The use of eutirox for decreased thyroid function. Symptoms of an overdose of eutirox. Is it possible to stop drinking eutirox?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

For the treatment of hypothyroidism (low function thyroid gland) and some other conditions, synthetic thyroxine (levothyroxine sodium) is used. There are many registered in Russia trade names this drug. Synthetic thyroxine is presented under the brands “L-Thyroxin-Farmak”, “L-Thyroxine”, “L-Thyroxine Berlin Hemi”, “Bagotiroks”, “Eutirox”, “L-Tyrok”, “Sodium levothyroxine”, “L-Thyroxine” -Acri”, “L-Thyroxine Hexal”, etc.

One of the most popular drugs on the market is Eutirox. Thousands of patients with hypothyroidism buy it in a dose of 25 mcg. Most often, doctors recommend 50-100 mcg tablets.

Eutirox is produced by a German pharmaceutical company. This drug is considered high quality, effective and safe. If the doctor prescribed the pills, then side effects are practically not observed.

Adverse events when taking Eutirox

"Eutirox" is a hormonal drug. Under no circumstances should it be taken without consultation with an endocrinologist or a doctor of another specialty. Even small doses (25–50 mcg) can cause complications.

Side effects from these tablets primarily include allergies.

Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug is observed with excessive reactivity of the immune system. Allergies are a manifestation of an imbalance of defenses in the body.

A reaction to the tablets may be related to levothyroxine sodium itself. Also, auxiliary components (gelatin, starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, etc.) can also cause allergies.

Individual sensitivity to the components of the tablet is a reason to change the drug to an analogue. If the patient is not suitable for any drug of levothyroxine sodium (allergy to active substance), then other medications are recommended. You can replace thyroxine with tablets containing synthetic triiodothyronine. Such a change in medications should only occur under the supervision of a physician.

Allergies can have different manifestations. Life-threatening conditions such as anaphylaxis develop extremely rarely. Skin itching, rashes, urticaria, etc. are more common. Allergies can also be in the form of conjunctivitis, runny nose, swelling of soft tissues, changes in hair structure, alopecia (hair loss).

Hair loss while taking Eutirox can be quite massive. This effect is especially troubling for women. How does hair loss allergic reaction begins a few days or weeks after the start of hormone replacement therapy. The dose of the drug does not matter much. Hair loss can be caused by 25 mcg, 50 mcg, or a large dose of levothyroxine.

Alopecia due to pills must be distinguished from baldness due to hypothyroidism. If a patient experiences hair loss while taking levothyroxine, and the TSH (thyrotropin) test is higher than normal, then the cause of the problem is a lack of the hormone. In this case, it is necessary to increase the dose of Eutirox by 25–50 mcg. After a few weeks, hair loss should stop.

Hair problems cannot always be explained by thyroid disease. It is known that loss can also occur with other hormonal imbalances, lack of vitamins, microelements, etc. Even acute or chronic stress can trigger hair loss. To determine the cause, it is advisable to visit a specialist - a trichologist. The doctor will assess the condition of the hair, prescribe diagnostics and treatment.

Overdose of "Eutirox"

Side effects from an overdose of Eutirox are associated with errors in the scheme. Excess of the drug may be accidentally recommended by the doctor. Sometimes patients increase the dose of tablets on their own.

Daily consumption of an extra 25–50 mcg of levothyroxine sodium provokes unpleasant effects. Patients experience rapid heartbeat. If you count the pulse at such a moment, the number of heartbeats will exceed 90 per minute. Many also have complaints of arrhythmia. An irregular pulse can be felt in the form of pauses or “slips”. With an undesirable effect on the heart muscle, ischemia occurs in some patients. Insufficient blood supply to the myocardium provokes chest pain, shortness of breath at rest and during physical activity.

The effect of an extra 25–50 mcg on the nervous system can lead to side effects: tremors in the fingers, sleep disturbances, panic attacks.

Damage to the vegetative nervous system with an overdose of thyroxine, it manifests itself as sweating and a feeling of heat in the body.

Every 25–50 mcg of Eutirox increases the body's need for calories. Excess micrograms of the drug can lead to gradual weight loss, even against the background of a good appetite.

Other side effects from overdose include:

  • suppression of the adrenal glands;
  • functional disorders of the kidneys.

These conditions have several degrees of severity. Sometimes dysfunction of the kidneys and adrenal glands threatens the patient’s life.

To avoid an overdose of Eutirox, therapy is started with small doses (25–50 mcg). The effect of treatment is assessed by the patient’s well-being and laboratory tests. If TSH level falls below the normal limit, the drug is considered an overdose. In this case, cancel Eutirox for several days. Then therapy is resumed at a lower dose (minus 12.5-25-50 mcg).

Adverse drug interactions

Side effects when using Eutirox may also be associated with interaction medicines. If a person takes several different pills at once, they can affect each other’s effectiveness.

"Eutirox" reduces the effect of:

  • insulin injections;
  • sugar-lowering tablets;
  • cardiac glycosides.

The hormone has the opposite effect on tricyclic antidepressants and indirect anticoagulants. Even in a small dose of 25-50 mcg, it significantly enhances the effect of these drugs.

Post date: 15.12.2011 19:11


Hello! I had an appointment with you about 2 weeks ago. I took Eutirox 125 mg for 1.5 years. Two weeks ago I took tests: you said T4 was normal, and TSH was 0.01. You canceled Eutirox completely and told me to come back for tests in early January. During these two weeks, the weight has increased by 5 kg??? maybe at least reduce the dosage? What do you think?

Post date: 15.12.2011 21:42

Stavina V.M.

Good evening. In such a short period of time of stopping eutirox (subject to your hormone levels), weight cannot increase so dramatically. Perhaps something has changed in your diet? You need to look at the level of hormones against a clear background, and if you take eutirox, even in a reduced dose, this is the work of the pills. There is an option - take hormones early.

Post date: 16.12.2011 17:16


Thank you very much. And please tell me more about my 8-year-old son. Tests were taken: T4W - 14.1, TSH - 0.702. Tell me, is this normal or should I come to an appointment?

Post date: 16.12.2011 20:14

Post date: 18.09.2012 14:43


Is it possible to cancel Eutirox after 5 years of taking it? TSH normal Ultrasound normal no changes 5 years

Post date: 15.06.2013 10:44


Good afternoon Throughout the pregnancy I took eutirox 50 mcg, while taking the tablets my TSH was normal. After giving birth, a month later I took a test for TSH - 0.07. Can I suddenly stop taking eutirox, or should I gradually reduce the dose? How will this affect the child? breastfeeding? thank you in advance!

Post date: 23.10.2014 13:32


Hello. I am 7 months pregnant. I have antibodies to TPO 522. The endocrinologist prescribed eutyrox50 in the following dosage: 4 days-1/4, 4 days-1/2, 4 days-a whole tablet. after taking it, nausea lasted the whole day. Pink discharge appeared. Is this related to taking eutirox? and how does taking this hormone generally affect the child? Will I gain weight with this dosage? Thanks in advance

Post date: 08.05.2015 21:32


an 11-year-old child has antibodies to TPO 290.5 TSH 0.38
FT4 20.2
We take Eutirox 56.25 mcg - could this be a large dosage?

Post date: 31.12.2015 08:41


Hello. My mother has been taking Eutirox for about two years. Now her pressure surges have sharply worsened and problems with her pancreas have appeared. Her hormones are normal (diagnosed with multinodular goiter). She wants to stop taking this drug. Tell me how best to do this

Post date: 31.12.2015 10:26


Hello. My mother has been taking Eutirox for about two years. Now her pressure surges have sharply worsened and problems with her pancreas have appeared. Her hormones are normal (diagnosed with multinodular goiter). She wants to stop taking this drug. Tell me how best to do this?

Post date: 13.05.2016 11:47


Hello, Diagnosis of mixed goiter, I took Eutirox 25 mg for six months, the weight increased critically, I gained 8 kg, pressure surges appeared, pulse jumped to 150 beats, arrhythmia, joint pain: Now I have not been taking Eutirox for two weeks, is it possible to abruptly stop the drug?

Post date: 23.07.2016 14:55


Hello. I have a question. My sister is taking Eutyrox 25 mcg. already 1 month old, she is 12 years old..ultrasound, signs of anatomy..length 48mm, thickness 17mm.width 14mm.volume 5.5cm3.left length 44mm.thickness 13mm.width 13mm.volume 3.6cm3.isthmus volume 9.1cm3. ttg5.07.

Post date: 23.07.2016 14:58


Is it possible to stop taking these pills?

Post date: 13.12.2016 19:38

Vera Ivanovna

TSH-2.9. Hypothyroidism. Took Alba. If you get nervous, even a little bit, immediately some kind of lump puts pressure on the thyroid gland. Without a doctor’s prescription, I started taking eutirox from 25 to 100 units. A year later, my heart began to thump. The TSH indicator was 0.004. I reduced the dose to 12. The heart sometimes still reminds itself of itself in the same way, but mostly it’s better. How to completely stop taking eutirox if 12 units. Have I been drinking for 30 days?

Post date: 02.02.2017 05:59


Hello. My husband was prescribed Eutirox 75. He has been taking pills for 5 months. At the time of appointment the level was 8.75. This month we took tests and it showed 22.35. Why did it happen? Is it possible to temporarily stop taking Eutyrox?

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The drug Eutirox

Euthyrox– a synthetic hormonal drug similar to the thyroid hormone thyroxine. The active ingredient of the drug is levothyroxine sodium. In the human body, Eutirox affects metabolism, growth and development of tissues. It is used to compensate for hormonal deficiency of the thyroid gland.

Small doses of Eutirox accelerate the synthesis of fats and proteins. Medium doses of the drug enhance the development and growth of tissues and their need for oxygen; increase metabolism (fats, proteins and carbohydrates); stimulate the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Large doses of Eutirox inhibit the functioning of the endocrine glands (pituitary gland and hypothalamus).

The therapeutic effect occurs after 7-12 days of taking the medicine. If the patient has a decreased level of thyroid hormones, the effect of the drug occurs faster (after 3-5 days of treatment). When treating diffuse goiter, the therapeutic effect is observed only after a 3-5 month course.

Eutirox's metabolic products are excreted from the body with bile through the intestines and urine. After stopping treatment, the drug has an effect for up to 2 weeks.

Release forms

Eutyrox is available in tablets containing 25, 50, 75,100, 125 and 150 mcg of levothyroxine sodium (the main active ingredient).

The tablets are packaged in 25 pieces in a blister, 50 and 100 tablets in a package.

Instructions for use of Eutirox

Indications for use

  • Hypothyroidism (a condition that develops with a deficiency of thyroid hormones) primary or secondary; the drug is prescribed for replacement purposes.
  • Euthyroid goiter (enlarged thyroid gland with a lack of thyroid hormones); the drug is used to compensate for hormone deficiency.
  • Diffuse toxic goiter (Eutirox is used to obtain a euthyroid state, i.e. a state in which there is no dysfunction of the thyroid gland).
  • Replacement therapy after surgical intervention on the thyroid gland (including due to cancer her).
  • Treatment with thyreostatic drugs (blocking thyroid function).
  • Removal of the thyroid gland, partial or complete (prescribed to prevent relapse of the disease).
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis ( chronic illness caused by the action on thyroid gland antibodies produced in the patient’s body); the drug is used as part of complex therapy.
  • Graves' disease (or toxic goiter), mixed goiter; Eutirox is used in complex treatment.
  • Cretinism (congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones, a disease with delayed mental and physical development); the drug is prescribed for replacement purposes.
  • Thyroid suppression test (Eutirox is used as a diagnostic tool).


  • Untreated pituitary dysfunction;
  • untreated adrenal hormone deficiency;
  • untreated thyrotoxicosis (excessive production of thyroid hormones);
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • acute myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • acute pancarditis (inflammation of all the membranes of the heart);
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

Eutirox should be used with caution when coronary disease heart (atherosclerosis, previous myocardial infarction, angina), cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of nutrients).

Caution should also be exercised during prolonged periods of severe hypothyroidism, in the absence of proper treatment in patients with adrenal insufficiency, when treated with thyreostatics (drugs that suppress the function of the thyroid gland). In all such cases, careful dose adjustment is required.

Side effects

If you are hypersensitive to one or more components of the drug, allergic reactions may occur.

Others side effects Eutirox does not cause pain if the dose is selected correctly.

If the dosage is incorrect (underestimated), manifestations of hypothyroidism may occur: decreased ability to work, slowness, facial puffiness and edema, increased body weight, constipation, decreased memory, drowsiness.

If the dosage is too high, symptoms of thyrotoxicosis appear: heart pain, arrhythmia, palpitations, anxiety, sleep disturbance, body tremors, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, increased sweating, convulsions, menstrual irregularities.

Eutirox dosage
The daily dose of Eutirox is selected strictly individually depending on the purpose of the prescription, the nature of the disease, concomitant pathology, and the age of the patient.

Patients with euthyroid goiter are prescribed therapeutic daily dose from 75 to 200 mcg; The prophylactic dose after surgery is also 75-200 mcg per day.

However, the dose of Eutirox should be reviewed by the doctor and increased. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the level of globulin (one of the fractions of blood plasma proteins) that binds thyroxine increases.

The amount of the drug that passes into breast milk is insignificant (even when taking high doses of the drug); it cannot cause disturbances in the baby’s body.

Eutirox for hypothyroidism

The initial daily dose of Eutirox for hypothyroidism for women under 55 years of age is 75-100 mcg, and for men the same age category– 100-150 mcg. The dose is selected at the rate of 1.6-1.8 mcg/kg body weight.

For patients over 55 years of age or with concomitant cardiovascular pathology, the initial daily dose is 12.5-25 mcg (based on 0.9 mcg/kg body weight).

In case of significant obesity, the dose is calculated based on the “ideal weight” - i.e. normal weight for given height.

The initial dose is gradually increased by 12.5-25 mcg/day at intervals of 2 months until normal level thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood. In the event of negative dynamics in cardiovascular disease, correction of the treatment of cardiac pathology is necessary.

For severe, long-term hypothyroidism, the initial daily dose is 12.5 mcg. The dose should be increased, taking into account the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood, by 12.5 mcg at intervals of 2 months.

Eutirox for hypothyroidism is usually taken throughout life.

Eutirox after removal of the thyroid gland

After surgical treatment for euthyroid goiter, Euthyrox is usually prescribed in a daily dosage of 75 to 200 mcg to prevent relapse of the disease.

In case of removal of part of the thyroid gland or its complete removal, the daily dose is usually 150-300 mcg. In such cases replacement therapy Patients take Eutirox for the rest of their lives.

Eutirox for weight loss

Eutirox in small doses accelerates protein synthesis, in medium doses it stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This effect of the drug on metabolism leads to a decrease in body weight. But not a single instruction indicates that Eutirox is prescribed for weight loss.

Independent use of Eutirox for the purpose of losing weight can lead to serious consequences. Taking a hormonal drug, not supervised by a doctor, can lead to a malfunction of other endocrine glands, not just the thyroid gland.

A state of long-term hypothyroidism leads to increased metabolism and increased appetite. In this case, instead of the expected weight loss, you can increase your body weight. If the dosage is incorrect, a number of problems may occur adverse reactions from the nervous system, skeletal and cardiovascular systems.

Eutirox, like any other hormonal drug, must be used according to strict indications and under the supervision of a physician. It is not recommended to take it for the purpose of losing weight!

Drug interactions with Eutirox

  • Eutirox may enhance the effect of indirect anticoagulants (drugs that reduce blood clotting), so the dose of the anticoagulant should be adjusted by the doctor.
  • The drug may also enhance the effects of some antidepressants, so doctors should be told which ones medicines you are constantly taking.
  • Eutirox may reduce the effectiveness of insulin and tablets of glucose-lowering drugs.
  • Cardiac glycosides, when used simultaneously with Eutirox, reduce their effectiveness.
  • Cholestipol, Cholestyramine, aluminum hydroxide inhibit the absorption of Eutirox in the intestine, thereby reducing the concentration of the drug in the blood plasma. For this reason, Eutirox should be taken 4-5 hours before the above medications.
  • The level of levothyroxine not bound to blood proteins increases with the simultaneous administration of high doses of Dicumarol, Clofibrate, Phenytoin, Furosemide, and salicylates.
  • Preparations containing estrogens (female sex hormones) may increase the level of thyroxine-binding globulin, so it may be necessary to increase the dose of Eutirox when used simultaneously.
  • Increasing the dose of the drug may become necessary when used simultaneously with Rifampicin, Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, because These drugs increase the rate at which levothyroxine is eliminated from the body.
  • Anabolic hormones, Tamoxifen and Asparaginase can affect the activity of levothyroxine.
  • Simultaneous treatment with Eutirox and Somatotropin can lead to accelerated closure of the epiphyseal growth zone in the bones.

Eutirox's analogs

Synonyms of Eutirox: Levothyroxine sodium, L-thyroxine.
Structural analogues (based on active substance): Bagotirox, L-Tirok, Tiro-4, Novotiral, Tireotom.
Drugs with similar effects: Thyroidin, Triiodothyronine hydrochloride.

Eutiroks or Thyroxine?

Despite the fact that both Eutirox and Thyroxine have the same active ingredient - levothyroxine, each of these drugs still has its own characteristics. The auxiliary substances included in their composition are different.

There is also a difference in the action of the drugs: Thyroxine has a therapeutic effect after 3-5 days, and Eutirox – after 1-2 weeks, but a cure for goiter or a decrease in its manifestations occurs after a 3-6-month course of treatment with both Thyroxine and Eutirox.

Eutirox, when used correctly, has no adverse reactions. Thyroxine, in rare cases, can lead to such adverse reactions as increased appetite and weight gain; in rare cases - allergic dermatitis; kidney dysfunction; hair loss . Undesirable effects can occur even with minor changes in the dosage of Thyroxine.

In a child with seizures or epilepsy, the use of Thyroxine may cause a worsening of the condition. No such deterioration was observed during treatment with Eutirox.

The doctor, depending on the patient’s individual health indicators, selects both the drug and the dose. Under no circumstances should you change the drug or the prescribed dose yourself, because Hormonal medications have a powerful effect on the body and its hormonal levels.

Modern market medical supplies wide and varied. Consumers are offered medications of synthetic origin, herbal and hormonal products. One of the most frequently prescribed is the hormonal drug Eutirox.

Component composition and principle of operation

This drug can be described as a thyroid hormone preparation, which is a left-handed isomer of thyroxine. It was one of the first to be approved for use in European countries. Currently prescribed to patients in more than 70 countries around the world. The drug "Eutirox" stimulates the growth of muscle mass and tissue, accelerates metabolism. In small dosages, it makes protein synthesis in the body more effective and enhances calcification processes in bone tissue. Medium doses of the drug help the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body work more actively, metabolic processes (fat, carbohydrate, protein) are accelerated. Body tissues require more oxygen. High doses of the drug inhibit the formation of a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which, in turn, regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Who is indicated for taking the drug?

The drug "Eutirox", the use of which must be supervised by a doctor, is prescribed in patients with diseases such as euthyroid goiter, a persistent lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland in the body (hypothyroidism). In children, the extreme form of deficiency is cretinism. Next, the drug should be taken by those who have undergone surgery for oncological problems of the thyroid gland or have toxic goiter in a diffuse form. For preventive purposes (prevention of new manifestations), the drug "Eutirox" is prescribed to people who have undergone surgery on the thyroid gland. It is used as a diagnostic tool when performing a thyroid suppression test.


A strong indication to stop taking the drug is intolerance to its components. People suffering from thyrotoxicosis should not take the drug "Eutirox" (side effects will not be long in coming) if therapy with thyreostatics was insufficient. The presence of myocarditis and myocardial infarction is also a reason to refuse to take Eutirox. In addition, the drug is not prescribed to people suffering from pancarditis in acute form with untreated forms of pituitary insufficiency and adrenal insufficiency.

Patients should take the drug carefully and under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist. diabetes mellitus. Patients with dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system, suffering from atherosclerosis and severe forms of hypothyroidism should also be attentive to their condition. The doctor should also be careful when prescribing the drug to patients suffering from malabsorption syndrome.

Frequency of administration, dosage

Full information on how to take Eutirox is provided in the instructions accompanying the drug. In general, take the medicine once in the morning, the entire dose at once, at least 30 minutes before meals, and wash it down with water. The required daily dose depends on the disease and is selected by the attending physician. It is worth noting that in case of hypothyroidism, the drug “Eutirox” is indicated for lifelong use.

When treating goiter during the active period and after surgery, the prescribed dose of the drug ranges from 75 to 200 mcg. For thyrotoxicosis, the minimum volume is 50 mcg and can be increased to 100. When treating thyroid cancer, the dose of 50 mcg can be increased to 300. For hypothyroidism, the volume is calculated based on the patient’s age and depends on his weight. That is, a patient under the age of 55 can be prescribed a dose of up to 1.8 mcg per kilogram of weight. If the patient is over 55 years of age, the volume should not exceed 0.9 mcg per kg of weight.

When performing a thyroid suppression test, the dose depends on the period of time remaining before the procedure. 3-4 weeks before the test it is 75 mcg; for 2 - 100-150 mcg, for a week - 100-200 mcg. For children with congenital hypothyroidism, the dosage depends on age. Children under 6 months are prescribed 25-50 mcg, from 6 months to 1 year - 50-75 mcg, from one year to 5 years - 75-100 mcg, from 6 to 12 years - 100-150 mcg. For children over 12 years of age, the volume is 100-200 mcg.

When taking the hormonal drug Eutirox, side effects are quite possible, so patients should be attentive to their condition and contact their doctor at the first symptoms.

Exceeding the permissible dose, compatibility

According to reviews from patients and medical specialists, an overdose of Eutirox is manifested by a group of symptoms characteristic of thyrotoxicosis. The most striking manifestations of exceeding the dose include tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances, and heart pain. On the part of the nervous system, tremor (hands shake), insomnia, restlessness, and increased sweating can be identified. Lack of normal appetite and, as a result, weight loss and diarrhea can also be caused by the drug "Eutirox". Overdose is treated by reducing the dose. Beta-blockers may be prescribed, or the use of hormones may be suspended for several days.

If the patient took extremely high doses of Eutirox, the doctor may prescribe plasmapheresis to relieve symptoms of overdose. In medical practice, there have been cases of cardiac arrest in patients who took maximum doses for several years. In some patients, convulsions occurred if the tolerance threshold for the drug Eutirox was exceeded. Reviews about the drug are quite mixed. But if symptoms associated with overdose occur, treatment should be resumed very carefully. The dose should be reduced relative to the one at which an overdose in one or another of its manifestations was diagnosed.

The drug "Eutirox" (instructions, patient reviews - direct proof of this) is not recommended to be combined with other medications without the appropriate prescription from the attending physician, because the medications may be incompatible.


Manifestation of incompatibility

Indirect anticoagulants

The drug "Eutirox" can significantly enhance their effect

Tricyclic antidepressants

The effects of antidepressants may be significantly enhanced

Insulin and other drugs with similar effects

To achieve the desired effect, you need to increase the dose

Cardiac glycosides

The effectiveness of drugs weakens

Kelestyramine, colestipol, aluminum hydroxide

The concentration of levothyroxine in the blood plasma will be lower than necessary

Tamoxifen, anabolic steroids, asparanginase

Interaction at the level of connection with proteins is possible.

Phenytoin, salicylates, dicumarol, furosemide, clofibrate

The content of free levothyroxine, not bound to plasma proteins, increases

Some patients require increased levothyroxine levels


The epiphyseal zones close faster than usual, stimulating growth

Carbamazeline, rifapmicin

The clearance of levothyroxine becomes higher

From all of the above, you can get an idea of ​​how an overdose of Eutirox manifests itself. Symptoms are usually pronounced, and measures must be taken immediately. And the right to combine the use of a hormonal drug with any other drug belongs only to the doctor.

For expectant mothers

For many women, the desire to become a mother is so strong that the doctor’s verdict that they cannot give birth due to the presence of some disease does not serve as a sufficient reason not to get pregnant. For a pregnant woman, the “success of the entire enterprise,” so to speak, may depend on taking medications prescribed by a doctor. When a future mother is diagnosed with a lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, the gynecologist prescribes the drug "Eutirox". During pregnancy, the drug must be taken continuously. It works instead of the thyroid gland, ensuring the normal functioning of the whole body. Canceling hormonal therapy for a woman and her unborn child is fraught with serious problems. Complications of intrauterine development, including mental retardation, are possible. Before synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones were developed, doctors recommended terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons.

Sometimes it happens that the expectant mother learns that the body does not have enough hormones produced by the thyroid gland only during the mandatory examination that all pregnant women undergo. In any case, the drug "Eutirox", the side effects of which can be quite painful, is vitally important to take. However, the intake should be under the supervision of the attending physicians - a gynecologist and an endocrinologist, because the dosage during the entire pregnancy may be changed depending on the results of TSH and blood tests. And both a lack of the hormone and its excess can have a bad effect on the child’s condition.

If a woman knew about the lack of hormones in the body even before pregnancy and took the drug "Eutirox", then when it occurs, the dose of the drug should be increased. After the baby is born and during the lactation period, the mother should continue taking the medication, but carefully and under the supervision of a doctor.

Shall we lose weight?

Those wishing to use the drug "Eutirox" for weight loss should first of all remember that this is a drug for thyroid hormones, and not a means for weight loss. Under no circumstances should you prescribe it to yourself! Small doses of the drug stimulate fat and protein metabolism, and a medium dosage has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The product is indicated for use for sufficient wide range diseases, but nowhere does it say that it should be used for weight loss. This is a hormonal drug, and taking it without proper medical supervision can have the exact opposite effect - weight will increase.

In any case, those who take the drug “Eutirox” for weight loss should know that weight can decrease (that is, “may”, and not necessarily decrease) only for the reason that it speeds up metabolism, which is the reason for weight loss . Under no circumstances should you exceed the recommended dose. Such actions can have a very negative impact on health, disrupting the stable functioning of the heart, nervous system, and thyroid gland.

Medical experts do not recommend taking the drug "Eutirox" solely for the sake of losing weight. An inaccurate dosage can cause a lot of side and negative effects. If symptoms do appear, you should stop taking the drug for weight loss.

Side effects

In addition to the undoubted benefits in the treatment of diseases associated with insufficient production of thyroid hormones, the drug "Eutirox" has side effects. Its use can cause tachycardia (increased heartbeat), disrupt the rhythm of the heart and cause chest pain. The central nervous system may react to the drug with a disturbance in the general emotional background and insomnia. Manifestations such as significant weight loss, diarrhea, alopecia, impaired adrenal function in adults and impaired kidney function in children are quite possible.

Patients' opinions about the drug

The opinions of patients who have been taking Eutirox for quite a long time are very ambiguous. Separate group people say that the drug brought them back to life. All symptoms accompanying a lack of thyroid hormones have gone away, and patients feel absolutely healthy. However, there is a considerable percentage of those who cannot refuse to take the drug, and simply do not have the strength to take it due to the large number of side effects.

Some patients complain of an increased feeling of anxiety, manifested in tremor, bad sleep, there is a feeling of fear, depression. Many people complain about constant feeling cold, low temperature bodies. Some patients say that taking the drug increases dry cough, the skin becomes dry and cracks. However, if there are clear manifestations of hypothyroidism, choose the lesser of two evils - take the remedy.

For many expectant mothers, the leading doctor prescribes Eutirox during pregnancy. From some people the reviews are very positive, the condition is improving significantly. However, there are also those whose stomach reacts to taking the drug (constipation, constant nausea, lack of appetite), and herpes rashes appear.

The use of hormonal drugs is prescribed when the balance of hormones in the body is disturbed. This also applies to Euthyrox. When problems arise in the production of thyroid hormones, this medicine is prescribed. Some people have to take it for years. And so that an imbalance does not arise, it is important correct dosage. What can an overdose of Eutirox lead to? And why do insufficient doses of the drug have consequences? We'll talk about this below.

What is Eutirox and when is it prescribed?

The drug Eutirox is available in the form of white tablets, which basically contain sodium levothyroxine. As auxiliary components, the drug includes corn starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate. Eutirox is a thyroid medicine. Thyroid hormonal medications are used to maintain the level of iodine-containing hormones in the body, which the thyroid gland is responsible for producing. That is, these tablets are prescribed for thyroid disease.

Eutirox can be used in different doses. When used in small quantities, it has the following effects on the body:

  • promotes cell renewal and formation,
  • helps tissue and muscle structures renew themselves faster.

When the dosage is slightly higher than small, Eutirox has the following effect:

  • makes tissues more receptive to oxygen when the latter becomes more necessary for them,
  • helps development and influences active growth,
  • helps to ensure that the process of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates occurs more actively,
  • stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
  • contributes to normal functions of the central nervous system.

In large quantities, Eutirox has the following effects:

  • affects the hormones of the hypothalamus, inhibiting their production,
  • slows down the production of pituitary hormones.

After you start taking the pills, their effect appears within a week and a half. Absorption of the drug occurs in small intestine. It is further metabolized in the liver, muscles and brain. A small part of the medicine remains unused and leaves the body through the work of the kidneys and along with bile.

The dosage prescribed by the doctor depends on the type of disease and the patient’s condition. Eutirox is usually prescribed in the presence of certain diseases:

  • lack of thyroid hormones in the body, which continues for a long time,
  • euthyroid goiter of a benign nature,
  • relapses occurring with goiter,
  • as a replacement treatment if the thyroid gland had to be removed,
  • thyroid oncology,
  • diffuse toxic goiter,
  • when testing the functionality of the thyroid gland.

The help from the drug is quite effective. For example, when treating diffuse goiter, the medicine can help reduce it or completely disappear after three to six months of using the medicine. It prevents an increase in the size of the thyroid gland, and sometimes helps them shrink.

When can Eutirox have a negative effect?

Important! The effect of Eutirox on the body is very serious, so it should not be taken without a medical prescription.

There are certain ailments when Eutirox should not be taken. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to levothyroxine sodium or other components of the tablets,
  • untreated increase in thyroid hormones in the body,
  • untreated pituitary insufficiency,
  • adrenal insufficiency,
  • acute myocardium,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • acute inflammation of all cardiac layers.

Contraindications to the use of Eutirox indicate that this drug can aggravate these diseases. Then his negative influence will exceed the help from him. It should be taken very carefully, under medical supervision, if the following health problems arise:

  • angina pectoris
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • high blood pressure,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • diabetes,
  • diabetes insipidus,
  • heart rhythm disturbance,
  • a long period of lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland,
  • disturbances in the absorption functions of the intestine.

Having such contraindications, treatment with Eutirox is carried out with great caution. Also, taking the drug with other medications must be approached responsibly. After all, Eutirox interacts with many of them and the effect on the body in this case can have an unpredictable result. Therefore, when prescribing these tablets, inform your doctor about the medications you are taking along the way.

Insufficient doses and overdose of Eutirox

Of all the adverse reactions, Eutirox can lead to allergic manifestations, which are recognizable by skin itching and rashes. This occurs if the patient has a hypersensitivity to the contents of the product. Other side effects may be affected by an incorrectly selected dose. In the case of Eutirox, negative manifestations can appear not only when the dose is exceeded, but also when the amount of the drug used is too small. Its ineffectiveness for the patient has its own symptoms:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation in women,
  • lethargy,
  • headache,
  • drowsiness,
  • apathy,
  • muscle pain,
  • dry skin,
  • puffiness of the skin,
  • constipation,
  • weight gain.

This symptomatology indicates that the body does not have enough hormones produced by the thyroid gland for a long period of time. But an overdose of Eutirox is characterized by thyrotoxicosis, that is, increased production of these same hormones. This condition is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain in women during the menstrual cycle,
  • lack of appetite,
  • vomit,
  • frequent stools,
  • headache,
  • chest pain,
  • increased heart rate,
  • heartbeat disturbance,
  • trembling in the body,
  • fever,
  • leg cramps,
  • irritability,
  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • intense sweating,
  • dyspnea,
  • difficulty falling asleep,
  • weight loss.

Besides, high level thyroid hormones in the body leads to the fact that from the nervous system a person becomes hyperactive, his sleep pattern changes. Heart failure and changes in indicators blood pressure occur when an overdose has affected cardiovascular system. Movement activity may also be impaired and signs of osteoporosis may worsen. Excess thyroid hormones lead to problems with the reproductive system, including infertility.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, contact your doctor so that he can adjust the dosage or timing of taking the drug. In case of minor disruptions in the hormonal system, dose adjustment is quite capable of solving the problem. But when thyroid hormones greatly exceed the norm, then more serious measures are needed. The doctor may prescribe treatment that will eliminate symptomatic manifestations overdose. This is especially true for problems with the heart or blood pressure.

The doctor may also stop the drug for a while to normalize the patient’s condition. After all, if complete withdrawal of Eutirox is prescribed, the consequences may be such that the disease returns to its previous level. Very often this drug is prescribed for life. Therefore, it can only be canceled for a short period of time. Abrupt withdrawal of Eutirox can have consequences in the form of headache, weakness, drowsiness, apathy, and depression.


Hormonal imbalances in the body often lead to doctors prescribing the use of hormones in the form of medications. Especially when it comes to thyroid problems. After all, this organ is responsible for the production of vital important substances. Therefore, when thyroid diseases are quite serious, hormone therapy may be assigned for life.

One of these drugs responsible for the production of thyroid hormones is Eutirox, which is made from levothyroxine sodium. Its effectiveness leads to normalization of the patient's condition. But if the dose was chosen incorrectly, then negative manifestations are possible. This applies not only to overdose, but also to ineffective doses. After all, hormonal balance is a delicate matter. Therefore, always undergo treatment under medical supervision so that the doctor has the opportunity to adjust the use of Eutirox.

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