Potatoes fried with lamb. How to fry lamb in a frying pan How to properly cook lamb in a frying pan

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Lamb dishes require when preparing special attention. By disrupting the process or quantity necessary ingredients You can spoil the dish, given the unusual smell and texture of the meat. But properly prepared lamb dishes are real masterpieces of culinary art, preferred and loved by many gourmets.

Lamb with onions fried in a frying pan

This pan-fried lamb recipe is one of those that will immediately appeal to both culinary beginners and true professionals.


You will need:

  • Lamb - 4 medium racks.
  • Butter - 25-30 gr.
  • Vegetable broth - 130-150 ml.
  • Onion - 1 piece (preferably red, large size).
  • Celery - 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper, salt, thyme sprigs.

Cooking method

  1. Given the specific smell of lamb, it is necessary to first marinate it in a weak vinegar solution. The meat is kept in salamur for up to 1.5 hours.
  2. Before preparing delicious pan-fried lamb, prepare the vegetables. Peel the celery stalk, wash it and chop it into large cubes or cut into strips. Place in a saucepan with boiling vegetable broth, add a small piece of butter and thyme sprigs. After the broth boils, cook the celery stalk for 15-20 minutes.
  3. We thoroughly wash the meat from vinegar in running water, dry it and season it evenly with spices on both sides. Heat the frying pan by first pouring vegetable oil into it and carefully place the rack on it. The lamb is fried for 6-10 minutes on both sides. The fire should be maintained at medium temperature so that the meat does not burn.
  4. 2-3 minutes before the end of frying, put pre-prepared onions, cut into rings, into the frying pan with meat. The meat is covered with a lid. The side dish is served with cooked celery or mashed potatoes.

Fried lamb in a frying pan is recognized as a real delicacy not only of Oriental, but also of European cuisine. According to tradition, oriental cuisine is a storehouse of spices and seasonings, so when preparing this dish you can use marjoram, oregano, and rosemary. For lovers of spicy seasonings, add a few cloves of garlic along with the onion. In any case, having cooked delicious lamb according to this recipe, you will forever include this dish in your diet menu.

Bon appetit!

To find out which meat is the most delicious, you need to ask any resident of the Caucasus, and the answer will be clear: of course, lamb fillet.

Moreover, the highlanders know better than anyone how to deliciously fry lamb and lamb liver in a frying pan, so that it retains its juiciness and turns out to be moderately browned. To make the famous Caucasian dish, you need to select a suitable piece of fillet and subject it to heat treatment, which consists of several stages.

Any type of meat requires an individual approach, and lamb fillet is no exception. To prevent it from being tough as a result of cooking, we advise you to take into account the recommendations on how to properly fry lamb in a frying pan and how long it should take. Then the favorite meat of the mountaineers will take its place as a favorite in your family menu.

Choosing lamb for frying

Old sheep meat tends to remain tough even after prolonged cooking. It is least suitable for frying, so for this type of cooking it must be selected especially meticulously. The ideal option is the pulp from the carcass of a young lamb. So, the lighter the shade of the meat, the younger the animal from which it was obtained.

If you want to prepare not just a meat treat, but a delicacy, and looking for fillet of milk lamb in the market, it would be good to check the calendar. The main lambing for sheep occurs in the first quarter of the year, so the likelihood of buying what you need is highest in winter and early spring.

When talking about how to properly fry lamb in a frying pan, you definitely need to remember which pieces of carcass are suitable for this delicate culinary task. It is best to place the meat from the ham, the loin, in the frying pan. The sternum (the so-called flank) and the upper shoulder blade will also work, but only young ones (light in color)!

The answer to the question of how long to fry lamb in a frying pan when preparing it with your own hands according to this recipe so that it turns out soft depends on the age of the animal, as well as the frying container.

A deep frying pan with a thick bottom is best suited for this case. You need to take large onions so that their weight is approximately the same as meat. Then it will turn out juicy and incredibly aromatic.

Lamb in a frying pan: classic recipe


  • Lamb with fat layer – 600 g + –
  • Onions - 2 pcs. + —
  • Fresh parsley — + —
  • Basil — + —
  • Vegetable oil — + —

How to fry lamb in a frying pan with onions

  1. After thoroughly washing and drying the fillet naturally or using paper towels, we divide it into strips as thick as a finger and up to 5 cm long.
  2. The first stage of cooking is frying over high heat. Heat the frying pan, pour in the oil and after a minute add the meat. Frying time – 2-3 minutes. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn.
  3. Now you need to reduce the intensity of the heat to medium.
  4. Add boiling water: you need enough of it so that it is flush with the roasted meat.
  5. Next, simmer it without a lid until the excess water is gone. This will take about 25 minutes.
  6. When the water has evaporated, add fresh onion half rings to the meat. Now the semi-finished treat needs to be salted, seasoned with pepper and chopped herbs (don’t forget to wash them first).
  7. Fry for about 10 minutes until the meat pieces are browned.

In the Caucasus, it is customary to eat fried lamb with rice, which contains a lot of carrots and dried barberry. An excellent side dish is stewed eggplant with sweet peppers. If you prefer potatoes most of all, then season them with onions or garlic sauce.

DIY lamb liver in a frying pan: the best recipe

Knowing how to fry lamb in a frying pan so that it turns out to be an appetizing dish for the whole family, it is not difficult to learn how to cook lamb liver as well. Just a few minutes of time, some seasonings and aromatic herbs - and the most delicate dish already on the table!


  • Lamb liver – 400 g;
  • Onion – 1 medium head;
  • Olive oil – 2-3 tbsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp;
  • Greens (parsley and basil) – 1 bunch;
  • Lemon juice - a few drops.

How to deliciously fry lamb liver in a frying pan at home

Many people love lamb liver meat dishes are treated with prejudice. Of course, if you prepare a product obtained from a well-worn sheep, even a chef will not be able to turn it into a delicacy. On the contrary, properly cooked liver of a young healthy lamb is truly a royal treat!

  1. We wash the fresh liver of a young animal (it has a uniform color and a slight liver aroma), free it from films, remove blood clots and large vessels.
  2. After cutting the product into neat pieces measuring approximately 2x2 cm, add salt and pepper.
  3. Throw chopped onion into rings into the oil heated in a frying pan and fry until golden.
  4. Next, put the liver, add chopped basil to it, sprinkle with a couple of drops lemon juice(preferably freshly squeezed) and fry over low heat for 4-6 minutes. You need to stir constantly!
  5. The final touch is adding freshly chopped parsley. Another minute - and the aromatic dish can be sent to the table.

Among the world culinary heritage, Caucasian cuisine is considered one of the richest, especially in terms of the number and variety of meat dishes. Each housewife there has her own secrets of how to deliciously fry fresh young lamb in a frying pan with herbs and onions. It’s not at all difficult to learn how to cook lamb just as well - as long as you have the desire to please your beloved men with original meat delicacies...

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Many are mistaken in believing that lamb is a meat with a specific taste, and moreover, is present only in the menu of the Caucasian peoples. In fact, this is not so; just remember that the main ingredient in Scottish haggis, Greek moussaka, and Irish stew is lamb.

About the benefits of the product

Nutritionists long ago gave this product the green light, having found out that it contains less fat than pork, less cholesterol than beef, but is rich in proteins, vitamins, and is easier to digest. Lamb ranks first in terms of iron content and is indicated for diseases of the pancreas, liver, and as a preventive measure for diabetes.

Another misconception is that lamb is tough and dry. To dispel these myths for everyone, we will tell you how to cook lamb with onions in a frying pan. This recipe can become a basic one. In the future, if you wish, you can improve it to your own taste, because having tasted the excellent lamb meat, you will probably begin to include it more often in your diet at home.

When purchasing lamb, pay attention to the color of the meat. The older the animal, the darker its meat. Naturally, the meat of dairy lambs is considered a delicacy. But don't be fooled by the cunning market sellers. Please note that lamb is a seasonal product that can be purchased at the beginning of the year from January to April. Due to the structural features of the body, this animal does not give birth either in summer or autumn.

Main Ingredients

So, the menu includes “lamb fried with onions in a frying pan.” The simplest recipe for this dish includes the following ingredients: about a kilogram of lamb, you can take ribs, the pulp of the back, but preferably with fat, 5-6 onions, 4 cloves of garlic, dry ground rosemary, a little pepper and salt, sometimes thyme is added if desired and to taste (thyme).

We wash the meat with cool water and divide it into portions weighing 30-40 grams. If these are ribs, then the pieces may turn out a little larger.

In the meantime, let's take care of the onions. It must be finely cut into strips or rings. According to our recipe, you can chop it in the way that is more convenient and familiar to you.

How to fry lamb with onions in a frying pan? Find a frying pan at home with high sides and a thick bottom - it heats up more evenly and is easier to use. It must have a tight-fitting lid.

Place the pan on low heat, adding a little vegetable oil. As soon as the dishes are hot, lay out the meat, sprinkle the onion on top, immediately cover with a lid, and leave on low heat. Now our task is to make sure that the onion does not burn, but slightly browns or simply gives up all its juice, which is now mixed with the meat. It is in this wonderful natural sauce that the meat will be cooked according to the classic recipe.

How much with onions in the pan? After about a quarter of an hour, lift the lid and add salt, chopped garlic, rosemary, mix all the ingredients with a spatula. Cover again with a lid and simmer over low heat for about another hour. In total, the dish should be ready in an hour and a half.

Chef's secrets

At the very beginning of cooking, always place the fat side down on the surface of the pan. So it will be tender and tasty.

An important point - too long cooking makes the lamb tasteless and dry. This means that you need to ensure that the portioned pieces are stewed in their own juice. If the meat is not softened and the juice has evaporated, you can add a little water and continue to simmer until done.

Remember that lamb is good when it’s hot; when it cools down, it will quickly become covered with a layer of whitish fat and will no longer look appetizing. Any fresh vegetables and herbs are ideal as a side dish for this product. When cooking, also follow these tips.

If weather conditions permit, you can cook a wonderful one on the grill.

Sheep meat is widely used in cooking different dishes. It features a large set beneficial properties and belongs to the category of dietary products. But not every housewife knows how to fry lamb so that it is not tough, or how to get rid of the specific smell. There are many recipes and tips for baking this meat delicacy that will help simplify the process, make the final product tasty, and also maintain its usefulness.

Meat selection and preparation

The taste, juiciness and tenderness of the final dish will depend on the correct choice of lamb. Fillet from old animals remains tough even after prolonged cooking. Young lamb meat will be soft and can be easily cooked.

Advice! Milk pulp has a lighter shade than old pulp.

The veins of a small ram are white, while those of an older animal are yellow. Judging by the lambing of sheep, it is better to purchase meat in the winter or spring. Parts of hams, shoulder blades, loin and brisket are suitable for frying.

Be sure to rinse the product well before starting cooking; if necessary, beat it off.

How to remove odor

Lamb has a specific smell that many people do not like, which is why they refuse to eat such healthy meat. But there are ways to help get rid of the unpleasant aroma, for example, soak the product in vodka or marinade.

It is enough to soak milk lamb fillet for 12 hours, but old lamb fillet requires much more time to soak. You can add onion to the marinade, which perfectly neutralizes the smell, as well as mustard, garlic, yogurt and lemon juice.

How to properly fry lamb

The classic recipe is to cook lamb meat in a frying pan. To do this, it is important to choose the right dishes, which should be deep and have thick walls. It is better to take the product with small layers of fat. You can fry the lamb in pieces or in the form of ribs. Many recipes advise adding onion rings, which go best with this meat. You can also use various spices and seasonings. It is recommended to salt the dish five minutes before the end of cooking. By following these rules, the lamb will not only be juicy, but will also acquire a piquant taste.

How to fry in a frying pan

Cut the washed pulp into thin slices and place in a heated frying pan with butter or lamb fat. You can first sprinkle the slices with spices, such as red pepper and cumin. At a moderate temperature, fry the meat on both sides. After this, add onion rings and salt and continue cooking.

To understand how long to fry the pulp, you need to monitor the condition of the onion, which becomes transparent when ready. The whole process takes about twenty minutes.

Roasted ribs

Ribs are usually cooked in sunflower oil, but if there is a lot of fat on them, then it can be cut off and melted into cracklings. Then place the meat bones close to each other in this dish, cover with a layer of chopped onion and press with a tight lid. The dish is simmered over minimal heat for ten minutes, while all the ingredients have time to release their own juice. The next step is to add spices and finely chopped garlic. It is better not to lift the lid when stewing, but if there is little liquid in the pan, then you need to add water. After fifty minutes of cooking, the golden brown ribs should be turned over. The entire procedure lasts approximately one and a half hours.

With potato

In order to fry or simply cook lamb and potatoes deliciously, you will need two hundred grams of fillet with layers of fat, the same amount of potatoes, onions and spices. Cut the meat into equal cubes, place in a hot frying pan and fry in its own juice until cooked, constantly stirring the pieces together. Add peeled potato slices, chopped onions, salt and sprinkle with seasonings to taste. It should be simmered with the lid closed.

On a grill pan

Beat the pieces of lamb with a hammer, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic, rosemary, pour olive oil, add pepper and salt. Then refrigerate the fillet for half an hour. After this, remove the rosemary, and place the chops on a hot grill pan and cook over high heat, frying on each side. It is recommended to serve this dish with lemon slices.

With vegetables

The lamb needs to be cut into small pieces along the cross-section of the muscle fibers, washed and dried. After rolling each piece in flour, place it in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry for twenty minutes over medium heat, then add salt, pepper and pour meat broth. Under the closed lid, the fillet is stewed for another half hour. And ten minutes before the end of the process, you need to add olives, cut into circles and herbs.

With onion

You can fry tender lamb in a frying pan with onions different ways, since this ingredient is added as an odor neutralizer.

Place medium-width fillet strips into a frying pan and fry over high heat, stirring constantly. After the crust appears, reduce the heat intensity and pour boiling water into the meat. Simmer the delicacy for about half an hour until the liquid has completely evaporated, without covering with a lid. The next step is to add onion half rings, salt, season with pepper and chopped herbs. Leave for another ten minutes until fully cooked.


You can grill both loin pieces of lamb and meat on the bone over coals in a grill. Before starting cooking, you can marinate the product, especially if it is harsh.

If you want to try a delicacy fried over a fire, you need to constantly turn the meat slices for ten minutes so that they do not burn. But you can simply move away the hot coals and fry the dish at a slower and calmer pace. Seasonings are recommended to be used at the end of the procedure, as they may lose their flavor characteristics.

In the oven

The most tender dish is obtained by cooking lamb in the oven. For this recipe, a whole piece of meat that is baked in a sleeve is more suitable.

Rub the fillet with pepper, chopped bay leaf, salt, garlic, and a mixture of vinegar, olive oil and fragrant herbs. Place a layer of onion rings in the sleeve, and place the prepared meat on top. Place in the refrigerator for four hours so that the product is saturated with spices. After going through the marinating process, the dish needs to be fried for about three hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Advice! To check the lamb in the oven for readiness, you need to make a small cut and look at the color of the juice that comes out; if it is pink, then the dish can be taken out.

The main thing is not to overdry the product, otherwise it will be tough. It is better to serve the dish hot, as the cooled delicacy becomes covered with a layer of fat and becomes less tasty.

Lamb ribs or fillets are used in different countries to prepare national dishes. This meat is very nutritious and healthy. It is combined with various side dishes and spices. Following the recommendations, you can easily fry or bake lamb, which is suitable for both an everyday dinner and a buffet feast.

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Nowadays you can find any variety of meat on sale - if only you have the desire and the finances. But many people are in no hurry to deviate from habits and traditions, and cook the same dishes day after day and year after year. But in fact, there is no need to be afraid to experiment - after all, in your own kitchen you can create real culinary masterpieces without any special experience or skills, as well as with a minimum of additional ingredients. So representatives of the stronger sex will undoubtedly enjoy lamb fried in a frying pan with onions or vegetables.

Lamb with onions

To prepare such a dish you will need a minimum of ingredients - half a kilogram of meat, a couple of onions, a tablespoon, a teaspoon of spices (for meat) and one. When cooked correctly, the meat will be especially flavorful and tender.

First of all, rinse and dry the meat. Grind it into medium sized pieces. If there is a little fat on the meat, it will turn out especially juicy.
Peel the onion and chop fairly large. Hot peppers chop as finely as possible, focusing on your taste preferences.

Place a cauldron on the fire and heat it well with a spoonful of vegetable oil. Pour all the prepared meat into a cauldron, add salt, sprinkle with spices and fry quite quickly over a high-power fire. Stir the meat constantly and do not cover it with a lid.

Rinse the meat thoroughly under running water, then dry it using paper towels. Chop the lamb into medium-thick slices. Heat a thick frying pan with vegetable oil and place the meat on it in an even layer. Grill the lamb on one side over medium heat for about two to three minutes. Then turn the meat over, reduce the heat to medium and continue frying for another couple of minutes.

Pour boiling water into the pan - the water should be at the same level as the meat. Simmer the lamb over medium heat for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Next, salt and pepper it. Chop the onion into half rings and chop the greens into smaller pieces. Add these ingredients to the meat, stir and fry for another ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the pan from the heat and serve the meat with a side dish of your choice.

Lamb in a frying pan with vegetables

To prepare the simplest, but at the same time delicious version of fried lamb with vegetables, you need to prepare the meat of a young lamb - it cooks almost instantly and has a pleasant taste. So, you will need three hundred grams of meat, one eggplant, one medium onion, three, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, one hundred grams, some salt, pepper and spices - depending on your taste preferences.

The meat of a young lamb should be cut into thin slices. Vegetables should be washed and cut into large pieces (quarters and halves). Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry both meat and vegetables in it at the same time - for five to seven minutes on each side. After the meat is cooked, add pepper and salt to the dish. Place the lamb and vegetables on plates along with the lettuce and serve.

Lamb with vegetables and green peas

To prepare such a tasty and aromatic dish, you need to use four serving pieces of lamb, a quarter of a lemon, a couple of branches of fresh mint (or a little dried), a teaspoon of curry, and a certain amount of salt depending on your taste preferences. Also use a couple of medium onions, a jar and some vegetable oil for frying.

Wash the lamb meat, dry it, pour over it, sprinkle with mint and curry. Place the meat in the refrigerator to marinate for at least twenty minutes and up to overnight. There is no need to salt it.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. It should create a layer of about one centimeter. Place slices of meat into well-heated meat and fry them over high heat on both sides. This will create a crust on the lamb, and the juice will remain inside. Then cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat. Cook for one to one and a half hours. Add a little water to the pan if necessary.

Next, peel the onion, chop it into half rings and add to the meat. Add salt and continue cooking with the lid on for another twenty to thirty minutes. Then add the peas to the pan and simmer for another ten to fifteen minutes.

When cooked correctly, lamb fried with vegetables will delight you with tenderness and juiciness. Dishes with such meat will be a great way to diversify your daily diet. Visit “Popular about health” more often, and good recipes will already be waiting for you in the “Healthy Eating” section.

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