Brief history of dumplings. Dumplings from around the world: what types of this dish are in different countries

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Dumpling is the most mysterious dish in the world with ancient history and with their own recipe from each of the peoples who are still fighting for the right to call dumplings their invention. Many peoples have their own "dumplings": Chinese jiao-tzu, wontons and shui yao, Italian ravioli and tortellini, German maultaschen, Jewish kreplach, Caucasian manti, Georgian khinkali, Uzbek chuchvara - they are all relatives. Before deciding how to please yourself for dinner, let's remember the history of dumplings: from ancient Chinese and Russian, to modern Italian and Israeli.

Great Chinese Chiao Tzu

In China, where dumplings have been known for more than 2,000 years, this dish is considered festive and is prepared only on the eve of important and joyful events. On New Year a coin is hidden in one of the jiao-tzu dumplings, it is believed that whoever gets it will prosper all year.

In addition to traditional meat fillings, Chinese dumplings are stuffed with fish, shrimp, vegetables and mushrooms. It is customary to eat them with a sauce of soy sauce, vinegar and ground garlic or with ginger- soy sauce.

The best dumplings - from Tyumen

The second country that claims the honorary title of the homeland of dumplings is Russia. Historians suggest that dumplings were borrowed by the northern Russian population in the middle of the 2nd millennium AD from the ancestors of the Komi-Permyaks and Zyryans. The Russian word "dumpling" is a borrowing from the Komi language and means "bread ear": "pel" - ear and "nyan" - bread. The ancient Russian recipe for Siberian dumplings included the meat of an elk, bear, goose or forest bird. In addition to meat, Siberian dumplings could also contain berries - blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cloudberries. Sometimes they made fish dumplings. Cooked dumplings in salted beef or chicken broth, and served on the table without liquid and with sour cream.

Gyoza - concise and rich, like haiku

Japanese gyoza are crispy dumplings fried in oil or deep fried. Gyoza dough is made from the "heavy" flour commonly used to make udon noodles.

Gyoza is slightly sweet in taste, like other Japanese dishes. Traditionally prepared with minced pork and Beijing cabbage stuffing, as well as shrimp stuffing. Gyoza is served with a bowl of soy sauce or gyoza sauce of the same name.

Manti - Song of Asia and the East

Asian manti are quite large in size and are steamed in special "mantyshnitsa" pans. The filling usually consists of meat, onion and finely chopped pumpkin. Minced meat can be from beef, poultry, but the best minced meat is obtained from lamb. It is advisable to add fat tail fat to the minced meat, it is it that gives extraordinary juiciness and tenderness. Pumpkin can be replaced with other vegetables - dzhusai (a kind of onion), carrots, cabbage.

Minced meat for manti, if possible, is chopped by hand, the onion is cut as finely as possible.

Sicilian defense - ravioli

Ravioli are Italian square dumplings that came to medieval Europe along the Great Silk Road from China. They are prepared by frying in oil or boiled in water or broth.

Meat ravioli are not as common in Italy as vegetarian ones - stuffed with potatoes, mushrooms, cheese, spinach and other vegetables. Traditionally prepared ravioli served with tomato sauce, richly seasoned with grated Parmesan cheese and herbs. For dessert in Italy, you can taste ravioli with chocolate.

triune kreplach

The triangular kreplach symbolizes the three patriarchs of the Jewish people - Abraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov. Ashkenazi Jews prepare kreplach with meat filling on the eve of the Day of Judgment for a meal after the end of the fast, when you especially want to eat, and you need to quickly prepare a hearty dinner for the whole family.

Meat kreplach is served with chicken soup. Kreplach is also popular on holidays, for example, on Purim, kreplach is filled with dried fruits, and on Shavuot - with cheese.

Modern dumplings

In modern Israel, there is such a variety of varieties of dumplings that the need to sculpt them by hand at home has completely disappeared: “after all, that same homemade taste” has already been created by culinary specialists and packaged in convenient packages, it remains only to choose your favorite varieties.

Pelmeni "Sibirskiye" are prepared according to a traditional Siberian recipe: the dough is made from premium flour, milk and eggs, and the filling is from fresh veal and pork, onion, salt and natural spices. Siberian dumplings are served with sour cream, melted butter or gravy from hot sauce. This variety is especially popular with children.

The filling of the "Domashniye" dumplings consists of the best varieties of veal and pork meat with the addition of turkey fat, fried onions, dry broth, salt and natural spices.

Add finely chopped fresh greens, a spoonful of thick sour cream to the "Homemade" dumplings and you are guaranteed a good appetite. For lovers of "hot" sauce from half a teaspoon of spicy "Russian mustard" and 30 grams of 5% vinegar is suitable.

Pelmeni "Smolensky" are created according to the original recipe - their filling includes beef meat and turkey fat. Boiled "Smolensky" can be served with the broth in which they were cooked, as a soup or with butter, sour cream or mustard.

When preparing "Russian" dumplings, fresh high-quality veal and pork meat, fresh onions, salt and spices are used. Russian dumplings are loved by both adults and children for their natural and juicy taste. They can be served with the broth they were cooked in as a soup.

And also "Dumplings with mutton", "Dumplings with pargiet", "Dumplings with veal", which will not leave indifferent lovers of this delicacy.

And finally, "Children's" dumplings are specially designed to meet the taste needs of children. The dough is made from premium flour, milk and eggs, and the filling is made from tender veal meat with the addition of turkey and beef fat. They can be eaten with the broth in which they were cooked. They are also served with butter, sour cream or ketchup.

For decades, all these types of dumplings have been made by the Maadaney Mania factory in its own workshop for the production of dough products. The production process at the factory can be classified as a "closed" type: all stages take place within the company, starting with meat grown on their own farm, making dough and packing dumplings in colorful packaging.

In any family, there should always be dumplings in the freezer for "just in case" for fast food delicious family meal.

It is still not known for certain which people of which country invented such a versatile dish. But ask any Russian, and he will answer: “We invented it, in Siberia!”. In fact, back in the 14th century, dumplings filled the whole of Siberia, it was the main food of Siberian families. The husband goes hunting, brings meat (any meat was used in dumplings: both animals and birds, and sometimes they were even made with berries), and the whole family diligently sculpts dumplings. There were no freezers, of course. So, they will put up huge boards with frozen dumplings laid out on them on the street and boast to each other: who has stuck the most. Families were very united, children were instilled with love for work and reverence for food in cold and hungry times. This dish has become such a family dish not only in Siberia, but throughout Russia.

Remember how many times in Soviet films it is shown how the average family eats dumplings for lunch. Pelmeni and borsch, it would seem, are truly Russian dishes? However, no. Let's start with the origin of the word. If you delve into the Finno-Ugric dialects, then dumplings are “ears”. Probably, indeed, it seems, although someone sculpts how. True, the word in their dialect sounds a little different: "dumplings." Historians have every reason to believe that the first “dumplings” were invented by Finno-Ugric nomads as the easiest way to feed a large crowd of people with limited food supplies. Indeed, what could be simpler than meat, roughly speaking, wrapped in dough and cooked in it?

Some of the nations even had a legend similar in meaning to the legend about Noah's ark. There, a man also saved everyone else from inevitable death, only from starvation. He prepared a huge meatloaf, seasoned it with herbs and wrapped it in dough. It turned out a huge dumpling, which could feed thousands and millions of people. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is some truth in it: dumplings are a very satisfying and easy-to-cook dish, and most importantly, meat.

At the same time, there are no tricks: it's just a filling cooked in dough. That is why in China there are so-called jiao zi (by the way, many are inclined to believe that China is the birthplace of dumplings), because these “zi” of them come with anything: with fruits, and with berries, and with vegetables. The essence is preserved - a shell of dough. This is how ravioli appeared in Italy - in the 18th century, Marco Polo visited the Chinese and was completely delighted with their jiao tzu.

Now different peoples call dumplings differently, there are different technologies for their preparation, and each country considers itself the birthplace of dumplings. Let's try to remember a little: Georgian khinkali, Moldovan vertuta, Armenian boraks. The list can be listed and listed: unique recipes everywhere, herbs, spices, spices - mmm ...

Well, we in Russia will probably never stop considering this dish ours. So what, sorry? But every self-respecting housewife sculpts dumplings herself, despite the fact that refrigerators in supermarkets are literally littered with semi-finished products of unknown quality. Do-it-yourself and tastier, and more reliable, and healthier, right?

In the menu of the restaurant of the banquet hall you will find excellent dumplings of our own production. Spend your family holiday or wedding, organize a corporate party or a conference in the banquet hall "Roll Hall"! All questions will be answered by sales managers by phone: 8-495-255-0-111 .

Today HELLO.RU will tell you about a dish that Russian men love almost more than borscht - the hero of one of our previous posts. Why were pelmeni called "dumplings" before, they were served without a plate and eaten with hands? Which neighboring countries should we thank for the "primordially Russian" dish? The answers to these and other questions are in our article.

Pelmeni received the greatest popularity in Russia in early XIX century. At least, it was at the dawn of this century that historians and culinary experts first began to mention this dish in their writings as a traditional treat for the townspeople.

It is believed that residents of neighboring countries shared the recipe for dumplings with us, and the “infusion” of gastronomic culture was gradual and chaotic. In the northern regions, dumplings appeared thanks to the Finno-Ugric tribes. Asian peoples who actively traded with Russia at the turn of the 12th-14th centuries brought their traditions. In the European and southern parts of Russia, the prototype of dumplings was "ushki", which the Don Cossacks liked to treat themselves to.

The most common version is that Russian word"dumpling" comes from the word "pelnyan" ("bread ear"), later it was transformed into "dumplings", and then into "dumplings". Sources differ when specifying the specific language from which this word came to Russian. Komi, Udmurt, Mansi and Finnish are named as possible options.

Small pies or, as they were once called, ears, gained such high popularity in Siberia because of their practicality. Going on a hike or hunting, men took meat wrapped in dough with them and could store it in travel bags for many months - the dish did not lose its taste at all during prolonged freezing.

Usually dumplings are boiled in water and then laid out directly on a dirty table; but they are taken simply with their hands, very rarely with wooden forks,

This is how he described the process of cooking and eating dumplings member of the Russian Geographical Society V.V. Grigoriev in 1848.

Now almost every country has its own version of this hot dish: in Italian cuisine it is ravioli, in Jewish cuisine - kreplach, in Caucasian cuisine - manti and khinkali, in Asian cuisine - jiaozi and baozi or, as they are most often called in Europe, dim sums. In Russia, to this day, home-made Siberian dumplings are considered to be a model of dumplings - perhaps only in Siberia has a century-old tradition of their preparation still been preserved.

The filling of traditional Russian dumplings is a mixture of three types of minced meat, which must be cooked in strictly defined proportions: for each kilogram of meat there should be 450 grams of beef, 350 grams of lamb and 200 grams of pork. If all three components are chosen and mixed correctly, it is believed that no additional flavorings other than salt and pepper are required. Also, to this day, according to the recipes of their ancestors, many Siberians add fresh cabbage and grated radish to dumplings.

Now there are a large number of ways to cook dumplings. Manufacturers use special machines for the purpose of wholesale trade; But still, the taste of hand-made dumplings cannot be compared with anything - although this is a laborious process, the result will more than pay for itself.

HELLO.RU, together with the chef of the Babel restaurant, has prepared for you a simple recipe for home-style dumplings, which even novice housewives can master.

Ingredients (per serving):


Flour 300 g

Water 50 ml

1 egg

Ground meat:

Meat 160 g

Flour 20 g

Salt 2 g

Pepper 2 g


1. Pour the flour into a large bowl, add the egg and water. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Knead the dough with your hands and roll out. Cut into circles with a diameter of 5 cm.

2. Cut fresh meat into cubes and scroll through a meat grinder. Put the contents into a deep bowl, salt, pepper, add water. Mix.

3. Put minced meat on each cut circle of dough. Tightly fasten the edges and cook in salted water for 5-7 minutes.

Juicy fragrant dumplings are one of the most popular dishes of Russian cuisine. The love of Russians for this culinary masterpiece is so great that songs are dedicated to its glory, monuments are erected and mass celebrations are organized. But who really invented dumplings and from whose national cuisine were they adopted?

The history of the appearance of dumplings

The best dumplings are prepared in Russia - a fact known to many that does not require confirmation. But regarding the question of whether dumplings are a primordially Russian dish or not, opinions differ.

Most sources claim that the popular dish in the form of ground or minced meat wrapped in dough came to Russian cuisine from the Finno-Ugric districts. Translated from Finnish and Udmurd, the name "dumpling" sounds like "pel + nyan", which means "bread + ear". The same opinion is shared by our contemporaries - residents of Udmurtia, annually celebrating a holiday called "world dumpling day".

Documentary researcher V.V. Pokhlebkin emphasizes in his works that dumplings appeared in Russian cuisine at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries. As confirmation of this, he presents documents with a list of the names of the inhabitants of the Urals of that time, whose names are derived from the word "dumpling". For the peoples of the northern regions, which are characterized by severe cold, this dish was beneficial in the sense that it could be frozen. Dough-wrapped meat, when frozen, gave off almost no flavor that would be tempting to nearby carnivores. In addition, it could be stored for up to several months.

At the dawn of history, this meat dish cooked exclusively for the holidays, serving on the table as the main treat. At the same time, a tradition was born to supplement the dish with a “happy dumpling”, which prophesied changes to its owner in the near future. If pepper comes across as a filling - this is for passionate love, green onions - for fun, a piece of dough - fortunately, a coin - for profit.

Today it is a favorite treat in the daily cuisine of many peoples. It is noteworthy that every housewife has her own secret in preparing this meat delicacy. Some use several types of meat as a filling, others use fragrant herbs, others manage to roll out an incredibly thin translucent dough that acts as a shell.

Today, dishes that, in appearance and composition, resemble dumplings familiar to us, are present in many national cuisines:

In China, these are wontons and baozi. They are prepared by boiling or steaming. There are round or triangular shapes in the form of a closed cake or a round jug. The filling is pork, chicken or shrimp, generously seasoned with pepper, garlic or ginger.

In Korea, "mandu". Korean "mandu" can be made in the form of a tiny thimble or a large pomegranate. Instead of a pastry shell, they often use fish skins or vegetable skins. The filler is pheasant meat or fish.

The Singaporean relatives of dumplings, referred to as "dumplings", are shaped like fish or boats. To give the original shape, craftswomen use bamboo sticks. The filling is meat, vegetables and seafood.

The Jewish analogue of Siberian dumplings, known as “kreplach”, differs only in that pork never acts as a filling. But in the Italian miniature "tortellini" as a filling, you can find both the meat we are used to, and cheese, or assorted vegetables. Only Tatar “yufakh ash” and Turkish dumplings can compete with them in size. In the dishes of these national cuisines, each dumpling is no larger than a marigold. So in one tablespoon can easily fit up to 6-7 "bread ears".

In Azerbaijani cuisine, a recognizable meat treat is called “gyurza”. It is due to the fact that freshly prepared bags of dough, when bitten, can emit a sound emitted through a previously made hole, reminiscent of the hiss of a snake.

Caucasian dumplings, referred to as "khinkali", are famous for their very thin dough and incredibly juicy meat. This dish is eaten freshly cooked by hand. The sizes of products, depending on the region, can vary from small envelopes to bags with a diameter of a soup plate. The main "highlight" is to carefully bite into a thin envelope of dough and have time to drink the fragrant broth pouring out of it, soaking the meat.

You can list options for analogues of a popular dish indefinitely. These are German maultashens, and Mongolian buzes, and Dagestan kurze, and Tibetan momo ... They are all different in shape and size. They are united by only one thing - excellent taste qualities of culinary masterpieces that do not leave indifferent even sophisticated gourmets.

First on our list. By the way, it is these dumplings that the Dragon Warrior, the hero of the popular cartoon "Kung Fu Panda", loves very much. As you may have guessed, this is a Chinese dish.

Baozi is made from yeast dough for a couple. The stuffing is different. Meat and vegetable ingredients are used: both together and separately. The most common filling is pork with cabbage. But sometimes they put minced meat from other types of meat, tofu, mushrooms or pumpkin. The shape is usually round, with a small pinch at the top.

2. Beriki (bereks)

Beriki is a traditional dish of Kalmyk cuisine with lamb meat.

The dough for beriks is kneaded from premium flour, water, eggs and salt is added. While it is infused, start preparing the filling. At the same time, the meat is chopped with a knife into small pieces, and does not scroll through a meat grinder. Finely chopped bacon and onions, spices and herbs are added to the minced meat. Therefore, the dish turns out juicy and fragrant. The dough is rolled into round cakes and minced meat is placed in the middle of each. Beriki are boiled in boiling salted water and served with butter.

3. Boraki

Boraki is a dish of Armenian cuisine on a thin dough stuffed with lamb or ground beef. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the minced meat is pre-fried, and then laid in dough tubes. They are sealed only from the bottom and placed vertically in the pan. Until ready, boraki is not boiled, but slightly stewed and fried. The dish is served with greens, vegetables or with sauce based on matsun (Armenian fermented milk drink), herbs and garlic.

4. Vareniki

Vareniki is a traditional Slavic dish most often found in Ukrainian cuisine.

The dough may vary. Dumplings on kefir and eggs are tender and fluffy. To make the dish lean, the dough is kneaded with water and flour, salted and thinly rolled out. Chopped meat, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, cottage cheese or berries are most often used as fillings. When serving, sour cream or butter is often put on a plate with dumplings.

5. Wontons

Wontons are a type of dumplings in Chinese cuisine. They are usually served in soup, but are sometimes fried. Not only pork meat is put into the filling, but also xianggu mushrooms and even young bamboo stalks. Ginger, garlic and pepper are generously added to the minced meat, so that the dish turns out to be quite spicy.

Wonton soup is especially popular on New Year's Eve, and the noodles in it are said to symbolize longevity.

6. Gyoza (Gyoza)

Gyoza is a Chinese dish that the Japanese loved so much that they began to consider it their own. This type of dumplings in Japan is usually fried.

Most often, pork with grated ginger, salt, pepper, garlic, onion and Beijing cabbage is taken for the filling. But sometimes they put seafood, vegetables or fruits. The dough is cut into small portions and rolled into thin cakes. In the middle of each spread the minced meat and fry in olive oil on one side. Then fill with water to the middle, cover with a lid and wait for the water to evaporate. When serving, gyoza is placed fried side up and seasoned with soy-sesame sauce.

7. Gyurza

Gyurza is a dish of Azerbaijani cuisine. Its name is due to the fact that when sculpting, a small hole is left in the dumpling, and when biting, a sound is made that resembles the hiss of a snake.

The filling is usually lamb or Ground beef. The meat is mixed with onions in equal proportions. Salt, pepper and matsun or unsweetened yogurt are added - the filling is sour. Gyurza is served with oil, vinegar or sour cream.

8. Dumplings

Dumplings are the Singaporean relatives of dumplings. They are made from thin dough stuffed with meat, vegetables or seafood.

There are special rules for preparing dumplings that must not be violated. For example, they must have a certain number of dough tucks that are made by hand. bamboo stick. Dumplings are steamed in bamboo baskets. The shape of dumplings can be very different: round, oval ... There are even dumplings in the form of boats, tulips and fish. The finished dish is served to the table along with soy sauce and wine vinegar.

9. Dim sum (dianxin)

These Chinese dumplings are more like a dessert than a main course. Dim sum is made from the finest rice dough, stuffed with fruits, vegetables or seafood and steamed. The shape of these dumplings can be any, it all depends on the imagination of the cook. Dim sum is served at the table during traditional Chinese tea drinking. Translated from Chinese, their name means "heart touch" or "order for the heart."

10. Dushbara

Dushbara is one of the most delicious meals Azerbaijani cuisine. It is a spicy dumpling soup.

From a very thin dough, dumplings are molded half the size of the usual ones. First they are boiled in salt water, and then in meat or chicken broth. During cooking, a lot of spices, quarters of onion and garlic are added to the dushbara.

11. Kava manty

A dish of Uyghur cuisine. Kava is a pumpkin that is used as a filling in equal proportions with lamb.

To make the filling juicy, the meat and fat are chopped by hand. This dish is steamed. In the Uighur tradition, it is customary to eat manti with special seasonings: “lasjan” from red pepper with vegetable oil or “cobra” from tomatoes, hot peppers and garlic.

12. Kimchi-mandu

Kimchi-mandu - Korean dumplings made from thin rice dough stuffed with ground beef or pork with tofu, onion, ginger and spicy Beijing cabbage. Sometimes minced meat is replaced with mushrooms. The shape of kimchi-mandu is very similar to ordinary dumplings, only the edges of the Korean counterparts are bent up. The dish is cooked in salted water and most often served with soy sauce.

13. Dumplings

Dumplings are a Czech dish. But it can also be found in Slovak, Austrian and Bavarian cuisine. Potato dumplings with meat or bacon are one of the most popular options for preparing this dish.

The dough is made from mashed potatoes with the addition of eggs and flour. Then small cakes are rolled out, in the center of which they put a teaspoon of meat filling. Dumplings are rolled into a ball and boiled in salted water. Sour cream, greens, vegetable stew or meat broth.

14. Kreplach

Kreplach is a traditional Jewish holiday dish. These dumplings are practically no different from Siberian ones, except that pork is never added to them.

Traditionally, Jewish dumplings are stuffed with cabbage or mashed potatoes. Sometimes the dumpling is folded in the shape of an eyelet, and sometimes it looks like a triangle. Most often, kreplach is cooked in chicken broth, less often in vegetable broth. The dish can also be served fried.

15. Kropkakor

Kropkakor - Swedish dumplings. The dough is quite thick. It is made from potatoes, flour and egg yolks. Ham, lard and fried onions are put in the filling. The product is given a rounded shape and boiled in salt water. Ready dumplings are served with lingonberry jam, butter and cream. Such is the contrast of tastes.

16. Kundyumy

Kundyumy is an old Russian dish. This is a kind of dumplings stuffed with mushrooms and cereals. There is a version that kundums appeared as a substitute for dumplings on the lenten monastic table. But the very name of the dish is of Turkic origin and means "wheat".

Kundums have a special dough. It is a combination of choux and exhaust dough and is prepared on vegetable oil. The method of preparing kundums is also quite unusual. First, they are baked in the oven, and then stewed in mushroom broth.

17. Kurze

Kurze - Dagestan dumplings. They are cooked with meat and vegetables, like ordinary dumplings. Caucasian housewives often mix different types meat: use lamb, beef or minced chicken, to which salt, pepper and a little milk are added. But in Dagestan they prefer onion and egg to stuffing from cabbage, and the main part of such stuffing is onion.

18. Manti

Manty is a special kind of dumplings from Central Asia. They are prepared for a couple in a special "mantyshnitsa" - kaskana. Manti are larger than dumplings and have an unusual shape. The filling for them is prepared from minced lamb, horse meat or beef. Also add pieces of tail fat and onions. Often, manti is stuffed with seasonal vegetables, such as carrots or pumpkins. Served with sour cream and fresh herbs.

19. Multashen

Maultaschen - German large dumplings. Their name roughly translates to "deceive God." There is a version that the monks from the Maulbronn monastery hid minced meat in the spinach filling - after all, you can’t eat meat on Good Friday.

Maultashen is boiled in thick meat broth and it is served on the table. Usually this dish is seasoned with sauce, herbs and washed down with freshly brewed beer.

20. Modac

Modac - original dish Indian cuisine, reminiscent of khinkali, but only in shape. Modak dough is made from rice flour and stuffed with coconut flakes, palm sugar, cardamom and nuts. These sweet dumplings are steamed or deep fried. Modak is served with melted butter.

21. Momo


Momo - dumplings from Tibet on a yeast-free dough. Minced meat is made from chicken, pork, goat or yak meat. Sometimes cheese and vegetables are added to the filling. Minced meat is peppered, salted, garlic, coriander, onion and cumin are added and wrapped in dough. Then the dish is boiled and served with national drinks.

22. Pigodi (pian-se)

Pigodi is a Korean steamed dish. Pigodi originates from Wangmandu, another national Korean dish, whose name means "royal dumpling". It was from him that these big steam pies came from.

Pigodi is usually cooked with meat and cabbage. Sometimes pies are cut lengthwise in the middle and stuffed with salad, such as Korean carrots.

23. Podkogylo

This strange name hides the Mari national dish - wheat dough dumplings. It is rolled out in a thin layer and cut into pieces in the form of crescents. In the podkogylyo they put a filling of raw minced hare meat with pork or badger meat and heavily flavored with onions. Sometimes they are stuffed with millet or barley porridge, cottage cheese or potatoes. Blinded dumplings are placed in boiling water and taken out as soon as they float.

24. Poses (buuzas)

Poses, or buuzas, are a traditional Buryat and Mongolian dish. The poses are a bit like manti, but milk is added to the minced meat for them. This gives the dish more juiciness. Chopped meat with onions is wrapped in dough so that a hole remains at the top. The poses are steamed with the hole up so that the precious broth does not spill out. Quite large open dumplings are obtained, which are usually eaten with hands.

25. Posikunchiki

Posikunchiki is a dish of the Ural cuisine. In shape, they resemble dumplings, but they are prepared according to the principle of chebureks. There is a version that their name comes from the word “sikkat”, since the pies at the first bite can sprinkle meat juice on your clothes well.

The dough for pies is kneaded fresh. Finely chopped meat or minced meat from lamb, beef or pork is placed in the filling. The filling is wrapped in dough along with a piece of butter. This is done so that the biscuit is juicy. The edges of the dumplings are carefully pinched so that the juice does not leak out during frying. Posikunchiki are usually eaten hot, dipped in kefir-garlic dressing or mustard, vinegar and salt sauce.

26. Ravioli

Ravioli - dish Italian cuisine. Ravioli are usually smaller than traditional dumplings. They are molded from a rather thin unleavened dough, giving the shape of a crescent, ellipse or square with a curly cut edge. The filling can be meat, fish, vegetables or fruits. These dumplings are either boiled or fried in oil. Fried ravioli are served with soups and broths.

27. Siberian dumplings

Pelmeni - traditional Siberian. Going to the taiga, the Siberian always took with him a supply of hard stone Siberian dumplings, which in a few minutes in boiling water turned into a wonderful dinner.

For Siberian dumplings, a stiff dough is kneaded, and while it is infused, the filling is prepared. Experienced housewives usually use minced meat from several types of meat. Previously, grated ice was put into the filling to cool the minced meat. This method helped keep the meat more juicy. Now just add salt and pepper to taste.

28. Tortellini

Tortellini is an Italian dish. It is made from unleavened dough and stuffed with meat, cheese or vegetables. But you can also find tortellini stuffed with chestnuts, mushrooms, berries or traditional dairy product ricotta. The corners of each small dumpling are connected and pinched, giving it the appearance of a ringlet. Italian dumplings are served with various sauces of mushrooms, cream, white wine and cheese.

29. Turkish manti

Traditional for the East exist in a variety of options. Classic Turkish manti differ from other types of unusually small size and are traditionally steamed. To stick such dumplings, you need a lot of patience and skill.

The dough squares are stuffed with ground beef or lamb with herbs. Manti are so small that a decent amount of dumplings is placed in a tablespoon. Usually Turkish manti is served with a sauce of yogurt, paprika and mint.

30. Khinkali

Khinkali is a national dish of Georgian cuisine with meat filling. Minced meat is prepared in advance so that the dough does not dry out. The meat for the filling is seasoned with spices, a lot of onions and garlic are added. The dough is kneaded from flour, salt and a small amount of water, so that it turns out to be quite dense and tight. Traditionally, Georgian housewives sculpt khinkali in such a way that a small ponytail of dough is obtained at the top. Blinded dumplings are boiled in salt water.

They eat khinkali with their hands, holding on to the tail, which is then thrown away.

31. Zeppelins

Zeppelins are a traditional dish of Lithuanian cuisine. These are large potato zrazy with minced meat, cracklings, vegetables or even cottage cheese. This dish is named after the German airships of the First World War, to which zeppelins are very similar.

As a test, raw and boiled potatoes are used in equal proportions. Zeppelins are stuffed with minced meat in combination with a side dish. That is why they are very satisfying and tasty. The finished dish is served with sour cream or a special sauce of fried onions and cracklings. Zeppelins are so difficult to cook that their quality is judged by the skill of the cook.

32. Jiaozi

Jiaozi is a type of Chinese dumpling. Do not put yeast in the dough, the filling is minced pork plus cabbage. Other types of fillings are much less common. Jiaozi can have a different shape, but most often they are made triangular with a longitudinal pinch at the top. These dumplings are steamed and served with traditional sauce soy, minced garlic and vinegar.

The name itself in translation means “change of one by another”. Therefore, at the turn of the old and new years, as well as between autumn and winter, the time comes to eat jiaozi.

33. Chumars (chumar)

Chumary is a dish of Mordovian and Tatar cuisine. It is dumplings in broth.

To prepare chumars, wheat, pea, buckwheat or lentil flour is used. For the filling, they take salted bacon, cut into small pieces and wrap each in a rolled circle of dough. So that the plagues do not stick to each other, they are sprinkled with flour. Sometimes potatoes and carrots are added to the broth with dumplings. In this case, you need to boil the potatoes first. Ready chumars are served on the table with broth and sour cream.

34. Chuchvara (chuchpara)

Chuchvara is a dish of Uzbek cuisine in the form of boiled products made from unleavened dough stuffed with meat. Unlike dumplings, chuchvara is smaller in size. Another difference is that minced pork is never used for the filling of this dish. The filling is considered ideal when the meat and onions are finely chopped with a knife, and not passed through a meat grinder.

The dough is usually rolled out in one large sheet and cut into squares. Then a lump of meat filling is placed on each of them and the dough is folded into an envelope, bending the corners towards the center. Chuchvara is almost always served in a seasoned broth.

35. Shao Mai

Another variety of Chinese dumplings is Shao Mai. They are knots of dough, inside of which a juicy filling is hidden. It usually consists of minced pork, shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, green onions and ginger. The filling is wrapped in thin wheat dough and steamed. When serving, the dish is seasoned with Chinese rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil and garnished with crab caviar.

36. Yufah ash

Our list is completed by Crimean Tatar dumplings - yufakh ash. Crimean Tatar cuisine is one of the main attractions of the Crimea. Yufah ash means "small meal". And with its size, this dish may well compete with Turkish dumplings. Each dumpling is obtained the size of a fingernail, no more: 6-7 tiny items should fit in a tablespoon. Yufah ash is served with broth.

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