How to strengthen muscles and tighten your body at home: basic rules. How to improve your body without harming it? How to improve your body

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Perfect body

Many women would like to get involved in fitness and bodybuilding, but do not do it for fear of becoming too muscular. I continue to promote sports and, in my free time from filming, I speak in the press, on radio and on television. Representatives of the fair sex constantly turn to me with the same question: “How to change your body for the better with the help of physical exercise, but at the same time maintain a feminine figure and not become like Arnold Schwarzenegger?” Believe me, there are very few professional bodybuilders and female bodybuilders in the world. It is extremely difficult to become one of them, even if you train 3 hours 6 days a week and follow the strictest diets. Therefore, if you do the exercises given in this book for 30-40 minutes (every other day), you will really be able to improve your figure, but your muscles will not become masculine.

Don't be afraid of the word "muscle"!

The word "muscle" is not to be feared.

Muscles are metabolically active connective tissue, which during the day burns about 30 calories per 1 kg of body weight.

It is believed that fat burns about 7 calories per 1 kg of weight per day. That is, if you are in good physical shape, you burn more calories, even when you sleep! And if, for example, you follow a diet but do not do any exercise, then both fat and muscle mass will decrease. This can lead to a slowdown in metabolism, a deterioration in metabolism. Proper nutrition may lead to weight loss, but if you also exercise, you have a good chance that the excess weight will never return.

Regular exercise will help you have healthy bones too. Women's bones are naturally weaker than men's, and they become even more fragile with age. But weight training doesn't just strengthen your muscles—your bones get stronger, too, no matter how old you are!

Today, many experts advise even pensioners not only to take vitamin preparations containing calcium, but also give yourself dosed physical activity specifically to strengthen your bones. So why wait until retirement age? Start training right now!

If a person is in excellent athletic shape, then he looks much younger. Look at the well-known movie stars who, at 40, 50, 60, and 70, look several decades younger. AND plastic surgery has nothing to do with it, since a beautiful, trained body can only be “acquired” through sports. And it is in the gym that today’s celebrities spend most of their free time, since fitness is now in fashion not only in Hollywood, but throughout the world. But remember that before you start exercising, you need to consult a doctor. This is especially important if you have health restrictions, medical contraindications, or are undergoing a certain course of treatment.

So, exercising on machines or with weights will make your muscles, bones, and ligaments stronger. The risk of heart disease will also decrease, which is very important.

But perhaps an equally important result will be that your self-esteem will change. You will not only improve your figure and lose extra pounds, but also gain confidence in yourself and your own abilities. The life of any person today is full of stress, and all of us, regardless of gender, are sometimes in a bad mood or susceptible to depression. However, regular exercise helps not only to keep yourself in good physical shape, but also not to lose optimism. If you can change your body for the better, then you can change your life and achieve all your goals! Therefore, do not be afraid of the “muscles” and make it work for you - you will become stronger both mentally and physically!


Sharon Stone tried various types of fitness: bodybuilding, yoga, and even boxing. But keeping herself in shape is very simple: almost every morning she performs several sets of lifting her body from a lying position. In America this exercise is called “crunch”. Sharon also has a very negative attitude towards the “miracle exercise machines” that are sold through TV stores. She believes that this money would be better spent on a subscription to the nearest Gym. Sharon Stone considers her secret “weapon” to be optimism and the ability to “blind off” all negative emotions.

“Tube”, “Apple” or “Pear”?

If you decide to change your body, then before you join the gym or go to the store for dumbbells, you need to figure out what type of body you have.

We can roughly distinguish three most common types of female figures.


The volume of your chest, waist and hips is almost the same.

The waist is narrow, but not pronounced.


The volume of your chest (as well as your shoulders) is much narrower than the volume of your hips. You have a pronounced waist, large hips and buttocks.


Your chest, back and waist are full. The upper part of your body is much shorter and stronger than the lower part - you have narrow hips and small buttocks.

Each of these types has its own pros and cons. But, unfortunately, in the absence physical activity and poor nutrition, both “Tube” and “Apple” and “Pear” can gain excess weight; it’s just that in the first case it will be distributed throughout the body, in the second - mainly in the upper part of the body, in the third - in the lower part of the body.

But before we talk about training, let's go back to the different types of figures and look at them in more detail.

In order to prevent excess weight gain, as well as eliminate the disadvantages of your physique and improve the advantages, you need to choose the right set of exercises.

"Tubule"– “tubes” have long and thin arms and legs, small breasts and back.

The owner of this type of physique can hardly boast of curvaceous figures. But don’t be too upset if you belong to this group, since it is the “tubes” that respond better than others to physical activity! If you think positively and practice regularly, you will quickly achieve good results.

You also have a good metabolism, meaning your body burns calories faster and is better able to resist gaining excess weight compared to those whose figures are “apples” or “pears.”

On the other hand, if you want to get rid of excessive thinness, you need to eat regularly, but in small portions, and also have snacks between meals. And your good metabolism shouldn't work against you.

What I mean is that your body needs energy, especially if you are working out, so you can drink a protein shake before your workout and then eat an apple or banana after your workout.

"Apple"- if you belong to this type, then you have Strong arms and back, but it is in the chest and back area that you can quickly gain excess weight. Your problem areas may also be your stomach and waist. But the good news is that your long and beautiful legs are the envy of both “tubes” and “pears”! And with proper and regular training, excess weight disappears quite quickly. But you need to seriously watch your diet. Try to eat small portions, and use fruits as snacks, like strawberries.

Try to give up flour and sweets at least 5 days a week. But don't starve yourself: be sure to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner (preferring salads, chicken breasts and fish), as well as snacks so that your metabolism does not slow down.

"Pear"– if you belong to this type, then you have beautiful shoulders and back, strong arms and a narrow waist. The problem is that your legs are not very long, and your buttocks and thighs tend to be full. And they will need to be trained carefully in order to really make the body more proportional, and not also increase muscle mass in an area that should become smaller as a result of training. But with the right training, you can achieve excellent results, since the “pear” body responds well to physical activity. You need to monitor your diet and limit yourself to starchy and sweet foods 6 days a week. In food, give preference to chicken, vegetables and fruits. Be careful with alcohol, as these calories are “deposited” precisely in your problem areas. This warning also applies to “tubes” and “apples”!

Everyone knows the “ideal” parameters of a female body 90-60-90, which are equal to the volume of the chest, waist and hips. But in real life everything is more complicated and every female figure has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you know what your body type is and what you need to work on, then through exercise you can really improve your figure significantly.


Halle Berry has been seriously involved in fitness and bodybuilding for several years now.

She works out 5 times a week: she warms up, does exercises with dumbbells, pedals an exercise bike and also does Pilates. Such workouts help Holly easily burn a lot of calories and sometimes allow herself an extra dessert. Also, playing sports helps her cope with roles in adventure films and even perform some stunts without doubles. But the actress achieved her current results gradually and once trained only 2 days a week under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Halle Berry believes that you need to set big goals, but achieve them gradually - step by step.

Believe in yourself and set yourself up for success!

In order to succeed in improving your body, it is not enough just to exercise and watch your diet. You will also need to learn to believe in your own strengths, try to always think positively and not get upset over trifles.

Many people, regardless of gender, find it difficult to start exercising. Some people don’t know what programs beginners should use to train, some are embarrassed about their body, some constantly put off exercising “for later,” etc.

1 Problem

Get off the couch and go to the gym.

2 Problem

Set realistic goals for yourself.

When women come up to me and ask how to quickly lose 20 kg, I answer that it will be difficult to achieve this, since it is almost impossible. But if you want to lose 5 kg in the first month of training, it is quite possible to achieve this goal. And over the next month you can lose another 5 kg, etc., until gradually, step by step, you achieve the desired result.

Clearly imagine yourself as the owner of the body you dream of, and know that every workout is another step that brings you closer to your desired goal. Even if on some day you only managed to work out for 15 minutes, it’s still a step forward!

If you have started training, that's great! But we must not forget that a large number of people, unfortunately, quit training after some time for a number of reasons, and you should not be one of them. Many people expect instant changes in their physique after just a couple of weeks of training, and when this doesn’t happen, they become frustrated, disillusioned with fitness, start skipping classes, and eventually stop training altogether. Therefore, it is necessary from the very beginning to be realistic and tune in to a persistent struggle for your own beautiful body! You also need to learn to enjoy sports and always remember the benefits they bring. It is physical activity that helps fight stress and depression, to which we are all susceptible to one degree or another. Experts give this explanation as follows: under the influence of physical exercise on the body, the human brain produces the hormone endorphin, which makes us feel better. The body also produces more phenulethamine, which is called a natural antidepressant. So, when after playing sports you feel much better both mentally and physically, there is nothing strange about it.

Don't forget about the principle of gradualism. As the ancients said (and they were absolutely right), “festino lente” - “hurry slowly.” Your task, for example, is not to pedal an exercise bike for an hour on Monday, and then not exercise for several days because your leg muscles will hurt. It’s better to exercise three times a week for 25-30 minutes. Also be careful with exercise routines from sports magazines: if you start blindly copying someone else's routines, you may overtrain and set yourself back. For anyone starting to improve their body, motivation is very important. You must know what you are training for. You can exercise in order to lose weight and lose weight, you can train with dumbbells or on machines to strengthen one or another part of the body. In any case, you must be confident in your abilities and strive for a specific result, the achievement of which will be the end point of your efforts at this stage. I once appeared on a popular talk show in front of a large audience. I addressed the audience and asked for a show of hands of those who believe that regular training physical culture benefit and improve health. A huge forest of hands rose. Then I asked those spectators who don’t play sports at all to give up. Unfortunately, about 60 gave up % audience... That is, people understand the need for training, but still don’t do it.

This is often due to lack of self-confidence. But if you want to change your body, you have to believe in yourself. Forget the words “I can’t”, set yourself up for success, drive away any negative thoughts and emotions, and most importantly, move forward towards your goal every day. By following these principles, one day you will become not only slim and beautiful, but also absolutely confident!


Kirsten Dunst has never really liked sports. The situation changed radically when she received the main female role in the film "Spider-Man". She didn't have to build muscle like her partner Toby McGuire, but Kirsten nevertheless went to the gym 3-4 times a week and got involved in regular fitness classes. This was followed by the film Wimbledon, for which Dunst had to master tennis. So, thanks to cinema, she became not only more athletic, but also self-confident: most recently, Kirsten Dunst ventured to make her directorial debut!

What to work on

I always repeat that if you take a human anatomical atlas, you can count up to 600 different muscles that make up more than half of our body. But this does not mean at all that all these hundreds of muscles will need to be trained.

Let's see what really needs to be worked on.

Breast– These muscles can be divided into three parts: the upper chest, the center of the chest and the lower chest. We put stress on our pectoral muscles every time we push furniture or even a shopping cart in front of us. The pectoral muscles are literally attached to the shoulder muscles. Therefore, the stronger the chest, the less chance of injuring your shoulders at home or in training. And of course, when the chest muscles are well trained, a person looks much more attractive, regardless of gender. To do this, you need to train the pectoralis major and minor muscles.

Back– it can be divided into two parts: superficial (latissimus dorsi) and deep muscles.

We engage the back muscles every time we pick up a child, pick up suitcases from the ground, unfold a sofa bed, etc. If your back is well trained, then these movements will be easy for you, and the likelihood of injury will decrease. If you spend many hours every day at a desk or computer, you probably feel dull pain in the lower back. The situation can be changed for the better if you regularly train your back while improving your posture. Strengthening the lumbar muscles – the latissimus dorsi and quadratus lumborum – is of great importance. They ensure a vertical position of the body and tense when lifting heavy objects.

Shoulders– can be divided into three parts: front, middle and back. Every time we raise our arms, lower them, move them to the left or right, our shoulders actively work. They are included in the workout when performing almost any exercise for the upper half of the body. When your shoulders are well developed, you are less likely to get injured while playing basketball or volleyball. A trained deltoid muscle gives beautiful contours to the shoulder line.

Neck– while the neck muscles are located in the front, the trapezius muscles are located in the back, between the head, shoulders and upper back. The neck muscles are responsible for any movement made by the head. The trapezius muscles are activated not only in the gym, but also, for example, every time you shrug your shoulders. Exercises for the neck muscles help develop neck mobility and maintain the tone and elasticity of the skin for a long time, giving the neck a beautiful shape.

Hands– arm muscles are divided into biceps, triceps and forearm muscles. The biceps is located on the front of the arm and works every time we bend it. The triceps is located on the back of the arm and is responsible for its extension. The forearm muscles are located in the lower part of the arm and work in all the numerous movements that every person makes, moving the wrist, palms or fingers. Strong arms not only look good, but also protect your elbows from injuries that can occur both at home and in the gym.

Legs and buttocks– the leg muscles can be divided into several parts: the quadriceps muscles (quadriceps), the adductor muscles of the thigh and biceps muscles (femoris), as well as the calf muscles. The gluteal muscles are the largest muscle group found in the lower body. There are large, medium and small gluteal muscles.

Having trained leg muscles, you will be able to walk a longer distance, go up or down stairs faster, etc. In addition to improving external form, regular leg training strengthens not only the muscles, but also various ligaments and tendons, reducing the possibility of various injuries, including such unpleasant ones as injuries to the legs.

Belly and waist– The abdominal muscles are usually called the abdominal muscles, and the waist muscles are called the oblique abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles are made up of four parts and stretch from the bottom of the chest to the very bottom of the abdomen.

It is these muscles that allow our spine to remain motionless when, for example, we try to lift a heavy box from the floor. The obliques not only help the abdominal muscles support the spine, but they are also activated every time we bend or turn to the right or left. Trained abdominal muscles better support the spine and reduce the likelihood of back pain. And of course, a narrow waist and flat stomach will make a person much more attractive in appearance, regardless of gender.

To improve your figure, you will have to perform specific exercises for many of the muscle groups listed above. I truly believe that dumbbell and machine exercises work best for women. Heavy barbells should be left for men!

Therefore, in the next chapter I will introduce you to various physical exercises, from which we will later create training complexes for improving each of the body types.


Drew Barrymore prefers swimming among all types of fitness. Her friend Cameron Diaz, before filming together in the film Charlie's Angels, invited Drew to the Hawaiian Islands and demonstrated her surfing skills. After that, Drew added surfing lessons to her training in the pool.

She now spends almost all her free time in Hawaii. But Drew prefers to leave his newbie friends in the “paddling pool” or with experienced swimming instructors, because he believes that water is not something to joke about and you should always remember about safety precautions.

Exercises with dumbbells and body weight

Performing simple exercises that use weights own body, can add effectiveness to fitness activities.

If you have to exercise at home, the easiest way is to purchase collapsible dumbbells. They will help you achieve great results in your workouts. Let's take a closer look at the most popular exercises.

1 Dumbbell bench press (strengthening the chest)

Initial position: lying on the floor, press the dumbbells to your shoulders.

Press the dumbbells up until your arms are completely straight, then

2 Lying dumbbell flyes (strengthening the chest)

Initial position: lying on the floor, raise your arms with dumbbells up in front of you.

Now spread your arms to the sides, slightly bending them at the elbows, until they touch the floor.

3 Pull-over (strengthening the chest and back)

Initial position: Lying on the floor, squeeze one dumbbell with both hands and raise your arms up in front of you.

Now lower your straight arms from the dumbbells behind your head, and then return to the starting position.

4 Wide push-ups (strengthening the chest)

Initial position: go to the wall and lean against it with your straight arms spread wide apart. Begin to bend your elbows and move closer to the wall, then return to the starting position.

If you are already well trained, you can do push-ups from a table or even from the floor.

5 Bent-over dumbbell rows (strengthening your back)

Initial position: Take a forward leaning position, keep your back straight, look ahead and do not lower your head. Lower your straight arms with dumbbells down. Now lift the dumbbells to your chest, bending your arms and spreading your elbows to the sides. Then return to the starting position.

6 Forward bends with dumbbells (strengthening the back and hips)

Initial position: stand straight, clasp the dumbbells in your lowered hands. Bend forward, keeping your legs straight, until the dumbbells touch the floor, then return to the starting position.

7 Rows of one dumbbell alternately (strengthening the back)

Initial position: Take a forward leaning position, hold on to the support with your left hand, and lower your right hand down from the dumbbells. Raise the dumbbell to your chest, bending your right arm without moving your elbow to the side. After completing the intended number of repetitions with your right hand, transfer the dumbbell to your left hand and repeat the exercise.

8 Bend forward with a cane on the shoulders (strengthening the lower back)

Initial position: stand straight, place a cane on your shoulders behind your head (you can use a regular mop or ski pole). Bend forward without lowering your head and keeping your legs straight, then return to the starting position.

9 Seated dumbbell press (strengthening shoulders)

Initial position: sit on a chair, press the dumbbells to your shoulders.

Raise the dumbbells up above your head until your arms are almost completely straight. Then return to the starting position.

10 Dumbbell raises to the sides (strengthening the shoulders)

Initial position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, clasp the dumbbells in your lowered hands. Raise your arms with dumbbells through your sides up to about ear level, then return to the starting position.

11 Incline Dumbbell Raise (Strengthen Shoulders)

Initial position: Take a forward leaning position, lower your arms with dumbbells down, keep your back straight. Spread your arms slightly bent at the elbows to the sides, then return to the starting position.

12 Shoulder raise (strengthen the neck and shoulders)

Initial position: stand straight, hold dumbbells in your arms.

Start raising only your shoulders up, as if you want to reach your ears with them.

Then return to the starting position.

13 Standing dumbbell curls (strengthening biceps)

Initial position: stand straight, squeeze dumbbells in your lowered hands. Bend your elbows as you lift the dumbbells up toward your chest.

Then return to the starting position.

Initial position: sit on a chair, lower your head forward, clasp your fingers at the back of your head.

Now simultaneously press down with your hands, but at the same time lift your head up, overcoming the resistance of your hands with the force of your neck.

Then return to the starting position.

15 Lifting dumbbells while sitting alternately (strengthening the biceps)

Initial position: sit on a chair, hold the support with your left hand, squeeze the dumbbell with your right hand and lower it down. Now rest your right elbow on your right thigh and bend your elbow, lifting the dumbbell up. After completing the planned number of repetitions, transfer the dumbbell to your left hand and repeat the exercise.

16 Arm extension with dumbbells alternately (strengthening triceps)

Initial position: sit on a chair, hold the support with your left hand, and bend your right hand with dumbbells at the elbow and raise it behind your head. Now straighten your arm, lifting the dumbbell above your head, then return to the starting position. After completing the required number of repetitions with your right hand, transfer the dumbbell to your left hand and repeat the exercise.

17 Arm extensions with dumbbells in an incline position alternately (strengthening the triceps)

Initial position: Take a forward leaning position, hold the support with your left hand, press your right hand with dumbbells to your body and bend it at the elbow.

Now straighten your right arm, then return to the starting position.

After completing the planned number of repetitions with your right hand, transfer the dumbbell to your left and repeat the exercise.

18 Push-ups(we strengthen triceps and chest)

Initial position: go to the wall and press your straight arms against it, while trying to press your elbows to your body.

Bend your elbows, thus approaching the wall, then return to the starting position.

If you are no longer a beginner, try doing push-ups from a table or the floor.

19 Seated dumbbell raises (strengthening forearms)

Initial position: sit on a chair with your legs pressed together. Place your hands with dumbbells on your hips so that your fists hang down. Raise only your fists with dumbbells, bending your arms exclusively at the wrists. Then return to the starting position.

20 Raising on toes alternately (strengthening the lower leg)

Initial position: stand straight, hold the support with your left hand, and squeeze the dumbbell in your right.

Bend your left leg at the knee and remain standing only on your right, and then rise onto the toe of that leg as high as you can. Having completed the planned number of repetitions, transfer the dumbbell to the other hand and, bending right leg, rise up onto the toe of your left foot.

21 Squats with dumbbells (strengthening thighs, legs and buttocks)

Initial position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in your arms. Squat down, keeping your back straight and looking ahead, until your thighs are parallel to the floor or even lower.

Return to starting position.

22 Lunges with dumbbells alternately (strengthening the buttocks and thighs)

Initial position: stand straight, dumbbells in your hands.

Take a big step forward with your right foot and then squat down on it. Return to the starting position, take a step forward with your left leg and squat down on it.

23 Back swings alternately (strengthening the buttocks and thighs)

Initial position: go to the table and rest your hands on it. Now swing your right leg back, trying not to bend it at the knee.

Return to the starting position and swing your left leg back.

24 Calf raises (strengthening the lower leg)

Initial position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, clasp the dumbbells in your arms at your sides. Rise up onto your toes as high as you can. Return to starting position.

25 Standing twists (strengthening the waist)

Initial position: stand straight, place a cane on your shoulders behind your head. Begin to turn to the right side, continuing to look in front of you and making movement only at the waist, and then to the left side.

26 Bent over turns (strengthening the waist)

Initial position: lean forward, place a cane on your shoulders, look ahead and do not bend your back. Turn to the right, moving only at the waist, then to the left.

27 Lying leg raises (strengthening the stomach)

Initial position: lying on the floor, stretch your legs straight. Start lifting them up until they are approximately perpendicular to the floor. Then return to the starting position. If you are not trained enough, do this exercise with your knees bent.

28 Raising the torso from a sitting position (strengthening the stomach)

Initial position: sit on a stool, cross your arms over your chest, place your feet under a support. Begin to lean back, and then return to the starting position with the effort of the abdominal muscles.

When training with dumbbells, try to perform all movements smoothly and without jerking. Don’t forget about proper breathing: exhale with effort, i.e., squeezing the dumbbells, and inhale when you return to the starting position. Always hold the dumbbells firmly to prevent them from slipping out of your hands and causing injury!


Sandra Bullock finds working out at the gym very boring. It is difficult for her to force herself to exercise, even though her husband is seriously interested in bodybuilding. Sandra found a way out of the situation and burns a lot of calories thanks to Bhangra dance. This energetic dance came to Hollywood from the Indian state of Punjab. Sandra believes that by dancing, she not only becomes more flexible, but also strengthens her legs, buttocks, arms and even her abdominal muscles.

Exercises on simulators

Gyms are popping up all over the place these days, and if you have the opportunity to visit one, you should at least have a basic understanding of the different machines that can help you get in shape.

Let's consider best exercises which are performed on these simulators.

1 Seated forward press (strengthening the chest)

Initial position: Sit down on the machine seat and grab the handrails with bent arms. Straighten your arms, pressing the handles of the machine forward in front of you, then return to the starting position.

2 Bringing your arms together in front of you while sitting (strengthening your chest)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the exercise machine and grasp its handrails with your arms bent and spread to the sides. Bring your bent arms in front of you until they touch the handrails, then return to the starting position.

3 Wide-grip pull-down (strengthening your back)

Initial position: Sit on the seat of the machine and grab its handle with a wide grip.

Pull the handle toward your chest while bending your elbows, then return to the starting position.

4 Bringing your arms together in front of you while standing (strengthening your chest)

Initial position: stand between the block devices and grasp their handles. Bend forward slightly and bring your arms in front of you until they touch, then return to the starting position.

5 Pull-downs with a narrow grip (strengthening the back)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the exercise machine and grasp its handle. Pull it towards your chest, bending your elbows, then return to the starting position.

6 Bends with fixed legs (strengthening the lower back)

Initial position: stand on the machine with your legs secured and cross your arms over your chest. Lean forward.

Return to starting position.

7 Seated press (strengthening shoulders)

Initial position: Sit on the machine seat and grab the handrails. Squeeze them up until your arms are almost completely straightened, then return to the starting position.

8 Raising your arms to the sides (strengthening your shoulders)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the exercise machine and grasp its handrails with bent hands.

Raise the handrails up from the sides, then return to the starting position.

9 Standing close-grip row (strengthening shoulders, neck)

Initial position: stand at the block device, hold its handle with your lowered hands. Pull it up until it touches your chest, then return to the starting position.

10 Bending the arms lying on a support (strengthening the biceps)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the simulator and, placing your straight arms on the support, grasp the handrail.

Bend your elbows and lift the handrail up, then return to the starting position.

11 Seated arm curl (strengthening biceps)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the exercise machine and grasp its handles.

Raise them up while bending your elbows.

Return to starting position.

Don't hold your breath during the workout and try to really "feel" the part of your body you're currently working on.

12 Standing arm extension (strengthening the triceps)

Initial position: stand at the block device, squeeze its handle with bent hands. Now straighten your arms, forcing the handle of the machine down. Then return to the starting position.

13 Seated leg extension (strengthening the hips)

Initial position: sit on the machine, bend your knees and secure them. Now straighten your legs, then return to the starting position.

14 Lying leg curl (strengthening the hips)

Initial position: lie down on the machine and keep your legs straight. Now bend your knees, lifting the handle of the machine up. Then return to the starting position.

15 Back swings alternately (strengthening the buttocks)

Initial position: Take a forward leaning position on the machine. Straighten your right leg back and, after completing the planned number of repetitions, change legs.

16 Leg extensions to the sides (strengthening the hips and buttocks)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the exercise machine and secure your legs apart.

Bring them together in front of you, then return to the starting position.

17 Seated calf raises (strengthening the legs)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the machine, place its platform on your thighs. Rise up onto your toes, then return to the starting position.

18 Standing calf raise (strengthening the lower leg)

Initial position: stand in the machine, place the platform on your shoulders. Raise your toes as high as you can and return to the starting position.

19 Seated forward bends (strengthening the stomach)

Initial position: sit on the seat of the machine, secure your legs and grab the handrails with bent hands. Start bending forward as if you want to reach your hips with your elbows. Return to starting position.

20 Hanging leg raises (strengthening the stomach)

Initial position: stand on the machine, grab the handrails with your hands, lower your legs down so that they are suspended. Raise your straight legs up until they are parallel to the floor.

Return to starting position.

If you have difficulty lifting your legs straight, bend your knees.

Set the weight on the exercise equipment to a weight that will allow you to perform this or that exercise correctly and smoothly, without jerking or body assistance. Before exercising, set the seat of the exercise machine to a comfortable height for you so that you feel comfortable during the exercise.


Jennifer Love Hewitt gives the impression of a fragile girl with curvaceous figures. But in fact, she regularly engages in fitness, and for filming the film “Tuxedo” she also mastered martial arts. Her partner in the film was Jackie Chan himself, who highly appreciated Jennifer’s athletic training. When there is no gym nearby, Jennifer can train as follows: she goes up the stairs to the 5th floor of a building, then goes down. She generally tries not to use elevators and burns a lot of extra calories this way.

Sets, reps and self-control

Soon you will have to master various sets of exercises, so let's understand the terminology.

Training movements are called exercises. Lifting your legs from a lying position is an exercise. A one-time exercise is called repetition. Athletes increase the impact of the exercise by performing it in several repetitions. Performing several repetitions is called approach. For example, you are asked to perform a dumbbell bench press in 3 sets of 10 repetitions. This means that you need to press the dumbbells 10 times, then rest (a minute or two) and do 10 reps again, then rest again and do the third (last) set, also 10 times.

If you are determined to change your body, then you need to have self-control diary. Thanks to it, you will always know what exercises for a particular muscle group and how many approaches you performed a week, a month or six months ago. This way you can calculate a gradual increase in the intensity of the load. You also need to record your own well-being, since this is the most important criterion for the correctness of your training. I advise you to record two groups of data.

A feeling of vigor and strength, cheerfulness, deep sleep from evening to morning, a sense of self-confidence and a good appetite indicate that you are doing the right thing. physical exercise. Conversely, if after training you feel overwhelmed and overly tired, if you have a headache, irritability, insomnia or increased drowsiness, this indicates excessive stress. Also, you should not start training when feeling unwell, severe palpitations and pain in the heart, dizziness or headache, etc. If you want fitness to benefit you, do not resume training immediately after illness. It takes time for the body's strength to recover. In order to identify objective indicators, they are used simple techniques, allowing one to judge the activity of vital organs and systems. One of the most reliable means of objective monitoring of one's condition is regular measurement of the pulse. Everyone knows that, in simple terms, the pulse is the number of heartbeats per minute. The most convenient place for probing the pulse is the radial artery on the inner surface of the forearm near thumb(about a centimeter above the wrist joint). Press the ends of the second and third fingers of the right hand to the indicated area of ​​the left and you will feel the pulsation of the artery. Regular measurement of the pulse will help you understand how much more trained your body becomes. For example, measure your heart rate immediately after completing the last exercise, and measure it again exactly one minute later. In that first minute after finishing your workout, your heart rate (HR) should drop by about 20 beats. In well-trained people, the heart rate drops by 40 beats at this minute. Keep measuring your heart rate in the following weeks and months of training and you will see the result. If you are a beginner, then at rest (before training) your heart rate can be 90 beats per minute. After a few months, thanks to physical education, your heart rate (at rest) may drop by 10, or even 20 beats! And of course, monitor changes in body weight and volume. Once a month, measure yourself with a measuring tape (chest, waist, hips) and weigh yourself on a floor scale. Record all this data in your self-monitoring diary.

Do not think that self-control can replace medical control. Try to undergo regular medical examinations!


Julia Roberts enjoys Pilates. If for some reason she cannot visit the fitness center, she trains at home. Also in the morning, Julia performs the simplest elements of gymnastics: smooth rotations with her arms, legs, and torso. Julia's secret "weapon" is lateral turns, which are performed while standing (legs apart, arms bent and fingers pressed to the shoulders). This is how Julia Roberts keeps her waist in shape and burns extra calories at the same time.

How to improve the body of the “Tube”

If you have a tube body type, then you will need to work on your chest and buttocks to give them beautiful shape, as well as on your stomach and waist.

Your arms and legs should become stronger from the exercises you will do for your chest and buttocks. For example, doing dumbbell push-ups improves not only the shape of the chest, but also the triceps, and lunges forward strengthen the buttocks, thighs, and legs. If you exercise at home or with dumbbells, then your set of exercises may be as follows.

1 Dumbbell Bench Press

We strengthen the chest and the entire upper body - 3 sets of 10 times.

2 Lying dumbbell fly

Strengthening the chest - 3 sets of 10 times.

3 Forward lunges on each leg

Strengthening the buttocks - 3 sets of 10-15 lunges on each leg.

4 Squats with dumbbells in hands

5 Lying leg raises

Strengthen the abdominal muscles - 3 sets of 10 times.

This complex should be performed 3 times a week, every other day (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). If you are still a complete beginner, then perform only 1 set of each exercise for the first week, then perform 2 sets of each exercise for 2-3 weeks. And only in the second month of regular training, start performing 3 approaches to each of the exercises in the complex.

You should not do many repetitions in each approach (I recommend 8-10, with the exception of exercises for the abdomen and waist), and the weight of the dumbbells or weights on the machine should be noticeable. The point is that you need to enlarge certain parts of your body, and to do this you need to put them under stress. If you exercise with dumbbells weighing 1 kg, then, unfortunately, you will not get any special results. Therefore, when performing a dumbbell bench press, use dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg in the first approach, increase their weight to 4-5 kg ​​in the second, and up to 6-7 kg in the third. Those. train in such a way that your body actually gets a load!

If you visit a gym and have the opportunity to exercise on machines, then a slightly different training system will suit you.

1 Press in the simulator

Strengthen the chest and upper body - 3 sets of 10 times.

2 Reduction of arms on the butterfly simulator

Strengthening the chest - 3 sets of 8-10 times.

3 Swings back, from yourself, on the simulator

Strengthening the buttocks - 3 sets of 10 times with each leg.

4 Squats in the machine

Strengthen the hips and buttocks - 3 sets of 8-10 times.

5 "Crunch"

Strengthening the abdominal muscles - bending forward on the machine - 3 sets of 15 times.

6 Twists with a cane on your shoulders

According to this system, you should train the same 3 times a week - on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And if you are a beginner, then also start with 1 approach in each exercise (in the first week of training), then gradually increase the number of approaches to 3 (within a month).

After a few months of hard training, you may feel that your progress has slowed down. Then you should diversify your workouts, for example, do one exercise for the chest on a machine, the second with dumbbells, and do the same with training the buttocks and thighs. When will your work experience be 6-7 months, you can complicate the workout and add one additional exercise for the chest, buttocks, and abdomen, referring to the chapter in which I talk about various exercises. But the number of workouts per week should not be increased.

If your goal is to lose weight, then your workouts and diets should be different.

As you already know, with your body type, your body burns calories quite quickly. Therefore, to bulk up your body in the right places, you will have to eat right and get enough protein (from chicken breasts and lean meat), fats (from fish and olive oil) and carbohydrates (from vegetables, fruits and brown rice). Eat small meals 5 times a day.

In a separate chapter, we will look at sets of exercises that are aimed specifically at burning extra calories, regardless of the type of build. But if your goal is to improve your tubular figure, then by strengthening your chest and buttocks, as well as making your waist narrower, you will noticeably change your physique for the better!


Nicole Kidman prefers to exercise outdoors. Some days she rides a bike, others she jogs or walks at a fast pace. Her children, whose idol is David Beckham, also taught Nicole to play football. At his ranch in Australia, Kidman also goes for horseback rides. Nicole also convinced many of her friends to spend less time indoors: Naomi Watts, Hugh Jackman, and Russell Crowe follow her example.

How to improve your “Apple” body

If your body type is “apple”, then you will have to harmonize your upper and lower body. You easily gain excess weight in the back area, you may have a wide waist and a far from flat stomach. But you have beautiful legs and strong arms that don’t need detailed work yet.

Your exercise routine will look like this:

1 Dumbbell Bench Press

We strengthen the chest and the entire upper body - 3 sets of 12 times.

2 Bent-over dumbbell row

3 Pull-over

We strengthen the chest, back and arms - 3 sets of 12-15 times.

4 Bend forward with dumbbells in hands

We strengthen the back, buttocks and hips - 3 sets of 12 times. Legs are straight.

5 Turns with a cane

Strengthening the waist - 2 sets of 20 times in each direction.

6 Lying leg raises

Strengthening the stomach - 3 sets of 12 times.

Perform this complex 3 times a week, every other day. If you are a beginner, do 1 set of each exercise in the first week of training, then increase the number of sets to 2, and after a few weeks - to 3. After a few months of training, try to diversify your exercises, combine them with exercises with dumbbells and on machines (but the total number of exercises should still not exceed six). When your training experience exceeds six months, you can add one exercise for the back and one exercise for the abdomen or waist, but train no more than 3 times a week.

If you visit a gym, you can train according to the following system.

7 Seated bench press

Strengthen the chest and upper body – 3 sets of 12 reps.

8 Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator

We strengthen the chest - 3 sets of 12-15 times.

9 Pull-ups on the block with a wide grip

We strengthen the back - 3 sets of 12-20 times.

10 Narrow Grip Block Rows

We strengthen the back - 3 sets of 12-15 times.

11 Roman chair leg raises

12 "Crunches" on the simulator

We strengthen the stomach - 3 sets of 12-15 times.

Your goal is to strengthen your upper body, so your workout focuses on your chest, back, and abdomen.

This complex should also be performed 3 times a week every other day. In the first week, perform 1 set of each exercise, then 2 sets, and after a few weeks, increase to 3.

To keep your hips and calves engaged, walk more and pedal an exercise bike once or twice a week (about 15 minutes). It is no coincidence that I advise performing 12 or even 15 repetitions per set (in most exercises), since you need to not only give a beautiful shape to your upper body, but also get rid of unnecessary fat deposits. You should not exercise with heavy dumbbells or significant weight on machines. Instead, use a weight that actually allows you to perform more reps on each set. After all, the more repetitions you do, the more calories you burn and the better this or that body part will look. In nutrition, try to refrain from flour and sweets. Stick to at least 5 times a week proper diet: eat 4-5 times a day in small portions, giving preference to white chicken meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, and on Sunday, so be it, treat yourself to dessert or even a piece of pizza. But from Monday, return to training and proper nutrition again!


Carmen Electra has been dancing since childhood. But not so long ago she discovered a new type of fitness - tai-bo. The famous martial artist and actor Billy Blanks, who invented tai bo, personally helped Carmen get involved in regular training. For her it was not difficult, since all movements are performed to the rhythmic music that Electra loves so much. Thanks to tai-bo, Carmen has mastered punching and kicking and now claims that she can fight off annoying fans without the help of bodyguards!

How to improve the body "Pear"

If your body type is “pear”, then you have full hips and buttocks, but a narrow waist. The upper part of your body doesn't need much work, so you'll need to focus on the lower part.

If you train with dumbbells, try the following set of exercises.

1 Squats with dumbbells

Strengthening the hips - 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

2 Forward lunges with dumbbells

We strengthen the hips and buttocks - 3 sets of 12 times on each leg.

3 Bend forward with dumbbells without bending your knees

We strengthen the lower back, hips and buttocks - 3 sets of 15-20 times.

4 Dumbbell Bench Press

5 Calf raises with dumbbells

6 Raising legs from a lying position

Strengthen the abdominal muscles - 3 sets of 12 times.

Perform this complex 3 times a week, every other day.

In the first training, do only 1 approach to each exercise, then increase the number of approaches to 2, and after a few weeks of training, move on to 3 approaches.

If you go to the gym, then I suggest you the following training program.

1 Leg extensions while sitting on the machine

2 Leg curls while lying on the machine

Strengthening the hips – 3 sets of 20 reps.

3 Backward swings in the simulator

Strengthening the buttocks - 3 sets of 12-15 times with each leg.

4 Calf raises in the machine

Strengthening the legs - 3 sets of 20 times.

5 Press in the simulator

We strengthen the chest and the entire upper half of the body - 3 sets of 10 times.

6 Leg raises in a Roman chair

Strengthening the stomach - 3 sets of 10-12 times.

The program should be performed 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). At first, perform only 1 set of each exercise, then 2 sets, and after a few weeks of regular training, increase the number of sets to 3.

Since you need to reduce your hips and buttocks and improve their shape, it won’t hurt to pedal an exercise bike twice a week or train on any other cardio machine for about 15 minutes, but no more. This way you can burn unnecessary calories and give additional stress to your problem areas. The sets of exercises proposed in this chapter are not simple, and I would not recommend increasing the number of exercises, even when your training experience exceeds six months. It’s better to add variety by replacing exercises with the same muscle group (for example, instead of leg extensions on the machine, do squats with dumbbells).

You can increase your time on the cardio machine by 25 minutes twice a week.

You should train with light dumbbells or light weights on the machine so that you can perform up to 20 repetitions per set on many of the suggested exercises. So many repetitions need to be done so that the trained part of the body does not increase in volume, but, on the contrary, decreases. And it is from a large number of repetitions that the shape and quality of the muscles improve. And for the upper half of the body, I suggest only one exercise for the chest (it also puts stress on the shoulders and arms) and one for the abdomen. By the way, if it’s hard for you to lift straight legs while lying down (or on a “Roman chair”) when you train your stomach, then bend your knees and this will make your work easier.

Like those who have an “apple” body type, you need to watch your diet and avoid starchy and sweet foods. Your goal is to “balance” your upper and lower body, and this can only be achieved if you both exercise and eat right. But there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to your favorite dessert once a week. The main thing is not to please yourself in this way more often.

In your diet, give preference to white chicken meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and low-fat yogurt. Drink juices instead mineral water without gas and try to never feel thirsty, for which you carry a bottle of water with you. Eat small meals 4-5 times a day to keep your metabolism from slowing down.


Singer and actress Beyonce often changes training systems so that the body does not get used to the load and progress does not slow down. Beyoncé knows that with her body type, you need to seriously monitor your diet and not skip workouts. When she tours, she works out less because she burns so many calories during concerts. The rest of the time, Beyoncé either works out on cardio equipment, swims in the pool, or trains with dumbbells. When she is filming a movie, a cardio machine is installed in her star trailer so that Beyoncé can also work out during breaks.

Running, walking or cardio?

The best way strengthen the heart and lungs, as well as lose excess weight - these are regular aerobic exercises. Aero means air, and when you exercise, your body needs extra oxygen, which comes from the air. The word "cardio" is popular in America today and in medical jargon means "for your heart."

The same types of physical activity are called cardio or aerobic exercise: running, swimming, exercise on an exercise bike, etc.

I am often asked which type of cardio exercise is best - running on the street or on a treadmill, cycling in the nearest park or training on an exercise bike at the gym. I truly believe that if you have a choice between training indoors and outdoors, it is better to choose the latter. I will list the most popular types of cardio training, most of which are done outdoors.

1 Running

To get outside and go for a run, you don't need anything other than a workout suit and sneakers (and, of course, desire).

Thanks to running, a very democratic and accessible form of physical activity, you can get in good shape and get rid of extra pounds.

2 Walking

This is an even more accessible form of training than running.

If you are not yet fit enough to run for 30 minutes, use this time to walk at a good pace.

This way you can also burn extra calories and strengthen your legs.

3 Swimming

If there is a fitness center with a pool near your home, start swimming at least 2-3 times a week.

Swimming puts virtually no stress on your ligaments and tendons, so even if you have some injuries, you can enjoy this sport. But you need to remember safety precautions and not put yourself at risk.

4 Bicycle

Pedaling a bicycle is much more interesting than just running around the stadium. You can not only strengthen your buttocks, thighs and legs, but also the upper half of your body, since the shoulder girdle will be actively involved in the work. Don't forget about a helmet and gloves, and also about the fact that it is safest to ride where there are no cars - in a park or at a stadium.

5 Jumping rope

Working out with a jump rope will help strengthen your lower legs and burn a lot of calories. You can jump for 2 minutes, then rest, then jump again for 2 minutes, then rest again, then jump again for 2 minutes. It just sounds simple, but try it - and you will quickly understand that it is not at all easy for an untrained person to jump rope for even one minute.

6 Roller skating

Of course, this is not running or cycling, but it is also a good way to keep fit. Don't forget your knee pads and stay away from traffic. And the distances should also be longer compared to those you would run.

7 Cross-country skiing

This is one of the best views physical activity in winter. Skiing is also good because it strengthens not only your legs, but also your shoulder girdle, as well as your heart and lungs. In addition, a lot of calories are burned and there is also the opportunity to have fun with the whole family or with friends if you go out on the ski slopes with them.

8 Martial arts

There are many types of martial arts, but tai-bo, a mixture of aerobics and Thai boxing, was invented specifically for fitness centers. Strikes and various movements are performed to music and at a good tempo. Probably, this suits girls more than just hammering their arms and legs on a punching bag, although many of the fair sex master karate, boxing, and judo.

Whatever you decide to do, do not forget about the principle of gradualness and increase the load gradually so as not to overtrain. For example, increase the distance and time of your runs or walks by no more than 10 percent per week.

For a beginner, cardio exercises may seem bulky and inconvenient, but in fact they will help you quickly burn extra calories and lose unnecessary pounds.

Let's look at the most common simulators from this series.

1 Treadmill

This simulator is considered one of the best “substitutes” for jogging in the fresh air. It is also good because you can change the angle of inclination and thus complicate the workout, as if you were climbing a mountain.

Working out on this machine not only strengthens your legs and burns calories, but also puts less stress on your bones and ligaments than jogging on asphalt.

2 Exercise bike

This is perhaps the most popular exercise machine, and many people even have it in their apartments. It allows you to strengthen your thighs, legs and buttocks, as well as get rid of extra pounds. An exercise bike is also good because you can read a newspaper or magazine while training on it. It is important to set the seat at a comfortable height for you, so that your legs are almost straight at the bottom of the pedal rotation.

3 Ladder

Training on this machine simulates climbing stairs. For a beginner, such a load may seem difficult. This machine strengthens your thighs, calves and buttocks, helps burn calories and does not put much stress on your ligaments and tendons. It is necessary to hold on to the handrails of the machine, but do not lie on them, thus transferring your body weight to your arms, as this will reduce the number of calories burned.

4 Ellipse

The full name of this cardio machine is “Elliptical Trainer”. The movements made on this simulator are more calculated and accurate (compared to others), so the Ellipse is suitable for both beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts. Also, this particular exercise machine is most suitable for older people and pregnant women. When you exercise on this machine, you can make the workout more challenging by letting go of the handrails and keeping your arms suspended.

And be sure to ensure that your outdoor workouts are safe: watch traffic when necessary, dress warmly to avoid catching a cold, etc.

But many people now prefer to train in gyms, and this is also good. If you visit a fitness center and want to lose excess weight, then you need to exercise on cardio equipment. Nowadays they can be found in almost every gym.

Whatever type of cardio training you choose, you need to start the session with a warm-up, for example, at the beginning of a run, move at a slow pace for the first 10 minutes. You need to finish with a cooling cool-down: at the end of the run, do not stop immediately, but go to a step and walk for 5-10 minutes at a calm pace. This is really important!


The legendary Shirley MacLaine was never particularly interested in dumbbell gymnastics or fitness, but nevertheless she looks beautiful and young. Her secret is daily walks. Shirley takes one of her dogs and goes for walks by the ocean, and these walks cover long distances (and at a good pace). As a result, he gets good physical activity, and also, without fear for his figure, sometimes allows himself to have a cake with a glass of his favorite red wine. Shirley MacLaine also likes to walk barefoot on the coastal sand, which makes walking more difficult and allows you to burn more calories.

Wellness massage and self-massage techniques

Massage refers to active therapeutic and preventive methods of influencing not only the patient, but also the healthy human body. Its essence comes down to superficial or deep mechanical influences on the naked human body with hands or special devices.

There are the following types of massage: therapeutic, sports, hygienic, cosmetic, self-massage. At home, self-massage is beneficial.

When starting self-massage, remove rings, bracelets, watches and wash or dry your hands and body well. During the procedure, the body position should be comfortable, the massaged muscles should be relaxed, breathing should be smooth, and the movement of the hands should follow the blood flow to the heart, from bottom to top.

Front and side surfaces neck massaged from the chin and edge of the lower jaw down towards the sternum; back surface - from the back of the head down and to the sides to the shoulder joints.

Rib cage massaged from the middle to the sides to the armpits.

Back massaged from the buttocks up and further to the armpits, then - the back of the neck, shoulder girdle to the armpits.

Legs massaged from the feet to the knee joints and from the knees to the hip joints.

Hands massaged from hand to elbow joint and from the elbows to the armpits.

Stomach massage in longitudinal and circular directions.

When performing massage, the following techniques are distinguished.

Stroking do it easily, effortlessly, slowly and rhythmically. Stroking cleanses the skin and improves the function of the sweat and sebaceous glands, has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Squeezing- a technique performed more energetically and affecting not only the skin, but also tissues located deeper. This technique speeds up blood flow. Unlike stroking, squeezing has an exciting effect on the nervous system.

Trituration used for self-massage of joints, tendons, heels. It enhances local blood circulation, promotes the resorption of hardening, hemorrhages and fluid accumulations in tissues, especially in joints.

Kneading has a deep and diverse effect on the neuromuscular system, blood vessels and nervous system. Kneading is considered as passive gymnastics for muscles and joints.

Shaking do between and after kneading. This technique relieves muscle tension, promotes blood outflow and uniform distribution of interstitial fluid.

Each massage session should end with stroking. In the morning it is better to massage the stomach (lying down after sleep - 5-10 minutes) - in the afternoon - arms and legs (5-10 minutes) - in the evening - the back (you can use a massager).

Now let's talk in more detail about self-massage of various parts of the body.

Self-massage of the abdomen

It is done lying on your back. The legs are bent at the knee joints and slightly apart. Self-massage begins by stroking clockwise from right to left, around the navel, with a gradual increase in the radius of circular movements. Then squeezing is done (stroking with significant pressure on the massaged area).

After this, circular rubbing is done with the fingertips. After rubbing, kneading is done with both hands. Next comes shaking: rapid oscillatory movements are made from side to side. Self-massage of the abdomen ends with stroking.

Self-massage of hands

Performed while sitting. Hands rest on knees (one hand massages the other). It begins with stroking the entire limb from the fingertips to the armpits, followed by stroking the fingers.

The back and palm sides of the hands are massaged in the transverse direction, and the sides - in the longitudinal direction, i.e. from the nail to the wrist. Then - squeezing (the same as stroking, only stronger). Rubbing with fingertips is mainly used in the area of ​​the interphalangeal joints. Ends with stroking.

We continue self-massage of the hands by stroking the back of the hand, then the palm side.

Next come the push-ups of the same sides. On the back of the hand, a forceps-like kneading of the interosseous muscles is carried out, then kneading the palmar side. Each reception alternates with stroking. In the area of ​​the wrist joint – circular stroking, squeezing, circular rubbing. Finish with stroking.

In the area of ​​the elbow joint, circular stroking, squeezing, and circular rubbing are performed. Finish with stroking (and combine each technique with stroking).

Self-massage of the biceps and triceps begins with stroking each side from bottom to top. After this, the same sides are squeezed, then kneaded in the same order. This is followed by shaking in the same sequence and ends with stroking again.

In area shoulder joint you should start with circular strokes from the bottom up and towards the armpits. This is followed by squeezing, and then circular rubbing.

You should massage the other hand in the same order. Then, while standing, shake your upper limbs with your torso in an inclined position.

Self-massage of feet

Self-massage of the front and sides of the legs is done either while sitting on the bed (then one leg is bent at the knee joint, resting the foot on the bed; the other leg is straightened and lies along the bed), or standing (in this case, one leg is bent at the knee and rests the heel on the seat chair or stool, and the other leg is straightened). Start by stroking the entire area - from the toes to the hip joint - and only then begin massaging individual areas. Stroking the palm surface of the hand from the toes to the knee joint. In this case, one hand fixes the knee joint (the right hand when massaging the right shin, and vice versa), and the other performs the technique. Do not forget that the direction of stroking is from the toes to the knee joint.

Then the outer and inner edges of the foot are kneaded on both the dorsal and plantar sides. Finish with stroking.

In area ankle joint perform circular stroking and then squeezing, and then circular rubbing. Finish with stroking (and combine each stroke with stroking).

In the lower leg area, stroke the front and sides from the ankle to the knee. Then do a squeeze on the same sides. Next, you should knead the soft tissues of the front surfaces of the shin, after which you should shake the same surfaces. Finish with stroking.

In the area of ​​the knee joint, perform circular stroking, then squeezing, followed by circular rubbing. Finish with stroking.

Self-massage of the front and sides of the thigh begins with stroking from the knee to the hip joint. After this - squeezing the same sides, then kneading in the same order. This is followed by shaking in the same sequence. Finish, as usual, with stroking.

In the area of ​​the hip joint - circular stroking, then squeezing, after which - circular rubbing. Each technique should be combined with stroking.

Self-massage of the other leg is also performed. After massaging the legs, stroke and then pat the buttocks area and finish with stroking again.


Sherilyn Fenn travels a lot, but tries to never lose her shape. If the famous actress does not have the opportunity to go to the gym, then she either walks a lot or jogs.

Sherilyn also regularly visits massage therapists or engages in self-massage. Fenn is sure that without physical activity and massage, any person’s body will quickly “break down.” Therefore, she constantly involves her filming partners in such activities.

Flexibility Exercises

We are all naturally flexible as children, but as we get older, we begin to lose flexibility in our joints and muscles if we don't do regular stretching exercises.

Good plasticity of muscles and joints protects against injuries such as sprains and dislocations.

Before I talk about exercises that will help develop flexibility, I want to draw your attention to the following.

1. You should start your workout with a warm-up - this will warm up the muscles and prepare them for stretching.

2. Do not stretch sore or damaged muscles!

3. Try not to hold your breath while doing the exercises.

4. The correct way to train muscles in this way is to stretch them slowly and calmly (never jerk!) until you feel a slight tension in them. Relax and hold this position for about 5 seconds, then continue the stretch until you feel tension again.

5. Never stretch your muscles until they hurt!

1 Muscle strain chest and backs

Extend your arms above your head and interlock your fingers. Slowly lean to the right, using your right arm to pull your left arm overhead until you feel the muscles in your arm, back, and chest stretch. Hold this position for about 6 seconds. After this, also lean to the left.

2 Upper back and neck stretch

Stand up straight with your palms clasped behind your head.

Bend your head toward your chest until you feel a stretch in the muscles of your upper back and neck.

Hold the position for 10 seconds, then perform the exercise 2 more times with 5-second breaks.

3 Arm, chest and shoulder stretches

Interlace your fingers behind your back and raise your arms up until you feel the tension in your shoulder muscles.

Press your chin to your chest and hold this position for 10 seconds, then perform the exercise 2 more times with 5-second breaks.

4 Hamstring and hamstring sprains

This exercise prepares well for running, cycling and other sports. Sit on the floor, pressing the heel of your left foot to the inner thigh of your right. The right leg should be extended. Now slowly lean towards your right leg, sliding your hands down towards your ankle until you feel a stretch in the muscles at the back of your right leg. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then bend further until you feel an even greater stretch. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. Then do the same, but leaning towards your left leg.

5 Strain in the groin and back muscles

This exercise is best done before other stretching exercises.

Sit on the floor and bring your heels together in front of you.

Holding your toes, gently lean forward until you feel a stretch in the muscles in your groin and lower back. Do not tilt your head or lean your shoulders forward, keep your back straight.

If you find it difficult to do this, move your legs further away. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then relax for 15 seconds and perform the exercise 2 more times with the same breaks.

6 Back stretch

Lie on your back, grab your right knee with both hands and pull it towards your chest as far as you can. Hold this position for 10 seconds without lifting the back of your head from the floor, then change legs. Then do the same, grabbing the knees of both legs.

7 Full body stretch

Lie on your back with your legs slightly apart and your arms behind your head (also slightly apart). Now extend your arms in the direction they point. At the same time, pull your legs in the opposite direction. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax. Do this exercise 3 times with 5 second breaks.

8 Arm and upper back stretch

Clasp your hands above your head, palms up, and pull them up until you feel the muscles of your upper back and arms stretch. Hold the position for 10 s.

9 Calf muscle strain

Stand at a distance of 15-25 cm from the wall and lean your elbows on it. Rest your head in your hands. Bend one leg at the knee and pull the other leg back as far as possible without lifting your heel off the floor. Hold the maximally stretched position for 10 seconds, then switch legs.

10 Hip and knee stretches

Stand a few centimeters from the wall and place your right hand on it.

Take your right leg with your left hand and pull your leg towards your buttock. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then change position and pull your left leg with your right hand.

11 Arm and shoulder stretches

Keeping both arms overhead, grab the elbow of your right hand and pull it behind your head until you feel a stretch in your shoulder and back of your forearm. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then do this exercise with your left arm.

12 Sprained hamstrings and hamstrings

Sit on the floor with your knees extended and slightly bent. Place your palms around your calves and move your hands toward your ankles as far as you can. Hold in the extreme position for 10 seconds.

Principles of auto-training

If you seriously decide to engage in fitness or bodybuilding, then you need to develop self-confidence, which will greatly help in achieving success.

Therefore, in this chapter I will talk about autogenic training - autotraining. This type of mental state management is considered the most effective and efficient.

Autogenic training is very popular in sports practice, and not only. It is widespread in other types of human life and helps to avoid unpleasant consequences in the mental sphere, as well as successfully solve difficult problems. The basis of autogenic training is the ability to self-suggestion. It should be noted that auto-training is quite simple in memorizing certain formulas, which the specialist working with you pronounces in an even, calm voice, and you, having taken a comfortable relaxed position for the body (lying on your back, sitting in an armchair, on a chair or sofa), slowly repeat to yourself these formulas, clearly representing what is being said.

Psychotherapists and scientists who have been working for many years to improve psychoregulatory training have developed two parts: calming and mobilizing. Both of them consist of certain formulas of appropriate content, which solve two equivalent problems: to achieve a state of calm in one case, and mobilization in the other.

Having become acquainted with complexes of formulas of one and another nature, as well as understanding the meaning of autogenic training, you will be able to maintain your mental state at the required level in any life situations.

The mechanism of action of auto-training lies in the connection between a slowly spoken word and a clear, vivid image of what is spoken about in the formulas. It is important not to be distracted and tune in to getting the desired result.

All formulas used in autogenic training are divided into two groups:

1) causing muscle relaxation and calm;

2) evoking vivid imagery that affects the mental state.

There are many formulas for autogenic training; you can create them yourself. Next I will give examples of the calming and mobilizing parts of auto-training.

Until you master this list of formulas, try to say them at least 3-4 times a day. When you understand and master them (this usually happens in 12-15 workouts), you can move on to the shortened version, which will take you a minimum of time - no more than 5 minutes. This is often enough to bring your mental state back to normal.

Calming part of auto-training

1. I'm calming down, I'm calming down. I am calm. I feel deep peace. I feel relaxed.

2. Nothing interests me. I disconnect from everything. I don't care. I only feel myself. I feel at peace.

3. I completely calm down and withdraw into myself. I feel peace and nothing more.

I enjoy being in this state. I'm totally into it. I'm completely at peace.

4. I direct attention to my face. My face is calm. I feel how calm my face is. I don't feel the slightest tension.

5. My attention turns to my hands. My hands are relaxed and warm. I feel warmth in my hands and relaxation.

I feel them getting even warmer and heavier. My hands are so heavy. I like this heaviness.

6. My attention turns to my feet. I can clearly feel how they are getting warmer and heavier. I am pleased to feel their heaviness and warmth. They became very warm and heavy. I enjoy their warmth and heaviness.

7. My attention turns to my stomach. It is warm and soft. I feel the warmth spreading to my chest. My chest fills with warmth. My stomach is very warm, my chest is completely relaxed.

8. My whole body is filled with warmth and pleasant heaviness. I'm completely relaxed. I feel warmth and relaxation throughout my body. I feel and clearly feel this warmth. I feel very good and easy.

Having mastered this option, you can move on to the shortened version, which consists of fewer formulas.

1. I feel at peace. I am calm and completely relaxed.

2. I am completely relaxed and withdrawn into myself. I'm completely at peace.

3. My arms and legs are very warm and completely relaxed.

4. My face, chest and stomach are warm and relaxed.

I feel warm throughout my body. I feel good, easy and free.

5. My breathing is even and calm. The heart works easily. I feel good.

Having mastered this number of formulas, you can further reduce them to three.

The calming part of auto-training can be done before going to bed, lying in bed and reciting 4-5 formulas of the following content.

1. I'm ready for bed. I feel pleasant, comfortable and good.

2. I feel my eyelids getting heavy.

3. I no longer feel my body. Drowsiness sets in.

4. I can't hear anything. I do not feel anything. I fall asleep.

5. I feel very good, warm and pleasant. I am falling asleep.

Mobilizing part of auto-training

In this part, all selected formulas should have the following goals: to shake, excite, mobilize, bring to readiness. They are pronounced affirmatively and emotionally so that their impact is more productive.

1. I feel cold. I don't really like him. I feel chills.

2. The heaviness and warmth in my legs went away. I feel the muscles in my legs, they are tense.

3. I don’t feel warmth or heaviness in my arms, my arm muscles are tense.

4. I feel an unpleasant cold in my stomach and chest.

5. I feel cold in my back, my back muscles are tense. I feel cold in the back of my head.

6. I clearly feel cold and chills in my arms and legs.

7. My breathing becomes rapid.

8. I feel the elasticity of my muscles.

9. I'm already very tense.

10. I am mobilized and ready to act. I'm full of energy.

So, the above formulas demonstrate the calming and mobilizing parts of autogenic training. But they are not dogma.

Options for influencing a person’s mental sphere can be transformed depending on your individual characteristics.


Madonna has long been famous for her excellent athletic form. She tried many sports and fitness activities - from running and bodybuilding to yoga and martial arts. Madonna constantly emphasizes that it is sports and proper nutrition that help her look young and lead a very active lifestyle. She also tries to think positively all the time. Even after the famous incident, when she fell from a horse and was seriously injured, Madonna was able to recover quite quickly thanks to perseverance, auto-training and dosed physical exercise.

Fighting excess weight

If you want to get rid of excess weight and are just getting into regular training, then regardless of your body type, you can perform the following set of exercises.

1 Rotating the pedals of an exercise bike

2 Standing twists with a cane on your shoulders

Strengthening the waist - 2 sets of 20 turns in each direction.

3 Raising legs from a lying position

Strengthen the abdominal muscles - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

This complex can be performed at home (if you purchase an exercise bike) 3-4 times a week, every other day. In the second month of training, increase the duration of the cardio load by 10 minutes, but train no more than 4 times a week. And try to walk and take the stairs (instead of using the elevator) more often.

To burn as many calories as possible, you need to exercise at a good pace. If you train at home, then pedal the exercise bike as if you were late for an important meeting and left the house on a bicycle! Watch your breathing and, if you feel tired, reduce your pedaling speed. If you work out in the gym, then perform the first cardio exercise at a fast pace, and the second at a calmer pace. You can also try “interval” training: do the first five minutes at a fast pace, then five minutes at a calm pace, then five minutes again at a fast pace, etc. In the first months of training, regular sets of exercises will be enough for you.

If you go to the gym and are no longer a beginner, you can try the following complex.

Training on the ellipse machine

Training on a treadmill

(10 min) – cardio exercise and strengthening of the lower body.

Roman chair leg raises

Strengthen the abdominal muscles - 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Twists with a cane on your shoulders

Strengthening the waist - 2 sets of 20-25 repetitions in each direction.

This program should also be performed 3-4 times a week, every other day. After a couple of months of training, you can increase the duration of your workout on the treadmill by 10 minutes, but no longer.

You should not exercise more than 4 times a week and at the same time increase your training on the ellipse machine. In the process of fighting excess weight and for a slim, athletic body, you need to act consistently and carefully. Your goal is not to work out on a cardio machine for 1 hour one day, and then skip workouts for a whole week and recover. On the contrary, it is better to exercise for 25 minutes, but consistently – 3-4 times a week.

If you visit a fitness center, do not combine more than two cardio machines in one session - this can lead to overtraining.

Try to avoid common mistakes. For example, never go hungry. Even if you lose some weight this way, it will definitely come back as soon as you start eating normally again. But your metabolism will slow down and you will burn calories more slowly, making it harder to lose weight. Don't skip meals, try to eat small portions about 4 times a day. Avoid starchy and sweet foods, and try to generally stay away from high-calorie foods. Drink still mineral water instead of fruit juices and various sweet carbonated drinks that are high in sugar. In food, give preference to fish, chicken, vegetables, low-fat yogurt and fruits.

When people ask me how long it takes to lose 5 kg, I answer that it all depends on when you start training.

The main thing is to start exercising and believe that fat can really be burned. If it worked for thousands of other people, it means it can work for you too. There is no need to expect instant results and weigh yourself on a bathroom scale every day, as this can only worsen your mood and make you lose the desire to exercise. It’s better to hold out for a month, while exercising regularly and eating right, and then measure your weight. Believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results!


Uma Thurman has always been famous for her beauty and was already a famous model before becoming an actress. She encountered the problem of excess weight only once, when after giving birth she needed to quickly get rid of extra pounds for filming in Quentin Tarantino’s film “Kill Bill.” Under the supervision of an experienced trainer, she began fitness classes and also began to master martial arts, which her heroine had to know perfectly. As a result, this combination of different loads gave good results: Uma got into excellent shape, and both parts of Tarantino’s film became international hits.

What you need to know about proper nutrition

Regardless of your body type, you need to eat right to get a beautiful figure faster. Even if you don't follow a special diet or count your daily calories, you still need to understand what proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are.

Squirrels- This is the most important component of our nutrition. They are the main structural element of living systems. The human body is “built” with their help (18%), since proteins are the main building material of cells and tissues. Metabolism, muscle contraction, transmission nerve impulses, the ability to grow - all these vital processes are associated with proteins.

If your diet lacks protein, you will feel a loss of strength, your performance will decrease, and your body will be less able to resist various infections. The main source of protein are animal products:

meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, etc.

Carbohydrates present in foods containing sugar and starch. They give us energy. Bread, cereals of various varieties, grains, and sweets contain a lot of carbohydrates. But it should be noted that vegetable and fruit carbohydrates are more important for both digestibility and health.

Carbohydrates, in addition to giving us energy, do not allow us to use proteins as a source of energy.

Diets that are high in protein and extremely low in carbohydrates can have negative effects on the human body.

Fats serve as a source of heat and energy and are important for the normal functioning of tissue fibers.

They play an important role in protein metabolism and are also necessary for us because they supply fat-soluble vitamins and other biologically active substances to the body tissues, without which the normal functioning of our organs and systems is impossible. It is fats that increase the time for the feeling of hunger to develop after the next meal. A source of fat that does not contain cholesterol is vegetable oil. The minerals that the body needs are divided into macroelements (of which there are many) and microelements (of which there are only 0.04-0.06% in the body). Minerals contribute to normal growth development, good blood composition and strong bones. These are calcium, carbon, chlorine, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, iodine, iron, manganese, magnesium, silicon. All these macro- and microelements necessary for a person must be present in the diet. Their natural sources– these are seafood, dairy products, green vegetables, etc.

Vitamins are essential for the healthy functioning of all organs of the human body. And although vitamins do not provide energy and the increase or decrease in body weight does not directly depend on them, they are powerful regulators of metabolic processes in the body.

Also, vitamins are almost not synthesized in our body, but come from outside. They strengthen immune system and increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

The main ones are vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, P, PP. Most of these vitamins enter the body with food.

I constantly repeat that you need to eat 4 times a day and in small portions.

Additionally (once a day), you should take vitamins E and A (before meals), B vitamins (during meals) and the popular ascorbic acid - vitamin C (after meals). The body especially needs vitamins in winter.

Now let's move from theory to practice. I present to your attention an approximate diet.


Omelette, a piece of bran bread (toasted)

Omelette recipe and necessary ingredients

Chopped green bell pepper - 1 tablespoon, finely chopped green onion - 1 tablespoon, whites of 3 eggs, slightly beaten with a fork, grated low-fat cheese - 2 tablespoons.

Grease a frying pan with a very thin layer of oil, fry the peppers and onions until they are slightly soft, and pour in the egg whites.

When the omelette is almost ready, place grated cheese on one half and cover with the other half. Fry until done and serve immediately.


Green salad with chicken

Salad recipe and necessary ingredients

Chopped green salad - 2 cups, carrots - 0.5 pcs., fresh cucumber - 0.5 pcs., chicken breast - 1 pc., skinless fillet, olive oil - 1 tablespoon, balsamic vinegar - 0.5 tablespoons (or lemon juice - 1 tablespoon), salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Beat the chicken breast, salt and pepper. Then grill for 5 minutes on each side (the main thing is not to overcook). Mix the salad with carrots and cucumbers, season with oil mixed with vinegar or lemon juice. Add breasts and serve.


Grilled salmon with spinach and mushrooms

Grilled salmon recipe and necessary ingredients

Salmon fillet – 1 serving, olive oil – 1 tablespoon, fresh chopped champignons – 250 g, fresh spinach – 150 g, lemon – 0.25 pcs., salt.

Sprinkle lemon juice over salmon fillets and brush olive oil and add salt. Grill for 5 minutes on each side. At the same time, fry the mushrooms in a separate frying pan for 5 minutes, add the spinach and simmer for another 3-4 minutes. Place the salmon on the spinach and serve hot, after sprinkling the fish with lemon juice.

Second dinner

Cup fresh berries or fruit (topped with low-fat yogurt) or a cup of low-fat kefir.

Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water plays a huge role in maintaining constant body temperature and pressure, and reduces appetite.


Kim Basinger has been a recognized sex symbol for several decades. But few people know that Kim has a sweet tooth. Nevertheless, she does fitness or Pilates 5 times a week, and on weekends she gives herself a break and, together with her daughter, visits the best pastry shops in Beverly Hills. True, they only eat one cake each, since they remember well that the love of sweets led Kim’s ex-husband, Alec Baldwin, to be overweight, which he has not completely gotten rid of to this day. And “sweet tooth” Basinger trains during the week.

Recipes for delicious and healthy dishes

We all remember the legendary Olivier salad and delicious pies, which our mothers and grandmothers prepared for us on holidays. You can find recipes for such dishes in many cookbooks. In this chapter, I want to introduce you to dishes that are just as delicious, but won't keep you from moving forward with your fitness goals or disrupt your diet and workout routine.

My wife Katya helped me in working on this chapter, she adds variety to our family diet without violating the rules of healthy eating.

So, we offer you the following recipes.

Fresh spinach salad with mozzarella


fresh green spinach - 4 cups;

mozzarella cheese – 125 g;

Cherry tomatoes – 225 g.

For refueling:

balsamic vinegar – 2 tablespoons;

olive oil (extra virgin) – 4 ? tablespoon;

salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking method. Wash the spinach leaves thoroughly in cold water, dry with a paper towel, place in a deep bowl.

Add finely chopped mozzarella and halved tomatoes. Mix vinegar and olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting dressing over the salad and stir.

Salad with tuna


tuna canned in water (drain) – 1 can;

cucumber, finely chopped – ? cups;

crushed tomatoes – ? cups;

chopped avocado – ? cups;

celery, finely chopped – ? cups;

radishes, finely chopped – ? cups;

green salad, finely chopped - 1 cup.

For refueling:

olive oil – 4 teaspoons;

lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;

ground black pepper – ? teaspoon.

Cooking method. Layer all the vegetables in a large bowl and top with tuna. Mix everything for the dressing and pour over the salad.

Crab salad


chopped lettuce - 6 cups;

crab meat – 1 can (200-250 g);

chopped tomatoes - 1 cup;

blue cheese (Roquefort, Dorblu) chopped – ? cups;

bacon, finely chopped - 1 tablespoon;

salad dressing (to taste) – ? cups.

Cooking method. Place lettuce on plates. Top with a layer of crabmeat, tomatoes, bacon and cheese. Before serving, pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat.

Omelet “Vegetable bouquet”


egg white – 2 pcs.;

milk – 2 tablespoons;

white cabbage – 100 g;

onion – 50 g;

young green beans– 50 g;

broccoli cabbage – 50 g;

vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, salt.

Cooking method. Finely chop the onion and fry on vegetable oil. Chop the cabbage, pour boiling water over it, soak in it until it cools, and squeeze. Boil broccoli and beans in salted water. Combine the vegetables, place in a deep dish, pour in eggs beaten with salt and milk.

Bake the omelette in the oven until golden brown. Serve immediately.

Baked tomatoes with parmesan


large tomatoes – 3 pcs.;

grated parmesan cheese – ? cups;

chopped garlic – 1 head;

olive oil (extra virgin) – 3 tablespoons;

dry bread crumbs – ? cups;

greens, finely chopped (basil, parsley, cilantro, etc.) – ? cups;

salt and black ground pepper.

Cooking method. Cut the tomatoes into halves and place them cut side up on a baking sheet. In a bowl, combine bread crumbs, herbs, cheese, garlic, salt, pepper and oil. Spread the resulting mixture over the tomatoes. Preheat the oven and bake the tomatoes for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Serve immediately.

Baked zucchini


zucchini, cut into slices 1 cm thick - 700 g;

chopped garlic – 2 cloves;

dried rosemary – ? teaspoon;

ground black pepper - ? teaspoon;

salt - ? teaspoon.

Cooking method. Fry the garlic in oil over medium heat for 30 seconds. Add rosemary, pepper and salt. Stir. Place the zucchini in a baking dish and cover with the garlic mixture. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Chicken with eggplant


skinless chicken, cut into portions – 2-2.5 kg;

olive oil – 4 tablespoons;

garlic – 5 cloves;

eggplants, peeled and diced - 3 pcs.;

water – 0.15 l;

ground saffron – ? teaspoon;

salt and black ground pepper.

Cooking method. Fry chicken pieces with garlic cloves in olive oil. Once the chicken is browned, season with salt, pepper and saffron and add the eggplant. Add water, cover the pan and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.



large tomatoes – 4 pcs.;

medium cucumber – 1 pc.;

green bell pepper – 1 pc.;

bell red pepper – ? PC.;

red onion – 1 head;

garlic – 1-2 cloves;

olive oil - 1 tablespoon;

lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;

white bread croutons;

salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove, remove the skin, cut into slices and grind in a blender. Peel the cucumber, onion, garlic and pepper, chop and add to the tomatoes. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil, lemon juice, and season with herbs. Serve with croutons.

Lentil soup


dry lentils – 1 cup;

medium-sized onion - 1 pc.;

celery, finely chopped - 1 cup;

carrots, finely chopped – 1 cup;

olive oil (extra virgin) – 1 tablespoon;

water – 5 cups;

chicken broth – 2 cubes;

chopped garlic – 2 cloves;

ground red pepper – ? teaspoon;

diced ham - 1 cup;

fresh chopped spinach - 2 cups.

Cooking method. Rinse the lentils. Fry the onion, celery and carrots in well-heated oil for about 10 minutes. Add lentils, water, stock cubes, garlic, lemon zest and pepper. Bring to a boil, cover and cook over low heat for 40-45 minutes. Add the spinach at the end, stir and serve immediately.

baked chicken breasts


chicken breasts (fillet without skin) -4 pcs.;

egg white(slightly beaten with a fork) – 2 pcs.;

breadcrumbs - ? cups;

bran – ? cups;

onion powder – 1 teaspoon;

granulated sugar- ? teaspoon;

ground red pepper – ? teaspoon;

salt – 1 teaspoon;

vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method. In a deep bowl, mix breadcrumbs, bran, salt, onion powder, sugar and pepper.

Beat the breasts a little, dip in the whites and roll in the resulting mixture.

Place a wire rack on a baking sheet and sprinkle with vegetable oil. Place the breasts on the grill and drizzle them with vegetable oil.

Bake in preheated oven for 35 minutes without turning. Serve the dish hot.

Chicken in yogurt


chicken without skin, cut into portions - 1.5 kg; parsley or coriander leaves, finely chopped - 5 tablespoons.

For the marinade:

natural yogurt (or kefir) – ? l; large red bell pepper, grated or finely chopped - 1 pc.; paprika (powder) – 1 teaspoon;

piece of ginger root 5 cm long (grated) – 1 pc. (or powder – 1 teaspoon);

large cloves of garlic crushed using a garlic press - 12-16 pcs.; salt – 1 teaspoon; chili pepper – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method. Using a sharp fork, prick the chicken pieces. Mix yogurt with all ingredients. Pour the resulting marinade over the chicken and refrigerate for 10-12 hours, turning the pieces from time to time.

Heat a frying pan over a fire, place the chicken pieces on it and pour the marinade over it. Simmer until cooked through, stirring occasionally to ensure the chicken is evenly coated with the gravy.

Chicken breasts in Parmesan


chicken breasts (skinless fillets) – 2 pcs.;

flour – 2 tablespoons;

egg whites – 2 pcs.;

breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons;

grated Parmesan cheese – 2 tablespoons;

vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;

butter – 1 tablespoon;

salt and ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method. Mix flour with salt and pepper.

Dredge the beaten chicken breasts one at a time in flour, eggs and a mixture of breadcrumbs and grated cheese.

Fry the breaded breasts on both sides in a mixture of vegetable (preferably olive) and butter for 10 minutes.

The breasts are ready when clear juice flows out when pricked with a knife.

Serve hot with green salad or couscous.

Chicken in wine sauce


chicken breasts (fillet without skin) -3 pcs.;

medium-sized tomatoes, cut into slices - 3 pcs.;

olive oil (extra-virgin) -4 tablespoons;

garlic- ? heads;

dry white wine – ? cups;

salt- ? teaspoon;

ground black pepper- ? teaspoon.

Cooking method. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat and add the minced garlic with a garlic press. Season the breasts with salt and pepper and fry for 7-10 minutes.

Then pour in the wine and cook for another 2 minutes. Place chicken on a plate. Simmer the tomatoes in the remaining sauce in the pan until they become soft. Place them on the breasts and serve.

Pork with prunes


lean pork pulp – 500 g;

green apple – 1 pc.;

bell pepper – 1 pc.;

tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

vermouth – 4 tablespoons;

juice of 1 lemon;

water - 100 ml;

pitted prunes – 100 g;

onions – 3 heads;

olive oil – 2 tablespoons;

“light” mayonnaise – 3 tablespoons;

parsley and dill;

pepper and salt.

Cooking method. Cut the pork into portions, beat, salt, pepper, put in a bowl, add vermouth mixed with water and lemon juice. Place in a cool place for 3-4 hours to marinate. Put the meat on a greased baking sheet, pour over with mayonnaise, put the onion and pepper cut into rings on top. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Then place slices of tomatoes and apples on top, pour over the marinade that contained the meat, add prunes pre-soaked in warm water and bake until tender.

Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Mediterranean style pork chops


pork, cut into portions 1-2 cm thick - 4 pcs.;

salt - ? teaspoon;

dried rosemary – 1 teaspoon;

garlic - 3 cloves;

freshly ground black pepper – ? teaspoon.

Cooking method. Salt and pepper the pork pieces. In a small bowl, combine rosemary and minced garlic. Rub garlic mixture into each serving piece. Bake the meat in the oven over high heat for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat and cook for about 25 minutes until done.



cottage cheese 0% fat – 300 g (1.5 packs);

egg white – 1 pc.;

flour – 1.5 tablespoons;

salt - ? teaspoon;

vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method. Mix cottage cheese, egg white, flour and salt until smooth. Roll the sausage, divide it into 8-10 parts and give them a round shape. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Pour the finished cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream or sprinkle with sugar.

Berry dessert


low-calorie sour cream – 1 cup;

vanilla sugar – 1 pinch;

fresh blueberries – 1 cup;

fresh blackberries or raspberries - 1 cup;

brown sugar – 4 teaspoons.

Cooking method. Mix sour cream with vanilla. In a separate bowl, combine blueberries and blackberries (raspberries), divide the berry mixture into 4 glass refractory bowls. Pour the sour cream and vanilla sauce over the berries and sprinkle each serving with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Place the dessert in the preheated oven for 3 minutes (until the sugar dissolves).

Curd desserts


For the lemon dessert:

grated lemon zest – ? teaspoon;

For the chocolate dessert:

soft low-fat cottage cheese – ? cups;

cocoa powder – ? teaspoon;

grated black chocolate – ? teaspoon;

vanilla extract – ? teaspoon;

sugar substitute (powder) – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients. Serve chilled.


Reese Witherspoon loves to cook for her young children, but to keep them from gaining extra weight, mom Reese joggs with her kids. Naturally, the kids mostly run around On Witherspoon's front lawn, but they still burn some calories. Reese herself also regularly visits the fitness center, where she works out on weight machines or pedals a bicycle ergometer. And if she allows herself to eat something too high in calories, then she trains longer and harder that day.

Ladies invite gentlemen

This book is for the fair sex. But I decided to include one chapter in which men can find training programs for themselves.

When I present my new sports books in Moscow, many girls want to buy bodybuilding publications for men as gifts for their loved ones. And if we talk about regular workouts, who could be a better workout partner than your other half? My wife Katya, for example, loves to go to the gym with me. Of course, she doesn’t lift heavy weights - that’s what I’m into, and at the same time Katya works out on a cardio machine, pumps up her abs and exercises with light dumbbells. Follow our example!

Many men don’t know where to start and how to get involved in sports.

The first training complex for a male beginner may be as follows.




Train your chest, shoulders, arms, back, legs and abdominal muscles.



Same training.

Saturday Sunday

Thus, the same muscle groups will be worked out 3 times a week, and the same following exercises will be performed:

1 Chest

Dumbbell bench press.

2 Shoulders

Seated dumbbell press.

3 Hands

Lifting dumbbells for biceps.

Push-ups (elbows pressed to the body).

4 Back

Bent over dumbbell row with each hand alternately.

5 Legs

Squats with dumbbells.

6 Abdominal muscles (abdominals)

Raising the torso on an inclined bench.

In the first month of training, each of these exercises should be performed in two sets (10 repetitions each). In the second month, you can add one approach to each exercise.

After several months of regular training, you should move on to a more complex complex, according to which you will need to train 4 times a week, not 3. It looks like this.


You need to train your chest, shoulders, back and abdominal muscles.


Train your arms, legs and abdominal muscles.



Train your chest, shoulders, back and abdominal muscles again.


Train your arms, legs and abdominal muscles again.

Saturday Sunday

Each muscle group will be worked out 2 times a week, but more seriously (compared to the previous complex) and the following exercises.

1 Chest

1. Dumbbell bench press.

2. Dumbbell flyes lying at an angle of 45°.

2 Shoulders

1. Seated dumbbell press.

2. Bent-over dumbbell flyes.

3 Back

1. Bent-over dumbbell row with each hand alternately.

2. “Pull-over” with a dumbbell.

4 Abdominal muscles

1. Raising the body on an inclined bench.

2. Twists with a cane while sitting.

5 Hands

1. Lifting dumbbells for biceps.

2. Isolated dumbbell biceps curl.

3. Push-ups (elbows pressed to the body).

4. “French press” of dumbbells from behind the head.

6 Legs

1. Squats with dumbbells.

2. Lunges with dumbbells.

3. Raising your toes with dumbbells in your hands.

Perform at least 3 sets of each exercise (approximately 10 repetitions per set).

You should train using this complex for at least several months.

Even if you are currently studying alone or with a friend, try to change the situation. Ladies, invite your beau to your nearest gym!

I talked about “men’s” training programs that will take no more than 1 hour to complete. Therefore, you can invite your husband to the fitness center for a kind of “sports date.”

You'll do your set of exercises, he'll do his, and you'll both finish your workout at about the same time.

You will spend this hour together with great health benefits, each of you will have an improved mood and increased self-esteem.


Jane Fonda became the queen of aerobics back in the 1980s.

Videotapes with rhythmic gymnastics lessons sold millions of copies. Jane still looks very good and works out regularly.

She is jokingly proud of the fact that she has introduced almost all members of her family to sports, as well as several ex-husbands(including famous TV mogul Ted Turner).

Fonda dreams of starring in some romantic film with love scenes in order to demonstrate to her peers and contemporaries that you can be very attractive even at 70 years old!

Follow the rules listed below - and you can get rid of 22 to 3 kilograms in two weeks. Perform only one installation, and you will already force your body to work in the right direction.

Speed ​​up metabolism
Double Your Cardio Workout

At the same time, you can change the types of exercises to minimize fatigue and increase efficiency: if today you had a power walk or run, then go to the pool tomorrow (or at least change the types of cardio load, switch from one machine to another).

Divide your workout into 2 stages

It's best to split your workout into two phases: cardio in the morning and strength in the evening (or vice versa).

Proper nutrition
Protein three times a day

Aim to consume 100 to 150 grams (depending on the size of your fist) of a lean protein like chicken, fish, or egg whites at every meal.

Studies have shown that people whose diet consisted of 30 percent protein consumed 441 fewer calories than people who received only 15 percent protein.

Your weight in water

A common but very effective rule for those who want to be healthy and beautiful: drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Why? The calorie burning process slows down when your body is dehydrated.

Celery, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, peaches, strawberries, melon

These foods are at least 90 percent water, so they will help boost your metabolism and keep your body hydrated (as long as you drink water regularly, of course). Other vegetables and fruits are also no exception. Even relatively dry bananas (76 percent water) contain more liquid than, say, whole wheat bread (35 percent) or almonds (7 percent).

Forget about it!

Alcohol is a toxin to your body, so the liver processes calories from alcohol first to rid the body of harmful substances. Result? Other calories you get from food will likely be stored as fat.

Milk and cheese

"I've seen a lot of women whose bodies are very sensitive to lactose, so they get very swollen from even a small amount of dairy," says Yumi Lee, a Los Angeles-based trainer whose clients include Julianna Margulies. and Pink. By limiting themselves to these foods for a couple of weeks, they see immediate results." Don't give up calcium altogether: take a supplement and get the nutrients from foods like salmon and almonds.


Even wholemeal wholemeal bread can make you feel better, says Garcia. Sweet potatoes, brown or wild rice, and other grain breads will help you meet your carbohydrate needs.

Perhaps in the future, evolution will give a person the ability to see better in the dark or transmit thoughts at a distance.

In contact with


But already now, those who wish can acquire such skills through external intervention in the human body.

This review contains 5 incredible waysallowing anyone improve your body, give him new opportunities that even Marvel superheroes can envy.

Night vision

IN last years An amazing movement called biohacking has begun to develop in the world. Biohackers are engaged in modifications of various organisms in order to make them faster, higher, stronger, etc.

Moreover, such research is carried out almost in garages - they do not require large expenses. Among other things, these people are looking for ways and technologies to upgrade human bodies in order, for example, to make us see well in the dark.

A group of biohacking enthusiasts have developed a technology called Grinder that can temporarily improve human vision in low-light conditions.

To do this, they use Chlorin e6 (Ce6) liquid, which is similar in properties to chlorophyll. It is enough just to drop it into the eyes, wait a little, without blinking, so that the substance is absorbed into the eyeballs, and over time the person gains new abilities.

The first tests of the Grinder technology showed that within two hours after using Chlorin e6 a person begins to see better in the dark.

He notices more details, including small ones, and can also examine objects even at a fairly large distance.

Night video using Chlorin e6 drops

True, the effect of Chlorin e6 lasts no more than two hours. In addition, it is not yet known side effects from using Grinder technology.

Storing information in DNA

The main character of the film “Johnny Mnemonic” carried a chip in his head to transport important, often illegal information. However, now it is not at all necessary to use technological gadgets for this, because human DNA can become an ideal data storage.

And biohacking adherents have already developed a technology that allows them to encrypt information in a helix of deoxyribonucleic acid.

The creators of this technology claim that DNA can serve as an ideal container for storing information. After all, the recording density on these molecules is thousands of times greater than on existing media.

Storage of information in DNA cells

Scientists are already translating various books into DNA molecule code as experiments. However, the cost of such encryption is still insanely high - encoding one megabyte of information currently costs 12,400 US dollars, reading – 220.

But the corresponding technologies are only just beginning to develop, so in the future the mentioned amounts may drop even further by thousands of times. It is expected that commercial use of such technologies will become available by 2023.

Implant instead of a pass

Swedish technology company Epicenter has decided to eliminate traditional plastic badges at its office.

She began gradually replacing them with small implants - RFID chips the size of a grain of rice. Epicenter employees insert these devices under the skin of the right or left hand.

These microchips allow Epicenter employees to access a wide range of capabilities within the company's office based on their access level.

They open doors with electronic locks, activate computers, copiers and other office equipment, record the time a person spends at work, etc.

RFID implant instead of a pass

However, the implementation of such a chip is not a prerequisite for working at Epicenter. However, in just two months, more than half of the employees decided to take such a step - it is convenient and revolutionary. Many people want to become a participant in this unique experiment.

RFID implant instead of a pass


Until 2014, telepathy was officially considered impossible. However, now scientists have taught a person to transmit thoughts at a distance. True, for this we will have to use special devices.


An international team of scientists has created special helmets to read and transmit thoughts from one person to another. She conducted an experiment in which one participant was in France and the other in India.

Devices were attached to their heads to read electroencephalograms of the brain. Information was transmitted via the Internet and entered the brain of another person using robotic transcranial magnetic stimulation.


Participants in the experiment could communicate with each other using simple concepts: “good”, “bad”, “hello”, “bye”, etc. To the surprise of scientists, the number of accurate mind readings exceeded ninety percent.


It is expected that in the future devices for reading and transmitting thoughts will be compact and cheap. They can even be implanted into a person, making telepathy an integral part of his life.

Artificial DNA glue

Biohackers from Harvard have created an unusual glue that could be a lifesaver for sick or physically injured people. This is a substance that is created on the basis of an aqueous gel containing a huge number of DNA strands.

Artificial DNA glue

Once on an organ of the human body, this glue begins to dissolve in it. In this case, DNA strands are gradually implanted into nearby tissues and become part of them.

This allows you to restore damaged organs, including those affected by various diseases. This substance also allows wounds to heal faster.

Artificial DNA glue

DNA glue can also be used in the process of human cyborgization - this gel allows for better implantation of electronics into the human body. Indeed, nowadays more and more people are becoming partially robots.

The term biohacker has become very widespread recently. It refers to independent amateur scientists conducting experiments in self-equipped home laboratories. It's not a problem for them to charge their players from a kitchen nuclear reactor or isolate DNA in their washing machine. Our review contains 10 ideas proposed by biohackers for human enhancement.

1. It all started in the style of "Big Brother"

The true potential of biohacking was first confirmed at the University of Reading by a professor named Kevin Warwick. Warwick and his colleagues from the department of cybernetics decided to build a computer that could interact with human biological systems. And they succeeded. In 1998, as part of Project Cyborg, Warwick implanted a chip in his arm that acted as a transmitter. This allowed the computer to constantly track Warwick's location, open doors for him, and turn lights on and off. Now Warwick is conducting experiments with rat brain cells and hopes that within a few years he will be able to turn the human brain into a biocomputer that can interact with any electronic device.

A biohacker can change cells at the genetic level, and sometimes the results exceed all expectations. JuicyPrint was able to create bacteria that produce cellulose depending on the presence of sunlight. As the name suggests, JuicyPrint then uses the produced pulp as raw material in a 3-D printer. The potential applications for the technology are almost limitless. Doctors believe that this could be used to restore organs, grow new arteries and blood vessels.

Biohackers don't just change DNA or genetic material. They can also combine technology with biological material like Kevin Warwick. One of the first examples of such biohacking was the introduction of magnets into human hands. It is not surprising that this hobby still exists essentially “underground”, and it is usually done in piercing and body modification salons. According to people who have implanted magnets, the human body gradually adapts to the foreign body and begins to perceive magnets as part of the body.

4. Echolocation

Implantation of machines or devices into the human body has also begun to be used to improve their lives. Rich Lee, 34, knew he was going blind. He was almost blind in his right eye, and his left eye was seeing worse and worse. In preparation for the moment he would go blind, Rich began learning to use echolocation. He did this by implanting magnets in the ears. Typically, similar magnets are used in headphones, but Lee is learning to interpret the sounds he hears. Eventually, Lee hopes to add an ultrasonic rangefinder to be able to "see" with the implants.

Humanity+ is non-profit organization, which aims to improve humanity through technology. The organization focuses on empowering people and “taking the next step in evolution.” This includes extending the human lifespan, as well as the development of smart prosthetics, cryonics and regenerative medicine. Humanity+ also promotes the school of thought of transhumanism - the idea that the human race in its current guise is some kind of early prototype. Further development awaits man with the help of technology, implants and genetic engineering.

6. Goal: creating a posthuman

In the case of biohackers, posthuman is the ultimate goal of human development. This is a being that is completely no longer human by today's standards. Therefore, we can say that transhumanism and the idea of ​​​​creating a transhuman are actually only half the way. Scientists suggest that a person will completely change himself through genetic engineering, the introduction of nanotechnology, neural interfaces and computer implantation. This process should radically change our understanding of personality.

7. Political party

It might seem like the transhumanist movement is like a movie about people trying to become their favorite X-Men character. In fact, everything is much more serious. Transhumanists have formed a political party and are planning to run for president of the United States. The party platform is the development of science, technology and health. In Italy, the first candidate from the Transhumanist Party was elected to parliament in 2012.

Biohackers don't always cut their bodies with a scalpel and install implants. There is a rapidly growing phenomenon called "nootropics" - people taking a kind of brain doping that helps them concentrate better, think faster and work more efficiently. Not surprisingly, one of the centers of nootropic experimentation is located in Silicon Valley, and thanks to Reddit, crowdsourced nootropic experiments are now being conducted. Some people go to the extreme of taking cocktails of 40 different pills a day. For beginners, the most commonly recommended supplements are caffeine and L-theanine, which are found in coffee and tea.

The FBI fears that there is a high probability of failure in DNA experiments. In 2006, the FBI created the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, which included a biological countermeasures division. The official activity of the unit is to prevent acts of bioterrorism and control over biohackers, of which there are an increasing number. Each of the FBI's 56 offices across the country has at least one person trained in biosecurity.

While many biohackers point out that organizations like the FBI are overreacting to potential dangers, others are trying to show how subdermal implants can be used for evil purposes. US Navy Petty Officer Seth Wale had a chip inserted into his arm that was originally intended to be used to monitor cattle.

Vale demonstrated how such a chip could be equipped with a Near Field Communications (NFC) antenna that sends a signal to any nearby Android device. A prompt appears on the phone's screen to open the file, and if its owner presses "ok", then Valle gains full control over this phone using a computer. All this is still in its infancy, but the principle is clear.

Perhaps the scariest part is how to detect such biohacking. Vale was in the military when he had the chip implanted, and went through military scanners, airport security, and checkpoints every day. It has never been revealed that Vale is implanted with a device that can give him control over any Android phone.

To be fair, it should be said that even among modern projects there are failures, such as

Working on yourself in the gym is not complete without such a basic and effective exercise as the deadlift. By including it in the lesson plan, it is easy to pump up various muscles of the body: the muscles of the buttocks, hips, straight and lateral abs, lower back, arms and shoulders. Most often, the exercise is performed using a barbell, however, dumbbells and weights are also allowed to be used during the training process.

Experts recommend paying attention to deadlifts for those who want to improve their muscles, as well as develop endurance and strength. Its main feature is that it is able to use ¾ of all the muscles of the body. The deadlift for powerlifters, for example, is one of the three main exercises in the competition program. And bodybuilders include it in training process for general strengthening and muscle development.

Those who come to the gym for the first time should not immediately do deadlifts. This exercise is quite difficult, and you should first work on its technique. It is recommended to exclude heavy weights if a beginner has been training in the gym for a short time.

Since the deadlift is an exercise aimed at improving the muscular frame, before performing it you need preliminary preparation. Beginners should proceed to this action 1-1.5 months after starting classes. At first, the student should work out the lower back muscles on the hyperextension machine, and also supplement the training with various back bends and squats. Only after something like this preparatory phase deadlift performed!

For those who have been training for a short time, it is recommended to lift the barbell from the stand. Since beginners (men) use light weights at first, the diameter of the weights in the barbell is quite small. Because of this, the neck is very low. In this case, the stand will help keep your back in the correct position, since there will be no need to bend over further to retrieve the equipment.

Deadlifts, the technique of which implies knowledge of the necessary safety measures, must be carried out competently and gradually. Before lifting the barbell, trainees should ensure that their back remains straight at all times. When bending the spine at the top or bottom, it is easy to get injured, so you need to strictly adhere to the rules for performing this exercise and do everything correctly.

Types of techniques

There are several basic technologies that are recommended for deadlifting:

  • Classic. Most often it is used to develop back muscles. It effectively works the buttocks, back of the thighs, lats and lower back.
  • "Sumo". This technique is great for lifting the heaviest weights (it is most often used by powerlifters). This exercise maximally utilizes the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, and inner thighs.
  • Using a Smith machine. This type of equipment is great for beginners and people with back pain. With this technique the load is minimal (which explains its safety). However, the benefit for working out the muscle relief will be least noticeable.
  • Deadlift from supports. In this technique, the bar is installed either on stops in the frame or on plinths. A person does an exercise using either the back muscles (as in the classical technique) or the leg muscles (as in the Sumo technique). Each time the barbell should be lowered onto a special stand (plate).
  • Romanian. The load is distributed on the back of the thighs and buttock muscles. The bar with the weight is lowered and raised to the level of the shins. The first and last repetitions should be performed using the classical technique.

Classic exercises

Before doing the exercise, you should thoroughly warm up the ankle, knee and hip joints. At the beginning, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and turn your toes slightly to the sides. The bar with the weight must be on the floor parallel to the center of the feet.

When bending over the barbell, it is recommended to ensure that there is no arching in the lumbar region. Next, you need to pick up the bar (your hands must be at a level of 40-60 cm opposite each other). In order to do a barbell lift with a weight, your knees should be bent, your chest should be pushed forward, and your pelvis should be pulled back. It is recommended to bend your lower back slightly at the bottom.

When lifting, the weight of the bar should not transfer to your toes. The bar is kept as close to the surface of the legs as possible. When lifting the barbell, the chest is pushed forward, and the person must lock in this position for 1-2 seconds. After which (there is no need to transfer the weight to your toes), the equipment is lowered to the floor.

Those who do not yet know why the deadlift is needed will be surprised to find out all the benefits of performing this exercise. It helps strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms and back, which is why many people include it in their workout plan. To maximize your relief, it is important to perform this exercise correctly.

It is recommended to do deadlifts with heavy weights no more than once every 10 days. However, practicing proper technique with light weights is allowed in every workout. The back muscles are maximally involved during this exercise. Therefore, they should be given the opportunity to recover (for 10 days) to avoid possible injuries.

If you have pain or discomfort in the back area, it is recommended to exclude deadlifts from your workout, resting the muscles for several days. Between sets of this exercise, it will be useful to do squats, which will further strengthen your legs.

The benefits of working with a barbell will be most noticeable if you adhere to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to lift the equipment evenly and slowly when performing the exercise. It is this technique that gives the correct load on the back and arms. Lifting the barbell with a jerk can lead to injury.
  • When performing the exercise, the back arch should always be slightly “inward” and not “outward”.
  • Before deadlifting, it is always recommended to warm up the body muscles, after which it is necessary to carefully prepare the equipment. Locks on pancakes should always be on - this measure will protect the practitioner.
  • When deadlifting, your hands must always be dry, otherwise the apparatus may slip out. Magnesia and the use of a towel make it easy to get rid of sweat on your palms.
  • If the barbell is too heavy to lift, there is no need to throw it on the floor. You should lower the projectile, even if the execution is difficult, smoothly (or at least you need to hold it with your hands) in order to gradually relieve the back muscles and not injure them.

This exercise can not only improve the relief of the body, but also improve the health of a person in general. By performing deadlifts (with light weights) regularly, it is easy to strengthen the muscular corset of the back, thereby improving posture.

The exercise involves various muscle groups, due to which blood circulation in the body improves, and all recovery processes inside occur much faster.

By following the right technique, it is very easy to achieve the desired results and improve your appearance!

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