Anti-inflammatory eye drugs. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial eye drops for children

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

A significant part of the visits to the ophthalmologist are inflammatory diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, uveitis, etc. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory eye drops are used for treatment.

Causes of inflammation and irritation of the eyes and eyelids

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eye and adnexa are widespread. Such diseases occur for the following reasons:

  • Damage by bacteria, fungi or viruses of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid, conjunctiva (conjunctivitis), cornea, choroid.
  • Allergic diseases (mainly hay fever) - often cause inflammation of the conjunctiva, and sometimes the cornea.
  • Injuries, even minor ones, can cause inflammation of any anatomical structure. eyeball.
  • Condition after surgery for chalazion, pterygium, glaucoma, scleroplasty, strabismus, cataracts, etc.


The drugs in this group include those whose active substance is dexamethasone. It is used by ophthalmologists to treat various diseases, prevention of their occurrence in the postoperative period.

  • Eye drops Dexamethasone 0.1% is a very cheap and effective anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and desensitizing agent. The substance penetrates into the nucleus and mitochondria of the cell, disrupts the synthesis of arachidonic acid (the main initiator of pain), suppresses the release of leukotrienes and prostaglandins - inflammation provocateurs.

Analogues - these are eye drops Maxidex (Alcon, Belgium) and Oftan Dexamethasone (Santen, Finland) do not differ from the domestic drug, except for a higher cost.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Another class, with a different mechanism of action, are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the eyes (NSAIDs). Their main active ingredients are the well-known diclofenac and indomethacin in the form of solutions and modern, more effective nepafenac and bromfenac.

  • Diclo-F (diclofenac 0.1%, Sentiss, India);
  • Indocollier (indomethacin 0.1%, Sweden);
  • Nevanak (nepafenac 0.1%, Alcon, Belgium);
  • Broxinac (bromfenac 0.09%, Sentiss, India) is a modern and highly effective NSAID that needs to be used only once a day, which has no analogues yet, but is quite expensive.

Combined anti-inflammatory drops

It is always much more convenient and more profitable to use ready-made combined anti-inflammatory eye drops than to use 2 or 3 different drugs. These eye drops include:

  • Tobradex and Tobrazon - the active substances of these drops are dexamethasone and tobramycin.
  • Kombinil - eye drops, which include ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone.
  • Dex-Gentamicin is the only representative of the group, produced in the form of an ointment for the eyes. The active substances are the antibiotic gentamicin and the glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone.
  • Sofradex is a combination drug, which includes two antibacterial substances (gramicidin and framycetin), as well as dexamethasone.

Instructions for use


In ophthalmology, Dexamethasone 0.1% is used for the following diseases of the eye and adnexa:

  • Allergic and traumatic conjunctivitis. In case of allergic reactions, anti-allergic eye drops are additionally prescribed - Kromm-Allerg, Vizin Allergy, Allergodil. In the acute period of an allergic reaction, dexamethasone is instilled into the conjunctival sac every 2 hours to achieve a stable membrane-stabilizing effect. In between applications, instillations are made up to 4-6 times a day of one of the anti-allergic drugs. They have an antihistamine effect - reduce swelling, itching, redness.
  • Keratitis, combined with antibacterial eye remedy(Tobrex, L-Optic, Signicef).
  • Iridocyclitis, in combination with an antibacterial or antiviral (Ophthalmoferon or Poludan) drug. Treatment of iridocyclitis should be carried out in a hospital under constant medical supervision, as the disease can lead to irreversible visual impairment.
  • Neuritis optic nerve- in this case, in addition to instillations, it is advisable to carry out retrobulbar injections of dexamethasone, as well as to inject it intramuscularly.
  • Inflammatory processes after corneal injuries (removed foreign bodies, erosion). Antibacterial drugs (albucid or chloramphenicol) are also prescribed, as well as Taufon, which promotes rapid regeneration of the corneal epithelium.
  • Prevention of postoperative conjunctivitis, tenonitis, keratitis. In the first postoperative week, a combined preparation (Combinil) is prescribed. Further, in a decreasing pattern, dexamethasone is used in combination with NSAIDs (Nevanak, Broksinak) for a month.

Diclo-F and Indocollier

Anti-inflammatory solution of diclofenac 0.1% and indomethacin 0.1% is used in ophthalmology in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Prevention and treatment inflammatory phenomena after operations and injuries and to prevent the development of macular edema after cataract phacoemulsification;
  • Treatment of non-infectious (traumatic, allergic, chronic) conjunctivitis.

Diclo-F are inexpensive and effective drops that are instilled 4 times a day for 1 month after surgery, or two weeks with.

Nevanak and Broksinak

These anti-inflammatory drugs are the newest and most effective anti-inflammatory drugs used in ophthalmology. These drops are used only 1-2 times a day, due to which a pronounced anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect is achieved and after the first application they disappear: redness of the eyes, itching and swelling. Medicines Nevanak and Broksinak are used for the same purposes as diclofenac, but with greater efficiency. They give a cooling and analgesic effect. Duration of data usage eye drops 2 to 6 weeks, depending on indications.

Combined preparations Tobradex and Kombinil

These anti-inflammatory eye drops are a substitute due to the similar action and indications for use:

  • spicy and subacute conjunctivitis- as a complex (with sodium sulfacyl, tobrex, etc.) or monotherapy.
  • Keratitis - under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Dexamethasone may cause deterioration clinical picture with herpetic keratitis, so this drug is used with caution.
  • Blepharitis, including chronic.
  • Prevention of infectious complications after injuries of the eye and surgical interventions.

Combined and Tobradex are instilled into the conjunctival sac 4 times a day for 10-60 days. The duration of therapy depends on the pathology, and is determined by the attending physician individually.

Features of drugs


The drug for the eyes is contraindicated in the following eye diseases:

  • Acute viral (including herpetic) or fungal conjunctivitis;
  • Damage to the cornea, until the moment of complete epithelialization.

The instructions for use indicate that the remedy cannot be used for glaucoma, but in reality, ophthalmologists often use it after surgical interventions. Its use should be carried out under the supervision of IOP from the attending physician.

Side effects, when local use A little:

  • The development of blepharitis, with increased sensitivity to the preservative benzalkonium chloride;
  • Increased intraocular pressure when used for more than 3 weeks;
  • Short-term blurred vision, redness of the conjunctiva;
  • The spread of a bacterial or viral infection, in the absence of antibacterial or antiviral drugs.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops

These non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have no absolute contraindications for use. Restrictions for use are:

  • 1 trimester of pregnancy, as well as lactation;
  • With severe reactions to the drug, manifested by eye irritation;
  • Childhood.

Drops for children

In pediatric ophthalmology, the use of anti-inflammatory drops is possible from the following age:

  • Nevanak can be used from the age of 10;
  • Broksinak from 18 years old;
  • Indocollier from 1 year;
  • Diklo-F from 6 years old;
  • Dexamethasone can be used from birth.

Use in pregnancy

All anti-inflammatory eye drops are not recommended for use during pregnancy as they cross the placenta. They are appointed only in cases where the expected therapeutic effect exceeds the risk of intrauterine pathologies in the fetus. With topical application of dexamethasone and NSAIDs, the possibility of systemic exposure is minimal, but possible.

For the treatment and prevention of inflammatory pathologies in ophthalmology, medicines are used in the form of drops. Among them, three groups can be distinguished: antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiseptics. Representatives of each of them have certain features, which determine when and how they need to be applied.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

There are a huge number of drugs on the market that have an anti-inflammatory effect. According to the principle of action and chemical composition they are divided into two groups:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • glucocorticosteroids.

Medicines of the first group have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, but rarely cause undesirable effects. Therefore, they are used to treat any inflammatory diseases in ophthalmology.

Glucocorticosteroids- These are hormonal drugs, the effectiveness of which is much higher than that of NSAIDs. They also often cause the development of adverse reactions, and if used incorrectly, they can provoke a deterioration in the patient's condition. Therefore, corticosteroids should not be instilled into the eyes to treat inflammation caused by a bacterial infection.

Let us consider in detail the most common representatives of these groups.

Glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone)

Among the medicines from the group of glucocorticosteroids in ophthalmology, only drugs based on are used. In the pharmacy they can be found under the following trade names:

This remedy has a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory pathologies not associated with a bacterial or viral infection;
  • , ;
  • inflammation of the choroid of the organ of vision (uveitis).

In addition, Dexamethasone is widely used in ophthalmic surgery. The drug is shown to be instilled for several days after surgery in order to reduce the risk of inflammatory complications. Also, the medicine is prescribed for injuries, but only in cases where there are no signs of pus formation due to the addition of a bacterial infection.

Drops should be applied 3-5 times a day, the duration of the course of treatment does not exceed 4-5 weeks. It is impossible to abruptly cancel the use of Dexamethasone - usually, from the second or third week, the number of instillations per day is gradually reduced. To prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection, it is recommended to additionally use antibacterial drops.

Important! If during treatment with glucocorticoids a purulent discharge from the eye occurs, instillations should be stopped. This should also be reported to the attending physician.

The anti-inflammatory effect after instillation of drops appears within 4-8 hours. Despite the fact that the drug is excreted through the liver, it does not affect internal organs. Therefore, the use of Dexamethasone according to the instructions does not lead to the development of systemic adverse reactions..

Drops can not be instilled in the following cases:

  • with intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components;
  • if the inflammatory pathology is caused by bacteria or viruses;
  • fungal infection of the tissues of the eye;
  • the presence of purulent discharge.

Unwanted effects:

  • secondary fungal or bacterial infection;
  • masking or increasing the severity of purulent-inflammatory processes;
  • a decrease in the thickness of the cornea, with prolonged use, erosion, ulceration or perforation may occur;
  • slowing down the regeneration of the cornea.

The shelf life of the drug is 4 weeks after opening the package. It should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The drugs that are included in this group are divided according to the main component and manufacturer. The most commonly used NSAIDs in ophthalmology are:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Bromfenac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Nepafenac.

These are the names of the active ingredients. Medicines based on them in a pharmacy usually have other names, which will be discussed later.

NSAIDs, like Dexamethasone, suppress inflammatory reactions in tissues. This means that, in addition to reducing the severity of symptoms, local defenses also decrease. Therefore, such medicines should only be used together with antibiotic drops that prevent the addition of a bacterial infection.


This substance belongs to the group of phenylacetic acid. Preparations based on it in ophthalmology rank first in terms of frequency of use among all NSAIDs. Such drugs may have the following trade names:

  • Diclofenac;

The medicines listed above have both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Their use leads to a decrease in the severity of tissue edema, removal of redness.

Indications for the use of drugs based on Diclofenac:

  • as a preventive measure before surgical interventions and within a month in the postoperative period;
  • before operations on the lens - to prevent the narrowing of the pupil, to prevent the development of edema of the optic nerve head;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the eye of a non-infectious nature;
  • eye injuries and associated inflammatory processes;
  • before laser treatment myopia in order to reduce the severity of pain.


  • third trimester of the childbearing period;
  • children under two years old;
  • people who have previously experienced signs of allergy to NSAIDs.

Adverse reactions when instilled with Diclofenac may be associated with the development of hypersensitivity reactions and individual intolerance to the drug. They are manifested by redness of the conjunctiva, discomfort, foreign feeling. In severe cases, clouding of the cornea may occur.


Indocollir should be dripped 3-4 times a day. The general course of treatment is up to 4 weeks. In ophthalmic surgery, it is prescribed a day before surgery - in total, it is necessary to drip it 4 times.

Contraindications are the same as for other NSAIDs. People who wear must remove them before using the medicine. Particular caution is recommended for patients prone to allergic reactions. If after instillation there is a burning sensation, itching and other discomfort in the eye, the use of the medicine should be discontinued and the attending physician should be informed.

Antibacterial drugs

In treatment infectious diseases Antibiotics play an important role in ophthalmic practice. Use medicines of the following groups:

  • fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin);
  • macrolides (azithromycin);
  • aminoglycosides (Tobramycin);
  • tetracyclines (Tetracycline).

The activity of antibacterial agents against pathogens is presented in the following table.


This representative of the group of fluoroquinolones has a wide range of efficacy, destroys most pathogens of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eye surface. The drug is indicated for use in:

  • various forms of conjunctivitis;
  • bacterial keratitis;
  • inflammation of the anterior choroid - iridocyclitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • various types of traumatic eye injury.

Drops are used 4 times a day, in severe cases - up to 8 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the pathology, in most cases it is 2-4 weeks. As preventive measures in the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed the use of Ciprofloxacin up to 6 times a day for 4 weeks.

The medicine is forbidden to use in case of intolerance, during the period of bearing and feeding a child. For children, this remedy is prescribed only from 1 year.


Possible side effects:

  • eye redness;
  • discomfort, burning and itching;
  • temporary visual impairment;
  • allergic reactions - angioedema, swelling and redness of the skin of the eyelids, conjunctivitis.

Drops can not be instilled in patients who have previously had signs of intolerance to antibacterial drugs from the macrolide group, as well as children under one year old.

Important! If after the period of use of the antibiotic specified in the instructions does not improve well-being, you should consult a doctor.


This tool belongs to the group of aminoglycosides, has a pronounced bactericidal effect against most pathogenic microorganisms. Sold in pharmacies trade name Tobrex in the form of drops and eye ointment.

The drug is used in the treatment of infectious inflammation of the surface of the eyeball - bacterial keratitis, conjunctivitis. Also, this remedy is prescribed for dacryocystitis and for the prevention of postoperative complications. Tobrex in the form of drops is used up to 6 times a day, the medicine in the form of an ointment can be applied to the lower eyelid three times a day. In severe cases, the frequency of application is increased.

The drug is safe for most patients, including children. The only limitation to use is the presence of intolerance. Side effects are rare and are mostly developmental. allergic reactions.


Antibiotics from this group for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases are currently used infrequently. Such drugs are available in the form of an ointment, which is why they are prescribed to patients with keratitis, erosions and other corneal defects. This allows you to achieve both moisturizing and protective action in relation to the damaged part of the eyeball, along with the destruction of infectious agents.

Tetracycline ointment should be applied to the lower eyelid several times a day every 2-4 hours. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the severity of the pathological process, in some cases it can reach two months. The only contraindication to the use of this remedy is intolerance to its components. Possible side effects are limited to allergic reactions.


Antiseptics are drugs that have a damaging effect on most pathological bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, they do not penetrate human cells, so they can only kill bacteria on the surface of the conjunctiva or cornea. Because of this, they are usually used as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy in order to improve its efficiency.

Currently, the following antiseptics are used in ophthalmology:

  • Okomistin (benzylidimethyl-propylammonium chloride);
  • Vitabact (picloxidine).

The activity of these drops in relation to infectious agents is reflected in the following table.

This tool has a pronounced antimicrobial activity, destroys almost all known pathogens of conjunctivitis, keratitis and other inflammatory diseases. Okomistin is also effective against pathogens that are resistant to several antibiotics. In addition, Okomistin destroys fungi, intracellular infectious agents, such as chlamydia. The use of the drug leads to a decrease in resistance to antibiotics in microbes, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Indications for use:

  • conjunctivitis in acute or chronic form;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • prevention of infectious complications after operations.

The drug can not be used in the presence of intolerance to its components, during pregnancy and lactation. The use of Okomistin in children under 18 years of age is also not allowed. Adverse reactions are usually associated with the development of allergies, manifested by discomfort, burning and redness of the eyes. If such phenomena disappear on their own within 20-30 seconds, the use of the medicine is not stopped.

The active substance of this medication is picloxidine. Compared with the previous remedy, it has a less pronounced effect on pathogens of infectious pathologies. Despite the fact that the remedy can also have a detrimental effect on fungi and some types of viruses, it is more often prescribed for the treatment of bacterial pathologies.

Vitabact is indicated for use in the treatment of:

  • inflammatory pathology of the cornea and conjunctiva associated with a bacterial infection;
  • inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

For the treatment of inflammatory pathologies, it is necessary to drip the agent 5-6 times a day. The duration of the course of therapy is 7-10 days. If the medicine is installed to prevent infections after surgery, it is recommended to instill it no more than four times a day.

Vitabact is contraindicated in people with individual intolerance to the main component and excipients. As for the use of the drug in children and pregnant patients, there are currently no reliable data on the use of the drug. Therefore, Vitabact is not prescribed to such patients.

Combined drugs

In addition to individual antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, many patients are currently prescribed combined drugs. The use of one type of drops instead of two reduces the cost of treatment, increases ease of use. One of the representatives of such drugs is Tobradex.

This combined drug contains two active ingredients - tobramycin and dexamethasone. Due to this, it has both a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The likelihood of developing purulent-inflammatory complications when using it is lower than after instillation of Dexamethasone alone.

Tobradex is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • prevention of infectious complications in ophthalmic surgery;
  • blepharitis;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • keratitis without corneal epithelium defects.

The medicine can not be used in cases where inflammatory processes are caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It is also forbidden to use Tobradex when detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis and fungi on the surface of the cornea. The medicine is contraindicated in women during the period of bearing and feeding a child, children under two years of age.

Since this is a combined medication, it should not be instilled with other anti-inflammatory or antibacterial agents. Simultaneous use with antiseptics is allowed.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops and ointments are widely used in ophthalmology. In order for the treatment to be effective and safe, it is necessary to choose the right medicines. Therefore, when symptoms of inflammation of the eyes appear, it is recommended to seek qualified help, and not engage in self-treatment.

Video - Conjunctivitis. Signs and treatment

Inflammation is a kind of protective reaction of the body. In the event of an injury or when an infection enters the body, a complex pathological process occurs, in response to which our defender cells trigger the mechanisms of struggle. At the site of inflammation, we observe redness, swelling, pain, tearing and itching (if we talk about the eyes).

The pharmaceutical industry today offers various eye drops for inflammation that can speed up the healing process and make life easier for a person. However, for them to be truly effective, you need to choose them correctly. To do this, you need to understand the cause of inflammation.

Ophthalmic types of inflammation

To understand what and how we are going to treat, let's take a look at medical terminology and the names of the main ophthalmic diseases. The ending “-itis” in the diagnosis indicates inflammation, but which structural element, judging by the name of the disease, was affected, can be clearly seen in the table:


What part of the eye is inflamed


mucous membrane


edge of the century


lacrimal sac



Anterior choroid


The inside of the eyeball, pus in the vitreous

Hair follicles of the skin of the eyelids.

A virus, bacteria, fungi, allergens, iron mites can provoke an inflammatory process. Depending on the causative agent of the infection, these types of drops are used in ophthalmic practice.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops can relieve inflammation of a non-infectious nature and reduce pain. The effect occurs due to inhibition (that is, slowing down) of the synthesis of prostaglandins (pain mediators).

To designate this group of drugs, two abbreviations are used: NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and NSAIDs (the decoding is the same, only P means "drugs").

Representatives of drops with NSAIDs in the composition:

  • Indocollir (active ingredient indomethacin);
  • Uniklofen, Diclo-F (diclofenac);
  • Akuvail, Medrogil (ketorolac).

Such agents are prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis of non-infectious origin, with eye injuries, welding in the eyes, and also in postoperative period to prevent the development of inflammation after cataract treatment, lens replacement, etc.


Steroid drugs are glucocorticosteroids, that is, they are of hormonal origin and have a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. So, Dexamethasone is considered one of the most potent anti-inflammatory drugs.

Steroid drops also have anti-allergic and immunosuppressive properties, therefore they are used in the treatment of non-infectious inflammations when the NSAID group does not bring the expected effect, and in allergy therapy when antihistamines do not cope with their task.

For all their positive effects, steroids have a lot of side effects. For example, they can increase intraocular pressure, and the healing of a corneal wound after an ophthalmic operation becomes longer.

Due to the many contraindications and side effects hormonal drops prescribed only by a doctor. Most often they are prescribed for severe allergic conjunctivitis, chronic iridocyclitis, uveitis, iritis.

Do not use drugs in this group if the infection is caused by bacteria or fungi, there are open wounds or ulcerative lesions of the cornea.

Examples of steroid eye drops: Dexamethasone, Oftan-dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Fluorometholone. This group includes the well-known hydrocortisone eye ointment

Combined funds: Sofradex, Tobrex, Dexon, Maxitrol. We will talk about them a little later.


These drugs have found their use in the treatment of bacterial inflammation of the eye.

Their appointment is justified for all diseases ending in -itis: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, as well as barley, furunculosis and abscess.

Such drops necessarily contain an antibiotic (tobramycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin), and in combined preparations there may be two antimicrobial substances and a hormone.

Cheap drops for eye inflammation:

Cheap antimicrobial agent based on sulfanilamide. It has a bacteriostatic effect (slows down the growth and reproduction of bacteria, thereby reducing their number and displacing them from the body).

It is used for purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva, eyelids (blepharitis) and, which is very important, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in case of blenorrhea in newborns

A big minus - the drops are baked when it gets on the eye. It also happens that their action is not enough for a full recovery.

Another inexpensive drug, a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It successfully fights both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The active ingredient penetrates well into vitreous body, cornea and iris, but does not enter the lens.

Levomycetin is allowed for use in children from 1 month of age

Other good drops:

Among eye drops with an antibiotic, the drug Floxal based on ofloxacin has proven itself well. It quickly relieves inflammation in both adults and newborns.

Under the same name, an eye ointment is also produced, which, due to its viscous consistency, remains longer in the conjunctiva, which means that the frequency of its use decreases.

Tobramycin is a fast-acting, bactericidal (that is, bacteria-killing) antibiotic that works against Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.

The drug works locally, but it is not recommended to combine its use with other aminoglycosides intended for systemic action in order to avoid toxic manifestations on the body.


In case of treatment of severe or mixed infections, ophthalmologists have in their arsenal combined agents, which include a hormone and 1-2 antibiotics.

The best drops against eye inflammation with this composition are presented in the table:

All of them relieve the inflammatory process within half an hour, but due to possible side effects they should not be used for self-treatment.


Seasonal inflammation can be purely allergic in nature. Typical signs its manifestations: the eyes are watery, there is itching and redness, vision is clouded. In parallel, a person may have nasal congestion, sneezing, swelling of the face of mucous membranes. respiratory tract and so on.

Seasonal allergies are treated symptomatically. In addition to taking drugs inside, there are antihistamine drops. They contain active substances that block the release of free histamine, which causes all the unpleasant symptoms of allergies.


Cromoglycic acid stabilizes mast cell membranes, locally relieves swelling, irritation, pain in the eyes, patients notice a noticeable improvement after starting the drug.

Cromohexal can also be used for dry eye syndrome. The preservative benzalkonium chloride, which is part of the drug, can cause discomfort in the form of tingling.

Analogues of Kromohexal are drops of Ifiral, Kromopharm, Lekrolin, Allergokrom


The active substance is azelastine. It is allowed to be used from the age of 12 for the treatment of year-round and seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. If the allergy is seasonal, it is recommended to instill 1 drop up to 4 times a day, if it is year-round - twice a day. After 6 weeks after application, you must definitely take a break.


Viral conjunctivitis, often found in children, is often treated with interferon preparations, for example, Okoferon, Oftalmoferon. The mechanism of action of such drops is based on the activation of the body's defense mechanisms and stimulation of the production of its own interferon.

Before using the drug, the eyes should be thoroughly cleaned of secretions and formed crusts.

If the disease is caused by the herpes virus, an eye ointment with acyclovir or ganciclovir (Zirgan) is included in the treatment regimen.


The composition of homeopathic remedies includes substances of plant, animal, mineral origin. In this area, for inflammation of the eyes, the German drug Oculoheel is used, which has proven itself as an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, analgesic. Its action is aimed at activating the body's defenses.

Oculoheel is approved for use in children from infancy, it is well tolerated, the effect is visible almost immediately


These are drops, the purpose of which is to protect and protect our eyes. In composition, they are similar to the formula of tears. They help relieve fatigue, tension and redness that occur due to prolonged work at the computer, lack of sleep, and a long stay in a room with dry air.

The best eye drops for redness and fatigue: Hilo-dresser, Artificial tears, Vizin.

We treat inflammation of the eyelids

With blepharitis, therapy will again depend on the cause of the inflammation, but the advantage is given to dosage forms in ointments and gels, since they, lingering longer over the eyelids, have a longer lasting effect.

If the cause of blepharitis is demodex, use Dexapos eye drops and an ointment with dexamethasone (or hydrocortisone) and gentamicin. In the allergic nature of the inflammation, hydrocortisone eye ointment is prescribed. If seborrheic blepharitis is diagnosed, Oftagel or Artificial tears are added to the hormonal agent.

With this disease, careful hygienic care of the eyelids is extremely important. Yes, can not be used to wash the eyelids cold water, only warm. After washing, a special eyelid massage is recommended, which the doctor will tell you about.

At the time of illness, a good night's sleep is extremely important, limited viewing of TV or a computer, it is recommended to follow a dairy-vegetarian diet, but sweet, salty, fried foods will have to be abandoned for now.

So, we have seen what kind of eye drops that relieve inflammation exist. Let's not forget that vision must be protected, because through it we receive more than 80% of the information about the world around us. Therefore, in case of any inflammation of the eyes, immediately consult a doctor and start treatment on time.

Eye drops (eye drops) - classification, features and indications for use, analogues, reviews, prices

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Eye drops are solutions of various medicinal substances that are intended to be injected into the eyes. For the production of eye drops, oil and aqueous solutions of various active substances are used. Any drops are sterile, stable and chemically isotonic (non-irritating to the mucous membrane of the eye) solutions. Depending on the active (active) substance, eye drops are used to treat various diseases and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Eye drops - instructions for proper use

Eye drops in most cases should not be used while wearing soft contact lenses, since the active ingredient medicinal product can accumulate on the mucous membrane, resulting in an overdose. During the period of application of eye drops, it is necessary to abandon soft lenses, replacing them with glasses. If it is impossible to refuse soft contact lenses, then they should be worn at least 20 to 30 minutes after the introduction of drops into the eyes.

If it is necessary to use two or more types of eye drops at the same time, then it is necessary to maintain an interval between their administration of at least 15 minutes, and optimally - half an hour. That is, first one drop is instilled, then after 15 - 30 minutes the second, after another 15 - 30 minutes the third, etc.

The frequency and duration of application of eye drops depends on their type, pharmacological properties the active substance and what kind of disease or symptom they are used to treat. In acute eye infections, drops are administered 8-12 times a day, in chronic non-inflammatory diseases - 2-3 times a day.

Any eye drops must be stored in a dark place at room temperature not exceeding 30 o C, so that they retain their therapeutic effect. After opening the package with the solution, it must be used within one month. If eye drops have not been used in one month, then this open bottle should be discarded and a new one should be started.

Eye drops must be used strictly following the following rules:

  • Wash your hands with soap before instilling your eyes;
  • Open the vial;
  • Draw the solution into a pipette if the bottle is not equipped with a dropper;
  • Tilt your head back so that your eyes look at the ceiling;
  • With your index finger, pull the lower eyelid down so that the conjunctival sac becomes visible;
  • Without touching the tip of the pipette or dropper bottle to the surface of the eye and eyelashes, release a drop of the solution directly into the conjunctival sac formed when the lower eyelid is pulled back;
  • Try to keep your eye open for 30 seconds;
  • If it is impossible to keep the eye open, then gently blink it, trying to prevent the medicinal solution from flowing out;
  • To improve the penetration of drops into the mucous membrane, you need to press your finger on the outer corner of the eye;
  • Close the vial.
If, during the instillation of one eye, the tip of the pipette or dropper of the bottle accidentally touches the eyelashes or the surface of the conjunctiva, then these tools should no longer be used. That is, to instill the second eye, you will have to take a new pipette or open another bottle of medicine.

How to properly instill eye drops - video

How to bury eye drops in children - video

Classification of eye drops by type of action and scope

The entire set of eye drops available on the modern pharmaceutical market, depending on the type of action and scope, is divided into the following groups:
1. Drops intended for the treatment of infectious eye diseases:
  • Eye drops with antibiotics. Designed for the treatment of eye infections caused by bacteria, mycoplasmas and chlamydia. Currently, the following eye drops with antibiotics are available - Levomycetin, Vigamox, Tobrex, Gentamicin, Tsipromed, Tsiprolet, Oftakviks, Normaks, Floksal, Colistimitate, Maxitrol, Fucitalmik;
  • Antiviral eye drops for treatment viral infections. The following funds are available - Aktipol, Poludan, Trifluridin, Berofor, Oftan-IDU;
  • Antifungal eye drops for the treatment of fungal infections. In Russia, not a single eye drop with an antifungal effect has been registered. In Europe and the USA, a 5% ophthalmic suspension of natamycin is used as antifungal eye drops. Also, if necessary, solutions of amphotericin B, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Flucitazine, Miconazole and Nystatin are instilled into the eyes, but in Russia all these drugs are used only for oral or intravenous administration;
  • Sulfonamide eye drops for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections. There are various drugs based on sodium sulfacyl (Albucid and others);
  • Eye drops with antiseptics intended for the treatment of infections caused by any microorganisms (viruses, fungi, bacteria). Antiseptic drops are Ophthalmo-septonex, Miramistin, Avitar, 2% boric acid solution, 0.25% zinc sulfate solution, 1% silver nitrate solution, 2% collargol solution and 1% protargol solution.
2. Anti-inflammatory eye drops:
  • Drops containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as active substances. These include - Voltaren ofta, Naklof, Indocollir. Drops with NSAIDs are often used to relieve inflammation in various functional conditions (fatigue, irritation, etc.) and eye diseases (infections, glaucoma, etc.);
  • Drops containing glucocorticoid hormones as active substances. These include Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Betamethasone, Prenacid. This type of eye drops is used to eliminate a strong inflammatory process in various eye diseases. It is not recommended to use eye drops with glucocorticoids for viral, mycobacterial and fungal eye infections;
  • Combined drops containing as active substances both NSAIDs, and glucocorticoids, and antibiotics or antiviral agents. These include Sofradex (anti-allergic + anti-inflammatory + antibacterial action), Oftalmoferon (antiviral + anti-inflammatory + anti-allergic action), Tobradex (anti-inflammatory + antibacterial action).

3. Eye drops for the treatment of allergic eye lesions (anti-allergic):

  • Drops containing membrane stabilizers as active substances. These include Cromohexal, Lekrolin, Lodoxamide, Alomid. The drugs are used in courses;
  • Drops containing antihistamines as active substances. These include Antazolin, Azelastine, Allergodil, Levocabastin, Pheniramine, Histimet and Opatonol. These drugs are used in courses;
  • Drops containing vasoconstrictors as active substances. These include Tetrizoline, Naphazoline, Oxymetazoline, Phenylephrine, Vizin, Allergoftal, Spersallerg. These drugs are used only as needed to eliminate severe redness of the eyes, relieve swelling and stop lacrimation. It is allowed to use vasoconstrictor drops for no more than 7-10 days in a row.
4. Eye drops used to treat glaucoma (reduce intraocular pressure):
  • Drops that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid. These include Pilocarpine, Carbachol, Latanoprost, Xalatan, Xalacom, Travoprost, Travatan;
  • Drops that reduce the formation of intraocular fluid. These include Clonidine (produced in Russia under the name Clonidine), Proxofelin, Betaxolol, Timolol, Proxodolol, Dorzolamide, Brinzolamide, Trusopt, Azopt, Betoptik, Arutimol, Kosopt, Xalakom. In addition, eye drops Aproclonidine and Brimonidine, unregistered in Russia, are used in many countries;
  • Drops containing neuroprotectors that support the functioning of the optic nerve and prevent its swelling. These include Erisod, Emoksipin, 0.02% histochrome solution.
5. Eye drops used to treat and prevent cataracts:
  • M-anticholinergics - 0.5 - 1% atropine solution, 0.25% homatropine solution, 0.25% scopolamine solution;
  • Alpha-agonist - Mezaton 1%, Irifrin 2.5 and 10%;
  • Drops that activate metabolic processes in the lens of the eye. These include Taurine, Oftan-catahrom, Azapentacene, Taufon, Quinax. Long-term use of these drops can slow down or completely stop the progression of cataracts.
6. Eye drops containing local anesthetics (used to relieve eye pain in severe diseases or during diagnostic and surgical interventions). These include Tetracaine, Dicaine, Oxybuprocaine, Lidocaine, and Inocaine.

7. Eye drops used for various diagnostic manipulations (dilate the pupil, allow you to see the fundus, differentiate lesions of various eye tissues, etc.). These include Atropine, Midriacil, Fluorescein.

8. Eye drops that moisten the surface of the eye ("artificial tears"). They are used for dry eyes against the background of any condition or disease. The preparations of "artificial tears" include Vidisik, Oftagel, Hilo chest of drawers, Oksial, Sistane and "natural tears".

9. Eye drops that stimulate the restoration of the normal structure of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. Preparations of this group improve the nutrition of eye tissues and activate metabolic processes in them. These include Etaden, Erisod, Emoxipin, Taufon, Solcoseryl, Balarpan, histochrome 1%, retinol acetate 3.44%, cytochrome C 0.25%, blueberry extract, retinol acetate or palmitate, and tocopherol acetate. Drugs are used to accelerate the recovery of eye tissues after burns, injuries, as well as against the background of degenerative processes in the cornea (keratinopathy).

10. Eye drops for the treatment of fibrinoid and hemorrhagic syndrome. These include Collalizin, Gemaza, Emoksipin, Histochrome. These syndromes occur with a large number of different diseases of the eye, so drops for their relief are used as part of the complex therapy of many pathologies.

11. Eye drops containing vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other nutrients that improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye, thereby reducing the rate of progression of cataracts, myopia, hyperopia, retinopathy. These include Quinax, Ophthalm-catahrom, Catalin, Vitaiodurol, Taurine, Taufon.

12. Eye drops containing vasoconstrictor substances as active ingredients. These include Vizin, Octilia. These drops are used for symptomatic treatment lacrimation, elimination of edema, redness and discomfort in the eyes against the background of any diseases or functional conditions. Drops do not cure the disease, but only eliminate painful symptoms, therefore, they can only be used as part of complex therapy. Funds should not be used for longer than 7 - 10 days in a row, as addiction may develop.

Features of the use of eye drops in certain diseases and conditions

Consider the features and main areas of application of eye drops, which are most often used in the practice of an ophthalmologist.

Fatigue eye drops

To eliminate the symptoms of eye fatigue (redness, itching, swelling, discomfort in the eyes, a feeling of "sand", etc.), you can use artificial tears (Vidisik, Oftagel, Hilo chest of drawers, Oksial, Sistane) or vasoconstrictors based on tetrizoline (Vizin, Octilia, VizOptic, Vizomitin). At the same time, doctors recommend first 1-2 days to use vasoconstrictors, instilling them 3-4 times a day until the painful symptoms disappear. And then, for 1-1.5 months, use any artificial tear preparation, instilling it into the eyes 3-4 times a day.

In addition, to relieve eye fatigue, you can use Taufon drops, which contain a complex of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that improve metabolic processes. Taufon drops can be used for a long time - from 1 to 3 months continuously.

The most effective drops for relieving eye fatigue are artificial tears, followed by Taufon, and finally vasoconstrictors. Taufon and artificial tear preparations are used in approximately the same way, and vasoconstrictor drops can only be used as a means emergency assistance.

Allergy eye drops

For long-term treatment of allergic reactions and eye diseases (for example, conjunctivitis), two main types of eye drops are used:
1. Preparations with membrane stabilizers (Kromoheksal, Ifiral, Krom-allerg, Kromoglin, Kuzikrom, Lekrolin, Stadaglycine, Hi-Krom, Allergo-Komod, Vividrin, Lodoxamide, Alomid);
2. Antihistamines (Antazolin, Allergophtal, Oftofenazole, Spersallerg, Azelastine, Allergodil, Levocabastine, Histimet, Vizin Alergy, Reactin, Pheniramine, Opcon A and Opatonol).

The most pronounced therapeutic effect is possessed by drugs from the group of membrane stabilizers, therefore they are used to treat severe allergic reactions or eye diseases, as well as when antihistamines are ineffective. In principle, for the course treatment of allergic eye diseases, you can choose a drug from any group, which, with insufficient effectiveness, can always be replaced by another.

Membrane stabilizers and antihistamines are used for the course treatment of allergies, and as ambulance drops that can quickly eliminate itching, swelling, tearing and discomfort in the eyes, vasoconstrictor drugs are used (Tetrizoline, Nafazoline, Oxymetazoline, Phenylephrine, Vizin, Allergoftal, Spersallerg ). Membrane stabilizers and antihistamines are used in courses lasting from 2-3 weeks to 2 months, and vasoconstrictors - a maximum of 7-10 days.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis

Eye drops from conjunctivitis are selected depending on what is the cause of the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. If the conjunctivitis is bacterial (there is a purulent discharge), then eye drops with antibiotics are used (Levomycetin, Vigamox, Tobrex, Gentamicin, Tsipromed, Tsiprolet, Oftakviks, Normaks, Floksal, Colistimitate, Maxitrol, Fucitalmik, etc.). If conjunctivitis is viral (in front of the eyes there is only mucous discharge without admixture of pus), then drops with antiviral components are used (Aktipol, Poludan, Trifluridine, Berofor, Oftan-IDU). In addition, for any conjunctivitis - both viral and bacterial, you can use drops with universal sulfanilamide agents (Albucid, Sulfacyl sodium) or antiseptics (Ophthalmo-septonex, Miramistin, Avitar, 2% boric acid solution, 0.25% zinc sulfate solution, 1% solution of silver nitrate, 2% solution of collargol and 1% solution of protargol).

If a person has allergic conjunctivitis, then antiallergic drops should be used.

In addition to the above treatment, aimed at eliminating the cause of conjunctivitis, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and analgesic drops are used as part of complex therapy. Pain-relieving drops (Tetracaine, Dicaine, Oxybuprocaine, Lidocaine and Inocaine) are used only if necessary to relieve pain if anti-inflammatory drugs could not eliminate pain syndrome. Vasoconstrictors (Vizin, Octilia) are used only as ambulance drops, when it is necessary to reduce the amount of discharge for a while, quickly relieve swelling and redness of the eyes. Anti-inflammatory drugs are represented by two groups:

  • Drops containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as active substances. These include - Voltaren ofta, Naklof, Indocollir;
  • Drops containing glucocorticoid hormones as active substances. These include Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Betamethasone, Prenacid.
Drops with glucocorticoid hormones can only be used for bacterial conjunctivitis with severe inflammation. In all other cases, you should use drops with NSAIDs.

In the treatment of various conjunctivitis, the following complex drops can be used:
1. Sofradex and Tobradex - for bacterial conjunctivitis;
2. Oftalmoferon - with viral conjunctivitis.

After recovery from conjunctivitis, in order to accelerate the restoration of the normal tissue structure, eye drops with reparants can be used (Etaden, Erisod, Emoxipin, Taufon, Solcoseryl, Balarpan, histochrome 1%, retinol acetate 3.44%, cytochrome C 0.25%, blueberry extract , retinol acetate or palmitate and tocopherol acetate) and vitamins (Quinax, Ophthalm-catahrom, Catalin, Vitaiodurol, Taurine, Taufon;).

Scope of some eye drops


Levomycetin eye drops are used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of various parts of the eyes (conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, episcleritis, scleritis) caused by bacteria.


Tobrex eye drops are also used to treat bacterial infections of the eye (conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, episcleritis, scleritis) and surrounding tissues (eyelids, orbits, etc.).

Tsipromed and Tsiprolet

Tsipromed and Tsiprolet eye drops are synonymous because they contain the same active ingredient - ciprofloxacin. These drops are used to treat eye infections caused by bacteria, mycoplasmas or chlamydia.


Floxal eye drops are used to treat infections of the anterior part of the eye (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stye, dacryocystitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, episcleritis, scleritis) caused by bacteria, chlamydia or mycoplasmas. Drops are also used to prevent and treat a bacterial infection after injuries or eye surgeries.


Ophthalmoferon eye drops have decongestant, antipruritic, antihistamine, antiallergic, immunomodulatory and antiviral action Therefore, they are used to treat the following eye diseases:
  • Adenovirus and herpetic keratitis;
  • Adenovirus and herpetic keratoconjunctivitis;
  • Herpetic uveitis and keratouveitis;
  • Prevention of "graft-versus-host" reaction during transplantation of organs and tissues of the eye;
  • Prevention and treatment of complications of laser surgery on the cornea of ​​the eye.


Sofradex eye drops are used to treat bacterial infections of the anterior part of the eye (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, scleritis, episcleritis) and eyelids.

Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid)

Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid) eye drops are used to treat purulent and viral infections of the anterior part of the eye.

Taufon and Taurine

Taufon and Taurine eye drops contain the same active ingredient and are therefore synonymous. These drops improve the metabolic process and accelerate the restoration of the normal structure of the cornea of ​​the eye, so they are used in the complex treatment of traumatic injuries, cataracts and corneal dystrophy.


Emoxipin eye drops improve metabolic processes and promote corneal tissue regeneration, and therefore are used in the complex therapy of various diseases associated with circulatory disorders, intraocular hemorrhages and exposure to high intensity light (for example, laser, direct sunlight, etc.). Indications for the use of Emoxipin drops are the following diseases and conditions:
  • Hemorrhages in the eye;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • Corneal dystrophy;
  • retinal vein thrombosis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Acute and chronic disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • High intensity light ("welding", direct sunlight, laser).


Dexamethasone eye drops are used to quickly stop the inflammatory process in any diseases and conditions. These drops are an "emergency aid" that is used only when needed.


Quinax eye drops improve the processes of regeneration in the tissues of the eye, and therefore are used in the complex therapy of cataracts, as well as to accelerate the healing of traumatic injuries.


Irifrin eye drops are vasoconstrictor, which is used as a symptomatic remedy to relieve swelling, redness and eliminate discomfort in the eye. Irifrin is used in the complex therapy of the following eye diseases:
  • Iridocyclitis;
  • Pupil dilation during diagnostic procedures;
  • Provocative test for the presence of angle-closure glaucoma;
  • Diagnosis of deep and superficial hemorrhage in the eyeball;
  • As a preparation for laser operations on the fundus;
  • Crisis therapy for glaucoma;
  • Red eye syndrome.


Aktipol eye drops contain antiviral and immunostimulating components as an active substance. Therefore, Aktipol is used to treat eye infections (conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratouveitis) caused by viruses of the herpes family or adenoviruses. Also, drops can be used to restore the cornea after injuries, burns, operations and dystrophy caused by different reasons including regular contact lens wear.


Systane eye drops are artificial tears that are designed to lubricate the surface of the eye. Drops moisturize the eye, protect it from dryness, irritation, burning sensation, foreign body, sand or pain, provoked by any factors environment(for example, dust, smoke, sunlight, heat, air conditioning, wind, cosmetics, screen light). Drops are used for dry eyes caused by any reason. Ophthalmologists recommend the use of Systane or other artificial tears under contact lenses, as well as to eliminate fatigue or redness of the eyes caused by irritation.

Analogues of eye drops

Eye drops are dosage forms intended for topical use only. This means that they are introduced (buried) directly onto the surface of the eyeball, from where they are partially absorbed into the deep tissues. In order for the drugs to exert their therapeutic effect as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to constantly maintain their certain concentration on the surface of the eye. To do this, resort to the frequent introduction of drops into the eyes - every 3 to 4 hours. This is necessary because tears and blinking quickly wash the drug from the surface of the eye, as a result of which its therapeutic effect stops.

Analogues of eye drops can only be medications, also intended for topical application - application to the eyes. To date, there are only a few dosage forms, which can be attributed to analogues of eye drops - these are eye ointments, gels and films. Ointments, gels and films, as well as drops, may contain various active substances, and therefore be used for various diseases. The most commonly used ointments with antibiotics (for example, Tetracycline, Levomycetin, Erythromycin, etc.), gels with reparants (for example, Solcoseryl) and films with Albucid. Usually, ointments, gels and films complement eye drops and are included in the complex treatment of various diseases. So, during the daytime, drops are usually used, and films and ointments are placed in the eyes at night, since they have a longer effect.

Eye drops - price

The cost of eye drops varies quite significantly depending on what active ingredients are included in the drug, where they are produced and what is the volume of the bottle. Each drop has its own value. Imported eye drops, of course, are more expensive than domestic ones. As a rule, imported eye drops have cheaper domestic counterparts that are practically not inferior to them in quality. Therefore, it is always possible to choose the optimal drug, based on the wishes of the person, as well as taking into account the necessary therapeutic effect and acceptable cost.

Every year, modern ophthalmology records an increase in the number of patients with eye diseases leading to a weakening of the organs of vision. The pharmaceutical industry has many drugs of various kinds that are used to treat diseases of the anterior segment of the eye.

General information

According to the composition and strength of the effect, anti-inflammatory eye drops are classified into groups:

  • glucocorticosteroid (GCS) - hormonal drops "Dexamethasone" (as part of combined drugs"Tobradex", "Sofradex"), "Hydrocortisone eye ointment", etc.;
  • non-steroidal (NVPS) - "Diclofenac", "Indoclellir", etc.

In general, anti-inflammatory eye preparations for external use have similar properties, since they reduce the intensity of inflammatory manifestations (redness and swelling of the eye tissues).

Glucocorticosteroids (GCS)

The group of glucocorticosteroid ophthalmic preparations is a natural or synthetically produced hormones of the endocrine glands. Biologically active substances obtained from the adrenal cortex have a universal mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity.

Indications for use

The main indication for taking glucocorticosteroids are pathoimmune inflammations. In addition, GCS are widely used in acute periods systemic diseases connective tissue, arthritis, alveolitis, as well as inflammatory skin diseases of a non-infectious nature.

Given the effect of steroid drugs on the body, the appointment of GCS is treated with extreme caution. Due to the possible formation of dependence on the nature of the diseases and the regularity of taking these drugs, it makes sense to reduce the duration of their use.

In general, anti-inflammatory eye preparations for external use have similar properties, since they reduce the intensity of inflammatory manifestations (redness and swelling of the eye tissues)

Meanwhile, the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of corticosteroids is a direct "signal" to their use in case of an urgent need to localize a life-threatening (disability) inflammatory process.

Side effects

The use of glucocorticosteroids depends on many factors: the pronounced activity of the drug and its effect on fat metabolism, individually calculated daily dose, duration of administration, as well as the nature of the introduction. With local administration, there may be a slight decrease in resistance to infection with the development of local complications.

Systemic, long-term use of glucocorticoids can cause steroid disorders (Cushing's syndrome, diabetes, gastric ulcer vasculitis, osteoporotic changes, hypertrichosis, arterial hypertension, psychosis, and adrenal insufficiency).

Non-steroidal (NVPS)

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drugs have conquered the whole world. The history of the use of NVPS drugs dates back to late XIX century, when acetylsalicylic acid began to be used in medical practice. Prior to this, the “doctrine of signatures” instructed patients to use willow bark for treatment.

There are many dosage forms of NVPS, their manufacturers, an evidence base of studies that testify to the effectiveness and safety of taking this group of drugs. Currently, there are many NSAIDs, the classification of which is carried out depending on the derived chemical composition.

NSAIDs have not only anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but also contribute to the inhibition of platelet aggregation.

Indications for use

It has been proven that the therapeutic effect of NSAIDs is due to the blockade of the pro-inflammatory enzyme COX2 (cyclooxygenase2), as well as a decrease in the level of prostaglandin synthesis.

Thus, the main indications for the appointment of NSAIDs are pain sensations of various nature, including musculoskeletal in inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, dysmenorrhea pain, migraine, etc.

Side effects

The use of NSAIDs is prohibited in cases where the patient:

  • hypersensitivity to drugs of this group is observed;
  • with ulcerative manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Most often, when pathoimmune inflammation occurs, the ophthalmologist prescribes glucocorticosteroids, taking into account side effect and the presence of contraindications.

Without the appropriate knowledge, it is impossible to independently calculate the dosage and number of doses, therefore, consulting a specialist will help to avoid the risk of serious complications.

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