How to make very hot sauce at home. The hottest sauce in the world

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  • — Sauce with chili and cilantro —

    Ingredients for 2 cups:

    6 chili peppers (preferably jalapenos), seeds removed and chopped
    2 garlic cloves, crushed
    1 tbsp fresh lemon juice, plus more for seasoning
    120 ml plus 2 tbsp. olive oil
    2 bunches cilantro, leaves and stems coarsely chopped
    1/2 tbsp honey


    In a food processor, grind the jalapeno, garlic and lemon juice. With the engine running, slowly pour in the olive oil. Gradually add cilantro and puree until thick, but still runny, smooth. Add honey and mix again. Adjust salt and lemon juice to taste.

  • - Singapore hot sauce -


    2 tbsp rapeseed oil
    1 medium onion, thinly sliced
    3/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh ginger
    3/4 cup light brown sugar
    1 1/4 cups ketchup
    1/4 cup Chinese chili soy sauce


    Heat oil in a saucepan. Add the onion and cook over moderately high heat until browned, 4 minutes. Add ginger and cook over moderately low heat until softened, 3 minutes. Add the sugar, ketchup, and chili bean sauce and simmer over low heat until the sauce thickens, 5 minutes.

    Pour the sauce into a blender and add 120 ml of water. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. With the engines on, add another 120 ml of water. Transfer the sauce to a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes. Pour the sauce into a bowl. Cool in refrigerator before serving.

  • — Jamaican hot sauce —

    Ingredients for about 1 liter of sauce:

    340 g red, orange, yellow chili (preferably scotch bonnet)
    1 bunch green onions, white parts only, chopped
    2 1/4 cups white distilled vinegar
    2 tbsp dark brown sugar
    1/4 tsp ground allspice
    Coarse salt


    Grind chili and onion in a food processor. In a medium saucepan, bring the vinegar, brown sugar, allspice and 2 tablespoons salt to a boil over low heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Add the onion and chili mixture to the pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for 1 minute, then turn off heat and let cool. Pour the sauce into jars and refrigerate.

  • — Hot sauce with tomatoes —


    Half a small onion, cut into wedges
    2 dried guajillo or New Mexico chiles, seeds removed and chopped
    1 tomato, cut in half
    2 garlic cloves
    1 small chili (jalapeno)
    1 tbsp fresh lime juice


    IN cast iron pan sauté the dried chili over moderate heat until fragrant and softened, about 2 minutes; transfer the chili to a blender. Place the tomatoes, garlic, jalapenos and onions in a skillet and sauté over moderate heat, turning occasionally, until the vegetables are nicely charred, about 10 minutes. Transfer vegetables to a blender, add lime juice and puree until smooth. Season the sauce with salt and pepper.

  • — Louisiana hot sauce —

    Ingredients for about 500 ml sauce:

    480 ml water
    280g red chili (preferably Tabasco, Cayenne or Serrano)
    1 small onion, chopped
    3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    Coarse salt
    240 ml white distilled vinegar


    In a medium saucepan, bring water, chili, onion, garlic and 1 teaspoon salt to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are very tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Let the mixture cool slightly and then puree it in a blender with vinegar. Salt to taste and divide the sauce into jars. Let the sauce rest in the refrigerator for 3 weeks for optimal flavor.

  • — Hot sauce with chili and apricots —

    Ingredients for about 4 cups of sauce:

    480 ml apple cider vinegar
    1 cup light brown sugar
    230 g apricots, pitted and coarsely chopped
    2 chili (preferably habanero), 1 chopped with seeds, 1 without
    1 large Thai chile, chopped with seeds
    1 fresh red chile (preferably dearball), chopped with seeds
    1 jalapeno, chopped with seeds
    2 bay leaves


    Mix in a medium saucepan Apple vinegar and brown sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil to dissolve the sugar. Add the apricots, all the chillies and bay leaves and simmer over moderate heat until the apricots are tender, about 5 minutes. Let cool, then remove bay leaves.

    Puree the mixture in a blender until smooth. Season with salt. Transfer the sauce to small jars or bottles and refrigerate.

  • — Sriracha —

    Ingredients for about 2 cups of sauce:

    400 g red chili (jalapeno or serrano)
    250 g green chili (jalapeno or serrano)
    6 garlic cloves
    8 tbsp brown sugar
    1.5 tsp coarse salt
    2 tsp smoked sea salt
    120 ml distilled white vinegar
    3/4 tsp xanthan gum


    Place the pepper, garlic, sugar, and salt in a food processor and process until coarse crumbs form. Transfer the mixture to a clean jar, then cover and leave at room temperature. Store in a dark, dry place. Check the sauce every day for fermentation (it should start in 2-3 days, sometimes a little later).

    The beginning of fermentation can be determined by the appearance of bubbles at the bottom of the jar. From now on, the sauce should be stirred daily until it stops bubbling (this will take 5 to 7 days.) After that, transfer the sauce to a food processor/blender, add the vinegar and puree until smooth. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve. Return sauce to clean bowl of food processor or blender, add xanthan gum and blend. Transfer sauce to jars and refrigerate.

Sauces play a huge role in improving the taste of the main dish. In the cuisine of any nation in the world, there are a couple of recipes, carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation, which allow you to more fully reveal the taste of meat, fish or any dessert. Moreover, any recipe can be constantly improved and improved in search of the most harmonious product that can take pride of place on both the festive and everyday tables.

Spicy sauce to meat is a kind of classic of the genre, because many people on the planet love this combination. It is prepared by both the inhabitants of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean: Kazakhs, Armenians and many others cannot imagine themselves a meat dish without it.

Recipe for hot tomato sauce

It is not at all difficult to prepare a delicious seasoning with your own hands.


  • A kilogram of tomatoes;
  • 2 red hot peppers;
  • garlic;
  • peppercorns;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • paprika;
  • coriander.

Cooking method:

Hot pepper sauce


  • 200 g fresh or frozen black currants;
  • 150 ml semi-sweet or semi-dry red wine, as you like.

Cooking method:

Seasoning for chicken

There are many recipes for spicy sauces for ruddy fried chicken. Its taste is equally well complemented by both white sauces and red ones. But perhaps one of the best is the honey-ginger sauce. Try it and you will appreciate the taste of meat, seasoned with a sweet composition with a tart and aromatic taste of ginger root.


  • Soy sauce;
  • mustard;
  • salt;
  • ginger root.

Cooking method:

  1. It is enough to mix until a homogeneous consistency soy sauce volume of 5 tbsp. l.
  2. Honey in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. and mustard with a volume of 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Salt and chopped ginger root in the amount of 1 tsp are added last to the hot sauce for fragrant chicken.

Tabasco hot sauce recipe

Tabasco is a series of hot spices, the recipe of which was invented and brought to life by the American Edmund McAilenny. Habanero sauce is considered the most spicy, garlic and Buffallo are less hot. Unfortunately, at home it is impossible to completely repeat the recipe for preparing such a composition, since the original version involves fermentation in large oak barrels using special salt. However, if you are a fan of this gravy, you can always find an alternative and try to cook your favorite product at home.


  • Cayenne pepper;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • garlic.

In addition, savory sauces tend to be very healthy. And it's all about the burning ingredients that warm the body from the inside and are an excellent means of preventing and treating colds and viral diseases.

In addition, some of them effectively strengthen the immune system and even help get rid of extra inches at the waist and fight cancer cells.

Here are 6 interesting recipes for savory sauces that can be a great addition to the most different dishes on your table.


Red Tabasco is rightfully considered the leader among scalding sauces. Cult sauce originally from America pleases all lovers of something hot for a good century and a half. And it does not lose its relevance. The sauce goes well with meat dishes, fish, vegetable stew, pizza, seafood, omelets and marinades. The main thing is not to overdo it. Red Tabasco is really hot.

Make red tabasco at home. Take 6 dry chili peppers, cut them in half, remove the seeds, membranes and stems. Better to be wearing gloves. Cut the chili into small pieces, put in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it, leave for half an hour.

At this time, prepare the rest of the ingredients: peel 4 ripe tomatoes, chop and, together with 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic that need to be peeled, pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, adding softened pepper with a little water. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan, add the resulting puree and chopped parsley. Boil the sauce until it thickens. At the end, add sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, pepper and salt.


Hot Tabasco is not only red, but also green. This option, unlike its classic counterpart, is made from green jalapeno peppers. By the way, green Tabasco tastes much softer than red. This sauce goes well with avocado dishes, guacamole, burgers, omelettes and vegetables.

Grab some green hot jalapeno peppers. Cut them into plates and place them in warm water for a while so that they are cleaned of excess seeds. Then send the jalapenos to a blender. Add wine vinegar so that the peppers are 3/4 covered. Salt to taste. You can add a little garlic, which will make the sauce even hotter and more vigorous.

Blend lightly in a blender. Then bring the resulting mixture to a boil and reduce the heat. On low heat, green Tabasco should be boiled for about an hour, stirring constantly. Cool the sauce and blend again in a blender until the desired consistency. Store Tabasco in a cool place.


Hot sauce gave the peoples of the Caucasus many interesting flavor combinations. So, adjika is ideal for meat. You can use this sauce with soups, and with vegetables, such as beans. Adjika also has healing properties. It is an excellent antimicrobial agent. Adjika also dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation.

It is best to cook adjika at home with rubber gloves, because the ingredients burn both literally and figuratively. Take 500 grams of hot pepper, rinse it and cut off the tails. Seeds may not be removed. Peel 100 grams of garlic, removing the husk from it and cutting off the bases. Dry 100 grams of walnuts in a frying pan, having previously cleaned of excess husks.

Pass the pepper through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. Garlic, nuts and coriander should also be crushed. Having combined 2 mixtures, pass through a meat grinder a couple more times so as to achieve a uniform consistency. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop with a sharp knife. Combine all ingredients, add salt and mix thoroughly. Cover adjika and ideally leave it alone for 3 days. Then pour into jars and refrigerate.


Mexican salsa sauce is an essential ingredient in national dishes. No burrito and no tortilla, as well as fried meats and other Latin American dishes, are complete without burning salsa.

To prepare salsa at home, you only need to arm yourself with all the ingredients. Take 3 large ripe tomatoes, 1 red chilli, 2 garlic cloves, 1 small chopped onion, a bunch of cilantro and salt.

In a heavy bottomed pan, preheat the oil and then sauté the garlic, chillies and tomatoes for 10 minutes. Then transfer the mixture to a blender, add cilantro, salt and beat lightly. It is important to consider that it is worth whisking the salsa just lightly, since the consistency of the sauce should not be too homogeneous.


Japanese hot seasoning is made from wasabi horseradish. This sauce is traditionally served with sushi, rolls and sashimi. Wasabi has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system. In addition, wasabi disinfects food, promotes detoxification of the body, inhibits the growth of bacteria and increases vitality.

Cooking Japanese seasoning at home. Unfortunately, acquiring freshly grated wasabi root is an almost impossible task. Therefore, in Europe, preference is given to a special wasabi powder, which is sold in large or specialized stores. To get a thick consistency of wasabi, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of powder with 1 teaspoon of warm water. Mix well.


Mustard is in no way inferior to its counterparts and, along with other hot sauces, has medicinal and healing properties. So, it starts metabolic processes in the body, improves work gastrointestinal tract fights germs and viruses. Try using mustard as a meat marinade. It will be incredibly soft. A salad is best seasoned with a mixture of mustard and olive oil. Very tasty and spicy.

Dissolve 3 tablespoons in boiling water mustard powder and mix well until a fairly thick mass is formed. Top fill cold water so that its layer exceeds the mustard mass by 3 centimeters. Without stirring, put the container in the refrigerator or other cool place for about 12 hours. After this time, drain the top layer and add seasoning.

Seasoning is prepared simply: take 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar and a pinch of salt to it. Mix well and only after that add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Stir thoroughly again. And then put the mustard in the refrigerator for another day, so that all the excess bitterness is gone from it.

The term "sauce" literal translation from French means just gravy. For example, by preparing a spicy tomato sauce based on it, you can quickly make a marinade for meat. And having prepared a delicious zucchini sauce for the winter, you don’t have to worry about a side dish for fish dishes, just stew vegetables with the addition of dressing.

In any store or supermarket you can buy a variety of canned food - tomato sauce, hot pepper sauce, cucumber sauce for the winter, hot Korean sauces, and many other industrial preparations. But for housewives who think about the products that the family consumes, the shelves with these products do not matter and do not attract their interested gaze. They preserve sauces for the winter, the recipes of which they learned from their mothers or grandmothers. After all, preparing homemade sauces and seasonings with caring hands is much more profitable, not to mention the taste of the resulting product and its usefulness.

Hot peppers and garlic are included in most savory seasonings, and we have collected the most delicious and original recipes home preservation for the winter with the addition of these ingredients.

About 90% of hot sauces for the winter are prepared with the addition of tomatoes, for example, the famous Caucasian adjika.

Abkhazian shepherds came up with hot pepper seasoning for the winter, grinding coarse salt with spicy and fragrant herbs and hot chili peppers. To date, adjika and hot sauces can be prepared according to different recipes, for example, in Georgia it is customary to add walnuts and hops-suneli seasoning to it. And in Russia, adjika is made with the addition of green tomatoes, with plums. This seasoning is ideal for fish and vegetables, as well as a vitamin supplement for cabbage soup. Spicy zucchini sauce will nicely shade and complement the taste of vegetable stew. Pear sauce, for example, goes great with beef and pork.

Spicy tomato sauces are no less loved, they are added when preparing first courses, in roasts and vegetable stews, to vermicelli and fried potatoes, not to mention meat and fish dishes. The composition of the ingredients for this type of sauce is very versatile, but many housewives like it because you can literally invent something new without hesitation.

For example, on the basis of a spicy tomato preparation, you can close the zucchini in a spicy sauce for the winter, after boiling in large pieces and pouring hot tomato sauce. And among vegetables there are very few products that were not included in this seasoning. Fruits are also added - plums and cherry plums, apricots, sloes and much more.

For the preparation of spicy tomato sauce, only fresh vegetables and fruits are used, without damage to the skin and signs of rot. They must be thoroughly washed in running water and dried.

The finished sauce, which is still boiling, is carefully poured into clean and sterilized jars and sealed with a storage lid. The closed jar must be turned upside down with a lid to check the tightness of the container. Hot pepper sauces must be covered with a warm blanket, “fur coat” in the people, and allowed to cool completely. Only after this jars of sauce can be removed for storage in a cool place.

In all recipes, as a rule, if a measuring cup is mentioned, then a 200 gram capacity is taken into account.

Metal lids must also be sterilized from pathogenic microbes and mold spores before corking cans.

To prepare a spicy tomato sauce, you need to carefully grind all the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass. It is undesirable to use rough stalks of greens in the sauce, however, as well as spoiled vegetables. All seeds are removed from bell and very hot peppers, but there is no need to grind the pepper into a puree - it can be cut into small cubes into the sauce. For cooking, you can use a fresh pod, or dry chili in crushed form. The addition of hot seasonings and spices to the sauce can be varied according to your taste, which in principle allows us to feel the full flight of free culinary fantasy. You can add to the collection by looking at the recipes on the site. There are also recipes with photos and instructions.

But as for salt, there are no deviations - we use only coarse rock salt in the recipe to prepare spicy tomato sauce, and not iodized or flavored with herbs and spices. When using a hot sauce, it is necessary to take into account its sharpness and saltiness in cooked dishes.

Caucasian spicy sauce with tomatoes and plums

Ripe plums add a delicate flavor to the sauce, and fragrant and fleshy tomatoes are the base. The sauce is somewhat reminiscent of chakhokhbili gravy, and if the plum is replaced with cherry plum, antonovka, or blackthorn, the taste will become even more unusual and brighter. Good plum sauce for the winter is suitable for chicken dishes and for making homemade hot dogs.


  • 3 kg. large and ripe plums;
  • 3.5 kg. fresh and ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • Hot chili pepper;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of mustard powder;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 75 ml. apple cider vinegar;
  • 180 gr. Sahara;
  • A bunch of fresh herbs;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 3 umbrellas of cloves.


  1. Remove the skin from the onion and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Prepare the plum - peel it from the seeds and stalks. Tomatoes, cut into 4 parts, remove the base of the stalk.
  3. Grind the ingredients in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder with a fine fraction.
  4. Transfer the mass to a heavy saucepan, it should be with a thick bottom or use a cast iron pot, and bring to a boil over low heat. Add salt and sugar, mix chili sauce well.
  5. Tie the greens with a long culinary thread, and tie the tip to the handles of the pot or stewpan. All essential oils and the aroma from the greens will go into the sauce, and the thread will allow you to easily remove the bunch.
  6. Add dry mustard, clove seeds to the sauce. Grind allspice or black pepper in a mortar or with a regular glass, and add to the dressing. Prick hot and hot peppers with a fork so that the pod gives off more flavor, and add to the boiling mass. By the way, you can tie it to the greens by the stalk, for easy extraction from chili sauce for the winter.
  7. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. The mass should boil, but do not boil.
  8. We rub the warm mass through a sieve for additional flavor. We do not need greens and chili peppers. We return the pan to the fire, and continue to cook for about 20 minutes.
  9. At the very end, before turning off the fire on the stove, add vinegar, mix, pour into pre-prepared and clean containers, roll up and cool. Done, in order to put the chili sauce away for the winter for storage. Using boiling dressing, you can cook an excellent snack - zucchini in a spicy sauce for the winter.

Although there are not so many apples in this recipe, they add freshness and sweet taste to the sauce, and they do not appear immediately in the finished sauce, but remind of themselves with a slight aftertaste. Apple sauce for the winter will perfectly set off the taste of liver dishes.


  • Tomatoes - 7.5 kg;
  • 4 large sweet and sour apples;
  • head of garlic;
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 3 pinches of ground nutmeg.

Making apple sauce:

  1. Peel clean apples, removing the seeds and peeling the fruit. Cut into 8 slices each.
  2. We wash the tomatoes in running water, cut in half and remove the stalk. Cut into small cubes, put in a clean saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. On the next burner, simmer the apples until they release juice.
  4. After 15 minutes of stewing with regular stirring, apples and tomatoes must be rubbed through a fine sieve. Combine puree and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Add honey and all the spices and salt, chopped garlic and vinegar to the sauce and boil for another quarter of an hour. Sauces for the winter are ready, you can pour them into jars and roll them up.

Spicy green flavored sauce

A spicy sweet sauce is obtained with a wonderful aroma and a pleasant sour taste, with the addition of apple, celery, sweet pepper and aromatic herbs. You can cook it for 15 minutes, put it in sterilized jars and roll it up. The preparation is served warm with crispy bread, and with fish or chicken.


  • Large bunch of fresh cilantro;
  • 350 gr. green tomatoes;
  • 5 stalks of celery;
  • A bunch of dill;
  • 500 gr. green sweet pepper;
  • head of garlic;
  • A spicy stalk of chili pepper;
  • 2 apples of the Antonovka variety;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of hops-suneli;
  • 50 ml. vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml. vinegar 9% apple;
  • A spoonful of coarse salt;
  • Two spoons of sugar.


  1. Peel the Bulgarian sweet pepper from the seeds and cut into very thin, medium-sized strips.
  2. Remove skin and seeds from Antonovka and cut into cubes. Peel and mince the garlic cloves and hot chilli.
  3. Remove the stalk from the tomatoes, after cutting them in half. Dry the washed greens well and chop very finely.
  4. Transfer all prepared vegetables and herbs except sweet pepper to the mixer bowl and chop.
  5. Transfer the mass to a bowl with chopped bell pepper, add salt and sugar, seasoning and pour in vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix the mass well, put it in clean sterile jars, and use a canning knife to seal them tightly.
  6. You can store the workpiece in the refrigerator or a fairly cool place. Use for cooking hot dishes, adding sauce as a dressing.

Spicy dishes are present in almost all national cuisines of the world. The only exception is the northern states. A special place among the traditional dishes of Latin and Asian countries is occupied by sauces, the main ingredient of which is hot capsicum. The burning taste is due to the alkaloid capsaicin, a specific substance that is part of peppers. A spicy vegetable is used dried or fresh, but it is not the only one that can spice up a dish. Other products can also create a burning effect, for example, horseradish, mustard, garlic, etc. Many will be interested to know which sauce is the hottest in the world. Let's try to understand this issue.

How is severity determined?

For the first time, Wilbur Scoville undertook to evaluate the criteria for the severity of pepper. In 1920, this American pharmacist studied the amount of capsaicin in various peppers. In the process of measurements, he assigned the degree of pungency. bell pepper occupies the lowest line in the table, since it does not contain capsaicin, which is responsible for the sharpness of the vegetable. The hottest on this scale was the Habanero chili Red Savina pepper.

In the manufacture of the hottest sauces in the world, all kinds of combinations are used: different varieties of peppers are mixed, spices are added, the consistency changes, etc. Therefore, their taste can differ significantly from each other.

This sauce is the creation of the hands of Mohammed Karim, the chef of the British restaurant Bindi. The institution is located in the county of Lincolnshire (eastern part of England), in the town of Grantham. Before tasting chicken legs drenched in the hottest sauce in the world, the visitor must sign a paper stating that the restaurant does not bear any responsibility for the health and life of the client.

In Russian, the name sounds like "atomic tin". The peculiarity of this sauce is that on the Scoville scale it scored 12 million units. It is many times the hotness of a police pepper spray, which is 4 million units.

This sauce can rightfully be called the spiciest in the world, because to prepare it, the chef will need special equipment: gloves made of thick, dense material and a gas mask. Such precautions are simply necessary, as there is a high risk of loss of consciousness.

Restaurant staff trained to provide first aid medical care in case the client becomes ill after drinking the sauce. side effects are paralysis of the facial muscles and the occurrence of convulsions. If a visitor wants to try fried chicken legs with the hottest sauce in the world, he must give a written statement that there are no claims against the restaurant in case of negative consequences.

Mohammed Karim keeps the recipe for the sauce a secret, but Atomic kick ass is known to be made with the most spicy peppers, such as Trinidad Scorpion and Carolina Reaper. Also, 5 ml of a special extract created from a mixture of these burning vegetables is added to the seasoning. On the Scoville scale, its sharpness is 13 million units. Before cooking, chicken meat is marinated in a mango-tamarind sauce.

Tabasco sauce

One of the most popular hot sauces is Tabasco. Its composition is quite simple. The main components of the seasoning are cayenne pepper, salt and white vinegar. In order for the sauce to acquire its unsurpassed taste, it must be prepared correctly. Mashed fruits are made from ripe red peppers and a special type of salt, then the resulting mixture is placed in white oak barrels, where the fermentation process takes place. Thus, the sauce is aged for 3 years. Then white vinegar is added to it and poured into glass containers. The finished product has a sweet and sour and at the same time spicy burning taste.

Tabasco owes its appearance to a resident of Louisiana - Edmund McAilenny. In 1868, this gourmet experiment created a unique sauce that has remained popular for 130 years.

Tabasco is used in the world famous Bloody Mary cocktail. Famous personalities such as Queen Elizabeth II, Madonna and former US President George W. Bush are very fond of this sauce.

Chili sauce

Chili is a type of pepper grown in Latin America. But hot sauces all over the world are prepared on its basis. Even the ancient tribes of the Indians attributed to the vegetable healing properties, they also brought it as a gift to their gods. Chili pepper really has many useful qualities, as it contains various vitamins, minerals, ascorbic and folic acid. Also in large quantities it contains zinc, iron, potassium.

Chili sauce can be consumed hot, cold or warm. You can buy it in the supermarket or cook it yourself. The seasoning recipe is quite simple. You will need the following products:

  • 300 g of hot chili peppers;
  • 2 medium sized heads of garlic;
  • 1.5 tsp fine salt;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 7 peas of allspice;
  • 3 art. l. apple cider vinegar.

Sauce Bhut Jolokia

The Bhut Jolokia pepper variety is one of the most pungent that can only be found in wildlife. The birthplace of the vegetable is India. Its name translates as "ghost pepper". The sauce prepared on its basis is very spicy and can reach 1 million units on the Scoville scale. Of course, such a seasoning cannot be called the most spicy, since there are specimens many times greater than its pungency. However, this sauce has its fans, and it is worthy of the attention of lovers of spicy food.

Sharper nowhere

Blair's brand sauces are among the most pungent in the world. The manufacturer has created a whole line of products whose sharpness on the Scoville scale ranges from 2 to 15 million units. Among this variety there is a purely collectible item. Its sharpness is 16 million Scoville units. Although Calling this product a dip is a little tricky, as it is pure capsaicin in crystallized form, with a total of 999 1 ml bottles of seasoning produced.

One man ventured to try this product by adding just 1 capsaicin crystal to a 3 liter pot with tomato soup. He took a sample, it seemed to him that the sharpness was not too great, and he decided to treat his wife to the dish. The woman ate only one spoonful of soup, after which she burst into tears and told her husband that she would file for divorce. Then the man tried the food again and realized that it was very hot, and poured the entire contents of the pan into the toilet.

Various traditional cuisines of the world have different types hot sauces. We have only listed the most burning of them.

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