Yellow mucous discharge from the nose. How to treat yellow snot in adults and what are the reasons for their appearance

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

yellow snot in an adult, the causes and treatment of this disease are closely interconnected and depend on each other. Most often, their appearance is accompanied by more than single symptoms, a person may feel a headache, weakness, a sore throat, a fever, which indicates the occurrence pathological process. Therefore, it is especially important to know what it is and why yellow, dark green and bright yellow nasal discharge occurs in order to prevent the disease in a timely manner and begin treatment.

What causes watery yellow snot in an adult? There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of such a condition, the most common factors in their formation of yellow mucus are:

  • Decreased immune status.
  • emergence- such a neoplasm is considered benign and is characterized by the appearance of a certain cavity, cut from all sides by walls and containing, as a rule, purulent liquid contents. Due to frequent and strong blowing of the nose, the cyst may burst, as a result of which yellow or yellow-green clots may come out of one or both nostrils.

sinus cyst

  • Tobacco smoking- if an adult smokes for a long time, various harmful impurities can settle and accumulate on the mucous surface of the nose, which provoke the appearance of yellow-green or yellow snot in the nose.

Smoking can cause yellow mucus

  • allergic reactions- all of them have a similar body reaction to the action of an allergen - this is the appearance of transparent watery mucus, which can flow profusely or in small quantities. Due to damage to the nasal mucosa, there is a high chance of infection, so instead of colorless, yellowish or green discharge may appear.

Various allergens that affect the nasal mucosa can cause yellow snot to appear.

  • Long term use vasoconstrictor drugs - can negatively affect the condition of the mucosa and the whole organism. As a result of prolonged use of such drops, dependence is observed in adults, which disrupts the normal state of the mucous surface. Therefore, the likelihood of developing a runny nose or an infectious pathology, accompanied by the release of dark green or yellow snot, increases.

Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs can cause snot

Why does an adult have yellow snot

The development of a yellow tint of snot in adults, which may or may not be bright, is promoted by various causes associated with certain diseases.

It is believed that discharge from the nose of a yellow, mustard or orange hue of snot means a consequence of such pathologies:

  • - characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which a person has snot. The latter, depending on the accession of the infection, may have a different consistency and color. For example: be bright yellow, like chicken yolk or greenish. If yellow snot appears in an adult against the background of rhinitis, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa is rhinitis

  • - a common disease in adults and children, is determined by an inflammatory lesion of the maxillary sinuses. The main symptoms of the disease are headache, fever, thick sticky mucus with yellow pus can come out of the nostrils.

A common disease in both adults and children is sinusitis.

  • Infectious diseases - common causes the fact that adults complain about how yellowish snot is blown out in the morning, which may be mixed with blood or pus. This condition is explained by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. They are adsorbed on the surface of the mucosa and cause its inflammation, destructive processes. Therefore, in adults, against the background of such diseases, yellow snot appears.
  • is a disease characterized by inflammation of the tonsils. It occurs more often in children, but it also occurs in adults. This condition, in addition to the release of nasal mucus, as with a runny nose, is determined by the soreness of the throat and head, the patient often complains of weakness, high fever and malaise. The main symptom is the appearance of yellow snot.

In most cases, the defeat of the adenoids is accompanied by various discharges from the nose.

Factors in the development of purulent snot

The appearance of yellow purulent snot is very dangerous for health, since the infection can go further, therefore, in this situation, you should know: how and with what to carry out treatment so as not to start the process.

It is also worth considering the cause of the appearance of yellow or lemon-colored snot. It is believed that an adult begins to blow his nose with liquid yellow mucus as a result of exposure to the body of certain factors and the formation of such diseases:

  1. Frontitis or sinusitis.
  2. Severe form of rhinitis.
  3. The development of viral or bacterial infections.

Why bright yellow snot appears

What causes bright yellow snot in adults? It is believed that when such a symptom occurs, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of secondary signs, such as headache, fever, deterioration in general well-being. Since the appearance of this color of snot is often accompanied by the formation of an infectious process.

The appearance of yellow snot is accompanied feeling unwell, high temperature and headache

In addition, the cause may be a developed cyst in one of the nasal cavity. This benign education with pathological content. Due to various effects on the human body, it can burst, which in adults leads to abundant secretion of snot of a bright yellow hue.

Cyst in the sinus

If the main concern is the unilateral localization of the common cold, its cause may be the penetration of a foreign body into the nose, which causes inflammation and contributes to the formation of yellow snot.

Sinus x-ray procedure

In order to correctly establish the diagnosis and identify the causes of the appearance of yellow snot in adults, the doctor prescribes to the patient a complete medical examination. It includes both instrumental and laboratory methods research.

More often in this case, they resort to such methods of examination:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Conducting an allergen test, if any.

The appearance of yellow snot in adults indicates the development of some kind of disease. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to contact a medical specialist in a timely manner and begin treatment.

The therapeutic effect of yellow snot in adults is mainly based on the use of drugs and the use of prescriptions. traditional medicine.


How to treat yellow snot in an adult? The traditional method of treatment is medication. But before prescribing them, the doctor needs to identify the cause of the yellow snot.

The most common groups of drugs in the treatment of yellow snot in adults are:

  1. Antibacterial drugs- these are the main medicines in the treatment of yellow snot, especially when they occur against the background of a viral or bacterial flora. More often, penicillins and cephalosporins and sometimes a group of macrolides are prescribed for therapy.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs- are prescribed to reduce general symptoms and facilitate nasal breathing with the release of yellow snot in adults.
  3. Antihistamines- effectively cope with swelling of the mucous membrane and must be prescribed by a doctor if the cause of yellow snot in adults was the result of an allergic reaction.
  4. Mucolytics- irreplaceable medicines with stubborn yellow snot. These drugs are prescribed to patients with thick and sticky nasal mucus to thin it and make it easier to remove from the body.
  5. vitamins- help to increase the body's defenses and, as a result, increase its susceptibility to many diseases. Therefore, they must be prescribed to adults when yellow snot appears.
  6. Nasal wash solution- use more drugs based on sea ​​salt as well as regular saline. This manipulation helps to successfully cope with swelling of the mucosa, improves nasal breathing and clears the passages of yellow snot.
  7. Nasal drops and sprays.

Folk remedies

In addition to the traditional method, folk remedies are widely used as a treatment for yellow snot in adults. They effectively help fight the causes and symptoms of the disease, but when using them, you should consult a doctor.

by the most effective recipes traditional medicine are:

  • Inhalations with potatoes, essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree).

Inhalations with potatoes and essential oils help get rid of yellow snot

  • Hand and foot baths.

For the treatment of snot, you can use hand and foot baths.

  • It is necessary to drink more liquid - this is water, hot tea, berry fruit drinks, compotes, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Aloe juice - used for thick and difficult to separate snot in adults. To improve the patient's condition, the juice of the plant is mixed with honey in the same amount and instilled into the nasal passages.

With thick snot, you can use aloe juice

  • Applying a warm cloth with salt or sand to the bridge of the nose.

Nasal compress with salt

With the regular and correct use of such recipes, it is possible to effectively cope with the appearance of yellow snot in adults.

The color of nasal discharge may indicate the presence of a respiratory disease and the stage of its course. Yellow snot is a sign of an allergy, an ending illness, or the development of any complication. Read more about why bright yellow or a child appears, how to treat a symptom - in the material of the article.

Bright yellow mucus from the nostrils indicates the presence of developing inflammation mucous tissues of the nose. By color saturation, one can conclude the cause of the disease and its stage. Also important is the amount of discharge and density.

Yellow snot in an adult

When a runny nose is found in adults, followed by a liquid discharge of a transparent yellow or dark yellow color, it is fair to talk about the presence of:

  • final stage of the disease. It could be a cold, the flu, SARS. Together with snot, microscopic organisms that cause the disease, immune cells, and dead epithelium are removed from the body;
  • developing or already developed complication. If it is observed fever, the question arises of sinusitis, sinusitis or even otitis media;
  • allergies. If a runny nose and characteristic green and yellow discharge bother you once a year, then this is a simple allergic reaction. It can be caused by plant pollen, dust, and even excessive dryness of the air;
  • if an adult is a heavy smoker, then this color of snot means the presence of accumulations of nicotine and tar in the mucous membranes.

Important! In the case when the yellowness of the discharge occurs without being accompanied by other symptoms of a cold or allergy, you should consult your doctor. Such a phenomenon may indicate the presence of a developing respiratory disease, up to oncology.

Yellow-green snot in children

Runny nose and all colds in young children tend to proceed differently than in adults. Specialists explain this by the peculiarities of the structure of the nasal cavity: in children they are much thinner. And they get stuck much faster.

Important! Brightly in children often indicate the presence of edema of mucous tissues and other serious complications. If a symptom is detected, it is recommended to immediately contact a pediatrician.

As with adults, causes in children can include:

  • allergic reactions to flowering plants, dust, dry air;
  • respiratory diseases and colds;
  • complications and severe inflammation.

From the nasal passages can go sticky or liquid, of different colors and density of discharge. Based on these indicators, it is easy to conclude about the nature of the appearance of yellow snot:

  • if the final stage of any disease affecting Airways and mucous membranes of the nose, then the clear liquid will first change to greenish. After a while, it will acquire a cloudy yellow color and will stand out quite easily. In this case, pronounced congestion should not be observed;
  • if a runny nose with yellow mucus lasts from a week or more, it is fair to talk about the presence of inflammatory processes. Additional signals may be disturbances in appetite, sleep, rich yellow color of mucus;
  • according to medical statistics and practice, yellow snot is often a sign of the development of complications. If characteristic discharge mucus is accompanied by fever, pain in the respiratory tract and head, malaise - this is a sign of a developing bacterial infection.

Important! The occurrence of the symptom in question should be immediately treatable, regardless of the age of the patient and the nature of the discharge. It is better to treat diseases or pathologies that cause the formation of yellow mucus after a visit to the doctor. After the examination, he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the symptom in question is detected, as already noted, it is first necessary to visit a pediatrician or ENT. The importance of the examination is due to the effectiveness of subsequent treatment. In some cases, simple drops will suffice, in others an integrated approach will be required.

Treatment of the symptom in adults

To organize effective therapy to suppress the causes of the disease, you can resort to the use of a number of methods:

  • apply drops, the action of which constricts the vessels of the nasal cavity. It can be: Naphthyzinum, Sinupret and their analogues. Use must be careful, you must strictly follow the instructions. In the case of chaotic use, there is a risk of swelling;
  • in addition to drops, experts recommend practicing washing. It can be carried out using solutions with salt, pharmacy herbal preparations. In a pharmacy, you can find a drug Furacilin specially designed for this. Suitable and analogues based on it;
  • if the manifestation of the symptom is protracted (over 3-4 days), antihistamines are used. The appointment is carried out strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. The expediency of application is determined based on the causes of the disease and its current stage;
  • in rare cases, when medical intervention has not had an effect, the participation of a surgeon becomes necessary. Punctures and other manipulations are carried out, the purpose of which is the complete removal of purulent accumulations and the treatment of inflamed areas of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. According to practice, this method of treatment is resorted to only in advanced cases.

If a symptom is detected in the indicated categories of children, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication can lead to unexpected results and cause complications and worsen the course of the disease. Based on the results of a detailed examination, the doctor may prescribe:

  • washing procedures. They are carried out using special medication solutions for children, based on their age. For these purposes, medical pipettes or syringes are used;
  • just like adults, children are often prescribed vasoconstrictive drugs. They are complexly combined with drops designed to moisturize the mucous membranes. Most often it is Aqua-Maris;
  • if the case is neglected and sparing treatment according to the results of the examination is inappropriate, antibiotic drugs are prescribed.

Important! If viral and infectious pathologies are detected and the entire body of the child is affected, a special approach may be required. It consists in a complex effect on all the causes of the ongoing disease.

In general and in general, the treatment regimen is reduced to a number of activities:

  • the use of compresses, coupled with the use of antipyretic drugs. They are recommended to be used when the body temperature rises above 37.9 degrees. Soldering with lemon tea, warm fruit drinks from berries and decoctions is welcome medicinal herbs;
  • it is important to carry out regular instillation. For these purposes, drugs are prescribed that have a narrowing effect on the vessels. They are designed to protect the child from the development of severe complications such as bronchitis;
  • doctors recommend performing lavages with preparations based on active ingredient- furatsilina. As the child gets better, steam inhalation can be administered.

Traditional medicine against yellow mucus in the nasal passages

Lemon tea in the mornings and evenings is a classic, but in order to easily get rid of the diseases that cause the formation of yellow snot, it is recommended:

  • carry out inhalations with hot potato broth. Inhalation of steam with essential oils based on eucalyptus or aloe is also suitable. You can take a couple of garlic, grind them and breathe for 15 minutes;
  • you can also make homemade drops. Their basis is garlic juice or aloe vera, diluted with water 50:50. Drops are instilled with a pipette several times a day for 5-7 days;
  • effect will give decoctions of medicinal herbs. Among them are chamomile, sage, wild rose. The advantage of decoctions is the ability to relieve inflammation and strengthen the body of both adults and children.

Important! An effective preventive complex will help protect yourself and your young children from colds, viruses and infections. It is useful to observe it not only for reasons of protection against pathogenic microorganisms, but also in order to strengthen the whole organism. The complex will be especially useful and even interesting for young mothers who are on maternity leave or housewives leading a lifestyle.

Simple preventative tips to help you and your baby stay healthy and never experience yellow nasal discharge:

  • simple exercises in the morning, frequent walks and outdoor activity are components of strong immunity. A strict daily routine is also welcome;
  • Proper nutrition and a healthy diet are the key to health. fresh and natural products, vegetables and fruits, dairy cuisine - all this should be present in sufficient quantities on the menu. Both in yours and in the child;
  • experts recommend avoiding excessive hypothermia and prolonged exposure to the open sun. The fact is that in one case or another, the body succumbs to a kind of “hit”. accepts it the immune system, which, in case of relaxation, will easily miss viral infections inside our body;
  • in the case of violations in the work of immunity, ointments based on oxolin can be used. They are smeared with a thin layer on the mucous membranes of the nose before each exit to crowded places. Oxolinic ointment will become especially effective during periods of exacerbation and spread of viral and infectious colds: it will not let any virus through the nose;
  • Immunologists also advise regular visits to vaccination rooms in polyclinics at the place of residence.

Yellow snot is a characteristic sign of serious illness and developing pathologies. And the sooner the treatment of such a symptom begins, the more effective it will be and the faster man will start to get better. Strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physicians, take care of yourself and your health. And never get sick!

A runny nose in an adult always appears unexpectedly and at first the snot is transparent. This is not surprising - in its own way chemical composition they resemble ordinary saline: salts and water. But as the disease progresses, if left untreated, yellow, green, and even orange snot may appear. The color of the discharge from the nose serves as a good clue for the therapist, indicating the nature of the disease and even its stage.

Why is snot yellow

At healthy person mucous discharge from the nose is moderately thick and almost transparent. They perform two main functions in the body - moisturizing the nasal passages and nasopharynx, as well as protecting the upper respiratory tract in an adult and a child from negative effects. environment. Mucus lines the nasal passages and thus serves as a real trap for dust, particles of dirt and wool, small insects that, when they enter the nose, stick to it and cannot pass further.

Snot also protects us from pests invisible to the human eye - pathogenic microorganisms. Of course, they cannot "stick" to the nose like dust.

Normally, mucus contains special protective cells: leukocytes, neutrophils, and others that counteract pathogenic bacteria. They create conditions in which harmful microbes are not able to survive, while dying themselves. It is these dead protective cells that stain the snot in various colors.

What does the color say

The yellow color of the snot, like a traffic light, signals us that not everything is in order with the body. Moreover, the disease is no longer on initial stage, which means that effective treatment is required. Indicate yellow discharge from the nose can:

  • on the infectious nature of the disease and the fact that the adult's immunity has reacted to it and is actively fighting, which means that additional treatment is required;
  • on the allergic nature of the common cold with constant exposure to an allergen, from which the body tries to protect itself by intensively producing thick yellow discharge;
  • to the recovery stage colds when at first the snot flowing abundantly from the nose thickens and acquires light yellow hues.

Yellow snot is usually thick. But their shades can change and also serve as a good clue when making a diagnosis.

So the recovery is indicated by the light yellow color of the snot, which is odorless. In this case, treatment is no longer required, since the body has already coped with the disease itself. The only thing worth doing is rinsing your nose with saline at least once a day to speed up the removal of snot and prevent it from accumulating and entering the nasopharynx.

Yellow-green snot indicates that not only viruses, but also bacteria have entered the body. The greenish color is given to them by the natural antibacterial components included in the mucous discharge from the nose. If such a runny nose in an adult does not go away within 5-7 days, most likely, it will be necessary to start treatment with strong antibiotics - this means that the adult's immunity cannot cope on its own.

Orange or bright yellow snot is the most alarming signal. They may indicate a subacute and acute stage of sinusitis, in which pus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses. Such discharges must be treated immediately and very intensively, since it is very difficult to get rid of sinusitis that has passed into the chronic stage.

Of course, it is impossible to make a final diagnosis only by the color of the snot. It is necessary to take into account other accompanying symptoms, and in some cases, a test for the determination of pathogenic microflora.

If the doctor knows exactly which microbes have entered the body, he will be able to more accurately select antibiotics and prescribe effective treatment.

Folk remedies

What should be done if yellow snot does appear, how can they be treated? First of all, clean your nose well. Then rinse thoroughly with a solution of sea salt (1 teaspoon per glass of water), to which a few drops of iodine can be added to enhance the effect. You need to draw in water with one nostril closed, but not too abruptly so that the infected discharge from the nose does not enter the ears through the Eustachian tube. You can use a decoction of chamomile or calendula for washing, as well as special pharmaceutical preparations.

Now you can try to treat yellow discharge with proven folk ways treatment:

You can peep on the Internet and other effective folk remedies. They should lead to a stable improvement within 3-5 days, otherwise, the disease should be treated by traditional methods.

Medical treatment

If it was not possible to overcome the yellow snot on your own, and after 3-5 days of home therapy, the runny nose continues, or the body temperature has risen sharply, urgent medical attention is needed. After an examination and, possibly, several laboratory tests, the doctor will select the most effective complex treatment, which is a combination of various drugs:

Physiotherapy procedures that are prescribed after the acute stage of the disease has already passed will also help speed up the recovery process. Warming up the nose with a laser or solux, ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis helps a lot. In some cases, inhalation is useful.

pick up medications in each case, the doctor must. This is especially true of antibiotics, since they all have certain features and contraindications that must be taken into account.

Only a complex, properly organized treatment can quickly cope with the problem. Otherwise, serious complications such as chronic sinusitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia can occur.

Yellow snot often become an indicator of the state of the human body. Most often, they indicate the presence of pathological factors, the causes of which must be identified and eliminated.

The treatment regimen is established by the doctor after diagnosing the disease. This phenomenon should not be neglected - yellow discharge from the nose will help to identify a serious pathology at an early stage.

Physiological nasal manifestations (snot, runny nose) are mucus that is produced by glands located in the nasal mucosa. It performs protective functions, limiting the access of pathogenic microorganisms to respiratory system through the nasal cavity.

At its core, this secret is aimed at warming up and antiseptic processing of the inhaled air flow. In the normal state of a person, mucus is produced in such an amount that is sufficient to perform the assigned functions, but not enough for a free, visible discharge from the nose to the outside.

A number of aggressive factors, both exogenous and endogenous in nature, can cause a protective reflex of the body in the form of increased production of nasal secretions, trying to resist the effects of quantity. Under such conditions, excess mucus begins to be removed outward through the nasal passages, which causes a runny nose in an adult or child.

Such protection works at any age, even in a newborn. In this case, the discharge can have a different intensity, consistency and color. There may be snot from one nostril or simultaneously from both.

Discharge color is important diagnostic criterion, as it is directly related to its composition. Normally, the secretion of the nasal glands is a colorless, odorless liquid.

Any process of an inflammatory nature stimulates an increase in secretion production, its turbidity and thickening. The fact is that an increased number of white blood cells are sent to the nasal cavity to fight pathogenic microorganisms, which partially die in the fight against infection. A mixture of dead bodies and microorganisms, along with the secret, is brought out, while yellow snot is observed in an adult and a child.

It has been established that the density and brightness of yellowness indicates the intensity of the confrontation. Thus, thick bright yellow snot in an adult indicates a significant penetration of infectious pathogens at least into the nasal cavity, and even further into the respiratory tract. Thick yellow mucus with a greenish tint further enhances the picture, indicating the likelihood of purulent processes.

What might the phenomenon indicate?

Yellow snot in an adult most often indicates infection. However, allergic reactions can cause a similar phenomenon, as well as smoking, when mucus is simply stained with nicotine in active smokers.

A yellow runny nose of an infectious nature develops according to a typical pattern: at first, the flow of a clear discharge from the nostrils increases, then it thickens and becomes cloudy, and finally, a yellow color of very thick snot is formed.

Based on this development of events, we can say that the yellow snot from the nose is an advanced stage of the process. Further resolution of the problem is possible in 2 options: the final stage of the pathology is underway with a speedy recovery (as a rule, this is indicated by an increased density of the discharge) or the progression of the inflammatory reaction in the form of the formation of new lesions.

In the first variant, stability or weakening of color saturation can be considered as a confirming feature. In another case, there is a possibility that the pathology is in an advanced stage, and the immune system cannot cope with the infection. In this variant, bright yellow snot is formed with a possible purulent filling. One of the most important indicators is the duration of abundant discharge. If they bother a person for more than 8-10 days, then a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Why is it impossible to neglect such a phenomenon as a runny nose? Thick yellow snot, although indicating some neglect of the process, usually indicates that it still remains within the nasal cavity (if there are no other pronounced symptoms of the disease). The danger of the development of pathology lies in the further advancement of pathogens in the direction of the respiratory organs along the upper respiratory tract.

Really provoking diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. In addition, there is a possibility of infection spreading to the ear region and maxillary sinuses with the onset of otitis and sinusitis. At the same time, the yellow runny nose allows diagnosing these pathologies at an early stage.

Causes of yellow discharge from the nose

The main etiological mechanisms for the formation of snot with yellowness are determined by the infectious and allergic nature. They can become symptoms of such diseases: different types sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, exacerbation of sinusitis and other varieties), otitis, and in childhood it is also necessary to note adenoiditis with suppuration.

The most common factor is a variety of sinusitis. These diseases are caused by inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane or nasal appendages that occur under the influence of a penetrating infection in the form of viruses and bacteria.

It is necessary to note the following sinusitis:

Where does it develop
Sinusitis Defeat maxillary sinus. Frontitis Pathology in the frontal sinus. Etmoiditis The process in the bone structure. Sphenoiditis Pathology of the sphenoid sinus.

The characteristic manifestations (in addition to thick snot) include:

  • discomfort in the nose and frontal area,
  • pain aggravated by a sharp movement of the head,
  • rise in body temperature, difficulty in nasal breathing,
  • sneezing.

Another fairly common cause of yellow runny nose is considered to be sensitization of the body, that is, an allergy. The seasonal type of allergic discharge is often due to pollen. thick discharge with a yellow tint are often the result of excessive dryness of the air in the room for a long stay and the body's reaction to house dust, pet hair or feathers (down) in the pillow.

One circumstance should be emphasized in particular. When yellow snot with pronounced purulent impurities appear for no apparent reason and in the absence of a runny nose before, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Such a symptom may indicate the emergence of a serious pathology of the nasopharynx, up to malignant tumors.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of a runny nose with yellow discharge should be treated after consulting a doctor, due to the possible presence of the above serious diseases. Symptomatic treatment provided after establishing the causes and taking measures to eliminate the underlying disease. Directly yellow rhinitis is treated according to the following scheme:

  1. The use of nasal drops of vasoconstrictive action: Naphthyzin, Rinazolin, Knoxprey, Sinupret, and after their introduction, emptying the nasal cavity by actively blowing your nose.
  2. Washing the sinuses with water saline solutions: saline solution, Furacilin. Use of moisturizers: Saline, Aquamaris, seawater-based blends.
  3. Effective moisturizing with Protargol, which contains silver ions and protein ingredients.
  4. With a tendency to allergic reactions, antihistamines are prescribed - Diazolin.
  5. Broad-spectrum antibiotics to eliminate various types of infection: Ceftriaxone.
  6. If necessary, therapy is carried out (including systemic) with the appointment of drugs that lower body temperature and relieve pain, while providing antihistamine effects (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol), corticosteroids - Prednisolone.

In exceptional cases, when conservative treatment does not give results, and progression of the pathology is observed, a decision is made to use surgical methods of exposure.

As a rule, a septal puncture is performed to remove purulent exudate and create a passage for mucus drainage.

As effective folk remedies, the following methods can be recommended:

  1. Warming up with heated table salt poured into a woven bag (can be carried out only when normal temperature bodies).
  2. To thin the secret and stimulate the immune system: decoctions and tea with chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips.
  3. Inhalation using solutions from eucalyptus and essential oils, especially coniferous trees (for example, fir).
  4. Folk inhalation: inhalation of vapors over hot potatoes.
  5. Homemade nasal formulations of carrot, beetroot, onion juice, and aloe leaf juice.
  6. Washing procedure using a composition based on decoctions of chamomile, calendula flowers, plantain leaves and nettle.

A yellow runny nose can be a symptom of a serious illness. In any case, its appearance should be considered as a good reason to visit a doctor. After establishing the true causes of the phenomenon, effective treatment should be provided.

Select a rubric Adenoids Angina Uncategorized Moist cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Folk methods treatment of sinusitis Folk remedies from cough Folk remedies for the common cold Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Overview of drugs Otitis Cough preparations Procedures for sinusitis Cough procedures Procedures for the common cold Symptoms of sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for the common cold
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Runny nose treatments
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Drug Overview
  • Sinusitis
    • Alternative methods of treatment of sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
Unfortunately, in our country people are not attentive enough to their health. This is facilitated by a number of factors, including distrust of official medicine, neglect of one's own body and the belief that "it will pass by itself." However, there are a number of symptoms that should not be ignored, but on the contrary, it is necessary to react as soon as possible in order to maintain health and provide comfortable, adequate, inexpensive and effective treatment. Among these symptoms are yellow discharge from the nose. Yellow snot in an adult can be a manifestation of a mass of various conditions, ignoring which means gradually gaining more and more health problems. What to do if an adult has a yellow runny nose, how and how to treat yellow snot, what conditions bright yellow snot in an adult indicate and what to do in different situations - read on.

It is important to understand why a particular symptom appeared. This helps to choose the correct treatment, the most safe and effective. Usually the doctor makes the diagnosis, but you should also know what could be the reasons that an adult has thick, bright yellow snot.

  1. Cyst. One of the most common reasons why yellow snot appeared with a runny nose are cysts - formations in the nasal mucosa filled with fluid and limited by the connective and epithelial tissue. With excessive stress, such as blowing your nose, the cyst may burst and its internal fluid will leak out. Yellow mucus with an orange tint may scare a person, but it will soon pass. Alas, after the rupture, after a while the cyst will tighten and fill with fluid again.
  2. Chronic inflammatory process. You may not even know that inflammation is languidly vegetating in your nose. Only green snot in an adult or yellowish slight discharge can indicate it. Most often, only in the morning it is possible to blow the discharge of such a shade.
  3. Acute inflammatory processes. Unlike chronic, acute inflammation is accompanied by other symptoms: fever, chills, weakness, headaches, sore throat, and so on. If the snot is yellow and you have any other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and start treatment.
  4. Allergic reaction. It is generally accepted that transparent snot appears with allergies. How can yellow slime appear here? Just! In some people, the allergic reaction is complicated by a bacterial infection, in which the mucus from the nose turns either green, or light yellow, or takes on a rich yellow color.
  5. A consequence of the habit of smoking. People who smoke a lot may also complain of yellowish nasal discharge. This is due to irritation of the mucous membrane by cigarette smoke.
  6. The use of pharmaceuticals. With rhinitis, people resort to different means, which, mixing with secretions, can change their color. There is no pathology in this - it is enough to determine the remedy that caused such an effect, for example, Protargol.

Why snot turns yellow

A yellow discharge from the nose does not appear immediately. At first, you may not notice your runny nose at all, but after a while it will “rage” and make itself felt. Why does the snot from the nose get this color? This is due to the stages of development of this symptom.

I. At the first stage, which lasts only a few hours, you experience dryness in the nasal cavity, burning, and often sneezing. At this point, pathogenic factors have only penetrated into the body and slightly irritate the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

II. At the second stage, the counteraction of immunity to pathogenic factors begins. The vessels dilate, and in the early stages, this response of the body involves a liquid discharge from the nasal passages.

III. Over time, a bacterial infection caused by its own microflora makes the mucus brighter and gives it a yellow-green tint.

IV. When the disease subsides, the snot gradually turns white, then becomes transparent, and after that everything disappears.

The yellow color of the discharge is associated with the abundance of dead immune cells - leukocytes, which stood guard over our health, destroying pathogenic factors - bacteria. In the people, such yellow discharge is commonly called pus.

Possible diagnoses

Above, we have already talked about the causes of yellow snot. Let's take a look at the specific diagnoses that can lead to this outcome.

  1. Common cold. After hypothermia or stressful situations, a person may begin to have a runny nose. Since many microorganisms live in the nasal cavity, some of them can provoke a bacterial infection.
  2. Sinusitis. If you start a simple runny nose (which can happen both when the symptoms of a runny nose were subtle, or “intentionally”, when the patient ignored the disease and was not treated), it can go further and a bacterial infection will appear in the paranasal sinuses. Such a disease, if left untreated, can go into a chronic phase and become inflamed every time you freeze or get wet in the rain. Sinusitis has a number characteristic symptoms, including pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus, fever, chills, weakness, headache. The most common sinusitis is sinusitis - a lesion of the maxillary sinus and frontal sinusitis, a lesion frontal sinus. Sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis are less common.
  3. Cold. With a cold, a viral runny nose is often complicated by a bacterial one, which causes the discharge to take on a yellow-green tint.
  4. Viral infections. If you have picked up a virus, then be prepared for the fact that the local microflora will quickly respond to a drop in immunity and begin to colonize the nasal mucosa, thereby causing green-yellow discharge.
  5. Inflammation of the adenoids. Adenoids are the tonsils of the posterior fornix of the nasopharynx. Most often occurs in children, but in rare cases, the manifestation of this disease in adults is also possible. Dr. Komarovsky gives exhaustive questions about inflammation of the adenoids.
  6. Rhinolit. This is a situation in which a foreign body got into the nasal cavity, which eventually calcified and became the cause of a chronic inflammatory process.
  7. Ozen. This is a fetid runny nose associated with the actions of atypical microflora of the nasal cavity, as well as the destruction of the mucous membrane. Typically, this disease is characterized markedly bad smell from the nose and discharge of yellow-green crusts.
  8. Oncology. In the early stages, tumors in the nasal mucosa do not make themselves felt in any way, except for green snot. If all typical diseases have been excluded, you should contact an oncologist.

You can learn more about various diseases from a variety of literature. Also good recommendations gives Dr. Komarovsky. Although he is a pediatrician, Komarovsky gives comprehensive and helpful tips for adults.

How to treat a "yellow" runny nose in an adult

Therapeutic tactics can be chosen by your doctor depending on the specific disease. Let's look at the main groups of drugs that can be prescribed by the attending physician in a particular case.


In severe cases of sinusitis, antibiotics may be prescribed intravenously, but if possible, the doctor will transfer you to topical preparations. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are penicillins or cephalosporins. As antibiotic drops, drugs can be selected:

  • drugs with cefazolin,
  • preparations with Dioxidine.

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs are aimed at reducing the severity of the symptoms of the disease: they reduce pain, relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.

  • Nurofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Aspirin.


Allergy medications, of course, will be appropriate if a bacterial infection of the nasal cavity is detected as a result of contact with certain allergens. Most often, drops are prescribed that help relieve swelling in case of allergic reactions:

  • Allergodil,
  • Fenistil,
  • Cromhexal.


Such drugs are intended for immunocompromised patients in whom a viral or bacterial infection is complicated by a fungal disease. The form of release of drugs is very different, starting with nasal drops and ending with tablets and capsules for oral administration. This group of drugs will increase the immune forces of the body, which will help in the future to avoid complications of the common cold, including those with yellow discharge.

  • Arbidol
  • Viferon
  • Immunal
  • Amiksin.


These are drugs that make thick mucus thinner. lingering runny nose with yellow discharge often goes hand in hand with coughing, and to relieve this concomitant symptom doctors often prescribe these drugs. Most often, otolaryngologists

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