Remedy for bruises on the neck. How to get rid of hickeys on the neck quickly: medications and folk remedies for bruises

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

You don’t know how to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck? Then read carefully. Unwanted signs of love. The largest and most uncontrollable feeling in the Universe is called love; a person overcome by emotions towards the object of his love loses for a short time the ability to think and perceive the reality around him. All-encompassing love pushes a person to crazy actions. In the annals of history, there are known facts when love became the cause of bloody enmity between entire nations. However, a terrible feeling can also become a driving force. The greatest pleasure gives a person the ability to move mountains and turn the world upside down, all this is Love. This article contains useful tips that will help you remove a hickey on your neck as quickly as possible.

Once you are overwhelmed by this strong feeling, you are unable to be distracted by anything else and the fever of love covers your entire body, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Afterwards, after a little preening, you will be upset when you discover the unpleasant consequences of love passion. This surprise is called a hickey, which can most often be on the neck. This consequence of love by its nature is an internal hematoma, in other words, a bruise without obvious damage to the skin. It can appear anywhere - on the chest, neck, everything will depend on the scenario of the love game. Well, if you don’t know how to kiss yet, then we can tell you. And so, how to get rid of a hickey quickly if it’s on your neck or chest, folk remedies will help you, as usual.

Folk remedies for hickeys

There are places where such a nuisance can be easily hidden with clothes, but what to do if the hickey is on the neck and chest and it cannot be hidden. Of course, traces of a hickey can be removed with folk remedies and medical ointments, but this will take some time, and what to do when there is no time and you need to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck and chest. Little tricks will help solve this difficult problem. Clothes with a high collar, a sweater, a scarf, locks of hair, foundation - these are the simple tricks that will help you regain confidence in your situation and get rid of hickeys on your neck. A man will be able to hide such unwanted problems under a wound that seems to be caused by a razor and treated with a band-aid.

One of the radical ways to get rid of a hickey is to put a medical device like a Shants collar on the neck area. However, there will be some material costs and moral excuses when you walk in it. A modern method of tanning, such as (how to properly sunbathe in a solarium), will help solve the problem of hickey on the body; it will help hide the unnecessary incident in one skin tone. Modern pharmacology offers a sufficient range of ointments that remove traces of bruises on the body. Ointments transovezin, lyoton, and other heparin-based products. Such drugs promote the resorption of hematomas. There are also proven folk remedies for quickly removing a hickey on your body, be it the neck or shrud.

How to remove a hickey on the chest, neck

Immediately after the formation of a hickey, applying snow, ice and other cold helps effectively. After all, professional athletes eliminate hematomas using the freezing method. But such a decision has negative consequences. It is quite possible to catch a cold in the neck; exposure to cold on the chest is strictly not recommended. How to quickly get rid of a hickey, remove it on the neck worries many; using natural folk remedies such as garlic and onions will be effective. It is recommended to treat the hickey area with onion juice or a clove of garlic; the result will be favorable, although there are still negative aspects. The rubbed area may become irritated, and the main disadvantage is the pungent odor present after the procedure. Often, hickeys on the body appear as a result of unpredictable strong and passionate kisses, so you need to be able to do this and there will be no such problems and minor troubles.

Removing a hickey from the chest

An effective way to help get rid of a hickey from the chest and remove it is to apply toothpaste to the site of the hematoma. The active substances in the paste quickly remove hickeys from the chest. You can also help solve the problem with improvised means, make a compress from simple baking soda. You need to prepare a thick paste of water and baking soda and treat the problem area.

Iodine for removing hickeys on the body

As usual, iodine helps a lot in solving such problems. With its help, a mesh is drawn that resolves a bruise or hickey on the neck or chest and at the same time masks the defect. It is important to perform the procedure carefully so as not to burn the skin. If you have a medicinal aloe plant growing at home, this is when it will come in handy. It is necessary to prepare an extract from fresh aloe leaves and alcohol, which should be used as a lotion. This procedure helps to quickly eliminate unpleasant signs of ardent passion on the skin.

Removing bruises using potatoes

One of the oldest methods for removing hickeys on the chest and neck is treating the affected area with strips of chopped potatoes. It is recommended to replace the potato pieces with fresh ones after 30 minutes. This effective method also helped the hussars. In spring and summer, ordinary plantain will help solve the problem. You need to collect the leaves, chop them coarsely and apply them to the site of the hickey. Repeat the procedure several times. This method gives a positive result in eliminating a hickey.

Cabbage leaves for hickeys on the body

Among garden plants, cabbage leaves are excellent at dissolving bruises and hickeys. Cabbage is recognized as the most effective remedy for eliminating inflammation and bruises. This way it is possible to eliminate not only a bruise, but also the consequences of a passionate hickey on the neck. It is necessary to apply cabbage leaves to the site of the hematoma, so you can get rid of the consequences of the hickey quite quickly. A vinegar compress has proven itself to be effective in eliminating hematomas. For this purpose, vinegar is diluted in water in a ratio of 1/3 and applied for a short time. The negative side of this procedure will be a strong vinegar smell.

Rubbing and massage

In conclusion, another simple method if you have a hickey on your neck or chest. Light rubbing and massage of the damaged area of ​​the skin can help eliminate signs of violent manifestations of love. Do not overdo it, the movements should be very light, so as not to have the opposite effect and the bruise from a sucked neck or chest will only increase. Don’t forget – these unpleasant signs were created under the influence of a wonderful feeling. And now you can quickly and know how to get rid of a hickey on your neck and chest quickly, using folk remedies to treat and disguise the bruise.

Don't lose your opportunities to be loved and to love! Website . Thank you for attention!

The belief that you lead a calm and measured lifestyle, and therefore are guaranteed to be protected from injury, is a misconception that has no basis in reality. Therefore, you should not blame yourself for extreme bad luck if you find a small bruise on your chest, and the doctor, to whom you rushed in a panic, diagnosed “breast hematoma” and wrote out a referral for examination. First of all, you are not alone: ​​a chest injury with subsequent accumulation of blood in it is not such a rare occurrence. Secondly, nothing terrible will most likely threaten you. Thirdly, in many cases the treatment will be conservative, and with a successful combination of circumstances it will be possible to get by exclusively with folk remedies.

And if so, then you should not perceive a breast hematoma as one of the signs of a fatal disease: the likelihood that a bruise on the chest is a symptom of a dangerous inflammation, an incurable strain of bird flu or an external manifestation of Ebola fever tends to zero. And the only correct decision when it appears is to visit a doctor. He will conduct an initial examination, listen carefully to all complaints, refer for tests and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is also quite possible that you will be offered certain supporting procedures. This is what we will talk about today.

Main symptoms

  1. A visible bruise, the area of ​​which can be quite large, and the color can vary from reddish to bluish.
  2. Swelling and pain in the mammary gland.
  3. Clear discharge from the nipple, often with a slight admixture of blood.
  4. The presence of a compaction that is well felt upon palpation.

Injuries to the mammary gland can sometimes trigger the formation of a tumor, so in case of any injuries to the breast, do not delay visiting the doctor!


It does not present any difficulties, since the hematoma is usually clearly visible even during an external examination, however, additional studies may be required to clarify the diagnosis and choose the best treatment strategy:

    Chest X-ray. Despite its effectiveness and simplicity, such a procedure cannot be called completely safe for health, but the potential harm from radiation for the most part turns out to be not as significant as some suspicious patients believe.

  1. Ultrasonography. It is safe for health and quite informative, so if the doctor sends you for an ultrasound, there is nothing to worry about.
  2. MRI or CT. These diagnostic methods are currently considered not only the most reliable and reliable, but also the safest. However, it is worth understanding that not every clinic has the appropriate equipment, and not every patient can afford such studies.

Therefore, MRI or CT is prescribed only if there are appropriate indications (especially if they want to exclude the presence of malignant neoplasms).


As we have already found out, the adequacy of therapy depends on many factors and is determined (important note!) by your doctor, and not by the advice of “experts” on pseudo-medical forums or the strong recommendations of friends. At the same time, you need to clearly understand that the severity and duration of treatment are directly dependent on how quickly the necessary measures were taken. Therefore, you should not delay a medical examination, especially if you feel pain after a bruise.. In general, standard procedures include the following:

First (pre-medical) aid

Scheme for creating a chest bandage

Immediately after injury, the breast must be secured with a compression bandage, which immobilizes the mammary gland in an elevated state. After this, you need to apply a cold compress to the site of the bruise for 30–40 minutes (ordinary ice cubes for a cocktail, wrapped in a cloth, will do). This, firstly, will reduce pain, and secondly, it will narrow the blood vessels and stop further hemorrhage.

Retromammary blockade

The procedure is most often done in a hospital setting, but in case of emergency it can be performed by an emergency paramedic. The blockade is performed in two stages:

  • The doctor identifies three points in different areas of the chest (bottom, top and outer side area), after which he injects a solution of novocaine (0.5%) under the skin.
  • Using a long needle, 50 ml of novocaine (0.25%) is injected into the retromammary space of each of the three zones.

The procedure cannot be called pleasant, but most often it allows you to completely block the pain and ensure the delivery of the victim to the hospital.

Attention! If the medical worker performing the blockade feels resistance from the patient's body, the procedure should be stopped.

If a hematoma appears as a result of surgery or medical procedures (puncture, resection, etc.), first aid and blockade are usually not required, but it is recommended to consult a doctor.


  • Ultrasonic heating. The procedure activates the body’s own defenses and promotes a speedy recovery; it is completely painless and non-invasive.

Drug therapy

      Troxevasin ointment. It is applied to the site of the bruise in a thin layer, after which it is rubbed into the skin through a light massage. It is important to understand that such treatment has a number of contraindications: violation of the integrity of the epithelium, hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and a pronounced allergic reaction of the body.

    • Clubax. It is used in the form of capsules, which should be swallowed without biting (necessarily with food). The dosage regimen is determined by the attending physician, but most often the daily dose is divided into two equal doses. Contraindications: individual intolerance to any macrolide drugs (primarily clarithromycin), renal or liver failure.

  • Antibiotics. The last line of defense when there is at least a small chance of avoiding surgical intervention. Most often, for breast hematoma, Bactroban is used (apply to the affected area 3 times a day, course of treatment – ​​10 days). Unfortunately, treatment with antibiotics cannot be called harmless, and even if the body reacts well, it is necessary to additionally compensate for the loss of beneficial microflora (bifiform, lactulose, Linex, Hilak Forte). Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, renal dysfunction.

Traditional methods

They may be effective in mild cases of the disease, but in case of extensive damage they can never replace traditional treatment. Consequently, grandma’s recipes can be perceived solely as auxiliary, and in any case it is worth informing the doctor that you are going to use them.

  • Salt lotions. You will need warm (but not hot) water and a teaspoon of salt. Cotton swabs are soaked in the solution and applied to the affected area.
  • Grape-pine mixture. You will need an extract from grape seeds and northern pine extract, which are mixed in equal parts and rubbed into the affected mammary gland with gentle movements.
  • Bodyaga compress. The powder of the drug is adjusted by diluting with water to the consistency of sour cream (the approximate ratio of crushed raw materials and boiled water is 1:1), after which gauze or a bandage is moistened in it and applied to the chest, not forgetting to put cellophane on top. The duration of one procedure is several hours.

  • Potato starch gruel. To prepare it, you need to bring the starch to a thick state, diluting it with warm boiled water, and apply a thick layer to the hematoma for 30–60 minutes. Repeat several times a day.
  • Cabbage compress. Mash the leaves a little, then apply to the hematoma and leave for about an hour, avoiding rigid fixation.
  • Decoction (infusion) of St. John's wort. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. It is prepared very simply: pour 6–8 g of herbs with boiling water, hold for about 10 minutes on low heat, cool and strain. Divide the resulting mixture into 3 equal portions and take throughout the day 30 minutes before meals. If you want to make a compress, you need to dip gauze or a bandage into the infusion and apply the cloth to the hematoma for about an hour or two.


They try to resort to it only if the area of ​​damage is quite significant, and all other methods of therapy have proven ineffective. There are two treatment options:

  • Gentle. The spilled blood is removed by puncture under local anesthesia. The procedure is usually well tolerated, and the patient can go home the next day.
  • Sectoral resection of the mammary gland. The operation is performed under general anesthesia in the presence of a tumor-like node, false cyst or scar-like formations in the tissues. A prerequisite for successful treatment is a histological examination of the resulting drug.

Attention! If a breast hematoma arose as a result of any medical manipulation (and this, alas, is not such a rarity), its treatment is no different from that for an ordinary household hematoma with the only difference that it usually does not come to surgical intervention. It is also worth understanding that if a hematoma occurs in a medical institution, then most often it is quickly detected during a regular examination, therefore the risk of late diagnosis is almost completely absent.

With closed injuries, compression of the body, when soft tissues are damaged, swelling, internal hemorrhages, and tissue inflammation occur, causing a person pain and an unaesthetic appearance at the site of the bruise or injury. Severe bruises may be accompanied by hemorrhages, forming hematomas (bruises), and severe pain. If the ulnar nerve, shin, or periosteum are damaged, the pain can be very intense.

After any injury, if there is severe unbearable pain, you should definitely consult a doctor, since abdominal injuries can be accompanied by ruptures of internal organs - kidneys, spleen, etc., head injuries -), joint injuries can be accompanied by hemorrhage into the joint cavity, chest injuries - hemorrhage into the pleura . These conditions are extremely dangerous and require timely medical attention.

Therefore, ointments for bruises, bruises, and sprains are only the first aid that can be provided to a person after a blow to alleviate pain. In what cases does medical attention not be required for a mild injury?

  • The pain is not severe, only felt when touching the area of ​​injury
  • Swelling at the injury site is not large
  • The skin is not damaged
  • The bruise does not spread further and disappears on its own after 1-2 weeks

What ointment helps with bruises and swelling after injury? When using the products listed below, you should know that in the beginning it is better to use products in the form of a gel, as they penetrate the damaged tissues faster, then you can switch to ointments or creams. And also, determine what worries you more after an injury - pain, swelling, the appearance of a hematoma. Since for injuries several different groups of topical drugs can be used, with different actions due to the drugs or herbs included in their composition:

  • First aid after injury– cold on the site of the bruise or “freezing” agents used by athletes. This tactic is used in the first hours after injury. Starting from the second day, in the absence of contraindications, you can use resorption agents.
  • NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have an analgesic effect, i.e. do not change susceptibility to the sensation of pain, and eliminate its causes (swelling and inflammation), i.e. anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ointments for bruises, hematomas— these drugs must have a good absorbable effect, these include products with the active ingredients heparin, troxerutin, badyaga, leech extract, drugs based on comfrey, arnica.
  • Ointments for swelling after injury- these are NSAIDs, badyaga, comfrey, heparin, troxevasin
  • Warming ointments after a bruise- have a distracting effect, also contribute to pain relief (to a lesser extent than NSAIDs) and faster healing of the injury site.

Ointments for bruises, hematomas

Contains an extract of the sponge Spongilla lacustris fragilis (Badyagi), if applied immediately after a bruise or injury to an athlete, the cream prevents the occurrence of a bruise; if 2 hours after the injury, it disappears after 2 days; if the cream is applied 24 hours after the injury, it disappears after 3 days.

The cream is applied to the skin in a circular motion up to 5 times a day.

  • Bruise-off gel with extract of leech, pentoxifylline, BOA, TEA, ethoxydiglycol, carbomer (about 100 rubles)

The gel accelerates the resorption of bruises, promotes the rapid disappearance of bruises, and reduces swelling after injuries and surgical interventions. Contraindicated in case of blood clotting disorders.

Apply gel, Bruise-off ointment - 5 r/day, after absorption into the skin, after 10 minutes you can repeat the application of the product to the painful area.

  • gel for external use, with active ingredients Indomethacin + Troxerutin (price about 150-180 rubles)

Indomethacin is an NSAID (see below for a complete list of such ointments), it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, pain, and redness at the site of the bruise.
Troxerutin is a derivative of rutin; it strengthens the vascular wall, reduces the fragility and permeability of capillaries, and improves microcirculation. Used for hematomas of various origins.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, children under 14 years of age, with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, and bleeding disorders.

Apply gel 1-2 cm 3 times a day to the area of ​​bruise, hematoma.

Remedies for bruises with Arnica

Ointments and gels with arnica have anti-inflammatory, local irritant, analgesic, regenerating (wound-healing) and antibacterial effects. Mountain arnica is a perennial medicinal plant that is included in a wide range of medicinal ointments and cosmetic creams.

After applying such products to a bruise or hematoma, irritation of the receptors of subcutaneous tissues and skin occurs, which promotes the formation of endorphins, enkephalins, which regulate pain, affect vascular permeability, local blood flow is activated, which accelerates the resorption of hemorrhages, in addition, these products pleasantly cool the area damage.

Indications: this is a remedy for the resorption of subcutaneous hematomas, bruises, soft tissue bruises, muscle pain, sprains, injuries, abrasions, insect bites, in sports medicine (for athletes with injuries and for massage).
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age, allergic dermatoses, hypersensitivity, violation of skin integrity.
Dosage and method of application: Apply the gel or ointment evenly in a thin layer 2-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
Side effect: With prolonged use, it is possible to develop blistering dermatitis in areas of skin damage.

homeopathic remedy
(price 180 rub.)

homeopathic pharmacy (170 rubles)

  • Vitateca

Cream for bruises and contusions. Ingredients: badyaga and arnica 250 rub.

  • Arnica (40 rubles)

Ointments for hematomas and bruises based on heparin and troxerutin

The most effective drug for the rapid disappearance of bruises, bruises, hematomas is heparin, it has an anticoagulant effect, therefore it promotes the rapid resorption of blood clots formed under the skin, and also improves the condition of small capillaries.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment - heparin, benzocaine, benzyl nicotinate - price for 25g. 60 rub.

Heparin ointment is most effective for bruises (hematomas), contusions, since in addition to heparin (antithrombic effect), it contains benzyl ester of nicotinic acid (dilates blood vessels), which improves the absorption of heparin, as well as the local anesthetic benzocaine, which has an analgesic effect. The course of treatment with agents that contain heparin ranges from 5 to 15 days.
Indications for use: in addition to injuries, bruises of joints, tendons, muscles, as well as subcutaneous hematomas, it is used for edema, trophic ulcers, and.
Contraindications: ulcerative-necrotic processes, open wounds, deep venous thrombosis, hypersensitivity. Do not use together with NSAIDs, antihistamines, tetracyclines.
Side effects: skin redness, feeling of warmth, allergic reactions.
Mode of application: applied to the damaged area, if the diameter of the damage is 3-5 cm, then in the amount of 2-4 cm of ointment, rubbed in 2-3 times a day for a course of 3-7 days.

sodium heparin 30g.300rub., 50g.400rub., 100g.600rub.

  • Trombless gel

sodium heparin - 30g. 200 rub, 50g. 300 rub.

sodium heparin, price 30 g. - 180 rub. 50 g. 280 rub.

sodium heparin, price 30g. 130 rub.

Active substance - troxerutin, which reduces capillary fragility, has anti-inflammatory properties, and relieves swelling.

  • Troxevasin 40 gr. 170 rub.
  • Troxerutin - 40 gr. 25-30 rub.

Indications: swelling and pain after sprains, bruises, dislocations, as well as dermatitis due to varicose veins (see), acute thrombophlebitis and periphlebitis.
Contraindications and side effects: hypersensitivity, possible development of allergic reactions - dermatitis, ),).
Dosage and Application: 2 times a day (morning and evening), apply the gel with light movements and lightly massaging until it completely penetrates the skin. Use only on damaged areas, do not apply to open wounds.

Combined ointments with dexpanthenol

The composition of such gels, in addition to dexpanthenol, may contain the same - heparin, troxerutin (Troxevasin NEO, Venolife), as well as allantoin (Hepatrombin) or dimethyl sulfoxide (Dolobene).
Dexpanthenol - when used topically, it is transformed into vitamin B (pantothenic acid), so its effectiveness is comparable to the action of pantothenic acid, which promotes the regeneration of damaged areas of the skin.
Allantoin has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes tissue cell proliferation and stimulates metabolic processes.
Dimethyl sulfoxide- has a local analgesic effect, since it reduces the speed of pain impulses in peripheral neurons, and also promotes better penetration of other drugs included in the gel into the affected tissues. In addition, Dimethyl sulfoxide has an anti-edematous effect due to the inactivation of hydroxyl radicals and its hygroscopic properties.

Composition: heparin, dexpanthenol and troxerutin - 40 g. 220 rub.

Composition: heparin, dexpanthenol and troxerutin - 40 g. 220 rub. 100 g 470-550 rub.

  • Hepatrombin

Ingredients: Sodium heparin, allantoin, dexpanthenol, 40 g. 220 rub.

  • Dolobene

Ingredients: sodium heparin, dexpanthenol, dimethyl sulfoxide 50 g. 230-300 rub.

Composition: Heparinoid, Price: 150-170 rub.
Heparoid Zentiva reduces increased blood clotting during injuries, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, swelling, hematomas at the site of injury, and accelerates the resorption of bruises. As a result of the anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory action, the feeling of tension and pain at the site of injury is reduced.
Application: Heparoid is applied to the damaged surface with a layer of 1 mm 2-3 times a day and rubbed in until absorbed. For large hematomas, it is better to apply an impermeable bandage at night.

Ointments with badyaga, comfrey

Ointments for bruises and bruises based on various medicinal plants also have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, and absorbable effects, among them are plants such as Badyaga and Comfrey.

  • Dr. Tyson's comfrey (150 rubles)
  • Larkspur balm with comfrey and bee venom (price 90 rubles)
  • Larkspur body balm (70 RUR)
Comfrey, Larkspur

Comfrey is a root known in folk medicine, which is used to treat many diseases, it is especially effective for damage to joints and bone tissue; it is also called Larkspur. Ointments, creams and gels with comfrey are excellent for resolving hematomas; in addition, they neutralize swelling, have an anesthetic effect, promote tissue epithelization, stimulate cell proliferation, and regeneration of damaged tissue.
Contraindications and side effects not found.
Indications: bruises, bruises, broken bones, sprains, dislocations, cracked heels, dry skin of the foot, wounds that take a long time to heal.
Application: at night, ointment is applied to the damaged area and wrapped in a napkin; if a gel is used, it should be thoroughly rubbed in 3-4 times a day.

  • Badyaga 911 (60 rubles)
  • Badyaga Forte gel 70 rub.
  • Badyaga cream (100 rub.)

Gels and creams based on badyagi - a natural product with unique absorbable properties. Badyaga is a freshwater sponge, the skeleton of which consists of silica needles, which are interconnected by spongin - an organic substance. The action of gels with badyaga is based on irritation of skin areas with silicon needles, which leads to vasodilation, activation of blood supply, and also providing a bactericidal and absorbable effect. After applying the gel, the skin becomes red and has a slight warming effect.
Indications: acne, age spots (see), bruises, bruises, radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis.
Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the gel: for the test, you should first apply the gel or cream to the bend of the elbow and evaluate the reaction. Do not use on open wounds or when the integrity of the skin is damaged.
Application: Rub badyaga ointment for bruises onto the affected area 3-4 times a day, preferably immediately after the injury.

For bruises and sprains - warming agents

For a local anesthetic, distracting effect for injuries and sprains, swelling, you can also use ointments that improve metabolic processes due to the warming effect, improving blood circulation in damaged soft tissues. These include synthesized drugs, as well as ointments that contain snake venom, bee venom, warming agents, oils:

Ingredients: nonivamyl and nicoboxyl.
Price 20g. 250-280 rub.

Ingredients: capsaicin, ethylene glycol salicylate, ethyl nicotinate.
Price 50g. 150-200 rub.

Ingredients: Nicoboxil and Nonivamide

Ingredients: bee venom, methyl salicylate and allyl isothiocyanate.
Price 150-170 rub.

Ingredients: oil of clove flowers, camphor, tincture of capsicum, mustard oil, cinnamic alcohol, thymol, methyl salicylate, Chloral hydrate.
Price 25 gr. 100-140 rub.

  • Arthro-active warming balm and cream

Ingredients: dietary supplement, frankincense (boswellia) extract, capsaicin.
Price 100-120 rub.

Ingredients: Capsicum extract

Price: 30 gr. 130-150 rub.

Ingredients: benzyl nicotinate,
nonivamide, racemic camphor, turpentine, dimethyl sulfoxide.
Price 30 gr. 150 rub. 50 gr. 170-220 rub.

Ingredients: Camphor, gum turpentine, salicylic acid, viper venom (snake venom)
Price: 30 gr. 130 rub., 50 g. 160-200 rub.

Ointment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are not just good ointments for bruises, they are quite strong drugs, with side effects and contraindications, they cannot be used for more than 7 days, and also should not be applied to damaged skin. They have a pronounced analgesic effect, relieve inflammation and swelling quite quickly. The table shows almost all types of ointments containing NSAIDs, their contraindications, and side effects.

Indications for use of NSAIDs: gel and ointment is used for back pain, myalgia, after sports injuries, arthritis, all types of neuralgia, sprains or damage to ligaments, gout, radiculitis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve), muscle pain of any etiology, pain from ligament ruptures etc.

  • 90 rub.
  • Ortofen 40 rub.
  • Voltaren 150-250r.
  • Diclofenacol 40 rub.
  • Dicloran (100 rubles)
  • Diklak (170 rubles)
  • Diclovit (80 rubles)
  • Diclogen (40 rubles)

Contraindications for NSAIDs: children under 7-12 years of age (the age limit varies for different NSAIDs), with bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, urticaria associated with taking acetylsalicylic acid, use with caution in case of impaired liver and kidney function, with nasal polyps, pregnancy, lactation, gastrointestinal bleeding, heart failure (see).

  • Ibuprofen gel (30 rubles)
  • Dolgit cream (100-220 rubles)
  • Nurofen gel (140 rubles)

Side effects of NSAIDs: Local reactions: burning, tingling at the site of application, slight redness of the skin, bronchospasm, allergic reactions; when applied to large areas, systemic side effects of NSAIDs may occur - nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, headache, fluid retention, etc.

  • Ketonal (gel 180 RUR, cream 250 RUR)
  • Artrosilene gel (200 rubles)
  • Flexen (140 rubles)
  • Ketoprofen (150 rubles)
  • Fastum, Febrofid gel 180 rub.
  • Bystrum gel (140 RUR)

Interaction with other drugs: Before use, you should consult your doctor if, in addition to NSAIDs, you are taking medications such as diuretics, antidiabetic agents, digoxin, lithium preparations, phenytoin, cyclosporines, or other NSAIDs.

Other recommendations: All NSAIDs for topical use should not be applied to damaged skin areas or open wounds. Do not apply the gel under airtight dressings. After using anesthetic ointment for sprains and swelling, you should wash your hands thoroughly.

  • Nise 120 rub.
  • Nimulid (120 RUR)
  • Finalgel (420 rub.)
  • Piroxicam 90 rub.

Special lubricant

Composition of Special Masi -
formic alcohol, Soyuz product (soybean, coconut, palm oils), purified mummy, castor oil, aloe vera gel, tea tree essential oil, kemaben 2E, lipoderm 4, purified water, extracts: eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, plantain, sage, calendula, Siberian fir.
Action: relieves pain, inflammation, has a bactericidal effect, antiseptic, accelerates the healing of wounds, abrasions, cuts, scratches, burns, hematomas. Reduces swelling, shortens rehabilitation after sprains, bruises, dislocations. Helps with pain in the legs, joints, and back pain.
Price: in the pharmacy 55-80 rubles.

Cream with Floralizin - “Forest Power” and “Dawn” - auxiliary therapy for bruises, abrasions, wounds

Floralizin is an extract from mushroom mycelium, contains enzymes with collagen activity, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, biotin. It is used for any skin lesions, joint diseases, burns, abrasions, bruises, contusions. It has powerful regenerating properties, improves blood supply, metabolism, trophism, and biosynthesis in tissues. The creams are identical in composition (in the veterinary one, aviation kerosene is used instead of fragrance). Zorka was awarded state awarded the Gold and Platinum Quality Mark for the 21st Century. Used:

  • Treatment of bruises, burns, cuts
  • Cracked heels heal in 1-4 applications
  • Helps with fractures for rapid tissue regeneration
  • In winter, lubricate chapped face, hands, lips
  • For varicose veins and hemorrhoids
  • For dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, herpes and other skin diseases.

Therefore, in order to remove it, you can use the same methods as for removing a bruise. Accordingly, you will have to spend the same amount of time on this. How to quickly get rid of a hickey so that not a trace remains? Despite thorough treatment during the first two days, it is easier to hide a hickey by tinting it with self-tanning or foundation, while continuing to get rid of it using the methods presented below.

A hickey is not a problem, but quickly getting rid of this seemingly simple problem is quite difficult. However, doing this is much easier than, for example, dealing with age spots or removing freckles on the face.

White toothpaste helps a lot with a fresh hickey. It needs to be rubbed very well into the hickey;

A vodka infusion made from chopped aloe leaves helps relieve bruises. . You need to make compresses from it;

Fresh potato compress. The cut half is applied to the hickey and, lightly massaging, left for 15-20 minutes;

Against a fresh hickey - a compress of ordinary baking soda. A thick mixture of baking soda and water (thicker than sour cream) applied to the site of the hickey;
- iodine mesh over the hickey.

How to remove a hickey using emergency methods?

A mixture of bodyaga purchased at a pharmacy and any cream (preferably for children), rub the hickey 4-5 times a day and leave for 30-40 minutes. After three days the hickey will disappear.

You can fight hickeys with the help of special anti-bruise creams that are sold at the pharmacy, for example, “Bruise-off” or Troxevasin.

The effectiveness of all similar creams is almost the same. Such ointments have the ability to accelerate blood, cause its rush and circulation, due to which small particles of thickened blood are quickly removed from the hematoma, creating a so-called resolving effect. You can also use Lyoton-gel ointment. It is applied to the site of the hickey, allowed to dry to a film, washed off with warm water and smeared again.

Folk remedies and medications are effective, but traces of kisses can also be removed in the following ways:

Visit the solarium. The resulting tan will help hide the hickey site after a hot kiss, because under the influence of UV rays it will become the same color as the rest of the skin.

Use a corrective pencil to disguise the hickey. On top of it you need to apply a regular foundation, but you just need to try to apply a little cream, while also capturing the skin around the hickey to hide the edge I.

Now let's talk in detail and discuss all the best ways to quickly get rid of hickey marks.

Bruises are one of the most common household injuries that can easily be sustained. A bruise, especially on a woman’s face, can spoil the mood and even interfere with plans.

Causes of bruising.

The cause of a bruise can be a strong blow or mechanical damage, in which blood vessels burst under the skin and a hematoma appears.

At the first stage, the bruise is red-purple swelling, which gradually subsides, then it turns blue, gray or purple. Gradually dissolving, the bruise turns from blue to green, and then yellowish or pink. To successfully combat a bruise, it is very important to provide timely first aid.

Bruises at different stages

Ways to get rid of bruises.

There are many ways to get rid of a bruise if you deal with this problem as quickly as possible:

    To do this, immediately after the bruise appears, you need to put something cold on it. Experts recommend ice wrapped in a cold cloth, although any cold object is a good option. If possible, rinse the bruised area under cold water. Cold helps the bruise disappear by constricting blood vessels. Once the swelling at the site of the impact has subsided, the cold compress can be removed;

    Warm compress. When the swelling has already subsided, you can begin to warm up the injured area - this will help the bruise resolve better. For these purposes, a heating pad or a compress of salt or sand, heated in a frying pan and placed in a woolen sock, is suitable. You need to keep the warm compress for about half an hour;

    Iodine mesh. It needs to be drawn after warming up, either before going to bed, or a few hours before they plan to leave home - the iodine must have time to be absorbed into the skin.

Folk remedies for bruises.

In addition to standard household methods, there are many effective folk remedies that allow you to get rid of a bruise in the shortest possible time.


Badyaga- This is dried seaweed. In pharmacies they sell it crushed into a special medicinal powder. Bodyaga has long been recognized by experts as the most effective method of treating bruises - it greatly improves blood circulation, due to which the bruise simply resolves.

The preparation from badyagi is simple - a teaspoon of the mixture is dissolved in two teaspoons of water. Then the resulting mixture is smeared on the bruise, or applied as a compress. You need to apply it two to three times a day until the bruise completely disappears.

Badyagu is also now produced in the form of a finished cream.

Badyaga in the form of cream and powder

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

Can be used as compresses for bruises herbal decoctions, consisting of:


  • Linden color;



    Swamp wild rosemary.

To prepare the decoction, you need to boil a teaspoon of the herbal mixture in one hundred milliliters of water, then leave for half an hour and moisten cotton pads with the decoction to apply to the bruise.


Grind cabbage leaf or better yet, even pass it through a meat grinder, and then apply it to the bruise for 20 minutes. Repeat two to three times a day.

IMPORTANT: Yellow bruises can be hidden with purple lipstick. To do this, you need to carefully spread it over the bruise, and then apply powder or makeup base on top.


Raw grated potatoes when applied to a bruise, it has a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to keep it for about thirty minutes.

Helps with extensive bruises honey compress. To prepare it, mix the yolk, half a tablespoon of flour, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of honey. Apply the mixture to the bruise and cover with plastic wrap. You need to keep it for 2-3 hours.


Mix half a glass of vodka and half a teaspoon of salt. Moisten a swab with the mixture and apply to the bruise. You need to renew the compress as it dries.

Finely chop one medium onion and mix with one a teaspoon of honey. You can add a tablespoon of dried plantain to the mixture. Apply the compress to the bruise two to three times a day for two hours.

Beetroot and honey

Grate on a fine grater fresh beets, squeeze out the juice and add a tablespoon of honey to the pulp. Apply the mixture to the bruise and secure with a bandage. You need to keep the compress for two to three hours.

Honey and beets for compress

Vinegar and salt

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in one glass of 9% vinegar. Three times a day, apply a cloth soaked in this solution to the bruise for half an hour.

Onion and salt

Grind 5 -6 medium onions, mix with tablespoon salt and apply the mixture wrapped in a cloth to the sore spot three times a day.

IMPORTANT: If you don’t want to rub potatoes, you can simply apply a potato circle to the bruise and hold it there for a while.

Shilajit for bruises.

Shilajit is known to many as a miracle cure that helps with many problems. It can also treat bruises. Usually mumiyo is diluted with water and the resulting compress is applied to the bruise, but in this form compresses from medicinal herbs.

Research by the scientist Shakirov, made back in the last century, showed that mumiyo is much more effective in fighting bruises during ingestion. If you take 200 milligrams of mummy for large hematomas, this will significantly reduce the intensity of pain and visually reduce the bruise. It is especially useful to take mumiyo orally when an extensive bruise is combined with damage to internal tissues and organs.

Medicines for bruises.

In addition to folk remedies, you can use very effective drugs from the pharmacy to quickly get rid of a bruise.


Troxevasin the bruise needs to be smeared every hour - then it will disappear surprisingly quickly. In addition, experts say that this ointment strengthens the walls of blood vessels, that is, it prevents bruises from appearing in the future.


This remedy based on leech extract not only resolves bruises well and relieves inflammation, but also has masking effect like foundation. You need to apply this ointment to the bruise more than five times a day.

Heparin ointment

This remedy relieves swelling and improves blood clotting. To quickly get rid of a bruise, it should be used two to three times a day. And due to the anesthetic in the ointment, it also helps to get rid of bruise pain.


This ointment relieves inflammation and strengthens the vascular walls, so using it three times a day allows you to quickly get rid of a bruise.

How to disguise a bruise.

The most effective way to minimize a bruise is to use concealer- at least, that’s what the famous American makeup artist Carol Shaw thinks.

    Make sure there are no stitches, scratches or cuts in the bruised area. Concealer should not be applied to such skin damage. By the way, you can use it not only on the face, but also on other areas of the skin;

    Try to find a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free concealer with a yellow tint. Such concealers have a dense consistency and are the easiest to hide bruises, and also compensate for their blue color due to a yellow tint. But if you have a red bruise, then a green concealer is better. Brown bruises are well hidden with white concealer, and yellow ones with purple;

    Concealer should be applied to a bruise carefully, without pressure, so as not to intensify the color of the bruise or cause pain to yourself;

    It is better to distribute concealer with a compact sponge;

    You can apply a makeup base over the concealer, but this is not always necessary.

Usually the concealer lasts all day, but it is better to check your makeup often and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Yellow bruises can also be hidden using purple lipstick. To do this, you need to carefully spread it over the bruise, and then apply powder or makeup base on top.

Using a concealer to cover up a bruise

The most effective remedies for bruises.

Bruises are a very common problem, and many people have long had the most effective and proven methods of dealing with them:

    Many people note the positive effect of Troxevasin ointment - the bruise actually disappears literally in a day;

    Cupping massage is very helpful for bruises on soft tissues;

    The effectiveness of badyagi has long been tested by a huge number of people, and many people recommend it as a means of getting rid of a bruise in a day;

    Heparin ointment is also effective, although there are people for whom it does not help at all;

    If you don’t want to rub potatoes, you can simply apply a potato circle to the bruise and hold it there for a while.

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