Rules for rhythmic gymnastics. How will rhythmic gymnastics live under the new rules? Competitions and program

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“FONDE EN 1881 RULES 2017 – 2020 for rhythmic gymnastics Approved by the FIG Executive Committee The text on English language CONTENTS GENERAL..."


RULES 2017 – 2020

in rhythmic gymnastics

Approved by the FIG Executive Committee

The official text is in English


1. Competitions and program 3

2. Judicial Panels 5

3. Platform (for Individual and Group exercises) 8

4. Subjects (Individual and Group exercises) 8

5. Gymnasts’ clothing (Individual and Group exercises) 10

6. Discipline 11

7. Penalties applied by the Coordinating Judge in Individual and Group exercises 12


1. Review Difficulty 13

2. Body Difficulty (BD) 13

5. Dynamic elements with rotation (R) 24

6. Subject Difficulty (AD) 27

7. Difficulty Score (D) 30

8. Jumping 31

9. Equilibria 37

10. Rotations 45


1. Evaluation by the Panel of Judges in Performance 51

2. Performance Evaluation (E) 51

3. Panel of Judges (E) 51

4. Artistic components 51

5. Artistic mistakes 54

6. Technical errors 56


Number of gymnasts 59 1.

Exit to the site 59 2.



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There are two types of competitions in the rhythmic gymnastics program: Individual Competitions and Group Exercise Competitions.

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The FIG apparatus program for the current year defines the apparatus required for each event (see Appendix).

For details regarding official FIG competitions, please refer to the Technical Regulations (Section 1 and Section 3).

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1.2.2. The duration of each exercise is from 1"15" to 1"30".


1.3.1. Basic (All-around) Program for group exercises Seniors (see Program of subjects

FIG for group exercises for Seniors) consists of 2 exercises:

exercise with one type of object (5) exercise with two different types items (3+2) 1.3.2. The FIG Junior Women's Group Exercise Program usually consists of 2 exercises, each with one type of apparatus (see Appendix FIG Junior Women's Group Apparatus Program).

1.3.3. The duration of each exercise for Senior and Junior groups is from 2"15" to 2"30".

1.4. TIMERATION The chronometer is turned on as soon as the gymnast or the first gymnast of the Group begins to move (a short musical introduction of no more than 4 seconds without movement is allowed) and is turned off as soon as the gymnast or the last gymnast of the Group completely stops moving.

Penalty by the Coordinating Judge: 0.05 point for each extra or missing second.

Penalty by the Coordinator Judge: 0.30 points for a musical introduction without movement for more than 4 seconds.

1.5. MUSIC 1.5.1. A beep may sound before the music starts.

1.5.2. All exercises must be performed entirely with musical accompaniment. Short arbitrary pauses dictated by the composition are allowed.

1.5.3. The music must have a coherent and complete character (arrangement is allowed). Disjointed combination of different musical fragments is not allowed.

1.5.4. Music that is not typical for a gymnast is strictly prohibited (sirens, the sound of a car engine, etc.).

Penalty by the Coordinating Judge D1 = 0.50 for music that does not comply with the norms.

1.5.5. Music can be performed on one or more instruments, or with the voice used as a musical instrument. All instruments are permitted provided they express music with all the characteristics necessary to accompany a rhythmic gymnastics exercise – clearly and structurally.

1.5.6. Only one exercise can be performed to music with voice and words in Group Exercise competitions and two exercises in an individual program, in accordance with ethical standards. National Federations must indicate which event uses music with voice and words and record this on the official music form, which is submitted upon registration through the FIG online system. Technical Delegates must check the musical forms.

Penalty by the Coordinator Judge (D1) = 1.00 point for each exercise exceeding limit 1.5.7. The gymnast/group is allowed to repeat the exercise only in the event of a “force majeure” error on the part of the country organizing the competition, confirmed by the Supreme Jury (for example: power outage, malfunction of sound equipment) Playing music that is not appropriate for the routine, etc. – In the event that “wrong” music is played, the gymnast/Group must immediately stop performing the exercise as soon as they realize that the music is not appropriate for their routine. In such cases, the gymnast/Group must leave the mat and re-enter the mat (after being asked to leave) to perform the exercise to their own music. Protests after the end of the exercise will not be accepted.

1.5.8. A separate CD must be used for each exercise. Each musical composition must be recorded on a high-quality CD or submitted via the Internet accordingly. with the Work Plan and Directives of official FIG competitions or championships. If the local Organizing Committee requires digital music downloads, all participating Federations reserve the right to use CDs at competitions.

Each CD must contain the following information:

gymnast's last name, country (3 capital letters, used by the FIG to indicate the country the gymnast represents), apparatus symbol, name of the author(s) and title of the musical piece(s), duration of the music.

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2.1.2. Composition of the judging panels for individual and group exercises:

Each Jury for FIG competitions – World Championships, Olympic Games (Individual and

Group exercises) consists of 2 groups of Judges:

Difficulty (D Panel) and Execution (E Panel) Judges for Difficulty (D) and Execution (E) are selected by lot and appointed by the FIG Technical Committee in accordance with the current Technical Regulations and Judging Rules.

Referee judges for official FIG Championships: Execution (technical errors): 2 judges are located separately from each other and independently evaluate technical errors and apply deductions. Composition of the judging teams The panel of Judges assessing difficulty (D) for Individual and Group exercises - 4 judges are divided into 2 subgroups:

first subgroup (D) – 2 judges D1 and D2 second subgroup (D) – 2 judges D3 and D4 Panel of Judges evaluating performance (E) for Individual and Group exercises – 6 judges divided into 2 subgroups:

first subgroup (E) - 2 judges (E1 and E2) - evaluate Artistic errors second subgroup (E) - 4 judges (E3, E4, E5, E6) - evaluate Technical errors Modifications of the Judging Panels are possible at international, national and local competitions ( 4 Difficulty D Judges and 4 Execution Judges E). Functions of Brigade D

a) The first subgroup of panel D (judges D1 and D2) writes down the content of the exercise with the symbols:

for Individual Exercises – evaluates the number and technical value of Body Difficulties (BD), the number and value of Dance Step Combinations (S) and the number of specific Fundamental Technical Elements of the apparatus for Group Exercises – evaluates the number and technical value of Body Difficulties (BD), number and value of Difficulties Exchanges (ED) and Dance Step Combinations (S) Judges D1 and D2 score the entire routine independently and then together determine a partial D score (one overall score). Judges D1 and D2 enter part of the score into the computer.

b) The second subgroup of panel D (judges D3 and D4) writes down the content of the exercise with symbols:

for Individual exercises – evaluates the number and technical value of Dynamic Elements with Rotation (R) and Apparatus Difficulty (AD) for Group Exercises – evaluates the number and technical value of Dynamic Elements with Rotation (R) and the number and technical value of Collaborations (C)

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In each subgroup of judges, short discussions are allowed if necessary. In case of disagreement between the judges, the decisive intervention of the Technical Delegate/Supervisor is required.

c) The final D score is obtained by adding the two partial D scores. The maximum Difficulty score is 10 points.

d) Judge D1 in Judge Panel D is the Coordinating Judge. He applies penalties for leaving the court, violation of the time limit and other penalties, in accordance with the table for the Coordinating Judge. The Supreme Jury must approve the deductions applied by the Coordinating Judge.

Functions of the D-Brigade after the competition (in Individual and Group exercises):

if necessary, provide a recording of the symbol exercise to the Supreme Jury for apparatus at the end of the competition, at the request of the President of the Supreme Jury, provide a complete list of ambiguities and disputed points, with the number, name of the gymnast, apparatus and her Federation Functions of the E Panel (for Individual and Group exercises): The E Panel must closely monitor the routines, evaluate errors and accurately apply appropriate deductions.

a) The first subgroup of Panel E (2 judges E1 and E2) - evaluate the Artistic components independently of each other, and then jointly determine the deductions for artistry (one overall score). Discussions in the Brigade are allowed if necessary. In case of disagreement between Judges E1 and E2, the decisive intervention of the Technical Delegate/Supervisor is required.

b) The second subgroup of Panel E (4 judges E3, E4, E5, E6) – evaluates Technical faults and applies penalties (arithmetic average of 2 central scores, independently and without consultation with other judges)

c) Artistic and Technical penalties are entered separately to determine the final score for the Performance. The total deduction E is the sum of two partial deductions E.

d) The Final E Score is the Total of the Artistic and Technical Execution Deductions deducted from the 10.00 points.

2.1.3 Functions of Timekeepers, Line Judges and Scorekeepers for Individual and Group Events Timekeepers and Line Judges are selected by lot from the Brevet Judges and their performance must be recorded in the Judges Book:

Timekeepers (1 or 2) control the duration of the exercise (see 1.2, 1.3) submit signed protocols on violations and deductions to the Coordinating Judge (D1) record the size of the violation according to timing (up and down) in the absence of computer timing

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Functions of secretaries Secretaries are usually appointed by the Organizing Committee and are required to have computer skills and knowledge of the Judging Rules. They report to the President of the Supreme Jury and are responsible for the correctness of entering all data into the computer, the order of exit of teams and gymnasts, for the red / green light, and the correct display of final scores on the scoreboard.

2.1.4. For more information about the Jury, their structure and functions, see Technical Regulations, R. 1, pr. 7, as well as the Rules for Judges.


The rules for determining the final score are the same for all types of competitions (Individual Qualifying Competitions with Team Ranking, All-Around, Individual All-Around Finals, Group Event Competitions, Individual Group Event Finals).

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2.4. INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENTS 2.4.1. Each refereeing team is assisted by a Coordinating Judge (see clause

2.4.2. A tournament in which more than 50% of the judges are from the organizing country does not count toward the judges' performance.

2.4.3. Composition of the Panel of Judges – 4 judges of Difficulty D + at least 4 judges of Execution E

2.5. INSTRUCTIONS AND REFEREES MEETINGS Before each official FIG Championship, the Technical Committee must hold a meeting to inform the participating referees about the organization of refereeing.

Before all other Championships or tournaments, the same meeting must be held by the Organizing Committee.

All judges are required to attend meetings throughout all competition days, as well as at the awards ceremonies at the end of each competition.

For all other clarifications regarding Judges and competition judging, see the Technical Regulations, Section 1, Rule 7, Section 3 of the General Rules for Judges and the Specific Rules for Judges.

3. GROUP (for Individual and Group exercises)

3.1. A carpet measuring 13 x 13 m (outer side of the line) is required. The working surface must comply with FIG standards (see Technical Regulations, Section 1)

3.2. Going beyond the boundaries of the area established by the regulations by touching outside the area: an object, one or both feet, any part of the body; The exit of the object from the platform and its spontaneous return are punishable by a deduction.

Penalty by the Coordinator Judge: 0.30 point each time for a gymnast in an Individual exercise or a Group gymnast for an error or for an apparatus each time.

There is no deduction in the following cases:

o the apparatus leaves the court after the end of the exercise and music o if the apparatus is lost at the last moment during the last movement of the exercise o if the apparatus leaves the court without touching the floor o if the apparatus/gymnast touches the line

3.3. All exercises must be performed within the designated area of ​​the mat. Deduction in accordance with clause 3.2. applied to gymnasts for completing an exercise outside the court.

4. SUBJECTS (Individual and Group exercises)

4.1. STANDARDS – CONTROL 4.1.1. All apparatus used by Individual or Group gymnasts must have the manufacturer’s logo and the “FIG approved logo” mark in the location designated for the apparatus (rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).

4.1.2. The standards and characteristics for each apparatus are listed in the FIG Standards for Gymnastics Apparatus.

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4.1.4. At the request of the Supreme Jury, all apparatus must be checked before the gymnast/group enters the competition hall, or control can be carried out after the end of the exercise.

4.1.5. For any use of an item that does not comply with the standards:

Penalty by the Coordinating Judge: 0.50 points


4.2.1. It is allowed to place spare items around the site (in accordance with the program of items in Individual and Group exercises for each year).

4.2.2. The Organizing Committee must place a set of identical apparatus (the complete set of apparatus required by Individual Gymnasts or Groups in competition) along two of the four sides of the mat for use by any gymnast (do not use entry and exit lines to the mat). The length of the spare rope is at least 2 m.

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4.2.3. The gymnast may only use the spare apparatus that was placed near the platform before the start of the exercise.

Penalty by the Coordinator Judge: 0.50 points for using a spare item not previously placed behind the line.

4.2.4. The gymnast can use a maximum of spare apparatus placed by the Organizing Committee behind the line

– for example, 2 hoops (with deductions). Both hoops can be used in one exercise (see fig.

4.2.5. If, before starting an exercise, a gymnast decides that her apparatus is not suitable for starting the exercise (for example, a knot on the ribbon), she may take a spare apparatus.

Penalty by the Coordinating Judge: 0.50 point for taking too long to prepare the apparatus, which delays the competition.

4.2.6. It is allowed to use a spare item if, when dropped, the item leaves the site or becomes unusable (large knot):

Penalty by the Execution Judge (E): 0.70 points for loss of the apparatus and its going out of bounds, regardless of the distance between the gymnast and the spare apparatus / or for an unusable apparatus. Penalty of the Coordinating Judge: 0.30 points for leaving the apparatus out of bounds 4.2.7.

If, during a fall, the apparatus falls and goes out of bounds and is returned to the gymnast by her coach or another member of the delegation, then a deduction is made:

Penalty by the Coordinating Judge: 0.50 points for unauthorized return of an item.

The use of a spare item is not permitted if the item does not go beyond the site when dropped:

Execution Judge Penalty (E): 0.70 points for loss of an apparatus.

Penalty by the Coordinator Judge: 0.50 points for using a spare item.


4.3.1. If during an exercise an object breaks or gets caught in the ceiling structure, the gymnast or Group is not allowed to start the exercise again.

4.3.2. The gymnast or Group is not penalized for an object that is broken or caught on the ceiling, but only for subsequent technical errors.

4.3.3. In this case, the gymnast or Group may:

stop performing the exercise, continue the exercise by taking a spare object and throwing the faulty object out of the area (without deduction).

4.3.4. Neither the gymnast nor the Group is allowed to continue the exercise with a broken apparatus.

if the gymnast or Group stops performing the exercise, the exercise is not scored;

If the gymnast or Group continues to perform the exercise with a broken apparatus, the exercise will not be scored.

4.3.5. If the apparatus breaks at the end of the exercise (on the last movement) and the gymnast or Group ends their exercise with a broken apparatus or without the apparatus, then a deduction is given as in the case of “Loss of apparatus at the end of the exercise” (no contact).

Penalty by the Execution Judge (E): 0.70 points.


5.1. SWIMSUIT REQUIREMENTS The swimsuit must be correct and opaque; There should be a lining under the lace inserts (torso area to chest).

The neckline on the back and chest (neckline) is no more than to the middle of the chest bone and no lower than to the end of the shoulder blades. The leotard can be with or without sleeves (dance leotards with thin straps are not allowed) The neckline on the legs should not extend beyond the groin fold ( maximum). Underwear must not be visible from under the swimsuit. The swimsuit must fit well to allow the judges to assess the correct position of different parts of the body. However, decorative appliques or details are permitted as long as they do not pose a risk to the safety of the gymnasts.

Leotards for Group gymnasts must be made of the same material, identical in shape, design and color. However, if swimsuits are cut from the same fabric with a pattern, then slight differences are allowed.

Allowed to wear:

long, ankle-length tights over or under a swimsuit;

a long (ankle-length) one-piece swimsuit that fits close to the body and legs;

The length and color(s) of the tights fabric must be the same on both legs (the “harlequin” effect is not permitted). Only the design (cut or ornament) can be different;

a skirt close to the hips, covering only the pelvis, on top of a swimsuit or tights, or a long one-piece swimsuit;

the design (cut and ornament) of the skirt is arbitrary, but it must always lie close to the hips (the effect of a ballet “tutu” is not allowed);

gymnasts can perform the exercise barefoot or in gymnastic slippers;

Hairstyle, as well as decorative cosmetics, should be neat and modest.

5.1.2. All types of jewelry and piercings that may pose a risk to the safety of gymnasts are not permitted.

5.1.3. All leotards will be checked before the gymnast enters the competition hall. If the sports uniform of an individual gymnast or a Group gymnast does not meet the requirements, a penalty from the Coordinating Judge will be applied:

Penalty by the Judge-Coordinator 0.30 once (for individual gymnasts and for the Group) for non-compliance of the leotard with the standards - 5.1.4. Emblem/advertising that does not comply with official standards or lack thereof Penalty by the Coordinating Judge 0.30 points 5.1.5. A bandage (bandage) or other dressing material cannot be colored, it must be flesh-colored.

Penalty by the Coordinating Judge 0.30 points if this rule is not followed.


6.1. DISCIPLINE OF GYMNASTS 6.1.1. Individual and Group gymnasts must appear at the competition site only after being called either through a microphone or by the Coordinating Judge, or when the green signal lights up.

Penalty by the Coordinator Judge for too early (before the call) or late (slow, within 30 seconds after the call) exit of a gymnast or group: 0.50 points.

6.1.2. Warming up in the competition hall is prohibited.

Penalty by the Judge-Coordinator for warming up gymnasts in the competition hall: 0.50 points.

6.1.3. If the selected apparatus does not correspond to the starting order, the exercise will be evaluated at the end of the flow, and the gymnast will be fined:

6.1.4. Negotiations between gymnasts of the Group during an exercise are not allowed Penalty by the Coordinating Judge: 0.50 points.

6.1.5. Individual gymnasts and Groups must enter the competition area cheerfully in a marching rhythm, without musical accompaniment, and take the starting position without delay.

Penalty by the Coordinating Judge: 0.50 points.

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1. OVERVIEW OF DIFFICULTY 1.1. The gymnast should only perform elements that she can perform safely and with a high degree of aesthetic and technical skill.

1.2. An element not recognized by Brigade D has no value.

1.3. Very poorly executed elements will not be recognized by brigade D and will receive a deduction from brigade E.

1.4. There are four components of difficulty: Body Difficulty (BD), Dance Step Combinations (S), Dynamic Elements with Rotation (R), and Apparatus Difficulty (AD).

1.5. The order of execution of the Difficulty is free; but the Difficulties must be organized and executed logically, flowing smoothly into intermediate movements and elements, and creating a composition with the idea that there is more than a series of Difficulties.

1.6. Difficulty Judges identify and record Difficulties in the order in which they are performed:

Judges D1, D2 evaluate the quantity and value of BD, quantity and value of S, the number of Fundamental Groups of the subject and write them using symbols. Judges D3, D4 evaluate the quantity and value of R and AD and write them using symbols.

1.7. The Difficulty score can be no more than 10.00.

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2.1 Definition 2.1.1 The BD elements are contained in the Difficulty Tables of the Judging Rules (,).

In case of textual discrepancies between the description of a Difficulty and the drawing in the Body Difficulty Table, the text takes precedence.

After the next World Championship, new approved Body Difficulties may be added to these tables.

2.1.2. Body Difficulty Groups:

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2.1.4 Each Body Difficulty is counted only once. If the Difficulty is repeated, it is not counted (no deduction).

2.1.5 It is possible to perform a series of jumps or turns. Series: identical repetition of 2 or more jumps or turns. Each jump or turn in a series counts as 1 Difficulty of the jump or turns.

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2.2. Requirement: A BD body difficulty counts if it is performed:

2.2.1. In accordance with the technical requirements of the Table of Difficulties 2.2.2. With a minimum of 1 Fundamental Technical Element specific to each subject and/or Non-Fundamental Technical Element of the subject.

Note: If the Technical Element of an apparatus is performed in the same way during BD, then the Difficulty is not counted (no deduction).

Note: During Fouetté or Compass turns: a different Fundamental Technical Apparatus Group or an element from a Non-Fundamental Technical Apparatus Group is required for every two Fouettés/Compasses.

2.2.3. Without one or more of the following serious technical errors:

a serious deviation from the basic characteristics characteristic of each group of Body Difficulties.

serious technical error of the item (0.3 or more).

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2.3.2. If the BD is performed with a greater amplitude than indicated in the Difficulty Table, then the value of the BD does not change.


3.1. Definition 3.1.1. Each subject (,) has 4 fundamental technical groups. Each group is described in the corresponding cell in Table 3.3.

3.1.2. Each subject (,) has Non-fundamental technical groups. Each group is described in the corresponding cell in Table 3.4.

3.1.3. Fundamental apparatus groups can be performed during Body Difficulties, Dance Step Combinations, Dynamic Elements with Rotation criteria, Apparatus Difficulties and Connections.

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3.2.2. The technical elements of the apparatus are not limited, but they cannot be performed in the same way during BD Body Difficulties (with the exception of series of jumps and turns).

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3.2.3. Identical apparatus elements during a BD will not be counted (see 2.2.1.), except in a series: it is permitted to repeat identical apparatus work during a series of jumps/turns.

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3.5. Static nature of the object 3.5.1. The object must be in motion or in a position of unstable balance, and not just be clamped/held for a long time.

3.5.2. An object that is held/pressed for a long time is static:

“Holding an object” means that the object is held firmly with one/two hands and/or one/several parts of the body (not in an unstable position).

Holding an item for a long time means "longer than 4 seconds"

4. Dance step combinations (S)

4.1. Requirements to fulfill S:

4.1.1. With at least 1 Fundamental Technical Element of the subject 4.1.2. With at least 1 technical element of the apparatus with the “non-dominant” hand, i.e. with both hands (see 3.3.

4.1.3. The duration of Dance Steps S is 8 seconds from the beginning of the first dance movement. The steps must be clear and visible at all times.

4.1.4. Dance steps must be performed in accordance with the rhythm, tempo, character of the music and accents.

4.1.5. With at least 2 movement options, different: in modality, rhythm, directions or levels.

4.2. During the execution of Dance Steps S, the following is possible:

Perform BD elements from the Body Difficulty Table with a value of no more than 0.10 points (for example, cabriole jump, passé balance, etc.).

Perform elements of difficulty of the AD subject if they do not disrupt the sequence of the dance.

They come in those 8 seconds.

Include throws (small, medium, high) in the dance if they fit into the concept or if it helps increase the amplitude and dynamics of the movement.

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5.1.2. The basic value (R) can be increased using additional criteria. These criteria can be met while throwing an object, while rotating the body under the throw, and during catching.

5.1.3.The value (R) is determined by the number of spins performed and the criteria correctly fulfilled.

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Clubs () Asymmetrical throws can be performed with one or two hands at the same time. The movements of the two clubs in flight must be of different shapes and amplitudes (one flies higher than the other), or in different planes and directions.

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* Note: direct reverse throw/return without stopping () – all items:

The reverse throw/return is the main component of R (part of the initial throw for R); in this case the re-throw/bounce must be caught for the R to count.

The criteria met during the re-throw/return are counted. The criteria for catching an object after the return throw/return are not assessed, since in most cases the height of the return throw/return is not equal to the height of the initial throw.

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5.3. Selecting body movements in R 5.3.1. Body Difficulties Can Be Used:

With 0.10 rotation when throwing or catching Example: a single forward "Compass" can be used as an element with body rotation around horizontal axis. If 2 or 3 consecutive Compasses are performed during R, they must be performed with 1 step between rotations.

With a spin value greater than 0.10 (example: jumping and spinning 180 or more while throwing or catching): these spins count towards the number of spins in R and as BD With Body Difficulty during the throw if 2 basic spins start immediately after BD without intermediate steps.

With Difficulty of the body during the throw, if performed in accordance with the requirements for R (5.1.) Note: a series of 2 – 3 jumps with a rotation and throw during the first jump and a catch during the second/third jump does not count as R.

5.4. Pre-acrobatic elements 5.4.1. Only the following groups of pre-acrobatic elements are permitted:

Somersaults back and forth without a fixed position and without flight ( incorrect technique:

penalty by the Execution Judge) Rolls/flips back and forth, wheels without stopping in position and without flying (incorrect technique: deduction by the Execution Judge) “Fish”: a flip on the floor on one shoulder with the straightened body passing through the vertical.

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“Split Dive Jump”: a jump with the torso bent forward followed by one somersault is counted in R (as one rotation); also in AD. During R with this “Jump-Dive”, the criterion “change of level” is added.

Example: “Jump-Split Dive” followed by two other somersaults = R3 (R with 3 rotations).

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5.4.4. All groups of permitted pre-acrobatic elements and elements not considered acrobatic may be included in the exercise, provided that they are passing without stopping in position, except for a short pause to catch the apparatus during the execution of the element.

5.4.5. The same pre-acrobatic element can be used once in R and once in AD.

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6.1.2. Each AD must be different.

6.2. Requirements 6.2.1. Each Individual exercise must have a minimum of 1 AD.

6.2.2. AD elements are valid if the base and criteria requirements are met.

6.2.3. AD elements are invalid in the following cases:

The basics and criteria are not performed in accordance with the requirements Complete loss of balance and fall of the gymnast Serious change in the basic technique of the apparatus (technical deduction of 0.30 or more)

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6.5. New original item elements:

Coaches are invited to submit new Difficulties that have not been previously performed and are not presented in the Difficulty Tables. Original elements have the highest value among AD elements - 0.50.

All original elements of the apparatus must be submitted to the CG FIG Technical Committee.

A request for consideration of such an original element by the FIG must be submitted by the National Federation. The request is accompanied by a description of the element in two languages ​​(French; English), a drawing, as well as a video of an individual element or the entire exercise from the competition (on DVD).

The approved originality in a given apparatus of a given gymnast will be valid throughout the entire Olympic cycle. Other gymnasts can perform the same element without an originality bonus.

For original item elements when collaborating in a Group Exercise: If the element is executed with a slight blemish in execution, then the cooperation value is valid, but the originality bonus does not count.

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8.1.1. All Jumping Difficulties must have the following basic characteristics:

Defined and fixed form in flight The height must be sufficient for the corresponding form 8.1.2 A jump without sufficient height to fix a clearly visible form will not be counted as Difficulty and Execution deductions will be applied.

8.1.3 Jumps not coordinated with at least 1 Fundamental Technical Element specific to each apparatus and/or with an element from the Non-Fundamental Technical Apparatus Groups will not be considered a Difficulty of the Jump.

8.1.4 Repeating jumps of the same form is not counted, with the exception of series (see 8.1.5). Same form: push-off with 1 or 2 legs (unless otherwise indicated in the table); number of rotations in flight.

8.1.5 A series of jumps consists of 2 or more consecutive identical jumps performed with or without an intermediate step (depending on the type of jump). Each jump in a series is counted as one Difficulty (see Table 8.2.).

8.1.6 “Split Dive Jump” - a split jump with the body bent forward, immediately ending in a somersault, is not considered a Split Jump Difficulty, but is considered a pre-acrobatic element.

8.1.7 In all Difficulties of ring jumps, the foot or other part of the leg must be close to the head (closed “ring” position - no contact required).

8.1.8 In all Back Bend Jump Difficulties, the head must be close to the leg part (no contact required).

8.1.9 Full body rotation during flight is assessed after the supporting leg/legs leave the floor until the leg/legs touch the floor.

8.1.10 Jumps combined with more than 1 main action (for example, a tapping jump into a ring), with a take-off with 1 or 2 legs, must be performed in such a way as to create a solid and clearly visible image of a certain fixed shape in flight, and not 2 different images and shapes (not “swings”).

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14. Pike jump

15. Cossack, leg forward horizontally, or with a turn (1800 or more) or with a turn and tilt of the body forward

16. Cossack, leg high forward, the entire foot above the head, or with a turn (1800 or more)

17. Cossack, leg high to the side, the whole foot above the head, or with the help of (Zhukov) and / or with a turn (1800 or more)

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23. Split jump with a turn

24. Split jump with change of legs (change with straight leg)

25. Split jump with a change of legs, change, bending the leg

26. Side split jump, one-leg push-off

27. Side split jump, two-legged push-off

28. Jump into a side split with a change of legs (change with a bent leg or change with a straight leg)

29. Tipping jump, pushing off with 1 - 2 legs, into the ring or with a turn, or with the body tilted back

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31. Fouette (landing on a push leg), or into the ring with one or two feet

32. Fouette - jump into a split, into a ring or with the body tilted back

33. Fouette - tipping jump, either into a ring, or with the body tilted back 34. "Revoltad" - passing a straightened leg over the other leg

35. Entrelace – flip jump

36. Entrelace – cross over split jump

37. Tamping jump with a turn (“Jete en tournant”)

38. Split jump with a turn (“Jete en tournant”)

39. Split jump with a turn with a change of legs (“Jete en tournant”)

40. Butterfly (the free leg passes a position close to horizontal, the push leg passes through the horizontal. During the flight, the body is close to horizontal or slightly lower)

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9.1.2. Main characteristics:

A. Balance on the leg

a) Performed on half toes (relevé) or on a full foot

b) Have a defined and clearly fixed shape with a “stop” position

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9.1.3. All Balance Difficulties must be performed with 1 Fundamental or Non-Fundamental element of the apparatus. Equilibria that are not coordinated with at least 1 Fundamental Technical Element specific to each subject and/or with an element of the Non-Fundamental Technical Group of the subject are not counted as Difficulties.

9.1.4. Technical elements of objects (Fundamental or Non-Fundamental) should be counted from the moment the equilibrium position is fixed until this position begins to change or in any phase during the development of dynamic equilibrium.

9.1.5. The supporting leg (straight or bent) does not change the Balance Difficulty value.

9.1.6. In all Ring Balance Difficulties, the foot or other part of the leg must be close to the head (closed “ring” position – no touching required).

9.1.7. In all Back Bend Balance Difficulties, the head must be close to the leg part (no touching required).

9.1.8. In the exercise, it is possible to perform one Difficulty with a tourniquet on a relevé or on a full foot at 180 or more. Value: 0.10 per full foot and 0.20 per relevé + Difficulty value.

9.1.9. The Turlyan should be performed only after the initial position of the Difficulty has been fixed, and with a maximum revolution for each impulse. Rotation, which arises from one general impulse, leads to the cancellation of the Difficulty value (Turlyan does not count as rotation of the body). When performing Difficulties with a tourlane, the body should not “oscillate” (i.e. without moving the body and shoulders up and down). Such an incorrect execution technique leads to the cancellation of the value of the turn + penalty for Execution.

9.1.10. Performing a turlyan on the knee, on the hands and in the “Cossack” position is prohibited.

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9.1.12. A Fouette Balance is one Balance Difficulty consisting of a minimum of 3 identical or different forms performed on a relevé with heel support between forms, with or without the hands, with a minimum of 1 rotation of 90 or 180. Each balance form must be demonstrated with a clear emphasis (clear position). One Fundamental or Non-Fundamental technical element of the apparatus is required to be performed in any phase during the execution of this Difficulty.

9.1.13. It is possible to repeat the same form within one fouetté equilibrium, but it is not possible to perform any of these forms in isolation or in another fouetté equilibrium.

9.1.14. Balances can be performed on a full foot or on a relevé. For full feet: value decreases

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9.1.15. Balances on other parts of the body or dynamic balances can be performed either on the relevé or on the full foot without changing the value or symbol.

9.1.16. Balances with the gymnast changing the level (the supporting leg gradually bends and/or straightens).

The first form determines the basic value; it is necessary to fix the vertical position of the body and the horizontal position of the free leg.

The transition from one form (support leg straight) to another form (support leg bent), or vice versa, must be visibly gradual and the gymnast must maintain a relevé position from start to finish.

in this case, it is necessary to add arrow(s) indicating the direction of change in the level at which the gymnast is located to the right of the symbol.

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2. Pass forward or to the side (horizontal position) or with the upper back and shoulders tilted back

3. Forward: free leg horizontally (straightened or bent) or body back in a horizontal position

4. As the gymnast’s level changes, the supporting leg gradually bends and/or returns to the straightened position

5. Split with or without assistance, or the torso back to a horizontal position or lower

6. To the side: free leg horizontally or torso to the side in a horizontal position

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8. Arabesque: free leg horizontally or torso forward or backward in a horizontal position or lower, split with or without assistance

9. Ring with or without hand, or split with the body in a horizontal position

10.Attitude or ring back

11. Cossack – free leg horizontally: all directions

12. Cossack – free leg forward or to the side (foot higher than head) with or without the help of Balance on other parts of the body

13. Free leg forward, foot higher than head, with or without the help of a hand

14. Free leg to the side, foot higher than head, with or without the help of a hand

15. Free leg back into a split, foot higher than head, with or without the help of a hand

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10.1.1. There are 2 types of spins:

A. Rotations on the foot: on the “relevé” (Turns) or on the full foot B. Rotations on other parts of the body

All Spin Difficulties must have the following basic characteristics:

Minimum Basic 360 Rotation (excluding Rotation Difficulty #6, 9.17) Have a fixed and well defined form throughout the entire rotation until completion.

Note: Well defined form means that the correct form assumed by the gymnast is held fixed throughout the minimum basic rotation;

minor deviations in form are an error in execution. If the form is not recognized or maintained, the Difficulty is not scored.

10.1.2. Rotation will be scored according to the number of rotations completed.

10.1.3. Rotations must be consistent with a minimum of 1 Fundamental Technical Element for each apparatus and/or element from the Non-Fundamental Technical Group in any part of the rotation in order to be counted.

10.1.4. In a series of identical Turns (2 or more), they are performed one after another without breaks and only with support on the heel. Each Turn in a series counts as one Difficulty, with the exception of a combination of identical fouettés, which counts as one Difficulty.

10.1.5. Different Turns are turns with different shapes, regardless of the number of revolutions (rotations); this rule also applies to Fouette Turns.

10.1.6. The supporting leg (bent or straight) does not change the Difficulty value.

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10.1.10 Turns with a change in the gymnast’s level (gradual bending of the supporting leg and/or return to a straight position).

The first form determines the basic value. It is necessary to maintain a vertical position of the body and a horizontal position of the free leg.

The transition from one form - "skating leg straight" to another form - "skating leg bent" (and/or vice versa) must be slow, visible and gradual, and the gymnast must maintain a relevé position throughout the entire turn.

In this case, it is necessary to add an arrow(s) indicating the direction of change in the gymnast’s level (to the right of the symbol):

The supporting leg gradually bends:

The supporting leg straightens again:

The supporting leg gradually bends and then returns to the straightened position:

10.2. Criteria for increasing the spin value 10.2.1. For additional rotations on the full foot or other part of the body: +0.10 for each additional rotation over the basic 360 10.2.2. For additional spins on relevé: +0.20 for each additional spin over base 360 ​​(base 180 for #6, 9, 17)

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2. Free leg back, body tilt back 3. “Passé” (forward or to the side); or with the upper back and shoulders tilted back

4. Spiral turn (“tonneau”), partial wave on one leg

5. Forward: free leg in a horizontal position (straight or bent)

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12. Split with or without assistance, body horizontal, ring

13. Penche - bending the body forward, horizontally or lower, leg back into a split, or into a ring, turn on a full foot

14. Attitude or ring with the hand or with the torso tilted back

15. Fouette: passé or with the leg straightened in a horizontal position;

also horizontal position forward, backward, “Attitude”

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1.4. The judges of Teams E and D must comply as much as possible with the modern level of rhythmic gymnastics, always know what to expect from the performance of a given element and how standards change today as the sport develops. In this context, judges also need to know what is possible and what is reasonably expected, and what constitutes an exception or something special.

1.5. All deviations from correct execution are considered Artistic and Technical errors and must be assessed accordingly by the judges. The size of the penalty for small, medium and serious errors is determined by the degree of deviation from correct execution. The following deductions will be applied for Artistic and Technical deviations from expected perfection. These deductions must be applied regardless of the Difficulty of the element or exercise.

Minor error 0.10: slight deviation from artistically and technically perfect performance 0.20 – 0.30 error: any noticeable and significant deviation from artistically and technically Average perfect performance Gross error 0.50 or more: serious and significant deviation from artistically and technically technically perfect execution

2. Grade E: 10.00 points

Score E includes deductions for:

Artistic errors Technical errors

3. Panel of Judges E 6 judges E are divided into 2 subgroups:

1st subgroup (E) - 2 judges who evaluate Artistic errors in the exercise 2nd subgroup (E) - 4 judges who evaluate Technical errors in the exercise Penalties for Artistic and Technical errors are added up and then subtracted from 10.00 points - this is how it turns out final grade E.


4.1. UNITY OF COMPOSITION 4.1.1. Main idea: character

a) The composition must be constructed in such a way as to create a complete artistic image and express the main idea from beginning to end through the movements of the body and the subject.

b) The nature of the music must be selected in accordance with the age, maturity, technical level of the gymnast and ethical standards.

c) The character of the music must be in harmony with the composition of the exercise and the gymnast.

d) Different pieces of music must be harmoniously selected and combined, even if there are changes in the character or tempo of the music.

4.1.2. Connections a. The composition must be composed of technical, aesthetic, connecting elements, and one movement must logically and smoothly flow into the next without unnecessary stops and lengthy preparatory movements.

b. The use of different levels and directions of body movements, the direction and plane of movement of objects, must be clearly connected with each other by a single idea.

For connections between movements that violate the unity of the composition, deductions are provided each time:

transitions between movements are illogical, abrupt and unreasonably long; lengthy preparatory movements before Difficulties of the body stopping between movements unnecessarily d. The composition should not be a series of unrelated movements of the body or elements of objects. Deductions are provided for unrelated elements, incoherent parts of the exercise and lack of unity.

e. At the beginning and end of the composition, the gymnast must be in contact with the apparatus. The position of the gymnast at the beginning of the exercise must be justified and used during the initial movement of the apparatus.

4.2. MUSIC AND MOVEMENT 4.2.1. Rhythm a. Movements must be precisely coordinated with musical accents, musical phrases, the tempo of the music, the body and subject must emphasize the flow of the music.

b. Movements performed outside the accents and musical phrases, or not related to the tempo of the music, are penalized with deductions each time.

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Rules for rhythmic gymnastics 2017-2020 May 52, 2016 4.2.2. Dynamic changes a. Energy, power, speed, intensity of movements must correspond to dynamic shifts and metronomic changes in the music.

b. The gymnast expresses changes in dynamics through contrasts in energy, power, speed and intensity of body and apparatus movements, in accordance with changes in the music.

c. Exercises with monotonous energy, power, speed and intensity (without contrasts and changes) lose dynamism and are punished with deductions.


a. A synthesis of strength, beauty and elegance of movements.

b. The participation of all parts of the body in the process (head, shoulders, torso, arms, legs) creates plasticity of movement and conveys character, feelings, enhances accents and increases amplitude.

c. Segmental, uncertain and ill-conceived movements are punished with deductions depending on their number in the exercise.

4.4. DIVERSITY a. A variety of directions and trajectories (forward, backward, arc, etc.) create different elements and allow full use of the entire surface of the carpet.

b. A variety of levels and modalities of movement (gymnast in flight, standing, on the floor;

running, jumping, walking, etc.).

c. Elements of objects characteristic of each object must be performed in different planes and directions, with different techniques, with different parts of the body, etc. When elements of an apparatus are repeated or performed on the same plane without modification, this lack of variety must be penalized with deductions.

d. Decorative elements of the object: it is possible to perform various original, aesthetic and choreographic elements during Combinations of dance steps and elements of connection, provided that these elements are very short and do not interrupt the non-stop movement of the object.

Maximum 3 times in each composition and no more than 4 seconds (if more than 4 seconds, then the object is considered static - see Difficulty, paragraph 3.5).

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*Gymnast statics: the gymnast should not remain motionless unless she is in contact with the apparatus for some time (for example: throwing, rolling the apparatus on the floor, etc.)

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1.1. Each Group consists of 6 gymnasts. Each routine involves 5 gymnasts, and the remaining gymnast is allowed to be present in the competition area during the routine (to be able to replace one of the gymnasts in the event of an incident).

1.2. If during the performance of an exercise a gymnast is forced to leave the Group for a valid reason, then:

A substitution may be made for another gymnast (penalty by the Coordinator Judge) If the gymnast is not substituted, the exercise will not be scored


2.1. The Group must enter the court quickly and without musical accompaniment (penalty by the Coordinating Judge).

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1.1. Gymnasts must perform only those elements that can be performed safely, with high level technique, aesthetics and artistry.

1.2. There are 5 components of difficulty: Body Difficulty (BD), Exchange Difficulty (ED), Dance Step Combinations (S), Dynamic Elements with Rotation (R) and Collaborations (C).

1.3. Specific Difficulty Components for Group Exercise:

Exchanges (ED): Difficulty in exchanging apparatus between gymnasts Cooperation (C): between gymnasts and apparatus

1.4 The order of performing Difficulties is free, however, Difficulties must be organized and performed logically, smoothly transitioning into intermediate movements and elements, and creating a composition with an idea, and not just a set of Difficulties.

1.5 The Judges in Difficulty D will identify the Difficulties and record them in the order in which they were performed.

Judges D1, D2: evaluate the quantity and value of BD, quantity and value of ED, quantity and value of S, and write them using symbols. Judges D3, D4: evaluate the quantity and value of R, quantity and value of C, and write them using symbols.

1.6 The Difficulty score can be no more than 10.00 points.

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2.1. BD Definition 2.1.1. The BD elements given for Individual exercises also apply to Group exercises (see Difficulty Tables No. 8 – 10 for Individual exercises) (,).

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2.1.3. A minimum of 1 body difficulty from each group must be present - it is performed by all 5 gymnasts at the same time.

2.1.4. It is not possible to complete more than 5 BDs with a value greater than 0.10 - only 5 Difficulties with the highest possible value are counted.

2.1.5. Each BD is counted only 1 time. If the Difficulty is repeated, it is not counted (no deduction).

2.1.6. In order for a Difficulty to be counted, it must be performed by all 5 gymnasts. A difficulty is not counted if it was not performed by all gymnasts, or if there was a choreography and composition error or a Technical error by one or more gymnasts.

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2.1.9. Series: identical repetitions of 2 or more Jumps/Turns - each Jump or Turn in a series counts as 1 Difficulty.

2.1.10. New Body Difficulties – see Rule 2.1.6 (Individual Exercises) 2.1.11. BD requirements – see Individual Exercise Rule 2.2.

2.1.12. BD Score – See Individual Exercise Rule 2.3.

2.2. Definition of ED 2.2.1. In the exchange of apparatus, all five gymnasts must participate in 2 actions:

Throwing your object to your partner Catching an object thrown by your partner Explanations

Exchanges can be made:

simultaneously or in very rapid succession by a gymnast in place or in motion by 5 gymnasts simultaneously or in subgroups between 1 or 2 types of apparatus on the same or mixed levels in height/parabola of throws Note on rope and ribbon: ED with rope or ribbon throw will be valid only if the entire object is in the air for some time.

Note on Ribbon: When exchanging ribbons, gymnasts usually have to catch the end of the stick. But deliberate catching by the fabric of the tape approximately 50 cm from the fastening is allowed, provided that such catching is justified by the next movement or final position.

Note on clubs: ED will be valid with either 1 club or 2 club throws.

2.2.2. Only exchanges with medium and high apparatus throws by gymnasts are counted as ED.

2.2.3. Exchanges for all 5 gymnasts can be of the same value or of different values. The lowest ED value performed by one gymnast determines the Group ED value.

2.2.4. A body difficulty value of 0.10 may be performed during the ED (as an ED value criterion), but it will not count as a BD.

2.2.5. ED requirements will be counted provided that all 5 gymnasts fulfill without the following serious

Technical errors:

a. Loss of an item including 1 or 2 clubs b. Loss of balance with support on one hand or object, or the gymnast falls c. Collisions between gymnasts or objects

–  –  – Basic value of throw and catch by all 5 gymnasts: 0.20 The value of ED can be enhanced by additional criteria Additional criteria (same or different) are only valid if they are met by all 5 gymnasts

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3.1.Definition 3.1.1. See Individual exercises, paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.

3.1.2. Fundamental apparatus groups can be performed during Body Difficulties, Dance Step Combinations, as criteria in Dynamic Elements with Rotation, during Cooperation, Exchanges or in linking movements.

3.2. Requirements 3.2.1. Fundamental Apparatus Elements: The presence of all Fundamental Technical Apparatus Groups in Group Exercises is not required. Exception: minimum 1 Fundamental technical apparatus group is required for S. A variety of choice of Fundamental and Rhythmic Gymnastics Rules 2017-2020 May 62, 2016 Non-fundamental apparatus groups is required (for lack of diversity - deduction in the Artistic component).

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3.3. Summary table of Fundamental and Non-fundamental technical groups for all subjects (see.

Individual Difficulty in clause 3.3. and 3.4.)

3.4. Statics of the subject: see Individual Difficulty in paragraph 3.5.

4. Dance step combinations (S)

4.1. See Individual exercises, paragraphs 4.1.1 - 4.1.5, 4.5 (in the Group exercise, the use of both hands when working with objects is optional).

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4.2. During Dance Step Combination S, the following is possible:

perform BD elements from the Body Difficulty Table with a value of no more than 0.10 points (for example, cabriole jump, balance passé).

perform throws (small, medium, high) if they support the idea of ​​the dance or help increase the amplitude and dynamism of the movement; part of the Dance Steps can be performed while the apparatus is in flight, provided that S has at least 1 Fundamental Technical Element of the apparatus.

include Collaborations that do not violate the sequence S

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4.2.2. Dance step combinations are not counted under the following conditions:

Less than 8 seconds of Dance Steps Major change in basic apparatus technique (Judge E deduction - 0.30 or more).

Lack of connection between the rhythm/character and emotional background of the music and the movements of the body/apparatus Absence of at least 2 different modalities of steps, rhythm, directions or levels in each combination Absence of at least 1 Fundamental technical group of the apparatus Absence of at least 1 Fundamental technical element of the apparatus performed by the “non-dominant” hand The whole combination is done on the floor

5. Dynamic elements with rotation

5.1. See Individual Exercises - Basic requirements must be met by all 5 gymnasts or the element will not count.

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5.2. The basic value of R can be increased by using additional criteria. These criteria can be met while throwing an object, rotating the body while flying an object, and catching an object.

5.3. The value of R is determined by the number of spins performed and the criteria correctly executed.

If the last rotation is performed after the catch, then this rotation and its corresponding criteria are not counted.

5.4. The value is determined by the smallest number of rotations performed and the number of criteria of all 5 gymnasts.

5.5. See Individual Exercises (5.1 - Requirements, 5.2 - Additional Criteria Summary Table for R, 5.3 - Body Movement Selection in R, 5.4 - Pre-Acrobatic Elements).

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6.1. Definition:

Group exercises are characterized by joint work, when each gymnast interacts with one or more apparatus or with one or more partners.

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6.2. Requirements 6.2.1. All 5 gymnasts must participate in the Collaboration, even if they have different roles, otherwise the Collaboration will not count.

6.2.2. All 5 gymnasts must interact directly and/or through apparatus.

6.2.3. For Collaboration with Spin: The object must be thrown to the partner while she is performing the spin, not after it is completed 6.3. Collaboration table without body rotation

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6.7. New original elements with an object - see Individual exercises, paragraph 6.5.

7. Difficulty Score (D): D Judges score the Difficulty, determine the partial score, and apply the following deductions:

7.1. Subgroup 1 (D1 and D2)

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1. Evaluation of Execution (E) of Group Exercise

1.1 Judging by the Execution Panel requires that the elements be performed aesthetically and technically to perfection.

1.2. Gymnasts must include in their exercises only those elements that they can perform absolutely safely and with a high degree of artistic and technical skill. All deviations from such expectations lead to deductions from the E-Judge Panel.

1.3. Team E is not involved in the Difficulty of the exercise. E Judges must apply penalties equally for equal errors, regardless of the Difficulty of the element or connection.

1.4. Judges E and D must comply as closely as possible with the modern level of rhythmic gymnastics, always know what to expect from the performance of a given element and how standards change today as the sport develops. In this context, Judges also need to know what is possible and what is reasonably expected, and what constitutes an exception or something special.

1.5. All deviations from correct execution are considered Artistic and Technical errors and must be assessed accordingly by the Judges. The size of the penalty for small, medium and serious errors is determined by the degree of deviation from correct execution. The following deductions will be applied for Artistic and Technical deviations from expected perfection. These deductions must be applied regardless of the Difficulty of the element or exercise.

1.5.1. minor error 0.10: (small deviation from artistically and technically perfect performance) 1.5.2. average error 0.20 – 0.30: (any noticeable and significant deviation from an artistically and technically perfect performance) 1.5.3. gross error of 0.50 or more: (serious and significant deviation from an artistically and technically perfect performance)

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3. The assessments of the E-Team 6 E-Judges are divided into 2 subgroups:

first subgroup (E): 2 judges evaluate Artistic errors and issue one overall score (deduction); second subgroup (E): 4 judges evaluate Technical errors and apply deductions independently of each other (arithmetic mean of two central scores).

The total deduction from the E score is obtained by summing the two partial E deductions (Artistry and Technique)

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4.1. Contact with the apparatus and the gymnast 4.1.1. At the beginning and during the exercise, one or more gymnasts cannot remain without the apparatus for more than 4 seconds.

4.1.2. If the apparatus and gymnasts do not start their movements at the same time, the different movements must follow one another quickly, within a maximum of 4 seconds, to avoid the gymnasts/apparatus becoming static.

4.1.3. During Collaborations, one or more gymnasts may hold 2 or more apparatus while their partners remain without apparatus (but not more than 4 seconds).

4.1.4. At the end of the routine, each gymnast may be holding or in contact with one or more objects. In this case, one or more gymnasts may find themselves without apparatus in the final position.

4.1.5. You can start or end the exercise with lifting (supporting) one or more gymnasts with support on objects and/or gymnasts. After the starting position, gymnasts must exit the lifting (support) position no later than 4 seconds after the start of the music.

4.1.6. Character, rhythm, dynamic changes: all norms (see paragraphs 4.1.1., 4.2.1. and 4.2.2.) also apply to the Group exercise.

4.1.7. Expressiveness of body movements - the collective work of the Group must represent an expression of beauty, elegance and intensity of movement by all gymnasts.

4.1.8. Variety Changes – minimum 6


Rebuildings should be varied and created as follows:

be located in different parts of the site (in the center, in the corners, along diagonals, along lines) different positions and directions in the formation (forward, back, with each other, etc.) according to plan: circles, lines in all directions, triangle etc.

by amplitude: size / latitude

–  –  – Collaborations: Various types of Collaborations and organizations must be used, in accordance with the Collaboration Table (see Difficulty, paragraphs 6.3 and 6.4). Lack of variety is punishable by deductions.

Organization of collective work for Group exercises it is typical for all gymnasts to participate in the joint work of the Group in a spirit of cooperation in each composition various types of organization of collective work must be used and at least 1 of the following types of collective work must be present:

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2. “Choral” performance – simultaneous performance by 5 gymnasts or subgroups of different movements with different amplitude, speed and direction

3. Execution in quick succession or “Cannon”: execution of one movement after another by all 5 gymnasts or subgroups. The movement begins immediately after the end or during the previous same movement of the previous gymnast or subgroup 4. “Contrasting” performance: performance by all 5 gymnasts or subgroups of contrasting movements: in speed (faster - slower), or in intensity: forte (strong, powerful , energetically) - piano (smoothly, lyrically), either in level (standing - on the floor), or in direction, or in movement (pause, stop - continuation of movement).

5. “Performance in collaboration”: each gymnast interacts with one or more partners/apparatus Note: it is possible to combine different types of collective work. Subject elements: different planes, directions, types, body parts, techniques must be used. When elements of an apparatus are repeated or performed on the same plane without modification, this lack of variety is penalized.

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3. Groups – 2 exercises 2017-2018

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2017: 2004 – 2003 – 2002 2018: 2005 – 2004 – 2003 2019: 2006 – 2005 – 2004 2020: 2007 – 2006 – 2005

2. Individual gymnasts – 4 exercises 2017-2018 2019-2020 2021-2022 2023-2024

3. Groups – 2 exercises

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4. All general norms for Individual Seniors also applies to Individual Juniors

5. It is necessary to use the “non-dominant hand” when performing the Fundamental Technical Element of the Apparatus in the two BD Body Difficulties (Ball and Ribbon)

6. Score D: D judges evaluate the Difficulties, partially determine the component of the overall score and apply possible deductions:

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4. All general rules for Senior Groups also apply to Junior Groups (with the exception of Individual Juniors #5).

5. D Score: D judges evaluate the Difficulties, partially determine the component of the overall score and apply deductions (if any):

–  –  –

6. Performance in Individual and Group Exercises: All general Performance norms for Individual Exercises and Senior Groups are also valid for Individual Exercises and Junior Groups.

R., second edition of DRUKOVANI VIDANNYA Parliamentary objection Sergey Golovnev, Kommersant (Ukraine).3 Yesterday at a meeting of the conciliation council, deputies approved...” GYMNASTICS Sivash I.S., graduate student National University physical education and sports in Ukraine The article presents the results of..." of the year at 19:00 from February 21 to 28 from 11 to 20 o'clock Gathering of guests..." Portnov, Mikhail – selected novels – San Francisco: Living Art Publisher, 2016. – 705 rub. Mikhail Portnov, Roller coaster. the title of an article by Yehuda Libes in which he argues for the antiquity of the cabalistic tradition (Libes 1998). Liebes does not mean the voice of Orpheus: it is about the fact that the myth told ... "by the publishing house Isabella Allen-Feldman. My sister Faina Ranevskaya. Life, told... "the ability of facts of a certain order to be preserved unconsciously from..."

Perhaps the most beautiful and graceful sport is rhythmic gymnastics. Regular training helps girls develop excellent posture, the ability to present themselves and monitor their every move in everyday life, but only a few become champions. Is it so difficult to get a rank in rhythmic gymnastics, on what basis are they given and what are the other features of evaluating this sport - below.

Live and learn

It’s interesting, but experienced sports masters, even working as coaches, still continue to regularly gain new knowledge and skills. The rules for assigning sports categories in rhythmic gymnastics change periodically, as do general rules competitions.

This usually happens during the new Olympic period and greatly influences the performance of athletes. Some elements lose their value and have to be removed from the program, others, on the contrary, appear among the mandatory ones, and gymnasts need to train their body again, accustoming them to new movements.

Grading Rules

To receive a rank in rhythmic gymnastics, not only the coach, but also the athlete herself must know them. Over time, girls gradually master the exercise requirements they need and do not ask such questions when defending their titles. For those who wish to familiarize themselves with the rules in full and immediately, a special edition of “Rules for Rhythmic Gymnastics” is offered. They are written there on 250 pages, and given that some can change every few years, then hardly anyone will want to read them just for fun. For beginners, it is enough to know that each element has its own “price” in points. The simplest ones, even if performed perfectly, cannot bring the athlete more than 0.1 point, but if a complex exercise is included in the program, you can get a whole point.

A gymnast can increase her performance score by correctly combining certain elements. For example, for sequentially performing an exercise of 1 point and 0.1 point, you can get a total score of 1.2, since an additional tenth of a point will be awarded for the connection.

Individual approach

All categories in rhythmic gymnastics are awarded to girls only for completing the required elements in the program and gaining a certain number of points for the performance. Despite this, the performances of all famous champions are completely different from each other. This is due to the fact that the coach also takes into account the individual characteristics of each gymnast, creating a program that can show the maximum of her capabilities without focusing on her weaknesses.

For example, a girl does not have very developed back flexibility, but at the same time she flutters in jumps like no one else. Naturally, her performance will focus on jumping.

Mandatory program

Despite the individuality of taking into account the abilities of each athlete, it is prohibited to deviate from the rules, which means that mandatory elements must be present in the performance. Their maximum and minimum number and definition are also prescribed in the rules of this sport. So, for example, in order to get the first adult category in rhythmic gymnastics, you need to create a program of 10 mandatory elements. These should include one combination of two body difficulties, 1 rotation difficulty, 1 multiple rotation difficulty, 2 isolated waves and 2 pre-acrobatic elements at the beginning or end of a complex element. It is also necessary to make at least 8 seconds of dance tracks in the performance. In the program of masters of sports, there are already 12 mandatory elements in the performance, and their complexity has been increased.

As for working with apparatus, there must be risks of loss when the apparatus is thrown into the air and the gymnast at this time performs rotational movements. Here you can get additional points when catching a projectile without visual control.

Technical Judging Panel

Previously, the athletes were assessed by 3 teams of judges, but today their composition has been reduced to two. How are discharges given in rhythmic gymnastics? To be awarded them, the gymnast must receive an overall score from all judges with a certain minimum.

The first team evaluates the skill of performing the technique itself. It consists of 4 judges, two of whom write down on sheets of paper all the elements performed with the appropriate notations and, based on them, assign a point for working with the subject, difficulties in body movement and dance steps in the individual program. As for group performances, instead of the last criterion, the complexity of the exchange is considered. Two other judges also record the elements performed, but only evaluate the degrees of skill and risks, which in group numbers are called cooperation. Together they produce an overall score for the difficulty of the number, which cannot exceed 10 points.

Artistic Score

Second panel of judges evaluating appearance and the execution of the number is determined by the letters E and already consists of 6 people, as in artistic gymnastics. The judges give points for technical errors, artistry and overall beauty of the body. The overall score is also derived from the average and cannot exceed 10 points. Thus, the maximum score for the entire performance cannot exceed 20.

Thus, you can get a rank in rhythmic gymnastics by overtaking your opponents not only in technique, but also simply in artistry, that is, a beautiful girl in a beautiful swimsuit and with a good presentation of herself will definitely receive a higher grade for the beauty of her body than her plain-looking rival, even if she fulfilled all the elements with dignity. It may seem unfair, but this is, first of all, a beautiful sport, and these are the rules in it.

younger age

Girls can only get the 3rd youth level in rhythmic gymnastics from the age of 6, but many start training earlier. In fact, you can come to this sport from the age of three to seven. The first real achievements in children will appear at the same age. This is due to the fact that children only begin to feel their own body and be able to move to music. school age. Everything that happens up to this point is just some kind of physical preparation, and no one should focus on certain achievements at this time. Experienced trainers confidently declare that real awareness own body and competent work with the subject begins only in adolescence, when girls have long had ranks in rhythmic gymnastics in ascending order and have reached the level of MS protection. Of course, this only applies to a few who have not dropped out of sports by this age.

According to the program of the youngest category, young athletes are required to score only 7 points for one performance during a performance, which is achieved by almost everyone. This title does not require confirmation, and it can be awarded at competitions of any scale.

Requirements for youth categories

To receive the youngest category, a gymnast must perform in the year in which she turns 6 years old and present a routine to the panel of judges without an apparatus and with any apparatus of her choice. Based on the results of each performance, its score must be at least 7 points, which totals 14 points.

After a year, the athlete can already qualify for the 2nd youth category, and for this she must perform a routine without an apparatus and already 2 routines with any apparatus of her choice. To receive the title, judges of the 1st category must evaluate it and give at least 7.2 points for each program, which is a total of 21.6.

In another year, a girl can already receive 1 youth level by completing the BP number and 3 programs with any apparatus, gaining 7.5 points in each. At least 2 judges must have a republican category. In total, the athlete must receive 30 points for her performances.

Requirements for adult categories

An athlete can receive the third adult category in rhythmic gymnastics already in the year when she turns 9 years old. To do this, you need to perform in front of two judges of the republican category at any competition and present 4 numbers - 1 BP and 3 with any apparatus. In total, performances must score 32 points, but each must score a minimum of 8.

The 2nd adult category in rhythmic gymnastics is assigned after a year and is assessed more seriously. The composition of the performance is similar to the previous one, but for each program you need to get 8.2 points with a total of 32.8. The requirements for judges are the same.

At the age of 11, an athlete can qualify for 1st category if she already has all the lower ones. In this case, you need to score 70 points for numbers of a similar composition. In this case, you need to perform only in competitions with republican judges and the participation of at least 5 teams.

Mandatory confirmation of ranks in rhythmic gymnastics starts with 1 adult and above. It represents a double repetition of the result at other competitions during the year with similar statuses and judges. It is important that you are allowed to perform once as part of a group and once individually in the all-around or twice in the all-around.

Senior ranks

Receiving the title of Master of Masters at the age of 12 is not only honorable, but also difficult. In this case, you need to get 76 points according to the international quadathlon program, competing with at least five teams that already have such a title in tournaments of 1, 2 or 3 groups or twice in competitions of 4 groups.

To receive an MS, you need to score 96 points in competitions of only 1 group. Having achieved this goal, many quit sports because they get the opportunity to work as coaches on their own.

So, many now understand how discharges are given in rhythmic gymnastics and what needs to be done for this. It is important not to demand high results from a young athlete at the very beginning of her training. With age, she can open up on her own, realizing her own abilities.

WITH The competition takes place on a gymnastics mat measuring 13x13 meters, surrounded by an additional area for belaying. The modern program of international competitions includes all-around (one compulsory and three voluntary apparatus exercises) and a group voluntary apparatus exercise. During group performances (a group consists of 6 athletes), either two types of objects are used simultaneously (for example, hoops and balls) or one type (for example, five balls, five pairs of clubs). All exercises are accompanied by music. The choice of music depends on the wishes of the gymnast and the coach. But each exercise should be no more than one and a half minutes. There are some restrictions for projectiles, but they are minor.

IN While performing exercises, gymnasts must use the entire area of ​​the mat. Both hands must be involved in working with equipment. The projectiles must be constantly in motion, otherwise penalty points will be awarded. Exercises should last 57-90 seconds. For each overdue (less than or greater than the specified period) second, 0.05 penalty points are awarded. Each gymnast must finish the exercise in such a way as to touch the apparatus with any part of the body and simultaneously with the end of the music. During exercises, the coach is prohibited from talking to the athlete, judges or musician.


ABOUT Marks are given for performing exercises with each apparatus, but medals and places are distributed based on the sum of all points scored. The assessment is made according to three criteria - complexity, artistry and technique. In the individual competition, gymnasts perform exercises with 4 out of 5 apparatus of their choice. Three groups of judges evaluate different elements of the exercise. The technical jury evaluates the level of difficulty. The artistic jury evaluates the composition only from an artistic point of view. Judges look at the choreography of the performance, choice of apparatus, body movements, originality and skill. They also evaluate the musical accompaniment. The performing jury evaluates the degree of perfection of equipment control, expressiveness, virtuosity and technical errors.

N It is impossible not to note the fact that rhythmic gymnastics, or rather the assessment of performance results, is an extremely subjective thing. Serious scandals and even disqualifications of judges have arisen more than once due to unequal treatment of athletes.

ABOUT One of the most notorious incidents occurred at the European Championships in Zaragoza in 2000 with Elena Vitrichenko. Because of this, questions have been repeatedly raised about changing the judging procedure (similar to what is happening now in figure skating) or about removing this sport from the Olympic program.

Rating system

IN In individual competitions, the technical and artistic juries evaluate them using a 5-point system, while the performing jury evaluates them using a 10-point system. In group competitions: technical jury - 4-point, artistic - 6-point, and performing jury - 10-point. The comparison of scores in individual and group competitions is different. Basically, the points scored by the 3 juries are added together to arrive at the final score. The minimum gradation in individual competitions is 10, in group competitions - 20.

P When assessing performance, 0.05 points are deducted for minor inconsistencies and violations of accuracy, 0.1 points for small errors, 0.2 for average errors, 0.3 for gross errors. Points are also deducted for leaving the area and losing control of the projectile. Unaesthetic elements during performance are also a violation.

M The International Gymnastics Federation changed the technical regulations in 2001, 2003 and 2005 in order to emphasize technical elements and reduce the subjectivity of assessments. Until 2001, the rating was given on a 10-point scale, which was changed to a 30-point scale in 2003 and to a 20-point scale in 2005.


X Rhythmic gymnastics has not been spared the problem of doping drugs. They are taken, of course, not to increase endurance or increase muscle mass. The main problem of gymnasts is excess weight. Therefore, the main drugs used are diuretics, which, in turn, are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Requirements for gymnasts

U The exercises of the program represent free movement around the site, including elements of dance, plastic arts, facial expressions, pantomime, movements rhythmically coordinated with music without an object and with objects, as well as some elements of simplified stylized acrobatics (semi-acrobatics) in forms allowed by the rules of the competition, such like jumps, spins, somersaults, leg swings, bends, backbends, splits. Thus, the subject of study in rhythmic gymnastics is the art of expressive movement.

U Rhythmic gymnastics exercises are characterized mainly by voluntary control of movement. The actions of a gymnast moving freely around the court are limited to a minimal extent by any external, artificial established conditions, in contrast, for example, to the actions of representatives of artistic gymnastics. Therefore, one of the main tasks of technical training in rhythmic gymnastics is related to the art of controlling one’s body in natural conditions.

P The latter circumstance largely determines the structure of physical qualities, both necessary for practicing rhythmic gymnastics and developed by it. Obviously, in rhythmic gymnastics there cannot be a pronounced problem of developing and improving such motor qualities as, for example, static strength or speed strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, strength endurance, etc.

AND Among the qualities that play a big role in rhythmic gymnastics, flexibility in all its manifestations stands out - passive, active, extremely developed flexibility in hip joints and spine (Fig. 1). In addition, the specifics of this sport require the development and improvement of fine coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, musicality, and artistry.

U Rhythmic gymnastics exercises place significant demands on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems the body of those involved. This is evidenced by an increase in heart rate when performing exercises of the classification program to near the limit, significant amounts of oxygen debt and oxygen demand. Training sessions are held at high intensity (during training, the average heart rate is 148 beats/min). In this regard, highly qualified gymnasts are characterized by a high functional level of vegetative maintenance systems.

WITH The false structure of the motor actions of gymnasts determines the need to memorize a large volume of relatively independent movements. This places demands on the memory of gymnasts, as well as on such qualities as performance, clarity and completeness of visual representations, and accuracy of movement reproduction.

TO The quality of exercise performance (expressiveness, artistry, etc.) dictates the need to develop the ability for self-control and correction of muscle efforts, stability of attention, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, speed of response, quick thinking, quick wits, self-criticism, and perseverance.

ABOUT One of the essential features of rhythmic gymnastics is the importance of the compositional solution of voluntary exercises. The tendency towards a relative equalization of the technical and functional capabilities of gymnasts competing to win prizes in high-ranking competitions significantly intensifies the competitive struggle, victory in which begins to be determined by the originality and novelty of the composition of free programs (both in individual and group championships).

P The above features of rhythmic gymnastics mainly characterize the activities of female athletes in training sessions. The conditions in which competitions take place differ significantly from the training conditions. To effectively overcome the difficulties created by competitive activity (emotional tension, starting fever, etc.), a gymnast must have intelligence, courage, poise, self-control, perseverance, and a desire for success.

Is the body insured?

R Poison training lasts four to five hours. Muscles hurt. Nails break. Beautiful legs - even those with bruises (the program of the St. Petersburg team includes an element when the athlete kicks a hoop on the fly). Therefore, outside the mat, gymnasts have to limit themselves in physical activity: no motorcycles, no jetskis. Girls try not to drive cars, even in the passenger seat, in case there is an accident? They walk.

ABOUT However, it is not customary for our gymnasts to insure individual parts of the body, as actresses Gina Lollobrigida or Jennifer Lopez did (only at international competitions insurance is required). Although it probably would be worth it.

FIG rules for rhythmic gymnastics 2017-2020 in Russian

Major changes

Firstly, in the individual program the threshold of elements used increases: from three to nine (the previous minimum number was seven) in the total count, and at least 1 in each group of difficulties (jumps, balances, pirouettes). Also an unlimited number of risks, dance tracks and subject difficulties, but at least one at a time. In a group program, there are a minimum of four body difficulties without exchange and a minimum of four difficulties with exchange, but the total of body difficulties is no more than nine. Also more than one risk, collaboration and dance tracks. It is important to note that waves and rotational movements before or after body difficulty no longer carry an additional premium.

Secondly, you can now perform two exercises in an individual program to music with words, and not just one, as was the case before. In group groups, as it was before, there is a maximum of one composition with words.

Thirdly, it is worth noting that there are four fundamental groups in each subject and all of them must be involved during the exercise. On dance floors there must be at least one fundamental work, and body difficulties of no more than 0.1 value, apparatus difficulties and throws can also be performed.

Fourth, the way the cost of risks is calculated is changing. Now, no matter how many times a gymnast changes axis or level, she will receive no more than 0.1 for this criterion. Some criteria are also added and removed in the difficulty of the subject and on throws or catches during risks. The difficulty cost of the item is 0.3, but the cost to catch is 0.4. The cost of original elements is 0.5.

Fifth, the cost of some of the body's difficulties changes. This especially affected the calculation of the cost of pirouettes. Now for each additional circle on the half toe there is an increase of 0.2, on the entire foot - 0.1.

Modern system additional education ready to offer your child a wide selection of educational programs in various sports types creative activity. Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most spectacular sports that has received widespread development and is becoming increasingly popular among children and parents. On the one hand, this is a sport of high achievements, on the other hand, it is a type of physical activity that contributes to the health of many girls.

After the 2016 Olympics, mass rhythmic gymnastics is developing very actively in the community: clubs are being created, health sections are opening, halls are rented - there is a wide network of institutions of specialized sports sections for rhythmic gymnastics in the system of additional education for children.

Cultivating sports leisure that meets the needs of each and every individual and at the same time does not limit anyone in anything, but, on the contrary, helps a person develop as a multifaceted personality.

IN last years and at present, the sports direction of rhythmic gymnastics places extremely high demands on the natural data and abilities of those involved, which is accessible to a very limited circle of girls. In this regard, every year more and more clubs and schools for rhythmic gymnastics for children of mass sports are appearing, in which everyone can practice in the absence of medical contraindications. In this case, mass sports work with children is focused on the physical improvement of the child and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The main argument that attracts parents to choose rhythmic gymnastics for their daughter is the sportsmanship of the gymnasts: elegance, grace, expressiveness of movements, originality and virtuosity, strong confidence and ease of performing complex gymnastic exercises. The harmoniously developed body of the “artists,” muscle strength, flexibility, agility, jumping ability, and spatial orientation have great attractive strength. Gymnasts are always determined and courageous when performing difficult exercises on the competition platform.

Sport in the understanding of modern society is not only a competitive activity aimed at achieving the highest results, but also pleasant leisure, pleasure and entertainment. Currently, all holidays include games with elements of sports; sports clubs, organizations, unions, societies appear that manage the sports movement. Every year the sport becomes more popular, the number and variety of types of which continues to grow. I am glad that more and more parents are trying to lead healthy lifestyle life, introducing their children to this sports rhythm.

Despite the huge interest in mass rhythmic gymnastics, we should not forget that gymnastics not only promotes a healthy lifestyle, but also helps children in hardening, acquiring important applied and vital motor skills, and unites people in the field of motor leisure. Only a few become champions, thousands practice rhythmic gymnastics for themselves. And after all, health is, ultimately, the main value of a person.

About judging

Judging. Marks are given for performing exercises with each subject, and medals and places are distributed based on the sum of all points scored. The assessment is given according to three criteria - complexity, artistry and technique. In the individual competition, gymnastics perform exercises with 4 out of 5 apparatus of their choice.

During exercises, gymnasts must use the entire area of ​​the mat. Both hands should be involved in working with the object. Objects must be constantly in motion, otherwise penalty points will be awarded. Exercises should last G15″ to GZO.” The program in group exercises consists of 2 exercises: the first with one type of objects, the second with different types of objects. The duration of each exercise is from 2?15" to 2'30".

For every second overdue, 0.05 points are awarded. The gymnast must finish the exercise in such a way as to touch the object with any part of the body while simultaneously ending the music.

Three groups of judges evaluate different elements of the exercise. The technical jury evaluates the level of difficulty - the difficulty of the body and the difficulty of the apparatus. The judge for the difficulty of the body can give a maximum score of 10 points, similarly with the difficulty of the apparatus (also a maximum of 10 points). The final difficulty score is the average score between the body and apparatus difficulty scores. Maximum 10 points.

Fundamental changes have occurred in the rules of judging of rhythmic gymnastics. Firstly, the so-called “risk elements” are now being assessed - highly complex elements, the probability of error of which is quite high. Previously they were performed for personal pleasure and for the public, now they will be given appropriate marks.

The performing jury evaluates the performance of exercises from a technical point of view - the degree of perfection of mastery of the subject, expressiveness, virtuosity and technical errors. Maximum score 10 points. The artistic jury evaluates the composition only from an artistic point of view. This is the third mark out of ten points - for choreography and music, that is, for the image.

Naked technique without corresponding artistry will no longer work. The use of music as a background, failure to follow the rhythm, insufficient disclosure of the image, and so on will be severely punished. First, it's important to strike a delicate balance between risk, high underlying valuations, and solid execution. Trainers “stuff” programs with super-complex elements, for which, if they fail, they will give the same mark as for ordinary ones - zero. In this case, it is necessary to forget about artistry and image. It is no longer acceptable to go out on the carpet and simply run away to the music. The judges look for the performance's choreography, body movements, originality and skill.

When assessing performance, errors are recorded, depending on their degree, and are punished with the following deductions:

0.10 points for minor errors

0.20 points for average errors

0.30 points or more for serious errors

Points are also deducted for leaving the area and losing an item. Any accidental dropping of the apparatus will be penalized by the performance judges as follows:

0.30 if the item is taken immediately

0.50 if the item is picked up after moving (1-3 steps)

0.70 if the item is picked up after a very large movement (4 steps or more)

These penalties may be supplemented by those of the coordinating judge if: the gymnast goes off the court (0.20 points)

Going beyond the platform of the object (0.20 points)

Changing the court or finishing the exercise in an unspecified place (0.50 points)

If the apparatus is lost at the end of the exercise (on the last movement), the performance judges give the following deductions:

0.50 point for losing an item, regardless of distance

0.30 points additionally if the gymnast, while trying to catch the apparatus,

does not finish the exercise along with the music

No deduction if the apparatus leaves the platform after the end of the exercise and

The final score is a maximum of 30.00 points.

In case of unacceptable discrepancy and if the judges do not agree, then

base score applies: Base score = (average judges score + score

control jury), divided in half.

Intentional errors in refereeing, i.e. The bias of judges in modern rhythmic gymnastics begins to interfere with the competitive process. Special studies on this issue show that the reasons that force a judge to admit bias are:

1. Performance by your student, your team or the opposing team

2. Fear of your leadership

3. Negative attitude towards the coach of a certain team, etc.

Unintentional errors in refereeing. Until recently, difficulties in judging competitions in rhythmic gymnastics were associated with the imperfection of the rules themselves, with their cumbersomeness. At the same time, the ability of the person himself to perceive, process and issue judicial information was not taken into account. Rhythmic gymnastics judges have to take into account a large number of performance components when evaluating combinations.

Studies have proven that judges are able to process 80% of sports and technical information - this leads to inadequate assessment of performance skills.

The next reason is the fatigue of the judges. Fatigue causes not only a weakening of memory properties, but also a weakening of attention. Weakening of attention leads to significant errors when assessing the exercise.

To social - psychological reasons subjectivity of judges' assessments include:

1. The inspiring effect of the performance (conformal reactions - compliance reactions,

2. The influence of a stereotype that determines some dependence of the judge’s assessment on

Rhythmic gymnastics competition rules

Position. About the All-Russian competitions OGFSO Youth of Russia Championship in rhythmic gymnastics 2016


1. Interregional and all-Russian sports competitions included in these Regulations (hereinafter referred to as sports competitions) are held on the basis of an order of the Ministry of Sports Russian Federation on state accreditation of the All-Russian public organization"All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics" (hereinafter - VFHG) in accordance with the Calendar Plan of All-Russian and International Physical Education and sporting events among students educational organizations general and vocational education of the Russian Federation for 2016 OGFSO “Youth of Russia”.

Sports competitions are held in accordance with the rules of the sport “rhythmic gymnastics”, approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated August 2, 2013 No. 611.

2. Sports competitions are held with the aim of developing and popularizing rhythmic gymnastics in the Russian Federation.

The objectives of holding sports competitions are:

— identifying the strongest athletes to form a list of candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation;

— selection of athletes for sports teams of the Russian Federation to prepare for international sports competitions and participate in them on behalf of the Russian Federation;

— preparation of the Russian Federation sports team to participate in the World, European, World, European and other international competitions;

— determination of the strongest teams of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

— training of sports reserve.

3. These Regulations are the basis for sending athletes to sports competitions by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, if there is a call from the OGFSO “Youth of Russia” Committee.

4. The requirements of these Regulations are specified in the challenge of sports competitions.


1. OGFSO “Youth of Russia”, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the WFHG determine the conditions for holding sports competitions provided for by these Regulations.

2. The distribution of other rights and obligations, including liability for harm caused to event participants and (or) third parties, is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the all-Russian sports federation with other organizers of sports competitions (except for the Ministry of Sports of Russia) and (or) in the regulations of a specific sports competition . If the distribution of these rights and obligations is carried out on the basis of an agreement, the regulations of a specific sports competition provide a link to the details of such an agreement (number and date of conclusion of the agreement).

3. The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the organizing committee and the panel of judges approved by the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics.

4. It is prohibited to exert unlawful influence on the results of sports competitions included in these Regulations on interregional and all-Russian official sports competitions.

5. It is prohibited to participate in sports games in bookmakers and sweepstakes by betting on official sports competitions in accordance with the requirements established by paragraph 3 of part 4 of article 26.2. Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation".


1. Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules during official sports competitions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 353, as well as the requirements of the rules for the relevant sports.

2. Competitions are held at sports facilities included in the All-Russian Register of Sports Facilities in accordance with Federal law dated December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On sports culture and sports in the Russian Federation.”

3. Participation in sports competitions is carried out only if there is a life and health insurance policy against accidents, which is submitted to the commission for admission of participants for each participant in sports competitions. Insurance of participants in sports competitions is carried out at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and extra-budgetary funds in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Providing an ambulance medical care carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2010. No. 613n “On approval of the procedure for providing medical care during physical education and sports events.”

Each participant must have a health certificate, which is the basis for admission to sports competitions.

5. Medical examinations of participants in sports competitions are carried out by medical and physical education clinics one month before participation in sports competitions.

6. Mandatory doping control at sports competitions is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the international standard for testing participants in a specific sports competition international organization which fights doping and is recognized by the International Olympic Committee.


OGFSO "Youth of Russia" championship in rhythmic gymnastics in group exercises

1. General information about a sports competition

G - group exercises

KZ - team competition among regional branches of the OGFSO "Youth of Russia"

2. Requirements for participants and conditions for their admission

1. The strongest athletes of the regional branches of the OGFSO “Youth of Russia” participate in sports competitions. The competition is held in three stages:

III – final (All-Russian).

Gymnasts who have passed the selection at the preliminary stages are allowed to participate in the final competitions.

2. Athletes’ affiliation with a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is determined according to registration in the passport. When registering temporarily in another region, the athlete must submit a document on temporary registration with residence for at least 6 months before the start of the competition.

3. Athletes’ affiliation with the OGFSO “Youth of Russia” is determined according to the OGFSO “Youth of Russia” Membership Card.

4. Gymnasts born in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 are allowed to participate in sports competitions “all-around - “group exercises”. and younger.

Competitions are held according to new rules in force since 2017.

In sports competitions in group exercises, athletes perform:

— born 2001-2003 — according to the KMS program — perform 2 exercises (5 jump ropes, 10 clubs);

— born 2004-2005 - according to the 1st category program - perform 2 exercises (5 jump ropes, 10 clubs or 2 items to choose from);

— born 2005 — 2006 - according to the program of 1 adult category - perform 2 exercises (2 subjects to choose from)

Born 2006-2007 - according to the program of 2 adult categories - perform 2 exercises (2 subjects to choose from)

born in 2007-2008 – according to the program of 3 adult categories - perform 2 exercises (without an object and 1 exercise with an object of your choice)

— born 2008-2009 - according to the program of 1st youth level - perform 2 exercises

(without a subject and 1 exercise with a subject of your choice).

— born in 2009 and younger - according to the 2nd youth level program - perform the exercise without an object (2 ways out)

Team composition: 5 gymnasts, 1 reserve, coach.

3. Applications for participation

1. Preliminary applications for participation in competitions are submitted to the Organizing Committee at the email address: “> Novozhilova Irina Dmitrievna no later than November 20, 2016.

2. The basis for participation in the competition is an Invitation (Challenge) from the OGFSO “Youth of Russia”, which indicates the quantitative composition of the team.

3. A personal application is submitted to the competition credentials committee in 2 copies, certified by the seal and signature of the head of the regional branch of the OGFSO “Youth of Russia”, the signature of a doctor and the seal of a medical and physical education clinic, the signature and seal of the head of a general education organization (Appendix 1).

The following documents for each athlete are attached to the application:

— membership card of OGFSO “Youth of Russia”;

— passport (from 14 years of age), birth certificate and certificate from a general educational institution with a photo and stamp (up to 13 years of age);

— an insurance policy (original) for each athlete on accident, life and health insurance and a compulsory medical insurance policy;

— personal application in 2 copies. (according to the Regulations on the competition);

— medical certificate of admission to competitions.

— photocopies of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration, TIN and pension insurance certificate (PSC);

— a qualification book of the established form with a mark on passing the certification.

4. Conditions for summing up

1. In “group all-around exercise” sports competitions, the winners are determined by the highest amount of points received by the team for completing two exercises.

3. The final results (protocols) and reports on paper and electronic media are submitted to the OGFSO “Youth of Russia” Committee within 10 days from the date of the end of the sports competition.

5. Awarding of winners and runners-up

1. Winners and prize-winners of competitions in group exercises are awarded medals and diplomas from the OGFSO “Youth of Russia”.

2. Coaches of teams that took 1st place in group exercises are awarded diplomas from the OGFSO “Youth of Russia”.

6. Financing terms

1. The conditions and procedure for financing the competition are determined by the Organizing Committee.

2. Travel expenses (travel, meals, accommodation and insurance) for participants, coaches and competition judges are provided by the sending organizations.

Personalized application (sample)

All-Russian competitions (AC) Russian Cup, individual program

Federal District, subject of the Russian Federation: Central Federal District, Moscow

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The Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships kicked off in Pesaro, Italy, on Wednesday. Bronze medalist of the 2012 Games in London, head of the athletes' commission of the International Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics (FIG) and senior coach of the Belarusian national team Lyubov CHERKASHYNA told SE about how the new rules that came into force this year have taken root.

from Pesaro

This year the rules have changed, and now an athlete on the mat can show whatever she wants, and it will count. Previously, judges only evaluated what was written on the card and performed on the carpet.

In principle, this is interesting; the gymnasts have room for creativity. And for those athletes who know how to change something along the way, this is very cool. As a rule, it works, and we’ll see at this World Championship. In any case, something will have to be improved, but we need to see how everything works in a large stream of the world's best gymnasts, hear some wishes from the federations and the athletes themselves. I will have a meeting with the athletes in Pesaro, I asked each of them to write their suggestions - what they don’t like or what can be improved. We definitely need to hear the voices of gymnasts. Although I understand that girls are unique athletes in this sense - they will adapt to any rules.

- At the European Championships, due to the new rules, were there any problems with refereeing?

You know, it never happens that everyone is happy. At that time, not everyone was 100 percent ready for the changes, so maybe the grades fluctuated somewhere, and there were some surprises for the public and the coaches. Everyone is used to the old rules, but now everything is a little new. And every gymnast, going out on the mat, starts everything from scratch: if you did it, get it, if you didn’t do it, I’m sorry. And this is good in sports.


- Pesaro is not a new city for gymnasts, but this is the first time the country has received a world championship.

Pesaro hosted 9 World Cups, there was a European Championship in Turin - the Italians have enough experience in holding competitions. Finally the World Championships are taking place here, I’m very happy. It seems to me that the gymnasts should like it here - there is a good audience that really loves every athlete who appears on the mat. This is very important, because it’s easy to root for the favorites, but you have to be able to support everyone else. The tournament is long-awaited both for the organizers and for the girls - it seems to me that many gymnasts love Italy, Pesaro - including me! I like the arena, the audience, I like that you live with a view of the sea - it takes away negative emotions, you recover faster. In a word, there are many advantages that the World Championship is here.

The leaders changed after the Olympics in almost all teams. What are your expectations from the tournament in terms of sports?

This is interesting, because every new leader must prove that he is number one in his team, that he will continue the traditions of his country. For many, this is a double responsibility, especially for the World Cup debutants. Realizing that you are competing at the World Championships for the first time and representing your country is very difficult! And I can imagine how difficult all this will be for the girls - especially the first outing. But I think by the time of the all-around on September 1, everyone will be in normal condition.

- If we talk about surnames, from whom do we expect success, who will be the leader?

Sisters Averina, Bulgarians Vladinova and Taseva, Belarusians Galkina and Gornosko. Also Salome Pazhava from Georgia, whose return many were waiting for, Ukrainian Dyachenko and Mazur, and the Finnish girls have quite interesting programs. In general, the level of the girls who used to lag behind has grown a lot - I would like to list absolutely everyone. I think that the top 24 will really be that way.

- Will the public miss Margarita Mamun, Yana Kudryavtseva, Anna Rizatdinova and Melitina Staniuta?

Certainly. In the first year after the Games, I always feel a little sorry for the new generation, because they will be compared with the previous one, saying: “Oh, but there were masterpieces there.” In a couple of years they will say the same about this generation, but this transitional year is always “missing” what it was. But I think we will still see some of the leaders of the last four years in the stands; as far as I know, the girls were going to arrive.


- Will Staniuta, who retired after the Olympics, come to Pesaro?

No, Melita won’t be able to fly. She now gives master classes around the world, and she gets invited a lot. She also makes her own program on Belarusian television about a healthy lifestyle - something like what Laysan Utyasheva once did.

- Was the decision to end her career easy for her?

I don't think it's an easy decision for anyone to end their career. Because this is half of conscious life, it is always difficult. It's even more difficult when you end up with something you don't want. But I think that this also definitely teaches life.

- After Stanyuta left the team, did you switch to working with Ekaterina Galkina?

I work with the entire Belarusian team, with Katya, Masha Trubach, and Anna Bozhko. And Alina Gornosko trains with us before the main competitions. We work as one team, but, of course, most closely with Katya Galkina.

- Is she ready to come out mentally - not behind Stanyuta's back - but as number one?

I think yes. Step by step she must understand it, feel it. In any case, it will be more important for me that she comes out as Katya Galkina - without thinking about whose back she was before and who is behind her now. Just let her be herself with her own art style, which is a crowd pleaser.

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