What is histology after surgery. Histological examination of biopsy material

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According to the World Health Organization, 10 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed annually in the world (in Russia - 0.5 million). An important role in the treatment is occupied by the timeliness of contacting a doctor and the quality diagnostic tests. Tumor histology is one of the most important and informative methods for diagnosing cancer. Expert research in a laboratory with the latest equipment allows you to make an accurate, objective diagnosis and draw up an effective treatment program.

What is a histological examination

Histological diagnosis is necessarily included in the program for examining patients with suspected oncology before surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. This type of research involves a direct study of neoplasm tissues to confirm or refute an oncological diagnosis. Tissue sampling is carried out from internal organs and tissues of the patient in the lesion. The biosamples are then processed and examined in the laboratory under a microscope.

The method allows:

  • detect cancer at an early stage, as well as metastases;
  • determine the dysfunction, structure of the tissues under study;
  • choose the right combination of treatment methods, surgical technique.

It is used for oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and soft tissues, breast and thyroid gland, organs chest, as well as in oncourological, oncogynecological diseases.

Often, histological studies of tissues are supplemented with cytological diagnostics, during which doctors study abnormalities in the structure and functions of cells. In some cases, for cytology, it is enough to take a smear (for example, from uterine tissues), a wash, or a fluid sample. The histological method is associated with the need to take biomaterial from the internal organs.

In what cases is a histological examination of the material performed?

Histology is carried out in cases where it is necessary:

  • confirm or refute the diagnosis, especially if the situation is controversial;
  • conduct differential diagnostics to distinguish between similar diseases;
  • clarify the presence of a malignant tumor at an early stage;
  • to study the dynamics of the development of neoplasms (increase, growth);
  • analyze the results and evaluate the effectiveness of the current treatment;
  • plan an operation to remove the tumor;
  • to determine the malignancy of tissues directly during the operation in order to make a decision on the removal or preservation of a part of the organ.

It is impossible to replace histological examination with other methods. It can be prescribed in combination with plain and contrast radiography, Doppler ultrasound, MRI and CT, endoscopic examination, radionuclide diagnostics, and laboratory tests.

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Methods of histological examination

The main method of taking biomaterial from internal organs is a biopsy. It is carried out in several ways.

  • Puncture. A common method for obtaining biosamples of tissues of the liver, prostate, and mammary glands. It consists in introducing a thin biopsy needle into the organ.
  • plucked. Microscopic forceps are used, which are inserted by the endoscopic method (bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, gastroscopy). Used for tumors of the intestines, esophagus, stomach, respiratory organs.
  • aspiration. Through a thin tube, the secretory fluid of the glands, myomatous nodes of the uterus is sucked off.
  • curettage. Used in the study of cavities. The biomaterial is scraped from the surface by means of a spoon - curettes.
  • Smear. It is used to diagnose tumors located on the mucous membranes. The fence is carried out with a miniature brush.
  • excisional and incisional. Part or all of the tumor is excised with surgical instruments, followed by examination.

Special preparation for histology is not required. Biomaterial sampling is carried out on an empty stomach, most often in the morning. The procedure is under local anesthesia and therefore does not cause pain. If the neoplasm is located in the skin, sedatives (sedatives) are sufficient.

All biopsy methods are absolutely safe for the body and are associated with minimal trauma. The procedure is carried out under the visual control of a doctor through ultrasound, which eliminates the risk of damaging organs.

The advantage of a biopsy is the minimum number of contraindications. These include problems with blood clotting, allergic reaction on anesthetics, heart failure of high severity. Women do not undergo the procedure in cases where it threatens pregnancy.

How is the study going

Laboratory histological examination of the biopsy material is carried out in the traditional and accelerated way. Traditionally, the biomaterial undergoes special processing to retain its shape. It is compacted and cut into plates a few microns thick for examination under a microscope. The result can be obtained within 7-10 days.

The accelerated method is used in cases where a biopsy is performed during surgery. The oncosurgeon needs the result of the study to determine whether to save the tissue or remove it. In this case, the biosample is frozen for 1 hour, separated and microscopically.

In oncology, several types of microscopy are used:

  • light - the study of a biosample in the visible part of the spectrum;
  • ultraviolet - study in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum;
  • electronic - research under a directed electron beam;
  • fluorescent - a study under fluorescent lighting after preliminary staining of the biosample;
  • interference - determination of the concentration and quantitative indicators of a substance in cells;
  • cytospectrophotometry - research chemical composition;
  • radioautography - isotopic assessment of the activity of metabolic processes.

In conclusion, the specialist describes in detail the properties of all types of tissues that were found in the biosample. Only a qualified oncologist can decipher the results of histology.

Are research errors possible?

There are 4 main conditions that can affect histology results.

  1. The doctor who performs the biopsy must take a targeted sample of the affected tissue with maximum accuracy - directly from the tumor. For this, the latest ultrasound machines are used, which allow the doctor to visually control his actions.
  2. Storage and preparation of biosamples must comply with medical standards. Ideally, the sample is stored so that it can be used for re-examination.
  3. The study itself should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist with many years of experience.
  4. Research equipment should be of high class and have a wide range of technical capabilities.

If all conditions are met, then the risk of error is reduced to zero.

Histological analysis is carried out to assess the condition of the tissues of the cervix. This is a method of studying the structure of cells under a microscope. Today, histology is the main method for detecting benign tumors, precancerous conditions and oncology of the cervix.

You can hand over the material for the histology of the cervix, you can get quick and accurate results in medical center University Clinic.

When is cervical histology indicated?

Histology is carried out after the primary diagnosis of the genital organs. This method is used to confirm the diagnosis, which the doctor suspected during examination in the mirrors, ultrasound and colposcopy. The study makes it possible to distinguish benign tumors from cancer.

Tissue for examination is taken by diagnostic curettage or aspiration biopsy. In this case, biological samples are taken from the cervix and uterine cavity. The test reveals atypical cells and determines the stage of the pathological process.

The histology of the cervix is ​​​​prescribed according to the following indications:

  • signs of pathologies during examination in the mirrors;
  • affected areas of the cervix during hardware studies ( , );
  • human papillomavirus (HPV) infection;
  • poor cytogram results;
  • keratosis squamous epithelium cervix;
  • long-term treatment of inflammation of the cervical canal medicines;
  • performing a polypectomy;
  • suspicion on and ;
  • foci of endometriosis (growth of the endometrium of the uterus);
  • detection of any tumors and growths of the cervical canal;
  • the appearance of signs of cervical dysplasia (the first changes in the cells);
  • bleeding after menopause;
  • , miscarriages, missed pregnancy;
  • (abundance, change in color and consistency of discharge);
  • hereditary factor (cervical cancer in close relatives).

Treatment of the tumor is prescribed only after receiving the results of the histological test. To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, the analysis is repeated. This allows you to adjust doses and drugs.

Preparation for histology

To get an objective result of the analysis, a woman must prepare.

  • refuse sexual intercourse 2 days before the study;
  • stop using intimate cosmetics, tampons, lubricants in 2-3 days;
  • do not douche for at least 5 days;
  • 3 days to stop the introduction of vaginal tablets, suppositories;
  • 2 weeks to stop taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs;
  • intimate hygiene the day before, it is desirable to carry out in the shower, and not in the bathroom.

The best time for a cervical canal biopsy is 4-6 days after the end of menstruation.


Cervical histology is an invasive diagnostic method. The fence of even a small area of ​​​​tissue injures the mucous membrane. Sometimes doctors recommend postponing the test.

Gynecologists call such restrictions on histology:

  • During menstruation and pregnancy, a biopsy is not performed, except for urgent cases;
  • The acute phase of sexual infection is also a relative contraindication for sampling. It is better to carry out the procedure in the remission stage;
  • In case of violation of blood clotting, the procedure is carried out with caution. A resuscitator must be present during tissue collection. Therefore, a woman should definitely warn the gynecologist about this problem.

How is cervical histology taken?

Tissue sampling for histology is performed by a gynecologist. The procedure consists of several stages:

  • Stage 1. The woman is located in the gynecological chair or on the couch. Previously, the doctor conducts a standard in the mirrors. This is necessary to identify the area of ​​tissue damage. It is from these areas that samples are taken for analysis.
  • Stage 2. Next, the doctor stains the tissues of the cervical canal with a special reagent (usually an iodine solution). Since the cervix is ​​lined with several types of epithelium, they stain differently. The squamous epithelium has a lighter shade, and the cylindrical one is stained dark.
  • Stage 3. At the junction different types epithelium (high-risk area), the doctor takes tissue fragments. To obtain material, the gynecologist uses one of the medical instruments. Can be used with a hollow needle, suction syringe, radio wave loop or electric knife. All instruments must be sterile. using a radio wave loop is the least traumatic, because it does not cause bleeding.
  • Stage 4 . After tissue sampling, the injured area is treated with an antiseptic. Treatment is performed to prevent the development of infection. Also, the doctor takes measures to stop bleeding if the tissues are taken with a needle or syringe. If it was not possible to stop the bleeding, the wound is sutured.

Normally, 2-3 days after the procedure, a woman has bloody issues from the vagina. They go away on their own and are painless. If bleeding persists for more than 3 days, you need to contact a gynecologist.

The biopsy can be uncomfortable. This is due to tissue damage. At the request of the patient, the doctor can use local anesthesia before taking the material.

After the biopsy, the woman does not require hospitalization and can return home.

For quick recovery after cervical tissue sampling, doctors recommend:

  • exclude sexual intercourse for 10-12 days;
  • avoid physical activity, weight lifting 7-10 days;
  • stop douching for 2 weeks;
  • use a shower for intimate hygiene;
  • do not take medicines without consulting a doctor;
  • refuse to visit the sauna and bath for 10-14 days.

Analysis Methods

The analysis takes from 2 to 10 days. It depends on the test method. The resulting fabric requires pre-treatment. The biopsy specimen is dried, reagents for solidification are injected and divided into sections. After that, the laboratory assistant proceeds to the study. Using a microscope, a specialist evaluates the following indicators:

  • cell size;
  • the shape of the cell membrane;
  • internal organization of the epithelium;
  • the number of atypical cells;
  • the nature of changes in cells (dysplasia, inflammation, pseudo-erosion).

For histological analysis, the following methods are used:

  • Microscopy . Epithelial cells are studied using powerful high-resolution microscopes. This allows you to detect changes in the cells. The definition of an atypical cell structure indicates the development of oncology. Laboratory technicians use special reagents to stain cells. This helps to determine the characteristics of the tumor (for example, its growth rate). This information is important for developing the best treatment regimen and the choice of specific drugs. The examination of the biopsy specimen under a microscope is highly informative and reliable (above 95%);
  • FISH study . This is a molecular genetic analysis of the state of chromosomes. The resulting tissue is scanned to make a digital copy and DNA samples with fluorescent labels. The new DNAs differ in composition and correspond to different chromosomal abnormalities. During the study, DNA with labels is associated with abnormal cells. If there are no pathological chromosomes in the tissues, labeled DNA is simply washed out of the sample. The reliability of the method is close to 100%, and the results of the study make it possible to determine the type of neoplasm and tumor activity;
  • Immunohistochemistry . This is a type of histological examination in which special reagents are used. Tissue samples are treated with formulations that contain labeled antigens. They are specific for substances synthesized during tumor growth. If there is a "tumor" substance in the sample, the affected areas are stained. This technique allows diagnosing cancer with an accuracy of 99%. In this case, the study reveals the type of tumor, stage of development and localization. The information obtained makes it possible to predict the course of the disease.

What is the difference between histology and cytology of the cervix?

Both methods are based on microscopy of cervical canal cells. However, for cytology, a smear or scraping from the mucous membranes is taken. This does not injure tissue, but it does not give accurate research results. For histology, they take a whole section of tissues, injuring the membranes. This allows you to study the structure of tissues and cells in more detail.

Deciphering the results of cytology

The interpretation of the indicators is carried out by a gynecologist. Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition of the cervical tissues, taking into account the gynecological history and the age of the patient. Normally, there are no atypical cells in the histological protocol.

Histology reflects such signs of pathology:

  • proliferation of endometrial tissue;
  • atypical cells in small numbers;
  • changes in the structure of the uterine glands;
  • tissue atrophy;
  • inflammatory foci;
  • stromal edema;
  • apoptotic particles in cervical canal cells;
  • violation of blood flow in the vessels of the mucous membrane;
  • fibrous changes in the mucosa;
  • multiple cysts.

Based on the parameters of the histology protocol, the doctor can make the following diagnosis:

  1. the structure of the cells is normal, there is no pathology;
  2. minor changes in the cellular structure (usually associated with sexual infections, miscarriages, abortions);
  3. infection or in the acute stage (with the help of a smear, the type of pathogen is determined);
  4. cervical canal 1, 2 and 3 degrees;

Histological analysis is a study of tissue taken from an organ for more accurate diagnosis. To date, this is the most reliable method of research, it is very important, one might say, of paramount importance for establishing a diagnosis and for determining the method of treatment.

What does a histological analysis show? Most often, a histological analysis is performed to detect inflammatory processes in the digestive system, to determine the causes of infertility, to diagnose oncology, to identify pathological processes in the uterus and other female organs, to determine the correct therapy for diseases of the internal organs. Histological studies are based on the study of tissue under an optical microscope, which not only determines the type of tumor, but also provides a lot of information about its characteristics.

Histology is a science that studies the tissues of the human body. Tissue analysis helps to detect a pathological process at the cell level, that is, at the very beginning of its formation. Thus, it is possible to identify initial stages tumors and structural mutation processes. Special equipment helps to identify foreign bodies with high accuracy and study their characteristics in detail.

The tissues of the human body provide specialists with a huge amount of information about the functioning of the body, both in general and in places of pathology. If a biopsy, as well as histology, is performed in a timely manner, then conservative treatment of diseases is possible at an early stage.

The basics of histology are, as already mentioned, tissues. Tissue is cells and intercellular substance that have the same structure and origin. The intercellular substance may either contain fibers or have the consistency of a gel.

In total, there are 4 types of tissues in the human body - nervous, muscular, connective and epithelial. Blood and lymph are also considered tissues, we can say that the fifth type of tissue. In tissues during a person's life, age-related changes occur, they wear out, and cells can die or be restored. Often neoplasms develop on tissues, which, in turn, also consist of tissues, so we can say that the main task of diagnostic histology is to distinguish benign formations from malignant and early detection of cancers.

As a rule, histological diagnosis is the final stage. diagnostic measures. First, the patient undergoes an MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, X-ray, and so on, and only then, to confirm the diagnosis, he passes an analysis for histology. Thus, all preliminary diagnostics only revealed a neoplasm in the tissues, but could not give an accurate definition of whether it was malignant or benign, and only histological analysis establishes the verdict. In addition, in some cases, histology after therapeutic treatment is required to determine whether the treatment has been effective.

How the analysis is done

Everyone knows how a blood test is taken, but how is a histology done, how much is it done? Histology can be carried out in several ways - the study can be carried out on blood, on secretions, and the tissues themselves can be directly studied. A histological smear is done in urology and gynecology. Therefore, the analysis can be carried out in different ways, but the quality of the diagnosis is the same in any case.

If it is necessary to conduct an examination of the internal organs, then pain medications may be required, painless procedures (for example, smears) are performed without anesthesia. Some types of research are carried out in a clinic, others can only be done in a hospital setting.

The skin and its derivatives are also subjected to histological analysis, it is shown if there are formations on the skin (moles, etc.). The analysis differentiates benign formations from malignant ones, and also determines the presence or absence of an inflammatory process.

Endocrinology in some cases may also have a need for histological analysis. Endocrine system and histology are associated with each other mainly in the presence of a tumor in the endocrine glands of internal secretion. Gynecology, genitourinary system, digestive system, skin are the most common examples where histological analysis is performed.

How much is a histological analysis done? On average, the analysis takes from a week to 10 days after the sample of the study is received, however, it all depends on whether the clinic has necessary equipment. So it is necessary to clarify the terms directly in the medical institution.

There is an express analysis that is done during the surgical intervention. If tumors are detected during the operation, then a sample of them can be examined under a microscope in a short period of time. When a malignant tumor is confirmed, the surgeon decides on a more extended operation, taking into account all the nuances of removing a malignant tumor.

A description of the results is given to the patient in writing, only a person with a medical education can decipher it, as a result, no recommendations are given, so you need to consult a doctor to decipher and determine further actions.

Histology of the oral cavity

There is a textbook "Histology in diagrams and tables", it is intended for students and specialists in this field. In it, in diagrams, lists and tables, it clearly describes the structure of the oral cavity, including. Very briefly, the histology of the oral cavity is as follows.

If we approach the structure of the oral cavity from the point of view of histology, then for the most part its organs are covered with a mucous membrane. The oral cavity has a basal lamina and an epithelial layer, which consists of squamous epithelial cells. As for the plate, these are connective tissues.

Lips are also oral cavity, at its core, these are folds of skin that have an outer and inner surface. Outside, the lips are covered with fibrous connective tissue, and the inner surface is epithelial, it has outgrowths (papillae). At the heart of the lips is a circular muscle - that is, muscular striated tissue.

The cheeks also belong to the oral cavity - their inner shell is epithelial tissue, the middle one is muscle fibers, and the outer one is connective tissue. As for the salivary glands, they are located in the connective tissue.

There is a palatine arch in the oral cavity, it grows together with the bone palate and has a main plate and epithelial tissue with a layer of palatine veins. The soft palate in the oral cavity limits it from the pharynx, it also consists of epithelial tissue. The palatine tonsils are located in the submucosa.

The palatine tonsils consist of parenchymal tissue and stroma.

The parotid gland is made up of connective tissue that is rich in collagen fibers. As for the submandibular gland, it is also connective tissue, and it has a very well developed duct system. The sublingual gland is mostly mucous tissue, but its septa are again composed of connective tissue.

In the oral cavity there is also a muscular organ - the tongue. It is formed from striated muscle tissue. However, the tongue also has a mucous membrane, which forms protrusions - papillae. However, the root of the tongue does not have papillae, it is covered with tonsillar tissue, from which the lingual tonsil, which has follicles, is formed. The space between the follicles is filled with lymphoid tissue. The tongue is pierced by three glands - mucous, protein and mixed. The back of the tongue does not have a submucosal base.

The larynx is a segment of the breathing tube that connects the trachea to the pharynx. The cartilages of the larynx are connected to each other connective tissue, in addition, in the larynx there is muscle and mucous membrane.

The trachea is a cartilaginous tube, at the top it connects to the larynx, and below it is divided into the main bronchi.

The gums consist of their own plate and epithelial multi-layered and highly keratinized tissue. There are many vessels and elastic fibers in the main plate. The main tissue of the tooth is dentin - this is one of the varieties of bone tissue, which is characterized by high density. In addition, the structure of the tooth contains enamel, cementum and pulp.

Modern methods laboratory diagnostics diseases allow to reliably establish the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. In gynecology, histological examination is widely used to determine malignant tumors and diseases of the genitourinary system. With the help of tests, the doctor will establish not only the existing pathology, but also identify vulnerabilities. This will help to correctly predict the further course of the disease and determine effective treatment tactics. The most commonly performed histology of the uterus. The neck, inner (endometrium) and middle (myometrium) layers of the organ are subjected to this procedure.

The main organ of the female reproductive system is the uterus. It is she who is responsible for the reproductive function of the woman's body. In the structure of this genital area, the bottom, body and neck are distinguished. In the reproductive system, one way or another, almost all processes are associated with the cervix, therefore, special attention is paid to its condition and health.

With age, during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth, the cervix, like the uterus itself, can change. Histology analysis helps to monitor the situation and take timely action in the presence of deviations. For research, a small part of the tissue of the cervix or the uterus itself is taken.

Cervical histology is a minimally invasive diagnostic method determination of diseases during which a piece of tissue is taken (biopsy) reproductive organ. The purpose of the examination under a microscope is to establish whether the material corresponds to the parameters of healthy cells or whether they are dangerous and can lead to neoplasms and oncology. This method, due to the high accuracy of diagnosis, reveals cancerous and precancerous cells (dysplasia), the boundaries of their distribution, the possibility of surgical intervention.

Analysis of the histology of the cervix

Histological examination is the most informative way to determine diseases of the female reproductive system. The procedure can be prescribed to patients of any age. Unlike cytology, this is not a preventive, but a planned study.

Histological analysis helps to find and eliminate the causes, if indicated:

  • infertility, non-developing pregnancy, miscarriages;
  • unstable uterine cycle (menstrual, secretory phases), lack of menstruation, bleeding outside the menstrual cycle - a bad symptom;
  • pain in the abdomen, uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, discomfort during intercourse;
  • suspicion of the presence of cancer when abnormal cells are detected during a screening cytological study;
  • establish the state of the endometrium at the beginning of the cycle and during its end.

Important! An analysis of the histology of the cervix is ​​contraindicated if the patient has low blood clotting, pregnancy, menstruation, an inflammatory process has been detected in the organs of the reproductive system.

This method, due to sufficient traumatization, is used only in cases where other types of diagnostics do not provide all the necessary information to establish a diagnosis or the results of other studies have a number of contradictions.

Analysis for histology is prescribed if there are signs:

  • (whitish plaques in the areas of keratinization in women of reproductive age);
  • endometrial hyperplasia (abnormal deviations in the growth of tissues or an organ during cell division in the body);
  • V cytological smear a large number of malignant cells were detected;
  • irregularity of the cervical canal (transition of the cervix into the uterus).

How is a histological analysis done, methods of tissue sampling?

Unlike a conventional smear, histology examines the structure of the tissue as a whole and is able to assess the localization and boundaries of the area of ​​the pathological process. For research, a biopsy of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200b(tissue sampling), the optimal method of which is determined by the doctor.

Tissue collection methods include:

Before the procedure, it is recommended to prepare: take a blood test for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, a smear for cytology, examine the purity of the vagina, refuse sexual intercourse and suspend local treatment for two days. So it is better to exclude douching and chemicals for intimate hygiene. This precaution reduces the chance of erroneous results. The duration of the procedure, when a cytology smear is made, is 15 minutes, along with an examination.

Tissue sampling for cytological examination takes more time and is performed as follows:

  1. The patient is located on the gynecological chair, the doctor examines the cervical canal with the help to identify the site of the pathology;
  2. Using various techniques (scalpel biopsy, laser, electroknife), the material of the affected tissues is obtained. The prepared drug is sent to the laboratory for research;
  3. The damaged area of ​​the neck is treated with a hemostatic drug, if there is bleeding, it is sutured.

After the procedure, the tissue fragment is placed in formalin or ethanol, the doctor makes a thin section and stains it using hematoxylin and eosin. In some cases, the histological specimen may be embedded in paraffin. Under the influence of the dye, the composition of tissues changes color: proteins become red, and nucleic acids acquire a blue tint. The histologist places the section under glass and uses an electron microscope to examine the prepared sample in order to identify pathology and abnormalities. A healthy epithelium of the cervix is ​​brown in color with the same cell size, deviations from the norm indicate the presence of a disease.

Deciphering the histology of the cervix

The histologist (pathomorphologist) examines the samples for about 7 days - a complete analysis. For emergency situations, there is express diagnostics - a quick, but less accurate method that allows you to get results within 24 hours after the procedure.

Important! IN private clinic a decoding form is given to the patient in writing, where personal data, date of sampling and material, solution, type of diagnosis are indicated. At the end of the document, all tissues and possible neoplasms are listed. All terms are in Latin.

The laboratory assistant only issues a conclusion. The document, regardless of the result obtained, does not contain any recommendations. All the information in the form during the appointment will help to decipher the attending doctor. He compares the results of histological examination, analyzes clinical picture with medical history and other diagnostic methods. Based on all available information, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment, the duration of which depends on the severity of the identified pathology.

What does the analysis of the histology of the cervix show?

Histological examination reliably establishes or refutes the presence of any pathologies, malignant tumors, determines the degree of differentiation (predisposition of elements).

The results of the study are divided into groups:

  • normal (all cervical tissues are absolutely healthy);
  • identified atrophic and inflammatory processes due to age, changes hormonal background, the presence of the pathogen;
  • mild dysplasia (low grade), koilocytosis;
  • moderate and (high degree of change in the epithelium);
  • invasive cervical cancer (hidden or mild symptoms).

An analysis of the histology of the cervix shows the degree of cell atypia: the nature of the cell change is superficial nature or changes in the epithelial tissue occupies half (more than half) of the cell layers.

Classification, histology in cervical cancer

The CIN and WHO classification systems help the clinician to correctly evaluate histology results.

The abbreviation CIN stands for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia. This is a malignant lesion. main reason cervical dysplasia consider HPV (human papillomavirus) strains 16 and 18 (oncogenic types). There are three stages of the disease. The first two stages of CIN 1 and CIN 2, if detected in time, respond well to radiation and combination therapy and are successfully operated on. CIN 3 is considered intractable. Over the course of three stages, squamous epithelial cells mutate, approaching cervical cancer.

In 2013, the definition of CIN was changed to SIL. In fact, this is a precancerous condition, the meaning of which is defined as a squamous intraepithelial lesion. There are two stage light degree and severe lesion, although physicians still use the previous classification.

Methods modern diagnostics and therapies help prevent the degeneration of dysplasia into cancer. The cure rate due to surgery is 95%. If you skip three stages of cervical damage, over time, atypical epithelial cells will replace healthy ones, which will cause oncology.

Depending on the histological type, the following types of cervical cancer are distinguished:

  • squamous (keratinizing, poorly differentiated, non-keratinizing) in the exocervix;
  • adenocarcinoma (glandular cancer).

Histological examination, as the most informative method, determines the features of the tissue structure, reveals benign and malignant formations, which allows starting treatment at an early stage of the disease and guaranteeing success.

Video: histology. How is the research carried out?

Video: lecture on histology

With the help of histological studies, it is possible to detect the presence of dangerous cells and neoplasms in the tissues. Of particular importance is the analysis of histology in gynecological practice, through which it is possible to diagnose and begin timely treatment many "female" diseases.

What is histology?

Histology is the science that studies the structure of tissues on cellular level. Histological studies consist in the study of tissue sections under a microscope. This diagnostic method allows you to most accurately determine the presence of pathological processes.

How are histological studies performed?

In most cases, the sampling of biological material is carried out directly in the process of surgical intervention. The operating doctor removes the amount of tissue necessary for the study and sends it for analysis. To give hardness, the biomaterial is treated with paraffin and several very thin sections are made, on which a special dye is applied. After that, the tissues are examined under high-precision microscopes. Examination of tissue for histology is a long and laborious process, in some cases it may take up to 10 days to obtain an accurate result.

Indications for histology

Biomaterial studies are carried out in the following cases:

  • prolonged uterine bleeding;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, not associated with menstruation;
  • leukoplakia;
  • miscarriage or missed pregnancy;
  • suspicion of a malignant neoplasm;
  • stillbirth;
  • infertility.

In some cases, the attending physician may prescribe a histological analysis of tissues with unclear symptoms, to clarify the diagnosis and further therapeutic treatment or surgery.

Preparation for histological examination

Women who are to take biomaterial for histological examination should not worry about the upcoming procedure. This research method is safe and informative, sometimes only with its help it is possible to identify or refute the presence of pathological processes.

For those ladies who are about to have an intervention, gynecologists recommend:

  • give up intimate relationships at least two days before the upcoming manipulation;
  • intimate hygiene to carry out without the use of cosmetics;
  • do not put candles and tampons soaked in medicines into the vagina;
  • do not douche.
  • In gynecological practice, histology is often prescribed to study the tissues of the embryo, uterus, ovaries and cervix. In some cases, histological examination allows diagnosing oncology at an early stage.

    Histology after a miscarriage or with a missed pregnancy

    A frozen pregnancy is essentially the same miscarriage, just not yet occurred. In both cases, the patient is prescribed curettage to avoid decay of the remains of the fetus in the uterine cavity. The placenta extracted during the intervention is sent for histological examination, during which the cause of the death of the embryo is determined.

    Research for the diagnosis of cancer

    Many oncological female diseases are asymptomatic, and the woman does not notice the minor changes that have occurred to her. A gynecologist, if malignant neoplasms are suspected, prescribes a histological examination, which allows to exclude oncology or start timely treatment.

    Histological examination of the uterus

    The prerequisites for taking a biopsy are:

    • analysis or ultrasound indicating the presence of pathological processes;
    • pulling or sharp pain lower abdomen;
    • prolonged intermenstrual bleeding;
    • neoplasms on the surface of the uterus or inside it.

    The result of histology will help the doctor to understand the nature of the neoplasm, malignant or benign, and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary therapy.

    Histology of the ovaries

    This type of histology involves examining the contents of cysts or neoplasms in the ovaries. Performed during laparoscopy, if available surgical intervention, or through a puncture of the abdominal cavity.

    Histology of the cervix

    If you suspect the presence of inflammatory, precancerous or oncological diseases of the cervix, the gynecologist “plucks off” a small piece of tissue and sends it for histology. The study of biomaterial helps to determine the presence or absence of many diseases of the cervix, including oncology.

    Deciphering the analysis

    The results of the histological examination are entered into a special form that contains information about the patient: his passport data, time and place of biomaterial sampling.

    Only a qualified doctor should decipher the results of histology; it is not recommended to do this on your own. Due to the abundance of Latin words and obscure names, a person who is not connected with medicine will not be able to find out about the diagnosis.

    If the conclusion contains the phrase "the endometrium is normal, corresponds to the phase of proliferation (secretion or menstruation)", then this means that the uterine mucosa is normal and no changes or diseases have been detected.

    Signs of pathological processes are:

    • accumulation of fluid between the cells of the stroma;
    • high (significantly exceeding the norm) concentration of leukocytes;
    • definition of pathogenic microflora.
    • Additional Information:

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