How to make homemade strawberry yogurt. Strawberry yogurt

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About the benefits natural products made from sour milk is known even to children, but finding them in the supermarket is a more difficult task than treasure hunting. Strawberry yogurt, made at home from natural ingredients, is the best alternative to store-bought milk both in taste and content.

Prepared from homemade milk According to proven technology, the product is rich in calcium, and the aroma fresh berries strawberries makes the delicacy incredibly tasty.

What is natural yogurt

When we offer our child a sweet product made from sour milk with berries or cereals, we think that we are feeding the baby healthy yogurt. In fact, the tasty contents of the bright plastic cup are far from what the Bulgarians call “kisel mlyako”.

It was the inhabitants of this country who came up with the idea of ​​adding two types of special bacteria to fresh milk for fermentation - Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus.

The result was a product called yogurt that is healthy for the stomach and the whole body. Its consistency is quite thick and homogeneous. The traditional recipe involves adding only bacteria to milk, and nothing else.

But who said that you can’t come up with your own recipes based on the classics? So we suggest experimenting and making for yourself and your family an equally healthy and tasty fermented milk treat called homemade strawberry yogurt.

Natural strawberry yogurt prepared in a homemade bread maker


  • — 1.5 l + -
  • Dry sourdough Sacco1 standard sachet + -
  • Powdered sugar - 5-6 tbsp. l. + -
  • — 150 g + -

How to make your own delicious and healthy strawberry yogurt

The process of preparing homemade curdled milk is very simple, main secret– high-quality milk raw materials and starter culture. We offer Sacco sourdough, but you can use Vivo or another one you find.

Even store-bought Activia yogurt will work as a catalyst for souring milk. Adjust the number of berries and the portion of sweetener to taste.

  1. Before ripening, homemade milk must be boiled and then cooled to the optimal ripening temperature - 37-28 degrees. Store-bought pasteurized product is easy enough to heat.
  2. Pour 50 ml of warm milk into a glass and add the starter there.
  3. Pour the resulting bacterial “cocktail” into the main portion of milk and mix everything well.
  4. Pour the warm raw milk into the yogurt maker, place it in the bread maker, and close it.
  5. Having selected the “Yoghurt” mode in the menu, set the time on the timer - on average 6 hours. Sometimes the time for fermentation of the product is indicated on the package of the starter.
  6. When the bread maker signals the end of the cooking process, you will need to take out the yogurt, mix powder into it (it’s convenient to do this with a mixer) and add finely chopped fresh berries.

Ready yogurt should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. The product turns out to be truly natural, moreover, it can be safely included in the children's menu.

Delicious strawberry yogurt in a slow cooker for a baby

A healthy fermented milk product with fruit filling can also be prepared in a slow cooker. The process is very similar, only the cooking time in this kitchen appliance is slightly less - 4 hours (for the VITEK 4205 multicooker).


  • Pasteurized milk – 500 ml;
  • Natural yogurt (without additives) like “Activia” – 150 ml;
  • Strawberries – 150 g.

How to make healthy berry yogurt at home in a slow cooker

  • We wash the berries, put them in a blender bowl and puree them to a puree consistency.
  • Pour heated milk (37 degrees) into the berry mass and mix. Then add store-bought yogurt there and mix again.
  • Pour the resulting mass into yogurt molds (you can use glass baby food jars) and place them in the multicooker bowl.
  • After closing the lid, select the “Yoghurt” program from the menu and set the timer to 4 hours.

If desired, you can add pieces of fresh berries or peaches to each portion of the finished product. It will be very tasty, and most importantly – healthy and safe if you store yogurt in the refrigerator.

There is nothing better and tastier than products made with your own hands from natural ingredients. Any of the recipes for yogurt with strawberries at home proposed in the selection are ideal for children's and adult menus.

If you are on a diet, then you can safely enjoy the product prepared according to them, because 100 grams of ready-made homemade “sauerkraut” contains only 80 calories.


  • Strawberries - 220 gr.
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups

Cooking method

First, wash the strawberries, and then remove all the tails on them.

Then we fill it with sugar. You can add sugar to your taste.

This is the strawberry mush I made.

Now add milk to it, also add it to your taste. We always take milk with maximum fat content, since it has a good taste, and I do not recommend it to those people who are on a diet and watching their beautiful figure.

Then mix well strawberry yogurt and put it in a cold place, but you can eat it right away. Everyone knows that strawberries contain a whole complex of vitamins, for example, eating 4 berries a day will fill the body’s daily need for vitamins A and C, it also strengthens your heart and improves immunity, and regular consumption of strawberries will prevent viral diseases. That's all for now, see you again on the site"

When strawberries appear, we try to eat our fill of this tasty and aromatic berry. We eat it in mugs and bowls, with sugar and just like that. And it seems that it is impossible to get enough of strawberries. And only when the next portion remains in the refrigerator untouched throughout the day, it becomes clear that it is time to prepare strawberry dishes.

First of all, I want strawberry desserts. And there are many and even more of them! Pies and cakes, steamed dumplings, muffins and delicate mousses, tarts and casseroles... this list seems to be inexhaustible. But there is one dessert that is perfect for summer. To prepare it, you need a minimum set of products; no heat treatment is required, which means that the natural taste and all the useful elements are preserved. And this dessert, unlike baked goods, is safe for your figure. We're talking about strawberry frozen yogurt.

What will you need? An excellent option would be to include natural homemade yogurt in the dish, not store-bought. To prepare it, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of store-bought yogurt or starter to warm milk and leave the mixture overnight to ferment. The next morning you will receive a tasty and healthy delicacy that you will enjoy both as a solo dish and as a basis for a variety of recipes. If you use store-bought yogurt, choose yogurt without flavorings or sweeteners, giving preference to thick types.

Time: 4-5 hours: cooking process 10-15 minutes, the rest of the time for freezing.


  • 400 grams of strawberries
  • 300 grams of thick yogurt
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 20 grams vanilla sugar

Yogurt with strawberries is a classic combination, suitable for breakfast, delicious dessert, or a quick snack. Yogurt and strawberries are great on their own, but when paired together they work wonders of synergy.

Frozen strawberry yogurt is very popular today. First of all, we mean natural yogurt without additives; Greek yogurt works well.

Many manufacturers produce regular yogurt without sugar or dyes. This is exactly the kind of yogurt that will suit us. Regular yogurt is more than just breakfast. Its uses in the kitchen are almost limitless.

Yogurt can be an independent dish, a dessert, a base for sauces and dressings, required ingredient for making smoothies, base for cold soups. Try a few strawberry yogurt recipes.

Frozen yogurt with strawberries

It only takes a few minutes to make homemade frozen yogurt, which can easily replace ice cream on hot summer days.


  • Glass 125 gr. plain yogurt
  • Frozen strawberries 350-400 gr.
  • Honey 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

Place ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You can eat it right away, or put the container with dessert in the freezer, where this yogurt can be stored for about a month.

Strawberries in yogurt

This dessert looks very cute, but besides its beauty, it’s delicious! This dessert is very easy to make. You will need fresh strawberries and yogurt. You can use regular, vanilla and even chocolate yogurt.

Greek thick yogurt covers the berries best; a slight sourness sets off the ripe berries well. Cover the berries with a layer of yogurt in two steps. There is no need to pick off the stems of the berries; they are convenient for holding the berries and dipping them in yogurt.

To ensure that the berries are evenly covered with yogurt, they can be cut into halves. Dip the surface of the berries in yogurt, place on a flat dish and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Remove and dip in yogurt a second time. Before serving, keep fresh strawberries and yogurt in the freezer for 2 hours. You should not freeze this dessert too much.

Strawberry yogurt smoothie

The easiest smoothie to make that both adults and children will enjoy. You will need fresh or frozen strawberries. Frozen strawberries are available throughout the year, so you can enjoy this healthy drink in both winter and spring.


  • Milk 150-200 gr.
  • A glass or 125-150 gr. yogurt without additives
  • Strawberries 150-200 gr.

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

You will also love him very, very much. Not boring and wildly delicious.
And unlike its creamy counterparts, it is gentle.


for 4 servings Has already

  • Strawberries - 500 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Natural thick yogurt- 200 ml
  • Juice of 1 lemon
Save Reset
  • It’s better to buy Greek yogurt, it then gives the nicest consistency (or take somewhere around 300 ml of regular yogurt and let it sag and drip properly in gauze).
  • And further.
    IMPORTANT secret! Remember, before freezing, be sure to taste your mixture, as it will be noticeably less sweet when cold. Make it a little sweeter than you like.


Begin. Grind strawberries with sugar and lemon juice in a blender until it becomes a wonderful puree.
Remove and carefully and very thoroughly mix with yogurt.
Pour into a shallow container and place in the freezer for a couple of hours.
Our mixture should freeze on the sides and start to set in the middle.


We take it out. And back to the blender! (This will give you a lack of "icy" texture later).
Back into the container. After the second time, place some food paper on the bottom, then it will be much easier for you to get it out. We lowered the container into hot water for a couple of seconds and pulled the edges.

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