How to drink alcoholic drinks correctly. How to drink alcohol correctly: proven tips Why you shouldn’t drink alcohol in the morning

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Do you want to get on New Year pleasure, not regret in the morning: “That’s it, not a drop more”? Then read TOPBEAUTY's tips! We will tell you how to spend this night without consequences.

On the eve of the holiday

Tired man- easy prey for alcohol intoxication and consequences in the form feeling unwell the next day. That is why before the planned party it is recommended to rest: get enough sleep, gain strength.

Sometimes this requires all day, or even some. Depends on how tired the person was during the pre-holiday week. So, many before New Year go on vacation or take time off, rest in advance to be good and without consequences conduct New Year's Eve.

Alcohol has a destructive effect on vitamins. The body needs a whole range of vitamins, but few people monitor the regular receipt of all necessary substances. Doctors before a party with alcoholic drinks It is recommended to prepare the body. Eating buckwheat or oatmeal, raw vegetables, nuts, corn, bran, cereals, cheese, beef, liver, eggs, and dairy products will compensate for the lack of vitamins.

To loosen harmful effects of alcohol for the liver, partygoers with experience resort to vitamin C as a prophylactic agent.

To vitamin C remained in the body after partying, it is recommended immediately an hour before drinking alcohol eat 3-4 ascorbic acid.

Activated carbon(at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of human weight), taken directly before drinking alcohol, will provide the body filtration system. Coal will absorb alcohol into itself, preventing it from entering the blood.

If a few hours before the party drink 50–100 grams, the liver will have time to prepare for alcohol intake. After this false start a person gets drunk much more slowly.

Head over heels

If you dilute its concentration in the stomach while drinking alcohol in between black or green tea(under no circumstances coffee, it promotes rapid alcohol absorption), juices or compotes, then alcohol will leave the body naturally. The main thing is that there is no queues for the toilet.

When mixing drinks impossible to avoid, it's worth remembering "slide" rule, that is increase the degree drinks. Champagne, drunk for New Year after vodka, which sees off the old year, is perceived by the body invariably bad- despite solemnity of the moment and loyalty to traditions.

The main rule of a good feast is have a snack on time. Good quality snack, especially hot meat dishes, significantly reduces the risk of intoxication. Alcohol absorption is strongest slow down potatoes, pork and all products with great fat content. You will have to forget about low-calorie foods, or you need to give up alcohol. Choose the lesser of two evils.

The danger of severe intoxication awaits true connoisseurs taste qualities of alcoholic drinks, lovers savor, hold alcohol in your mouth, and just aesthetes drinking through straw. With such tasting, a large volume of alcohol is absorbed into the blood through the vessels oral cavity . In this case, no protecting your stomach from intoxication will not save you.

Many vacationers, when they realize that drank too much, go out to Fresh air, in winter - in the cold, so that sober up.

However, the effect is usually opposite: tipsy person sudden change in temperature the environment still reacts great intoxication, sometimes up to loss of consciousness.

Energetic dancing in between toasts improve metabolic processes and promote the rapid removal of alcohol from the body. As well as active dancing burn extra calories that enter the body along with alcohol.

After the ball

Drinking alcohol sometimes leads to dehydration, because the first thing to do after the shock party is restore fluid balance, drink gradually over an hour and a half up to 5–6 cups of drinking water, juice, tea or mineral water. To improve the effect, it is recommended to stir in the liquid consumed. teaspoon baking soda.

To improve your well-being after a party need to have a hearty breakfast- eat a piece lean meat, boiled potatoes, vegetables, drink kefir or yogurt. And during the day after drinking alcohol, doctors recommend including foods rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium in your diet: seafood, fish, dried apricots, sauerkraut, seaweed.

The day after the party is good take a steam bath. This will help the body recover, unless, of course, the trip to the bathhouse is accompanied by repeated libations. Will also help hot shower or relaxing warm bath.

There is nothing wrong with occasionally allowing yourself to relax with a glass of your favorite wine or good whiskey - a little good alcohol will help relieve stress and lift your spirits.

Moreover, some alcoholic drinks in moderate quantities are even good for health - for example, rum, which contains potassium, phosphorus and zinc necessary for the body.

However, it is important to remember that everything is good in moderation, and excessive alcohol consumption will not only not benefit your health, but will also cause irreparable harm to it.

To drink or not to drink - everyone decides for himself. But if you don’t deny yourself the pleasure of a glass or two from time to time, then it will be useful to know how to drink certain alcoholic drinks correctly and how to avoid a severe hangover if “something went wrong” at a party.

How to avoid a hangover after a wild party

Wash it down! To avoid a severe hangover the morning after heavy drinking, follow a simple rule: after each glass of alcohol, drink a glass of clean water. This will save you from dehydration and associated headaches.

Have a hearty snack. And preferably before the party. And not with proteins, but with complex carbohydrates: rice, pasta, whole grain bread. After a heavy snack, alcohol will be absorbed into the blood more slowly, which means that it will be much easier for the body to cope with its consequences.

Take activated charcoal. A few tablets taken before the party will absorb some of the alcohol and fusel oils and then eliminate them naturally.

No bubbles! Carbon dioxide contained in champagne and soda accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the blood and contributes to rapid intoxication.

Don't mix alcohol. A couple of cocktails made from several types of alcoholic beverages are almost guaranteed to give you a morning hangover.

Don't smoke during the party. Especially if you don’t do this all the time, but occasionally. Otherwise, there is a risk of “flying away” after the first cigarette smoked.

And if you still haven’t been able to avoid a hangover, use one of the methods described - and life will become more fun in the morning!

How to drink alcoholic drinks?

After we dealt with the morning hangover, it’s time to move on to the most interesting question - how to drink alcohol correctly? About vodka, beer, wine and even champagne. And today we’ll talk about other popular drinks.


How to drink? Absinthe is one of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world, and you need to drink it with extreme caution. We suggest trying the 3 most common methods:

1. French way considered the classic way to consume absinthe. It consists of placing a special spoon with holes on a glass with already poured absinthe, and on the spoon a piece of sugar, which then needs to be poured with ice water until the drink becomes cloudy. The approximate ratio of water to absinthe is 1:5 (1 part absinthe and 5 parts water).

2. Czech way It differs from French in that during the preparation process water is replaced by fire. Pour 3/4 of the absinthe into a glass, place a special spoon on top, and a piece of sugar soaked in absinthe on it. Light the sugar and let it burn for about 1 minute so that droplets of melted sugar fall into the absinthe. When the fire goes out, place a spoonful of the remaining sugar in the glass and stir. If the drink is too strong, you can add a little ice water to taste.

3. Russian way - the simplest option that does not require any additional devices. Prepare a sweet syrup from water and sugar, and then simply add it to taste in a glass of absinthe.

What to drink with?

Undiluted absinthe is a classic aperitif served before meals. Accordingly, he does not need any snacks. Cocktails based on this drink can be served with dark chocolate and citrus fruits.

What to drink from?

Undiluted absinthe is served in glasses. Diluted absinthe, prepared using one of the above methods, is served in ordinary glasses.

For Czech and other options with burning absinthe, you need to choose special thick-walled, cone-shaped glasses. And most importantly, they must be at room temperature so that the glass does not burst when heated.


How to drink?

Gin is rarely served undiluted; as a rule, it is drunk as part of various cocktails. The most popular of them is “Gin and Tonic”. To prepare it, pour 1/3 of ice into a tall glass, pour in 1 part of gin, then shake and add 2 parts of tonic. Serve with a wedge of lemon.

What to drink with?

As an appetizer, fish, poultry, smoked cheese are perfect for pure gin. For gin-based cocktails, choose citrus fruits, apricots, grapes, plums, apples, and bananas.

What to drink from?

Pure gin is drunk from small straight glasses with a thick bottom. For cocktails use tall straight glasses. Both need to be cooled thoroughly before serving.


How to drink?

Baileys, like all liqueurs, is served after dinner as a digestif, which serves for better digestion of food. Baileys can be drunk with ice, sprinkled with grated chocolate or cocoa powder. You can add Baileys instead of cream to your coffee, but in this case, forget about sugar so as not to oversweet the drink. But it is not recommended to mix Baileys with fruit juices or carbonated drinks - it will simply curdle from the acid they contain.

What to drink with?

Baileys goes perfectly with strawberries, bananas, chocolate and creamy desserts, such as ice cream or tiramisu.

What to drink from?

Baileys is served in liqueur glasses, shaped like martini glasses.


How to drink?

Whiskey is a unique drink. It can be drunk both in pure form and with various additives. The Scots and Irish, for example, drink whiskey with ice and clear water, while Americans dilute it with cola or soda. The only thing that whiskey does not tolerate is the proximity of other alcohol.

What to drink with?

Whiskey is a noble drink that is drunk only solo, without any snacks.

What to drink from?

Inexpensive whiskeys are usually drunk from cylindrical glasses with a thick bottom - they are convenient for mixing the drink with cola, water and ice. But for expensive varieties, special tulip-shaped glasses with a stem are used - this shape helps to more clearly reveal the taste and aroma of the drink.


How to drink?

In Mexico, which is traditionally considered the birthplace of this drink, tequila is usually drunk in one gulp, without snacking or washing down anything. Local residents believe that this is how its scorching taste and aroma are best revealed. Outside of Mexico, the most common option is “lick - knock over - bite”. On the outside of the palm, between the index and thumb, pour in salt, squeeze a slice of lime or lemon with your fingers, and then everything is simple: lick the salt, drink a glass of tequila in one gulp and snack on the lemon. By the way, in Germany they drink tequila in the same way, only they use cinnamon instead of salt, and orange instead of lime or lemon.

What to drink with?

As a rule, tequila is drunk either as an aperitif or digestif. Accordingly, there can be no talk of any snacks other than the citrus fruits mentioned above.

What to drink from?

Tequila is usually drunk from small narrow glasses with a massive bottom, called “horses” or “caballitos”. But regular shot glasses will also work.

Corporate parties, long weekends with friends and family, New Year - there are so many festive occasions ahead that even lovers of a healthy lifestyle allow themselves to drink. How and what to drink to avoid a hangover? What to snack on, how to sober up quickly, which drinks are healthier—we’ll figure it out!

So, is alcohol not always harmful?

Alcohol in small doses will not harm the body and is even beneficial if the person has no contraindications or addiction. Small is the key word :)

The amount considered harmless is 1 serving per day, or 14 grams of pure alcohol. Men under 65 years old can have 2 servings per day, women - one. This is the dose considered safe in America , in other countries it varies - from 8 grams to 20.

350 ml beer 5% ABV

150 ml wine 12% ABV

40 ml strong drinks

But! If you didn't drink from Monday to Saturday, that doesn't mean you can have 6 drinks on Saturday :)

What to drink so as not to feel bad?

The main thing is to buy only high-quality alcohol. It is best to buy from specialized or large chain stores.

What makes alcohol harmful:

  • Amount of ethanol consumed. The more, the worse the consequences.
  • The degree of purification of ethanol, the amount of harmful impurities present, formed during its production.
  • Additional additives that add aroma, taste, color, sweetness or pleasant bubbles.

The safest types of alcohol are considered, in descending order:

  1. Vodka. Alcohol free of impurities. And the safest is potato vodka. Not the most popular drink here, of course :)
  2. Tequila
  3. Whiskey
  4. Cider (the less sugar the better)
  5. Red wine (in small doses, in large doses causes a severe hangover)

The lighter the drink, the fewer impurities it contains that cause a hangover. Strong drinks, pure or with ice, are easier to tolerate by the body. And they have even less effect on weight. Vodka, gin, and whiskey are lower in calories if you do not mix them with fruit juices. One serving of vodka contains 97 calories and zero carbohydrates. shot of gin - 110 calories and zero carbs.


Beer contains the most toxins and additional additives, which prevents the body from tolerating it normally. And also a lot of calories and carbohydrates. But if you want, better quality and unpasteurized - craft, artisan. For example, stouts. They contain antioxidants - in 2003 they even assumed that Guinness reduces the risk of blood clots and improves heart health.

Healthy cocktails

Do not add sweet syrups and sugar: the rate of absorption of alcohol into the blood increases, and intoxication will begin faster. We have selected cocktail recipes that are lower in calories and even healthy.

  • Cocktail “Gimlet” Gin based: 3 parts gin + 1 part lime juice, mix in a shaker with ice. Make it without sugar.
  • Bloody Mary . 2 parts tomato juice + 1 part vodka + lemon juice+ tabasco + salt + pepper.
  • Tequila + iced green/pomegranate tea
  • Tequila + coconut water
  • Vodka + green/pomegranate tea + coconut water
  • Red wine + mineral water
  • Sangria, sugar-free recipe: red wine + fruit + gin + orange juice

What to do before the feast

  • Get some sleep. 8-9 hours of sleep - and the body will cope with the party more easily.
  • Take vitamin B6 (pyroxidine) - twice, 8-12 hours and 4 hours before drinking. It stimulates the enzyme activity of the liver, which will relieve a hangover. The most convenient way is to buy vitamin complex B vitamins, not multivitamins. You can take up to 200 mg per day. Important: this is a dose for rare holidays, normal daily dose 5 mg.
  • Drink 50 g of strong alcohol within 2-3 hours. This will prepare the liver for the load - enzymes that process alcohol are activated.
  • You can take activated carbon, the amount is 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. For 70 kg - 7 tablets.

What will help you get drunk more slowly and avoid a hangover?

Once in the body, alcohol is absorbed into the blood from the stomach and small intestine. If you drink on an empty stomach, your blood alcohol level will peak within 30 minutes.

  • Eat. This slows down the absorption of alcohol and helps you stay drunk longer.
  • Drink water. In an ideal world, for every glass of alcohol, a glass of water.
  • Do not drink carbonated and hot drinks, they accelerate absorption of alcohol into the blood.
  • If you want to spend a long evening, but not get drunk, it is optimal to drink slowly, one strong drink per hour. This way the alcohol will have time to be processed at least partially.
  • Before going to bed, drink water, take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight)

What to snack on?

Not OK:

Eat plenty of protein, fatty and hard-to-digest foods. Meat, sausage, mushrooms, beans - all this provokes a more severe hangover.Having food in the stomach does not reduce the effects of alcohol, but it does slow down and delay absorption. If you overeat, you may not notice and drink more than a person can absorb.

In addition, food puts a strain on the liver, which is already busy. Heavy food increases the intoxication of the body, preventing it from cleansing itself of poisons - and in the morning you will feel bad.


Foods rich in vitamin B help to avoid a hangover: almonds, eggs, leafy vegetables (lettuce, broccoli), seafood and fish (tuna, salmon).

Fruits, vegetables - the body needs a large amount of dietary fiber and pectin. It is good to snack on food containing organic acids: honey, lemons, berries, apple and grape juice. This will help speed up metabolism and the processing of alcohol breakdown products.

If you can’t get by with light food, you can take digestive enzymes that will help relieve stress. gastrointestinal tract: Mezim, Wobenzym, Creon.

It is better to have small and frequent snacks so that you are constantly full and do not overdrink.

How to sober up faster

And if, after all, the walls are already shaking, and you are so tempted to perform an incendiary low break in front of your colleagues? It's time to sober up.

A short reminder before the feast

  • Vodka, gin, tequila in their pure form are best tolerated by the body
  • Eat complex carbohydrates before the feast, take vitamin B6 8 and 4 hours before
  • Drink water: before, during and after the banquet
  • For a snack, fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood are better than meat, poultry and sausages
  • Have you had too much? Fresh air, ice water wash, short and intense exercise stress will help.
  • It’s really bad - induce vomiting.
  • Activated carbon before a party or at night, before bed: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight
  • In the morning: water, air, vitamins B6 and C.
  • Good breakfast: oatmeal (calcium, magnesium, carbohydrates), eggs (taurine and cysteine), bananas (potassium)

Don’t feed me bread, let me break the usual course of things a little and try something new. But the problem is that it’s scary to jump with a parachute, it’s too early to get a tattoo, and there is no desire for homosexual experience.

Director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology Evgeny Bruce: “Now an adult consumes an average of 12.8 liters of absolute alcohol (ethyl alcohol) per year.

Many of you, for one reason or another, drink in the evenings. Strictly speaking, if you are in Kemerovo, there is only one reason - boredom. Someone definitely takes the light “tit” to suck instead of dinner, someone “out of fatigue” knocks back 50 grams of vodka, quacks and bites fried potatoes, someone, imagining that he is better than everyone else, touches his smartphone on the couch while drinking a glass of wine.

The meaning is the same - almost everyone drinks.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health

Drinking in the evenings is banal and boring, I decided to act asymmetrically: drink wine throughout the week in the morning and listen to my feelings. This is how the “Vinecia” project was born. My faithful Natasha did not abandon me in the project, just as she still hasn’t abandoned me. Now about feelings and conclusions.

This text was written on Wednesday morning, at the beginning of the working day, over a glass of wine and re-read on Friday morning over another glass of wine.

Disadvantages of drinking wine in the morning

1. The envy of others. In our culture, it is not customary to observe a reasonable norm for drinking alcohol, or it is inappropriately high. Therefore, when they say that someone came to work drunk, an unambiguous picture is drawn: a drunken turner with a bottle of vodka in his pocket, a stuck chisel. It is not customary to drink before work in Russia. Many people intellectually understand that they could, but working in a holding company is more expensive.

2. No car. Here, I think, everything is clear. Although, I’m sure that 100 grams of wine is hardly more harmful than talking on a cell phone in a car, but a taboo is a taboo. We were lucky with the weather; we rode a bicycle to work. Anyone who wants to say that riding a bicycle is also prohibited should cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing for the rest of his life.

The benefits of drinking wine in the morning

1. The mood is formed at the beginning of the day. And this is not the fake cheerfulness that flows from the morning radio broadcast, interspersed with reports about the traffic situation. This is ordinary human peace.

2. Time dilation effect. Drinking any amount of alcohol triggers activity inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acids. This process leads to a sedative effect, which, in particular, is expressed in a decrease in short-term memory. The consequence of this is the effect of time dilation. By lunchtime, the smallest details of the morning begin to be forgotten and it seems that the whole day has already passed. It should be noted that this does not significantly affect productivity unless you are a Formula 1 driver or an astronaut. Relatively speaking, you forget a little that you are tired, and you are not bothered by routine. Efficiency increases.

3. Alcohol is part of a healthy diet. It's hard to drink wine while eating cookies or cake. Willy-nilly, you will have to have a full breakfast.

4. Alcohol prevents stress. Drinking a small amount of alcohol in the morning can be compared to putting on a hard hat when visiting a construction site. If a person drinks in the evenings, then he simply bandages his head, on which a brick has fallen all day.

5. Alcohol helps fight excess weight. Here you need to make an allowance for the fact that the reasons for excess weight can be different, but I’m talking about one of the most common ones. Under the influence of stress, fear or fatigue, the adrenal cortex in the human body produces a catabolic hormone cortisol. Cortisol breaks down proteins (muscles) in the body into amino acids, and glycogen (the main energy battery) into glucose. The consequences of these processes are fat on the stomach and thighs, acne, and muscle wasting. In this sense, the body acts quite competently, trying to preserve itself. By preventing stress, fear or fatigue, we also prevent processes associated with increased secretion of cortisol.

6. If you drink in the morning, you drink less. Many people know that stopping on time in the evening is quite difficult. As a rule, it all ends with the fact that it’s time to go to bed, because the wine or beer has already run out. It's a sad picture, and they don't sell it in stores anymore. Drinking a bottle in the morning, on the contrary, is quite strange. In a week, the two of us didn’t even finish two bottles. And in the evening there will be no need for a bottle anymore. Because the day went well and we are happy!

This question can be attributed to different liquids: alcohol, juice, tea and coffee. Then let's do the following and consider the more common answers to this question. It’s up to you to decide what to do.

Why you shouldn't drink alcohol in the morning

Drinking alcohol in the morning is bad and here's why:

  • The breakdown occurs slowly and is a poor stimulant for waking up the body.
  • The mucous membrane of the stomach is completely open in the early morning. Imagine what happens when you take a portion of alcohol on an empty stomach. Nothing good. The body receives a significant burn to the mucous membrane and digestive problems may begin.
  • The body completely relaxes and most important organs do not function properly.
  • The brain does not absorb information well. And if you also need to get behind the wheel to get to your place of work, then no worries. The consequences can be serious, including getting into an accident.
  • Alcoholic morning state leads to loss of health. The public reacts poorly to drinkers who consume alcohol, especially in the morning.

Why you shouldn't drink coffee in the morning

There are many reasons for this and here are the main ones:

  • Firstly, coffee can be harmful to an empty stomach. There are certain hours for drinking coffee. This is not a joke, although many people drink more than one cup of an invigorating drink per day.
  • Secondly, caffeine speeds up the process of removing fluid from the human body. You should be aware of this. The kidneys do not have enough time to absorb the incoming microorganisms of potassium, zinc and many other benefits.
  • Thirdly, the body’s response to acute diseases: chronic asthma, pregnancy, hypertension and depression.
  • Fourthly, the supply of the joy hormone is difficult.

Causes loss of appetite. Most people drink coffee without food. And thus, they drown out hunger reflexes. The body endures a little stress, and this happens every morning or, in the worst case, all day, almost until a full dinner. This cannot be allowed.

The effect on attentiveness is inhibited. Elderly people are not recommended to drink coffee, especially on an empty stomach in the early morning.

To summarize the answer, the choice is yours whether to drink or not drink in the morning. It is better to consult a specialist on this matter and rely on the health of your own body, which is poisoned unknowingly every morning.

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