Eye drops for cataracts are the best. List of the best eye drops for cataracts: the most effective remedies

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

According to statistics, cataracts are now included in the list of the most common eye pathologies. Usually the first manifestations of this disease occur in people older than 40 years. Cataracts are equally common in both men and women.

In fact, this pathology is largely age-related, and its development is due to the aging of the visual organs. If cataracts are detected in patients between the ages of 50 and 60 in only 5 cases out of a hundred, then among people over 75 the problem occurs in 92 percent.

In this case, in some situations, the disease happens:

  • congenital;
  • associated with diabetes mellitus;
  • the result of an injury;
  • a consequence of exposure to various types of radiation.

Causes and symptoms of cataracts

Basically, the disease develops gradually. The lens loses transparency over time, which provokes the loss of visual acuity. The reason for this is a violation of biochemical processes in this part of the eye, which is caused by age-related changes that occur in the human body.

Main symptoms:

  • vision is clouded (the ability to clearly see objects in detail is lost, the contours are blurred);
  • spots and dots appear before the eyes;
  • the ability to see drops sharply in low light or in the dark;
  • increased irritability in bright light;
  • objects in the eyes double, color reproduction is distorted.

A characteristic distinguishing feature of cataracts is considered to be a gradual exacerbation of manifestations, lasting in some cases for decades.

In the first stages, drops with cataracts quite effectively help. But over time, the disease still takes its toll.

The loss of transparency of the lens occurs due to the fact that the protein in its composition undergoes such a destructive process as denaturation. As a result, the compounds decompose at the molecular level. Approximately the same thing happens with the protein of a chicken egg during cooking - it becomes white and not transparent. It is basically impossible to reverse this process. For this reason, cataracts can only be cured by surgery.

How to use drops for cataract treatment

First of all, it should be noted that ophthalmologists prescribe such drugs. Without their recommendations, it is forbidden to use drops at your own discretion.

In addition, the use of medications cannot be episodic or course. They are used systematically throughout life - only then will the maximum effect be achieved. Pauses in treatment often lead to the progression of pathology.

In most cases, the means used for cataracts have no side effects, as well as contraindications. The obstacle here is mainly only intolerance to one or another active substance included in the medication.

The most reliable drugs

Catalin - tops the rating, as it is a very effective remedy that ophthalmologists often prescribe not only for the treatment of senile or diabetic cataracts, but also for prevention. This medicine allows you to:

  • prevent manifestations of the disease;
  • stabilize metabolic processes directly in the lens;
  • improve metabolism qualitatively cellular level.

Active ingredients:

  • aminoethylsulfonic and boric acid;
  • pyrenoxin.

It has the following side effects with long-term use:

  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • burning;
  • redness.

Also, Catalin K (0.005 percent solution) is considered a very good drug for doctors. It is made in Japan. It is not easy to find it in pharmacies - more often they are sold on the Internet. It is a preventive and therapeutic agent against cataracts. It is also useful for people in the period of rehabilitation after surgery or laser correction. Shown in the following cases:

  • loss of clarity of vision;
  • diabetic cataract;
  • age.

In Russia, an analogue is produced, called exactly the same.

Quinax helps to dissolve the opaque proteins inside the lens. It is also an antioxidant drug. In addition, it protects the eye from the negative effects of free radicals.

The active ingredient is a sodium compound - azapentacene polysulfonate. Assign with these types of cataracts:

  • senile;
  • congenital;
  • traumatic;
  • secondary.

No side effects were found.

Oftan Katahrom - a drug for the treatment of cataracts. Properties:

  • boosts metabolism;
  • is an antioxidant;
  • stimulates regeneration in damaged cells.
  • fights infections;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • moisturizes.

Active substances:

  • cytochrome C;
  • adenosine;
  • nicotinamide.

With prolonged use may be fixed:

  • dyspnea;
  • burning in the eyes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

Vita-Yodurol - belongs to the group of combined agents through which cataracts are treated.

  • adenosine;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • magnesium and calcium chlorides.

The first two substances accelerate the exchange in the eye. The rest help prevent the formation of protein deposits. Slows down the progression of the disease in the elderly.

Long-term use can provoke manifestations of allergies directly in the visual organ.

Taurine - effective in various forms of cataracts, glaucoma, helps to restore the eye at the cellular level. Also shown for:

  • injury;
  • dystrophic processes in the cornea.

Taufon is an analogue of the above-mentioned Taurine. These drops should not be given to children.

Chrystalin - is a combined medicine that can stop and slow down the degenerative processes that take place directly in the lens. In addition, he:

  • enhances regeneration processes;
  • moisturizing effect on the cornea;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • destroys microorganisms;
  • reduces eye fatigue and irritation.
  • sodium succinate;
  • nicotinamide;
  • adenosine;
  • cytochrome c.

There are no side effects.

In reality, it is not easy to indicate which drops are suitable in each specific case. The selection of medicines is made on an individual basis by a specialist. The physician, before deciding on a particular remedy, takes note of:

  • diagnosis;
  • the presence of other pathologies;
  • the development of the disease;
  • the likely reaction of the body to a new drug.

Thus, the use of any drug without a doctor's prescription can lead to an aggravation of the situation. Do not think that medicines sold freely in pharmacies cannot be harmful if used incorrectly.

Medications for prevention

Most effective means used for preventive purposes are as follows:

  • Vitafacol;
  • Taurine;
  • Reticulin;
  • Vicein;
  • Taufon.

Some of them have already been mentioned before.

Reticulin helps relieve strain from the eyes and prevents them from becoming infected. It also helps:

  • qualitative increase in accommodation;
  • removal of dry eye syndrome;
  • reduce the danger to vision during physical exertion;
  • acceleration of exchange processes.

Drops are based on herbal ingredients:

  • terminalia Kabul;
  • emblica;
  • terminalia beleric;
  • basil.

In addition, it also contains:

  • adenosine;
  • cytochrome;
  • benzalkonium chloride.

Vitafacol is a combined medicine. These drops help to improve metabolic processes.

  • cytochrome C;
  • adenosine;
  • nicotinamide;
  • sodium succinate.

Long-term use causes burning and redness.

Vicein - drops are not only preventive, but also nutritious. Suitable for long term use. Effective for both early and late cataracts.

  • adenosine triphosphate salt;
  • cysteine;
  • sodium chloride;
  • glutamic acid;
  • potassium iodite;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • glycocol;
  • magnesium and calcium chlorides.

An unhealthy lifestyle, taking medications, constant use of gadgets, watching TV, reading in inappropriate conditions, genetics - all this creates a huge load on the eyes and often leads to the most unpleasant consequences. One of them - . It is believed that it can be completely cured only promptly, but most people are afraid of the operation like fire. One of the most frequently asked questions - can cataracts be cured with eye drops?

What is a cataract?

The term "cataract" is understood as a violation of the refractive system of the eye, as a result of which the natural lens - the lens - loses its natural transparency. Under the influence of adverse factors or as a result of a genetic predisposition, the lens becomes cloudy, due to which light rays do not reach the retina, which is responsible for the perception of visual images. At first, the disease does not reveal itself in any way, but gradually the person feels that he sees worse. The situation is not saved even glasses. The disease progresses and in the absence of adequate measures leads to complete blindness.

The word "cataract" itself is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as "waterfall". This word most accurately reflects the feelings of a sick person - he sees only the approximate outlines of the surrounding objects, as if through the water column. Such a symptom already indicates a serious stage of the disease, when the central part of the lens is affected and the prospect of blindness has become quite real. Urgent measures are required and usually this is surgery. Only with its help it is possible to achieve a positive result. Drops from turbidity are prescribed only as an aid.

Cataract - photo

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, a person does not experience any inconvenience at all, except that occasionally before his eyes, they look like flies. At this stage, few people turn to an ophthalmologist, attributing trouble to manifestations of fatigue.

Why does she appear?

In the vast majority of cases, clouding of the lens is not related to genetics. Only in case of serious illness of the mother, such as advanced diabetes, calcium deficiency, toxoplasmosis or rubella, give prerequisites for the development of cataracts. In children, congenital cataracts often go away without surgery, unless, of course, it appears against the background of another serious illness.

In other cases, a person becomes ill already in adulthood. Sometimes the cause of clouding is radiation, trauma, metabolic failure, and sometimes age itself.

So, the most common factors that provoke clouding of the lens are:

  • age and related disruptions in metabolism;
  • systematic doses of radiation or ultraviolet rays;
  • injuries, deep wounds of the eye;
  • shell shock;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe diseases of autoimmune, endocrine or infectious origin - hypoparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes;
  • bad habits.

Vitamin deficiency and the ecological situation in the area also negatively affect the metabolic processes in the body and can act as provocateurs for the development of cataracts.

Symptoms and signs

The first stage of the disease does not declare itself in any way and the person believes that he has no problems with his eyes. Then discomfort appears in the form of black or colored flies before the eyes, which multiply over time, and visible objects become, as it were, blurry and fade. Then colored circles are added to them when looking, for example, at a bright lamp, and the surrounding objects double. There is a general decrease in the quality of vision. It becomes difficult for a person to read, to distinguish between an image on a computer display or a TV screen, and glasses for near vision do not save the situation. At this stage, the disease can still be stopped by instillations.

If at this stage you do not make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and do not start taking measures, the disease develops further and in the end the very thing appears, which is why the disease got its name - notorious waterfall. Before the eyes, as if a dense veil is formed, consisting as if from a stream of water. This already indicates that conservative means are useless and there is only one way out - surgical intervention.


Cataract treatment includes a set of measures, including:

  • laser treatment;
  • instillations;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • folk remedies.

Only surgery can be considered a truly effective remedy, since it is it that solves the main cause of clouding of the eye.

Can cataracts be treated conservatively?

Most doctors are categorical in terms of the possibility of curing cataracts without surgery: this is extremely unlikely. It is possible to stop the disease with the help of drops for a while, but only at the very beginning of the disease, which is quite rare - usually a person goes to the doctor already at a serious stage, when the drops themselves will not have the desired effect.

You can also use folk remedies in the form of decoctions and infusions, but only in consultation with an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, you can only worsen the situation.

Drops for cataracts from clouding of the lens

The best effect is achieved with the help of instillations with the presence of:

  • zinc;
  • riboflavin;
  • cysteine;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • glutamine;
  • triphosphadenine;
  • insulin;
  • adenosine triphosphate.

Zinc is especially useful for mature people, since it is important for them to restore the tissues of the lens epithelium. Doctors never focus on any one solution. Usually, several medications are prescribed that have different effects - normalization of metabolism, replenishment of the lack of vitamins, stimulation of blood circulation. Wherein it is important to ensure that the patient does not develop addiction to the drug and the achieved effect does not disappear. Therefore, from time to time, drugs are replaced with similar ones.

Also, you can not instill solutions in the eyes constantly. After a three-week treatment, a ten-day break is necessarily made, then the procedures are resumed. This is the basic principle. Each case is individual and the ophthalmologist selects his own treatment regimen for each patient.


Among the most popular drugs are Taufon and Emoksipin, produced by Russian concerns. They are distinguished by a good effect and a democratic price. Well-proven, especially as a means of preventing cataracts, Katahrom (Finland), Quinax (Belgium), Vitaiodurol (France). These medicines are more effective, retain a positive effect longer, but they are also more expensive. Russian ones have to be changed weekly, otherwise the instillations will not give any result.

Preparations of Japanese and Indian pharmaceutical concerns (Katalin, Senkatalin, Clarvisan) are also used.


But don't rely on drops for everything. An obstacle to their use is not only the neglect of the disease, but also the presence of a number of contraindications in the patient. Most often it is an allergy. That is why in no case should you diagnose yourself and self-medicate. The consequences can be the most deplorable, up to Quincke's edema or even loss of the ability to see. That is why before you start taking medications, you should be tested for a tendency to allergies. This is much safer than getting unexpected consequences already when the solution is instilled into the eyes.

Important: usually an ophthalmologist backlash does not cancel the drug, but reduces the dose. More often, the manifestation of an allergy at the same time disappears by itself or decreases to a minimum, but the drops are still more useful than from a complete lack of treatment. However, the ophthalmologist may decide not to risk further, but to send for an operation.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the treatment of cataracts also help, but do not act as an alternative to medications and surgery. They have only a symptomatic effect, which will not last long. However, they can be resorted to as an additional measure, after consulting with your doctor.

Cataract is a disease that today cannot be treated without surgery. However, if the intervention is contraindicated for the patient, or he is not psychologically ready for it, conservative methods can be used to slow down the development pathological process. If it is impossible to perform an operation, the task of the attending physician is to improve metabolism in the structures of the eye, activate regenerative processes, and remove free radicals. With all the tasks set, the Finnish eye drops Oftan Katahrom, which have proven effectiveness in slowing down the development of cataracts, do an excellent job.

It is believed that daily instillation into each eye drop by drop of the following compositions also helps:

  • infusion of crushed aloe leaf with a spoonful of honey in purified silver and boiled water;
  • grape vine juice when pruned in spring;
  • a decoction of burdock leaf, rosehip flowers and chamomile (can be used only four times a week);
  • juice of crushed aloe leaves, infused in the refrigerator for two weeks.

The composition of some folk medicines includes honey. Ophthalmologists say that it is better to refrain from using them, since honey is the strongest allergen that is dangerous for most people, even if the allergy to it has not yet manifested outwardly. In any case, if disturbing symptoms appear, such as itching, redness, swelling, you should immediately stop using the solution and consult a doctor.

So, it is impossible to cure the onset of cataracts with eye drops. They can be used as part of the treatment, but do not act as an alternative to surgery, especially at serious stages when a person cannot really see anything. So, having heard the word “operation” from the doctor, one should not be afraid, but should, on the contrary, get into the chair of an ophthalmic surgeon as soon as possible - after all, the earlier treatment is started, the easier and more effective it is.

Video - Cataract surgery

In the development of gentle, non-surgical methods of treating cataracts, the focus has long been on means to stop the process of clouding of the lens or even reverse it. Cataract drops, which include antioxidants, will help stop the formation of free radicals in the protein of the lens of the eye (which is why it first degenerates and then destroys, up to complete decay).

How do cataract eye drops work?

Their mechanism of action is to “donate” a free electron to a protein molecule that has lost it as a result of the breakdown of ATP, adenosine triphosphoric acid, the fuel of our body. And a DNA molecule devoid of an electron is a free radical capable of taking away what is missing from other molecules. This forms a chain reaction of radicalization that can gradually kill the body ... if not for antioxidants.

The following antioxidants may be included in eye drops:

  1. Amino acid group
    • Taurine
    • Acetylcysteine
    • Glutarion
  2. Bioflavonoids are a large group of antioxidants of natural (plant) origin.
    • Red grape leaf extracts
    • Cranberries
    • green tea
    • black pepper
    • milk thistle
    • Ginkgo Biloba etc.
  3. vitamins
    • A, B2, B6, C, E
  4. Carotenoids
    • Zeaxanthin
    • Lutein

Types of eye drops for cataracts

The composition of the drops is not limited to this, they may include an artificial protein or protein substitute, complex carbohydrates, antibiotics and antiseptics, but these are already specialized substances aimed at certain complications.

Eye drops from cataracts are divided into:

  • intended for the prevention of the disease - when, according to the results of the examination, the ophthalmologist has a suspicion or prerequisites for the occurrence of such a pathology;
  • used for age-related cataracts - when it has already clearly begun, and the task is to stop the process or even reverse it;
  • for use in postoperative period.

Whatever category cataract eye drops belong to, they can only be used correctly after being prescribed by your doctor! Do not consider yourself smarter than a certified specialist: only one analysis of the lacrimal fluid can reveal several pathologies in which a medicine bought at random may turn out to be allergenic for you. Even if a doctor prescribes you drops without a detailed study, he will not offer such drugs, the use of which is risky for your health.

Drops prescribed for the prevention or treatment of cataracts contribute to:

  • normalization in the eyes of metabolic processes,
  • improve the optical performance of the lens by increasing its transparency,
  • increase the protective abilities of the eye
  • resorption of proteins damaged by free radicals.

It is easier to prevent than to cure

So, as the therapeutic effects increase, we will give examples of both drops for prevention and for situations where there are prerequisites for the disease, and remedies used after surgical interventions.

During a medical examination, you can often hear the question: “Did your parents or close relatives have cataracts?”.

The question is natural, because this disease is often hereditary, and the probability of its occurrence in children and grandchildren is more than 50%.

The task of eye drops for prevention in this case is to normalize biochemical processes both on the surface of the cornea and inside the eye, in its border areas. And substances - to be freely absorbed or penetrate through the lacrimal and other ducts to the lens and its environment.

What to look for if there is a suspicion of a cataract, or perhaps its appearance due to heredity?

  1. Vision gets worse at night
  2. Attempts to pick up glasses or lenses lead to nothing: neither "plus" nor "minus" optics helps
  3. A fog, a veil or black flies appear before the eyes, which follow the gaze.
  4. Daylight sculpts the eyes (increased photosensitivity)
  5. Familiar colors are distorted. You know that this item should look different.
  6. Sometimes when looking from object to object, to the right or left, or closer or further in eyeballs oh, it hurts.


Ayurvedic herbal remedy. For the prevention of eye strain and related work. It also serves as a prophylactic to prevent inflammatory eye infections, which may result in cataracts.

Drops are able to eliminate dry eyes and improve the reaction of the lens to changes in the environment (visual accommodation). Prevent age-related changes, improving metabolic processes in the eyes.

Contains natural plant components, which is why contraindications for allergenicity are significantly reduced. However, intolerance to the individual components of the composition of the drops is possible.

The drug is quite expensive, its cost is about one and a half thousand rubles, but, in the absence of contraindications, it is extremely effective.


Another Ayurvedic remedy from India for the treatment of cataracts. If you believe the statements of Indian doctors (moreover, who have passed special courses in Ayurveda), the remedy is capable of completely eliminating the onset of cataracts with prolonged use and timely treatment. Restoring the protein of the lens that began to become cloudy, dissolving the decay products of the old transparent protein and removing it

o with a current of eye fluids out.

Meanwhile, the original medicine can only be bought in India, and transportation to Russia is problematic. It is possible only in a container-thermostat, where constant pressure, temperature and humidity will be maintained. However, according to the reviews of people who got such an export, the results really turned out to be amazing, and this at a drug price of 3-4 thousand rubles. It is worth comparing this money with the cost of cataract surgery.

There are contraindications, drops should be used only under the supervision of a doctor, moreover, preferably one who knows Ayurvedic practices.


The components that make up this ophthalmic agent are able to improve energy processes in the tissues of the eye by stabilizing the ionic composition of eye fluids in general and the lens separately. This stabilization can prevent cataracts.

Combined remedy. The action of the agent enhances metabolism and cellular respiration, activates the synthesis of cAMP, nicotine adenine dinucleotides, and stimulates metabolic and energy processes in the lens.

There are no data on overdose, but redness of the sclera and a slight burning sensation in the eye are possible. If it quickly, within a minute or two, passes - the drug can be used further.


It dissolves protein deposits, the accumulation of which causes clouding of the lens. The main condition is the regularity of instillations in the eyes, skipping them in case of forgetfulness or inability to get them on time will negate the previous treatment, if any. "" is used for no more than one month precisely as a prophylactic agent, or a first aid agent for a diagnosed cataract that has begun. During its use, instillations are done 4-5 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye.

The base substance, azapentacene sodium polysulfonate, has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect when exposed to the cornea and lens, preventing the oxidation of its structure-forming proteins. It helps to activate proteolytic enzymes in the eye, which preserves the transparency of optical elements in the form of the cornea, lens, vitreous body.

Oftan katachrome

Improves lens tissue regeneration, neutralizes free radicals, restoring neutral electrical activity to proteins.

The composition of the Finnish drug, which has been successfully sold in Russia for more than 10 years, includes three main components. Cytochrome C acts as a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals from the tissues of the lens of the eye. Nicotinamide is a vitamin involved in many metabolic reactions. Adenosine provides the tissues of the eye with the energy necessary for the course of various processes. Due to the composition, a clinically proven slowdown in the development of cataracts is provided due to the metabolic and antioxidant effects of the drops.

During the day, instill 3 times one or two drops in each eye. The drug is used continuously for up to six months, so you need to immediately inquire at the pharmacy not only about its availability, but also about the possibility of an uninterrupted purchase, showing, if necessary, a medical prescription. The pharmacy in such cases can put you on a special account and make the delivery line uninterrupted.

In addition to the prevention and treatment of cataracts, it copes well with such a common phenomenon as dry eyes and the "" effect, moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eyes and stopping oxidative processes.


Manufacturer - Russia or Japan. Quite expensive (in its Japanese version) and very effective drug. The difference in price is 450 and 1100 rubles.

These drops are used both for prophylactic purposes in case of suspected onset of cataracts, and in the treatment of both initial and later stages of the disease, including diabetic and age-related cataracts.

Local drug. Stabilizes metabolic processes in the tissues of the lens from its shell to the peripheral vascular system, which provides accommodation for the eye. Use "Katalin" with continuous use for up to several months (how much, the doctor will prescribe). Instillations of drops 5 times a day.

The main feature of this drug is the need for independent manipulations in its preparation: the product sold includes a liquid for dissolving the tablet base, packed in a sealed soft dropper bottle. The bottle with the liquid must be opened and the base dissolved in it. This guarantees the freshness and effectiveness of the drip solution.


Means for strengthening reparation and metabolic processes in the eyes. Stabilizer of intracellular metabolism. Significantly slows down the pathological development of events in the eye tissue, including in the lens, eliminating the need surgical intervention.

Instillations are done for three months, then a break for a month is needed. Then the course of treatment is repeated. Depending on the stage and course of the disease, two to four instillations are made into the eyes per day.

In its action it is similar to "Taurine", the difference is in the additional substances in its composition.


The drug is based on amino acids, glutamic and nicotinic acid, as well as sodium salt and cysteine. These substances included in the set of drops directly eliminate protein opacities in the early stages of cataracts that have age, radiation, myopic and contusion etiology.

The agent activates the general and local blood supply to the eye, stabilizes metabolic processes towards the norm.

The use of "Vicein" is possible without interruption during the year, with clarifying diagnoses once a quarter. Instillations - 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Among the unconditional contraindications is the posterior cup-shaped cataract.


Drops with vitamins and minerals for all lens tissues. It acts quickly and strongly, providing tissue regeneration and effective nutrition. Shows results in all types of cataracts, including congenital and age. The duration of application is determined by the attending physician, this duration depends on the degree of pathology and its type. Duration can range from several weeks to six months.

In addition to extensive vitamin complex, includes chlorides of calcium, magnesium, benzalkonium; sodium hydroxide and nicotinic acid. It improves the periorbital circulation of intraocular fluid, slows down or completely stops the process of deposition of folded protein in the lens sac - both on its shell and inside.

Apply twice a day, regardless of the duration of the course of treatment.


Ophthalmic drops that improve the course of the recovery process in the tissues of the eye. Scope - eye injuries, cataracts of various severity, with corneal dystrophy. The main active ingredient is taurine. As an auxiliary substance, methyl parahydroxybenzoate is added to the product. Of the contraindications of the drug - do not use in the treatment of baby cataracts (under 16 years old), and with hypersensitivity to taurine.

Strong metabolic agent.

Postoperative eye drops

"Diklo F"

Or, in other words, "Diclofenac sodium."

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. The mechanism of action is the suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins in the focus of inflammation, which is inevitable after surgical intervention.

When used, the course of inflammation in the tissues of the cornea, iris and muscle sphincter that controls the lens is weakened. When suturing, possible miosis decreases - both spasmodic with narrowing of the pupil, and paralytic, with its expansion.


Drops of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic action based on antibiotics. Has an anti-allergic effect. The presence in its composition of two antibiotics (Polymyxin B and Neomycin) and the dexomethasone glucocortisteroid provide a wide range of its bactericidal action. In addition, the specified combination of drugs provides anti-exudative effect in the treatment.

It is used as a prophylactic postoperative agent for cataract surgery to prevent infections caused by streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as causative agents of conjunctivitis.

The use of dexamethasone drops gives a decongestant and desensitizing effect. The components of the drug are almost not absorbed into the tissues (local action that does not go beyond the zone of influence), which means that they do not enter the local circulatory system in any significant amount.


Reduces possible pain in the eye, eliminates inflammation.

It inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation in the postoperative field.

The base substance of the drug is indomethacin. It is a derivative of heteroauxin, a non-steroidal substance that functions as growth hormone. In order for the product to be better absorbed, it includes thiomersal, hydroxypropyl betacyclodextrin, purified water, arginine.

The tool is widely distributed, is not rare, but is released only by prescription. Serves as a good analgesic, preventing the development of complications, suppresses miosis before surgery.


Yes, often the manifestations of cloudiness of the lens protein are the result of senile or simply age-related changes. These changes are not even considered pathological. But then the increase in life expectancy with its active phase conflicts with this approach. Judge for yourself: there are still physical strengths, the clarity of mind and the ability to be creative are preserved (even if in a limited amount) - and a person cannot realize himself in any type of activity because his eyesight has catastrophically fallen!

Therefore, the ability to delay the unfavorable development of events in the form of a cataract, and perhaps even reverse the process of clouding of the lens, is a task for a large arsenal of ophthalmic drugs in the form of drops.

The main thing is to undergo regular examinations with an eye doctor, who can recognize the cataract that has begun to develop and offer conservative, affordable and sparing treatment in time.

Cataract is one of the most common ophthalmic ailments. According to WHO statistics, it is she who is main reason loss of visual function, in other words - blindness in the world. There is an opinion that the only way to treat cataracts that can qualitatively change the patient's visual abilities is surgery. Indeed, with the development of eye microsurgery technologies surgical treatment cataracts makes it possible to restore normal vision in short time. However, this type of surgery is contraindicated for some patients:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Patients with diabetes.
  3. Patients suffering from ocular or general infectious diseases chronic course.
  4. Patients with autoimmune pathologies.

For people who have suffered a heart attack or stroke, cataract removal is indicated no earlier than a year later.

It is these categories, as well as patients on initial stages clouding of the lens is primarily recommended drug treatment cataract drops. We will immediately debunk a common myth - there is currently no one, even the strongest, to completely cure cataracts. pharmacological agent, is not capable. The function of the drops is to slow down the further progression of the disease. Due to the chronic nature of the disease, cataract treatment with drops must be carried out continuously, only then it is possible to preserve visual function for a long time. Pauses in drug therapy lead to the progression of cataracts.

General characteristics of anti-cataract drugs

Anti-cataract drops are long-term drugs. Due to the peculiarities of the composition, they are not addictive and therefore therapeutic effect from their use does not decrease over a long period. The basic composition of any such drops includes the following substances:

  • antioxidants that block oxidative processes;
  • vitamins and amino acids - sources of nutrients;
  • enzymes that stabilize metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye;
  • potassium iodide, which has a resolving effect.

The frequency of instillations depends on the specific name of the drug and the degree of clouding of the lens.

The most commonly prescribed medications for cataract therapy are:

Remember that regardless of the severity of cataracts, the appointment of any drugs is made only by an ophthalmologist on the basis of a thorough diagnosis. Self-administration of anti-cataract drops can not only not slow down the development of turbidity, but also result in a number of side effects.

Quinax - a brief description of the drug

The active ingredient is sodium azapentacene polysulfonate. It affects the proteolytic enzymes of the anterior chamber of the visual organ, activating their work, neutralizes the action of free radicals that cause clouding of the lens. It is a purple eye drop. Method of application - instillation into the conjunctival sac, one or two drops several times a day. Prescribed to prevent progression various kinds cataracts: congenital, traumatic, age. One of the main advantages of the drug is the absence of side effects and contraindications (with the exception of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug).

Taufon - a brief description

The active ingredient is taurine. It is a powerful stimulator of energy and regenerative processes in the tissues of the eye. Taufon is prescribed only as part of a multicomponent cataract treatment in addition to other drugs. It is effective as a catalyst for regenerative processes in age-related, traumatic and radiation types of cataracts. It is also prescribed for dystrophic pathologies and injuries of the cornea and increased outflow of fluid in open-angle glaucoma. It is not prescribed for children and patients with individual intolerance to taurine or other constituent drops.

Khrustalin - a brief description

It includes a whole complex of active ingredients: sodium succinate, cytochrome C, nicotinamide, adenosine. The use of Khrustalin drops provides:

  • neutralization of free radicals and protection from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • activation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye, stimulation of cellular respiration;
  • restoration of lens tissue at the DNA level;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • stabilization of the blood supply to the eyeball.

Unlike most, this drug is not prescribed for a long time, but by course. The duration of Khrustalin therapy varies from 1 to 3 months, if necessary, a second course is prescribed. There are no data on side effects.

Vita-Yodurol - a brief description

Another drug of complex action. Active components - nicotinic acid, adenosine, calcium and magnesium chloride affect the metabolism of the lens tissue and its trophism. The use of Vita-Yodurol stabilizes the blood supply to the eyeball and inhibits the accumulation of protein, which contributes to the progression of cataracts. It is used to treat and prevent the occurrence of cataracts of all types. Not recommended for children and patients with hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug. Of the side effects, the possibility of local allergic reactions is noted: redness, itching, tearing, etc. One of the most budgetary anti-cataract drops.

Oftan Katahrom - a brief description

A popular ophthalmic drug based on the active components of cytochrome C, nicotinamide and adenosine. Protein cytochrome C is a catalyst for biochemical reductive processes. The complex effect of the drug is:

  • stimulation of regenerative reactions;
  • preventing the effects of free radicals;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects on the tissues of the eye.

It is used in the treatment of cataracts of various origins, from congenital to traumatic. The frequency of instillation - 3 times a day, 1-2 drops. It is characterized by the presence of a number of side effects:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • local allergic reactions;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • fainting (rare).

Catalin - a brief description

One of the few eye drops, which are not available in the form of a solution for instillation. The packaging of the drug includes tablets and a vial with a solvent, which must be mixed independently. The active component is pyrenoxine, which stimulates the restoration of the light-transmitting properties of the lens. It is used in the treatment of age-related and diabetic types of cataracts. Refers to anti-cataract drugs for long-term use (the therapeutic course is several months), if necessary, daily instillations with a frequency of 5-6 times a day. Of the side effects are:

  1. Redness (hyperemia) of protein membranes.
  2. marginal blepharitis.
  3. Local allergic reactions (itching, severe burning).

The average cost of eye drops for cataracts

Name of eye dropsaverage price
400 rub
150-160 rub
From 700 rubles
130 rub
From 330 rubles
From 350 to 490 rubles

Video - Do cataract drops help?

Restoration of vision includes treatment through surgery or therapy. But, unfortunately, not all people can have eye surgery. Therefore, for them, the best solution would be the use of eye drops. There are also eye drops for cataracts.

They call it a cataract chronic illness eye, which causes clouding of the lens. If the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, then cataract eye drops can be used for treatment. However, the presence of a wide range medical preparations sometimes confuses people. The patient, choosing eye drops for cataracts, may be in a difficult position and not know which drug is best to use. In this article, we offer a list of drops that can help in the treatment of this disease, are useful for its prevention and are recommended in the postoperative period.

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Note! We insist that before using these remedies, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible complications.

So, if you have been diagnosed with a cataract and it is still possible to carry out treatment without surgery, then study the following cataract eye drops, which are most widely used in practice:


Ophthalmic drops for getting rid of cataracts - quinax. This medicine belongs to the group of metabolites.

The action of quinax is as follows:

  • dissolves cloudy compounds of the lens;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • protects the lens from oxidative damage.

The preparation includes the following components: boric acid, methylparaben, thiomersal, purified water and propylparaben. The main active element is azapentacene, due to which the drug has an effective effect.


This substance belongs to the group of metabolites.

Taurine has the following effect:

  • stimulates recovery processes;
  • activates metabolic processes.

The main substance in the composition is taurine, and the excipients are nipagin and water. These drops are used to slow down the development of the disease at the initial stage.

This tool contraindicated for children. Pregnant women diagnosed with cataracts are treated with taurine only after consulting a doctor. side effect after using the drug, there may be a manifestation of allergies, burning, itching, lacrimation.


This tool normalizes the metabolic processes of the lens, and also improves cell nutrition. It is recommended to drip with congenital and senile cataracts.

It consists of: pyrenoxine, aminoethylsulfonic and boric acid.

If a person has a certain reaction of the body to the components of the drug, then the medicine should not be used for treatment. After application, such negative consequences as itching, burning, redness of the conjunctiva may appear.


These eye drops are used both for the treatment of cataracts and for its prevention.

Drop data:

  • lead to an improvement in the metabolic processes of the lens;
  • restore tissues;
  • protect the lens from radicals;
  • have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant action;
  • have a moisturizing effect on the eyes.

The components of the drug are adenosine, nicotinamide, cytochrome C, sorbitol.

Experts have not established contraindications for the use of this drug. Side effects include a slight burning sensation or tingling (occur immediately after applying the drops), which disappear fairly quickly.


This drug:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates lacrimation;
  • moisturizes the eyes;
  • reduces stinging.

Main active ingredient: SkQ (mitochondria-targeted antioxidant: plastoqbromide). Also in the composition of the drug are: sodium chloride, hypromellose, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, sodium hydroxide, and water.

This drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to any of its components, as well as to persons under 18 years of age.


The substance normalizes metabolic processes in the lens, inhibits the development of the disease in older people.

The components of the drug are: adenosine, nicotinic acid, magnesium chloride.

Do not use this drug for people with intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as for children. side reaction may be an allergic manifestation.

It has a good effect on the structure of the eyes. The use of the drug will help improve intraocular pressure.

The main active ingredient of the drops is taurine.

Taufon is contraindicated in persons under the age of majority, and people with sensitivity to the components that make up the product. A side effect is an allergic reaction.


This substance:

  • positively affects the regenerating processes of eye tissues;
  • moisturizes the eye organs;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action;
  • combats eye irritation and eye fatigue.

Contraindication to use is sensitivity to the components of the substance. There were no negative effects from the use of drops.

List of funds used for prevention

Above, we briefly reviewed eye drops for cataracts, namely for its treatment. But it's no secret that the best remedy from the disease is prevention (after all, it is always easier to prevent the onset of the disease than to treat the disease).

Cataract is no exception. That is why there are drops for the prevention of cataracts. Below we suggest you familiarize yourself with their varieties.

List of eye drops used to prevent cataracts:


It is used to relieve tension in the eyeballs, as well as a prophylactic drug against the appearance of eye diseases caused by infection. This tool provides positive action on the metabolic processes of the lens, which can prevent age-related visual changes, including the development of cataracts.

The components of reticulin are: extract of terminalia camboules, extract of basil officinalis, adenosine, cytochrome.

Contraindications to the use of the substance include individual intolerance to the constituent parts of the drug, and an allergy can be an adverse reaction.


These drops are suitable for improving vision. They also accelerate the metabolic processes of the lens, fill it with energy.

The drug contains nicotinic acid, magnesium and calcium chloride, adenosine. An adverse reaction is redness and burning.


These are drops that consist of a sufficiently large number of elements with nutritional properties. However, if the patient is diagnosed with a posterior cup-shaped cataract, then this will be a contraindication to the use of vicein. To understand what this type of cataract is, as well as to get acquainted with its other types, we recommend that you read the corresponding article on our website. INSERT LINK

Prevention of cataracts is also carried out by means such as Quinax, Taurine, Taufon. We have already written about these drugs above.

Choice of drug

The most difficult questions are: “What drops are the most effective in the fight against cataracts?”; "How to choose a drug to restore vision?". After all, there are a large number of drops that differ in composition, properties and effectiveness.

Patients undergoing treatment always hope for a positive result from taking medicines. And to achieve effective result you should choose the right medicine. Therefore, when deciding on the choice good drug it is best to trust a professional. Because the doctor, when choosing a medicine, will take into account the degree of the disease, the body's reaction to the substances that make up the drug, as well as other points.

Postoperative period

If eye drops for cataracts did not lead to positive results and, as a result, I had to have an operation, it is worth remembering that after surgery it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors.

The most important and obligatory recommendation of the attending physician will be the advice to use eye drops after the operation so that the cataract does not develop again, and the eyes recover faster after the operation. Most drops have an anti-inflammatory property that promotes rapid healing operated eye. Also, drugs can protect the eyes from infectious diseases.

In practice, doctors most often prescribe the use of the following drops:


It is an antimicrobial drug that is prescribed to prevent the development of infectious diseases.

The active ingredient is piloxidine, polysorbate, anhydrous dextrose.

A contraindication to the use of drops is sensitivity to the substances that make up the composition. A side effect may be an allergy (but this is a rather rare occurrence).


It is an anti-inflammatory agent.

The composition includes the following substances: diclofenac sodium, disodium edetate, hydrochloric acid, propylene glycol, trometamol.

There are the following contraindications for use: individual intolerance, the presence of bronchial asthma, urticaria. Side effects may be: itching, burning, lack of clarity of vision, redness of the eyes.

Diklo F

This drug has an analgesic effect. Diklo F is able to reduce eye inflammation.

The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition, as well as exacerbations of peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract. Side effects can be: burning, blurred vision, itching, chills, fever.


These drops have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

The composition includes antibiotics, glucocorticosteroid.

Maxitrol is not prescribed for viral, tuberculous, fungal eye diseases, in the presence of purulent corneal ulcers. Also, this drug is not recommended for children, as well as pregnant women. After applying the drops, a manifestation is possible allergic reaction, increased eye pressure.

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