Russian newspaper about the healthy joints program. Healthy joints program

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FEDERAL PROGRAM FOR COMBATING DISEASES OF THE MUSCULATORY SYSTEM (JOINTS). Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich Russian doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor. Founder of Modern Kinesitherapy - an alternative (neurology and orthopedics) method of treatment chronic diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, in which the landmark is not placed on medications and wearing corsets, but on the internal reserves of the body and the patient’s understanding of his own body. “Remember a simple truth, and don’t listen to anyone: joints can always be treated, even in very old age.” A month and a half ago, the federal program “ Healthy Russia to combat musculoskeletal disorders." We asked Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky to tell us more about the federal program “Healthy Russia.” This doctor declares that he will cure 18-year-old osteochondrosis in a couple of months. That he will completely cure an ancient grandmother with the most advanced arthritis in 78 days. And pain in the joints, he says, with the right approach, will go away in 4 days! And, over the course of 48 years of activity, he confirms every statement with practice. Immediately after the broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel (on the topic “how to save joints at any age"), the famous professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky agreed to give us an interview. - Hello, Sergei Mikhailovich. Tell me, is it true that joint diseases and osteochondrosis are “obligatory” companions of adulthood? - Hello, Irina! Of course , this is not true. Obligatory companions of mature age are excessive trust in doctors who have been treating you for 10 years, but still cannot cure you. But in fact, joints, chondrosis and the entire skeleton are amazingly treatable at any age. This is not a miracle, but ordinary science. Moreover, if you know the secret and apply a little discipline, it is possible to recover even at home and very quickly, which is what thousands of my patients do. - And what is this secret? - The secret is in understanding why you have pain. In general, encyclopedias count up to 147 possible causes development of osteochondrosis and arthrosis, but the consequence is the same - joints, vertebrae and cartilage lose their elasticity, hence the pain. They wear out due to poor blood supply. Here’s the secret - by restoring the blood supply to the joint, we cure it! - Yes, but it is believed that it is almost impossible to restore blood supply after 40 years? - This is all nonsense! I pulled myself out of wheelchair after an accident, and this is worse than turning 40. - What are the first signs of deterioration in joint function after 40? The first signs can be considered when the patient has cramps in the joints of the arms or legs. This happens most often due to physical overload of the joint; lifting heavy objects, such as heavy bags, uncomfortable shoes, and repetitive movements all lead to overload. Articular cartilage are destroyed, the bones begin to touch each other, so you feel discomfort. As a result, first there is stiffness of movement and swelling, and then the limb can be completely paralyzed. The increased salt content in the body also plays a huge role. If you have cramps in your arms or legs, you urgently need to limit yourself to the consumption of foods and liquids containing sodium: It is not recommended to drink: Mineral water Tomato juice Pickles Alcoholic drinks Tan, koumiss (fermented milk products containing sodium It is not recommended to eat: Salted butter, margarine All types of hard and soft cheeses Smoked meat, ham, bacon, corned beef, cold cuts, jelly, canned meat Frankfurters, sausages (industrially prepared sausages and other meat products are added with various preservatives and stabilizers containing a lot of sodium) Meat and fish dishes fast food(canned or frozen) Smoked and canned fish and seafood Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish (unless cooked without salt) Canned vegetables (except special ones where salt is not used as a preservative) Chips, sauerkraut Roasted and salted nuts, peanuts butter Sauces, gravies, ketchups, salad dressings, marinades (except those prepared at home without salt) All types of instant soups Bouillon cubes - Have you pulled others out of a wheelchair? - And repeatedly. But most of my patients are ordinary people over 40, whose diseases appeared “with age.” They come with very similar problems: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, pinched nerve. These diseases are exhausting and interfere with life. They cry, they are in pain, they even have difficulty walking. And, it would seem, ordinary people are not athletes or disabled people. And they complain - “why am I doing this, why me?” And I answer: let’s not lament, but restore blood supply. - And how to restore blood supply at this age? - I treated people using movement and a set of 96 exercises on simulators. This is an extremely effective, but very difficult and time-consuming method. People are in pain, it’s difficult, they don’t have enough time to visit the gym. But, YOU NEED TO BE TREATED!!!

Programs may include drip, intramuscular, intravenous procedures or nebulizer therapy (from 5-6 to 10 procedures) to maintain remission in chronic diseases or prevent diseases.
The effect of the treatment lasts from 6 to 12 months, depending on the degree of impairment.
The cost of 1 session for all complex programs is 900 rubles. taking into account the cost of expensive medications.

"Healthy heart"

The program allows you to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prepares you for upcoming physical and psycho-emotional stress, strengthens the myocardium before surgery, preserves the function of the heart and blood vessels with existing coronary disease heart and hypertension.

To maintain the function of the cardiovascular system, intravenous drip infusions of drugs such as mildronate, riboxin, panangin, cytoflavin, mexidol, actovegin, lasix, vitamins, etc.

"Healthy lungs"

The program helps improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

Intravenous drip infusions of highly effective modern drugs: cytoflavin, mexidol, vitamins, calcium supplements.

Complex treatment uses nebulizer therapy with bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs and expectorants.

Ozone-oxygen therapy sessions are conducted.

"Healthy Liver"

As you know, the liver performs a number of important functions, including the main ones:

Metabolic function: production (synthesis) of a number of important, vital substances: albumin, prothrombin, fibrinogen, cholesterol, urea, etc. The liver is involved in all types of metabolism: carbohydrate, fat, protein, etc.

Participation in digestion. Formed in the liver bile acids, promoting the breakdown and absorption of fats, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K

Detoxification. Foreign agents and metabolic products can have a detrimental effect on the human body. The barrier function of the liver maintains the stability of the internal environment, provides timely protection and neutralization of all harmful substances. In the liver, toxic substances bind to sulfates, ammonia, indole, phenols and many other compounds coming from the gastrointestinal tract and from the outside are inactivated.

Hemostasis. The liver maintains an optimal state of hemostasis (blood coagulation system).

People with impaired liver function often experience nervous and psychological disorders, memory loss, elevated level drowsiness, depression, insomnia, anxiety, inadequacy.

In an aggressive external environment, liver function suffers even in healthy people.

The “Healthy Liver” program includes drip intravenous infusions of so-called “hepatoprotectors” (from the Greek hepar - “liver” and the Latin protector - “guardian, guardian”), which increase the liver’s resistance to toxins, and, in general, in various ways contribute to the restoration of organ functions. The treatment uses such highly effective drugs as Heptral, Remaxol, Essentiale.

"Healthy vessels"

Improves the condition of blood vessels throughout the body (brain, heart, limbs, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skin, etc.).

An effective program in the treatment and prevention of many diseases that have a vascular component in their development.

Especially popular in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, diabetes mellitus, obliterating atherosclerosis, heart disease and hypertension.

In treatment we use such highly effective drugs as berlition, trental, actovegin, nicotinic acid, mexidol, cytoflavin and others.


The program is designed for:

  • managers,
  • persons working in extreme conditions, as well as
  • with prolonged intense intellectual stress (burnout syndrome in the workplace)
  • in stressful situations in the family and at work.
The program prevents health problems among managers, people working in a state of chronic mental overstrain under conditions of increased responsibility (chronic stress), as well as in acute stressful situations.

Wellness within the framework of our program is aimed at prevention cardiovascular catastrophes (stroke, heart attack, hypertensive crises etc.), exacerbations of existing chronic diseases, as well as restoration of performance. The program is carried out in collaboration with the center of psychosomatic medicine (group or individual classes if necessary) and the physiotherapy department - relaxation procedures according to an individual program, including optional massage, swimming pool, exercise therapy, exercise equipment, alpha capsule, thalassotherapy, acupuncture, etc.) .

During the treatment process, necessary diagnostic procedures, specialist consultations.

"Intelligence +"

The program is designed for people working under conditions of increased mental stress (persons of intellectual work), elderly people suffering from memory, attention, thinking disorders, as well as people with similar disorders due to chronic diseases, primarily hypertension.

Patients receive a course of treatment with drugs that improve intellectual functions, as well as recommendations for the treatment of causative diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.).

"Healthy immunity"

The immune system protects our body from any genetically foreign invasion: microbes, viruses, protozoa or cells of our own body that have changed as a result of mutations or diseases. If immunity is good and the immune system notices an invasion from the outside or breakdowns within in time and reacts adequately to them, the person is healthy.

Activity violations immune system leads to increased sensitivity to diseases, increased relapses and severity of a particular disease. To work more efficiently, the immune system must be constantly kept on alert.

Effective antioxidants, vitamins, etc. are used to maintain the function of the immune system. Active immune drugs are used on the recommendation of an immunologist.

Oxygen therapy is used in treatment.

"Women Health"

As is known, in modern world a woman takes a fairly active life position and tries to be successful in many areas, for example, in starting a family, in a career, and leads an active social life. All this requires a sufficient amount of physical strength and often significant nervous tension.

The main goal of this program is to help a woman manage everything and at the same time maintain her health and beauty.

Modern highly effective antioxidants, vitamins, and drugs that improve liver function and promote cleansing are used.

Courses of medications are prescribed that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which determines the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

Oxygen therapy is used.

If necessary, further examinations are prescribed.

"Healthy joints"

Joints are an important mechanism for the full functioning of the human body. However, over time, the joints wear out and therefore pain appears, limiting movement and complicating life.

Highly effective, safe drugs that support the structure of cartilage are used. During the treatment, inflammation decreases.

Risk groups in need of prevention of joint diseases

  • people over 45 years old;
  • overweight people;
  • women after menopause;
  • the presence of congenital joint pathology;
  • in cases of acute and chronic joint injuries;
  • parents and relatives have joint diseases;
  • at endocrine diseases, for example in diabetes mellitus.

"Detoxification and cleansing"

The body must cope with negative influences from the external environment on a daily basis. If we want to live a long and fulfilling life, we must create conditions for our body so that it can cope with any adverse effects.

A drip infusion of drugs that improve the functions of the excretory organs and antioxidants is performed.

An examination is prescribed and the function of the gastrointestinal tract is supported.

"Preoperative preparation"

Some patients are operated on as planned; in these cases there is time for careful clinical observation, detailed comprehensive examination and strengthening of the body. The efforts of the preoperative period are aimed at reducing the risk of surgery and preventing complications that may arise during and after it.

"Athlete's Health"

The Athlete's Health program aims to prevent pathological conditions that arise during long-term and intense training. Patients receive drip infusions of vitamins, drugs that have a positive effect on metabolism and ozonized saline solution to maintain health. We will improve your achievements!

"Health in 5 days!"

The program is an intensive preventive course of treatment using highly effective new medications, which allows you to quickly support the main systems of the body.

The program includes such effective and safe drugs as reamberin, gliatilin, heptral, berlition, vitamins, etc. as needed.

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “healthy joints program.”

The human musculoskeletal system is the frame on which the human body is built, which allows us to move easily and gives us a sense of freedom. Throughout life, the musculoskeletal system endures many trials and subsequently appears heaviness, stiffness, pain in the joints, and crunching. The joints lose their former flexibility and activity is lost.

Doctors are sure that the easiest and most convenient way Take care of joint health by taking high-quality biologically active food supplements. The main components for normal joint function are glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen.

A specially selected program for joints will protect and maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system, remain flexible and active at any age.

The program helps return joints to their condition physiological norm, giving joy and freedom of movement.

The products of the complex complement each other and enhance the effect.

When your bones hurt, there is stiffness, crunching and discomfort in the joints, you experience pain when walking, and also if you have a problem with the spine, use the comprehensive “Joint Health” program.

Reviews: joints

Program Benefits

The products were developed by the French pharmaceutical phytoconcern Arkopharma using the latest information technologies, certified according to international GMP standards And ISO 22000, which confirms the highest quality and safety. Clinical trials were conducted at leading industry institutes, laboratories and clinics.

The program's products have unique formulas, are effective, simple and easy to use. It is enough to take capsules 2 times a day with a glass of water.

The program has selected the most effective composition for joints: complex vitamins A, E, C, B6, and copper, selenium, omega 3 and of course chondoitin, glucosamine, MSM.

Included in the program “Healthy Joints” includes products:

  • EnjoyNT/EnjoyNT-R– return joints to physiological norms
  • Detox+/Detox R(or Nutrimax+) – relieves inflammation
  • Ursul, in the next month Mega/ Mega R, Medisoya+/ Medisoya R(for women) – fights various infections
  • EnjoyNT Harpago-gel– improves blood microcirculation

For price, composition, permits, instructions on dietary supplements, see the links to product names

EnjoyNT– an innovative complex created to combat the destruction of connective bone tissue. Helps restore damaged cartilage, stimulates collagen production, strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

EnjoyNT – triple joint protection: chondoitin and glucosamine protect joints and synovial fluid; MSM relieves inflammation and pain; bamboo promotes bone remineralization.

The “Healthy Joints” program is recommended for use in the complex treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, as well as for the prevention of the development of degenerative changes in the joints. Diseases associated with wear of interarticular cartilage most often occur in middle-aged and older people, as well as athletes. But inflammatory diseases joints (rheumatoid, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis) are also typical for the younger generation. If you want to move more, play sports, cope with increased physical activity To be successful and modern, you should think about strengthening your joints in time.

What is the Healthy Joints program based on?

The components of the Healthy Joints program contain biologically active substances: chondroitin and glucosamine, which improve the structure of cartilage tissue joints.

Chondroitin is the main structural element that is involved in the construction and restoration of cartilage tissue, which protects the joint from wear. The main task of chondroitin is to retain water in tissues, which creates good shock absorption during movement and increases strength. connective tissue. Chondroitin inhibits the action of specific enzymes that destroy connective tissue, while simultaneously stimulating restoration and metabolic processes.

Glucosamine is used for collagen synthesis and connective tissue formation. In other words, our body uses glucosamine to build cartilage, ligaments, tendons, nails, hair and even heart valves. Glucosamine, being one of the components for the production of chondroitin, stimulates the body to create building material for cartilage tissue in joints. With age, the production of glucosamine in the human body decreases, so an additional source of this substance is necessary.

  • provides nutritional support for the formation of cartilage, tendons, ligaments and bones;
  • normalizes the activity of the immune system and metabolism;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • prevents the damaging effects of free radicals on the body;
  • improves digestion, facilitates the digestion of proteins and fats.

Benefits of using the Healthy Joints program:

  • 100% natural product, obtained from seaweed and seafood;
  • complex effect on the body;
  • excellent tolerability, safety, lack of addiction with long-term use;
  • effectiveness at any age.

Part Healthy Joints program The following dietary supplements and food products are included:

Source of glucosamine, collagen, triterpene glycosides, amino acids, chondroitin sulfate, B vitamins, calcium (1 pc).

Scheme of application of the “Healthy Joints” program.

First 15 days:

morning, lunch - Extract from bivalve mollusks, 1 capsule;

Next 15 days:

lunch, evening - Artrofish 2 capsules.

Final 15 days:

morning, lunch, evening - Caviar product sea ​​urchins 2 capsules each;
lunch, evening - Extract from sea cucumbers, 1 capsule.

Contraindications: intolerance to individual components of the product.
Not a medicine. Consult your physician before use.
Storage conditions: in a dry place at a temperature from 0ºС to 22ºС.

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