Mucus thinner and expectorant at home. Effective expectorants based on herbs and herbal preparations Herbal expectorants

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?


The symptoms of a cold can cause a lot of inconvenience. For example, a cough interferes with sleep at night, normal breathing during the day and significantly reduces the quality of life. To get rid of it, many pharmaceutical preparations have been developed, most of which contain extracts of medicinal plants. You can carry out high-quality therapy at home, if you know: how to choose the right herbs for coughing, what expectorant fees to give a child, what to drink for adults to clear sputum.

What is a cough

With air in Airways a person gets small particles of dust, pollen of plants, various microorganisms. All of them settle on the mucous membrane lining the inner walls of the bronchi and larynx. In this part of the epithelium there are cilia that are constantly in motion and drive the mucus out, and with it all the dirt that has come in from the outside. If, for some reason, the movement of the cilia is disturbed, there is a lot of mucus, it becomes viscous and does not come out. In this situation, a protective reaction of the body comes to the aid of the bronchi - coughing.

Herbal cough treatment

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the cause of the cough is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. So, herbs will not help with reflux gastritis or if this symptom is caused by nervous tension or stress. Herbal treatment, on the contrary, will be effective for wet and dry coughs of a viral nature or when bronchospasm occurs due to smoking. Experts also advise using herbal medicine at the initial stages of treatment when making diagnoses such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • asthma;
  • pleurisy;
  • whooping cough;
  • tracheitis;
  • emphysema.

What herbs help cough

Medicinal plants have their own unique properties, can have a complex effect on the entire body and, in addition to the main direction, have a number of other healing effects. During treatment, it is worth remembering that in one decoction it is impossible to simultaneously mix components that have antitussive and expectorant effects. This can lead to congestion of mucus in the airways.

Expectorant and expectorant herbs

With the appearance of a dry cough, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are injured, from which there is an increase in expectoration. In the treatment, herbs will be effective that soften the mucous membrane, increase the production of mucous secretions and facilitate its discharge. The following plants will have such properties:

  • plantain - has an antiseptic effect, disinfects, softens the mucous membrane, dilutes sputum;
  • chamomile - has a calming effect;
  • wild rosemary helps relieve spasm, expands the bronchi, enhances the excretion of mucous secretions;
  • thyme - contributes rapid healing mucous membrane, gently removes sputum from the bronchi;
  • coltsfoot - increases mucus secretion, relieves irritation;
  • parmelia - suppresses severe coughing fits, helps to thin mucus;
  • mullein is a natural antiseptic that fights infections and pathogens;
  • linden - has an enveloping effect on the mucous membranes, helps to transform a dry cough into a wet one;
  • clover - increases the volume of mucus, helps to remove phlegm.

With the development of whooping cough, herbs that have not only antitussive, but also analgesic effect will help. The collection can be made using oregano, thyme, St. John's wort, pine buds, calamus, willow bark. Expectorant herbs with dry cough, which appears mainly at night, will be a real salvation for the patient. Valerian, chamomile, fireweed, black elderberry, lemon balm, dill seeds help from nighttime bronchospasms.

Effective herbs for wet cough

When treating a productive cough, it is worth giving preference to herbs that relieve inflammation, have a disinfecting or antimicrobial effect. The best way to use them is to rinse your mouth. To prepare the rinse, you can take sage, chamomile, mint, pine buds. Strengthen the discharge of sputum and quickly remove bacteria, viruses and microbes from the bronchi will help:

  • lungwort flowers - promote the discharge of mucus, relieve inflammation;
  • sage leaves are an excellent natural antiseptic;
  • mint - relieves inflammation, softens the mucous membrane, promotes productive expectoration;
  • thyme - removes pathogenic microbes from the respiratory tract;
  • eucalyptus - due to the high content essential oils soothes the mucous membrane, facilitates breathing;
  • fennel seeds - thin sputum, promote productive coughing;
  • comfrey - soothes the bronchi, relieves inflammation.

Cough herbs for smokers

To relieve bronchospasm, doctors recommend that smokers use herbs that soothe the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, help get rid of harmful substances that come with cigarette smoke. Detoxifying, expectorant and soothing properties have:

  • plantain;
  • mullein inflorescences;
  • infusion of elecampane;
  • bloodroot;
  • decoction of sage;
  • thyme;
  • liquorice root;
  • fir cones;
  • black radish juice;
  • oregano;
  • marigold.

Herbs for cough inhalation

Another effective treatment option colds– inhalations with herbs. Traditional medicine recommends using chamomile flowers and eucalyptus leaves as a base. The plants are mixed, poured with boiling water, and then breathe over the steam. It should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to add home-made herbal solutions to the nebulizer. This is due to the fact that the decoction is not a pure liquid, but the nebulizer delivers the drug to the smallest pulmonary alveoli.

If you really want to breathe in herbal decoction through a special device, it is better to buy a steam inhaler. The use of herbs in these devices is absolutely safe. It is strictly forbidden to use any inhalation for purulent tonsillitis, pulmonary inflammation, temperature, allergic reactions to one or more components from the medicinal collection. In all other cases, steam inhalers can be filled with decoctions from:

  • raspberry leaves;
  • hypericum;
  • coltsfoot;
  • eucalyptus;
  • juniper;
  • calendula;
  • peppermint.

cough herb for kids

When a child coughs, the first thing parents need to do is call a doctor or go to the hospital. You can start treatment with herbs only after the diagnosis and permission of the doctor. It should be remembered that some plants are categorically contraindicated for children under 1 year old, and there are herbs for dry cough, which can only be used after 3 years. If the doctor is not against herbal medicine, for the treatment of an unproductive cough in a child, you can take:

  • Linden blossom;
  • coltsfoot;
  • oregano;
  • clover;
  • mullein;
  • elecampane root;
  • marshmallow root;
  • thyme;
  • wild rosemary.

If the child still complains of pain in chest, you can not do without St. John's wort, calamus root, caraway seeds. In the presence of normal temperature body, do not forget about mustard plasters - this is one of the most effective means with accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. It is possible to treat a productive (wet) cough in a child using decoctions:

  • fennel;
  • lungwort;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • dill seeds;
  • elder fruits;
  • raspberry leaves.

expectorant collection

Ready drug collection for adults, you can buy at a pharmacy or cook it yourself. To make a decoction at home, you must:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. elecampane, coltsfoot, plantain leaves, marigolds, chamomile.
  2. To them add one and a half tablespoons of licorice root and wild rosemary shoots, 2 tbsp. l. peppermint.
  3. Mix the collection thoroughly. Separate from the total mass of 1 tbsp. l., pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil in a steam bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the decoction from the stove, let it brew for about 45 minutes, then strain.
  5. The finished drink is taken ¼ cup warm half an hour before meals four times a day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

Herbal collection for cough for children

To remove sputum, dirt, dust particles and dead epithelium in children, special herbal cough preparations are also used. Today, the pharmacy presents 4 types of such mixtures, which differ from each other in composition and principle of action. The higher the numbering of the breast collection, the more components it contains:

  • Collection number 1. It has a mucolytic and tonic effect. It contains plants: coltsfoot, oregano, marshmallow officinalis.
  • Collection number 2. Composed of plantain, licorice root, coltsfoot. The collection has an anti-inflammatory effect, thins and removes mucus.
  • Collection number 3. This composition is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, with bronchitis or tracheitis. Its components: licorice root, pine buds, anise seeds, sage, marshmallow.
  • Collection number 4. This composition has a secretolytic effect. It includes such plants: wild rosemary, calendula, violet, chamomile, licorice, mint.

Cough Remedy Recipes

There are many different folk remedies that help relieve the symptoms of a cold, facilitate sputum discharge, and help thin the mucus in the bronchi. To alleviate the patient's condition, try to cook:

  • Healing potion. Take 100 grams of honey, dilute it in a glass of warm boiled water. Add finely chopped fresh aloe leaf. Boil the ingredients over low heat for 30 minutes, mix and cool. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Decoction. 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed clover flowers pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for about 12-15 minutes, strain. Take with honey ½ cup 3-4 times a day.

Expectorant cough tea

From herbs, you can prepare not only infusions or decoctions, but also brew healing teas. The effect of such treatment will be at the initial stage of the disease. Below are some popular herbal tea recipes:

  • Chamomile tea with honey. To prepare a drink for an adult, take 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water; for a child, it is better to reduce the dosage of herbal teas to 1 tsp. raw materials for 1 tbsp. boiling water. It is better to drink such a drink while lying in bed to achieve a diaphoretic effect.
  • Ginger drink. To prepare it, remove the peel from the ginger root, cut the ingredient into small pieces and cover with water. For 200 ml of boiling water, chop about 1 cm of the root.

Pharmacy cough drops

If you don’t have time to bother with preparing infusions or decoctions on your own, you can buy similar products at a pharmacy. Many medicinal plants for cough are part of syrups, tablets, vitamins and other medicines. Such drugs are especially popular:

  • Codelac Phyto is a combined antitussive with expectorant action. Contains extracts of thyme, thermopsis, licorice.
  • Bronchicum is a combination drug that is available in the form of a syrup, elixir or lozenges. The syrup contains thyme extract, the elixir contains an extract of primrose. The medicine has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Linkas - vegetable syrup, has a mucolytic effect. The composition of the medicine includes about 10 different herbs.


Using herbs for bronchitis and cough, and preparations based on them, it is worth considering a number of contraindications:

  • With caution, such treatment should be carried out in patients prone to allergic reactions.
  • St. John's wort, sweet clover, tansy, wild rosemary, aloe should not be used during pregnancy. With caution, you can take calendula and thyme.
  • Children under 12 years of age should not be given multicomponent fees - they can provoke allergies. For a child under 3 years old, such herbs are categorically contraindicated: mint, lemon balm, celandine, wild rosemary.
  • If you are taking other mucolytic drugs or drugs with expectorant action, you should consult your doctor before starting herbal treatment. Otherwise, this combination may lead to a decrease medicinal effect or severe adverse reactions.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Cough herbs - how to choose for dry cough and bronchitis, for children and smokers

Herbs to cleanse the lungs have been used for many years if a person has bronchitis or another disease that causes sputum to form in the lungs. It is very important to remove the mucus, as it retains a lot of harmful bacteria, with natural cleansing, this mucus should come out on its own during a cough, but in most cases the sputum is so thick that it does not separate from the walls of the bronchi during a cough.

In this case, it is necessary to resort to the help of herbal tinctures and other folk remedies to cleanse the lungs. It is worth mentioning that it is important to treat bronchitis and pneumonia with additional medications, since only medicine can help the body cope with these complex diseases, but medical treatment can be supplemented with the use of tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs that help to quickly cleanse the bronchi.

Don't give up completely drug treatment, but on the other hand, doctors themselves recommend taking various herbal tinctures that will help to quickly remove mucus from the lungs and clear the bronchi of all that is superfluous. If the patient decides to take herbs without consulting a doctor, you should pay attention to plants that have the ability to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, help stimulate work immune system, as well as those that thin and remove sputum from the lungs in a short time.

Some plants can be diaphoretic, fight viruses and harmful bacteria, and relieve spasms and alleviate the condition in general. It is precisely these properties that a number of well-known herbs have, for example, licorice root should be used to thin sputum, chamomile and coltsfoot help quite well.

In addition, treatment with drugs is not always well tolerated by the body of an adult, but if you take additional herbal teas, this will help to have a healing effect on the body, and it is also the herbs that are tolerated by the body during treatment much easier. Side effects from such plants can be seen much less often than if you constantly take synthetic drugs.

Use of breast collection to remove sputum from the lungs

Sputum for the most part consists of water, mucus and purulent secretions, so many harmful bacteria accumulate in it, if the viscous substance is not removed from the bronchi, this can lead to re-infection, which will lead to a deterioration in the patient's health. If you want to quickly get rid of mucus in the lungs, you need to try out the chest collection, this composition of herbs helps to remove everything superfluous from the bronchi, and also has a general strengthening effect on the body.

It is worth saying that such a tool is used for various types respiratory diseases, it is for this reason that as many as four such collections can be found on sale, each of them has a different composition and has a healing effect on a certain disease.

For example, such herbal formulations can be used for acute bronchitis, it is also allowed to use tinctures if bronchitis has turned into chronic form. An effective remedy for obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, during influenza and SARS, it is worth taking infusions in the event of pneumonia and tracheitis.

Depending on the selected composition, breast collection can have different effects on the body, some herbs can remove inflammatory process from the respiratory tract and bronchi, other components help sputum to liquefy and be excreted faster, and some types of plants can have a bronchodilator and antispasmodic effect.

In which case you can not use breastfeeding

All contraindications of this composition are described on the package, but still it is worth talking about them in more detail, for example, after applying the tincture inside, a person may develop a skin rash or other allergic reaction to the remedy. It is also strictly forbidden to take such a collection of herbs during pregnancy, since some components have an effect on the uterus, which can lead to severe bleeding, as well as spontaneous miscarriage or early childbirth.

Chamomile to remove phlegm

Today you can find chamomile in any pharmacy in the city, the cost of medicinal herbs is not at all high, but it is this remedy that helps to quickly remove thick mucus from the bronchi, and the tincture also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, improving the patient's condition. After application, the lungs will begin to clear in a couple of days, which is not bad in the treatment of bronchitis or other lung diseases. A plus can be considered the fact that the remedy has almost no specific contraindications, and also has a pleasant taste, the tincture is allowed to be taken by younger children preschool age.

Taking the tincture helps to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and the remedy also dilates blood vessels, helping to open the lungs so that the patient can breathe easier. With constant use, you can notice the antibacterial effect and antispasmodic effect of the composition. It is worth saying that taking chamomile tincture for bronchitis is very useful, the medicinal plant makes it possible to expand the bronchial lumen, and also treats the infection itself directly, helping to eliminate inflammation from the lung mucosa.

This plant is taken orally in the form of tea with the addition of eucalyptus, or decoctions and tinctures are created on the basis of this plant. To make tea, it is enough to put a tea bag with chamomile in water, and then let it brew, after which eucalyptus is added to the remedy.


This plant has such an interesting name for a reason, because it really does a great job of treating bronchitis in children and adults, doctors allow the herb to be used to treat respiratory tract infections in children from two years old. Tincture with constant use can have an expectorant and mucus-removing effect, makes it possible to reduce inflammation in the bronchi and eliminates harmful microbes in the body. Still, it is worth remembering that the remedy is strictly prohibited for use by nursing mothers, as well as women who are carrying a baby and people with kidney disease.

It is worth saying that the tool is used not only in initial stage diseases, but also with a fairly advanced form of bronchitis. At the very beginning, the remedy helps to soften a non-productive cough and make it less painful. After that, the remedy begins to have an expectorant effect, removing sputum from the lungs in a shorter period.

There is the simplest option for preparing the remedy, for this a small spoonful of dried herbs is taken, a given number of inflorescences is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand for about one hour. It turns out a wonderful remedy, which is used one quarter cup four times a day.

Duration of treatment

Many pharmaceutical preparations are allowed to be taken for a certain period so as not to cause the body to become addicted, or not to lead to an overdose of the drug, but medicinal herbs that help to remove sputum can be used without harm to the body for one month, and sometimes longer, but in any case Before treatment, it is important to consult with your doctor about taking a particular collection or herb. As you know, bronchitis in an adult can develop with varying degrees of severity, so the duration of treatment varies greatly, with mild inflammation treatment lasts about 7-10 days, but if the disease has already passed into a more severe stage, you will have to drink tinctures for three weeks or longer.

If we talk about pharmaceutical products, then they are often allowed to be used for no longer than ten days, in this case it is not always possible to notice the effect of the application, and after a week it is necessary to change this medicine to a new one. But breast collection can be taken for two or three weeks without harm to the body, during which time the lungs are usually completely cleared of excess mucus.

But to buy different kinds herbs are much more affordable than buying a certain type of drug, since the price of herbs is several times lower, and the benefits of such a remedy are certainly greater for the body. Many people who often suffer from bronchitis have a special chest collection in their medicine cabinet, it is used to treat this disease. At the same time, the herbs that make up the product grow in the central part of Europe, so finding them will not be difficult at all.

Negative aspects of herbal treatment

Herbs that expectorate and remove phlegm can also have their drawbacks, since in their pure form they often cause allergic reaction not only in children, but also in adults. Some herbal infusions have such a strong effect that only adult patients are allowed to take them; it is strictly forbidden to give such medicine to children.

Also, the disadvantage of herbal treatment can be considered the fact that calculate the correct dose this tool often quite difficult, for this reason it is better to consult a doctor before using tinctures.

It is worth saying that herbs can only be used those that were bought at a pharmacy, or collected far from the city, if you collect medicinal plants near the road, they will do much more harm than good, as they can cause serious poisoning of the body .

Another disadvantage is that not all types of plants can be combined with the intake of conventional medicines, and without pills it is impossible to cure bronchitis, especially in a complicated form.

Cough is a common symptom of acute respiratory infection and chronic diseases respiratory system. Treatment of this manifestation of the disease is often based on increased sputum excretion, and for this it is effective to use medicinal herbs.

When are expectorants needed?

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body to irritation of the bronchial system. It is aimed at eliminating the irritant, that is, removing sputum from the lungs and bronchi. The presence of mucus, as such, is not dangerous to health. The secret is produced as a protection against microparticles that enter the organs of the respiratory system with air, as well as fungal, viral and bacterial infections.

Cough is required as an auxiliary tool. But if it is unproductive or not productive enough, the body needs help in the form of expectorants. Otherwise, complications may occur in the form of chronic bronchitis, the spread of infection to other organs and systems, and lung obstruction.

Formulations of herbal medicines

Medicinal herbs have a powerful therapeutic effect and affect the body no worse than chemical medicines. They are part of dietary supplements sold without a prescription and recommendations, as well as traditional drugs. Excellent treatment results show:

Herbs are used as part of fees (one of the most famous is chest), syrups, tablets, elixirs. On their basis, rubbing, inhalation, compresses are prepared. Most herbal medicines are allowed for children, some are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Herbal preparations can be used in the composition complex therapy together with chemical drugs, as well as separately.

Benefits of herbal preparations

Natural remedies have many advantages over conventional medicines. Among them:

Herbal preparations and teas can have a beneficial effect on other body systems.

Most often, as a contraindication, the manufacturer indicates individual intolerance to the components. Many drug collections are available in traditional pharmacies and online networks. Unlike aggressive synthetic agents, natural agents act gently and practically do not cause toxic overload of the liver and kidneys.

List of herbal remedies

The list of herbal medicines is quite wide. Crushed dried plants are combined with each other or taken separately by patients. Most often, the reception is carried out in the form of decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures, syrups.

Dietary supplements-powders and tablets, filter bags, tinctures and infusions are not recommended to be used as the only treatment. Drinking drugs should be combined with traditional medicines, physiotherapy procedures. This is especially important in the treatment of chronic and systemic lesions.

For dry cough

The phenomenon of dry cough is observed with inflammation of the trachea, at the beginning of the development of an acute respiratory infection. The task of treatment in this case is to achieve sputum discharge and facilitate its removal from the bronchi. Useful in such a situation will be decoctions and infusions of coltsfoot, chamomile. Herbs help relieve inflammation, kill pathogenic bacteria and speed up the patient's recovery process.

For wet cough

On my own moist cough is a sign of the beginning of the discharge of mucus. But support for the body will still be required until complete recovery. In addition, reflex mechanisms do not always provide sufficient excretion. To improve and maintain the patient's condition, it is necessary to take three to five glasses of herbal infusions or decoctions daily. They can be prepared from chamomile, lemon balm and mint, St. John's wort, licorice root. Decoctions and infusions should be warm or at room temperature.

For amplification therapeutic effect it is useful to take liquids with honey and raspberry jam.

With bronchitis

The best expectorant effect is possessed by:

  • chamomile;
  • oregano;
  • mint;
  • motherwort.

To improve the effect, it is recommended to use products based on parsley, yarrow, rosemary. To strengthen the body's resistance and eliminate infection, it is useful to take echinacea, elderberry, St. John's wort, sage. As a bronchial irritant, licorice infusion and syrups should be used (the latter must be diluted in clean water and taken during a meal).

When smokers cough

Nicotine causes chronic inflammation of the bronchi with the accumulation of dark-colored mucus. This phenomenon is called smokers' bronchitis, which is difficult to get rid of with constant abuse of a bad habit.

This is especially dangerous with the progression of bronchial obstruction.

With regular use, copious discharge of dark sputum is possible in the evening and at night.

To alleviate and improve the patient's condition, use herbal remedies based on wild rosemary, licorice, fennel, thermopsis. During treatment, it is recommended to reduce the dose of nicotine and take more liquid.

The best fees and remedies for the treatment of cough

For adults, it is important to properly brew and ingest herbs. The following recipes for home use are known:

Before use, it is necessary to conduct a test for intolerance to the components. Herbal treatment takes up to five to seven days. If after this period there is no improvement, you should consult your doctor for advice.

Pharmaceutical preparations and fees

The listed herbs can be collected independently or purchased at a pharmacy in the form of dry raw materials, filter bags separately and in the form of effective fees. It is possible to buy:

  • licorice root syrup;
  • anise drops;
  • Althea syrup.

The effectiveness of the healing chest collection number 1 has been experimentally proven. It is used for colds, helps to eliminate a bacterial infection and improve mucus discharge. Number 2 makes breathing easier, relieves swelling and relaxes the bronchial muscles. The 3rd collection relieves inflammatory processes in acute lung lesions, the 4th collection speeds up the healing process with prolonged colds, brings remission closer to chronic bronchitis.

Herbal Treatment Conclusions

Medicinal herbs really have a beneficial effect on the bronchi and lungs with colds, obstructions, and chronic lesions of the respiratory system. But treatment should be complex with the use of traditional medicines and procedures.

Herbal preparations can cause allergies and other negative reactions therefore, before use, it is necessary to check the formulations for intolerance.

Cough is one of the most unpleasant symptoms any cold. It is difficult to get rid of it even after acute respiratory infections, and if complications appear in the form of bronchitis, tracheitis, especially pneumonia, it takes a lot of time and effort to eliminate the symptom. Medications help to get rid of the underlying disease.

But sometimes you have to resort to traditional medicine to help the body cope with a prolonged cough, when antibiotics become simply dangerous due to the long course of use.

Herbs and fees to relieve the symptom may also be recommended by doctors. Let's figure out which herbs thin sputum.

Any cough it's a reflex, with the help of which the bronchi and lungs are cleared of foreign objects and substances.

Therefore, a person coughs, choking, exhaling strongly and sharply through the mouth, with a cold, trying to get rid of accumulated sputum in the trachea or lungs, with many other diseases.

Unproductive, dry cough- one of the most dangerous, doctors often have to prescribe special drugs that suppress the cough reflex if the symptom is caused by tumors, swelling, or an allergic reaction.

Attention. Mucus in the bronchi is a normal reaction of the body. It helps to breathe, detains microorganisms, that is, it is produced and updated constantly. But with the inflammatory process, swelling, it becomes much larger, the composition, viscosity, color change, bacteria begin to multiply in it. The faster this substance is removed from the body, the greater the chance for a speedy recovery.

With a normal productive cough, when the result is sputum discharge, suppression of cough centers can become dangerous, since it is in sputum that many pathogens develop that can cause inflammatory processes, destructive organs of the respiratory system.

In this case, it is expectorants that help facilitate the “cleaning” of the respiratory tract, thinning the viscous secret and removing it from the bronchi, not allowing to descend into the lower sections and lungs.

What herbs have an expectorant effect

For many centuries, medicinal herbs have been used to facilitate the removal of sputum, which have the ability to thin sputum and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Herbs that loosen phlegm:

  1. Liquorice root- in the old days it was called licorice. A universal remedy that enhances the effect of any drugs when coughing, it can be drunk with a decoction, simply chewed, used for inhalation. An anti-inflammatory agent, copes with microbes, is rich in vitamins, so that treatment started on time will help to avoid bronchitis that drags on for weeks.
  2. Coltsfoot- small nondescript flowers on a thin green stem appear in early spring along with the first flowers. No less unique plant that saves chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, making life easier for asthmatics. Decoctions of freshly picked May flowers, leaves, dry raw materials are recommended to drink for both children and adults.
  3. Elecampane- the plant did not get its name in vain, nature endowed it with a powerful force capable of overcoming many diseases. The roots and rhizomes of elecampane are used for inhalation, in decoctions, infusions to combat inflammation, as an antimicrobial and expectorant.
  4. Chamomile- an excellent antiseptic and sputum thinning agent, helps to soothe irritation.
  5. Thyme.
  6. Oregano.
  7. Altey.
  8. Calendula.
  9. Sage.
  10. wild rosemary.
  11. Raspberries- young shoots and leaves are known not only as an antipyretic, but also as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant in decoctions.
  12. St. John's wort- relieves, soothes irritation, facilitates coughing.

Many herbs have an expectorant effect, so infusions and decoctions of them will be useful for bronchitis.

But each of the plants has contraindications., so before use, you need to consult a doctor, find out if you need to take medicines with herbs, which of them can harm when chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract.

Herbs for asthma

Bronchial asthma causes a debilitating cough which brings almost no relief.

To free the bronchi from accumulated mucus, special means are needed to facilitate breathing and relieve swelling.

The greatest efficiency was shownherbs for sputum discharge:

  • oregano- a diaphoretic and facilitating production, thinning and excretion of mucus from the body, a decoction of it is pleasant, soothes, helps to fall asleep;
  • oats- a decoction of cereal facilitates the removal of sputum, you can add honey, milk, aloe juice to it;
  • rosemary decoction- has both expectorant and anti-allergic effect;
  • elecampane- decoctions and inhalations from rhizomes come to the rescue in this disease, are not addictive, so you can drink the decoction throughout your life and to prevent attacks;
  • ginger- freshly squeezed juice of one root with a pinch of salt relieves an attack and helps to cough productively.

Important. Wherein dangerous disease any remedy should be discussed with a doctor, since against the background of an allergy, both a spasm and a life-threatening edema can develop.

Be sure to make sure that the plant is not among the allergens. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to predict the result.

best herbs for dry cough

To alleviate the condition with a dry cough, inhalations from some herbs can. After all, the main thing with him - get rid of mucus which irritates the respiratory tract.

Chamomile- soothe an irritated throat, help to form more mucus, that is, begin to remove harmful substances.

Coltsfoot- the vapors of this plant also help relieve inflammation, and also soften the inflamed mucous membranes.

For wet cough

Having achieved normal sputum discharge, you need to continue to take decoctions and infusions from herbs or their fees.

Drink 3-5 glasses a day useful fragrant tea from mint, lemon balm with St.

Expectorant and mucus-removing herbs for bronchitis

Licorice root and elecampane removes all unnecessary from the respiratory tract, it is a good mucolytic.

Effective and a decoction of the collection of plantain, chamomile, elecampane and licorice. Healing tea will help cure bronchitis without complications within 3-5 days, if you drink it constantly, according to the scheme recommended by doctors.

Herbs for coughing up mucus in smokers

  1. Linden blossom– healthy, very pleasant linden tea smells like honey, children drink it willingly.
  2. Mint and Melissa also do not cause them unpleasant emotions.
  3. St. John's wort with yarrow and chamomile are also suitable for treatment.
  4. Liquorice root- very sweet in taste, it can be given both in decoctions, and simply chewed fresh or dried.

Before starting treatment, you need to talk with a pediatrician to clarify the dosage, decide how often to take decoctions, should you offer them constantly or limit yourself to 2 - 3 tsp. in a day.

Expectorant herbs

In any pharmacy you can buy herbs from sputum called They " chest fees“, to relieve the symptoms of colds and bronchitis. Most of them are offered in convenient packages that significantly simplify application.

But such fees can be made by yourself, most of the herbs go well together, give a pleasant original taste and aroma.

In combination, they are much more effective, make the treatment tasty, and help to heal and strengthen the body.

Cough medicine video

Elena Malysheva will tell about cough medicine. What are types of drugs And what drug to choose?

Cough can be eliminated through alternative medicine methods. Healing herbs are used to prepare preparations for colds. Cough herbs become the basis for infusions and decoctions. They are also used to prepare formulations for compresses and inhalations. Each plant has its own useful properties, contraindications and side effects. Despite the relative safety of herbs, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting therapy.

The clinical picture of many colds is quite similar. Without knowing the exact cause of the ailment, it is strictly forbidden to start treatment at home. Cough is not an independent disease. It varies in intensity and type: a wet and dry cough is isolated. The factors that can provoke it include infectious infection, bronchospasm, hypothermia, and an allergic reaction. Concomitant symptoms (runny nose, dry mucous membranes, sore throat) are also taken into account.

Phytotherapeutic compounds have a healing effect on the body. Healing fees are characterized by expectorant, bronchospasmolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. Folk remedies, prepared on the basis of medicinal plants, quickly and effectively help with the following diseases:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • laryngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lobar pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy.

Non-traditional methods are allowed to be used as adjuvant therapy for children and adults. With the combined treatment complex, recovery occurs fairly quickly. Apart from folk ways treatment, the general scheme includes physiotherapy and medications. When choosing suitable medicinal herbs, contraindications must be taken into account.

There are the following restrictions:

wild rosemary
  1. Calendula, wild rosemary, thyme, St. John's wort, sweet clover, tansy and aloe - can not be used in the treatment of pregnant women.
  2. The greatest risk of an allergic reaction is present when taking formulations that contain wild rosemary, mint and celandine. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to give them to one-year-old children.
  3. Allergy sufferers should always consult a doctor before starting therapy. This will prevent the occurrence of negative consequences.

Effectiveness of herbal cough treatment

Phytotherapy has a powerful positive effect on the body. Therapeutic methods are selected, focusing on the diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the patient. Each cough medicine collection includes several medicinal herbs with different properties. Thus, it is possible to stop the inflammatory process and accelerate the restoration of damaged tissues. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner the patient's condition returns to normal.

With the help of herbs, the following results are achieved:

  • decrease in mucus viscosity;
  • moisturizing the affected tissues;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.

When sputum is released, the body is cleansed of harmful microflora. The situation is often complicated by bronchospasm. It is a natural reflex, due to which foreign elements are removed. After removing the coughing attacks and the resulting mucus, the state of health improves. Cough occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes lining the airways. The causative factor is often tobacco smoke.

A collection of medicinal herbs is done independently or purchased at a pharmacy. In any case, the use of alternative medicine methods must be approved by the attending physician. The patient should not independently change the prescribed regimen. When side effects or a sharp deterioration in well-being, the patient should immediately contact a medical facility.

List of effective herbs

The list of medicinal herbs is quite extensive. Fees are made up, taking into account the unique properties of each possible component. You can not combine plants that have opposite effects. Therefore, in one medicinal collection there are no plants characterized by expectorant and antitussive effects. They will cancel each other's useful action.

With a dry cough, to achieve the maximum effect, apply such healing herbs, How:

  • plantain - eliminates pain, moisturizes the mucous membranes, makes the mucus less thick;
  • lime color - envelops the affected area, increases the amount of sputum secreted, removes it from the body;
  • chamomile - characterized by antiseptic action;
  • clover - relieves irritation, facilitates general well-being;
  • coltsfoot - has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The list is supplemented by wild rosemary, mullein, thyme, moss and parmelia. Herbal decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, which are subsequently taken orally. They also gargle.

To get rid of a wet cough, use:

Herbal cough drops can be bought at any pharmacy. Bronchitis and pneumonia are treated with plants that have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. For these purposes, pine buds and willow bark are well suited. Long bouts of coughing are eliminated with the help of fireweed, valerian, chamomile and motherwort. Medicinal formulations prepared on their basis are recommended to be taken at night. At this time of day, the patient's condition worsens greatly.

Popular cough recipes

When choosing a herbal collection, the type of cough and the disease that provoked it must be taken into account. Proper diagnosis is the first step to a patient's recovery. In a properly prepared composition, there are plants that complement each other. In this case, the effect of the drug should extend both to the symptoms and to the root cause of the ailment.

If the patient suffers from a dry cough, the following recipes are allowed:

  1. Thyme, elecampane, marigold, coltsfoot. The ingredients for collection are taken in equal proportions, thoroughly crushed and mixed. The mixture should be homogeneous. One tablespoon of the finished composition for expectoration must be put in a pre-prepared dish. After that, it remains to pour one glass of boiling water into it. The infusion is left in a warm place for 30 minutes. Drink the medicine twice a day before eating food in a volume of no more than a quarter cup.
  2. Hyssop, thyme, mullein, mallow. Three tablespoons of vegetable collection are combined with a liter of boiling water. After the composition is insisted for an hour. At the last stage, the medicine is filtered, if necessary, honey is added. Children without whims drink sweet mixture.

Wet cough is eliminated with a collection containing:

  1. Sage, wild rosemary, chamomile, elecampane, wormwood, calendula, ivy, cinquefoil, coltsfoot. For one glass of boiling water, take a tablespoon of the dry mixture. After, the infusion is left for 1-2 hours and filtered. The drug is used twice a day.
  2. Oregano, spruce needles, pine buds, coltsfoot, wormwood, comfrey. The dry mixture, which was prepared from the components (in equal proportions), is poured with boiling water. The daily rate should not exceed 150 ml.

Before undergoing therapy, a person must undergo a test for an allergic reaction to the collection. Expectorant herbs used for dry or wet coughs can cause negative effects. Dosage, order of administration, duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Special attention need to pay attention to the composition medicines, removing phlegm and relieving inflammation.

Ignoring these recommendations is fraught with side effects. Among the most possible reactions emit dyspepsia, rashes on the skin and itching. Women at risk during pregnancy and breastfeeding, preschool children, the elderly. Cough treatment in any case should be under the supervision of a doctor.

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