A burn in a one-year-old child what to do. Burn injuries in children: first aid and effective treatment methods

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

One of the most common injuries among children is burns. Among burn lesions, burns with boiling water are in the lead, which the baby receives mainly at home. It is important for even very careful and prudent parents to know how to act if the baby is burned, how to help him and how to treat him.

About thermal effects

Burns with boiling water are classified as thermal injuries. With them, the skin and deeper layers of the skin suffer under the influence of high temperatures(water boils at +100 degrees Celsius). Such burns in a child are usually not too large in size, although it all depends on how much boiling water the baby poured over himself. Sometimes burns with boiling water are 1 degree, however, much more often such injuries are deeper - at the level of 2-3 degrees.

In the first degree of a burn injury, only the outer layer of the epidermis suffers, which is characterized by redness, soreness, and slight swelling of the area where the boiling water has entered. In the second, the outer layer and a small part of the dermis located under it are affected. Therefore, blisters and blisters appear, filled with a cloudy serous fluid. The third degree of a burn is a deeper injury in which the dermis suffers, up to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The outer layer (epidermis) is almost always broken, there is a wound. There is also a fourth stage, in which the skin dies completely, the bones and muscle tissues charred, but with a burn with boiling water, this stage does not happen.

Any burn with boiling water in a child requires a mandatory reaction from the parents. Here, competent and consistent provision of the first medical care, and only then treatment.

What to do first

If a child is burned with hot water, parents should immediately remove all clothes that are soaked from him, thereby minimizing contact with the skin. Then you should assess the degree and area of ​​​​injury - this is important in order to know which algorithm of actions to choose. If a child has a superficial burn of 1-2 degrees, then a doctor's call, provided that the injury is not extensive, is not required. If large blisters filled with bloody fluid formed rather quickly, the skin is broken, it is necessary to call a doctor.

The area of ​​the burn can be assessed at home quite quickly. Doctors consider it this way: each limb and back - 9% of the body area, head and shoulders - 21%, and buttocks - 18%. Thus, if the baby poured boiling water over only the hand, then this is about 2.5%, and if the hand and tummy are already 11.5%. The baby definitely needs qualified medical care if about 15% of the body is affected with a minor burn and if 5-7% of the body area is affected with a deep (3rd degree) burn. After a quick assessment of the situation, the parents either call " ambulance”, if the area is large or the burn is very deep, or they are tuned in for home treatment. Anyway urgent Care must be rendered correctly.

In case of a burn with boiling water, it is forbidden to lubricate the injured area with sour cream, fat, oil or baby cream. This will only disrupt heat transfer and worsen the healing process, as well as deliver additional pain. First of all, you need to do everything to cool the affected area. To do this, use cool running water, substituting the burned part of the body under it for 10-15 minutes. Then a sheet or diaper made of natural fabric is moistened with this water and applied to the burn.

Do not use ice.

After that, you need to measure the baby's temperature. With thermal burns of 2 degrees and above, it often rises. If necessary, an antipyretic may be given ( Paracetamol or Ibuprofen), as well as one age dose of any antihistamine ( "Suprastin", "Loradatin"). Antiallergic drugs can effectively relieve swelling.

The affected area can be treated with a spray of lidocaine to anesthetize, as well as sprinkle powder on the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin "Baneocin"(not an ointment of the same name, but a powder!). After that, a light, non-tight, dry bandage is applied to the burn and the child is taken to the emergency room or the nearest hospital for treatment. If the degree is small and the area of ​​the lesion is also small, the treatment can be planned independently with the obligatory observance of all the rules for the treatment of such injuries.


When treating a burn with boiling water, antibiotics are not required. They are needed only when there are blisters on the skin that burst easily, because this increases the likelihood of infection of the wound with bacteria and fungi. It is strictly forbidden to open blisters and blisters on your own.

With such a burn (from 2 degrees), it is important that the doctor prescribes the treatment. Usually hospitalization is not required, but with extensive damage in baby or a baby up to 2-3 years old, it is advisable to undergo treatment in a hospital. Treatment of thermal burns is aimed at relieving pain, eliminating possible infection, as well as speedy tissue regeneration. At home, parents will be required to make dressings and treat the affected area.

If the burn is small and shallow, you can do without a bandage (in medicine, this method is called open).

If there are blisters, then it is better to use a dressing for several days. Each treatment must include:

  • Treatment of burns with antiseptics. For this, you do not need to use alcohol-containing preparations. A solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide is best suited. When processing, do not rub the product into a sore spot, this will bring a lot of discomfort. You can use a cotton swab.
  • main drug. If there are no blisters, then use means for the speedy regeneration of tissues. Healing ointments and creams can be applied to a soft, clean medical napkin and applied to the affected area. The choice of such ointments is quite large - "Panthenol"(ointment and spray), Olazol(aerosol), "Radevit", zinc ointment, ointment or solution "Eplan". If there are blisters, if some of them have already burst and turned into sores and wounds, it is better to choose an antibiotic ointment as the main drug "Levomekol", "Baneocin"(ointment and powder at the same time - first ointment, and powder on top).
  • Apply a clean bandage. To do this, you need to use only sterile dressings from a pharmacy. The bandage should not be too tight, so as not to disturb the blood supply.

  • Dressings should be at least 3-4 per day. Creams and ointments are applied to burns in a rather thick layer. After the damaged area is completely tightened, bandages are no longer needed. At the final stage, tools are used that help restore the integrity of the skin as much as possible without consequences. Such funds include Contractubex, Radevit, Boro Plus cream-ointment.

The use of such funds can be quite lengthy, up to several months. But this is very important, because it allows you to reduce or minimize the consequences - scars and scars, this is especially true if the child received a burn on the open part of the arm or face. On average, a burn from boiling water, subject to all the rules of treatment, heals in 3-4 weeks. Again, if you smear only with what is allowed and will not harm.

TO folk medicine the treatment of burns is irrelevant, and therefore it is not worth using recipes from the arsenal of non-traditional healers to help a child with such a serious injury.


The consequences of a burn with boiling water can be minimal if we are talking about a 1-2 degree injury, a small area. Such burns, even after treatment at home, pass quickly, do not leave scars and scars. Burns above 2 degrees can have quite unpleasant consequences. These are scars on the skin, and severe psychological trauma that the baby will receive.

By the way, children early age burns are forgotten much faster than toddlers from 3 years old. Some children may even need qualified help from a good child psychologist later on.

Third-degree burns can sometimes lead to shock and burn disease, but these conditions are not treated at home. Parents must provide first aid and be sure to urgently hospitalize the baby in an ambulance. Traces of such burns usually remain, but modern plastic surgery may well cope with such consequences, while maintaining the baby's normal appearance.


Entirely and completely all preventive measures lie on the shoulders of the parents. It is only in their power to make sure that the risks of getting a burn injury are minimized as much as possible. For this:

  • The child should not be allowed to play in rooms where, even theoretically, boiling water or hot water can leak. Such dangerous areas in the house include the kitchen, bathroom, boiler room, boiler room.
  • Do not carry hot tea or soup over a child playing on the floor. Any surprise can happen, an adult can stumble, burn himself and drop the cup from his hands, scalding the child.
  • All pots with boiling water or cooked food should be placed on the most distant burners of the stove, be sure to turn all the handles to the wall so that the child cannot accidentally reach out and tip over the containers with hot liquid onto themselves.
  • Pots with hot liquids and a kettle should be placed as far as possible from the edge of the table.

  • You can not carry a child in your arms or hang it in a "kangaroo" on yourself while cooking.
  • Do not pour hot soup or tea for the child and immediately put the child at the table. Not all guys can blow on food, but everyone, without exception, is able to overturn dishes with hot on themselves.
  • A caring mother will definitely ask a dad or an invited master plumber to install special plumbing electronic limiters on all hot water taps that will allow you to control the temperature of the water that flows from the tap.

Even if the baby unauthorizedly gets to the water and turns it on, everything will end without burns.

Burns of any degree are very painful for every person. Most often, people get burns from careless handling of fire and boiling liquids. What to do if the child is burned with boiling water? Most of the burn victims are young children. They endure such a state especially hard. Therefore, parents need to know how to respond correctly in such situations.

First aid

First aid for burns with boiling water in children should be provided immediately. The burn site should be freed from underwear and try to cool the affected area. To do this, you can use the following improvised means:

  • cold tap water;
  • a bag of ice cubes from the freezer (such a bag can be applied to the burn only through several layers of natural tissue so as not to cause frostbite);
  • cold metal objects.

If you act on the burn with cold for 5-10 minutes, this will stop the process of soft tissue damage and remove pain syndrome. In addition, you should take an anesthetic drug. Medicines that relieve pain of various origins should be in every medicine cabinet. Preparations for children of early age groups should be agreed with the observing pediatrician.

After removing the first severe symptoms, do not leave the affected area open. This can lead to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. Burns should not be tightly bandaged, however, it is worth applying a light bandage (preferably from a sterile bandage) to the affected area.

If a child has a burn with boiling water, the doctor should prescribe treatment; parents can only carry out first aid activities.

What not to do with burns

When providing first aid before going to the hospital, it is strictly forbidden to do the following manipulations with the affected area:

In terms of the number of deaths, burn injuries are second only to automobile injuries. The greatest danger is burns in children which occur quite frequently and can result in serious injury or death. The condition of a burned baby is aggravated by the fact that not all parents know how to provide first aid and alleviate the suffering of the child. This is a serious omission, since 20% of childhood injuries are burns of one kind or another.

Types of burns in children

As a rule, babies can suffer from thermal burns: boiling water, open fire, hot oil, etc. Boiling water left unattended or open fire cause serious injury in children up to (80%). It’s not so bad if the baby just “scalded” her finger. Unfortunately, there are cases when children fell into boiling water and boiled alive. Many people think that serious burns are obtained solely from contact with boiling water. This is an erroneous opinion, because even water with a temperature of 50C ° can cause burns of the 2nd or 3rd degree with a duration of exposure of 7-10 minutes. There have also been cases of serious burns resulting from contact with tap water.

A detected jar or bottle with a chemically aggressive substance also causes a burn, because the child will definitely look at what is inside, and in some cases taste it. Although it should be noted that chemical burns in everyday life are rare, since vigilant parents keep medicines, garden chemicals and household chemicals out of the reach of the baby.

Plugged in and left unattended household electrical appliances lead to severe skin in 8% of all cases of childhood burns. At risk are mobile phone chargers. There are cases when a baby grabs a bare plug, pulls it into his mouth and gets seriously injured.

Excessive exposure to the aggressive rays of the sun rarely leads to death, but can provoke a rather deep burn on the delicate skin of the baby.

Video first aid for burns in children

Classification of burns in children

Burns are classified according to the degree of damage and can be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th degree. For the correct provision of first aid, it is necessary to examine the skin of the child affected by the burn. If the skin turns red or blistered on a small area (finger, palm, etc.) - everything is not so scary. If the blisters immediately burst or charring occurs, and the affected area is extensive, every second of delay can lead to the death of the baby.

Important! When calling a doctor, you should describe the nature of the damage and report the approximate area of ​​the burn (one palm of the victim is 1% of his body).

If the affected area of ​​a 1st degree burn exceeds 15%, 2nd degree - 5%, 3rd degree - 0.5%, then the child may develop a dangerous condition called "burn disease". To protect the child from complications, you should urgently deliver him to. Before arriving at the emergency room, the victim must be given water to drink (at least one and a half liters per hour).

If a baby of the first year of life has suffered, it should be shown to the doctor for any degree of burn.

How to help a child with a heat burn?

Remove the effect of the damage factor: turn on the tap with water, turn off the iron, remove the child from the fire, and so on.

Cool the affected area with cold water. To do this, direct a jet of water to the burned area and leave for 15 minutes. If you do not withstand the prescribed time, the skin will not cool, and the burn will go deeper, since the heating of the tissues occurs for some more time. If blisters appear on the skin, do not direct the water jet directly at them, as they may burst.

If we are talking about a 1st or 2nd degree burn with redness and blisters, you should moisten a sterile cotton-gauze bandage and apply it to the affected area, preventing it from drying out. Some parents, having made sure that the life of the baby is not in danger, do not rush to see a specialist. However, it should be remembered that burned skin heals very badly, the help of a specialist can speed up this process and make it more effective.

If the burn is very serious and is accompanied by bursting blisters and charring, you should apply a bandage and only then cool the affected area. The 4th degree is accompanied by severe pain and can lead to a state of shock. Cooling the affected surface will relieve pain.

What absolutely can not be done with a thermal burn?

  • Leave the injured baby unattended and refuse the help of doctors;
  • Lubricate the burn with oils, creams, ointments, etc. means. Only water!!!
  • Trying to tear off baked-on clothes;
  • Open blisters.

It should be remembered that only a qualified specialist can prescribe an effective and safe treatment for the child's body.

How to help a child with a chemical burn?

  • Carefully remove the damaging factor, acting carefully, not forgetting about your own safety.
  • If there is an instruction for a chemical agent, you need to read it to find out about the features of using the agent. It will also be written there: “flush with water” or “do not rinse with water”, and forewarned means armed.
  • If it is possible to wash off, the substance must be washed off under running water so that the flowing water does not affect healthy skin.
  • If an eye is injured, a wet bandage moistened with saline solution should be applied to both eyes.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use any substance to neutralize acid or alkali in case of a chemical burn (if it was these substances that provoked the burn). This can aggravate the condition of the child and provoke an additional heat burn.

How to help a child with a sunburn?

If parents forgot about the elementary rules for finding a child in the sun, and overheating still happened, the most important thing is to alleviate the baby's condition.

If the child's skin turns red, he becomes lethargic and apathetic, the temperature rises - this is a sunburn.

to areas where large blood vessels and cold bandages should be applied to the forehead of the child. In the armpit area, you can put bottles filled with cold water.

If the burn is pronounced, and blisters appear on the skin, a damp cloth should be applied to the affected area and the child should be given cool water to drink: 200-400 ml.

If the baby has lost consciousness, you need to call a doctor.

Prior to the arrival of a specialist, first aid must be provided. No need to use ammonia, slap on the cheeks or pour water. It is enough to put the baby on his back and slightly raise his legs.

It should be remembered that the children's body is quite unpredictable. And in order to protect your child from dangerous conditions, you should consult a doctor even with the most minor burns. A competent specialist will prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Important! Adequate first aid for a burn is the most important component of successful treatment. And in some cases, it is first aid that can save a child from death.

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

God forbid to see how your child suffers, having received a severe burn due to your negligence ... But - alas! - it is because of this that our children continue to suffer, and even die. After all, a burn with boiling water can be of varying degrees.

What is the right way to help if a child spills boiling water on himself? You will find answers to these and other relevant questions in our article.

1, 2, 3, 4 degrees of burns with boiling water in a child and their signs

The child suffered from boiling water, steam or hot liquid ... This type is considered in medical practice to be the most common household type of thermal burn, because children are often scalded with boiling water. Oil is second on the list.

Degrees of burns with boiling water

Knowing what degree of burn a child has is extremely important. After all, a prompt response will not allow the infection to penetrate the wound and minimize possible complications.

Knowing what degree of burn with boiling water in a child will help:

  1. Provide timely and competent first aid.
  2. Soon and qualitatively alleviate the condition of a small person.
  3. Save the life of a tiny victim.

You need to know that the dermis, when exposed to a liquid heated to 100 degrees, quickly and strongly turns red, etc.

Exists . When the right help is given and treatment is prescribed, in the first and second degree, the problem is solved by taking simple measures. But, starting from the 3rd, doctors are sometimes forced to take serious steps, up to skin grafting operations.

BY THE WAY: Having received a burn with boiling water of 3 or 4 degrees, the baby suffers very much from pain (up to shock) and may even lose consciousness.

Video: Boiling water burn - assistance

How to find out what degree of burn a child has?

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each group.

Here are the typical symptoms:

  • I degree (most mild form) - reddened skin (sometimes swollen) hurts, but this kind of lesions do not need special treatment and leave almost no marks.
  • II degree- this is a more serious lesion in which the reddened skin is painful, the layer under the epidermis is damaged, and thin-walled blisters with serous fluid appear at the site of the injury, through which any infection can penetrate; takes up to two weeks to heal proper treatment without scars.
  • III degree (A and B) - a rare type of injury with boiling water, requiring urgent hospitalization; lesions are characterized by blisters on the skin, but already with thick walls and with a liquid containing blood, as well as inflammation and suppuration; an open dark red wound in the place of burst blisters is deep, nerve endings amazed; often ; after treatment, noticeable scars remain.
  • IV degree- almost one hundred percent damage to tissues and nerve cells; with prolonged exposure to boiling water on the dermis, the victim is in a state of shock, he has blackening of the skin, its flaking and thinning.

ATTENTION: The depth of the wounds depends on the temperature of the liquid with which the child was scalded, on the time of its exposure and the state to which the deep layers of the dermis were heated.

What to do if the child is burned with boiling water - first aid at home

So, the child was scalded with boiling water. The main thing is to react competently, even if you have a lot of stress, panic is the main enemy now.

Video: First aid for burns with boiling water

What to do?

Before contacting doctors, first determine the degree of damage, with a mild degree, carefully remove clothing.

Next, do this:

  • 1 degree- Pour the affected area with cold running water; then apply an anesthetic spray and apply a sterile dressing.
  • 2 degree- 10 minutes after cooling the affected skin with water (only so that it does not fall on the blisters!) the pain subsides, and a wet antiseptic gauze bandage can be applied; and at severe pain it is better to give an anesthetic; after first aid, an ambulance is called (or better to do it in parallel if there is someone nearby).
  • 3 degree- urgently call an ambulance and act, but be more careful and attentive, i.e. first, a sterile wet bandage is placed on the burn site, and then cold water is poured on it; give your baby more water so that toxins are more quickly removed from the body.
  • 4 degree- you should also urgently call an ambulance and constantly distract the child by talking to him, because he may lose consciousness; clothes from the affected skin cannot be removed, this will be done by specialists who will save the life of the crumbs.

What not to do with burns with boiling water in a child - common first aid mistakes

Seeing that the child has received a severe burn with boiling water, you must act correctly so as not to cause irreparable harm to the baby by your actions.

How to smear burns, and what methods cannot be used?

  1. In no case do not lubricate the delicate skin of a baby burnt with boiling water with either iodine, or brilliant green, or alcohol!
  2. Be more careful with sea ​​buckthorn oil- yes, it copes with the healing of scars, but it should not be applied immediately after a burn.
  3. Do not puncture or open the blisters yourself, because. this method will provide an easy way for infection.
  4. Yes, with a mild burn, clothes are removed or cut off with scissors. But in no case do not rip it off if it is stuck to the body - you need to carefully cut it off where possible.
  5. It is possible to wash the wound with clean water, but it is impossible to lubricate it with kefir, sour cream and similar means - they will further damage the skin and develop an infection in it.
  6. Do not cool the wound with ice.
  7. Do not apply cotton wool to the burn or cover it with a band-aid.

IMPORTANT: If you burn your arm or leg with boiling water, lift the limb, then the swelling and pain will decrease.

The child was scalded with boiling water - in what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

Alas, it happened.

Contact your doctor if:

  • The area of ​​damage is larger than a child's palm.
  • Injured baby up to a year.
  • From a burn with boiling water, the skin on the face, neck or head is affected.
  • The child scalded the genitals or breasts with boiling water (girls).
  • , eyes, knee and elbow bends.
  • Received burns of the 3rd and 4th degree.
  • The blisters have burst and the wound is possibly infected.

PLEASE NOTE: If the eyes are affected, rinse them with cold water and cover each with a soft, damp bandage.

Treatment of burns with boiling water in a child at home - effective pharmacy and folk remedies

Yes, the big trouble has passed, and there were no hospitals. How to treat burns at home, how to soothe this terrible pain - and prevent the infection from reaching the wound?

The first thing to remember: 3rd and 4th degree burns cannot be treated at home- This is done only under the supervision of a doctor. Only mild burns are treated at home, and then only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Effective pharmacy remedies in the treatment of burns with boiling water in a child

So, the wound hurts, bubbles burst one after another, the burn site “gets wet”, secretes an ichor.

Do not let the wound fester, start repairing damaged tissues:

  1. Very popular with doctors and patients panthenol ointment(or gel).
  2. Helps well, accelerating healing and protecting against bacteria, and sulfargin ointment.
  3. Doctors often prescribe ointments with a bactericidal effect. levomekol and streptomycin, And antiseptics type chlorhexidine or dimexide.
  4. blisters heals Olazol in the form of an aerosol.
  5. Perfectly heals wounds ground to dust penicillin tablet.

The best folk remedies for burns with boiling water

  • Sea buckthorn oil, because well heals wounds, has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
  • Aloe juice works almost the same. The cut and washed sheet is divided with a knife into 2 flat parts - put cut down in a gauze bandage, put on the wound for 30-60 minutes.
  • raw potatoes- mashed potatoes add honey to the gruel. One of them promotes healing, and the second improves circulation and acts as an antiseptic. Putting such a compress on the wound, it is washed off after a quarter of an hour.
  • Have experience with use to treat burns dolphin fat, flour, egg white, beets etc.

But all this should be done and applied only in consultation with the doctor!

Children, especially preschool age, are very active, they constantly study the world around them, and, unfortunately, sometimes this leads to injuries of a different nature. In the first place are bruises and fractures, in the second - burns. Every parent should know what to do to help the baby if he has a burn from boiling water.

Features of thermal injuries in children

IN childhood burns appear on any part of the body, it depends on where the child spilled, for example, freshly boiled water. Statistics show that the arms and lower legs are most often affected. Less commonly, the face, neck, thighs, and inner shoulders are exposed to hot temperatures, but it is in these areas that the deepest and longest healing injuries occur.

The most dangerous burn of the face with boiling water, since at the same time the eyes, the mucous membrane of the mouth are injured, and a thermal burn of the respiratory tract occurs.

Burns with boiling water in children occur even with short-term exposure to hot water, despite the fact that after boiling it had time to cool down a bit. Adults should be aware of the high sensitivity of the child's skin. So, for children of the first months of life, four minutes of exposure to water with a temperature of 60 ° C is enough to get a burn, up to 1-1.5 years - 10 seconds, older children need a little more time, but they will also leave a trace of this temperature. The higher the temperature of the water, the less time it takes for a burn to form, and the larger the affected area will be.

To assess the condition of the child, they use the well-known classification according to the depth and symptoms of damage to the skin:

For the diagnosis of children's burns, information is important not only about the depth, but also about the area of ​​the lesion. The larger the area, the worse the condition of the child, even with a mild burn.

Possible Complications

A child getting a burn from boiling water is dangerous not only by the occurrence of strong pain but also the development of more serious consequences. The most important of them is burn shock. This is a condition in which the body, sensing the danger that has arisen, rebuilds internal processes in order to protect the most important organs - the brain, lungs, heart and liver.

In response to exposure to heat, the body prepares for the loss of fluid and, trying to save it, constricts the renal vessels. Thus, fluid retention occurs - oliguria. At the same time, hyperglycemia occurs - the level of sugar in the blood rises to nourish the vital organs.

At its core, burn shock is a protective reaction that is aimed at saving the life of the child. But, trying to save some organs, the body disrupts the nutrition of others, which can lead to death.

Burn shock lasts from several hours to 2-3 days. This condition requires urgent hospitalization - self-medication can be fatal. Burn shock is divided into three degrees of severity with characteristic features:

Less dangerous, but also unpleasant consequences include:

  • abscesses;
  • sepsis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • phlegmon;
  • violation of motor functions;
  • scars at the site of injury.

First aid and further treatment

First aid for a burn with boiling water in a child should be carried out immediately. First of all, it is necessary to free the affected area from clothing and carry out the following activities:

  1. Apply cold to the burn for 5-10 minutes. For this, running water and ice are suitable, and if they are not at hand, cold metal can be applied.
  2. Apply a healing agent. The best ointment from burns with boiling water for children - Panthenol or similar means: Bepanten, Dexpanthenol.
  3. Apply a very tight bandage. You can only use sterile bandages, if they are not available, then it is better to leave the burn open and seek medical help.
  4. Give the child pain medication.

If the burn is mild, then you can cope with it yourself, but with deep lesions and suspected burn shock, you need to consult a surgeon or combustiologist.

What not to do with burns:

  1. Lubricate with dairy products.
  2. Apply cotton.
  3. Open blisters and tear off crusts.
  4. Seal with adhesive.
  5. Apply tight bandages.
  6. Treat affected areas with alcohol solutions and oils.

Treatment for burns depends on the severity of the injury:

  1. Light injuries are lubricated with healing ointments (for example, Panthenol), and dry dressings are applied.
  2. With a second-degree burn, not only restorative, but bactericidal ointments, such as Levomikol or Dermazin, are used. A bandage is applied on top, which must be changed as it dries.
  3. Third degree burns form a scab, which must be treated with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, 3% peroxide or a weak solution of Furacilin. After rejection of the crust, bactericidal ointments are used.
  4. Treatment of the fourth degree is aimed at rejecting the crust and preventing infection. It is possible to remove necrotic tissue by surgical methods.

May be used for deep burns antibiotic therapy systemic drugs to prevent the development of sepsis:

  • cephalosporins (Cefixime);
  • penicillins (Bicillin, Amoxicillin).

For recovery, physiotherapy can be prescribed that stimulate the regeneration of the skin and increase blood circulation. These methods include:

  • ultrasound;
  • infrared or ultraviolet radiation.

To restore the skin after healing, drugs are prescribed that prevent the formation of scars and stimulate intercellular exchanges. These funds include: Contractubex, Solcoseryl and Actovegin. With severe lesions to prevent overgrowth connective tissue perform phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone or Lidase.

If parents are in doubt about how to give first aid or what means to use, they should contact the emergency room of the nearest hospital or call an ambulance.

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