Presentation on nutrition in sports. Project: Sports nutrition

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?



Diet modern man far from ideal. According to WHO 100% of the world's population is deficient in one or another nutrient. To ensure the normal functioning of your body, it is necessary to daily introduce basic biologically active substances into the diet to prevent pathological processes, and specialized dietary supplements in case of an existing pathology. This problem is especially relevant for people who experience serious physical exertion.

Sports nutrition- these are drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes intended for people who are not only professional athletes, but who simply take care of themselves and their health.Do not be fooled into thinking that sports nutrition is specialized supplements intended only for trained athletes, athletes and bodybuilders. Initially, when creating this category of supplements, no one imagined that they would enter the lifestyle of almost every person who cares about their health, beauty and physical education own body. After all, sports nutrition is primarily a means on the way to improving our body, through its transformation. At the same time, the tasks to be solved are different. Some sports nutrition helps to gain muscle mass, others - to lose weight. But you need to understand that special nutritional supplements only supplement the main diet, but are not. They help to achieve the goal, but they are not the goal itself.

The relevance of the topic of scientific work is due to the practical significance of the problems associated with the use of sports nutrition, as the most important additional support for a novice athlete, which is extremely necessary in the process of becoming an organism and forming healthy lifestyle life. The main purpose of the work: the analysis of sports nutrition, which is primarily an addition to a healthy diet and an increase in its effectiveness after training, as well as a recommendation when choosing sports nutrition. Purpose of the studyanalyze the basic principles of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements and their impact on athletes.

1) explore the literature on the topic;

2) classify sports nutrition and nutritional supplements;

3) identify the role of healthy and sports nutrition in the development of the body of a young athlete;

4) reveal the elements of sports nutrition;

5) conduct a survey among consultants and buyers, to identify the effectiveness of the use of sports nutrition;



1.1 The concept of healthy eating for students

The problem of nutrition has been and remains very important for athletes and their coaches. It's no secret that proper nutrition- an important component of the final sports result of each athlete. Sports nutrition helps to achieve good performance during training, quick recovery between workouts, and helps maintain the right weight.

Healthy nutrition is one of the fundamental elements of a healthy lifestyle and, consequently, the preservation and promotion of health. This is an essential and permanent factor that ensures adequate processes of growth and development of the body. Rational healthy nutrition ensures harmonious physical and neuropsychic development, increases resistance to infectious diseases and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. It should be remembered that nutrition is one of critical factors that can have a negative impact on the developing organism of children and adolescents if it is not properly organized.

Children usually receive basic nutritional knowledge either from advertising or from their parents. According to a survey of parents, information about nutrition is obtained from advertising articles in the media - 69%, from work colleagues and acquaintances - 24%, from doctors - only 7% of respondents. At the same time, the level of knowledge about the correct balanced healthy diet is quite low.

There is a situation where achievements high technology don't go for propaganda healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, but on its destruction. And this is especially detrimental to children and adolescents, who are the most susceptible and not protected from this kind of aggressive information onslaught.

1.2 Sports nutrition and its classification

Nowadays, advertising of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements has become popular, which have recently become more accessible to buyers. Many people think that these are some drugs that can be harmful to health. Sports nutrition is an ordinary diet, from which all unnecessary has been removed and there is no chemistry in it. Sports nutrition is usually divided into classes, the most famous are the following:

  1. high protein foods (protein);
  2. carbohydrate-protein mixtures ;
  3. amino acids ;
  4. fat burners ;
  5. special preparations ;
  1. creatine ;
  2. anti-catabolics (BCAA , Phosphatidylserine );
  1. drugs that increase levelstestosterone ;
  2. means for strengthening joints and ligaments ;
  3. vitamins , minerals and vitamin and mineral complexes ;
  4. energy ;
  5. isotonics .

Protein - sports supplement , which is made on the basis of protein mixtures. In a broader sense, a protein (protein, polypeptides) is an organic substance consisting of chain-linkedamino acids covalent bond and forming a polypeptide. It is proteins that form the basis of muscle tissue and are a key dietary component.
The main types of protein are soy, whey and egg. Soy protein has fewer amino acids than milk protein. Egg protein takes the longest to digest, taking approximately 7-8 hours to digest and is recommended to be consumed with whey protein. Whey protein contains the most different amino acids, especially BCAAs. This protein is called whey because it is made from whey, which is formed during the manufacture of cheese. It is absorbed faster than other proteins no more than 4 hours. The protein is sold in powder form and mixed with water or milk in a special jar called a shaker. Ideally, drink whey in small portions throughout the day, and egg at night.

A gainer is a mixture of protein and carbohydrates. Since carbohydrates are a source of energy for our bodies, this supplement is very useful. Gainer needs to be selected for yourself. If a person is predisposed to fullness, and has a slow metabolism, then a gainer with a high protein content is suitable for him. If, on the contrary, the metabolism is fast, then the choice falls on a gainer, in which carbohydrates predominate. Gainer is consumed immediately after a workout to replenish lost energy. Sold in powder form, mixed with water all in the same shaker.

Amino acids are the building blocks of muscles. The protein found in proteins is broken down into amino acids. Therefore, amino acids are indispensable for a person who trains. We consume different amino acids daily with ordinary food every day. But this is not enough for an organism that is exposed to strong physical activity. In addition, the amino acids that are in food are not absorbed immediately, but within 2-3 hours. Amino acids are divided into: essential (must be consumed every day with food), conditionally replaceable (can be formed from other acids in the body) and nonessential (also formed from other amino acids). The more essential amino acids there are, the more effective this amino acid complex will be. It should also be said that amino acids are sold in different forms: tablets, liquid, powder, capsules, chewable.

Creatine is a supplement that promotes strength. The most effective of all supplements, and the cheapest one thatwidely used assports supplement to increase strength, muscle mass and short-termanaerobic endurance Proven to be safe, Creatine is sold in powder, chewable, capsule, and liquid form.

Of course, you can do without sports nutrition, but at the same time replacing all these substances with simple food is quite problematic. For example, in order for the body to receive 30 grams of protein, you need to eat 8 egg whites or drink a protein shake. The cocktail is easier to drink and digests faster, but do not forget that nutritional supplements are not a substitute for regular food. That's why they're called supplements.


2.1 Primary tasks and restrictions associated with the start of the use of sports nutrition

Sports science has always paid special attention to the issues of not only improving the professional skills of the future contingent of national teams, but also maintaining the health of children and adolescents involved in sports. The analysis of theoretical knowledge, practical achievements and recommendations indicates a close and inseparable connection between the nutrition problems of young and adult athletes. Today, the nutrition of young athletes can be understood as a process in which many of its components are important: physiological and biochemical mechanisms of food assimilation; hygienic and sanitary (environmental) standards; changing nutritional needs and norms depending on sports, stages of training and competition, growth and development; psychological, behavioral reactions; issues of ethics and aesthetics; cultural and information environment and, finally, socio-economic conditions.

At the beginning of his sports career, a person spends not so much energy and various nutrients that there is a need for urgent replenishment. Therefore, taking special supplements at the initial stage is simply impractical. Better spend that money on natural products, there will be more benefits, and the result is better. Sports nutrition can be used, for example, by those people who do not have time to properly and fully consume the right amount of food during the day or who are faced with the problem of gaining weight. The main task is to prepare mentally and physically for the intake of sports nutrition. If you have just started playing sports, then first find out all the features of your body, learn how to manage it and listen to what it wants. But for this, it is necessary from the very first training not to interfere, but to help the body in “natural” ways, without sports nutrition and nutritional supplements.

2.2 The choice of specialized sports nutrition and nutritional supplements, their pros and cons

Modern marketsports nutrition more than saturated with various drugs for all occasions. To get started, decide which supplements you need, and you need to take into account: age, gender,addition type , training experience and goals that you set for yourself. Your financial capabilities also play an important role (by the way, not always the most effective supplement for you or supplements will be expensive). You can also consult with your personal trainer or sports nutritionist (preferably high level and relevant education). Choose additives from well-known manufacturers, it is well known that the best additives are produced abroad, and the leaders in their production are the USA and Germany.

The most popular types of supplements are:

1. For protein recovery. These are protein nutritional supplements, bars and amino acid preparations. Protein-carbohydrate supplements can be effective in the recovery phase of the body after training.

2. For burning fat and building muscle. The most common drugs for building muscle mass contain chromium, boron, hydroxymethyl butyrate, colostrum, etc. These substances themselves are not doping, but their effect is extremely individual.

3. Energy supplements - good for recovery after prolonged aerobic exercise. It is the optimal source of energy for long distance runners. Protein supplements are easily digestible and can replace meat and other foods in the diet for harmonious muscle formation after training. Food supplements in this group include carnetine, pyruvate, ribose, and exotic plant extracts.

4. To strengthen the immune system. There is evidence that athletes who train hard, travel extensively, and compete frequently are more susceptible to colds and infections. To do this, use drugs containing glutamine, zinc, echinacea, colostrum, etc.

5. Strengthening bones and joints. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health. Calcium can be met by a healthy diet, and more time in the sun is essential for vitamin D synthesis. Joint strengthening products contain glucosamine, chondroitin, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and other substances.


We interviewed several sports nutrition stores about the products they sell and customer reviews. The survey showed that the main product of sports nutrition stores is protein. Many drink it after training in liquid form or take it in powder form. But they also have other supplements in the form of various fat burners, caffeinated energy drinks. As such, there are no negative reviews about nutrition. There are people who take it once, just to try it, but there are a lot of regular customers who go in for sports every day and constantly take various supplements. The stores themselves recommend sports nutrition, and many sellers actually exercise and consume these supplements themselves.

We also interviewed a few random people in various fitness clubs. There are not so many people using these supplements, but those who use them speak very positively about them. They note a noticeable effect in improving training and highly recommend. As a rule, people involved in sports on a regular basis take them more often, and those who go to the gym once every two weeks to keep fit do not use them at all. And, in the end, we managed to interview the personal trainer of one of the clubs. The trainer himself, before recommending certain supplements, always analyzes the physical form of a person, his age, weight, gender, etc. It also plays a significant role, the purpose of the person who came to the gym. A set of muscle mass, weight loss, improved health or another reason - the list of supplements directly depends on this. Also, trainers highly recommend, in addition to supplements, to maintain a special diet of healthy nutrition. It is an essential part of taking supplements.

We can summarize our study by the fact that sports nutrition is recommended both for active sports and for simply maintaining physical fitness, but before taking certain supplements, it is better to consult a specialist and choose strictly taking into account your parameters and tasks.

The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature revealed the following trends: the growth of sports results is possible not only due to an increase in the training load, its intensity, the correct training process, but also due to rational nutrition, which should be complete, balanced and high in calories. During the study period, a fitness trainer selected a program for beginners, and a nutrition schedule was also drawn up. In the course of the work done, the following results were obtained: in athletes eating according to the schedule, the average increase in muscle mass was 1-1.5 kg, and the weight on the bar increased to 13 kg. Athletes who did not follow the nutrition schedule had an increase in muscle mass of no more than 1 kg and the weight of the bar increased by 4-7 kg. Thus, the study showed that sports nutrition has a positive effect on muscle growth.


Habits laid down in childhood are especially strong and therefore they must be developed from early childhood. These activities should be carried out jointly by parents, teachers and medical personnel. However, domestic pedagogical statements in the field of children's sports do not contain a clear setting for the role of nutrition as a means of development, adaptation to sports loads and recovery after them, or there are very generalized provisions on the socio-psychological, hygienic, valeological, biomedical, etc. aspects. At the same time, theoretical ideas about food, its low molecular weight components as a means of targeted regulation of the metabolism of athletes (especially young ones) with their simultaneous adaptation to training and nutrition regimes are directly related to the modern discussion on the theory and methodology of sports and other natural science issues of sports pedagogy. For example, the creation and maintenance of an athlete's aerobic and anaerobic performance, especially fine characteristics - power, capacity and efficiency, is functionally rigidly connected with chemical composition food. From the sequence in which these tasks are solved simultaneously or selectively, over what period of time, the order of the metabolic orientation of the diet or nutrition menu depends. In many team sports, one can observe that training regimens depend on the pedagogical concept of the coach, and catering is built on a group basis, and not individualized.

The Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia notes that the modern nutrition of athletes has become a national problem and does not meet the main tasks of maintaining health and tolerating high training loads due to interdepartmental disunity and an undeveloped system in creating new types of enriched diets by combining sports nutrition and sports nutrition.

Proper nutrition and a rational training process have a positive effect on the growth of the athlete's muscle mass, in order for the weight to increase to a greater extent due to the growth of muscle mass, and not fat, it is necessary to train. This proves that in sports it is impossible without proper nutrition.

1. After analyzing the sources of literature, we can conclude that at present the use of sports nutrition and nutritional supplements is an urgent problem in the system of training athletes.

2. In the scientific work, the most important nutritional substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body are highlighted, as well as the basic principles of the rational nutrition of an athlete.

3. After reviewing the scientific literature on the subject of sports nutrition, the most widely used nutritional supplements used in nutrition are provided.

4. After the study, it can be concluded that, if the principles of rational nutrition are observed, the normal functional state of the body is maintained, and the use of various food additives to it is an addition to stimulating the achievement of high results.

5. Having studied the tasks set, it was concluded that it is necessary to deepen and expand knowledge on this issue and popularize healthy eating and healthy lifestyle skills. . Publisher: "Eksmo", 2011

  • White E. Fundamentals of healthy nutrition. Publisher: Eksmo, 2011
  • Sports magazine:
  • Sports encyclopedia:
  • Online magazine about sports nutrition:

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    PREPARED: student of grade 10A of the secondary school No. 7 Chulman Starkova Daria

    FC teacher: Vlasova N.V.

    In physical training, in addition to rationally constructed knowledge, the organization of proper nutrition is of great importance, which ensures the acceleration of recovery processes after training loads and the high performance of those involved. The diet should be approached from a rational standpoint.

    BASIC POWER REQUIREMENTS:-The food consumed should not be heavy -Food should have high palatability -Food should be complete and varied -Food intake should be regular, fractional, moreover, at the same hours -Food should correspond to the calorie norm -Food should be rich vitamins and microelements

    Food contains energy-rich nutrients, proteins, vitamins, salts, trace elements, fiber, water and other components necessary for normal life. Energy in food is found in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Conventionally, all the nutrients that we consume in food can be divided into 3 main components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU). The optimal proportions of the BJU of an average person look like this:


    However, it should be noted that in the diet of athletes, especially those involved in gym, proteins should be noticeably more than for the average person. Therefore, for athletes, the amount of proteins should be shifted upwards and this will come out at the expense of fats. Also keep in mind that 2-3 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight is considered ideal for gaining muscle mass for men. For women, the amount of protein should be reduced to 1-1.5 g. end result for athletes, the BJU will look like this: Proteins: 20% Fats: 15% Carbohydrates: 65%


    Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 20% 15% 65%

    The importance of proteins in the nutrition of athletes: -For the formation of muscle fibers;

    To restore tissues after injuries;

    For metabolic processes, the intensity of which in athletes is especially high;

    For the normal functioning of the immune system;

    To regulate hormonal processes;

    For a complete supply of oxygen to the body.

    The importance of fats in the nutrition of athletes: - To improve metabolism - For strength, endurance and reaction speed - To supply tissues with oxygen and nutrients - To prevent hypervitaminosis

    The value of carbohydrates in the nutrition of athletes: - For muscle growth and stimulation - The main source of energy in the body - For the smooth functioning of the digestive tract - To restore strength after training - To improve general condition organism


    Vitamin C

    It plays one of the most important roles in the body of an athlete. Provides the formation of a new substance connective tissue. Improves metabolism.

    Vitamin B6

    Participates in all processes of muscle tissue growth. It is important for the proper absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin B2

    Helps increase endurance. Reduces signs of fatigue. Helps to assimilate the elements important for muscle contraction.

    Vitamin E

    Regulates muscle fatigue, improves protein metabolism. Indispensable for serious physical exertion

    Participates in almost all metabolic processes. Relieves symptoms of overexertion and anemia. Especially it should be used during periods of great psychophysical stress.

    Protein Important for compensating for overall protein deficiencies and active muscle building

    Protein bars The most convenient source of protein and carbohydrates. Well satisfy hunger and beat off appetite for a long period of time

    Gainer Combination of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. Helps with rapid weight gain, provides increased energy and easy recovery after

    BCAAs The three most important amino acids. Helps with fat burning to lose as little muscle as possible.

    Glutamine The main source of glutamine in the body. Protects the immune system, promotes active recovery organism

    Complex amino acids A source of amino acids when they are deficient in the body. A combination of the most important amino acids for the body


    When compiling a sports menu, be sure to be guided by the BJU, calculate the calorie content. Particular attention should be paid to the list of products, the features of heat treatment, the development of special dishes. All of the above should meet the demands and needs of the athlete's body.

    All food is usually divided into 6 main groups: - Dairy products - Products of animal origin - Bakery and flour products; sources of fast carbohydrates (sugar) - Fats - Vegetables - Fruits and berries In sports nutrition, preference should be given to animal products as sources of protein, as well as vegetables and fruits as sources of vitamins and minerals. But at the same time, the athlete's menu should not be overloaded with one or more food groups, the products of all groups should be consumed in relatively equal proportions. Fried foods and fast food should be excluded from the diet. You should also reduce the consumption of bakery products and products with excessive starch content.


    Second day:

    breakfastoatmeal on milk with dried fruits, nuts, 2 boiled eggs, a glass of milk or kefir;

    lunch- low-fat kefir, a few bananas, an orange;

    dinner- boiled chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, juice;

    afternoon tea- a sandwich with ham and low-fat cheese, a glass of milk;

    dinner- assorted vegetables, chicken or beef chop, a glass of milk.

    The first day:

    breakfast- muesli with milk, a couple of boiled eggs, juice;

    lunch- cottage cheese with pancakes, a glass of milk;

    dinner- borscht, pilaf with meat, cocoa with milk;

    afternoon tea- fruit cuts from bananas, oranges, apples, kiwi, a glass of yogurt;

    dinner- boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, juice.

    Day three:

    breakfast- roast with cheese in a pot, an orange, a glass of milk;

    lunch- meat pie, yogurt or kefir;

    dinnerpea soup with meat, jacket potatoes, vegetable stew, juice;

    afternoon teacauliflower in batter, a glass of milk;

    dinner- boiled chicken breasts with broccoli, banana, juice.

    Nutrition at low temperatures The intake of energy from food needs to be increased by 3-5% for every 10°C below the average temperature, starting from +10°C. When training at low temperatures, some changes are made to the diet of athletes. In connection with the increased waste of energy, it is necessary to increase the calorie content of the food consumed by 15-25% - primarily due to animal fats, as well as the protein content in the diet. Consumption of vitamins C and B should exceed the norm by 30-50%. On the recommendation of a doctor, additional intake of vitamin D or ultraviolet radiation is possible. It is necessary to carry out complex vitaminization.

    Nutrition at high temperatures In food, the amount of salt and spices should be increased to stimulate the digestive tract, which is significantly reduced at high temperatures. It is recommended to reduce the amount of protein consumed and increase the amount of carbohydrates, animal proteins and fats will be especially useful at high temperatures, they should be taken in liquid form (for example, milk). It is recommended to monitor and timely increase the level of vitamins such as A, B, C, PP. In conditions elevated temperatures The calorie content of the diet should be reduced due to the consumption of fats.

    Nutrition for athletes before the competition: When planning meals before the competition, it should be taken into account that the food taken 12 hours before the competition is especially important, the food taken, for example, 4 hours before the competition, is unlikely to play an important role. Before the competition, it is recommended to eat more potatoes, bread, sauces, rice and other sources of carbohydrates in the body. You should eat very little fat and be very careful with spices and table salt. Before the competition, food should contain as little fiber as possible, so you should stop eating vegetables and fruits. The last meal before the competition is recommended to be held no later than 4 hours before the start of the competition.

    Nutrition for athletes during the competition:

    On competition days, it is recommended to consume breakfasts, including strong broth, boiled chicken with rice or meat with a small amount of boiled potatoes, soft-boiled eggs, white bread, compotes, tea. At a distance (marathon running, race walking, skiing), food should be exclusively liquid or semi-liquid, pleasant and slightly sour in taste, food should be warm. During the competition, in no case should you change the usual diet. You should stick to such dishes that, with a small volume, have a high energy value.

    Nutrition for athletes after the competition:

    Within 3-4 days after the competition, the amount of fat consumed in the diet should be reduced. It should be enriched with an increased amount of carbohydrates and products containing lipotropic substances. During the recovery period, you should eat foods such as cottage cheese, milk, lactic acid products, meat, liver, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. 30% of the fats consumed during this period should be given to vegetable fats. Special attention should be given to vitamins.


    Fish and seafood


    Chicken breast

    CONCLUSION: Sports proper nutrition is an important part of the life of any athlete. Such a diet must comply with the rules and regulations, be balanced and selected individually. The nutrition of athletes should be selected taking into account the KBJU for people involved in physical activity. The diet largely depends on the stage of the athlete’s training, individual needs. Nutrition for an athlete is the basis of a beautiful body, strength and increased endurance.

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Description of the slide:

    WHAT IS SPORTS NUTRITION? Sports nutrition is a special group of food products, produced mainly for people who lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports and fitness. The intake of sports nutrition is primarily aimed at improving athletic performance, increasing strength and endurance, improving health, increasing muscle volume, normalizing the achievement of optimal body weight and, in general, increasing the quality and life expectancy.

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    The importance of sports nutrition Proper sports nutrition stands along with such an important item as competent training. For athletes, this aspect is the most important, because. they experience additional stress and therefore need additional support. It is nutrition that ultimately determines success or failure in various sports. All other things being equal, an athlete who chooses the right sports nutrition feels better and achieves a higher level of performance.

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    WHY SHOULD YOU TAKE SPORTS NUTRITION? 1) For athletes, the lack of any nutrients is extremely unacceptable. Nutritional supplements will ensure that you do not have such a deficiency. 2) Modern food cannot guarantee that you are getting all the nutrients you need in the right amounts. The widespread use of agricultural hormones and pesticides can significantly reduce the nutrient content of these products. 3) Nutrition fortification is a great way to tailor your nutrition program to a specific sport, because different kinds sports put forward different nutritional requirements. 4) Many very important nutritional supplements are simply not part of a regular nutrition program. Thus, the only way to get them is through power fortification. 5) Nutrition fortification is a way of obtaining a large amount of a nutrient without eating a large amount of food. 6) According to a number of studies, some nutrients are better absorbed in the form of supplements.

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    Of course, you can do without sports nutrition, but at the same time replacing all these substances with simple food is quite problematic. For example, in order for the body to receive 30 grams of protein, you need to eat 8 egg whites or drink a protein shake. It is easier to drink a cocktail, and it will be absorbed faster. However, do not forget that nutritional supplements are not a substitute for regular food. The main mistake that a person who buys supplements can make is to stop eating normal food and eat only sports nutrition.

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    BASIC SPORTS NUTRITION CLASSES +++ - high need ++ - medium need + - low need - - no need? - controversial issue need

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    The main principle of nutrition is balance and the achievement of a specific sports goal. The required composition is selected as needed and ease of consumption. Also, nutrition according to sports standards requires the attraction of significant financial resources.

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    The most popular manufacturers The United States became the leader in sales of sports nutrition in Russia in 2014: people prefer to buy American-made sports nutrition. Russia also does not lag behind in terms of indicators: the Russian product takes 4th place in this rating.

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    PROTEIN Each type of protein has its own advantages and disadvantages. Today, each manufacturer of sports nutrition offers its own line of similar products, and it is very difficult to choose the most effective one. It is worth paying attention not only to the amount of protein, but also to the rest of the composition, because a truly high-quality product should contain only useful material and, in addition, to have a high nutritional value. There are several types of protein: beef casein soy egg whey

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    Beef protein is a fast-digesting protein that is an excellent source of essential amino acids, but, unfortunately, quite expensive. Beef protein is an excellent choice for those who are forced to avoid lactose-containing proteins due to lactose intolerance. Casein takes the form of microscopic micelles or globules. Whey makes up only about 20% of the protein in milk, casein makes up the remaining 80%. Recent studies have shown that casein's slow digestion rate allows it to enhance muscle growth by inhibiting protein catabolism in muscle tissues(splitting).

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    Soy protein is still the most widely used protein. Contains phytoestrogens. Ideal for women, especially those over 40. Soy protein contains many specific phytonutrients with antioxidant properties. The intake of soy protein increases the production of nitric oxide, which is known to increase blood flow, and with it the pump. Egg white, also known as albumin, is one of the highest quality proteins on the market. Some call it the perfect protein because of its ideal amino acid composition and the body's ability to properly utilize it. The main disadvantage of this type of protein can be called a high cost.

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    Whey protein, the world's most widely used protein supplement, is a concentrated blend of proteins derived from whey. In this case, whey should be understood as a liquid composition, which is a by-product of cheese production. Whey protein, in turn, comes in several forms, of which the most popular are concentrate and isolate. Whey protein concentrate usually contains from 40% protein, and its maximum limit never exceeds 80%. Whey protein isolate has a higher amount of protein than concentrate, but is very difficult to manufacture. It is obtained by microfiltration of whey, and the final product contains up to 95% protein.

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    Gainer Gainer is a mixture of protein and carbohydrates. Since carbohydrates are a source of energy for our bodies, this supplement is very useful. Gainer needs to be selected for yourself. If a person is predisposed to fullness and has a slow metabolism, then a gainer with a high protein content is suitable for him. If, on the contrary, the metabolism is fast, then the choice falls on a gainer, in which carbohydrates predominate. A gainer is consumed immediately after a workout to replenish lost energy. Sold in powder form, mixed with water in a shaker. The cost of a gainer is cheaper than protein, but you should not abuse it, especially for those who easily gain weight.

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    amino acids Amino acids are the building blocks of muscles. The protein found in proteins is broken down into amino acids. Therefore, amino acids are indispensable for a person who swings. We consume different amino acids every day with ordinary food every day, but this is not enough for an organism that is subjected to strong physical exertion. In addition, the amino acids that are in food are not absorbed immediately, but within 2-3 hours, because food must be digested. Amino acids are divided into: essential (must be consumed every day with food), conditionally replaceable (can be formed from other acids in the body) and nonessential (also formed from other amino acids).

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    Creatine Creatine is a supplement that promotes strength. The most effective of all supplements. And also the cheapest. The cheapest and most popular is creatine monohydrate. It differs from other creatines only in the fact that a molecule of something else besides a water molecule is still targeted there. For example, creatine citrate contains a citric acid molecule, creatine phosphate contains a phosphate molecule, and so on. Creatine is sold in powder, chewable tablets, capsules, and liquid form.

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