Alpha and omega females. Omegaverse is not a genre for everyone

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Long ago, zoologist David L. Mech came up with his theory about the human hierarchy of dominance, and then declared it invalid. But homo sapiens still likes to divide men into alpha, beta and omega males. At the same time, women remember, dreamily rolling their eyes: “I had one alpha male,” and men beat their chests with their fists, proving that each of them is worthy of this honorary title.

David L. Mech's theory was based on the hierarchy of males in a wolf pack. At the head of the pack there is always a leader - the strongest, most agile and hardy male. He is called the alpha male. Next, lower in the hierarchy are the beta males. Omega males are the weakest and most unviable males, who are more often outcasts. In the human world everything is much more complicated.

Not all alphas with muscles

Individuals from the Neanderthal tribe were not far behind in development from the tribe of monkeys, and therefore the hierarchy there was distributed more or less purely, as nature intended. At the top of the hierarchy are alpha males, the most resilient, strong, dexterous, courageous and, of course, the most arrogant and aggressive. The more strongly all the listed qualities are expressed in a male, the more mammoths he will get, the warmer the cave he will win for his offspring. Therefore, females chose precisely such males to give birth to children. Now imagine such a Neanderthal in our time, when the house is warmer and not the masculine male has more skins, but the more cunning, intelligent, resourceful one. Because nature is nature, and you can’t get far from socio-cultural attitudes. Therefore, it turns out that it will not be possible to achieve success in the modern world only with the help of strength, dexterity and arrogance; therefore, it will not be possible to break through to leading positions either. Moreover, an arrogant and aggressive male, who enters into an open conflict with other males for power, can achieve the position of alpha male only in certain circles, for example, criminal or street urchins. Otherwise, he will either have to deal with law enforcement agencies, or due to constant conflicts he will not be able to stay in any job, which will negatively affect his financial situation.

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Modern alphas, betas and omegas

Despite the layers of cultural and social demands, there is an opinion that the modern alpha male is undoubtedly a dominant and polygamous man. These are its two main characteristics. And they are determined by the natural characteristics of this man. Like their Neanderthal ancestors, by nature such men have physical strength, endurance, willpower, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions, resistance to stress and conflict, the ability to reach goals, high testosterone levels and excellent health. Nature has endowed men with such qualities for a reason. The task of alpha males is to pass on viable genes and prolong the family line. And since we must not only reproduce, but also preserve as healthy genes as possible, then in order to fertilize us, unreasonable ones, we were given such men - dominant, assertive, taking with the power of their charisma.

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However, not all arrogant, brave and confident men are actually alpha males. Ostentatious arrogance and self-confidence are often acquired qualities of betas, who either hide their complexes in this way, or try to compete with alpha males for a leading position in the hierarchy. In fact, beta males have a softer character, a less stubborn disposition, but at the same time cunning and intelligence. These are the qualities that help them move up the career ladder and even “promote” masculine alpha males who have failed to adapt to modern realities. Beta males are also successful in family life. There is even a common belief that unfaithful alpha males get women pregnant, and caring beta males raise their children. Although this is also a controversial statement, since modern alpha males can also be family men. Some alphas are precisely the stronghold of the outgoing traditional patriarchal family, headed by a man - strong, strong-willed, although authoritarian, but capable of making strong-willed decisions and being responsible for his loved ones. There are alpha men who have two such families, as well as mistresses, for whom they are also capable of being responsible. And there are those who, due to their well-bred moral convictions, are quite capable of remaining faithful to their wives, and they, in turn, give birth to 3-5 children (which, again, is very rare now).

Last in the human hierarchy, as well as in the animal world, are omega males. These are losers, old virgins, sluggish and uninitiated beer drinkers, inhabitants of the world of the sofa and TV. As a rule, such individuals do not fight for a place in the hierarchy; on the contrary, outsiders often elevate their way of life into a cult.

Who do women choose?

Consumer society imposes its standards on us, but our natural instincts are ineradicable. Therefore, even now, like many millions of years ago, human females choose alpha males in order to give birth to healthy offspring. Only some do it wisely and choose the alpha males who are most adapted to life in modern realities, and some throw themselves into external tinsel, giving themselves over to the “bad guys” who will “sail away and abandon.” And yet there are few alpha males, and there are not enough of them for everyone. Therefore, the vast majority of women choose permanent and reliable beta males. You can build a nest with them, and the betas will help with the children and pay attention. Powerful women, prone to dominant behavior, can choose an omega, and then nag him all his life for the fact that he is not capable of anything and complain that there are no real men left.

How to become an alpha male

The creator himself renounced the theory, but not the creators of trainings on the topic “How to become an alpha male.” As a rule, these are either business coaches with their leadership trainings, turning outsiders into leaders and financially successful people, or pick-up artists with their trainings on seducing women. Both call for developing certain qualities of an alpha male:

physical strength, health and high levels of serotonin and testosterone. This develops through exercise and dietary adjustments;

strength of will;


conflict resistance;

impudence that does not go beyond the limits of socially acceptable behavior;

the ability to be responsible for one’s words and actions;

determination. Alpha goes all the way to the end. And with girls, and with employers, and with clients;

courage. The alpha male has nothing to fear, he is already a winner;

the ability to take responsibility for one’s environment. Whether the head of a family or the head of a company, an alpha is able to take responsibility for the people entrusted to him;

the ability to show your alpha maleness in action, and not in words.

Avdotya Razgulyaeva

According to the theory of David L. Fur, all representatives of the stronger sex will be differentiated into 3 main groups: -, beta and gamma. Classification is carried out in accordance with the characteristic psychological traits of individuals.

Main differences between alpha males

From the first minutes of meeting an alpha male, there is no doubt that the person belongs to the leading group. In his presence, the other men look depressed and clearly do not want to enter into conflict in order to regain lost ground.

The alpha male does not try to gain power over the crowd by resorting to force and cunning. Even with insufficiently developed intellectual abilities, the power of natural charm is so high that it does not allow one to doubt his authority.

An alpha male never questions his own statements and does not allow anyone to criticize him. His confidence in his own merits knows no bounds. However, this quality fuels the behavior of the women around him.

One gets the impression that if you beckon with your finger, the respectable lady will raise her hands up, surrendering to the mercy of the winner. Adoration is quite capable of resulting in a kind of persecution. As a rule, the alpha male is constantly accompanied by beauties who are unable to overcome the sexuality of a real macho.

The sexuality of the alpha male comes through clearly and sometimes interferes with career development. A man has no time to think about global problems, since about 90% of his thoughts and time are occupied by the problem of sexual satisfaction. Exceptions to this rule are extremely rare.

The Beta Male Difference

A beta male is capable of turning a woman's head and winning her heart, but only in the absence of a real leader. Possessing excellent qualities and being a person of good-looking appearance, a man involuntarily gets lost when a representative of the alpha clan appears. Beta lacks natural charm, self-confidence, that sexuality that makes women forget about the rules of decent behavior.

The beta male himself perfectly understands and accepts these circumstances. He is patient and waits until, after enjoying the next toy, the alpha becomes interested in a new object. It is then that the beta will show its wonderful qualities, offering a shoulder to cry on, becoming a friend, lover, husband.

By the way, unlike males, betas often achieve a good social position, since they have enough time to develop a career. Representatives of the beta and gamma groups should not be confused.

A beta male is a self-sufficient person, accustomed to relying on his own strength in everything except sexual attraction. Gamma is not capable of self-realization and is often a burden for his family. Therefore, representatives of the gamma type often become gigolos.

Experts in zoopsychology claim that all animals, and along with them homosapiens (and men as a separate species), are divided into three groups - alpha, beta and gamma. And the dividing factor is “antics and jumps.”

We remember from school that humans are mammals. The similarity with the animal world is not limited to this; the relationship was reflected not only in the way of feeding the cubs, but also in behavior. We are convinced of this by experts in animal psychology, who insist that all animals, and along with them homosapiens (and men as a separate species), are divided into three groups - alpha, beta and gamma. And the dividing factor is the “antics and jumps” in the pack, sorry, manners of behaving in society.

In order to learn to distinguish “A” from “B” and correctly sort men into groups, let’s study the “habits” characteristic of each group.

Group "Alpha": you will recognize him from a thousand

Straight away and without mincing words: alpha males are born leaders. In an animal pack they “occupy the position” of leader, and in the human community they also always have a place of honor. These “little guys” are visible from childhood: they are hooligans, purposeful, they begin to be interested in women early (they pull their classmates’ pigtails and hit them on the back with a briefcase), they are regulars at teachers’ councils and frequent guests of the director’s office in the company of their parents for “outstanding services.”

Alpha tomboys are not always “smart men,” but they manage to surround themselves with smart boys, compensating for educational gaps. And there is no need for them to be “very brainy”, their destiny is to divide and conquer, to be generators of ideas, and there will be implementers. Identifying an alpha male among males is not difficult, and there is no need to identify it - he will make himself known.

No, not with a bright tie, he can easily be unprepossessing in appearance and as tall as a pot, his “trump cards” are quick wits, instant reaction, tough character and unquestioned authority. “Walk” through the world business and political elite: this is where the alpha males are concentrated!

Successful, self-satisfied, able to take risks and break the bank - it would seem that if you catch such a husband, you will not know grief. Stop, it's not that simple. The other side of the coin is this: alpha males are polygamous - as befits the leader of the pack.

Translated into “human terms”, this means love of love and, as a result, a tendency to cheat and an easy attitude towards divorce. And initially, one should not expect long courtship from alpha admirers; “mating dances” end with an assertive attack and almost immediately a proposal to “take a walk in the hayloft in the evening.”

If the chosen one refuses, the applicant will not be upset and will turn his gaze towards more flexible young ladies. On the one hand, marriage with an alpha male is a honey cake, and on the other hand, life is on a powder keg and the risk of one day ending up in the ranks of “Madame Broshkin”, albeit with a considerable “compensation”. In general, if difficulties don’t frighten you, go for it, you definitely won’t be bored.

“Somewhere, somewhere there are beta guys walking around”...

The knights of the beta group were not far from the alpha males, losing to the first in leadership, but taking revenge on other counts. They are not leaders in the pack, but rather advisors and helpers.

In human society, these types are characterized by greater education and professionalism, compared to the alpha type, but less determination. Beta men live in all layers of society, and their best representatives make up the scientific elite.

In relationships with women, these are true gentlemen; unlike their alpha brothers, ladies perceive a refusal as a personal challenge and strive to win her heart with redoubled enthusiasm. And if the object of passion is the former “passion” of the alpha male, the beta gentleman will make every effort to win her over in order to at least get closer to the class of leaders.

An important nuance is that they have strong family values, so beta males rarely get divorced. These are ideal husbands and fathers, but there is one “but”: in an extreme situation it is better not to rely on them. As they say, “a good man, but not an eagle.”

“Gamma” of feelings: “Picasso and Dali were broke...”

In nature, gamma males are often expelled from the pack by their peers. And they do the right thing: they are not adapted to hunt, they also do not want to reproduce - their hormonal status, you see, is suppressed.

A strange picture emerges: for some reason, healthy individuals in all respects constantly experience fear, and increased adrenaline prevents them from enjoying life, including creating offspring.

For a gamma man, the only opportunity to get a successful life in life is to “get under the wing” of a strong, strong-willed madam.

They themselves feel this, which is why they strive for “femme fatale,” remaining faithful to an unattainable ideal for years. However, if the ruler of dreams suddenly reciprocates, they discover their own complete powerlessness, and the reason for this is the same low hormonal background. For this reason, gamma males are more often in two statuses - divorced or eternal bachelor.

But if the stars align well and they manage to show their potential, the world will get a new genius like Picasso and Van Gogh. An almost mystical vision of reality and its embodiment provide them with a place among the elite of art.

And the less fortunate brothers are doomed to remain “free artists” forever and ever. Interesting, unique personalities, but absolutely unsuitable for family life.

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Beta and Gamma males

Beta and Gamma males

Well, now is the time for “beta” and “gamma” energy. When we talk about alpha, beta and gamma males, we mean ranking potential, the potential to lead a pack. And if alpha energy is the leaders, leaders, leaders, then beta energy is the deputies. Those who can replace the leader and take his place. They themselves do not break the path into the unknown, but are ready to create success within the framework of the task. Most often, these are those who choose the path of a corporate career rather than their own business. Male beta energy is similar to the archetypal sound of the god Apollo. Remember, he was born with Artemis and was the second child? This is an allegory of the ability to be “second”, to play in a team, and not to fight for primacy, creating a resource. Allegorically, gamma energy men can be described as “custodians of tradition.” These are reliable and stable men who value values ​​such as stability, trust, and reliability. They are the ones who follow the leader, the ones who take and do. Accepts subordination and clearly serves the assigned task. Great performers and followers.

A lot about a man's leading energy can be understood from his speech. If a man says: “negotiator”, “keys” or “typewriter”, for some reason actively uses diminutive suffixes, this is a clear sign that this is a man who is used to obeying.

If you, my dear, know that an important value for you is tenderness and harmony in relationships, if you are not ready to withstand all the drama of life with an alpha male, it is better to choose a less “testosterone” man. You can also have a wonderful relationship with such a man, if, of course, you don’t destroy him with your strength and don’t punish him for his “weakness.”

What am I talking about? Now I’ll explain everything, my dear. So, as you remember, alpha males on a biological level are interesting to every woman because they know how to subjugate. Submission is what triggers female sexuality, and often we give men tests of obstinacy to see if they can subjugate us. In family life, a woman who nags her husband or yells at him most often subconsciously expects him to slam his fist on the table, take power into his own hands, and subjugate it to himself. And the longer the man does not do this, the more often and more strongly she screams. This manifests the state of the “female praying mantis”, which devours its male. In order not to turn into a “man eater” in a relationship with a beta or gamma male, you need to learn to involve him in yang energies in order to be aroused by him.

That's how we are made, honey; if we cannot obey a man, we begin to punish him for his weakness. Therefore, try to encourage those states when he is in testosterone, and do not notice the “negotiator”. Stimulate masculine expressions: “Listen, when you yell in front of me, I get so excited!”, “When you are so confident and collected, even the jokester Petrovich stops swearing and making dirty jokes.” Hearing these words of admiration from you, your man will remember them: “Yeah, that’s where I’m cool, that’s where she praised me,” and he himself will gradually begin to unwind these states.

Important! When giving a man a compliment, it is very important not just to state some fact, to highlight some quality, but also to give feedback on how this quality improves the world.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Omegaverse is considered to be a nightmarish creation of fan fiction, although inquisitive researchers boldly draw parallels with the work of recognized science fiction writers. For example, there is a novel “The Gods Themselves,” which mentions a planet with three-sex inhabitants. Sergei Snegov, in his novel-trilogy “People Like Gods,” introduces the idea of ​​six genders. Thus, the idea itself is quite old, but the Omegaverse is a product of fan fiction.

The Supernatural fandom can boast of having enriched fan fiction with a new genre. This is a controversial phenomenon, which many assess very negatively, although it is worth looking at this topic with an open mind.

Special genre: omegaverse

First of all, you need to keep in mind that the omegaverse is understood as a separate Universe, which has a very distant relationship with traditional human society. No author can claim the absolute correctness of the explanation, because the omegaverse is primarily a genre that grew out of the warnings of AU (alternate universe) and kink (oddities, deviations). Therefore, each author is free to change it at his own discretion.

If we take the first omegaverses that were ever written as the primary source, then we have in mind three genders: alpha, beta and omega. The hierarchy is partially copied from a wolf or dog pack, but here the authors have differing opinions. At the same time, the omegaverse can be written according to any fandom: from “Supernatural” to “Bleach”, because first of all it is an alternative Universe.

Society structure

If you understand with an open mind what the omegaverse means, then it’s worth moving somewhat away from the usual concept: “humanity consists of men and women.” This helps to get rid of prejudices. So, Omegaverse society consists of three genders. Alphas take an active position in life and sex, omegas, respectively, passive, betas are somewhere in the middle and in most cases do not take part in dramatic events associated with the physiological characteristics of opposites.

Some authors believe that the Omegaverse is an exclusively male universe, where biological women do not exist, that is, everyone looks like men and has the corresponding primary sexual characteristics. Others argue that there are alphas, betas and omegas with female bodies. How valuable this is in the artistic sense of the work is, of course, a moot point, but many authors are not embarrassed by the presence of women and, with free imagination, write out all sorts of relationships and adventures, taking into account the peculiarities of the canon.

Relationships in the Omegaverse

Since the Omegaverse was initially considered a kind of PWP (Porn without Plot), a significant emphasis of the genre falls on the description of sexual functions. A distinctive feature of omegas is the occasional estrus, when the omega begins to secrete pheromones that drive all the surrounding alphas and, possibly, betas crazy. Estrus is accompanied by the release of a large amount of mucous secretion, which is usually called “lubricant” - it acts as a natural lubricant. Considering that the vast majority of cases describe same-sex relationships between males, this is important.

After ejaculation, the alpha’s sexual organ swells at the base, the so-called “coupling” or “gluing” occurs - for some time the alpha cannot remove the penis from the omega, which ensures fertilization. At this point, it is usually necessary to remind readers that the Omegaverse is a different Universe, and the characters are not people, they have a different mating physiology, which is reminiscent of that of wolves or dogs. In addition, the structure of the omega’s body should logically differ from the banal decision to “build” the uterus into the male body, where, naturally, only the anus and rectum are used as the reproductive tract. Another thing is that most authors do not think about this, and unprepared readers begin to suffer and spit.

Is a plot possible in the Omegaverse?

If we use the literary approach once voiced by Stephen King: “what if we did it this way,” then it would be a mistake to believe that this genre is written solely for the sake of PWP. Despite the fact that in the Omegaverse the description of sexual relationships takes up quite a lot of space, some authors are interested in building twisted and sometimes paradoxical plots. For example, you can deviate from the cliche, according to which an alpha is necessarily large and aggressive, and an omega is fragile and effeminate.

Many authors use this plot twist as an attempt to fight their own nature. Omega tries to hide his status using all sorts of tricks: from special medications that suppress heat to attempts to escape. Alpha tries to keep a cool head and not succumb to the powerful power of pheromones. You can fight against a biased society or extreme events. Readers agree on one thing: a good author can write the most interesting fan fiction for any Universe, even if it is an omegaverse.

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