Persistent runny nose. Prolonged runny nose in adults: main causes and methods of treatment Inhalations for a runny nose for adults

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Rhinitis or runny nose is one of the most common diseases of the ENT organs. Rhinitis develops according to various reasons, this may be the influence of infection, allergens, or occupational hazards.

A runny nose in itself does not pose a particular danger to the human body, of course, if it is treated correctly and in a timely manner. But if there is no treatment for rhinitis or it is not carried out completely, then a wide variety of complications may develop, some of which are difficult for a person to tolerate.

Causes of complications with rhinitis and consequences for the body

Rhinitis is characterized by inflammation of the mucous layer of the nasal passages, which leads to swelling and the production of large amounts of mucus. Swelling, in turn, causes difficulty in the normal breathing process. Most often, inflammation is provoked by infectious microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, and less often fungi.

In the inflamed mucous layer, these microorganisms develop, multiply, and if this process is not interrupted, they can spread further than the nasal cavity, affecting nearby structures.

This process is facilitated by the lack of necessary treatment to completely cope with the causative agents of the disease.

Complications of rhinitis are also caused by difficulty breathing. Nasal congestion impairs the supply of oxygen to the brain and negatively affects night rest. The result of this is increased fatigue, irritability, and night snoring. The most negative consequences for the body are caused by chronic rhinitis, in which congestion in the nasal passages becomes almost constant.

Self-treatment of rhinitis often results in the development of serious complications. It is necessary to select drugs to eliminate a runny nose based on the cause of the disease. In some cases, it is possible to determine exactly what caused a chronic runny nose only after a complete diagnosis.

The allergic type of rhinitis is treated with antihistamines; the infectious cause of the runny nose is often eliminated only by the use of drugs with antibacterial components. The development of complications is also influenced by non-compliance with the general course of treatment. After all, it often happens that after the discharge and congestion go away, further use of drops and systemic medications is stopped. And this is the main mistake in treatment - subsidence of the symptoms of the disease does not indicate a complete cure. Microbes or allergens continue to function in the body and become the main cause of disruption to the functioning of other organs of the respiratory system.

The most common complications of rhinitis

Infection from the mucous membrane of the nasal passages during a long-term runny nose without treatment or in a chronic form of the disease primarily spreads to the respiratory tract and therefore complications affect this particular part of the body. After a runny nose or against its background, the patient may develop:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Otitis.
  • Bronchitis and bronchopneumonia.

The development of pharyngitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs with rhinitis is facilitated by the spread of infection and the fact that a person is constantly forced to breathe through the mouth due to congestion.

This is especially dangerous in the cold season, since breathing through the mouth is not physiological and leads to hypothermia of the throat.

Reduced immunity also contributes to the development of respiratory tract diseases due to a runny nose, since there is insufficient protection of organs from various pathogenic microorganisms.

Sinusitis, that is, inflammation of the sinuses, occurs due to the penetration of microorganisms into these structures. The maxillary and frontal sinuses are most often affected.

These complications are dangerous due to the possible penetration of infection further, that is, into the brain. Otitis after rhinitis develops more often in young children, this is facilitated by certain anatomical features Eustachian tube. In children, rhinopharyngitis is often diagnosed, in which inflammation from the mucous membranes of the nose spreads to the throat.

Rarely occurring complications after rhinitis

Against the background of rhinitis, damage to others not related to respiratory system, structures. Such changes include:

  • Dacryocystitis– inflammation of the lacrimal ducts. The nasolacrimal duct opens into the nasal cavity and if an infection penetrates it, inflammation develops. This leads to blockage of the canal, due to which purulent exudate accumulates in the lacrimal sac. Dacryocystitis is manifested by the appearance of pus from the eye, swelling and redness under the eye. In advanced cases, probing is required to restore the patency of the canal.
  • Polyps– benign growths in the nasal cavity. The main reason for the appearance of round formations is chronic runny nose, which negatively affects the mucous layer and accompanies changes in the structure of cells. Polyposis makes it difficult to breathe through the nose and this affects the unhindered penetration of allergens, bacteria, viruses through the mouth into the lower respiratory tract.
  • Hyposmia- decreased sense of smell in chronic rhinitis can be temporary or permanent. Loss of the sense of smell is associated with swelling of the mucous layer and inflammatory changes. Hyposmia can also result from uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops. To eliminate the problem, it will be necessary to find out exactly what led to problems with the sense of smell in chronic rhinitis.
  • Chronic runny nose in children up to three years of age can become the main cause of malocclusion or problems with the pronunciation of certain sounds.
  • Runny nose in a pregnant woman if it lasts for a long time, it can lead to fetal hypoxia. Insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus can affect certain disturbances in its development.

Complications that arise after rhinitis first require eliminating the cause of their occurrence. That is, it is first necessary to treat a chronic runny nose, and then after that, or against the background of prescribed therapy, to treat complications.

How to determine the development of complications after rhinitis

Acute rhinitis occurs in several stages, which successively replace one another. At first, the nasal discharge is copious and light-colored, and the person experiences severe nasal congestion. As the disease progresses, the discharge becomes thicker, greenish, and is difficult to discharge from the nose.

Against the background of acute inflammation, a person may feel uneasy headache, lethargy, poor sleep. Acute rhinitis usually lasts from 7 to 10 days and ends with recovery. Complete recovery is judged by the absence of discharge, restoration of normal breathing, and improvement in general well-being. The development of complications caused by rhinitis can be judged by the following signs:

  • The appearance of severe nasal congestion after normal breathing.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • The appearance of discomfort such as headache, frontal and occipital pain, loss of appetite, pain in the ear and when swallowing.
  • The occurrence of a dry or wet cough.

These signs may indicate sinusitis, sore throat, or bronchitis. They cannot be left without attention, since only timely treatment will allow them to be quickly eliminated. pathological changes. To select an effective course of therapy, in addition to an examination by an ENT doctor, consultation with other specialists will be required.

Chronic rhinitis requires the use of not only medications, but also physical treatment. In some cases, restoration of normal breathing is possible only after surgery.

Rhinitis, despite the apparent mildness of this disease, can lead to serious complications that significantly worsen a person’s life. Untreated rhinitis can cause night snoring; in some cases, this disease also becomes a provocateur for the appearance of disorders in cardiovascular system. It is quite possible to prevent such consequences - it is always necessary to select treatment for a runny nose together with a doctor after a complete diagnosis.

is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Medical name runny nose - rhinitis. A runny nose (or rhinitis) is most often caused by viruses and microbes.

The nasal mucosa is the primary barrier against infections; the villi on its surface trap dust and contaminants that enter the nose during breathing. In addition, the air in the nasal cavity is warmed to a comfortable temperature. A runny nose and colds often occur with hypothermia, local immunity weakens, and infectious agents have the opportunity to multiply and spread further through the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Causes of a runny nose

A runny nose can occur for various reasons. The most common cause of a runny nose is infectious agents - viruses, bacteria and fungi. The most common cause is viruses from the group of rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and adenoviruses. The disease is then classified as infectious rhinitis.

Another cause of inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is an allergic reaction. Allergens enter the nasal passages during breathing, causing swelling, mucus, and nasal congestion. In this case, the disease is classified as allergic rhinitis.

Allergic and infectious rhinitis require different approaches to treatment - to mitigate the negative signs of the disease, in both cases, vasoconstrictors are used, which makes it possible to briefly ease the patient’s breathing and moderate the secretion of mucus. However, for infectious rhinitis it is necessary complex therapy with the use of antiseptic drugs, and hormonal agents and blockers are used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis histamine receptors.

Possible causes of a runny nose:

Infectious rhinitis. This type of runny nose is more common than others and is familiar to almost everyone. Infectious rhinitis occurs in acute form, most often it is caused by bacteria, viruses, and less often by fungi. If the patient has a stable immune system, the infectious runny nose ends quickly and without complications.

Congenital causes. Developmental anomalies in the prenatal period disrupt the normal functioning of the nasal cavity and cause chronic runny nose. Such reasons include structural disorders of the facial bones, curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy or deformation of the nasal cavities. Most often, a one-sided defect occurs when the deformed nostril does not function, and air flows unhindered through the other cavity.

A rare cause of chronic runny nose is Kartagener's syndrome. Another name for the pathology is primary ciliary dyskinesia. The disease disrupts the mechanism for removing mucus from nasal mucosa due to malfunction ciliated epithelium. The result of this is stagnation of mucus in the nasal cavity and bronchi, the development of bronchitis, the transition of rhinitis to chronic form.

Allergy. One of common reasons the appearance in children and adults of a long-term chronic runny nose - allergic rhinitis. It appears not only during flowering, but also in winter, when, it would seem, there should be no reason for allergies to appear.

    Pet hair;

    Down and feathers of parrots;

    Book, household, industrial dust;

    Chemicals from detergents, varnishes and paints.

Drug-induced rhinitis. A runny nose caused by taking medications occurs for two reasons:

    Rhinitis is side effect medications (for example, blood pressure medications);

    A rebound effect appears after an overdose of a vasoconstrictor for the common cold.

A “ricochet” runny nose can develop within 4-5 days after the start of treatment for ordinary rhinitis with drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Untimely discontinuation of drops for a runny nose leads to the nasal mucosa becoming accustomed to them. Discontinuation of the drug leads to increased swelling; increasing the dose leads to resistance of mucosal cells to the active substance. The result of this situation is the persistence of rhinitis symptoms even at maximum doses. That is why it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops for longer than the period specified in the instructions.

Foreign bodies. Most often, this cause of atypical runny nose occurs in young children. preschool age.

A child can place in his nose unnoticed by his parents:

    Small toys and their parts;


    Food particles;


    Vitamins and small candies;

    Stationery and small household items;

A characteristic symptom of a foreign body in the nose is the discharge of liquid mucus from one nostril. With a long-term runny nose, an experienced otolaryngologist always first of all suspects the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage. A case of chronic rhinitis lasting for 20 years was recorded, the cause of which was a button that got stuck in the nose in childhood. It was discovered in a woman completely by accident during an X-ray examination.

Due to chronic inflammation or allergic effects, benign ones occur on the nasal mucosa. The formations reach a significant size, blocking the nasal cavities and blocking the flow of air.

Most often, polyps form in adults. If they are diagnosed in a child under 10 years of age, their possible cause is chronic sinusitis or cystic fibrosis. Often a combination of a polyp with an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid or yellow fruits.

Vasomotor rhinitis. The cause of the pathology is a violation of the regulation of nasal vascular tone. With this pathology, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, nerve endings which exhibit a vasodilator effect. The vessels of the nasal mucosa become overfilled with blood, and air does not pass through the nasal passages. Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are sneezing, stuffy nose, and secretion of large amounts of mucus. They intensify under the influence of stress, cold, intense odors, spraying of chemicals in the air, and strong emotions.

Atrophic rhinitis. This type of runny nose is rare, its cause is the thinning of the nasal mucosa, its atrophy due to a rare type of inflammatory process. It is provoked by such types of bacteria as Proteus, Klebsiella, as well as hereditary predisposition. Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis are ozena (discharge with a foul odor), loss of smell, green mucus with the formation of crusts.

Runny nose as a symptom of other diseases. One of possible reasons long-term runny nose becomes latent hypothyroidism - reduced function thyroid gland, insufficient production of hormones. For this reason they swell connective tissues the entire body, including the nasal mucosa. Due to edema, air flow decreases and congestion occurs. The diagnosis can be clarified by taking a thyroid hormone test.

Another reason for the development of chronic rhinitis is autoimmune diseases:

  • Wenger's granulomatosis,

    Systemic scleroderma,

    Rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of a runny nose vary depending on the stage of the disease:

    The first stage lasts from several hours to two days. At this time, the patient feels dry mucous membranes, a burning sensation in the nose and continuous itching. Already at this time, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, the perception of tastes and smells is impaired. The temperature is usually normal, but occasionally (more often in children) slight hyperthermia may be observed.

    At the second stage The virus actively multiplies, heavy discharge begins from the nose, and it is impossible to breathe through the nose. Often the patient’s ears become blocked, the temperature rises, lacrimation and frequent sneezing begin. The disease is accompanied by headache, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

    The third stage occurs 4–5 days after infection. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, damaged by viruses, is colonized by various bacteria, as a result of which mucopurulent discharge from the nose appears.

If the immune system a person is in good shape, the body is activated to fight infection. The swelling gradually subsides, the sense of smell improves and nasal breathing is restored. After a few days the person recovers. If a person’s body is weakened, without adequate treatment he may not be able to cope with the disease, in which case the worst thing is that various, including severe, complications may develop.

Runny nose without fever - what does it mean?

A runny nose that is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature may be a sign viral infection, in particular, this is typical for rhinoviruses. Nasal congestion, copious mucus discharge and difficulty breathing are the main symptoms of this disease. These may include headaches, sore throat, congestion in the ears and decreased hearing. Most often, this type of runny nose appears in adults and is a sign of good immunity, because the process of fighting infection does not affect the hypothalamus, where the thermoregulatory centers are located.

The cause of a runny nose without fever is considered to be hypothermia of the body, as a result of which it becomes more susceptible to infection.

Another reason for a runny nose without fever is the individual characteristics of the patient’s condition. Thus, rhinitis can appear in women in the first trimester of pregnancy and in young children when they are teething. Treatment in this case is purely symptomatic, since a runny nose is not a sign of a serious pathology, but develops due to a weakened immune system.

Factors that provoke the development of a runny nose without fever:

    Air pollution with dust, toxic and irritating substances. Thus, allergic rhinitis often develops as a result of constant contact with animals, passive or active smoking, and staying in a dusty room;

    Hot spices, if they get into the nasal cavity, can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and in the future cause the development of a runny nose;

    Sudden changes in temperature and air humidity - for example, during the cold season there is often a difference between low air temperature outside and high temperature indoors;

    Adenoid growths of the tonsils are a common cause of runny nose in children;

    When foreign bodies enter the nasal cavity, a runny nose acts as a symptom; this cause is also more common among children;

    Polyps and other neoplasms in the nose, as well as abnormal structure of the nasal septum can cause chronic rhinitis.

How to properly treat a runny nose?

There are certain rules, following which you can quickly and effectively cure a runny nose.

    It is important to learn how to blow your nose correctly so that blowing your nose does not lead to complications. Increased pressure in the nasal cavity can cause bacteria to enter the Eustachian tube. Pathogenic microorganisms can easily cause otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). Blowing your nose incorrectly can damage the already irritated lining of the middle ear. The correct technique is to gently blow your nose through each nostril separately, while opening your mouth so as not to increase the pressure in the nasal cavity.

    For effective treatment runny nose, do not irritate the mucous membrane by exposure to cold, tobacco smoke, strong odors, dust, or intense sneezing. Physical exercise increase the power of breathing, so even in the warm season you can worsen a runny nose with fast walking and exercise.

    It is impossible to increase the period of use of drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect without a doctor’s prescription. By following the instructions, you can significantly reduce the risk of a “rebound” runny nose from using drops for more than 4-6 days.

    Naturally based drops such as Pinosol effectively eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose. Its components (essential oils of eucalyptus, mint and pine) act as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

    Rinsing the nose with salt water removes dust, allergens, excess mucus, pathogenic microorganisms, and dried crusts from the nasal mucosa. This procedure is carried out at least 3 times a day, the optimal amount is 150-200 ml for each nasal cavity.

    It is important to maintain optimal temperature (+20+22°C) and humidity in the room where children are. Too dry air in a home with central heating irritates the nasal mucosa, so you must use humidifiers. Be sure to ventilate the room when removing children from it.

    Children of primary preschool age do not have the opportunity to blow their nose, so accumulated mucus makes breathing difficult when they have a runny nose. Their nasal mucus is removed with special devices. Children are allowed to rinse their nose in the same way as adults, no earlier than 3 years old.

    Correct treatment effectively relieves symptoms of rhinitis. Since the nasal mucosa in children quickly absorbs active substance drugs, it is better to use natural-based products. Ointment and drops are used to treat children from 2 years of age, spray - from 3 years of age. The drug is not addictive, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, its natural components and oil base perfectly moisturize the nasal mucosa.

    To prevent adenoids in children from becoming a source of complications in the form of relapses of rhinitis and the appearance of complications, they are removed in a timely manner. The spread of pathogenic bacteria slows down the normal physical development of children.

How to properly treat allergic rhinitis?

    The main rule is not to provoke allergic rhinitis by contact with an allergen. Long-term inflammation of the nasal mucosa is complicated by sinusitis, the appearance of polyps, and hypertrophy of the mucous membrane. If an allergen gets on your skin or clothing, remove it immediately.

    To remove allergens from the nasal mucosa, it is washed with a 1% salt solution; it is important to carry out this procedure before going to bed.

    To prevent complications, you should take modern antihistamines (Zodak), which help stop the process and prevent it from becoming severe.

    You should clarify the diagnosis and consult an otolaryngologist.

    There is no need to provoke an increase in the symptoms of any type of runny nose by exposure to smoke, dust, or spraying of chemicals.

    If it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of a runny nose, the patient’s condition will noticeably improve by rinsing the nasal cavity with salted water.

    If a runny nose occurs as a reaction to medications (blood pressure medications, contraceptives), you need to find analogues without side effects;

    Somatic diseases, the manifestations of which may be a runny nose, should be carefully treated.

    The negative effect of vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of rhinitis is eliminated with drops on a natural basis, which do not cause addiction, acting as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent at the same time.

If left untreated, a runny nose can lead to serious complications - inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinus, mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, acute or chronic otitis media, ethmoiditis.

But how to treat a runny nose? In the early stages of a runny nose, it is recommended to leave the house less often and have contact with others. Although a runny nose in itself is not dangerous, if it is not treated correctly or is not treated, it can incapacitate a person for several days or even weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the spread of infection and create all conditions for a speedy recovery.

Therapeutic measures in the early stages include warming procedures for the feet, inhalation of medicinal solutions with salt or essential oils, taking large amounts of liquid - tea, lemon drink with ginger, infusion medicinal herbs, rosehip decoction.

You should follow all the rules of hygiene of the nasal cavity and constantly clean it of excess mucus using disposable nosepieces. Clean the nasal passages under running water carefully, as high blood pressure in the nasal cavity can contribute to the spread of infection, causing otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. You need to clean your nostrils one at a time, as there is a risk of damage if you clean them at the same time. blood vessels, formation of rosacea stars.

At the second stage of the disease, if all preliminary procedures are ineffective, you can start using medications prescribed by your doctor. Vasoconstrictors for emergency treatment of nasal congestion are used for no longer than five days to avoid addiction.

To thin the mucus, it is important to constantly ensure the flow of fluid into the body; taking medications with mucolytics also helps with this. Too viscous and thick mucus is difficult to separate from the nasal cavity, makes breathing difficult and prolongs the time until recovery.

Vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold. The largest group of drugs are vasoconstrictors, after the use of which the swelling of the mucous membrane almost instantly decreases and the patient’s subjective condition is alleviated. However vasoconstrictors have their own contraindications and features of use, so in the fight against the disease you should not rely only on this group of drugs.

Vasoconstrictors are usually released in the form of drops or a spray, getting into the nasal mucosa, these drugs constrict the blood vessels, which is why swelling disappears, nasal congestion disappears and the person can breathe normally.

Other useful property vasoconstrictors - the ability to influence the amount of mucus and the rate of its production, which eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose. The main active components of vasoconstrictors are naphazoline, xylometazoline, oxymetazoline.

Depending on the main active ingredient, three groups of vasoconstrictors are distinguished:

    Xymelin, Dlyanos, Rinonorm - drops based on xylometazoline, Galazolin in the form of drops, spray or gel - a drug based on xylometazoline, the duration of exposure is up to 4 hours;

    Fervex, Nazol, Nazivin - contain oxymetazoline in different concentrations, which allows them to be used to treat runny nose in both adults and children. The validity period is longer - up to 12 hours. There are contraindications for patients with renal failure, women during pregnancy and diabetics.

    Naphthyzin, Sanorin are drugs based on naphazoline. The validity period after a single use is 6 hours. Drugs in this group are affordable and do not damage the nasal mucosa. Sanorin is considered one of the safest vasoconstrictors, since it contains natural components (eucalyptus aromatic oil) as excipients, which enhances the therapeutic effect and prevents complications.

It is important to know! Most drugs for the treatment of the runny nose contain vasoconstrictors, which quickly achieve an effect - relieve nasal congestion, ease breathing and reduce the amount of discharge. However, with constant use they can be unsafe - addiction develops to vasoconstrictor drugs, as a result of which relief does not occur even with increased dosages.

Regular use of vasoconstrictors can lead to complications such as loss of nasal sensitivity, disturbances of taste and smell.

    Nasal drops and sprays are not used every time there is a feeling of nasal congestion, but in critical situations when other means do not help;

    Use vasoconstrictors regularly for self-treatment A runny nose is not allowed - this task is better handled by complex medications that do not lead to complications and side effects.

    If you feel a deterioration in your health while using vasoconstrictors, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medicines for the common cold are selected and prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease - this way the treatment is more effective, and side effects are minimized.

Remedies for viral infections. For a runny nose caused by viruses, it is not recommended to take medications in the early stages - the body must activate its immune forces, and nasal discharge is a sign of its fight against the pathogens of the disease. When the snot turns from transparent to yellowish or green, treatment can begin.

Complex preparations for the common cold. Complex drugs are designed not only to remove the symptoms of a runny nose, like vasoconstrictors, but, first of all, to remove the cause of its occurrence. So, for example, with an allergic runny nose, which is caused by the entry of a certain allergen into the nasal passages, the effect on mucus production will not have the desired result - as soon as the time of action of the drug expires, the runny nose will resume. In this case, it is better to use a specialized product or complex of drugs.

Vibrocil is a medicine based on two active ingredients, a decongestant and an H-1 histamine receptor blocker, not only constricts blood vessels and removes swelling, but also affects the cause of the runny nose. Antihistamines in its composition relieve allergic reactions, and the decongestant has vasoconstrictor properties.

Another popular combination of active ingredients - a mucolytic and a decongestant - ensures the removal of swelling and the outflow of mucus due to a thinning effect, as a result of which a runny nose is cured faster.

Complex drugs are highly effective in treating the runny nose and minimize the risk of side effects and complications.

Essential oils for runny nose. Essential oils are a common component of drugs for the treatment of the common cold; they can also be used as an independent remedy. Their effect is based on antiseptic properties; when applied topically, essential oils restore the barrier properties of the nasal mucosa without injuring it. For medicinal purposes, the oils most often used are mint, pine and eucalyptus.

Saline solutions for runny nose. Washing saline solutions- one of the most effective ways treatment of runny nose. Saline solutions are used for both infectious and allergic rhinitis, as they cleanse the nasal passages of infectious agents, allergens and excess mucus, preventing drying and damage to the mucous membrane.

Saline solutions have no restrictions in their use even for small children, they do not have side effects characteristic of vasoconstrictors, and they do not become addictive. Common drugs in this group are Aqualor, Salin, Humer, Aquamaris, Marimer.

Preparations for allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is treated with specialized medications - in addition to vasoconstrictors, histamine receptor blockers and hormonal agents can be used. Among hormonal drugs Flixonase, Beconase, Nasobek, Nasonex are most often prescribed. The effect of Nasonex appears within 12 hours, the patient’s well-being significantly improves. The drugs are available in a form for local use, so they do not affect the condition of the body as a whole.

Homeopathic medicines for runny nose. Homeopathic remedies with antiviral effect, promoting lymphatic drainage, relieving swelling and strengthening the immune system can be quite effective in treating a runny nose. Among them there are such drugs as Edas-131, Cinnasbin, Euphorbium Compositum, Sinupret, which contain natural components that help the body fight viruses.

Star pencil for runny nose. The Vietnamese remedy Zvezdochka is available in the form of a balm, ointment, patch, nasal spray and pencil for inhalation; it successfully fights colds thanks to a complex of natural ingredients - it contains cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus and mint essential oils. Thanks to these components, the product has a characteristic aroma, and when applied it gives a cooling effect.

The Star pencil is much more convenient to use than the classic Golden Star balm in a tin - it goes directly into the nasal cavity, does not leave a characteristic aroma, and does not cause irritation to the mucous membrane.

If the effect of the balm is reflexogenic in nature - it is applied to the heels, chest, wings of the nose at points that are used in the eastern practice of acupuncture, then the Zvezdochka pencil gets directly onto the mucous membrane, softening it, reducing swelling and the amount of mucus secreted. You can use it from 7 to 12 times a day; to do this, you need to alternately breathe through each nostril over a filter soaked in aromatic oils.

There are contraindications for use for people prone to allergic reactions and for young children.

What can and cannot be done when you have a runny nose?

    Is it possible to do inhalations with a runny nose? Inhalations are considered the most effective method treatment of a runny nose, so in the process of inhaling vapors, the beneficial components of medicinal solutions instantly reach the mucous membrane and have an effect. Compared to other topical treatments for the common cold, inhalations have a number of advantages. Thus, unlike drugs for instillation, during inhalation the medicinal solution does not flow into oral cavity and does not enter the stomach, but is evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane, and remains there for effect.

Most often, rhinitis is caused by viruses.

They become infected by airborne droplets in places where there are large crowds of people. On initial stages The mucus that appears during a runny nose is transparent and forms in large volumes.

At a later date colds The sputum turns white due to the presence of lymphocytes, thickens and practically ceases to be released, then disappears completely.

Typically, a runny nose caused by flu or a cold disappears within 10 to 14 days. If, after an acute respiratory viral infection, a runny nose does not go away for more than two weeks with previous treatment, then there is cause for concern.

This may be due to the development of inflammatory processes, the transition of rhinitis to chronic, as well as some other pathologies.

Colds can last longer in children than in adults. It happens that a runny nose after an acute respiratory viral infection does not go away for more than two weeks due to hypersecretion of sputum in the child’s nasopharynx. If the mucus is released well and there are no purulent impurities, then there is no need to worry. But for preventive purposes, you can visit a pediatrician.

Reasons why adults have a long runny nose

The reasons why a runny nose does not go away after a cold may be:

The addition of bacterial infections is often associated with a decrease in local immunity in the nasopharynx due to ARVI or influenza. This is due to the fact that in respiratory tract Sticky mucus accumulates. This often happens in the later stages of a cold.

Symptoms of a bacterial infection in the nose include:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • yellowish or greenish mucus discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • runny nose lasts more than 14 days;
  • reception antiviral agents do not improve the condition.

With this type of rhinitis, the tonsils and mucous membranes of the nose often become inflamed. This happens as bacteria migrate to neighboring organs. This type of runny nose after ARVI is called nasopharyngitis. In addition to sore throat and nasal congestion, it is accompanied by severe cough, which causes phlegm flowing into the throat.

To avoid complications such as bacterial rhinitis, it is important to ensure the drainage of mucus from the nasal cavity.

To do this, you need to rinse and irrigate your nose with saline solution or seawater-based sprays. This helps thin the mucus and clear the nose.

If a runny nose after the flu has already become complicated by a bacterial infection, then you need to visit a doctor. The process of spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the nose can lead to loss of smell, penetration of bacteria into the middle ear or sinuses, and the transition of rhinitis to chronic. The chronic form of the runny nose lasts a month or longer, characterized by exacerbations and relief.

Often the reason why a runny nose after the flu does not go away for a long time is sinusitis. This is an inflammation that occurs in the sinuses. Sinusitis is caused by bacteria or viruses. If the outflow of sputum is impaired, excellent conditions are created in the nose for the proliferation of microorganisms and the accumulation of pus. The outflow of mucous secretions may be impaired due to the presence of polyps, cysts, swelling of the nasal mucosa, or a deviated septum. All this increases the risk of sinusitis and complicates its course. Based on location, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • sinusitis - characterized by an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses;
  • frontal sinusitis - occurs in the frontal sinus;
  • ethmoiditis - bacteria spread in the mucous membrane of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • sphenoiditis - develops in the mucous membrane of the sphenoid sinus.

Sinusitis is one of the most common causes of a long, persistent runny nose. The maxillary sinuses are located in the maxillary bone on both sides of the wings of the nose. With this disease, a person feels painful sensations under the eyes, radiating into the teeth. When the patient bends forward, a nagging pain is felt in the back of the head and high pressure in the eye sockets. Often with sinusitis, body temperature rises

Any sinusitis requires medical attention. Self-medication is dangerous and can worsen the condition. To cleanse the sinuses, therapeutic and surgical therapy is used, which includes rinsing with antiseptics, pumping out accumulated pus, prescribing antibiotics and other medications. It is important to follow all the doctor’s instructions; if treatment is not completed, relapses may occur and sinusitis may become chronic.

Surgical therapy for sinusitis is needed if the exit from the sinus is blocked, which leads to the accumulation of pus. There is a high risk of pus penetrating into the eye sockets, middle ear, and brain. The operation consists of a small puncture of the bone tissue, through which purulent discharge flows out, after which the sinuses are washed out using antiseptics and antibiotics. This procedure provides rapid improvement.

The next reason why a runny nose does not go away in children and adults is improper treatment. For example, this happens when a person treats a runny nose that is allergic in nature with antibacterial agents. Allergic rhinitis is expressed by similar symptoms, but is caused by completely different reasons. A substance that has allergic activity provokes strong sputum production. Strong allergens include plant pollen, honey, dust, animal hair, and some food. Allergic rhinitis is often caused by airborne allergens.

Signs of allergic rhinitis are:

  • discharge of clear and watery mucus from the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • the appearance of swelling and itching in the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • presence of cough and sore throat;
  • body temperature does not rise.

Symptoms worsen when an allergen is present and appear in the form of short attacks, but rhinitis lasts for a month or longer. If you suspect an allergic rhinitis, you need to do a blood test for immunoglobulins E to a possible allergen.

Other ways to determine allergies include allergy tests and provocative tests. The optimal diagnostic method in each individual case is prescribed by the doctor. To improve the condition of allergic rhinitis, you need to avoid contact with allergens and take antihistamines prescribed by an allergist.

This type of persistent runny nose is also caused by non-infectious causes. It develops during the process of disruption of the functioning of nerve cells, receptors of the mucous membrane and disturbance of vascular tone in the nasopharynx. At the same time, overly sensitive receptors react very strongly to changes in ambient temperature, odors and other irritants. The reaction occurs to both allergenic and non-allergenic substances.

Causes of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • lack of iodine;
  • long-term use of vasoconstrictor medications for the common cold;
  • nasal injury;
  • the formation of various neoplasms in the tissues of the nasal cavity;
  • perestroika hormonal levels during pregnancy, menopause, adolescence;
  • life in conditions of very dirty air.

A combination of several factors can lead to vasomotor rhinitis, which often occurs in a chronic form and can trigger the onset of bronchial asthma.

To treat this disease it is used surgical methods in the form of surgical correction of the mucous membrane. To diagnose the pathology, a consultation with a doctor with a detailed examination is necessary.

Presence of white snot in children

White discharge in a runny nose after an acute respiratory viral infection in a child may appear in different ages, starting from infancy. This phenomenon can be caused by a huge number of different diseases and serious inflammatory processes - allergies, caries, sinusitis, polyps and others.

It is impossible to independently recognize the cause of a prolonged runny nose in a child after an acute respiratory viral infection.

A full examination is required, which will be prescribed by an ENT specialist; based on this, therapy is prescribed, which may include antibiotics, corticosteroids, antihistamines, various combination drops, etc.

What to do if you have a long runny nose after flu and ARVI

The question of how to get rid of a runny nose after a cold that lasts more than two weeks can only be answered by an ENT doctor after an appropriate examination, examination and determination of the exact cause.

It is important not to let the disease take its course, because this can significantly worsen the condition and transform the disease into a chronic form that cannot be cured. Timely initiation of therapy is the key to success.

Self-medication is not recommended, especially with folk ways, without consulting a doctor. Some folk remedies can be auxiliary to drug treatment, others can worsen the process and lead to negative consequences.

Why does a runny nose not go away for a long time, its treatment

A runny nose is considered a common phenomenon that occurs as a result of hypothermia or infection entering the nasal passages. This process is especially common in children under seven years of age. The thing is that their immune system is still completely imperfect. But what to do when your runny nose doesn’t go away?

Causes of prolonged runny nose

The average duration of a runny nose is five to seven days. On the seventh or eighth day it goes away on its own. But sometimes there is a phenomenon when a runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks. This process can occur in both children and adults. Why does a runny nose not go away for a long time?

It is customary to highlight several reasons.

  1. If an adult’s runny nose does not go away for a long time, it is possible that a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection. This process often occurs due to incorrectly selected treatment or its absence.
  2. Vasomotor rhinitis developed. This type is misdiagnosed and mistaken for an allergic or infectious form. If a runny nose does not go away, then you must completely stop using vasoconstrictors.
  3. A persistent runny nose may have an allergic form. This condition most often lasts a long time due to improper treatment and identification of the irritant. The patient's nasopharynx continues to come into contact with the allergen, as a result of which rhinitis lasts for more than seven days.
  4. Development of traumatic rhinitis. It occurs due to improperly selected treatment, as a result of which it becomes chronic.

Bacterial rhinitis

If a runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks in an adult, then a bacterial infection has developed after the cold. This phenomenon is characterized by the development of complications in the form of sinusitis, sinusitis or otitis.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • the presence of yellowish and greenish snot;
  • raising the temperature to 38 degrees;
  • lack of effect from antiviral drugs;
  • the presence of painful sensations in the head, ear, sinuses.

With a bacterial rhinitis, inflammation of the tonsils and mucous membrane of the nasopharyngeal area is often observed. This process occurs due to the spread of bacteria to nearby organs.

In addition to a runny nose, the patient has a cough due to phlegm draining into the throat and a painful feeling in the throat.

What to do if a runny nose does not go away for a week or even more? First of all, you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment for bacterial rhinitis is:

  • in reception antibacterial agents For internal use in the form of Amoxiclav, Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Augmentin;
  • in rinsing the nasal passages with furatsilin or saline solution;
  • in the use of local antibiotics in the form of Polydexa or Isofra;
  • in the use of vasoconstrictor drops in the form of Rinofluimucil. It also has a mucolytic effect.

The duration of the treatment course with timely administration of drugs is from seven to ten days.

Vasomotor type rhinitis

If a runny nose does not go away for more than a month, then perhaps the reason lies in the development of vasomotor rhinitis. It occurs due to long-term use of vasoconstrictors.

In practice, this type of rhinitis is usually called false. The basis of the disease is the excessive reaction of the blood vessels in the nasal cavity.

  • the presence of mucous discharge when moving from a warm to a cold room;
  • stagnation of mucus in the throat area;
  • congestion of the nasal passages during the development of stressful situations;
  • presence of pain in the head;
  • bad sleep.

The main feature of vasomotor rhinitis is that first one nostril becomes blocked, and then the other. This process most often occurs when the patient is lying down.

In addition to drug dependence, there are other reasons for the development of vasomotor rhinitis in the form of:

  • irritating factors;
  • weather dependence;
  • emotional stress;
  • nutritional factors;
  • hormonal changes.

If this type of rhinitis is not treated, it threatens the patient with the development of serious complications.

Allergic rhinitis

If a runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks, but treatment was carried out, then most likely the patient has rhinitis allergic type. It is slightly different from the bacterial rhinitis, but is similar to the viral or vasomotor form.

The duration of a runny nose persists for more than two weeks due to the fact that the irritant is constantly nearby. They can be pet hair, dust, pollen, household chemicals or food products.

  • nasal congestion;
  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • mucus discharge from the nasal passages, which is liquid in nature;
  • paroxysmal sneezing.

Rhinitis of this form is very often seasonal. But there are cases when it is year-round. Then it is called rhinopathy.

What to do if allergies develop? To determine the allergen, it is necessary to take a blood test for immunoglobulin. When it is determined, you can begin the treatment process.

  1. on the use of drops with a decongestant effect in the form of Vibrocil;
  2. on the use of hormonal sprays. They contain corticosteroid hormones, the effect of which is aimed at relieving swelling and eliminating allergic reaction. These include Avamis, Nasonex;
  3. while taking antihistamines in the form of Suprastil, Fenistil, Erius, Claritin.

The duration of treatment therapy can range from seven to thirty days. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

Prolonged runny nose in infants

Sometimes parents are concerned about a runny nose lasting more than one week in infants. This phenomenon occurs very often, but only a doctor can determine the cause.

The main problems include the following.

  1. Stagnation of breast milk after feeding. This phenomenon is often characterized by grunting. You can breastfeed your baby. If the wheezing has disappeared, then perhaps a small amount of milk remains in the nasopharyngeal area after regurgitation.

In some cases, when rinsing the nasal passages, you can also see such a mass. But there is no need to worry. This phenomenon occurs in babies up to six months.

  • Dental snot. They mainly appear only at the teething stage. They pass at the moment when the tooth has already slightly hatched. This process occurs due to excess salivation.

    At the same time, the baby may develop other symptoms in the form of a rise in temperature to 38.5 degrees, increased moodiness, bad sleep and loss of appetite.

    But it is worth noting that such a process can be confused with a viral infection, so consultation with a doctor is required.

  • False runny nose. It occurs when the baby’s salivary glands are actively working. In this case, the child may blow bubbles.

    The above reasons are not dangerous, but require a doctor’s examination, since many diseases are similar to each other.

  • Complications of a long runny nose

    Not all patients think about the fact that a long runny nose can lead to many problems. This also includes the occurrence of adverse consequences in the form.

    1. Sinusitis. This type of disease is bacterial in nature, and therefore can spread to other parts with great speed.

    The main symptoms include a painful feeling in the head and sinuses, congestion in the nasal passages, the formation of purulent mucus and coughing at night.

  • Sinusitis. One of the types of sinusitis, but it is more severe and dangerous form. Very often observed among the adult population.

    The main symptoms include increased temperature, nasal congestion, pain in the cheekbones, and loss of olfactory function.

    In advanced forms of the disease, a puncture or surgical intervention is required.

  • Otitis. The inflammatory process affects the auditory tube. Most often, this process is observed in children due to the close proximity of the auditory tube and the nasal cavity.

    It is characterized by a painful sensation in the ear and an increase in temperature.

  • Any type of lingering runny nose requires examination by a specialist and adequate treatment.

    The whole family uses AquaMaster spray from Evalar. An effective and economical product, it has a convenient bottle that can be reused. Helps fight all types of runny nose, including allergic ones.

    I just bought AquaMaster because it turns out to be an economical purchase. There were also sachets as a gift. I already diluted the bag once, everything was easy to do. Now during the cold season, the bubble in our family goes away quickly.

    It is necessary to rinse your nose during a runny nose, preferably with sea water sprays. I now have AquaMaster at home. It washes away all the mucus well and moisturizes the mucous membrane, and helps ease nasal breathing.

    An adult's runny nose does not go away

    Health is a fragile thing and its condition should be treated with extreme caution. Even minor deviations can lead to serious consequences. If an adult’s runny nose does not go away, then this is absolutely no reason to let everything take its course and leave this process unattended. The cause of prolonged nasal discharge can be quite serious illnesses, which, if not addressed in time, can cost you many months, or maybe your whole life, for treatment.

    Why doesn't my runny nose go away?

    It is impossible to state unequivocally that after a cold or viral infection, a runny nose simply disappears. Minor nasal discharge still continues to appear. But when an adult’s runny nose does not go away for more than two weeks after recovery and is accompanied by additional symptoms, then a second visit to the otolaryngologist is necessary immediately.

    So, why doesn’t your runny nose go away? The reasons are as follows:

    • Allergic reactions to all kinds of irritants. In this case, the accompanying symptoms should be considered: sneezing, pain and redness of the eyes, lacrimation, sore throat. This may be due to seasonal or specific irritants, completely eliminating which or reducing contact with them can reduce allergic manifestations. In addition, when an adult’s runny nose does not go away for this reason, it is simply impossible to do without taking antihistamines.
    • Sinus diseases. This unsightly name covers sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, and sphenoiditis. An untreated infection or inflammatory processes caused by it begin to fully spread throughout the nasopharynx. As a result: a strong increase in the number of polyps, active damage to the sinuses due to the proliferation of bacteria and viruses. In the absence of proper treatment, pus forms in the nasal cavities, which is a big problem to remove. This can lead to an exacerbation of inflammatory processes and the transition of diseases to a qualitatively new level. If you want to know why a runny nose accompanied by a headache does not go away, you must urgently consult a specialist in order to cure the disease in time without surgical intervention.
    • Rhinitis. Each of them is accompanied by special symptoms:
      • Vasomotor. The nose is almost always stuffy, sneezing, burning and stinging in the eyes, serous snot, pain in the back of the head.
      • Atrophic. Accompanied by snot with blood, nosebleeds, severe dryness of the nasal cavity, and partial loss of smell.
      • Catarrhal. Constant nasal congestion that gets worse as you move into horizontal position, constant thick mucous discharge.
      • Ozena. Constant formation of crusts in the nose, putrid odor from the nose and very thick brown discharge.
      • Hypertrophic chronic rhinitis. Accompanied by pain in the parietal and facial parts of the head, partial loss of smell, and constant nasal congestion.

    It’s not easy to say why a runny nose doesn’t go away at first glance. In order to find out the true cause of the problem, it is necessary not only to visit an otolaryngologist, but also to receive proper treatment.

    Why does an adult’s runny nose not go away for a long time?

    Due to the fact that few adults pay close attention to their health, the answer to the question: “Why does an adult’s runny nose persist for a long time?” is obvious. Almost always, the therapist’s instructions are followed exactly until the moment the condition is alleviated. And after this, you can simply not take medications and “not poison” your body. But it is logical to assume that it is no coincidence that each category of drugs is prescribed for a certain time and in certain doses. Failure to drink the entire course in a timely manner can provoke a further sluggish state of the disease.

    Knowing why a runny nose caused by does not go away various diseases nasal cavity, one can logically assume that after correct, and most importantly timely treatment he can pass. If proper treatment is completely absent, then there can be no talk of any positive changes. It can only get worse.

    If you want to definitely decide for yourself why an adult’s runny nose does not go away for a long time, you should contact a specialist. Perhaps the cause is more specific and requires emergency intervention.

    An adult's runny nose and cough do not go away

    It would seem that all measures have been taken, but there is no result. An adult’s runny nose and cough have not gone away for a long time? In this case, you should consult a doctor again, since similar symptoms, without accompanying elevated temperature body talks about the process acute bronchitis or pneumonia. In some more advanced cases, tuberculosis may be the cause.

    Sometimes an adult’s cough and runny nose does not go away due to an allergic effect on the body. In this case, properly selected antihistamines will become effective.

    Runny nose does not go away, fever

    Often, when a runny nose does not go away and the body temperature is constantly elevated, the reason may lie in inflammatory processes. It is not at all necessary that inflammation be accompanied by a cold. Due to the illness, in almost 60% of cases, exacerbation of inflammation of the kidneys, appendages and Bladder. Therefore, you should treat your condition with extreme caution and undergo all tests to detect the root cause.

    An adult’s runny nose does not go away, what should I do?

    It happens that standard medicines simply didn’t help or they simply can’t be taken, then it’s worth trying something new. An adult’s runny nose does not go away; it’s worth asking the older generation what to do about this problem. They always have hundreds of tips in stock for one question.

    • Rinsing the nasal sinuses using solutions and decoctions. Rinsing using saline solution, chamomile infusion, or saline solution is ideal. It is important that the nasal sinuses are constantly cleared of mucus and bacteria that form in them.
    • Warming up the paranasal sinuses. In this case, boiled potato tubers, eggs, or bags filled with calcined salt or sea sand work well. They must be placed on the paranasal sinuses and kept until completely cool.
    • Instillation with menthol oil. They are effective not only for instilling in the nasal passages, but also for smearing the temporal region, forehead and bridge of the nose.
    • Inhalations over water baths or using essential oils.
    • Using a blue lamp for warming up.

    Knowing exactly why a runny nose does not go away, it is much easier to cure the ailment. And if drug treatment not in honor, then simple folk remedies will always help.

    Inhalations for a runny nose for an adult

    There are many effective methods for solving the problem. Inhalations for a runny nose for an adult are one of them. Thus, the well-known method of inhalation over potatoes perfectly helps to clear the nasal passages of all kinds of secretions.

    Essential oils of bitter orange, eucalyptus, tangerine, menthol, grapefruit and used in the process of local inhalations also cleanse the nose and help it remove excess mucus.

    When using a nebulizer for inhalation, you must consider correct dosage medications prescribed by a doctor. If you decided to do inhalations for a runny nose for an adult yourself, then you should use only a physical solution that softens the walls of the nasal cavity and helps remove mucus.

    Massage for runny nose and nasal congestion

    In an effort to get rid of a runny nose and its accompanying symptoms without leaving a trace, some recommend a special technique. According to many, massage for a runny nose and nasal congestion is a real panacea for curing the disease.

    1. Points located along the edges of the nose.
    2. Points located on the outer corners of the eyes.
    3. One point located between the eyebrows.
    4. Points above the ears located in the temporal region.

    It is important to remember that to achieve results, massage for a runny nose and nasal congestion must be done at least three times the first time, and subsequently at least 10 times over three hours. It is recommended to do massage several times a day.

    Lamp for runny nose

    There is another, very effective way. Blue lamp for a runny nose. If there was a desire to abandon this rarity, then it is worth reconsidering it. After all, it has been scientifically proven that it is the lamp for a runny nose that has such a beneficial effect that after just a couple of days you can forget about your illness.

    The positive properties of a blue lamp include:

    • Strengthening and dilating blood vessels, which leads to increased blood supply to the nasal cavity.
    • Helps restore mucous membranes and strengthens the immune system.
    • Relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and eliminates venous congestion.
    • Affects the rate of reproduction of viruses and eliminates pathogenic bacteria in the nose.
    • Has a positive effect on strengthening both nervous system, and immunity.

    The blue lamp for a runny nose is really effective. It is recommended to use it as follows: place it at a distance of centimeters so that it feels warm. For children, the warm-up time is no more than 5-15 minutes. For an adult, the session can be increased to 30 minutes.

    A lamp for a runny nose is not used in cases of fever, sinusitis, or cerebrovascular accident.

    A runny nose does not go away, what to treat?

    Select the most effective remedy The cost of a runny nose depends on its nature. A runny nose does not go away; the root cause of the disease will tell you how to treat it. Although traditional methods are very effective and heating with a lamp in parallel with massage will definitely have a positive effect, then drug treatment should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

    Cure for runny nose for adults

    If you have an unshakable desire to alleviate your condition right now, then you should think about rinsing your nose with saline solutions. Almost any medicine for the common cold is absorbed by adults much better if it is applied (sprays and drops) to a cleaned surface. Therefore, first of all, it is worth having in your first aid kit: “Miramistin”, “Marimer”, “Aquamaris” or even ordinary physical solution. These are practically universal and absolutely harmless products that can quickly and effectively get rid of viruses and bacteria actively reproducing in the nasal cavity.

    Many believe that the most effective medicine for a runny nose in adults, this is something that helps instantly. In this case, you should take vasoconstrictor drops. They are very effective, but taking medications this series It should be taken strictly according to the instructions, or better yet, according to a doctor’s prescription. Drugs in this series include: “Nazivin”, “Naftozolin”, “Sanorin”, “Rinonorm”, “Nazol” and others. They quickly relieve swelling in the nasal cavity and “provide” the opportunity to breathe freely for at least four hours.

    Antiviral drops will provide effective assistance at the first signs of a runny nose and cold. In this case, it is necessary to instill them into the nasal cavity on the first day. The following medicines for the common cold are prescribed for adults: “Nazoferon”, “Grippferon”.

    In case of allergies, antihistamine drops must be used. Although regular tablets can have the desired effect. It is important to choose them correctly in order to achieve recovery as quickly as possible.

    Folk remedy for runny nose for adults

    If you are quite tired of medications, but there is still no effective result, then folk remedies for the runny nose for adults can be much better than standard drops and sprays.

    The most common ones include:

    • Warming up your feet. Add 50 grams to warm water sea ​​salt and 20 grams of mustard. It's important to support constant temperature, so it’s better to add hot water. You should wrap yourself in a warm blanket on top. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes. After warming up, you should rub your feet well and put on natural wool socks.
    • Soda inhalations with essential oils can also help. Add a tablespoon of salt and 10 drops to boiled and slightly cooled water. essential oil eucalyptus. Covering yourself with a towel. It is worth breathing for at least 10 minutes. After that, without removing the towel from your head, cool slightly.
    • Inhalation of pine buds or young cones. For about 50 grams of kidneys, you should take a couple of liters of water. Boil for 15 minutes. Wrap yourself in a towel and breathe in the steam for at least 10 minutes. If steam inhalation initially seems scalding, then you should let it cool a little.

    Folk remedies for a runny nose for adults are quite simple and very effective. But, you should use them according to safety measures, and not overdo it and get burned.

    When an adult’s runny nose does not go away, many methods can be used. The main thing in the healing process is not to harm yourself in any way and to restore your usual cheerful mood as quickly as possible.

    What to do if a runny nose does not go away for a long time?

    Types of rhinitis

    This disease is divided into varieties, depending on the causes and accompanying symptoms.

    Considering the factor that provoked the runny nose, we can distinguish the following types:

    The first type of disease is caused by either viruses or bacteria. It occurs due to decreased immunity and contact with carriers of microorganisms.

    Vasomotor runny nose occurs due to poor circulation in the nose. It can often be triggered by excessive use of vasoconstrictor drops. Because of this, the mucous membrane is insufficiently supplied with blood and swells, making breathing difficult. Vasomotor rhinitis can also be caused by pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. First of all – VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

    The allergic form of runny nose is caused by an incorrect reaction of the human immune system to allergens. They can be mites that live in house dust, animal hair, plant pollen, substances included in products, chemical compounds contained in perfumes and household chemicals, etc.

    Traumatic runny nose appears due to mechanical, chemical or thermal damage to the nose.

    Types of chronic runny nose, depending on changes in the mucous membrane:

    With the first type, the nasal mucosa becomes thinner, and the nerve endings located in it die off. The disease is characterized by a deterioration in the sense of smell and the presence of green crusts in the nasal passages. Such rhinitis appears for one of the following reasons: lack of vitamin D or iron in the body, improper functioning endocrine system, infections. Since this form of the disease is chronic, sometimes such a runny nose does not go away for a month, or even longer.

    Hypertrophic rhinitis is characterized by the proliferation of nasal tissue. It can occur as a complication of a runny nose that occurs for any reason: due to infections, allergens, improper use of medications, hypothermia, etc.


    The reasons why a runny nose does not go away for a long time depend on the type of disease:

    • A runny nose of an infectious nature does not go away for a long time due to constant contact with the carrier of the disease. This can happen in kindergarten, where children with snot go. Also, treatment may take longer due to incorrectly selected medications or reduced immunity.
    • Vasomotor runny nose may not go away due to incorrect diagnosis. It is often mistaken for an allergic or infectious disease. In order to cure this disease, you need to completely stop instilling vasoconstrictors or treat the underlying disease (disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory or nervous system).
    • Allergic rhinitis prolongs due to incorrect identification of the substance that caused it. In this regard, the patient continues to come into contact with the allergen, and the runny nose does not go away for a week or even more.
    • Traumatic rhinitis can also drag on due to improper treatment, due to which it becomes chronic.

    Possible complications

    This disease develops in several stages.

    • The first stage is called reflex. It occurs almost immediately after contact with the factor that provoked the disease (allergens, viruses, bacteria, low temperature). This phase lasts only a few hours. At this stage, first there is a narrowing of the blood vessels, and then their expansion, which causes swelling of the nasal mucosa and redness. There is also a feeling of dryness and burning, and sneezing.
    • The second stage - catarrhal - lasts for the next few hours. At this stage of the development of the disease, the following symptoms appear: breathing through the nose is difficult, the sense of smell is reduced, and watery discharge comes out of the nose.
    • The third phase replaces the second on the 4-5th day of illness. At this stage, all previous symptoms persist, and nasal discharge becomes mucopurulent and greenish, yellow or brown in color. Usually this stage lasts several days, after which recovery occurs. However, if the immune system is weakened and is not able to fight the infection, or if the patient remains in contact with the allergen, then a runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks in an adult or even 3 weeks in a child.

    If the third stage of the disease is prolonged, a number of complications may occur:

    • Otitis. Appears due to the spread of infection through the auditory tubes. Characterized by such symptoms as pain in the ears, congestion, which causes hearing loss, body temperature above normal, fast fatiguability. This disease, in turn, can lead to other complications, so you need to start treatment immediately.
    • Sinusitis. Appears due to the spread of infection in maxillary sinuses. In this case, pain is felt in the nose area, sometimes in the temples, body temperature rises, and tearing appears, especially in sunny weather. As with a runny nose, there is purulent discharge from the nose.
    • Frontit. This disease is similar to the previous one, but is characterized by damage frontal sinuses, not nasal ones. It manifests itself with the following symptoms: pain in the bridge of the nose and slightly above, fatigue, body temperature above 37 degrees, congestion and nasal discharge.
    • Polyps. These are neoplasms growing from the tissues of the mucous membrane and paranasal sinuses. They arise due to persistent infectious runny nose. Signs of the disease are as follows: severe nasal congestion, headache. Often nasal polyps are combined with frontal sinusitis and sinusitis.

    Conservative treatment of an infectious disease

    Sometimes in case of chronic rhinitis it is also used surgical intervention. But in most cases, conservative treatment is sufficient.

    If a bacterial runny nose does not go away within 2 weeks, then the use of antibiotics is necessary. They come in two types: those that kill microorganisms, and those that block their further reproduction.

    Most often antibacterial drugs are available in the form of tablets and solutions for injection. However, there are also nasal drops containing antibiotics.

    What to do if you have a prolonged allergic rhinitis?

    If this type of rhinitis does not go away, re-diagnosis is necessary to accurately identify the cause of the disease. For this purpose allergy tests are done. Most often these are scarification tests.

    They are performed in this way: a drop of a specially prepared allergen solution is applied to the skin of the patient’s hand and small scratches are made in the same place not to the point of bleeding. The test is assessed after 1/3 hour. If nothing has changed during this time, the sample is considered negative. If there is itching, redness and swelling on the hand, then an allergy to the suspected substance is confirmed.

    Once the allergen has been identified, it is necessary to minimize the patient's contact with it.

    • if a person has an individual intolerance to mites that live in dust, it is necessary, if possible, to get rid of carpets, have pillows and blankets cleaned, and do wet cleaning once a week;
    • if you are allergic to wool, do not contact animals;
    • in case of intolerance to medications or household chemicals, it is necessary to accurately determine the substance that provokes the disease and carefully study the composition of the product before purchasing.

    If a runny nose of an allergic nature does not go away for a long time, nasal drops containing corticosteroids are prescribed. They are used only for adults and are contraindicated for children.

    List of corticosteroid drops:

    Even if an allergic runny nose does not last long, antihistamine tablets are used. Most often, third-generation drugs are prescribed, which have minimal side effects.

    List of antihistamines:

    Their use is also necessary for the prevention of runny nose. For example, if you are allergic to pollen, you need to take them during the entire flowering period of the plants.

    Folk remedies

    If your runny nose persists, homemade medications can also be used to relieve symptoms. However, it should be noted that they should in no case replace traditional treatment. Before using them, you should also consult your doctor, as some folk remedies may not be combined with other drugs and may have side effects.

    You can also drink a decoction of chamomile, raspberry or currant leaves to eliminate an infectious runny nose.

    Despite its apparent harmlessness, a runny nose that lasts for a long time can cause many complications. They lead to a deterioration in the quality of life due to impaired nasal breathing. Therefore, if a runny nose does not go away for a long time, you need to consult a specialist and undergo a course of treatment. It is also possible to use folk remedies as one of the components of complex therapy.

    The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    Runny nose- This inflammatory process, covering the nasal mucosa. This disease most often accompanies other ailments. This is usually a sign of another disease. Rhinitis- This is a common occurrence in acute respiratory infections. viral diseases, such as parainfluenza, flu, measles, adenovirus... With such combinations, doctors call a runny nose rhinitis, which translated from Greek means " nasal inflammation".
    Patients prefer to call this disease a runny nose. The first and second names, although they are very similar and are even synonymous with each other, are nevertheless somewhat different. So, the name " rhinitis" implies the mechanism of occurrence of the symptom, then the name " runny nose“speaks of signs of inflammation, for example, the leakage of mucus. In this material there will not be much distinction between these two terms.

    In a large number of cases, rhinitis is an allergic manifestation and develops when a provoking agent enters the tissue. So, there are two types of runny nose: allergic And infectious. You can read about why and how these two types of diseases occur in this article. It must be said that a minimum of information about how rhinitis develops will help people who do not have a medical education not only correctly approach the treatment of this disease, but also prevent its occurrence.

    What are the causes of rhinitis?

    For any reason that causes rhinitis, this is necessarily a sign of an inflammatory process on the nasal mucosa. Allergic and infectious types of diseases differ from each other not in the mechanism of occurrence, but only in the cause that caused them. There are some specific factors in the structure of the respiratory organs, which contribute to the development of this inflammatory process. Below are some of them:

    1. The nose is the most important place through which atmospheric air enters the body. For human health, it is necessary that breathing occurs through the nose. Eastern sages had a saying that inhaling air through the mouth is the same as eating food through the nose.

    2. The nasal mucosa is constantly “tested for strength” by a variety of aggressive factors, such as pathogenic microflora, icy air, aggressive substances, dust, pollen and other allergens. Thus, this is where all these agents are neutralized. Dust particles settle here, the air acquires the necessary temperature and humidity to enter the bronchi and lungs. Due to the abundance of small capillaries in the nasal mucosa, a runny nose develops. This mechanism will be discussed in more detail below.

    So, the nasal mucosa is constantly under the influence of quite aggressive factors. Therefore, a runny nose is quite common.

    Infectious runny nose

    Infectious runny nose ranks first among the signs of infectious diseases affecting the upper respiratory organs. In addition to rhinitis, such diseases necessarily present a number of symptoms characteristic of infectious diseases. Often, along with rhinitis, migraine-like pain is observed, body temperature increases, and lethargy develops. A runny nose in this case is caused by the effect of pathogens on the nasal mucosa. As was said, this organ is the “first line of the front” in protecting the body from a variety of damaging factors. In this regard, a huge number of microorganisms constantly enter here. The overwhelming majority of these microorganisms cannot cause disease, but there are some that can cause the development of the disease. In the case of an infectious runny nose, an increase in the number of harmful microbes on the nasal mucosa causes a disruption of its condition and the death of the upper cells. This phenomenon explains the symptoms of rhinitis: itching in the nose, the appearance of mucus from the nose, “clogged” nose, disturbance in the timbre of the voice and much more.

    It must be said that the appearance of mucus from the nose is a response of the blood vessels of the mucous membrane to the inflammatory process. The appearance of mucus is an attempt by the body to evacuate harmful agents from the nose. It must be said that according to appearance and the amount of mucus, one can judge which microorganisms triggered the process. In the case when the mucus is transparent and liquid, most often this is a viral origin of the disease, but if the mucus is yellowish, then the cause of the disease is bacteria.
    Speaking about the infectious form of the disease, it must be said that this is often the first sign of a cold. Therefore, at the first symptoms of rhinitis, treatment should be started immediately. Then the process can be stopped in time.

    allergic rhinitis

    The main signs allergic form diseases are the same discharge of mucus and “clogging” of the nose. The process of development of this disease is completely different from that of the infectious form. The trigger for the onset of allergic rhinitis is the interaction of the nasal cavity and any allergen. Together with microorganisms, a huge number of these substances enter the nose: this is the hair of cats and dogs, pollen, household dust, and much more. If the human body is prone to allergies, then such contacts provoke a violent reaction. In the place where there was contact, the inflammatory process begins. The appearance of an abundance of mucus in this case indicates the body’s “desire” to quickly wash out all allergens from the nasal cavity. Often this form of runny nose is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation, and breathing problems. It is these factors that indicate the allergic origin of the disease. Suspicion of this form of rhinitis is a reason to visit an allergist consultation.

    A related disease is neurovegetative rhinitis. Both varieties belong to the vasomotor group. In this disease, symptoms appear due to the instability of the nervous regulation of the state of the blood arteries.

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