How many days does bleeding last after medical termination of pregnancy (abortion) and how to stop the bleeding. How long does bleeding last after medical termination of pregnancy? After medical termination of pregnancy, bleeding lasts for a long time

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Termination of pregnancy is not always carried out at the request of the patient herself; quite often the indications for such a procedure are fetal fading, the presence of any anomalies in embryonic development and other medical factors. In any case, abortion is an intervention in a woman’s organic structures, therefore it has a stressful effect and can have characteristic consequences. A fairly common consequence is bleeding after an abortion. More precisely, it is inevitably present, but sometimes its character is of pathological origin. When can spotting be a manifestation of the norm, and when should you sound the alarm and run to the doctor?

If your health worsens, you should urgently seek medical help.

The appearance of blood after an abortion is quite normal, even a characteristic phenomenon for the post-abortion state, which is a typical organic reaction to hostile outside interference. You need to be able to distinguish between normal bleeding and pathological bleeding. It is quite normal if, immediately after surgical curettage, the patient releases blood so abundantly that it can change up to 3-4 times in just an hour. sanitary pads.

Bleeding with a correctly performed artificial interruption usually begins immediately after cleaning, since the fetal vascular system damaged by gynecological instruments during curettage and detachment of the embryo from the uterine wall. After an abortion, there is always bleeding, regardless of how the termination was performed, be it a mini-abortion, medical termination, or curettage of the uterine cavity.

There is no need to rejoice if after abortive procedures the patient has no bleeding; there is nothing good in such a sign and certainly does not mean that the operation was successful. As a rule, after an abortion there is no blood if the bloody clots are not able to get out of the uterine cavity on their own, which is dangerous due to infectious complications and infections. Therefore, in the absence of blood in combination with poor health and severe weakness, it is necessary to urgently visit a gynecologist.

Causes of bleeding

Sometimes bleeding after an abortion is spotty, although the blood may flow too heavily, which is typical for such cases:

  • Uterine traumatic injuries received during abortion using gynecological instruments;
  • Unsuccessful detachment of the fetus;
  • Dysfunctional disorders of uterine activity;
  • Incomplete cleansing of the fallopian tubes from fetal remains;
  • Violation of surgical intervention technologies;
  • Inadequate organic reaction to anesthesia used before the procedure;
  • All kinds of stressful situations that a woman experienced during pregnancy and even before it;
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Increased activity or physical fatigue;
  • Violation of blood clotting processes.

If, in addition to bleeding, the patient experiences an increase in temperature, pressure changes or nausea and other pathological signs after an abortion, then an urgent need to go to the hospital. Because such symptoms may be caused by imported infectious lesion or poorly performed surgical termination of pregnancy.

How long do they go?

During the recovery period, it is important to include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

To understand how normally post-abortion recovery proceeds, you need to know how long there's blood coming out after abortions. Duration bloody discharge depends on the method used by the doctor to terminate. Typically, abortive interventions are carried out with medication or vacuum surgery.

Drug intervention involves interruption by taking tablets containing a loading dose of hormonal substances. As a result, the body experiences a powerful hormonal attack, leading to the rejection of the embryo and its exit from the uterine cavity mixed with blood. As a rule, after pharmaabortion, blood masses continue for quite a long time, because the placental and fetal membranes leave the uterus along with the blood. In addition, fetal rejection, and then the regeneration of the endometrium, takes quite a long time (7-17 days), so the blood can flow for quite a long time. There are cases when post-abortion discharge imperceptibly turns into scheduled menstruation, then the bleeding can last 3-4 weeks.

With vacuum interruption, the fetus is suctioned using specialized equipment that creates a vacuum. After such an interruption, the bloody discharge is rather light in nature, although at first the blood may flow quite intensely. Already on the second day, the discharge acquires the character of a daub. Usually, after interruption by vacuum aspiration, the bleeding does not last long, about 3-7 days, while the amount of discharge is insignificant, therefore, as a rule, no patient experiences any pain.

If the interruption was carried out in a standard surgical way, then intervention is assumed in the uterine cavity, from where, using a curette, the doctor scrapes out the fetus and placental rudimentary tissues. This operation causes quite unpleasant pain, so it is performed using anesthesia. Usually the bleeding continues for about 4-14 days, and at first blood clots are released mixed with pieces of tissue, but as healing progresses, the bleeding does not occur as much, then the bleeding goes away completely.

Features of discharge

It is very important to strictly monitor the nature of bleeding. Discharge consisting of remaining pieces of tissue scraped out during an abortion procedure is considered normal. It is thanks to such post-abortion bleeding that pathogenic microorganisms cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity.

  • Usually, in the first day or two after the abortion procedure, bloody and clot-like discharge comes out quite abundantly, sometimes whole pieces of an incomprehensible nature come out.
  • Then the bleeding decreases, becomes lighter.
  • Then the discharge turns brown, becomes spotty and gradually stops.
  • If immediately after gynecological curettage, abundant blood clot-like masses containing many large pieces are observed, then, most likely, the intrauterine cavity was not cleaned well enough, which is fraught with the development of pathologies and complications. How well the cleaning is done, the faster and more favorable the rehabilitation will be.
  • The abundance of clots in the discharge is typical and is considered normal only for surgical abortion.
  • If the bleeding on the first day is not heavy enough and more like a spot, then there is a risk that blood clots have accumulated in the uterine body and are not able to leave it naturally. This is very dangerous because it provokes the formation of intrauterine infectious processes, because bleeding acts as a protective reaction that cleanses, restores and protects the female reproductive structures.

In general, normal post-abortion bleeding is heavy at first, but already on the second day it decreases and after a couple of days it becomes spotty. Doctors usually say that the longer the period before the abortion, the greater the blood loss after the abortion.

First aid for bleeding

After the procedure, the woman needs psychological support

If a woman suffers from heavy bleeding for quite a long time, then it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist, and in case of particularly acute bleeding, call an ambulance. While the medical team is getting to your aid, you can provide first aid yourself. To reduce the intensity of bleeding, doctors recommend lying on your side or back, trying to relax and avoid jerking and standing up suddenly.

It is also useful to apply a cold compress to the peritoneum, which will help reduce bleeding. Taking any painkillers is not recommended. You need to put a pad between your legs for heavy discharge (maxi), and place a cushion under your legs to direct the blood flow to the head, thereby reducing the intensity of bleeding. To avoid provoking repeated excessive bleeding after treatment, it is recommended to get more rest, avoid overwork, and avoid heavy lifting and physical activity.

It is also necessary to avoid stressful situations that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system structures. You cannot take any medications but only by medical prescription. Until the body recovers and returns to normal, any unhealthy habits are prohibited, as are all kinds of dietary nutrition programs. A woman needs sexual rest until the end of the first menstruation. If there is bleeding, tampons should not be used, because they can cause clots to stagnate, which will lead to infection and the formation of new lesions.

So, bleeding after interruption is considered normal, but there are types of bleeding that can pose a danger to the patient, for example, the absence of bloody discharge or its excessive abundance for a long time.

When you need specialist help

Bleeding is a temporary symptomatic phenomenon for any type of abortion, which should stop after 7-17 days.

  • An abnormal symptom is the appearance of bleeding a week after interruption.
  • Also abnormal is the absence of discharge, indicating spasm of the uterine body or blockage of the cervical canal by a blood clot. Blood clots do not come out, creating favorable conditions in the uterine body for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • If there is excessively abundant or, on the contrary, scanty discharge, then the woman, as a rule, is cleaned again with a curette.
  • Also abnormal are considered unnecessarily sharp pains and cramps in the lower abdomen, the presence of purulent masses or a nauseating odor in the discharge, a bright red tint of blood in the discharge, the presence of severe weakness and nausea and vomiting syndrome.

In all of the above cases, urgent intervention by specialists is necessary. You should not hope that the bleeding will stop, wasting precious time, it is better to call an ambulance.

After any termination of pregnancy, doctors give the woman a number of recommendations regarding lifestyle and other aspects. Firstly, a woman needs to strictly monitor her own condition and avoid hypothermia. Secondly, you should not take blood thinning drugs and give up alcohol.

Follow all medical instructions, take a preventive course of antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory therapy. The duration of such treatment is approximately 3 days. You should also give up sexual pleasures for at least a month. Even if a month after the operation your period has not come, you must take precautions, because a new pregnancy can occur even before the first menstruation begins, and this is very dangerous, because such fertilizations often end sadly, i.e., spontaneous miscarriage.

Abortion is by no means an ordinary surgical intervention, although many consider it as such. This is a severe invasion into the patient’s internal processes, or more precisely, into the sexual reproductive structures, which react unpredictably to such a barbaric intervention. Therefore, the consequences of an artificial interruption are also difficult to predict. Bleeding may not be as harmless as it seems, so after interruption it is extremely important for patients to closely monitor the nature of the bleeding and their internal sensations. Only it is possible to prevent a tragedy in a timely manner.

Not everything in life always goes according to plan. Sometimes a woman is forced to have an abortion and wants to know how much blood is bleeding after a medical termination of pregnancy.

What is a chemical (medical) abortion?

As you know, surgical termination of pregnancy is very traumatic for the female body and carries a high probability of complications in the future. An alternative is the so-called pharmacological abortion using pills that force the body to reject the fertilized egg. How many days bleeding occurs after a medical abortion depends on the specific female body; there is no clear time frame.

Taking the first drug blocks the production of progesterone, and the female body is no longer configured to maintain pregnancy. The second tablet leads to stimulation of contractile activity of the uterus and expulsion of the fetus.

Benefits of pharmabort
  1. The least impact on the female body.
  2. Low percentage of complications after the procedure.
  3. No anesthesia.
  4. Relative painlessness.
  5. Does not affect a woman's future fertility.
  6. A big difference psychologically from the usual.
  7. Due to lack surgical intervention less blood loss.
  8. Quick return to normal life – within 1-2 hours.
Disadvantages of velvet abortion

But, despite all the advantages of medical termination, there are some nuances here - pregnancy should not go beyond the prescribed period - (42-49 days from the start of the last menstruation), or 6-7 weeks. Disadvantages worth mentioning:

  1. Medicines do not terminate ectopic pregnancies.
  2. If for any reason the abortion does not occur and the fetus develops further, then the possibility birth defects his is very high.
Algorithm for medical abortion

A woman who chooses this method should know what to expect from the procedure. After undergoing a standard ultrasound examination and testing the patient:

  1. The first tablet is given in the presence of health workers. It may cause slight nausea and spotting, or nothing will happen. This takes some time.
  2. Afterwards, the patient takes the second remedy according to the regimen chosen by the doctor. At this stage, the discharge may increase, but not to the point of bleeding. After 3-6 hours, the fetus is expelled in the form of normal menstruation.
  3. After two weeks, a control ultrasound is performed.

How long you bleed after a medical termination of pregnancy does not depend on the doctor. Each female body reacts differently. Most often it is small, like during menstruation and lasts about 7-10 days.

In rare cases, bleeding may last until the next menstruation. This is also normal, provided that it gradually fades away. But if the blood suddenly stops flowing or a woman is forced to change two large pads in one hour, then the help of gynecologists is urgently needed.

Today, medical abortion is the safest of all. existing species abortion. What explains this? The reason lies in the mechanism of abortion by taking pills. Their goal is to induce something like a standard menstruation, which will push an already fertilized egg out of the uterine area. However, you should still be prepared for the fact that such a simple and relatively safe method can provoke certain complications. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that termination of pregnancy, even medicinal, is a strong restructuring of the body. Consequently, all internal systems are disrupted, which causes some consequences.

Millions of women have already felt the effects of medical abortion. Usually the abortion is successful without any serious complications. After the procedure, some women experienced some problems, for example, incomplete removal of the fetus, infectious diseases, very heavy bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy. According to reviews of this type of abortion, of which there are a lot on the Internet, they then had to treat these consequences. Medical termination of pregnancy in isolated cases that are known today ended in the death of patients. This happened due to very heavy bleeding in abdominal cavity, due to heart failure, which was caused by mifepristone and so on.

For this reason, when asked whether medical abortion is dangerous, every conscientious doctor will answer that there is a risk. And a lot will depend on individual tolerance. There is no need to believe promises about the 100% safety and effectiveness of medication. Whether there will be consequences such as severe bleeding after a medical termination of pregnancy or not will depend, first of all, on the duration of pregnancy, as well as on the characteristics of the woman’s body.

The following list will demonstrate the impact that timing has on the absence of consequences after the procedure:

  • up to seven weeks, 98 percent of patients terminate their pregnancies successfully with medication. The remaining 2 percent are faced with the need to perform vacuum suction or curettage;
  • at 7-12 weeks of pregnancy, 5 percent of women resorted to surgical assistance to completely expel the fetus from the uterus;
  • but for a period of more than 12 weeks, only 92 percent of women were able to get by with pills alone. 8 percent had a surgical termination.

Considering the above figures, it becomes obvious that among one hundred patients who decide to undergo medical termination of pregnancy, complications arise in several women, who will subsequently need medical intervention. This depends on many factors, so today it is too early to talk about the complete danger of the drug method.

After termination of pregnancy, some time in female body There are also pregnancy hormones. Together with the feeling of guilt from what has been done, hormones often cause depression. Depression usually manifests itself as irritability, fatigue, guilt, appetite disturbance and can cause insomnia. This is quite normal, but if depression lasts more than two weeks after an abortion, you should consult a specialist. Sexual life during the first week after medical termination of pregnancy is taboo. This period may be a little longer as prescribed by the doctor. Such a restriction is necessary to prevent possible blood loss after medical termination of pregnancy inside the female genital organs. In the future, it will be necessary to protect yourself not only because of the likelihood of pregnancy, but also to avoid the ingestion of all kinds of bacteria that pose a danger to the mucous membranes. internal organs women.

Enough high efficiency drugs that terminate pregnancy do not relieve them from certain complications, which include:

  1. The pregnancy did not stop. At the same time, the health of the woman and the fetus suffered, one way or another.
  2. Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy.
  3. Inflammation of the patient's genital organs.
  4. Contractions.
  5. Failure of the menstrual cycle.
  6. Elevated temperature.
  7. Ovarian dysfunction.

To avoid complications after medical termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to perform an abortion only as prescribed by a highly qualified specialist. Under no circumstances should a medical abortion be performed at home, as this approach only increases the likelihood of serious complications.

Pain after medical abortion

Abdominal pain, which is similar to contractions, is felt by patients after taking prostaglandin. This drug speeds up medical abortion. The pain is caused by muscle contraction that pushes the fetus out of the vagina. In most cases, pain is tolerable. At unbearable pain, your doctor may prescribe a number of medications that have an analgesic effect. Pain similar to the course of ordinary menstruation. The pain ends within 24 hours after taking the drug. If pain continues, you should consult a doctor. Reconstruction, vacuum abortion, or curettage will likely be required.

Bleeding after medical abortion

There is no need to rush to attribute prolonged bleeding to complications after a medical abortion. Because it is through bleeding that the fetus is expelled. At the same time, the amount of blood clots and blood released from the patient varies individually. So you should not classify heavy or rather scanty bleeding as complications. However, when excessive bleeding occurs, it makes sense to consult a doctor. After all, blood loss can have quite serious consequences that can only be solved by blood transfusion. Very scanty blood loss may indicate that the cervix has closed, and therefore the fetus cannot get out normally. Ideally, heavy bleeding continues for 2 days, followed by scanty bleeding. In any case, it is better to consult your doctor.

Restoration of menstruation

Your period after the procedure will begin, at best, one menstrual cycle after taking the pills. You need to understand that medical abortion is considered the first day of your period. Therefore, a new monthly cycle must be counted from the moment it begins. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is restored differently for each woman. This mechanism cannot be predicted or influenced in any way. Menstruation after taking the pills can be very heavy. This often means that parts of the fetus remain in the uterus. In such a situation, it is necessary to clean the uterus. Normal natural periods usually appear after one calendar month. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. The woman may be pregnant again. Pregnancy can occur within a couple of weeks, but for normal gestation and good health of the unborn child, the recovery period for a woman’s fertility after a medical termination of pregnancy should be at least six months.

A woman is required to recover after the procedure. You should avoid physical activity and will probably need to undergo a course of physiotherapy.

Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy - what should it be like normally, can it be life-threatening? Such questions often arise among women who want to cause a miscarriage in this way. in a modern way, but already faced with strong uterine bleeding or spontaneous abortion.

Indeed, you cannot do without blood. But there is hardly any need to fear for your life if the procedure is performed after a short examination in a clinic and under the supervision of a doctor. Everyone should know that this is a paid procedure. And the drugs used for it are not sold in pharmacies. They can only be bought on the black market. But in this case, bleeding after a medical abortion can continue for more than a month and really threaten health and even life. This often happens due to the fact that women take pills during periods of pregnancy that are no longer acceptable for a pill abortion. And unacceptable precisely because of such complications. But that's not all. Very often, with such amateur activity, the miscarriage occurs incompletely, a severe inflammatory process occurs, which threatens the woman with infertility. But you still have to clean the uterus.

What about the deadlines? You need to have time to make an interruption before your menstruation is two weeks late. Then there is a high probability that you will not have to think about how to treat bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy. Everything will go quickly, not too painfully and with relatively little blood loss. Many women do not particularly monitor their menstrual cycle and cannot indicate the day on which conception occurred. But it doesn't matter. Using an ultrasound, the doctor will find out whether the timing is suitable for a non-surgical abortion or not. The size of the fertilized egg is taken into account, which should be less than 2 cm in size.

Bleeding after medical abortion has an end date of around 14 days from taking the first drug. Usually the first three days of discharge are abundant, while the embryonic tissues are exfoliated. Soaking two sanitary pads in an hour, repeated for more than 2 hours in a row, should be alarming. This can be a life-threatening condition.

You should also pay attention to the cessation of discharge too quickly. Sometimes this happens due to blockage of the cervical canal by blood clots or spasm. Because of this, an inflammatory process may begin in the uterus, and when the cervix does open, the bleeding may be severe, and dark, oxidized blood will come out.

It will be possible to tell whether everything is okay after an ultrasound, which is performed 12-14 days after the miscarriage. The doctor looks at how homogeneous the endometrium is and whether the uterine cavity is dilated.

Meanwhile, pregnancy can occur immediately after an abortion. For this reason, you need to start using contraception immediately. And if you had unprotected sexual intercourse, wait for your period after a medical abortion. After all, their delay may indicate a new pregnancy.

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Termination of pregnancy is always stressful for both the woman and her body. If the pregnancy is up to 6 weeks, then they resort to medical abortion. The shorter the pregnancy, the faster and more effective the procedure.

Abortion is performed on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a gynecologist. Direct indications are: HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases, oncology, severe genetic heredity.

Before an abortion, the doctor prescribes an examination to confirm intrauterine pregnancy and identify contraindications for its termination. The procedure is carried out in 2 stages:

  • At stage 1, the gynecologist gives medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing the production of progesterone, at destroying the connection between the fertilized egg and the uterine wall, and at the death of the embryo.

Drugs and dosage are selected individually for each woman. The most effective at this stage are Mifepristone tablets.

  • Stage 2 - after 48 hours: prostaglandins are prescribed: Misoprostol, Dinoprost. They help increase the contractility of the uterus. The embryo is excreted with blood secretions.

The drugs are taken in the presence of a gynecologist. In the pharmacy they are released only by prescription. If an ultrasound revealed an ectopic pregnancy or large uterine fibroids, then medical abortion is not performed.

The first 2 hours after taking the medication requires constant medical supervision. During this period, drugs begin to act. The woman feels nagging pain, like during menstruation, dizziness, and bleeding appears. After stabilizing her condition, she is allowed to leave the clinic. Otherwise, if complications are detected, hospital treatment is required.

2 days after the abortion, an ultrasound of the uterine cavity is prescribed to confirm the effectiveness of the procedure. If the amniotic egg is not completely released, then an abortion is performed using a vacuum method or surgically.

Bloody discharge, similar to menstruation, after a medical termination of pregnancy lasts 16-20 days. The duration of the period depends on how quickly the body responds to the effects of the medications.

The gynecologist must be informed about taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: they are used as painkillers.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are incompatible with the action of medications used to terminate pregnancy. The possibility of an abortion appears only after the complete removal of NSAIDs, after 12 days.

Blood discharge in the first days after an abortion with medications

Blood discharge in the form of clots appears 2 hours after taking the first pills aimed at terminating pregnancy. They are brown in color.

After a woman has taken a prostaglandin drug, the discharge becomes profuse: it resembles menstruation. At first they have a dark red color, and later lighten to a scarlet and whitish hue. This indicates that the process of termination of pregnancy was successful.

If the color of the blood discharge has yellow impurities, this indicates the presence of infection. The disease occurs against the background of changes in the microflora in the vagina.

If you are interested in the question of how long your period lasts after a medical termination of pregnancy, be sure to pay attention to the color of the discharge and the presence of impurities in it. So, yellow impurities indicate infection

When terminating a pregnancy, this is especially dangerous: blood sepsis develops and the risk of infertility increases. If at this moment the amniotic sac and endometrium have not yet left the uterine cavity, then an emergency abortion is performed surgically or by vacuum method.

Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is the norm, but as far as practice shows, it does not always occur. If no blood clots appear, this indicates cervical spasm. The muscles are compressed, preventing the embryo from leaving the cavity. There is no abortion. Pathology leads to inflammatory process and to further abnormal development of the embryo.

How long does bleeding last after medical abortion?

Brown clots are released for 2 days, until the prostaglandins were taken. At stage 2 of abortion, intense contraction of the uterus occurs, which is accompanied by bleeding. The process ends after 14 days.

In some cases, spotting continues until the onset of the first menstruation. The gynecologist prescribes therapy that reduces the process of uterine contractions.

Only pads are used as hygiene products. Cotton swabs will not allow the embryo to come out. The discharge on the pad must be carefully observed so as not to miss the release of the amniotic egg: it looks like a clot of 4-6 mm. After 10 days, bleeding ends.

When does your period start after a medical abortion?

After a medical termination of pregnancy, your period will come at its natural time. Each woman has her own individual monthly cycle: as far as we know, it is 28-30 days.

If the cycle is irregular, then wait 35 days. Otherwise, therapy is prescribed to restore the reproductive function of the body and normalize the blood supply to the uterus: hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Before the onset of the first menstruation, it is prohibited to take hormonal contraceptives. Refrain from sexual intercourse.

After menstruation, contraceptives are selected together with a gynecologist. Previously taken medications reduce their effectiveness after medical abortion

The amount of bleeding and the duration of menstruation depends on recovery blood vessels supplying the uterus and from the microflora of the cavity.

Normally, menstruation continues in the usual mode for a woman, 5-7 days. At first, the discharges differ in intensity. In the subsequent period, they become normal.

How long do periods last after medical abortion

after taking 1 group of drugs

2 days weak discharge

2 group of drugs

14 days of heavy bleeding

on28-35 day

1 day of menstruation – 7 days

7-10 days after the first day of menstruation, the discharge stops. Longer periods indicate pathology in the processes occurring inside the uterus. The gynecologist prescribes a blood test, an extraordinary ultrasound, and takes a smear to identify inflammatory processes.

Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy: causes

During a drug-induced abortion, bleeding in the form of heavy periods helps expel the embryo from the uterine cavity. The condition is defined as normal if the pad contains 5 drops in the first days and is filled every 3 hours.

“Menstruations” after medical termination of pregnancy come with painful manifestations in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. The discharge continues for the same number of days as menstruation occurred before pregnancy.

If the pad fills within an hour, abdominal pain is accompanied by fever, nausea, and dizziness, then this is a reason to call an ambulance and urgent hospitalization.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, lower abdominal pain or excessive bleeding, consult a doctor immediately

Bloody discharge developed into intrauterine bleeding. This happens for several reasons:

  • unsuccessful termination of pregnancy; parts of the amniotic egg remain in the uterus;
  • attached infection; lack of hygiene;
  • physical exercise during the period of abortion;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • non-compliance with the gynecologist’s recommendations: taking hormonal medications, physical activity, sexual intercourse;
  • lack of information about abortion: the use of painkillers, how long the “period” lasts after medical termination of pregnancy, and what is its intensity;
  • stress, psychological instability.

With reduced immunity, low pain threshold"menstruation" passes from severe pain. Self-use of painkillers, without consulting a gynecologist, is one of the main reasons for the development of intrauterine bleeding.

Delay after medical abortion: reasons

Termination of pregnancy affects stability hormonal levels women. Abortion medications suppress the production of estrogen, which affects the functioning of the ovaries and the entire endocrine system. The natural menstrual cycle is disrupted: a delay of 10 days is acceptable.

After an artificial miscarriage, a woman experiences stress. Depression provokes an increase in prolactin levels. The hormone delays the ovulation process, which directly affects the timing of menstruation.

One of the reasons for a delay in menstruation after an abortion is the resulting pregnancy. Gynecologists warn that the opinion about the absence of ovulation 1 month after the removal of the embryo is erroneous. In women with good immunity, it begins 2 weeks after the procedure.

Consequences of medical abortion

A medical abortion is more preferable for a woman than a surgical operation. The consequences of the procedure are related to the tolerability of the drugs and their effectiveness. In the first hours after taking the pills, in some cases, allergic manifestations on the skin, dizziness, and nausea are noted. At stage 2 of abortion, there is a risk of intrauterine bleeding.

Before an abortion, the gynecologist is obliged to warn about serious consequences, which are defined as remote and do not appear immediately:

  • Placental polyp: part of the embryo remains in the uterine cavity; bleeding develops.
  • Hematometra: blood clots accumulate in the cavity; the disease develops with cervical spasm.
  • Hormonal instability.
  • Depressive state.

If complications occur after a medical abortion, surgery may be necessary.

Severe complications require surgery and hospital treatment.

How to restore your cycle after a medical abortion

During artificial termination of pregnancy, ovarian function is disrupted. This occurs due to a decrease in estrogen and progestogen levels. During the rehabilitation period after an abortion, the gynecologist prescribes combined contraceptives such as "Regulon", "Mikrogynon". The drugs help restore hormonal levels and the monthly cycle.

In order for the development of the fetus to proceed without complications, it is necessary to determine how long menstruation lasts after medical termination of pregnancy.

Only after 6 menstrual cycles, which appear regularly, do they begin to plan a pregnancy.

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, then her desire must be thoughtful and justified. Medically induced abortion is considered the most gentle way to get rid of an embryo, but it also has serious complications. Gynecologists urge women to plan their pregnancy in advance so as not to subsequently decide on an abortion.

To find out how long your period lasts after a medical termination of pregnancy, watch this video:

How is medical abortion performed and what are its advantages:

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