Pickled cauliflower in tomato sauce. Cauliflower for the winter in tomato sauce

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Preserving cauliflower in tomatoes for the winter preserves a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary in cold weather. Moreover, the content useful substances significantly exceeds their composition in ordinary white cabbage. The fresh flavor of cauliflower allows it to be used with a variety of foods for a variety of dishes. And the combination with tomatoes will give the preparation rich flavor characteristics.

The most important advantage of canning cauliflower in tomato is the simplicity and ease of the process. Before starting the harvesting process, cabbage should be divided into small inflorescences and blanched. To do this, you will need to lower the inflorescences into boiling water, cover the container with a lid and boil for 5-6 minutes, after which the vegetable is transferred to a sieve to cool completely. This procedure will make the cabbage crispy, and the brine will not become cloudy.

Selection and preparation of main ingredients

Cabbage for preservation should be selected without mechanical damage, uniform color structure, and without spots. If there are yellowed areas on the product, then this fact indicates that it is overripe. It is suitable for preservation, but you will need to disassemble it into inflorescences.

Due to the fact that tomatoes are used to prepare the sauce, there are no special requirements for the vegetable. You just need to select them without signs of rotting. Vegetables should have their stems and skins removed (if desired). To do this, the tomatoes are placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then they are doused with tap water. The peel can then be easily removed. Next, the vegetables are cut into pieces and sent to a blender for grinding.

Containers and lids will need to be sterilized. The lids should be boiled for about 5 minutes, and the jars should be cooked in the oven, microwave or over steam.

How to cook cauliflower in tomato

There are many recipes for preparing cauliflower in tomatoes for the winter. The most popular of them are listed below.

With regular tomatoes

For canning you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of main ingredients;
  • 200 grams of bell pepper;
  • 50 grams of garlic;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 glass of refined oil;
  • 150 milliliters of vinegar 9%.

You need to wash the bell pepper, remove the stem and seeds, cut it in half first, then each half into another 3-4 pieces. Place the pre-prepared tomato sauce, pepper, bulk ingredients and oil. The mass is thoroughly kneaded and sent to the stove for cooking.

The preparation should be brought to a boil on medium mode, after which cabbage inflorescences are added to the salad.

Next, you need to boil the vegetables for a third of an hour after boiling, add vinegar and garlic and cook for another 5 minutes. Now the salad can be placed in glass containers and sealed. This set of products should yield about 5 liters of salad.

With cherry

Cabbage marinated according to this recipe will delight the whole family during the cold season with its incredible aroma thanks to bell pepper and crispy, juicy vegetables. For 1 kilogram of the main product you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill inflorescences;
  • essence.

For 1 liter of water:

  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon seed mustard.

Place chopped garlic, dill, and bay leaves into prepared glass containers. Next, add peppers cut into strips, washed tomatoes and cabbage inflorescences to the mixture. Now you need to pour boiling water into the salad and cover it with a lid for a third of an hour.

Then the water is poured into the pan, bulk ingredients and mustard are added to it. The solution should be thoroughly boiled and poured into containers with salad. Pour the essence under the lid at a ratio of 0.5 teaspoon per 1.5 liter jar, seal and put in a warm place.

With mustard

This recipe will be an excellent solution for those who dared to prepare cauliflower for the winter for the first time. It is better to select tomatoes that are oblong in shape, with a dense shell. For a jar with a capacity of 700 milliliters you will need to prepare:

  • 100 grams of main vegetable;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 teaspoon seed mustard;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • 45 grams of salt;
  • 20 milliliters of vinegar 9%.

To prepare the salad, the tomatoes should be cut lengthwise into 2 parts, the pepper should be chopped into strips, the carrots into slices - up to 1.5 centimeters, the cabbage should be cut into small inflorescences. After heat treatment, place spices (garlic, mustard, bay leaves, pepper) and vegetable mixture in a container. The composition is filled with bubbling water, covered with a lid and removed for 15 minutes.

Next, you need to put the filling into a saucepan, pour the bulk ingredients into it, boil the solution for 10 minutes after boiling, pour in vinegar. The container with vegetables is filled with the prepared preservation composition, after which it should be quickly sealed.

In tomato juice

For 1 kilogram of the main vegetable you will need:

  • 700 grams of tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of salt;
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 50 milliliters of vinegar 9%.

The tomatoes crushed in a blender are moved into a thick-walled pan, crushed garlic, butter and salt with sugar are added to it. The composition must be boiled after boiling for 5 minutes on medium heat with constant stirring. After that, all the cabbage inflorescences are transferred to the pan, and the cooking mode is reduced to minimum. The salad should be boiled for 10 minutes after the start of boiling with constant stirring.

After the specified time, vinegar is poured into the workpiece, cooking continues for another 3 minutes, after which the fire should be turned off. The cabbage in the preparation will be a little undercooked, but you should not be alarmed, as it will reach the required condition in the future.

Now you should take a sample from the salad for the presence of salt and sugar, since tomatoes can produce excess acid. After bringing the workpiece to the desired taste parameters, you can begin packaging the salad in containers that have undergone heat treatment. It is better to place vegetables up to the shoulders of the jar, and fill it with juice to the very top.

A rather interesting solution for homemade preparations is cabbage cooked in tomato juice. This is how white cabbage is also prepared, and this dish is ideal, with greater preservation of vitamins and a crisp, juicy taste.

Surely you have heard about a method that returns elasticity and crispy taste to pickled or pickled cucumbers: they are filled with tomato. And cabbage preserved in tomatoes for the whole winter will have an amazing piquant taste. In addition, in this way you can make preparations for borscht, which is very convenient, and.

Cooking cabbage in tomato juice for the winter

This is the simplest recipe, the most traditional, it can even be called classic, because it is the basis for such winter preparation of cabbage.

For this recipe we will need the following products:

  • Small per kilogram of cabbage forks
  • A glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice
  • One level tablespoon of regular salt, no additives
  • Laurel leaf
  • A few peppercorns, if desired

How to make, step by step preparation:

  1. We select a tight, strong head of cabbage, remove the top leaves from it and rinse it under the tap, shaking off the water a little.
  2. First, cut the fork into quarters, this will make it easier to chop, cut into thin strips, and add salt immediately.
  3. Pour the tomato juice into a stainless or enamel bowl and let it boil.
  4. Immediately after boiling, add bay leaf, pepper and cabbage to the tomato.
  5. We wait for the moment when it boils and time it for five minutes.
  6. We pack the cabbage into pre-prepared small jars. Pour the juice evenly.
  7. We roll it up and let it cool in the room, then hide it in the cold.

Recipe for cabbage in tomato juice in jars without sterilization

What you and I will need:

  • Two kilos of cabbage
  • Five kilos of tomatoes
  • One and a half cups of vegetable oil
  • Three chili pods
  • Two heads of garlic
  • Three tablespoons of table salt
  • A tablespoon of vinegar essence

How we will cook:

Wash the tomatoes, let dry, cut into pieces and grind in a blender. Then rub through a sieve so that the skins and seeds remain.

Bring the finished juice to a boil, pour in vegetable oil, add salt and let it simmer slowly for half an hour, at the end squeeze out the garlic and add chopped pepper. let it simmer for another five minutes.

Let the tomato juice simmer, and in the meantime, brew the cabbage. To do this, peel the head of cabbage from the top leaves, cut it into cubes and put it in a suitable container, pour boiling water over it and let it simmer gently for five minutes. Afterwards, drain the cabbage in a colander to drain and distribute into sterile jars.

When the boiling time of the tomato juice comes to an end, add vinegar and pour the hot cut into the cabbage, close it under iron lids and insulate it for a day. We will store the workpiece in a cool place.

How to cook winter cabbage in tomato juice for borscht

We will need the following ingredients:

  • Medium cabbage fork
  • Fresh tomato juice

How to prepare the dressing:

Don’t be surprised, there are only two ingredients, it’s very convenient to open the jar in winter and immediately pour it into the borscht, we won’t add salt to anything, because this is a dressing, spices will also be superfluous here, each housewife adds her favorite ones to her borscht.

Extract the juice from the tomatoes using a juicer or through a sieve. Shred the cabbage like for sourdough. We put it in a bowl, fill it with juice so that it just covers it. Let's cook. We boil for exactly fifteen minutes, immediately distribute into jars, they must be sterilized in advance. We roll them under tin covers and wrap them for a day.

How to make cauliflower in tomato for the winter

What ingredients will you need:

  • A kilo of cauliflower
  • A kilo of tomatoes
  • A tablespoon of regular salt and granulated sugar
  • Five peas each of black and allspice
  • Dill and coriander seeds optional
  • Two tablespoons of 9% vinegar

How we will cook:

The first step is to prepare the jars, sterilize and dry them, preferably small ones, half-liter, seven hundred, liter.

While the cabbage dries, let's deal with the tomatoes; you need to squeeze the juice out of them. Do it in any convenient way, by simmering and rubbing through a sieve or passing through a juicer.

Place the cabbage inflorescences in a colander and place them together in boiling water for a couple of minutes so that the cabbage is completely submerged. then take the colander out of the boiling water and immediately place it under the stream cold water. let the cabbage drain and put it in jars.

Add all the spices along with sugar and salt to the resulting juice, boil for two minutes, add vinegar and pour into the cabbage. We immediately roll the jars under metal lids and insulate them with a terry towel.

Recipe for delicious cauliflower in tomato juice, prepared for the winter

We will need to take for the recipe:

  • Kilo of cauliflower
  • A kilo of red tomatoes
  • A tablespoon of sugar and salt

How to close:

Squeeze the juice out of the tomatoes. We wash the cabbage, divide it into inflorescences and place it in liter jars, sterilized in advance.

Salt the juice and add sugar, boil it and fill our jars. Cover them with lids and let them pasteurize for forty minutes, then immediately roll them up.

Do you know why cauliflower is called that? Not at all because it comes in different colors. The thing is that a head of cauliflower is a lot of inflorescences, and we are preparing nothing more than flowers, and not leaves, as is the case with white cabbage. Interesting, isn't it? By the way, about cooking.

Few people know that cauliflower can be closed for the winter - it makes excellent preservation. These preparations (salads and appetizers) made from cauliflower are very beautiful and tasty. Want an example? Please! I am happy to share with you a recipe for cauliflower in tomato - a bright, appetizing appetizer that will become a real decoration for your table during the cold season.


  • 2 kg cauliflower;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 200 g bell pepper;
  • 50 g garlic;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml 9% vinegar.

*The weight of prepared vegetables is indicated. This amount of ingredients makes about 5 liters of salad.


Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them and let sit for 1-2 minutes. Then remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces (so that they fit into the hole in the meat grinder). Grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

Wash the bell peppers, cut out the stem and seeds, and rinse. Cut the peppers into large slices - each half into 3-4 parts. We separate the cabbage into inflorescences.

In a wide, thick-bottomed saucepan in which we will cook the salad, put tomatoes and peppers, salt and sugar, and pour in vegetable oil. Mix everything and put on fire. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil, add the cauliflower.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil again. Then, covering with a lid, cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Add garlic and vinegar. mix. Cook for another 5 minutes.

We immediately place the finished snack in sterilized jars and seal it tightly.

Turn the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket. Let it sit until it cools completely (about a day). We store this preservation in a cool, dark place.

Cauliflower in tomato sauce, prepared according to our recipes for the winter, will be dense and crispy. You can serve it as a snack on its own or as a side dish for stewed meat, fish, potatoes or pasta. Either way, it is very tasty.

1.Ts Vegetable cabbage with bell pepper


  • cauliflower - 1.5 kg
  • bell pepper - 500 g
  • tomatoes - 500 g
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • water - 700 ml
  • vegetable oil 100 ml
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 70 g
  • vinegar 9% - 70 ml


First of all, we disassemble the head of cauliflower into inflorescences; there is no need to disassemble it into very small inflorescences, otherwise during the cooking process they will turn into porridge. Place the cauliflower in a saucepan, add the bell pepper cut into rings.

It is better to take ripe, juicy tomatoes, cut the tomatoes into small cubes and put them in a saucepan along with the juice. Add salt and sugar. Pour in vegetable oil.

Now pour in boiling water and put the pan on the fire. Let the contents of the pan boil, reduce the heat to low, mix all the ingredients, and cover the pan with a lid. Cook the salad for 25 minutes. Then add finely chopped garlic to the salad. Cook the salad for another 5 minutes.

At the very end of cooking, add vinegar. Simmer the salad for another 5 minutes and remove from the heat. Distribute the “Delicious” cauliflower salad prepared for the winter into sterilized jars and screw the lids on the jars. Let the jars with the salad cool completely under a blanket and transfer them to the storage room. Delicious cauliflower salad - a great side dish for the main dish!

2.Cauliflower with zucchini in sauce without sterilization

You can change the amount of vegetables to your taste, and spices too. Depends on whether you like it spicy or spicy.


  • 850 ml - sunflower oil
  • 2.4 kg - carrots
  • 600 ml. - Krasnodar sauce
  • 1 l - Chili sauce
  • 180 - garlic
  • 2.6 kg - zucchini
  • 450 g - sugar
  • 4.8 kg - cauliflower
  • 60 ml - table vinegar
  • 1.2 kg - bell pepper
  • 20 g - salt


Wash all vegetables thoroughly.
Cut the peppers, zucchini and carrots into thin slices or pieces.
Break the cabbage into tiny florets and place all the vegetables in a large container.
Add two types of sauces, salt. Place over low heat, bring to a boil, then add butter and sugar.
Cook for 50 minutes, do not forget to stir. Then add vinegar, garlic to the vegetable mixture and boil for 3 minutes. Place in jars and immediately roll up their lids (no need to sterilize).

Blanch cauliflower for salads in boiling water for 3 minutes, adding citric acid. Then the inflorescences are placed in a bowl of cold water. Blanching ensures that the crispy qualities of the cauliflower are not lost. After contrasting heat treatment, cabbage inflorescences can easily withstand prolonged boiling in a marinade without losing their visual appeal and density.

3.Cauliflower salad with tomatoes

Ingredients :

  • cauliflower - 2 kg
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • hot pepper - 1 pod
  • garlic - 1 head
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml
  • sugar - 90 g
  • salt - 55 g
  • vinegar 9% - 60 ml
  • bay leaves - 6 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 1 tsp.
  • allspice peas - 1 tsp.
  • citric acid - 1/3 tsp.


Note: from the specified amount of products you will get 3 liter jars of cauliflower in tomato sauce.

They take a beautiful snow-white head of cabbage; overripe inflorescences with yellowness or a gray coating are not suitable. Tomatoes and peppers should be ripe and juicy.The leaves are removed from the head of cabbage, the cabbage is washed, and disassembled into inflorescences.

Tomatoes are cut into halves and crushed in a blender. You should get tomato juice of medium thickness.Blanch the cauliflower in boiling water for 3 minutes, adding citric acid.

Pour tomato juice into the pan and add cauliflower.Sweet peppers are cut into strips, bitter peppers into rings. The garlic is peeled and cut into thin slices.Add sunflower oil, salt, sugar, vinegar, bay leaves. Throw in black and allspice peas.

Boil cauliflower in tomato marinade for 35 minutes, setting the heat to minimum. The marinade will thicken and turn into a spicy, aromatic tomato sauce.

Place the hot cauliflower in tomato into dry sterilized jars and pour the marinade evenly. The jars are rolled up for the winter and turned over. The blanks are covered with a blanket.

After 12 hours, the cooled pieces can be taken to the cellar.

4. Cauliflower in tomato juice


  • cauliflower - 1 kg. (1 large or 2 small heads)
  • tomato juice - 1.5 l.
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • parsley - 1 bunch.
  • water for cooking cabbage - 3 l.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.


From the listed number of components, 3 half-liter jars of snacks are obtained. First you need to prepare the cabbage. Wash it thoroughly in cold water and trim off the lower leaves. Next, divide the vegetables into inflorescences, which are placed in a small saucepan. Fill the cabbage with water. Lightly parboil the cauliflower florets. They need to cook for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, do not salt the water. After the required time has passed, place the inflorescences in a deep bowl and cool.

While the inflorescences are cooling, prepare the tomato marinade. To do this, pour tomato juice into a separate pan, and then add sugar and salt to it. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

In the meantime, you can start preparing the jars. Wash them in warm water and then sterilize over steam for at least 5 minutes (time indicated for 0.5 liter jars). Fill hot sterilized jars with cooled cabbage inflorescences. This must be done carefully so that the inflorescences do not wrinkle or break.

Using a sharp knife, finely chop the parsley and add it to the tomato sauce. Pour 1 tbsp into each jar of cauliflower. l. vinegar, and then fill it with boiling infusion of tomato juice and parsley. Next, the jars need to be sterilized. You can do this as follows. Choose a wide, but not deep pan (its height should be no less than the height of a half-liter jar). Fill a saucepan with boiling water and then place your jars filled with vegetables and tomato juice in it. Wait for the water in the pan to boil. Jars, covered with lids, should sit in boiling water for 15 minutes (time indicated for 0.5 liter containers).

After this time, remove the jars from the pan and roll them up. Turn the rolls over, wrap them in a warm towel and cool.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

When winter comes and the vegetables on store shelves lose their taste, you really want something homemade and tasty. Every housewife who makes it has many recipes and secrets. However, there is not always time to prepare complex dishes.

Cabbage canned in tomato is such a simple recipe to prepare that it will certainly become a godsend for every housewife. In addition to the speed of preparation, purchasing products for this preparation will not hit the family budget.

- tomatoes or ready-made tomatoes;
- White cabbage;
- salt;
- granulated sugar;
- Bay leaf;
- allspice peas;
- any other spices (to your own taste).

The proportions of the products are not indicated for the simple reason that this preparation, in principle, does not have them. You can take as much tomato as you have and add cabbage until it is as thick as you want it to be. You can roughly indicate that for 7-8 liters of tomato, 2-3 medium heads of cabbage will be needed.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. First, you should prepare a glass container. For cabbage canned in tomato, it can be of completely different volumes. The jars should be thoroughly washed and sterilized over steam for at least 5 minutes. After sterilization, the container must be immediately covered with a lid.

2. Next, let's start preparing the tomato. Cut the tomatoes into several pieces and chop using a food processor. This takes much less time, and the fineness of the grind is easily determined.

3. The tomatoes are completely twisted. The only thing that needs to be removed is the place where the stalk grows. This is where all the nitrates are collected, which we have absolutely no use for.

4. Place the pan with the tomato on the fire. We are waiting for it to boil.

5. After boiling, cook for 20-30 minutes, then add spices: pepper, bay leaf and several clove buds. In addition to spices, if desired, you can add bell pepper cut into strips.

6. While the tomato is cooking, chop the cabbage. Here, too, it all depends on preference. If you like finely chopped cabbage, chop finely; if not, then chop coarsely. However, the finer the cabbage is chopped, the less it needs to be cooked, don’t forget about this.

7. Add cabbage to tomato. Salt to taste and add a little sugar. We are waiting for the mass to boil. Cook for another 20-30 minutes.

8. Place the finished cabbage in tomato into jars and roll up.

Advice. The recipe itself for cabbage canned in tomato does not require the addition of vinegar or citric acid. However, if you don’t have a basement, or if it’s warm enough, you should add 1 teaspoon of 6% vinegar to each jar.
After capping, the jars need to be placed with the lid down and covered well. They stand in this position until they cool completely, after which they are removed to a permanent storage location.
In winter, when opening cabbage marinated in tomato, you need to add a little vegetable oil, onions and pickled cucumber. Bon appetit!

Let us remind you that last time we prepared

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