What is dust made of? Composition of house and household dust, methods of dealing with it. Where does dust come from in an apartment and how to get rid of it? Where does the dust in the air come from?

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The main pollutant of the home is ordinary indoor dust flying from the streets, household items, human bodies and pets. Some people neglect to clean the room, leaving several layers of dust on cabinets, under the sofa, on bookshelves and in other hard-to-reach places. But you shouldn’t ignore it - it will cause a lot of problems, including with the respiratory system. Dust particles can also provoke allergies.

Many have noticed that dust particles appear within a few hours after cleaning. Dust comes from different sources: from the street, from furniture, from household items and parts decorating the interior. The more things there are in the room, the more dust accumulates, settling on their surface.

Figurines, carpets, curtains, paintings, vases - objects that collect dirt in the home. If the home owner wants to decorate his interior with these details, then it is important to clean it on a regular basis.

There are several sources from which dust particles are formed:

  • Human skin. The keratinized scales of the epithelium fall to the floor, remain on the bed linen, and settle on clothing.
  • Pet hair. Cats and dogs shed constantly, which also creates dust particles. Some of them bring grains of sand from the street.
  • Fibers from clothing, carpets, sofa covers, and bedspreads also form dirt in the house.
  • Dust accumulated on interior items, if they are not washed periodically, easily scatters throughout the apartment.
  • Concrete walls of the house and wallpaper can crumble from old age.

Dust from hallways and streets flies through cracks in windows, sockets, vents and air conditioners. If a residential building is built in an area where there is a lot of sand, then there will be a lot of dust in the rooms. Dirt can travel great distances. Even the dust that is formed from desert sands can fly thousands of kilometers.

Where is it most?

The largest amount of dust deposits accumulates on the following surfaces:

  • Household appliances: TVs, monitors, computer system units, kitchen electronics and washing machines.
  • Blinds, window sills, vents. Dust often settles on old double-glazed window frames.
  • Books and bookshelves. It is advisable to store them under glass.
  • Clothing, soft toys and household items, especially made from natural materials. Wool also leaves lint.

How to clean properly?

You need to clean your living space at least once a week. It all depends on the number of things, residents and the area in which the apartment is located.

It is impossible to completely get rid of dust, but you can minimize its sources. You must remember the following rules:

  • The room should be ventilated. However, to prevent dirt from flying inside, you need to use a special mesh.
  • Unnecessary items should be thrown away, sold, or removed from the home. They only collect dust and spoil the health of those living in the room.
  • Be sure to change bed linen at least once every 10-14 days. It is advisable to do this weekly.
  • You should clean carpets and rugs yourself or take them to a dry cleaner.
  • You need to sort out the contents of your cabinets and chests of drawers, as dust also collects inside the furniture.
  • It is important to wipe the leaves of plants and flowers with a damp cloth.
  • Walls should be washed or vacuumed. The method for cleaning the surface depends on the material.
  • Curtains need to be steamed: this will make them beautiful and destroy pathogenic bacteria with hot steam.
  • It is important to clean the ventilation grilles.

If there are animals living in the house, then it is necessary to carry out both wet cleaning and vacuuming.

Products that help fight dust

Few people know, but some products can help fight dust and prevent its occurrence:

  • Polishes with antistatic effect. The amount of dirt will not be reduced, but it will settle on the furniture in smaller volumes.
  • Chlorophytum - the plant is believed to prevent dust particles from settling in its surroundings.
  • Humidifier. With its help, dust will become more noticeable.
  • Membranes for windows. Prevents dust from settling from the streets.

Among other things, a regular vacuum cleaner can help fight dust. It is important to choose quality equipment. Do not neglect cleaning the house, because the health and well-being of the residents depends on it.

Damage to Health

An allergic reaction that develops due to dirt in the house can provoke asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

It would seem that a thorough cleaning has recently been carried out, everything has been wiped down and washed, but after 2-3 days accumulated dust is again noticeable on the surfaces of the furniture. Where does it come from and how to deal with it?

Where does dust come from and what is it?

Dust grains are tiny particles of various substances. They are so small and weightless that they can remain in the air for a long time almost unnoticed. With each breath, a large number of such microparticles enter a person’s lungs, which the body is forced to get rid of using the mechanisms built into it by nature. It filters out some of the largest ones at the entrance using hairs located inside the nose, the rest are excreted by the mucous membrane of the lungs. The components of dust are:

Dead cells of the skin epithelium (the upper layer of the epidermis), particles of human hair;
- particles of lint, pet fluff;
- pollutants from the street (earth microparticles) carried both on shoes and on animal fur; also dirt, which is an invisible dry suspension, can enter the home through drafts or when entering or leaving the house;
- microscopic particles of decay of objects, things.

How dust accumulates

A kind of “boomerang” rule works here. The more dust accumulates on furniture surfaces, carpets, walls, the more dust is present in the air. And vice versa. It's a paradox, but that's how it is.

Dust particles that accumulate on pieces of furniture and things easily rise again, mixing with the air. By moving around the apartment, a person unknowingly contributes to this. When moving, air currents are created, which, rising, carry dust particles with them. One such speck of dust can hang in the middle of the room for hours until it settles on the floor. But with the help of a draft or air flow from an open door, it can easily rise up again.

How does it accumulate in the corners if it is so weightless? It's simple. Dust particles, colliding with each other, or settling on each other, adhere. As a result, a heavier suspension is formed, which is no longer so easy to rise. Then they are joined by other particles, which create a layer of dust already visible to the naked eye. Behind furniture and in other hard-to-reach places they can form whole light clouds, akin to dirty poplar fluff.

Dust is a dangerous pollutant

Some people think that such clots are harmless. Wrong judgment. It is in such formations that all kinds of pathogenic bacteria and fungi find refuge. In addition, in a home cluttered with dust clots, dust mites may appear, and if pets live in the apartment, they (in the clots) probably contain worm eggs.

For all kinds of pathogenic microbes, dust particles are a favorite means of transportation. Any speck of dust that breaks away from such a clot carries some dangerous infection, and if you inhale it, a person runs the risk of getting sick. In addition, dust itself is a dangerous allergen. That is why dust must be dealt with.

How to get rid of dust?

Dust formation is an endless process. There's no stopping him. But it can be slowed down and, thereby, minimizing dangerous consequences. Wet cleaning, beating out carpets and rugs, their timely cleaning, careful care of pets and following the rules of personal hygiene will help get rid of dust. Here's what the instructions for getting rid of dust look like:

1. Cleaning should start from the ceiling. It must be thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth. Then wipe the fillets. It is also best to go over the walls with a damp cloth. If their coating is incompatible with wet cleaning, you should resort to using a vacuum cleaner.

2. The vacuum cleaner must have a water filter, since a regular one will return a third of the collected dust, spreading it throughout the premises and making the air in them heavy and harmful to breathe.

3. Wet cleaning of carpets and carpets should be done only after treating them with a vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, the wet dust will remain at their base, and after drying it will again turn into a host of dust particles, which, having come off the material, will continue to loiter around the apartment.

4. Pillows and blankets should be shaken out and aired outside at least a couple of times a month. Considering that most of the dust accumulates in the down of pillows, it is worth working on them more often. In the absence of the opportunity to knock them out and air them outside, you can cover them with a damp cloth and tap them on top. The dust will stick to the moisture of the tissue material and the pillows will become fresher.

5. When cleaning, it is advisable to move the furniture away and thoroughly wipe its back parts and walls in the places to which it is moved.

6. Cleaning should be completed by washing the floors.

7. If residents have pets, they must be carefully looked after, combed, and washed in a timely manner.


An important nuance. If your home has old televisions, computer system units and other equipment that serve their owners for a long time and reliably, it is worth cleaning them. Televisions and monitors (especially those with glass screens) are real breeding grounds for dust. In addition, any equipment generates heat during operation, and this has a beneficial effect on the development of pathogenic bacteria. You should take the equipment to a service center, where specialists, using compressors, will rid it of dust accumulations. This will not only help purify the air, but will also prevent equipment from breakdowns in the future.

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Where does dust in the apartment come from and what does it consist of? Why is it a constant companion in our lives, because even after thorough cleaning you can find dust on pieces of furniture or on the floor. Is it really impossible to get rid of it completely? Many scientists have studied this issue, so it has been thoroughly studied.

Main sources of dust

Approximately 70% of the dust that settles on the Earth is of natural origin, the remaining 30% is human waste.

The soil

The most significant source of dust is soil. Under the influence of the wind, it rises to a height and spreads over long distances. Deserts are a particular contributor to the creation of terrestrial dust.

Important! The wind raises approximately 200 million tons of dust from the Sahara Desert every year. Pinkish dust colors the snowy mountains of Central America, and the same shade of rain falls in England and Florida.


When the sea is rough, tiny droplets appear, which are destroyed by air bubbles rising to the surface of the water. The droplets dry out, saturating the air with salts. Most of these crystals rise high into the air and serve as the basis for the condensation of water vapor.

Important! The total mass of dust grains of oceanic origin ranges from 300 million to 10 billion tons per year.


The third source of dust in terms of quantity is volcanoes.

Interesting fact! On August 26-28, 1883, the Krakatoa volcano, located in Indonesia, released more than 18 cubic kilometers of small rock particles into the atmosphere during its eruption. Some of them rose to a height of more than 40 kilometers, and three months later they were already in Europe.

The largest dust particles come from these natural sources. Even if the volcano is not active, it is capable of producing smoke.

Interesting fact! The Japanese volcano Sakurajima releases up to 14 million tons of volcanic ash into the earth's atmosphere every year. Sand grains are transported over very long distances and end up in our homes. This is just one of the substances that is part of the dust in the apartment..

Combustion products

Forest fires and the burning of coal, oil, wood and other fuels are a significant source of dust that settles on the ground. Dust particles from fires produce a bluish haze. It makes the sun appear yellow and the moon blue.

Interesting fact! After a major forest fire occurred near New York in 1780, the smoke that reached New England caused the sun to dim and the moon to turn a specific color. People considered these signs to be a sign of the approaching end of the world.


Cosmic dust appears on the surface of the Earth from flying meteorites, comets and other celestial bodies.

Important! Our planet receives approximately 10-12 tons of such dust per year.

If you are puzzled by the question of what the dust in your apartment consists of, rest assured that samples of all these dust particles will no doubt be found in your home.

Composition of dust in the apartment

Dust settles on bedside tables, tables, cabinets, beds and on the floor. In addition to the elements already listed, the composition of dust in an apartment may also include many other particles. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely determine the set of substances and clearly answer the question of what the dust in the apartment consists of. Of its total mass, approximately 20-25% are components of unknown origin, possibly cosmic dust. 99.9% of particles are less than 1 micron in size.

Important! In a tightly closed apartment with sealed windows, about 12 thousand dust particles settle on 1 square centimeter of floor in two weeks.

The dust in the apartment has approximately the following composition:

  • Mineral particles – 35%.
  • Human skin scales – 19%.
  • Particles of textile and paper fibers – 12%.
  • Flower pollen – 7%.
  • Smoke and soot particles – 3%.

Important! Each person passes about 50 milliliters of house dust through their lungs every day.

The main sources of dust in the apartment are:

  • People.
  • Pets.
  • Dirt brought into the house on shoes and clothes.
  • Destroyed materials of the house and its furniture.

Important! After 10 years of use, foam furniture begins to deteriorate rapidly. As a result of this process, a large amount of substances is released into the air, which settle on pieces of furniture and pose a serious threat to the health of all residents of the apartment.

Home dust collectors

Dust tends to accumulate on some materials and objects in greater quantities than on others. Such objects especially attract her to themselves, and if you do not care for them more carefully, they can pose a significant threat to health.

Among these interior elements are:

  • Carpet is the largest magnet for dust particles and is the most difficult to remove dirt from.
  • Floor and wall carpets.
  • Old books and newspapers.
  • Stuffed Toys.
  • Curtains, tulle and other textile elements of room decor.

Interesting fact! In a three-room apartment, about 40 kg of dust accumulates in one year. 1 liter of air contains approximately 500,000 dust particles.

Dust mite

In addition to all kinds of inorganic substances, the composition of dust in an apartment also includes microorganisms, although they are not visible to the naked eye. They can only be seen under a microscope. It was thanks to laboratory research that dust mites were discovered and studied.

Interesting fact! About three dust mites can fit on the point above the “i”.

These microorganisms live inside upholstered furniture, mattresses, bedding, blankets, slippers and other similar places. They feed exclusively on dead human skin cells.

Important! According to studies, about 2 million dust mites can live on one double bed.

But the waste products that each of them releases during its relatively short life can cause significant health problems. Each individual lives for about 4 months. During this time, she manages to lay up to 300 eggs and leave excrement 200 times her own weight.

Important! Half a teaspoon of dust can contain up to 1,000 saprophytic mites and 250,000 of their excrement.

These particles are especially dangerous for the human body, since they do not settle on objects for a long time due to their very small weight, and are in the air that we breathe. This is especially dangerous for people prone to allergies and asthmatics.

Important! Waste products of saprophytes cause 25% of all known types of allergies and 50% of asthmatic diseases.

Dust mites cannot move from house to house on their own. Only with the help of wind or shoes do they find themselves in another abode.

Harm from house dust

The composition of dust in the apartment includes particles of different sizes:

  1. Most measure around 10 microns. Such particles quickly settle on pieces of furniture and can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  2. But there are smaller particles—less than 5 microns in size—that pose a greater danger to human health. Due to their small weight and size, they settle very slowly on objects and very easily enter the body through the respiratory tract.
  3. Mineral dust particles pose a particular health hazard. Their most common source is the materials with which the house is insulated. Such elements can significantly worsen human immunity and lead to the formation of malignant cancer tumors.

Important! Scientists have conducted a thorough study of dust in smoking areas. The results were amazing, because the chemical element cadmium was found in the dust particles, which is very toxic and dangerous to humans. Therefore, even people who do not have bad habits should avoid long stays inside such premises.

As dust settles, it can get into drinking water and food, which can trigger the development of infectious diseases and pulmonary diseases.

Beneficial effects of dust

Despite all the negative qualities and dangerous consequences of human interaction with dust, it also has a huge positive effect on the life of our planet:

  • Dust particles, being condensation nuclei, take an active part in the formation of clouds. Thus, precipitation falls on the ground. It is safe to say that without dust, the land would turn into a desert, and life on it would cease to exist.
  • The amount of dust in the atmosphere has a significant impact on the climate.
  • Dust grains mitigate the effects of global warming by absorbing some of the solar radiation.

It is impossible to completely get rid of dust, so we advise you to get used to this idea. Each cleaning can remove some of it and lighten the air in the room - that’s all. But it’s also worth knowing that even a little relief has a beneficial effect on the health of residents, so dust should be dealt with carefully and regularly.

You can also take preventive measures to reduce dust in your apartment:

  • To insulate your apartment or house, use only safe, modern environmentally friendly materials.
  • If possible, remove all carpets in the house. Wall hangings are not considered a fashion trend these days, so you can easily get rid of this dustbin without any regrets.
  • Stop buying carpet. If you already have one, then clean it more thoroughly.
  • Try not to buy a large number of soft toys. If you already have them, wash them regularly.
  • Replace heavy fabric curtains with blinds or lighter material. It will be easier to clean them from excess dust.
  • Try to choose furniture with upholstery made of leather or a high-quality substitute. Such a surface will be easier to clean than a fabric surface.
  • Humidifiers will go a long way in removing dust particles.
  • Change or clean the filter in your vacuum cleaner regularly. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the release of dust sucked into the unit back into the air of the room.
  • Get some house plants. They bind dust particles, causing them to settle on objects faster. The more potted flowers you have in your apartment, the cleaner the air you breathe.
  • The optimal place to store small figurines and books is on shelves behind glass.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of foam furniture. As soon as you notice defects, you must replace it immediately.
  • It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning daily - this will help avoid excessive accumulation of dust.

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Even such small objects as specks of dust can cause a great resonance in the scientific world, and invisible microelements can cause great harm to our health. But we need these particles on the planet for natural balance and the preservation of life. Everything is needed in moderation. If this measure regarding dust is observed, then people's health will be strong and the condition of the Earth in an ecological sense will be better.

In the home of even the cleanest housewife, dust forms from time to time. It is impossible to get rid of it completely. After all, even in a house where no one lives, after a while a large gray layer appears. To find out why and where dust comes from in an apartment, you first need to understand what its composition is.

Dust is small particulate matter ranging in size from 0.01 to 10 microns. It is divided into small and large. The big one is the one that annoys us. It accumulates in corners and under the sofa, and lies in a layer on shelves and furniture. However, the greatest danger comes from fine dust, which we, in principle, do not see. A large amount of it is found in polluted air. Penetrating into our body, it damages the walls of blood vessels and is harmful to health.

Where does dust come from?

It is wrong to think that dust particles are the result of human activity and interference with nature. The main part of it is formed in nature and continuously circling in the air. So where does it come from? Most of it is ejected from volcanoes and carried by the wind over many thousands of kilometers. Another source is the surface of the Earth itself, because even grains of sand from the deserts of Africa can end up in another part of the world. “Produces” dust particles and the World Ocean. When the foam dries, it turns into small mineral residues, and coastal winds move them through the air. Atmospheric layers are also its sources.

The composition of dust in a person’s home is as follows:

  • 30−35% are mineral particles;
  • 20−25% components of unknown origin;
  • 18−20% skin particles;
  • 10−15% textile and paper fibers;
  • 5−10% pollen;
  • 3−5% soot and smoke.

Where does dust come from in the house? Since dust constantly swirls in the air, a gray coating appears in those rooms where no one lives and the windows and doors are tightly closed. Even if the room is unfurnished, dust particles still settle on the ceiling, radiators, and window glass.

M Many people notice that one room can be cleaned 1-2 times a week, while the other requires daily cleaning, since dust accumulates in it every day. This is explained by a number of factors that affect the amount of settled dust particles.

Why is there a lot of dust in apartments in big cities? This is explained by the fact that in megacities there are a large number of people, cars, manufacturing enterprises and construction sites.

Residents whose apartments are on the lower floors clean much more often than those who live on the last floors. Roads also influence the amount of deposits: the closer the house is to the highway and the more active vehicle traffic is, the more dust will settle on the surfaces of the apartment. White dusty deposits, which are formed due to nearby production facilities and construction sites, will also add to the troubles of the housewife when cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in her home. It consists of tiny particles of sand, cement and other “loose” substances that constantly penetrate into the apartment and force you to use a rag and a vacuum cleaner more often.

In order to know how to deal with dust, it is important to understand where it comes from in our homes. Its quantity in the apartment depends on from the interior. There are certain things that literally attract little gray particles that are hard to remove.

By examining the project, where the dust comes from and what danger it poses, we can state that its main sources are:

  1. Carpets. The fibers on your carpet attract a large amount of dust every day. Thus, in order to maintain relative cleanliness in the apartment, you will have to vacuum the surfaces daily and frequently wet-clean the carpet.
  2. Accumulation of rubbish. How much dust is collected by all kinds of boxes and suitcases that lie in closets and on mezzanines for many years! And also things that are not often used by the owners, but are in the most visible place. The fight against dust deposits must begin with just such “burials”, throwing out everything superfluous and unnecessary, and what you use occasionally must be put into boxes and taken out from there as needed.
  3. Collectibles are an ideal “dust collector”. These include items standing on the shelf: figurines, models of cars or sailboats, plush toys. To protect yourself from the need to constantly clean your collection, the best option is to store it behind glass.
  4. Curtains made of thick fabrics and canopies. These are interior items that, like a magnet, attract dust particles and small debris. It is best to change them to light tulle or blinds.
  5. Radiators. A large number of particles enter the home through windows and settle on the batteries.

All of the listed interior elements contribute to the accumulation of a lot of dust in the home, which is not so easy to get rid of.

The resulting dusty deposit on the walls, furniture and floor of the apartment not only looks untidy, but can also harm the health of the people living in it. Microparticles, penetrating the respiratory tract, can lead to allergies and various diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

Certain types of particles, when decomposed, release toxic elements that lead to various complications and worsen health. Moreover, dust mites love to live in dusty environments. They get into the house from the street, we can “bring” them on clothes and shoes. The waste products of these organisms lead to a deterioration of the atmosphere in the home, which provokes the development of bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia in people living there.

In this case, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the home, following the rules for dealing with dust in the apartment.

Once it is determined where the dust comes from, it becomes much easier to deal with it. In the fight for cleanliness, a systematic approach is important, so if you are going clean the house, take note of the following tips to reduce the amount of dust deposits in your habitat:

  1. Try to leave very few things “in sight”; it is better to put them in a closet with tightly closing doors or behind a glass display case, and get rid of the unnecessary ones.
  2. Clean upholstered furniture regularly with a vacuum cleaner. And to remove dust from furniture covers, knock them out through a damp cloth.
  3. Treat the curtains using a steam generator. Thick curtains can be ironed.
  4. Clean pillows, rugs and soft toys regularly.
  5. Screens on windows will significantly help reduce the passage of particles into the apartment.
  6. Be sure to ventilate all rooms.
  7. Clean windows at least once a month.
  8. Do wet cleaning at least 2 times a week.
  9. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean radiators and wash them. After all, dirt collects quickly in these places.
  10. Buy indoor plants; they will add additional freshness to the air in your home.

It’s not possible to get rid of dust completely, but it’s very possible to make it appear less often.

During the presentation of the vacuum cleaner by the seller recommended ask him about the possibility of wet cleaning.

The best equipment for removing plaque is a vacuum cleaner with a water filter installed. The most ineffective are vacuum cleaners whose garbage bags are made of fabric. The problem with such models is that 1/3 of the dust that they previously collected flies back into the air. Vacuum cleaners with water filtration are more effective, but they have a significant drawback - they significantly increase the level of humidity in the room, which can lead to mold. Therefore, this type of model is best used for cleaning tile or linoleum floors.

A great way to clean your home is with a robot vacuum cleaner. True, if there are animals living in the apartment, it will not work for long, but if there are no shaggy pets, this is an excellent option for maintaining cleanliness. It is enough to turn on such a vacuum cleaner, and it will move across the floor and collect all the dust generated during the day.

Using an air purifier is also a good option. It removes dust perfectly, but has a serious drawback: its operating radius is approximately one meter. Nevertheless, it copes well with microparticles flying in the air. Although the air purifier is an expensive thing, it does its job very well.

A humidifier is also often used. Principle his work is based on cold steam. Unfortunately, it also has a short range, which means that it will need to be rearranged. The main advantages of this device are that it completely cleans the air of microparticles, aromatizes it and normalizes the level of humidity in the apartment.

The ionizer reduces the amount of dust in the air. Under its influence, the particles become heavy and settle on the floor, so that they will be much easier to remove.

Household chemicals will also help to clean up your apartment. It will reduce the ability of interior items in the apartment to accumulate static electricity. To prevent this from happening, antistatic agents are used, which reduce the ability of objects to accumulate static electricity, and dust particles simply do not settle on furniture and household appliances.

The modern market is overflowing with cleaning products with varying degrees of effectiveness. To choose the right product, you need to know the purpose of its use. Necessarily Read the instructions for use, otherwise, instead of clean horizontal surfaces, you will get a dense, unsightly coating on them.

If you want to prevent dust from settling on the furniture, use polish. It contains an antistatic agent, so dust will not linger on the furniture elements, but will simply “slide off” them. We must not forget that polish is not a “cure” for dust, but it will allow you to do wet cleaning much less often.

Some chemical sprays remove static electricity and get rid of dust mites. These types of chemicals can be used no more than once every six months. The main treatment areas are carpets, walls and textiles.

For upholstered furniture, there are special impregnations that are distributed over the entire surface of the furniture and form a protective film. It, in turn, prevents dust from penetrating inside. But to prevent the impregnation from becoming a thick coating, the furniture will need to be cleaned.

You can also use any glass cleaner (without alcohol). It works great on all types of surfaces, be it plastic, wood or tile.

A good option is to use disposable wipes. There are both universal and special ones: for monitors, glass, plastic, wood, etc. Wipes sold in auto stores are quite effective. They perfectly remove dirt and dust not only from cars, but also from any surfaces in the apartment.

How to wipe dust correctly

Various interior details require special cleaning. For example, cabinets and shelves can be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. In order to wipe dust deposits from a TV screen or computer monitor, it is best to use special napkins or a dry cloth. Glass and mirror surfaces are cleaned from dust and dirt with a dry cloth or wiped using window cleaner.

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What is dust?

Dust is microscopic particles of various substances; their size is so small that it is almost impossible to notice them with the naked eye.

In most cases, the components of dust are the following components: exfoliated cells of the epidermis, human hair or animal fur, various contaminants that fall from the street into open windows and doors, carried on people’s shoes or clothes, etc.

Dust particles that accumulate on the surface of furniture, on various upholstered furniture, carpets and rugs can easily mix with the air. People and animals, moving around the apartment, create air movement and, without realizing it, contribute to dust in the room.

Why does the dust lie in a layer in some places or form whole lumps? The answer to this question is quite simple: despite the fact that the dust particles are quite small, over time they collide with each other, settle in the same place and seem to stick together. Over time, a rather heavy suspension is formed, which is no longer easy to float through the air, and it settles in some inaccessible place; over time, other particles are added to this dust lump, forming entire dust deposits.

Many people consider dust as an integral attribute of a living space. In fact, dust is very insidious, it contains various fungi, bacteria, pathogenic microbes, and in especially severe cases, dust mites can appear, and in the presence of pets, also worm eggs.

During breathing, these microparticles are drawn along with the air into the nasal cavity, some of the largest dust particles are retained by the mucous membrane, while the rest enter the lungs and can cause various diseases.

How to get rid of dust?

Of course, it is impossible to stop the process of dust formation, but you need to try to slow it down slightly, thereby minimizing the negative consequences. Daily wet cleaning, cleaning and beating of carpets, proper and timely care of pets, etc. will help get rid of dust.

Regular general cleaning is a guarantee that there will be a minimum of dust in the living space, but let’s try to figure out how to do the cleaning correctly.

It is best to start cleaning from the ceiling; you need to remove all cobwebs and accumulated dust particles; this is best done with a damp cloth. Don't ignore walls and moldings. If wall coverings are not intended for wet cleaning, then it is most convenient to use a small vacuum cleaner. By the way, don’t forget to shake the bag out of the vacuum cleaner in time, otherwise it will spit out some of the dust back into the air. Carpets and rugs must also be vacuumed before wet cleaning.

Bedding should be shaken out from time to time and dried in the fresh air to prevent dust and dust mites from accumulating in the fluff of pillows and blankets.

When cleaning an apartment, it is advisable to move away all moving furniture and wipe the backs, as well as the walls to which this furniture is moved. You need to finish cleaning the room by washing the floors.

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