How to sober up faster at home. How to quickly sober up from alcohol at home

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

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Many people have experienced the following situation firsthand. You are having fun with your friends drinking alcoholic drinks. Suddenly you begin to feel sleepy, your legs give way and your speech becomes unintelligible. At this point, you realize that you drank too much. As mentioned above, anyone can find themselves in a similar situation. However, fortunately, there are time-tested ways that a person can sober up very quickly. By taking the necessary steps and avoiding common mistakes, you can get sober again and avoid a painful hangover the next day.


Necessary steps

    Stop drinking immediately. As soon as you feel that you have drunk more than you should, stop drinking immediately. Set aside the alcoholic beverage you are drinking.

    • The process of assimilation by the body of an alcoholic drink takes place within an hour. Therefore, if you consume two or three drinks within an hour, then it will take your body two or three hours to fully digest and absorb it.
  1. Drink water. Ask the bartender to pour water for you, or use a more convenient way for you to drink water. It is recommended to drink a glass of clean water after each glass of alcohol. So if you drink four servings of an alcoholic drink, remember that you will need four glasses of water.

    Prepare an omelette. Instead of eating heavy, fatty foods, eat a healthy meal like an omelette, chicken, milk, fresh juice, or a turkey sandwich. There is a common myth that fatty foods help the liver to process alcohol faster. Actually it is not. However, if you don't have a choice, it's better to eat a meal high in fat than none at all.

    Take a nap for 30 minutes. Time is the only real remedy for getting sober again. In addition, rest is a great way to sober up quickly. Once your body has received food and water, set an alarm and take a nap for 30 minutes.

Avoid Common Mistakes

Preparing for the evening with drinking alcoholic beverages

    Eat foods high in carbohydrates. Before drinking alcoholic beverages, eat a high carbohydrate meal. When you start drinking alcohol, carbohydrates absorb excess alcohol. Dairy products and foods high in natural fats are also good options because they coat the stomach lining. This slows down the absorption of alcohol.

A holiday is rarely complete without alcohol. In order not to get drunk quickly, and not to suffer from a hangover the next morning, it is recommended to use special anti-intoxication pills, which significantly reduce the level of exposure to alcoholic beverages on the human body. Let's consider them.

What are anti-alcohol drugs?

Anti-alcohol drugs are drugs that reduce or completely eliminate the effects of drinking alcohol. Such drugs are divided into sobering drugs and drugs for the treatment of chronic alcohol.

Sobering agents, as a rule, are psychostimulants. A specific opiate antagonist, naloxone, is also used. It helps to reduce the intoxicating effect of drinking alcohol fructose, which accelerates the process of eliminating ethanol, and thyrotropin-releasing factor, the principle of which has not yet been studied.

Sobering drugs are used to get out of a state of intoxication. But the degree of their effectiveness is not so significant. Certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (eg, acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin) are used to ease hangovers.

For the treatment of chronic dependence, various anti-alcohol drugs are used, which, according to the principle of action, are divided into:

  • drugs that reduce the craving for alcohol;
  • sensitizing, which increase the sensitivity of the human body to the consumed alcohol, which leads to its intolerance;
  • drugs used for conditioned reflex treatment;
  • drugs intended for the relief of alcohol syndrome;
  • medicines aimed at the treatment of mental and somatic disorders.

As a means for such treatment, various substances are used to help cure chronic alcoholism.

The cure for drunkenness

The degree of intoxication and further hangover depends on many factors. The main ones include the quality of alcohol (the presence of fusel oils), the use of hearty food and the mixing of alcohol of various strengths. All this significantly affects the condition of a person who consumes alcohol. In addition, you can drink certain pills against intoxication, which improve well-being, help to avoid a hangover. These include:

  1. Activated carbon. Before taking alcohol, it is recommended to drink 5-6 tablets. They absorb strong drinks, which prevents their absorption. You should also repeat the medication after every hour of the feast.
  2. Aspirin or festal. Half an hour before drinking strong drinks, it is recommended to drink one tablet of aspirin or festal, which improves the functioning of the stomach. You can replace the tablets with Almagel.
  3. Special medications, such as Alka-Seltzer, Antipohmelin, etc., are good for a hangover.
  4. Ascorbic acid copes well with alcohol, so vitamins containing this substance should be taken.

These are the main pills against intoxication.

However, before taking any medicine, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Each drug has its own contraindications. As a result, the remedy for intoxication can lead to a completely different effect. Therefore, before using any drug, you should consult your doctor.

Is there an antidote for alcohol? What drugs will help overcome alcoholism. Is it worth trying to decode yourself, what consequences will decoding have for the body?

Tips on how to sober up quickly at home. The phases of intoxication are elimination and resorption. Procedures for long-term sobering. Recommendations for express sobering up.

How to neutralize alcohol in the body: useful tips and folk recipes. What causes excessive drinking and how to deal with it.

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How to sober up quickly?

Better, of course, not to drink at all. But what if excessive intoxication has already happened? A few simple ways will help you sober up quickly.

The holiday is a wonderful bright occasion for meetings with friends and relatives. A holiday accompanied by strong liquor is a rollercoaster, in which a dizzying ascent is invariably followed by an even more dizzying descent. A few hours ago everything was so good, but now it's worse than ever. Familiar?

It is well known that there is no better cure for severe intoxication than a long, sound sleep. But here's the problem: you still have to get to your home. Or another, no less interesting situation: you are at home, but with you there is a row of non-transportable guests. Well, a very sad development of events - when there are only a few hours for a hangover, and in the morning you need to be in shape. What to do? How to sober up quickly?

Sober up for half an hour

When it comes to delivering extra drunk guests to the taxi door or getting to the helpful transport yourself (by no means driving!), You can get by with simple methods. There are more than a dozen folk remedies that help to sober up to one degree or another, without resorting to drastic measures, including the help of doctors. They will not help to sober up completely and are unlikely to completely remove the hangover syndrome that will come after intoxication, but they will be able to leave the hospitable house on their own two feet.

Popular folk remedies:

  • Cold shower. If it is not possible to get under the shower completely, try to moisten at least your head. Don't forget to brush your teeth.
  • Tonic drinks. For example, coffee or strong tea with lemon.
  • Fruits. Those that contain a lot of fructose are best suited: apples, bananas, pears, oranges, peaches, grapefruits, grapes, strawberries.
  • Honey. This remedy works effectively due to the same fructose. The main thing is not to overdo it with liquids, otherwise honey can cause vomiting. If there is no honey, you can replace it with jam or something else sweet, the main thing is to saturate the shocked body with glucose. But be careful: sugars stimulate the absorption of alcohol, so it's best to flush your stomach first.
  • Milk. It is believed that milk prevents the rapid absorption of alcohol, therefore, inhibits the process of intoxication. Therefore, this method is better to apply in advance - after drinking a glass of milk BEFORE, and not after drinking alcohol. The method is not suitable for those who cannot tolerate milk, so again be careful.
  • Cola. This is an American tool. If you find a bottle of Pepsi or Coca-Cola after the feast - use it. In some countries, indigestion is also “treated” in the same way, which does not negate the harm of these and other sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Mint. Mint tincture perfectly relieves intoxication, the problem is usually that after feasts it is rarely possible to find it in the house. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance. To do this, either buy a ready-made tincture at a pharmacy, or make it yourself by pouring a teaspoon of dried mint into a glass of vodka - in a week the tincture will be ready. The victim should measure 20 drops and give to drink with a glass of liquid.
  • Ammonia. The method is quite cruel, especially since ammonia in this case will not need to be smelled, but drunk. Add 5-6 drops to a glass of cold water and treat someone in need. However, the smell of ammonia can also help, but keep in mind that when drunk, the sense of smell decreases, so before you let the smell of ammonia, you should “bring to life” the nose itself. For example, through massage.
  • Aspirin. The old, proven way. An aspirin tablet will work best if it is taken into the stomach with acidic fruit juice. If aspirin is not available, ibuprofen can be used.
  • Anti-alcohol cocktail. Another hard way - in case ammonia does not help. For cooking, you need to mix a pinch of red and black pepper with salt, add egg yolk, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and two tablespoons of tomato puree. Separately, mix horseradish with vinegar. Put it all together and let the intoxicated drink in one gulp (unless, of course, you are ready to take the risk).
  • Reflexology. Quite a subtle method, but very effective. Its essence is in the impact on certain sensitive points of the body. The easiest way to find such points is between the upper lip and nose and between the bases of the thumb and forefinger. When you press these points, a pain reflex occurs. Press firmly on the sensitive point and massage for a minute. In the same way, you can massage the ears and feet.
  • Talk and think. We all remember the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", in which the main character, having passed the long way from Moscow to Leningrad, comes to his senses rather quickly after a forced conversation in someone else's apartment. This is not a joke, conversation can really help a person sober up if it stimulates him to work his mind. Do you remember what difficult tasks the main character of the film set for the uninvited guest? If you have the unenviable share of bringing a drunk person to life, ask him intellectual questions, make him think. If this person is you yourself, and there is nowhere to wait for help, try solving crossword puzzles or at least read a book.
  • Physical activity. During exercise, the breakdown of alcohol is accelerated, respectively, and the time of its exit from the body is reduced. Walk, run, do simple exercises, including coordination. In addition, fresh air also contributes to rapid sobering up.

The previous methods are good if you need to sober up only to get to your own bed and let sleep do all the main work of bringing the affected body to life. But what to do if you need to sober up urgently, for a long time, one might even say, completely?

There are also such ways. They are very harsh, and therefore good not only because they are effective, but also because many people are discouraged from drinking alcohol for a long time.

So, here's what you need to do to sober up:

  1. Enema. This is not the whole way, but only the first stage. Enemas, no matter how unpleasant it may sound, you will need at least three, a couple of liters each. For this, ordinary water at room temperature is used. The purpose of the enema is to cleanse the intestines.
  2. Gastric lavage. Now water is poured into the body in a natural way, you need to drink about 700 ml at a time. In total, you need to drink about three liters.
  3. Ammonia. This is already easier, just moisten the cotton wool and sniff.
  4. Ascorbic acid. After the most unpleasant procedures are over, you need to feed the exhausted body. Askorbinka can be eaten in tablets, for 70 kg of weight you will need about 2.5 g.
  5. Vitamin B1. In such a serious matter, one cannot do without injections. Vitamin B1 is best bought in ampoules with a 20% glucose solution. About 10 ml should be sent to a drunken organism.
  6. Diuretic. Now you can eat, but only to get rid of the harmful liquid that managed to leave the digestive tract before the general cleaning. As a diuretic, watermelons, cucumbers, strawberries, oatmeal, green tea and decoctions with a similar effect are good. In general, you need to drink a lot, at least just a mineral water.
  7. Physical activity. If the patient can move without harming himself, you can try to properly load him. The load should be such that the pulse doubles. However, it is important not to overdo it here: if the physical form is not good on the best days, then activity under a degree can end badly.
  8. Steam room. If there is an opportunity to steam well, it should be used. With sweat, the body will remove a lot more of what should not have been introduced into it. But again - look at the state, for the core this can become an excessive burden.
  9. Dream. If there is such an opportunity, then a sober person should still be laid down for at least a couple of hours.

Approximately the same, but in a more technological form, can be performed in a clinical setting with the help of professional doctors. It is worth warning that the procedure is unlikely to be more pleasant. In principle, already one description is enough to ask yourself the following question:

How not to reach such a life?

Roughly speaking, how not to get drunk to such an extent when the holiday turns into a disease?

  • First, don't mix. It is generally undesirable to mix drinks from different types of alcohol, no matter how high-quality they may be. If you still have to do it - at least do not lower the degree.
  • Secondly, do not forget about the snack. Reduce intoxication fatty foods, meat, fish, potatoes are good for this.
  • Third, avoid drinking through straws. In this case, alcohol begins to be absorbed in the mouth, and intoxication occurs faster. Consider this factor when drinking drinks that are usually savored in the mouth for a long time.
  • And fourthly, most importantly, pause and generally observe the measure. The best option is 30 minutes between toasts.

Finally, I would like to wish: do not forget that the holiday is always followed by morning. And it's better to be more sober during the party so that you wake up the next day with a light head. Do not succumb to the provocations of the "leaders", enjoy the holiday itself. In the end, we celebrate not even the most significant events in life in order to remember this day and the emotions that accompany it, and not at all a disgusting hangover. What can we say about really important occasions, after which it is incredibly insulting to realize that you don’t remember anything because of a drunken frenzy.

I would like to note once again that there are no problems with sobering up for those who do not drink alcohol. And that doesn't make their holidays any less fun! Think about it.

Hot summer Friday evening, or maybe even Saturday, or maybe not even summer at all - you relax in the company of good friends and alcoholic drinks ... grace! But, as it often happens, it was on this evening that for some reason you were urgently called to work / some important business, where to appear drunk is the same as signing your own death warrant. What to do, how to sober up quickly? Let's talk about it in today's article.

I’ll clarify right away: it’s impossible to quickly come to your senses from the state of “to complete shit with vomit” - you can’t argue against physiology. But to alleviate your condition a little, or to cheer up if you haven’t drunk too much yet (read from me about that), you can completely.

1. Not on the staff
Yes, I understand perfectly well what a bummer it is - the need to quickly sober up when your friends are just opening the fourth bottle, but this is absolutely no reason to hit the “last one”. So everything, stop, stopped.
For non-drinkers or casual readers, I will explain: I myself have been in such a situation, and believe me, when fire water splashes in the stomach, the body completely refuses to follow the commands of the brain. There is no need for tight control.

2. Have some tea
The old “grandfather method”, which I used back in school days, when it was necessary to urgently get away from intoxication before the arrival of my parents. The essence is simple to impossibility - strong black tea with honey and ginger. After the first mug, it will become noticeably easier, and if you repeat after ~ 15 minutes, then it’s very good. Tea, by the way, can be easily replaced with coffee (speeds up metabolism) - the effect is the same, but I personally don’t recommend taking energy drinks, although I have seen such advice ... Maybe it’s the peculiarities of my body, maybe something else, but they don’t help me at all to sober up, but then my stomach oh-oh-oh, how it swears.

3. Eat
Only not dried squid, but normal food, and best of all, containing starch, which will help absorb all sorts of filth (the cap hints at potatoes with meat), and drink the whole thing down with milk. It will create an enveloping film in the stomach and will not allow alcohol to be absorbed quickly.

4. Turn your stomach out
Well, I mean, induce artificial vomiting. I guarantee this is the most effective way to sober up quickly. Drink a couple of liters of water and two fingers in your mouth, then repeat. Stomach cramps will help to get out alcohol, which has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. It will get much better.

5. Reflect

No, no, not about the meaning of life (although ...), but about something more mundane; about what will make your brain work, at least a little. Solve simple arithmetic problems, remember the multiplication table, try to make a plan for tomorrow in the end. Brain activity is sobering.

6. Chew on fruit
Sweet fruits containing a large amount of fructose will perfectly help relieve some of the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. So run to the nearest greengrocer and aim for bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries, apples... more! Apples help me the most.

7. Don't neglect your medications
Activated charcoal, polysorb, eubicor, in general, any of the simplest enterosobents will help you not to die with your stomach and avoid terrible hangover torments. But it is better to refuse any kind of “special medicines”. Who knows how they will affect your body. And by the way, if you ask any doctor what he thinks about “anti-hangovers” and others like them, he will only laugh and say “zero effect”.

8. Sport is your friend
And even if you're drunk, he can help! Simple physical exercises (10 push-ups, 20 sit-downs) will remove the veil of alcohol from your brain and sober up quickly. It's just not worth the hassle. A five-kilometer marathon in this state is clearly useless to you.

9. Go sleep
Wait, don't throw rotten tomatoes at me, I understand perfectly well that you know this, but you don't have time to sleep. It’s just the case here: all of the above tips will certainly help you sober up in a short time, but it’s unlikely to really come to an excellent state. And the point here is not only in alcohol, but also in ordinary fatigue. Therefore, the time until you get to work urgently (or where did you need to go there?) is best spent on sleep. You're not going to drive in this state, right?

For starters, the bad news. Intoxication comes when alcohol is already in the blood, and we can’t get it out of there. Ethanol is processed by enzymes at a strictly defined rate, which we do not influence, so it is technically impossible to sober up quickly. But you can come to your senses and focus to call a taxi, get to bed, or at least refrain from stupid things.

Stop drinking alcohol

When overloaded with alcohol, adding more to yourself is the worst idea. We stop drinking and are not looking for something to drink to let go.

You have to drink a lot, a lot. The more we drink, the more we excrete, and we need to excrete in order to remove the decay products of alcohol, get rid of nausea and dehydration. Therefore, it is necessary to enter the "drinking and pissing" mode.

It is allowed to drink water (only not carbonated!), juice, compote, tea. But when drunk, it is difficult to force yourself to swallow just water or even juice, but sweet tea, as a rule, comes in easier. However, if you do not like tea, but are able to drink water, do as you please.

But your favorite strong coffee works worse. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, helps to become more active, but in the end it does not contribute to detoxification, that is, it does not eliminate intoxication. Even worse: temporary mobilization after coffee can give the false impression that everything is in order and you are normal, and this leads to the most surprising and not always pleasant discoveries.

Tea also has caffeine, but it's there, so you can cheer up a little, but you can't deceive your feelings anymore.

Take sorbents

When you just realized that you went over, take sorbents. They prevent the absorption of alcohol, and something from the drink will not enter the bloodstream. Sorbents do not have a retroactive effect, that is, you will not sober up, but at least you will not become drunker.

Have a snack

This is also a way to slow down the absorption of alcohol if you drank a glass and realized that it was superfluous.

When everything floats before your eyes and you feel sick, perhaps vomiting is a good solution. If some alcohol remains in the stomach, then it will not enter the bloodstream. In addition, the body will not be distracted by digestion when it is already busy processing ethanol. You won’t become more sober from this, but the oppressive feeling of nausea will recede, and this is already better than nothing.

Get moving

It is best to walk in the open air as fast as your condition allows. It helps to focus and recover a little.

Take a shower

Cold showers are a bad idea. It, of course, acts approximately like strong coffee, but the effect of sobering up from it is false. But you can earn vasospasm or even drunk under a cold shower. So the water must be warm. And, in fact, a shower is needed to wait out the most unpleasant minutes in it, because it’s easier that way.

Massage your hands, feet and ears

These are simple actions that help you concentrate on sensations, increase blood flow to your head (if we are talking about rubbing your ears), so that for some time it will be easier for you to focus.

All of these half-measures help to recover a little, but you can sober up only with time. It is clear that this time is preferable to spend in a dream. It’s better to even take a nap for 30 minutes on a chair to gain strength than to overcome yourself.

But never go to bed if you can barely contain your nausea. Either wait until it gets better, or induce vomiting, or make sure that there is a person next to you who can monitor how you sleep. Otherwise, you risk choking on vomit.

What not to do

Many sites give more tips on how to get sober up fast. The effect is based on one thing: while you try everything, some time will pass and you will feel better. But some of these methods are dangerous to health. So you don't need:

  1. smoke. In the blood, and so a killer cocktail. Where else is nicotine?
  2. Drink medicine. Do not combine any medication with alcohol intake. Firstly, if you come up with such a brilliant idea, you are no longer able to read the instructions. Secondly, drugs are excreted in the same way as alcohol: mainly by the liver and kidneys, which are already overloaded. Thirdly, it is unlikely that you will be able to correctly assess your condition if drugs with alcohol cause side effects.
  3. Smell ammonia. Only if you don't want to be sick.
  4. Go to the bath. The bath really brings to life, but it’s not worth climbing into a hot steam room drunk: there is a high risk of getting burned, overheating or earning a heart attack. So this is a way for very healthy and not very drunk.
  5. Train. It's just not safe when you're drunk. You're more likely to get injured, not sober.

Stress, parties, bad mood, holidays and other routine situations cannot do without alcohol. However, there are situations when it is necessary to sober up in a matter of hours or even minutes.

The choice of sobering method directly depends on gender, the amount of alcohol and the frequency of drinking. Many people, after a feast, are worried about the question “What to do for a quick sobering up?”. The issue is especially acute when nausea is concerned.

  1. When deciding how to sober up quickly, you can drink 1/2 liter of warm water, in which it dissolves in tsp. salt and soda. This method improves well-being, rinses the intestines and stomach. If you need to sober up as quickly as possible, then you should refrain from smoking and not be in a smoky room.
  2. Take a drop of olive and sunflower oil, yolk, tbsp pepper, juice of 1/2 lime or lemon, tbsp. hot ketchup, as well as a pinch of black and red peppers. The components are mixed and drunk in one gulp.
  3. Mix the yolk, a spoonful of olive oil, a spoonful of gin, a pinch of black and red pepper. The resulting cocktail is drunk in one fell swoop.
  4. The issue of quick sobering up is solved by eating fruits in large quantities. For this purpose, citrus fruits are most effective.

How to quickly sober up from beer

The principle of quick sobering up from beer and other alcoholic beverages is to bring the nervous system into tone, since alcohol cannot be removed from the blood at home in a short period of time, especially when it comes to beer.

With stimulation, the strongest coffee or tea with lemon does an excellent job. To do this, take 4 tsp per cup of boiling water. coffee or the same amount of tea, add half a lemon. The drink is drunk slowly, after it is desirable to go outside.

It will also bring to life a solution of citric acid (in a glass of water tsp). A glass of solution will be enough to sober up a person, even with severe intoxication.

Another way is to chew dry bay leaf in your mouth. After a few minutes, the person will feel much better.

How to quickly sober up from alcohol on the street

Sobering up from alcohol on the street is not so easy, especially in nature.

The following activities will help:

  • Rub your ears vigorously with a towel or hands. This method will “bring back to life” due to the stimulation of active points;
  • massage your feet with your hands, gums and teeth with a toothbrush, and rinse your mouth with mineral water;
  • A very thin stream of ice water poured on the back of the head will help to sober up a completely drunk person.

How to quickly sober up from alcohol

Sober up, without resorting to medical intervention, at home will contribute to folk methods.

  1. Mint tincture. It is necessary to prepare this option for a quick sobering up long before the planned event. Combine a glass of vodka with tsp. dry peppermint, keep a week in the refrigerator. To quickly sober up, dissolve 20 drops of infusion in a glass of water, drink in one gulp.
  2. Ammonium chloride. In a glass of water, dissolve 6 drops of ammonia, drink in small sips.
  3. Mint with lemon. A spoonful of dry mint is steamed in a glass of boiling water, the juice of half a lemon is added. The drink is drunk in slow sips before and after drinking alcohol.
  4. Mix 1/2 tsp. hell, ch.l. oils, 2 tsp tomato paste, yolk, a pinch of salt and sugar and tsp. skate. Use the resulting mixture inside.
  5. Honey. This method can only be used by those who are not allergic to honey. At a time, you need to eat 200 grams of honey, washed down with water.

How to sober up fast in 5 minutes

If you need to quickly bring yourself to your senses in 5 minutes, you need to drink vitamin C. For this, an effervescent tablet is dissolved in a glass of water. If a person is very drunk, the amount of vitamin should be increased to 2 tablets. In the absence of such tablets, the juice of half a lemon should be dissolved in a glass of water. It is important to take a breath of fresh air after taking measures.

Another option is a contrast shower. It is important to start the procedures with warm, pleasant water for the drinker, and then gradually lower its degree to cold. The final stage of the procedure is washing with cold water. After such a contrast, a person will feel relieved, sober thinking will return.

Alcohol intoxication is quickly removed by cold brine from sauerkraut. It is enough to drink 1/2 liter in several approaches.

Dill seeds are also effective, which, if available, need to be chewed for 2 minutes in the amount of 5-7 pcs. If the feast was planned, prepare dill decoction in advance: boil 1 tsp of seeds in a glass of water.

If the person who drank was not allergic to honey before, prepare hot tea with 2 tbsp. honey in a mug. Such a combination will not only sober up, but also relieve a hangover in the morning.

How to sober up fast in 1 hour

It is important to understand that attempts to sober up in a short period, intoxication will not completely eliminate, but only temporarily increase the tone of the nervous system. Therefore, such events should be taken when clarity of mind is needed for a short period of time.

The most effective sobering agent for an hour is vomiting. However, this method will sober up only on condition that alcohol has been taken recently. You can traditionally induce vomiting by putting your fingers in your mouth. If after such a manipulation the gag reflex does not work, dilute a small amount of potassium permanganate in 2 liters of water so that the color of the water has a light pink tint. Drink the solution in small sips. Soon the gag reflex kicks in. It is important to replenish water reserves during such manipulations, since vomiting dehydrates the body.

If a person is very drunk, you can sober up in an hour using soda. To do this, a spoonful of tea soda is diluted in a glass of water, drunk, and then activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and an aspirin tablet are taken.

An enema will help you quickly sober up in an hour. For such a procedure, you will need an “Esmarch mug” with nozzles, purified water and salt, and access to the toilet. Dilute salt in water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter), hanging the enema, slowly enter the contents.

Fast sobering agent

Coffee is a quick way to sober up. However, to be successful, coffee must be drunk with salt. A teaspoon of salt dissolves in a mug of classic Americano and is drunk slowly. If after drinking a person becomes unwell, you need to rub your ears strongly.

Control the amount of alcohol you drink, stick to the norm, and the issue of a quick sobering up will disappear by itself.

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