How and with what to treat cuts on the skin: features, algorithm of actions and recommendations. Practical advice on how and with what to treat a wound, ways to quickly heal cuts The procedure for treating a wound

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

It is difficult to insure yourself against cuts. They can be obtained by doing ordinary housework, apartment or car, in the country or at work. An accidental and not treated timely cut is dangerous with suppuration and complications. In the article we will tell you how to handle cuts, and how to do it correctly. We will also describe how to act so that there are no unpleasant consequences, and the wound heals quickly.

Types of cuts

Anyone who wants to know how to treat a cut needs to find out what caused the wound and how deep the damage is.

Let's look at the most common types of cuts:

  • Cut with a blunt object. It could be a wound from a fall on the pavement. As a result, not only damage to the skin occurs, but also severe bruising of the muscles. This complicates the treatment process.
  • Cut with a sharp object. There are two types of wounds here: lacerated or even. A lacerated wound - from uneven glass, a specially serrated knife, from any sharp object with irregularities. Smooth wound - from a household knife, a piece of glass with smooth edges, a sharp object without notches. Usually these are deep cuts, with damage not only to the muscles, but also to the ligaments.
  • A cut with a sharp and thin object. Otherwise, it is called a puncture. It could be a wound from an ordinary needle. The whole danger of such an injury is that it is not only a deep, but a narrow cut. As a result, bleeding is difficult to stop. A specific bruise quickly appears, and swelling.
  • Not just a cut, but a practically cut off part of the body, e.g. finger. In this case, it is important to protect the open part of the wound from microbes.

There are also combined species. For any type of injury, it is important to know basic first aid and how to treat cuts.

First aid

  1. Visual inspection of the wound.
  2. Washing the cut with water.
  3. Avoid contact with the wound itself to avoid infection. But when the cut was caused by a dirty object, contact cannot be avoided. It is required to thoroughly wash the wound with a cleansing and disinfecting agent. If this was not at hand, then baby soap will do.
  4. Severe bleeding, it should be stopped. Either by pressing a finger on a blood vessel, or, when possible, apply a tourniquet. If the cut is on an arm or leg, it will reduce bleeding by placing the limb above body level. You just need to lay the victim down and raise his arm / leg.
  5. Before applying the tourniquet, it is necessary to determine which vessel is damaged: a vein or an artery. Arterial blood is bright red, scarlet. Venous is darker, almost burgundy. A tourniquet is applied to the artery above the wound. On a vein - below the cut. The duration of use of the tourniquet depends on the condition of the patient, on average - from 40 minutes to one and a half hours. Otherwise, tissue necrosis may begin.
  6. Re-disinfection of the wound after bleeding has stopped. The best option is hydrogen peroxide. If the wound is deep, then you need to make sure that the peroxide does not contribute to the formation of an air lock in blood vessel. For minor cuts, alcohol, brilliant green, and iodine can be used for disinfection.
  7. final procedure. Apply a wet bandage (sterile) or a rag to the wound. When dry, they can stick to the wound.

While the essential procedures are being done or immediately after they are completed, you should call ambulance. If the injury does not pose a particular danger, you can go to the nearest hospital yourself. Below we will tell you in detail how to handle cuts. We will also consider the procedure for carrying out procedures, depending on the depth of damage.

The first stage of treatment - examination and washing of the wound

How to properly treat a cut on the finger? If the finger is damaged, the treatment procedure is divided into 4 stages. The first is inspection and washing. Inspection of the cut is done in order to detect foreign objects in the wound. It may be the remnants of what caused the damage; dirt particles; pieces of glass. It is better to remove a foreign body with tweezers. Then it is recommended to wash the cut. To do this, pour hydrogen peroxide on the wound. As a result of a chemical reaction, the drug will begin to foam. In this way, the remains of uncleaned dirt will be washed out of the cut. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide will disinfect the wound. Furacilin solution, soapy water are also suitable for washing the cut. If the choice was made in favor of a soapy solution, then after the wound you need to rinse with additional clean water. This step is no less important than the next three. From the correctness of its implementation will depend on how quickly the wound heals and what kind of scar remains.

Stage of stopping the blood

When the wound is shallow, the bleeding stops on its own. If the blood does not stop flowing after 15 minutes, then you should raise your hand with an injured finger, after applying a bandage. If the blood comes through the bandage and does not stop for more than half an hour, then there are problems with clotting. You can't stop the bleeding on your own. You need to contact the hospital department, as hemostatic drugs are needed. And then only the doctor will determine how to treat the cut on the arm.

In this case, it is forbidden to remove the applied bandage, as it sticks to the wound. And removing it will only increase the bleeding. Also, heavily and improperly applied bandages can cause irreparable harm.

Stage three - wound treatment procedure

After stopping the bleeding, it is necessary to treat the wound. If a bandage has been applied, then it must be removed correctly. To facilitate removal without causing pain or to avoid re-bleeding, the bandage is moistened with a solution of furacilin. So the adherent tissue will calmly move away from the wound. After removing the bandage, the cut is additionally wiped with the same solution until the bandage threads are completely removed. After the wound must be dried with clean material. How to treat the cut on the finger further, with iodine or brilliant green, does not play a big role. The main thing is to make sure that the disinfectant does not get on the wound itself, as it can burn living tissue and add pain. Only the edges of the cut need to be processed. A small amount of healing ointment should be applied to the wound itself. Otherwise, it will only soak the cut and delay healing. At the end, if necessary, a re-bandage is applied. The wound treatment procedure can be one-time and repetitive. You need to watch how the edges of the cut are tightened. How to treat a wound from a cut during repeated dressings? This will be advised by the doctor.

Stage four - proper dressing

To facilitate the removal of the bandage, it is recommended to wrap the finger with a small piece of paper. Pre-wet it with hydrogen peroxide. The paper will protect from pain during the period of changing the bandage. Important: Not all paper is suitable. Only clean (without printing ink), durable (napkins are not suitable), not very rough are selected. Before applying a bandage over the paper, you need to try to connect the edges of the wound. This is important for deep cuts. The bandage should be tight enough, but not prevent bleeding. Faster with proper blood flow. Determining whether the bandage is tight is simple: you need to watch your finger. If it begins to turn blue or becomes cold, the bandage should be loosened. With a small cut, a corn patch is also suitable. The bandage needs to be changed once a day.

Why not make mistakes in wound care?

If a mistake was made during the treatment of a cut or dressing, the wound will take longer to heal or may fester. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention to the treatment of the wound on the finger. The situation is more complicated with severe cuts. How to treat a deep cut on the arm? In this case, even knowing all the features, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

How to treat a deep cut of the finger? The sequence of manipulations

Deep cuts require more complex handling and proper attention. Since not only the skin and muscles are damaged here, the wound can harm the tendons, nerve endings. There are cases with damage and bones. When deep, it loses sensitivity, and also does not bend or unbend. Only doctors can provide basic medical care. Sometimes it is required to connect the tendons and muscles in an operative way.

What to do and how to treat a deep cut before the ambulance arrives or before going to the hospital? First of all, it is necessary to determine which vessel is damaged: a capillary, an artery or a vein. If the blood flows spasmodically, pulsatingly, it means that an important vessel is damaged. Such bleeding requires an urgent stop with the help of a tourniquet. To prevent tissue death, the bandage is periodically (after 30 minutes) loosened.

When the blood is not flowing too much, you can let a small amount flow out. This is done so that the blood itself washed away foreign objects and dirt.

The cut must be cleaned, otherwise the germs will quickly spread through the blood. Here again hydrogen peroxide is recommended. It will wash away the remaining dirt, help in stopping the blood and disinfect the wound. Many are interested in learning how to treat cuts for quick healing. It is hydrogen peroxide that doctors recommend.

Do not rinse deep cuts with running water. It contains substances that will harm the wound. After these procedures, you need to apply a not very tight bandage. You can use a bandage or cloth.

How to revive the victim?

Until he arrives urgent Care, the hand must be held above the head. If the victim is in a difficult situation, you need to help him in this matter. Often people are afraid of one kind of blood and lose consciousness. In this case, the victim must be brought to his senses:

  • it is necessary to have access to fresh air;
  • massage the earlobes;
  • light blows on the cheeks;
  • give a sniff of ammonia.

When should you go to the hospital?

You need to go to the hospital in the following situations:

  1. For large and deep cuts.
  2. If the bleeding doesn't stop.
  3. You cannot remove the foreign body yourself.
  4. When the cut is caused by a contaminated object.
  5. Suppuration, swelling and discoloration of the skin around the wound began.
  6. Fever and general weakness.
  7. The cut does not heal for a long time.

When contacting a doctor, you need to tell how the cut occurred and what measures were taken.


The most important thing when you see a wound is not to panic. Knowing the sequence of manipulations and how to handle cuts, you need to pay all attention to the correct processing. This is the only way to help yourself quickly. It is a little more difficult to treat a cut to a child. Before starting the procedure, you need to calm the baby. Then try to immobilize the damaged part of the body, and then start processing. Remember that proper wound care is the key to rapid healing.

Being engaged in economic affairs, a person can often get hurt by negligence. It is important to know how to treat the wound and how to do it correctly. After all, an innocent wound can soon turn into a real problem, so you need to immediately lubricate it with an antiseptic.

Very often, adults, having earned a cut or wound, neglect the precautions and are in no hurry to treat the damaged area. But such an irresponsible attitude can lead to serious complications and even cause death. If an open wound is not treated in a timely manner, the following complications are possible:

  • big loss of blood;
  • blood poisoning;
  • inflammation and suppuration;
  • tetanus infection.

If you accidentally cut your finger with a knife and neglect what is from the wound there is blood the consequences can be very dire. With a shallow cut, blood oozes slowly, and significant loss of it is possible only if a person has poor blood clotting. With a deep wound, the blood flow is fast, for a short time you can lose a lot of it.

As a result of a large loss of blood, the work of the heart is disturbed, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and fainting begin. If, in addition, blood clotting is reduced, further deterioration of the condition is possible.

If dirt gets into an untreated wound, blood poisoning or sepsis is possible. During the day, the state of health deteriorates sharply: chills beat, weakness in the muscles is felt, bones break, rashes appear on the skin. In the future, the condition worsens more and more: it rises heat, consciousness becomes confused. Blood poisoning is difficult to treat, it requires a transfusion.

Dirt in the wound can also be the cause of another misfortune - tetanus. The site of damage to the skin begins to hurt, and then hurt. Manifestations of the disease continue even after the wound has already healed. A person may not associate malaise with damage to the epidermis.


With the reproduction of tetanus bacillus in the head and spinal cord harmful toxins enter. As a result of this, muscle spasm, convulsions begin. This state does not pass even in a dream. Due to constant stress, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems gradually worsens.

Otherwise, the wound may become inflamed. Its surface turns red, gradually covered with a purulent film. If the wound is left untreated, it can become seriously ill. Body temperature rises to 39°C, chills, temporary loss of consciousness is possible.

The right approach to the procedure

You need to know how to properly treat a wound. Treatment of a wound at home begins with the following steps. Motes must be removed from its surface. To do this correctly, you need to take clean tweezers, clamp a piece of bandage with it and dip it in alcohol or vodka, then wipe the wound with it.

After that, lubricate the damage with an antiseptic that eliminates microbes. You can treat with iodine, brilliant green, a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. By the way, it is good to treat a bleeding wound with hydrogen peroxide. The blood stops quickly. If there are no antiseptics at hand, a thick water-soda solution, alcohol tincture of calendula or chamomile will do. The wound can be generously sprinkled with salt or moistened with cologne. If a child has a wound, it is better to resort to more gentle methods of disinfecting it. Treatment at home consists in washing the damaged area with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use laundry soap. Then the wound is smeared with hydrogen peroxide.

It is also allowed to use pharmaceutical products, for example, sulfargin. It contains particles of silver, and this metal is known to have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. There is no pain during treatment of the wound. After manipulating the wound, it is necessary to stick a pharmaceutical plaster on it or tie it with a bandage. Wear a bandage or plaster should be until complete healing.

If the wound is lacerated or in case of a deep cut, it is worth contacting an ambulance. It is possible that the health worker will not be limited to its simple processing. In some cases, stitches are applied to the wound.

Doctors always know how to treat serious damage. Usually, they first apply a wet bandage soaked in an antiseptic; the site of skin damage is bandaged.

The next day, you need to visit the first-aid post again. There, gauze with an antiseptic will be replaced with a bandage soaked in wound healing ointment, and bandaged again. The procedure is repeated daily until the injury site heals.


If improperly processed or the use of non-sterile bandages, when carrying out the procedure with dirty hands, the wound may fester. It must be treated again with alcohol. Apply a bandage with an antiseptic. In some cases, when seeking help from medical institution the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics.

After such a wound heals, a scar or scar forms at the site of injury.

Home Treatments

If the wound is small, a simple treatment with antiseptics is sufficient.

In a short time, it will drag on and heal without a trace. But serious damage to the epidermis often requires subsequent treatment.

Wound healing is promoted by such home remedies:

  1. Lubrication of the damaged area with fir oil. It not only disinfects, but also has powerful wound healing properties.
  2. Applying gruel from well-mashed leaves of plantain, lilac or beetroot to the damaged area. Besides the fact that they contribute to the tightening of the wound, they also prevent its suppuration.
  3. Applying compresses from the infusion of calendula. For this, 1 tbsp. l. fresh or dried flowers of the plant are steamed in a glass of boiling water. Infuse for about 20 minutes. Use after cooling the broth.
  4. Acacia fresh honey has a wound-healing effect. In addition, it is an effective antiseptic. After washing, the wound should be smeared with a thick layer of honey. Repeat the procedure several times a day. After such treatment, there are no scars or scars. Even festering wounds are treated with honey.

Drug Overview

In the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, various ointments have proven themselves well. Both pharmacy products and their home-made counterparts easily cope with chronic wounds, even those that ache and hurt.

The use of Eplan provides rapid regeneration of damaged tissues, restoration of the integrity of the epidermis. But it is not recommended to treat bleeding wounds with ointment. It contains a component that reduces the properties of blood clotting.

Thanks to Levomekol, skin lesions with an inflamed surface heal: hard-to-heal wounds quickly heal, pain disappears. The ointment is applied to gauze, applied to the wound, after which it is bandaged. The course of treatment is 10 days. At the same time, every day you need to apply a new gauze soaked in Levomekol.

Baneocin contains antibiotics. Ointment copes with the most complex and chronic wounds. On the damaged area, it is applied in a thin layer, bandaged. Apply daily for 10 days.


Long-term non-healing wounds pain syndrome cures a special homemade ointment. For her, take 1 tbsp. l. with the top of crushed burdock roots and 1 tbsp. l. crushed celandine roots. Pour everything into an enameled bowl, pour 1/4 cup of any vegetable oil. Boil the mixture over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. The cooled drug should be treated with the affected area 2 times a day. Treatment is carried out until the wound heals.

Homemade propolis ointment heals old wounds that hurt and won't heal. Cellular lard is cut into pieces, propolis is added. Melt the ingredients in a water bath. A homogeneous liquid mixture comes out. It is cooled and lubricated on the damaged surface.

The term “wound” in medicine refers to a violation of the integrity of body tissues: skin, internal organs, bones, blood vessels, and other components of the "elements" of the human body. Such a violation appears as a result of external influence. Wounds can be of a diverse nature, of different area and depth, so they require different measures for neutralization and treatment. Some wounds can be dealt with on their own, while others require medical attention. However, in any case, each person must know the basic rules and master the skills of first aid and treatment. different types wounds - such knowledge can come in handy at any time.

The main classification of wound lesions in medicine

The type of injury directly affects how it needs to be treated - after all, for example, a gunshot penetrating wound requires a slightly different “treatment” than stab wounds or wounds after an animal attack, and superficial wounds are treated differently than deep penetrating injuries.

One of the most common classifications of wounds - depending on the nature of the injuries received. So, there are chopped, lacerated and stab wounds bitten, for example, after a dog attack. Also, wounds can be cut or gunshot if they are received from cold or firearms, razors or knives.

Chopped wounds are quite rare, and they are considered one of the most dangerous types of wounds. Usually, in addition to damage to the skin and soft tissues, chopped wounds are accompanied by a violation of the integrity of bone structures. Such a lesion is accompanied by bleeding, often severe, and has jagged edges that heal for a long time and are painful for the patient. The most characteristic type of slash wound remains after being struck with an axe. Also, a person can get a similar injury in case of accidents on various types transport. Chopped wounds, of course, require some initial treatment, which others can provide to the victim, and then the victim must be taken to the doctor, and often for suturing.

Lacerations are the result of severe bruises or falls. Such lesions often have a large area, they heal poorly and are dangerous with a high probability of development. infection. Characterized by significant crushing of tissues and skin.

Stab wounds are one of the most common types of injuries that can easily be obtained even in everyday life, for example, by pricking with a needle while sewing, or stepping on a nail. They are characterized by a small area, but a deep and penetrating damaged area, due to which internal suppurations can develop in them.

Injuries after attacks by animals, such as dogs, are called bite wounds. Such wounds can be superficial or deep, affect vessels, soft tissues and even bones. Their distinctive feature is that, regardless of the area and depth, it is imperative to see a doctor with them in order to prevent the development of rabies in a bitten person.

Incised wounds are another type of injury that is often found in everyday life. Careless handling of a knife, razor or broken glass can cause a cut wound, and it is domestic injuries that, in general, have no great depth and do not pose a danger to humans, requiring only minimal processing. If the incised wound is characterized by a large penetration depth, profuse bleeding may develop against its background.

Gunshot wounds are injuries sustained from body contact with a bullet or shot fired from a firearm. They can be:

  • through, when the bullet passes through the body, and exits through the hole in the skin;
  • blind if the bullet remains in the body.

Such wounds are often accompanied by major bleeding, and require medical attention.

Types of injuries differentiated by other criteria

If we consider tissue damage according to the degree of their penetration, we can distinguish the following types of wounds:

  • superficial;
  • tangents;
  • deep;
  • through;
  • blind.

Superficial wounds affect only the skin or mucous membranes, without violating the integrity of the soft tissues underneath - for example, these are abrasions or light scratches.

Tangential wounds pass by vital organs or bones without touching them, but can be quite deep, and are accompanied by bleeding.

Deep wounds are injuries in which the integrity of bones, organs and internal tissues of the body is violated.

Through wounds always have two holes - the place of entry and exit of the injuring object, for example, a bullet or a dagger.

As for blind wounds, they always require the intervention of doctors, since in this case a part of the object that hit the person remains in the body, and it must be removed from tissues or organs.

General rules for providing assistance in the presence of wound injuries

Medical care for wounds can be of two types:

  • primary;
  • prescribed by the doctor after examination.

Some types of injuries are generally successfully treated at home, without going to the doctor.

Assistance to the victim begins with an assessment of the degree and nature of the lesion. First of all, wounds with bleeding require medical intervention, while manipulations should be aimed at stopping bleeding and preventing large blood loss, which can cost a person life. The basic rules for helping with any type of injury look like this:

  • the affected area of ​​the body must be immobilized and isolated from the effects of environmental factors;
  • before starting the implementation of any activities, hands and improvised tools must be rid of dirt and thoroughly disinfected;
  • if possible, sterile medical gloves should be used;
  • after treatment, the damaged area should be covered with a sterile material to prevent infection from entering the wound;
  • if the primary treatment of the wound is performed, it is better not to apply any ointments or powders to it, so as not to aggravate the healing process in the future;
  • alcohol preparations, iodine or brilliant green for disinfection should not be poured into a deep open wound, as this can cause pain shock in the victim;
  • if any organs or bones protrude from the wound, for example, the brain, intestines or bone fragment, it is forbidden to set them inside - they must be covered with sterile material, and the patient should be immobilized and taken to a medical facility;
  • removal of foreign bodies from the wound should be carried out only by a doctor;
  • Qualified medical assistance to the victim must be provided in the first 6 hours after being injured.

If the affected person needs urgent help, and there are no sterile materials nearby, minimal decontamination can be carried out improvised materials ironed on both sides. Such material can cover the wound.

Primary treatment of wounds has several goals, the main of which is to prevent any infection from entering the damaged tissues, as well as to prevent blood loss. If the bleeding threatens with large blood losses, it must be stopped, even if the requirements of the sterility of the objects and materials used in the process have to be neglected.

Before applying a bandage, the edges of the wound should be treated with an antiseptic, and movements should be carried out in the direction from the wound. If the damaged area needs to be bandaged, this is done from left to right, in a circular motion of the bandage. Under the bandage, sterile gauze pads are applied to the wound site.

It should be understood that in severe cases, when it comes to car accidents or natural disasters, it is possible to provide assistance to victims only if there is at least a basic level of medical training obtained, for example, in first aid courses. medical care otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to the victim by incorrectly applying a tourniquet or trying to set the internal organs if they have fallen out of the wound of the abdominal cavity.

How to stop bleeding: the main tricks

First of all, it is necessary to assess the intensity of bleeding - it can be weak, when the blood oozes slightly, medium, or strong, if the blood flows profusely or gushing out of the injury.

Hands must be washed and treated with disinfectants. The skin around the wound also needs to be disinfected.

If the bleeding is profuse, and the outflowing blood spurts and has a bright scarlet color, then the arteries are damaged, but if the blood flows out calmly and has a darker, cherry hue, then the bleeding is venous. Such bleeding requires immediate measures to stop it - if it is impossible to ensure complete sterility, in this case you can even neglect the rule of asepsis, since if more than 35% of the total blood volume is lost, a person is threatened with death.

To stop external bleeding, the following techniques are used:

  • finger pressure;
  • pressure bandage;
  • tight tamponade;
  • tourniquet;
  • flexion of the limb at the joint.

Finger pressure is the easiest way to stop arterial bleeding of moderate profusion - the artery is pressed against the bone between it and the wound, due to which the blood stops flowing into the damaged vessel.

A pressure bandage is relevant if bleeding of low or moderate intensity is localized on the head or on the limbs. The bandage does not just cover the wound - it is applied with pressure, with effort. If the wound with bleeding is located on the neck, a pressure bandage with a tourniquet may be applied to it.

Tight tamponade is used for arterial bleeding on the extremities, if other options for stopping blood loss cannot be used, for example, with deep wounds.

A tourniquet is required for bleeding from wounds large arteries eg hip or shoulder if medical care is delayed.

If the bleeding is not too profuse, the method of flexing the limb at the joint can be used if the wound is localized above it.

How to properly apply a tourniquet

The application of a tourniquet is an extreme measure to stop bleeding, which can only be used for blood loss from the shoulder or femoral artery. It is applied at a distance of 5 centimeters from the wound towards the heart. It is forbidden to apply a tourniquet on the lower third of the thigh or the middle third of the shoulder. The duration of the tourniquet is no more than 45 minutes in summer and 30 minutes in winter.

Under the tourniquet, it is necessary to attach a gauze or fabric bandage to the body. Further, the limb with a tourniquet must be thermally insulated and immobilized until the arrival of doctors.

How to treat abrasions and small wounds

The first and basic rule in this case is not to wash the wound with running water, as it contains various microorganisms that, once in damaged tissues, can cause suppuration. It is also better not to use cotton wool - only sterile bandages or sterile cotton pads.

The wound should be washed with an aseptic solution, such as chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. Cauterizing preparations such as iodine or “brilliant green” should not be applied to the open wound itself if it has a great depth, but they can be used to treat the edges of the wound. In extreme cases, vodka or moonshine is suitable if there are no medicines at hand, however, it should be remembered that their disinfecting ability is somewhat less strong than that of specialized medical products.

After the initial treatment, when all foreign objects are removed from the wound, it is covered with a sterile material and a not too tight bandage is applied over it. An abrasion, if it is heavily contaminated, should be washed well with a solution of peroxide or boiled water before treatment.

Stab and bite wounds: what to do

When applied stab wound first you need to remove all foreign objects from it: a nail, a needle, a splinter, glass fragments. If foreign bodies are at a depth of more than 2 centimeters, and the wound is more than 5 millimeters in diameter, it is better to consult a doctor to remove them. A doctor's consultation is also required if, after treatment, signs of an inflammatory process appear around the wound, or if the wound was caused by a rusty metal object.

Wounds that appear after animal bites are always the basis for a mandatory visit to the doctor. If blood flows from the wound, the patient must be given first aid to stop the bleeding, treat the edges of the wound with a disinfectant, cover it with sterile material, and urgently deliver the victim to a medical facility.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

In addition to the obvious cases when the wounded person has moderate or severe bleeding, fractures, damage to internal organs, a person needs to seek medical help in cases where, after treating the wound, signs of inflammation appear in the area of ​​damage (reddening of the skin, swelling, pain on palpation), if pus or a yellowish liquid oozes from the wound, and the wound has a noticeably elevated temperature.

If a person was bitten by an animal, if fragments of a wounding object could remain in the wound, or if the damage was caused by rusty metal objects, it is imperative to consult a doctor immediately after the initial treatment of the wound and stop the bleeding.

Basic and general rules wound treatment is aimed at maximum disinfection of the affected area, if necessary - to stop bleeding. In order to correctly apply the existing first aid skills, it is necessary to know the main types of injuries and their differences from each other, as well as to understand which wounds require the mandatory intervention of doctors, and which ones can be dealt with at home by decontaminating and bandaging.

2. In 2017, by the decision of the examination committee at a private institution of additional professional education "Institute for Advanced Training of Medical Personnel", she was admitted to medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty radiology.

Experience: therapist - 18 years, radiologist - 2 years.


With an open wound, treatment and use are required antibacterial drugs, because when an infection is introduced, it can begin to rot. First of all, you need to disinfect the wound and seek help from a medical institution.


An open wound is understood as the destruction of the entire skin and internal tissues. If you do not start treating an open wound in time, the following complications may occur:

  1. severe blood loss and anemia;
  2. Injured important muscles and organs can cause complications in further treatment;
  3. Blood poisoning.

Symptoms open wound:

  • pain,
  • bleeding,
  • soft tissue defects
  • improper functioning of the legs, arms.

There may also be a shock state of the patient and the presence of infection. When an open wound heals depends on the severity of the disease and timely treatment.


With timely and proper treatment, wound healing occurs quickly and does not cause complications. In case of severe bleeding, medical attention is required and timely treatment medical wounds.

Open wounds are divided into several types:

  1. A cut wound is a cut with a sharp object.
  2. A stab wound, there is little damage here, but very deep and can hurt the internal important organs. For example, improper use of the awl.
  3. Rupture, this type of damage is formed as a result of ruptures of soft tissues. It is characterized by heavy bleeding and severe pain.
  4. Surgical suture, occurs as a result of surgical intervention.


To correctly prescribe treatment, the doctor must examine the patient at the initial examination, the history of the disease and the cause of the damage. After that, only begins to treat the patient.

The severity of the disease is assessed by the patient's well-being, pain presence of bleeding. It is also established by examining and questioning the victim, what types of wounds were inflicted on him.


With a shallow incised wound, if the tendon or muscle is slightly damaged, it must be treated with antimicrobial agents and tied with sterile gauze. If the cut is small, you can cover it with a band-aid.

A stab wound needs to be examined and treated by a physician, due to the fact that in most cases surgery is required. The treatment required here is to stop the bleeding and treat with antiseptics. If the bleeding does not stop, then a sterile dressing is applied until the bleeding stops. The patient is given an injection of tetanus serum. In severe cases, give oxygen to breathe, and if you want to bring the patient to life - ammonia.

With a lacerated wound, you need to treat with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage. To collect damaged skin, you can consult a doctor so that he does it right and provides timely treatment. Before starting the treatment of an open wound, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence, what is the severity of the damage and the presence of infection.

Only surgeons know how to properly treat an open leg wound. Before starting the treatment of an open wound on the leg, which originated from a sharp object, it is necessary to correctly establish why the damage and the severity of the cut appeared.

Treatment will be effective if a number of measures are taken:

  1. Provide first aid
  2. Handle damage properly
  3. Take timely treatment and care.

Proper first aid

First you need to stop the bleeding, so a tourniquet is applied. The edges of the wound must be treated with antiseptics and a sterile bandage applied. Foreign bodies, you need to remove with tweezers, pre-treat the edges of it with alcohol. In case of a wound and the presence of deep damage, it is not worth taking out the object yourself, it is better if the doctor will help and prescribe proper treatment. In order to avoid infection of the damage, it is necessary to process antibacterial agents. After completing all the mandatory procedures, a sterile bandage is applied.

Which antiseptics are used to treat open wounds: a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine. Streptocide powder also has a disinfecting property. A 3% solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and a 2% solution of chloramine are also used. Iodine is not recommended, it can cause skin burns. Zelenka can be used as an antiseptic.

You can also use healing ointments to treat open wounds. Even a small wound, if there is an infection, can provoke the danger of the disease. After proper treatment of an open wound, it is left alone for two days, then healing ointments can be used. The ointment quickly restores damaged tissue, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Doctors advise treating wounds with ointment after providing primary care. With the timely application of the ointment, not only will the wound heal quickly, but scars and scars will disappear.

List of healing ointments:

  1. Baneocin is recommended for burns and deep wounds.
  2. Levomekol, very effective ointment, has an antibacterial effect.
  3. Solcoseryl, has not only a healing effect, but also reduces the sensation of pain.
  4. eplan, effective remedy and for all types of wounds.

To apply a healing ointment to an open wound correctly, it is best to smear with a thin layer, this is done in order for oxygen to penetrate. Then the wound healing will be accelerated, otherwise, with a thick layer of ointment, rotting may begin.

Subsequently, the wound can be treated and folk remedies, but first you need to consult with your doctor, so as not to cause the opposite effect. The following herbs and components have a healing property:

  • propolis,
  • willow bark,
  • St. John's wort and plantain leaves.

If the wound is festering, you can use folk method: apply a freshly cut aloe leaf, it draws pus from the wound. As the pus disappears, the wound can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil. Be sure to show the purulent wound to the doctor and consult with the doctor about the use of these funds. In some cases, you only need drug treatment. In case of complications, only a doctor can help.

The key to rapid healing of an open wound is the timely decontamination of the cut with antiseptics and recovery muscle tissue. It is better not to self-medicate, but to treat a small open wound and seek help from a doctor. In case of a severe wound, you must call an ambulance or go to a medical facility where they will provide effective treatment from the first days.

With an open wound, first aid should be started as early as possible to avoid any infection entering the bloodstream. In the treatment of open wounds, there are three stages of their healing.

  1. Primary cleansing. Despite the body's ability to recover from injuries, it is not possible to disinfect and clean the site of injury without outside intervention. So that no harmful microorganisms have time to get into the wound and cause infection, it is necessary first of all to treat the edges of the wound with brilliant green or iodine. Antiseptics such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine are also suitable for this. In the event that oily contaminants are noticed around the wound damage, they must be removed with kerosene or gasoline, and only after that, the disinfection procedure should be carried out. The final item on the list of wound care should be the application of a sterile dressing.
  2. Inflammatory process. At this stage, the body itself enters the process of healing an open wound. The inflammatory process here is characterized by the formation of edema in the wound area. And its appearance is due to the formation of additional antibodies that contribute to the destruction of dead cells and foreign microorganisms that have entered the wound. This stage of healing can be compared with the moment when, with colds the person has a fever. This means that the body is trying to overcome the virus on its own, without medical intervention. So in the case of an open wound, he independently produces additional cellular organisms that prevent the action of negative elements.
  3. Granulation of tissues and their subsequent restoration. And again, the appearance of a scar at the site of an open wound, unless, of course, it is extensive and does not require the intervention of a surgeon, is the result of the regenerative actions of the body itself. We all know that after some time a kind of crust begins to form along the edges of the wound, and the wound itself is covered with a thin, translucent layer of skin. Subsequently, the wound heals completely, and a scar remains in its place, which can also disappear later. It is this healing process that is called granulation.

Primary treatment in the treatment of open wounds

As mentioned earlier, the first stage is pre-processing. The goal is to avoid any infection getting into the wound. For this, antiseptics, solutions of brilliant green and iodine, as well as alcohol-containing substances are used.

An extensive wound can only be treated by a surgeon, the first thing he will do is remove foreign particles from the wound, such as metal filings or shavings or other debris.

This solution is not the only treatment. Ointments based on polyethylene oxide, as well as Levomikol and Lemisin also have a positive effect on wound healing. To avoid blood poisoning. In parallel with the work on the wound itself, the patient is prescribed immunotherapy and a number of procedures for detoxifying the body.

How to treat an open wound

In the event that there is no need to see a doctor, it is possible to treat an open wound at home. For fans traditional medicine suitable decoctions of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. Aloe juice also has an excellent healing effect. When choosing in favor of pharmacy products, the list of drugs that help in this matter is not very large.

  1. Streptocid. A tool known for several generations and firmly won its place in the home first aid kit. Has antibacterial and antimicrobial action. In the form of tablets, it is crushed and poured directly into the wound.
  2. Solcoseryl. Younger, but no less effective remedy. Available in the form of an ointment for the treatment of dry wounds and in the form of a gel for weeping wounds.
  3. Eplan cream. It also has an antimicrobial effect. It helps in protecting the wound from infection.
  4. Salicylic ointment. She, as a rule, is impregnated with a bandage, which is applied to the wound after treatment with an antiseptic.
  5. Rescuer balm. Protects the wound from infection by forming a thin film on it. Also, like salicylic ointment, it is applied after treatment with an antiseptic.
  6. Heparin ointment. It is used to eliminate swelling in the area of ​​damage. Analogues - Troxevasin and Dolobene gel.

How not to treat an open wound

The first and natural thing that comes to mind in this case is the treatment of the wound with water from reservoirs. Under no circumstances should this be done. Most water bodies today are teeming with various microorganisms, and not all of them are beneficial to the body. The consequences can be from suppuration to serious blood poisoning.

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