How to make a scalp scrub at home? Homemade scalp scrub recipes Hair scrub at home.

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by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Scrub for the scalp- this is the key to the health and beauty of your hair. The scalp is not much different from the surface epithelium of other parts of the body, so a scrub will be a relevant way to keep it clean and healthy.

“A scalp scrub not only helps cleanse the scalp, but also stimulates hair growth and improves its overall condition.”

Scalp scrub: benefits

Removing dead particles of epithelium is not the only purpose of the scrub. After using styling products, some of them remain on the scalp, accumulating over time and causing unpleasant sensations and consequences (itching, redness of the scalp, flaking, dandruff).

In addition, periodic use of a scrub at home helps stimulation of blood circulation , and this is: blood supply to the hair follicles, regulation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands and preparation of the skin for deep penetration of therapeutic agents.

The essence of the procedure

Peeling compositions are applied (rubbed in) with gentle massaging movements. only on damp but not washed hair . The entire procedure takes at least 3-4 minutes. Only some formulations that include components nourishing the roots are not washed off within a quarter of an hour.

Peeling for the scalp - This is also a hair scrub. And this fact should be taken into account by owners of colored hair. Along with the remnants of styling products and damaged hair scales, the scrub will partially remove the dye.

When choosing the composition of a peeling, the type of hair and skin is taken into account.

Contraindications for using the scrub

Despite all its usefulness, you should not overuse head scrubbing.

rule which should be followed: for oily hair and scalp peeling is indicated once a week, for normal and dry scalps - once every two weeks.

This procedure should be completely abandoned if there are wounds, abrasions and cracks in the skin; for hypersensitive skin that reacts to all manipulations with allergic rashes.

Homemade scrub recipes

Sea salt is added to all homemade peeling compositions as an exfoliant - it itself is the simplest scalp scrub, the recipe of which only involves adding a small amount of water.

Nourishing scrubs

Recipe 1

Two tablespoons of salt plus the same amount olive oil. Rub into the roots for 3-4 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.

Recipe 2

Ready-made hair balm (3 tablespoons) plus a tablespoon of salt. Apply to damp hair, massage for about five minutes and rinse with water.

Recipe 3

For peeling dry skin, it is better to combine salt with fermented milk products (kefir or yogurt) - 2 tbsp. l. + 2 tbsp. l. Apply to damp hair, massage for no more than 5 minutes, rinse.

Recipe 4

This scrub option will stimulate hair growth. Take sea salt (1/2 cup) and mix with finely chopped, washed onion. The onion should look like mush, and the finished mixture with salt should look like thick cream or sour cream. The scrub should be warm. After applying the mixture to the skin (for convenience, part your hair) and massage, leave the scrub for a while (up to 15 minutes), then rinse.

Recipe 5

If you experience severe hair loss, a nettle scrub will help. A handful of salt is poured with a decoction of nettle leaves. After massaging the skin, hold the mixture for up to 10 minutes.

Soft scrubs that relieve irritation

Soft scrub recipes are designed for dry and sensitive skin. If you have hypersensitive skin that reacts painfully even to gentle ingredients, you need to discuss the possibility of scalp peeling with a specialist.

Recipe 1

Sea salt - 3 tbsp. l., clay (black, white or blue) - 2 tbsp. l., decoction of herbs (linden, nettle or chamomile) - 1 tbsp. l, as well as a couple of drops of aroma oil are added if desired. Apply to hair, leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse hair with plain water (without shampoo).

Recipe 2

Egg yolk, juice of half a lemon, coarse salt (2 tbsp.), lavender oil (1-2 drops). As in recipe No. 1, leave for 25 minutes, only rinse with shampoo.

Essential oils in hair scrubs

The recipe for using essential oils looks like this: 3 tablespoons of finely ground sea ​​salt+ 2 spoons of hair balm that suits you + drops essential oil(2-3 drops are enough).

Depending on the purpose, choosing oils:

  • burdock - for strengthening;
  • chamomile/jasmine/rose/sage – for moisturizing;
  • lemon/milissa/lavender/grapefruit – anti-fat;
  • cedar / pine / tea tree- against falling out;
  • lemon / lavender / orange / tea tree / geranium - against dandruff.

After several procedures (at least 3, but no more than 6) with an interval of one or two weeks, so as not to overly irritate the scalp, and having achieved a noticeable effect, it is recommended to postpone the procedure for several months.

One of the important personal care products is a scalp scrub at home. It is this drug that can effectively remove those epidermal cells that have long been keratinized. In addition, the product is aimed at eliminating dandruff from the scalp, a product of the sebaceous glands and ducts, and the remnants of frequently used cosmetics such as hair-fixing varnish, gel, and foam. These substances cannot always be washed off from the surface of the head and hair using standard means.

In this case, the scrub is aimed at opening the pores on the scalp. Due to this, several times more blood flows to the hair follicles. This, in turn, allows you to normalize their nutrition and influence the strength, power, beauty and health of your curls.

Scalp scrub at home: nuances of use

However, the use of such a special tool has a number of subtleties. First of all, before using the scrub, you need to make sure that the skin is in a healthy condition. Ranok and minor abrasions should not be present on it. In addition, the peeling procedure is not recommended for use immediately after any type of hair removal, including highlighting, shatush, and bleaching.

As for purchasing such cosmetics for body care, they are freely available on the shelves of many stores and pharmacy kiosks. However, there are a huge number of recipes, using which you can independently create a drug from available products for a very a short time and at a low price. Moreover, this kind of product will be distinguished by its guaranteed naturalness and the inability to act as a low-quality product.

Salt scrub recipe

One of the simplest and most affordable ways to get such useful cosmetics is to create a salt-based scrub. Already from the name of the product it becomes clear that any type of salt will act as the so-called abrasive raw material. It can be either sea or the usual simple cook version. As a rule, peeling with this kind of substance is carried out by women who have strands prone to increased oiliness.

To create the product you need to prepare about 50 grams of blue clay. This powder is diluted with boiled, lukewarm water. This is done by eye, but the result should be a paste that is similar in appearance to sour cream. Approximately half of 1 cup of any type of salt is added to the solution. Then the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed.

The product is gently applied to the skin. In this case, the strands are carefully separated from each other. Then the scalp scrub is thoroughly rubbed into the surface of the scalp. The procedure should be accompanied by careful massage movements. The skin is treated using this method for about a quarter of an hour. During this period of time, the product completely manages to eliminate all dead skin particles and impurities. After a kind of massage, cosmetics are washed off with warm water.

The result of periodic use of a salt scrub is the return of radiance, healthy appearance. Moreover, on oily hair, even its unsightly greasy shine is eliminated.

Homemade scalp scrub for dry hair

Owners of dry, somewhat weakened and damaged strands are recommended to use a completely different recipe for a scrub composition. You will need to crush a couple of aloe flower leaves in a mortar to a puree and squeeze out its juice through cheesecloth. You need to add about half a glass of salt to the liquid. As in the previous example, the type of product can be absolutely any. This is not fundamentally important. However, certain requirements are put forward for the plant, compliance with which guarantees the effectiveness and efficiency of the peeling. It is inappropriate to use a young plant. Aloe must be at least 3 years old.

In addition, this scalp scrub recipe may also be suitable for women with normal hair type. For them this remedy slightly modified with warm water. In this case, the massage should last about 7-10 minutes. In addition, many cosmetologists still recommend using sea salt. This is because it is very fine and suitable for use without pre-treatment. But the cooked version of the product should initially be thoroughly ground, for example, in a coffee grinder.

This will contribute to the safety of the procedure. After all, with this approach, the likelihood of scratching the scalp is minimized. To feel the effectiveness of the event, you need to conduct peeling sessions only once every 7-10 days, but for about 2-3 months.

Another common option for the base of a scrub is coffee. Paradoxically, the productivity of this component is explained by several factors. Coffee particles perfectly exfoliate everything unnecessary and unnecessary. At the same time, caffeine effectively interacts with skin secretions. Due to this action, fat is removed. To create such a uniquely useful scrub for exfoliating the scalp, you need to use a couple of spoons of coffee grounds used for their intended purpose, a little liquid honey, 1 egg yolk and a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Trichologists unanimously tell women about the need for deep cleansing of the scalp. After all, the benefits of peeling for this area are extremely beneficial! It allows you not only to “free” the skin from keratinized particles and residues of cosmetic styling products, but also restores oxygen enrichment of the skin, increases blood circulation, which promotes active hair growth, reduces excess sebum and even gets rid of obsessive dandruff.

In general, this miracle procedure brings life back to our hair! Therefore, take advantage of these light scrubs for peeling the scalp at home, which must be repeated regularly if you want to have healthy and beautiful hair.

There is nothing easier than preparing a scalp scrub at home. The easiest way is to use sea salt. It is rich in useful microelements: iodine, calcium, iron, sodium, zinc, etc. But you can also use other abrasive components: table salt, sugar, coffee, soda. To prevent irritation and dryness from peeling, add softening and moisturizing ingredients to the scrub (essential oil, kefir, egg yolks, etc.). With such cleansing, the scalp will also receive nutrition at the same time.

  • For salt peeling, choose finely ground salt, because large fractions can severely scratch the skin. Coarse salt can be ground in a blender or coffee grinder;
  • apply peeling only to damp hair and exclusively in the root zone;
  • wash your hair after peeling, not before;
  • if the homemade scrub contains nutritional components, after the massage it can be left on the hair as a mask for 10-15 minutes with insulation with a cap and towel;
  • for oily hair, the optimal frequency of the procedure is 2 times a month; for dry hair, it is enough to scrub once a month;
  • Calculate the amount of ingredients for a homemade scrub depending on your hair length.

Be careful: dyed hair may lose its color brightness from such a scrub, while light hair, on the contrary, may become colored if you use coffee peeling on the head. Therefore, for such hair it is better to use purchased products.

Peeling the scalp at home: scrub recipes

Recipe 1. Scrub with salt

  • 1 tbsp. l. finely ground sea salt
  • 3 drops of essential oil that suits your problem (for example, burdock against hair loss)

Mix sea salt and water at room temperature (you can use hair balm) in a 1:1 ratio, stir until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Add essential oil. This can be lavender, lemon, tea tree oil - for oily hair or dandruff; jasmine, chamomile or rose oil - for dry and weakened hair.

Gently apply the mixture along the partings, and then massage the skin for several minutes. After this, rinse the scrub well. By the way, take advantage of the tips about...

Recipe 2. Coffee scrub

  • 2 tsp coffee grounds
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp. liquid honey
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients and apply the scrub to the scalp with massaging movements. Leave it on for a few minutes, then wash your hair well. To prepare this scrub, you can use coffee grounds, coffee cake or ground coffee. The grounds and cake have a softer, more delicate effect.

Please note: coffee is a natural dye, so fair-haired girls are advised to choose a different scrub to avoid darkening of the roots.

Recipe 3. Clay scrub

  • 3 tbsp. l. finely ground sea salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. any cosmetic clay (for example, blue)
  • 1 tbsp. l. water

Combine salt and clay and add warm water or room temperature to them. Mix well. Apply the resulting mixture with massage movements to the scalp, and then wash your hair thoroughly.

Girls who regularly exfoliate their scalp at home notice that their hair stays clean longer, and the overall quality and general state hair. Curls become fresh, full, hair loss is reduced and new growth is activated.

Scalp scrub at home is an important component of basic hair care and hygiene. Beauty salons offer peeling services, but you can do an equally effective procedure yourself.

The purpose of the scrubbing procedure is not only to remove dead epithelial cells, but also to eliminate residues of chemical hygiene and styling products, some of which remain on the scalp even after thoroughly washing the hair.

Fact! Fixers and styling products lead to skin irritation, itching and dandruff.

Moreover, using a scrub for the scalp and hair at home stimulates blood circulation, and at the same time the following occurs:

  • acceleration of hair growth;
  • regulation of sebaceous gland secretion;
  • the skin becomes more receptive to medicinal components.

Even after one procedure, positive effects will be noticeable. With regular use of scrubs, the condition of the hair will noticeably improve and the hairstyle will become more voluminous.

Although the scrubbing procedure is very simple and can be easily done at home, it is important to follow a number of rules. Tips from cosmetologists:

  1. If your scalp is oily, it is recommended to scrub it once a week, if dry – once every two weeks.
  2. If the scalp is severely damaged, the procedure should be abandoned altogether.
  3. If there are allergic reactions, you need to be more careful in the selection of components.
  4. If your hair has recently been dyed, laminated or undergone similar procedures, then it is better to postpone scrubbing; salt can remove the dye.

It is worth remembering that after 3-6 procedures you need to give the skin a rest for several months to avoid negative consequences in the form of drying out.

What to take for a scrub?

Although a wide variety of products are used in head scrubs, as in any home recipes, salt remains an essential component: it can be fine iodized or sea salt without dyes. Sometimes it is replaced with sugar for a milder effect, for example, when the scalp is dry or damaged. Also apply:

  • eggs;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products.

Recipes for peeling at home often use essential extracts and oils. They prevent overdrying and help eliminate some problems:

  • burdock and olive oils strengthen hair;
  • sage and chamomile oils moisturize;
  • Citrus and tea tree extracts eliminate oiliness and dandruff.

Essential oils can be added either individually or mixed together. Liquid solutions of vitamins and glycerin can always supplement the basic recipe.

Preparing hair for scrubbing

To obtain maximum benefit from scrubbing, you need to carefully prepare the skin before the procedure.

Oily hair should be washed without fail, thin and dry strands can simply be moistened. Then the strands are divided into partings so that the product can be applied comfortably.

Important! Before scrubbing, comb your hair well to prevent tangling.

Simple salt scrubs

The simplest scrub recipe is a porridge of salt and water. Water in this recipe can be replaced with decoctions medicinal herbs, for example, nettle. It prevents hair loss.

Mix salt and water in equal proportions and rub the mixture into the scalp for 3-5 minutes. Afterwards, you can wash the scrub off your scalp; it is better to use sulfate-free shampoo.

A simple composition can be supplemented by adding several components. The following recipes are the most popular:

  1. Mix 30 g of salt with two tablespoons of kefir and rub in for no more than 5 minutes, rinse.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of salt into 45 ml of hair balm and rub into the skin for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Add 1 part oil to 2 parts shampoo and add salt to make a thick paste. Apply to damp hair and scalp, massage and rinse. If it seems that the oil has not been completely washed off, rinse your hair with shampoo again.
  4. Combine half a glass of sea salt with finely chopped onion until porridge-like. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency and be warm.

Homemade scrubs need to be prepared immediately before application; peelings for the future will not work, since the composition will deteriorate.

What will help sensitive skin?

You can cope with irritation and dry skin using several recipes. If you have sensitive facial skin, you should definitely conduct a skin sensitivity test. Popular recipes for scrubs for the scalp and hair at home:

  1. Mix 1 chicken yolk, a few drops lemon juice and 30 g of salt. Add essential oil of choice. Rub it in, keep it on your head for 25 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.
  2. Mix 45 g of sea salt with blue, black or white clay (10 g). Dilute with a decoction of chamomile or nettle and add a couple of drops of aroma oil. Keep on the skin for 15 minutes and rinse with plain water.
  3. Mix sour cream and sea salt in a 1:1 ratio. Distribute the mixture onto the scalp and hair at the roots and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Mix juice or crushed aloe leaves with salt or sugar and apply to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Hold for about 30 minutes.
  5. You need to take cocoa powder and any butter in equal parts. Rub into the skin for 3 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
  6. Colorless henna should be brewed with boiling water until creamy, cool and add a tablespoon of any aroma oil. Massage onto hair roots, then rinse with shampoo.

With regular use of peelings, the skin will be nourished with beneficial substances. Moisturizing will have a positive effect on the condition of your hair.

Every woman dreams of healthy and shiny curls. Unfortunately, we often have to deal with problems such as hair loss, excess oiliness, and seborrhea. In this case, they can help various means for hair and scalp, which are done at home. The beauty of hair largely depends on the condition of the scalp, which must be regularly cleansed with peeling. Using a scrub made from coffee for the scalp is very effective.

Why is coffee added to scrubs?

If your hair quickly becomes dirty, you must constantly use scalp scrubs. To do this, it is recommended to use a scrub with added coffee:

  • Each hair is located in the cuticle, which wraps around the base of the hair. Fat, dirt, and sweat gradually accumulate in the cuticle, so it needs to be cleaned regularly. This can only be done using mechanical action with scrubbing particles;
  • a scrub with coffee for hair promotes a rush of blood to the hair follicles, as a result of which the curls become healthier and thicker;
  • peeling removes impurities, which allows the skin to receive more oxygen;
  • foams, gels, and hairsprays clog the pores on the skin. Scrub – effective remedy to remove residual styling products;
  • It is recommended to use a coffee scrub before cosmetic hair treatments, such as applying a mask. The beneficial substances from the product will work better on a cleansed scalp.

What coffee is good for scrubs?

During the scrubbing process, a coffee scalp scrub thoroughly removes dead cells, cleanses and revitalizes the skin. In order to prepare a cosmetic product, you will need natural ground coffee.

On a note! Instant coffee is not suitable for scrubbing because it does not contain abrasive particles and, in addition, it contains many chemical compounds that can negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair.

You should use natural ground coffee for the scrub.

Effective recipes for coffee hair scrubs

A product made from natural ingredients will help cleanse your scalp without harm. Making a coffee hair scrub at home is very easy. To do this, you need to mix coffee with regular shampoo (1:1 proportions) and gently massage your head for a certain time. This coffee scrub, designed for the scalp, will help remove dead particles, promoting healthy hair growth.

Instead of shampoo, you can use the yolk of a chicken egg and add coffee to it. The yolk contains a whole spectrum useful substances: vitamins E, A, B, amino acids, lecithin, potassium, magnesium. By regularly using yolk peeling, your hair will become shinier, healthier and thicker.

From coffee grounds

To make a coffee hair scrub, you use coffee grounds (spent coffee). You can use the grounds without adding other ingredients. To do this, natural coffee is brewed in a Turk, after which it is necessary to drain almost all the liquid and use the remaining grounds. Spread a spoonful of coffee grounds with a small amount of liquid evenly over the entire head and massage gently. Wash off with warm water using a suitable shampoo.

On a note! The scrub can give your hair a coffee tint, so this product is not suitable for those with light-colored hair.

Coffee peeling recipes often contain other ingredients: olive oil, sea salt, red pepper, natural honey, gelatin, egg yolk. The components listed in the recipe are mixed, after which the peeling is applied to the scalp.

With red pepper

A coffee head scrub with the addition of red pepper helps activate new hair growth. Recommended for use in cases of severe hair loss. To prepare the product, you need to take a few tablespoons of coffee grounds, add a pinch of ground red pepper or a few drops of alcohol tincture of red pepper. Next, the product is applied over the entire scalp, rubbed in with massage movements, and then rinsed off.

Important! When using peeling with pepper, a burning sensation may occur. If the burning becomes intense, you should stop the procedure and remove any remaining peeling from your head.

With olive oil

Olive oil contains vitamins C, A, B, K, E, F, as well as healthy fatty acids, microelements, and an antioxidant complex. Peeling with the addition of olive oil is recommended for excessively dry hair.

Scrub recipe: mix a tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil with two tablespoons of coffee grounds. Mix the ingredients, apply to your head, massage lightly, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

With egg yolk and honey

Required ingredients:

  • coffee grounds – 2 tsp;
  • 1 yolk;
  • natural honey – 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp.

All components are mixed and applied to the scalp with light massage movements. It is better to take honey with a liquid consistency so that the product is easier to apply. After this, you need to leave the peeling for about half an hour and rinse off.

With sea salt

A product with sea salt perfectly tones the scalp, improving blood flow to the hair follicles. Exfoliating with sea salt is very simple. To do this, mix coffee (a tablespoon) with a few tablespoons of fine sea salt. You can add a few drops of cinnamon essential oil. Apply the product to your head and massage thoroughly for 10 minutes.


Despite the fact that peeling has many advantages, this method has its contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • irritations, wounds;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • In case of severe hair loss, you should first consult a doctor;
  • mask-scrub is not done if available allergic reactions on peeling ingredients.

Peeling procedures should be avoided when undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.

Rules for using scalp scrubs

The scrub should be applied with light massaging movements.

There are several rules on how to apply peeling correctly:

  1. Oily scalp is scrubbed once every 7 days, and dry skin - once every 14-15 days;
  2. The duration of the procedure varies from 5 to 30 minutes. If the product contains nutrients, they need time to penetrate the pores of the skin and hair follicles;
  3. Before the cosmetic procedure, hair is moisturized, but without using shampoo;
  4. The product should be applied to the skin over the entire head with smooth massage movements;
  5. After the procedure, wash off the remaining scrub with warm water and shampoo;
  6. You should choose the home peeling recipe that will suit your specific hair type;
  7. Coffee peeling can wash the dye out of your hair faster, so it is not recommended for use on colored strands.

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