How and with what to treat cuts on the skin: features, algorithm of actions and recommendations. How to properly treat wounds, abrasions, scrapes and small cuts The best way to treat a wound

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Basic medicines for treating wound surfaces, which should be present in a home first aid kit.


At the pharmacy you can always buy an iodine solution, which has antiseptic (antimicrobial and antibacterial) and anti-inflammatory properties. It cannot be used to treat deep wounds and abrasions, lubricating the wound itself with iodine. This is due to the high probability of burns on the delicate wound surface. In the future, the damaged area will take longer to heal, and a scar may remain. There is a possibility of developing a psoriatic plaque at the site of application of the iodine solution.

Thus, iodine can be used in case of severe skin damage (cut-laceration, deep abrasion) exclusively around the wound. Its antiseptic properties will help cleanse the skin of germs and prevent infection from entering it.

Iodine is not used after 3 days after receiving a wound (there will be no effect); it is also not used for treating thermal burns and wounds in oral cavity.


Zelenka or a solution of brilliant green is an antiseptic, familiar to everyone since childhood. Can be used over the entire surface of the wound, while capturing areas of healthy skin around it to prevent dirt from getting into the damaged skin. It does not burn the wound, unlike iodine, but, on the contrary, stimulates the tissue to heal.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can buy a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at the pharmacy. It is an antiseptic that acts by releasing active oxygen upon contact of liquid with the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. Everyone is familiar with the violent hissing and release of foam when treating a wound. Thanks to this, gentle sterilization of the damaged area occurs, bleeding is reduced, and the wound is cleaned.


Chlorhexidine solution is a very effective antiseptic, but can be used at home to treat wounds only its aqueous solution in concentrations of 0.1% or 0.5% . In this breeding it cannot do any harm. They treat the entire wound surface by rinsing or applying a tampon soaked in the solution for 3 minutes.

The only warning is to use chlorhexidine solution with caution in children under 5 years of age (possible allergic reactions).


Miramistin solution can be used as a very effective antiseptic, especially when treating already festered or very contaminated wounds, as well as for irrigating burnt skin surfaces.

A huge plus of the drug is that it does not sting at all, even when washing extensive damage! This antiseptic should be in every first aid kit.


An aqueous solution of furatsilin as an excellent antimicrobial drug is convenient to use not only for washing external wounds on the skin, but also for damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth or inside the nasal passages.

You can buy a ready-made solution at the pharmacy, or you can also purchase furatsilin in the form of regular or effervescent soluble tablets.

Potassium permangantsovka

A solution of potassium permanganate is often used to treat wounds, but here you need to understand that a low concentration of potassium permanganate (weak pink solution) should be used. In this case, you need to strictly ensure that undissolved crystals do not get on the skin, otherwise you can aggravate the wound with a chemical burn from potassium permanganate.

It is good to moisten bandages that have dried on abrasions with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to treat a small abrasion or cut

If it is necessary to treat a superficial damage to the skin (a small abrasion, a shallow cut, a torn hangnail), first of all, we wash the wound from dirt with a stream of clean water, blot it with a clean cloth, and then use your choice of any of the above-mentioned drugs, moistening the wound with a swab. Then the damaged area must be covered with an adhesive plaster or bandaged.

Treatment of deep cuts, abrasions, scratches from cat claws and bites

In these cases, you need to use one of the following drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • Miramistin
  • Furacilin.

After washing the wound itself with one of these aqueous solutions, the area around it is wiped with alcohol-containing compounds:

  • iodine
  • brilliant green
  • vodka

After treatment, you need to apply a sterile gauze bandage and provide rest to the injured limb.

If the wound festers or does not heal for a long time, you should see a doctor.

Treatment of minor thermal burns

If the burn from boiling water is small in area (less than the palm of your hand), then you can cope with it with your own means. Immediately after a burn, you should immerse the burned area in cool water with a temperature of 10 to 36 degrees Celsius and hold for up to half an hour. After this, treat the burned area with a solution of furatsilin or miramistin. After the drug has dried, Solcoseryl gel or D-Panthenol cream should be applied to the burned area.

If the burn is more than 10% of the body area, you should apply a sterile bandage to the wound and call an ambulance.

The wounds can be minor, or they can pose a serious danger to a person’s life. - This key moment in the treatment of damage, on which the further condition and speed of tissue healing depends.

Wound treatment is an important point for any injury.

  • first aid should be provided as early as possible;
  • Before treatment, thoroughly rinse the wound with an antiseptic solution and remove dirt;
  • do not remove foreign bodies from the wound: the removal of objects caught in the wound is carried out by a doctor;
  • disinfect the wound only with well-washed hands or wearing sterile gloves;
  • to prevent infection, treat the edges of the wound with a solution of brilliant green or iodine, but not the wound surface itself;
  • do not apply cotton wool to the damaged area - this can lead to infection;
  • cover the damaged area only with a sterile bandage or gauze; a clean, ironed piece of cotton material will also work;
  • change the dressing material at least 2 times a day.

You can wash the wound with water only 10 minutes after the bleeding has stopped.

Only minor cuts and abrasions can be disinfected and treated on your own at home; for more serious damage to the skin and soft tissue, immediately seek medical help.

How to properly treat wounds?

After receiving a wound, it is necessary to properly treat the injury as soon as possible and contact a medical facility. Further treatment of the wound is based on the use of medications and folk remedies.

Stab and cut wounds

An incised wound occurs as a result of injury with a sharp object, has smooth edges and a shallow depth. A deep cut wound is called a stab wound. Stab wounds are more dangerous than cut wounds, as they lead to severe blood loss and often cause death.

First aid:

  1. Stop the bleeding. With pulsating discharge of bright scarlet blood from the wound ( arterial bleeding) apply a tourniquet slightly above the injured area if the blood is dark red ( venous bleeding), apply a pressure bandage below the wound. If the injury is on the torso or face, apply pressure to the pulsating vessel using a clean piece of cotton wool wrapped in gauze. If the cut is shallow and there is little bleeding, apply pressure with a full bandage or adhesive tape.
  2. Disinfect the wound. After the bleeding has stopped, rinse the injured area under running water, then with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine, and cover the edges with brilliant green, iodine or alcohol.
  3. Apply a sterile dressing. Apply a germicidal bandage to a small cut on your finger or hand.
  4. See your doctor. If you cannot stop the bleeding on your own, immediately call an ambulance.

Show a deep stab wound to a specialist. At the medical facility, the injury will be treated and, if necessary, stitched and bandaged.

  1. Antiseptics.(Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate). Disinfect the damaged area.
  2. Healing bactericidal ointments and sprays(Solcoseryl, Eplan, Vishnevsky Ointment, Bepanten, Miramistin). Promote tissue regeneration and destroy bacteria. →
  3. Antibiotics(Tetracycline, Erythromycin). Prescribed for wound infection by pathogenic microorganisms and purulent processes.
  4. Painkillers(No-Shpa, Nurofen). Relieves pain.

No-spa relieves pain from cuts and other wounds

To make the wound heal faster, use traditional medicine that will help speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

Folk remedies:

  1. Aloe. For small cuts, lubricate the injured area with aloe juice several times a day until complete healing. Aloe is a natural antiseptic, moisturizes the skin and prevents inflammation, ideal for treating wounds on the delicate skin of a child.
  2. Calendula. Dilute 1 tsp. calendula tincture in 1 glass of warm water. Apply a piece of gauze soaked in the solution to the cut and fix it for 1 hour. Apply the compress daily until recovery.

Do not remove dried crusts from a healing wound - this can lead to scarring.

Puncture wound

With a stab wound, deep layers of tissue are damaged. A puncture wound is an ideal breeding ground for infections, including tetanus. Most often, puncture wounds appear on the legs.

First aid:

  1. Stop the bleeding. Cover the wounded area tightly with a bandage or clean cloth.
  2. Clean the wound. Rinse the damaged area under running warm water and remove dirt with tweezers.
  3. Carry out disinfection. Lubricate the edges with brilliant green or iodine, and treat the wound itself with an antiseptic solution.
  4. Apply a sterile dressing.
  5. See your doctor. A deep puncture wound should be inspected for the presence of foreign objects. Medical attention is also necessary if the wound is caused by a rusty metal object or soil has entered it.

Stop the bleeding first

If there is a foreign object in the wound, do not try to remove it yourself - you can injure the tissue even more.

Medicines for drug therapy:

  1. Antiseptics(hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin solution). Disinfect, prevent suppuration.
  2. Healing bactericidal ointments(Baneocin, Erythromycin ointment, Bactoban, Bepanten). Disinfect the wound and promote rapid healing.
  3. Antibiotics(Tetracycline, Erythromycin). Suppress the activity of pathogenic organisms.
  4. Painkillers(Analgin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). Relieves pain.

Pain reliever for puncture wounds

If infection with the tetanus virus is suspected, emergency preventive vaccination is carried out. Emergency vaccination is necessary for patients who have not received a tetanus vaccination and those who received it more than 5 years ago.

Get your tetanus vaccinations on time. Otherwise, if you are injured by a rusty metal object or bitten by an animal, you will have to carry out emergency disease prevention and put your life at high risk.

Folk remedies:

  1. Propolis. Effective for puncture wounds from which pus is drained. Lubricate the affected area with a piece of gauze soaked in propolis tincture 3 times a day.
  2. Nettle. Apply fresh nettle juice to the sore spot once a day as a compress.

Chopped and lacerated wounds

Chopped and lacerated wounds occur due to injury from a heavy sharp object. Injuries may be accompanied by damage to bones, large vessels and internal organs. Often, as a result of a laceration, an area of ​​torn skin is formed, which quickly dies. Injuries often lead to death or disability.

Lacerated wound after being hit with a sharp object

First aid for a chopped or lacerated wound comes down to transporting the victim to a medical facility as quickly as possible.

The injury is accompanied by severe bleeding and extensive damage to soft tissues; applying a tourniquet is not recommended. A bleeding wound deprived of skin has a strong psychological effect on others, which complicates pre-medical primary treatment.

Before the ambulance arrives, you need to apply open wound a thick gauze bandage to slow down bleeding, give the victim a painkiller.

Drug treatment of the injury is carried out after surgery.

Groups of medications used in the treatment of chopped and lacerated wounds:

  • antiseptic drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • healing medications.

Ointment for scars Fermenkol

After a chopped and lacerated wound, a noticeable scar remains, so ointment for scars and scars (Kelofibraza, Fermenkol, Contractubex) is added to the list.

Folk remedies:

  1. Onion. Grind the onions into a pulp, wrap in gauze and apply to the wound for 1-1.5 hours. Apply the compress daily. Onion is effective for festering lesions.
  2. Ointment made from honey and fish oil. Mix fish fat and honey in a ratio of 1:3 and apply 3 times a day to the affected area of ​​the skin.

Bite wounds

Bites from animals, especially wild ones, are fraught with rabies and tetanus. Quickly provided first aid greatly reduces the risk of illness.

Be sure to treat the wound after an animal bite

First aid:

  1. Wash the wound with plenty of soap and water as quickly as possible.
  2. Treat the bite. Soak a piece of bandage with hydrogen peroxide and press it onto the bite for 2 minutes. Treat the edges of the wound with alcohol (not higher than 70%), vodka or other liquid containing ethyl alcohol.
  3. To stop the bleeding, apply a bandage; if the bite is small, an adhesive plaster will be enough.
  4. Contact us for medical care as fast as possible.

Target drug treatment bite wound - reduce the number of microorganisms as much as possible and prevent their proliferation.

Amoxiclav destroys microbes that have entered the wound from an animal

Medicines for drug therapy:

  • Antibiotics(Amoxiclav, Cefuroxime, Lincomycin). They destroy microorganisms that have entered the wound with the animal’s saliva.
  • Antimicrobials(Metronidazole, Trichopolum). Prevents the reproduction and vital activity of anaerobic infection.
  • Immunoprotectants
  • Antiseptics(Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). Disinfect the wound.
  • Antihistamines(Claritin, Diazolin). Prevents allergic reactions to medications used.
  • Ointments(Solcoseryl, Actovegin). Accelerate tissue healing.

On the first day after the bite, emergency vaccination against tetanus and rabies is carried out.

There are no folk remedies for the treatment of a bite wound, since only pharmaceutical drugs cope with the infection that has entered the wound. Homemade recipes can only be used at the stage of skin healing.

Folk remedies:

  1. Honey. The product heals well and relieves inflammation. Apply honey to the healing wound and cover with an adhesive plaster or bandage.
  2. Plantain. Lubricate the wound with plantain juice 3-4 times a day until complete healing.

Surgical wounds

Surgical wounds- These are the injuries caused by the surgeon during the operation. The lesions are considered sterile. The wounds have smooth edges and after the operation they are carefully aligned with each other using sutures, after which an aseptic bandage is applied to the sutured wound.

Sterile scar after surgery

Surgical wounds require only postoperative drug treatment.

Medicines for drug therapy:

  • Antibiotics(Lincomycin, Erythromycin). Provides prevention of infection.
  • Antiseptics(Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Levasept, iodine solution). Disinfect the wound.
  • Healing ointments(Actovegin, Solcoseryl). Accelerate tissue regeneration after removal of drainage. →
  • Anti-scar ointments(Mederma, Contractubex). Prevents the formation of large noticeable scars.

The best folk remedy for healing postoperative wounds - sea buckthorn or milk thistle oil. Lubricate the skin area with a cotton swab soaked in oil 3 times a day until complete healing.

Gunshot wounds

No general instructions to provide first aid in case of a gunshot wound - the procedure depends on the location and nature of the injury. Measures must be taken very quickly - a person can die in a few seconds from blood loss.

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Place the victim's body in a supine position; if wounded in the chest, in a semi-sitting position.
  3. Stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet to the limb. If you are wounded in the spine or neck, pinch the damaged artery with your finger.
  4. If a bullet hits the chest, immediately press down the hole with available materials (a fragment of clothing, a bandage).
  5. Cover the head wound with a sterile dressing or bandage.

It is not advisable to provide other measures - this is the task of the medical staff. A gunshot wound requires urgent surgical treatment. After the operation, measures are taken aimed at stimulating restoration processes in tissues.

Medicines for drug therapy:

  • Antibiotics(Amoxiclav, Cefuroxime, Lincomycin). Destroy microorganisms that have penetrated the wound.
  • Antimicrobials(Metronidazole, Trichopolum). Relieve inflammation, prevent the formation of suppuration and gangrene.
  • Immunoprotectants(Polyoxidonium, Cytovir-3, Interferon). Strengthen the body's resistance to bacteria caught in the wound.
  • Antiseptics(Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). Disinfect the wound.
  • Antioxidants(Mexidol). They relieve convulsions and prevent oxygen starvation of damaged tissues.
  • Painkillers(Ibuprofen, Codeine). Eliminate pain and improve the patient's well-being.

Ibuprofen - pain reliever

The victim is injected with serum for tetanus and gas gangrene. Therapy for gunshot wounds folk ways is not recommended.

In everyday life, injuries occur frequently. Each first aid kit should contain all the means for providing pre-medical and subsequent treatment of various wounds: a sterile bandage, a solution of iodine and brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, healing ointments and painkillers.

Any person has to deal with household injuries: abrasions, cuts, wounds. The most common injuries are children who, during active play, can fall, hit, or scratch themselves. Adults more often injure their hands with sharp objects: knives or scissors. Even if the wound is very small, it must be properly treated at home to avoid bad consequences and complications.

General rules

First aid for wounds should include the following measures:

  • sit or position the victim so that the affected part of the body is at rest;
  • carry out the dressing clean hands or use disposable gloves;
  • wipe the skin around the wound with a bandage or cotton wool soaked in a disinfectant solution, this will not allow bacteria from the surrounding areas of the skin to penetrate the wound;
  • cover the wound with a sterile napkin and secure it with a bandage to avoid dust and contamination by microbes from the environment;
  • if the wound is bleeding heavily, then first of all it is necessary to stop the bleeding;
  • there is no need to pour powders or apply ointment on the affected area, this makes access to the wound difficult and makes its treatment painful;
  • When treating a child’s wound, take into account the possibility of allergic reactions and increased sensitivity of the skin; there is no need to use iodine or brilliant green as an antiseptic, use modern means Sulfargin, which is better suited for delicate children's skin.

Remember that after providing primary care at home, the wound should be examined and treated by a doctor. The only exceptions are minor and superficial damage.

Treatment of scratches and abrasions

Scratches and abrasions occur when the surface layer of skin is removed and small areas are affected. blood vessels. Extensive injuries are very painful due to the exposure of a large number of nerve endings.

In the case of small wounds of this nature, it is enough to rinse them thoroughly with water, carry out antiseptic treatment of the wound and apply an adhesive bandage. Measures vary depending on the location of the damage. For wounds on the hands, fingers and feet, you can use an antiseptic bath. It is better to apply a damp gauze bandage to damaged elbows or knees and, after drying, carry out an antiseptic treatment.

For dressing, it is better to use not ordinary bandages and plasters, but special atraumatic dressing materials that do not stick to the wound and actively promote the healing process.

In cases where the tissue damage is very large (the size of the palm of your hand or larger), if the abrasion or scratch is heavily contaminated, you should seek qualified help from a doctor.

Treatment of cuts

Cuts most often occur due to careless handling of sharp tools. They are characterized by smooth edges of the wound, when adjacent areas of the skin are not damaged, and severe bleeding. The most dangerous cuts are those made with a knife used to cut raw meat, since many pathogenic microorganisms accumulate on the edge of the tool. Also dangerous are deep cuts, which can result in damaged nerve fibers or tendons.

To treat small cuts you need:

  • allow the wound to bleed for a few minutes to remove any remaining dirt and pathogenic flora;
  • perform antiseptic treatment;
  • apply slight pressure to the outer edges of the cut to stop excessive bleeding;
  • Apply a bactericidal patch to the wound.

More serious and deep cuts should be treated by a doctor. This is especially true for cuts to the fingers, which cause numbness and difficulty moving. If a cut has injured a person, consultation with a specialist is necessary to avoid the formation of scars. Typically, cuts respond well to treatment and do not even require stitches. The doctor simply treats the wound and carefully tightens the edges of the cut with special adhesive strips.

Treatment of puncture wounds

Puncture wounds can be caused by objects with sharp edges: scissors, needles, nails or glass shards. It happens that microparticles of the object that caused the damage remain in the wound. Even when a puncture wound looks quite harmless from the outside, such damage should not be left to chance, since the wound may be deep and tendons and internal organs may be affected.

If you receive a puncture wound, you must: remove foreign objects (if there are any) with tweezers, disinfect the wound and apply a plaster or sterile bandage.

You should not remove foreign objects or splinters from a wound yourself unless you can determine how deeply they have penetrated the skin. Inept actions can damage blood vessels and cause bleeding. In this case, it is better to apply a clean cloth to the damaged area and immediately seek help from a doctor.

Treatment of lacerated, crushed and gaping wounds

These types of damage usually have jagged, jagged edges. At the wound site, the skin changes color and a hematoma forms. There is often a risk of infection through torn edges.

If the wound is small and superficial, it is enough to carry out an antiseptic treatment and apply a bactericidal patch.

Deeper and more serious injuries should be treated by a doctor.

Signs of wound inflammation

If pathogenic microbes penetrate the wound, inflammation may begin. Characteristic features This condition is: swelling and thickening of the edge of the wound, redness of the area around the wound, the formation of a yellow or purulent coating, increasing pain when pressing on the wound.

Treatment of wounds must be done competently. Every person at least once long life is slightly injured, gets a cut or wound, as a result of which mandatory treatment of the sore spot may be necessary. The lower and upper extremities are most often affected by small and deep wounds. A child can get injured during active games, while learning to ride a bicycle or roller skates. An adult often gets unexpected cuts while preparing food. Often such minor injuries are not scary, but not everyone has knowledge of how wounds are properly treated and what complications are possible after receiving cuts.

When the skin is injured, blood vessels, nerves, and arteries can be damaged. If the wound is not treated promptly, there may be a risk of infection after microorganisms enter the cut. With the development of a trophic ulcer or gangrene, infection of the body may occur, which will lead to death. As medical practice shows, in some cases, amputation of the affected part of the body may be prescribed to save human life. During inflammatory process the development of such complicated processes as purulent leakage and phlegmon is possible.

The risk of developing such complications is great when the pus does not leave the wound, but remains inside, penetrating into neighboring tissues. That is why it is recommended to consult a traumatologist after initial treatment of the wound. Also, the first sign for urgent consultation with a doctor is a sharp deterioration in health, fever, weakness, and the presence of redness and swelling at the site of the cut.

How to care for a deep wound, primary treatment

It does not matter in what specific place the integrity of the skin was violated and in what way, in any case, the primary treatment should be carried out; it is important to disinfect the injured area. In case of a minor injury, a minor cut of the skin, the first step is to remove all visible dirt and foreign particles and wash the wound. To do this, you need to take a bandage, always sterile, shape it into a triangle and clean the wound with the sharp end. You can use tweezers or tweezers for cleaning, which must first be wiped with alcohol or vodka. As soon as these manipulations are completed, it is imperative to treat the affected area antiseptic. An antiseptic will destroy harmful, dangerous microorganisms. The following antiseptic agents are usually used as effective in practice:

  • brilliant green;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodinol;
  • furatsilin;
  • chlorhexidine.

Hydrogen peroxide perfectly destroys microbes because this remedy capable of mechanically removing microorganisms out. When applied and in contact with a wound, the substance forms bubbles, which bring dangerous bacteria to the surface of the skin. If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide on hand, an excellent substitute would be a solution of soda (2%), or a salt solution (concentrated), or chamomile tincture, or vodka. It is necessary to understand that in any cut or wound there are always dangerous microorganisms, so it is important to wash the wound.

Even the surgeon, after performing surgical interventions, sterilizes and treats the patient’s wounds. So what is there to talk about a domestic injury, without options, it is necessary to do urgent treatment with a means at hand, and then be sure to contact the medical institution. Once the wound has been treated, you need to cover the cut site with a sterile bandage or plaster. This will prevent further infection and dangerous germs from getting deeper into the cut. If the wound is not deep, you can use a simple antiseptic treatment without further covering the injured area. If the wound is deep, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

A deep wound or cut, the length of which is more than two centimeters, with self-treatment will heal over a fairly long period of time. The likelihood of developing complications in this case increases significantly.

The same should be done if the wounded area causes pain or bleeds heavily. The nerve root may be damaged. Surgery to treat a deep cut is not always indicated, but it should be understood that stitched deep wounds will heal faster. A doctor's help after a cut is as follows:

  • antiseptic treatment;
  • trimming protruding edges after treating wounds;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • suturing the wound.

The doctor may not apply sutures immediately, but after the inflammatory process in the injured area has stopped. Deep skin lesions cannot be treated at home. After treatment, the bandage should be changed every day. In the first stages, the doctor applies a wet, dry bandage, and later switches to ointment bandages. Wet dressings are applied with an antiseptic, and ointment dressings are applied with ointments based on an antimicrobial agent - a substance that will speed up the healing process. The most commonly used ointments in medicine are:

  • levomekol;
  • methyluracil;
  • levosin.

IN complex therapy The doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics.

Wound healing process step by step

In medicine, the healing process of skin wounds is determined by two types. These are primary and secondary intention. Primary intention is characterized by the complete absence of microbes in the wound and smooth surfaces of the edges of the cut.

In this case, the wounded area is instantly covered with epithelium. Secondary intention is characterized by an inflammatory process in the wound and cell death. With such a wound, an inflammatory process occurs in the affected area. Next, the formation of intermediate tissue occurs and, finally, the final stage - the formation of scars.

The inflammatory process develops at the site of a skin cut due to the fact that dangerous, harmful microorganisms penetrate the wound. This process is accompanied by swelling of the edges of the cut, an increase in temperature around the wounded area and painful sensations. During the inflammatory process, blood cells secrete beneficial cells that help destroy dangerous microbes.

In this way, the human body protects itself. If the wounded area is covered with a bloody crust, then removing or tearing it off is strictly prohibited, even if pus or serous fluid leaks out.

This crust helps protect the wound from other microorganisms entering it. The healing stages should proceed independently; it is not recommended to be introduced into this process.

If you do not disturb the healing process, then no later than seven days the wound will be covered with intermediate tissue, and a scar will be visible at the site of the cut. Sometimes skin wounds may not heal for a very long time. In such cases, one cannot do without the help of a surgeon, revision, and antibacterial therapy. Surgery may be necessary if the wound was not treated or there was interference in the healing process. In addition, a dangerous microbe can get into the injured area of ​​​​the skin, which will lead to gangrene and tetanus. Any wound, even the most insignificant from a subjective point of view, should be treated immediately.

Treatment is the first necessary condition for preventive purposes to prevent complications. There is no need to delay the help of a medical professional; you should definitely contact a specialist to prescribe effective treatment.

Only a doctor is able to prevent the development of complications, timely see the changed processes and prescribe and carry out therapy that will bring results. In this case, the wound will heal quickly.

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