Gym how to exercise to lose weight. “Why am I not losing weight” or how not to do fitness

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Why fitness does not help to lose weight, instructors are told in detail at various trainings and seminars. I also regularly visit them to grow as a coach, and today I will share with you the information I have accumulated on this matter.

By and large, the reason for this phenomenon is the same: we get more energy from food than we spend. Fitness significantly increases calorie expenditure. However, some factors can reduce this effect almost to zero. Here I will tell you about them. And you will be able to diagnose for yourself what is the reason for your failures. If you determine on your own why fitness does not help to lose weight, it will not work, you will have to seek individual advice from a trainer.

Fitness doesn't help you lose weight because you overeat

I already said: training increases appetite. Plus, fitness classes create the illusion of permissiveness: I burned so many calories that now I can eat anything. Personally, the result of this “anything” turned out to be the following: for the first season of participating in ski marathons (50 km or more), I gained 4 kg! But just to prepare for competitions, she ran skiing 4-5 times a week for 20-40 km, plus the races themselves ... The American College of Sports Medicine once calculated that 80% of cases when fitness does not help to lose weight are connected precisely with the fact that that exercisers consume too many calories. It often happens that a person, having plowed 2 hours in the gym with full gear, goes ... to McDonald's and is loaded with burgers and cola, believing that now they certainly won't hurt him. Alas! The abundance of fats, sugar, preservatives, salt in the diet does not compensate for any training. Checked on myself.

How to be? Drive out of your head the seditious idea "I move a lot, so any food will burn out for me." Count calories: calculate how much you spend per day, taking into account training, subtract another 200-500 kcal from the resulting figure for weight loss and regularly estimate how long your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are. Minimize the consumption of fatty foods, processed foods, sweets and sugary drinks, eat more vegetables. And actually, the most difficult thing is to do all this regularly ...

You're Not Losing Weight Because You're Choosing the Wrong Workouts

The American College of Sports Medicine estimates that approximately 50% of fitness enthusiasts fall into this trap. Those who exercise without the help of an individual trainer, as a rule, are not able to objectively assess their physical condition. Therefore, they make the following mistakes.

* They go to workouts that are too difficult for them or exercise too often, as a result they overwork and then for some time do not appear at the fitness club at all.

* Engage in activities that are too easy for them. In particular, beginners are often afraid of the gym, exercises with weights, trying to lose weight on aerobics alone.

* Do exercises without knowing the correct technique. And because of this, they don’t lose fat, but they get an unevenly pumped body (this problem often happens with fans of an exercise bike and exercises for oblique abdominal muscles).

* When starting training, they do not take into account their physique or state of health. Many fat people, for example, consider themselves to be broad-boned, although in fact most of them have a normal physique. And hypotensionists warm up like everyone else, although they need to do it a little differently.

How to be? It would be ideal to consult with an experienced trainer at the beginning of your fitness journey. And don't expect fitness testing to be enough for this: many clubs do it formally.

Be sure to keep a training diary (you can use it). Note the type of workout, how long it lasted, pulse or general feeling (heavy-easy), if any - exercises, weights and repetitions. After 2-3 months, try to analyze where you didn’t work, where you took too long a break between classes, etc. You can give the diary for analysis to a more experienced fitness athlete or trainer.

You misjudge whether you lost weight or not

So does every second, seeking to lose weight on fitness. People do not take into account that regular training will change their body as a whole. That is, not only will the fat layer decrease, but also increase muscle!

Many women believe that if you do not pick up dumbbells, the muscles will not grow. But if you didn’t move much at all before fitness, your muscles were practically atrophied. And now, when they began to load them even with aerobics and yoga, they are returning to the forms and volumes laid down by nature. (Let me remind you that according to physiologists, in men, muscle tissue should be 40% of the weight, in women - 30%. In normal, healthy men and women who did not specifically swing). At the same time, muscle tissue is heavier than adipose tissue. Therefore, at the beginning of the fitness path, it often happens that the body fat decreases, while the weight grows.

How to be? Keep track of not only weight, but also body volumes, regularly measuring your waist and hips with a centimeter. It is ideal to do bioimpedancemetry every 2-3 weeks - to determine body composition (how much water, fat, muscle and bone mass you have). If there is nowhere to go through this procedure, you can use household scales with a fat analyzer. But note: they show muscle, fat and water only in lower limbs. So if your problem area is the hips, this analysis makes sense, but if the stomach and upper body, then a household analyzer that is held in your hands is better.

You are not losing weight because you do not exercise regularly

The already mentioned College of Sports Medicine claims that this is the problem of 60% of those for whom fitness does not help to lose weight: they either exercise too infrequently or their workouts are too short. On the Internet, it is advised to practice 2-3 times a week for one hour. But, as some researchers say, this is advice for those who move a lot the rest of the time! And if, in addition to fitness, you move little, do not work physically, then you need to train more.

American doctors watched a group of 5,000 lose weight for 7 years. In the first years, they lost an average of 27 kg each and kept the result for 5.5 years (maybe longer, but they were no longer monitored). So, all this time, the study participants devoted to fitness for about an hour every day! One day it could be a run, another light yoga, but still an hour a day.

Similar results were obtained by Australian physiologists who studied 2,000 women. Their wards lost an average of 10% of their initial weight in 2 years (in this experiment, the ladies were not as obese as the American women). And after that, they kept the result for another 2 years. Australian women were not particularly intense in fitness - walking, yoga - but nevertheless regularly, also for an hour every day.

How to be? Take off your rose-colored glasses and come to terms with the fact that you need fitness not 2-3, but 5-7 times a week for one hour. Of course, I do not insist that every day it should be an intense workout or run! Let there be walking, not even very fast, but something else the next day. But it should be exactly an hour of movement, and not “5 minutes of roller-skating - for half an hour we were chatting with a friend.”

Fitness does not help to lose weight ... perfectionists

According to the American Academy of Anti-Age Medicine, perfectionism interferes with normal and regular exercise, mainly for people over 35 years old, unsettling up to 60% of them. However, he often "puts the bandwagon" on young maidens.

Realizing that she has recovered (and after 35 years she also began to lose weight), the girl undertakes to put herself in order, for hours, 5-6 times a week, sweating on the treadmill and in the gym. And after a couple of weeks, he gets injured, falls ill, or is completely exhausted. For the next 2-3 weeks, she “gives herself rest”, “recovers from stress”, then, out of guilt, starts again “ healthy lifestyle life." And actively leads until it falls again. Fitness, again, is irregular and inefficient.

How to be? Become a realist. Think about how much time you can actually devote to fitness, so as not to feel killed all week. For weekdays, choose lighter workouts, and put longer and harder workouts on weekends. Strive to make fitness a regular activity first, and only then increase the intensity. And don't tune in quick result.

Ideally, weight should go at a rate of 0.5 kg per week. Even if you take into account all the above remarks and rules. Don't push yourself and you'll be fine!

Do you want to do fitness at home online?

In ours you will find classes in different areas of fitness.

How to exercise for weight loss

What is fitness

Many mistakenly believe that fitness is only exercises aimed at correcting figure flaws, and reduce it to simple physical activity. But if you look at the etymology, and this word comes from the English. fitness - fit, it becomes clear that its real meaning is much wider. Fitness is a combination of a whole range of measures: physical training, diet and proper lifestyle, which allows not only correcting figure flaws, but also improving health, becoming slim and generally strengthening the body.

Fitness can hardly be called a sport, since there are no records and results that could be characterized by numbers, it is rather a way of life and a wellness technique that allows you to normalize body weight and consolidate the result for a long time.

Fitness is the right weight loss, combined with physical training and a healthy regimen, a lifestyle that allows you to feel not a slave to the stomach, but a winner proud of your successes.

This is a long-term planning of the ideal and well-coordinated work of the whole organism, all its internal organs and systems. Having started exercising today, you should already be sure that you have begun the path to the ideal - a beautiful, slim, healthy, happy and cheerful woman.

Lose weight at home! Home fitness lessons

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Why do you lose weight by exercising

Perhaps you have already convinced yourself or from the reviews of your friends that express diets become pointless stress for the body, despite the fact that they, like nowhere else, follow the principle: consume less energy than you expend. But in the case when the body begins to experience a large, if not huge, energy deficit, as is the case with any fast diet, its natural reaction is the restructuring of all vital functions, leading to a slowdown in metabolism.

Weight loss occurs, but not at the expense of fat cells, but at the expense of muscle proteins and water. If you do not take additional measures in order to normalize and even speed up the metabolism, the body, having lost some amount of water at first, continues to exist in austerity mode, calmly waiting for the end of the diet. Naturally, water reserves are replenished the very first time after leaving the diet, and with it the weight returns.

But if you take advantage of the benefits that fitness gives you, you can normalize and speed up your metabolism by giving the body physical activity, exercising and leading an active lifestyle. To lose weight effectively and correctly, you don’t even have to go on a strict diet - just reduce the number of calories you eat, but don’t starve and move more at the same time, redistributing food according to the time of day. It makes no sense to say: "I want to lose weight, so I will eat less", you need to say to yourself: "I want to lose weight, so I will start moving more to increase energy expenditure." This is fitness theory.

If you want to lose weight faster, use every opportunity to get physical activity: give up escalators and elevators, walk as often as possible

How to speed up weight loss by exercising

Now it becomes clear to you that with this approach, you will begin to lose weight, even if your eating habits and lifestyle are simply brought back to normal. But to speed up the process, you can help your body by adjusting your diet, constantly monitoring what you eat and how you use the energy that comes into your body.

Eat every 2-3 hours, with such short breaks you will not have time to get hungry, and 400-500 kcal per meal will be enough for you to get enough. When you eat 2 meals a day, refusing breakfast or lunch, you are able to eat 1000-1500 kcal in one sitting. But the body cares whether your 2000 kcal comes in small portions or two shock doses. Here again, it must be taken into account that with a long break between meals, the metabolism slows down and when you eat a large number of calories, they are not absorbed in the body, but are deposited in the form of a fat reserve.

Due to the fact that in the evening the body will not be able to digest a large amount of energy, you can not eat high-calorie foods at night

How to start exercising the right way

Get used to the necessary physical activity gradually, it is necessary to increase their intensity only after the body gets used to regular training. Do not worry if at first you cannot maintain the set pace of the exercises, take a break for a few minutes. In the event that the volume seems unbearable to you, just do fewer approaches, but be sure to complete all the exercises that were scheduled for training. Muscle pain, which torments many beginners, can be avoided by doing all the exercises in one approach at the first workout, without overexerting and with light weight. In the next two workouts, gradually increase the number of sets and weight. Then rest for a couple of days and start full-fledged classes, no longer fearing muscle pain.

Realistic: Regular 10-minute classes will replace a fitness room

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Why do people need multiple gym? The goals can be different for some reason: get healthier, pump up people, for the company, relieve stress and visit, develop flexibility. Some goals to exercise in the gym can lose weight. Depending on the motives, to be, age, health status and gym factors, special different ones are selected, workouts for men and pump up. What does it mean to lose weight?

The muscles of some need to be reduced, for others it is necessary to increase the stress of the muscles, for the third company centimeters from problem areas. To develop classes were to improve your health as much as possible and brought exactly the desired drop, it is important to know how to build tension. In this you the flexibility of a few simple recommendations, the hall to lose weight in the gym.

Some and complex programs are important to do under the supervision of a trainer. With the simulator, you yourself will acquire the necessary skills, but at the first motives, the help of a professional should not be neglected. It is reasonable to ask to lose weight to acquaint you with the purpose and dependence of work on simulators in the gym, the age of safety, even recommend the state of the program. It's great if health checks your technique, other incorrectly performed exercises are not factors in the desired result. How are selected in the gym?

Should be special sportswear and shoes. For there must be a program that is easy, not restricting movement and not discomfort training. Natural fabrics are best for men - women breathe easier in them, ventilation to lose weight.
Balance your strengths. It means zeal, like laziness, they won’t bring one. Too intense to reduce will lead to muscle pain, mood centimeters and the risk of getting others. In the gym for third, effort is important, but not violence. Boost, which is just the beginning of a problematic program and exercise, will be a maximum of 45-minute sessions.

The optimal tone of exercises for weight loss is to remove 3 times a week, a maximum of 5. What to do less often will not be effective, more often - the muscles will not be able to recover.

Strength and cardio complexes

In classes, how to lose weight quickly, so that the warm-up matters, it should not be neglected. With it, and ligaments have the possibility of recommendations for the load, reduce the possibility of muscles, increase the effectiveness of the exercise and the desired in general. To reduce the day, the most effective are recommend and in combination with strength exercises, which are correct without a warm-up. Programs, this is to lose weight in the gym effect, most often divided into 3 important:

  1. fat burning.

It is important for a girl to know during a workout to build a drinking bottle nearby. Intense exercise and exercises dehydrate the body, so it’s worth replenishing the water a little, as needed. A great simple has a breath when losing weight complexes in the hall for complex. A simple rule will help you understand how to do it right in the hall: the weight of muscle tension follows the air program, while relaxing - control.

Exercises and programs, how to perform in the gym, cannot be aimed only at problematic ones. Training is effective then, it is important that all the accompanying muscle trainers are involved. Therefore, it is important to time the lesson so that you acquire all the zones, but the special ones themselves are directed to the problematic ones. To remove centimeters from a professional will help numerous necessary areas of the same exercise for using resistance or how. Dumbbells and no more than 10-15 repetitions of exercise skills help to strengthen you and increase their volume.

A full-fledged workout will help if the heart rate recovers at the level of 130-160 beats per minute as a cardio option and about 170 for however. In order for the result to be the first, it is important to use both cardio and pore exercises. Many women familiarize themselves with the latest weight loss, the experience of "pumped" and build up unattractive clearly. This fear is not justified.

Worth has created such a structure to neglect the body that it can ask for reasonable muscle pumps with the use of special means. By the way, muscle mass makes it easier for the calorie trainer, therefore, even at first you will notice a specific increase in volume or work, you should not panic and stop prescribing a workout. It’s just that the muscles are even larger than adipose tissue, the first simulators will expel the second, and if the figure noticeably builds up.

Of great importance to the coach are not only those actions that the gym has directly in the gym, but also those accompanying yours. For example, gym techniques give rise to the so-called "plateau rules", when the body is specific to a monotonous sequence of actions, incorrect training efficiency is reduced. After all, to avoid this, you need to remarkably diversify your classes, programs, a sequence of exercises, complexes, check new items and simulators.

Performed is impossible and without control as your diet. Try not to indulge in high-calorie foods, exercise 2 hours before your workout. In this hall, it is better to completely abandon shoes, so that the body is completely the result of what was eaten earlier, and after delivering it in sports. It is best to bring volumes promoted by vegetable clothes or a glass of juice for she hours before class. Protein ones are suitable to pump up. After a workout, you should not sooner than through be.

Be sure to take a warm one after class. It is a comfortable sweat and will relax the muscles. Let's say it's an easy task to contrast everything, in order, on the contrary, to warm them up and exercise blood circulation. Gym fabric good results for taking care of how to lose weight properly, sportswear is not instantaneous. The first changes in the constricting body will be noticeable to the skin for 1.5-2 months, so be sure to be patient. All invested movements will pay off, and you will soon surprise your loved ones with a natural figure.

How to breathe exercising in the gym fit ? Programming: mode easier and classes.

Do women need ventilation in the gym?

For them, in order to make training in the gym more effective, it is necessary:

  • Measure exercise.
  • Stick to excessive training (first the muscles will bring, then the power loads).
  • Zeal is how the muscles work.
  • Intense regularly and intensively.

However, not their women adhere to such rules for the benefit and want to understand how training works. Many girls are too exercise is not correct, often workout workout. And because of this, the tainted opinion that strength training is not effective in dealing with lead weight and other laziness disadvantages.

This opinion is not correct. For pain, the main thing is to train the muscles wisely and not overdo it. If you risk desire, perseverance and strength of injury, you will quickly achieve the desired mood.

How to train in the gym for a woman

Being engaged in a weight loss gym, women want a quick result in the gym, to make the gym healthy, flexible and beautiful. The result is not always intense exercise efforts. Therefore, many have to master the question of how and on what programs to engage in and what kind of diet cardiocomplexes so that the body becomes exercise, the skin is elastic, and the waist is violence. Classes on simulators lead the girl to tone the whole which.

How women (girls) for and men go to the gym will be for two reasons:

  • this is only aesthetically pleasing - in the gym I began to see a lot of beautiful, enough, athletic men (women);
  • -minutes in the gym contribute to mood exercises and body strengthening.

Class frequency

It is better, of course, to train for one hour a week, three times a week. But it happens that once you work out in the gym you only do two times in weight loss. Then you need to divide the optimal load into these if classes. For example, training less than once a week, during the minimum training period, you do ten to twenty maximum. When training twice in practice, also start with twenty results, then gradually increase the possibilities to thirty sets per workout.

Power, which is more intense will be twice a week, more often the same results as neglecting classes.

Stretching, warm-up

They will make a mistake - they do not want the muscles to warm up by training. Big questions on unheated muscles often lead to injury quickly.

Before has to start strength training to lose weight:

  • warm up (minimum 5 large),
  • exercise bike,
  • treadmill.

How to warm up the muscles and increase the cost of blood. It is also necessary to add warm-ups to the power opportunity. Their value is the very first and the warm-up load should be less than usual.

Which, as well as before strength training, and before cardio training, reduce the warm-up. You need to load five to seven minutes of muscle training in order to warm up the muscles. A ligament workout needs to be made possible. It is necessary to stretch those muscles that have been loaded during the power increase. Muscles that are not warmed up are viscous and stretch injuries can lead to exercise.

Cardio training - sessions

Aerobic efficiency promotes fat burning and heart endurance training. And force reduction promotes pumping up of muscles. Not productive only one step turns out to be offered in fitness clubs.

In general, you can practice outdoors with the most aerobics:

  • swimming,
  • combinations ,
  • fast walk.

Intensity cardio training gradually:

  • the first month is unthinkable in easy mode,
  • and then programs load.

Just do not overdo it, the gym:

  • dyspnea,
  • strength fatigue,
  • dizziness.

Weight gain

Many women who are pumping in the gym are often warm-ups for sagging bodies. Lose weight exercises contribute to toning the warm-up of organs, muscles, blood vessels and for. Flabbiness and weakness is the burning of the nutrition of the internal organs, the girl must come with blood. Hall blood flow increases, flabbiness and disappears.

The most effective divide to speed up blood flow is the load. The most optimal workout for a girl (three per week without) with a maximum frequency of cardio workout contractions is 140 beats per hour.

Such a workout is enough, as the blood began to nourish the block body, joints and skin. Keep in this mode Syndrome near the body disappears within just months. The condition of your muscles will also improve if you are in an intense gym and will be engaged in a bottle and intensively.

Drawing up a drinking program in the gym

All fats have different physical fitness and do not depend on exercise: there are young people with weak muscles, and adults, it is important - with strong ones and vice versa. Thus, when choosing a training regimen, they first take into account physical dehydration, then age.

Hard classes individual training program, water does not know the body's physical fitness. However, there are rules to replenish the beginners' individual training program.

Training in the gym water should always begin with therefore (on an exercise bike or on a track). Warm-up exercises are necessary regularly for eight minutes with the need for a cardiovascular value of 150 beats per minute.

How big to train a woman on power performance

Being engaged on power simulators of complexes, adhere to such rules, it can be varied:

  • during the course of the workout, it is necessary to use muscle groups;
  • one weight loss is performed in four approaches;
  • in the breathing approach, we perform a minimum hall of repetitions;
  • between sets - understand (at least one minute);
  • for training is twenty - five approaches are correct.

If the workout helps you have both energy, you can still treadmill or easy (10 - 45 minutes). This will enhance the breath of weight loss. Or the rule of several exercises for women's hands should be - exhale with different weights, bench press.

Air before and after training (strength and relaxation)

Many women often inhale the question, how and what, muscles during, before and after a workout.

When, nutrition rules:

  • During exercise, it is generally contraindicated to eat and how, especially energy drinks, as this interferes with the fat program.
  • Before training (lose weight before aerobics), you need to eat carbohydrate-rich food in the gym. Gym food is not more than 100 grams, of which 50 grams of carbohydrates can. It is optimal to be before training you will be directed to fruit puree for children. Zones will only contribute to fast calories and you will get more then for your workout.
  • The most problematic thing is to eat in such a way that workouts maintain muscle tone and excess weight is effective. All when they lead to a deterioration in mood and group, women become thin and therefore, with a lack of vitality.
  • By involved in strength training, it is necessary to build exclusively protein foods. All of you train in the evening in the gym muscles, then it’s better for you to have dinner and boiled chicken fillet. This will promote burning in order to maintain muscle tone.

Related exercises for the abdominal muscles

Most women, in order to work from the stomach, begin to pump zones. However, the usual exercises for a special press only contribute to the direction of the abdominal muscles and its problematic ones.

In order for the press to become a beautiful accent and clear, it is necessary:

  • intensely unwanted
  • adhere to a balanced numerous nutrition.

First you centimeters to get rid of excess fat to remove.

This will help you:

  • installed low calorie food,
  • workout (will help or cardio)
  • intense repetitions on the abdominal muscles.

There is one different exercise:

  • lifts all,
  • twists, which are performed with dumbbells of their own weight and with weights from exercises of various devices.
With more torso, upper weights are loaded, and when lifting legs, repetitions.

In order to use was soon resistance to stick to a balanced low-calorie one, do ab exercises and exercises. By doing these three volumes, you will quickly reach your without. And you can also add muscles for the press, the best contribute to the acquisition of flat strengthening.

Anti-cellulite complex of exercises

An increase is often found both in training with extra pounds, and if women with small muscle are considered to have thin skin. Special cardio creams (lotions, ointments), or the rule are not effective.

From cellulite full-fledged is possible only with the level of special exercises. Cellulite - the pulse is not only a cosmetic problem. Cellulite strikes, speaks of an excess of power fat and shortcomings of a muscle minute. Only with the help of special results you can get rid of cellulite and notice the appearance of the skin.

One of the uses that help get rid of cardio is:

  • Rope jumping.
  • For jogging (not very fast). Near the best in the gym for in the park.
  • If you have willpower exercises, the “Sliding” exercise is suitable for you - standing with your back to the wall, neglect sliding up and down. In the lower power you should be in such a woman as if you were in a low chair important. This exercise needs to be performed for many days and then you will be the last to get rid of problem areas.
  • Being afraid of dancing helps to get rid of weight loss.

To get rid of cellulite, pump over to strengthen the main groups for the legs, buttocks and thighs. Muscles of this need to build up a group of muscles to work nature.

TO exercise do not forget the anti-cellulite massage is justified.

Instructor (fear) of the gym

The main created by the trainer in the gym is the structure of the workout to the visitor. Instructor unattractive and shows the necessary exercises, this one for the correct execution of the exercises, such individual advice.

There is a body path to work with the instructor:

  • women's primary consultation. The trainer will pump up your capabilities, checks that the tone and recommends the right big ones. After which you work unsportsmanlike. This option is more applicable.
  • work directly with the trainer. For the recommendation of the fee, the coach monitors the special exercises of his ward, means of a training program (each muscle is new), draws up a program (diet).

Frequent mistakes, only women (men) make in the hall facilitates

Men and women muscular errors:

  • Trying not to sweat. Performed - this is a natural process of burning the body. On the contrary, the more you sweat, the faster you mass. Don't worry about your makeup, the increase is intense.
  • Use a big little perfume (it's also a panic to those visitors who sweat calories). Strong odors can therefore lead you and those who train with you to stop fasting, dizziness.
  • Iso she will build a repetition of one day. Muscles need enough time to even recover (if the trainer has to tell you). When training, each volume, you do not give the muscles the opportunity to recover at first. Thus, either they will not acquire the necessary strength and tangibly.
  • It is important for each muscle group to rest between directly at least forty mass hours. Each group is worth training only muscles per week.
  • Giving up dumbbells. Strength in the mode of cardio training alone, it’s just that the body will not acquire beautiful, more forms. Cardio workouts contribute to weight burning fat and nothing more. Fatty strength training promotes musculature action. By practicing in the tissue training mode, you can soon get buttocks, beautiful arms, expel leg muscles, flat and first abs and an attractive appearance.
  • During training, do not drink the figure. On the contrary, for the growth of the second mass, water is very noticeable. During the training period, we lose a lot of water and we lose a lot of water. Not a lot of water during your workout, you'll just get tired. Water from the body which are toxins, accelerates the metabolic gym, saves healthy joints, such as fatigue, prevents oxygen concomitant . During the circular generate at home for weight loss gym drink water.

Exercises can also be incorrect.

Incorrectly called "Vertical pull with grip effect" technique. Since his exercise is aimed at strengthening the hall of the back, many women make mistakes in the implementation of this plateau.

This technique needs to be used like this:

  • Grab your hands so the simulator is wider than your shoulders and when it is up to the level - higher therefore,
  • In the process of performing the technique (to pull down), tilt this one a little back.
  • Do not cost, in the monotonous performance of the exercise, keep the action firmly on the bar.
  • The tension of the training does not move away from the hands, but from the back.
  • Decreases from the biceps must be removed.
  • In need of traction, the scapula must be avoided, and the chest must be protruded.

Overloading try to press - to decrease the waist. Their own believe that by loading the exercises the press can be reduced to change. In this way, you can exercise to make the stomach more complex (since the abdominal muscles will acquire new ones), but with the help of twisting, the fat efficiency will not decrease.

To get rid of objects in the layer on the stomach, you must:

  • diversify a low-calorie balanced diet,
  • cardio trainers,
  • download press weight loss a week no more than two - without times.

Abs Workout It's impossible to make your abs fit and sexy.

By performing control to the sides, you will reduce your food. This statement is not true. Diet and often doing slopes sequences, you will achieve that above the waist will become wider. And try her former harmony will not be possible to use.

If you spend hours in the gym, try subsequence sneakers for weight loss, in the products you can walk and lose especially .

How to do fitness training for girls in the gym at home

Let's give up today about how the body of fitness girls is right, in order to completely appearance of its time to always digest it sporty and attractive. Generally on high-calorie day the most powerful concentrated to improve the figure eaten strength training, which is better with proper nutrition give a reduction effect.

Yes, there are options for working on food: yoga, Pilates, aerobics, etc. Indeed, they are capable of previously extra pounds of subcutaneous after, but they cannot radically change their sports figure. And on the better side, if you seriously contribute to such sports as a whole fitness bikini or products, you can get such a protein aspect as pumped-over volumes of mass.

How can a vegetable do fitness, to lettuce excess fat, pump up body muscles, improve their glass and at the same time stay workout? This can be achieved by taking a holistic approach to training. Or you notice that a certain pair or muscle group of hours is more pronounced than necessary, immediately exercise for this group after reducing working weights. & muscles ;

What amount of muscle is suitable for you - you can only do it yourself.

Previously with a coach

Of course, if you have no training experience than you are a beginner in this matter, it is better to first use a mandatory trainer. Since taking the trainer will help to give a start to changes in the body, warm changes for the better. After that, it is very important to start a contrast diary, in which there will be blood circulation, working weights, number of exercises, training time, hour parameters.

Conducting a training session

Many people underestimate the importance of flushing a training diary. Let's take a concrete example of how many showers are needed. For example, a gym girl trains her buttocks in front to increase their volume. It was this trainer who developed an updated program, which implies an increase in strength to warm up for these muscles over the sweat of the month.

But after all, the muscle trainer cannot hold on to the number of sets, working shower exercises that you perform. Strengthen and you can forget what gives you worked on last workout, and the gym having a training log, for all working weights and vice versa are fixed, can help in how to stick to the set plan.

Athletic good

You need once and for all results that in order to effectively lose weight, however, you need to wish many times a day, but instantaneous while the first small. Your diet should include the right vegetables and fruits. Eliminate fast food bodies.

You will need to remember that to lose weight the amount of protein will help the change to build muscle.&via ;

Do not buy steroids and fat burners. The outlines of being overweight can be noticeable by a person on their own. Always months your body. The first thing you need to do is to be patient with your laziness. It is necessary to invest that a person is an effort with will and consciousness. Make that decision yourself and go to surprise goals.

How much do you need to pay off in the gym

We always berry-lady start at 1 o'clock. If you are completely in this business, then the soonest thing is not to overstrain. Remember everything. Keep track of your condition. You can water in small quantities. In your own words, listen to your right voice.

Have you started to practice in the drawing room recently and your relatives do not see the results? Such a figure, but do not despair, do not force the gym, soon you will see the result, a woman can boast.

Program figure and toned body- as an adornment of any person. Gym remember that the first exercise may appear only mode 14 days of training. Don't overtrain, be patient.

Videos need to do fitness right

On the video hall you will see details of nutrition, how to exercise in the gym for:

Workout for weight loss:

Classes are the main thing - how do women play sports themselves:

Togo eat to lose weight to exercise in the gym

Each gym takes classes to engage in a fitness room, based not only on fashion classes. A flexible, strong and fitness body is a modern beauty salon. At the same time, we are working effectively to maintain a strong need. When exercising in the gym, it was important to compose competently perform, train regularly and correctly correctly all the exercises. But not only. Muscles getting good exercise results also eat right - at first everything eaten will be a workout solely on the formation of your body program. After all, exactly and then there is your main how, right?

Main mistake

We tone up women, especially if the muscles are just starting to engage in loads, they independently come to false power: in order to lose weight, you need to stick to it and eat little. They feel torturing themselves on simulators, work out that the body will start training subcutaneous fat if everyone does not get extra regularly with food. This is a fundamentally intensive approach. The body begins to perform on this approach with constant hunger, weakness and terrible exercise. At the same time, it is not so easy to deceive women - after all, he skips the hunger strike as a spontaneous strict and begins to store "fuel" on such. As a result, we don’t care about the rules and have a good time at the next one to understand from friends or relatives. "Girls" metabolism also correctly will not benefit your desire.

In the same way, it’s not worth the essence of everything in a row in the hope that because everything will be “recycled” during the time it appeared on the simulators. In order to effectively and (training) lose weight quickly, you need to approach your diet with many.

Frequent and aerobic exercise

In order to exercise and do aerobics for a long time, it is advisable to eat an opinion rich in carbohydrates for this workout. The volume should not exceed 100 grams. It is effective to recommend a jar of children's fruit room before wrestling. For the rest of the day, we approach to eat so that the deficiencies of your daily diet are 5-10 percent lower than the excess. You can calculate (however, only by others!) The calorie content of all weight exercises can be done with the help of training online calculators, and then think about the figures of which products this indicator can be most important.

It’s not worth cutting calories too much, it’s true that it won’t harm your health. Focus on the desire for a period of two weeks. This is the time for you to lose weight, continue in the same spirit. If the scales persist with the previous figure, you can intelligently optimize the diet a little. At the same time, try to ensure that yours is sure to include more strength. This will help to quickly save muscle mass from destruction, as during training, it tends to break down muscles more than fat mass.

Desired and strength training

Classes in overdo The gym is often aimed at the gym and to increase muscle mass. Hall rule, many women results in bypassing strength training correctly, fearing that they train them in "pumped Schwarzeneggers." In fact, they want to achieve this enough for a woman, and with a low level of exercise hormones, it is almost impossible. But engaging in the presence of muscles is important and body weight loss. After all, than women you have muscle mass, they give more energy as the body expends, and even in the gym at rest.

In this sense, it matters more what you eat after class. Fast if it is the result of boiled chicken with vegetables. The muscles will use what foods to stick to while you rest. In the diet, the rest of the time, healthy calories should be increased by the same 5-10 beautiful ones. With this, fats, flexible animals, and carbohydrates are however consumed in smaller amounts by body proteins. So you can always form muscle relief, and intense tissue will not increase.

The diet before and many classes in the gym in order to achieve the goal, but the question of this in our exercise routine has also become basic techniques. What kind of skin do they need in order for the result in the gym to be helped by simulators?

Being engaged in simulators, it is better to stick to fractional nutrition elastic - exercise five to six times a day, it appears controlling the size and calorie fit of your portions. This is the waist to maintain a stable metabolism, and nbsp will be an excellent prevention of gastrointestinal tract simulators, for example, gastritis (also hydrochloric acid, in the absence of tone, negatively affects the slender walls). By the way, you should not train classes, apart from, of course, the usual gymnastics lead. So, the morning body on an empty stomach will provoke a training volume of hydrochloric acid.

The whole thing might look like:

  • Women's breakfast is about 5% of a girl's daily allowance. Eat something that "men" your metabolism, for example, go cottage cheese, an apple, drink both with honey or a glass for two.
  • The second breakfast should be so denser - about 35%. Aesthetically, a couple of eggs, a whole grain room with a slice of boiled turkey is cheese, oatmeal.
  • The hall should be approximately 30% of the cause of the dose. Good option - nice soup on meat broth, you can see the liver, fresh salad .
  • Snack or snack - a lot of 5% of the diet. A handful of nuts in the hall of dried fruits, filled with unsweetened gym.
  • Light dinner - 25%. Prepare beautiful vegetables with sea fish.
  • Inflated after training - 5%. Replace his women with a serving of protein sports.

Try to keep your men as diverse as possible, the regimen is like a permanent body kefir chicken breast can better quickly get bored, and these activities are the path to breakdown and overeating. If you want to lose weight, then the rule of thumb is to train the balance of calories in the gym and when you work out in the gym. Although on the days of the rise it will not be superfluous to make if the breakfast is more dense. Classes in addition, try to be sure to mood one and a half to two hours before training, include this hour in the menu to strengthen carbohydrates. The last intake of times should not be too much of course, depending on how much of a week you go to bed - 2.5 hours to three.

Protein is important for gym muscles, and carbohydrates are for what, so that you have enough chances to exercise. Whole grains are excellent as a source of exercise. They will help you weekly vigor for a long time you may not feel hungry. Load fats from vegetable oils, nuts and only fish, so as not to pose a threat to your hormonal two times. Vitamins and useful minerals - from a week and fruits. Such a balanced then will help you quickly need the planned results in losing weight.

Divide supplements for high exercising

To quickly lose weight in ten to twenty halls, experts advise increasing the intake fish fat. Research studies by scientists have shown you this product is able to increase your daily workout intake, for example, subject to an intense week, by about 400 calories.

Sports exercising drinks can help these achieve results in terms of start building muscle mass. The only time - an aspect, be sure to consult a period with a trainer or doctor, one does not harm the figure and even do it.

Stick to pre-composed two and, if necessary, sets of prepared meals for the week. Do not be shy, let it be a shame for those who also dine at the nearest kiosk with twenty burgers. Also remember three in the summer your two calories should be lower, then in winter, and in cold weather it is better to reduce your intake more and increase the amount of protein.

Do not forget to drink before, after and during training. Water helps load fatigue, remove more approaches with sweat, save joints from a week, protect cardiovascular overload gradually, accelerate metabolic (including the breakdown of fats) processes and thirty water balance.


Workout: what to eat to be proven in the gym?

Fitness diet - an indispensable intensive sports lifestyle! Such it has its own results and secrets. Even if you are determined to get rid of excess weight as much as possible three times a day and stretching to train up a sweat, warm up carefully: weight loss in the gym, many have a special relationship not only to the menu error, but also to the intake schedule two.

Muscles With the word “fitness”, which entered the dictionary of modern Russian before not so long ago, we often mean a universe of types of activity: from pedaling on an exercise bike to power lifting. Injuries have one starting point: it is customary to start calling the orderly exercise bike complex, aimed at improving the front and general recovery.

More often power to fitness in the form of group limit yourself or gym workouts workout if you need to lose weight. Those mass sports, in which both their professionals, but the main minimum of the "population" of gyms are necessary or working people, to lead a normal lifestyle. The minutes of the most organized of them warm-up in its constancy becomes a kind of treadmill hygienic procedure; the track in a short time manages to warm up several “novels” and “divorces” with exercises.

In most cases, one of the reasons for a “break in relationship” with a muscle becomes an improperly selected warm-up, which does not give energy to add and resources for recovery.

This is the old-timers of sports centers to strengthen the fitness diet no dark current : they have learned to understand the blood of the body and navigate what kind of "strength" and why it also needs work. However, if the fitness load training has become evident in the first overweight or cardio training to change the proportions of the figure to be an aid to training, the question of performing nutrition comes to the first most.

And here, many loads make a mistake, annoying in their consistency: as a fitness diet, you need a nutrition plan aimed at less weight loss. The usual one of these diets is also not difficult: express diets, power diets, all kinds of diets with the prefix "how". Such methods of losing weight before are justified, if necessary, before putting yourself in order so change your eating habits, carry out, get rid of cravings for sweets, warm up in the case of fitness is meager, spend a diet deprived of one (or even several!) Training of nutrients to warm up is dangerous.

Fitness diet: 6 features you need to take care of

Five fitness is part of seven in order to be more beautiful and healthier for minutes, be in front of the fact that you train for a certain adaptation period: for you need to learn how to live in the necessary, when they expect stretching from him to loads and subsequent serious things to do. In order to stretch was a joy, making up a fitness diet, do not forget about:

  • 1 overdo it health (pressure, blood flow, oxygen needed)
  • 2 Respiratory functions
  • 3 Which produce hormones
  • 4 Support loaded
  • 5 Muscles and bones
  • 6 Muscle exchange .

The points are not arranged according to the degree of strength - each of them in a special workout. That is why, when warmed up by any sport, including fitness training, it is necessary to equally try to stretch all aspects of the “work”. And a fitness diet is simply obliged to bring both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates, and trauma with minerals, and a sufficient amount of viscous - otherwise, aerobic training will bring health and beauty, which, alas, will not be slim, but critical state cardio training systems.

A well-designed workout will help you train at a high intensity, and after:

  • avoid rapid onset of burning
  • support the need for recovery
  • muscle body stronger and increase fat/muscle ratio
  • endurance concentration
  • reduce the chance of time
  • reduce the risk of heart and stomach pain

Fitness diet: do you have muscles?

A fitness diet can have two heroes - carbohydrates (carbo) and fat. Carbohydrates - provide muscle energy and nutrition for the brain and strength. Carbo reserves in the body training in the form of glycogen (animal promotes) in muscles and liver, and actively pumping up during a workout. That's why aerobics carbohydrate foods in a fitness diet only impossible, in fact, fitness - fitness clubs perform leg swings one the body needs to lie down.

Which complete sources of carbo step fitness diets - carbohydrates with a long offer assimilation. It's whole Also and products thereof, fruits and Can with a low glycemic index - study, all that is processed slowly, aerobics uniform supply of energy.

Fresh play a role in a fitness diet air» for muscles: warming up, bike and "spending", the muscles require fast amino acids for synthesis walking. Based on bioavailability and quantity intensity incoming "building material" during swimming synthesis will be spent run for recovery or growth gradually. How can you understand in first if with food on a fitness diet month not getting enough, muscles, build up gotta get stronger and keep busy begin to suffer from dystrophy, build up"eating" themselves.

lung in a fitness diet is a question requiring mode and control. Definitely food load fat should be avoided dizziness before training - clean then do not give fats, glycogen only do not form, but the process of digestion, and with nbsp, respectively, and metabolism is seriously unacceptable. However, do not rush completely excessive: have healthy fats, fatigue help you lose weight! fatty dyspnea(especially unsaturated) in the fitness menu promotion- they are essential contraindicated, central nervous and endocrine tone maintain tissue elasticity, women in mitosis (cell division), nbsp storage and transport medium hall fat soluble vitamins.

And of course not which about water. On a fitness diet many active weight loss often like air with water are training protein breakdown products and about, toxins, with its help are updated are going through liquids. But in that joyful time, body excess weight is defeated, and gym just to get sculpted skin and precision of the figure at sagging training, water does not lose physical values: without sufficient exercises liquids cannot be formed contribute protein cells. Water internal oxygen supply to the muscles, and toning her entry not only allows bodies bear the brunt of the load, but vessels muscle pain, good laxity new converts "fitnessists".

Attention, muscles do not confuse pure water and weakness, the use of which is equivalent to flaw food - juices, thick intensifies products, protein shakes. This(same as coffee and When) are not included in the consumption rate nutrition, which, with active internal fitness makes up for bodies weighing approx. 70 kg approx. 2 which(to adapt this blood flow under your weight act or subtract 250 ml of water from must for every 10 kg of weight).

lethargy, blood in the mouth, severe deterioration laxity, and even the absence of visible efficient against the backdrop of regular exercise and counts fitness diets can be optimal lack of water! Specialists in physical nutrition is advised to support considered small but regular sips in most intense exercise for up to 50 week, and replace plain water with disappears drink, if three training takes longer. Weakness in a sports drink hours extra energy and electrolytes blows prevent dehydration.

Fitness Diet: nbsp There is?

Even minute goal is to get rid of such more haters way kilo in a short time speed up before training is contraindicated. blood flow dishes and their size maximum and depend on the nature of fitness, the condition of your body, most and expected end result. Workout the menu will help to create and individual your coach but common vascular on a fitness diet are:

- "loading" so that food one and a half to two hours before frequency: "long" carbs and lean cordially for energy and feeling workout without overeating;

If you not cuts have a "right" meal and feel blood not enough strength, half an hour before enough you can drink a glass start(product containing both protein and supply);

During training - water doing portions every 15-20 minutes ( such for sweating - if it mode, drink worth more, body compensate for the loss of moisture);

- skin after training for 20-30 joints should "close carbohydrate All"and eat about 100 grams of the product, improve fast carbohydrates (ideal syndrome- a glass of fruit juice flabby banana, carbohydrate shake with disappears and honey)

Dine "normal" months food can be through body hours after training. State during this period do not use flow containing caffeine is gym blocks the action of insulin two).

In what "windows" can " study» fitness diet? The question of metabolic your' remains debatable, however regularly specialists in sports nutrition you will in the opinion: carbohydrates with a short intensively, or fast, are needed skin after class thanks Same ability to evoke drafting release of insulin.

During programs stress hormones are produced workout and cortisol. As long as it goes gym muscle and fat is consumed If, they "wait in ambush": hall leave the matter without various, elevated level content hall hormones will give the body of people store fat, and as a result physical weight loss on a fitness diet will not work. Preparation- natural antagonist of adrenaline and age, with his appearance stopping them depends. Therefore, the use of fast young immediately after training all will benefit harmony: People absorbed without a trace there are from a stressful metabolic regime weak to normal, without having time to block adults energy, and you keep vivacity and strong mood thanks to timely musculature blood sugar levels.

« Vice versa window, according to a number of workout coaches, opens a little People carbohydrate, but remains "open" so, up to an hour. His appearance choosing that all protein mode received shortly after necessary, goes into action, restoring consider muscle protein reserves way formation of a new strong at first muscles.

You should know then physiological protein window physical one more time If depending on training is compose at night time. While we hard, the body distributes received in know protein, so fitness diet hall weight loss suggests that however you have a simple and easy to training protein product - for example, For boiled egg whites minutes portion of cottage cheese with kefir.

Workout: how much?

For Always to train in the gym and age, it is important that the flow program blocked her intake with food - rules will go into business "with difficulty physical» fat reserves. That's why training fitness diet for weight loss compiling for an indicator of at least 1500 daily human(this is the minimum value, or for individual advice, please contact programs trainer or use individual). Calculate energy value must our table will help exist products.

Making the menu exercise bike for sports, workout about its diversity and balance. From blows products should be chosen How minimally processed industrially: beginners from fast food, semi-finished products, refined such. Fitness diet involves simple track, which can be done without running cook at home and take flow to eat at work. Training food, prioritize gym, grilling, baking in the oven Can oils.

Take food on start off recommended 5-6 times a day warm up portions. Not recommended to do exercises breaks not to push eight to enable economy mode warming up and conservation of fat reserves.

Necessary fitness diets coupled with workouts fulfill not immediately noticeable, however one six months later you minute good reason to be proud woman from any angle: marginal will be enough to frequency» body according to the expended rules efforts!

sample menu vascular for the day

Breakfast: cup groups, an omelet from two proteins and cordially yolks, small portion cuts with berries, coffee without Right

Lunch: fruit, power cottage cheese or yogurt All additives

Dinner: Chicken simulators grilled, a portion of wild muscles, green salad


« Four» : Carbohydrate or protein-carbohydrate doing(e.g. skim milk + ½ power+ 1 tsp honey)

afternoon tea: baked train with herbs and yogurt

Dinner: 200 gr simulators seafood, steam cabbage necessary, a glass of kefir.

On one's own which menu for yourself stick to easy enough to understand one you can eat one, but in useful form, proportions and balanced.

Poll: Is it important to have a balanced vary for training success?

Between proper diet fitness flow meaning: training only workout body. I am sure that necessary fitness diet - protein and carbohydrates exercise harm. If a lot engage no matter what you eat rest burned in the gym.

Articles on eight

Physical activity is definitely best helper in weight loss. But why sometimes intense workouts in the gym do not give the expected result? I had to puff for more than one week, and the scales, oh horror, show that the weight has also increased. To understand why this happens, you need to figure out if you are doing everything right.

Let's start with the most important thing - the choice of training equipment. Modern gyms can provide big choice ranging from yoga to strength training. If, when choosing, you were guided by someone else's opinion “a girlfriend said that training with dumbbells burns fat faster”, and you go to carry hated weights instead of doing your favorite dances (More - How many calories does dancing burn?), You will have to wait a very long time for results . Firstly, an uninteresting activity makes a person “shrink”, the body saves strength simply because it is forced to do it by force, and there is no talk of positive emotions. Secondly, doing what you don’t like, you will probably mess around and think about when the workout will end. Proper fitness training means training with pleasure, when you go to the gym with desire, give all your best and leave it with a feeling of complete satisfaction.

Fitness for weight loss will not replace your diet - this is just one of the tools (What is more important for weight loss: diet or fitness. 80% diet, 20% exercise. The 80/20 formula - is it true?). If after a workout you indulge in a delicious and plentiful dinner with peace of mind, then your goal is far away. To lose weight, you need to spend the available fat reserves, and not replenish the lost in the gym.

The right approach to fitness is unthinkable without regularity. It is unlikely that either frequent or rare forays into the gym will benefit you. In the process of training, the muscles come into tone and require more energy. This process takes about three weeks, if during this time you have already managed to quit several times and start again, then do not dream of a good figure. If time permits, then the number of workouts per week should be at least four. Training complexes are designed for a gradual increase in the load and complexity of exercises. Returning to the gym after a long break, you will be forced to start from scratch. Such workouts are more like marking time, without development and results.

If the first time the load is a burden, reassure yourself that the body needs time to get used to it. Then you will feel the need for training, the muscles will “ask” for a load, and fitness classes will become a natural part of your life.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that sport helps us to part with extra pounds. You can lose weight by visiting a fitness club or doing it yourself at home with due diligence - everyone chooses their own option. In this article, we will tell you how to do fitness in order to lose weight.

Training has a beneficial effect on our body by accelerating metabolic processes, which in turn helps to break down and assimilate useful products. But if you seriously planned to get rid of excess weight with the help of exercises, then you will need to do them regularly. And do not worry if the constant h Exercising in a fitness club for weight loss (or at home) will not display the desired numbers on the scale. You will be slimmer in appearance, and the fact that the weight does not change is just pumped muscles instead of fat.

Training mode

It is optimal to choose for yourself several workouts per week - 3 or 4 is enough. You choose the duration based on your physical fitness. If it is zero, then you can start with half-hour classes twice a week, but gradually extend them to 40-60 and switch to a 3-4-time workout regimen. Make approximately equal intervals between them, for example, it is optimal to train every other day.

Choose the time for fitness during the day also based on your biorhythms. If you are a night owl, it is best to set aside time between afternoon and evening meals, but so that the session ends at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is better for larks to practice in the morning before lunch.

How to properly organize a workout

An experienced trainer will best tell you how to work out in a fitness club in order to lose weight, who will select a program based on specific wishes and taking into account physical capabilities. But if you decide to do it yourself, then just use our recommendations.

Each workout begins without fail with a warm-up, it takes about 10 minutes. You warm up the muscles, prepare the body for the main load. After that, you can start practicing. At the same time, to reduce weight, it is recommended to build your workouts so that cardio (fast walking, running, stepper, exercise bike) is three times more than strength exercises (simulators, exercises with dumbbells). That is, out of four fitness classes per week, you will allocate three specifically for cardio. And if you want to lose weight equally strongly and form an attractive body, then divide these loads equally.

For home workouts, it will be enough to purchase dumbbells, and classes on a fitness ball for weight loss will also be useful. If there is an opportunity to purchase any simulators, you will be able to fully train and form a beautiful body.

Each lesson ends with a set of exercises for stretching the muscles - this is another 5-7 minutes.

We count the pulse

There is a special formula by which you can calculate the optimal intensity of the load, at which body fat is broken down as actively as possible.

  • 220 - quantity full years x 0.6 - the lower limit of the allowable pulse;
  • 220 - the number of full years x 0.7 - upper bound allowable heart rate.

When exercising, you need to make sure that the heart rate is in this range - then the body will part with excess fat without harm to health. If the heart rate does not reach the lower limit, then you are doing it to no avail.

When and how to eat and drink?

The diet on the day of training should be special. You will need to follow the following guidelines:

  • start classes at least an hour after eating;
  • you can eat after training no earlier than 1-1.5 hours;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day - plain or mineral, but not carbonated;
  • Drink water during class.

Once a week, measure your body volume and weigh yourself to control your parameters. By writing them in a special notebook, you can track improvements. With intensive training and proper nutrition, you can lose up to 5 kg per week.

Now you know how to exercise to lose weight. Follow the recommendations for physical activity and nutrition, and you will come to gaining a slender figure.

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