There is no thrush, but there is discharge. Can there be no characteristic discharge with thrush

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Whether women can have thrush without discharge is a rather complicated question, since very often in medicine there are cases when the appearance of vaginal candidiasis is not accompanied by symptoms that are standard for this type of disease. You can recognize candidiasis by certain symptoms, but not everyone knows that there is thrush without unpleasant discharge. Treatment in this case can begin with a great delay, and the disease itself can cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort to a woman.

In the reproductive system of every woman there are various bacteria that, during their life, create an acidic environment in the body, preventing pathogens (fungi) from developing. The causative agent of vaginal candidiasis is a fungus, which in medicine is called Candida albicans. Such a conditionally pathogenic microorganism is found in the body of every woman (about 1%). But when certain favorable conditions arise, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly, creating large colonies and thereby destroying the beneficial microflora in the female genital organs. At the same time, whites begin to appear thick discharge with a sour smell, which resemble particles of cottage cheese.

In girls in adolescence and in every adult woman, vaginal discharge is the norm. Usually, a white or transparent, odorless, mucous mass is released from the genitals, which may vary depending on the passage of monthly menstruation. Therefore, thrush can be without discharge, when at an early stage of the onset of the disease there are no significant changes in the mucus and it is quite difficult to recognize vaginal candidiasis. An accurate diagnosis can be made only after all tests have been carried out.

Consider whether there is a thrush without discharge and what are the reasons for its asymptomatic appearance. Candidiasis usually occurs when immunity is reduced, which can be caused by:

  1. Regular use of hormonal contraceptives.
  2. Availability chronic diseases(diabetes, thyroid dysfunction).
  3. Malnutrition (the presence in the daily diet of a set of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates).
  4. Obesity or overweight.
  5. Frequent hypothermia of the body.
  6. Pregnancy, during which a woman's percentage of estrogen in the body increases, contributing to the development of candidiasis.
  7. Reduced immunity due to long-term infectious diseases and HIV. Immunity is reduced in people with cancer when they are given a course of radiation and chemotherapy.
  8. Long-term use of antibiotics, which kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also cause a violation of the normal microflora in the female reproductive system. Candidiasis is detected in about 1/3 of patients who take antibiotics.
  9. Unprotected intercourse, which can cause sexually transmitted diseases.
  10. Improper intimate hygiene (regular douching, frequent use lubricants and fragrance pads).
  11. Postponed complex operations or transplantation of foreign organs.
  12. Stress, depression, overwork.

Can vaginal candidiasis go away without discharge?

Many women are interested in the question of whether there can be thrush without discharge and how to recognize it in time to start treatment. Sometimes the course of the disease is accompanied by only latent symptoms. Some women reveal thrush in themselves, during which there is only severe itching, burning and swelling of the genital organs.

Sometimes during thrush, discharge is present, but they do not have a characteristic smell and color, and also do not appear too often. Changes in the menstrual cycle can cause concern. If the periods are too plentiful, or vice versa, they only “smear”, then there is a reason to see a doctor. Failure in the menstrual cycle can be one of the symptoms of thrush. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after taking a smear and culture of bacteria.

If there is no discharge, then many women think that itching, swelling and burning are symptoms of some other inflammatory process. They start taking drugs containing antibiotics, which further weaken the immune system and cause the rapid reproduction of Candida fungal spores. In this case, in addition to the above signs, cottage cheese discharges common for thrush appear. The disease passes into a chronic stage, which is much more difficult to cure.

Often, the absence of leucorrhea in a woman is observed in cases where she herself is a carrier of candidiasis. This is the stage of fungal infection, when its reproduction has not yet become catastrophic and the body can completely control the reproduction of spores.

During pregnancy, the level of hormones in a woman's body changes due to an increase in progesterone. As a result of this, the environment in the vagina becomes not so acidic, and does not suppress the process of reproduction of fungi to the right extent. In order for the infection not to affect the fetus, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which will be prescribed by a gynecologist.

How to identify thrush

If there are suspicions about the presence of vaginal candidiasis in the body, it is necessary to pass a set of tests that will help the gynecologist make an accurate diagnosis:

  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • bacterioscopy;
  • sowing on the body's sensitivity to various drugs.

This set of procedures will help identify the causative agent of candidiasis, as well as determine general state female body and recognize serious disorders. At chronic form candidiasis, in addition to antifungal agents, women are prescribed drugs that normalize immunity, stabilize metabolism and restore the vaginal microflora. In addition, women are prescribed a course of treatment with vitamins and drugs that normalize the acidic environment.

Thrush or candidiasis occurs in every second woman. However, many consider it a benign disease that can go away on its own. But it's not. Thrush occurs when Candida enters, which can cause serious harm to the body. In the absence of therapy, the symptoms may disappear on their own, but the disease returns after a while.

The main symptom of thrush is itching, which has a different intensity. Its absence often indicates the initial stage of the pathology or its transition to a chronic form.

Candidiasis is also manifested by many other symptoms. But in some cases it may not show clinical signs. In this case, the presence of pathology is determined only by the method laboratory research vaginal smear. Consider how to determine the asymptomatic course of candidiasis, it is dangerous and how to cure the disease.

The concept of candidiasis and characteristic manifestations

Thrush - fungal disease affecting mucous membranes. Many people think that it only affects female body. But men are also susceptible to the disease. Candidiasis in them often occurs without itching and other symptoms. That is why male patients often do not think about the possibility of infecting their partner and do not turn to a specialist.

But the disease, in addition to the danger of infection, over time can cause significant discomfort, as well as the development of severe pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system, up to the loss of sexual function.

In the advanced stage, painful sensations and curdled discharge appear after intercourse. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the urethra, causing the development of prostatitis and other diseases.

Pathology manifests itself as follows:

  1. Redness of the head.
  2. The appearance of white plaque on the mucous membranes.
  3. Pain after intercourse and urination.
  4. Itching and burning in the region of the glans penis.
  5. The presence of curdled secretions.

The main reason for the development of the disease in women and men is a weakened immune system. Fungi of the genus Candida are representatives of the healthy flora of any person. But in case of disruption immune system they are starting to develop. The microflora of the mucous membranes is a favorable environment for them, where they begin to multiply, causing the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

The disease always develops gradually. The reasons may be:

It manifests itself a little differently than in men. The main symptom is itching.

Other symptoms of candidiasis include:

  1. Burning in the vagina of varying intensity. May occur in the region of the labia and vulva.
  2. Pain during urination, sexual intercourse.
  3. The presence of cheesy discharge with and without odor from the vagina.
  4. Slight swelling of the labia.

Symptoms in women appear with greater intensity than in men. The diagnosis is made only after a laboratory study of a smear from the vagina. This is due to the fact that these signs are characteristic of many diseases of the genitourinary system. In men and women, the disease can occur without symptoms.

Why are there no manifestations in women?

Candidiasis often occurs without the appearance of pronounced symptoms. Only test results indicate the presence and activity of the fungus. The absence of signs of thrush in women suggests that she is a carrier. At the same time, inflammation internal organs may take an acute form. That is why even with an asymptomatic course of the disease, treatment is required.

The presence of the disease can be suspected in the following cases:

  1. The presence of chronic genital infections.
  2. Establishing the presence of candidiasis in a partner.
  3. The presence of problems associated with infertility.

Establishing thrush during pregnancy requires immediate treatment. During this period, the disease can cause infection of the fetus, which will affect its formation, and subsequently, the development of the child.

When diagnosing thrush in a pregnant woman, the doctor conducts a study for the presence of concomitant diseases and treats with vitamin complexes and antibacterial drugs.

It is strictly forbidden to treat candidiasis on your own during pregnancy, since it is impossible to completely cure it at home. Also, thrush, which flows without signs, can cause non-premature birth or miscarriage.

If there is no discharge, but there is itching

Thrush can pass without discharge, but with itching. This is how it appears mild form, which is in the process of transition to vaginal candidiasis. In the absence of secretions, a woman also becomes a source of infection for a man during intercourse, regardless of how the pathology proceeds.

At this stage, immediate treatment is required, since vaginal candidiasis can cause serious disorders and infertility.

Candida fungus in women

Itching in the genital area of ​​varying intensity helps to understand that a woman is sick. Often this symptom is attributed to irritation, hypersensitivity to synthetic materials, and insufficient intimate hygiene.

These reasons, indeed, can cause some discomfort, but if the itching continues for several days or weeks, gradually intensifying, then you should consult a doctor and take a smear.

Christina, 24 years old:“The thrush was put during pregnancy. But there were no symptoms of the disease, and I did not even know about the danger to the baby. She did not show the standard signs, such as pain, discharge, burning, she felt only itching. But under the supervision of the attending physician, candidiasis was cured, and the child was born healthy.

If there is no itching

Thrush, which is not accompanied by itching and burning, has its own causes. Most often, this condition occurs during pregnancy or when wearing panty liners made of synthetic materials. Accompanying symptoms may be discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the intimate area.

The absence of itching in the presence of discharge indicates initial stage diseases. If the signs are ignored, the pathology passes into an acute stage. But the difficulty of diagnosing and therapy is that other symptoms are confused with other diseases of the genitourinary system.

The presence of thrush, which is not characterized by itching, is indicated by the following signs:

  • redness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • rash and irritation;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • an increase in local temperature.

An accurate diagnosis and the cause of discomfort can be established only with the help of a laboratory study of a smear from the mucous membranes of the genitals.

Veronica, 34 years old:“I never thought that thrush could occur without symptoms. But during the passage of the next medical commission, candidiasis was established. In this case, there were practically no signs.

Only mild itching bothered me. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics and recommended using herbal infusions for douching (I used St. John's wort). The itch was gone after 2 days. Analyzes showed the absence of fungi after 2 weeks.

If there is discharge, but no smell

Curdled discharge that appears with thrush, both in men and women, most often have bad smell. It is usually specific or sour. But with the addition of a yeast infection, it can change or disappear completely.

The appearance of white, odorless, curdled discharge indicates a mixed infection, when not only Candida fungi are present on the mucous membranes of the vagina. Microorganisms such as chlamydia, microplasma can cause a change in odor. Accompanying symptoms are burning and itching.

Odorless thrush most often indicates an atrophic form of vaginitis, which occurs during menopause. The disease is established 10-12 years after the onset of menopause in more than half of women. In this case, the discharge can be painted pink, the mucous membrane becomes dry and pale.

Lack of smell in thrush may also indicate bacterial vaginosis. The discharge in this case is a grayish tint. Pathology is also accompanied by itching and swelling of the genitals.

How to recognize the latent course of the disease in men?

Male patients are also prone to developing thrush. In most cases, it proceeds, unlike female pathology without overt symptoms.

Infection can occur during sexual intercourse. Another reason for the development of candidiasis is reduced immunity. Candida fungi are constantly present on the mucous membrane of intimate organs, but if the body's defenses are violated, they begin to multiply rapidly.

Also provoking factors are:

  1. Stress.
  2. Hypothermia.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Metabolic disorder.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Climate change.
  7. Wrong nutrition.
  8. Use of steroids.

Candidiasis in men is diagnosed less frequently than in women. This is due to the difference in the anatomy of the genital organs. The genitals are not prone to infection, since there is no favorable flora for the reproduction of bacteria. Even through sexual contact with an infected partner, infection may not occur.

The intensity of the symptoms of thrush depends on the degree of damage:

Thrush in the stronger sex can be characterized by both the complete absence of symptoms and their partial presence. Any manifestations should alert and become a reason to visit a doctor, especially if candidiasis is diagnosed in a sexual partner.

How can asymptomatic thrush develop in men:

  1. Only with redness of the head of the penis. This form is most common in men.
  2. With redness of mucous membranes and itching sensation.
  3. With the presence of discharge and the absence of itching and smell.
  4. With the presence of discharge, itching, but with no smell.

Victor, 31 years old: “I was surprised when the doctor diagnosed candidiasis. I didn't even think it could be. He turned to a specialist about the burning sensation that occurred during urination. The rest of the symptoms were completely absent. After the course of treatment, they all disappeared, and tests showed the absence of thrush.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment with the establishment of candidiasis should begin immediately, until the disease has passed into the chronic stage. To suppress a fungal infection, antifungal drugs are prescribed, and also used folk methods.

Medical impact

Antimycotics have a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms, slowing down their growth and disrupting important functions. by the most effective means with thrush are:

Pharmacy chains today can offer many different drugs that can get rid of thrush. But before using any of them, you should consult a specialist. He will prescribe the necessary studies, establish the cause of the onset of symptoms and recommend the most effective drug depending on the characteristics of the pathology.

Folk methods

The use of alternative methods of therapy for severe thrush should be combined with medicines and only after consulting a doctor.

With candidiasis of the initial degree, when symptoms are partially or completely absent, douching, baths and washing with various herbs and soda are effective.

Such funds act locally on the fungus, help relieve itching and burning. For the procedure, laundry soap is used (you need to wash yourself before carrying out the procedures) and herbal preparations. The most effective means are:

  1. Chamomile. Helps relieve itching, inflammation and healing of small cracks.
  2. Series. It has a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. St. John's wort. It has an antiseptic effect and activates the process of tissue regeneration.
  4. Calendula. It has a disinfecting and bactericidal effect.

Regardless of the plant used, they are brewed the same way. For a liter of hot water, take 1 tablespoon of a dry plant. All insist for an hour. The resulting solution should be diluted 1:1 with water. help speed up the healing process.

Herbs are also used for therapeutic baths. Effective and laundry soap. To do this, grate it and add a small amount to a basin of water. After the pieces of soap dissolve completely, sit in the basin so that the water hides the genitals. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After the procedure, wipe dry, and after half an hour rinse the genitals with running water.


Proper nutrition also important in the case of asymptomatic candidiasis. helps to strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process. First of all, you should give up sweet and yeast baking. The diet should consist of the following products:

The diet helps to restore and maintain the immune system, to exclude the ingestion of products that promote the reproduction of the fungus. Proper nutrition must be combined with medicines and traditional medicine recipes.

Asymptomatic thrush is a fairly common occurrence that threatens a woman with severe complications, up to infertility. It is worth remembering that thrush occurs not only in women. Men are also susceptible to the development of the disease.

In them, candidiasis can most often be asymptomatic. The complexity of therapy in this case lies in the fact that the disease is established already during its transition to a chronic course and the occurrence accompanying symptoms. It is possible to cure such a thrush only with the help of an integrated approach.

One of the topical issues for women today has been and remains the issue of thrush. What is thrush, how to recognize it, how to properly treat thrush?

Increasingly, experts are faced with the fact that women call thrush any discomfort in the vagina, any discharge, and this is fraught with improper treatment. It's no secret that many women themselves prescribe the treatment of "thrush".

Can thrush happen without itching? Happens. Can there be thrush without discharge? Maybe. And can other infections manifest themselves in the same way as thrush? And again, the answer is yes. How not to make a mistake, how to choose the right treatment and help yourself? - At the first symptoms - consult a gynecologist.

Thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis is a disease of an infectious nature that affects the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina, caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

It is known that the infection itself is caused in most cases by Candida albicans (hence the name), but there are other types of Candida that occur in 8-20% of cases with recurrent candida infection, in patients with diabetes mellitus, in HIV-infected women and in women. in postmenopause.

It is known from statistics that 75% of women suffer from acute candidiasis infection at least once in their lives, 40-45% of women noted two or more relapses of the disease, and recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis occurs in 10-15% of women.

In addition, about 20% fair half humanity are asymptomatic candida carriers, in this condition, Candida fungi are localized on the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, and clinical manifestations infections are absent.

Interestingly, asymptomatic candidiasis in pregnant women can reach 40%.

Uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis or acute candidiasis occurs in 90% of cases, the remaining 10% is recurrent candidiasis.

About Candida mushrooms

Fungi of the genus Candida are unicellular microorganisms, up to 10 microns in size. The causative agent is a conditionally pathogenic flora that lives in the intestines, oral cavity, on the skin, in addition, they are facultative aerobes, that is, they have an oxygen type of respiration and the ability to grow and multiply in tissues rich in glycogen (vaginal mucosa).

In adults: According to current data, vulvovaginal candidiasis is not sexually transmitted and is not a sexually transmitted infection. However, this does not exclude the occurrence of balanoposthitis in male partners of women with vulvovaginal candidiasis.

In children: Candidiasis is rare in full-term newborns. Depending on the time of infection, congenital and acquired candidiasis is isolated.

Congenital candidiasis occurs as a result of infection of the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth and is diagnosed from the first hours to 6 days. Infection can be manifested by lesions of the mucous membranes and skin, as well as a common candidal infection.

Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes is diagnosed from the 6th to the 14th day with a frequency of 6-8%.

Intrauterine infection is especially dangerous for newborns with low birth weight and at birth premature (less than 32 weeks).

In addition, there is an exogenous way of infection with candidiasis at the hands of the mother, staff in the maternity hospital, from environmental objects.

There are predisposing risk factors for the development of thrush, which are divided into exogenous and endogenous.

Endogenous factors are represented by:

  • violation of local immunity;
  • endocrine diseases (non- and subcompensated diabetes, obesity, dysfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • background gynecological diseases.

Exogenous factors:

  • medication: antibiotics, glucocorticoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, radiation therapy;
  • microclimate with elevated temperature and humidity, tight clothing, wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, using sanitary pads, prolonged use of intrauterine devices, vaginal diaphragms, douching with antiseptic solutions, the use of spermicides.

Immune disorders are considered to be the reasons for the development of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Many women, even most of them, believe they know the symptoms of thrush. When conducting a survey, most women said that thrush is manifested by itching in the genital area, burning, and secretions that are cheesy in nature.

In addition, with thrush, discomfort during urination, pain during sexual contact can be observed.

There are situations when only itching or burning appears, the swollen mucous membrane begins to itch, it all depends on the immune forces of the body and the type of infection.

These manifestations can be with: herpetic lesions, papillomavirus infection, as well as with age-related changes in the vaginal mucosa.

And when does thrush happen without curdled discharge?

It should be noted that discharge in the form of "cottage cheese" is more often observed with acute form candidiasis, but with the development of chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, the discharge may be meager whitish, or may be completely absent.

With asymptomatic candidiasis, there are no curdled discharges, and itching and other manifestations of infection may also be absent.

All the symptoms listed above are not specific only to thrush, these manifestations can also be observed with various other infections of the reproductive system, namely, viral and bacterial infections, allergic reactions.

Therefore, when any sign of infection appears, it is necessary to see your obstetrician-gynecologist in order to make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Many women do not perceive thrush at all, as infection, and when itching or burning occurs, self-treatment immediately begins.

However, there are complications of thrush when neighboring systems are involved in the pathological process: urinary with the development of the inflammatory process.

Against the background of vulvovaginal candidiasis, the risk of development and the frequency of complications during pregnancy increases, the risk of infection of the fetus increases both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

The development of thrush in the fetus can lead to his death, premature birth. In newborns, thrush can occur as a limited infection (conjunctivitis, omphalitis, lesions of the oral cavity, larynx, lungs, skin), as well as in the form of a generalized process.

How to make a diagnosis?

First of all, it should be noted that women without clinical symptoms should not be tested for the presence of Candida.

In all situations, the diagnosis should be based on laboratory isolation of the causative agent of the infectious process.

For research, a vaginal discharge is taken to detect the pathogen.

After confirming the presence of yeast-like fungi, a diagnosis of thrush is made.

Treatment begins.

Treatment is carried out for women with symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis, in which the diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory detection of the pathogen. Treatment is not indicated for asymptomatic women (if carriers), as well as sexual partners of women in the absence of symptoms of candidal balanitis or balanoposthitis.

To date, treatment regimens for candidiasis have been developed using antimycotic drugs, both systemic and local.

Despite the proven effectiveness of the recommended antifungal drugs and the slow development of resistance in fungi, the epidemiological situation of candidiasis in the world is not improving.

It has already been said many times, but, I still repeat, that for the quality of the therapy, the patient's discipline in the use of medicines is of great importance.

In the 2010 recommendations developed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among antimycotic agents for the treatment of acute uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis, butoconazole in the form of a 2% vaginal cream (registered in Russia as Ginofort) ranks first.

A short course of the drug for local use(single use) effectively treats uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis. Local administration of butoconazole allows for high concentrations active substance at the site of injury.

Treatment for acute genital candidiasis includes over-the-counter drugs:

  • Butoconazole 2% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Clotrimazole 1% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Clotrimazole 2% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Miconazole 2% cream, 5g intravaginally for 7 days or
  • Miconazole 4% cream, 5g intravaginally for 3 days or
  • Miconazole 100mg vaginal suppositories, 1 suppository for 7 days or
  • Miconazole 200mg vaginal suppositories, 1 suppository for 3 days or
  • Miconazole 1200 mg vaginal suppositories, 1 suppository once or
  • Thiocanazole 6.5% ointment, 5g intravaginally, single injection

First of all, the objectives of treatment are the treatment of the background pathology, the relief of the recurrence of the disease, long-term treatment in the maintenance antimycotic therapy regimen.

Relapse relief:

Supportive care

Fluconazole 100mg, 150mg or 200mg weekly for 6 months

Intravaginal antimycotics, depending on the dosage of the drug, are used every day, twice a week, or every week - 100 mg, 200 mg or 500 mg.

One of the problems with the topical application of antimycotic drugs is the inconvenience of this route of administration for a woman. Since the effectiveness of treatment depends on the ability of the suppository to melt and spread over the vaginal mucosa, it is recommended to use antimycotic drugs at night and administer suppositories "as far as possible". However, it is impossible to avoid the leakage of the oily component of the candle, and this happens immediately after the woman gets out of bed, while the linen gets dirty, which causes inconvenience to the woman.

In connection with these nuances, the drug butoconazole (Gynofort) was developed - a single application of 100 mg of butoconazole nitrate (Gynofort 5g cream in one package) is very convenient for use.


Special patient groups include pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. During pregnancy and lactation, oral antimycotics should not be used.

Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and during lactation, when a woman is breastfeeding, natamycin can be used 1 suppository for 6 days.

One of the permitted drugs in Russia for the treatment of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy is sertaconazole ("Zalain"), the convenience of which lies in a single use, when the concentration of the drug and its effect persist for 7 days.

In addition, there is a well-known combination drug, possessing high activity in relation to Candida fungi - Terzhinan. The drug is allowed from the second trimester of pregnancy and has proven good efficacy.

I have been working in my profession since 2010. Graduated from the Saratov State medical University in 2008 with a degree in general medicine. Completed emergency internship medical care in 2009, in 2010 internship in obstetrics and gynecology, 2014 advanced training in the specialty of reproductive medicine, primary specialization in ultrasound diagnostics. 2009-2014 - Maternity Hospital No. 3 in Ufa, Republican Perinatal Center in Ufa, Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies from 2014 to the present. Specialization: reproductive health, ultrasound diagnostics.

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