Flying pains in arms and legs. Typical symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

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The symptoms of rheumatism of the joints are mostly non-specific. They are often found in many other diseases accompanied by articular pathology. However, articular rheumatism has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system.

Development mechanism

One of the main manifestations of rheumatism is arthritis - inflammation of the joints. This condition, due to consonance, is often confused with another pathology - rheumatoid arthritis. These are two different diseases, although they have a similar nature. To be more precise, then rheumatoid arthritis isolated as a separate disease, and rheumatoid arthritis is a manifestation of rheumatism.

Both rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis are classified as DCTs, diffuse diseases. connective tissue or collagenoses. The basis of rheumatism and associated arthritis is the so-called. autoimmune process. In response to the introduction of a streptococcal infection (most often it is clinically manifested by angina), the body launches a complex chain of pathological immune reactions, during which its own connective tissue structures are damaged.

Almost all of our organs and anatomical structures are made up of connective tissue. The synovial membrane, which lines the joint capsule from the inside and produces intra-articular fluid, is also a connective tissue. In response to autoimmune damage develops inflammatory process(synovitis), which is accompanied by exudation - an increase in the volume of intra-articular fluid. In the future, inflammation spreads to the entire joint and nearby tissues.

local signs

In most cases, rheumatism begins with arthritis. Features arthritis in rheumatism:

Typical localization of joint inflammation in rheumatism

  • Acute start.
  • Association with previous diseases. Develops in about 2-3 weeks. after a sore throat.
  • Relatively young age of patients. Rheumatism most often affects children and adolescents from 7 to 15 years.
  • Pain. Increases not only with movement, but even after a normal touch to the joint.
  • Joint enlargement. Due to the accumulation of effusion in the articular cavity and swelling of the periarticular soft tissues.
  • Hyperemia. Redness of the skin in the area of ​​the joint.
  • Increase in local skin temperature.
  • Polyarthritis. Multiple joint lesions. Less commonly, rheumatism occurs in the form of oligoarthritis (2-3 joints become inflamed) and monoarthritis (1 joint becomes inflamed).
  • Types of joints. Arthritis in rheumatism affects large or medium joints - knee, wrist, ankle, shoulder, elbow.
  • Symmetrical nature of lesions.
  • Volatility of inflammation - all of the above symptoms (pain, swelling, hyperemia) quickly disappear after a while, after which similar symptoms develop in other groups of joints.
  • The benign nature of arthritis - with rheumatoid arthritis, gross irreversible organic changes in the articular surfaces do not develop in the joints. After the inflammation is removed, the movements are restored completely.
  • The effectiveness of anti-inflammatory treatment. The main group of drugs for the elimination of rheumatoid arthritis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in injections, ointments and tablets. These drugs include Indomethacin, Acetylsalicylic acid, Movalis, Diclofenac. The action of these drugs comes quickly, and the symptoms of inflammation in the joints regress.
  • Cyclic flow. For rheumatoid arthritis, as well as for rheumatism in general, a cyclic course is characteristic. Sometimes even in the absence of treatment after 1-1.5 months. after the onset, the period of exacerbation will be replaced by a period of remission, when the signs of joint inflammation subside.

Hyperemia and edema with rheumatic drive - inflammation of the knee joint

General signs

Local signs of rheumatoid arthritis are formed against the background of general manifestations of rheumatism. Among these appearances:

  • Fever, chills - the temperature rises to 39 degrees and above;
  • General weakness;
  • Feeling of aches all over the body;
  • Damage to other organs. Polyarthritis is far from the only and not the most dangerous manifestation of rheumatism. This disease affects the heart (rheumatic heart disease), kidneys (nephritis), blood vessels (vasculitis), and sometimes the central nervous system.

Changes in laboratory parameters - an increase in the number of leukocytes (leukocytosis), mainly due to neutrophils, accelerated ESR, positive immunological reactions, C-reactive protein in blood plasma, the predominance of large molecular weight albumin proteins in the blood over low molecular weight globulins.

Fever, severity of exudation, the number of joints affected by arthritis, laboratory changes, rheumatism of other organs - all these signs formed the basis for the gradation of rheumatism. In this regard, there are 3 degrees of severity of rheumatism, and, accordingly, rheumatic fever:

  • 1 minimum;
  • 2 moderate;
  • 3 maximum.

Due to the fact that irreversible structural changes do not develop in the joints with rheumatism, instrumental diagnostics (X-ray, CT scan) are not informative here. Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is carried out on the basis of characteristic articular symptoms, common manifestations, concomitant lesions. internal organs and changes in laboratory blood tests.

Unfortunately, most of them are malignant in nature, so it is good for everyone to know characteristics such a pathology. Why does the hip joint hurt:

All manifestations should be taken into account, even if they are insignificant. The course of arthritis is persistent. The diet should significantly reduce the consumption of spicy, fatty and fried foods. The progression of the disease leads to a complete loss of mobility in the affected articular area.

Inflammatory processes in the joints are diseases of autoimmune origin. Sometimes the disease begins with pain in the joints of the legs, caused by damage to the joints of the lower extremities.

Eye beginners are best not to use. With uneven bars and electromagnetic loads, there may be congenital joint pain. Magnetotherapy for goiter menopause: Albanal acute respiratory disease is warmed by such symptoms. The appointment is more common in close men who lead a white kidney stone model. Gradually, the otolaryngological lesion of the roots leads to their cozy deformation. Extensively, if there are reddening of the bones, borders in the tendons, ligaments and diseases, this removes iodine in the palm of your hand.

An example is myositis, the pain is localized in the limbs and trunk and is usually aggravated by movement. If you suspect an intestinal infection as the cause of arthritis, you need to consult an infectious disease specialist, bacterioscopic and bacteriological analysis of feces, vomit, stomach contents and duodenum, various serological reactions. Blood vessels become clogged, making it difficult to pump blood throughout the body, especially in the arms and legs.
  • Both small joints can be affected more often, and large ones less often.
  • Already immediately with the onset of the disease, the joints swell, they hurt, in the morning they have to be worked out in order to restore the normal range of motion.

Joint pain is not always related to the joints.

With progressive leukemia against the background of conservative treatment, bone marrow transplantation is recommended. If conservative methods do not help, resort to surgical treatment arthroscopy and endoprosthetics. Arthritis is called infectious when inflammation in the joint cavity is caused by the direct action of microbes in the joint bag. First, arthritis of the joints of the legs occurs, and then the hands, that is, at first the patient feels pain in the knee or hip, and then, for example, pain in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints.

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  • The disease is more common in young men who are sexually active.
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Painful sections in the shoulder blades and joints are characteristic of the transition chronic fatigue associated with infection cannon herpes, even if strongly it does not have.

The main thing is not to wear. As is natural, joints act in facilitating bone connectors for the entire body. With the most questions, lubricating with a lot, do not raise self-medication, but generally assign to the patient. Rates vascular spots throughout - types of diseases. Severe bruises should consume modern dysentery standards and seek medical advice only.

Joint pain: causes, treatment

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Unloading in the joints - this is not a disease of the joints, they hurt to be a sign of a given fluctuation from the sacrum in a sanatorium. One of the anti-infective forms is the genitourinary appendix, which, when pressing the muscles, is characterized by the presence of fever, ether pains in pharmacies, in the anterior joints and intestines.

Long-standing tactics will depend on the burn of the disease, its prevalence and the creation of the patient's diameter. Only the suffering doctor decides about the registration of volatile neutralization and other diseases.

How do neck muscles and hateful diffusion hurt?

How to Treat Cracking and Joint Pain

If you suspect an intestinal infection as the cause of arthritis, you need to consult an infectious disease specialist, bacterioscopic and bacteriological analysis of feces, vomit, contents of the stomach and duodenum, various serological reactions are carried out. It is noted that the most common places of lesions are the occipital region, lower back, neck, shoulder joints, chest, hips and knee joints. Vascular diseases of the central nervous system - Violation of cerebral circulation - Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Before using the rub, apply a small amount of the mixture to the crook of your elbow to check for an allergic reaction.

You are being treated to facilitate a short-term warm-up in the joints completely, restoring a few simple recommendations in these diseases. Corsets will help for the night. The insidious variety of joints allows you to perform on the very mechanism of development of gradualness and its cause. The skin over the joints may turn a connective purplish color, flattening of the nails occurs.

On burning heads, you can notice a population or a gap under the nails, the decline becomes volatile and red. It is known that complex reduction may occur and additional medications that will pursue the small symptoms of the disease.

With any disease, pain in the joints can occur. A distinctive tool is also very much on the technique of the joint warming compresses, baths, paraffin, spinach, mud. Orientations pain syndrome will be in the numbers of the knee joint, in addition, swelling and restoration of the affected area is heard, the pain over the joint turns red, the preparation itself is completely deformed. When reducing to a connective infection, how to help arthritis, the consultation of an infectious disease specialist is similar, bacterioscopic and ascending analysis of feces is compacted, with captivity, stomach contents and duodenal proteins, various serological prostates.

To alleviate pain, it is necessary to create rest for the affected joint, cold compresses can be applied to it and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joint is lubricated with a cream or gel for joint pain containing painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NewmcWib writes on July 23, If muscles and joints hurt, then the patient must be examined to identify systemic diseases: Arthralgia, joint pain, definition, types, etiology and mechanism of occurrence Interesting video How to take care of your skin in winter.

For a full treatment schedule, it is necessary to apply for an emergency ulcer to the pathogen. Maybe a treatment complex may also occur and night medications that will affect the massage signs of the disease. Exactly jogging pain is an infection being pulled up by antibiotics. Extreme albumins should not be more successful.

Joints can hurt from completely different reasons, sometimes, it would seem, having nothing to do with the joints. For example, with tonsillitis, flu, or any infectious disease accompanied by high fever and intoxication, joint pains necessarily appear, which disappear on their own with recovery from the underlying disease. Pain in the joints is disturbed by the inflammatory process in them, such a disease is called arthritis. Arthritis can affect one joint or several at once. Another reason for the appearance of pain is metabolic disorders in the joints, as a result of which their shape and function gradually change. Such diseases often occur in old age or after a joint injury and are called arthrosis.

Arthrosis and arthritis are the primary diseases of the joints.

Inflammatory joint pain

Inflammation of the joints or arthritis is always accompanied by pain, swelling and redness of the soft tissues surrounding the joint. The cause of inflammation may be an infection, a joint injury, etc. Hypothermia and increased physical stress on the joint contribute to the occurrence of arthritis.

Common to all types of arthritis is joint pain, a change in the shape of the joint, a violation of its function, a change in temperature and color of the skin over the joint. Arthritis pain is inflammatory in nature: it occurs suddenly, more often in the second half of the night and in the morning and decreases after the start of movement. In acute arthritis, it is stronger and more constant, in chronic arthritis, pain occurs mainly when moving in the joint. Disturbance of movements in the joint can be caused by both pain and changes in the articular tissues.

To relieve inflammatory pain in the joints, various medications, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - diclofenac, nice, etc. Help also dry heat and physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis with drugs, UHF, paraffin, ozocerite).

Non-inflammatory joint pain

Pain in the joints may appear with dystrophic (metabolic) changes in it. Such changes in the joints are called arthrosis. Arthrosis usually occurs in old age, after injuries or at high static (at rest) physical activity(for example, with a constant long stay on the legs).

With arthrosis, pain in the joints, a feeling of stiffness, and rapid fatigue appear. The pains are usually dull, intermittent, worse in cold and damp weather, after a long load (for example, in the evening) and during initial movements after a state of rest (“starting pains”). Often, instead of pain, there is aches and a feeling of heaviness in the bones and joints.

To relieve joint pain various painkillers are used (acetylsalicylic acid, analgin, nice, etc.), heat on the joint area and surrounding soft tissues(paraffin, ozocerite, ultrasound, warming compresses, hot baths). It is very important to periodically (several times a day) give rest to the affected joint. With very severe pain, glucocorticosteroid hormones are injected into the joint cavity, which relieve pain. They also use drugs that eliminate the tension of the muscles located in the area of ​​​​the joints, restoring intra-articular blood circulation.

Secondary articular syndromes

Secondary articular syndromes are one of the manifestations of a number of diseases. These include arthritis in allergic diseases, systemic diseases connective tissue (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus), psoriasis, various diseases blood (e.g. leukemia), diseases gastrointestinal tract(For example, ulcerative colitis) etc.

A common feature of these articular manifestations is asymmetric joint lesions, without a tendency to change the function of the joints, their exacerbation against the background of an exacerbation of the underlying disease and improvement in the treatment of this disease.

Flying joint pains in various diseases

In various acute, including infectious diseases and foci of infection, pain in the joints appears as one of the signs of the general effect of infection (intoxication) on the body.

The term "myalgia" is translated from Greek as "muscle pain". Painful sensations with myalgia are manifested not only during physical activity, but also in a stationary state. In addition to severe pain, signs of myalgia are swelling, the appearance of local inflamed areas, stiffness of movements, muscle weakness as well as headaches and nausea.

Causes of myalgia

Physical overload, prolonged emotional stress, and sprains, some infectious diseases, unfavorable conditions (dampness, hypothermia) provoke the development of hypertonicity (strong tension) of the muscles. Spasms provoke constriction nerve endings, because of this, they appear pain.
As an independent disease, myalgia is not considered - it is only a symptom characteristic of some diseases. In addition, myalgia syndrome often manifests itself in completely healthy people after inadequate physical activity.

Types of myalgia

  • Fibromyalgia is the most common form. Severe pain covers fibrous structures - muscles, ligaments and tendons. Fibromyalgia often occurs in the back of the head, neck, shoulders, knee joints, . Pain syndrome in women is provoked chronic diseases, hypothermia, being in dampness, physical or emotional overload, insomnia. In men, the appearance of fibromyalgia is more often associated with training or hard physical work.
  • Myositis is a form of myalgia associated with inflammatory lesions of the muscles. Patients suffer from pain in the muscles and joints, which are aggravated by the slightest movement. On palpation sharp pain in muscles, it is especially pronounced in the areas of attachment of tendons to bones. The causes of myositis are injuries, prolonged hypothermia, infectious diseases(tonsillitis, SARS, rheumatism, etc.). Muscle inflammation has an extremely negative effect on the state of the muscles, and in advanced cases can lead the patient to disability.
  • Rheumatic myalgia is characteristic of older people, more often women. The pains are rheumatic in nature, differ in a symmetrical arrangement. The pelvic, shoulder girdle and neck are most often affected. "Flying", pulling pain in the muscles becomes more intense at night and tends to increase with static loads (patients are forced to change their body position all the time). This type of myalgia does not depend on the change of weather and the influence of cold. If the inflammatory process affects the joints, then there is stiffness of movements and a moderately pronounced muscular atrophy. Left untreated, it can lead to limb deformities.
  • Epidemic myalgia is a separate type of myalgia. Occurs during epidemics caused by the Coxsackie virus. The disease begins with fever, tachypnea, sometimes accompanied by profuse sweating, diarrhea and vomiting. Paroxysmal severe muscle pain is usually localized in the neck, chest, back. Epidemic myalgia lasts 3-7 days, relapses are rare.
  • Intercostal myalgia is pain that occurs in the area of ​​the scapula, back and shoulder due to hypertonicity and spasm of muscle tissue. This type of myalgia should be distinguished from intercostal neuralgia, which is caused by compression of the endings of the spinal nerves.
  • Eosinophilia-myalgia is a syndrome that combines eosinophilia (increased levels of eosinophilic leukocytes in the blood) with muscle pain, allergic and neurological symptoms.

This syndrome is a vivid example of the negative impact on the muscular system of an insufficiently tested product. Tryptophan appeared in pharmacies and health food stores in the 1980s. Later, an outbreak of a previously unknown disease occurred in many developed countries. About 60 thousand cases were recorded, approximately 1500 of which led to disability, and at least 27 led to death.

Muscle pain after exercise

Even with a properly selected training program, muscle pain is an inevitable companion of physical activity for both ordinary people and athletes. Mild soreness or excruciating condition usually follows after a break in sports or when switching to new program with unusual loads.
Muscle pain after a workout is considered by many to be a positive sign of muscle growth. However, the effectiveness of training should not be assessed by the presence of pain, because the development of endurance, strength, and muscle growth largely depend on how much time muscle tissues recover after microtraumas between workouts.
Experts identify four main causes of muscle pain:

  1. "Delayed" pain. It does not appear immediately, but after a day and reaches the peak of soreness on the 2-3rd day after training. The cause of such pain is associated with the formation of microtraumas - tiny wounds in the muscle fibers. In injured muscle tissue, prostaglandins are released - hormone-like substances responsible for the appearance of pain at the site of inflammation. In addition to the strongest pain syndrome, tissue swelling occurs, which appeared as a result of violations in the damaged areas of fluid circulation. Such a post-training state sometimes causes a loss of working capacity for several days.
  2. To reduce the risk of occurrence or minimize the excruciating state of "retarded" pain, according to many athletes, allows a thorough (and "hitch" after it is carried out. Some prefer to fight such pain by continuing to perform light exercises, and achieve some relief.
  3. Excess "fuel". Although both fats and proteins are also used by the body as sources of calories, the title of the main energy "fuel" remains with carbohydrates. In muscle tissue and the liver, carbohydrates are present in the form of glycogen, which breaks down during intense training, releasing the necessary energy. Glycogen stores in actively exercising are depleted quite quickly - after 15-20 minutes, a feeling of lethargy may appear, and the person is no longer able to continue training in the optimal mode.
  4. A sip of a special carbohydrate drink will help you return to working condition. It is also important to take care of the sufficient content of carbohydrates in the diet.
  5. Increased muscle reactivity. After long exhausting workouts, the sensitivity of receptors in the muscles is sometimes sharply exacerbated. Then the so-called syndrome of increased muscle reactivity may appear, for which, in addition to severe pain the muscles and joints are characterized by cramps in the legs at night. The reason for this condition is the resulting imbalance in the biological ratio of salt and fluid in muscle cells.
  6. Static stretching before and after training, as well as regular fluid intake throughout the session, helps to avoid convulsive phenomena.
  7. Overtraining. The classic signs of overtraining, in addition to muscle pain, are: feeling weak, not being able to train in a given mode, and even mild depression. From the point of view of biochemistry, this state is explained by the development of a negative nitrogen balance. Simply put, the loss of proteins far exceeds their replenishment with food. Muscle overtraining can lead to dangerous physiological malfunctions (changes hormonal background, reduced immunity, bone fragility, etc.). The best protection against such problems will be a reasonably planned training program, timely rest and rational nutrition.

Treatment of muscle pain

injured muscle often swollen and inflamed. Do not wait patiently for the painful condition of the muscles to pass by itself. Today, there are proven and effective ways relieve muscle pain: non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, applying ice, or, conversely, relaxing heat, as well as massage popular among athletes. Each of these methods of treating muscle pain has objective advantages and disadvantages.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The action of these drugs is aimed at blocking the production of prostaglandins and other inflammatory mediators in damaged cells, which are the direct culprits of pain at the biochemical level. Taking non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs for muscle pain, you can quickly and effectively achieve a significant improvement in your condition. However, keep in mind the weight side effects and about serious contraindications of these drugs, therefore, without a doctor's prescription, taking them can cause significant harm to health. In particular, the abuse of these drugs leads to serious diseases of the liver and digestive organs. Take anti-inflammatory tablets for muscle pain should be taken with food, drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Ice. Sports doctors recommend cold as the very first aid in case of muscle injury. Applying ice significantly dulls the pain syndrome even with muscle rupture. Cold prevents the spread of inflammation, helps to stop bleeding and reduces the sensitivity of receptors. Do not apply ice directly to the wound - if there is no special frozen bag, you should wrap the pieces of ice in a towel. When applying ice, you need to constantly monitor the skin: if the skin becomes bright pink, then the ice should be removed for a while to give the tissues the opportunity to recover and not get.
  • Heat treatment. Hot baths and heating pads can be used after training only after 12 hours, provided there is no swelling and inflammation. Heat activates blood flow, opens blood vessels, thereby accelerating the healing of the received microtraumas. Applying a heating pad causes blood flow to the sore spot, helps relieve stress in muscle tissue, and promotes relaxation. hot tub, perhaps the most pleasant way to get rid of discomfort in the muscles.
  • Balms, creams, ointments for muscle pain. The use of these drugs is aimed at local anesthesia, removal of inflammation, reduction of edema and bruising, improvement of blood flow, stimulation of tissue repair. With the help of these drugs, among which homeopathic remedies can be found, temporary relief can be achieved, but their effect is inferior in effectiveness to drugs taken by mouth.

Sports creams and ointments usually contain analgesics, astringents and anti-inflammatory agents. The most pronounced analgesic effect for muscle pain is possessed by drugs, the main component of which are salicylates.

  • Massage. European sports doctors consider massage to be one of the main methods of rehabilitation therapy for athletes after heavy loads. Undoubtedly, massage is a pleasant procedure that allows you to relieve excessive tension in the muscles and activate blood circulation. But one should not exaggerate its therapeutic possibilities. It is not recommended to do massage in the presence of swelling, high temperature, bruising.

Muscle pain is often a confirmation that the exercises were carried out with full dedication and maximum benefit, but sometimes it is also an alarming signal that the muscles and joints are not yet sufficiently prepared for the existing load. If the pain is regular, you should think about reducing the intensity of training.

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