What are the types of breast diseases in women and their causes? Diseases of the mammary glands in women Diseases of the mammary glands in women symptoms

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Mastopathy during menopause develops quite often. Often women themselves lose sight of changes in their own breasts or simply ignore certain symptoms. Sometimes this leads to serious deterioration in health and even surgery. Read about what mastopathy is, how to identify it and cure it here.

Mammology: diseases of the mammary glands in women and their treatment

Diseases of the mammary glands in women are gaining more and more menacing numbers every year. This is partly due to critical ecology, partly the fault lies with the beautiful field itself, which in its pursuit of beauty completely forgets about health.

Women's breasts are not only the most sensitive and delicate part of the body. Dangerous pathological processes can mature in the mammary glands, which can degenerate into the most dangerous disease - cancer. But breast diseases in women are not a spontaneous phenomenon; the course of the disease has distinct signs. Usually, it is not difficult for a woman to detect problems at the stage when treatment can be most effective. The only condition for this is timely attention.

Women are not inclined to pay attention to such manifestations as:

  • mild soreness in the chest area;
  • slight discharge from the nipples themselves;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • the appearance of hair on one or both mammary glands;
  • burning sensation.

Indeed, often these signs only indicate that critical days have arrived. They are the ones who can cause such changes in the body. However, if menstruation is not expected, then this should be alarming, since these may be symptoms of breast diseases. We must not forget that mortality from cancer has serious percentages in Russia.

What are the types of female breast diseases?

The undisputed leader of diseases is mastopathy. It has become so common, has many stages and forms, that some ladies simply do not attach importance to it. Externally, mastopathy is easily determined by the woman herself. To do this, it is enough to straighten your back, lift one breast and palpate with your fingers, pressing slightly. Normally, the structure is homogeneous, and fingers will not stumble upon strange seals if the gland is healthy.

With mastopathy, nodules are formed that are dense to the touch, often painless. That is why women do not attach importance to this disease. It does not hurt, does not cause concern, and may not even increase in size for a long time. Should I pay attention and run to the doctor? Some people don’t even know where to turn if such a problem arises.

The treatment of mastopathy and other diseases of the female mammary gland is carried out by a separate specialist - a mammologist. Its task is to determine the disease, the degree of development, identify the danger of degeneration and prescribe adequate treatment. Mammologists unanimously say that if even a slight lump is detected, it is necessary to do a mammogram and visit a doctor.

The danger is that every nodule is a potential threat of a tumor. The appearance of a benign tumor carries the possibility of degeneration into a malignant one. Breast carcinoma develops quickly, and symptoms may not change. The woman will still feel satisfactory without any health complaints. And only when the cancer reaches its final stage will irreversible changes begin.

Often the only sign is lumps. They can be soft, as if a small berry is being squeezed, or they can be dense, like balls. Moreover, there may be several of them, the location depends on the degree of damage. If pain occurs, it is not necessarily in the gland itself. Pain may be felt in the armpit and shoulder blade. That is why it can be confused with thoracic osteochondrosis. As the disease progresses, the disease of the right mammary gland can provoke discharge from the nipple. Sometimes the discharge looks like colostrum, but may be mixed with blood or even look like real milk. In other cases, cracks appear on the nipples, which can cause pain. These are all signs of breast disease.

If mastopathy is not detected in time or treatment is delayed, the usual form can turn into a purulent form. A woman must clearly understand: delay threatens breast removal.

Cervical erosion is one of the most common female problems, which can be overcome by the methods described. You can learn about the symptoms of a disease such as uterine fibroids, as well as familiarize yourself with the principles of treating this disease.

Benign and malignant tumors

But the presence of a seal should not be a reason for hysteria. This may be the initial form of the disease or the occurrence of a benign tumor. The word “tumor” itself should also not come as a shock, since it is not a death sentence. A benign tumor is a sudden proliferation of tissue due to changed sex hormones and cells. Such a tumor will not extend beyond the mammary gland itself, so it is not dangerous and can be easily removed at any stage.

It’s another matter when the tumor is recognized as carcinoma (malignant). Carcinoma is dangerous because, as it progresses, it will go beyond the gland and affect neighboring organs. Further development will move into the stage of metastases, which can affect not only adjacent organs, but also all vital systems of the body.

Speaking about benign tumors, it should be noted that some can be treated conservatively. Treatment is always determined by a mammologist based on the mammography findings. Medicine defines a number of types of benign tumors:

  • cyst Frequent education in women of any age. It has the shape of a capsule filled with liquid. The capsule itself always has clear boundaries; upon palpation, it is defined as a movable seal;
  • mastitis. This disease occurs in a huge number of young mothers. Mastitis is an inflammatory process in the gland. This is caused by various factors:
    - ingress of bacteria;
    - frequent stagnation of milk;
    - significant hypothermia of the chest;
  • fibroadenoma. During self-diagnosis, they feel like round balls and do not cause pain.

Symptoms of breast disease often have only a local, physiological form. Apart from detecting tightness in the breast, there may be no other signs at all. Occasionally during menstruation, the tumor begins to ache, the breasts fill up and become heavier, which brings some discomfort. But as soon as a few days pass, all sensations disappear. In this regard, diseases of the mammary glands are extremely insidious, because the vast majority of women simply will not go to the doctor until pain appears.

Causes and treatment of breast diseases

The main provocateur of serious illnesses is age. Normally, it is assumed that the first pregnancy should occur no later than 35 years. After this, the woman begins to experience hormonal changes due to the fact that the gland did not fulfill its main purpose on time. Contrary to everything, women's breasts are not intended by nature for beauty, but for feeding a baby.

Very young girls will also be at risk. Today, underwear manufacturers are not at all worried about women's health. On display are luxurious lace lingerie that girls wear at any time of the year. Meanwhile, in such bras, the breasts inevitably freeze, triggering pathological processes.

Even in summer, sitting near a regular fan with a damp chest can easily provoke inflammation of the glands.

Diseases of the female breast will appear with age and in those who are characterized by:

  • smoking, being overweight, drinking alcohol;
  • frequent stress, depression;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • late menopause;
  • abuse of solarium;
  • wearing a tight bra.

Treatment of breast disease always includes cytological studies, mammography and examination. Based on these conclusions alone, a complete clinical picture. Self-medication of any disease is dangerous and fraught with complications. The only way to avoid severe and irreversible consequences is a timely visit to a mammologist (surgeon, oncologist).

Women's health is the most important aspect of modern society. But, alas, taking care of health today has become a purely personal matter. Therefore, our goal is to warn about the danger and suggest the best ways to solve some women's health problems.

There are diseases whose risk is negligible, but there are dangers that await every woman throughout almost her entire life. This is about breast diseases.

The statistics for breast diseases are as follows:

Every second woman in Russia runs the risk of encountering breast diseases during her lifetime: a benign tumor or fibrocystic mastopathy. Every tenth person has breast cancer. Moreover, among the causes of female mortality in Russia, breast cancer ranks second! Mastopathy is diagnosed in more than 50% of women childbearing age! Unfortunately, these diseases are detected already in advanced stages, which means the prognosis, in most cases, is unfavorable.


There are many reasons for this. Irresponsible attitude towards one's health - “this will not affect me.” Fear of the doctor and the diagnosis - “it’s better not to go to the doctor, otherwise they’ll find something else.” Low awareness of the causes of diseases and their first signs.

The result is a complete lack of preventive measures and late diagnosis.

Meanwhile, sufficient prevention is the most reliable and low-cost way to protect yourself from dangerous and fatal diseases. So, in order:

What is dangerous for women's breasts?

  • Any inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system;
  • Infectious diseases sexually transmitted;
  • Abortion;
  • Late first pregnancy;
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives before the first pregnancy;
  • Smoking, alcohol, radiation, harmful chemical factors;
  • Unreasonable use of pharmaceuticals;
  • Excess ultraviolet radiation (which activates free radical reactions and tumor processes);
  • Hypothermia of the mammary glands and pelvic organs;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Diseases thyroid gland;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

Types of breast diseases:


Mastopathy(fibrocystic disease) is a benign disease of the mammary glands caused by hormonal imbalance, manifested in the form of pathological proliferation of its tissues.

There are two forms of mastopathy: nodular and diffuse, one- or two-sided.

Often mastopathy is called fibroadenomatosis. This condition should be distinguished from a benign breast tumor - fibroadenoma. :

  • swelling and pain in the mammary glands before menstruation;
  • slight enlargement of the gland;
  • soreness of the mammary glands when pressed;
  • the presence of small nodules on palpation;
  • discharge from the nipples is possible (most often gray-green in color). Mastopathy is a benign disease, but without appropriate treatment and observation by a mammologist, it can lead to breast cancer!


Fibroadenoma - benign tumor mammary gland of glandular origin.

The disease most often occurs in women of reproductive age (from 16 to 40 years), is characterized by rapid growth, especially during puberty or after abortion.

It is believed that fibroadenomas are formed at an increased concentration of estrogens, and when the level of estrogens is normalized, they behave in the same way as ordinary lobules of the mammary gland, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In almost half of the cases, especially in young women, independent reverse development occurs, the so-called “resorption,” including multiple formations. This can last for 5 years, and the treatment strategy in this case is observation.

The most characteristic symptoms:

  • the presence of a dense, painless tumor in the mammary gland up to 3 cm in size;
  • sometimes multiple formations occur.

Fibroadenoma does not transform into cancer, but in some cases it is recommended surgical removal tumors.

Intraductal papilloma

Intraductal papilloma(cystadenopapilloma) is a benign epithelial tumor of the mammary gland. The disease usually develops against the background of nodular or diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, papillomas are formed in cystic-changed, dilated ducts.

Most often appears during the period before menopause. Average age the occurrence of cystadenopapilloma in women is 48 years old, and this pathology does not occur before 20 and after 50 years.

  • painful node in the mammary gland;
  • bloody or greenish-brown discharge from the nipple.

Mammary cancer

Mammary cancer- a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland.

The most characteristic symptoms:

  • dense, immobile lump in the mammary gland;
  • absence of pronounced pain syndrome;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • changes in the skin (recession, flattening, retraction of the skin, the presence of “lemon peel”);
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Breast cancer most often occurs in women aged 40-50 years and after 60 years. The risk of development is higher in women with inflammatory and hyperplastic diseases of the ovaries and uterus, obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland and liver.

Diagnosis of breast diseases

Self-examination regularly, monthly, on the 7-10th day after menstruation;

Professional examination by a mammologist - once a year; Immediately consult a doctor if you experience discomfort in the chest, discharge from the nipples, or pain.

Treatment and preventive measures

The research and production company "Biolit" together with scientists from the Department of Pharmacology of Siberian State Medical University have developed a set of means for the prevention and complex therapy mastopathy - "MAMAVIT complex".
"MAMAVIT complex" is a non-hormonal product of natural origin with proven effectiveness and persistent long-term effect in the complex treatment of mastopathy.

  • Toxidont-may (burdock root extract);
  • Burdock seeds;
  • Mamavit gel for external use;
  • Venorm (granules)

Toxidont-may (burdock root extract) and Burdock seeds are highly effective products for oral consumption.

Toxidont-may, even with a single oral dose, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, analgesic, decongestant effect, normalizes metabolic processes, and removes various toxins and waste from the body. BURDOCK SEEDS, in addition, contain the glycosides arctinin and arctigenin, which have an effect aimed at reducing the activity of hormone-dependent proliferation processes.

  • proliferative diseases of the female reproductive system (mastopathy, endometriosis);
  • in rehabilitation programs for cancer patients;
  • disorders of fat, carbohydrate, water-salt metabolism;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases (furunculosis, eczema, allergic dermatoses);
  • purulent wounds, burns of varying degrees;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever, as an antipyretic.

In addition, Toxidont-may and Burdock Seeds are excellent general health products for the whole family at any time of the year! They promote rapid elimination of toxins, improve immunity, improve metabolism, and prevent tumors.

Mamavit - gel for external use. Mamavit contains the substance asparagine, which was isolated for the first time in the world by Biolit scientists in pure crystalline form from the juice of burdock roots. Asparagine has a powerful antitumor and absorbable effect. The anti-inflammatory, antitumor and absorbable effects of burdock root extract in Mamavit gel are enhanced by combination with essential oils lemon, spruce and tea tree. When using Mamavit gel, lymphatic drainage, blood microcirculation and the functioning of the sebaceous glands are normalized, skin tone and elasticity are increased. On hot days, the active components of the gel will help prevent the harmful effects of the sun.

Regular use of Mamavit gel will allow You can maintain a beautiful breast shape and youthful skin in the décolleté area. It can be used by women after pregnancy and breastfeeding to restore skin tone and mammary glands.

  • mastopathy;
  • neoplasms of the mammary glands;
  • breast cysts.

Also, regular use of Mamavit gel prevents the aging process of the skin, helps maintain breast shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The effectiveness of the use of Toxidont-May and Mamavit gel in the complex therapy of nodular mastopathy has been proven in clinical trials conducted at the regional oncology clinic in Tomsk. It was found that the greatest effect is exerted by the combined use of Toxidont-Mai burdock root extract internally and Mamavit gel externally on the mammary gland area in combination with basic therapy.

An obligatory component of the powerful treatment and prophylactic complex “mamavit complex” is venorm.

Venorm (in granules) based on extracts of birch and raspberry leaves, mantle grass, Kuril tea shoots; chokeberry fruit juice, seaweed powder - kelp; routine.

Venorm has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, vascular-strengthening, anti-atherosclerotic, and hypotensive effect. Reduces blood viscosity, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood circulation in blood vessels lower limbs. It is a source of bioavailable organic iodine.

  • varicose veins, including hemorrhoids;
  • microcirculation disorders due to retinopathy, prostatitis, etc.;
  • degree of hypertension;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • conditions accompanied by increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • lack of iodine in the population living in iodine-deficient regions;
  • vegetative neurosis;
  • primary dysmenorrhea.
  • In complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in women

  • In complex therapy of mastopathy

A woman's mammary glands are intended for breastfeeding. This is a paired organ that is present in all mammals, regardless of gender. The main difference between the female mammary gland and the male mammary gland is its development. With age, in mature girls, the breasts acquire a voluminous shape due to the growth of glandular tissues, connective and fatty tissues.

Breast diseases in women are a fairly common occurrence. Despite the fact that they have different personalities, approximately 33% of all representatives are forced to face one of the forms of the disease. Caused by sensitivity chest to the smallest hormonal changes that very often occur in modern women. Also, problems with the reproductive system, in particular with the ovaries, bruise or inflammation can affect tumor formation.

Symptoms and signs

Each disease has certain symptoms, but there are breast disease symptoms that occur in almost all cases:

  • This is soreness in the chest area, which can be simply aching or even sharp.
  • Swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.
  • Palpation of foreign formations under the skin.
  • Suppuration or other discharge through the nipples.


In addition to the fact that women of childbearing age are required to visit a mammologist every three years, they must conduct self-diagnosis monthly. To do this, at the beginning of each menstrual cycle (on the seventh – tenth day) you need to expose your upper body, stand in front of a mirror and carefully examine your breasts.

Thus, it is possible to detect deformation of the mammary gland, tightness of the skin, swelling or redness, as well as spots, crusts or discharge on the nipples. Next, you need to take a lying position and palpate each breast separately for the presence of lumps in their tissues or axillary areas. If nothing is found, then you can move on with your life, but if even the slightest hardening suddenly appears, you should immediately go to the clinic, where the doctor will further examine you, prescribe a fluorography, ultrasound biopsy, mammography or blood test, if necessary.

Every experienced doctor can cure breast diseases in women without surgery, but provided that they are identified in a timely manner and are subject to conservative treatment.

Increasingly, we are faced with cases where ladies put off visiting a mammologist. Some because they did not feel symptoms, while others simply could not find the time. It is worth noting that such a terrible disease as breast cancer is initially completely asymptomatic, but manages to grow to a dangerous stage. In these cases, the organ tissue has to be completely removed, but this may not be the end of it.

Description of diseases

All diseases of the female breast are divided into tumor and inflammatory.

Diseases of the mammary glands and their description:

Mastitis (acute or chronic) is considered a very common inflammation. This is a disease in which suppuration forms inside the gland. May occur in nursing mothers due to stagnation of milk. Infections that enter through cracks in the nipples can also contribute to its development. If mastitis is detected immediately, the development of an abscess can be avoided and the situation can be corrected conservatively. Otherwise, surgery cannot be avoided.

No less rare is a type of disease such as mastopathy. This is a benign inflammatory process in the mammary glands, characterized by the growth of their connective tissue. Scientists come to the conclusion that mastopathy is a harbinger of breast cancer (in some cases). Hormonal disorders, inflammatory or infectious diseases genital organs, abortion, stress and refusal of breastfeeding.

For various reasons, women develop cysts; the mammary glands are one of their favorite places. They can be found in ducts, where they, filled with liquid contents, can be either single or multiple. There is a version that the provoking factor for their appearance is hormonal disruptions, especially caused by improper use of contraceptive drugs. A cyst can develop due to a psycho-emotional effect on the nervous system (intellectual overload, acute perception of problems, stress and anxiety). You can feel the symptoms by pulling and burning feelings in the chest, by its deformation and color change. All may be accompanied by fever.

All these diseases mammary gland women do not cause as much horror and fear as her cancer. Its danger lies in the fact that it does not manifest itself for a long time, or resembles mastopathy, which confuses both the doctor and the patient.

Fortunately, in modern medical centers There is equipment that can suspect cancer cells at the initial stage. Therefore, never forget to be examined in a timely manner and choose real professionals for this.

Interview with the head of the Department of Breast Pathology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution " Scientific Center obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov", Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Gailisha, after viewing which you will learn the symptoms developing disease, methods of diagnosis and treatment:


The best prevention is maintenance healthy image life. It includes a varied, balanced and vitamin-rich diet, active rest, good healthy sleep, and a reasonable alternation of exercise and rest. It is also very important to learn to avoid stressful situations, to look at things more simply and not worry about everything, to control your emotions and feelings. Any factors that weaken the immune system and open the door to disease should be avoided whenever possible.

Alcoholism and smoking affect the formation of tumors and other problems throughout the body. Underwear should not restrict movement or be tight. It is better to give preference to non-synthetic products.

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Breast diseases: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The mammary (mammary) gland is a modified sweat gland, found in women and men. However, in the former it is most pronounced. The main function of the female breast is to feed the baby in the first months of his life. Currently, they are becoming more widespread various diseases breasts in women. The reason for this may be living in environmentally unfavorable areas, frequent stressful situations, refusal to give birth to children or refusal to breastfeed them, or the presence of abortions. Most breast pathologies occur in women over 35 years of age and are accompanied by the presence of certain gynecological diseases. At the first suspicion of breast disease, you should visit a mammologist. Most common reasons appeals to to this specialist are: mastitis, mastopathy, lipoma, cyst, fibrosis, cancer, oleogranuloma.


Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue that occurs most often during lactation. The cause of the development of the disease is the penetration of certain pathogens into the mammary gland through small cracks in the nipple. Inflammation develops rapidly, the first sign of which is a sharp increase in temperature and chest pain when touched. If mastitis is present, it is not recommended to continue breastfeeding the baby, since the main causative agent of the disease can get into the milk. Such milk must be expressed, since its accumulation in the glands leads to a worsening of the woman’s condition. A few hours after the onset of the disease, a focus of inflammation is clearly palpable in the chest, the skin over it, as a rule, becomes red, and the patient develops headache, chills, clearly visible on the chest blood vessels, the nipple retracts. In some cases, purulent mastitis develops, which can ultimately lead to an abscess of the breast tissue. An incompletely cured disease acquires chronic form, which is typical slight increase temperature, availability small seals in the mammary gland. To treat mastitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, antibacterial drugs. When purulent mastitis surgical intervention is indicated, after which the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.


Mastopathy is a common disease of the mammary glands, in which one or more lumps of varying size and density form in them. Mastopathy should be differentiated from mastalgia (cyclical chest pain that occurs during the premenstrual period). Among the reasons for the development of the disease: poor lifestyle, abortion, lack of pregnancy, frequent stress. There are diffuse and nodular mastopathy. In the first case, multiple neoplasms are found in the mammary gland, in the second - only one. The main signs of the disease are: periodic appearance aching pain in the chest area, the appearance of very noticeable nodular formations in the mammary glands, discharge from the nipples. Lumps in the breast may indicate the presence of another disease - cancer; a distinctive feature of mastopathy is that the disease affects both glands at once. In cancer, a single compaction is detected, not big size, as a rule, only in one mammary gland. Mastopathy is treated comprehensively. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, and iodine preparations. The basis of treatment is hormonal drugs– antiestrogens, androgens, bromocriptine. In some cases, sectoral resection is indicated, that is, removal of tumors surgical method.


Breast lipoma is a benign growth of fatty tissue in the breast area. A woman can determine the presence of a lipoma on her own by carefully palpating her mammary glands. This tumor, as a rule, has a round shape, is very mobile, and is not connected to other tissues. To establish an accurate diagnosis, ultrasound and chest x-ray are required. The lipoma itself does not pose a threat to the health and life of a woman, it does not malingate, but it can reach a large size, leading to deformation of the gland. This benign tumor does not resolve over time, so it requires contacting a specialist. The only treatment is to remove it by a surgeon. After the operation, immunomodulatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.

Breast cyst

A breast cyst is a fluid-filled capsule that occurs against the background of a hormonal imbalance in the body. Symptoms of the disease: small soft or hard balls in the mammary gland, the occurrence of unpleasant painful sensations when palpating it. Cyst nodules tend to enlarge before the onset of menstruation and decrease after the onset of menstruation. A small cyst usually does not cause much discomfort and does not require treatment. If you experience pain in the breast area, you should consult a mammologist. The cyst itself is not a precancerous disease and degenerates into a malignant tumor extremely rarely. There are two ways to get rid of this pathology: by taking hormonal contraceptives prescribed by a doctor, or by agreeing to its aspiration. Cyst aspiration is a special procedure that involves inserting a hollow needle into the area of ​​this neoplasm, with the help of which its contents are pumped out. If the procedure is successful, no further treatment is required.


Fibrosis (fibroadenoma) of the mammary gland is a benign tumor that occurs against the background of the female body’s production of hormones – estrogens. This disease is common among women of childbearing age; fibroadenoma can increase in size and cause discomfort. The tumor itself does not pose any threat to the patient’s life. Symptoms of the disease may be absent for a long period of time. The woman herself can suspect its presence by feeling her breasts. Diagnosis includes blood tests and ultrasound. The only treatment for breast fibrosis is surgery. The operation itself is not difficult, and complications are extremely rare. After a competently performed procedure, no traces of intervention remain on the mammary gland.

Mammary cancer

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor arising from breast cells, rapidly progressing and prone to rapid metastasis. The leading role in the development of this disease belongs to the hormone estrogen, the excessive production of which creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of a tumor. In some cases, breast cancer develops very quickly, making itself felt with symptoms such as pain in the breast area, inflammation and redness of the skin, and increased body temperature. Small tumor nodes are usually not accompanied by any changes in health. Such a node is usually hard to the touch, connected to adjacent tissues and practically immobile. External signs of breast cancer: retraction of the nipples or individual parts of it, purulent or bloody issues from the nipples, redness of the skin in the area of ​​the tumor. The only treatment for breast cancer is complete or partial removal of the affected organ. The operation is carried out taking into account the size of the tumor, the presence of metastases, general condition patients. The prognosis at the later stages of tumor development is unfavorable.


Oleogranuloma of the breast is an inflammation of the mammary gland as a result of a foreign body entering it, usually occurs after surgical intervention on the chest area. Silicone, synthetic threads, etc. can act as a foreign body. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a lump in the mammary gland, which is painful when touched. Oleogranuloma must be diagnosed from breast cancer. The main method of its treatment is to remove the source of inflammation along with the foreign body that caused it. After the operation, the patient may be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. In most cases, complete recovery occurs.


List of all signs of breast cancer in women

It is advisable for every woman to have an idea of ​​the main symptoms that accompany the emergence and development of this malignant neoplasm.

After all, not only the success of the upcoming therapy, but also the person’s life itself depends on how timely the signs of the disease are detected and measures are taken to treat it.

Localization of oncological processes in women in the area of ​​the mammary glands is most common. After the transition from a benign to a malignant form, neoplasms in the mammary gland fundamentally change the nature of their behavior and the dynamics of development.

The disease acquires a pronounced aggressive orientation and, in the absence of timely surgical intervention, gives a clear negative prognosis. Information about cases of recovery in conditions of lack of necessary medical care is isolated and extremely unreliable.

Breast cancer goes through certain stages during its development and progression. They are distinguished depending on changes in the following basic parameters:

  • tumor size;
  • degree of lymph node damage;
  • the appearance of distant metastases.

The accepted classification by stages is very conditional, being largely dependent on the form of the disease. In addition, since information about the causes of oncological processes is still at the level of hypotheses and assumptions, the forecast of the dynamics of the transition from one stage of the disease to another is still very approximate.

Precancerous stage

It is also called zero. Its characteristic feature in terms of signs of the disease is the complete absence of symptoms. That is, active pathological degeneration of tissues has not yet begun, but the overall balance of the body has already shifted towards the disease.

In cases where it is possible to diagnose oncological processes at this stage and take appropriate appropriate measures, the treatment prognosis is most favorable.

Conventionally, the zero stage can be classified into the following two categories:

    The initial stage of a non-invasive oncological process, in which cancer cells do not yet interact with tissues located in close proximity to them. For example, this may be a type of breast adenocarcinoma in which the lesion affects only individual lobes.

    Also included in this category is a variant of atypical hyperplasia localized in individual ducts (or small groups of ducts) of the gland. However, in this case, the mutated cells still do not spread beyond the walls of the ducts and do not yet have a detrimental effect on healthy tissue.

    This category includes a stage of development of any neoplasm of unknown etiology, at which the process of oncological degeneration has not yet been diagnosed, but the increased level of tumor markers in the blood already gives the doctor grounds for oncological alertness and the appointment of additional examination.

    The risk group includes patients suffering from diseases such as mastitis, various forms of mastopathy, adenomas and fibroadenomas, telitis, hyperthelia and other pathologies of the nipple, lipogranuloma and others.

    In this category, all sensations that can be felt and manifestations that can be noticed are not yet associated with the onset of the development of cancer, but are only symptoms of pathologies that can create favorable conditions for the development of a cancer tumor.

    Mild pain syndromes of unexpressed localization observed in a number of cases, as a rule, have a cyclical nature and are caused by fluctuations in the general hormonal levels.

The level of resistance has a significant influence on the nature and dynamics of the further development of the disease endocrine system and the degree of hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body.

Stage 1

Starting from this, cancer cells become invasive in nature - that is, they acquire the ability to influence nearby healthy tissues.

Symptoms of the disease at this stage are often mild in nature, however, with care, it is quite possible to notice some of them. These may include the following:

  • Increase in the size of tumors (up to 2 cm in diameter). This value makes it possible to easily detect them even during self-examination. If multiple compactions or nodules appear, they may be small in size, but, as a rule, they are clearly contoured upon palpation. Their distinguishing feature is painlessness and limited mobility.
  • A slight increase in the regional lymph nodes of the axillary zone on the side of the tumors, associated with an increase in activity in their work. After all, the atypical cells that make up a cancerous tumor are characterized by accelerated metabolic processes, increased reproductive capacity and a shortened life span.

    The influence of these factors creates work overload lymphatic system, which may also cause some swelling in the arm, shoulder, or chest.

  • Partial retraction of the nipple with possible slight deformation is characteristic of Paget's disease, when the lesion is localized in the nipple.
  • A decrease in the diameter of the pigmentation zone of the peripapillary region (areola), associated with changes in tissue trophism.
  • Discharge from the nipple (usually light, with a yellowish tint; may have bloody impurities) - characteristic of forms of cancer when tumors form in the milk ducts.
  • Minor abnormalities in the shape of the mammary gland – associated with the onset of pathological changes in the structure of its tissues.
  • A slight increase in body temperature to subfebrile is caused by inflammatory processes in the affected tissues of low intensity.
  • Sharp, causeless fluctuations in body weight (usually weight loss), loss of appetite, depressed emotional state. The main reason for these symptoms is a hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • General weakness, decreased ability to concentrate, increased fatigue - all these are manifestations of intoxication symptoms.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease at this stage of its development makes it possible not only to restore the woman’s health, but also to save the mammary gland, thereby preserving the ability to naturally feed.

Stage 2

It may exhibit all the symptoms inherent in stage 1, only of a more pronounced nature. Features include the following:

  • The size of individual tumors can reach up to 5 cm in diameter. In the case of multiple seals or nodules, their number and size may increase.
  • Retraction of tissue in the affected area is observed visually, and is especially noticeable when slowly raising and lowering the arm. Changes in the skin (redness, roughness and roughness, loss of elasticity, wrinkling and remaining folds after palpation).

    These symptoms are due to the activation of the process of cell degeneration, which causes atypical hyperplasia and irreversible metabolic disorders in tissues.

    A significant increase in the size of regional lymph nodes in the axillary zone on the side of the tumors is possible. As a rule, they are already easily palpable. The pattern of subcutaneous venous vessels appears (or becomes more distinct). There are no pronounced pains yet, but aching painful sensations may appear in the mammary gland and axillary area.

    The cause of these symptoms is significant overload in the work of the lymphatic and venous systems, which served as the beginning of the development of irreversible pathologies in them.

This is the last stage of the disease, when, although with great losses, there is still hope for saving the patient.

Stage 3

Starting from this stage, it is usually impossible to cure the patient, so medical treatment provides only symptomatic therapy. In this case, the efforts of doctors pursue two main goals:

  1. slow down the rate of disease development as much as possible;
  2. alleviate, as far as possible, the suffering of the patient.

At this stage of the disease, the severity of the symptoms of the previous stages increases. The features are as follows:

  • Pain appears. They can be caused by severe swelling in the affected area and compression of tissue, as well as the appearance of ulcers on the skin. The pain is monotonous and constant, usually slowly and steadily intensifying. Temporary relief comes only from taking analgesics.
  • The tumor grows (more than 5 cm), exhibiting pronounced invasive properties—invading nearby tissues. In the case of multiple compactions, their further enlargement and (or) further merging into a single whole is possible.
  • Crusts appear near the nipple, and when they fall off, an ulcerated surface remains in their place - characteristic of an erysipelas-like form of cancer.
  • The number of enlarged lymph nodes becomes even larger (up to 10), they become inflamed and painful.
  • The deformation of the mammary gland is clearly expressed.
  • Body temperature can increase significantly due to increased intoxication of the body and activation of inflammatory processes.

At this stage, metastasis processes are launched.

Stage 4

This is the terminal stage. It is characterized by severe pain and damage by metastases to both nearby and distant organs, bones, brain, etc.


  • The tumors grow and take over the entire breast.
  • The skin becomes covered with multiple ulcers, erosions, etc. - characteristic of the erysipelas-like form.
  • Inflammation affects the entire lymphatic system.

Treatment at this stage is exclusively symptomatic. Doctors' efforts are focused on alleviating the patient's suffering.

Features of symptoms of various forms

  • Nodular is the most common form. The above discussion of symptoms according to the stages of the disease is especially characteristic of it.
  • Erysipelas is an extremely aggressive form with a rapid rate of development and transition to the spread of metastases. It is typical for her heat, severe pain, severe swelling of the breast and redness of the skin. The symptoms are atypical for oncological processes, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
  • Mastitis-like - similar in characteristics to erysipelas, but the hyperemic skin has a bluish tint, and the gland itself is significantly limited in mobility. Diagnosis is difficult due to its significant similarity with mastopathy.
  • The edematous-infiltrative form is accompanied by breast swelling (especially in the areola area) and a “lemon peel” effect on the skin. Characterized by the absence of clear boundaries of the tumor. Most often observed in young women. Has a poor prognosis.
  • Paget's disease. It begins with damage to the nipple. Itching and burning occurs in the areola. Externally, the first symptoms resemble eczema or psoriasis. The difference is in the pronounced redness of the skin, followed by the appearance of crusts on it and further ulceration of the epithelium after they fall off. Having destroyed the nipple, the disease spreads to the entire breast.
  • Armored is a rare form, characterized by long and sluggish development. Accompanied by the growth of a colony of cancerous nodules, which outwardly resembles a shell. The skin becomes pigmented, thickens, and loses elasticity. As the disease progresses, it takes over the second breast and spreads to the entire chest.

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Breast diseases that develop in women and their description

The breast area is often subject to various diseases and pathological conditions. This fact is explained by the fact that in women it is the most susceptible organ, which quickly responds to even minimal changes in hormonal levels. Diseases can have the most different symptoms, which are important for subsequent diagnosis. In order to understand their classification, it is recommended to read everything that will be discussed about the mammary gland in women - below.

About diseases in general

Mammologists indicate that we may be talking about diseases such as mastopathy, mastitis, and lactostasis. In addition, problems in the breast area that occur in women can be associated with a variety of neoplasms, in particular cysts, tumors, and fibroadenomas.

Considering the presented, more than impressive list, their diagnosis is urgently required. It is important for correct and timely diagnosis, which, in turn, will make it possible to prescribe appropriate treatment. It is also necessary to draw the attention of women to the fact that if they discover a neoplasm in their mammary gland or suspect any disease, they should under no circumstances self-medicate. This will only worsen the course of the disease, other syndromes and their course.

To determine the diagnosis and identify why certain symptoms appear, you should contact a mammologist exclusively.

It is he who will make it possible to determine what exactly is happening in the health of each of the women and how to cope with it.

Mastitis and mastopathy

Diseases that occur in women, such as mastitis and mastopathy, can be identified by the most characteristic symptoms. Speaking about mastitis, it should be noted that this is a disease that develops in women who exercise breast-feeding. In the vast majority of cases, this applies to those who are breastfeeding for the first time, and therefore do not have sufficient experience. This leads to stagnation of milk mass in the mammary gland, which, in turn, provokes specific symptoms in women, namely:

  • an increase in temperature indicators or their constant fluctuation;
  • increase in the size of the axillary lymph nodes;
  • sharp pain in the chest.

Another manifestation should be considered the formation of suppuration, which usually occurs in the last stages of the development of this condition. Its conservative treatment is possible, but only at the initial stage of development of breast disease. In other situations, when women have developed serious problems with the condition of the mammary gland, surgical intervention is necessary. What and why are solitary cysts associated with?

Speaking about mastopathy, it should be noted that it represents certain neoplasms and inflammatory changes, most often benign. They develop as a result of hormonal disorders. Their signs should be considered severe chest pain, as well as discharge from the nipples.

The most dangerous type of mastopathy is diffuse, which can provoke certain malignant changes in the mammary gland or in the breast as a whole.

In such cases, treatment must be started as soon as possible to eliminate the possibility of complications and other critical consequences.

A few words about lactostasis

Another pathological condition that develops in women during pregnancy and is associated with the condition of the breasts is lactostasis. A variety of factors can contribute to this disease, in particular, incorrect breastfeeding, rare feeding sessions, injury, or excessive cooling of the mammary gland area. Stressful situations coupled with labile nervous system and wearing tight clothing.

The symptoms of this condition and their secondary manifestations are easily identified by women. They boil down to the formation of a lump in the breast, as well as a change in its shade to red, and swelling of the mammary gland. Also, women may experience an increase in temperature, which is traditionally the first manifestation. What symptoms are associated with galactorrhea here.

To relieve lactostasis and restore the condition of the breasts, each woman is strongly recommended to restore a normal feeding schedule, get rid of provoking factors in the form of stress and wearing the wrong clothes and underwear. If the condition is quite advanced, but treatment at home is still possible, special breast pumps are used. In other situations it is shown surgery, which makes it possible to remove the tumor and clean their milk ducts.

Oncological disease

Another disease of the mammary gland that provokes changes in its structure and structure, the formation of tumors, is oncology. It is identified, according to statistical data, in 5% of all female representatives.

The exact reasons why this condition develops in women are unknown, but experts point out that hormonal imbalance plays a significant role in this process.

On initial stages the symptoms of the condition are not obvious, their severity is minimal. This is why female representatives so rarely turn to a mammologist on time. At the same time, in some cases, self-examination will be a real salvation, as a result of which neoplasms are detected in women.

It should also be noted, speaking about breast cancer, that when diagnosed from stage zero to stage two, it is quite easy to treat - like many other diseases. The likelihood of a relapse in these situations is also minimal. At the third and fourth stages, the prognosis and all its nuances are much more complex and problematic, so the success of treatment directly depends on:

  1. the presence or absence of chronic and inflammatory diseases;
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. the level of medicine and the quality of the techniques used.

Treatment, in the vast majority of cases, is surgical and consists of removing the tumor and then examining it. At the same time, if the stage of development of the disease in women does not pose a danger in terms of metastases, mammologists may insist on conservative treatment. In this case, chemotherapy will be used.

An alternative treatment option is radiation therapy, which also makes it possible not only to slow down the growth of cancer cells and their change to malignant agents, but also to stop this process altogether.

Of course, breast cancer is the most dangerous of all the conditions that were presented here. It is a serious threat not only to preserving the integrity of the breast, but also to the life of the female representative. Next, we should dwell separately on those neoplasms, the occurrence of which is associated with the formation of diseases and their varieties.

Presence of neoplasms

This fact should also be regarded as the presence of some painful condition in the breast area. Most often, cysts, adenomas, fibroadenomas and lipomas form in the mammary gland. They indicate certain hormonal imbalances, as well as other diseases that accompany the present condition in women.

In the vast majority of cases, a woman learns about the presence of tumors in the breast as part of an independent examination or as a result of preventive diagnostics, which should be carried out once every six to eight months. The symptoms of each of the presented formations are different, and therefore it is difficult to talk about any patterns. In addition, the manifestations directly depend on the general health of each woman and whether she has any concomitant diseases.

That is why, at the first suspicion of the presence of any disease, it is strongly recommended not to neglect diagnosis and visit a mammologist, who will help specify further treatment.

Any attempts to independently carry out therapy are extremely undesirable and may even be disastrous, so their implementation is strongly discouraged.

Thus, each female representative should take into account that a significant number of diseases can form in the mammary gland area, pathological processes and states. Their exclusion should be done exclusively by mammologists who know a clear description, but not by the women themselves. Only in this case is there a high probability of 100% vital activity, as well as the maximum degree of activity.



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    Do not forget to periodically see a mammologist! These visits will help YOU prevent the risk of cancer!

    Determining your risk of breast cancer

    This test retains the reliability of calculations for a Caucasian woman, without identified hereditary genes for breast cancer, without a previously established diagnosis of this disease, and subject to an annual examination by a mammologist.

    Test result

    The risk of developing breast cancer over 10, 20 and 30 years is -0.1%, 1.1%, 3.2% respectively.

    The probability of not getting sick within 10, 20 and 30 years is 100.1%, 98.9%, 96.8% respectively.

    This test is not entirely suitable for girls under 20 years of age and women over 50 years of age (there may be slight errors). We advise you to read the materials we have prepared about the structure of the breast, risk factors for breast cancer and breast self-examination skills that every adult woman should know.

2018 Blog about women's health.

Fortunately, not all breast pain is something to worry about. It may be a consequence of natural hormonal processes in a woman’s body. Thus, in the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle, the female body actively produces estrogens, which stimulate the growth of glandular and connective tissue cells. After ovulation, the production of progesterone increases, which neutralizes the effect of estrogen and prepares the female body for a possible pregnancy. In this case, the endometrium thickens due to the activation of its blood supply. A similar process occurs in the mammary glands, and the breasts may swell slightly, which is accompanied by painful sensations that increase as menstruation approaches. Breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle is called cyclic. Another name for such pain is mastodynia.

Cyclic pain in the mammary glands

Periodic pain in the mammary glands is characterized by the following features:

  • occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, less often a week before menstruation or during menstruation;
  • affects both mammary glands;
  • are most often localized in the upper part of the mammary glands, but can be total in nature or extend to the armpits;
  • usually dull, aching;
  • may be accompanied by the appearance of small nodules that disappear after menstruation;
  • often accompanied by PMS symptoms such as irritability, lower abdominal pain, headaches, emotional instability, etc.

Up to 80% of women of childbearing age are susceptible to periodic pain in the mammary glands; they do not pose a health hazard other than physical discomfort.

Non-cyclical pain

If breast tenderness is not associated with the menstrual cycle, this can be a cause for serious concern. They are distinguished from cyclic pain by a specific localization, usually affecting only one gland; burning, pressing or bursting sensation. Often such pain is accompanied by other symptoms of the disease, which can be expressed in:

  • deformations of the gland or nipple itself;
  • discharge from the nipple of various types;
  • changes in the skin of the breast - redness or “orange peel”;
  • feeling of heaviness in the mammary gland;
  • changes in regional lymph nodes.

In addition, with non-cyclical pain in the mammary gland, signs of general malaise may be observed: weakness, lethargy, increased body temperature, decreased appetite, etc. More often, such symptoms appear in women after 30 years of age and during menopause. They may be a sign of a serious illness, including:

  • benign neoplasms - cysts, fibroadenomas, lipomas;
  • malignant neoplasms - cancer, lymphosarcoma;
  • acute mastitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • sclerotic changes in the mammary glands.

However, severe pain in the mammary glands can occur as a specific reaction to the implant, or can be a consequence of breast injury, including after surgical interventions. Also pain syndrome may occur as a result of malformations of the milk lobules or ducts, as a result of wearing tight underwear, or simply with large breast sizes.

Breast cyst

A cyst is a liquid neoplasm that most often forms inside the ducts of the mammary glands, usually without causing discomfort for a long time. Typically these are small capsules, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters, filled with non-inflammatory liquid. Small cysts are difficult to detect by palpation; most often they are detected by mammography. Such neoplasms may be bothersome during the premenstrual period, but may be asymptomatic.

With large capsule sizes, local nagging pain, uneven surface of the gland when palpated, a burning sensation, and sometimes discharge from the nipple may occur. Giant cysts, which are accompanied by an inflammatory process, make themselves felt by constant unpleasant sensations, increased temperature, a feeling of fullness of the chest, and swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.

Typically, the occurrence of cysts is associated with changes in hormonal levels, characterized by an excess of estrogen with a lack of progesterone. That is why the risk group for this disease includes nulliparous women over the age of 30. Psycho-emotional factors, as well as sudden weight gain or chronic excess weight, can lead to the formation of cysts. Often cysts are provoked by mastopathy, diseases of the ovaries and uterus, disorders of the thyroid gland, abortion, osteochondrosis thoracic spine.

If the examination does not reveal a risk of malignancy of the cyst and it does not cause inconvenience, it is usually left alone.


Fibroadenoma, or nodular mastopathy, is a lump that usually occurs in the upper part of one of the glands. It is not attached to the skin, and therefore it is a smooth, elastic and mobile tumor to the touch. Most often, such benign neoplasms do not exceed 8 mm in diameter, without causing concern to the patient, but they can grow up to 15 cm and occupy the entire surface of the gland. Most often, such neoplasms are single; rarely they can resolve on their own, but they can also grow rapidly. This disease affects adolescents and young women, and it is not accompanied by pain, fever, or other characteristic symptoms. If the tumor is localized in the area of ​​the nipple, then when pressed, pain and light discharge may occur. Fibroadenoma can malignize (malignize) into sarcoma.

A clear cause of breast adenoma has not been identified, but there can be many provocateurs various factors. Among them are various hormonal and endocrine disorders, diseases of the liver, ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland disorders, obesity, diabetes. In addition, adenomas can occur due to improper use of hormonal contraceptives, frequent stress, abuse of sun treatments, frequent hot baths, etc.


Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands, which most often occurs in nulliparous women. First of all, the disease is characterized by swelling and engorgement of the gland, pain when trying to feed and express, and increased temperature. In the absence of timely treatment, the symptoms increase, general weakness appears, a dense inflammatory node is felt in the chest, and the skin above it changes color. Lack of treatment at this stage threatens the development of a purulent abscess followed by sepsis.

The cause of mastitis can be any inflammation in a woman’s body, including caries, and it is facilitated by stagnation of milk - lactostasis, which is caused by incomplete pumping. In this case, there is a feeling of chest expansion. The penetration of infection into the body is often facilitated by cracked nipples, and underwear with traces of milk serves as an excellent substrate for their development.

Malignant neoplasms

At the first stage of breast cancer, no external symptoms are observed, and during self-examination you can detect a small, dense, painless, inactive nodule with an uneven surface. As the tumor grows, retractions, folds, and swelling may appear on the skin above it; in the future, discharge from the nipple of a different nature may appear. At the second stage of the disease, changes appear in the immediate lymph nodes, especially the armpits, which swell and become painful on palpation. At the same time, pain in the mammary gland itself is not yet observed at this stage; they appear in the later stages, when a complete cure is no longer possible.

The most significant risk factor for breast cancer is genetic predisposition. If your immediate female relatives have had malignant neoplasms, you are at increased risk. Besides, inflammatory diseases breasts often lead to the development of malignant tumors. Other factors for this disease include:

  • hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • long-term continuous use of contraceptives;
  • exposure to radiation, including solar;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Diagnosis of breast diseases

Every woman, regardless of age and any other factors, when taking care of her own health, should do a self-diagnosis once a month. It includes visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands and nearby lymph nodes. It is carried out on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle, standing in front of a mirror in good lighting, naked to the waist. The examination is carried out with arms raised and lowered. During inspection, pay attention to any changes:

  • breast size and symmetry;
  • skin conditions;
  • pigmentation
  • appearance of the axillary, sub- and supraclavicular lymph nodes.

After a visual inspection, palpation is performed for various seals. It is mandatory to probe the armpits and areas along the collarbones. Any changes in tissue density, nodules, swelling, or pain should alert you. At the end of the self-examination, lightly squeeze the nipple to detect any discharge. If there is at least one change, you must contact a mammologist without fail.

Depending on the presumptive diagnosis, the specialist may prescribe the necessary examinations. To assess the general condition of the body, women usually take general and biochemical analysis blood, general analysis urine. To make a differential diagnosis, mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, MRI of the breast, a blood test for tumor markers, tissue biopsy, etc. may be prescribed. In many cases, to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consult several specialists: a surgeon, a neurologist, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, etc.

The mammary glands are part of the woman’s reproductive system; breast tissue is a target for ovarian steroid hormones, prolactin, placental hormones and, indirectly, hormones from other endocrine glands of the body.

According to established tradition, oncologists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases. However, recently, obstetricians and gynecologists have begun to deal more deeply with the problem of benign diseases of the mammary glands.

Risk factors for developing breast diseases

Currently, conditions have been identified that contribute to the emergence and development of diseases of the mammary glands, which makes it possible to identify a contingent of women with increased risk diseases.

Since benign diseases and breast cancer have much in common in etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms, the risk factors for their development are largely identical.

The hereditary factor is of primary importance - the presence of benign and malignant diseases in maternal relatives.

One of the most common unfavorable factors is chronic salpingoophoritis, since inflammation disrupts the production of sex hormones.

In most patients with various forms of mastopathy, pathology of the thyroid gland is detected. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland increases the risk of mastopathy by 3.8 times.

An important reason contributing to the occurrence of mastopathy are various diseases of the liver, bile ducts and gall bladder. The liver plays a large role in the metabolism of excess endogenous estrogens. With her illnesses, this ability is reduced and even lost, as a result of which the hormone content increases.

Among other risk factors, obesity, especially when combined with diabetes and arterial hypertension. It is known that in the presence of the entire triad, the risk of mastopathy, as well as breast cancer, increases threefold.

Another risk factor for the development of dishormonal changes in the mammary glands is iodine deficiency, which contributes to disturbances in the hypothalamus-mammary gland system.

A woman is at greater risk of getting sick when she is stressed, neurotic, or depressed, so chronic stress is one of the factors in the occurrence of mastopathy.

Hormonal disorders female body are also caused by irregular sex life, which can contribute to the development of pathological processes in the mammary gland.

Indirect risk factors include addiction to alcohol and smoking.

The risk of developing breast disease may increase exposure to ionizing radiation.

Injuries and microtraumas can have serious consequences for the development of breast diseases.

Artificial termination of pregnancy significantly increases the risk of developing breast pathology. After an abortion, the proliferative processes in the mammary glands stop and the tissue undergoes reverse development. These regressive changes occur unevenly, so the structure of the glands can become pathological.

The risk of mastopathy and breast cancer increases under the influence of such unfavorable factors as lack of pregnancy or late first pregnancy, lack of breastfeeding.

Women who gave birth to two children before the age of 25. have a three times lower risk of developing breast diseases compared to those who have had only one child. Age is also important factor risk of developing cancer: the incidence of breast cancer increases with age and reaches, according to some authors. by age 75 up to 30%.

An increased risk of the disease was found to be associated with the early onset of menstruation and its late cessation.

Factors that have a protective effect include early birth (20-25 years), breastfeeding, and the number of births (more than two) with full lactation.

Often, causal factors are interrelated, forming a common unfavorable background. The complexity of assessing the totality of causative factors dictates the need for regular comprehensive examination (breast self-examination, mammography, consultation with a mammologist) for each woman.

Diagnosis of breast diseases

Clinical examination

The examination begins with an analysis of the medical history. Of great importance in understanding the causes of breast diseases are data on risk factors for their occurrence.

An objective examination includes examination and manual examination, which determines the degree of gland formation, shape, size, condition of the skin, and nipple.

Superficial and deep palpation of glands and lymph nodes is carried out; The presence of compactions and their nature are revealed. Special attention are given to existing nodal formations.

Palpation is performed in a vertical and horizontal position subject. Palpation allows you to determine the location of the tumor, its size, boundaries, consistency, and relationship with the underlying tissues. It is first carried out with light touches of the pads of 2, 3, 4 fingers placed flat on the palpable mammary gland. Then they move on to deeper palpation, but this should also be painless. Palpation of the breast in a horizontal position can greatly facilitate the diagnosis of minimal tumors, as well as their differentiation from dyshormonal hyperplasia. In this position, the entire mammary gland becomes softer, which makes it possible to identify small areas of compaction in it. In addition, when the examined woman is in a horizontal position, areas of dishormonal hyperplasia become softer to the touch or are not detectable at all, while the tumor node does not change its consistency compared to the examination while standing.

Scale for assessing changes detected in the mammary glands

Characteristics of palpated areas

Clinical conclusion

In one or both mammary glands, localized areas of compaction are clearly defined against a background of diffuseLocalized fibroadenomatosis against the background of diffuse
In one or both uterine glands, compacted areas without clear contours are detected against the background of diffuse fibroadenomatosisLocalized fibroadenomatosis against a background of diffuse
Fine-grained areas of diffuse compaction are detected in one or both mammary glandsDiffuse cystic or fibrous fibroadenomatosis
Palpation of the structure of the glands is homogeneousAbsence of physical signs of a pathological process

An objective assessment of the condition of the glands consists of examination and palpation data, as well as mammography, ultrasound and other special studies of mammary gland tissue.

Laboratory and instrumental methods for studying breast diseases

Laboratory methods

Mandatory component in comprehensive examination patients with diseases of the mammary glands is to determine the individual hormonal status of the woman; primarily, the level of prolactin and estrogen.

For examination to determine the likelihood of developing pathological processes in the mammary glands, in the last two decades a definition has been proposed tumor markers. Literature data indicate elevated level tumor markers in groups of women with severe diffuse forms of mastopathy. It is more rational to determine the role of markers in predicting the occurrence of mammary gland pathology in patients who have genetic or anamnestic factors of predisposition to a malignant process or with proliferative forms of mastopathy.

Tumor markers such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), high-molecular antigens CA-125 and CA19-9, mucin-like cancer-associated antigen (MRA) allow monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

Radiation methods

Mammography. The accuracy of mammographic diagnosis ranges from 75-95%. The high percentage of false negative results is due to the fact that in young women, especially during lactation, nodes and tumors are difficult to distinguish against a dense background of the gland. On this basis, it is considered inappropriate to perform mammography in women under 30 years of age. It is very difficult to detect a tumor against the background of mastopathy. Under these conditions, a tumor node is detected in no more than 50% of cases. The minimum tumor size detected by mammography is 0.5-1.0 cm.

Carrying out this study It is advisable on the 5th-12th day of the menstrual cycle.

X-ray mammography should be performed in women over 35 years of age, in cases where the tumor is not clearly palpable; when the formation is localized directly behind the nipple; with developed premammary adipose tissue; pronounced involutive changes in breast tissue; as a screening research method (Fig. 15.2).

Currently, women over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo mammography every 2 years, and after 50 years of age - annually. When local lumps are detected by palpation, mammography is performed on women at any age.

Pneumomammography is used to improve the contouring of a node located deep in the breast tissue, as well as for tumors located on the periphery of the gland (at the edge of the sternum, in the projection of the subclavian and axillary processes), obtaining an X-ray image of which is difficult. An X-ray examination is performed after introducing 200-500 ml of nitrous oxide through several needles located in different quadrants of the mammary glands.

Pneumocystography is an additional differential diagnostic method for cystic forms of fibroadenomatosis and cystadenopapillomas. After puncture of the cyst and evacuation of its contents, 10 ml of air is injected into the cavity. An x-ray allows you to trace the structure of the walls of the cyst and the relief of its internal surface.

Ductography or galactography is a method used to diagnose non-palpable ductal tumors. The information content of this method is 80-90%.

Electroradiography (xerography) is an informative method, but its disadvantage is the high dose of radiation exposure, which is 3 times higher than the dose for conventional mammography.

Echography. Preference should be given to this diagnostic method: when examining patients under 30 years of age, when localizing the lesion in parts of the mammary gland that are difficult to access for mammography (subclavian process, submammary fold, retromammary space, axillary process), when performing differential diagnosis of solid and cavitary formations, when performing targeted puncture biopsy. The information content of the method is 87-98%.

Mammography and ultrasound are complementary methods.

CT scan. A highly informative method for examining patients with unclear data from conventional tomography and “dense” mammary glands. Computed tomography allows you to detect tumors up to 2 mm, assess their spread, and also carry out differential diagnosis of mastopathy and malignant neoplasms.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The harmlessness of the procedure, combined with good execution of cuts in any direction, allows us to believe that it will become one of the leading techniques. However, such early sign cancer, such as microcalcifications, is not visible with MTP.

Transillumination (diaphanoscopy). The method is based on assessing the structures of the mammary gland in transmitted light. The study is carried out in a darkened room. A light source will be placed under the mammary gland and the structure of the organ will be visually examined. Modern diaphanoscopy devices use a television camera and monitor to enhance image contrast. The undoubted advantages of the diaphanoscopy method include non-invasiveness, absence of ionizing radiation, cost-effectiveness, and ease of research. However, the method is not sensitive enough. Its further development is expected through computer evaluation of the results and the use of low-energy lasers.

Histological methods

A puncture biopsy is the insertion of a needle into the thickness of the compaction and aspiration of tissue particles through it. In 80-85% of cases cytological examination punctures makes it possible to make a diagnosis. In dyshormonal hyperplasias, a puncture biopsy allows one to determine the degree of proliferation and atypia of the epithelium and to identify the presence of a cystic cavity.

An excisional biopsy involves excision of the detected lump along with a section of surrounding tissue. If benign changes in the mammary gland are detected, such an intervention is therapeutic and prophylactic.

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