Replace skin cap. Analog "Skin-cap": effective drugs for the treatment of skin diseases

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Psoriasis– This is a serious disease, the number of patients with which is constantly growing. To treat this inflammation, a variety of techniques are used - from massage to medications. It is also necessary to use external means, which is Skin-Cap shampoo.


Skin Cap provides its assistance to three by different means: spray, cream and shampoo. We'll just talk about the last one.

The shampoo is white, liquid and soft in consistency. Its active component is, among others, the active form of zinc pyrithione. Besides, In the composition you can find substances such as: Tego Perli S-96, fatty acids coconut oil, which are a natural component and perfectly smooth the hair and also give it rich care. In addition, among the ingredients there is Tero sulfonate and sodium lauryl sulfate - a component designed to rid hair of oiliness. The remaining ingredients are copolymers of macrogol, dimethicone, propylene glycol and several flavorings for a better aroma.

The volume of the shampoo bottle is 150 milliliters.


This tool should be used against psoriasis and other dermatological problems. Zinc, which is an active component, prevents or reduces the impact of unpleasant diseases such as fungus and protects against microbes. The product acts in such a way as to reduce the activity of bacteria and, ultimately, reduce their presence to nothing.

A huge advantage of zinc is the fact that it destroys the infection inside the cell without causing harm to the cellular system itself. In addition, zinc not only has an effect on the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminates its causes.

If you use shampoo regularly, its effect is enhanced as it is absorbed and remains inside, continuing to work even when you are not using it.


Shampoo should be used for the following problems:

  • If your scalp itches and itches with enviable regularity;
  • If you have dandruff;
  • If you have seborrhea, regardless of whether it is dry or oily;
  • In the event that you have atopic dermatitis, which specifically affects the hair and scalp.

The treatment should be applied to damp hair and massage the head for a while, allowing blood to flow to the hair roots. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse off the shampoo and immediately apply it again, also with massaging movements, but now wait about five minutes, allowing the product to be thoroughly absorbed and penetrate, and then rinse thoroughly. It is recommended to shake the jar before use, making a slight “chatter”.

The manufacturer promises that if you are trying to cure psoriasis, then after two weeks of using this product a visible effect will appear.

Since this shampoo is medicinal, it should be used in a course. In this case, it is recommended to do this for 5 weeks, 2-3 times every seven days. There is also prevention of using shampoo after the disease has been cured, in case psoriasis suddenly returns. During this period, you should use this product less often - once or twice a week.

The product does not have any effect on the condition of the hair, as well as its shape and color.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the manufacturers, the product cannot be used only in case of individual intolerance to the listed components. But the fact is that among the ingredients there is a hormonal component, which somewhat expands the list of contraindications. Shampoo should not be used:

  • If there are pink or juvenile acne;
  • If the skin is infected with any infection– this includes infection with herpes and chicken pox;
  • If you are sick with perioral dermatitis;
  • A disease such as cutaneous tuberculosis also contraindicated for use;
  • In the presence of skin cancer;
  • Children under eighteen years.

There are no contraindications against using shampoo during pregnancy and the risks are quite weak, but they should be taken into account. So, when carrying a child, you should refrain from using the product if you experience itching or rashes that were not there before. When breastfeeding, it is better not to use shampoo at all, or stop this method of feeding for a while, in order to avoid the risk.

As already mentioned, you may experience allergic reactions when using shampoo. In this case, you should stop using this product at least for a while. The presence of a component that controls hormones can cause the following reactions:

  • The appearance of constant itching;
  • Excessive dryness of the scalp;
  • Presence of irritation;
  • Excessive skin pigmentation;
  • The occurrence of hypertrichosis;
  • Active rash of pimples and blackheads;
  • Development of one or more infections;
  • The occurrence of allergic dematitis;
  • As well as perioral dermatitis;
  • Development of other types of psoriasis, including pustular.

If you do not follow the instructions and use shampoo more often or do not take breaks, then your skin may begin to crack, folliculitis and erythema may form. In some cases, unpleasant consequences such as skin atrophy or numbness of the fingers may occur.

The consequences also depend on what exactly you take and what bandages you apply while using the anti-psoriasis remedy. You should be more careful with this and, in any case negative reaction, immediately stop using not only shampoo, but also other medications, if possible. This should be done at least until you have treated the negative effects.

In very rare cases, the use of the drug causes serious side effects, in which case you should immediately stop using the shampoo and never use it again, but instead consult a doctor. Among these consequences are:

  • Causing damage to the mucous system;
  • The occurrence of gastritis;
  • Severe allergic reactions;
  • A sharp increase in intraocular pressure.

To make sure that the allergic reaction has passed, it is necessary to carry out special tests at the clinic or hospital. Do not check yourself, it may not only turn out unreliable, but also harm you.

Precautionary measures

Dermatologists strongly advise using shampoo as a course and not overusing this drug. This is because it contains an element such as clobetasol, which is quite harmful to the body, especially in large doses.

With constant use of products containing this ingredient, atrophic changes in the skin of the face and scalp may develop. You also need to be careful when using shampoo and avoid contact with eyes, otherwise the presence of hormonal elements will increase intraocular pressure. In addition to pressure, contact with the eyes can in some cases cause cataracts or glaucoma.

Do not apply shampoo to areas of the skin that are not intended for this purpose. For example, on the skin of the face or armpits. Otherwise, it may cause serious problems with health problems, such as atrophy or dermatitis.

The instructions clearly state that Children can be treated for psoriasis starting from the age of one year. As a rule, children easily tolerate medications and they rarely experience any side effects. However, given the clobetasol included in the composition, it is quite capable of leading to undesirable consequences. That's why It is recommended to use shampoo for children over 18 years of age, when the body is stronger and more strengthened.

Skin diseases can hardly be considered a rarity, since every year tens of thousands of patients visit dermatologists’ offices complaining of various inflammations and allergic ailments. Of course, modern market drugs offers a huge selection of drugs that can cope with certain diseases. And today many people are interested in additional information about the drug “Skin-Cap”. An analogue of the drug - does it exist? What properties does this medicine have? Are there any side effects, contraindications, complications? Is the product really that effective? This information will be interesting and useful to many readers.

Description of the composition and release form of the drug

Today, this product is available in several forms: cream (small tubes containing 15 g of the drug), aerosol (the bottle has a convenient spray nozzle), as well as shampoo and shower gel.

The main active substance is activated zinc pyrithione. But the list of auxiliary components already depends on the form of release. For example, the cream contains ethanol, glycerol, stearyl alcohol, coconut oil fatty acid ester, butylated hydroxytoluene, purified water, and cyclometics. But the aerosol contains polysorbate 80, isobutane, propane, butane, ethanol, water, isopropyl myristate and troglamine.

What effect does this remedy have on the body?

Zinc pyrithioneate has pronounced bacteriostatic and antifungal properties, so the drug quickly suppresses the activity of microorganisms that most often cause inflammatory process. For example, the most active medicine is against bacteria of the Pityrosporum group, which in most cases contribute to the development of inflammation and hyperproliferation of cells in seborrhea, psoriasis and other skin ailments.

This remedy also blocks the activity of fungal microorganisms, including representatives such as candida and aspergillus.

Moreover, zinc pyrithioneate also has cytostatic properties. The substance affects cells that are at the stage of hyperproliferation and suppresses the process of their division. However, this component does not affect healthy cells.

By the way, the cream has hydrating activity and provides the skin with the necessary amount of water molecules. The drug contains methyl ethyl sulfate, which increases tissue permeability, thereby ensuring rapid and maximum absorption of the drug.

Main indications for use

In what cases are patients recommended to use the drug "Skin-Cap"? Spray and cream in modern medicine widely used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis and others inflammatory diseases skin. The drug is also effective for psoriasis, as it helps to quickly eliminate inflammation and psoriatic plaques. The medicine can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis in children under one year of age. The cream also helps to cope with excessive dry skin.

Skin-Cap shampoo can also solve a lot of problems. It is prescribed to patients with severe dandruff and itching of the scalp. The drug also helps with oily and dry seborrhea, atopic dermatitis(when the scalp is affected).

The drug "Skin-Cap": instructions for use

It’s worth saying right away that only a dermatologist can prescribe this drug, as well as determine the dosage and duration of treatment. So how to properly use the drug "Skin-Cap"? Instructions for use depend on the form of the medicine you choose.

For example, a thin layer of cream should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, but only after thoroughly cleansing its surface. Before use, the tube of cream should be shaken thoroughly. The procedure is repeated twice a day. The course usually lasts 3-4 weeks. If we are talking about the treatment of psoriasis, then the duration of therapy can be increased to 1-1.5 months.

But the “Skin-Cap” aerosol should be sprayed onto the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day from a distance of about 15 cm. Treatment should be continued for another week after the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared.

Apply the shampoo to damp hair, massage the scalp thoroughly, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse. You can use it 2-3 times a week.

Are there any contraindications?

Many buyers are interested in questions about whether all categories of patients are allowed to use this medicine. Like any other medicine, “Skin-Cap” has some contraindications, although in fact there are not many of them.

Of course, patients with hypersensitivity to any of the constituent substances of the drug are prohibited from using it, in order to avoid allergic reaction and other, more dangerous complications.

In addition, the drug is not recommended for women in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as for nursing mothers. On the other hand, no trials have been conducted on these groups of patients, and to date there is no evidence of negative effects of this drug.

What side effects can the drug cause?

There is another important question: how safe is this drug? In fact, complications associated with therapy are recorded extremely rarely in medical practice. However, the possibility of their occurrence should not be ruled out.

So what side effects can the drug Skin-Cap cause? Aerosol and cream at the initial stages of treatment can lead to a feeling of skin tightness and a slight burning sensation. These reactions are considered completely normal and go away on their own after a few days, although sometimes the dose of the drug may need to be reduced.

Less common complications include allergic reactions, which are accompanied by redness, itching, hives, and slight swelling of soft tissues. If you have such symptoms, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps the specialist will decide to discontinue the drug “Skin-Cap” - an analogue of the drug is not difficult to find. In any case, allergies are extremely rare.

Medicine "Skin-Cap": analogue and approximate cost

The issue of cost is also an interesting one. How much will Skin-Cap (cream) cost? The price of one tube is approximately 800 rubles. The cost of the aerosol is higher: approximately 1600 - 2000 rubles. Shampoo can be purchased for 1,300 rubles, and the price of shower gel ranges from 600 to 800 rubles.

This medicine is not suitable for all patients, either due to the presence adverse reactions, either due to lack of effect or too high cost. So what can replace the drug “Skin-Cap”? The Russian analogue is “Zinocap”, which, by the way, is considered no less effective. It also comes in the form of a cream or an oily spray. By the way, the composition of these drugs is almost the same.

What other drugs have the same properties as Skin-Cap? Cheaper analogues, by the way, also exist. The same “Zinocap” will cost you about 200 rubles. In addition, the drugs Lokoid, Kremgen, Cortomycetin, Carizon and many others are considered good substitutes.

A drug with antifungal and antibacterial effect - Skin-cap in the form of a cream, prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor, neurodermatitis of various etiologies. The medicine is quite controversial, there are many reviews - it helps some people, others are dissatisfied with the result. Contains the main active substance, aimed at eliminating the symptoms of skin diseases, is zinc pyrithione. The medicine is available in tubes, the volume of which is 15 g. The cream is whitish in color, there are no foreign inclusions, it is used exclusively externally. Instructions for using Skin-cap cream, contraindications and composition - information in the article.

Composition and form of release

The biological activity of a drug is based on complex connection which contains zinc – zinc pyrithione. This is the most well-known and well-studied substance, which has found wide use for the treatment of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. The component has a pronounced antibacterial effect and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, in particular staphylococci and streptococci.

Skin-cap cream contains additional components: stearyl alcohol, sterile water, flavorings, glyceryl stearate. They have no effect on pharmacological properties the main component of the drug.

Skin-cap is a line of drugs that are available in the following forms:

  • Aerosol for external use;
  • Shampoo for the scalp.

Is Skin-cap hormonal or not? This question is quite difficult to answer, since there is a variety of information available. The manufacturer assures, while the description of the drug contains the same data, that the drug contains no hormonal compounds and is completely safe.

But the World Health Organization said the medicine contains hormones. WHO conducted large-scale studies that revealed traces of glucocorticosteroids in the product. However, the WHO did not make the results of clinical studies publicly available, so it is inappropriate to talk about the presence of hormonal components in Skin-Cap cream.

pharmachologic effect

The medication is prescribed for the treatment of seborrhea, atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin pathologies. The desired therapeutic effect is achieved by the optimal concentration of the active substance in the composition. Due to its effectiveness, the medicine is popular and is often prescribed by dermatologists to patients, but treatment with the cream is not cheap - the drug is quite expensive.

Worth knowing! Skin-cap cream has antifungal and antibacterial effects, demonstrates bacteriostatic (prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms) and fungistatic activity (prevents the proliferation of fungal microflora).

The medication has a detrimental effect on microbes that belong to the group of pathogenic microorganisms Pityrosporum. It is these bacteria that contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, accelerated division of epidermal cells against the background of seborrhea, psoriasis, etc. skin diseases.

Clinical studies have shown that the cream selectively affects cells that are in the stage of accelerated division. In this case, there is no effect on the cellular structure, which is in the stage of normal division. The use of the drug reduces the concentration of ATP, promotes the rapid death of microbes and fungi.

Thus, the use of the medicine leads to the following result: the severity of the inflammatory process decreases, the degree of peeling of the skin decreases.

Indications for use

Skin cap is recommended for the treatment of psoriasis. Most often, the cream is prescribed in combination with other medications. It is advisable to use it for neurodermatitis - a disease caused by impaired functionality of the central nervous system in a person.

Aerosol Skin-cap is prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis (use is not recommended in severe cases, for example, in the articular form of the disease), dermatitis of any origin, dandruff, seborrhea, and pityriasis versicolor. For psoriasis, Skin-Cap effectively resolves dense psoriatic plaques.

So, Skin cap and instructions for use. The method of application is based on the dosage form of the dermatological drug:

  1. The cream is applied in a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin. Frequency – up to three times a day. The duration of treatment for psoriasis is several weeks, seborrhea is treated for two weeks. In other clinical situations, use continues until the symptoms of the skin disease are completely eliminated. In case of exacerbation, a repeat course is recommended. Practice shows that Skin-cap for psoriasis allows you to achieve long-term remission, while during the period of exacerbation mild symptoms are observed.
  2. The aerosol is used three times a day. The medicine is applied to the hair using a special nozzle, which is included in the kit. After elimination clinical manifestations illnesses, the remedy is used for another week.
  3. Skin-cap shampoo instructions: apply 2-3 times a week. Apply to damp hair, rub in, leave for five minutes, rinse with running water (warm).

Important! There is information that Skin-cap contains the substance clobetasol, a glucocorticosteroid. Therefore, it is not recommended to use any form of the drug without consulting a medical specialist.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the manufacturer medicinal product has only one contraindication - hypersensitivity to the active substance or additional components. In other cases, the product can be used.
But, since the composition supposedly contains clobetasol, it is not recommended to use the cream in the following cases:

  • Acne;
  • Manifestations of syphilis on the skin;
  • Neoplasms (benign and malignant);
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Childhood;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding.

IN official instructions It is indicated that while using Skin-cap cream, an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out. It is manifested by a deterioration in the condition of the skin - burning, itching, hyperemia, weeping and other symptoms are detected.

With prolonged use due to the presence of clobetasol in the composition, the following side effects are possible:

  1. The appearance of age spots on the skin.
  2. Stretch marks.
  3. Atrophic changes in the skin.
  4. The occurrence of acne.
  5. Pustular form of psoriasis.

When applied to large areas of the skin, the likelihood of negative consequences increases. These include an increase in intraocular pressure, gastric ulceration, numbness of the upper and lower limbs, development of folliculitis.

During pregnancy and lactation, the cream is prescribed only for strict medical indications. Cannot be used alone. Whenever side effects you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor will reduce the dosage or prescribe another drug - an analogue of Skin-cap.


Analogs to Skin-cap, which are cheaper, are Zinocap and Psoriderm. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is recommended to replace one remedy with another, albeit similar in composition, only after consulting a doctor.

Let's take a closer look at the analogues:

  • Zinocap is an analogue of Skin-cap cream. Produced in two dosage forms– spray and cream for local use. The active substance is zinc pyrithione. Auxiliary components include polysorbate (80), silicon dioxide, dexpanthenol, ethanol. The drug provides pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, age under one year;
  • Psoriderm ointment – effective analogue Skin cap. Recommended for the treatment of psoriasis, lichen planus, chronic eczema. Not prescribed for children under one year of age, pregnant and lactating women, acne, chickenpox, herpes, etc. viral diseases in history. The medicine refers to pharmacological group glucocorticosteroids, often leads to the development side effects, especially against the backdrop of prolonged use of the medication.

Skin cap, according to some patients - good drug, which helps get rid of skin problems in a fairly short time. For other people, if you go by the reviews, the product did not help at all; on the contrary, it only made it worse. clinical picture. Since there is no accurate information that the composition contains 100% hormonal substances, it is not recommended to use the cream yourself - this can lead to complications.

Skin-cap cream and its analogues can be purchased at a pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk, as well as in virtual pharmacies. The product in the form of an aerosol (35 grams) costs $30, the cream will cost $40-50 (the price depends on the manufacturer). Analogs are much cheaper, for example, the price of Psoriderm ointment is $4.

To combat dry skin, dermatitis and dandruff, a unique product such as Skin-Cap is used. Not only does it not contain harmful substances in the composition, but is not addictive like hormonal drugs.

This is one of the advantages of this drug, which many, unfortunately, forget about. It is suitable for many diseases related to skin problems, and can be used in some cases in one-year-old children.

Composition and release form:

  1. One of the main active ingredients This medicine contains pyrithione-zinc, which perfectly fights fungi on the skin.
  2. Also, the drug contains methyl ethyl sulfate, which promotes better absorption of active zinc into the skin.

In addition, the drug solves the problem of dryness and is indicated for psoriasis.

The main effect of the drug:

  1. Prevents fungi and bacteria multiply on the surface of the skin.
  2. Does not allow cells over-sharing and growing.

Available in 3 forms:

  1. Aerosol. The aerosol is more active than shampoo and contains 2 mg of the substance, which is 2%. It is often used for both the scalp and skin, depending on the doctor's prescription. This is an oily solution in a 70 ml bottle. For ease of use there is a nozzle.
  2. Shampoo. The shampoo is convenient to use for dandruff and for those who suffer from psoriasis of the scalp. It contains 1 gram of active substance and is a 1% remedy. Most often sold in a 150 ml bottle. In addition, it is presented in sachets of 5g. In appearance it is a white suspension with a specific odor. This product is used as a regular hair shampoo.
  3. Crema. The cream is applied externally to the skin. It is also 2% and has a volume of 50 ml in a tube.


There are many analogues in the pharmacy.

They all have the same active ingredient, so if Skin-Cap is not available, then you can take any of these products:

An aerosol and cream with a 2% active ingredient content are offered.

Friederm zinc

The entire range of products: shampoo, cream, aerosol.

What is the difference between these drugs:

  1. Manufacturer.
  2. At a price.

Everything else in composition is absolutely identical to Skin-Cap.


In this case, some analogues will be even more expensive, so it’s difficult to get a better price here:

  1. Zinocap Cream tube 25 gr.- on average 300 rubles.
  2. Cream tube 50 gr.- on average 600 rubles.
  3. Aerosol bottle 58 g.– about 728 rubles.
  4. Friederm zinc Shampoo volume 150 ml- on average 600 rubles.
  5. Pyrithione Zinc Shampoo bottle- on average 500 rubles.
  6. Cream tube– 700-1700 rubles depending on volume.
  7. Aerosol bottle- on average 3400 rubles.

Also, analogues are Psoriderm and Psoricap:

  1. Psoriderm– Spray 0.2% 25 mg – Ukraine, not sold in Russia.
  2. Psoricap– ointment tube 0.2% 30 gr. Ukraine, not sold in Russia.

The prices chosen are average. They depend on the suppliers, and there may also be pharmacy mark-ups.

For comparison, here are the prices for the original drug:

  1. Skin-Cap Shampoo 1% bottle 150 ml– about 1200 rubles.
  2. Shampoo packaging in sachet 5 pcs. 5g each– about 311 rubles.
  3. Cream tube 15 g– on average 850 rubles.
  4. Cream tube 50 g- on average 1800 rubles.
  5. Shower gel packaging in sachet 5 pcs, 5 g each- about 192 rubles.
  6. Aerosol bottle volume 35g– about 1700 rubles.
  7. Aerosol bottle volume 70 g– on average 2700 rubles.

Price table:

Name Release form Package Manufacturer country Price
Skin Cap
Aerosol 35g 0.2%with nozzle 1 pc.SpainAbout 970 rub.
Skin Cap
Aerosol 70g 0.2%with nozzle 1 pc.SpainAbout 795 rub.
Skin Cap
Cream 0.2% 15 gin a tube 1 pc.SpainAbout 810 rub.
Skin Cap
Cream 0.2% 50 gin a tube 1 pc.SpainAbout 832 rub.
Skin Cap
Shampoo 5 mlin bags 5 pcs.SpainAbout 285 rub.
Skin Cap
Shampoo 150 mlin a bottle 1 pc.SpainAbout 826 rub.

Aerosol 0.2% 58 gin fl. 1 PC.RussiaAbout 370 rub.

Cream 0.2% 15 gr.1 piece in a tube.RussiaAbout 308 rub.

Cream 0.2% 50 gr.1 piece in a tube.RussiaAbout 440 rub.
Friederm zinc
Freederm zinc
Shampoo 150 mlin a bottle 1 pc.BelgiumAbout 747 rub.

Impact of Skin-Cap on the body

The product is quite universal and has a triple effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antifungal.
  3. Antibacterial.

The properties of antibacterial and antifungal effects are especially unique, when the active substance affects ATP intracellularly, which allows depolarizing the membrane structure and accelerating penetration inside.

The anti-inflammatory effect has not been fully studied, but it is present, which has been clinically proven. The drug tends to accumulate in the epidermis and gives a prolonged effect, so you should not expect an instant result, it will come gradually.

Indications and contraindications

To use shampoo


  • atopic dermatitis;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • seborrheic eczema,
  • psoriasis;
  • oily and dry seborrhea;
  • dandruff;

If other shampoos do not help with seborrhea, then, of course, Skin-Cap will help. It will cost a little more than other products, but it’s all in the composition. Pyrithione-zinc copes with any problem of seborrhea and dandruff.

The shampoo does not affect the color or structure of the hair and can be used as long as necessary.

In addition, it is used for other diseases:

  • Vitiligo;
  • warts;
  • Problems with hair loss;


  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Childhood;
  • Intolerance to the drug and its components;

For aerosol application


  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • skin itching;
  • seborrhea;
  • dandruff;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • pityriasis versicolor;

It is prescribed to children only from 3 years of age.

This remedy is much more effective than various hormonal ointments and is not addictive. This is especially important for babies, as the product solves skin problems and improves its appearance.

True, the effect of the aerosol is gradual, and there is no need to wait for an instant result; the effect will appear within 2 weeks. Of course, the aerosol is a little more expensive than other ointments with hormones, but it is safer.


  1. Children up to 3 years old.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Drug intolerance.

To apply the cream

The cream is most often prescribed:

  1. For psoriasis and dermatitis.
  2. For seborrheic eczema.
  3. To eliminate dry skin.

The cream is not as greasy as an aerosol, so it can be used even at work.


  1. Children's age up to 1 year.
  2. Intolerance to components in the drug.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.

Adverse reactions:

  1. Means cannot be used with glucocorticosteroids.
  2. In rare cases may cause allergic reactions.
  3. Overdose cases no drug was noted.
  4. Special interactions was not detected with other drugs.
  5. When using shampoo and if it gets into the mouth, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and use laxatives.

Expert recommendations and reviews about Skin-Cap and its analogues

They provide stable and long-term remission, and can be used even in childhood. The same seborrhea goes away in a matter of days, and psoriasis ceases to bother the patient for a long time, so this shampoo containing zinc pyrithione is very popular among people suffering from these problems.

pharmachologic effect

Activated zinc pyrithione has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal activity. Antifungal activity is especially pronounced against Pityrosporum ovale and Pityrosporum orbiculare, which cause inflammation and excessive peeling in skin diseases. Antibacterial activity manifests itself against a number of pathogenic microorganisms Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus spp.

Zinc pyrithione reduces the intracellular level of ATP, promotes depolarization of cell membranes, causing the death of fungi and bacteria. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action has not been studied.


When applied externally, zinc pyrithione is deposited in the epidermis and superficial layers of the dermis. Systemic absorption occurs slowly. Found in the blood in trace amounts.



- psoriasis;

- atopic dermatitis of the scalp;

- seborrheic dermatitis;

- dandruff;

- oily seborrhea;

- dry seborrhea.

Cream and aerosol for external use (for adults and children over 1 year):

- psoriasis;

— atopic dermatitis (eczema, neurodermatitis);

- seborrheic dermatitis;

- dry skin (only for cream).

Dosage regimen

The drug is used externally.

Before use shampoo shake the bottle vigorously. Apply a small amount of Skin-cap shampoo to damp hair and massage the scalp. Rinse and reapply shampoo. Leave the shampoo on your hair for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. The drug is used 2-3 times a week for the first 2 weeks. Course of treatment for psoriasis is 5 weeks, with seborrhea- 2 weeks. During the period of remission, shampoo can be used 1-2 times a week as a means of preventing relapses.

Cream for external use after vigorous shaking, apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. Course of treatment for psoriasis is 1-1.5 months, with atopic dermatitis- 3-4 weeks.

Aerosol for external use spray in sufficient quantities onto the affected areas of the skin from a distance of about 15 cm. Apply 2-3 times a day until a clinical effect is achieved. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to continue using the drug for one week after the symptoms disappear. Shake the can vigorously several times before use. The can should be held vertically while spraying. A special nozzle is included for treating the scalp with an aerosol.

Side effect

Rarely: allergic reactions.

Contraindications for use

- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Studies on the safety of using the drug Skin-cap during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted.


Currently, no cases of overdose of the drug Skin-cap have been reported.

Drug interactions

Clinically significant interaction of the drug Skin-cap with other medicines not found.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug in the form of shampoo and aerosol for external use should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 4° to 30°C. Shelf life - 5 years.

The drug in the form of a cream for external use should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 4° to 20°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

special instructions

Skin-cap shampoo does not affect the natural color and condition of the hair.

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