How to treat a runny nose in a 2 month old baby. Treatment of a runny nose in an infant

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

A runny nose is a disease that every person without exception has encountered. In most cases, it appears due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity becomes inflamed. For adults, the disease is an uncomfortable but harmless problem.

But a baby with a runny nose for 2 months is already an unpleasant process that can lead to important properties the body will not function.

What is the danger of a runny nose?

Snot in a two-month-old child indicates that it is necessary to begin immediate treatment of the disease. It is best to take regular preventative measures to prevent a runny nose from occurring and go away faster.

But if you notice the first symptoms of the disease, then you cannot do without a visit to the pediatrician. During problems with the nasal mucosa, the child becomes very capricious, sleep disturbances, mood swings are observed, and appetite decreases. However, a child does not always need to be very active and intense.

Let's try to figure out why a runny nose is a more dangerous disease at this age and why children over one year of age tolerate it more easily? First of all, the problem is that babies do not know how to blow their nose, and parents cannot always clean their nose effectively and efficiently.

The nasal cavity of babies is small and the nasal passages are very narrow. There is a risk of compromising the integrity of the membrane when using nasal aspirators and other means for cleansing the nose. Secondly, it is worth noting that not every runny nose in a baby requires treatment, it all depends on what caused it.


A child’s runny nose is a very difficult time for both the child and his parents. The thing is that the baby does not know how to breathe through his mouth, the child’s nasal passages are very narrow, and the inflamed mucous membrane swells and does not allow breathing to function fully.

If a child has a stuffy nose, he eats poorly, sleeps little, and becomes irritable and moody.

At the beginning of the development of rhinitis, the disease is accompanied by green eyes, and an increase in body temperature is observed. These symptoms can last up to two weeks. Sometimes swelling is observed near the upper lip and near the nose.

Other symptoms:

  • regular and abundant liquid snot from the baby's nasal cavity;
  • general weakness of the baby;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • refusal of breast or bottle, breaks when sucking;
  • shortness of breath, breathing problems, nasal congestion;
  • with a runny nose allergic type a newborn at 2 months may experience redness, itching, and sneezing;
  • babies reflexively pull their hands to the spout and rub it.

The habitual routine of life for newborns changes until all symptoms and green snot go away.


Divided into several subtypes. Let's talk about each of them.


First, it is worth mentioning the physiological runny nose. This condition is considered a natural process in the baby’s body and does not require treatment.


A viral or infectious runny nose is provoked by bacteria or infections, respectively, and the appearance of snot is attributed to the body’s protective reactions to the presence of these provocateurs.


Nasal congestion with allergic rhinitis is caused by allergens entering the child's body. For treatment, it is necessary to identify provoking elements and reduce contact with them.


Vasomotor runny nose appears as a consequence of problems with the vascular system on the mucous membranes and integuments of the nose. However, this variety is not often found among babies two months old.


There is a popular saying: “If you treat a runny nose in a two-month-old child, it will go away in seven days. But if you don’t treat, then in one week.” However, it is not.

If the disease is treated correctly and intensively, it can be overcome in three or four days.

But if you do not pay any attention to the first symptoms, then simple rhinitis can lead to many complications and result in serious problems for the baby’s health. Pus may appear in maxillary sinuses, which leads to acute sinusitis.

The main mistake when treating a runny nose in babies is the use of breast milk as nasal drops. This method traditional medicine our grandmothers advise. But it can only do harm, despite the fact that milk is rich in immunoglobulins.

Milk is the best environment for the development of bacteria and viruses, and its entry into the baby’s nasal cavity is simply unacceptable. After using breast milk, the runny nose does not go away.

As we said earlier, a runny nose in a 2-month-old baby of the physiological type does not require special treatment, the same can be said about a runny nose of a viral type.

If such diseases are present, then the main rule should be observed - the mucus in the baby’s nasal cavity should not dry out. This is necessary so that the nasopharynx can fight bacteria and viruses well.

In order to ensure the necessary humidity, it is worth monitoring the air temperature in the room; it should not exceed twenty-two degrees. Buy a humidifier or place an aquarium in the room. All these tips will help relieve nasal congestion.

In addition, you can moisturize the nasal mucous membranes of a 2-month-old child using salt solutions or a simple saline solution. To do this you need to mix one teaspoon sea ​​salt with a liter of clean boiled water. One drop is placed into each nostril. If you don’t have sea salt on hand, you can use regular table salt.

Important point! The prepared saline solution can only be used as drops; it is prohibited to use it and the salt solution as a nasal rinse.

Some pediatricians recommend using herbal treatments. To do this, purchase calendula or yarrow leaves and infuse them in a water bath. After the broth has cooled, drop 3 drops into each baby’s nostril.

If the runny nose becomes stronger, then first you need to clean the child’s nose. To do this, you need to use a special nasal aspirator, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Some people prefer to gently remove mucus using a cotton swab.

When taking your child's daily baths, add chamomile, sage or yarrow herbs to the water.

To avoid irritating your baby's nose, regularly lubricate the area around it with baby cream.

Allergic runny nose

Treatment of allergic rhinitis differs from the types of diseases that we discussed above.

If a child has a runny nose caused by allergens, then therapy can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

As a preventative measure, it is worth limiting the child’s interaction with provoking factors. In addition, it is necessary to carry out regular wet cleaning of the premises without the use of chemical household products.

Buy an air humidifier, and when choosing a vacuum cleaner, give preference to a device with a water-type filter. Some doctors recommend placing a salt lamp or ionizer near the baby's crib.

Products suitable for babies

Let's single out the best and safe drugs aged from two months. It is worth remembering that this list is provided to your attention for informational purposes. Before using any of them, you should consult your doctor and carefully study the instructions.

Drops that are suitable for children from the first year of life: Aquamaris, Nazivin, Salin, Pinosol.

Ointments and tinctures for warming up: calendula ointment, St. John's wort ointment, Vitaon, Doctor Mom ointment.

Therapy with aroma oils: thuja oil, tea tree, sage.

What not to do

How to treat a runny nose in a baby so as not to harm him? Let's share some tips on what not to do with a 2-month-old baby:

If there is a physiological or viral runny nose, then the use of vasoconstrictors is strictly prohibited.

Such drops can only be used as prescribed by the attending physician, as they can lead to swelling of the nasal mucosa.

An aspirator, bulb or enema can only be used to suck out snot from a baby aged 2 months. The use of these instruments for nasal rinsing is strictly prohibited. Fluid under high pressure can end up in the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media.

Under no circumstances should antibiotics be used to treat a runny nose. This applies to both tablets and antibacterial drugs in the form of drops.

You should not suck out mucus from the deep and internal areas of the nasal cavity of a 2-month-old baby.

Prevention measures

It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it later. Therefore, it is important to pay careful attention to strengthening your baby’s immunity. In order to do this, you need to stay in the fresh air as much as possible and create a complete diet for your baby.

Some people prefer to give their child Derinat drops. This remedy is good for activating the immune system against fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Do not forget about humidifying the air in the children's room. During the drying of the mucus, the child has to breathe through the mouth. An open mouth is an "open door" for bacteria and germs to enter.

Now you know about how it is in infants at the age of two months. Treatment boils down to compliance preventive measures and to cleanse the baby's nose of mucus, which is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

In any case, the first thing you should do is consult your doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe the correct and effective treatment. We wish your baby health.

A child’s runny nose is often added to everyday worries and troubles in the first months after the birth of a baby. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in a baby is a consequence of some viral disease, the beginning of an inflammatory process, or the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

A runny nose and stuffy nose causes great discomfort and inconvenience to the baby. The appearance of snot disrupts the baby's restful sleep and causes difficulties with feeding. It's hard for him to breathe, he's capricious. After all, a baby mainly breathes through his nose; to ease breathing, due to a stuffy nose, the baby still does not know how to consciously open his mouth. The nasal passages of a newborn are still very narrow, so even small discharge or swelling of the nasal mucosa completely blocks them.

These circumstances make my mother very nervous. Parents try to alleviate the suffering of their baby, but if treatment is carried out incorrectly or nothing is done at all, a runny nose can result in complications associated with inflammation of the child’s sinuses and ears.

Therefore, before starting treatment for a runny nose, it is necessary to carefully analyze possible reasons rhinitis, so as not to make a mistake with treatment tactics.

Pediatricians distinguish two types of main causes of nasal mucus in children:

  • physiological, which do not require treatment. For example, teething, active functioning of the salivary glands, which occurs in the first months of life of newborn children. Discharge from the nose is moderate, clear and does not cause much concern;
  • pathological reasons. These are precisely the cases that require treatment and prevention. These include viruses, bacteria, and allergens.

Manifestation of pathological rhinitis

Viral snot. Usually their appearance is associated with an increase in temperature and occurs after contact with a patient.

Bacterial runny nose. This type of snot is also accompanied by fever, but the discharge from the nose is slightly different from viral rhinitis. The mucus is greenish in color, which is colored by leukocytes. They accumulate in secretions after a fight immune system a child with bacteria that have entered the body.

Allergic rhinitis most often manifests itself without fever, the general condition of the baby is normal. Allergens can be near the baby in the form of pet hair, pollen, and dust.

Dr. Komarovsky also draws the attention of parents of newborn children to the fact that if the room does not maintain sufficient humidity (about 70%), then a runny nose can be a reaction to dry air in the form of protective moist mucus.

According to Komarovsky, the main thing that parents of a baby should do is to determine the cause of rhinitis and treat it, and not the runny nose itself.

How to treat rhinitis in a baby

If the doctor has diagnosed a pathological runny nose in a child, then along with the prescribed treatment, the baby needs to remove the mucus that appears from the nose so that he can breathe. Naturally, at this age the baby does not know how to blow his nose, so parents will have to learn how to perform some procedures.

How should a runny nose be treated in newborns?

1. Regularly suck out mucus from the nose. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a nasal aspirator or a mechanical aspirator in the form of a tube or special vacuum and electronic aspirators.

Many models of electronic spout cleaners are equipped with a function for moistening the mucous membrane.

2. Use physiological solutions in treatment. In my own way chemical composition they are closest to human blood serum. The most commonly used solution is 0.9% sodium chloride. This drug is used to moisturize the nasal passages, better remove snot from the nose and prevent it from stagnating in the child’s nasal passages. Infants under 1 year of age need to instill 1-3 drops of saline solution into each nostril. The liquid will soften the secretions and move them towards the larynx. The baby will subsequently swallow them, and breathing will be restored.

Saline solution can also be used to prevent rhinitis. Doctors also say that a few drops of breast milk can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

3. Use some vasoconstrictors if recommended by your pediatrician. If the cause of rhinitis in a baby is swelling of the nasal mucosa, then the dose of vasoconstrictor drops prescribed by the doctor will relieve swelling in the nose and restore the baby’s breathing.

The disadvantages of using vasoconstrictor drugs are the following:

  • long-term use can be addictive and cause drug-induced rhinitis;
  • These drugs also have an effect on the cardiovascular system of the baby;
  • the action of such drops makes the walls of the nasal mucosa quite vulnerable;
  • all drops used to treat the child end up in his stomach. Saline solution is an almost harmless agent, while vasoconstrictor drops have a more aggressive composition, which can cause a certain effect on the child’s body.

What does Dr. Komarovsky recommend for the treatment of runny nose in children? Komarovsky’s technique is as follows. For normal breathing, a child needs cool and moist air, which prevents the nasal mucosa from drying out. During a runny nose, the child should receive plenty of fluids, which maintains the necessary rheology of the child's nose.

Saline solution should be used regularly. Dr. Komarovsky advises treating rhinitis in infants according to the following scheme: every 30 minutes, 3-4 drops of solution should be dripped into the nose.

How to care for your child with a runny nose

In order to prevent the occurrence of a runny nose, parents of infants need to strengthen their baby’s immunity - take walks in the fresh air more often, exercise physical exercise and feed your baby properly.

With a runny nose, the baby begins to be capricious, refuses food, sleep is disturbed, and it becomes difficult for him to breathe. Before flying to the pharmacy - consult a pediatrician.

Runny nose in the baby: what Komarovsky says. Treatment; Opinion of E. O. Komarovsky: how to treat a runny nose in infants; Classification of the common cold; Other causes of runny nose; With a prolonged runny nose; A few words about Komarovsky.

It is very important to first determine the type of rhinitis, and then begin to treat it. Otherwise, it is dangerous for the health of the baby. In his books and television programs, E. O. Komarovsky explains in an accessible form the differences in runny nose in infants and the methods of treating each type.

So, runny nose in infants Komarovsky treatment advises to carry out as follows.

Opinion of E. O. Komarovsky: how to treat a runny nose in infants

The baby has a runny nose different reasons

They do not treat a runny nose, but the disease that caused it. The doctor’s task is to establish a diagnosis based on examination and laboratory tests. The task of parents is to control the adequacy of the prescribed treatment. Having understood in time and then eliminated the root cause, parents relieve the baby of the disease in a short period.

Do not ignore the basic rules of treatment:

  • ventilation of the room in any weather - 3 times a day (the child is taken to another room);
  • wet cleaning every day – 2 times;
  • adhere to the norms of room humidity (50-70%) and temperature (+ 20-22°C);
  • the baby should drink enough liquid;
  • frequent rinsing/instillation of the nose: saline solution or drops for cleansing are suitable (on the advice of a pediatrician).

One of the main rules for treating a runny nose is frequent instillation/rinsing of the nose.

If a runny nose lasts longer than two days, be sure to have it examined by a doctor.

For babies it is better to buy instead of a pear aspirator. It removes mucus from the nose much more effectively.

Komarovsky recommends treating any runny nose in an infant without the use of antibiotics or antibiotic-based solutions. They are used only for complications.

No one has yet been able to cure one runny nose without eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

Infants with a runny nose examination by a pediatrician, otolaryngologist (ENT), pediatric allergist and neurologist is required.

Classification of the runny nose

Physiological type of discharge may occur for 1-10 weeks from the birth of the baby. A clear liquid flows from the spout, which is dealt with by rinsing, then blotting with soft napkins. It is associated with the adaptation of the cells of the nasopharyngeal mucosa to the composition of the environmental air. Does not require treatment, just cleansing the nose.

During eruption of tooth(s) the child often begins to leak clear fluid from the nose (lasts 3-4 days). There is no cure for a runny nose. Parents need to sharpen their monitoring so as not to miss an increase in temperature or the onset of the disease (respiratory infection).

Vasomotor rhinitis called changes in capillaries located in the nasal mucosa and blood vessels in general. The difference from other types is that when a baby is lying down, only one nostril is blocked, the one that is closer to the bed. If the baby turns his head to the right and lies down, he plugs the right hole; if he turns his head to the left, he plugs the left one.

Allergic rhinitis Connected with individual characteristics of the child’s body to “communicate” with his environment. For allergic rhinitis in infants, Komarovsky recommends starting treatment with eliminating the allergen. To facilitate breathing through the nose, rinsing the nose and using vasoconstrictor nasal drops (up to five days) are optimal.

Treatment allergic rhinitis Infants should begin by eliminating the allergen

First of all, fumes or residues on household chemicals are dangerous to the baby’s health. While the little man is growing up and gaining strength, Evgeniy Olegovich recommends stopping disinfect everything in the house. Get rid of dirt and dust with baking soda (in the kitchen!) laundry soap, hot water, wet daily cleaning.

It is believed that pets “harden” a child’s immunity to environmental allergens. According to statistics, children do not have allergic reactions if there is a dog or cat in the house, and adults do not use aggressive chemicals.

Infectious nature of the runny nose appears after contact with a sick person(viral or bacterial pathogen). Evgeniy Olegovich warns that if you have a runny nose due to a virus, you should not instill vasoconstrictor nasal drops. They do not relieve swelling of the mucous membrane or congestion of the nasal passages. They are treated with antibiotics in difficult cases; for infants they are used only in emergency (advanced) conditions.

It happens that a child begins to make noise with his nose grunting sounds, without snot. Pay attention to the level of air humidity, moisturize the mucous membrane. Other cases of a similar phenomenon: pathology of the nasal septum or a foreign object in the nose.

To remove mucus from a baby's nose, it is better to use an aspirator rather than a blower.

Komarovsky E. O. insists: “ Drug treatment Do not treat runny nose in infants without a doctor’s prescription. The pediatrician must clearly determine the cause of its appearance, refer it to other pediatric specialists for examination, wait for the test results, and only then prescribe medications that treat a specific disease, and at the same time, a runny nose.

During the initial examination, light nasal drops are prescribed. which help ease the baby’s breathing, advise parents on how and with what to wash the nose, and monitor the general condition of the child. No heavy artillery in the form of antibiotics. With viral diseases, they are useless, with allergies - even more so.

Wait for the results of the examination and treat a specific disease».

Other causes of runny nose

For prevention, follow cleanliness of the room, temper the child, rinse the nose, humidify the air, especially during the heating season. Ventilate the room more often.

The protracted nature of the disease can be provoked by:

  • temperature changes, for example, from frost to hot room;
  • high room temperature;
  • weak immunity: with frequent colds, the child’s body does not have time to recover from a previous illness;
  • dusty room;
  • Frequent hysterics of a child provoke a chronic type of runny nose.

Analyze which provocateurs contribute to the protracted nature of the disease and eliminate them.

For a persistent runny nose

Saline solution (saline solution) is the simplest remedy for eliminating a runny nose in a baby

Prolonged runny nose in an infant: Komarovsky advises starting treatment by creating acceptable conditions for a speedy recovery.

Before instillation, the nasal passages are cleared of mucus using a suction device or a small bulb. Work carefully, making sure not to blow air into the nose (the infection will get into the ear). You may have to repeat several times.

Then you should rinse the nose and clean it with gauze pads., moistened with saline solution, saline solution or chamomile infusion. The main thing is that the discharge does not interfere with the subsequent action of the medicine. In between instillations, the nose is also washed.

Bury the nose as follows:

  • the pipette is washed with boiled water;
  • take drops/saline solution and warm it in your palm so that the liquid reaches body temperature;
  • put the baby on his back, secure his arms and legs with a diaper;
  • slightly tilt the head to the left, press the wing of the left nostril against the septum with a finger, drop 2 drops into the right opening of the nose, hold the head in such a position so that the medicine is distributed along the passage;
  • then tilt their head to the right and repeat similar actions with the left nasal opening.

When instilling, do not touch the nose with the pipette, so as not to accidentally injure the child.

Walking in the fresh air is a good way to prevent a runny nose.

Saline solution for a runny nose:

  • boil 1 liter of water, cool to 30-40°;
  • dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in it;
  • carefully filter so that there are no salt particles in the liquid (they can cause burns to the mucous membranes even in an adult);
  • use a solution heated to 36°C, you can instill 2 drops every hour or wipe the inside of the nose with a turunda soaked in it.

To remove crusts that have formed(kozyulki) in the spout lubricated with oil solutions, which contain vitamin A, E, and the drug “Ectericide”. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends starting treatment with a runny nose in an infant by consulting a pediatrician, eliminating the root cause of its occurrence and keeping the nasal passages clean.

Don't forget to follow drinking regime: Water speeds up recovery. If there is no temperature, often for a long time take a walk in the fresh air, get out with your baby into forested areas, avoid crowds of people: Among them there may be sick people who can add infections. If there is a temperature, limit yourself to frequent ventilation of the room.

Changing the air composition makes breathing easier, eliminates the accumulation of pathogens, and increases the percentage of oxygen content.

A few words about Komarovsky

Pediatrician, has been working in his specialty for over 25 years, for a long period he treated children in the infectious diseases department and pediatric intensive care unit. Fundamentally advocates accessible educational information for parents about childhood diseases and methods of their treatment. The main credo: "Do not heal, but cure and consolidate the result."

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky outlined detailed information about the treatment of runny nose in infants and older children in his books.

Many parents have already read:

  • "The book from the common cold: about children's colds for dads and moms";
  • "ORZ: a guide for sane parents";
  • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives.

Evgeniy Olegovich actively conducts explanatory work on the treatment of children on the pages of his blog, website, books or in the television programs “Emergency”, “Mom”, “Dr. Komarovsky’s School”. He explains in an accessible manner, with humor, simply about the health of children, from their mother's gestation to the period when they become adults.

Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). From colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

How to cure a runny nose in infants: the main methods of treatment

Anxiety, tearfulness, disturbed sleep and diet - all these phenomena occur in infants due to a common runny nose. If a runny nose does not cause any special problems for an adult, then viscous mucus in the nose seriously spoils the life of a child.

When the nose is clogged, the child cannot fully breathe and eat, which means the normal functioning of the body is disrupted.

Mom gets no less. Indeed, for her, the first months after the birth of a child are already difficult, and bad feeling makes the baby nervous.

Therefore, parents try to get rid of this disease as quickly as possible.

Depending on the reasons why the nose is clogged, it depends on how quickly a runny nose can be cured in a baby.

Excess mucus in a child's nose is caused by various factors.

  1. Adaptation of the body to new living conditions. In this case, excessive mucus production is a natural factor and does not require treatment. This kind of runny nose is called physiological. Parents should be patient and clean their baby's nose regularly. The snot flows especially actively in the first two months of life.
  2. Cold. A runny nose of an infectious nature in infants requires the same treatment as in adults. Rhinitis cannot be cured quickly. The time interval for the formation of snot for this reason is 1-2 weeks.
  3. Allergic reaction. Young children are often exposed to allergens: food, dust, animal hair, cigarette smoke, etc. Excessive mucus in the nose will stop as soon as the source of the allergy is eliminated.
  4. Other reasons. Sometimes the nose begins to snotty due to hypothermia. Parents usually dress the baby warmly, but if this happens, then in order for the runny nose to pass, you just need to warm the child's hands and feet. In some cases, excess mucus in the nose can occur during teething. Usually, after 2-3 days, such a runny nose goes away on its own.

In order to determine the cause of a runny nose in a newborn, you need to observe the quality of the mucus and the accompanying symptoms. If the mucus is viscous, yellow or, conversely, transparent and constantly flowing, then you need to see a doctor, since in the first case this may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection in the nose, and in the second - the allergic nature of the common cold. Adding to the snot temperature, cough, lethargy and lack of appetite characterizes a cold. The cause of green snot in a newborn may also be a bacterial component, treatment is carried out with aerosol antibiotics (Mupirocin, Protargol, Bioparox, Framycetin, Fuzafungin).

Treatment according to Komarovsky

The famous children's doctor and TV presenter Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is necessary to treat a runny nose in an infant. If the process is left to chance, a dangerous complication may arise - otitis media. Since children do not know how to blow their nose, a situation in which the snot becomes sticky or dries out is dangerous. All the doctor’s recommendations are aimed, first of all, at preventing thickening of the mucus and the formation of crusts.

Komarovsky notes that the runny nose itself is treated differently, depending on the type of illness. But regardless of whether the snot is caused by allergens or bacteria, caring for a sick child is the same.

The doctor focuses on the following rules for treating a runny nose in an infant:

  • the room where the child is located should be frequently ventilated;
  • It is necessary to maintain humidity in the room; it is strictly forbidden to overdry the air with heaters;
  • to thin the mucus, drop a few drops of saline solution or chamomile decoction into the nose as often as possible (every 30-60 minutes);
  • several times a day (when there is a lot of mucus) remove fluid from the nose with special devices;
  • instill vasoconstrictor drops if there is severe swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • treat the infection with antiviral drops;
  • do wet cleaning of the room daily;
  • exclude the child’s contact with allergens;
  • Give your baby clean water between feedings.

Komarovsky believes that if you follow all these rules, then although the runny nose will not be cured much faster, you will definitely be able to avoid complications.

Drug treatment

If your baby has snot, then you should not rush to choose medicinal drops. The child must first be examined by a doctor. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can alleviate the patient's condition with vasoconstrictor drops, which are intended for infants. Such a tool must be in the first aid kit, because if the nose is completely stuffed up, the child simply will not be able to eat.

The appearance of green snot in a baby is a very dangerous phenomenon, since the baby is not able to blow his nose on his own, purulent snot can flow into the bronchi and below or into the baby's ears, which will lead to otitis media.

Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • vasoconstrictor drops, if they are not in the first aid kit;
  • moisturizing drops with sea salt;
  • antiviral drops, for example, Gripferon;
  • means for cleansing the nasal sinuses (Akvalor Baby, Quiv, Miramistin spray or drops, Physiomer);
  • antibacterial agents, immunomodulators, for example, Viferon suppositories.

After acquiring all the necessary drugs, treatment should be carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. In order for the treatment to be effective, thick mucus must be thinned. Drops based on sea water will help with this. Conventional nasal sprays should not be used to treat infants. If the jet pressure is too strong, mucus can enter the Eustachian tube and cause inflammation of the ears. Therefore, it is worth choosing those drops that need to be instilled. It is useful to purchase thin pipettes, as in some bottles the dispenser tube may be too thick.
  2. After the snot has become liquid, it must be removed from the nasal passages with an aspirator. Instead of a special device, you can use a small rubber bulb. The main thing is that the child is not afraid of the device. Do not remove mucus using cotton swabs. Any careless movement of the child can lead to injury to the nasal mucous membranes.
  3. If pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane is observed, vasoconstrictor drops should be instilled. But you need to remember that this product can be used for no more than 3 days. A child of three months of age can only drip 1 drop. With age, the dosage increases, but, in any case, it is important not to overdo it.
  4. When the nasal cavity is cleared, you need to treat the runny nose directly with the drops prescribed by the doctor. Products should be instilled into the nose strictly according to the instructions.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will tell you how to cure a runny nose in a baby. The recipes contain only healing herbs, but their anti-inflammatory, softening and thinning properties cope with mucus in the nose no worse, and sometimes better than medications.

Among medicinal plants pharmaceutical chamomile is well known. An infusion is prepared from it for instillation into the nose. It does not cause allergies, softens and moisturizes the nasal mucosa, and fights infection. From the first days of life, when you have a cold, it is recommended to instill aloe juice diluted in boiled water into your nose. This is an excellent remedy for fighting infection.

To cleanse your baby's sinuses, solutions based on sea water or rinsing the nose with saline are perfect.

At home, you can prepare a saline solution that is used to rinse the baby’s nose. The aqueous solution should contain 0.9% salt, which corresponds to blood plasma (in terms of salt content).

If your child has a cold, it is very useful to place chopped fresh garlic around the crib. Its tart smell perfectly cures a runny nose. Contrary to popular belief, you should not rinse a baby’s nose with breast milk. If there is an infection in the nose, instilling milk will only do harm, since bacteria will multiply more actively in this environment.

To treat infants, infusions of medicinal plants must have a minimum concentration. Do not use recipes containing allergens, such as honey, essential oils.>

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn?

The discharge of mucus from the nose of a newborn baby always causes concern in the mother, but a squishing nose is not always a symptom of the disease. The mucous membrane in infants does not begin to function normally immediately, closer to three months. The child’s body, as it were, tests itself, mastering the “dry” and “wet” functions. But mothers cannot sit idly by and begin treating a runny nose in newborns from the outside, disorienting the body. That is why the runny nose soon appears again, because the testing is not over!

Physiological runny nose

If the baby is not yet three months old and the discharge from the nose is not accompanied by other symptoms, then the question of how to treat a runny nose in a newborn disappears by itself - no way. This is the so-called physiological runny nose. But if the mucus causes discomfort to the child, then action is necessary. First, you should create coolness in the house and increase air humidity. A humidifier, an aquarium, cups of water, a wet towel - any available option will do. If you don’t know how and what to do when a newborn’s runny nose turns into dryness and crusts, run a bath of hot water every day, and then breathe in the steam with the baby. It is important to prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. Some mothers drip breast milk into their babies' noses. Indeed, it contains substances that help fight any disease, but it is very important to maintain sterility, because milk is an ideal environment for microbes.


If other catarrhal phenomena have joined the nasal congestion, then both drops and medicinal baths can help the newborn with a runny nose. You can use calendula, sage, birch leaf and yarrow. Pour boiling water over 50 grams of each herb for a large bath and 25 grams for a child’s bath, and when the infusion has cooled to 37 degrees, bathe the child for about 20 minutes. We repeat the procedure for five days in a row.

For the nose the simplest and effective means is saline solution. The more often you drip, the faster the runny nose will go away. Overdose is impossible. Be careful, as the saline solution can only be instilled, do not rinse the nasopharynx with it! If fluid gets into the Eustachian tube, the middle ear may become inflamed. So, a medicine for a runny nose for newborns can cause otitis media. You can only remove mucus from the outside, because you can’t leave the mucus dry. The nozzles provide protection against bacteria. That is why nose drops for newborns should be used at night when the baby cannot sleep due to a stuffy nose. It will not be superfluous to lubricate the nose with Vitaon or peach oil using a turunda.

Drug treatment for runny nose

In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to know how to cure a runny nose in a newborn without harm to other systems and organs. It is not always possible to achieve results, since some remedies for the common cold for newborns provoke complications. For example, salin and euphorbium provoke otitis in babies under one year of age, as the drops enter the Eustachian tube.

You should not get carried away with vasoconstrictor drugs (farmazolin, nazivin, galazolin). They help temporarily free the nose from mucus, but provoke swelling. In addition, after just five days, addiction develops.

Drugs such as Zodak, Claritin and Fenistil for a runny nose in newborns are recommended for use in cases where the allergic nature of the disease is precisely known.

Many pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, criticize the practice of using albucid for newborns for a runny nose, because the instructions for the drops do not say a word that they can be used to treat rhinitis of any etymology.>

Treatment of a runny nose with and without fever - in a 6-month-old child

The discharge of mucus from the nose is considered a completely normal protective reaction of the body. However, sometimes this process is disrupted, and the amount of mucus increases significantly. In this case, an inflammatory process in the nose develops - rhinitis. Many parents want to know how to treat a runny nose in a 6-month-old child.

Severe runny nose and fever in a 6 month old child

Often, parents discover a severe runny nose in a 6-month-old child. The development of an inflammatory process caused by the penetration of a virus or bacteria is a fairly common phenomenon. The high incidence of the disease is caused by a child’s still weakened immune system, which has not yet fully strengthened since the baby’s birth.

Exactly elevated temperature and a runny nose in a child at 6 months of age most often bothers infants. After birth and for up to a year, the baby's nasal passages are too narrow, a small amount of mucus leads to difficulty in nasal breathing. In addition, the air in the nose does not warm up as quickly as in adults, so children's bodies are especially prone to developing rhinitis.

You should know how to cure a runny nose in a 6-month-old child, since improper treatment or a disease left to chance can cause many complications at this age. Mucus with pathogenic microorganisms quickly descends into the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

How to cure a runny nose in a 6-month-old child: drops and sprays

Therapeutic actions for rhinitis in children aged 6 months depend on accompanying symptoms. If the inflammatory process in a child’s body has caused an increase in body temperature, it is important to adhere to a home regime, not walk outside and not give the baby a bath.

If a child has a runny nose for 6 months without fever, it is enough to local treatment, based on the use of nasal drops and sprays. At this childhood age, it is preferable to use drops before sprays. Children can be prescribed drops of the following pharmacological groups:

  • vasoconstrictors;
  • moisturizing;
  • antiviral;
  • antiseptic.

Apply vasoconstrictors at this age it is extremely undesirable, but if the child is very bothered by nasal congestion, pediatricians prescribe such remedies. They are usually prescribed for only 3 days, and the drugs should be intended specifically for early childhood. Of all the vasoconstrictor drops, children at 6 months can receive Nazol Baby and Nazivin 0.01%.

To thin out thick viscous mucus and moisturize the mucous membrane, products based on sea water or saline are often used. Pediatricians recommend rinsing your baby's nose throughout the day at 2-hour intervals, dropping 3 drops into each nasal passage. A saline solution must also be used every time before instilling any medications - antiviral, antiseptic, vasoconstrictors.

How to treat a viral runny nose in a 6 month old baby

Treatment of a runny nose in a 6-month-old child with a viral origin of the disease often cannot be done without antiviral drops Grippferon and Interferon. The need to use such drops, their dosage and course of treatment are determined by the pediatrician. No need to use antiviral agents every time with a runny nose, they are prescribed only for children with weak immunity.

If there is purulent content in the nose, experts prescribe antiseptic drops for children. The most common of them is Protargol, a silver-based drug. The use of any drug in the treatment of rhinitis in an infant should be agreed with the pediatrician.>

What does it mean to have a cough and runny nose in a baby without fever?

A cough in an infant is a symptom that may indicate the most various diseases. If a cough occurs along with a rise in temperature and a runny nose, then these are clear signs of a cold. But when the cough is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, the situation is more complicated, because it is sometimes difficult to understand the cause of such a symptom. However, treatment should begin as soon as symptoms are detected.

Causes and treatment of cough

Cough without fever can be of three types: dry, wet and barking. Each of them has its own symptoms and risk factors.


In infants, the muscles are not yet fully formed. For this reason, very often they suffer from the so-called “barking” cough. It is so called because it is very similar to the barking of a dog. The symptom may be severe and accompanied by wheezing and whistling. If the cough occurs very often, then the baby is simply exhausted.

The result pathological process severe hoarseness develops, during which the baby may even lose his voice.

The main reasons for the formation of a barking cough are the following:

  • diphtheria or whooping cough;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • indoor air is too dry;
  • presence of a foreign object in the throat;
  • cyst in the larynx;
  • allergy;
  • infectious diseases.


This symptom is characterized by the absence of copious sputum discharge. The cough can take on a strong, hysterical character, accompanied by painful sensations. The formation of a non-productive cough without fever can be affected by a cold or damage to the ENT organs by infections.

On initial stage A cold causes a sore throat and an unproductive cough. After a few days, the intensity of the symptoms decreases, the cough turns into a wet form, as the body begins to produce phlegm.

But then the cough again turns into a non-productive form, because mucus is released in smaller quantities. To the very common reasons dry cough can be attributed to:

  • influenza virus;
  • cigarette smoke, dry indoor air;
  • pungent chemical odors.

So, one should not ignore the fact that a dry cough that affects an infant many times throughout the day is a clear sign laryngitis, infectious disease, whooping cough, measles. Here we describe the treatment of a dry cough in an infant without fever.


If Small child is able to cough up sputum, then the cough is called productive. It received this name for the reason that the bronchi are cleansed of secretions. The reason for the formation of such a cough is the presence of acute respiratory infections, a common runny nose, allergies, pneumonia and bronchitis. If the sputum is released with a viscous consistency, then it is important to take care of its prompt evacuation. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms will multiply in it. This phenomenon causes serious complications.

With a wet cough, the secretion released may take on a cloudy hue, which indicates the beginning of the formation of an inflammatory process. If the mucus has a rusty tint, you can recognize an allergy, and the green color indicates sinusitis and tuberculosis.

Intense mucus secretion may indicate the development of bronchitis and tracheitis. If a productive cough is detected in a baby during treatment, this is a good indicator that the patient is recovering. Sputum discharge in such young children is difficult due to the fact that its viscosity is too high, and the muscles are not yet so well developed.


Drug therapy involves the use of mucolytic drugs that have an expectorant and thinning effect. When taking synthetic expectorants, high productivity and rapid removal of viscous mucus are achieved.

Herbal medicines are considered excellent antitussive drugs, but before taking them you need to make sure that your baby is not allergic. During therapy, it is necessary to fill the room with fresh air. The baby should not be in the room during ventilation.

Provide your baby with plenty of fluids by preparing tea, fruit juice, decoction and mineral water. You can also get a positive effect by drinking warm milk and radish juice.

Since the formation of cough is influenced various factors, then there are also medications aimed at eliminating it. Their selection should be carried out by a pediatrician after a thorough examination of the patient. Treatment will give positive result only on the condition that parents strictly follow all recommendations. Only safe and appropriate therapy will lead to a successful outcome. Sometimes a baby develops a cough when teething.

Causes and treatment of the common cold

In babies under one year of age, an infrequent cough without fever is considered a completely normal symptom. Thus, they are cleared Airways from dust and mucus trapped in the trachea and bronchi. As a rule, it is a cough in the baby in the morning or after eating. But sometimes parents notice a symptom in their children such as a runny nose or snot without fever. It occurs very often after walking outside in cold weather. The reason is the temperature difference. It goes away as suddenly as it appeared. But there are situations when a runny nose causes a certain illness.

In the video, a baby has a cough and runny nose without fever:

Very often, a runny nose without fever in young children is the result of a cold that arose when the respiratory system viruses. The child’s immunity enters into a fight with it and actively eliminates them. This is what explains the lack of temperature.

The next cause of a runny nose without fever is allergic reaction. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are very similar to the symptoms of a cold, but have certain differences:

  • nonproductive cough;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • the skin turns red and a rash forms on it.

Regardless of what caused the runny nose - a cold or an allergy - treatment must necessarily involve humidifying the air in the room. Ventilate the room in which the baby is located more often, or use a special humidifier for this purpose. Water in bowls that need to be placed throughout the room also combats dry air.

Be sure to give your child as much fluid as possible. It is the liquid that promotes the rapid evacuation of toxins, thinning viscous mucus in the nose and rapid cleansing. Plain water or special children's teas are suitable for these purposes. Chamomile decoction has proven itself well.

The nasal cavity should be washed as often as possible with a solution based on sea water or table salt. There is a small spoonful of salt per glass of warm water. To get the maximum effect, you should add a few drops of iodine.

You can use pharmaceutical products to cleanse your nose. The following are in great demand here:

Thanks to them, it is possible to moisturize the nasal mucosa and the internal cavity of the nasopharynx. The presented medications have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect.

To combat nasal congestion, parents can use vasoconstrictor drops.

The following can help with this:

If the baby’s nose is not very clogged during the day, then drips of vasoconstrictor drugs should only be used at night. You can use such drugs for no more than 7 days.

Read how to treat a runny nose with a nebulizer in children.

Here is the treatment for wheezing cough in a child.

Reviews on the use of an inhaler for cough and runny nose:

Causes and treatment of bronchitis

Inflammation of the bronchi can be provoked by the defeat of their viruses and bacteria. The most common causative agents of pathology can occur:

  • influenza virus;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rhinovirus infection;
  • chlamydia and mycoplasma;
  • pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci.

All these microorganisms can infect the baby's body by airborne droplets from infection carriers. People who are sick with this disease and are next to the baby can act as carriers.

With this ailment without temperature, it is important to provide the baby with proper care, regimen and nutrition. Regardless of the form of bronchitis, it is important that the patient consumes dairy products as well as plant-based products. Give your child a variety of drinks. Monitor the air humidity in the room and ventilate the room often.

The video talks about the treatment of bronchitis in a newborn without fever:

Make sure your baby breathes through his nose. To facilitate his breathing, it is necessary to rinse the nose with a solution based on sea salt and apply vasoconstrictor drops. The most effective are Tizin, Galazolin, Farmazolin. If the child has an allergy, then it is worth using anti-allergic drops in the therapeutic process. But you should not use it for a long time, otherwise there will be a violation of the condition of the nasal mucosa.

When fighting a cough, the doctor may prescribe antitussive drugs - Sinekod. But it is advisable to use them for debilitating cough. When the baby leaves the mucus, then he needs to use expectorant drugs - Althea, Licorice, Thermopsis. To eliminate the viscosity of sputum, you can use mucolytics - Ambroxol, Chymotrypsin, Bromhexine. It is best to use these medications by inhalation. When a child’s cough is accompanied by bronchospasm, he needs to use bronchodilators - Atrovent, Erespal.

Komarovsky's opinion

Komarovsky strongly recommends that all parents consult a doctor immediately after the appearance of symptoms such as cough and runny nose without fever. Sometimes such signs can hide dangerous disease. At home, the baby needs to rinse the nose, give as much fluid as possible, and humidify the air. Such seemingly simple measures will quickly alleviate the patient’s condition and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

On the video, Komarovsky tells about a wet cough in a baby without fever:

A runny nose and cough without fever in infants can occur for a variety of reasons. The success of treatment will directly depend on how accurately the cause of the pathology was determined. Parents should simply follow all the recommendations and surround their child with attention and care. Here you can read about the treatment of mucus in the nasopharynx in infants.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

Most parents are familiar with nasal congestion in infants. Many believe that discharge from a child's nose is necessarily a sign of a cold, worried mothers rush to treat their child with medicines. But experts come to a common opinion that in babies of the first 2 months of life, rhinitis is not always associated with manifestations of a cold.

The main causes of runny nose in two-month-old children

A newborn may have several causes of nasal congestion. Regardless of the factors that provoked the appearance of a runny nose, this phenomenon greatly disrupts the usual routine of a child’s life, as it causes discomfort. A stuffy nose or abundant mucous secretions interfere with the baby: his appetite may decrease, anxiety appears, and his usual sleep is disturbed.

It is important for parents to know that due to a runny nose, a baby may refuse to breastfeeding or mixtures. As a result of malnutrition, the child begins to lose weight, the set of which is mandatory for children of the first year of life.

A runny nose in an infant can be caused by a virus or bacterial infection, the entry of various allergens into the respiratory tract, and possibly due to foreign objects entering the nose.

Experts divide rhinitis into several types:
  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • mechanical.

Also, discharge can occur in infants as a result of improperly selected medicines. The development of the nasopharynx in a child also affects the manifestation of rhinitis.

What do yellow and green nasal discharge mean?

Almost every parent worries that they will not be able to timely identify a cold in their infant and begin treatment.

The main sign of a runny nose is copious discharge, which over time begins to thicken and change color. At first it may be a clear liquid, after a while it becomes thicker, turns white or acquires a yellow or greenish color, which indicates a stagnant process. The green color of mucus appears when a bacterial infection is attached: dead leukocytes and bacteria give this exact color to children's snot.

The yellow color of the discharge also indicates a bacterial runny nose; this color may also be due to pollen from various plants entering the respiratory tract of a newborn. Parents need to remember that yellow and green mucous discharge from the nasal passage, lasting more than 14 days, is a serious reason for concern for dad or mom.

If a child begins to develop sinusitis or sinusitis, the snot becomes bright yellow. If the discharge is yellow, but the consistency is similar to water, then this indicates an allergic rhinitis. Often, after contact with any allergen, children begin to leak yellow water.

In addition to color, the main signs of the development of a runny nose in a baby are:

  • increased body temperature in a newborn;
  • severe nasal congestion, the child is forced to breathe only through the mouth;
  • shortness of breath may occur due to insufficient oxygen supply;
  • with a runny nose caused by contact with an allergen, there is itching, sneezing, and redness of the nose.

How to cure a runny nose in a two-month-old baby?

If signs of a runny nose appear in a newborn, mom and dad should contact a competent pediatrician who will advise how to treat this disease. Parents will begin a number of treatment and preventive procedures.

Before you bury the baby's nose, you will need to clean it. All necessary manipulations with the child’s nasal cavity are carried out with extreme caution so as not to injure the baby’s mucous membrane.

For babies in the first six months of life, there are special preparations, often they are made on the basis of sea water; experts also advise using ordinary saline solution, 2 drops of it are instilled from a pipette into each nasal passage. Then use an aspirator to clear the nose of accumulated mucus.

The most popular preparations for rinsing the nose of a newborn are:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Salin.

In addition to the above remedies, you can prepare your own herbal decoction: brew chamomile and sage. This folk remedy will not only help thin the mucus, but will also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To make breathing easier for babies, pediatricians often prescribe vasoconstrictor drops, such as Nazivin for children, Nazol Baby and others. It must be remembered that in addition to the beneficial effects, such drugs are addictive in children, and also dry out the mucous membranes of the baby, causing itching and sneezing. Therefore, any mother should use vasoconstrictor drops with caution and no more than the prescribed period.

Also, when a two-month-old baby has a runny nose, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs. medicinal preparations if there is a suspicion of a viral origin of the disease. Some experts believe that antiviral drops Grippferon, Derinat or Interferon help most effectively treat a runny nose. These drugs speed up the recovery of the newborn by destroying the virus. But they prescribe drugs with caution; pediatricians are of the general opinion that such drugs should not be prescribed constantly when rhinitis occurs. Most often, antiviral drugs are prescribed to children with weakened immune systems.

Dr. Komarovsky's advice on treating a runny nose in a newborn

According to Oleg Evgenievich, it is possible to treat a runny nose in 2-month-old infants using ectericide, which is an oily solution with excellent bactericidal properties. This oil prevents the baby’s mucous membrane from drying out. Also, to treat childhood rhinitis, you can use olive and petroleum jelly oils, the drug tocopherol, which contains vitamins A and E, and retinol.

The above remedies are used with a two-hour break, three drops are instilled into each nasal passage. Side effects drugs were not detected. But, according to Komarovsky, vasoconstrictor drops should be completely abandoned, since they are addictive in infants.

The doctor believes that mucous secretions in a newborn’s nose are a natural barrier to infections; they also contain substances that neutralize viruses.

The main task of parents when their child suffers from a runny nose is to prevent the baby’s mucous membrane from drying out. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the required temperature in the room - no more than 22 degrees. Provide the baby with plenty of fluids. Humidify the air in the room where the baby is.

Also, the famous doctor is of the opinion that a runny nose in infants goes away on its own if you provide the baby’s body with the right help, and not interfere with recovery with illiterate treatment.

Read further:


Everyone has suffered from copious mucous discharge from the nose at least once, and in newborns it is constant in the first weeks, however, not every runny nose in a baby is natural and safe, since it is harmful to the body small child it's the same serious problem like the flu for an adult. How to cope with the disease, are complications possible and when should treatment begin?

What is a runny nose in a baby?

In official medicine, this disease is called rhinitis, and it is characterized by mucus secretions of varying densities and shades from the nasal cavities. They appear if the mucosal membrane is affected by an inflammatory process, mainly generated by exposure to:

  • bacterial infections;
  • viruses;
  • allergens.

Among the causes of a runny nose, a baby may have not only these factors, but also a natural reaction to the environment. The mucous membrane of a newborn is not yet adapted to the air outside the uterus, so it takes time for it to function properly. Additionally, the baby's condition is complicated by the narrow nasal passages and the general sensitivity of the mucous membrane, which can react to any changes in the environment.

How long does it last

The duration of a runny nose in a baby is determined by its nature: doctors say that in a baby under 2 months of age it is predominantly a physiological secretion of mucus, which lasts for several weeks, but does not cause dangerous complications. The longest period is 3 months from the moment the snot appears. A more serious case is the appearance of a runny nose in a baby aged 4-5 months, since it is too early for teeth and ARVI, and if it does not go away quickly (in 2-3 days), this is a reason to see a pediatrician.

Features of a runny nose in infants

Even with physiological or allergic rhinitis, it is difficult for the child’s body, since already on the first day it leads to swelling of the baby’s mucous membrane, which prevents full breathing, disrupts sleep, and leads to constant crying and loss of appetite. It is possible that the baby’s temperature will even rise, more likely due to malfunctions nervous system rather than a disease. With viral diseases, the situation is even more difficult, since a newborn’s runny nose is often not only profuse, but also purulent, and the body itself cannot fight the disease.


Physiological runny nose is characterized mainly by the separation of clear mucus from the nasal passages, which is why the baby breathes with difficulty, but he does not suffer from severe nasal congestion, and there is no deterioration in health. If rhinitis in an infant is infectious in nature, the problem should be considered in stages, which differ in symptoms. They look like this:

  1. The mucous membrane is absolutely (!) dry, there are no problems with nasal breathing, but it can be too noisy, and the baby constantly rubs his nose or sniffs.
  2. Swelling of the mucous membrane is observed, the baby refuses to eat, becomes restless, may often cry for no reason, and sleeps poorly.
  3. The density of mucus increases, the nose is stuffy. Purulent discharge (greenish in color) may appear. If the baby is affected by an infection, a cough is added, and the disease may be accompanied by a fever. The frequency of discharge decreases.

Apart from how a runny nose can occur in children if it is not physiological, doctors advise taking into account that different causes of rhinitis also give different manifestations:

  • Bacterial rhinitis is characterized by thick yellow or yellow-green discharge, which may be mixed with pus. The temperature rises and falls quickly, but a runny nose will persist for a long time.
  • With a viral infection, loss of appetite, lethargy of the baby, and high (38 degrees) temperature that lasts for several hours become a common occurrence. Even in acute viral infection There may be no profuse and prolonged runny nose; the mucus is clear and not thick.

Allergic rhinitis in infants

If, with heavy nasal discharge, young parents see the child has absolutely normal temperature(up to 37.5 degrees), there are no symptoms of a cold (cough, thickening of mucus and a yellow or green tint), there is a high probability that we are talking about allergic rhinitis. It can be caused by any external factor, but mainly by substances in the atmosphere that irritate the baby’s mucosa. If the cause of the allergy is eliminated, the child’s condition will normalize.


A runny nose in a baby is not always a sign of a cold, ARVI, etc. As clarified above, this may be a natural moment caused by sensitive mucous membranes that reacted to changes in humidity or air temperature, which will not require medications or therapeutic manipulations. A runny nose can also be caused by a small object entering the nostrils, irritating the lining of the nasal cavity. The intensity of nasal discharge is not related to the cause of its appearance - a less obvious runny nose is possible from bacterial inflammation than from physiological causes.

However, if a baby develops swelling of the mucous membrane or the nose as a whole (noticeable by a change in its size in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose), a runny nose is accompanied by frequent sneezing, or the temperature rises, there is a high probability that among the reasons for its appearance it is worth suspecting:

  • allergic reaction (to food, medications, chlorinated water, dust, wool, etc.);
  • drying out of the nasal mucosa (accompanied by the formation of crusts, which injure the lining of the nasal passages and provoke bleeding);
  • viral or infectious disease (mostly typical for children over 6 months of age);
  • bacterial inflammation.

Separately, doctors mention the beginning of the appearance of teeth, which in newborns is accompanied by mucus discharge from the nose due to inflammation of the injured gums. Blood circulation in them and in the lining of the nasal passages is interconnected, which leads to excessive mucus production in the nasopharynx of the infant. There is no need to do anything about this, since such a runny nose goes away on its own when teeth stop cutting.


Most pediatricians agree that you need to understand not how to treat a runny nose in infants, but why it appeared. Rhinitis is always a reaction of the mucous membrane, which cannot be without cause: physiological is characteristic of newborn babies, whose nose is not yet accustomed to the environment. There is no point in treating a baby in such a situation, but leaving the situation “as is” is also not entirely reasonable, since this causes discomfort to the child and parents.

Treatment of a runny nose in infants regarding its prerequisites looks like this:

  • with physiological, be sure to wash out the nose, pump out the snot with a “pear” so that there is no congestion and breathing is not impaired;
  • in case of allergies, it is important to use drugs that will relieve inflammation from the mucous membranes, and oral administration of antihistamines is possible (you need to consult a doctor);
  • in case of a viral infection, especially with a high temperature and severe intoxication, you need to go to an ambulance, or, if the temperature is 37.5 degrees, call a pediatrician at home - here they are sure to prescribe drugs that kill the virus and strengthen the immune system.

How to drip nose

Only a doctor can advise medications for infants that involve internal administration, if this is the only way he/she deems it effective way eliminate rhinitis, and in most situations, pediatricians recommend trying to cope with the problem with nasal drops, which you can do yourself, using breast milk - this is the safest option that can be used to put drops in the nose of even a newborn. However, this remedy will not help “break through” congestion - it will only strengthen the immune system.

Mostly doctors:

  • use antiseptics (saline solution is the safest for babies);
  • vasoconstrictor drops are instilled;
  • use nasal immunomodulators;
  • moisturizers are injected into the nasal passages.


Drugs that help save the mucous membrane from drying out (this is especially important for babies aged 2-3 months) are often produced as a spray, which is convenient for irrigating the nasal cavity. In most cases, they are based on a special solution of sea water, which will not provoke allergies. Among the moisturizing drops there are also immune stimulants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

The most effective:

  • AquaMaris.
  • Aqualor Baby.


When the runny nose is profuse, the baby’s sleep is disturbed, which negatively affects the state of the nervous system of both the baby and the parents. In this situation, it makes sense to use vasoconstrictor drops, which will stop the secretion of mucus for a short period of time. However, they are used only in the symptomatic treatment of rhinitis, since they do not affect the underlying cause. It is advisable to drip them once a day, at night, since they quickly provoke addiction and dry out the mucous membrane.

For babies (used even in newborns) you can buy:

  • Nazol Baby.
  • Nazivin 0.01%.
  • Otrivin Baby.

Drops with antiseptics

Effective treatment of infectious preconditions for a runny nose should involve the use of drugs that kill viruses (only on the nasal mucosa). However, their choice should be approached with caution: antibiotics are only prescribed by a doctor (they are almost never prescribed for infants) - it is better to focus on less “severe” options. Drops based on colloidal silver and Miramistin show themselves well. Use must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Therapy for children with viral rhinitis often includes:

  • Collargol.
  • Protargol.
  • Octenisept.

Antiviral and immunomodulating agents

In infants, nasal use is also acceptable for some medications that have the ability to strengthen the body's defenses. The problem with these drugs is that they do not cure chronic diseases, do not give a quick effect, and therefore do not help during an exacerbation: they are mainly used to prevent the onset of the disease. However, if the first symptoms of a runny nose were noticed in the baby, the main course of therapy can be supplemented with immunomodulators.

The safest:

  • IRS-19.
  • Derinat.

Treatment with folk remedies

If you are afraid of pharmacy medicines, you can use alternative medicine recipes to eliminate a runny nose:

  • Do evening baths (10-15 minutes) using essential oils eucalyptus, cedar (1-2 drops).
  • Fresh onion juice, diluted with warm water (ratio 1:20), is dripped into each nasal passage up to 3 times a day.
  • Salt solution (9 g for 1 liter of water) is used to wash the nasal passages of the baby during the day. Doctors say: the composition of this "medicine" is almost the same as in saline, so the remedy is safe.

Chamomile for a runny nose

Pediatricians call a decoction of chamomile a safe alternative medicine, in which some parents bathe the baby, but it can also be used for inhalation (perform the procedure only if the baby has no temperature) - this helps to moisturize the mucous membrane and stop the reproduction of microbes. More effective will be washing the nasal passages of the baby, which can be performed 1-2 times a day. Some experts advise making a decoction for oral administration:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Let the liquid boil again and remove from the burner.
  3. Wrap the container in a towel and leave for an hour.
  4. Give the child 10 ml of warm liquid in the morning and evening.

Is it possible to walk if your baby has a runny nose?

Parents who are very concerned about the health of their baby, in case of any ailment, try to play it safe and eliminate any factors that could potentially harm the baby’s well-being. However, doctors do not prohibit walking with a runny nose if there is no high temperature. For physiological or allergic rhinitis, a visit outside is the right step, but you need to make sure that the child does not become hypothermic.


Physiological nasal discharge usually resolves on its own, and even if it persists for several weeks, it does not affect the baby’s health. Persistent runny nose infectious etiology can provoke:

  • otitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • conjunctivitis


If you don’t want to hastily figure out how to cure a runny nose infant, when the problem has worsened, take care of protecting the immune system and the nasal mucosa. Doctors give some advice:

  • Ensure good air humidity in the apartment (at 65%). A simple method for those who do not have a humidifier is to fill plastic bottles with the neck cut off and place them on the radiators.
  • Try to save your child from inhaling tobacco smoke - even a baby with good immunity develops allergies.
  • Do wet cleaning regularly.
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    How to cure a runny nose in an infant - a list of effective drugs

Treating babies is very difficult. It is not recommended to use even a universal anti-inflammatory folk remedy for up to 2 months, let alone medications.

But a runny nose in a baby is not always a sign of the onset colds. This age is characterized by a physiological runny nose.

The respiratory system of infants has not yet adapted to the extrauterine state - this requires another 6 months.

For every irritation - dust from the air, liquids, hypothermia, overheating - the body reacts with increased production of nasal secretions.

Nasal secretion - or snot - is mucous, liquid, transparent, and is not a symptom of the disease, but makes it difficult to breathe through the nose.

Since babies can only suck, impaired nasal breathing affects their general condition– they cannot eat normally, swallow air, regurgitate, as a result of which they become capricious and begin to lag behind their peers in physical development.

So it turns out that there is no need to treat rhinitis in infants, but it is necessary to get rid of snot.

In addition, a physiological runny nose increases the risk of infectious inflammatory processes. Favorable conditions are created in the nose for the development of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms - it is warm, humid and the supply of fresh air is limited. A signal that it is time to treat rhinitis is the thickening of nasal secretions and their loss of transparency.

How to help the baby get rid of snot and prevent the introduction of infection? Babies don't know how to blow their nose on their own.

Physiological runny nose - 2 months old child

The task that parents have to perform is quite difficult. A physiological runny nose does not require treatment, but it is necessary to eliminate its consequences - completely clear the nasal passages of snot and dried crusts. Children under 2 months of age should not rinse their nose with a syringe without a needle or with Aqualor or Aquamaris solutions through a nozzle. Children of this age have a very short and wide Eustachian tube, which exits into the nasopharynx at a right angle. If liquid gets into it, otitis media will quickly develop.

The nose is not washed, the snot is removed with an aspirator. If the mucus has dried at the entrance, then the edges of the nostrils are lubricated with oil products - sea buckthorn or vaseline oil. Inside, if the nose is blocked, oil solutions are not administered.

The edges of the nostrils are cleaned with cotton swabs, and products are dripped into the nose that thin the nasal mucus and moisturize the mucous membrane - for example, “No-salt”. The mucus is then removed with an aspirator.

When the above methods did not help, the baby is capricious, refuses to eat, the nasal mucus has thickened, and the temperature is above 37.2ºC even when the child is dressed appropriately for the microclimate and lies calmly, we can conclude that it is time to treat rhinitis of an infectious nature.

Runny nose in infants 2 months - treatment

At the initial stage of the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane becomes dry and hyperemia occurs. Moisturizers are used at this stage - saline solutions, including "No-sol", "Aqua-lor" baby in the form of drops.

In pharmacies you can purchase special products for moisturizing the nasal mucosa in disposable bottles.

The next stage: swelling of the mucous membrane appears, the amount of nasal secretion increases, and it begins to thicken. At this stage, it is very important to normalize nasal breathing.

For this purpose, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed. You can not use the same products as for adults, even diluting them with boiled water. Nazivin 0.01 is available in a children's version. Babies are prescribed special children's drops "Otrivin Baby" or "Nazol Baby".

Sometimes pediatricians use "Vibrocil" - as part of the drug phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate. The drug has both a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect.

For the treatment of a runny nose in infants, Protargol is also used - a solution of colloidal silver. In most cases, this remedy is used for bacterial infections as an antiseptic.

Sometimes it is advisable to use an antiseptic to restore breathing, with which adults drip their eyes - "Albucid".

Vasoconstrictor drops should not be used for longer than 5 days. When purchasing nasal drops, you should carefully read the instructions - it is very important to follow the dosage. The solutions are dropped using a measuring pipette. Usually, vasoconstrictor drugs are administered every 6 hours - it is necessary to restore ventilation of the brain.

It is not enough just to get rid of snot - a runny nose needs to be cured, and this must be done as quickly as possible - within 3-4 days - babies quickly develop complications.

For this, antiviral and antibacterial agents are used, the treatment is supplemented with immunomodulators.

Grippferon and suppositories are used "Viferon", "Genferon-light". Currently, Derinat drops are used to improve the immune status - this remedy is allowed for newborns from the first day of life. Basics active substance– sodium deoxyribonucleate, the effect of the drug is to enhance the body’s reparative and regenerative processes, stimulate the production of B-lymphocytes and activate T-helper cells.

Despite the fact that Derinat bottles are sold with a special nozzle, it is better for infants to drip medicinal product using a regular pipette. This reduces the possibility of overdose.

It is very difficult to give a pill to a baby, even after dissolving it in milk or water. That is why for children of this age antiviral drugs Available in the form of drops and suppositories. Some antiviral drugs have not only anti-inflammatory, but also antipyretic effects. (For example, "Viferon")

Antipyretics are used symptomatically. Children may experience convulsions due to a high temperature, so you should not wait until the reading rises above 38.6ºC.

To stabilize the condition of infants, the following auxiliary actions should be taken:

  • expand the drinking regime - give babies more liquid; at this age, use boiled water, weak black tea or fennel tea;
  • create a comfortable microclimate in the room - the air temperature should be no lower than 18 and no higher than 22 ºС, humidity from 60 to 70%;
  • the room must be regularly ventilated.

Snot in a baby is not normal.

Ordinary rhinitis can cause serious complications:

  • otitis of the middle and inner ear;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • ethmoiditis - inflammation of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the lattice of cells of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • Dacryocystitis is inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

It is very difficult to cure these complications in an infant - you will have to prescribe antibiotics.

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