What properties does bay oil have for hair and how to use it correctly. Bay oil - for strengthening hair follicles and rapid hair growth Hair masks with Bay essential oil

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2247 09/02/2019 6 min.

Bay essential oil is a product obtained from the leaves of an evergreen tree that has many names.

It is most often called bay tree, fig tree or American laurel.

There are plantations of these twelve-meter giants in some regions of Africa, America and India.

The first collection of leaves is carried out in November, the second - three months later.

To obtain essential oil, the method of steam distillation is used.
Finished product widely used for the production of perfumes, cosmetics, sports and medicine.

Beneficial features

A product containing no more than 55% eugenol (a fragrant substance of the phenolic class, which gives the oil a strong laurel-clove aroma) is considered to be of high quality. A higher figure is evidence of an undoubted fake.

Bay oil is extremely beneficial for hair health. With it you can:

  • Improve blood flow to hair follicles.
  • Accelerate metabolic processes in the cells of the hair and scalp.
  • Create a warming effect.
  • Fight bacteria and fungi. That is why it is often used for the prevention and treatment of many pathological conditions of the scalp. A powerful antiseptic effect is created due to the high concentration of eugenol.
  • Accelerate the regeneration of skin cells and hair follicles.
  • Make the strands thicker.
  • Thicken and improve the structure of curls. Moisturized and strengthened strands acquire elasticity, stop splitting and tangling during washing and combing.
  • Stop intense hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance, condition chronic fatigue and vitamin deficiency.
  • Significantly accelerate their growth. This effect is a consequence of the regulation of metabolic and regenerative processes in skin tissue and hair cells.

Possible contraindications
Who should stop using bay oil?

  • Pregnant women.
  • People whose body responds to it with a strong allergic reaction.
  • Patients with severe hypertension.

To make sure there is no allergic reaction, just do a simple test: apply a drop of the product to the crook of your elbow or the inside of your wrist. If the skin in this area begins to tingle, burning or itching appears, the oil should not be used.

Watch the video: benefits of Bey essential oil for hair and more

Methods of application

Bay oil is never used in its pure form:

  • They are enriched with ready-made organic cosmetics (masks, conditioners and shampoos) containing a minimum of chemical components.
  • It is included in the formulation of regenerating and nourishing masks for hair done at home.
  • To perform a head massage, use a composition prepared from five drops of bey oil and any base oil (15 ml).

The exception is the aromatic combing procedure. To perform it, three drops of undiluted bey ether are distributed over the surface of a wooden comb or natural bristle brush, after which the hair is thoroughly combed for at least ten minutes.

For hair growth

Oil wraps can significantly speed up the growth of curls. The method of applying the composition when wrapping is somewhat different from making conventional masks.

  • Having added three drops of bey oil to three dessert spoons of heated base oil, as well as an oil solution of vitamins A, E and B, begin to apply the healing composition in threads.
  • The mask is applied to thoroughly combed and dry hair, prior to washing it.
  • Having separated the strand, place a strip of foil under it and apply a warm potion using a brush. The treated strand is wrapped in foil and moved on to the next curl. Thanks to the foil, which retains heat well, healing oils penetrate deeply into the structure of each hair..
  • After an hour, the hair is washed twice with regular shampoo.
  • When choosing a base oil, you should consider your hair type. Apricot, wheat germ and avocado oil will have an excellent effect on dry strands. Oily curls will be stimulated by sesame, argan and jojoba oils. The best option for normal hair will become argan or burdock oil.

Save the recipe in your piggy bank

To experience lasting results, oil wraps should be performed for three months. During the first month, procedures should be weekly. During the second and third, they must be performed no more than three times a month.


Anna: I was already desperate to get my hair in order: it was thinning before my eyes and stubbornly refused to grow. After a full course of oil wraps, I coped with the problem of hair loss and was happy to discover that it had grown by six centimeters.

Mayan: I regularly resort to oil wrapping: after it, my curls not only grow quickly, but also become thicker. More than once I noticed the appearance of a thick “undercoat” along the hairline.

For hair loss and thickness

Strengthening composition

  • 1/8 of the onion is grated on the finest grater.
  • The resulting pulp is mixed with a tablespoon of liquid honey.
  • The product is rubbed into the hair follicles.
  • They create a sauna effect using film and insulating fabric.
  • Wash off after forty minutes, rinse with a solution of lemon juice.

Nourishing mask

  • Add five drops of bey oil to four dessert spoons of thick sour cream.
  • Apply to the entire length of the strands, wrapping them in polyethylene and a warm scarf.
  • Leave for half an hour.
  • Apply twice a week.

Nourishing substance for hair shine

  • A dessert spoon of any base oil is mixed with one yolk.
  • Add four drops of bay oil.
  • The mask is applied to the entire length of the strands.
  • The head is insulated.
  • Wash off after half an hour.

After a month of regular use, the curls stop splitting and begin to shine beautifully.

For children

The dosage of the product in the aroma lamp depends on the age of the child:

  • For children under two years old, one drop is enough.
  • Up to five years – three drops.
  • Up to ten years – four drops.

To spray the air, a solution prepared from a glass of water and ten drops of oil. This procedure is not recommended for children under three months of age.

Oil beat dnc

  • The oil substance from the domestic company DNC (translated into Russian as “delicate natural cosmetics”) is a mixture of coconut oil triglyceride, bay essential oil and vitamin E.
  • A transparent, oily, golden-colored liquid is poured into transparent bottles. The bottle is packaged in a beautifully designed cardboard box.

Consumer reviews

Julia: I am very pleased with the quality of the oil from the DNC company: after a series of masks, my strands acquired shine and softness. Suffering from dryness, they are now well hydrated. I will continue to use this product in the future.

Daryana: I like dnc oil not only because it added health to my curls. I paid a purely symbolic amount for a large bottle. I’ve been using it for six months now, and there’s still a lot of ether in it.

Oil beat Spivak

  • The product from the Russian soap company Spivak is a dark brown liquid substance with a bitter peppery-laurel aroma.
  • Packaged in dark glass bottles equipped with a dispenser. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box.
  • Cost 10 ml – 350 rub.

Luxurious thick hair is the dream of every woman. Unfortunately, in our lives there are many factors that negatively affect the condition of women’s hair: poor ecology, stress at work, breast-feeding, hormonal imbalances in the body.

A miracle remedy will help restore the former shine and beauty of your hair - essential oil for hair (bay), which is obtained from the leaves of the tree of the same name. Thanks to its nourishing and regenerating properties, Bay oil makes hair thicker, heals the structure damaged by the sun or heat styling and strengthens the hair follicles.

What are the benefits of bey oil?

The unique ingredients of Bay oil provide a good healing effect and eliminate the causes of hair weakening and loss. The main component of the oil, eugenol, has strong anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. In combination with other ingredients, it has the following effects:

  • enhances metabolism in tissues;
  • Thanks to its warming and relaxing effect, it improves blood circulation in the scalp;
  • relieves pain and calms;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • prevents platelet aggregation;
  • has a stimulating effect on the immune system;
  • includes activation of hair growth.

The beneficial effects of bay oil cover not only the scalp, but also the strands themselves, which allows you to strengthen them along their entire length. In addition, it is an excellent remedy for oily dandruff. But before using Bay oil for hair for medicinal purposes, you need to consult a trichologist.

Indications for use

  • They fall out a lot;
  • They grow back slowly;
  • They have a thin structure and split ends;
  • They don't shine and don't hold volume.


Unfortunately, masks with Bay oil are not recommended for everyone: sometimes it occurs allergic reaction to its components. To determine it, you need to apply a little product to the inside of your palm; if there is no irritation, you can safely apply it to your hair.

It is dangerous for pregnant women and nursing mothers to use masks. It should also be remembered that bay oil tends to increase arterial pressure, therefore contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

Cooking rules

Bay oil cannot be applied to hair in its pure form. The proportion with other ingredients should be no more than 2 drops per 1 tbsp. other components.

After applying the mask, you need to wrap your head with film or a towel: the effect of the components in the warmth increases. The time varies depending on the composition of the mask from approximately 30 to 45 minutes.

The average frequency of using a mask with Bay oil is 2-3 times a week, the course lasts from 1 to 2 months.

The product should be washed off with any mild shampoo, after which you need to dry your hair. If you don’t want to fuss with the ingredients, you can add Bay hair oil to your shampoo and use it as usual, but it is important to maintain the proportion: no more than 10 drops per 100 ml.

Mask to stimulate hair growth

Ingredients: burdock oil (warmed) – 1 tbsp, 2-3 drops of bay oil, one tablespoon each of castor and wheat germ oils. Mix the ingredients, apply the bulk of the mixture to the hair roots, and distribute what remains with a comb along the entire length.

Next, wrap your head and wait about half an hour, rinse with shampoo, then rinse cold water. By using this composition for a course of two months, 2-3 times a week, you can achieve a noticeable effect on hair growth: they begin to grow faster, hair loss stops, and many new hairs appear. This recipe is ideal for dry hair.

Treatment mask

Ingredients: base oil (for example, flaxseed or olive) – 2 tbsp, chicken yolk – 1 pc., honey – 1 tbsp, bay oil – 5 drops. Heat the base oil slightly, add honey and essential oil, add beaten yolk, mix.

Apply scalp scalp, washed off after half an hour. Thanks to this oil mask, hair becomes strong, thick and shiny.

Moisturizing mask

Ingredients: sour cream (it’s better to use thick, rustic sour cream) – 2 tbsp, bay oil – 5 drops. Stir until smooth; the application procedure is similar to those described in previous recipes.

As a result, the hair acquires extraordinary softness, shine and elasticity. This mask solves the problems of itching and dryness.

Therapeutic onion-honey mask

Ingredients: 1/8 of a medium onion (grate), bey oil – 4 drops, honey – 1 tbsp. Stir, apply the mixture for 40 minutes, wrap, rinse. During use, it is advisable to relax and calm down. It is best to make such a mask once a month. It not only saves you from extreme hair loss, but also creates protection against the influence of negative factors and scalp diseases.

Hair becomes stronger, acquires a radiant shine, and split ends are restored.

The disadvantage of this recipe is the strong, difficult to wash off smell of onions, but for the sake of this effect it is worth being patient.

Growth activation

The hair growth mask has two options depending on the type. General ingredient – ​​1 tbsp. mustard powder, then for dry hair add a yolk or a couple of tablespoons of your favorite vegetable oil, and for oily hair - 50 ml of kefir or yogurt, or a tablespoon of liquid sour cream.

Mustard is diluted with water to a paste consistency, the remaining components are added, everything is mixed well, lastly 3 drops of bey oil are added, everything is mixed again, and the growth activation mask is ready. The application procedure is the same as in the first three recipes. Mustard can be replaced with colorless henna.

Oil wrap

For this procedure, you should choose a base oil (burdock, peach, olive, wheat germ) and mix it with bay oil. The proportion is the same: for 2 tablespoons of base, no more than 4 drops of essential oil. After mixing thoroughly, rub into the roots and distribute evenly throughout the strands, wrap, leave for half an hour or an hour, and rinse with shampoo.

After the procedure, it is advisable to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions (chamomile, nettle) or water with the addition of vinegar.

You can buy Bay oil at a pharmacy in any city, or order it in an online store. The price may seem high to some, but a good 100% essential oil cannot cost a penny. But by paying once, you can forever get rid of problems associated with hair loss and become the owner of a luxurious iridescent mane.

Hi all!

Essential oil Botanika "Beat from the leaves" I purchased it for hair growth and my review will be devoted specifically to this property of the oil.

Bay oil is natural and effective remedy for hair growth. Thanks to the peculiar chemical composition, it has pronounced strengthening properties. Regular use of Bay oil helps to thicken the hair structure, strengthen its roots, stop hair loss in a short time and activate growth.

I found oil from the manufacturer "Botanika" at the nearest pharmacy for 250 rubles. There are more expensive options from well-known manufacturers, but for the first acquaintance I chose a more budget-friendly one.

Volume: 10 ml.

Best before date: 3 years.

Manufacturer: Russia, TM Botanika.


The oil is in a dark glass bottle with a convenient dropper dispenser. The box is made of natural-colored cardboard, which hints at the natural origin of the oil. The box originally contained several pages of instructions, but it didn’t survive until the time of writing a review. It describes all the methods and directions for using Bay oil.

Bay oil has a rather aggressive composition and is never used in its pure form! Before use, you need to mix it with base vegetable oil or other care product.


Bay oil should not be used during pregnancy.

To avoid unpleasant individual reactions, it is recommended:

Before use, a personal tolerance test should be performed.


100% essential oil from leaves (Myrcia acris)

The oil has a very rich spicy aroma . The aroma is so heavy that the first time I opened the bottle and inhaled the smell, I immediately closed it and put it away for a couple of weeks with full confidence that I would not use it.

But it was very interesting to try the miraculous effect of the oil; just after pregnancy and lactation, the hair began to actively leave my head, so I applied the oil for the first time, overdoing it. Mixed with coconut oil, the aroma became quite tolerable. And later this smell no longer seemed heavy to me at all and I got used to it. The smell is the only negative of this oil.

The range of applications for Bay oil is very wide. and is not limited to just hair care.

The oil is used in medicine: for flu and colds, and helps increase blood pressure. It has an antiseptic effect and is also used to treat fungal diseases.

As aromatherapy, the oil calms and relieves anxiety, and helps overcome depression.

Even while applying the product to your hair, its aroma is very invigorating and helps organize your thoughts.

There are several ways to use oil for hair growth:

  1. Adding to regular shampoos , conditioner balms, masks. One drop of Bay oil is enough for one serving of shampoo (mask). It is better to take shampoos and others with a natural composition, which contains a minimum of silicones;
  2. Oil wrap. This method will require any base oil, I take coconut oil, but you can also use olive, castor and even sunflower oil, in general, any to your taste - 2-3 tablespoons. Add a few drops of Bay oil (3-5 drops) to the base oil, put on a shower cap and warm your head with a towel. Best effect warming up the wrap with a hairdryer in a thermal cap;
  3. Nourishing masks. Here you can use any homemade masks for the scalp or for length, simply adding a few drops of Bay essential oil to them. For example, I made this mask for length: I mixed a tablespoon of warm castor oil, 5 drops of Bay oil, a tablespoon of honey and an egg yolk, applied the mixture to my hair and left for half an hour. After such a mask, hair that is dry at the ends gains elasticity and shine.


The oil is liquid, non-viscous, brown in color with a strong aroma. It is very easy to measure the required amount thanks to the dropper built into the bottle:

Dropped a few drops of Bay oil into the heated Coconut oil:

After stirring, the result is translucent water, which I apply to the scalp, rubbing a little, and distribute the remainder along the length of the hair:

Another tip that will be useful for those who use henna to color their hair:

A few drops of bay oil added to henna before dyeing will give your hair a brighter color, and the oil will soften the drying effect of henna.


It appeared after just a couple of weeks of using the oil in my skincare routine. My hair began to fall out much less, I was no longer horrified every time I pulled out a decent clump of hair from the drain. A thick undercoat began to grow. In general, Bay oil, despite the disgusting smell, works! And as the famous proverb says, “Beauty requires sacrifice!”

Oil Bay has become a permanent resident in my house, next time I’ll try it from another manufacturer, I’m sure of its effect, so there’s no need to save.

~~~~~~~Thanks for stopping by! I hope my review was useful and interesting to you!~~~~~~~~~

Bay essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the evergreen American laurel, which must reach the age of 5 years! Bey oil is recommended for those who want to quickly grow beautiful and healthy curls, as well as for those who suffer from excessive hair loss. High efficiency Bay oils for hair are supported by numerous positive reviews, but so that the oil does not have the opposite effect, precautions should be strictly followed.

First of all, bay oil is used to stimulate hair growth. Once on the scalp, bay oil activates blood microcirculation in the skin, thereby enhancing the nutrition of the hair follicles. The curls become stronger, grow faster, and new hairs may even appear, which makes the hair thick and voluminous.

By regularly using Bay oil for hair, you can stop the process of hair loss. For dull and depleted hair, Bay oil will help restore shine and vitality.

Rave reviews prove the excellent effectiveness of oil in bay, but exceeding the dose can result in increased hair loss, since under the influence of excessive concentrations of oil, hair follicles risk “burning out.” Therefore, it is very important to strictly adhere to the dosages indicated in the recipes!

Precautionary measures

Bay oil has a strong, pungent and bitter peppery smell, which may not be to everyone's taste. In addition, the oil can provoke individual intolerance, so a sensitivity test is required before the first use!

It is forbidden to use Bay oil on hair for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age. Older people and those who suffer from high blood pressure should use the oil with caution.

Methods of application

Bay essential oil for hair is most often used as part of various masks, where, in combination with other beneficial components, it helps solve many problems specific to hair. Bay oil is also recommended for enriching ready-made hair care products or for aromatherapy.

Enrichment of ready-made funds

This is the easiest way to strengthen and grow hair, because you just need to add 10 drops of Bay oil to a 200 ml bottle of shampoo/hair conditioner and use the enriched product as usual, washing your hair twice a week.

For those who have oily hair and have to wash their hair every day, it is better to add no more than 2 drops of bey oil to a single volume of shampoo/conditioner no more than 2 times a week.

It is important that the product does not contain parabens and silicone, otherwise their negative impact on curls will only worsen.

Aroma combing

A few drops of bey essential oil are applied to the teeth of a wooden comb, which is used to carefully comb the hair in different directions.

Bay oil in the amount of 3-5 drops is diluted in a heated mixture of burdock, castor oil, taken 1 tbsp. spoon, and ½ tsp. wheat germ oils. If your hair is oily, then you need to increase the volume of wheat germ oil to 2 tbsp. spoons, and the remaining oils - ½ teaspoon each.

Rub the mask into the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair using a comb. Wrap your head in plastic and then with a towel. Leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with your usual shampoo. Perform this procedure no more than 2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Salt mask for intensive hair growth

According to the author of this recipe, in 2 weeks of using a salt mask, hair can grow by 3 cm! At the same time, the composition of the mask is quite simple: fine table salt (1 teaspoon) is mixed with any vegetable oil (2 teaspoons) and 3 drops of essential oil.

The mask should be rubbed into the hair roots and left for 15 minutes. There is no need to cover your head with anything. Wash off with your usual shampoo.

In the first month, the mask can be used twice a week, and in subsequent months - once a week.

Moisturizing mask

Bay essential oil in the amount of 5 drops is added to 2 tbsp. spoons of natural sour cream.

The mask is distributed onto the roots and strands. Leave under a plastic cap and towel for 30 minutes. Wash off with your usual shampoo.

The mask can give curls elasticity and smoothness.

Nourishing mask

Bay essential oil in an amount of 4 drops is added to heated burdock oil (2 tablespoons) and 1 beaten egg yolk.

In case of dry hair, the resulting mixture can be applied to the roots and hair. If the hair is oily, then the mask is applied only to the curls, 5 cm away from the roots.

After half an hour, wash your hair with your usual product.

Mask for fine hair

A mask with honey will help strengthen the structure of depleted strands, add 1 tbsp. spoon of which is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons linseed oil, 1 egg yolk and 5 drops of essential oil.

The method of application is similar to the previous mask.

Add 1 tbsp to 1/8 of a medium-sized onion, ground into pulp. a spoonful of honey and 4 drops of oil. The mixture, whipped until smooth, is applied to the roots of the hair and insulated for 40 minutes with a towel wrapped over a shower cap. Wash off with your usual shampoo and rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon or vinegar.

This mask will not only strengthen your hair and prevent split ends, but will also help stop the process of hair loss, and also create a protective film on your curls from external aggressive factors.

Henna and oil for hair loss

Powder colorless henna(2 tablespoons) pour boiling water so that a creamy mass is obtained, to which no more than 3 drops of bay oil are added.

The mask is rubbed into the roots of the hair and left under insulation for 30 minutes. It is enough to use once every 4 days. Effective for hair of any type.

Bay oil rinse

Additional help oily hair hair that grows poorly, falls out and has a damaged structure will benefit from a rinse after washing your hair with the addition of Bay essential oil. As a base liquid, lightly brewed green tea will work well, adding 15 drops of ether to 1 liter.

If the hair is very dry and damaged, replace the tea leaves with infusions of chamomile, mallow, elderflower or dandelion leaves.

Bay essential oil for hair is a wonderful natural way to surprise others and yourself with luxurious long locks that radiate health and beauty. Bay oil can also help stop hair loss and strengthen the structure of thin and weakened hair. But in pursuit of quick results You should not increase the recommended doses of the oil, because being very concentrated, it will provide an amazing effect even in small quantities.

Hair loss can be a big problem. You can strengthen your strands, make them healthier and more beautiful with the help of a natural remedy - bay oil.

It is suitable for all hair types, and the effect of its use will occur after several procedures.

Benefits of the product

Good oil has a liquid, not heavy consistency. This is a composition of golden or dark brown color with an interesting spicy, tart smell.

To ensure the quality of the purchased product, drop it on a sheet of clean paper. If the next day the stain has evaporated without a trace, this indicates that the composition is natural.

If halos or strange stains remain on the paper, it means that the product is diluted or produced with the addition of some impurities.

The main advantage of the product is its versatility. It is suitable for all types of curls and has a comprehensive effect.

The tool can be used to solve the following problems:

  • treatment;
  • restoring balance (moisturizing or drying the scalp depending on whether the hair is dry or oily);
  • recovery from negative external factors(continuous use of hair dryer, ironing);
  • fragility treatment;
  • giving curls natural shine and elasticity.

Bay oil is an excellent stimulant. Included in it useful material“turn on” the regeneration of hair follicles.

Curls begin to grow faster. With its help you can get rid of partial baldness.

The product can be used as a prophylactic agent. When rubbing ether into the roots, blood flow increases, which helps normalize metabolism in the scalp.

Hair will stop falling out, regardless of what caused it - vitamin deficiency, constant stress, hormonal fluctuations.

Bay oil helps fight dandruff. The composition contains antiseptic components that kill pathogenic bacteria and fungi and initiate the healing process minor wounds, reduce irritation and itching.

The product does not dry out the hair at all, so it is especially Recommended for the care of thin, dry hair. It effectively moisturizes them, increases the density of the structure of the strands, making the hair healthier and smoother.

Suitable for the driest and most problematic hair, as well as for both natural brunettes and blondes, since does not lighten curls.

You can safely use it on colored curls. The product does not wash off the dye, but on the contrary, gives the colored strands a radiant look.

Properties and uses of bey oil:

Possible harm, precautions

Natural ester has a very high concentration, therefore dosed only in drops.

Under no circumstances should you use teaspoons or tablespoons. For the same reason, the product is rarely used in its pure form (with the exception of aromatherapy).

It is usually used as part of various masks, as an additive to the main ingredients. Natural ether can cause burns or allergies.

Substances included in the composition may increase blood pressure. The oil is prohibited for use by hypertensive patients and pregnant women.

Before use it is necessary conduct a product tolerance test.

The best way is to light an aroma lamp, and if after 10 minutes a migraine or nausea does not appear, it means that the body reacts positively to the composition.

Another option is to dilute a drop of water, apply to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction.

Correct use: how to apply, how long to keep on, how to rinse off

Before use in masks the oil is heated but not overheated— maximum temperature no more than 35°. Hair can be dry or wet - a matter of convenience.

The product is applied to the entire head - rubbed into the skin, distributed evenly, and treated with the ends.

For greater effect you can make additional insulation by wrapping your head in cellophane or a towel or a scarf.

No need to keep the mask on essential oil beat for more than the recommended time. Typically 20 to 40 minutes.

But if the mixture does not contain citrus fruits, spices, or alcohol components, then it can be kept for about 3 hours.

If you choose a mask that is supposed to be left on all night, you must first make sure that the specific aroma of bey ether will not interfere.

Warm water and foam shampoo are used to wash off the oil mixture.. Do not use water that is too hot, as this will prevent the product from rinsing out and may be harmful.

After the procedure, the curls are washed with a decoction of nettle (for dark hair) or chamomile (for light hair). If your hair is oily, add lemon juice to the water.

Then, after a break of several months, the course is allowed to be repeated. The effect can be expected after just a few sessions.

How to use: mask recipes

Aroma combing is used to make hair silky. A few drops of ether are dripped onto a wooden comb, which is then used to comb the strands.

It is enough to carry out the procedure daily for 5 minutes to notice the result - the curls will become smooth and less tangled.

But most often ether is used as part of masks.

For growth

Mix a tablespoon and oils with a teaspoon. Add four drops of bey.

Rub the mixture into the skin, wrap along the entire length of the curls. Wash off after half an hour.

Effective growth mask with Bay oil:

For ends

Mix 1/8 of an onion with a tablespoon of liquid honey and four drops of honey. Rub into skin and hair along the entire length, paying special attention to the ends.

After forty minutes, wash your hair thoroughly and rinse with water and lemon. The mixture helps perfectly with severe cross section and hair loss.

For food

Mix the yolk of a chicken egg, two tablespoons burdock oil, four drops of essential oil.

If your curls are dry, then the mixture is applied first to the roots and then distributed to the ends.

For oily curls The mixture is not applied to the roots, but only to the hair, retreating a few centimeters. Wash off after half an hour.

For hydration

Mix three tablespoons of sour cream (the higher the fat content, the better) and five drops of bey. Wash off after half an hour.

This mask is suitable for people with dry, weak hair.

For volume and thickness

Mix a teaspoon of vitamins E and A with two tablespoons. Add five drops of bey.

Wash off after half an hour. The mixture is suitable for all types of strands and restores thickness to the thinnest and weakest curls.

Bay oil is a completely natural remedy that solves many problems. It can also be used for prevention in order to maintain the beauty and health of hair.

To achieve results application must be regular.

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