Remedy for thrush polygynax. Polygynax suppositories - an effective remedy for thrush

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Average price online (6 capsules) *: 448 rub.

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Instructions for use

Vaginal capsules (often called “suppositories”) “Polygynax” are considered one of the most effective antifungal drugs, used to treat thrush, which can paralyze and destroy disease-causing microorganism, as well as prevent further development and reproduction of the infection.

Indications for use

When a patient has various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which were caused by various microorganisms, then it is extremely difficult to do without a local antibiotic. "Polygynax" is recommended in the following cases:

  • The patient was diagnosed with nonspecific vaginitis;
  • The presence of fungal vaginitis;
  • Cervicovaginitis;
  • Prevention of genital diseases caused by infections or inflammation;
  • Preventive measures before the patient is scheduled to undergo surgery in the genital area;
  • In advance of diathermocoagulation of the cervix, as well as after this;
  • To prepare for the diagnosis of the intrauterine space;
  • Sanitation of birth canals and abortions;
  • As a preventive measure before childbirth.


Usually To treat thrush, a 12-day course of treatment is required. Take one capsule per day before bedtime. "Polygynax" is administered in a lying position, after all hygiene procedures have been carried out. The capsule should go as deep into the vagina as possible.

If we are talking only about prevention, then that's enough 6 days. If for any reason the patient has missed one or more doses of the drug, she needs to resume the course of treatment as soon as possible and continue it as usual.

Note: the drug is available for girls and teenagers Polygynax Virgo(from Latin virgo - maiden, virgin). It is available in the form of capsules with a pointed tip. You need to cut the pointed end and, pressing on the capsule, insert the drug into the vagina. Squeeze out all the contents completely and throw away the capsule itself.

Possible contraindications

The composition of "Polygynax" is antibiotics that quickly adapt to the internal space of your body, for this reason patients using it for treatment almost never noted the presence of any side effects.

Side effects

Allergic reactions of the body, local burning, itching, irritation are not excluded.

If these symptoms worsen or others appear, you should consult a doctor.

Cases of overdose with this drug are unknown.

It is important!

In order to prevent thrush from returning, its treatment with Polygynax vaginal capsules must be carried out regularly. Systematic use of the drug helps to completely destroy the existing pathogenic microflora. A single course of treatment is often not able to completely get rid of an annoying disease.

Pregnancy and lactation

In the 1st trimester, Polygynax is contraindicated. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester - at the discretion of the doctor.

Before deciding to use Polygynax in any trimester of pregnancy, the patient must consult a doctor.

special instructions

It is important to remember the timing of using this drug. If you plan to use it for a long time, then you simply must remember that over time the body develops some resistance to certain pathogens. To prevent reinfection, you must strictly follow the instructions and do not extend the treatment period specified in the instructions. Also, excessively long-term treatment can worsen renal failure!

As for intimate life, during treatment doctors strongly not recommended have sex during the entire course of treatment. Also for girls and women childbearing age you need to be especially careful, since the components included in the composition interact poorly with latex and caps; their spermicidal effect will be significantly reduced), and this can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

Using suppositories during the menstrual cycle should not be interrupted.

Composition and properties

The release form of the drug is soft capsules intended for insertion into the vagina. These vaginal suppositories are milky beige in color and have a pleasant, smooth texture. The shape resembles an elongated oval.

Candle composition:

  • One capsule contains 35 thousand IU of neomycin sulfate;
  • 35 thousand IU of polymyxin B sulfate;
  • 100 thousand IU of nystatin;
  • Other components include substances such as: hydrogenated soybean oil, Tefoz 63, dimethicone 1000;
  • The shell has the following composition: glycerol, gelatin, dimethicone 1000 and purified water.

Candles are sold 6 pieces per plate, and one or two plates per package.

"Polygynax" is known as a drug with exclusively antimicrobial action. It is applied topically and has good antibacterial and antimycotic effects.

Storage Features

"Polygynax" must be stored in a dark place inaccessible to children. The air temperature should not exceed 25°C. If storage conditions are met, the drug can be used for 18 months.

Treatment of thrush is impossible without local therapy. Most effective medicine are suppositories. Polygynax suppositories for thrush do an excellent job not only with the symptoms, but also with the cause of the disease. These suppositories can also be successfully used in cases where a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. During these periods, the use of antibacterial drugs is contraindicated; the solution to the situation is the use of vaginal suppositories.

Polygynax for thrush is the right solution, since it contains several ingredients that fight the disease. The main active ingredients are neomycin and polymyxin. These are antibacterial components that negatively affect microorganisms living on the vaginal mucosa.

The uniqueness of Polygynax is that the drug has a comprehensive effect on the body’s systems, promoting an easier course of thrush. The problem is combated locally, since suppositories are practically not absorbed through the mucous membranes internal organs, the active substances do not enter the blood.

Another factor that indicates the uniqueness of the suppository composition is its reasonable cost. Often, drugs with antifungal effects are unreasonably expensive. The low price of Polygynax does not in any way affect the effectiveness, but if there is a need to save additional money, doctors advise choosing Russian analogue- Terzhinan candles.

pharmachologic effect

Using Polygynax suppositories is a guarantee effective treatment thrush, in which the elimination of Candida fungi or the weakening of their effect occurs from the first days of therapy. It is important that candles can also be used for prevention.

Polygynax has a local effect on the body, as a result of which the manifestations of thrush are minimized. After the medicine is dissolved, its components are evenly distributed over the walls of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The sulfate components in Polygynax cause damage to the cell membrane of pathogenic organisms.

When diagnosing a decrease in the protective properties of the vaginal microflora, the use of Polygynax is also indicated.

From an external point of view, suppositories can be described as light beige suppositories of oval shape and soft structure. When dissolved, they turn into an oily mass with a homogeneous structure. The color of the solute can vary from brown to light yellow.

Indications and contraindications

Polygynax is used for thrush, as well as following cases:

  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • mixed vaginitis;
  • nonspecific vaginitis;
  • prevention of inflammation before surgery.

The use of Polygynax is also indicated when it is planned in the near future to carry out diagnostic procedures related to intervention in the reproductive system. It is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with suppositories before the upcoming birth to eliminate the risk of contracting a fungal infection to the baby.

Despite the large number of positive effects from using the drug, there are cases when its use is contraindicated. We are talking about increased sensitivity to the components.

You should not use the product at the beginning of pregnancy. In the 1st trimester, the process of laying the baby’s internal organs takes place, and you should not use any potent drugs.

Application diagram

Detailed information about the methods and time of treatment with Polygynax is contained in the instructions for use. She reports that the duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition.

Treatment started in a timely manner guarantees rapid elimination of itching and burning. Suppositories are placed in the vagina overnight, placing them as deep as possible. Capsules are administered daily for 12 days, once a day, preferably at night.

If you plan to use Polygynax to prevent thrush, then the course of treatment should be no more than 6 days. You should not take breaks in the course even if a woman has started menstruation. If the use of the product has nevertheless been suspended, then it must be resumed at the first opportunity.

The instructions for use describe the standard treatment regimen. If necessary, the gynecologist should correct it. During therapy, the use of tampons and barrier methods of contraception, as well as wearing underwear made of synthetic materials, is not recommended.

When using the drug in the treatment of thrush, it is worth remembering special instructions that will help make treatment more comfortable and faster. special instructions:

  1. The duration of use of Polygynax suppositories should not be delayed. With a long course of use, the fungus develops resistance to the components of the drug.
  2. For prevention, the drug can be used independently, but the treatment time should be minimal.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, Polygynax should be used with extreme caution. In the 1st trimester, it is better to get rid of thrush in other ways.
  4. and it is better to stop her therapy.
  5. You should not drink alcohol.

The drug helps to cope well with thrush, but before using it you must obtain a prescription from a gynecologist.

Adverse reactions

Taking the drug Polygynax may cause side effects immediately after administration:

  • burning;
  • severe itching;
  • irritation of the labia;
  • allergic reaction.

If the use of suppositories has been long-term, the intensity and frequency of side effects may be increased. If such symptoms appear, you should stop using these suppositories. To resume treatment, you must consult a doctor.

Polygynax is very effective remedy in the fight against thrush. The pronounced antimycotic effect explains its popularity. The use of suppositories should be started as early as possible, as soon as the disease manifests itself, but this can only be done after visiting a doctor. It wouldn't hurt to go medical examination, the results of which will accurately indicate ways to solve the problem.

Polygynax is a fairly common remedy that is used for thrush. These are vaginal suppositories, which, according to the instructions for use, will help a woman eliminate unpleasant consequences bacterial vaginosis, that is, thrush. Moreover, the active components of Polygynax not only suppress pathogens in the vagina, but also prevent the infection from reoccurring in the woman.

When is Polygynax prescribed?

Polygynax is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory processes of the vagina, for pathologies of the pelvic organs, as well as for such pathological conditions, How:

  • Vaginitis;
  • Damage to the vaginal microflora by fungal microorganisms;
  • To prevent inflammatory processes of the vagina;
  • Before performing operations on the pelvic organs;
  • When performing diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
  • After an abortion;
  • Before childbirth, as a preventive measure to avoid damage to the birth canal by infections and inflammatory processes.

In what dosage are Polygynax suppositories used?

The instructions for use indicate that the course of treatment (thrush) is 12 days. Every day, at night, a woman should insert one Polygynax capsule into the vagina. For preventive measures, the course of therapy is 6 days.

If you miss a capsule at night, you must continue treatment the next day as before (you do not need to take 2 capsules).

Are there any contraindications to the use of Polygynax?

Are there any possible contraindications to the use of Polygynax? According to the instructions for use of Polygynax suppositories, there are no contraindications to this drug.

Side effects

It is possible that patients may experience individual intolerance to the active components of Polygynax. In this case, a number of side effects may occur, such as allergic reaction vagina, unpleasant sensation burning, itching in the perineum, redness.

How often to use Polygynax suppositories?

If you are prone to thrush occurring at least once a year, then preventive measures with the use of Polygynax should be carried out quite regularly - at least 2 times a year (therapy for 6 days with 1 vaginal suppository).

It is forbidden to accept!

  • Polygynax suppositories should not be taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • Not recommended for use during breastfeeding.
  • During treatment, complete sexual rest is necessary.

It is advisable, before using Polygynax suppositories, to consult a gynecologist for a prescription and consultation.

What does Polygynax capsules contain?

The composition of Polygynax vaginal suppositories includes neomecin sulfate, polymyxin sulfate, dimethicone, nystatitn, water, hydrogenated oil.

Reviews about the use of Polygynax suppositories

  • “I have been using Polygynax suppositories for 4 years now - they have always helped me out! For some reason, only this drug helped me get rid of thrush. All other known suppositories for thrush provoked unpleasant itching in the vagina, burning, rash and redness. It is very important to put the candles on for 12 days, as indicated in the instructions - otherwise everything will be in vain. Thrush can be cured, but only if you follow the instructions for the drug.” (Olga, 30 years old)
  • “I recommend these candles to all my friends and acquaintances. I suffered from it for several years. After the appearance of a permanent sexual partner, she infected him with this disease. We started treatment together. My gynecologist recommended that I take 1 Polygynax suppository at night for 12 days in a row and not have sex during this entire time. For the first time during this time, I felt relief - the unpleasant white discharge disappeared, the smell from the vagina disappeared, and my intimate life only improved. Since then I always buy these candles for home medicine cabinet, every couple should have them.” (Tamara, 21 years old)
  • “Don't repeat my mistakes. For 4 days I took one Polygynax suppository at night. On the 5th day there were no longer any traces of this nasty thrush, and I decided to stop treatment. Girls, don't do like me. 3 days after I finished putting the suppositories, the symptoms of thrush returned to me again. Only then did I read the instructions for the drug and saw that they need to be taken for exactly 12 days. I started the treatment again and it turned out to be effective. Thrush hasn’t come to me for 2 years.” (Svetlana, 40 years old).
  • “I needed 2 courses of taking Polygynax suppositories to get rid of this unpleasant and painful diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. The gynecologist prescribed me 2 courses of treatment, placing 1 Polygynax suppository in the vagina at night every six months. The thrush went away without a trace. Although before that I tried a large number of medications, from sprays to serious antibiotics, nothing helped.” (Eva, 35 years old).
  • “I used the suppositories according to the instructions - 12 days in one month and 6 days in another (but this is for insurance and prevention). The thrush doesn't come back and doesn't bother me anymore. I recommend!". (Yulia, 19 years old).
  • “I put the candles on for 5 days, they didn’t help, although maybe I should have put them on for more days. As a result, I switched to it in combination with flucostat.” (Dina, 32 years old).
  • “It’s surprising, but I treated thrush with Polygynax suppositories, and killed two birds with one stone - my cervical erosion went away without a trace. Very good remedy, these vaginal suppositories. I used 2 packages, 12 candles in total.” (Tamara, 26 years old).
  • “I used Polygynax suppositories for six months - 2 times for 12 days and the thrush went away without a trace, as if it had never happened, although I couldn’t cure it with anything before. This product is not cheap, but it is effective!” (Miroslava, 18 years old).
  • “I treated thrush with Polygynax a year ago, but now it has appeared again. Now I’ve bought another package of candles and I hope that it will help as much as the first time.” (Ira, 25 years old).

Polygynax for thrush is the right solution, since it contains several ingredients that fight the disease. The main active ingredients are neomycin and polymyxin. These are antibacterial components that negatively affect microorganisms living on the vaginal mucosa.

The uniqueness of Polygynax is that the drug has a comprehensive effect on the body’s systems, facilitating an easier progression of thrush. The problem is combated locally, since suppositories are practically not absorbed through the mucous membranes of internal organs, and the active substances do not enter the blood.

Another factor that indicates the uniqueness of the suppository composition is its reasonable cost. Often, drugs with antifungal effects are unreasonably expensive. The low price of Polizhinaks does not in any way affect the effectiveness, but if there is a need to save additional money, doctors advise choosing the Russian analogue - Terzhinan suppositories.

The use of Polygynax suppositories is a guarantee of effective treatment of thrush, in which the elimination of Candida fungi or the weakening of their effect occurs already from the first days of therapy. It is important that candles can also be used for prevention.

Polygynax has a local effect on the body, as a result of which the manifestations of thrush are minimized. After the medicine is dissolved, its components are evenly distributed over the walls of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

From an external point of view, suppositories can be described as light beige suppositories of oval shape and soft structure. When dissolved, they turn into an oily mass with a homogeneous structure. The color of the solute can vary from brown to light yellow.

Polygynax consists of the following active ingredients:

  • polymyxin B sulfate (amount – 35 thousand IU);
  • nystatin – 100 thousand IU;
  • neomycin sulfate in the amount of 35 thousand IU.

After the woman has inserted the drug into the vagina, the capsule begins to gradually and evenly distribute throughout the mucous membrane until it dissolves completely. A substance such as nystatin is effective against yeast fungi, the causative agents of thrush.

It should also be noted that anaerobic bacteria, streptococci are insensitive to the constituent substances of this drug. Polygynax suppositories should not be used when breastfeeding, if you are allergic to any of the components of the drug.

An overdose can cause the formation of resistance of microorganisms to the active substances of Polygynax. Side effects may include burning, hyperemia of the genital organs, itching in the vagina and perineum.


For pregnant women, treatment with this drug is prohibited during the first three months of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, suppositories are prescribed in cases where the benefit for the mother exceeds the potential threat to the baby who is in her womb.

The duration of therapy is usually twelve days. Throughout this period, you need to insert one piece every day before bed. You need to wash yourself thoroughly in advance and wipe dry with a clean towel.

It is recommended not to miss a single day of thrush treatment. If suddenly a day is missed, the dosage remains the same; there is no need to insert 2 suppositories at a time. This will already be an overdose and may lead to the occurrence of unwanted negative symptoms.

If you get thrush more than once a year, then it is better to carry out prevention twice during this period. It should be 6 days. That is, for six days in a row, a woman should administer one Polygynax suppository to treat thrush. It is recommended to repeat the course after six months.

It is very important throughout the entire period of therapy against thrush to observe proper nutrition, get enough rest, eliminate all sorts of negative factors that affect the body and overall well-being. The doctor will definitely recommend eating foods containing many useful microelements, proteins, vitamins, giving up alcohol, smoking, including fermented milk products in the diet, especially cottage cheese, natural yogurt, curdled milk and kefir.

Candles consist of such active components as:

  • nystanine;
  • demitikon;

Naturally, every medicine contains auxiliary substances. In Polygynax, the auxiliary components are:

The drug Polygynax itself is a combined antibiotic that has antifungal, antibacterial, and antimycotic effects.

The combination of all components of the product has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, resulting in improved trophic processes. The active substances also actively affect gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

Nystanin has a detrimental effect on fungi of the genus Candida. But Polymyxin increases cell permeability, resulting in bacterial lysis. Neomycin is an antibiotic, and its main task is to act on pathogenic microorganisms.

In order to feel the necessary dynamics during the treatment process, it is important to use capsules exactly in the quantity and with the regularity prescribed by the doctor. The product is introduced into the body only after all necessary hygienic procedures.

The basic instructions for the product are as follows (excluding individual indications):

  • for targeted therapy against candidiasis and other related gynecological diseases, capsules are used once a day before bedtime; the suppository should be inserted in solid form as deep as possible into the vagina; The duration of the course is 12 days;
  • within the framework of preventive measures, the duration of exposure is 6 days; The medication is also administered once a day, in the evening.

Effective treatment of candidiasis involves combined approach, part of which are vaginal suppositories. However, you should not choose a drug based on the advice of friends. Only a competent doctor, based on research results and taking into account the characteristics of the body, is able to draw up the correct plan for correcting the condition.

  • demitikon;
  • neomycin and polymyxin B sulfate.
  • The drug is prescribed by a doctor, who also sets the dosage and course of use of the suppositories. Instructions for use of suppositories also contain information on use. Only the doctor, at his own discretion, can prescribe a different dosage and course of use of the drug. This will depend on the degree of neglect of the disease.

    One cannot fail to mention the use of suppositories for nursing mothers. When breastfeeding, the drug is strictly contraindicated. But if there is a need for its use, then the woman stops breastfeeding.

    Like any other medicine, Polygynax may cause side effects.

    Long-term use of the drug may lead to an increase in the intensity of side effects. As soon as a woman notices at least one unpleasant symptom, the use of suppositories should be stopped and the attending physician should be told about it.

    Polygynax is a highly effective remedy in the fight against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida because it combines a number of effective components at once.

    It is based on the antibiotic substances polymyxin and neomycin, which prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and their normal functioning.

    Despite the wide range of effects on fungi, Polygynax does not have a negative effect on the natural vaginal microflora. It is practically not absorbed into the mucous membranes and is evenly distributed over the affected areas after the capsule dissolves.

    Polygynax for thrush is used as one of the options for mandatory course therapy. In most cases, even severe fungal manifestations disappear already on the 3rd day after the start of treatment.

    If you have started introducing capsules into your body, you cannot stop doing this without special instructions from your doctor, otherwise the effect of Polygynax will not only disappear, but will also add to health problems. If you miss just one day, therapy should be resumed the next day, without compensating for the “lost” procedure.

    Lack of systematic use of Polygynax can lead to the development of chronic candidiasis with regular relapses of the disease. Fungi will gradually develop “immunity” to the components that form the drug, and therefore it will be much more difficult to get rid of them.

  • Vaginal infections.
  • Cervicovaginal infections.
  • Vulvovaginal bacterial and mixed infections in combination with Candida fungi.
  • Nonspecific bacterial vaginitis.
  • Fungal vaginitis.
  • Prevention of infectious fungal complications before childbirth, surgical interventions in the genital tract area.
  • How long does it take to treat thrush in women?

    Candidiasis or thrush is fungal disease, caused by protozoan yeast microorganisms of the genus Candida. The disease causes burning, itching, swelling of the genitals, and the appearance of white, cheesy discharge from the vagina.

    Treatment of candidiasis

    To successfully combat fungi and restore normal microflora, first of all, eliminate the cause of the development of thrush. The disease can be provoked by:

    • weakened immune system;
    • taking antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives;
    • endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
    • menopause;
    • use of low-quality gels for intimate hygiene;
    • wearing synthetic underwear;
    • chronic stress;
    • bad habits;
    • pregnancy;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • injury to the mucous membranes of the vagina;
    • chronic inflammatory diseases internal organs;
    • intestinal dysbiosis.

    If you only treat the symptoms of thrush, the disease will constantly recur and turn into chronic form, can cause complications in the form of inflammation of the vagina. Therapy should be carried out comprehensively; to do this, the main cause that provoked the disease is determined and it is eliminated.

    How long does it take to treat acute stage thrush that occurs for the first time? The course of treatment takes on average from 7 to 14 days, provided that all doctor’s recommendations are followed. It is necessary to take medications even after the disappearance of external manifestations of candidiasis.

    There are modern medications (Fluconazole) that promise to cure a woman of thrush in one day. For primary candidiasis, a single dose of an antimycotic capsule is sufficient; if the disease is recurrent, you will have to undergo a course of treatment lasting 6–12 months.

    How long does it take for thrush to go away in women suffering from diabetes mellitus, depends on the period of time over which it will be possible to normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood. For illnesses thyroid gland restoration of thyroid hormone levels is required.

    The chronic form of thrush can last several months; to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology, it is necessary to undergo a long course of treatment with antifungals, vaginal suppositories, and immunomodulators.

    How long it takes to treat thrush in women during pregnancy depends on the medications taken. On average, the course takes 3–7 days. Oral administration of antimycotics is prescribed in rare cases for emergency indications.

    For local use, suppositories or vaginal tablets are prescribed. This method of treatment is indicated for primary infection and when there are no complications.

    • Suppositories with Nystatin are inserted into the vagina after hygiene procedures 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10–14 days.
    • Clotrimazole suppositories are used once a day for 6 days.
    • Polygynax vaginal capsules are used for treatment for 12 days, in order to prevent relapses of chronic thrush - for 6 days.
    • Treatment with Pimafucin lasts 3–6 days.
    • Klion-D is used 1 capsule per day for 10 days.

    Suppositories suppress the proliferation of yeast fungi, do not change the composition of the vaginal microflora, and eliminate burning and itching. In addition to suppositories, local treatment of the genital organs with gels and creams Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Nystatin is prescribed. Dermal ointments have an antifungal effect and relieve discomfort.

    pharmachologic effect vaginal capsules are aimed at the antifungal and antibacterial effect, which are provided by the active ingredients of the drug.


    • exhibits an inhibitory effect on candidal fungi;
    • it affects the cell membrane of microorganisms, destroying it:
    • this leads to the inability to reproduce, maintain normal life functions, and subsequently to the complete death of fungal cells.

    It is known that it is Candida fungi that provoke thrush. Due to the presence of nystatin in the composition, Polygynax may be effective for thrush.

    Neomycin and polymyxin. These components are active against many both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. They destroy the structure of these microorganisms, which leads to their rapid death. Polymyxin with neomycin is active against bacteria such as:

    The action of Polygynax is also aimed at improving the trophic processes that occur in the vaginal mucosa.

    Women experience infection caused by the yeast Candida. In some cases, it develops for no apparent reason. In small quantities, Candida mushrooms are harmless and are present on the skin and vaginal mucosa.

    The immune system and beneficial lactobacilli help control growth. But as soon as favorable conditions arise, the mushrooms begin to multiply rapidly. The woman then feels the first symptoms of thrush:

    • irritation and swelling of the vaginal mucosa;
    • cream-colored discharge similar to cottage cheese.

    Vaginal thrush is harmless, but its manifestations cause severe discomfort and inconvenience to the woman. The infection is well treated, but relapse is possible. The pharmaceutical industry produces medications for topical use: suppositories, creams and tablets. Oral capsules are popular among women.

    1. Tests to detect thrush in women are not always required. Diagnosis is based on typical symptoms and signs. It is important to understand that not all vaginal discharge indicates a candidiasis infection. There are other reasons for their occurrence.
    2. If you have not had this infection before, seek help from a gynecologist to find treatment for thrush. During the examination, a smear is required to confirm the diagnosis. Medicines are selected taking into account the state of health.
    3. When the infection is mild, women are prescribed medications that relieve the symptoms of the disease in a short period of time. Fluconazole, an antifungal drug, is recommended against thrush. Capsules are taken from 1 to 3 days.
    4. For local therapy, vaginal tablets and suppositories are used. The medicine is made on the basis of nystatin, isoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole and natamycin. It is unacceptable to use suppositories for thrush for women without a doctor’s prescription.
    5. For candidiasis, combination drugs are not used. They contain both antibacterial and antifungal components, which weakens the defenses of the normal vaginal flora.
    6. At severe symptoms or a recurrence of thrush in a woman, capsules and tablets are prescribed for treatment that eliminate yeast fungi in the body. Active substance The drug is absorbed and inhibits the growth of candida, destroying its membrane.

    In women, oral medications and vaginal suppositories are equally effective against yeast. About 80% of patients are cured of thrush, regardless of the type of medication. The doctor determines which pills to take.

    Antimycotic drugs for candidiasis are classified according to the active component. Derivatives treat infection in women well:

    1. Imidazole.
    2. Triazole.
    3. Imidazole dioxalane.
    4. Antibiotics (poleic group).

    When giving your preference to any suppositories for candidiasis during pregnancy, you need to know that it is very important to treat your body with special care, since during this period you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the unborn baby.

    Unfortunately, some women do not take such good care of themselves, which is why various ailments often arise that were not previously detected. It is also recommended to carefully select suppositories for thrush during pregnancy, since not all are suitable for bearing a child.

    Candidiasis does not pose a threat to the expectant mother, it only causes some discomfort in the form of severe itching, whitish discharge, and some psychological problems. Many doctors say that if candidiasis is not treated, you can acquire intrauterine defects and even infect the baby.

    There is no doubt that pregnancy is considered a very important and responsible event in the life of every woman. During these nine months you need to be scrupulous and careful about your own health, but as mentioned above, many women in interesting position various infectious diseases, including candidiasis.

    This disease is very insidious and often difficult to identify immediately, which is why it is so important to diagnose it in the early stages. This disease can lead to serious consequences and even painful sensations, as well as to defects in the baby.

    It would be wrong to position the drug as a suppository for thrush: its release form is capsules. But they are used in exactly the same way - by inserting into the vagina to the maximum possible depth. Externally, it is an oval capsule the size of a large bean, flesh-colored.

    Under the influence of the vaginal environment, the membrane decomposes and the drug enters the mucous membrane, beginning to act on the microflora. The viscosity of the medicinal substance is such that it gradually works throughout the night.

    pharmachologic effect

    • allergic reaction to the components of the medication;
    • increased feeling of itching and burning in the vaginal area;
    • irritation of the skin around the vagina.

    In case of an overdose of the drug, the symptoms of the disease itself may intensify and irritation may appear.

    Based on the instructions for Polygynax suppositories for thrush, the main components of the drug are:

    • Neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates(35,000 IU each) - antibiotics that provide a wide range of effects on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, eliminating them Negative influence on the female genital organs. Inactive against fungi.
    • Nystatin (100,000 IU) is an effective antifungal agent. Affects all types of mushrooms, causing thrush, destroying them on cellular level, changing their internal metabolism.
    • Dimethylpolysiloxane– an auxiliary element in the form of a gel that prolongs the effect and improves the absorption of essential drugs. Envelops damaged areas, improves nutrition in mucous tissues, relieves symptoms.

    The combined composition helps to successfully fight genital diseases caused not only by yeast, but also by bacterial and mixed infections, allowing the use of Polygynax as a prophylactic agent or to combat recurrent diseases.

    If the dosage rate is increased, the duration of the course is exceeded, or it is repeated frequently, negative systemic manifestations may occur, especially in persons with renal failure. This is explained by the effect of aminoglycosides on the body, which manifests itself in impaired renal function and hearing loss.

    Taking the drug Polygynax may cause side effects immediately after administration:

    • burning;
    • severe itching;
    • irritation of the labia;
    • allergic reaction.

    If the use of suppositories has been long-term, the intensity and frequency of side effects may be increased. If such symptoms appear, you should stop using these suppositories. To resume treatment, you must consult a doctor.

    Polygynax is a very effective remedy in the fight against thrush. The pronounced antimycotic effect explains its popularity. The use of suppositories should be started as early as possible, as soon as the disease manifests itself, but this can only be done after visiting a doctor.

    It is important not to use such suppositories for thrush for a long time, as there is a possibility of resistance and, as a result, lack of treatment effect or reinfection.

    The sulfate components and dimethylpolysiloxane included in Polygynax damage the cell membrane of pathogenic organisms. Due to this, the fungi that cause thrush die.

    Suppositories are also used in case of a decrease in the protective properties of the vaginal microflora. The drug helps get rid of other pathogenic bacteria, including staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    The shell of the Polygynax suppository is light beige in color. The candles themselves are oval, soft, and contain an elastic, homogeneous oil mass. The color of the candles' contents varies from yellow to brown.

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa can also be treated with Polygynax

    The doctor will tell you the compatibility of suppositories with other drugs


    Possible side effects include allergies in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes, itching, skin irritation, and drug-induced urticaria.

  • Gelatin;
  • Glycine;
  • Typhosis 63;
  • “Every woman at least once in her life has encountered such an unpleasant disease as thrush. I started suffering from candidiasis 3 years ago. I have tried all sorts of medications. But I left my choice to Polygynax.

    After 1 course of use, the drug completely eliminated unpleasant symptoms who have not returned for 10 months. I think we should soon start using suppositories just like that, for prevention.”

    “A month before giving birth, candidiasis appeared. The doctor prescribed Polygynax and said that suppositories are very effective and are an excellent prevention against infection of the child during his passage through the birth canal.

    “Polygynax really helps, I tested it myself. After a holiday at sea, she returned home rested and happy. But the joy did not last long. I began to feel discomfort in the genital area.

    After 2 days of using the suppositories, the itching decreased significantly, and after a week of use, the discharge completely disappeared. unpleasant smell. The gynecologist recommended that I undergo candidiasis prevention with the drug after 3 months.

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • It is possible that patients may experience individual intolerance to the active components of Polygynax. In this case, a number of side effects may occur in the form of an allergic reaction of the vagina, an unpleasant burning sensation, itching in the perineum, and redness.

    Features of the drug

    The instructions for use indicate that the course of treatment for bacterial vaginosis (thrush) is 12 days. Every day, at night, a woman should insert one Polygynax capsule into the vagina. For preventive measures, the course of therapy is 6 days.

    If you miss a capsule at night, you must continue treatment the next day as before (you do not need to take 2 capsules).

    Are there any possible contraindications to the use of Polygynax? According to the instructions for use of Polygynax suppositories, there are no contraindications to this drug.

    • “I have been using Polygynax suppositories for 4 years now - they have always helped me out! For some reason, only this drug helped me get rid of thrush. All other known suppositories for thrush provoked unpleasant itching in the vagina, burning, rash and redness. It is very important to put the candles on for 12 days, as indicated in the instructions - otherwise everything will be in vain. Thrush can be cured, but only if you follow the instructions for the drug.” (Olga, 30 years old)
    • “I recommend these candles to all my friends and acquaintances. I suffered from thrush for several years. After the appearance of a permanent sexual partner, she infected him with this disease. We started treatment together. My gynecologist recommended that I take 1 Polygynax suppository at night for 12 days in a row and not have sex during this entire time. For the first time during this time, I felt relief - the unpleasant white discharge disappeared, the smell from the vagina disappeared, and my intimate life only improved. Since then, I always buy these candles for my home medicine cabinet; every couple should have them.” (Tamara, 21 years old)
    • “Don't repeat my mistakes. For 4 days I took one Polygynax suppository at night. On the 5th day there were no longer any traces of this nasty thrush, and I decided to stop treatment. Girls, don't do like me. 3 days after I finished putting the suppositories, the symptoms of thrush returned to me again. Only then did I read the instructions for the drug and saw that they need to be taken for exactly 12 days. I started the treatment again and it turned out to be effective. Thrush hasn’t come to me for 2 years.” (Svetlana, 40 years old).
    • “I needed 2 courses of taking Polygynax suppositories to get rid of this unpleasant and painful diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. The gynecologist prescribed me 2 courses of treatment, placing 1 Polygynax suppository in the vagina at night every six months. The thrush went away without a trace. Although before that I tried a large number of medications, from sprays to serious antibiotics, nothing helped.” (Eva, 35 years old).
    • “I used the suppositories according to the instructions - 12 days in one month and 6 days in another (but this is for insurance and prevention). The thrush doesn't come back and doesn't bother me anymore. I recommend!". (Yulia, 19 years old).
    • “I put the candles on for 5 days, they didn’t help, although maybe I should have put them on for more days. “As a result, I switched to Pimafucin in combination with flucostat.” (Dina, 32 years old).
    • “It’s surprising, but I treated thrush with Polygynax suppositories, and killed two birds with one stone - my cervical erosion went away without a trace. A very good product, these vaginal suppositories. I used 2 packages, 12 candles in total.” (Tamara, 26 years old).
    • “I used Polygynax suppositories for six months - 2 times for 12 days and the thrush went away without a trace, as if it had never happened, although I couldn’t cure it with anything before. This product is not cheap, but it is effective!” (Miroslava, 18 years old).
    • “I treated thrush with Polygynax a year ago, but now it has appeared again. Now I’ve bought another package of candles and I hope that it will help as much as the first time.” (Ira, 25 years old).

    Nursing mothers should not use the medicine because antibiotics may pass into breast milk. They can have a bad effect on the developing intestinal microflora of the child.

    Otherwise, the drug acts mildly and where other remedies for thrush cannot be used, it can be used.

    Polygynax is used for thrush, as well as the following cases:

    • vaginal candidiasis;
    • cervicitis;
    • mixed vaginitis;
    • nonspecific vaginitis;
    • prevention of inflammation before surgery.

    The use of Polygynax is also indicated when cauterization of erosion and diagnostic procedures related to intervention in the reproductive system are planned in the near future. It is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with suppositories before the upcoming birth to eliminate the risk of contracting a fungal infection to the baby.

    Despite the large number of positive effects from using the drug, there are cases when its use is contraindicated. We are talking about increased sensitivity to the components.

    Detailed information about the methods and time of treatment with Polygynax is contained in the instructions for use. She reports that the duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition.

    Treatment started in a timely manner is a guarantee of quick elimination of itching and burning in the genital area. Suppositories are placed in the vagina overnight, placing them as deep as possible. Capsules are administered daily for 12 days, once a day, preferably at night.

    If you plan to use Polygynax to prevent thrush, then the course of treatment should be no more than 6 days. You should not take breaks in the course even if a woman has started menstruation.

    The instructions for use describe the standard treatment regimen. If necessary, the gynecologist should correct it. During therapy, the use of tampons and barrier methods of contraception, as well as wearing underwear made of synthetic materials, is not recommended.

    This medicine is used to treat:

    • various infections of the female external genitalia;
    • mixed sexual infections;
    • cervicitis;
    • vaginitis, as well as vulvovaginitis caused by yeast-like fungi (thrush).

    This medicinal product Doctors also prescribe it to patients as a prophylaxis against fungal and bacterial infections before intrauterine diagnostics, various gynecological examinations, before childbirth, after an abortion.

    Indications for the use of Polygynax suppositories also include diathermocoagulation of the cervix and other surgical and invasive interventions that relate to gynecology. Before a doctor is going to prescribe this drug to a patient, he is required to prescribe a special examination to determine the level of sensitivity to it.

    Most often, women are worried about thrush. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an examination, and undergo a course of treatment, which is selected individually for each patient. It is worth noting that many medications for the treatment of thrush and other listed genital tract infections in the form of suppositories are prohibited during menstruation.


    Its cost in pharmacies is approximately 400 rubles per package. It is noted that this remedy successfully treats not only various forms of thrush, but is also able to cope with other gynecological diseases that arise independently or against the background of chronic candidiasis.

    Polygynax is used for thrush as a mandatory course of treatment. Severe symptoms of fungal pathology usually disappear completely on the third day after the first introduction of the capsule into the body.

    However, it is impossible to interrupt the started therapy unless there are serious instructions for such an action. Despite the fact that the medicine is classified as an antibiotic, there are no separate requirements that the drug should be administered strictly at the same time.

    Also, in case of missing a day, treatment should continue without compensation for the “lost day,” but it is recommended that in such circumstances, consult a gynecologist for possible correction of the treatment plan.

    The main active substances in this drug are:

    1. neomycin and polymyxin B sulfate;
    2. demitikon.


    • glycerol;
    • water;
    • gelatin;
    • soybean oil (hydrogenated);
    • typhoid 63.

    Suppositories have antibacterial and antifungal effects on the body. Due to this, Polygynax is used not only to correct the condition of thrush, but also in the context of such gynecological diseases as cervical erosion, bacterial vaginitis, cervicitis (bacterial and fungal), and nonspecific forms of vaginitis.

    The components of the drug quickly block the growth of pathogenic organisms and destroy existing negative microflora. In addition, suppositories successfully cope with itching, unpleasant vaginal discharge, swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes.

    Unlike many other “strong” drugs, Polygynax has virtually no side effects or contraindications, and no cases of overdose with accompanying symptoms have been registered.

    Thus, the remedy requires proper administration so that the instructions are followed, only for the reason that, otherwise, the therapy may not bring the desired result. It is noted that when the course is interrupted or medicinal capsules are unsystematically administered, thrush goes into a chronic stage with frequent relapses, and the yeast-like fungus gradually develops “immunity” to the main components of the medicinal drug.

    Composition and action

  • neomycin is a first-generation broad-spectrum antibiotic;
  • polymyxin B is an antibacterial substance that negatively affects gram-negative microorganisms;
  • nystatin is an antimycotic substance.
    1. individual intolerance and allergy to the composition of Polygynax;
    2. early dates pregnancy (first trimester), suppositories should be used with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters;
    3. renal failure; excessive use of the drug can worsen the well-being of such patients;
    4. breastfeeding period.
  • Fungal vaginitis.
  • Polygynax packaging

    Polygynax has almost no side effects

    No alcohol during treatment.

    When using the drug in the treatment of thrush, it is worth remembering special instructions that will help make treatment more comfortable and faster. Special instructions:

    1. Intimate relationships It is better to stop during therapy.

    The drug helps to cope well with thrush, but before using it you must obtain a prescription from a gynecologist.

    It is important to remember that Polygynax suppositories and any other medications can only be prescribed by the attending gynecologist. It is necessary to undergo the examination prescribed by him, an examination in a chair. The doctor’s task is also to identify the factors that provoke the disease and prescribe measures to reduce their influence.

    If you do not determine the cause of thrush and do not eliminate it, the disease will recur, and the pathogens will multiply and spread to internal systems and organs. Therefore, to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s advice, strictly follow his instructions for the use of medications, and treat any inflammatory diseases in a timely manner processes in the body!

    1. The duration of use of Polygynax suppositories should not be delayed. With a long course of use, the fungus develops resistance to the components of the drug.
    2. For prevention, the drug can be used independently, but the treatment time should be minimal.
    3. During pregnancy and lactation, Polygynax should be used with extreme caution. In the 1st trimester, it is better to get rid of thrush in other ways.
    4. It is better to stop intimate relationships with thrush and its treatment.
    5. You should not drink alcohol.

    Treatment of thrush with Polygynax suppositories

    If you are inclined to have thrush at least once a year, then in this case, preventive measures with the use of Polygynax should be carried out quite regularly - at least 2 times a year (therapy for 6 days with 1 vaginal suppository).

    The medicine is used as a prophylactic agent before genital surgery, as well as before childbirth and abortion. Polygynax suppositories are used on the eve of intrauterine examinations and various diagnostic procedures.

    Vaginal capsules are widely used in gynecology; they provide an antibacterial and antifungal effect. The effectiveness of the drug is manifested in the fight against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

    Polygynax suppositories can be used as a remedy against fungal diseases (they are effective against cryptococcus, candida, histoplasma). Besides, antibacterial drug normalizes the trophic processes occurring in the vaginal mucosa.

    For preventive purposes, suppositories are used for 6 days. If a woman has missed taking the drug once or several times, she should resume therapy as soon as possible and continue as usual.

    • Before the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly without soap;
    • It is better to administer suppositories in a lying position (the recommended depth is equal to the length of a finger, otherwise the drug will flow out after dissolution);
    • it is recommended not to change horizontal position at least for 15 minutes after administration of the suppository to ensure maximum safety of the product;
    • After the procedure, you need to wear a sanitary pad so that the released product does not stain your underwear.

    Thrush is a delicate problem caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The disease can cause serious complications, so timely and competent treatment is necessary.

    • Instructions for use of Polygynax for thrush
    • Composition and action
    • Indications for use
    • Treatment of thrush with Polygynax: dosages
    • Polygynax Virgo for girls
    • Polygynax for thrush during pregnancy
    • Contraindications and side effects

    The fight against candidiasis may include both systemic drugs and agents for local use, which act directly at the site of infection. One of these remedies is Polygynax suppositories for thrush.

    Vaginal suppositories are one of the most convenient dosage forms, they are quite easy to use and quickly facilitate clinical manifestations fungal infection. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination, which will help identify the true cause of the disease.

    Various reasons can lead to the appearance of candidiasis, including: weakened immunity, chronic diseases, dysbiosis, poor intimate hygiene, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, etc.

    The disease has specific manifestations, namely: curdled discharge, pain when urinating, itching and burning of the external genitalia, swelling and redness, as well as discomfort during sexual intercourse.

    Polygynax suppositories for thrush have both indications and contraindications, as well as side effects. Before starting treatment, you must study the instructions for use in detail.

    Vaginal suppositories are one of the most convenient dosage forms; they are quite easy to use and quickly alleviate the clinical manifestations of fungal infection. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination. which will help to identify the true cause of the disease.

    Various reasons can lead to the appearance of candidiasis. among them: weakened immunity, chronic diseases, dysbiosis, poor intimate hygiene. uncontrolled use of antibiotics, etc.

    Interesting things in the treatment of thrush: Polygynax against the disease

    stress, weakness of the body, failure to comply with hygiene rules, taking medications, using certain types of cosmetics, etc. At the same time, the changed environment in the vagina becomes favorable for the development of pathogens, which cause inflammation of the mucous tissues of the genitals.

    To diagnose the disease, a routine examination by a gynecologist is used, as well as taking an analysis of the discharge of the genital organs.

    After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a set of medications, among which the leading position is occupied by a drug for local action on the source of inflammation. Polygynax suppositories for thrush often become a recommended medicine in gynecology.

    What is thrush? It's not a secret to anybody. Everyone encounters this disease in the form of various pathologies - thrush in the vagina, stomatitis in the mouth, dysbacteriosis in the intestines, mycosis of the skin and nails.

    Polygynax is a combination drug for topical use in gynecology with antibacterial and antifungal effects. The antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B have a bactericidal effect against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms:

    Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium spp. Enterococcus faecium, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Ureaplasma urealyticum.

    Dimethylpolysiloxane gel has an enveloping and antipruritic effect, improves trophic processes in the vaginal mucosa and promotes better transport of the active components of Polygynax.

    It is worth noting that streptococci and anaerobic bacteria are insensitive to these antibiotics.

    When administered vaginally, Polygynax is evenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa and is practically not absorbed from its surface.

  • Vulvovaginitis and cervicovaginitis;
  • mixed vaginitis;
  • nonspecific bacterial vaginitis;
  • fungal vaginitis;
  • Polygynax is also used for the prevention of infectious and fungal complications before childbirth, abortion, surgical interventions in the genital tract, before intrauterine examinations, diagnostic procedures(including hysterography), before and after installation of the IUD and diathermocoagulation of the cervix.

    Before prescribing this drug to a patient, it is advisable to determine the sensitivity of the microflora to it; the drug is prescribed 1 vaginal suppository at night for 12 days. The preventive course is half as long. Polygynax can be administered during menstruation.

    It is not recommended to use Polygynax during breastfeeding. As, in fact, during pregnancy, without consulting a doctor and seriously weighing all the pros and cons.

    Allergic contact eczema may occur both at the site of Polygynax application and in other places, as well as other types of allergies. With long-term use, systemic manifestations of side effects of aminoglycosides are possible.

    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, individual intolerance.

    Due to its wide spectrum of action, Polygynax provides a good clinical effect in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections caused by various pathogens. It is not recommended to interrupt the course of treatment during menstruation.

    During therapy, contraceptive caps and latex condoms should not be used. If an allergic reaction occurs, treatment should be interrupted. Due to its wide spectrum of action, the drug provides a good clinical effect in the treatment of genital tract infections caused by various pathogens.

    Due to a possible decrease in the activity of the drug, using Polygynax together with spermicides is not recommended.

    Description of Polygynax is not intended self-treatment. The drug has contraindications and side effects. Consultation with a specialist is necessary.

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    Polygynax will get rid of thrush

    The most popular means for treating thrush are suppositories, since they are a gentle method of therapy and their use is possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The use of tablets and other drugs is unacceptable, because they can destroy the microbiological background of the body.

    Modern market can present a huge range of products designed to combat Candida fungus. But the most effective and popular are candles.

    Not all suppositories can boast of their effectiveness. But it can also happen that one group of people liked the candles, but another did not like them at all. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so self-medication is not recommended. The gynecologist must indicate which method of treating the disease will be the best.

    Recently, Polygynax suppositories have become very often prescribed for thrush.

    Why them?

    » alt=”Polygynax” width=”709″ height=”506″>

    Various suppositories boast their own unique composition and therapeutic range. Naturally, they are partly similar, but there are also significant differences between candles of different brands. You can’t buy into beautiful packaging or a low price.

    Dimethylpolysiloxane gel serves to envelop areas of the mucous membrane in order to relieve itching and improve the nutrition of vaginal tissue. It also helps other components of suppositories penetrate deeper into the folds of the mucous membranes.

    » alt=»Packaging of the drug Polygynax » width=»205″ height=»137″>Polygynax has a complex effect on the body, facilitating the process of thrush and fighting it. In this case, suppositories are practically not absorbed into the body through the vaginal mucosa.

    Another pro factor is the reasonable price of the drug, and therefore literally any woman can buy these suppositories. Most of the antifungal drugs on the market are unreasonably expensive.

    However, it would be wrong to think that Polygynax is ineffective and of poor quality, and therefore costs so little. On the contrary, most gynecological drugs are striking in their accessibility.

    The price at the pharmacy depends on the number of capsules in one package. 6 capsules can be bought for around 200-250 rubles, and 12 suppositories for 350-400 rubles.

    » alt=»Polygynax capsules » width=»202″ height=»142″>

    Prophylaxis is required to prevent candidal and infectious complications when surgery must subsequently be performed. For example, it may be needed before childbirth or abortion.

    Another advantage of this drug is the fact that if it is used correctly and all instructions are followed, there are no side effects. However, they can manifest themselves in a physiological factor, i.e. if a woman is allergic to its components.

    With long-term treatment with this drug, microorganisms can adapt to it and will not react to it in the future. To prevent this from happening, it is worth taking into account the number of days indicated by the gynecologist.

    » alt=”Girl at a doctor’s appointment” width=”202″ height=”118″>Only you can make sure that a woman does not have hypersensitivity to the components of suppositories from her attending physician. Self-medication can be harmful in this case, because the drug contains antibiotics that can harm the vaginal microflora.

    1 candle is used per day, and the course amount ranges from 6 to 12 days. As a matter of fact, the packaging of the drug is designed for 1 course of local therapy. Symptoms of thrush may disappear after a few uses, but it is worth finishing the course of the drug, since Candida fungus may remain.

    The procedure is carried out once a day. It is advisable to administer the capsule in the evening before bedtime. It must be inserted deep enough into the vagina. During the menstrual cycle, treatment for thrush should not be stopped.

    » alt=»Packaging with capsules » width=»202″ height=»145″>

    If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor about possible complications. In case of renal failure, supervision of the attending physician is also necessary.

    If one dose of the medicine is missed, there is no need to double it the next day. It is worth contacting a gynecologist to adjust the treatment plan.

    An analogue of this type of candle is Polygynax Virgo. Whether it is possible to use its analogue instead of the original should also be advised by the attending physician.

    Polygynax has a complex effect on the body, facilitating the process of thrush and fighting it. In this case, suppositories are practically not absorbed into the body through the vaginal mucosa. The medicinal elements that are part of the suppositories are evenly distributed throughout the mucous tissues lining the vaginal walls after the capsular membrane has dissolved.

    Using Polygynax for thrush

    The instructions for suppositories for thrush Polygynax state that the duration of the course is 12 days, for preventive measures - 6 days. Suppositories are placed once a day after taking hygiene procedures.

    The suppository needs to be released from the packaging and placed deep in the vagina in a lying position. Relief of symptoms occurs within a few days, but do not interrupt therapy, the course must be completed to the end.

    The suppositories are aimed at destroying Candida fungi, so they are prescribed for use not only for thrush, but also for its prevention, as well as local therapy for vulvovaginitis and bacterial cervicitis.

    Also, you should not use Polygynax during lactation, as recommended in the instructions for use.

    You can make sure that a woman does not have hypersensitivity to the components of suppositories only from her attending physician. Self-medication can be harmful in this case, because the drug contains antibiotics that can harm the vaginal microflora.

    The candles themselves should be soft to the touch, oval in shape and yellowish in color. The color of their internal contents ranges from yellow to brown, which is the norm for suppositories of this brand.

    For many, a pleasant factor will be the fact that you can continue to have sex during the treatment period. At the same time, contraceptives made of latex, in the form of caps and any other barrier means of protection are undesirable, since their density may be impaired, and, consequently, their purpose will not be fulfilled. Among other things, spermicides reduce the activity of the drug.

    Vaginal suppositories Polygynax are a development of French scientists, which are distinguished by pronounced antimycotic properties. The active component of the drug is capable of paralyzing and destroying the pathogenic organism, as well as preventing further growth and development of infection.

    Treatment using Polygynax

    In addition to vaginal candidiasis, doctors also prescribe these suppositories to those patients who have been diagnosed with bacterial vaginitis, cervical erosion, fungal or bacterial cervicitis and nonspecific types of vaginitis.

    Polygynax is available in the form of an emulsion and in the form of vaginal capsules, which are more popular among patients. The drug is not intended for men. There is a special product for children - Polygynax Virgo.

    Galina Kiryunina: “With this folk remedy I defeated thrush forever! Only necessary. "

    When treating thrush with Polygynax, a vaginal suppository should be inserted deep into the vagina at night for 12 days. If the use of the drug is prophylactic, a 6-day course is sufficient.

    After inserting the suppository for thrush Polygynax into the vagina, its upper shell first dissolves, after which medicinal substances are evenly distributed throughout the mucous membranes of the woman’s reproductive system.

    Regarding the use of the drug by pregnant women. This issue can be resolved by a doctor, but in general, treating thrush with Polygynax in pregnant women is not prohibited. If you used vaginal tablets and during treatment you learned that you were pregnant, you should check with your gynecologist about continuing the course or stopping it. It is not advisable to use suppositories during lactation.

    There is no doubt that the drug helps, this is evidenced by positive reviews gynecologists and patients who have undergone treatment for thrush using Polygynax suppositories. The main recommendation for effective and quick disposal of candidiasis is compliance with the timing and continuity of drug administration throughout the entire course. At the end of the course, all manifestations of the unpleasant disease disappear without a trace.

    MONASTERY TEA - the best folk remedy from thrush! If you use it, then...

  • insertion of the suppository must be carried out in a supine position;
  • for maximum safety of the drug, it is necessary to lie down for at least an hour after inserting the suppository;
  • some of the product will flow out, so you should use sanitary pad.
  • It would be wrong to believe that exceeding the dosage will enhance the effect of the drug; on the contrary, it can negatively affect your health. It is important to strictly adhere to all medical recommendations.

    This series was specially designed for teenage girls who are not yet sexually active. The soft capsule has a pointed end, which must be cut, then directed towards the vagina and carefully squeeze out the contents of the capsule. Treatment is carried out for six days without breaks.

    If you know the reasons why the Candida fungus is activated, you can protect yourself from an unpleasant diagnosis:

    • weak immunity (innate or during treatment of a certain disease);
    • antibiotics, which always hit hard general condition person;
    • contraceptives and hormonal medications;
    • Availability chronic diagnoses thyroid gland, liver, kidneys;
    • frequent use dietary supplements;
    • a large amount of sweets, chocolate, sugar in the daily diet;
    • lack of personal hygiene (you need to wash yourself every day, it is advisable to use special soap).

    In women, thrush most often manifests itself as an infection of the genitals. The main symptoms are burning, itching, pungent odor (all this applies to inflammatory process). There is also a white discharge that resembles cottage cheese in consistency.

    Using apple cider vinegar to treat thrush is the most effective method treating this problem. Read on to see how it works.

    Thrush - also known as Candidiasis - is caused by a certain type of fungus called Candida Albicans, which can affect various parts of the body such as the skin, mouth, intestines and vaginal area.

    But apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy for treating thrush: it contains natural enzymes that help slow the growth of Candida fungi. At the same time, apple cider vinegar encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, which helps keep fungus under control.

    Sometimes the infection can occur in the mouth and is commonly known as candidiasis oral cavity. The disease can be identified by white, cream-colored lesions and sores on the inner cheeks or on the top of the tongue.

    Thrush can be a very painful condition, causing bleeding and problems with eating, chewing and swallowing. Very effective method The best way to combat thrush is to use apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash.

    Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar with 8 teaspoons of water and rinse for a couple of minutes, then either spit out the liquid or swallow, most people prefer to spit it out. The procedure must be carried out about 3 times during the day and for about 3 days or until the symptoms of the disease have passed.

    Candida can also affect the skin, especially around the groin area, between the fingers and toes, under the breasts, under any folds of skin, and under the nail beds. This infection appears as a rash, blisters that ooze fluid, or dry, red, itchy bumps.

    Apple vinegar recommended for relieving uncomfortable skin conditions. You can use it as a bath: dilute two full glasses of vinegar in a warm bath, filled so as to completely immerse the affected parts of the body.

    In some cases, thrush may occur in gastrointestinal tract, where when fungi begin to multiply and spread, it can cause toxic side effects. There are many reasons intestinal infection, but the most common ones are antibiotic abuse, stress, decreased immune system, hormonal imbalance and poor nutrition.

    Symptoms of this type of thrush include: joint and muscle pain, headaches, depression, irritability, anxiety, skin rash, muscle spasm intestines, diarrhea, gas formation, flatulence, heartburn, belching and oral candidiasis.

    Apple cider vinegar can help solve this problem by killing fungi and restoring the balance of beneficial intestinal flora. You need to drink two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in 8 tablespoons of water 2 times a day. Repeat the procedure daily until the symptoms disappear.

    Incredibly, vaginal thrush affects at least 75% of women at some point in their lives. The worst thing is that half of women easy stage The disease can develop into a chronic form.

    Most women experience symptoms of thrush such as itching, redness of the external genitalia, white cheesy or yellow discharge and constant discomfort in the pelvic area. Apple cider vinegar is used to treat vaginal thrush in the same way as skin thrush described earlier, i.e.

    soaking in a warm bath containing 2 cups of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is also used for douching. Apple cider vinegar is diluted with warm boiled water 1:1 and doused with an Esmarch mug 2 times a day.

    Treatment of thrush with Polygynax suppositories comes down to the destruction of the Candida fungus. It is worth noting that these suppositories are indicated both for local treatment of candidiasis and for the prevention of its possible complications.

    Gynecologists often prescribe suppositories for the prevention of various infectious and candidal complications before a well-known procedure. surgery in the lower genital tract (including before abortion) or upcoming birth.

    Features of treatment with these suppositories include the fact that there is a minimal likelihood of side effects. If you follow all the instructions of the gynecologist and strictly adhere to the “recommendations” of the instructions regarding dosages, side effect the drug is impossible.

    But it is worth noting that suppositories have contraindications, which consist in the physiological factor of the body’s susceptibility to any components that make up Polygynax.

    You can verify the absence of sensitivity to the components of the drug only by consulting with your doctor. Do not take any independent action regarding self-medication, because the drug includes several antibiotics that can harm the intravaginal microflora.

    Depending on the form of the complexity of thrush, the “fight” against the harmful fungus can last for 6-12 days (1 suppository per day). Accordingly, candles are produced in packs of 6 or 12 pieces.

    The duration of treatment against candidiasis can only be determined by a gynecologist, based on the results of an in-person examination and tests. Despite the fact that the symptoms “disappear” quickly, the course of treatment must be completed.

    Treatment of candidiasis

    Can suppositories be used during pregnancy?

    In the first trimester, the use of Polygynax suppositories for thrush is prohibited. In the second and third trimester, the doctor may prescribe the use of the drug, but only if the woman strictly follows his recommendations, since the drug contains antibiotics, and their effect on the fetus has not been fully studied.

    If candidiasis appears just before childbirth, then the use of the product instantly normalizes the microflora, which means that the risk of infecting the baby during childbirth is zero.

    During pregnancy, many women have a tendency to recurrent thrush. This is due to a natural hormonal imbalance, which leads to increased activity yeast fungi.

    Many drugs are prohibited for use during this period, and topical medications provide only temporary relief. Complete cure occurs after the natural normalization of hormonal imbalance.

    However, Polygynax suppositories for thrush during pregnancy are prescribed quite often, excluding the first trimester, when use is undesirable due to the effect of the drug on fetal formation. Use is carried out strictly on the recommendation of a doctor, as a rule, in a standard dosage and usual regimen.

    When breastfeeding, the use of the drug should be avoided.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, suppositories are contraindicated; later the doctor may prescribe them if he considers such a measure necessary. Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims that the capsules do not have a negative effect on the fetus, they can be used in a minimum dosage.

    The indication for the use of suppositories is the treatment and prevention of genital inflammatory infections before childbirth, however, such a measure is relevant only if the pregnant woman has pathogenic microflora in the vagina, which was revealed during laboratory tests.


    • convenient release form. The candles are soft to the touch and do not cause difficulties when placing;
    • comprehensive approach to treatment, which helps eliminate diseases caused by various pathogens. For the same reason, Polygynax for thrush is effective in the treatment of recurrent forms of the disease and in cases where there is no effect from taking other medications;
    • performance. Completely eliminates symptoms after 2-3 days of use;
    • minimal number of side effects. Being a drug for local use, it does not cause a negative systemic effect on the body;
    • appointed for rehabilitation in preparation for gynecological operations and manipulations, which significantly reduces the risk of complications;
    • it is possible to use Polygynax during pregnancy.
    About the author: Admin4ik

    Suppositories are one of the most popular treatment options for candidiasis. Among other drugs, the gynecologist may prescribe Polygynax to the patient for thrush. How do these suppositories work?

    Mechanism of action

    Polygynax is a highly effective remedy in the fight against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida because it combines a number of effective components at once.

    It is based on the antibiotic substances polymyxin and neomycin, which prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and their normal functioning.

    As a result, the mucous membranes of the vagina return to their normal state. Additional elements included in Polygynax are:

    Despite the wide range of effects on fungi, Polygynax does not have a negative effect on the natural vaginal microflora. It is practically not absorbed into the mucous membranes and is evenly distributed over the affected areas after the capsule dissolves.

    Who uses this drug and how?

    Polygynax for thrush is used as one of the options for mandatory course therapy. In most cases, even severe fungal manifestations disappear already on the 3rd day after the start of treatment.


    If you have started introducing capsules into your body, you cannot stop doing this without special instructions from your doctor, otherwise the effect of Polygynax will not only disappear, but will also add to health problems. If you miss just one day, therapy should be resumed the next day, without compensating for the “lost” procedure.

    Lack of systematic use of Polygynax can lead to the development of chronic candidiasis with regular relapses of the disease. Fungi will gradually develop “immunity” to the components that form the drug, and therefore it will be much more difficult to get rid of them.

    At the same time, despite the fact that Polygynax is considered an antibiotic, there are no exact regulations regarding the daily time of its introduction into the body.

    In addition to vaginal candidiasis, doctors also prescribe these suppositories to those patients who have been diagnosed with bacterial vaginitis, cervical erosion, fungal or bacterial cervicitis and nonspecific types of vaginitis.

    Polygynax is available in the form of an emulsion and in the form of vaginal capsules, which are more popular among patients. The drug is not intended for men. There is a special product for children - Polygynax Virgo.

    Minimal contraindications

    Polygynax for thrush is prohibited for use only by a very small group of women. We are talking about patients:

    1. Those with allergies and individual intolerance to the elements included in the suppositories.
    2. Those in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the use of suppositories should be done with caution.
    3. Breastfeeding newborn babies.
    4. Suffering from kidney failure. Excessive use of the drug can only aggravate the existing disease.

    There have been no cases of incompatibility of Polygynax with other drugs in medical practice. The product can only weaken the effect of other products. The drug is approved for use during menstruation. But you will have to abstain from alcohol and sexual intercourse with a partner during the treatment period.

    Of all kinds adverse reactions Polygynax can only provoke allergies, manifested in the form of rashes, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes and drug-induced urticaria.


    Many patients who use these suppositories to treat thrush note that in morning hours They secrete copious amounts of translucent fluid. Such manifestations are a variant of the norm, and not unfavorable side symptom. Treatment with suppositories should not be interrupted.

    Rules of application

    According to the instructions, which do not take into account the individual characteristics of the body or the specific course of the disease, Polygynax for thrush should be used once a day, preferably before going to bed.

    Suppositories must be inserted as deep as possible into the vaginal passage. The duration of treatment is 12 days. As part of prevention, suppositories should be used only for 6 days. Additional recommendations for the use of suppositories are determined by the attending physician.

    Price category

    The affordable cost of the drug is a significant advantage for many women suffering from vaginal candidiasis. A package with 6 capsules can be purchased for an average of 350 rubles, and with 12 capsules - for 550 rubles.

    What is the cost of this drug in your pharmacies? ???

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