Means general blood test mcv. Average red blood cell volume

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Using the MCV blood test indicator in a child, knowing its norms and interpretation, you can determine the quantity, quality and level of red blood cells. And also based on the results of this test, they determine various diseases. This analysis done in laboratory conditions using clinical blood sampling, which can be taken from a vein or finger. By deciphering the analysis, the exact diagnosis and type of anemia is established.

Diseases in different people various. And first of all, when a person gets tested, they look at the number and general state erythrocytes in the blood. After all, they transport oxygen and carbon dioxide with the help of hemoglobin. If red antibodies are detected, then it is necessary to identify a disease of a hematological nature as soon as possible, and even more so if it concerns the body of children.

MCV in a blood test is the average number of red blood cells, the so-called red blood cell index. Thanks to this ratio, the general condition of all red blood cells is determined. Also, MCV blood test is a reliable indicator in identifying various pathologies. Red blood cells are the main indicators of health for an adult and even more so for a child. If changes in red blood cell parameters are diagnosed in the blood, this is evidence that there is an inflammatory process in the body or an allergy is present, and there may be a lack of nutrients that a person needs for a full existence.

If a person is healthy, then there is such a thing as the norm of red blood cells in the blood. And if this norm changes upward or downward, this is an indicator of the development of pathology, which is fraught with dangerous diseases.

This is why a normal volume of red blood cells is so important for a child. After all, these blood bodies take part in most metabolic processes.

Child indicators for analysis

There are two main reasons why MCV analysis should be performed:

  1. Disturbances and changes in water-salt balance. This occurs as a result of intestinal infections, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
  2. Recognition and study of anemia. This is a lack of iron in the body.

Other important indications for analysis are:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • metabolic disease;
  • prerequisites for obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • low immunity.

This analysis helps to identify different types anemia: normochromic, macrocytic and microcytic.

Normochromic is anemia that develops with bone marrow disease. This manifests itself when chronic diseases.

Macrocytic - this type occurs due to growing red blood cells. This occurs due to a lack folic acid and vitamin B.

Microcytic - develops due to iron deficiency. There is a decrease in the synthesis of polypeptide chains.

Methods for performing MCV analysis

MCV analysis for an adult and a child is determined during a general clinical blood sample. Blood can be taken from a vein, but for a child it is better to take it from a finger. Blood sampling must be carried out adhering to the basic rules:

  • the person taking the test should not drink or eat 3 to 5 hours before blood sampling;
  • the fence is taken (if it is a woman) in the absence of menstruation;
  • if an adult or child feels well, there are no complaints of malaise, chills, fever, cough.

The best time to carry out this analysis is in the morning or before lunch, when all organs are functioning most actively.

The blood that was taken for analysis is used to make a so-called smear. Then the required values ​​are selected. The average volume of red blood cells is determined by finding the sum of the number of cells divided by the total content of red blood cells in the blood. Femtoliters are a unit of measurement called MCV (fl) or µm3.

MCV analysis results and their interpretation

The existing MCV index in a blood test is special, since it has the prerequisites for change depending on a person’s age. This index is most important in newborns. Its value is 140 fl. But over time, as the child ages, this figure decreases. And when the child reaches 18 years of age, the MCV analysis value is normal. The acceptable MCV value for an adult is a figure equal to 80 - 100 fl. If we summarize all of the above, it should be noted that an MCV index value of less than 80 fl is considered underestimated, and a value greater than 100 fl is considered increased. The normal average volume of red blood cells indicates that the cell is normocytic.

Deviation from the norm and consequences

You should know that the MCV of erythrocytes in children depends on a large number of factors. If there is a deviation (decrease) in this value, then this condition is called microcytic anemia.

Causes of microcytic anemia:

  • iron deficiency;
  • chronic diseases;
  • prerequisites for the development of malignant diseases;
  • thalassemia – poor production of hemoglobin;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • lead poisoning;
  • taking certain medications;
  • alcoholism.

When the volume of red blood cells decreases, the following signs are observed:

  • rapid fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • inattention;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • Memory is bad.

When a child is in the womb, a sufficient supply of iron is necessary for its sufficient and normal development, as well as the formation of all its organs. The child consumes it and absorbs it from the mother's body. Therefore, the risk of developing microcytic anemia is very high and thereby affects the baby’s health.

In cases where an increase in the MCV index is observed, it should be considered that this is macrocytic anemia.

Causes of macrocytic anemia:

  • megaloblastic anemia – a consequence of a lack of protein in the body and vegetarianism;
  • hereditary anemia with malignant consequences;
  • pancreatic function is weak;
  • vitamin B12 is poorly accepted by the body;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning with toxins, drugs;
  • liver diseases;
  • hypothyroidism.

As a result of this condition, the child may experience chronic fatigue, irritability, absent-mindedness.

It should also be noted the reasons why an increase in the MCV index can be determined:

  • very pale lip color;
  • abdominal pain, frequent and without reason;
  • in a calm state, tachycardia is observed;
  • yellowish skin.

If we are talking about an adult, for example, a woman, then the index may be slightly higher than normal due to the use of hormonal contraceptives. Smoking also causes an increase in analysis.

There is also normocytic anemia.

Types of normocytic anemia:

  • hemolytic;
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • hepatic anemia;
  • renal anemia;
  • anemia, which is caused by the endocrine system;
  • aplastic anemia.

Despite the above data, there is still a pathology that directly depends on the level of red blood cells. This disease is called anisocytosis - a change in the size of red blood cells - and at the same time the blood is very densely populated with cells of various sizes.

The results of a general blood test indicate the composition of the blood and other indicators that can be considered as a symptom of pathology or the absence of it, as such. Much attention is paid to erythrocytes - red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

The mcv test indicates the average volume of red blood cells in the blood.

mcv analysis value

The mcv index in the blood test results shows the number and size of red blood cells contained in the body.

It is noteworthy that in an adult, mcv levels in the blood do not change without reason; this is recorded only in small children. Increased or decreased levels of red blood cells in the body may be a symptom developing pathology, the treatment of which is worth making efforts.

Indications for analysis

MCV blood test is not the only one. To clarify the diagnosis, the therapist may require a retake or refer it for additional tests.

MCV is informative in two cases:

  • in order to diagnose one of the types of anemia;
  • to determine the type of water-salt imbalance. People are often sent for such an analysis if they have various intestinal infections, acute respiratory diseases and ARVI.

Other, no less serious, reasons for getting tested may be:

  • failure of the hormonal system;
  • metabolic problems;
  • overweight;
  • increased blood sugar or diabetes;
  • a sharp and causeless decrease in the level of the immune system.

MCV analysis results often help identify such deviations:

  • anemia of normochromic type. It is fixed when pathologies appear in the bone marrow, sometimes caused by chronic diseases;
  • macrocytic type anemia. It is characterized by an excessive increase in mcv. Red blood cells increase in size due to insufficient amounts of vitamin B and folic acid;
  • microcytic anemia. In this case, the disease occurs due to a lack of iron in the blood.

Normal MCV values

Age, gender

Average volume
MCV, fl

1 day - 14 days 88,0 - 140,0
14 days - 4.3 weeks 91,0 - 112,0
4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks 84,0 - 106,0
8.6 weeks - 4 months 76,0 - 97,0
4 months - 6 months 68,0 - 85,0
6 months - 9 months 70,0 - 85,0
9 months - 12 months 71,0 - 84,0
12 months - 5 years 73,0 - 85,0
5 years - 10 years 75,0 - 87,0
10 years - 12 years 76,0 - 90,0
12 years - 15 years Women 73,0 - 95,0
Men 77,0 - 94,0
15 years - 18 years Women 78,0 - 98,0
Men 79,0 - 95,0
18 years - 45 years Women 81,0 - 100,0
Men 80,0 - 99,0
45 years - 65 years Women 81,0 - 101,0
Men 81,0 - 101,0
65 years - 120 years Women 81,0 - 102,0
Men 83,0 - 103,0

In children under 10 years of age, the index may fluctuate and be inaccurate; later it returns to normal (80-100 fl).

MCV is higher than normal

If the results are above normal, this indicates the development of macrocytic anemia. It can be directly related to diseases such as:

  • drug intoxication;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • lack of iodine or iron in the body;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • oncological process of red bone marrow;
  • long-term alcoholism;
  • disruption of the pancreas.

An increase in mcv can be caused by:

  • long-term admission birth control pills affecting hormonal levels;
  • addiction to cigarettes and tobacco products;
  • prolonged contact with toxic substances (work in hazardous industries);
  • taking medications that increase the level of mcv in the blood.

If left untreated, macrocytic anemia can lead to frequent fainting, feeling unwell and low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. Particularly at risk are:

  • people who eat poorly, lead a sedentary lifestyle and ignore exercise;
  • patients with chronic liver failure;
  • people with a genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • men over fifty-five years of age who abuse alcohol.

Experts identify some signs by which one can understand that a person’s red blood cell volume is too high:

  • unhealthy pale lips;
  • abdominal pain for no particular reason, which appears very often;
  • the presence of tachycardia (heartbeat too fast), even when the person is at rest;
  • skin with a yellowish tint.

If you notice similar symptoms in yourself or if you identify higher level mcv in the blood, you must urgently consult a general practitioner for appropriate treatment.

MCV below normal

Tests showing that the volume of red blood cells is below normal also indicates pathology. Experts name a number of reasons that can lead to such results:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient amount of water consumed;
  • development of various types of anemia;
  • lead intoxication;
  • the presence of malignant formations, tumors in the body;
  • taking medications that affect test results.

In medical circles, a disease in which the level of red blood cells in the body decreases is commonly called microcytic anemia. The peculiarity of the disease is that red blood cells do not perform their transport function, i.e. they do not deliver oxygen and other useful substances to the body’s cells in the required quantities.

With this pathology, a characteristic clinical picture is observed:

  • constant fatigue;
  • increased irritability, nervousness;
  • decreased concentration and performance;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • memory impairment.

A decrease in the volume of red blood cells is always observed with various types of blood loss.

Pregnancy and mcv

During pregnancy, due to the body's increased consumption of iron, microcytic anemia can develop. This condition can negatively affect both the health of the unborn child and the well-being of the mother.

Some experts are convinced that mcv indicators are directly related to a person’s psychological state.

Features of the analysis

Today, the mcv test is included in the general blood test or can be performed separately from other indicators. To donate blood, the patient must come to the treatment room, where a laboratory technician or nurse will take blood samples from a finger or vein. Blood sampling is carried out in accordance with all sanitary and epidemiological regulations (SanPiN).

The patient is required to comply with the following rules:

  • You need to donate blood on an empty stomach (5-12 hours after your last meal);
  • at the time of donation, the woman should not be menstruating;
  • feeling normal. It is prohibited to take blood samples if the patient is not feeling well, is in a coma or is in cardiac shock.

An indicator such as MCV in a blood test was not always available to the practicing physician. Its study became possible with the widespread introduction of hardware testing methods, and it is automatically issued when a certain amount of blood is loaded into a biochemical analyzer.

Previously, throughout almost the entire 20th century, the MCV indicator was not taken into account in blood tests, since such methods did not exist. It was only possible to estimate the size of red blood cells under a microscope, which was labor-intensive and subjective. Of course, when deciphering the blood test, doctors necessarily took into account the size of the blood cells, but it was impossible to estimate this indicator - the average volume of red blood cells - for each blood cell.

MCV in blood test - what is it?

MCV in a blood test, or mean red blood cell volume, is an average that more or less likely reflects the volume of a red blood cell. It does not have high information content and cannot accurately indicate what pathological processes are occurring in the body. Translated from English, MCV in a blood test, or Mean Cell Volume, means the average volume of a red blood cell.

This indicator belongs to the so-called erythrocyte indices; these indices allow you to determine the main characteristics of red blood cells. These indices also include such well-known studies as the determination of the average hemoglobin content in a cell, which has now replaced the routine determination of the color index.

Of course, if we take each individual blood transport cell, we will see that its volume is within the range quite close to this value, since the average volume of red blood cells is the median value. There are necessary conditions under which the results of this analysis can be accepted as true, namely: with normal, mature red cells with approximately the same volume.

In the event that a general blood test is represented by red blood cells of different shapes, or different sizes, that is, in the presence of a, then such an indicator as mcv analysis will be of very little value because the average red blood cell volume cannot be calculated reliably. This analysis in laboratory practice can be used for differential diagnosis and will help identify the causes of deviations.

It should be said that cellular red indices can only speak about red blood: the iron content in the patient’s body and the presence or absence of hypoxia of organs and tissues. The average volume of erythrocytes - MCV, does not tell us anything about leukocytes, blood coagulation, platelets, and it is not even possible to evaluate some simple indicators, for example, using this index.

Reference or normal values

Normally, in men and women, on average, it is 80 fl, or femtoliters. This is a very small value that is never used in our everyday practice. For comparison, we can indicate that this volume is the same number of times smaller than a drop of water, how many times a drop of water is smaller than a full tank in the form of a cube with a side of 5 meters, a volume of 125 cubic meters, the water in which weighs 125 tons.

If we talk about age-related changes, then largest dimensions cells, and, consequently, their volume, exist in newborns and in children in the first month of life. At this time, red blood cells are finally freed from fetal hemoglobin and switch to new hemoglobin.

Normal adult hemoglobin works more efficiently during air gas exchange in the lungs, and a red blood cell with a smaller volume is able to perform the same full function. Also in old age, and even starting from the age of 45, our oxygen carriers have a large volume. Therefore, it is possible to construct a certain curve, where the norm of the average volume of red blood cells in adults is slightly lower than at extreme age limits.

Normal values ​​for children are shown in the following table:

Then the decline begins to level out, and children from 10 to 12 years old have general indices from 76 to 90 fl. We have already mentioned the normal level of average red blood cell volume in adults, and detailed information can be found in any laboratory reference book. It is only worth mentioning that the level of hormones and sexual dimorphism makes a small difference, but not more than 1% of the existing values.

In adulthood and old age, the MCV index in a blood test rises again. This indicates a compensatory adaptation of red blood to the existing processes of atherosclerosis, increasing hypoxia, the appearance of chronic nonspecific lung diseases and a general decrease in the respiratory surface of the alveoli. The average value for those 65 years and older is from 82 to 102 fl.

Some reasons for lower and higher values

Reduced values

Let us consider under what conditions the MCV norm can be violated, and what are the possible reasons deviations, what can they tell the doctor and laboratory assistant about the person’s health status?

First of all, you need to understand that low values, at which the indicator is below 80 fL, can be clearly interpreted as a disease, since there is not enough hemoglobin in the red blood cell. In the same case, if the volume increases, this does not always indicate a disease; it may be, as in the case of the age norm, a compensatory reaction to changed living conditions.

The main reasons for the decrease in values ​​are:

  • iron deficiency anemia, in which there is a lack of iron in the body;
  • secondary chronic diseases leading to anemia: pathology of both red bone marrow and the presence of chronic blood loss, for example, with dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • hereditary blood diseases - thalassemia, hemoglobinopathies;
  • hyperthyroidism.

It is on the basis of this index that a blood test suggests the classification of anemia into normocytic, macrocytic and microcytic. Here we are talking about hypochromia of erythrocytes. The laboratory doctor no longer has to tediously examine a smear under a microscope and visually compare the cell size with standard values. When the volume of red blood cells decreases, microcytosis occurs, which is recorded by the device.

Increased values

An increase in MCV, in which red cells have a volume of more than 100 fl in adults, and more than 105 fl in the elderly, occurs for the following reasons:

  • decrease in function thyroid gland, hypothyroidism or myxedema;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, leading to the development of folate deficiency anemia;
  • aplastic anemia and similar bone marrow damage, for example in cancer patients, as well as in patients on immunosuppressive therapy;
  • B-12 deficiency anemia leading to megaloblasts - increased blood cell size;
  • various types of autoimmune anemia.

Finally, a long history of smoking and drinking alcohol also leads to endogenous intoxication and vitamin deficiency, which can manifest itself as macrocytosis, that is, an increase in the size and average volume of red blood cells. In this case, there may also be changes in the level of red blood cells downward, or anemia may develop.

Do not think that anemia is manifested only by a decrease in cell volume. Anemia is an insidious group of diseases of different etiologies and different mechanisms of origin, but they have one thing in common: in any case, they are manifested by chronic hypoxia of organs and tissues.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in case of acute anemia, determining the above-described indices does not make sense, due to the lack of information content. After all, during acute bleeding, neither the volume nor the shape of the red blood cell will change. The study of this indicator allows us to identify only chronic diseases in which the production of healthy red blood cells is somehow impaired, and there may be no symptoms.

A general blood test determines many blood parameters, with which the doctor assesses the patient's health status. One of these important indicators is MCV in a blood test. Let's consider what is hidden under this designation and why this blood characteristic is determined.

What is MCV

MCV (mean erythrocyte volume) is called the erythrocyte index. This is a calculated value used to determine the state of red blood cells.

Red blood cells are the bodies of blood that give it its red color. These blood cells are shaped like a biconcave disc and do not have a nucleus. On the surface of red blood cells there is hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues of the body, carrying carbon dioxide from them back to the lungs.

The role of red blood cells is very important for all processes occurring in the human body. Changes in their indicators indicate the development of inflammatory processes, allergic reactions, weakness, deficiency of substances necessary for a person.

Organism healthy person has a constant composition of blood cells, the same number, parameters, sizes and relationships with each other. Deviations of such characteristics from the norm occur in the presence of any pathology in the body.

Analysis methods

MCV is usually determined in a general (clinical) blood test, but sometimes a separate test is performed to determine this indicator.

The average erythrocyte volume is calculated by dividing the hematocrit value (the sum of cellular volumes) by the total content of erythrocytes in the blood. The unit of measurement for MCV is femtoliters (fl) or µm 3 .

This blood characteristic is used to differentiate different types of anemia (decreased hemoglobin content in the blood), since specific therapy must be selected for each type of anemia.

Analysis transcript


Normal values ​​for average red blood cell volume depend on the person’s age. Here are the MCV normal values ​​in a blood test, in fl:

  • children under two weeks of life – 87–140;
  • children under one month – 90–112;
  • children under two months – 83–106;
  • children under four months – 75–97;
  • children under six months – 67–85;
  • children under nine months – 68–85;
  • children under one year old – 71–84;
  • children under five years old – 72–85;
  • children under ten years old – 73–87;
  • children under twelve years old – 75–94;
  • children under 15 years old – 74–95;
  • girls under 18 years old – 77–98;
  • boys under 18 years old – 76–94;
  • women under 45 years old – 82–100;
  • men under 45 years old – 81–98;
  • women under 65 years old – 80–101;
  • men under 65 years old – 80–101;
  • women over 65 years old – 80–102;
  • men over 65 years old – 81–103.

Depending on the deviations from the normal MCV in the blood test, microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic anemia are distinguished.

Normocytic anemias are of the following types:

  • hemolytic;
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • hepatic;
  • renal;
  • caused by diseases of the endocrine system;
  • aplastic.

Reduced values

A decreased MCV indicates the development of microcytic anemias. Their occurrence is due to the following reasons:

  • iron deficiency in the blood;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • development of malignant neoplasms;
  • Thalassemia is a disease in which the production of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • lead poisoning;
  • taking certain medications;
  • alcoholism.

Increased values

An increase in MCV in a blood test occurs with macrocytic types of anemia and other disorders:

  • megaloblastic anemia, resulting from protein deficiency with phenylketonuria, strict vegetarianism;
  • malignant hereditary anemia;
  • pancreatic insufficiency;
  • impaired absorption of vitamin B12;
  • intestinal diseases - inflammatory processes, celiac disease, infiltrative diseases;
  • toxic or drug poisoning;
  • liver diseases;
  • hypothyroidism.

In addition to the ability to determine the type of anemia, the MCV indicator provides information about the development of water and electrolyte balance disorders in the body. A decrease in MCV in a blood test indicates the hypertensive nature of such disorders. An increase in this indicator is associated with the hypotonic nature of water-electrolyte balance disorders.

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Having heard from a doctor that the average volume of red blood cells is low, the parents of a sick child or an adult patient wonder what it is. The technique for conducting such an analysis has appeared recently.

Normal values

The complete blood count contains the MCV value, or the mean volume of red blood cells in the blood. If the MCV is low, then the size of the red blood cells is lower than normal.

Doctors judge the normality or decrease in the volume of red blood cells quite arbitrarily. The size of the red blood cell changes even during the day due to physiological reasons: after work, a tired person’s blood cells increase in size, and after rest they become smaller. At 8 o'clock in the morning, when most tests are carried out, the size and volume of the bodies reaches a minimum.

The volume of red blood cells and their size in an adult are determined in femtoliters (fl) or µm³. Normal indicators change throughout life. In middle age (40-59 years) they range from 80-100 fl for women and 81-94 fl for men. Indicators in younger patients differ slightly (a little more), so 80 fl is most often taken as the average norm. In men over 65 years of age, the normal value can range from 78-103 fl.

Red blood cells with normal volume are called normocytes, and those with low and high volume are called micro- and macrocytes, respectively. The size of the cells is regulated by the body itself depending on their number in the blood: if there are a lot of red blood cells, then the MCV is lower.

How often do you get your blood tested?

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    Only as prescribed by the attending physician 30%, 949 votes

    Once a year and I think that’s enough 18%, 554 vote

    At least twice a year 15%, 460 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 344 vote

    I take care of my health and donate once a month 6%, 197 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 135 votes


Normal for a child

In the first month of life in children, the normal size of a red blood cell is more than 105 fl. By six months this value drops to 90, and by 1 year - to 78-80 fl. This is a normal physiological process during which fetal hemoglobin is replaced with the new one that adults have. At 5-12 years of age, the average volume indicators again increase slightly (up to 89 units), but by the age of 18 they reach the adult norm.

Why is MCV lowered?

If the MCV indicator in a blood test is low (does not reach the required 80 fl), most often this indicates that the child or adult is developing some form of anemia, that is, a lack of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Thanks to the compensatory properties of blood, the number of red blood cells themselves can increase, but all of them will poorly supply oxygen to the tissues and organs of a sick person.

The reasons for the decrease in the average volume of red blood cells may be the following conditions and pathologies.

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