Why does the stomach become hard during pregnancy, in what cases should you sound the alarm? Hard belly during pregnancy: causes and consequences Why does the belly become hard in pregnant women?

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Why does the stomach become hard during pregnancy?

This question very often worries expectant mothers. Of course, if this happens constantly, there is reason to worry, or rather, to be more attentive to your health and well-being of the future heir or heiress.

If a situation where a symptom such as hard belly during pregnancy, does not occur often and the situation does not last long (one to two minutes), without severe pain, then there is nothing to worry about at all. In this case, most likely uterine hypertonicity (that is what this pathology of pregnancy is called) is caused by slight stress, fatigue, and overexertion.

First of all, if you feel the sensation of a hard belly during pregnancy, lie down and relax. Listen to your feelings - is the pain increasing? If everything has returned to normal, then do not forget to tell him about your problems at your next visit to the doctor.

If the situation does not resolve itself, the pain intensifies, the stomach does not relax - do not delay and call an ambulance - as they say: “God protects those who are careful.” Don’t be shy and need to call the emergency room if you are 37,38, 39, 40 weeks pregnant. A hard belly, and especially in combination with even a slight nagging pain, can be a sign of beginning labor. In this case, it is better to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

If, for example, you are only 20 weeks pregnant and your stomach is hard, then you should be wary. The symptom of a hard belly during pregnancy in the first and second semester may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage. Hypertonicity of the uterus causes its contraction, blood circulation in the placenta is disrupted, and the fetus does not receive enough oxygen. All this can cause an emergency situation, or it can develop into a chronic situation, when a hard abdomen (hypertonicity of the uterus) causes oxygen starvation of the fetus and a delay in its growth. Such situations require a thorough examination in a hospital and timely treatment.

And yet, let's try to answer the question posed at the beginning of the article - why is the stomach hard during pregnancy? In addition to the already noted stress and fatigue, more serious causes of uterine hypertonicity can be disturbances in a woman’s hormonal system and various endocrine disruptions. It is imperative and as early as possible, if you have symptoms of a hard abdomen during pregnancy, that you need to be examined in order to exclude or identify and promptly treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Excessive depression, which, by the way, can even be caused by pregnancy itself and concerns about the baby’s health, can also provoke increased uterine tone.

At later stages, but when the birth is still far away, for example, if you are 32 - 36 weeks pregnant, a hard belly may be due to polyhydramnios or the fact that the fetus is very large. This situation also requires mandatory medical examination and adjustment.

The most important thing is to maintain a sober mind and calm. Don’t panic - every expectant mother has experienced at least once in 9 months the feeling that the lower abdomen is becoming hard during pregnancy. Even if your case is caused by pathology, this disease can be successfully treated and your baby will definitely be born healthy. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of an experienced doctor.

Perhaps the pain will disappear after prescribing basic sedatives (such as motherwort) or antispasmodics. In more serious cases, if indicated, hormonal drugs are prescribed. You may be asked to go to the hospital in the pregnancy pathology department. Don’t take this situation too tragically - the doctors just want to monitor your condition, especially since in the hospital you and your unborn baby will be under the supervision of specialists around the clock, you will be guaranteed complete peace. But isn’t a week or two spent in a hospital room, even if just for the sake of reinsurance, worth it so that everything we ultimately strive for – giving birth to a healthy baby and maintaining our own health – successfully comes true?

And finally, traditional, but no less important advice on how to prevent hypertonicity - a hard belly during pregnancy. Take preventive measures at the stage of pregnancy planning. Together with the future dad, give up bad habits - smoking and alcohol, get examined and rule out inflammatory and infectious diseases. Take up relaxation and stress relief techniques - yoga, auto-training, Pilates. Have a great pregnancy!

Pregnancy is a special condition that brings many changes to a woman’s life. During pregnancy, the system of the entire body is restructured: hormonal levels change, senses become more acute, and the sensitivity of the emotional sphere increases. And all this happens because the main goal of the body is to protect the unborn child, and all these changes will allow you to signal in time that something has gone wrong.

Why does the stomach tense during pregnancy, is it dangerous?

Pregnant women (especially those with their first child), due to their heightened sensitivity and increased anxiety, often worry about any changes occurring in the body, which for the most part are normal for their condition. But there are things that cannot be ignored, as they can harm not only the expectant mother, but also her unborn child. Conditions that may cause concern include abdominal tension.

The feeling of a tense abdomen during pregnancy is due to tension in the uterus. The uterus is a muscular organ, and like any muscular organ it is characterized by constant tension. The fact is that, due to its anatomical characteristics, not a single muscle is completely relaxed - even at rest there is tension in it. When it starts to move, the tension increases.

The muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) makes up about 80% of the body of the uterus

Tension of the muscle tissue of the uterus causes its contractions. Contractile activity of the uterus is observed during sexual intercourse, during menstruation, and also in the presence of certain diseases directly affecting the uterus and its appendages. But in a non-pregnant state, due to the small size of the uterus, these contractions are practically not felt and do not cause concern.

During pregnancy, thanks to the elastic walls, the uterus is able to increase to 32 cm in height and 20 cm in width, supporting a fetus weighing up to 5 kg.

During pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases, which in itself causes its contraction. In fact, constant contractile activity of the uterus accompanies the entire pregnancy, it is just not always felt. When uterine contractions intensify, the tension in the muscle tissue of the uterus increases and becomes physically noticeable: the abdomen tenses, becomes hard, and “turns to stone.”

If your stomach suddenly becomes hard to the touch, as if made of stone, you should inform your doctor accompanying your pregnancy.

The feeling of a “stony” abdomen occurs due to muscle spasm, which is caused by contractions of the uterus. But if uterine contractions become strong or continue for a long time, this indicates increased uterine tone (hypertonicity).

In the later stages of pregnancy, the stomach may become hard when the grown-up baby rests on it with some part of the body (back, butt, knees). But in this case, not the entire stomach will be hard, but only part of it.

Also, in the third trimester of pregnancy, false contractions (training) may begin. They differ from hypertonicity in that during training contractions the abdomen tenses for a short time, infrequently and irregularly, and, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant sensations, except for the tension itself.

Muscle tone of the uterus

The muscular lining (myometrium) of the uterus is the most powerful layer of the uterine wall, formed by a plexus of bundles of smooth muscles and blood vessels. All muscles are never completely relaxed; some tension remains in them - muscle tone. And as a powerful muscular organ, the uterus is constantly in a state of tone.

Tone (Greek tonos tension) is the constant (background) activity of some tissues and organs, ensuring their readiness for action.

Great Medical Encyclopedia

With low general tone, before contraction occurs, the walls of the uterus must come into a state of tension; with increased tone, the slightest irritation causes a contraction of its muscles.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone

The most basic symptom by which it is determined whether the tone of a pregnant woman’s uterus is increased is a belly that is hard to the touch over its entire surface. But no one makes a diagnosis based on one symptom. Moreover, hypertonicity is accompanied not only by “petrification” of the abdomen.

With uterine hypertonicity, the following may also be present:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • nagging pain similar to menstrual pain;
  • back pain (sacrum, lumbar);
  • bursting sensations in the lower part of the chest (in later stages).

Contractions with increased tone usually begin from the fundus of the uterus (its upper part), gradually spreading downwards. Since all the muscle layers of the uterus contract as a single muscle, the spasm covers the entire abdominal area, leading to its “petrification.”

Reasons for increased uterine tone during pregnancy

The reasons for the increased tone of the uterus, as well as a hard abdomen, are endocrine and hormonal disorders, infectious and inflammatory processes in the woman’s genital organs, underdevelopment of the uterus, a malfunction in the immune system, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, colitis, dysbacteriosis). Even a poorly emptied bowel or a full bladder can cause uterine hypertonicity.

The occurrence of increased tone (hypertonicity) of the uterus is also facilitated by nervous stress, fear, overexcitation or overstrain of muscle fibers caused by excessive physical activity. Hypertonicity can also be caused by strong emotional experiences, including positive ones.

In the later stages, hypertonicity can develop against the background of polyhydramnios or due to a too large fetus inside the womb or multiple pregnancy. Heavy physical activity and injuries during pregnancy also lead to increased uterine tone.

In addition, the tone of the uterus increases when a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, certain medications, or in women who smoke.

Consequences: is the threat real?

During the development of pregnancy, as the uterus stretches, some fluctuations in its tone are possible, which are usually not accompanied by significant muscle contractions. A gradual increase in tone is considered normal, which becomes significant only shortly before birth.

If your stomach tenses infrequently and there are no additional symptoms, then there is most likely nothing to worry about. This is only a signal that it would be desirable to reduce physical activity and minimize emotional experiences. But you should still inform your doctor at your next scheduled visit.

Increased contractile activity of the uterus in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) can lead to detachment of the ovum (spontaneous abortion). In the second trimester, a sharp increase in tone can provoke placental abruption, and strong contractions (like contractions) cause dilatation of the cervix, which can lead to miscarriage. In the third trimester, the danger of increased tone is that it can cause premature birth.

In addition, with hypertonicity, blood circulation in the placenta is impaired, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. Hypertonicity can also provoke retarded fetal growth and development both before and after childbirth.

However, in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. Consultation with a specialist is necessary if:

  • the stomach is very hard, and it does not go away;
  • a hard stomach is accompanied by pain in its lower part, in the lower back, in the sacrum, coccyx, and rectum;
  • red or brown vaginal discharge is observed;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area appears regularly, often repeats, or pain and tension intensify;
  • fainting, severe nausea, vomiting occur;
  • there is a false urge to defecate.

All these signs can be harbingers of an incipient miscarriage, however, with timely medical care, in most cases the pregnancy can be saved.

Increasing the tone of the uterus is not a natural process. For some, it is elevated throughout pregnancy, and some manage not to encounter this at all until the onset of labor. During my pregnancy, I also had to deal with hypertension. Only this happened very unexpectedly, abruptly, and in the eighth month of pregnancy. When many friends, relatives and just friends, being pregnant, starting from the 15th week, asked me about the tone of the uterus, I really didn’t understand what they were talking about. And the expression “stone belly” seemed strange to me. Yes, my stomach sometimes tensed, I felt a tug, like during menstruation, but it didn’t reach the point of a “stony” stomach. In general, for a month before my 8th pregnancy, I was running and flying and enjoying life: everything was going so well. Until one day, at 35 weeks of pregnancy, I wanted something sweet. My husband bought cakes with custard, and I devoured them in the evening before bed in a very large quantity. And the next morning I felt bad: I was so sick that I couldn’t even drink water. And this continued all day. After gagging, my stomach became very tense and nagging pain appeared. By the evening the nausea stopped, but the temperature rose and my back began to ache so much (in the lumbar region) that it seemed as if my spine was being twisted. At first I thought it was due to fever, but knowledgeable people suggested that this could be a symptom of the onset of labor. My stomach did not let go - it really became as if it were made of stone: I literally felt how it was propping up my ribs, which made my chest hurt. And by 12 at night I called an ambulance. In the emergency room, during the examination, the gynecologist on duty added to the diagnosis of hypertonicity that there was practically no cervix. Although two weeks before, the doctor leading the pregnancy said that the cervix was good. In short, they put me in safekeeping. My condition was such that I agreed to anything just to make it stop. I was immediately injected with a drug that helps the baby’s lungs form faster in case premature labor begins. They put in about four droppers to reduce tone; brought down the temperature. Thanks to all the medical procedures performed, by the morning I felt just great. There was no trace left of the tone, the temperature no longer rose. The only consequence was a shortening of the cervix, so much so that they left me in pregnancy until the 37th week of pregnancy. The head of the department “reassured” that I could give birth as soon as I left the hospital, and since there was almost no cervix, I could give birth quickly. At 37 weeks, they were still discharged, since an ultrasound examination showed that the baby was fully formed, full-term, and at this stage the birth was no longer considered premature. I went back to the hospital 4 days later because my back started hurting again. This time my stomach wasn’t particularly tense and there were no signs of contractions or anything similar. She gave birth to a healthy baby 2 days later. She gave birth quite quickly, especially considering that this was the first birth: 7 hours after the waters broke (6 if you count from the start of contractions). This is how just one single day of increased uterine tone led to almost complete smoothing of the cervix. And if it weren’t for timely medical assistance, who knows how all this would have ended.

How to reduce uterine tone during pregnancy

Since increased uterine tone can lead to unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to take all possible actions to reduce it. If the increase in tone is short-lived and inconsistent, then simple techniques that you can use yourself at home will suffice. If the tension increases rapidly and continues for a long time, you will most likely need medical attention.

How to help yourself at home

Increased uterine tone causes worry and concern in a pregnant woman, even if it is insignificant. But the fact is that the experiences themselves affect the general emotional state, which sharply worsens, and the woman finds herself in a situation of stress, which, in turn, provokes an even greater increase in tone. To break this vicious circle and avoid more serious problems, you can try.

  1. Relax. The simplest and most effective way to relieve muscle tension is to relax them. It would seem elementary, but not every pregnant woman will remember this, much less apply it. Therefore, first of all, you need to relax as much as possible: dim the lights, turn on calm music, take a comfortable position (it is not necessary to lie down). Aromatherapy also promotes relaxation. But aromatherapy requires an individual approach. Since the olfactory centers are closely connected with subconscious memory, certain aromas can cause unpleasant sensations or experiences, even if these aromas have a calming and relaxing effect on others. It should also be taken into account that during pregnancy the sense of smell becomes more acute and the perception of odors itself changes, and therefore previously pleasant odors can cause disgust.
  2. Get rid of negativity. In order to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions, visualization techniques are used. For example, imagine yourself on the seashore under the warm sun; or in a cool forest where there is a breath of freshness; or floating on a cloud high in the sky. For clarity of sensations, you can turn on appropriate music: the sound of the ocean, the sounds of the forest, or just a calm, pleasant melody.
  3. Talk to the baby. It has been scientifically proven that when a pregnant woman constantly communicates with her unborn child, he behaves calmer, and pregnancy proceeds easier. And the point is not that the child understands what his mother is telling him. If a mother says something pleasant, experiencing positive emotions, feeling confident that everything will be fine, the chemical composition of the blood changes: hormones of pleasure, calmness, and confidence are produced. And this “chemical” mood is transmitted through the bloodstream to the child, transmitting the same emotions to his nervous system. In addition, the voice, depending on the intonation, causes vibrations of a certain frequency in the body, which the child perceives as pleasant (if the mother speaks calmly) or unpleasant (if the mother is angry or irritated).

Many expectant mothers, at the slightest concern, reflexively reach out to their tummy to stroke it soothingly. But if the tone of the uterus is increased, then this not only will not help, but may also aggravate the situation.

If you have increased tone, you should not stroke your stomach - this provokes an even greater increase in tone.

If your stomach hurts suddenly and very strongly, you should immediately call an ambulance, and wait for it while lying on your side.

How doctors can help

When visiting a medical facility with symptoms of increased uterine tone, a pregnant woman will most likely be referred for conservation (if the pregnancy is more than 12 weeks). This means that the doctor will give a referral for hospitalization due to the threat of termination of pregnancy. Even if there is no real threat, it is better to play it safe and be examined in a hospital under 24-hour medical supervision.

All medical measures taken by doctors will be aimed at maintaining the pregnancy. First of all, this is bed rest. It is necessary to rest as much as possible and avoid physical activity. To relieve stress and provide psychological comfort, sedatives are prescribed. To relax the uterine muscles, antispasmodics and magnesium-containing drugs are used. Depending on the severity of symptoms, they are administered intramuscularly (injections) or intravenously (droppers). If the cause of increased tone is an insufficient amount of necessary hormones, hormonal therapy is prescribed. In the presence of bloody discharge, hemostatic medications are used.

The length of stay in a medical facility depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and the consequences that the increased tone led to. If the increase in tone was prevented at the very beginning, then the pregnant woman is discharged after the symptoms disappear. If hypertonicity has led to placental abruption or cervical dilatation, then it can be maintained until birth.

Prevention of uterine tone

Prevention of increased uterine tone, as well as any other undesirable conditions for a pregnant woman, must begin already during pregnancy planning. First of all, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of infectious diseases, including hidden ones. Avoid or minimize alcohol consumption. If a woman smokes, it is better to quit before pregnancy, since even in the earliest stages, smoking can lead to irreversible consequences.

During pregnancy, in order to avoid increasing the tone of the uterus, it is necessary to establish a calm daily routine, good sleep, and sufficient time in the fresh air; ensure the stability of the psycho-emotional state, avoiding any possible sources of stress. You should also reduce physical activity, especially for athletes, since active sports release the hormone adrenaline, which negatively affects pregnancy at any stage. It is advisable to minimize sexual contact.

However, no matter how much you avoid conflicts and sources of stress, a pregnant woman will experience irritation from time to time. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. In order to nip irritation in the bud, you need to find a source of positive emotions. Often pregnant women surround themselves with beautiful things purely intuitively. These can be fresh flowers, paintings, figurines, interior items or clothing. Music and aromatherapy can also help here.

In addition, you should not deny yourself food desires. If a pregnant woman wants something, it means that something is missing in the body, and if the body does not receive it, it will experience stress. This mainly concerns the satisfaction of momentary taste desires. Therefore, whatever you want, you can eat everything, only in small quantities.

When there is discomfort, whether due to awkward posture or clothing, the uterus may tighten more than usual. Therefore, clothes should be selected in size that do not restrict movement and, if possible, special clothes for pregnant women that support the tummy.

In the second half of pregnancy, in order to reduce the load on the uterus (especially with a large fetus or multiple pregnancy), doctors recommend wearing a bandage during long walks. A bandage for pregnant women can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialized stores. They come in different shapes and sizes. Therefore, before purchasing it, be sure to consult your doctor. It is best to wear a bandage, at least for the first time, under the supervision of a doctor, since wearing it incorrectly can not only cause discomfort, but also cause harm.

Pregnancy is one of the most joyful periods in the life of every woman, but at the same time exciting. I really want these 9 months to pass carefree and for the baby to be born healthy. But, unfortunately, not all expectant mothers experience pregnancy in one go. Many of them face unpleasant problems. One of the most common is a feeling of petrification in the abdomen. Why the stomach becomes hard during pregnancy, at what time does this symptom pose a danger and when should you consult a doctor?

The stomach becomes hard during pregnancy - how is it?

At the same time, the woman feels a slight distension and heaviness inside, a slight tension appears in the lower abdomen. The sensations are localized either on one side or cover the entire area. In the early stages of pregnancy, the symptom is not accompanied by pain; in later stages, discomfort may appear.

Visually, the stomach takes on a pointed shape, and when touched it resembles a hard object.

If at the same time there is pain in the sacrum, lower back, lower abdomen, above the pubis, in the groin area, fatigue in the back, discharge mixed with blood, then you should immediately inform your doctor!

The same applies to women whose abdominal hardening occurs before the 32nd week of pregnancy.

The most common causes of the condition

One of the most common causes of abdominal hardening is the uterus. The fact is that the uterus is an organ that consists entirely of smooth muscles. It has the ability to contract, which will always be manifested by hardening and petrification of the abdomen. The uterus can contract at any stage of pregnancy.

If your stomach becomes hard in the first trimester

Hypertonicity is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy up to 12 weeks. At the same time, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region may be felt, and discharge may appear. In this situation, there is a threat of miscarriage, so the woman should immediately go to the hospital!

This symptom occurs in the early stages of pregnancy due to the uterus’s refusal to accept the embryo. Through contraction, she tries to free herself from the embryo. As a result, the stomach becomes hard and hypertonicity is observed, which can cause a miscarriage.

Strong emotional shocks, excessive physical activity, and an active lifestyle can lead to this phenomenon.

If a pregnant woman’s stomach becomes hard in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy

False contractions – Braxton-Hicks contractions – can become the cause of abdominal hardening at a later date. This phenomenon received this name due to the fact that during the process the cervix does not open, as it does during true contractions.

Normally, they should occur after the 32nd week of pregnancy (training contractions at earlier stages indicate problems). They are usually accompanied by slight muscle tension and spasms. This process is absolutely normal (after 32 weeks). The contractions are not intense. They may appear regularly and disappear on their own.

If petrification is observed at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, then this may be a signal of impending labor. In this case, the woman will feel a pulling and squeezing pain that appears and disappears. Moreover, the time interval between sensations is reduced, and the pain becomes more intense.

Other reasons

During pregnancy, the stomach may become stone when the bladder is full. The organ compresses the uterus, leading to an increase in its tone. In this case, the pregnant woman feels slight pain in the abdomen, which intensifies during movement. Once the bladder is empty, the uterus will become soft again.

The stomach can also become stone with:

  • wearing clothes that are too tight;
  • insufficient synthesis of the hormone progesterone;
  • a pregnant woman experiencing severe stress or fright;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pressure on the lower abdomen;

The abdomen can harden when exposed to pathological factors - a woman has chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs, infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs, endocrine disorders.

Consequences if the stomach often turns to stone?

If the stomach becomes hard too often in the early stages of pregnancy - from the first to the 28th week, then this threatens spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, if a woman feels severe pulling and cramping pain, or there is bleeding, she should immediately consult a doctor!

If your stomach tenses frequently and for a long time, this may indicate placental abruption. This happens at different times. At the same time, the woman feels:

  • frequent and prolonged tension of the uterus;
  • any touch to the stomach is accompanied by severe dull and cramping pain;
  • bleeding appears.

The only way out of this situation is stimulation of labor or.

If hypertonicity often bothers a woman after the 28th week of pregnancy, this may mean dilatation of the cervix, that is, premature birth. The pain will be severe - compressive and cramping, radiating to the sacrum and lower back.

If you constantly feel a hardening of the abdomen, then this has a very bad effect on the child. The baby receives less nutrients and oxygen, and hypoxia may develop.

What to do if your stomach often becomes hard during pregnancy?

If your stomach becomes hard, then, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. Self-treatment in this case is not advisable!

The “cat” exercise helps with hypertension. To do this, you need to kneel down, rest your hands on the surface, then alternately arch and bend your back.

Regardless of the duration of pregnancy, with frequent petrification of the abdomen, doctors recommend:

  • do not be overly stressed physically and emotionally;
  • do not sleep on your back (preferably on your left side);
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • Healthy food;
  • surround yourself with only positive emotions;
  • organize normal operation;
  • get enough sleep;
  • refuse sexual activity;
  • If pain, bleeding, or discharge occurs, consult a doctor immediately!

Any physical exercise must be performed in consultation with your doctor!

What medications are acceptable for pregnant women if the stomach becomes stiff?

When the abdomen becomes petrified, sedatives, antispasmodics, hormonal drugs, and vitamin complexes are taken.

If the cause is a lack of the hormone progesterone, then the doctor will prescribe Utrozhestan or Duphaston. They are usually prescribed in early pregnancy.

The following are prescribed as sedative therapy:

  • "Sibazol";
  • "Nozepam";
  • valerian tablets;
  • "Trioxazine."

All of them consist of plant components, so they are absolutely safe during pregnancy.

For frequent uterine tension, doctors prescribe Magne B6. This drug contains magnesium, which helps reduce muscle tension. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, which is simply necessary throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Tocolytic drugs reduce excessive activity of the uterus and prevent myometrial contraction. Thanks to these medications, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus increases. Most often prescribed: Ginipral, Terbutaline, Partusisten.

The above information regarding these medications is provided strictly for informational purposes! Self-administration without a doctor’s prescription and consultation is strictly prohibited!

Dangerous symptoms that require immediate medical attention

If a pregnant woman’s stomach turns to stone, this does not necessarily put her and the fetus in danger. However, there are a number of signs in which you should definitely contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, or better yet, call an ambulance. Here is their list:

  1. Brown, bloody discharge (may indicate placental abruption).
  2. Severe cramping, squeezing pain in the abdomen.
  3. The woman notices that fetal movements have become rare or are completely absent.
  4. Contractions appear constantly and are combined with pain in the lower spine.
  5. The discharge is profuse and watery.
  6. Petrification of the abdomen occurs more than 4 times in 1 hour.

If your stomach turns to stone at the end of the third trimester, then this is most likely the beginning of true contractions. Therefore, you urgently need to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

How to distinguish between tone, training contractions and true contractions?

Braxton Hicks contractions, exactly like the tone of the uterus (normal), last no more than 2 minutes. The woman feels a sharp hardening of the abdomen, which also disappears sharply after a while. These phenomena occur spontaneously and are not accompanied by pain. During such contractions, doctors recommend that the pregnant woman do breathing exercises. This will allow the woman to prepare for childbirth.

Labor pains tend to intensify. The uterus contracts, and the woman feels a rhythmic contraction that comes from the bottom of the uterus and spreads throughout the entire organ, touching the lumbar region and small pelvis. True contractions are repeated more and more often, the time interval between them decreases each time, and the pain, on the contrary, increases and moves to the lower part of the spine.

As for tone, in this condition, in addition to a hard abdomen, you will definitely experience aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen (like menstruation).

If the stomach becomes stone during pregnancy, a woman should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and find out the cause of this symptom, since it can mean serious problems!

Why did my stomach become hard during pregnancy? Is this condition dangerous and what to do in this case? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article. The information will be useful for girls who are pregnant.

If pregnancy is called the most important period of a girl’s life, then one can hardly be mistaken. At this time, the female body functions using all resources to the maximum. There is a complete restructuring of the work of all organs, whose activities are aimed at preserving and maintaining optimal conditions for the existence of both.

Quite often during this period, women encounter various problems that previously did not bother them. These could be allergic reactions, exacerbation of chronic diseases, increased irritability, etc. However, among all the problems, the most alarming is a hard stomach. After all, the appearance of this sign can be a harbinger of many serious problems.

Why is my stomach hard?

A hard belly during pregnancy occurs in almost most women. When such a condition appears, the girl must remember all her sensations in order to describe them as accurately as possible to her doctor. A hard belly during pregnancy can be caused by a number of reasons.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories:

  1. The first is non-hazardous. That is, those that are associated with external influences. We can say that this is a physiological reaction of the body, which can be regulated without medical, or rather drug, intervention, only by observing the necessary rules of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Second. It can only be diagnosed by a doctor and is associated with pathologies that can lead to dire consequences if the symptoms sent by the body are ignored.

Regardless of the reasons that caused a pregnant woman to have a hard stomach, a prerequisite is a timely visit to a doctor. To clearly understand the reasons, let’s look at each of these categories in more detail.

When a problem during pregnancy is caused by external irritants

So, why does your belly get hard during pregnancy?

Now let's highlight the main reasons:

  1. Unbearable physical activity. A pregnant woman should not overdo sports, even if she was active before visiting the gym. During this period, it is important not to be overzealous, and not to completely give up, choosing the appropriate exercises and training regimen.
  2. A hard lower abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by a stressful situation, namely fear and nervous overexcitation, including sexual intercourse. In this case, the level of stress hormone increases. Since it is he who is responsible for the contraction of the uterus, the result is a hard belly. If this is observed after contact with a partner, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, who can recommend either a calmer relationship, or even abandon such contacts for the current period.

Oddly enough, a hard belly can be caused by a full bladder. That is why you need to follow the doctors' recommendation to completely abandon abstinence to go to the toilet.

All of the above problems are harmless, and the likelihood that they will cause negative consequences is very small, and if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, they can be easily eliminated. The most important thing is not to hide symptoms from the doctor.

Problem due to various pathologies

Why is my stomach hard? The reason for this may be pathologies that began to develop at some point and began to manifest themselves in this way. When a pregnant woman's belly becomes hard, doctors call it uterine tone.

Among the main pathologies that cause it are:

  1. Improper development of the reproductive organs, that is, the uterus.
  2. Inflammations that a pregnant woman may have.
  3. Sexually transmitted infectious diseases.
  4. Other chronic diseases, especially often, tone occurs in women with problems with sugar and blood pressure.
  5. Tumor formations in the genital organs.
  6. Hormonal imbalance.

All these reasons can cause serious complications. They can also cause the symptom of a hard belly at different stages of pregnancy. That is, it is a mistake to think that this only happens in later stages. Since in recent weeks quite often this indicates the imminent birth of a child.

Hard belly. Consequences of such a problem

If a pregnant woman notices that her stomach is getting hard, then first of all you need to pay attention to:

  1. Duration and frequency of such manifestations.
  2. The sensations that were experienced during the hardening of the abdomen, namely the similarity to contractions.
  3. Having back pain.
  4. The baby's movement or lack thereof.
  5. The nature of the discharge, if any.

It is very important at such a moment to take a horizontal position and call an ambulance.

Problems in the early stages. What are they talking about

As for the consequences and timing, it can be determined that the state of uterine tone in the early stages can lead to miscarriage. If this does not happen, regular hardening of the abdomen can cause a delay in the development of the child. Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor and adequate treatment are very important. You should not delay registration until 2-3 months, focusing on the opinions of others. There is nothing better than timely tests in the early stages, since identifying many pathologies in order to take the necessary measures is possible even on them, taking into account the level of modern medicine.

At a period of up to five and a half months, with a properly developed fetus, uterine hypertonicity can lead to premature birth. In this case, modern medicine is able to care for children with extremely low body weight, from 500 grams. Otherwise, failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner can lead to fetal loss, even at this stage.

Problems in the later stages. Is it dangerous

In the later stages, when the child begins to move actively, a hard belly can be caused by this fact. If this symptom is not accompanied by other signs, then there is no need to worry. Indeed, at a period of 35 weeks or more, quite often a hard belly is a sign of false or training contractions.

In a situation where the pregnancy has reached 37 weeks or more, even the presence of other manifestations, with the exception of heavy bleeding, should not cause serious concern, since most often this is a sign that the body is gradually preparing for childbirth.

When your stomach becomes hard during pregnancy, you should under no circumstances self-medicate, and even more so, you should not rely on the opinions of others, since only a doctor can determine the correct conclusions and causes. If the appearance of such a belly is not associated with pathologies, the following will most likely be recommended:

  1. Physical rest and, depending on the severity of the problem, bed rest.
  2. Normalization of the daily routine and absence of stressful situations.
  3. Dieting.

Drug treatment. What do doctors prescribe for pregnant girls in this case?

In situations where medication is necessary, the following are most often prescribed:

  1. Antispasmodics in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections.
  2. Taking medications that stabilize hormonal levels.
  3. Therapy that is aimed at providing access to oxygen for the child.

Drug treatment can be carried out both at home and in a hospital setting. It all depends on the severity of the problem and the timing of pregnancy.

It is also important that the woman undergoes the necessary tests on time and undergoes a routine ultrasound examination. Now many people refuse these measures, which ultimately ends in either a huge number of pathologies in the child, or the death of a healthy fetus, and in the worst case, the death of both mother and child.

A little conclusion

Only a responsible approach by all persons interested in pregnancy guarantees in modern realities, with poor ecology and not the healthiest food, the birth of a healthy and full-fledged baby.

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