How hormonal contraceptives work in the animal's body. The essence of the action of birth control pills - is there any harm to the body?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Absolutely any animal has a natural need to reproduce, this also applies to cats. But the owner is not always happy about the pregnancy of his pet, because there is a problem with where or to whom to give them. You may be wondering what to do in this situation and whether there are birth control options for cats.

Today there are a number of contraceptives for both male and female cats. Among them are: injections, tablets, drops and much more. They will help you avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Injections as a means of contraception

Many veterinarians use a drug such as Covinan in their practice; it allows you to eliminate estrus for six months or a year. The first injection should be given by a veterinarian, and subsequent injections can be done independently. The drug must be used shortly before the onset of estrus. Doctors do not recommend using this drug if the animal is pregnant, because this drug is not used for abortion. Many people prefer contraceptive injections for cats; they begin to act quickly and for a long time. Pros and cons of this method:

  • easy to use;
  • in case of drug withdrawal, the pet will be able to easily have offspring;
  • there are a number of side effects;
  • The injection cannot be used on animals over five years of age.

Types of oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptive pills for cats are divided into two classes. The first include drops that contain a hormone. Such drugs provoke false pregnancy in animals. This drug can only be used after consultation with a veterinarian.

Oral contraceptives of the second class contain fewer hormones and reduce sexual desire. Such products are made in drops or tablets. The most effective are

  • gestrenol,
  • libidomin,
  • sex barrier,
  • stop intimate,
  • counter-sex.

Doctors believe that such products should not be used, because they are harmful to the animal. It has already been proven that they have a bad effect on the cat’s body. Veterinarians have observed cases where a completely healthy pet exhibited side effects. Imagine if such a drug was used on a sick pet. In such cases, they are simply categorically contraindicated.

Often, after using contraceptives, cats become ill and various types of complications arise. For example, there were cases when, after taking such drugs, pus was removed from the uterus.

But even after the operation there is no guarantee that the animal will recover completely. Therefore, absolutely every owner should take this issue seriously, and before giving any contraceptives, you should consult a veterinarian.


Pregnancy pills for cats come in several types: natural and unnatural.

Most often, doctors recommend natural ones, because they contain beneficial properties. But, As a rule, the effect of such drugs wears off very quickly and there is a chance that your cat will become pregnant. The advantage of such medications is that they have a positive effect on the animal’s body and certainly will not harm.

Non-natural remedies are more effective, and your cat will calm down within 24 hours after taking it. There are manufacturers who recommend constantly giving your pet birth control. But it is also known that non-natural contraceptives can negatively affect a pet’s body.


Birth control drops for cats are quite convenient and easy to use. They have exactly the same properties as injections with tablets. Just like tablets, they can be natural or chemical. As a rule, natural ones are made on the basis of various herbs and decoctions. The drops are not aimed at regulating hormones, but at simulating hormonal levels. This means that the cat does not lose desire, and she gets pleasure without sex. It is because of this that the pet becomes calmer and balanced.

This contraceptive is very convenient to use, because you will agree that it is easier to drop the drug into the pet’s mouth than to stuff a pill.


Of course, contraceptive injections and pills are easy to use and absolutely harmless, but they are only good to a certain extent. Many doctors believe that contraceptives negatively affect your pet's health, because, as a rule, hormonal interference cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, if you do not want your cat to give birth, then it is best to sterilize.

The advantage of this method is that you do not have to constantly buy contraceptives and this method reduces the chances of developing cancer.

In the modern world, sterilization can be carried out in three ways:

  • medicines;
  • chemistry;
  • radiation.

The effect of contraceptives on the cat's body

Most owners think that contraceptive injections and pills are much better than sterilization, but this is not true. And the question is often asked on the Internet when to start giving birth control to your cat. Never. If you want your pet to live a long time and not get sick, then it is better not to use such products, because they are a time bomb.

Even with short-term use of such a drug, problems can arise.

It doesn’t matter what you give your animal, drops or tablets, they help regulate hormonal levels. Thus, the drug affects not only the production of those same hormones, but also the entire body. If you still decide that you do not want your pet to produce offspring, then It’s better to sterilize, it’s effective and safe for the animal’s body. And if you decide to give your cat birth control for some time after giving birth, it is better to consult your doctor.

Which contraceptives are better


Despite their very high effectiveness, not many women take birth control pills. If you drink them correctly and follow the necessary recommendations, then the effectiveness of the tablets reaches ninety nine percent.

All birth control pills are otherwise called oral contraceptives. The substance contained in them is very close to what is produced by the female body. New generation oral contraceptives contain a hormone - progesterone or estrogen, or two hormones together. Estrogens significantly increase the concentration of thyroxine, copper and iron in the blood.

Accordingly, they are divided into “mini-pills”, that is, monophasic or combined tablets. The “mini-pill” should be taken every day and preferably at the same time.

If you miss a pill, the effectiveness is lost for forty-eight hours and the possibility of pregnancy increases. When such a situation arises, you need to use another method of contraception.

Combined tablets are also taken; the maximum time between doses should not exceed twelve hours. If more time has passed, then you still need to take today's birth control pill. After this, the contraceptive effect decreases for about a week. At this time, you need to use other methods, for example barrier.

If you are taking antibiotics along with combination pills, you need to use additional contraception during this period plus another week.

What is the mechanism of birth control pills? By taking pills, additional hormonal substances enter a woman’s body. They slow down ovulation, and cervical mucus becomes a huge obstacle to sperm. This ultimately reduces the possibility of pregnancy and the attachment of the egg to the walls of the uterus.

Birth control pills should be prescribed by a gynecologist; only thanks to his recommendations you will receive effective protection against unnecessary pregnancy and minimal risk of consequences. Young girls can also use contraceptives.

Contraindications to the tablets are venous thromboembolism, brain diseases, as well as tumors of the breast and genital organs. You should not take birth control pills if you have a gallbladder disease, liver damage, menstrual irregularities, or heavy or too scanty menstruation.

Everyone knows that birth control pills entail a number of side effects for the body. Sometimes a so-called “false pregnancy” may occur. The woman experiences nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, and headache. This effect is caused by the hormone estrogen. Irritability and decreased libido. In cases of allergic reactions of the body, stop taking the tablets.

The effectiveness of oral contraceptives also depends on the correct dosage regimen and the precise prescription of the doctor. Some factors reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. This includes smoking, drinking alcohol, taking analgesics and strong antibiotics, antidepressants.
The effect of absolutely all oral pills is not only the contraceptive effect, but also several other advantages. Women taking hormonal medications note normalization of menstruation, in some cases they become painless. The risk of breast and reproductive cancers is also reduced.

But the most important thing is that contraceptives do not prevent conception, which, if desired, occurs in women one to two months after stopping the pills.

Opponents of the use of contraceptive drugs for animals claim
owners of cats and dogs that even a single use of a hormonal drug
will lead to inevitable health problems. Pets to whom owners give
hormonal agents predict cancer and inflammatory
processes of the reproductive organs.
Let's figure out who can actually be to blame for animal diseases and what
do so as not to harm your pet.
Think about it: cases of cancer are one in a thousand, and contraceptives for cats and dogs
millions are used.

The real causes of cancer in animals

  1. Poor quality food;
  2. Unfavorable environmental conditions.
  3. Chronic stress in the animal (due to constant empty estrus, prolonged
    being alone at home);
  4. Incorrect use of hormonal contraceptives.

However, “droplets from estrus” is the veterinarian’s simplest answer about the reasons
similar diseases. The essence of the problem is hidden much deeper.

What are CONTRACEPTIVES actually?

A fictitious division of contraceptive drugs into
"natural" and "chemical". This division is not typical for veterinary medicine.
“NATURAL” PREPARATIONS or, as opponents of their use call them
contraceptives, “herbal teas” are not contraceptives. They are not intended for
regulation of sexual hunting in animals and are not able to prevent unwanted
ABOUT "CHEMICAL" PREPARATIONS. There are two “chemical” drugs
varieties: monohormonal and bihormonal agents. Among the first are one
hormone, the latter contains two hormones. And this is of fundamental importance, here
Monohormonal drugs appeared at the dawn of contraception for pets,
in the 90s. These drugs use only one type of hormone (megestrol
acetate). To achieve the necessary calming effect, the drug contains:
its high concentration. This increases the risk of impact on the animal’s body. Bihormonal drugs were developed 15 years ago. Unlike
Monohormonal drugs contain two hormones -
analogues of natural sex hormones in animals. Presence of two hormones
allows you to significantly reduce their concentration and delicately adjust
hormonal background of the animal, taking into account its species and gender. To calm this animal
quite enough.

Choose the right path

Decide if your cat really needs to preserve her reproductive health.
function? Your cat has no breed value and is not intended for
breeding? You don't have the time or desire to monitor your pet's heat cycles, and you don't
Can you give him contraception on time? Possibly a solution to problems
unwanted behavior of a pet during sexual hunting - this is sterilization or
If surgery is unacceptable for your animal for one reason or another, and
It is still necessary to calm down a pet that has gone on a spree, adhere to the following
1. Consult your veterinarian before starting to take the drug,
check the health of the animal;
3. Read the instructions carefully;
2. Choose the drug strictly according to the type and gender of your animal (feline, male, female or
4. Calculate the dosage correctly - according to the weight of the pet and depending on the problem,
which needs to be resolved;
5. If your cat has already gone on a spree, it is important to start using the drug NOT
LATER THAN 2 DAYS from the start of sexual heat. The “estrus interruption” scheme does not
suitable for constant use, use it NO MORE THAN 2 TIMES A YEAR;
6. If you want your cat to remain CALM ALL YEAR LONG,
The drug should be used during sexual rest, regularly, once every 7-14 days.
depending on the drug chosen. To prevent the cat from asking for the cat, use this
scheme throughout the year, take a break after 18 months. The described schemes of use are in the instructions for any contraceptive
drug. The owner can only read them carefully.

The reproductive instinct worries the cat several times a year. The animal becomes obsessively affectionate, meows in an unusual voice, howls, and may mark the owner’s things. There are only 3 options to stop or prevent such unwanted behavior:

  • planned pregnancy;
  • sterilization with removal of the uterus and ovaries;
  • giving contraceptives for cats in tablets or injections.

It is very difficult to distribute offspring from a mongrel cat; abdominal surgery is scary. The most convenient option for the owner is contraception for cats. “What drugs are used and in what case, is it safe?” - these are the questions cat owners ask veterinarians.

There are two types of drugs on the market to prevent females from estrous: injectable and in drops or tablets for oral use. The methods discussed will allow the owner to decide which contraceptives for cats are best to use in his case. For each method, the risks of side effects and the cost in relation to routine sterilization are indicated.

Birth control pills and drops for cats

This is the simplest and most inexpensive type of contraception for cats. Birth control pills and drops can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy and even at a pet store. The most frequently presented are “ContraSex”, “Kontrik”, “Gestrenol”, “Sex Barrier”, “Nonoeston”, “Pillkan”, “EX-5” and others. The products are available in the form of tablets and drops.

The liquid fraction will be convenient for dosing with food. It can be used in all animals. The preparations contain two active ingredients.


Acetobumedone or analogues, mepregenol acetate, acts on areas in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, blocking the synthesis of substances necessary for estrus - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. In this regard, the drugs are similar to injectable contraceptives for cats and even to drugs used for contraception in women.

Ethinyl estradiol

The second active ingredient, ethinyl estradiol or its analogues, enhances the contraceptive effect by changing the internal environment of the uterus. On the one hand, this is necessary, because different rates of absorption of a single dose of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract cannot guarantee protection against pregnancy and the complete absence of estrus. If its manifestations are weak, fertilization is not excluded. This action of the drug inside the uterus is risky for the cat's health. Changes in the structure of the endometrium most likely lead to persistent and long-term pathology. The drugs have not received positive evaluations in studies and are not available for free sale in a number of countries.

Complications from self-medication

Unfortunately, widespread availability coupled with inappropriate administration regimens has caused serious hormonal tumors in animals.

Increase in the size of the mammary glands

This is one of the not the most terrible, but common pathologies. Veterinarians have come across cases where the glands have enlarged to the size of an average lemon in a few months. In this case, only surgery is indicated to remove both rows of glands, the uterus and the ovaries. The intervention is complicated by the fact that the skin stretched by the protruding mammary glands has to be excised; as a result, the skin on the abdomen after the operation will be in a tense state, which greatly worries the animal. The rehabilitation period depends on the size of the removed glands and lasts up to a month. Of course, the owner will have to tinker a lot more with restoring the pet.


This is the second risk from using contraceptive drops and pills. The lining of the uterus changes structure, causing it to become rigid and twisted. The animal may not show a clinical picture of the disease for a long time, and the inflammatory process will degenerate into a tumor over time. When discharge becomes noticeable, the cat loses weight, and the tumor is palpable, the veterinary surgeon often cannot do anything - the patient is inoperable.


The third highest risk of birth control complications for cats. In a closed form, pus accumulates in the uterus, which does not come out through the vagina. In the open form, leakage is observed, which decreases during the course of antibiotics. When the uterus ruptures, the animal dies from peritonitis. Treatment for pyometra in cats is only surgical. During the operation, there is a risk of pus entering the abdominal cavity, which provokes peritonitis. Even with a normally performed operation, the doctor cannot guarantee success: the inflamed inner layer of the uterus tends to form adhesions with nearby organs.

Ovarian cysts or tumors are present in 50-70% of cats operated on after courses of contraceptives. They can reach the size of a quail egg, are easily palpable and often, in the absence of ultrasound examination, can be mistaken for enlarged kidneys.

According to average clinic statistics, up to 95% of patients who sought surgical help due to uterine pathology were given birth control pills one or more times.

Contraceptive injections for cats

An analogue of inexpensive birth control pills for cats are long-acting injectable drugs. The difference from tablets and drops is that the contraceptive effect is independent of the gastrointestinal tract: the substance enters directly into the animal’s bloodstream. This made it possible to exclude a hormone that affects the endometrium.


A veterinary injectable drug with contraceptive action is Covinan. It is created on the basis of prolygestone - a synthetic analogue of the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone. The active substance suppresses the production of hormones characteristic of female estrus, as a result of which the animal does not come into heat.

"Depot Promon"

The American drug Depo Promon, containing medroxyprogesterone acetate as an active ingredient, is popular. The compound is used in gynecology, so the specific effects on the body and side effects have been studied in different animals. The drug is recommended as a temporary contraceptive for cats used for breeding that need to go through several heats. The active ingredient of the drug affects the pituitary gland, reducing the ability to secrete the hormone gonadotropin, preventing follicle maturation and the onset of ovulation. This makes pregnancy impossible during the duration of the medication.

The advantage is the thinning of the endometrium, due to which the cat’s risk of developing endometritis and pyometra is reduced during the period of use of contraceptives. "Depo Promon" is used subcutaneously at intervals of 6 months. Its effect decreases gradually, so normal pregnancy can occur after 6-9 months from the date of the last injection. The drug has contraindications - they are indicated in the instructions. It should not be given for the first time to cats older than 5-6 years.

The medical product Depo Provera, which contains 3 times more of the same active substance, has a similar effect. This is also due to the antitumor effect.

"Depo Provera"

The downside of the drug is the cost. A one-year course of using a contraceptive injection for cats is comparable in cost to removing the uterus and ovaries. The drugs are justified for use (this is why they were developed) in nurseries, where periods of rest from pregnancy and lactation are provided for females. Modern studies have confirmed the risks of side effects from the use of contraceptives for cats in injections, but they are much lower than when using oral contraceptives.

Complications from a course of medications lie on the conscience of the owners. There are often cases when the owner of a cat that has already gone on a spree comes to the clinic for an injection. In this situation, the doctor, without asking or receiving information about the regularity and duration of the sexual cycle and the date of the last estrus, gives a contraceptive injection almost “blindly”.

Veterinarians have differing opinions about the safety of using contraceptives. The best picture is seen by surgeons who often perform abdominal operations to remove the uterus and ovaries. They see firsthand the consequences of sometimes a single use of inexpensive tablets: changes in the size and structure of the ovaries, endometritis and pyometra. If the animal is used for breeding, the owner evaluates the risks and benefits of giving contraceptives to the cat in tablets or injections. If you do not plan to produce offspring on a regular basis, then it is recommended to sterilize the cat.

Like all living things, cats strive to reproduce. When an animal is deprived of this opportunity, this is manifested by behavioral characteristics: the pet leaves marks in the wrong places, gets restless and meows often.

Cats reach sexual maturity at 8 months, and owners have to think about how to solve the problem of sexual activity in their pets. Modern pharmaceuticals provide a wide selection of different means to cope with the situation, and choosing birth control for cats is not difficult.

Contraceptives for cats: description and classification by type of effect

The effect of contraceptives on the animal’s body is manifested in the fact that the active components of the drug affect the production of hormones, and this makes it possible to suppress the cat’s desire to mate.

Contraceptive drugs calm the cat and suppress sexual desire.

Medications are conventionally divided into two types according to the nature of their effect on the animal’s body:

  • Low-dose hormonal-based drugs that have a mild sedative effect and help suppress the animal’s sexual activity.
  • High-dose hormonal drugs, the effect of which is manifested in the appearance of symptoms of “false pregnancy”. This allows the animal to calm down, since the cat has the erroneous feeling that its function of procreation has been completed.

Birth control for cats is available in the form of tablets, drops and injection solutions.

Contraceptive injections for cats: effects and list of popular drugs

Injectable solutions can relieve a cat from estrus for a period of 6 to 12 months. They must be introduced shortly before the start of this process, after consulting with your veterinarian.

The advantages of contraceptive injections include ease of use, as well as the fact that after discontinuation of the drug, the cat will be able to reproduce freely. However, the disadvantages of this method of contraception cannot be ignored, since injection solutions can cause side effects in various organs and systems, and they cannot be used for animals that are over 5 years old.

The drug Depo Promon suppresses estrus in cats.

The most popular means of this type are:

  • "Depot Promon". This veterinary drug was invented in the USA and is actively used to suppress estrus in animals. In addition, the active ingredients of the drug affect certain brain centers, as a result of which the production of hormones decreases and ovulation becomes impossible. For this reason, the animal cannot become pregnant during the period of action of the drug.
  • « ». The medicine can eliminate symptoms for up to six months. It must be administered early because it is not a guaranteed way to prevent unnecessary pregnancy, but only reduces the animal's sexual activity and prevents the onset of estrus.
  • Depo Provera. The effect of the drug is similar to Depo Promon, but its cost is higher. However, side effects resulting from the use of this medicinal composition occur much less frequently than when using other contraceptives.

Attention! In cases where the product is used for the first time, it will be better if the first injection is carried out by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal. Subsequently, you can administer the medicinal composition yourself.

Birth control pills: how the drugs work and what methods are used most often

Tablets to prevent unwanted pregnancy in cats are of natural and chemical origin.

Natural products contain plant components, which reduces the risk of side effects in the animal. However, the effect of these medications is short-lived, and there is a high probability that pregnancy will still occur.

Chemical-based drugs are considered more effective; they are long-acting contraceptives for cats. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that they may negatively affect the pet’s health.

The drug for cats Antisex calms the pet and stops estrus.

The most commonly used types of birth control pills are:

  • "Libidomin" The drug prevents ovulation and reduces the animal's aggressiveness and excitability.
  • « ». Minimizes sexual desire and helps prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • « ». Eliminates manifestations of sexual activity in cats and helps avoid pregnancy.
  • « ». It affects the brain centers and guarantees a sedative effect, which reduces the production of hormones and eliminates signs of sexual arousal.
  • Helps block ovulation, stop estrus and reduce the animal's excitability.

The disadvantage of contraceptives in this form is a certain difficulty in use. Not every animal is able to obediently swallow a medicine, and owners have to make a lot of effort to give the cat a pill.

Contraceptive drops: mechanism of action and list of effective means

Drops have the same effect on cats' bodies as tablets, but their advantage is their ease of use. It is much easier to instill a drug than to force an animal to swallow a crushed tablet, not to mention “stuffing” it whole.

Many medicines are produced in both tablet and drop form.

The most common are:

  • "Sex barrier";
  • "Counter-sex";

The listed medications can be found in veterinary pharmacies in any release form and you can choose the most preferable option.

Sterilization as an alternative to contraceptives

Despite the high effectiveness of medications to prevent unwanted pregnancy, many cat owners decide to resort to. This is advisable in cases where there is a need to completely deprive an animal of the ability to reproduce, and not to reduce its sexual activity for a certain period.

Neutering a cat is a very effective method to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The obvious advantages of this method of solving the problem are the following factors:

  • Consistency. The intervention allows us to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy once and for all, and medications must be used regularly.
  • Elimination of behavioral manifestations. And after sterilization, the animal ceases to fall into aggression, which invariably arises due to unrealized sexuality, and becomes calmer and more flexible.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer. It has been proven that sterilized cats are much less likely to suffer from uterine problems.

Despite the obvious advantages, many breeders, even not wanting to get offspring from a cat later, avoid surgery for the following reasons:

  • Difficulty of surgery. Sterilization can negatively affect the health of the animal, and will also require special care during the rehabilitation period.
  • Irreversibility of the operation. Many breeders are not ready to completely give up on getting offspring from a pet at least once. The surgical method completely eliminates this possibility.
  • Possible complications. The risk of developing urolithiasis after surgery increases significantly.
  • Difficulty feeding. Neutered and otherwise there is a high probability of obesity.

After sterilization, the cat needs post-operative care.

On a note! Many people mistakenly believe that before sterilization, a cat needs to give birth to offspring at least once. This is a misconception because the risk of complications in cats that have given birth is much higher than in cats that have not given birth. For this reason, intervention should be carried out at the onset of sexual maturity, as well as before the appearance of the first estrus and behavioral signs of heat. In other words, it is better to perform the operation between the ages of 7 and 12 months.

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