Effective owl-made remedies for colds. Cold medicine is inexpensive but effective

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Gorzdrav is a pharmacy chain covering more than 750 pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and surrounding areas. We provide the opportunity to choose the cold remedy you need with minimal time. On the site you can:

  • find the medicine prescribed by the doctor;
  • order the drugs you are interested in at a pharmacy located near your home or place of work.

Using cold tablets

A cold is a cooling of the body, which causes various diseases[i]. Most often in everyday life a cold is called:

  • ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection);
  • flu;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.

Among the main symptoms of the diseases listed above may be:

  • headache;
  • chills;
  • feeling of weakness, weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • cough, sneezing;
  • nasal congestion.

You can cope with them with the help of effective antiviral drugs. There are contraindications for the use of many medications, so before using them, carefully read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Release forms

Medicines to cope with colds, are produced in different types. This allows you to select the optimal solution based on the patient’s age, severity of the problem, and other factors. The catalog on our website includes:

  • flu and cold tablets;
  • sprays for the nose and throat;
  • homeopathic capsules;
  • solutions for oral administration;
  • powders for preparing a solution;
  • syrups;
  • herbal teas;
  • gels;
  • rectal suppositories and more.

For whom

On our website you can choose an inexpensive antiviral drug for adults and children. Such funds are prescribed:

  • adult men and women;
  • children of different ages.

During pregnancy, medications for flu and colds should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.


Many cold medications have contraindications. As a rule, this information is indicated in the instructions included with the medicine. Most often, medications cannot be used in the following cases:


Some certificates of goods presented in our catalog.



  1. [i] Vasilyeva, Alexandra Flu, ARVI and other colds / A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Nevsky Prospekt, 2004. - 160 p.
  2. Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections / - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2012. - 320 p.

Not a single cold season is complete without common colds and flu. We spend money on expensive medications, trying to quickly get rid of all unpleasant symptoms, forgetting about effective and inexpensive medicines. Meanwhile, there are tablets for colds that are several times cheaper than their advertised counterparts. The main thing is to understand the mechanism of action of drugs, use them competently and purposefully.

What pills to take for flu and colds

Medicines that help cope with colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and influenza are divided into two groups. The first of them is intended for symptomatic treatment. Cold tablets of this group have antipyretic (aspirin), antihistamine (dibazol), analgesic, vasoconstrictor, phlegm thinning (acc) effects, and fight the following manifestations of the disease:

  • nasal congestion;
  • elevated temperature;
  • lacrimation;
  • muscle pain;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

The second group of drugs affects the immune system and the causative agent of the disease. They are prescribed only if the viral nature of the cold is detected. Tools in this category include:

  • interferon inducers;
  • viral protein blockers;
  • neuraminidase inhibitors.


Antiviral cold medicines are not antibiotics. Their task is not to destroy the pathogen, but to destroy its protein shell, which blocks the development of the virus in the body. Antibiotics for colds are prescribed only when bacterial complications occur. Popular effective antiviral drugs:

  1. Tamiflu is a drug based on oseltamivir (azintomivir, aziltomirin). Suitable for adults and children.
  2. "Grippferon" is a complex drug based on interferon alpha-2b.
  3. "Relenza." The main active ingredient of the drug is zanamivir. Prescribed for the treatment of influenza A, B.
  4. "Ingavirin" is an effective medicine for swine flu, ARVI.
  5. "Amiksin". An analogue of the drug is “Tiloron”, “Lavomax”.
  6. "Arbidol" is a drug for the treatment of influenza A, B, subtypes H1N1, H2N2, H3N2 and H5N1.
  7. Acyclovir is an antiviral drug based on the thymidine nucleoside.
  8. "Cycloferon" is a medicine containing methylglucamine acridone acetate.


This type of medicine includes homeopathic and synthetic medicines. For colds, thymus preparations, interferons, and cytokines are prescribed:

  • "Imunofan";
  • "Betaleikin";
  • "Timogen";
  • "Amiksin";
  • "Aflubin";
  • "Ronkoleukin";
  • “Kipferon;
  • "Ribomunil";
  • "Bronchomunal";
  • "Pyrogenal";
  • "Galavit";
  • "Diucifon".

It should be remembered that you cannot take synthetic immune modulators on your own. When prescribing them, the doctor must take into account the patient’s age, the degree of weakening of the body’s defenses, and the type of disease. In some cases, stimulation of the immune system is limited to taking vitamins or medications of natural origin (tincture of echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginger, lungwort, chicory, etc.).

List of the best drugs for treating colds in adults and children

Modern combination cold medications for simultaneous symptomatic treatment:

  • "Anaferon";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Baralgetas"
  • "Antigrippin";
  • "Grammidin";
  • "Coldrex";
  • "Kagocel";
  • "Remantadine";
  • "Rinza";
  • "Rinicold";
  • "Sinupret";

Tablets that help quickly get rid of cough:

  • "Butamirat";
  • "Glaucin";
  • "Mukaltin";
  • "Dextromethorphan";
  • "Levodropropizine";
  • "Prenoxdiazine."

For sore throat:

  • "Strepsils";
  • "Trachisan";
  • "Linkas";
  • "Grammidin";
  • "Septefril";
  • "Faringosept";
  • "Lisobakt".

Homeopathic medicines:

  • "Oscillococcinum";
  • "Aflubin";
  • "Engystol";
  • "Aconite".

What can pregnant and nursing mothers drink?

Antivirals for acute respiratory viral infections are mostly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so the main task of women becomes the prevention of colds. If you fail to protect yourself from the disease, then you have to choose safe medications that help reduce high fever, cope with cough, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. For fever, it is best to take paracetamol. This medicine has both antipyretic and analgesic effects. Analogues of Paracetamol - Panadol, Efferalgan.

Tablets based on lysozyme (a natural enzyme) - “Laripront”, “Lizobact” - will be safe (according to the instructions!) for pregnant and lactating mothers for sore throat medications. Tablets for colds accompanied by severe cough, will become “Lazolvan”, “ACC” (powder), “Coldrex broncho” (syrup). Homeopathic Oscillococcinum, Anaferon, Aflubin are also allowed. In any case, taking medications must be coordinated with a doctor, who will make a final verdict in favor or prohibition of any medication.

What medicines are inexpensive but effective for preventing colds?

Pharmaceutical companies offer a huge range of cold tablets, for which it is easy to find cheap analogues. For example, most combination drugs for symptomatic treatment include paracetamol, which tops the rating of cold tablets. You can take it at the beginning of the disease. Fast-acting effervescent aspirin can be successfully replaced by inexpensive acetylsalicylic acid, and interferon, which is included in antiviral drugs, can easily be found in pharmacies as an independent medicine for the prevention of influenza.

For this purpose, it is worth using oxolinic ointment, an inexpensive tincture of Eleutherococcus or Rhodiola rosea, and ascorbic acid. The expensive "Immunal" will be replaced by echinacea tincture, "Nurofen" - "Ibuprofen", "Lazolvan" and "Ambrobene" - "Ambroxol", "Mukaltin", cough tablets. Gargling with furatsilin tablets will help, like Strepsils or Grammidin.

Feedback on results after use

Marina, 30 years old: I simply don’t know a better medicine for acute respiratory infections than the powerful Cycloferon. Works great against viral infections in five to six days! I bought the notorious “Coldrex”, “Teraflu” and other newfangled drugs, but paracetamol is much more effective and cheaper! I recommend everyone to take our domestic analogues of expensive imported tablets and not overpay money in vain.

Irina, 36 years old: I caught a cold one day at a conference where I had to give a report. Runny nose, fever - just a nightmare. I asked the pharmacy to choose something effective, they advised me “Rinicold”. I took a pill at night and then in the morning. All the symptoms disappeared! It was easy to perform, the nose was not red in the photo. So the tablets are excellent, but you need to take them according to the schedule, every 4 hours.

Dmitry, 56 years old: Don’t buy expensive imported tablets for colds. Instead, take a package of paracetamol, echinacea and ascorbic acid from the pharmacy. They are precisely the ones that are part of all collaterals. To avoid getting sick, use oxolinic ointment and interferon, and take aspirin for fever. Don’t be tempted by trendy names; at the first sign of inflammation, drink Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

Inexpensive but effective antiviral drugs for adults: list of cheap drugs

Antiviral drugs for ARVI are the best medications for adults, using which you can relieve the symptoms of colds.

All doctors insist that during the spread of viral infections it is necessary to carry out prevention, and not wait until the flu or sore throat appears.

The most effective preventive measure in winter and autumn is the stimulation of the body's protective functions. Good immunity will not allow pathogens to provoke illness, or at least will allow you to avoid complications that are increasingly developing against the background of colds.

When the disease is caused by viruses - ARVI, then treatment should be carried out without fail. The best solution in this case is effective antiviral drugs. Their operating principle is to influence etiological factor, that is, a virus.

As a rule, antiviral drugs are used for influenza and ARVI. Broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory tablets affect the replication of the virus, stopping it from multiplying.

Anti-influenza drugs can be natural or synthetic. They are used not only in the treatment of ARVI or influenza, but also for preventive purposes.

This best medicine can be used in treatment different stages colds. Today medicine knows more than 500 pathogens various types colds. Therefore, the choice of means to help overcome the disease is also quite extensive.

As a rule, viral diseases are treated with three groups of drugs:

  1. Broad-spectrum anti-influenza drugs.
  2. Drugs that fight cytomegalovirus.
  3. Medicines that treat herpes infection.

If the disease has become severe, then it is necessary to take antiviral tablets, and mild stages can be treated with interferons.

Within 24-32 hours after occurrence primary manifestations It is important to start taking an antiviral drug quickly.

If the reproduction of the virus is not stopped in time, then it will overwhelm the entire body.

In this case, antiviral tablets will be ineffective in their effectiveness.

What effect do antiviral drugs have on ARVI?

Antiviral drugs for colds eliminate the factors of its appearance and development. So, the result of the action of such means is:

  • reducing the risk of exacerbations of chronic diseases (asthma, bronchitis, etc.);
  • relief of painful manifestations, reducing the duration of ARVI by a couple of days;
  • reducing the risk of complications.

Antiviral drugs for influenza are used as emergency preventive care if someone close to you is sick and it is necessary to reduce the risk of infection.

Antiviral tablets for ARVI

In the category in which there are synthetic antiviral drugs that effectively fight viruses, there are 2 groups effective drugs. The principle of operation of M-channel blockers is to prevent the virus from entering cells and multiplying there.

A good remedy in this category is Rimantandin (Remantadine) and Amantadine (Midantan). To obtain the necessary effectiveness, treatment must begin when the first symptoms of the disease appear. However, their disadvantage is that it is difficult to determine what type of virus has infected a person.

Doctors prescribe such antiviral drugs during an influenza A epidemic. Moreover, swine and bird flu are resistant to them. It should be remembered that anti-cold pills must be taken not only for the sick person, but also for the people who are next to him.

Neuraminidase inhibitors actively fight influenza B and A viruses. Their action is based on the suppression of the enzyme responsible for the spread of the virus.

Medicines belonging to this group are Zanamivir (Relenza) and Oseltamivir (Tamiflu). Taking such medications should be started in the first two days after the onset of the primary symptoms of ARVI.

The list of anti-cold medications includes:

  1. Cycloferon;
  2. Tamiflu;
  3. Relenza;
  4. Ribavirin;
  5. Grippferon;
  6. Arbidol;
  7. Anaferon;
  8. Viferon;
  9. Amiksin;
  10. Kagocel;
  11. Viferon;
  12. Remantadine.


This antiviral medicine is prescribed to adults and children over 5 years of age for influenza. Inhalations should be done twice a day, 5 mg for 5 days. So, the total daily dosage is 10 mg.

The drug should not be combined with other inhalation mixtures, including bronchodilators, due to the fact that exacerbations may occur with bronchial asthma and other nonspecific lung diseases. Some people without lung disease sometimes experience nasopharyngeal irritation, which rarely leads to bronchospasm.

For the treatment of adults and children over 12 years of age, the doctor may prescribe the antiviral drug Oseltamivir. Recommended daily dose– 75 mg, which must be divided into two doses. The tablets should be taken for five days.

In addition, the drug can be prescribed to a child from 1 year old, provided that his body weight is at least 15 kg. So, if the weight is 15 kg, then the dose is 30 mg, up to 23 kg - 45 mg, up to 40 kg - 60 mg and more than 40 kg - 75 mg. Capsules should be taken twice a day for 5 days.

However, people with kidney failure need to take this remedy with extreme caution, because it can cause nausea and vomiting, so first you need to carefully study the instructions on what to drink when you have a cold and how.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe inexpensive antiviral drugs, including broad-spectrum Pranobex (Groprinosin) and Ribavirin (Ribarin).


This antiviral drug affects influenza B and A viruses. In addition, it is effective against rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, ARVI, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza.

But this drug is quite toxic, for these reasons it is prescribed only if respiratory syncytial infection is confirmed. It often causes bronchiolitis in children.

Ribavirin – good remedy new generation, the price of which is quite high. It is used for the treatment of colds in adults 4 times a day, 200 mg for 1 week. But in case of hemolytic anemia, renal failure and pregnancy, Ribavirin is prohibited.

Inosine pranobex

New generation cold tablets Inosine Pranobex are effective for:

  • adenoviruses;
  • flu;
  • rhinoviruses;
  • parainfluenza.

This cold medicine stimulates immune system. To cure influenza and other viral infections, adults should take Inosine Pranobex 4 times a day, 2 tablets for one week. For children, the daily intake should not be more than 50 mg per 1 kg of weight.

The drug is taken up to 4 times a day at the same time. Duration of therapy is from 5 to 7 days.

Interferons and interferon inducers

These antivirals are proteins synthesized by the body in response to infection, thereby developing resistance to viruses. Interferons are in no way inferior in effectiveness to narrowly targeted groups of drugs. They have a wide spectrum of action, which is why they lead the rating among other synthetic anti-influenza drugs.

However, some doctors are convinced that this group of drugs is ineffective for ARVI. These antiviral drugs for colds can be prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories and nasal drops.

Yes, native leukocyte interferon should be instilled into the nose up to 6 times a day, and Reaferon 2 drops 4 times a day. Basically, Viferon is prescribed in the form of suppositories, and adults are prescribed Viferon 3 or 4.

Regarding interferon inducers, they are a kind of stimulator for the production of interferons by the body. For a cold, your doctor may prescribe Meglumine acridone acetate (Cycloferon), Tiloron (Amiksin) and other antiviral tablets.


To cure acute respiratory infections and flu, you should take Amiksin - medicine new generation, the price of which is quite low.

This remedy should be taken orally after meals. The dose for adults is 0.125 g, and for children over 7 years old - 0.06 g. Tablets are taken on the first day of illness, and then every other day.

The duration of therapy involves taking 6 tablets. However, Amiksin should not be taken by children under 7 years of age and pregnant women.


Cycloferon tablets are similar in effectiveness to Amiksin. They are used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Often the drug is used in the form of a solution (12.5%) for intramuscular injection of 2 ml for two days. After that, injections are given every other day or tablets (0.15 g) are taken for 20 days.


It is an interferon inducer that has immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

As a rule, the drug is prescribed for colds three times a day, 2 tablets. In the first two days of treatment, the daily dosage should be 72 mg.

Afterwards the medicine should be taken three times a day, 1 tablet (36 mg). During 4 days of treatment, the patient drinks about 18 tablets.

The most inexpensive drug that is effective against viruses A and B, adenoviruses, parainfluenza and syncytial infections. The principle of action of the drug is to stimulate the synthesis of endogenous interferon. Arbidol helps strengthen the immune system and has an antioxidant effect.

If there are no complications with a cold, the medicine can be prescribed to children and adults:

  1. 3-6 years – 50 mg;
  2. 6-12 years – 100 mg;
  3. After 12 years – 200 mg.

Arbidol should be taken for 5 days four times a day every 6 hours. After which the medicine is taken once every 7 days for a month.

An inexpensive antiviral agent that is an inducer of endogenous interferon. It has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.

Adults should take Amizon after meals up to 4 times a day for moderate acute respiratory infections and flu, 0.25 g, and for severe forms of the disease - 0.5 g for a week. The dose for children under 12 years of age is 0.125 g three times a day for 5 days.


It is a homeopathic drug that has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. In addition, it is used in the treatment of influenza and ARVI. Adults need to take 1 tablet up to 6 times a day.

Treatment with Anaferon should begin at the first respiratory manifestations. When the patient's condition improves, the drug is taken once a day for 10 days.

Children from 0.5 to 3 years old should dissolve one tablet in 15 ml of water and then drink. For preventive purposes, Anaferon is prescribed 1 tablet 1 time per day for 1-3 months. Plus, this is a fairly cheap offer.


A drug for intranasal use that has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. The duration of the therapeutic course and dosage are determined by the attending physician.

For children under 14 years of age, the daily dose is 2 drops (100 IU) five times a day. An adult should take Grippferon up to 6 times a day, 3 drops (1500 IU). The duration of the treatment course is five days.

Herbal antiviral drugs are inexpensive

Many medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Often, herbal remedies help fight herpes infection.

Very often a cold is accompanied by herpes. Moreover, the course of cytomegalo viral infection often accompanied by the same symptoms as with ARVI.

Alpizarin is included in the list of medicines that fight viruses and infections. It contains mango leaf extract, yellow pennywort and alpine pennywort.

In addition, Flacozide is a good medicine based on natural ingredients. Active substance The drug is obtained from Laval velvet and Amur velvet.

Externally you can use ointments such as:

  • Gossypol (the active substance is obtained by processing cotton root or cotton seeds).
  • Helepin (the active ingredient is the leaves of Lespedeza coppecca).
  • Megozin (cotton oil).

In addition, natural antiviral drugs for colds include such drugs as Altabor (based on the fruits of sticky and gray alder) and Proteflazid (extract of the ground part of reed grass and turf pike). These drugs are actively used for preventive and therapeutic purposes for influenza and other colds.

A drug from a German manufacturer, Imupret, also has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. This product contains oak bark, walnut leaves and horsetail. What is a rational approach to the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, and how to use drugs - in the form in this article.

Inexpensive cold medicines

Antiviral medications are often used for colds. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive medicine, so the question arises, what inexpensive remedy can be used to quickly recover. A thrifty person knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. During the peak of colds, it is necessary to activate the immune system.

The effects of antiviral drugs on the body

ARVI is best treated with an antiviral drug; it stops the multiplication of the virus and prevents it from getting worse. There are two groups of drugs - synthetic and natural. They can be used for treatment and preventive purposes. Pharmacology has developed three main groups of drugs to combat viruses:

  • Flu medications.
  • Medicines for herpes infection.
  • Drugs for cytomegalovirus.

They all have different prices, much depends on the manufacturer. The same drug may have different prices. For example, one produced abroad will cost more, but a domestic drug with the same composition is always cheaper. Please note that cold medications are effective only at the beginning of the disease. When the virus has already completely colonized the entire body, the antiviral drug will no longer help.

The drug eliminates the cause and development of ARVI, with its help you can:

  • Protect against further exacerbation of a chronic disease (tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Reduce the duration of a cold and alleviate symptoms. After taking it, the person recovers within 2 days.
  • Reduces the risk of severe complications of ARVI.
  • Protects against infection. The drug is used as a prophylactic drug. If one of the family members gets sick, it is necessary to take medicine, this way you can protect yourself from ARVI.

Inexpensive cold tablets

Proven synthetic drugs are Rimantadine and Amantadine. To increase effectiveness, they should be taken at the first symptoms of the disease. Please note that they are more suitable for the influenza A virus, and when a person gets sick, he cannot independently find out what virus he has.

Inexpensive and effective cold remedies include neuraminidase inhibitors; they help with influenza B and A viruses. They completely destroy enzymes and stop the activity of the virus. This group of drugs includes Tamiflu, Grippferon, Relenza, Kagocel, Amiksin, Anaferon, Arbidol, Viferon, Amizon.

Anti-cold diseases of plant origin

The inexpensive group includes medications, which contain herbs. They are recommended for use when herpetic rashes are observed during a cold. The following antiviral herbal preparations can be distinguished:

  • Alpizarin It contains mango leaves, yellowing pennyweed, and alpine pennyweed.
  • Flacoside consists of Amur velvet and Laval.
  • Megosin ointment used externally, it contains cottonseed oil.
  • Helepin ointment consists of the ground part of the penny lespedeza.
  • Gossypol ointment in its composition has a cotton root and cotton seeds.
  • Altabor- an effective anti-cold drug. It contains black and gray alder.
  • Proteflazid suitable for the treatment of flu, colds. It contains ground reed grass, soddy pike.
  • Imupret is an expensive German drug. It consists of an extract of oak bark, horsetail and walnut leaves.

Prices for cold medicines

The cost of all medicines is different. It is best to pay attention to efficiency and safety. You can first save money and then treat the consequences after taking the drugs. Without a doctor, you do not need to prescribe drugs yourself.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs include Amiksin, Anaferon, Amizon. You can first buy a plate of 10 tablets, check your reaction and the effect of the drug, if everything is fine, you can continue treatment with this remedy.

Please note that cold remedies do not eliminate the symptoms of a cold, but the cause of its occurrence, and therefore are effective. With their help you can reduce the disease.

Inexpensive cold remedies to relieve symptoms

To speed up recovery, it is necessary to pay attention to all disruptions in the body. When your throat hurts, you can prepare a soda-salt solution at home and constantly gargle with it. Tincture of calendula and eucalyptus will help relieve sore throat. You need to take 200 ml of warm water and dilute a tablespoon of tincture in it. Rinse every 3 hours.

The following inexpensive drugs will help relieve a sore throat:

  • Septefril– an antiseptic drug, it is used to treat pharyngitis, sore throat, stomatitis.
  • Chlorophyllipt contains extracts from eucalyptus. The drug relieves pain and removes purulent plugs from the tonsils. Available in the form of an oil and alcohol solution, also in the form of a spray.
  • Streptocide It is recommended to use it for a very sore throat. Efficiency increases if you mix Streptocide powder with honey.
  • Miramistin solution has an antiseptic effect, helps with colds and gets rid of inflammation in the throat.

If you experience nasal congestion, you can use inexpensive nasal drops such as Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Farmazolin, Pinosol, Galazolin for several days. Eucalyptus and peppermint oil softens the nasal mucosa. Constantly rinse your nose with saline solution, this will quickly clear the mucous membrane of the virus.

When a cold is accompanied by a high temperature, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs. Inexpensive medications include Acetylsalicylic acid, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

So, to avoid having to spend money on cold medications, keep an eye on your immune system. Constantly strengthen your body, temper it, play sports, eat right and move as much as possible!

Antiviral drugs for colds

Treatment of an illness such as a cold involves the use of a number of measures to reduce temperature and reduce inflammation. However, if the disease is viral in nature, then there is a possibility of complications developing, so the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs for colds, which have a direct effect on the particle that infects the body.

Antiviral drugs for colds - a list

Taking these medications helps strengthen the immune system and prevent complications. They are recommended to be taken as a preventive measure for many diseases. When you have a cold, doctors advise resorting to antiviral drugs, rather than antibacterial ones, in order to overcome the virus that caused the disease. Treatment with antibiotics is carried out in the presence of bacterial complications.

The most popular antiviral drugs for colds are those with the following names:

  • Relenza;
  • Kagocel;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Grippoferon;
  • Arbidol;
  • Remantadine;
  • Cycloferon:
  • Groprinosin.

As well as homeopathic antiviral drugs for colds:

  • Anaferon;
  • Aflubin;
  • Oscillococcinum

Let's look at some of the drugs presented:

  1. Ribavirin prescribed for diseases associated with the activity of viruses of groups A0 and A2, effectively copes with rhinoviruses.
  2. Arbidol used to get rid of diseases caused by viruses A and B. The drug also inhibits adenoviruses and is effective against laragrippa.
  3. Groprinosin reduces the load on the body created by viruses, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, thus increasing resistance to diseases.
  4. Inosine Pranobex is especially effective in the treatment of ailments associated with the influence of rhinoviruses, group B viruses and adenoviruses. Also, the use of the medicine helps to cope with parainfluenza and influenza virus.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds

Among the cheap means of destroying infectious particles are:

  1. , which has a clear interferonogenic effect. In addition to low cost, its advantages are the absence side effects, including allergic reactions;
  2. Anaferon, which inhibits the activity of influenza viruses, parainfluenza, rotavirus, adenovirus, supports immunity. The drug is actively used with other drugs in combination to treat diseases caused by the herpes virus.
  3. Amiksin stimulates the immune system and has a long-lasting effect. In many cases, taking one tablet per week is enough.

Strong antiviral drugs for colds

The most powerful of all drugs are neuraminidase inhibitors, which weaken the enzyme responsible for the development of the virus. These include Zanamivir and Tamiflu.

Medicines suppress the growth of viruses included in groups A and B. Their use reduces the duration of the febrile stage by 50% and reduces the likelihood of complications by half. The main advantage of such funds is that they lose their action throughout the entire course of the disease. However, due to numerous side effects they are not prescribed to children under twelve years of age.

The most effective antiviral drugs for colds

The most convenient and effective form is interferons. These components are active against all viruses, since their activity is not limited by anything. Interferon is synthesized in the body, so the main side effect is intolerance to the foreign protein. The best antiviral drugs for colds in this category are: Cycloferon, Laferon, suppositories - Kipferon, nasal drops - Grippferon.

Recover from a cold without spending fabulous sums? It is quite possible if you know which of them inexpensive drugs the most effective.

What is a cold?

It turns out there is no such disease. This is the general name for diseases caused by hypothermia. A cold in everyday life is called:

  • rhinitis;
  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.

Rather, they are caused by infection. Cold temperatures provoke a decrease in immunity and increase the body's susceptibility to pathogenic microorganisms.

Heal and not go broke

To recover and save your wallet from ruin, you need to remember the old cold medicines, inexpensive and effective. After all, the manufacturers themselves openly admit that last years no fundamentally new antipyretic and analgesic drugs were created. Therefore, you can always find a cheaper, but equally fast-acting analogue.

The easier it is, because you will have to purchase several drugs at once. When treating a cold, the patient faces two tasks:

The nose is stuffy, the head hurts, sores on the lips, chills - you need to deal with the first signs as soon as possible.

Against viruses

Pharmacy counters are full of an abundance of antiviral drugs, advertised and very expensive. Money down the drain - that’s what experts say about them.

  1. they are effective when taken on the first day after the onset of cold symptoms;
  2. The effectiveness of most of them has not been proven.

Products containing interferon have a proven effect. This is a protein that is produced by cells when viruses invade the body. It performs vital functions by preventing the proliferation of viruses and stimulating the immune system to fight them.

Medicines containing human recombinant interferon have undoubted advantages:

  • fight viruses of various modifications;
  • allowed for children from birth;
  • safe for pregnant and lactating women;
  • do not form habituation and dependence.

The only limitation is the high price, but it is justified. Ahead we will get acquainted with the most budget-friendly representatives of immunostimulants.

Action of Grippferon

Available in the form of nasal drops. After all, most often the penetration of viruses occurs through the nasal cavity. Grippferon also copes with the symptoms of the disease, so it does not require additional medications.

It is not recommended to take Grippferon simultaneously with vasoconstrictors, because it has a drying effect.

By taking it, you can reduce the duration of the disease by almost half. How to use the drops?

Among the contraindications and side effects Grippferon - the possibility of allergic reactions due to intolerance to the components.

Genferon light

It is not fundamentally different from Grippferon, except in the form of release. Genferon light is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. One suppository contains human interferon alpha-2a, taurine and anesthesin. Due to the active components, the therapeutic effect is achieved:

Rectal administration helps increase the absorption of components and avoid some side effects. For a cold, suppositories are administered twice during the day, exactly 12 hours later.

Relieve the condition

Wait until interferon starts working? But what about severe headaches and high fever? Doctors advise dealing with symptoms and taking antipyretic and painkillers.

Among the wide variety, it is difficult to choose the best cold medicine, fast-acting and inexpensive, but it is possible. At the pharmacy, let's turn our heads to the most modest packages.

Paracetamol and its analogues

Time-tested Paracetamol will help out. It is on the list of essential drugs of the World Health Organization, and in Russia it is recognized as a vital and essential drug. Prices for Paracetamol are controlled by the state.

A Paracetamol tablet will help relieve headache and reduce the temperature without irritating the gastrointestinal mucosa and without disrupting water-salt metabolism. It is taken 1-2 hours after a meal.

You can repeat the dose only after 4 hours. The daily maximum should not be higher than 8 tablets.

Overdose can lead to liver failure.

The drug is prohibited for children under 3 years of age and for severe kidney and liver diseases, individual intolerance. Manufacturers emphasize that it should not be taken with alcoholic beverages.

Popular analogues of Paracetamol also have a very budget price. Alternatively you can buy:

During pregnancy and lactation, all paracetamol-containing drugs are used with caution.

Therapeutic effect of Ibuprofen

Simple Ibuprofen in tablets costs mere pennies, and yet it is a component of more expensive drugs - such as Nurofen, Ibufen, Dolgit, Ibuklin (in combination with paracetamol). Why overpay if the drugs have the same active ingredients?

Ibuprofen is also on the WHO list of essential medicines. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that simultaneously relieves fever and pain.

To relieve cold symptoms, take 1 tablet three times a day.

Ibuprofen should not be used simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid.

The drug has a number of contraindications for patients with asthma, liver failure, pregnancy and lactation. Young children are best treated with pediatric forms of the drug.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Another vital drug that we used to call Aspirin. But if you really want to save money, then you need to turn your attention to tablets with exactly that name - Acetylsalicylic acid.

The drug is known for its analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it is classified as an NSAID. Used after meals. The maximum amount per day is 6 tablets.

Eliminate nasal congestion

From a runny nose, your nose feels like it’s bursting, you can’t breathe and you just don’t have the strength. Then a box of vasoconstrictor is placed in the bag with the purchased cold medications. In this case, how can you avoid being deceived by bright packaging and spending extra money?

Many vasoconstrictors are produced on the basis of xylometazoline. We discard the expensive DlyaNos, Otrivin, Rinomaris, Rinostop and Ximelin, and opt for the affordable Galazolin.

Galazolin according to its action combination drug. At the same time, it constricts the vessels of the nasal mucosa, reducing redness and swelling. The effect after use is achieved within 5 minutes, and lasts for 5-6 hours or even more.

During the day, 2-3 drops are instilled into both nasal passages twice or thrice. For children from 2 to 6 years old, purchase drops labeled 0.05% and instill them 1-2 times a day. The maximum course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Price comparison

The time has come to take stock of the costs of a cold. To avoid spending too much, use the table of analogues and prices.

Drug name Release form Quantity, volume Manufacturer country price, rub.
Antiviral drugs containing interferon
Kipferon Candles 10 pieces Russia, Alpharm 669
Viferon Candles 10 pieces Russia, Feron 384
Genferon light Candles 10 pieces Russia, Biocad 330
Grippferon Nasal drops 10 ml Russia, Firn M 275
Antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs Paracetamol and analogues
Efferalgan Effervescent tablets 16 pcs France, UPSA 183
Children's Panadol Candles 10 pieces 77
Tsefekon D Candles 10 pieces Russia, Nizhpharm 66
Panadol Pills 12 pcs UK, GlaxoSmithKline 52
Paracetamol Pills 10 pieces Russia, Pharmstandard 7
Ibuprofen and analogues
Nurofen for children Suspension 100 ml 124
Nurofen Pills 10 pieces UK, Reckitt Benckiser 97
Ibuprofen Pills 50 pcs Belarus, Borisov plant 28
Acetylsalicylic acid and analogues
Aspirin-S Effervescent tablets 10 pieces Germany, Bayer 269
Aspirin Complex Sachets 10 pieces Germany, Bayer 454
Acetylsalicylic acid Pills 20 pcs Russia, Pharmstandard 17
Vasoconstrictor drugs
Otrivin Spray 10 ml Switzerland, Novartis 162
Rinostop Extra Drops 10 ml Russia, Lecco 137
Nazivin Spray 10 ml Germany, Merck 132
Rinomaris Spray 10 ml Croatia, Jadran 122
Galazolin Drops 10 ml Poland, Polfa 41

Now going to the pharmacy isn't so scary, is it?

Every autumn, in Russia, we usually have a boom in colds, which lasts all winter and ends only by April. Vitamin deficiency, fatigue, stress, hypothermia, as well as being in public places during flu quarantine - all this can trigger the development of acute respiratory infections in a person. And in our time, being sick is very, very unprofitable. Not only will you have to take sick leave, due to which your monthly salary will be significantly reduced. Also, medicines are now so expensive that many people simply cannot afford them. But there is a way out of every situation! In this article we will provide an overview of the most effective and at the same time cheap, or at least affordable, medications that can help cope with such unpleasant diseases, like acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, colds and flu.

How can I replace Antigrippin and why do I relieve the symptoms of flu and colds?

Nowadays it is fashionable, already at the first symptoms of flu and colds, slight malaise, to start taking such “anti-flu” (in quotes) drugs, such as Antigrippin and the like, without thinking at all about its composition and effect on the body. Although, as a rule, all these drugs do not cure, but only relieve the symptoms of the disease, roughly speaking, pain relief. Such preparations usually contain a standard set of active ingredients, namely: antipyretics (paracetamol, aspirin), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and a decongestant that eliminates allergic symptoms. So, having taken such a magic pill, a person begins to feel much better, as if he were not sick, but all this is a mirage, because by temporarily stopping the pain, you will not stop the development of the disease. Feeling healthy, a person begins to lead an active lifestyle, while his body should have, on the contrary, reduced physical activity, directing all its strength to fight developing viruses and pathogenic flora. So, instead of helping yourself to recover, by taking an Antigrippin tablet for no real reason, you will force your body to work with all its strength. Of course, there are such “accidental” situations when a person has to cope with the symptoms of a cold because he needs to finish his work day, go to an exam... But even in this case, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive drugs. The average price for Antigrippin is 260 rubles, but it can be easily replaced with a combination of conventional antipyretic tablets (price from 2.70 rubles), ascorbic acid(price from 5 rub.). Antipyretics will relieve cold symptoms, such as pain and fever, and ascorbic acid will activate the immune system.

Antipyretics available to any pocket. Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

In general, an antipyretic is designed to bring down the temperature.

Antipyretic - first aid for fever more than 38 degrees. As you know, it is not recommended to reduce the temperature below 38 degrees, since an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the immune system, due to which a number of specific processes are launched in the body, such as an increase in the production of interferons, antibodies, and activation of macrophages. All this creates an unfavorable environment for the life of bacteria and viruses in the body. Of course, everything should be within reasonable limits, and it is important to remember that, if body temperature exceeds 38 degrees, human health is at serious risk. So, with prolonged heat, convulsions may occur, and a person may become delirious. In addition, there is a high probability of developing heart disease and shortness of breath. In general, at high temperatures, the load on all organs is great. Such conditions are especially dangerous for people with chronic diseases. That is why it is so important to “bring down” a high temperature in time by drinking an antipyretic medicine.

List of antipyretic tablets:

  • Ibuprofen 200 mg No. 20. Price 15 rubles. This is an analogue of the popular and more expensive drug Nurofen. It has a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

The following can also help as an antipyretic:

  • Paracetamol 500 mg tab. No. 10 2.70 rub. Indicated for pain of mild to moderate intensity, as well as fever and colds.
  • Aspirin(acetylsalicylic acid) 500 mg tab. No. 10 3.40 rub. Indications for aspirin include symptoms such as “fever due to infectious inflammatory diseases", and " pain syndrome weak and medium intensity of various origins.”
  • Citramon P tab. No. 10 6.70 rub. It has a weak antipyretic and moderate analgesic effect. A Citramon P tablet should be taken, for example, if the temperature is low, but there is a headache.

Inexpensive means for gargling for acute respiratory infections, ARVI and sore throat

If you experience discomfort in your throat, soreness, dryness, pain, then you definitely need to start gargling for disinfection at least 3-5 times a day. A rinse solution can be prepared by dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. It is also useful to gargle with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage. We will offer the following inexpensive pharmaceutical products:

  • Rotokan 50ml extra liquid, internal, local No. 1 fl. 47.60 rub. The Latin name of this drug is Rotocanum® (made in Russia). The solution contains extracts of calendula officinalis flowers, chamomile flowers and yarrow herb. Has a local antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. A teaspoon of solution is diluted in a glass of warm water and rinsed oral cavity and throat 3-5 times throughout the day.

  • Furacilin 20 mg tablet No. 10 56.50 rub. Local antimicrobial agent. A furatsilin tablet is diluted in a glass of water and rinsed in the mouth for one minute.

Nasal decongestants

  • Rhinostop 0.1% 10ml drops called. Price 29.40 rub. The active ingredient is xylometazoline. Drops are indicated for acute infectious and allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media in the composition complex therapy. Xylometazoline helps reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • Naphthyzin 0.1% 10ml drops called. 20.70 rub. Active ingredient - naphazoline. The drops have a vasoconstrictor effect and are also used to relieve swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Cough medicines

  • Bromhexine 8 mg tab. No. 28 56.50 rub. Mucolytic (secretolytic) agent, has an expectorant and weak antitussive effect. Reduces the viscosity of sputum; activates ciliated epithelium, increases volume and improves sputum discharge. Adults take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The effect appears within 2-5 days from the start of treatment. The drug is approved for use in children over 2 years of age.

  • Mukaltin 50 mg tablet No. 20 49.00 rub. Herbal medicine based on the herb extract of medicinal marshmallow. It has secretolytic and expectorant effects. In particular, it is indicated for dry coughs and coughs with difficult to separate sputum of high viscosity. Adults should take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. Approved for use by pregnant and nursing mothers on the recommendation of a doctor.

  • Ambroxol 30 mg tab. No. 20 26.70 rub. Ambroxol tablets are indicated for respiratory diseases accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. They have a secretolytic effect and a stimulating effect on the motor function of the respiratory tract. Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 4-5 days.

  • Acc 200 mg granules No. 20 pack. Orange RUB 127.70 According to ACC doctors, it is very effective drug, especially when wet cough with a lot of sputum. The active ingredient, acetylcysteine, has a mucolytic effect and also facilitates the discharge of sputum. The drug is produced in granules packaged in sachets, as well as in effervescent soluble tablets, but the price for soluble tablets is twice as high. Granules, similar to tablets, are dissolved in a glass of water. The solution is taken three times a day. The effect of taking “ACC” will be noticeable the next day. The general course of treatment usually does not exceed 5-7 days.

Antiviral drugs

On the Russian pharmaceutical market, antiviral drugs occupy a far from low price category. Of course, there are medications such as Remantadine or Amantadine, the cost of which does not exceed 70 rubles per package, but after analyzing the opinions of specialists and consumers about the effectiveness of these drugs, we decided to refrain from recommending them. Here are a few of the most effective drugs that boast a fairly budget price among their analogues.

  • Anaferon(for adults) No. 20 tab. 187 rub. Made in Russia. Composition: affinity-purified antibodies to human interferon gamma (water-alcohol mixture containing the active substance no more than 10-15 ng/g) 3 mg in 1 tablet. Anaferon has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Effective against influenza viruses (including avian influenza), parainfluenza, various herpes viruses, enteroviruses, tick-borne encephalitis virus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus, adenovirus, MS. An original antiviral drug with proven clinical effectiveness in the protection and treatment of ARVI and influenza. Has no side effects. It is taken at the first symptoms of colds and flu according to a special regimen specified in the instructions for the drug.

  • Cycloferon 150 mg. tab. No. 10 Made in Russia. 184 rub. According to doctors, as well as customer reviews, cycloferon can quickly help cope with an incipient disease. The active ingredient, meglumine acridone acetate, is an immunostimulant that induces interferon. The main interferon-producing cells after the administration of Cycloferon are macrophages, T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and epithelial cells. Depending on the type of infection, one or another part of the immune system is activated. Cycloferon is effective against tick-borne encephalitis viruses, influenza, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, papilloma virus and other viruses, as well as in the complex therapy of bacterial and fungal infections.

  • Interferon human leukocyte 1000 IU/ml ampoules called. No. 10 - 90.40 rub. The active ingredient, interferon alpha, is an antiviral agent that is active against many viruses and not active against HIV. The ampoules contain powder, which should be diluted in 2 ml of boiled water. The solution is used as antiviral nasal drops and is considered effective means for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza, especially in children.


The most popular antibiotic prescribed for acute respiratory diseases, is Amoxicillin (more expensive analogs are Flemoxin and Amoxiclav). Also, for complications of respiratory tract disease, biseptol is used, less often - azithromycin. All of these antibiotics have an effect on a wide range of bacteria and are prescribed by a doctor for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. In general, it is undesirable to start taking antibiotics on your own without consulting a specialist, because if the drug is chosen incorrectly or the dosage is incorrect, there is a high risk of developing a superinfection, when the number of pathogenic bacteria in the body increases sharply, and not necessarily those that initially caused the disease. As a result, the severity of the disease will increase and more complex treatment will be required to overcome it. This is why it is so dangerous to self-medicate with antibiotics. Here we provide a list, as well as prices for the most affordable and effective antibiotics prescribed for colds:

  • Amoxicillin 500 mg tab. No. 20 - 54.10r

  • Biseptol 480 mg tab. No. 28 - 92.70 rub.

  • Azithromycin 500 mg caps. No. 3 - 78.70 rub.

List of lozenges that help with sore throat

  • Pectusin 10 tab. Price 34.70. Pectusin is a combined preparation based on plant components (active ingredient - eucalyptus leaf oil + Racementol) with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Faringomed tab.d/rass. No. 20. Price 85.20 rub. Reduces swelling, redness, sore throat and sore throat, and facilitates nasal breathing.

  • Faringosept 10 mg tab.d/sol. No. 10 lemon. Price 90.90 rubles The active ingredient ambazon has an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect, cocoa powder softens the throat, eliminates soreness and dryness

Thank you for your attention, dear readers! Be healthy!

A cold is a disease caused by a number of viruses that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Occurs mainly due to hypothermia. People with weakened immune systems are most at risk of infection.

It is important at the very beginning of the disease not to confuse ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) with influenza. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease in order to begin correct treatment and start taking cold and flu medications for adults immediately.

Cold symptoms

A cold most often manifests itself primarily as discomfort in the throat and nasopharynx. Later, a runny nose develops, mainly manifesting itself in the form of clear nasal discharge. The body temperature does not exceed 38° and lasts no more than 2-3 days, so there is no point in bringing it down.

Colds and flu always come without asking

Main symptoms of a cold:

  • headache,
  • runny nose,
  • a sore throat,
  • pain in the eyes, lacrimation (at the very beginning of the disease),
  • sore throat,
  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • weakness (in the first days of illness),
  • subfibrile temperature.

Effective medicines to relieve cold symptoms

Proper treatment of a cold is not limited to starting to take medications on time. When dealing with colds and flu, it is important for adults and children to approach the problem comprehensively. You need to stick to bed rest and drink more fluids.

This helps remove toxins. It is better to give preference to tea with the addition of lemon or raspberries; ginger tea helps a lot. Please note that any drink you choose should not be hot, much less cold.

Maintain bed rest

By spending the first 3 days in bed, you will not only speed up the healing process, but will also be able to avoid possible complications.

Headache and body aches are the main companions of an acute respiratory viral infection, so it is quite difficult for the patient to stop taking painkillers. For colds and flu in adults, doctors usually prescribe Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, both in their pure form and drugs containing them in their composition.

Heat more than 38 degrees. - a reason to take antipyretic medications

It is important to know! Antipyretic medications for colds should be taken as a last resort.. If you have the flu, you cannot do without such medications, since with the flu the body temperature is usually higher than with a cold.

The use of these medications will not only relieve you of unpleasant, painful sensations, but will also help reduce elevated temperature. However, you should not abuse these drugs, as an overdose can lead to damage to the kidneys and liver.

Painkillers and antipyretics:

  • Paracetamol. The most popular and safest antipyretic and analgesic. Available in various forms. These can be tablets, soluble tablets, suppositories, drops (for infants) and suspensions (for children). Can be used for no more than 5 days. Without a doctor’s prescription – 3 days.

  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). The use of aspirin by children under 15 years of age, as well as by pregnant women and patients with peptic ulcer. Contraindicated in persons with kidney damage. May cause allergic reactions. Available in tablet and dissolvable tablet form.

  • Ibuprofen. It is as effective as paracetamol, but is much less irritating to the gastric mucosa. Can be purchased in tablets, syrup, and also in the form of rectal suppositories.

Trade names of antipyretic and analgesic drugs:

  • Paracetamol,
  • Nurofen,
  • Calpole,
  • Ibusan,
  • Ibuprofen,
  • Aspirin,
  • Efferalgan.

In the fight against colds and flu, you cannot do without vasoconstrictors. They help relieve nasal congestion and make breathing easier for the patient. Please note that vasoconstrictor medications for colds and flu should absolutely not be abused by both adults and children.

The duration of taking vasoconstrictor drugs should not exceed 3 days

It is permissible to use such products no more than 4 times per day.

Such drugs quickly become addictive and addictive.. The effect may be the opposite of what was expected. With an overdose or long-term use of a vasoconstrictor, the swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa will only increase. Then you will no longer be able to breathe fully without such drops.

Drugs aimed at relieving cold symptoms are very popular. They act quickly enough and retain the relief effect for some time.

One of the most popular drugs for getting rid of cold symptoms

The most common medications to relieve symptoms:

  • Coldrex. Fast-acting remedy. Helps you forget about cold symptoms within a few hours. The effect is achieved thanks to the combination of components in the composition of the drug. A combination of paracetamol and caffeine helps relieve headaches and muscle pain. Price from 200 rub.
  • Theraflu. Significant content of paracetamol and vitamin C. Acts quickly and retains the effect for at least 2 hours. Contains pheniramine, which reduces swelling and makes breathing easier. Price from 180 rub.
  • Fervex. Quickly reduces elevated body temperature, and also relieves swelling of the upper respiratory tract. The result is achieved thanks to the content of paracetamol and antihistamine. Price from 320 to 350 rubles.

Important! All these remedies are aimed only at eliminating symptoms and are not medicines. The most you can expect is relief within a few hours. You should not abuse such drugs, as they contain a significant amount of paracetamol.

Relieving cold symptoms

The most important advantage of complex drugs is the rapid action and long-awaited relief of cold or flu symptoms.


Antiviral drugs will help the body cope with ARVI or influenza faster and without complications.

The most effective of them:

  • Arbidol. One of the most popular antiviral drugs. Helps combat influenza A and B viruses. The product cannot be called 100% effective, because, despite positive reviews, its effectiveness has not been proven. Cost from 160 to 485 rubles, depending on the form of release and quantity.

  • Ingavirin. A potent drug. Acts directly on the genome of the influenza virus, destroying it. The drug was discovered quite a long time ago. Used in treatment oncological diseases. Over time, scientists discovered the ability of vitaglutam, which is part of inverin, to affect viruses. Price: 430-520 rub.

Flu treatment
  • Remantadine. Actively fights viruses and promotes a speedy recovery. It is very important to start taking rimantadine at the first symptoms of ARVI or flu, so the drug will act most effectively. Price in pharmacies from 85 to 200 rubles.

Antiviral agent

Can a cold be treated with antibiotics?

Treatment of ARVI with antibiotics is carried out only as a last resort. You cannot self-medicate, since the choice of antibiotic can only be entrusted to a qualified specialist. There is no antibiotic for “flu” or “cold”, you can only prescribe a specific drug for each specific case. You should not take such drugs on the advice of friends, even if your symptoms are similar. Taking antibiotics usually entails a number of consequences and side effects.

Antibiotics are used in cases with complications

You can talk about taking an antibiotic only if a bacterial infection is associated with an acute respiratory viral infection and only after the patient has undergone the appropriate tests.

Antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • Pneumonia;
  • Otitis;
  • Sore throat (bacterial);
  • Bronchitis;
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis.

Cough medicines

Cough is another “companion” of ARVI. It is the body's defense response to inflammatory processes, as a result of which mucus is released, which cleanses the bronchi from harmful microorganisms.

Cough - frequent companion colds and flu

It should not be started, since even a slight cough with a weakened immune system can develop into bronchitis or even pneumonia. Correctly and timely prescribed cough medicine for colds and flu will help prevent coughing in both adults and children.

There is no universal medicine that can cure cough

Each drug can cope with a specific type of cough. Cough can be divided into two types - dry and wet (wet).

With a wet cough, the use of medications aimed at suppressing the cough reflex can be very dangerous for the patient. The accumulation of sputum will lead to blockage of the lumens of the bronchi. With a dry cough, the use of drugs to remove and dilute sputum is simply useless.

Cough remedy

Medicines for wet coughs (to thin sputum):

  • Bromhexine (from 20 rub.),
  • Stoptussin (from 120 rub.),
  • Mukaltin (from 15 rubles).

Medicines for dry cough:

  • Sinekod. Price: 275-440 rub.
  • Libexin. Price: about 500 rub.
  • ACC. Price: 130-390 rub.

Dry cough remedy

Cough medications must be taken for at least 7 days. Otherwise there will be no effect. The use of any drug for more than 7 days is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of a sore throat

A sore throat accompanies a patient with ARVI from the very beginning of the disease. Usually this symptom of a cold appears first and for a long time prevents the patient from eating, drinking and even just swallowing normally.

Sore throat is one of the symptoms of the disease

Fortunately, there is a sufficient number antibacterial drugs . They are able not only to relieve the symptom itself, but also to eliminate the root cause of its appearance - bacteria that cause inflammation. There are many forms of release of drugs for sore throat. These are tablets, lozenges, lozenges, sprays and rinses.

Medicines for sore throat:

  • Strepsils. Sore throat tablets that are always at hand. Differ in a variety of tastes and rather high efficiency. The cost of the drug: from 215 rubles.

Sore throat remedy
  • Faringosept. Pills. Pleasant taste and high efficiency drug. Price of the medicine: from 125 rubles.
  • Tantum Verde. Available in spray form. A very effective drug. Works quickly to kill bacteria and soothe the throat. Price: 265-370 rub.

Medicine for a sore throat
  • Bioparox. Aerosol. Local antibiotic. Relieves pain and fights inflammation in a short time. Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, as well as for pregnant women and lactation. Cost: from 350 rub.
  • Lugol's solution. A remedy familiar from childhood. Apply with a cotton swab. Contains iodine, which has an antiseptic effect. Price: from 10 rub.

How to fight a runny nose

Before instilling the same vasoconstrictor drugs or homeopathic drops, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages. Sprays with sterilized sea water are perfect for this. There are many of them on pharmacy shelves.

Trade names:

  • Humer (approximate cost: 550-650 rub.),
  • Aqua Maris (price: 70-185 rub.),
  • Marimer (price: 160-450 rub.),
  • Salin (cost: 100-150 rubles).

The variety of seaweed-based sprays is impressive

The purpose of such solutions and drops is to clear the nose of mucus and allergens. Afterwards, you can use drops in your nose, which will relieve you of swelling.

Medicines for the common cold can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Vasoconstrictors. Fast-acting drops and sprays. Relieves swelling and brings long-lasting relief to the patient. The main disadvantage of such drugs is the body’s addiction due to long-term use.
  2. Homeopathic. Such drugs help cope with a runny nose, thanks to the natural ingredients in their composition. Minus – the effect is achieved through long-term and systematic use.
  3. Inhalations. No one has canceled the usual method of dealing with the runny nose. Inhalations will help you “get back on your feet” faster due to the impact on Airways generally.

Are there quick-acting medications?

Cold and flu medications for adults and children require a comprehensive and systematic approach. This is the only way to return to your usual rhythm in the shortest possible time and with the least negative impact on the body.

A woman’s health is not a toy, self-care is important

Remember that any disease is a consequence of weakened immunity. Comprehensive prevention is the main rule of a healthy person.

Monitor your health every day, then you won’t have to look for drugs that can relieve the symptoms of colds and flu, whether you are an adult or a child.

How to distinguish the flu from a cold? Watch the video consultation with specialists:

Treatment of influenza, ARVI and colds: simple tips. Find out from this useful video:

TOP 6 cheap cold medicines that will replace expensive ones. Watch an interesting video:

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