Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin: description, indications for use and medicinal properties of the drug. Which is better - Ofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin? How not to miscalculate with a choice? Generation of respiratory quinolones

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

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Ofloxacin in urological practice

V.E. Ohrits, E.I. Veliyev
Department of Urology and Surgical Andrology, RMAPO

Antibacterial drugs(ABP) class fluoroquinolones(PC), united by a common mechanism of action (inhibition of the synthesis of a key enzyme of a bacterial cell, DNA gyrase), currently occupy one of the leading positions in the chemotherapy of bacterial infectious diseases. The first quinolone was obtained by accident during the purification of the antimalarial drug chloroquine. It was nalidixic acid, which has been used for over 40 years to treat infections urinary tract (IMP). Subsequently, the introduction of a fluorine atom into the structure of nalidixic acid marked the beginning of a new class of ABP, PC. Further improvement of PC led to the appearance in the mid-1980s of monofluoroquinolones (containing one fluorine atom per molecule): norfloxacin, pefloxacin, ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin.

The spectrum of action of FH

All PCs are drugs with a wide spectrum of action, which includes bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic, gram-positive and gram-negative), mycobacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma, rickettsia, borrelia, some protozoa.

PCs are characterized by activity against predominantly Gram-negative bacteria: families Enterobacteriaceae (Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Providencia, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia), Neisseriae, Haemophilus, Moraxella, for which the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC90)

PC in most cases is Among PC there are differences in activity against different groups of microorganisms and certain types of bacteria. The most active in vitro PCs are ciprofloxacin (against Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and ofloxacin (against gram-positive cocci and chlamydia).

resistance bacteria to PC develops relatively slowly, it is mainly associated with mutations in the genes encoding DNA gyrase or topoisomerase IV. Other mechanisms of bacterial resistance to PC are associated with impaired transport of drugs through porin channels in the outer cell membrane of the microbial cell or with the activation of release proteins that lead to the removal of PC from the cell.

Pharmacokinetics of PC

All PCs are well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, reaching maximum concentrations in the blood after 1–3 hours; food intake somewhat slows down absorption, but does not affect its completeness. PCs are characterized by high oral bioavailability, which reaches 80–100% for most drugs (with the exception of norfloxacin, 35–45%).

All PCs circulate in the body for a long time at therapeutic concentrations (half-life 5-10 hours), due to which they are used 1-2 times a day.

Concentrations of PC in most tissues of the body are comparable to serum levels or exceed them; high concentrations of PC accumulate in the renal parenchyma and in the prostate tissue. There is a good penetration of PC into cells - polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, which is important in the treatment of intracellular infections.

There are differences in the severity of metabolism, which are subjected to PC in the body. Pefloxacin is most susceptible to biotransformation (50–85%), and ofloxacin is least biotransformed (less than 10%, while 75–90% of ofloxacin unchanged is excreted by the kidneys).

An important advantage of PC is that a number of drugs (ofloxacin, pefloxacin, ciprofloxacin) have two dosage forms - for oral administration and for parenteral use. This makes it possible to apply them sequentially (step therapy), starting with intravenous administration and then switching to oral administration of drugs, which, of course, increases the compliance and economic feasibility of treatment.

PC tolerance

In general, FCs are well tolerated, although in 4-8% of patients they can cause undesirable effects (most often from the side of gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and skin).

Approximately 20 years ago, animal studies revealed the ability of PC to cause arthropathy, which led to a virtual ban on the use of PC in pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. The appointment of FH to patients of these categories is possible only for health reasons. In publications concerning the use of PC in seriously ill children, data on the frequent development of an arthrotoxic effect have not been confirmed. It was noted in less than 1% of children and depended on age and gender: it was more common in adolescents than in children early age and more common in girls than boys.

One of the safest FH is considered ofloxacin. According to some researchers, no cases of arthrotoxicity (both acute and cumulative) were identified during long-term follow-up of children and adolescents who received ofloxacin for health reasons. In addition, in patients with concomitant joint diseases, there was no exacerbation while taking ofloxacin.

Features of ofloxacin

Ofloxacin can be considered as one of the most highly active early PC drugs for the treatment of UTIs. Due to its structure and mechanism of action, ofloxacin has a high bactericidal activity. The drug is active against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms (including strains resistant to other antibiotics), as well as intracellular pathogens.

Ofloxacin can be administered simultaneously with many ABPs (macrolides, b-lactams). Due to this property, the drug is widely used as part of combination therapy for infectious diseases. Ofloxacin, unlike ciprofloxacin, retains its activity with simultaneous use of RNA polymerase synthesis inhibitors (chloramphenicol and rifampicin), since it is practically not metabolized in the liver.

The bioavailability of ofloxacin when administered orally and parenterally is identical. Due to this, when replacing the injection route of administration of the drug with oral dose adjustment is not required (one of the significant differences between ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin). Ofloxacin is prescribed 1-2 times a day. Eating does not affect its absorption, however, when eating fatty foods, the absorption of ofloxacin slows down.

Ofloxacin penetrates well into target organs (for example, in chronic prostatitis - into the prostate tissue). There is a linear relationship between the dose of ofloxacin used and its concentration in tissues. The drug is excreted mainly by the kidneys (more than 80%) unchanged.

Ofloxacin, to a lesser extent than ciprofloxacin, interacts with other drugs, practically does not affect the pharmacokinetics of theophylline and caffeine.

The activity of ofloxacin is most pronounced against gram-negative bacteria and intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas), against gram-positive flora and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ofloxacin is less active. The bactericidal effect of ofloxacin appears quite quickly, and the resistance of microorganisms to it develops slowly. This is due to its influence on one DNA gyrase gene and on topoisomerase IV. The main differences of ofloxacin from other PCs(Yakovlev V.P., 1996):

1. Microbiological:

  • the most active drug among FH II generation against chlamydia, mycoplasmas and pneumococci;
  • equal activity with ciprofloxacin against gram-positive bacteria;
  • no effect on lacto- and bifidobacteria.

2. Pharmacokinetic:

  • high oral bioavailability (95-100%);
  • high concentrations in tissues and cells, equal to or exceeding serum levels;
  • low level of metabolism in the liver (5-6%);
  • activity does not depend on the pH of the medium;
  • excretion unchanged in the urine;
  • elimination half-life 5-7 hours.

3. Clinical:

  • most favorable safety profile: no serious adverse effects in controlled studies;
  • no clinically significant phototoxic effect;
  • does not interact with theophylline.

PC in urological practice

Perhaps, PCs are most actively used in urological practice for antibacterial prophylaxis and treatment of UTIs. The drug for antibiotic therapy (ABT) UTI should be characterized by the following properties:

  • proven clinical and microbiological efficacy;
  • high activity in relation to the main uropathogens, the low level of microbial resistance in the region;
  • the ability to create high concentrations in the urine;
  • high security;
  • convenience of reception, good compliance of patients.

It is important to distinguish between ambulatory and nosocomial UTIs. With UTI that occurred outside the hospital, the main causative agent is E. coli (up to 86%), while other microorganisms are much less common: Klebsiella pneumoniae - 6%, Proteus spp. – 1.8%, Staphylococcus spp. - 1.6%, P. aeruginosa - 1.2%, Enterococcus spp. - 1%. In nosocomial UTIs, E. coli also leads, but the role of other microorganisms and microbial associations increases significantly, multi-resistant pathogens are much more common, and sensitivity to ABP varies between hospitals.

According to multicenter studies conducted in Russia, the resistance of uropathogens to widely used ABPs, such as ampicillin and co-trimoxazole, reaches 30%. If the level of resistance of uropathogenic strains of E. coli to an antibiotic in the region is more than 10-20%, this drug should not be used for empirical antibiotic therapy. Ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and norfloxacin have the highest activity against E. coli among PCs. On average, 4.3% of E. coli strains resistant to PC are isolated in Russia. Comparable data are obtained in the USA and most European countries. At the same time, for example, in Spain, the level of E. coli resistance to PC is much higher - 14-22%. Regions with more high level E. coli resistance to PC also exists in Russia - these are St. Petersburg (13% of strains are resistant) and Rostov-on-Don (9.4%).

Analyzing the resistance of E. coli, the main causative agent of outpatient and inpatient UTIs in Russia, it can be argued that PCs (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, etc.) can serve as the drugs of choice for empirical treatment of uncomplicated and, in some cases, complicated UTIs.

The use of ofloxacin for the prevention and treatment of UTIs

Acute cystitis

Acute cystitis is the most common manifestation of UTI. The frequency of acute cystitis in women is 0.5–0.7 episodes of the disease per 1 woman per year, and in men aged 21–50 years, the incidence is extremely low (6–8 cases per 10 thousand per year). The prevalence of acute cystitis in Russia, according to estimates, is 26–36 million cases per year.

In acute uncomplicated cystitis, it is advisable to prescribe short (3-5-day) courses of ABT.

However, in chronic recurrent cystitis, short courses of therapy are unacceptable - the duration of ABT for complete eradication of the pathogen should be at least 7-10 days.

For cystitis, ofloxacin is prescribed 100 mg 2 times a day or 200 mg 1 time a day. In chronic cystitis in young people, especially in the presence of concomitant sexually transmitted infections (in 20-40% of cases caused by chlamydia, mycoplasmas or ureaplasmas), ofloxacin is a priority among other PCs.

Acute pyelonephritis

Acute pyelonephritis is the most common kidney disease in all age groups; women predominate among patients. The incidence of acute pyelonephritis in Russia is estimated at 0.9-1.3 million cases per year.

Treatment of pyelonephritis is based on the use of effective antibiotic therapy, subject to the restoration of urodynamics and, if possible, the correction of other complicating factors (endocrine disorders, immunodeficiency, etc.). Initially, empiric ABT is carried out, which, if necessary, is changed after receiving the antibiogram; ABT should be long-term.

Ofloxacin can be used to treat pyelonephritis, taking into account its accumulation in the kidney parenchyma and high concentrations in the urine, the drug is prescribed 200 mg 2 times a day for 10-14 days.


Despite the advances in modern urology, the treatment of chronic prostatitis is still an unresolved problem. Etiopathogenetic ideas about chronic prostatitis suggest that infection and inflammation trigger a cascade of pathological reactions: morphological changes in the tissue of the prostate (PG) with a violation of its angioarchitectonics, persistent immune inflammation, hypersensitization of the autonomic nervous system, etc. Even after the elimination of the infectious agent, the listed pathological processes may persist, accompanied by severe clinical symptoms. Long-term ABT is recommended by many researchers as a component of complex treatment of chronic prostatitis of categories II, III, IV according to the classification of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH, 1995).

Acute prostatitis (category I according to NIH, 1995) in 90% of cases develops without previous urological manipulations, and in about 10% of cases it becomes a complication of urological interventions (prostate biopsy, catheterization Bladder, urodynamic study, etc.). The basis of treatment is gradual ABT for 2-4 weeks.

The vast majority of pathogens of bacterial prostatitis are gram-negative microbes of the intestinal group (E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Enterobacter spp., etc.). Etiological factors C. trachomatis, U. urealiticum, S. aureus, S. saprophyticus, Trichomonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., anaerobes, etc. can also be C. trachomatis, U. urealiticum, S. aureus, anaerobes, etc. The drugs of choice for the treatment of prostatitis are PCs, which best penetrate into the tissue and secretion of the prostate and block the main spectrum of causative agents of prostatitis. The condition for successful ABT in prostatitis is its sufficient duration - for at least 4 weeks, followed by bacteriological control.

Ofloxacin can be successfully used for the treatment of prostatitis, as it is highly active against chlamydia, and against mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, its effectiveness is comparable to other PCs and doxycycline. In chronic prostatitis, ofloxacin is prescribed orally at 400 mg 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks. In acute prostatitis, gradual therapy is carried out: the drug is first prescribed intravenously at 400 mg 2 times a day, switching to oral administration after normalization of body temperature and clinical improvement.

Pancreatic cancer and UTI

Molecular and genetic studies in recent years indicate that prostatitis can initiate the development of pancreatic cancer. Chronic inflammation activates carcinogenesis by damaging the cell genome, stimulating cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Studies of the effectiveness of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy in the prevention of pancreatic cancer are being actively conducted.

Inflammatory changes in the pancreas can lead to an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. According to current recommendations, an increase in PSA levels above age norms is an indication for a biopsy of the pancreas. However, in the absence of changes suspicious of pancreatic cancer on digital rectal examination, it is possible to use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy for 3–4 weeks, followed by monitoring of PSA levels. In the case of its normalization, a biopsy of the pancreas is not performed.

Benign pancreatic hyperplasia and UTI

benign prostatic hyperplasia

(BPH) and lower urinary tract infection symptoms are very common among men. basis drug treatment BPH are a-blockers and 5a-reductase inhibitors. However, it is well known that BPH is almost always accompanied by prostatitis, which often contributes significantly to clinical symptoms. Therefore, ABT in some cases is appropriate for BPH. With a confirmed inflammatory process, it is necessary to prescribe ABT for a period of 3-4 weeks. PCs are the drugs of choice, taking into account the spectrum of their antimicrobial action and pharmacokinetic features.

Prevention in urological interventions

UTIs most often become a complication of such interventions as transrectal pancreatic biopsy, bladder catheterization, complex urodynamic study, etc. According to modern standards, antibacterial prophylaxis of UTIs is mandatory before invasive urological interventions. This is because the cost and associated risks of antibiotic prophylaxis are much less than the risk and cost of treating UTIs. For the prevention of infectious complications in most transurethral manipulations, as well as in transrectal biopsy of the pancreas, it is sufficient to prescribe a single dose of PC 2 hours before the intervention (for example, 400 mg ofloxacin).

An unresolved urological problem is catheter-associated infection. Colonies of microorganisms form the so-called biofilms on foreign materials, inaccessible to the action of ABP and antiseptics. Antibiotics cannot eliminate an already formed biofilm, but there is evidence that the prophylactic administration of PC (for example, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, or levofloxacin) can prevent or slow down its formation.


Fluoroquinolones have been used successfully for many years to treat urinary tract infections. Ofloxacin meets the principles of rational antibacterial therapy for UTIs, its use is advisable for the treatment and prevention of UTIs - cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis. The presence of oral and parenteral dosage forms of ofloxacin makes its use convenient in outpatient practice and in the hospital.

Recommended reading
Loran O.B., Sinyakova L.A., Kosova I.V. Treatment and prevention of chronic recurrent cystitis in women // Consilium medicum. 2004. T 6. No. 7. S. 460–465.
Modern clinical guidelines on antimicrobial therapy / Ed. Strachunsky L.S. Smolensk, 2004.
Padeyskaya E.N., Yakovlev V.P. Antimicrobials of the fluoroquinolone group in clinical practice. M., 1998.
Yakovlev V.P. Place of ofloxacin in outpatient practice: experience of 15 years of use // Infections and antimicrobial therapy. 2000. V. 2. No. 5. S. 154–156.
Yakovlev V.P. Pharmacokinetic properties of ofloxacin // Antibiotics and chemotherapy. 1996. V. 41. No. 9. S. 24–32.
Granier N. Evaluation de la toxicite des quinolones en pediatrie // Les Quinolones en Pediatrie. Paris, 1994, pp. 117–121.
Kahlmeter G. An international survey of the antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogens from uncomplicated urinary tract infections: the ECO-SENS project // J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 2003. V. 51. No. 1. P. 69–76.
Karlowsky J.A., Kelly L.J., Thornsberry C. et al. Trends in antimicrobial resistance among urinary tract infection isolates of Escherichia coli from female outpatients in the United States // Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2002. V. 46. No. 8. R. 2540–2545.
Kaygisiz O., Ugurlu O., Kosan M. et al. Effects of antibacterial therapy on PSA change in the presence and absence of prostatic inflammation in patients with PSA levels between 4 and 10 ng/ml // Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2006. V. 9. No. 3. R. 235–238.
Sugar L.M. Inflammation and prostate cancer // Can. J. Urol. 2006. V. 13. No. 1. R. 46–47.
Terris M. Recommendations for prophylactic antibiotic use in genitourinary surgery // Contemp. Urology 2001. No. 9. P. 12–27.
Warren J.W., Abrutyn E., Hebel J.R. et al. Guidelines for antimicrobial treatment of uncomplicated acute bacterial cystitis and acute pyelonephritis in women. Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) // Clin. Infect. Dis. 1999. V. 29. No. 4. R. 745–758.

Ofloxacin refers to fluoroquinolones of the 1st generation - highly active antibacterial drugs that have become firmly established in medical practice. This group of drugs can be considered as an alternative to broad-spectrum antibiotics. It should be noted that the drugs of this group differ in pharmacokinetic properties and specific antibacterial activity. The group of fluoroquinolones includes ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin (available in the form of tablets and solution for injection).

Due to its structure and mechanism of action, ofloxacin has a high bactericidal activity comparable to that of third-generation cephalosporins. The drug is active against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including strains resistant to other antibacterial drugs, as well as strains of atypical intracellular pathogens.

Ofloxacin has an optimal pharmacokinetic profile, is well absorbed in the digestive tract (about 100%), due to the rapid penetration into the tissues at the site of infection, a high concentration of the drug is created, the half-life is 5-7 hours.

Ofloxacin can be administered simultaneously with many antibacterial drugs(macrolides, b-lactam antibiotics, cephalosporins). Due to this property, the drug is widely used as part of combination therapy for infectious diseases. Ofloxacin, unlike ciprofloxacin, retains its activity while using inhibitors of RNA polymerase synthesis (chloramphenicol and rifampicin).

According to the chemical structure, many fluoroquinolones, including those containing more than one fluorine atom, are bicyclic derivatives. As shown by the results of numerous studies (Padeyskaya EN, 1994, 1996), additional fluoridation does not change the spectrum and severity of antibacterial activity. The physicochemical properties that determine the features of the pharmacokinetics and antimicrobial activity of drugs in this group depend to a greater extent on their structure - bicyclicity or tricyclicity.

Ofloxacin belongs to the group of tricyclic monofluoroquinolones. Unlike ciprofloxacin, it is practically not metabolized in the liver. The bioavailability of ofloxacin when administered orally and parenterally is identical. Due to this, when replacing the injection method of administering the drug with oral dose adjustment is not required (one of the significant differences between ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin).

According to WHO recommendations, 200 mg of ofloxacin corresponds to 500 mg of ciprofloxacin.

It penetrates well into target organs (for example, in chronic prostatitis - into the tissue of the prostate gland). It should be noted that with prostatitis, the capsule of the prostate gland is practically impermeable to many antibacterial drugs.

There is a linear relationship between the dose of ofloxacin used and its concentration in tissues.

Ofloxacin is prescribed 1-2 times a day. Eating does not affect its absorption, however, when eating fatty foods, the absorption of ofloxacin slows down.

Ofloxacin, to a lesser extent than ciprofloxacin, interacts with other drugs, practically does not affect the kinetics of theophylline and sodium caffeine benzoate.

Ofloxacin is excreted mainly by the kidneys (more than 80%) unchanged, that is, this drug does not have the effect of primary passage through the liver. The concentration of ofloxacin in the feces is significantly lower than that of ciprofloxacin. However, this drug is more effective in bacterial diarrhea, as well as traveler's diarrhea. This is due to its more pronounced activity against staphylococci and salmonella. The antimicrobial activity of ofloxacin is most pronounced against gram-negative bacteria and intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas), against streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ofloxacin is less active.

The bactericidal efficacy of ofloxacin manifests itself quite quickly, the resistance of microorganisms to this drug rarely develops. This is due to its bactericidal mechanism of action, affecting only one DNA gyrase gene and topoisomerase.

In clinical practice, ofloxacin is the drug of choice or first-line alternative and is recommended for empirical therapy in many urogenital infections. Due to good tolerance (frequency of side effects - 1.3%), high bioavailability of the drug in the form of tablets and optimal spectrum of action (active against 94% of pathogens, causing infections urogenital tract, except for protozoa and anaerobes) it can be used on an outpatient basis. A significant advantage of ofloxacin in the treatment of urinary tract infections is its high concentration both in the renal parenchyma and in the pyelocaliceal apparatus. The results of clinical studies (Padeyskaya E.N., Yakovlev V.P., 1995; Lynne C., 1996) indicate that ofloxacin, when compared with other antibiotics, has a more pronounced antibacterial effect against chlamydia, and its effectiveness is comparable to other fluoroquinolones and doxycycline against mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas.

In acute cystitis, ofloxacin is the drug of choice. This disease is more often diagnosed in women (0.5–0.7 episodes per year per 1 woman).

In chronic cystitis in young people, especially in the presence of concomitant sexually transmitted infections (20-40% of cases caused by chlamydia, mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas), ofloxacin is a priority among other fluoroquinolones.

The frequency of detection of chlamydia in patients with gynecological profile is 40%. Basically, these are young women with infertility, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, patients with a history of ectopic pregnancy. In 70% of patients, chlamydia is combined with infection with other microorganisms, which aggravates the course of the inflammatory process and requires the appointment of adequate therapy (combination with ureaplasma is detected in 33% of cases, with mycoplasma - in 21%, gardnerella - approximately 14%, fungi of the genus Candida- in 12.9%. Ofloxacin is effective against all of the listed pathogens, except for fungi of the genus Candida.

Ofloxacin- the only fluoroquinolone recommended by the Association of Urogenital Medicine and the Medical Society for the Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (USA) as an alternative drug of first choice for the treatment of patients with non-gonococcal urethritis and chlamydial infection of the urogenital tract (1999). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA, 1993) recommends the use of ofloxacin in combination with metronidazole or clindamycin for the outpatient treatment of patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.

Presented on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market new drug group of fluoroquinolones produced by Lechiva (Czech Republic). OFLOKSIN 200, which is registered in our country in the form of tablets of 200 mg (10 tablets per package). Assessing the quality of OFLOKSIN 200, I would like to note that in terms of bioequivalence it fully complies with the original standard and GMP requirements. This means that patients are less likely to return to the doctor about relapses of the disease and the development of side effects. Offering OFLOKSIN 200 to a patient, you can be sure that the choice is made correctly.

ON THE. Gorchakova, prof., dr honey. Sciences
National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets

Their appointment does not require a preliminary laboratory study of pathogens and determination of their sensitivity to these drugs, which allows you to start treatment in a timely manner.

Ofloxacin - description of the drug

Ofloxacin (Ofloxacin) - a synthetic antibacterial drug obtained as a result of improving nalidixic acid, belongs to the class of fluoroquinolones, named similarly to the main active ingredient. The use of Ofloxacin for cystitis is due to the fact that it:

  • Directly acts on the pelvic organs - the target of treatment, while not deposited in the liver;
  • Has a low level of microbial resistance;
  • It has a wide spectrum of action against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, some types of protozoa;
  • Due to the possibility of simultaneous administration with other antibacterial drugs, it is widely used as part of complex therapy with diseases of the urinary tract;
  • Widely used during first aid as a catalyst for the development of protective blocks of the body.

Important! Ofloxacin has practically no effect on lacto- and bifidobacteria, as a result of which it occupies one of the leading positions in the sparing treatment of bacterial infectious diseases of the urinary tract.

With an uncomplicated course of the disease, the drug is prescribed in a short course (from 3 to 5 days), in case chronic form cystitis treatment is extended up to 10 days.

The dosage is selected individually and on average ranges from 200 to 800 mg of the drug per day, designed for several doses. A single dose, if necessary, can be 400 mg.

2 hours after taking the drug, it is maximally concentrated in the blood, producing a therapeutic effect, and is excreted from the body within a day. Young age (up to 18 years), pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for taking Ofloxacin.

Levofloxacin - description of the drug

Levofloxacin is a drug designed to combat atypical bacteria, obtained as a result of serious pharmacological developments, the isomer of ofloxacin is an effective drug in the latest generation of fluoroquinolones, ideal for systemic treatment urinary infections in women.

The main active ingredient is levofloxacin hemihydrate, which:

  • Blocks the formation of DNA of pathogenic bacteria, inhibits their reproduction;
  • Prevents the penetration of pathogens into the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • Quickly relieves acute inflammation;
  • Resistance develops slowly and does not overlap with other antibiotics.

The drug is bioavailable, quickly and completely absorbed by the body, due to which it penetrates well into organs, tissues and mucous membranes.

Take up to 2 times a day, completely swallowing the tablets and drinking plenty of water. The dosage is determined by the severity of the disease and varies from 250 mg to 500 mg for 3-14 days.

Important! Clinical studies of the effect of the drug on women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as children, are not sufficient, so its use should be determined by the degree of risk for this group of patients.

Levofloxacin or Ofloxacin. What is more effective for cystitis?

Both drugs belong to an important group of fluoroquinolones and are actively used in therapeutic practice for the treatment of cystitis. In the presence of identical mechanisms of action on atypical pathogens, Levofloxacin belongs to antibiotics of the III (new) generation, which are characterized by higher clinical activity and a minimal set of side effects.

When the drug is absorbed inside, Levofloxacin with cystitis behaves 2 times more actively against pathogenic microbes than Ofloxacin, which is an important advantage in the choice of treatment.

If the therapeutic course with one of the drugs is ineffective, the doctor diagnoses a complicated bladder infection and sends the patient for a urological examination to identify possible pathologies and prescribes a new treatment that is adequate to the patient's condition.

Thickening of the walls of the bladder is a symptom that accompanies many diseases of the genitourinary system. Main diagnostic criterion is an ultrasound. Adequate treatment will prevent the development of complications.

Levofloxacin: analogues of the active substance, features of the therapeutic effect and indications for admission

According to the instructions for use, Levofloxacin is an original broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against a number of pathogens of infectious processes in the human body.

The drug Levofloxacin, analogues of which can be presented in different forms of release, can be effectively used in diseases of the ENT system. Thus, quite often this drug is prescribed to patients with otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc. The active substance of this medicine will be no less effective in relation to skin infections, as well as diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems (prostatitis, pyelonephritis, chlamydia, etc.).

According to statistics, today Levofloxacin has several medicinal analogues, which can be presented in the form of drops and tablets, and also have more cheap price. Reviews of these drugs can be read on numerous patient forums. At the same time, more than 60% of adults are regularly exposed to infectious lesions of various body systems, so the need for the use of Levofloxacin is more than in demand today.

Levofloxacin is produced, analogues of which also have a wide therapeutic spectrum of action, in the form of tablets, injections, as well as eye drops. As for the pharmacological effect, this drug is a potent antibiotic that helps to destroy pathogenic infectious foci.

Levofloxacin is contraindicated, as well as its main substitutes, during pregnancy, childhood, severe kidney and liver diseases. Elderly people should take such a drug strictly under the supervision of a doctor.


All analogues of Levofloxacin (synonyms for the therapeutic effect) are divided into two separate subgroups:

  • Analogues for the active substance of the drug.
  • Analogues for the pharmacological group.

By active substance

Analogues of Levofloxacin, which will be presented below, can be prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia, sinusitis, protracted bronchitis, various urological lesions, as well as pyelonephritis. It is forbidden to prescribe such drugs to children under eighteen years of age, pregnant women, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug by a person.

Most effective analogues Levofloxacin (according to the active substance) are:

Levofloxacin, as well as generics, should be taken in the morning before meals. For acute infectious lesions the permissible dosage of the drug is 250 mg (1 tablet per day). The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. On average, it takes five to ten days to completely suppress the infection.

As for the side effects of Levofloxacin analogues, compared to the previous generation drugs, these drugs are much better tolerated and provoke adverse reactions in no more than 1.5% of all cases. At the same time, patients may experience nausea, abdominal pain, improvement in the functioning of the heart, kidneys and digestive system.

By generation of quinolones

A striking analogue of Levofloxacin in the generation of quinolones is the drug Sparfloxacin. Also, like Levofloxacin, it belongs to the last, third generation of antibiotics. This drug is most effective in relation to gram-negative foci of infection, in particular, to staphylococci.

Sparfloxacin is prescribed for the same indications of the patient as Levofloxacin (analogues can be prescribed by a doctor). Thus, such an antibiotic can be used to treat chlamydia, leprosy, inflammatory diseases urethra and respiratory system.

As for contraindications, in addition to the standard prohibitions that are attributed to Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin also has a ban in the form of bradycardia and hepatitis.

The price for such an analogue of the drug is 340 rubles per package (6 tablets).

Tavanic or Levofloxacin: which is better, characteristics and features of the best antibiotic analogues

One of the most popular foreign analogues of Levofloxacin is Tavanic, which is produced by a French manufacturer. Many patients do not know whether Tavanic or Levofloxacin is better.

With a detailed study of both these drugs, it should be said that, unlike Levofloxacin, Tavanic has only one dosage form release (solution for infusion). This is the downside of this drug.

Tavanic or Levofloxacin (which is better for adults, the attending physician should decide in each case) have very similar indications for use, since both drugs are approved for use in prostatitis, sinusitis, respiratory and genitourinary infections. Moreover, both drugs are available for sale in pharmacies.

When asked whether Tavanic or Levofloxacin is better, it is also important to note the cost of the first drug, which can reach up to 1200 rubles, which will be significantly higher than the average price for Levofloxacin.

Another analogue of Levofloxacin, which has a similar therapeutic effect, is the drug Moxifloxacin. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect against infectious pathogens of different classes.

Compared with Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin has the following advantages:

  • The drug has a wider spectrum of action.
  • Does not provoke allergies when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  • It can be used in conjunction with other antibiotics without causing negative reactions.

In turn, the following disadvantages of this analogue are distinguished in comparison with Levofloxacin:

  • Less effective for infections of the urinary system.
  • It does not have complete reception security.
  • It has a large list of contraindications.
  • It has a bad effect on the metabolism of vitamins when taken.

As for eye drops, Levofloxacin in this form of release has analogues in the form of Floxal, Signicef ​​and Ofloxacin. The use of these drugs is allowed only as prescribed by a doctor, with strict adherence to the dosage. If it is necessary to treat children, it is important that the therapy is supervised by a specialist.

Remember that self-medication is dangerous for your health! Be sure to consult with your doctor! The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only and does not claim to be reference and medical accuracy, is not a guide to action.

Which is better: ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin?

To date, in otolaryngology and pulmonology, various antibacterial agents are considered one of the main drugs. Due to the high effectiveness of drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones, they are quite often prescribed for the treatment of ENT diseases and respiratory infections. In this article we will try to figure out which is better levofloxacin or ciprofloxacin. To give a solid answer, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the features of the use of each of these drugs separately.


To the classical fluoroquinolones, which have wide indications for use in respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract and ENT pathology, includes Ciprofloxacin. Clinical experience shows that this drug is active against gram-negative bacteria, staphylococci and atypical pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.). At the same time, ciprofloxacin is not effective enough in diseases caused by pneumococci.

Selection of the optimal medicinal product for the treatment of any disease, only a highly qualified doctor should be engaged.


Being a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug, Ciprofloxacin is successfully used in the treatment of patients suffering from respiratory infections of the respiratory tract and ENT pathology. In what diseases of the respiratory system and diseases of the ear, throat, nose, this drug from the group of classic fluoroquinolones is used:

  1. Acute and chronic bronchitis (at the stage of exacerbation).
  2. Pneumonia caused by various pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Inflammation of the middle ear, paranasal sinuses, throat, etc.


Like most drugs, Ciprofloxacin has its contraindications. In what situations this representative of classical fluoroquinolones cannot be used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and ENT pathology:

  • Allergic reaction to ciprofloxacin.
  • Pseudomembranous colitis.
  • Childhood and adolescence (until the end of the formation of the skeletal system). An exception is children with pulmonary cystic fibrosis who have developed infectious complications.
  • Pulmonary form of anthrax.

In addition, patients with the following disorders and pathological conditions have restrictions on the use of Ciprofloxacin:

  • Progressive atherosclerotic lesion blood vessels brain.
  • Severe disorders of cerebral circulation.
  • Various heart diseases (arrhythmia, heart attack, etc.).
  • Decreased levels of potassium and/or magnesium in the blood (electrolyte imbalance).
  • Depressive state.
  • epileptic seizures.
  • Severe disorders of the central nervous system (for example, stroke).
  • Myasthenia.
  • Serious malfunctions of the kidneys and / or liver.
  • Advanced age.

Side effects

According to clinical practice, adverse reactions in the vast majority of patients taking fluoroquinolones, they are observed infrequently. We list the undesirable effects that occur in about 1 out of 1000 patients taking Ciprofloxacin:

  • Dyspeptic disorders (vomiting, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, etc.)
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Feeling of heartbeat.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Periodic sleep problems.
  • Changes in the main blood parameters.
  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Various skin rashes.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Functional disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Do not buy Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin without first talking to your doctor.

special instructions

With extreme caution, ciprofloxacin is prescribed to patients who are already taking drugs that lead to a prolongation of the QT interval:

  1. Antiarrhythmic drugs.
  2. Macrolide antibiotics.
  3. Tricyclic antidepressants.
  4. Antipsychotics.

Clinical observations show that Ciprofloxacin enhances the effect of hypoglycemic drugs. With their simultaneous use, careful monitoring of blood glucose should be carried out. It has been recorded that drugs that reduce acidity in the gastrointestinal tract (antacids), and which contain aluminum and magnesium, reduce the absorption of fluoroquinolones from the digestive tract. The interval between the use of an antacid and an antibacterial drug should be at least 120 minutes. I would also like to note that milk and dairy products can affect the absorption of Ciprofloxacin.

In case of an overdose, the drug may develop headache, dizziness, weakness, convulsive attacks, dyspeptic disorders, functional disorders from the kidneys and liver. There is no specific antidote. Wash the stomach, give activated charcoal. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Carefully monitor the patient's condition until complete recovery.


Levofloxacin is a third-generation fluoroquinolone. It has a high activity against gram-negative bacteria, pneumococci and atypical pathogens of respiratory infections. Most pathogens that show resistance (resistance) to the "classic" second-generation fluoroquinolones may be susceptible to more modern drugs such as Levofloxacin.

Eating does not affect the absorption of Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin. Modern fluoroquinolones can be taken both before and after meals.


Levofloxacin is an antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is actively involved in the following diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs:

  • Acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi (at the stage of exacerbation).
  • Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.).
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the ear, throat.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Infectious complications of cystic fibrosis.


Despite the fact that Levofloxacin belongs to the new generation of fluoroquinolones, this drug can not be prescribed in all cases. What are the contraindications to the use of Levofloxacin:

  • An allergic reaction to a drug or its analogues from the fluoroquinolone group.
  • Serious kidney problems.
  • epileptic seizures.
  • Tendon injury associated with prior fluoroquinolone therapy.
  • Children and teenagers.
  • childbearing periods and breastfeeding.

Levofloxacin should be used with extreme caution in elderly patients.

Side effects

As a rule, all adverse reactions are classified according to severity and frequency of occurrence. We list the main undesirable effects from taking Levofloxacin that may occur:

  • Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.).
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching, etc.).
  • Elevated levels of essential liver enzymes.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Weakness.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Damage to the tendons (inflammation, tears, etc.).

Self-administration of Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin without the permission of the attending physician can have serious consequences.

special instructions

Since the likelihood of joint damage is high, Levofloxacin is not prescribed in childhood and adolescence (up to 18 years), except in extremely severe cases. When using antibacterial drugs for the treatment of aged patients, it should be borne in mind that this category of patients may have impaired renal function, which is a contraindication for the appointment of fluoroquinolones.

During therapy with Levofloxacin, patients who have previously suffered a stroke or severe traumatic brain injury may develop epileptic seizures(convulsions). If there is a suspicion of the presence of pseudomembranous colitis, it is necessary to immediately stop taking Levofloxacin and prescribe the optimal course of therapy. In such situations, it is strongly not recommended to use drugs that inhibit intestinal motility.

Although rare, there may be cases of inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) when using Levofloxacin. Older patients are more prone to these types of side effects. Concurrent use of glucocorticosteroids significantly increases the risk of developing tendon ruptures. If a tendon lesion is suspected (inflammation, ruptures, etc.), fluoroquinolone therapy is stopped.

In case of an overdose of this drug, symptomatic therapy should be carried out. The use of dialysis in such cases is ineffective. There is no specific antidote.

During therapy with Levofloxacin, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require increased concentration and quick reaction (for example, driving a car). Also, due to the risk of developing photosensitivity, refrain from excessive skin exposure to ultraviolet rays.

What drug to choose?

How to determine which is better Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin? Definitely do best choice can only be done by an experienced professional. Nevertheless, when choosing a drug, it is necessary to rely on 3 main aspects:

A good drug will be considered one that is not only effective, but also less toxic and affordable. In terms of effectiveness, Levofloxacin has its advantages over Ciprofloxacin. Along with the preserved activity against gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms, Levofloxacin has a more pronounced antibacterial effect against pneumococci and atypical pathogens. However, it is inferior to Ciprofloxacin in activity against the pathogen Pseudomonas (P.) aeruginosa. It has been noted that pathogens that are resistant to ciprofloxacin may be susceptible to levofloxacin.

The type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents are decisive when choosing the optimal fluoroquinolone (in particular, Ciprofloxacin or Lefovloxacin).

Both drugs are well absorbed in the intestine when taken orally. Food practically does not affect the absorption process, with the exception of milk and dairy products. They are convenient to use because they can be administered 1-2 times a day. Regardless of whether you take Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin, in rare cases, unwanted side reactions may develop. As a rule, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, etc.) are noted. Some patients taking second or third generation fluoroquinolones complain of headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, and sleep disturbance.

In elderly patients, especially against the background of glucocorticosteroid therapy, tendon ruptures are possible. Due to the risk of developing joint damage, fluoroquinolones are limited in use during periods of childbearing and breastfeeding, as well as in childhood.

Currently, for most patients, the price aspect is of paramount importance. A pack of Ciprofloxacin tablets costs about 40 rubles. Depending on the dosage of the drug (250 or 500 mg), the price may fluctuate, but not significantly. A more modern Levofloxacin will cost you an average of 200-300 rubles. The price will depend on the manufacturer.

However, the final decision as to what is best for the patient Ciprofloxacin or Levofloxacin is made solely by the attending physician.

Which is better - Ofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin? How not to miscalculate with a choice?

Ofloxacin is a second-generation antibacterial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones. Pharmacological agents This group is an alternative to broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Due to the structure and mechanism of action, the drug has a high bactericidal activity against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

The main advantage of Ofloxacin is that it is effective in deactivating microflora resistant to other antibiotics.

The use of Ofloxacin

The antibiotic has been successfully used to treat various diseases. The drug is used to treat infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract (including pneumonia, bronchitis). The drug is widely used in otorhinolaryngology for the treatment of sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Photo 1. Packing of the drug Ofloxacin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 200 mg. Producer "Darnitsa".

In infectious diseases of the skin (for example, with furunculosis, carbunculosis, phlegmon), the drug shows high efficiency. Ofloxacin copes with the treatment of infections of the osteoarticular apparatus, gastrointestinal tract, small pelvis (for example, salpingitis, oophoritis).

The antibiotic is used in nephrology and urology for the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. Among the pathologies of the venereological profile, the drug is used to treat gonorrhea, chlamydia. An antibacterial drug is prescribed to prevent the development of infectious pathologies in immunodeficiencies (including HIV).

In ophthalmic practice, the drug shows high efficiency in the fight against conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, iritis, complications after traumatization of the organ of vision.

Reference. An antibacterial drug is used to treat tuberculosis in combination with other drugs.


Ofloxacin has some contraindications for use:

  • epileptic status;
  • pathologies of the functions of the nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis in history);
  • state of pregnancy;
  • fermentopathy of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, since the growth of the skeleton has not yet been completed by this time. Patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, circulatory disorders of the brain, chronic illness kidneys should limit the prescription of the antibiotic to the minimum dosage.

Side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • state of anorexia;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • defecation disorders (usually in the form of diarrhea);
  • bloating;
  • pain in the abdominal region;
  • hyperactivity of liver enzymes;
  • excess bilirubin;
  • development of jaundice due to cholestasis.

From the side of the central nervous system, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • cephalgia;
  • convulsive trembling;
  • head spinning;
  • difficulty in movement;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs;
  • increased anxiety;
  • depressive disorders;
  • feeling of double vision;
  • changes in taste perception.

On the part of the musculoskeletal system, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • muscle pain;
  • joint pain;
  • inflammation of the synovial sheaths and tendons.

From the side of the cardiovascular system, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • vascular inflammation;
  • increase in the frequency of myocardial contractions;
  • a significant decrease in pressure up to collapse.

From the side of the skin, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • petechial hemorrhages;
  • dermatitis;
  • rash in the form of papules;
  • vascular inflammation.

From the side of the hematopoietic system, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • decrease in leukocytes;
  • development of agranulocytosis;
  • development of anemia;
  • decrease in platelets;
  • decrease in the work of all hematopoietic sprouts.

From the urinary system, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • acute nephritis;
  • violation of the kidneys;
  • increased creatinine in the blood;
  • excess urea.

Possible manifestation of allergic diseases in the form of:

  • urticaria;
  • angioedema;
  • skin rash;
  • allergic pneumonitis;
  • allergic nephritis;
  • anaphylaxis (very rare).


One antibacterial tablet contains 400 mg of ofloxacin as active substance, corn starch, cellulose, talc, povidone, calcium stearate, aerosil.


Levofloxacin is a synthetically created fluoroquinolone antibiotic. The active substance of the drug is an isomeric analogue of ofloxacin.


One Levofloxacin tablet contains 250 mg of Levofloxacin Hemihydrate.

Photo 2. Packages of Levofloxacin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 250 and 500 mg. Producer "Dalhimfarm".


Indications for the use of Levofloxacin are infectious diseases caused by sensitive microflora:

  • acute sinusitis;
  • chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • pneumonia;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • prostatitis;
  • skin infections;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract.


Among the contraindications are: hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones, status epilepticus, renal failure, pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents.

Side effects

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, such adverse reactions as changes in the act of defecation (in the form of diarrhea), flatulence, abdominal pain may occur. These effects are rare and occur in 1% of cases.

From the side of the central nervous system, there may be such side effects, as cephalgic pains, patients sometimes feel dizzy, the cycle of sleep and wakefulness is disturbed.

Fatigue appears, work capacity and stress resistance decrease.

On the part of the musculoskeletal system, pain of muscular and articular origin may be noted. Pain syndrome of this nature is subjectively felt by a person as an ache in the body.

Negative side effects of cardio-vascular system manifest themselves infrequently and are expressed in inflammation of the vessels, an increase in the frequency of myocardial contractions, a significant decrease in pressure up to collapse.

On the part of the skin, petechial hemorrhages, dermatitis, a rash in the form of papules, and vascular inflammation may occur.

Rarely, allergic diseases occur in the form of urticaria and skin rash. Anaphylaxis and Quincke's edema are extremely rare.

Important! Levofloxacin is widely used in phthisiology for the treatment of tuberculosis. It is a reserve medicine, it is used only if the strain of Koch's bacillus is highly resistant to other drugs.

Levofloxacin or Ofloxacin: which is better

The activity of Levofloxacin against microorganisms is twice that of Ofloxacin. The period of half-elimination of a substance from the body lasts about 6 hours, and Ofloxacin - about 5.

The drugs differ in dosages. In order to treat infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract, 200 mg of Ofloxacin is prescribed twice a day. For the treatment of a similar pathology, 500 mg of Levofloxacin is required once a day. This creates a concentration of Levofloxacin 2.5 times greater than Ofloxacin.


Ciprofloxacin is an antimicrobial drug with a wide range of effects, also belongs to fluoroquinols. The drug has a bactericidal effect.


One antibiotic tablet contains 250 mg of ciprofloxacin as the active ingredient. The list of excipients consists of cellulose, hypromellose, croscarmellose, polysorbate, stearate.

Photo 3. Packing Ciprofloxacin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 500 mg. Produced by Actavis.


Indications for prescribing the drug are infectious pathologies of various systems:

  • respiratory tract;
  • ENT organs;
  • urinary system;
  • reproductive system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin;
  • musculoskeletal system.

The drug is used to prevent infections in immunodeficiencies.


Contraindications include high sensitization to drugs of the fluoroquinolone group. The drug should not be used to treat patients with status epilepticus. Insufficiency of kidney and liver function makes taking Ciprofloxacin unacceptable.

Attention! During gestation and lactation, it is strictly forbidden to take any drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones.

The drug is contraindicated in children and adolescents. For older people, there is a high risk of kidney disease while taking an antibiotic.

Side effects

Patients most often tolerate ciprofloxacin without adverse effects. Allergic manifestations (sensation of itching, rashes) are rarely noted, Quincke's edema develops extremely rarely.

Photo 4. Quincke's edema in a woman. In some cases, it can cause suffocation.

Appetite may disappear, pain in the epigastrium, diarrhea, and malaise may be felt. Sometimes sleep is disturbed, cephalgic syndrome develops. The perception of taste and smell properties may be disturbed.

Important! Ciprofloxacin is successfully used by phthisiatricians for the treatment of tuberculosis. Being a remedy from the reserve group, the antibiotic shows a high effect against resistant colonies of tuberculosis bacteria.

Differences between Ciprofloxacin and Ofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin is a first-generation fluoroquinolone drug. Unlike Ofloxacin, its spectrum of action is narrower, since more bacteria are resistant to it. Ciprofloxacin and Ofloxacin are similar in mechanism of action and structure, but have a number of differences. The activity of Ciprofloxacin against microorganisms exceeds that of Ofloxacin.

The drugs differ from each other in effective doses. In order to treat infectious diseases of the respiratory system, 200 mg of Ofloxacin is prescribed twice a day. For the treatment of a similar pathology, 400 mg of Ciprofloxacin is required once a day. Ciprofloxacin has fewer side effects than ofloxacin.

Ofloxin and Ofloxacin: is it the same or is there any difference?

In order to find out if there is a difference in the drugs Ofloxin and Ofloxacin, it is necessary to analyze their composition, compare contraindications and side effects of antibiotics.


Ofloxin is an analogue of Ofloxacin. The composition as an active substance includes 200 mg of ofloxacin. Excipients: corn starch, cellulose, talc, povidone, calcium stearate, aerosil.

Photo 5. Packing of Ofloxin in the form of tablets with a dosage of 400 mg. Produced by Zentiva.


The drug is used in the treatment of:

  • respiratory tract infections (including pneumonia, bronchitis);
  • otorhinolaryngological diseases (sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, laryngitis, tracheitis);
  • infections of the skin (for example, with furunculosis, carbunculosis, phlegmon);
  • diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pelvic infections (eg, salpingitis, oophoritis);
  • urological pathologies (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis);
  • venereal infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia).


Epilepsy and high sensitization to quinolones are contraindications to the use of Ofloxin.

It is forbidden to prescribe an antibiotic to pregnant women, as well as women in the lactation period.

In case of impaired renal function, the usual dosages are prescribed at the beginning of therapy, and later they are reduced, taking into account the indicators of creatinine clearance.

Side effects

Adverse reactions are manifested in the form of dyspeptic disorders, appetite disappears, epigastric pain, diarrhea are noted. The concentration of bilirubin in the blood plasma increases. Anemia may develop with increased fatigue, the appearance of apathy.

The reaction rate slows down during complex work. Sleep is disturbed, dizzy, extremely rarely there can be hallucinations.

Ofloxin and Ofloxacin are complete structural analogues, and there are no differences between them.

Drug Comparison: Rational Choice of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics

Ofloxacin and Ofloxin are the same medicine. Levofloxacin is an isomer of Ofloxacin and differs from the latter in a number of properties. To achieve the effect, a lower dose of the drug is needed, so the choice of Levofloxacin is preferable.

Ciprofloxacin is a first-generation fluoroquinolone, less effective than Ofloxacin and Levofloxacin, as more microorganisms have developed resistance to it. With regard to tuberculosis and severe infectious pathologies, Levofloxacin shows the highest effect.

Useful video

Watch a video review of the packaging of Ofloxacin, which is produced by Lekhim.

  • igor - Features of treatment with Amoxicillin: how many days to take an antibiotic to defeat the disease? 5
  • Irina - Instructions for using Kanamycin: how not to make a mistake with the dosage 4
  • Petya - Instructions for using Kanamycin: how not to make a mistake with the dosage 4
  • Gene - Antibiotic Amikacin: instructions for use, contraindications and side effects 3
  • Vasily - Instructions for use Amikacin: how to dilute injections 6

Online journal about tuberculosis, lung diseases, tests, diagnostics, medicines and other important information about it.

One of the most important directions in the treatment of urological pathology of the male gland is the use of antibiotics. A huge breakthrough for doctors and patients was the invention of fluoroquinolones - a special class antibacterial agents, with the ability to penetrate directly into the tissue of the damaged organ.

At the moment, levofloxacin for prostatitis is considered the gold standard in its treatment.

A new generation of antimicrobial agents has been driven by the wrong approach to use similar drugs in past. Inadequate dosages, too short courses of therapy, the choice of the wrong group of drugs ensured the emergence of a mass of resistant bacterial strains.

It is when the usual antibiotic does not help, you need to choose Levofloxacin. Its main advantages are:

  1. Wide spectrum of therapeutic action (Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcusaureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Listeria monocytogenes, Chlamydiapneumoniae and many others).
  2. Better penetration directly into the prostate tissue. Approximately 92% of the dose accumulates in the gland.
  3. Excellent bioavailability and speed of action. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 1.5 hours.
  4. The same dosage of the drug for oral and parenteral administration.
  5. Intracellular action, which makes it possible to destroy atypical microbes.

Thanks to these properties, fluoroquinolone becomes the basis of healing from prostatitis. He gained his effectiveness thanks to a special left-handed formula and the ability to block the enzyme DNA-gyrase of a microbial cell.

As a result, the bacterium is unable to correctly reproduce the genetic structure, damage to the cytoplasm occurs, the membranes and the microorganism dies.

The drug has a very wide range of applications in addition to inflammation of the male organ. It perfectly helps with bacterial diseases of the urinary system, organs abdominal cavity, community-acquired pneumonia, sepsis and other infectious processes.

"Salutem Pro" - male strength and health at any age! Development of Israeli scientists from prostatitis! "Salutem pro" - a plant complex from Israel, thanks to its unique composition, will help in the shortest possible time.

Read more…

Levofloxacin for prostatitis is most commonly used in tablets with a dosage of 0.25-0.5 g or infusions in 100 mg vials, which contain 0.5 g of the active substance.

After therapy with this drug, the following effects are observed:

  • Suppression of the focus of inflammation;
  • Decreased edema;
  • Regression pain;
  • Normalization of local and general body temperature;
  • Elimination of pathological microflora from the gland tissue.

Treatment of prostatitis with Levofloxacin is most convenient for patients in the form of oral tablets. Daily dose the drug is 500 mg.

The medicine is inactive in relation to food, so it practically does not matter when exactly to drink it, but it is recommended to use it between lunch and dinner once or 2 times a day - it all depends on the stage of neglect of the disease that the patient has acquired. Be sure to drink 0.5 or 1 glass of water.

The tablets must not be chewed. The course of treatment is 28 days.

Injections have the same mode of use, but due to the constant need for injections, they remain unclaimed by patients with inflammation of the prostate gland.

Particular attention should be paid to situations where the patient has concomitant renal failure or other diseases of this system. Since 75% medication excreted in the urine, violations of this process can significantly aggravate the course of the underlying disease.

For such people, reduce the dose by half while maintaining the antibiotic regimen and observe the occurrence of any negative changes in dynamics.

Levofloxacin for chronic prostatitis or any other form of illness is one of the safest remedies.

However, in rare cases, such negative reactions may occur:

  1. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;
  2. A fall blood pressure, tachycardia;
  3. Dizziness, headache, general weakness, sleep rhythm disturbances;
  4. tremor, anxiety, depression;
  5. Muscle and joint pain, tendovaginitis.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications for the use of this antibacterial drug:

  1. Problems with tendons and joints after the use of any fluoroquinolones in history;
  2. The patient's age is up to 18 years;
  3. Epileptic seizures, Jacksonian epilepsy;
  4. Allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug;
  5. Renal failure stage IV-V.

Levofloxacin is one of the best options for the etiological treatment of bacterial prostatitis. However, self-medication is highly undesirable. Before use, it is imperative to undergo an examination of the whole body and consult a specialist to select an adequate dose and regimen of therapy.

With bacterial prostatitis, it is impossible to get rid of the pathology without eliminating the pathogens that provoked the inflammatory process. Despite the biased attitude of patients towards the use of antibiotics, only well-chosen antibiotic therapy helps to get rid of the male pathology of an infectious nature.

The only way to treat bacterial prostatitis is with antibiotics.

How to choose the right antibiotic

Agents provocateurs in prostatitis can be completely different pathogenic, as well as conditionally pathogenic organisms. They are able to multiply rapidly and cause inflammatory reactions in the organ. To suppress the vital activity of such particles, antimicrobial drugs are used.

However, the action of medications is designed to destroy certain groups of bacteria. To choose the right effective remedy with prostatitis, it is necessary to determine the type of microbes and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

To do this, a bakposev of the secret of the prostate gland is performed. Based on the results obtained, an appropriate antibiotic can be selected.

  • anaerobic gram-positive bacteria;
  • anaerobic gram-negative agents;
  • simple anaerobic microorganisms;
  • other bacteria.

For the treatment of prostatitis, a course with Levofloxacin is prescribed.

Levofloxacin shows good results, as in the treatment acute forms pathology, and in chronic bacterial prostatitis.

Levofloxacin, due to its ability to kill pathogenic particles at any stage of development, is an effective bactericidal drug. Unlike bacteriostatic drugs that stop the reproduction of microbes, that is, affecting only cell division, Levofloxacin destroys cells, both dividing and growing, and at rest. Therefore, the drug is considered quite effective, having a wide range of action.

The mechanisms of the drug work correspond to the main properties of the group of quinols, fluoroquinols. The drug, penetrating into disease-causing cells, blocks the activity of certain enzymes involved in the formation of DNA. Thanks to pathological changes in the cell, processes develop that are incompatible with the life of microbes.

In this case, the bacteria not only lose their ability to reproduce, but also finally die. Thus, the drug is able to have a detrimental effect on most pathogenic particles found in prostatitis.

The drug is effective in the fight against bacteria

The drug is often prescribed for exacerbations of pathology, the chronic course of the disease, since, penetrating into the places of the greatest accumulation of pathogenic agents, it is able to effectively eliminate them and contribute to a complete cure.

The lack of effect can be observed only in the treatment of a disease caused by bacteria that do not belong to the group of sensitive agents to levofloxacin.

Levofloxacin is available in the form of a tablet preparation and an injection solution.

The medicinal solution contains 0.5% of the active ingredient, supplemented with:

  • disodium edetate dihydrate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • deionized water.

The solution is clear with a yellowish or yellow-green tint.

The drug is available in various forms

The tablet form of the drug is found with a content of 500 mg of the medicinal substance. You can also find tablets with 250 mg of the main ingredient and additives in the form of:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • hypromelloses;
  • iron oxide;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • primelloses;
  • calcium stearate.

Tablets are round-shaped with a white upper shell.

In the treatment of prostatitis caused by various pathogens, Levofloxacin is often used. It is allowed to use both a tablet preparation and in the form of intravenous administration of solutions. Regardless of the chosen method of using the drug, therapy for prostatitis is carried out for 28 days.

For the treatment of severe prostatitis, the drug is used in the form of injections.

So, with severe prostatitis, Levofloxacin is administered intravenously for the first week of treatment, or even 10 days. A single dosage is prescribed up to 500 ml daily. Further therapy continues with tablets. It is recommended to take 1 tablet daily containing 500 mg of the therapeutic component. The course should be 4 weeks in total with intravenous administration of the drug.

You can treat prostatitis without injections. With this type of therapy, tablets are taken throughout the course. Men with prostatitis are prescribed a daily pill containing 500 mg of the drug.

Attention! In the absence of significant improvements, it is advisable to re-bacterize to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to the drug.

  • with personal intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions;
  • with renal failure;
  • patients under 18 years of age;
  • if inflammation of the tendons was previously observed with previous intakes of such drugs;
  • patients with epilepsy.

Renal failure is the reason for refusal of treatment with Levofloxacin

There are also relative contraindications. The drug should be administered with caution when:

  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenated deficiency.

Such pathologies require careful monitoring of physicians during therapy with levofloxacin for prostatitis.

Taking Levofloxacin, you must strictly adhere to the dosages recommended by doctors. With uncontrolled use of the drug in excess of safe doses, the following may occur:

  • confusion and convulsions;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • nausea;
  • erosion of mucous membranes;
  • changes in heart rate.

An overdose of the drug may disrupt the heart rhythm

In case of overdose, treatment is used to eliminate the corresponding symptoms. Any methods of accelerating the withdrawal of the drug do not bring results.

Attention! Long-term use of levofloxacin can cause dysbacteriosis and contribute to the rapid reproduction of fungal organisms. To prevent such pathologies, it is recommended to take products containing beneficial bacteria and antifungal drugs.

In the form of negative consequences, symptoms can often be observed in the form of:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • increased activity of liver enzymes.

A side effect of the drug can manifest itself in the form of diarrhea.

Less common signs of complications are:

  • skin itching or redness;
  • digestive abnormalities in the form of lack of appetite, belching, heartburn, vomiting;
  • soreness in the abdomen;
  • headaches or dizziness;
  • numbness or drowsiness;
  • general weakness and sleep disturbances.

Quite rarely, reactions in the form of:

  • urticaria;
  • shock state;
  • bronchospasm and suffocation;

    Less often, when taking the drug, problems with pressure can be observed.

    If any signs of side effects appear, the drug should be stopped immediately until consulting a doctor. With the appearance of alarming symptoms that threaten life, an urgent appeal to doctors is required.

    With the simultaneous administration of Levofloxacillin with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs in the form of Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Paracetamol, Aspirin, the risk of seizures increases. Such a reaction is observed with the combined use of Fenbufnom, Theophylline.

    The effectiveness of the drug is affected by antacids in the form of Almagel, Renia, Phosphalugel, as well as iron salts. It is recommended to take these drugs with a time difference of at least 2 hours.

    Take other medicines in parallel with Levofloxacillin should be used with caution

    When taking glucocorticoid drugs in the form of Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Dexamethasone, Betamethasone, tendon ruptures may occur against the background of Levofloxacin.

    Attention! It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol-containing drinks together with an antibacterial drug. This combination provokes an increase in side effects associated with the functioning of the central nervous system.

    Treatment of prostatitis with antibacterial drugs can save a man from provoking factors in the form of pathogens, but does not eliminate stagnant effects that no less affect the development of pathology.

    More information about the drug can be found in the video:

    With prostatitis, it is customary to use a large number of drugs, because. there is a need for a large number of therapeutic actions. It is required to improve blood circulation, facilitate urination, increase potency, etc. When the disease has an infectious nature, first of all they try to limit the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and destroy them. Levofloxacin just has a similar effect. It is used when a man experiences these symptoms:

    • Pain when urinating
    • Frequent urination, especially at night
    • painful ejaculation
    • Erection weakening
    • Temperature increase (from 37 to 40 degrees)
    • General weakness

    The stronger the inflammatory process, the brighter these symptoms manifest themselves. At the stage of exacerbation, the patient may even be hospitalized, because. tablets alone can not cope with acute urinary retention or pain. Antibiotics are resorted to after tests that will show which pathogens have appeared in the prostate gland.

    Levofloxacin has a wide spectrum of action, effective against a large number of bacteria. The patient can get it only with a prescription from the attending physician.

    Reviews about Levofloxacin for prostatitis are mostly positive, both from patients and from specialists. He copes well with the declared diseases, in the instructions for admission he has the following indications:

    1. Infectious pathologies of the abdominal region
    2. Chronic bronchitis and its exacerbation
    3. Pneumonia
    4. prostatitis, urethritis
    5. Pyelonephritis
    6. Skin and soft tissue infections

    For some infections, the use of Levofloxacin is possible only when other antibiotics have been ineffective, because. it has a very powerful effect. In the form of eye drops, it can be prescribed for superficial eye infections, to prevent complications after surgical intervention or eye procedures.

    Levofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, which means that it has a bactericidal rather than a bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms. The difference between them is that in the first case, the bacteria are destroyed, while in the second, their reproduction and growth stops. The mechanism of the drug’s work looks like this: the DNA synthesis of a pathogenic cell is disrupted, its genetic code is violated, and it dies. Moreover, the destruction occurs to such an extent that it has no opportunity to recover. They also have the ability to influence the “copying” of cells, which becomes impossible after exposure to one enzyme.

    Thus, the likelihood of bacteria developing resistance to the drug is significantly reduced, because they cannot multiply. Among affirmative action Levofloxacin also includes:

    • Excellent penetration into organ tissues, inside cells
    • Destruction of pathogens with minimal release of toxins from them
    • Puffiness reduction, pain relief, temperature normalization
    • Good combination with other antibiotics (macrolides, penicillins)
    • Long elimination period (allows taking 1 tablet per day)

    Among various pathogens, anaerobic gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and microorganisms are the least resistant to the drug. These include:

    1. Staphylococci
    2. streptococci
    3. Haemophilus influenzae
    4. Peptostreptococci
    5. The bacterium Moraxella catarrhalis

    Chlamydia, legionella, mycoplasma, ureaplasma are also considered sensitive. A course of treatment with Levofloxacin for prostatitis may be possible if the disease is caused by enterococci, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Morgan's bacterium, but they can become resistant to the main drug substance, levofloxacin hemihydrate. It is absorbed into the body very quickly, absorption is not affected by food intake.

    The maximum concentration of the element is reached after 1-2 hours and is excreted in about 16 hours, completely leaves the body with urine after 2 days. The higher the dosage, the longer it takes.

    Mode of application medicinal product may be oral or intravenous. Levofloxacin tablets contain 250 or 500 mg of the active substance, an ampoule with a solution of 100 ml. Instructions for use states that the capsules must be taken as follows:

    • Half or whole tablet (250-500 mg) 1 time per day
    • Preferably taken before or after meals
    • Drink at least half a glass of water

    Continue taking from 3 days to 2-4 weeks. With pneumonia or bronchitis, it can be from 7 to 14 days, with skin infections - the same amount, and with urinary tract infections - from 3 to 10 days. It is undesirable to start taking pills until the body temperature has stabilized. It is recommended to repeat the reception always at the same time.

    The likelihood that Levofloxacin does not help with prostatitis is very small. The drug is too strong not to respond to pathogens, and if they were immediately resistant to it, the doctor should have initially prescribed another drug.

    Restrictions to taking Levofloxacin are indications that apply to almost all antibiotics - hypersensitivity to the components, childhood, pregnancy and lactation. However, due to the high toxicity of this tool You can add a few more items:

    1. Presence of epilepsy
    2. Tendon injuries due to other fluoroquinolones
    3. Pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis

    Restrictions on admission may occur in patients with a predisposition to seizures, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, impaired renal or hepatic function, and the elderly. Treatment of prostatitis with Levofloxacin may be contraindicated in men with diabetes, psychosis, cardiovascular diseases. Side effects on the use of tablets or the introduction of a solution may appear both at standard dosages and when they are exceeded. More often than others appear:

    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Headache
    • Drowsiness
    • Lowering blood pressure
    • General weakness

    Side effects also include increased heart rate, convulsions and tremors, impaired sense of smell, vision, and hearing. Rarely, dyspepsia and abdominal pain occur, allergic reactions. The latter are characterized by rashes and urticaria, itching and burning. With an unknown frequency, photosensitivity may increase, hypo- or hyperglycemia, vascular collapse may occur. At intravenous administration possible short pain at the injection site, inflammation, increased sweating.

    In case of an overdose, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, confusion, convulsions occur. If you find them, call ambulance or contact a specialist immediately.

    It is undesirable to combine the course of Levofloxacin with prostatitis with such drugs as antacids (aluminum- and magnesium-containing), products with iron in the composition - they reduce the effectiveness of the antibiotic. If it is necessary to take them, it is recommended to make an interval between doses of at least 2 hours. Deterioration of work is observed when the drug is combined with other quinolones, anticonvulsants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With simultaneous use with anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding increases, and together with insulin, hypo- and hyperglycemic conditions.

    Therefore, for patients with diabetes, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of glucose in the blood and follow the correct dosage. Due to the fact that Levofloxacin can cause severe allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock, you should be very careful when taking it for the first time and, if necessary, immediately consult a doctor. In case of renal or hepatic insufficiency, it is worth stopping the intake if symptoms of a deterioration in the patient's condition appear.

    The drug does not interact with food, but it is forbidden to take it together with alcohol (most often, an aggravation of side effects from the central nervous system, such as dizziness or numbness, is noticed). It is necessary to store the package in a dry place where there is no access to sunlight. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years, they are available from the pharmacy only by prescription.

    An excellent video about taking Levofloxacin for inflammation of the prostate is located below. In it, the specialist talks about the results of treatment, possible complications, analogues of the drug.

    Treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland is carried out using a whole range of methods. Drug therapy is only one of them, but along with it, it is necessary that the patient undergoes physiotherapy, diet and physical therapy. Another technique, surgery, is used in extreme cases when medications have failed to help. Drugs for prostatitis are taken only after determining the cause of its development. If they were the causative agents of the infection, antibiotics like Levofloxacin are used, when the culprit is blood stasis or trauma, they resort to other means.

    Typical for getting rid of prostatitis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, adrenolytics, muscle relaxants, hormonal preparations, painkillers and vitamin complexes.

    One of the main tasks in the treatment is to fill the gap useful substances in the body to boost immunity and help the prostate tissue regenerate. For this purpose, rectal suppositories are often used, because. it is easiest for them to convey substances to the prostate gland. What candles are popular for prostatitis:

    1. Prostatilen
    2. Prostopin
    3. Vitaprost
    4. Propolis DN
    5. Tykveol
    6. Genferon

    Candles can have a wide range of therapeutic properties, which is why they are used so often. Only the procedure from use is unpleasant, but for recovery it is worth suffering. To strengthen the immune system, it is equally useful to start eating right, limiting or eliminating alcohol and cigarettes from your life. The patient's menu should contain fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs and dried fruits. The greatest benefit for men, both healthy and sick, will bring seafood, onions and garlic, parsley, cabbage, lean meats, fresh juices.

    It is better to refuse strong tea and coffee, because. they can negatively affect potency. In the same way, semi-finished products, food fast food, canned food, too fatty, salty or spicy food. Sports will also affect immunity, but only regular ones. A set of exercises for prostatitis is easy to find on the Internet.

    Taking Levofloxacin for prostatitis with a course of treatment according to the appointment of a leading specialist, you can cure the disease and get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Prostatitis is a men's problem childbearing age. A disease associated with urination and sexual dysfunction causes psychological problems. Therefore, its treatment is of great importance.

    The occurrence of acute or chronic prostatitis is characterized by symptoms:

    1. Pain in the perineum.
    2. Urination disorder.
    3. Sexual dysfunction.

    Prostatitis is divided into three conditional groups:

    • spicy;
    • chronic;
    • asymptomatic.

    Often prostatitis is a complication after inflammatory processes in the bladder. Before prescribing drugs for the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to examine the secret of the prostate to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process.

    When examining patients with chronic prostatitis, they find:

    1. Ureaplasma.
    2. Mycoplasmas.
    3. Chlamydia.
    4. Trichomonas.
    5. Gardnerella.
    6. Anaerobes.
    7. Mushroom Candida.

    Unfortunately the results bacteriological research can be obtained no earlier than 5 days from the date of the analysis. To prevent the patient from suffering, he is prescribed antibiotics that act on most of the bacteria that cause prostatitis. These drugs include Levofloxacin. When the patient's condition improves, treatment with the drug is continued for 2 weeks. If there is no improvement, the antibiotic is changed, taking into account the results of microbiological studies.

    There are many pathogens that cause prostatitis. It is necessary to choose the right antibiotic to cure the disease. The wrong choice of antibiotic or interrupted treatment of prostatitis can have negative health consequences. Under such conditions, resistance to a particular type of antibiotic is often developed. Prostatitis therapy is carried out for a long time, sometimes up to 8 weeks.

    It is necessary to treat chronic prostatitis with antimicrobial agents. They are prescribed, even if no infection is found in the secretion of the prostate.

    In such cases, the choice of the drug is determined by its pharmacological properties:

    1. Penetration of the drug into the prostate tissue.
    2. Creation of the necessary concentrations of the drug in the gland.

    Such properties are possessed by drugs of the fluoroquinolone group, in particular, Levofloxacin.

    The drug has the following properties:

    1. It has a wide range of antibacterial effects.
    2. It penetrates well into the prostate tissue.
    3. In large quantities reaches the prostate gland.
    4. It can be administered to the body in the form of tablets or infusions.
    5. It has good activity against pathogenic bacteria.

    Fluoroquinolones expand the possibility of treating prostatitis caused by bacteria and microorganisms. They are used in case of not detecting microbes in the prostate.

    Levofloxacin is a universal drug for the treatment of inflammatory processes.

    Levofloxacin treats almost all inflammatory bacterial diseases of the genitourinary system of men:

    1. Urinary tract infections.
    2. Bacterial prostatitis.
    3. Urethritis (inflammatory processes in the urethra).
    4. Orchitis (disease of the testicles).
    5. Epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis).

    Its clinical activity is 75%. The combination of an antibiotic in the treatment of prostatitis and a drug from the group of alpha-blockers gives a result of about 90%.

    Scope of application:

    1. Levofloxacin is able to destroy pathogenic bacteria sensitive to it in any organs. In addition to the treatment of infections associated with the genitourinary system, it is used to treat infections in other areas:
    2. Respiratory organs and ENT: tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, otitis media.
    3. Skin diseases: boils, bedsores, erysipelas.
    4. Peritonitis.
    5. Sepsis.

    The action is aimed at blocking the process of bacterial DNA synthesis. Changes in the bacterial cell are incompatible with its vital activity. Under such conditions, microbes die. The drug is effective against a number of microorganisms.

    Each infectious pathology is determined by one type of bacteria and is localized in one specific organ or system. To combat such a pathology, a drug is needed that acts specifically on this type of bacteria. Broad-spectrum drugs act depressingly on several groups of such bacteria.

    The therapeutic effect in the treatment of prostate with Levofloxacin is achieved due to the continuation of its antimicrobial action on microorganisms, after its complete withdrawal from the body. Of course, this depends on the type of microbes and the concentration of the resulting drug.

    The medicine is taken once a day. It is convenient, creates an advantage over other drugs.

    But, like most of these drugs, it has side effects:

    • nausea;
    • diarrhea;
    • dizziness;
    • insomnia.

    After the drug is discontinued, all side effects disappear. While taking it, it is not recommended to be in the sun or visit a solarium. Negatively affects the speed of psychomotor reactions. From driving a car, for the duration of treatment, must be abandoned.

    The most popular include such drugs:

    1. Levofloxacin is a third generation antibiotic. It is used in cases of infections of moderate severity. Release form: tablets, solution for infusion, eye drops.
    2. Moxifloxacin is a fourth generation antibiotic. It has a broader antibacterial effect. It is used in cases of very severe infections. This type of antibiotic should not be prescribed immediately after diagnosing an infection. Frequent use will lead to the development of a resistant species of bacteria to this group. Release form: solution for infusion.

    Levofloxacin is indicated for the treatment of prostatitis of any form. The greatest convenience in use is taking a pill once a day. The course of treatment with the drug depends on the severity of the infection and its nature. The drug should not be stopped before the full course. In case of accidental omission, the medicine should be taken immediately, then be guided by the usual scheme.

Levofloxacin or Tavanic are used to treat infectious diseases caused by pathogens. These drugs are classified as 3rd generation fluoroquinolones with a wide spectrum of action. Advantages of drugs - have a relatively high bioavailability.

Brief description of Levofloxacin

Levofloxacin is a highly effective antibiotic of the latest generation, acting against almost all groups of microorganisms. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. There are eye drops for the treatment of various forms of conjunctivitis.

Resistance to the active component of the drug develops as a result of a process of gradual mutation of the genes encoding DNA gyrase and topoisomerase-4.

Any form of Levofloxacin is rapidly distributed in cells and tissues and is completely absorbed due to its high bioavailability, which approaches 100%. This property of the drug allows you to quickly reach its maximum plasma concentration in the blood. With course treatment, already on the 3rd or 4th day, it is possible to achieve an effective weighted average content of the drug in the blood.

The drug binds to serum proteins at a rate of approximately 30 to 40%. A significant amount of the active active substance is determined in the tissues of the lungs. It also penetrates well into bone tissue. This property forces one to be careful when using some other drugs, because. the patient may develop damage to the tissues of the bones and joints.

The active component of the tablets, the solution is metabolized slightly - no more than 5% of the previously used dose. Decay products are excreted by the kidneys. After oral administration, half of the drug taken is excreted in 6 to 8 hours. Excretion processes do not differ in different sex groups of patients and increase somewhat due to renal and hepatic pathologies.

The drug helps with:

  • acute and chronic prostatitis;
  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation maxillary sinuses nose
  • the presence of ureaplasmas;
  • inflammation of the bronchial mucosa;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • in the treatment of certain gynecological pathologies.

Levofloxacin is administered orally or via a drip.

Brief description of Tavanik

Produced in the form of tablets. One tablet contains 0.25 or 0.5 g of the active compound Levofloxacin. 1 ml solution for parenteral administration contains 5 mg of the drug. It is mixed with saline and glucose.

Quickly absorbed from the digestive tract and almost completely absorbed, tk. its bioavailability approaches 100%.

Active against the following microorganisms:

It is effective in the treatment of pathologies:

  • upper respiratory tract infections;
  • tuberculosis (used only as part of complex treatment);
  • inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • pustular lesions of the epidermis;
  • bacterial inflammation of the prostate;
  • anthrax (as part of complex therapy).

Due to the nature of the action and the possible reaction of the body, this medicine is categorically contraindicated in:

  • damage to the joints or ligamentous apparatus;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • porphyria;
  • brain disease;
  • anemia associated with insufficient intake of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the body;
  • violations of the mental state of a person;
  • epilepsy;
  • bradycardia;
  • the use of sugar-lowering drugs (possible development of severe hypoglycemia);
  • chronic heart failure;
  • the presence of seizures in history;
  • systemic connective tissue disorders.

Which is better: Levofloxacin or Tavanic

Both drugs belong to fluoroquinolones and the amount of therapeutically active substance in them is also the same. It is difficult to determine which is better without a preliminary analysis of the state of the human body, its resistance to antibiotic therapy. Tavanic helps some patients, Levofloxacin helps others.

Although there may be various auxiliary components in medicines, they do not affect their pharmacological activity. Studies show that Levofloxacin is best used in the complex treatment of infectious pathologies.

Which drug is best for each patient, only the doctor decides. Both drugs are suitable for the treatment of infections of the respiratory and genitourinary organs.


All fluoroquinolones are powerful and quite poisonous drugs. Both Levofloxacin and Tavanic are characterized by side effects:

  • dyspepsia, manifested in antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis;
  • disorders of the liver, manifested in the form of jaundice;
  • hypoglycemic disorders (trembling, anxiety, constant and pronounced feeling of hunger, severe sweating);
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure up to the development of a collaptoid state;
  • pronounced violation of the heart rhythm;
  • toxic damage to the nervous system, manifested in the form of constant pain in the head, hallucinations, convulsions, a sharp violation of sensitivity;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system, manifested in the form of pain in the joints, myasthenia gravis, inflammation of the tendons;
  • allergic reactions (local or systemic);
  • damage to the renal tissue (in severe cases, the development of acute renal failure is possible);
  • decrease in the level of platelets and leukocytes;
  • destruction of red blood cells;
  • the appearance of small-point hemorrhages on the skin;
  • severe dysbacteriosis due to damage to the bacterial flora, candidiasis;
  • the emergence of cross-resistance and the development of superinfection.

Drugs cause a decrease in the reaction rate, ability to control complex mechanisms. Some patients develop drowsiness, constant increased fatigue. In case of violation of cerebral circulation, there is a high risk of developing severe convulsions, therefore Levofloxacin and Tavanic are prescribed only for health reasons.

The drugs are toxic to the fetus. Therefore, during treatment with fluoroquinolones, couples should use contraceptives. People receiving glucocorticosteroid drugs are prohibited from fluoroquinolones, tk. this combination leads to an increased risk of rupture of the ligamentous apparatus of the joints. The appointment of fluoroquinolones together with anticoagulants provokes the occurrence of severe bleeding.

Medicines should be taken carefully in such cases:

  • tendency to develop seizures;
  • treatment with Fenbufen;
  • manifestation of deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • violations of renal function;
  • risk of changes in electrocardiogram parameters;
  • the use of tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics and macrolide antibiotics;
  • condition after organ transplant.

Overdose causes nausea, severe vomiting, hallucinations. In severe cases, a coma may develop.

What is the difference

When analyzing the effectiveness of funds, it turns out that Tavanik is more effective. This is mainly due to the fact that purer components are used in the manufacture of tablets or solution for parenteral administration.

Tavanic is able to inhibit the activity of most microorganisms that cause severe infections of the urinary and respiratory tract, incl. tuberculosis. Positive dynamics is observed already in the middle of the therapeutic course, which does not occur with the use of cheaper analogues of the drug.

Compared to Levofloxacin, Tavanic has the following advantages:

  • has a wide range of therapeutic effects;
  • during the action of ultraviolet radiation on the body does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • It is used with other antibacterial drugs and does not provoke allergies.

Some disadvantages of Levofloxacin:

  • many contraindications;
  • violates the metabolism of vitamins;
  • is not a completely safe medicine for infectious pathologies.

Levofloxacin eye drops have different names. They must be used strictly in compliance with the dosage. It is important not to change the recommended regimen of administration, so as not to cause damage to the eyes.

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