Dry cough in an adult, treatment with folk remedies. How to treat a very severe cough in an adult How to treat a very dry cough

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

In most cases, coughing is a reflexive defensive reaction, with the help of which the body gets rid of accumulated phlegm and clears the airways. However, a dry, unproductive cough causes discomfort and does not bring relief during illness.

In general, cough is a symptom characteristic of most inflammatory diseases respiratory system. It may also be a sign of an allergic reaction in the body.

There are two types of cough:

  • wet cough with sputum;
  • dry or non-productive cough.

Wet cough, accompanied by sputum production. Its beneficial function is that the microbes contained in the secretions are removed from respiratory tract, thereby speeding up the healing process and eliminating the development of complications.

A dry, unproductive cough usually does not bring relief and can be very debilitating in the form of attacks. Such a cough contributes to significant irritation of the respiratory tract, causes vomiting and damage to mucosal tissue. Another classification is based on the length of time during which the patient coughs.

Depending on this, the cough can be:

  • acute – duration up to 2 weeks;
  • protracted – up to 4 weeks;
  • subacute – lasts no more than 2 months;
  • chronic – the patient coughs for more than 2 months in a row.

There are many ways to eliminate this unpleasant symptom, so we will look at how to treat dry cough in adults in this article.

Causes of dry cough

A dry cough is a manifestation of a reflex-protective mechanism aimed at eliminating an irritating factor (inflammatory, atrophic, mechanical, chemical or temperature) from the respiratory tract. According to some classifications, there are more than 53 causes of this condition.

Dry cough in adults most often develops against the background of an acute respiratory disease, such as, etc. In this case, the patient first experiences a slight cough, which within a few hours or two to three days turns into an intense dry cough.

Along with this, the patient complains of others: increased temperature, worsening general condition. Gradually, the nature of the cough changes from dry to wet, that is, the patient begins to produce sputum.

There are also a number of other factors that can trigger a dry cough:

  • smoking;
  • viral infections, in particular – bronchitis,;
  • entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract;
  • dust and allergens.

Also provoking factors may be:

  • dry air in the room where the patient is;
  • lack of sufficient fluid entering the body.

All causes of dry cough in adults come down to the fact that the bronchi and lung tissue are not able to independently get rid of the pathogenic agent.

Prolonged dry cough in an adult

Often a dry cough occurs during a cold, if a weakened immune system cannot cope with its protective functions, and the disease spreads to the bronchi. As a result, it appears acute bronchitis, which, in the absence of proper treatment, goes into the chronic stage. With prolonged coughing in an adult, deformation of the bronchial walls can occur, which leads to asthma, lung abscess and pneumonia.

A long dry throat cough and severe sore throat occurs with. A very long spasmodic cough, accompanied by pain in the side, shortness of breath and elevated temperature may be observed at .


Symptoms that most often accompany a severe cough in an adult:

  1. Runny nose or, on the contrary, stuffy nose and paranasal sinuses. Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath with the slightest physical exertion and even without it.
  2. Hoarse voice.
  3. Nausea, retching until vomiting.
  4. Enlargement of local lymph nodes.
  5. Symptoms of general malaise include body aches, fever, fever, sweating and drowsiness.

How to treat dry cough in adults

Successful treatment of this condition is based on an accurate diagnosis and elimination of the causes of each of them. All therapeutic measures are carried out under the careful supervision of a doctor.

In the treatment of painful barking dry cough in adults, as opposed to wet cough, drugs are used that suppress cough by influencing the cough reflex.

In fact, this is not treatment as such, but symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing cough, because in this situation, the cough reflex does not benefit the body, and on the contrary, it can cause complications in the form of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum.

General treatments dry cough in adults at home:

  • regular wet cleaning of the premises.
  • controlling the air temperature in the house (not higher than 22C).
  • compress on the chest.
  • heavy drinking regime (teas, milk and Borjomi);
  • do not use aggressive detergents near the patient;
  • steam inhalation. They are very useful for dry cough. Baking soda, herbal decoctions, etc. are added to the water.
  • a diet with enough calories.

Medicines for the treatment of dry cough are divided into 2 types: central and peripheral action.

Cough medicines

To treat dry cough in an adult, medications are prescribed that have an antitussive effect in combination with a sedative, analgesic, and weak antispasmodic effect.

  1. Usually, so-called drugs from the group of mucolytics are used. The most common among them is considered. This drug increases the secretion of mucus, which implements the main principle of treating a dry cough - converting it into a wet one.
  2. Sometimes drugs with a narcotic effect are used to suppress the cough center, for example codeine, ethylmorphine, glicine, prenoxadiazine, oxeladine. This is a type of drug that suppresses the cough reflex in the cerebral cortex.

You should know that simultaneous use of antitussive and expectorant drugs is not permissible due to the risk of blockage of the bronchi with mucus.

Treatment of dry cough with folk remedies

There are many recipes to help cure a cough. folk remedies, and protect the body from the consequences of the diseases that accompanied this symptom.

  1. If you have a dry cough, the following folk remedy will help cure it: take a cotton cloth and moisten it with sunflower oil. Cover the entire chest with this cloth, plastic wrap on top, cotton or linen cloth on top, and a warm scarf. Sleep like this all night. In the morning the cough becomes weaker and milder.
  2. The easiest way to cure a cough is to warm up your chest internal organs– draw an iodine grid on your chest at night;
  3. Drink milk hot, be sure to add alkaline water and honey to it, this will form a large amount of mucus and the dry cough will go away quickly.
  4. A cough compress should consist of vegetable fat, a small amount of mustard, and alcohol. You can also use potatoes boiled in their jackets and natural honey. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and spread on the back, and not washed off until the mixture is completely dry.
  5. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan, add chopped garlic, remove from heat and place on the table. Add 1 tsp. soda, and immediately cover with a sheet and breathe over the saucepan.
  6. Pour boiled water over eucalyptus leaves. Then construct a funnel and breathe in the vapors for up to 20 minutes. Inhalation with thyme and coltsfoot also helps a lot, you can add baking soda and drip eucalyptus oil.
  7. The best remedy for dry cough is coltsfoot. To prepare the decoction, add a glass of water to the leaves. Leave for an hour, use up to three times a day.
  8. Inhalations with oils of lavender, mint, eucalyptus, cedar. You need to add 2-3 drops of any oil to 500 g of boiling water and breathe over the steam. Sputum expectoration will begin immediately.

Dry cough in adults always has a specific cause. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a thorough preliminary examination, based on the results of which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

occurs due to involuntary forced exhalations, which are due to the fact that there is irritation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Anything can cause a cough, from a speck of dust accidentally flying into the throat to serious illnesses: influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Coughing is also caused by small foreign bodies caught in the throat. With the help of coughing, the child is freed from them.

IN last years the number of cancer cases has increased. Hemoptysis syndrome, often complicating the course oncological diseases lungs and tuberculosis, also requires the prescription of drugs that soothe and suppress cough. Antitussive drugs are also necessary for patients with functional disorders in the respiratory system, with tracheal dyskinesia and reflux disease. Thus, the range of diseases for which effective antitussives are needed is very wide.

A cough begins when there is irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. That is why, in order to get rid of a cough (not the cause of the cough, but only the spasm itself), you just need to relieve the irritation, or at least reduce it.

Video: chronic cough - what is its cause and how to overcome it?

Causes of cough

Cough is a reflex defense reaction of the body, manifested by jerky exhalations and ensuring the removal of a foreign body or phlegm from the respiratory tract. Cough can be a symptom of many diseases, so its correct diagnosis is of great importance. Coughing allows the bronchi to clear, so the person does not choke. Therefore, we can say that cough performs a vital function in the body.

Cough can be divided into several types, depending on the causes and symptoms. Most often it is caused by two main reasons - foreign bodies and diseases. A sudden cough usually indicates that a foreign body has entered the respiratory tract. An acute and persistent cough most often indicates a respiratory tract infection, and it usually lasts for at least two weeks. If the cough lasts more than two months, it is called chronic.

Chronic cough is often observed with. In severe asthma, patients are bothered by a prolonged cough, especially at night and after any physical activity. Chronic cough can also be caused by a variety of irritants, such as cigarette smoke or chemicals that a person regularly inhales. Barking cough (especially in small child) should be alarming, as it can be caused by swelling of the larynx, and the consequence can be suffocation.

Cough occurs with the following diseases:

  • Allergy;

    Heart failure;

  • Pneumonia;

  • Laryngitis

In general, cough is not always a symptom of illness. It can be caused by the following factors:

    Inflammation of the airways or areolas due to diseases such as tracheitis, pneumonia or lung abscess.

    Chemical irritation, that is, inhalation of gases with a strong odor. An example is cigarette smoke.

    Mechanical irritation, that is, inhalation of dust, increased tone of the bronchi and disruption of their patency.

    Thermal irritation, that is, inhaling air that is too hot or too cold.

When a foreign body gets into the respiratory tract or smoke is inhaled, the cough is usually one-time. In smokers or with bronchial asthma, a paroxysmal cough is observed. Viral infections cause an acute cough, and in case of heart pathologies, chronic bronchitis and other serious diseases, the cough is observed in a chronic form.

A very obvious cause of chronic cough is smoking, especially if a person has been smoking for many years. Cigarette smoke causes excess mucus to accumulate in the lungs, which may go unnoticed. Therefore, people who smoke often wake up in the morning with a wet cough that stops after a few puffs. If you absolutely need a cigarette in the morning, this is characteristic feature that there are already serious problems in the functioning of the respiratory system.

A wet cough is a consequence of the accumulation of sputum in the trachea, bronchi and lungs; it often develops after a dry cough. With such a cough, the lungs are cleared of phlegm, which acts as an excellent environment for the maturation of bacteria. If a wet cough persists for a long time, the disease can develop into chronic form.

For better coughing, sputum must be thinned with mucalytic agents. They make mucus less viscous and facilitate its removal from the respiratory tract. If you have a wet cough, you need to drink plenty of fluids (water, Herb tea, juice, compote).

A dry cough develops when the mucous membrane is inflamed, and a wet cough develops when there is an accumulation of sputum. Dry coughs are treated with sedatives, wet coughs are treated with expectorants. A dry cough can turn into a wet cough because inflammatory process Without timely treatment gradually falls lower. A wet cough almost never turns into a dry one.

Cough without fever or runny nose

Cough without fever and runny nose is considered the most common pathological symptom, characteristic of most acute respiratory diseases. It can confirm the presence of an uncomplicated infection in the body, or act as a harbinger of a serious illness. Before treatment, it is necessary to understand the causes of cough. And, of course, give an accurate conclusion and write down necessary medications Only a qualified doctor can do this.

The human respiratory system is designed in such a way that when dust, infections, or allergens invade the respiratory tract, a cough appears due to irritation of the receptors. Thanks to it, the trachea and bronchi of a sick person are cleared of various secretions (mucus, sputum, pus, blood, as well as foreign bodies - dust, pollen, food particles).

A long, dry cough without fever or runny nose can be a sign of many diseases (some types of acute respiratory viral infections, allergic reaction, post-infectious cough, stress, chronic diseases ENT organs, heart failure, diseases thyroid gland, certain diseases of the stomach, intestines, tuberculosis, respiratory oncology).

Severe pain when coughing

The causes of pain when coughing are different: from ARVI to lung cancer. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, and preferably in the early stages. Therefore, you need to be examined at the first sign of pain.

Pain in the spine and chest when coughing, they may appear due to the inflamed pleura located in the chest cavity. Dry (inflammation of the pleura) most often occurs with pneumonia or pneumonia. Treatment is with painkillers and antibiotics. In case of pleurisy and pneumonia, the chest is sometimes fixed with bandages, which makes it possible to reduce pain when lying on the affected side.

Pain in the side and chest when inhaling and exhaling during coughing may appear due to pathology in the ribs and thoracic region, pleural tumors, pericarditis (inflammation of the heart membrane). in most cases it is a complication infectious disease respiratory tract.

Pain in the ribs, "shooting" sharp pain when coughing may be a consequence of inflammation nerve endings intercostal space. The root cause is severe pinching or heavy stress on the nerves due to. In these cases good method Treatment for cough is to provide rest and warmth to the back. The cause of sharp chest pain when taking a deep breath and coughing can be due to injury or a strong blow.

Osteochondrosis can cause severe pain in the chest and back, worse when coughing. Causes of osteochondrosis: spinal injuries, long, heavy loads on the spine, scoliosis. Pain in the back, chest, dry, “scratching” cough can be symptoms of tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea) caused by staphylococcal, pneumococcal bacteria. IN acute form the disease is not dangerous, but can develop into a chronic form. Chronic tracheitis can affect people dependent on nicotine, with diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Continuous attacks, an unpleasant sore throat, absence or a small amount of sputum - this is a dry cough. It is stopped by medications that inhibit the nerve center of the brain responsible for the corresponding reflex. But doctors do not recommend using such drugs without indications. In this case, it is much more effective and useful to use drugs to thin the sputum.

Coughing attacks in an adult. What to do if you have a severe cough?

Coughing is one of the unconditioned human reflexes. This is a necessary protective reaction of the respiratory organs to numerous external stimuli. Irritants can be various microparticles, pollen, dust or bacteria, microbes that cause an infectious cough. Cough is not a disease, but only a symptom of some disease.

Many bacterial and viral infections cause severe coughing attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease directly after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

How to stop a coughing attack. Continuous coughing attacks can be relieved with the help of various herbal infusions. Very good remedy for expectoration - a decoction of chamomile with coltsfoot. It will remove accumulated mucus from the respiratory tract and relieve. Regular consumption of 50 ml of wild rosemary decoction will help relieve attacks and calm coughs in a few days.

You can stop a night cough by getting out of bed and leaning forward slightly. Regular stretching also helps get rid of cough. You need to stand up, raise your right hand up and stretch very well. Regular chamomile tea can be a salvation from uncontrollable coughing attacks.

Treatment of dry cough

Medicines aimed at getting rid of dry cough should be taken only if the patient’s cough reflex is really pronounced and interferes with his normal life. To restore quality of life, a doctor may prescribe medications that can relieve a person from a debilitating condition.

When a cough is not accompanied by sputum production, it is necessary to ensure that it becomes productive. Only after this can the patient be prescribed expectorant and mucolytic medications. In addition, it is possible to prescribe drugs that have a complex effect. They are simultaneously capable of providing an expectorant and antitussive effect.

Sage lozenges

To relieve inflammation in the throat, a remedy based on dry plant extract and essential oil, Sage lozenges from Natur Product, has proven itself to be effective. Sage lozenges from Natur product are a combined preparation containing a complex of biologically active substances 1. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant effects, and also has astringent properties 1. Sage lozenges from Natur product have a herbal composition 1. Sage lozenges from Natur product are manufactured in Europe 1 in accordance with international production quality standards.

1 Instructions for medical use of the drug Sage lozenges. RU. P No. 011411/01 dated 03/02/2009



The active ingredient of the drug, the lysine salt of carbocysteine, thins mucus and stimulates its discharge, and also prevents it from flowing into the lower respiratory tract. That is why Fluifort helps restore the structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reduces the intensity of cough and makes breathing easier. The drug is prescribed for rhinosinusitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Available in the form of syrup and granules.

Indications for use


Side effects

Acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, accompanied by the formation of viscous and difficult to separate sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis) and mucus (inflammatory diseases of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses - rhinitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, sinusitis), preparing the patient for bronchoscopy or bronchography.

Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum(in the acute stage). Pregnancy (1st trimester) and period breastfeeding. Childhood up to 1 year. Side effects

Adverse reactions occur very rarely: Dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, loose stools.


Herbion is a plantain syrup produced in the form of syrup. Has antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects. The drug softens and relieves dry cough. Its main active ingredients are mallow flowers and plantain herb.


Sinekod is an antitussive drug that has a direct effect on the cough center. It has expectorant properties, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator effect, and improves spirometry. Indicated for acute dry cough of various origins. The first form of release is intended for use by children, and the second for the treatment of adults.

Indications for use


Side effects

Should be taken for cough (dry and acute), of various etiologies. Able to influence the cough center.

Among other effects:

    relieving inflammation;

    expectorant effect;

    promotes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and improves their patency;

    contributes to the normalization of spirometry indicators.

    period of bearing a child;

    feeding period;

    age under 2 months is an absolute contraindication;

    age under 3 years is a contraindication for syrup (drops are possible);

    Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated for the tablet form.

Loose stool, nausea, allergies, dizziness.


Stoptusin has a combined antitussive and secretolytic effect. The composition includes Butamirate citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive effect, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its discharge. Effective for dry cough in children and adults.

Indications for use


Side effects

Due to Butamirate citrate, the drug can have the following effect:

    local anesthesia;

    expand the bronchi;

    reduce the cough reflex.

Due to Guaifenesin, the drug promotes:

    liquefaction of sputum;

    improving its discharge.

Prescribed in children and adults for dry cough.

Pregnancy, namely the 1st trimester and up to one year of age.

Sometimes - allergies, less often - headaches, vomiting, stool disorders and dizziness.

Codelac Phyto

The cost of this drug reaches 140 rubles. Available in both syrup and elixir form. The main components of the medicinal product are active ingredients are extracts of licorice, thyme and thermopsis + codeine.


Broncholitin is a combined drug with antitussive, bronchodilating and bronchoseptic effects. The composition includes Glaucine hydrobromide, which has an inhibitory effect on the cough center and a weak anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Basil oil has minor sedative, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic properties. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby eliminating swelling of the bronchial mucosa.

Indications for use


Side effects

    Due to glaucine hydrobromide, a slight reduction in inflammation and analgesia, as well as inhibition of the cough center, is achieved.

    Basil oil achieves antibacterial, soothing and antispasmodic effects.

    Due to ephidrine, the drug expands the bronchi, constricts blood vessels, and stimulates respiratory function. As a result, swelling subsides from the bronchial mucosa.

Not prescribed for heart failure and under 3 years of age, as well as during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Increased sweating, tremors of the limbs, increased heart rate, problems with night rest, namely insomnia, rashes, visual disturbances, difficulty urinating, vomiting and nausea.


Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effects. The syrup and tablets contain thyme herb extract, and the elixir also contains primrose root extract. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry and wet coughs. At the stage of the disease, when the cough is dry, Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, transforming a dry cough into a wet one. Then, with a wet cough, it facilitates expectoration of mucus, helping to remove it from the lungs.

Indications for use


Side effects

The effect that can be achieved:

    relieving inflammation;

    sputum discharge;

    bronchodilator effect.

The versatility of the drug lies in the fact that when the cough is wet, it improves the discharge and removal of mucus, and when the cough is dry, it softens it, eases attacks and turns it into a wet one.

    For lozenges – age up to six years;

    For all forms – age up to six months, disorders of the liver and kidneys, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance.

Allergy, irritation of the gastric mucosa.


Linkas is a combined drug of plant origin that reduces the intensity of cough, increases its productivity, and has a mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug contains extracts of alpinia flowers, hyssop, violet, onosma, marshmallow, adhatoda leaves, licorice (root), long pepper (fruit).


Libexin is a peripherally acting antitussive agent. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator effect, and its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause addiction and has no effect on the central nervous system. In chronic bronchitis it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Any medication can only be prescribed by a doctor. It also determines the frequency and duration of its use.


Education: Moscow Medical Institute named after. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "General Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

A dry cough, also known as a nonproductive cough, has different reasons origin. It can occur in both adults and children.

To treat dry cough, drugs are mainly used that suppress cough by directly affecting the cough reflex. That is, this is not treatment as such, but symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing cough; this approach is effective, because in this situation the cough reflex does not benefit the body, and even on the contrary, it can cause complications in the form of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum.

You can suppress (cure) dry cough in adults different ways, each of which can be combined with each other.

Symptom Definition

Most often, a cough is accompanied by colds. A dry cough is unproductive, it is painful and is accompanied by a strong sore throat, but there is no sputum production.

Depending on the duration, cough is divided into four types: acute (less than two weeks), prolonged (two to four weeks), subacute (one to two months) and chronic (longer than two months).

At proper treatment attacks of dry cough occur less and less often, and it turns into wet cough. Mucus and phlegm begin to be released. But if a dry cough does not go away, then you need to consult a specialist and change your treatment tactics. A pathological dry cough is accompanied by symptoms such as hoarseness, nausea, runny nose and nasal congestion, shortness of breath, increased lymph nodes in the neck area, weakness.

Types of cough

If you listen to a cough, you can hear its different shades and varieties. There are several types:

  1. Whooping cough is characterized by multiple coughing shocks, which are accompanied by a deep breath with a whistling sound.
  2. If it is not too intrusive, with short coughs, then it is called pharyngeal. In this case, the mucous membrane of the pharynx dries out or mucus accumulates at the entrance to the larynx.
  3. When you hear low tones with a gradual increase, this may be a symptom of tuberculosis.
  4. A barking cough appears with laryngitis and tracheitis. It occurs due to inflammation of the vocal cords. If a barking dry cough is accompanied by difficult, bubbling breathing, then these are manifestations of croup.
  5. A spasmodic cough indicates bronchial asthma. He is unproductive and intrusive. He appears closer to morning. This condition may indicate obstructive bronchitis, but without a series of attacks.
  6. During a cold, an obsessive whooping cough may appear.
  7. A metallic tint of a dry cough that appears when talking while eating may indicate mental disorder, but this is diagnosed only after a serious examination.

Causes of severe cough

Can provoke a severe dry cough in an adult various factors. These include:

  1. Stressful situations and emotional experiences.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Smoking when tobacco tar irritates the bronchi.
  4. Dust that causes itching in the respiratory tract.
  5. When a foreign body comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it has an irritating effect.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Adverse reaction to medications.
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. Thyroid diseases.
  10. Problems in the stomach and intestines, when a fistula of the esophageal-tracheal region forms and a reflex dry cough appears after eating.

Dry cough without fever in an adult

Infectious infections rarely go unnoticed in the human body. However, in our region there are still diseases that form and disappear without an increase in body temperature. For example:

  • parawhooping cough, which causes an obsessive, nonproductive cough at night;
  • rhinovirus rhinitis (runny nose), which provokes frequent coughing from exudate flowing into the throat;
  • an atypical flu of the most common subtype, H1N1, which brings prolonged bouts of “barking” unproductive tickling.

A dry cough without fever in an adult also occurs when:

  • oncology;
  • asthma and pericarditis;
  • dry pleurisy and pneumothorax;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • relatively mild chemical poisonings;
  • aspiration (sucking in) of foreign bodies;
  • taking specific medications;
  • gastroesophageal reflux (reverse movement of stomach contents to the throat);
  • helminthic infestations.

Dry suffocating cough

A choking cough can be caused by many factors. This often happens when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract and the allergen irritates the mucous membrane. More often, the symptom indicates a serious illness, which includes:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • pharengitotracheitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • oncological diseases;
  • laryngitisotracheitis

This cough is often observed in experienced smokers. Untreated chronic bronchitis can lead to secondary tuberculosis.


A severe cough in an adult can be a symptom of a whole range of diseases. To accurately determine what a particular patient is sick with, doctors use a number of diagnostic methods:

  1. A group of classical physical examination methods that the doctor will use if, for example, you call him at home: external examination of the patient, percussion, auscultation; palpation chest.
  2. Anamnesis collection, which involves a wide variety of questions from the presence of allergies to identifying relatives with tuberculosis.
  3. Fluorography is the simplest, cheapest and most informative method for determining the condition of the lungs and bronchial tree. Currently used as a screening test to detect tuberculosis and cancer. Every person needs to undergo fluorography every year.
  4. Spirography is testing the functional state of the respiratory system as a whole.
  5. Bronchoscopy is a specific and informative method that is performed for a more accurate diagnosis.
  6. Bacteriological analysis of the discharge, if any, followed by culture on nutrient media to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

Review of cough medicines

All drugs known today are divided into three groups in terms of their action:

Expectorants the action of these drugs is aimed at facilitating expectoration of sputum. Thanks to this, the cough quickly turns into a wet cough. Examples of such remedies are: Solutan, Mucoltin, Bronholitin, Marshmallow Root, Licorice Root and many others.
Mucolytic drugs are intended to liquefy mucus that accumulates deep in the bronchi. Examples of the most effective drugs This group includes: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, ACC, Mesna and other drugs.
Antitussives The main goal of drugs in this group is to influence the cough center in nervous system and elimination of all symptoms. Examples of such medications are: Libexin (also good for bronchitis) and Tusuprex.
Combination medications have expectorant and mucolytic effects at the same time. Examples of such drugs are: Doctor MOM, Codelac phyto and others.

If all of the above medications fail, and the cough becomes prolonged and debilitating, then the doctor may prescribe Ethylmorphine, Oxeladin, Codeine, Butamirate and other similar prescription medications.

Treatment of dry cough

Successful treatment of dry cough in adults that does not go away for a long time is based on an accurate diagnosis and elimination of the causes of each of them. All therapeutic measures are carried out under the careful supervision of a doctor!

General principles of relief include:

  • indoor air humidification;
  • plenty of warm drinks;
  • sucking lozenges (not necessarily based on herbal medicinal components), since this process stimulates the activity of the glands and the swallowing of saliva, which reflexively alleviates a coughing attack;
  • inhalation with saline solution.

To thin sputum during bronchitis, tablets and mucolytics (Ambroxol, Carbocysteine, ACC) can be used, while in young children their use is strictly prohibited, as well as expectorants (Mukaltin, Solutan).

Unproductive, debilitating, prolonged, paroxysmal - may require prescription the following drugs for cough: mono- (Sinekod) or combined drugs (Stoptussin), as well as more serious medicines(Codeine).

If the bacterial nature of the infectious disease is confirmed, appropriate antibiotics are prescribed (penicillin (Amoxicillin) or cephalosporin (Ceftriaxone) for staphylococcal or streptococcal infections, macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin) for chlamydia or mycoplasma).

Homeopathic and herbal remedies for dry cough:

  1. Stodal is another time-tested remedy for treating dry cough in adults quickly and inexpensively. The medicine has no contraindications, and adults need to take 15 mg up to 3 times a day.
  2. Bronchipret is a time-tested cough reflex syrup. Treatment is allowed even for pregnant women, and the list of contraindications is minimal. If you take a single dose at night, you will get the desired relief in the morning. It is recommended to take 20 drops three times a day.
  3. Gerbion - plant syrup from wet cough, which is approved for use by adults and children. Plantain extract separates mucus and increases the protective properties of the immune system. Take 2 scoops at a time, 3-5 approaches per day.

Medicine for dry cough to thin sputum:

  1. Bronchicum is an expectorant for dry coughs, which comes in the form of a sweet syrup. Take a teaspoon up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  2. Cofanol is a combination drug of plant origin. If a dry cough appears in an adult, it is advisable to take 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.
  3. Tercodin is another answer to the question of what to drink for dry cough in adults. The drug thins mucus daily dose– 2 pills up to 3 times a day.

Approximate price of some products:

  • Ambroxol – 40 – 540 rubles;
  • Erespal – 212 – 253 rubles;
  • Gerbion – 145 – 340 rubles;
  • Stoptussin – 49 – 125 rubles;
  • Sinecode – 170 – 642 rubles;
  • Bronholitin – 53 – 90 rubles;
  • Amoxicillin - 10 – 846 rubles;
  • Ceftriaxone – 13 – 477 rubles;
  • Clarithromycin - 22 – 1487 rub.

Dry cough in adults always has a specific cause. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a thorough preliminary examination, based on the results of which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

What to do at home?

The success of therapeutic intervention is mutually related to establishing a diagnosis and eliminating causative factors. All measures must be carried out strictly under the supervision of the treating specialist. In essence, the treatment is symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing the reflex. Because in this situation there is a risk of complications.

Here are some general fundamental features of the therapy:

  1. Carrying out regular wet cleaning of the patient’s room;
  2. Ensuring control of the air temperature in the house (the main condition is not higher than 22 C);
  3. Application of appropriate therapeutic processes to the chest;
  4. Using a rational drinking regime (it is best to drink tea, water, Borjomi, warm milk);
  5. Non-use of aggressive detergents;
  6. Carrying out inhalations using steam, adding baking soda and herbal decoctions to the water;
  7. Compliance with the principle of special dietary nutrition with enough calories.

There are many pharmaceutical products, these products have central and peripheral effects, but folk remedies are considered the most effective. They are also good in terms of safety of use.

Folk remedies

An excellent way to cure a severe dry cough in adults at home, if there is no fever, is warming up in a Russian bath using medicinal herbs and coniferous plants.

It is useful to breathe infusions taken in equal proportions of plants (2 tablespoons each, boil in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes):

  • chamomile, pine shoots, thyme, sage, eucalyptus shoots;
  • birch leaves, spruce shoots, juniper, black currant, thyme, sage, lemon balm;
  • St. John's wort, meadowsweet, mint, chamomile, sage, pine buds.

A bath for an adult who does not have heart disease provides a double healing effect - warming up combined with inhalation of moist warm air.

To soften sputum and improve its discharge, inhalations with soda, chamomile, and coltsfoot are used. Adults can use recipes that contain ingredients that increase blood circulation - pepper, ethyl alcohol.

  • mix 2 tablespoons of honey and vodka;
  • add egg yolk, mix;
  • drink 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day.

An adult will benefit from a medicine containing milk containing onions and garlic. To prepare the product, you need:

  • boil an onion with 1 head of garlic in 0.25 liters of milk;
  • add 1 teaspoon each of honey and mint juice;
  • drink 1 tablespoon every hour.

Coltsfoot, calendula and licorice have an antitussive effect. Honey is an effective remedy. It has a beneficial effect on the throat, enveloping it and reducing the symptoms. Honey can be used both independently and as part of a drink. To do this, the main ingredient is melted in a glass of warm milk. Honey along with grape juice speeds up the expectoration process.

Potato steam inhalations can not only eliminate a cough, but also a runny nose. To improve the effect, add a few drops of fir oil to boiled potatoes.

Steam inhalations based on mineral water have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system. The effect is enhanced by lavender, mint and cedar oil. A decoction of chamomile and sage has a good effect.


The best prevention for dry cough is healthy image life and giving up bad habits:

  1. Drink more fluids.
  2. Observe labor safety conditions. If you encounter occupational hazards at work, always use personal protection– gas masks, masks, etc.
  3. Temper yourself, try not to get colds or prevent their complications.
  4. Humidify the air in the room you are in for a long time. The air should be cool, however, you should not abuse air conditioners, much less be under them when they are running.
  5. Avoid contact with allergens if you know they exist.

If you smoke, you need to stop smoking. You should not be in the same room as smokers. It is also recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, which severely injure the larynx.

Every person has experienced a suffocating sore throat, which worsens mainly at night, preventing them from getting a full night's sleep. Dry cough in adults is a common problem, especially in autumn and winter. Let's look at how to effectively eliminate a sore throat and dry cough using different treatment options.

It's not just viruses and cold weather that can cause a nonproductive cough. Negative factors surrounding a person also influence its occurrence.

A dry cough in an adult appears due to inflammation and accumulation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum in the respiratory organs. The reasons for its occurrence may be different, so it is important to determine the provoking factor.

Attention! Sometimes the sputum does not cough up at all or is very difficult to separate. This type of cough is called non-productive and can only be eliminated with the help of medication.

How to treat dry cough

A dry paroxysmal cough occurs due to infection and inflammation of the bronchi. To treat it, mucolytics are used, which allow sputum to be easily coughed up and separated from the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Medicines transform a dry cough into a wet one.

Attention! You should follow a drinking regime - 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. Along with sputum, pathogenic microbes and their metabolic products will be excreted.

When a non-productive cough does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by pain and insomnia, you need to consult a specialist. Doctors prescribe plenty of fluids, antitussive medications and physical therapy.

A good therapeutic method, especially during pregnancy, is steam inhalation using essential oils. But they increase the risk of allergies and bronchospasm, so you need to be careful when performing the procedure. You cannot use a nebulizer for oil inhalations! Massage of the chest area and UHF are actively used.

To eliminate cough, doctors prescribe antispasmodics, mucolytics, antitussive drugs, antibiotics - according to strict indications.

Attention! To treat dry allergic cough in adults, you need to eliminate the allergen and prescribe antihistamine tablets.

Often the patient says that at night he has a sore throat and that his cough gets worse when lying down. This may be due to nasal mucus running down the back of the throat and irritating the cough receptors. Sometimes a night cough is a consequence of heart failure. In such a situation, you will need an examination - electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart and consultation with a cardiologist.

Attention! With severe nervous tension, a feeling of a lump in the throat with a dry cough may appear. This is often observed in children with emotional overload. Treatment is sedative medications.

The cause of coughing in adults is the reflux of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus during reflux disease. It is accompanied by other symptoms - heartburn, stomach pain, changes in stool. To confirm the diagnosis, fibrogastroscopy is prescribed. If an obsessive cough appears without signs of an infectious disease, examination digestive system Necessarily. Treatment - drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, diet, special regimen.

To get rid of a dry cough, you must first identify and eliminate the cause that caused the disease. If it is bronchitis, mucolytics are prescribed, with the help of which mucus is removed well and the airways are cleared.

The previously popular codeine is a narcotic substance and is currently not routinely used for the treatment of dry cough. It is prescribed if other treatment options are ineffective.

The occurrence of a non-productive cough is characteristic of influenza, ARVI and colds. Today there are many medications that can help cope with this unpleasant symptom. They are divided into several groups, each of which has its own mechanism of action.

Antitussives for adults

The most popular option is tablets - inexpensive, but effective ways getting rid of dry cough. Usually they do not need to be washed down with large amounts of water, but dissolved slowly. Tablets can quickly get rid of unpleasant pain in the throat and lungs.

There are some restrictions that prohibit taking these medications - gastritis, increased stomach acidity and ulcers. The following medications can cure a dry cough:

  1. Libexin - copes with severe bronchitis, flu, colds. Widely used for heart diseases. Does not depress the respiratory center. Able to eliminate cough and inflammation, ensure dilation of the bronchi.
  2. Glaucine (Glauvent) – effective remedy, which relieves cough without suppressing intestinal motility and without affecting the respiratory center. Reduces arterial pressure Therefore, it is used with caution for hypotension.

Attention! Before using the above medications, you should consult a specialist so as not to worsen the condition.

These medications are necessary for difficult sputum discharge. But you should not self-medicate. It is best to consult your doctor before taking expectorants. He may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Lazolvan is a highly effective remedy that can relieve chronic and acute cough. Promotes rapid removal of sputum.
  2. Mucaltin is a mucus thinner and expectorant intended to relieve symptoms of bronchitis and colds.
  3. Herbion syrup is a preparation based on plantain. The action of the medicine is aimed at enveloping the mucous membrane, reducing irritation, alleviating pain, and eliminating the inflammatory process.
  4. ACC is a medicine that thins sputum. The main component is acetylcysteine. Promotes good separation of bronchial mucus.

Attention! Medicines should be used carefully, strictly following the instructions. The doctor should prescribe treatment, taking into account the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Combination drugs

They have a double effect and are able to cope with severe cough. Such drugs include:

  1. Broncholithin – contains ephedrine and glaucine. Action: bronchodilator and antitussive.
  2. Ascoril - contains salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin. Dilates the bronchi, thins mucus and enhances its elimination.

Attention! You cannot treat a dry cough on your own! It is not always associated with pathology of the respiratory system.

Inhalations against non-productive cough

Steam and oil inhalations are widely used to relieve cough. Sometimes they are more effective than medications.

The main thing is to strictly follow the rules, especially when using a nebulizer. For treatment medicinal herbs It is better to use a steam inhaler. Doctors recommend the following decoctions:

  • medicinal chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • coltsfoot;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage

These plants can relieve various symptoms– relieve inflammation, improve expectoration of sputum, provide an antiseptic effect. To enhance the effect, you can add 2-5 drops essential oil in a herbal decoction. It is strictly prohibited to add oils to the nebulizer.

Attention! Inhalations over the steam of boiled potatoes will be no less effective. But they can be carried out if the patient does not have a fever.

Treatment with folk remedies

To get rid of laryngitis and pharyngitis, accompanied by a dry cough, use the following recipes.

Rinse aid


  • 2–3 drops of iodine;
  • one pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. – soda;
  • 1 tbsp. – warm water.

You need to mix all the ingredients and gargle every 30-40 minutes.

Medicine from walnuts

You should take:

  • 3 tbsp. l. – peeled nuts;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - honey.

Grind the walnuts until a paste forms, add honey. Mix everything well, take 1 tsp every hour.

Herbal collection "Elekasol" consists of ingredients that help get rid of dry cough. Folk remedies can be cured light form diseases, but only if the patient is in a well-ventilated area.

For colds with cough, mustard plasters are often used. But this is a means of distracting and irritating action. They do not affect the inflammatory process in the bronchi. If you are prone to allergies, mustard plasters can cause bronchospasm and worsen cough. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, burns may occur.

Dry cough is painful and unpleasant symptom. If it appears, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment. This will help prevent complications.

Many adults cannot afford to stay home when they are sick. Therefore, they try to cure a cough by any means and do it as quickly as possible. Treatment of dry cough in adults, medications and drugs will help to carry out treatment more effectively.

What medications can adults take for a dry cough?

All cough medicines can be divided into several groups. First of all, for a dry cough, it is advisable to take drugs with a mucolytic effect.

The peculiarity of these products is that they reduce the viscosity of sputum. At the same time, its total volume does not increase. This effect is due to the fact that mucolytics destroy the bonds inside the molecules of accumulated mucus, and they also relieve spasms from the bronchi. All mucolytic agents include one of the active ingredients:

  • ambroxol;
  • guaifenesin;
  • acetylcysteine;
  • carbocisteine;
  • Bromhexine.

It is important to consider that you should not take medications with a mucolytic effect or centrally acting medications that act directly on the cough center and also help with dry cough.

When the temperature with a dry cough rises above 38, you need to take antipyretic medications. If a dry cough is accompanied by a fever, then antibiotics may need to be added to the medications. If mucolytic drugs are dispensed without a prescription, then antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of dry cough in adults, medications and medications can be started on your own, but after 3-4 days it is advisable to visit a doctor.

Dry cough medications for adults

For adult patients, it is convenient to take medications for dry cough 1-2 times a day. This is due to the fact that many patients suffer from coughing on their legs. Having taken one tablet in the morning, you can not remember about the treatment until the evening. Such medications include effervescent tablets ACC. In addition to tablets, this drug is available in the form of granules and powders for preparing a cough solution.

ACC is used for dry cough that accompanies bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, and tracheitis. In addition to ACC, adults can drink for dry cough:

  • Ambroxol, syrup or tablets;
  • Bromhexyl, syrup or dragee;
  • Libexin, syrup or tablets.

In addition to mucolytic drugs, adult patients can take combination drugs, for example, stoptussin, which is available in tablets.

Centrally acting drugs are very effective for dry cough. Suitable for adults omnitus. The drug is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The drug is effective for dry cough of any nature. If there is no improvement within 5-7 days after taking the medications, then you need to consult a doctor, perhaps the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to treat the cough.

Antibiotics for dry cough in adults

Medicines classified as antibiotics have antibacterial activity and require strict adherence to the instructions for use.
Antibiotics for cough can be divided into several groups:

  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides;
  • penicillins.

If the cough is complicated by a bacterial infection, then the following medications will be required for treatment:

  • ampiox;
  • amoxiclav;
  • azithromycin.

As a rule, antibiotics are prescribed for the following diseases that may accompany a dry cough:

pneumonia, including nosocomial pneumonia;

  • bronchitis;
  • angina;
  • tracheitis;
  • asthma.

If antibiotic treatment is carried out incorrectly and not in full, then the pathogen will become addictive. In this case, you will have to switch to more powerful new generation antibiotics. To cure a dry cough quickly, you need to spend several days at home, on semi-bed rest.

Dry cough in adults, treatment quickly at home

Not only medications, but also auxiliary measures will help get rid of dry cough. Treatment can be done quickly at home using the following methods:

  • steam inhalations;
  • inhalation with a nebulizer;
  • compresses and wraps.

To make the treatment more effective, you need to increase the amount of fluid you drink. Additional drinking dilutes mucus and promotes its evacuation from the respiratory tract.

If you have a dry cough, it is good to drink more alkaline mineral water. It can also be used for inhalation. If there is no temperature, then you can do steam inhalations. If you have a nebulizer at home, the effectiveness of inhalation increases several times. Small particles of drugs fall directly onto the mucous membranes of both the upper and lower respiratory tract. You can do such procedures two to three times a day. This can shorten the treatment process to 7-8 days. Good effect give time-tested mustard plasters or wraps from mustard powder. You can also pour it into socks.

During a dry cough, the patient can drink:

  • milk;
  • fruit drinks;
  • broths.

The drink should be neither hot nor cold. Comprehensive treatment of dry cough in adults is effective; medications and preparations can be taken together with folk remedies.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Everyone knows the benefits of onions colds. Raw onion can be an excellent preventative against colds. But if you cook onion jam, you can very quickly get rid of a dry, exhausting cough.

To do this you need to take:

  • onion 500 g;
  • sugar 400 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • honey 100 g.
  1. Peel the bulbs from outer scales.
  2. Cut it into small pieces.
  3. Place in a suitable saucepan and add sugar.
  4. Add a liter of water.
  5. Heat the mixture to a boil and cook for three hours over moderate heat, covered.
  6. Cool the mixture to + 50 degrees and add honey.

The medicine is taken after meals, 3-4 tbsp. l. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Treatment with folk remedies at home can also be carried out using a more pleasant-tasting medicine. Good for dry cough lingonberry juice with sugar. To do this, one liter of juice is heated to + 80 degrees and combined with 1 kg of sugar. Mix everything well. Drink 1 tbsp. l. several times a day after meals. Lingonberries not only thin phlegm, but also help remove toxins from the body.

Simple folk remedies will help cure coughs in situations where treatment is not possible. pharmaceutical drugs, For example, during pregnancy. For these and other cases you can prepare banana milk. Take two ripe bananas and grind them in a blender, adding warm milk. Place a spoonful of honey and cinnamon on the tip of a knife into the mixture. Drink the product warm 3-4 times a day. This banana milk is good to drink at night, it will relieve night cough.

You can also soften your cough using a remedy called eggnog. To do this, wipe three yolks from 3 tbsp. l. sugar until the volume triples. Add a spoonful of butter, honey and a few drops lemon juice. Beat again. This mixture is often used by singers and actors for quick treatment.

What else will help cure dry cough in adults quickly?

Auxiliary products will quickly help cure dry cough in adults. First of all, you need to wet clean the room where the patient is. After this, the room is well ventilated and the temperature is reduced to + 18 + 20 degrees. During an illness that is accompanied by a dry cough, an adult patient should give up tobacco and alcohol.

Only comprehensive treatment of dry cough in adults will be beneficial; medications and preparations should be supplemented with auxiliary and folk remedies. It is important to organize proper and nutritious nutrition for the patient and create gentle conditions for him during his illness.

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