted due to fungal infection of the epidermis, special drugs are chosen to treat it, such as Bifonazole, Lamisil, Sulsena Paste.

Things are more complicated if the cause of the disease is a metabolic failure. In this case, complex treatment and a special diet are prescribed, and therapy takes a lot of time.

Caring for oily scalp with folk remedies

Often they try to fight oily scalp with the help of folk remedies, and this kind of therapy has good effect. Given that the best beauty products are made from natural ingredients, why not make your own at home? In most cases, this approach is no less effective, but much more economical - in terms of monetary costs, but, of course, it takes time, on the contrary.

If you have time and want to save money, you can safely use one of these instead of a professional mask:

  • Clay-mustard mask. Dissolve dry clay (3 tablespoons) in warm water (4 tablespoons) - you can buy it at a pharmacy, and add dry mustard (2 tablespoons), honey and lemon juice (a teaspoon each). Thoroughly mix all the components to achieve uniformity, apply the product on the hair for 30-40 minutes. This mask will not only help fight oily scalp, but will also stimulate hair growth. Mustard masks effective, but not suitable for everyone: if you feel discomfort after application, immediately wash off the product.
  • "Pure" clay. If the previous mask does not suit you, try preparing the mixture purely on clay: to do this, dissolve the dry powder in mineral water until thick sour cream and apply to hair for half an hour. Clay, like mustard, is one of the the best means against oily scalp. Of course, in tandem, the funds work more efficiently, but when used separately, there will be no small use.
  • Kefir mask with essential oils. This is a good healing mask, which is made not only by amateurs, but also by professionals. It is prepared as follows: essential oils are dissolved in a glass of kefir - bergamot, rosemary and citrus, the mixture is carefully rubbed into the scalp and washed off after half an hour.
  • . The problems of oily scalp and hair loss are usually closely related. A honey mask will not only eliminate the increased fat content, but also strengthen the hair follicles. It is done as follows: add aloe juice (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and garlic gruel (1 clove) to melted honey (2 tablespoons). The mask is mixed until smooth and applied to the hair for half an hour. Pay attention to the sensations: garlic can cause a burning sensation, if it is too strong, wash off the mask and next time do not add this “ingredient”.
  • Egg mask. A very simple mixture that perfectly eliminates the problem of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. You need to beat eggs (2 pieces) into a foam, add water and alcohol (1 teaspoon each), and the product can already be applied to your hair. Wear the mask for no more than 30 minutes.
Please note that for additional effectiveness, after applying the mask, your head should be wrapped first in plastic and then with a towel.

It is worth noting that ethnoscience for oily hair, she also recommends rinsing with decoctions of various herbs - plantain, birch, mint, sage, St. John's wort. You can use only one type of herb, or several, maintaining the following proportions - 1 tablespoon of dry herb to 1 glass of boiling water.

What to do if your scalp is oily - watch the video:

Oily scalp is an unpleasant problem, but complex therapy quickly resolved. Such therapy includes contacting a doctor, determining the cause that led to increased activity sebaceous glands, prescribing medications (if necessary) and the right cosmetics for hair care.

Beautiful and healthy hair is a woman’s best adornment. A common problem for women and men is oily scalp. This causes a lot of problems, as the hair quickly becomes dirty and does not have a very pleasant appearance. This occurs due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Before moving on to solving the question of what to do if you have oily scalp, you need to understand the reasons leading to such disorders in the body.

Causes of increased oily scalp

Sebum production is a necessary process that helps protect the skin from negative external influences. But if the work of the sebaceous glands increases excessively, then the scalp becomes oily.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Hormonal changes in the body. It can occur in adolescents during puberty. In women, hormonal imbalance occurs during pregnancy, after pregnancy, or as a result of taking hormonal medications.
  • The cause may be frequent stress, chronic lack of sleep, and nervous tension. They affect not only the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also have a negative impact on the entire body as a whole.
  • Another reason is seborrheic dermatitis, which is dangerous because the composition of sebum changes, it is oversaturated with free fatty acids. This can lead to active growth of bacteria, and even blockage of the sebaceous glands.
  • Improper nutrition - eating large amounts of fatty, starchy, sweet foods.
  • Wash your hair with very hot water. This enhances the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Excessive care with moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Important! The oiliness of the skin is also influenced by factors such as ecology, climate, and even bad habits.

Oily scalp care

What to do if your scalp is very oily? Many people believe that it is useless to fight this, but this is not so. Let's see what experts recommend us to do in such cases:

  • Wash your hair only when it gets dirty, preferably with a special shampoo for oily hair.
  • Throughout the day, you should comb your hair as little as possible. When combing, we distribute sebum throughout the hair.

Important! If the hair is of normal type, then this procedure will only bring benefits, since sebum protects our hair from damage. But if the work of the sebaceous glands is increased, then the hair will quickly get dirty.

  • After shampooing, it is advisable to rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile, oak bark or calendula. This will reduce the work of the sebaceous glands. Instead of a decoction of herbs, you can use one diluted in water. lemon juice.
  • You should not blow dry your hair; it is better to let it dry naturally. But if you need to use a hair dryer, it is better to dry with cold air.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water after washing, this will tighten the pores and make it less likely to quickly become dirty.
  • Use hair balms and conditioners with caution. When using, apply them to the ends of your hair, not to your scalp.
  • Don't rub your head too intensely - this stimulates the production of sebum.
  • To quickly remove excess oil, use baby powder. Apply it to the roots of your scalp, leave for 5 minutes, and then comb your hair thoroughly.
  • Eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

Choosing the right shampoo

Today on the cosmetics market there is a wide selection of shampoos for every taste and for any hair type. However, not every shampoo can solve your problem. In our case, we need a shampoo that will gently cleanse the scalp and hair without damaging it.

Important! You should not buy shampoo for all hair types or 2 in 1 with conditioner. It is best if it is a shampoo for oily hair. It is best to pay attention to the product from the medicinal series.

For oily hair, the best shampoos are those that contain:

  • selenium sulfide and zinc - they relieve hair from oily shine;
  • pumpkin seed oil;
  • clay;
  • essential oils of peppermint, grapefruit, orange;
  • extracts of oak bark, calendula, rosemary.

Important! But the presence of silicone and lanolin is undesirable.

Wash your hair correctly

It seems that this is so difficult that even a child can handle it. But it turns out that even here there can be pitfalls. A person with oily scalp should know the following:

  • You should not wash your hair more than 2 times a week. The more often we wash our hair, the more active the sebaceous glands work.
  • Try to wash your hair in the first half of the day, as the sebaceous glands are most active in the evening and at night.
  • Water for washing your hair should be at room temperature.
  • Apply shampoo to the scalp and leave for a couple of minutes.

Important! Balms should be selected for dry hair and should be applied to the ends of the hair, avoiding the hair roots.

Traditional methods

The use of cosmetics alone is not enough; the use of traditional methods is also required. There are a lot of them, let's look at the most effective ones.


Clay is considered very beneficial for the skin, especially blue clay. It contains many microelements. In addition, clay has an astringent effect that tightens pores, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, so it is even ideal for treating fungal diseases.

To prepare the mask, you need to take clay, dilute it with water until it becomes creamy. Apply to the scalp for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Serum based on pomegranate peel

If you have a problem with how to make your scalp less oily, then a serum based on pomegranate peel will help you. You will need pomegranate peel and boiling water:

  1. The peel must be infused in boiling water for an hour.
  2. Then take it out and treat the scalp with the resulting solution half an hour before washing.

Tar soap

This is very effective remedy to combat increased oily scalp. But you need to use it correctly:

  1. Before use, place the bar in a small amount of water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Then you need to take out the soap, foam the soap solution, and apply this foam to your hair.

Important! You can wash your hair with tar soap every day; it does not dry out your hair too much. During treatment, cleansing shampoos and conditioners should not be used.

Alcoholic herbal tinctures

Alcohol is true friend for those with oily hair.

Important! Its use cleanses the scalp of excess oil and tightens the pores on the skin. The most effective is its combination with herbs such as chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort.

How to use:

  1. For 10 parts of alcohol there is 1 part of medicinal herb.
  2. You can even use a collection consisting of several herbs.
  3. The mixture is poured into a container with a tight lid and infused in a cool, dark place for two weeks.
  4. Then it is filtered.

Important! The finished mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.


An excellent remedy for oily hair is an infusion of burdock root. For this:

  1. 2 tablespoons of crushed burdock roots are poured with 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Next - boil for 10-15 minutes, strain, let it cool.
  3. The infusion is rubbed into the hair roots for 2 weeks.

Important! This decoction can also be used as a rinse after washing your hair.


Making medicine from nettle is very simple:

  1. Brew 100 g of crushed leaves in 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Wait until the broth cools and strain.

Important! Nettle decoction strengthens hair and normalizes sebum production. You should rinse your hair with this decoction after washing your hair.


Onions improve blood circulation, strengthen hair, and get rid of dandruff. The most popular methods of treatment with onions:

  • Onion juice is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 1. Half an hour before washing your hair, this mixture is rubbed into the scalp.
  • Brew 50 g of onion peels in 1 liter of boiling water. Strain the resulting broth and cool. Use for rinsing.

Important! You can neutralize the smell from such treatment using vinegar diluted in water.

Homemade ointments

You can combat the problem of oily scalp with homemade ointments:

  • Mix the juice of half a lemon, 2 chicken yolks and a few drops burdock oil or castor oil. Apply ointment before washing your hair.
  • Combine liquid honey and sour cream. Add aloe juice, lemon juice and castor oil, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair an hour before washing your hair.

If all the measures taken do not give the desired result, then you need to contact a dermatologist, because the problem may lie in the malfunction of the endocrine glands and other vital organs.

In this article we have given you a lot useful tips, from which you can choose the one that suits you when you need to decide what to do if you have oily scalp. We hope that when using one of these products you finally got the expected result, and now you always look well-groomed and beautiful.

We will talk about such a problem as greasy hair and greasy skin.

What is the cause of greasy skin and hair?

Increased sebum secretion is caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, the antimicrobial properties of the skin are reduced and, as a result, conditions for the development of infection are created. This skin condition is called seborrhea.

It is based on autonomic dystonia, that is, one of the functions of neuroendocrine disorders. These endocrine disorders manifest themselves in an imbalance of male and female sex hormones, specifically: the level male hormones(androgens) increases, and female (estrogens) decreases.

Seborrhea of ​​the face

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Seborrhea loves those places on the body where the largest accumulation of sebaceous glands is. And this is the skin of the face, scalp, chest and back.

If seborrhea becomes chronic, it becomes a disease: seborrheic dermatitis. But this does not happen so often, in 10 cases out of 100. Inflammation of the skin itself is the cause of seborrheic dermatitis, in contrast to seborrhea, in which the cause is a dysfunction of its sebaceous glands.

What causes dysfunction of the sebaceous glands?

If you dig “deeper”, then the reason is a violation of fat metabolism in the body. Both men and women experience hormonal changes, in particular, the content of male sex hormones in the blood increases. This causes an increased secretion of sebum.

What can cause such changes in the body? Here is a list of these reasons:

  • Adolescence, puberty.
  • Increased levels of male hormones are already hormonal disorders. The stronger sex is mostly affected - men.
  • Hereditary predisposition, that is, genetic “programming”
  • Chronic infectious diseases
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  • Ovarian disease in women associated with increased level progesterone and male sex hormones in the blood.
  • Seminomas are tumors of the testicles in men.
  • Neurological and mental illness: schizophrenia, epilepsy, infectious lesions CNS.
  • Endocrine disorders associated with taking hormonal drugs (for example, contraceptives) or drugs used to build muscle mass - anabolic steroids, as well as tumors of the genital organs and adrenal glands.
  • Stress
  • Lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet.
  • Abuse of salty, spicy and sweet foods.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Influence of atmospheric factors.

Here is an impressive list of risk factors for such a condition of our skin as greasiness, that is, seborrhea.

Symptoms of seborrhea.

It must be said right away that a distinction is made between dry (thick) seborrhea and oily seborrhea.

Signs of dry seborrhea:

  • peeling of the skin of the scalp or otherwise dandruff, caused by the activation of non-potogenic, bacterial microflora, which penetrates the upper layer of the skin and begins to destroy it.
  • so-called acne vulgaris

Signs of oily seborrhea:

  • the skin of the face, head and torso is sebaceous, moist with a characteristic sheen.
  • skin of a dirty gray shade, thickened, reminiscent of a lemon peel.
  • skin pores are enlarged. May be clogged with plugs - “blackheads” (acne, comedones)
  • hair is greasy. Patchy baldness may even appear.
  • Sometimes “whiteheads” appear - milia (small yellow nodules).

There is also a mixed form of seborrhea, which can combine all the symptoms.

Which doctor should I contact for seborrhea?

First of all, see a dermatologist. An endocrinologist and neurologist, a gynecologist (for women) and an andrologist (for men) are the next doctors who can help with this problem.

You will need to take tests: blood for hormones, biochemical analysis blood. If necessary: ​​Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity and thyroid gland.

If you do not fight seborrhea, you may be susceptible to:

  • secondary bacterial skin infection in the form of boils, folliculitis, pyoderma.
  • purulent pimples
  • rosacea - rosacea
  • seborrheic eczema
  • baldness
  • senile warts

Seborrhea should be treated under the supervision of a doctor, who offers treatment based on the tests and studies performed.

Here are some methods that a doctor can use to treat oily skin of the face and scalp, that is, seborrhea:

  • Follow a diet in which the following foods are preferred: eggs, dairy products, vegetables (especially beets and cabbage) and fruits. But the consumption of fatty foods should be limited, as well as spicy, salty and sweet foods. Try to avoid spices: mustard, horseradish, pepper.
  • It is recommended to take vitamins A, B, E and D, microelements, in particular: preparations with zinc.
  • To restore autonomic function nervous system appropriate medications are prescribed.
  • And here hormone therapy prescribed for severe disease. "So palmetto" - a herbal preparation is recommended to restore endocrine balance.
  • In parallel, it is necessary to treat concomitant diseases, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Physical activity, walking, bathing and hardening normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation.
  • Skin and hair care using medical products. Some people get help folk remedies. They will be discussed below.
  • In severe cases, the doctor prescribes systemic antimycotic drugs.

Physiotherapy can be highlighted as a separate item. There are many treatments for seborrhea. Here they are:

  • Sedative methods: franklinization, UHF therapy of sympathetic nodes, calcium electrophoresis on the collar zone, segmental reflex darsonvalization, electrosleep therapy.
  • Bactericidal methods: local darsonvalization, FUV irradiation.
  • Immunocorrective methods: DUV irradiation (heliotherapy), ILBI.
  • Hormone-corrective methods: HF magnetic therapy on the adrenal glands, transcerebral UHF therapy, transcerebral electroanalgesia.
  • MIL therapy - alternately magnetic and laser radiation, increasing the activity of hair follicle cells. This therapy has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, improves microcirculation, stimulates nonspecific and specific factors immunity. This therapy is prescribed for pyoderma of the scalp, alopecia, damage to the hair shafts, increased dryness and oiliness of hair, seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Ozone therapy - under the influence of ozone, the structure of the hair and their fast growth is being restored. This method can cope with dandruff, excessive oily hair, seborrhea, dermatitis, fragility and rapid hair loss. Ozone therapy improves blood flow and lymph flow, and also nourishes the hair roots.
  • — intradermal microinjections of active drugs into the mesoderm (middle part of the skin) of problem areas. Follow the link.

Let's talk a little about seborrheic dermatitis. What is it and how does it manifest itself?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease!

The word seborrheic specifically indicates the place of development of this dermatitis, or, more precisely, the “seborrheic” areas of accumulation of sebaceous glands - the skin of the scalp, face (nose, forehead, chin, nasolabial triangle), interscapular area of ​​the back, areas of the midline of the chest.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is first inflammation of the skin, and then dysfunction of the sebaceous glands of the skin, unlike seborrhea. The disease is hereditary.

Inflammatory skin disease can be triggered by hormonal, neurogenic and immune disruptions in the body, as well as all those reasons that cause seborrhea.

Externally, seborrheic dermatitis is redness, thickening of the skin, flaking, severe itching and dandruff. Hair begins to thin and thin.

There are three forms of seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp:

  • inflammatory type: severe redness, itching, weeping, lesions extend beyond the hair growth line.
  • dry type (common dandruff): lamellar peeling. With this type, the hair does not get dirty as quickly;
  • oily type (steatoid dandruff): large, oily, yellow scales form at the base of the hair, which contribute to the hair sticking together. The hair itself becomes dirty extremely quickly.

Against the background of provoking factors, an excessive appearance of a yeast fungus may occur in the body, which is harmless during normal functioning of the body, and in excess accelerates the formation of skin cells and their “exfoliation”.

  • antifungal action on pathogenic fungi, in particular, fungi of the genus Malassezia (Malassesia);
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • exfoliating effect (due to benzyl salicylate) on the scalp.
  • antibacterial effect.

Sebiprox shampoo can be used both for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp and for seborrhea:

And now folk remedies in the fight against seborrhea.

For the treatment of seborrheic oily skin of the face and head, rubbing and lotions from decoctions are well suited. medicinal herbs. Here are some of them:

1.Oak bark decoction Suitable for oily seborrhea.

Finely chop oak bark, pour boiling water over it in a ratio of 1:5, boil for 20 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain. Then add honey to the resulting decoction (1 teaspoon per glass of decoction). Stir thoroughly and rub into hair roots.

2. You will need the following medicinal herbs: , burdock root, St. John's wort, immortelle (flowers), and corn columns with stigmas. Mix all herbs in equal proportions. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them, boil for 20 minutes in a water bath, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Rub the resulting decoction into the scalp (the hair must be clean before the procedure). Place a plastic bag on your head, leave it there for half an hour, then remove it. Don't wash your hair!

By analogy with this recipe, you can prepare decoctions from other medicinal herbs:

  • St. John's wort grass, burdock roots, corn columns with stigmas, grass (flowers), immortelle flowers, tansy. Everything in equal quantities.
  • for oily skin: 3 parts chamomile flowers, 3 parts crushed burdock roots, 3 parts St. John's wort, 7 parts nettle leaves. In the article you can learn about other means of combating this scourge. Follow the link.

3. Decoction of onion peels.

Rinse two tablespoons of onion peel, then pour in 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Wet dry, clean hair with this decoction and let it air dry.

4 . St. John's wort decoction for acne.

Wipe your oily face with this decoction. And it is prepared as follows: dried flowers and, in the amount of 1 tablespoon, are poured with a glass of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Do not insist, but strain immediately.

5. A decoction of the bergenia plant.

Lotions from this plant quickly treat oily seborrhea of ​​hair, skin, acne, sweating. Wash your hair with a water decoction in a ratio of 1:10 twice a week, and so on for at least ten procedures. Follow the link and learn a lot of interesting things about this plant.

6. treats seborrhea of ​​the head.

And here are the ointments for seborrhea, which should be rubbed into the scalp:

  • Mix two chicken yolks with the juice of 1/2 lemon, then add a few drops of castor or burdock oil. Rub in 30 minutes before washing hair;
  • You can use ointments with other proportions: mix 1 tbsp. spoon + juice of 1 lemon + 1 chicken yolk.
  • For oily hair, you can prepare the following seborrhea cream: sour cream, honey, castor oil, lemon juice. Everything is taken in equal quantities. Add 2 cloves of grated garlic here. Rub into scalp 0.5 hour before washing hair;
  • For dry hair: 1 tbsp. spoon of olive (or sunflower) and castor oil mix with juice of 1/2 lemon. Rub in 0.5 hour before washing hair;

Folk remedies for dandruff for washing hair.

  • Depending on the length of your hair, beat 1-2 chicken eggs and wash your hair with the resulting mixture.
  • 1 yolk + 1 glass of kefir or sour milk + 1/2 teaspoon of honey. This mixture is suitable for washing normal to dry hair;
  • 0.5 liters of water + 0.5 liters of 6% vinegar + 100 g of finely chopped nettle leaves. Cook this mixture for 0.5 hours. Wash your hair with this decoction at least 10 times in a row;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile inflorescences pour 2 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, strain. This procedure is recommended for people with blond hair. The decoction will give a golden hue to your hair. Wash your hair for at least 2 weeks.
  • If your hair is too dry, a special hair mask or a solution where three drops of oil are added to warm water (200 ml) can help.

What is the prevention of seborrhea? How to protect yourself from seborrhea?

The main cause of fat is a violation of water and electrolyte balance.. Such a violation provokes either severe fluid retention, which contributes to increased secretion of sebum, or, conversely, dehydration, which causes the sebaceous glands to function in an enhanced mode.

Attention! Also common cause is hormonal disruptions or transformations that the body undergoes in the process of age-related changes. This is especially true for estradiol or testosterone, which are often unbalanced in young adolescence.

Is treatment necessary?

Looking ahead, we can say that for some patients this is the norm. People who are prone to obesity often have increased sebum secretion and sweating, which does not indicate any abnormalities in the body.

But here in other cases, oily skin only confirms the presence of problems with the body. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist. You can find out which specialist to contact for scalp problems.

Oily seborrhea

Due to an increase in the concentration of androgenic hormones in the blood, the composition of sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands changes, the secretion of sebum increases, and its bactericidal properties decrease. This condition is caused by the growth of the yeast fungus Pityrosporum ovale, which is a permanent inhabitant of the skin of the scalp.

Accelerated proliferation of the fungus will lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands and provoke severe itching of the skin, and also creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of organisms that provoke the appearance of pustular skin ailmentsfrequent companions oily seborrhea.

Dry seborrhea

Reference! Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a pathology characterized by impaired production and visual deficiency of sebum.

Cosmetic care products

Absorbent mud paste

Absorbent mud paste is a prefabricated complex for regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands and restoring the normal water-lipid balance of the scalp. The specially developed mud paste formula guarantees therapeutic and preventive effects.. As a result of systematic use, the microflora of the scalp and the functioning of the sebaceous glands are normalized, and the oily sheen on the hair disappears.

Balm "Isis"

Rinse aid from Natural Siberica

Natural product based on herbal decoctions and extracts. The balm has a mild cleansing and softening effect and does not harm the skin.. Burdock and peppermint extracts help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous gland, and linden juice relaxes the tense muscles of the hair follicle, which provides a pleasant tonic effect on the skin.

Air conditioner from Timotei

An excellent choice for people who are allergic to certain herbs or oils. This product consists almost entirely of synthetic elements, which does not make it worse than natural conditioners, because the formulas are selected in such a way as to provide gentle care without causing allergies or irritation. Works great against oily skin, washing away excess sebum without harming the sebaceous glands.

Bio-balm from Giardini

Gentle care and long-lasting hydration are guaranteed. Biologically active components are as close in composition as possible to those found in our body, therefore they easily overcome the immune barrier and enter the body unchanged. Because of high level Bioavailability (ratio of ingested substance to absorbed substance) this balm has no competitors in the ratio (price/quality).

Tonic balance from Belit

Good selection from inexpensive drugs with a soft action. Natural oils and extracts included in the composition work together. They relieve inflammation from the sebaceous gland and provide it with nutrients for normal functioning. At the same time, it eliminates excess sebum and cleanses the skin of impurities and fatty acid oxidation products.

Essential oils

A special range of natural preparations for regulating skin oiliness. Provides skin with fatty acids that balance fluid balance and lipid profile. Use with caution by people allergic to the solvent or components of the composition.. To check, it is better to put a couple of drops on your wrist and wait 10 minutes to make sure that you are not allergic to this oil.

Read more about the effect of oils on the scalp.

How to choose the right shampoo?


Attention! Pay attention only to original products; if an expensive brand is sold at a large discount (60% or more) - most likely you have a fake or expired product.

Good companies:

  • SYOSS.
  • Pantene.
  • Shauma.
  • NIVEA.

Almost any product from these manufacturers will be an excellent choice for oily hair, because it is based on a purified aqueous solution, not overloaded with electrolytes and heavy metals that will disturb the lipid balance.


There is no single firm in this category. The main rule is to choose shampoos with a pH level as close as possible to 4.5. Since our skin has such a level. Pay attention to the marks “for daily use” and “for regular use”.

Therapeutic purpose

This category is purchased only in pharmacies. The pharmacist will offer you a choice of several products that are suitable specifically for your skin type. Buying on your own can cause harm or make the situation worse.. Read more about medicated shampoos in this article.

How to fight - home recipes


Herbal tonic

This mixture is perfect for those whose scalp gets oily too quickly, and whose hair is over-dried by shampoos and styling procedures.

Reference! Use this mixture instead of washing your hair every second time. That is, if you wash your hair three times a week, apply toner every second day to normalize the condition of your scalp.

After a month, fat content will return to normal.

Herbal lotion to cleanse the skin and remove shine

How to reduce fat content with it? The lotion recipe is very simple.:

How to get rid of greasiness with masks at home?



Cottage cheese contains a large amount of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on water-salt metabolism and relieves swelling, which necessarily accompanies the owner of oily skin. The pressure drops and the lipid profile returns to normal.

Another interesting recipe for a mask against oily hair:

Oily scalp is considered the most problematic due to complex care and not always the correct reasons for its appearance. Owners of this type face difficulties that lie in everyday things. For example, the skin becomes oily within 4-5 hours after washing. The hairstyle looks unkempt, does not hold its style well, and the ends seem dry.

Why does the scalp become oily?

  • difficulties in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • body contaminated with waste and toxins;
  • disorders of the psycho-emotional environment;
  • gastrointestinal ailments;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • excessive sebum production;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • lack of basic scalp and hair care;
  • high air humidity, hot weather;
  • seborrhea;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • constant exposure to stress;
  • lack of sleep and frequent anxiety.
  • do not dry the mop with a hairdryer;
  • wash your hair with cool filtered water;
  • exclude any effect on the dermis of high temperatures;
  • in summer and winter, wear a hat (not synthetic);
  • exclude tight hairstyles and complex styling from socks;
  • stop using stylers;
  • cut your hair if it is long during the period of oiliness treatment;
  • do not use hot curlers, Velcro, straighteners, or curling irons;
  • give up addictions;
  • Do not massage your head during therapy;
  • exclude sweets, fatty and salty foods from your diet;
  • do not dye your hair roots;
  • do not perm;
  • choose cosmetics taking into account the problem (oily content, dandruff);
  • do not comb your hair too often;
  • drink more water, eat nuts and berries;
  • do not allow the comb to come into contact with the scalp while combing;
  • Don't wear metal hair accessories.

Oily scalp requires a comprehensive approach. You cannot choose just one recommendation and expect results. Adjust your sleep schedule, eat right.

Care products for oily scalp

To solve the problem, you need to pay attention to basic cosmetics for scalp and hair care.


  1. If possible, buy shampoo in a pharmacy. Choose a mild detergent without sulfates, silicone, parabens and other aggressive ingredients. Give preference to shampoos with a transparent texture.
  2. Choose professional series cosmetics. As a rule, conscientious manufacturers value their reputation and try to produce as many natural shampoos as possible.
  3. Before purchasing, carefully read the “Ingredients” section. It should not contain prohibited ingredients. You can supplement with store-bought shampoo essential oil(5 drops per 100 ml).
  4. Buy shampoo based on your scalp type. Do not buy a product for dry strands because it has the ability to weigh down your hair.
  5. If oily skin is accompanied by dandruff, use medicinal shampoos from the pharmacy. Take a course of multivitamins for hair to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner.
  6. Contrary to popular belief, shampoo does not need to be changed every 2 weeks. One type of product is used for at least 2 months.

Dry shampoo

  1. Dry powder shampoo is a great find for those with oily scalps. There is no need to wash your hair if only the dermis is dirty. Dry shampoo is an emergency product.
  2. The product is available in spray form and is a powder composition. After being distributed onto the scalp, small particles absorb sebum, as a result of which the hairstyle looks neat and not “sleek.”
  3. The cosmetics market is overflowing with a variety of dry shampoo options. It all depends on the size of the wallet. However, you can use more accessible remedy- talc without fragrances.
  4. An alternative is considered to be first grade wheat flour or corn/potato starch. The method of use is simple - apply to the scalp, rub in, comb out with a comb or blow out with a hairdryer.
  5. It is important to understand that dry shampoo is not a replacement for regular washing. It should only be used rarely. The composition has a white tint and can be noticeable on the hair.


  1. The use of air conditioners must be strictly dosed. Do not distribute the balm over the scalp; step back from the root zone by 2 fingers. Apply only to hair if it is dry and difficult to comb.
  2. Never use 2-in-1 products, they are less effective. Similar products consist of sulfates, parabens and silicone. All components have a detrimental effect on hair health.
  3. If you use shampoo and conditioner separately, you will increase the effectiveness by 150-200%. At the same time, you can use leave-in conditioners.

  1. There are a lot of misconceptions and myths associated with washing oily scalp and hair in particular. Some people believe that frequent procedures will help get rid of greasiness. Others, on the contrary, wash their hair rarely, trying to “knock out a wedge with a wedge.”
  2. Both actions are extremely wrong. It is necessary to wash your hair as it gets dirty. Moreover, the main thing here is regularity, not daily occurrence.
  3. With frequent washing, the sebaceous glands begin to work harder. The situation is aggravated by hard running water and low-quality hair cosmetics.
  4. With infrequent and insufficient washing, the skin pores become clogged and oil cannot come to the surface. Again, this makes it difficult for the dermis to cleanse itself naturally.
  5. The ideal solution is to wash your hair after getting dirty. morning hours when the sebaceous glands work slowly. Eliminate daily washing completely. Determine the frequency of the procedure empirically.

Oily scalp treatment

To cope with oily seborrhea, you can resort to a number of traditional methods. It is allowed to take any action only after agreement with a specialist.

  1. The main task remains to correct and compile proper nutrition. Include more dairy products, fruits, vegetables, eggs and cereals in your daily diet.
  2. To get rid of the problem, it is recommended to limit your intake of sweet, salty and spicy foods.
  3. If your skin is oily, you need to take zinc complexes. Moreover, consumption should be systematic. Also, vitamins B, D, tocopherol, retinol will not interfere.
  4. In rare cases, seborrhea occurs due to problems hormonal levels. Get tested. If necessary, carry out complex treatment.
  5. It is important to identify the presence of possible ailments with gastrointestinal tract. Treat illnesses if present. Seborrhea may occur against this background.
  6. You can combat fatness with the help of targeted medical products. Most often, these are all kinds of sprays, ointments, lotions, gels and serums.
  7. IN special cases in case of advanced disease, a specialist may prescribe antifungal medications. Also, physiotherapy procedures save from seborrhea.
  8. More often these include sedative technology, mesotherapy, bactericidal technique, immunocorrective procedure and ozone therapy.

Folk remedies for oily scalp

In addition to expensive medications and all kinds of procedures, seborrhea can be treated with proven folk remedies.

Oak bark and honey

  1. Take 100 gr. oak bark, turn the raw material into powder in any available way. At the same time, boil 0.5 l. water. Combine the ingredients and boil for 40 minutes.
  2. Strain the product after cooking so that no sediment remains. Add 35 g to the finished broth. honey. Mix thoroughly and rub into scalp. Grab your forehead. Rinse off the composition after 20 minutes.

Burdock root and St. John's wort

  1. An effective herbal decoction will help you in the fight against seborrhea. The product is prepared from equal parts of calendula, burdock root, immortelle, corn silk and St. John's wort. At 60 gr. you need to take 250 ml of raw materials. purified water.
  2. Boil the components in a water bath for about half an hour. Let the product cool naturally until it cools completely. Strain the broth and carry out the procedures every day until the symptoms disappear.

Onion peel

  1. To cope with scalp problems, prepare onion broth. Take a handful of washed husks and pour in the same amount of water.
  2. Boil the mixture over low heat for 25 minutes. Strain and wait until it cools. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily. The decoction is distributed over dry and clean hair, rub into the skin with massaging movements.

Lemon juice and yolk

  1. Homemade ointment is no less effective. The composition is easy to prepare yourself from available products.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice from half the fruit, mix with 2 yolks. Add 4 drops of burdock oil. Mix the ingredients well. The product is applied with massaging movements 25-35 minutes before washing your hair.

Aloe vera and sour cream

  1. One more no less effective means is a home remedy. To prepare it, take equal proportions of fresh honey, aloe juice, sour cream, lemon juice and castor oil.
  2. Add 3 cloves of garlic pulp into the prepared grounds. The product is used as a mask. Distribute it over the root zone 1 hour before washing your hair.

To cope with the problem of excess fat, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Next comes the selection of basic care and treatment. If necessary, consult a trichologist, use traditional methods, establish a sleep schedule and proper nutrition.

Video: oily scalp - what to do?

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