Imudon tablets: instructions, prices and reviews. Imudon® - analogues are cheaper, the price of Russian and imported substitutes Stomatidin or Imudon - which is better

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Intended for preventive and therapeutic use for diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Imudon is produced only in lozenges. The drug is prescribed to adults and children. The sweetish taste of the drug makes the treatment process pleasant, this quality is especially appreciated by the most fastidious patients - children.

The basis of Imudon is a mixture of bacterial lysates, which forces the patient’s immune system to work normally.

Imudon is available for sale in two packages of 24 and 40 tablets, the prices for which are 450 and 650 rubles, respectively.

The inactive pathogenic microorganisms that make up the drug act on the principle of vaccination, thanks to which, as doctors say, the body seems to develop immunity.

Imudon exhibits antigenic, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effects. While taking the drug, phagocytic activity increases, the production of immunoglobulin A in saliva improves, and immune responses are activated. It has been noticed that the concentration of lysozyme in saliva increases.

If a patient, against the background of decreased immunity, develops painful sensations in the mouth, develops erosive processes and erythema, and has “bad” breath, imudon will be the drug of choice No. 1.


Imudon is suitable as a prophylactic agent, especially for patients suffering from frequent relapses of throat diseases and oral cavity. In childhood, preventive courses are recommended before preparing the child for a visit kindergarten and schools.

As complex therapy Imudon is used in the following cases:

  • stomatitis;
  • glossitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis (acute and chronic);
  • inflammatory processes gums;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa (trauma and infection):
  • implantation of artificial teeth;
  • other.

The above pathologies, especially those that appear repeatedly, indicate reduced immunity. Imudon restores local immunity, so it is not advisable to use it for tracheitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Contraindications and side effects

All medicines carry a certain danger, because There is always the possibility of individual intolerance to the composition. According to statistical data, imudon is well tolerated, the only exceptions for its use are autoimmune processes, childhood up to 3 years, drug immunity.

  • Side effects are rather the exception to the rule. According to doctors, sometimes while taking Imudon, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergic skin rashes, discomfort in the mouth (dryness, burning), coughing, swelling of the larynx, increased body temperature, exacerbation of bronchial asthma, and others arose.
  • All these phenomena occurred during overdoses, when patients did not follow the instructions for the drug. If negative symptoms occur, sorbents can be used as detoxification therapy for several days.
  • Imudon combines well with various medications for the treatment of the throat and oral cavity. If imudon is ineffective, the doctor may suggest other analogues.

There is also an opinion among a number of pediatricians that immunostimulating drugs harm the process of developing immunity in children, and they believe that such drugs have not been sufficiently studied and can be dispensed with.


  1. After 14 years of age, the drug is prescribed in adult dosage. For prevention daily dose is 6 tablets, for therapeutic therapy – 8 tablets. The drug is dissolved every 2 hours, 1 tablet. Course during acute conditions lasts 10 days. Exacerbation of chronic pathologies requires a longer treatment cycle (approximately 20 days).
  2. Preventive cycles are carried out once a season. The duration of use of imudon for prophylaxis is determined by the doctor.
  3. Age category from 3 to 14 years use 6 tablets per day. The duration of taking Imudon is the same as in adult patients. It is necessary to monitor the youngest patients, because children as young as three years old may swallow the tablet, spit it out, or simply not be able to dissolve it, which significantly worsens the quality of therapy. Within an hour after taking Imudon, it is forbidden to eat, drink water or rinse your mouth.

In pediatrics, taking imudon is often combined with vitamin therapy. Instructions for imudon sometimes indicate analogues that can be used if suddenly the drug does not suit the patient according to some parameters.

Does Imudon have cheaper analogues?

Patients often look for cheaper imudon analogues. If, for example, we take a preventive course for adults, then it is easy to calculate that 160 Imudon tablets will be needed for 20 days. Therefore, you will need to purchase 4 packages of 40 tablets. So, we get that prophylaxis with imudon will cost 2,600 rubles.

Analogues of Imudon have different prices, so the drug is selected taking into account the financial situation of the patient. Now let's take a closer look at the analogues.

List of cheap imudon analogues

Imudon has no structural analogues, but in terms of therapeutic effect medical reference books offer the following analogues:

  • broncho-munal;
  • bation;
  • Panavir;
  • Viferon;
  • ismigen;
  • actipol;
  • stomatidine;
  • other.

As a replacement for imudon, IRS-19, lyzobact, broncho-munal and stomatidine are better suited; let’s look briefly at each.

Imudon or IRS-19 – which is better?

IRS-19 is a 20 ml nasal spray. The drug is injected into the nasal passages. The product contains 19 bacterial lysates, which are responsible for increasing immunity. With the use of the spray, local immunity is restored, and tissue inflammation recedes.

The drug is used for nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, surgical interventions in ENT practice, as well as to prevent the occurrence of bacterial lesions of the nose and pharynx. There are only two contraindications - this autoimmune diseases and intolerance to the composition of IRS-19.

For patients starting from three months of age, preventive injections are carried out for two weeks twice a day (1 dose in each nasal entrance). Therapeutic doses are different. From 3 months to three years - 1 dose twice a day, from 3 years - 1 dose up to five times a day. The duration of treatment is adjusted only by the doctor.

The average price for IRS-19 (France) in Moscow pharmacies is 450 rubles. Treatment and prevention with this drug is cheaper than imudon.

Lysobact is a combination of two components - lysozyme and vitamin B6. The first substance is in the body of each of us. Lysozyme serves to neutralize pathogenic microflora. When the body weakens, lysozyme becomes insufficient, so it must be replenished from the outside. Vitamin B6 is involved in regeneration and detoxification processes (especially during antibacterial therapy).

Indications for the use of Lysobact are infections and inflammatory pathologies of the oral mucosa (glossitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, aphthous lesions), herpes, catarrhal processes of the pharynx.

Lysobact is presented in the form. Prescriptions are carried out depending on the age of the patient, doses range from 3 to 8 tablets per day. The course of treatment is usually 7–10 days. Very rarely, while taking lyzobact, allergic reactions.

Important! Lizobakt enhances the effect of antibiotics and diuretics.

A package of lyzobact (30 tablets) costs about 300 rubles. Let's compare which course of treatment will be cheaper - Imudon or Lysobact. Let's take the maximum adult dosage of lysobact, i.e. 8 tablets per day. A course of treatment will require 80 tablets, i.e. almost 3 packs. For a cycle of treatment with Lysobact you will need to pay 900 rubles. This is almost three times cheaper than the same therapy with imudon.

Broncho-Munal or imudon

The drug contains 8 standardized lyophilized bacterial lysates. Release form: capsules (for children and adult dosage). Destroyed bacterial cells force the body to produce antibodies, so that the immune system will be ready to accept living microbes and will not give the disease a chance to develop complications.

Broncho-munal is suitable as treatment and prevention. Patients over 12 years of age are prescribed 7 mg. Children's dosage, starting from six months – 3.5 mg. The main indications are tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis. The treatment and prevention regimen is determined only by the doctor, taking into account the recommendations of the official instructions.

Usually, patients tolerate bronchomunal well, but in some cases gastrointestinal ailments, allergic reactions, cough, slight increase temperature.

An adult broncho-munal (7 mg) costs about 600 rubles, a child (3.5 mg) costs 500 rubles.

Stomatidin or Imudon - which is better?

The product is classified as an antiseptic (disinfectant) for use in otolaryngology and dental practice. The active substance is hexethidine.

The main indications for prescribing stomatidine are pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis (acute and chronic forms), glossitis, candidiasis, oral erosions, bad smell from the mouth, surgical interventions and others.

Contraindications include children under 4–5 years of age, pharyngitis (atrophic form), the first period of gestation (up to the 13th week of pregnancy), and individual immunity.

The solution is used undiluted. After rinsing, spit out all the medicine; there is no need to swallow. For one procedure, take 1–2 tablespoons of solution. The patient rinses the mouth or throat for about 1 minute. According to the instructions, the solution is used twice a day after eating. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

During rinsing, some patients note the appearance of symptoms such as burning, soreness, dryness, and irritation in the oral cavity. Sometimes there is a change in taste. If the patient swallows stomatidine, there may be discomfort in the stomach, nausea or even vomiting.

The price of stomatidine (0.1% solution 200 ml) is within 300 rubles.

Which drug is better to choose?

Price, dosage regimen, form of release of the drug - all these criteria may not suit the patient. Therefore, when prescribing drugs, the doctor should always coordinate such points with the patient.

Lizobact is an antiseptic, imudon is an immunomodulator. The composition of the drugs is different. In Imudon, the active substance is a bacterial lysate, in Lysobact - lysozyme (a natural enzyme) and pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B).

Both drugs are prescribed for throat and mouth infections. Imudon is more effective in treating oral candidiasis and preventing infections after surgery. Unlike imudon, lysobact is used for herpes lesions in the mouth and throat. Lysobact contains lactose (155 mg), so it is not prescribed for lactase deficiency.

The drugs in question are contraindicated in children under three years of age. Lizobact is allowed to be used during breastfeeding, as well as pregnancy. Imudon has not been studied enough for this group, so it is better not to use the drug without a doctor’s permission.

Lizobact and Imudon are only available in the form of lozenges. If we consider the question of which product is cheaper, then, undoubtedly, lysobact. A package of Imudon (40 tablets) costs 500 rubles. The average price for lysobact (30 tablets) is about 280 rubles.

The drugs have different compositions and pharmacokinetics. Imudon is an immunomodulator, grammidin is an antiseptic with local anesthetic and antimicrobial effects. Both drugs are prescribed for acute and chronic infections.

Imudon is used from the age of three, grammidin from the age of four.

Grammidin is cheaper, the price of lozenges 3 mg + 1 mg No. 18 is 220 rubles.

Imudon analogues - reviews

Among patients you can find different reviews about imudon and its analogues, everything is individual.

Elizaveta, Vitebsk

I have been suffering from relapses of stomatitis for a long time. I take courses of imudon and I can say it helps. I am now 5 months pregnant. My stomatitis is here again. The dentist prescribed Lysobact, although it was once prescribed to me, but it was of no use. Despite my statements in the direction of lysobacter, the doctor said that we have no choice, because. Imudon is not recommended during pregnancy. The most interesting thing is that now lysobacter is helping, these are the things.

Olga, Vladivostok

Not a single analogue of Imudon helps me. My choice is only imudon. I am a chronic tonsillitis patient who is terrified of having my tonsils removed. If I don’t forget to take prophylaxis with Imunod and wash my tonsils twice a year, I feel good. The disadvantage of the drug is the price; a preventive course costs more than 2,500 rubles. I can say with all responsibility that Imudon is worth the money.


The list of analogues for Imudon is large, but the significant differences of this drug remain its high efficiency, convenient release form, and bioavailability. Imudon perfectly stimulates local immunity, which is important for adults and children.

Very often during pregnancy and breastfeeding the body's defenses decrease. As an analogue of imudon in in this case Lysobact is perfect, as it will be safe for the fetus or baby.

Compared to many analogues, imudon has a special effect similar to vaccination. This protection allows you to instill lasting immunity to a number of bacteria.

No matter how the disease progresses, only a doctor can clearly determine which remedy will be best, imudon or its other analogue. Be healthy!

Often a person gets sick because he has a weak immune system that cannot resist bacteria, viruses, various fungi and other infections foreign to humans. To avoid being susceptible to disease, the body must be ready to produce special cells, called antibodies in response to foreign formations.

When this does not happen and he becomes ill, the body needs help suppressing the infection. For this purpose, pharmacology has created many drugs that help fight infectious diseases by stimulating the production of antibodies. One of these drugs is Imudon, which effectively copes with many types of infections.

Imudon, indications for use

is an immunostimulating drug, which is created to locally counteract inflammatory processes of bacterial origin that occur in the pharynx and oral cavity.

The direct purpose of this medicine is to suppress the pathogens of the following diseases:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis (especially chronic);
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease and periodontitis;
  • ulcerative and erythematous gingivitis;
  • dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity;
  • infections caused by tooth extraction, as well as artificial dental root implants and ulcerations from dentures.


The effect of the drug is due to its composition, which includes:

  1. Bacterial Lysate Set, causing inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx: candida, staphylococcus, streptococcus, lactobacilli and others.
  2. Excipients in the form of: lactose, glycine, sodium bicarbonate, mint powder and citric acid, mannitol, magnesium stearate, povidone, sodium saccharinate and its preservative merthiolate.

Pharmacological properties

The basis pharmacological properties The tablets contain the action of the main substance - a mixture of bacterial lysates. They are products of the destruction of bacteria as a result of damage to their shell under the influence, for example, of chemical exposure.

Regardless of the fact that these substances are destroyed by bacteria, they carry the properties of these microorganisms that are foreign to the human body, only in a weakened form. Once inside the body, lysates are perceived by it as foreign elements, and make the human immune system react, mobilizing him to actively resist.

Their effect on the body is similar to the mechanism of action of a vaccine, when it is based on the activation of the patient’s own immunity. This is especially important when the immune system cannot quickly respond to an infection because the immune system is weakened.

As a result, bacteria that enter the body quickly spread within the tissues and the disease affects many areas. With the help of lysates, the immune system copes with bacterial infection much faster. Therefore, they are considered immunostimulants, which have a bacterial basis and create the body’s immune response to an infection.

Imudon containing bacterial lysates:

  • activates local immunity tissue cells of the mouth and throat;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes in these areas by suppressing the bacterial environment;
  • provides further protection against viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens at the site of exposure;
  • acts quickly, because it is intended to interact with the surface of the mucous membrane by dissolving the tablet directly at the site of the infection;
  • also has a preventive effect;
  • capable of counteracting several types of bacteria simultaneously And viral infections of different origins, which is why it is called polyvalent.

The medicine is prescribed for exacerbation of inflammation that occurs in the oral cavity and adjacent areas: throat, nasopharynx, etc. The effectiveness of the medicine occurs after using up to 8 tablets during the day as a resolving agent. This dose should be observed during the acute course of the disease and exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the oral cavity, with an interval between doses of at least 2-3 hours.

The course of taking the drug is up to 10 days. For the purpose of prevention, take no more than 6 Imudon tablets per day, observing an interval of 3-4 hours. The preventive course must be continued for 20 days.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for this medication are based on the drug's effect on the immune system.

Therefore it is contraindicated:

  • people with autoimmune manifestations as a result of thyroid diseases;
  • children under three years old;
  • in case of acute reaction to the components included in the drug;
  • when feeding with breast milk;
  • pregnant women, when use with great caution is allowed only in cases of extreme necessity.

Side effects

It has been noticed that when using the medicine, some patients experience allergic reaction, manifested in the form of a severe burning sensation, accompanied by itching and rashes on the skin. If the reaction is severe, it may even occur angioedema.

May also be observed stomach and intestinal disorders manifested in the form of nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. If the person has previously suffered from a disease bronchial asthma or chronic cough, then they may worsen while taking Imudon. This may cause the temperature to rise slightly.

There have even been cases of erythema nodosum, hemorrhagic vasculitis and thrombocytopenia. But such manifestations of a reaction to the drug are very rare.

Analogues of Imudon

After the appearance of the drug, which is a good immunostimulant that suppresses infections caused by various pathogens, many analogues of the drug were created in pharmacology.

These drugs include:

  1. IRS19, produced in the form of a spray for aeration of the oral cavity. The price of a can with a nozzle of the “IRS19” product ranges from 370 to 450 rubles. It contains 20 ml of product, designed for 60 doses of injection into the nose. During treatment, it is necessary to inject the drug 4 times a day, so the product in the bottle is enough for a two-week course.
  2. Bronchomunale. Available in the form of capsules containing 7 mg or 3.5 mg of bacterial lysates. It is an immunostimulating agent intended for the complex treatment of infections of the respiratory and ENT organs: laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis and other diseases. Price of a package containing 10 capsules of 3.5 mg sold in pharmacies for 385 rubles.
  3. Available in tablets, it is prescribed to combat the herpes virus and other infections of the oral cavity, for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and its prevention. The price of a package containing 20 tablets is approximately 190-200 rubles. A course of treatment will require at least two packages. The tablets are intended for resorption, and you should start with a loading dose, dissolving one tablet every 30 minutes for the first two hours. Then continue taking three tablets on the first and subsequent days after a certain period of time until the infection is completely eliminated.
  4. Methyluracil. Methyluracil is an immunostimulant in tablet form. Active ingredient the drug is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, amounting to 500 mg per general composition. Prescribed for the treatment of a range of infectious diseases of viral and bacterial etiology. A package of 50 tablets with a dosage of 500 mg has an approximate price from 230 to 250 rubles.
  5. Transformer factor. The drug was developed to combat tuberculosis. This remedy is cheaper than Imudon. If the price for Imudon is approximately 500 rubles per pack of 24 tablets, and a course of treatment requires from 80 to 100 tablets, then the full course will cost 2,000 rubles. One bottle of the drug "Transformer Factor", containing 90 capsules, can do without from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles, but it does not require a repeat course, which can happen when taking Imudon. In addition, it has no negative manifestations, therefore it is unlimited in use.

If the first four drugs basically partially replace the action of Imudon and are not always as effective as it is, then Transfer Factor is a worthy immunomodulator that replaces this medicine.

The idea of ​​its creation is based on the immune system remembering all situations that occurred in the body and the ability to transmit information about diseases that existed before. This is done using a special molecule called transfer factor.

The drug, which received a similar name, is able to effectively resist diseases of various bacterial and viral origins, and also serve as a prophylactic against these diseases. Therefore, it is more often prescribed than other drugs instead of Imudon.

The product can be used by children, pregnant and lactating women. Transformer Factor has an effect on the body at a deeper level than other drugs of this type. It is able to get rid of the cause of the disease, eliminating damage that has occurred in the structural structure of DNA, while other drugs treat only the consequences of diseases.

If the doctor has prescribed the use of Imudon, then it can be safely replaced by taking the medicine “Transformer Factor”, which will not only get rid of the disease without causing any adverse reactions, but will also help restore immunity without damaging the microflora of the stomach.

They are especially popular among those who are susceptible to frequent diseases, including seasonal ones (colds, flu, ARVI, etc.). Such drugs have a positive effect on the human body, preventing the development of the disease, as well as promoting a speedy recovery.

Today there are a huge number of medications that significantly improve the functioning of immune system. The most popular of them is the drug “Imudon”. The price and release form of this medicine will be presented below. Also from this article you will learn about what diseases the mentioned medication is used for, what its composition is, whether it can be prescribed to pregnant women and small children, what contraindications and side effects patients should know.

Composition, description, release form and packaging of the drug

The drug "Imudon", the composition of which will be presented right now, goes on sale in the form of lozenges. They have a white or almost white color, as well as a flat-cylindrical shape with beveled edges, a smooth shiny surface and a pleasant mint aroma. Slight marbling of the medication is also allowed.

The main component of this product includes a mixture of bacterial lysates. The drug also contains auxiliary ingredients in the form of glycine, magnesium stearate, sodium deoxycholate, povidone, mint flavor, thiomersal, anhydrous citric acid, lactose monohydrate, sodium bicarbonate, mannitol,

You can purchase the medicine “Imudon” in packs made of thick cardboard, which contain cellular contour packs with 8 absorbable tablets. One box can contain three or five blisters.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

What is the drug "Imudon"? Tablets for topical use are actively used in dental and otorhinolaryngological practice.

According to experienced specialists, this is of bacterial origin. It is an antigenic polyvalent complex consisting of a mixture of bacterial lysates.

The drug "Imudon", the composition of which corresponds to the pathogens that most often cause inflammatory processes in the pharynx and oral cavity, is capable of activating phagocytosis, increasing the number of immunocompetent cells, increasing the production of interferon and lysozyme, as well as immunoglobulin A in saliva.

Indications for taking lozenges

For what conditions are patients prescribed treatment with Imudon? Reviews from experts report that the drug in question is actively used in therapy, as well as in the prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases pharynx and oral cavity.

Thus, you can safely take this drug if you are diagnosed with:

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • deep and superficial periodontal disease, glossitis, periodontitis and stomatitis (including aphthous);
  • ulcerative and erythematous gingivitis;
  • infectious processes that occur after implantation of artificial dental roots or tooth extraction;
  • dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity;
  • ulcerations that occurred while wearing dentures.

It should also be noted that treatment with Imudon (reviews of the effectiveness of absorbable tablets will be presented below) can be prescribed for preoperative preparation or in postoperative period after tonsillectomy.

Contraindications to taking the drug

Is the drug "Imudon" prescribed for children? According to the attached instructions, the drug in question must not be given to a child under 3 years of age. This medicine is also contraindicated for:

  • presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • increased individual sensitivity to the drug or its components.

How is the treatment process with Imudon carried out?

Reviews about this product are predominantly positive. How should it be given to adults and young children? We will tell you about this right now.

For people over 14 years of age with acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity, as well as with exacerbation of chronic diseases, the medication in question is recommended to be taken in a dosage of 8 tablets per day.

According to the instructions, this medicine must not be chewed. The tablets completely dissolve in the oral cavity. They are taken at intervals of 60-120 minutes. The duration of the course of therapy is 10 days.

Preventive actions

Now you know how to carry out treatment with Imudon. If the drug in question was prescribed for prophylactic purposes (during exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity), then it is recommended to take it in a dosage of 6 tablets per day. They are also slowly dissolved in the mouth at intervals of 120 minutes. The duration of this course of therapy is 20 days.

It is advisable to carry out prevention of diseases of the ENT organs four times a year.

Medicine "Imudon" for children from three years old

As stated above, this remedy can only be prescribed to children over the age of three years.

For the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases, this drug is prescribed to children in a dosage of 6 tablets per day. They are dissolved at intervals of 1-2 hours.

The duration of such therapy acute diseases is 10 days. If the medication was prescribed to prevent exacerbations, the treatment period should last at least 20 days.

How often should prophylaxis be carried out with Imudon? Reviews from experts report that it is advisable for children over three years old to take this drug no more than three times a year.

Adverse reactions after taking the medication

Despite high efficiency and safety, the drug "Imudon" can still contribute to the occurrence of unwanted reactions. Let's look at the most frequently occurring ones right now:

  • Allergies: skin rash, urticaria, angioedema.
  • Respiratory organs: cough and exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
  • Digestive tract: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting.
  • Hematopoietic systems: throbocytopenia and
  • Dermatological reactions:
  • Others: increased body temperature.

Compatibility with other medications and cases of overdose

Is it possible to combine the drug “Imudon” with other drugs? Tablets can be combined with other medications. This is the opinion held by most experienced specialists. However, before starting complex treatment, patients should always consult with their doctor.

Cases of overdose with Imudon are not described in the attached instructions. However, this does not mean that the medication in question can be taken in any dosage.

When treating with this drug, you should definitely follow the doctor’s recommendations, and also carefully study the instructions.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Is it possible to prescribe the drug "Imudon" during pregnancy? There is no information on the use of this drug during pregnancy. Moreover, there is a lack of relevant data from epidemiological studies and experiments conducted on animals.

In connection with all of the above, we can safely conclude that it is not recommended to take Imudon lozenges during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. If medication is necessary, the patient should be under regular supervision of his or her physician.

The drug "Imudon", the price of which is presented at the very end of the article, should be given to children aged 3-6 years only under the mandatory supervision of a pediatrician or adults. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not chew the tablet, but slowly dissolves it in the mouth.

It is strictly forbidden to take water or food, or rinse your mouth for 60 minutes after using the medication. Otherwise, the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug may be significantly reduced.

When prescribing absorbable tablets to people who follow a low-salt or salt-free diet, as well as when high blood pressure Please note that this product contains a large amount of sodium.

Patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma, in whom the use of drugs containing bacterial lysates contribute to exacerbation of the disease (bronchial asthma attacks), are not recommended to prescribe Imudon.

If within eight days after the start of treatment the signs of the disease do not decrease, then you should immediately consult a doctor to determine a different treatment strategy.

Children under 3 years of age are not prescribed the medication. This is due to the fact that in such children it is impossible to control whether the medicine is taken correctly.

Cost and analogues of the drug (cheaper)

How much does the drug we are considering cost? Its price depends not only on the markup of the pharmacy chain, manufacturer and sales region, but also on the number of absorbable tablets in the package.

You can purchase the drug in the amount of 24 tablets for 400-420 rubles, and 40 tablets - for 550-560 rubles.

If this medication is contraindicated for you, then it can be replaced with such drugs as “Angilex”, “Metrodent”, “Metrogil Denta”, “Neo-Angin”, “Strepsils”, “Ingalipt”, “Grammidin”, “Faringon”, “ Teraflu-LAR" and others.

A cheaper analogue of Imudon (in the range of 150-280 rubles) has the same therapeutic effectiveness. However, it should be noted that all of the listed products can be produced not only in the form of absorbable tablets or lozenges, but also, for example, in the form of an aerosol, spray, lozenges and even gel. Moreover, their dosage and methods of use may differ significantly from the dosages and methods of use of Imudon. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only after consultation with a specialist.

Russian immunomodulators are represented by Imudon. Each tablet contains a mixture of bacterial lysates in a volume of 0.05 mg of dry matter.

The medicine is prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes:

  • for superficial and deep damage to the gums, periodontitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane and tongue:
  • inflammatory and infectious pathologies of the pharynx and oral cavity;
  • gingivitis of the erythematous and ulcerative type, dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity;
  • pharyngitis, recurrent tonsillitis, ulcers caused by incorrectly selected dentures;
  • implantation of pins after tooth extraction;
  • at preliminary preparation to partial or complete excision of the tonsils in the postoperative period.

It is prohibited to use the medication if you are intolerant of its components.


Inexpensive tableted Russian substitute for the main product.


  • acute respiratory diseases, including influenza;
  • when affected by the herpes virus - when infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox, labile and genital herpes;
  • in the acute and chronic course of other viral diseases - provoked by tick-borne encephalitis, enterovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus pathogenic microflora;
  • with bacterial origin of diseases, secondary forms of immunodeficiency.


Do not use if you are intolerant to the composition of the drug, before reaching the first month of life. For minors, it is recommended to take the children's version of Anaferon.


The drug is used outside meals; one tablet is prescribed per procedure. The medicine is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

For respiratory pathologies, including influenza, herpetic, intestinal and neuroinfections - treatment measures begin at the first appearance symptomatic manifestations diseases. The drug is used in the first 160 minutes, taken every 30 minutes, then the next 24 hours undergo three procedures at regular intervals. From the next 24 hours, therapy is carried out three times a day, one tablet at a time, until symptoms are relieved.

If there are no signs of positive dynamics, after three days of manipulation the patient should visit the attending physician. During epidemics of respiratory diseases, prevention is carried out daily, one tablet, for 4-12 weeks.

For genital herpes - against the background of an acute course of the disease, treatment is carried out at regular intervals according to a standard algorithm: in the first 72 hours - one tablet, 8 doses per 24 hours, then the frequency is reduced to one tablet four times a day. Treatment lasts for at least three weeks.

Prevention of exacerbation of the recurrent form of herpetic lesion requires the use of one tablet per day. Preventive therapy for each patient is prescribed personally and can last for six months.

For therapeutic and preventive measures against the background of immunodeficiency conditions, treatment is carried out in a complex manner against bacterial infections, one tablet per 24 hours.

It is allowed to combine Anaferon with other antiviral drugs, means of symptomatic treatment.

Negative reactions

The manufacturer indicated in the instructions that, subject to dosages and treatment times, side effects not reported in clinical trials. There is a possibility of allergic reactions to the components of the medication.


Russian substitute for the pharmacological subgroup of immunostimulants, with the key component dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, in a volume of 500 mg per tablet.


The medicine is used:

  • for leukopenia, including mild forms provoked by chemotherapy of malignant tumor processes, during radiation and radiotherapy;
  • with agranulocytic tonsillitis, toxic-nutritive aleukia;
  • anemic conditions, with a reduced number of platelets;
  • benzene poisoning, with radiation sickness, convalescence - with a complex course of the disease;
  • gastroduodenal ulcer – included in combination treatment;
  • for poorly healing wound surfaces, burns;
  • fractures, hepatitis, pancreatitis.


Admission is not recommended in case of intolerance to the drug, leukemia, including myeloid and other leukemic forms, lymphogranulomatosis, hemoblastosis, malignant bone marrow lesions, before the patient reaches three years of age.


The dose is taken with food or immediately after eating. Dosages depend on the age of the patient:

  • adult patients - 0.5 g of the drug four times a day, under certain indicators it is allowed to increase the frequency of administration to 6 procedures per day, the maximum allowed amount of the drug should not exceed 3 grams;
  • after three and up to eight years - 0.25 g three times a day, the maximum allowable amount is 0.75 grams;
  • after eight and up to fourteen years - from 0.25 to 0.5 g, three procedures in 24 hours, it is prohibited to exceed the daily dosage of 1.5 grams.

For pathology of the gastrointestinal organs, the course of therapeutic procedures varies from 30 to 40 days. With a mild course of the disease, the duration can be reduced.

Side effect

The immunomodulator can lead to the development of allergic reactions, attacks of acute headaches and dizziness, spontaneous release of accumulated gases through the mouth - heartburn.


A Swiss substitute in tablets and solution, the main key component of which is purple echinacea juice extract in a volume of 0.08 g.


The drug can be prescribed for uncomplicated acute infectious processes, predisposition to colds, to prevent the development of ARVI and influenza. The medicine is used for long-term treatment with antibacterial substances for recurrent infectious pathologies, which are accompanied by a decrease in the functionality of the autoimmune system.


It is prohibited to use the medication in case of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, leukemia, collagenosis, multiple sclerosis, immunodeficiency virus and AIDS. Use is not allowed if you are intolerant to the component components of the immunostimulant.


Oral solution:

  • after 12 years and for adults – 2.5 ml, three procedures per day;
  • after six and up to twelve years – 1.5 ml of the drug three times a day;
  • from 12 months to 6 years – 1 ml, three times in 24 hours.

Tablet release form:

  • adolescents over 12 years of age and adults – one tablet, 3 to 4 doses per day;
  • after 6 and up to 12 years – one tablet, 1 to 3 procedures per 24 hours;
  • from 4 to 6 years – one tablet, one or two doses per day.

To obtain maximum effectiveness, the therapeutic process is carried out for at least one week; use is prohibited for more than two months in a row.

The tablets are washed down with clean water; for children, they are allowed to be crushed and mixed with a small volume of liquid. The oral solution is dosed using a measuring pipette included in the package. Before starting the procedure, the drops are diluted in a minimal amount of liquid.

Side effect

The drug can cause the development of symptoms of allergic reactions and dermatological redness.


A domestic analogue of the main drug in tablet form.


The drug is prescribed for the following indicators:

  • bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, runny nose, otitis, complications after influenza - as a substance in combination treatment;
  • chronic infectious lesions respiratory tract, including recurrent bronchitis - to prevent exacerbation of the disease.


It is prohibited to prescribe the medication in case of intolerance to the key or secondary elements of Ismigen, while feeding a newborn with breast milk or while carrying a fetus, until the patient reaches the age of three.


The manufacturer points out that the tablets are intended for dissolution in the oral cavity - under the tongue. Treatment takes place before meals; it is not recommended to chew, swallow or dissolve them.

For acute and subacute infectious diseases of the respiratory tract - one tablet every 24 hours, treatment continues until complete disappearance clinical signs illness for 10 or more days.

For chronic pathologies, to prevent exacerbation of recurrent respiratory diseases - one tablet for 10 days, then take a break for 20 days. The general course of therapy includes three cycles of administration.

Preventive measures are used no more than twice a year. It is forbidden to increase the dose if you miss the time of administration.

Side effect

The medicine provokes nettle fever, folliculitis, impetiginous forms of dermatitis, inflammatory reactions in the salivary glands, runny nose and acute laryngitis.


Slovenian capsule analogue of the main product.


The drug is needed:

  • for diseases of infectious origin of the respiratory tract, in complex treatment, for children 6-12 years old - 3.5 mg;
  • for the treatment of the above pathologies for twelve-year-old adolescents - the drug 7 mg;
  • in order to prevent exacerbation of recurrent respiratory ailments - tonsillitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis and runny nose.


The use of the drug is not allowed if you are intolerant of its component elements.


The drug is prescribed one capsule for 10 days.

Adverse reactions

  • nettle fever, Quincke's edema, eczema, purpura, erythema;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature, asthma attacks.

Drugs must be approved by the attending physician, self-treatment immunomodulators can lead to dysfunction of the autoimmune system. It is prohibited to increase the dosage or duration of the recommended course.

Drug name Price in Russia Country and company of manufacturer
Imudon from 409 rubles Pharmstandard-Tomsk, Russia
Anaferon from 193 rubles Materia Medica, Russia
Methyluracil from 228 rubles Biokhimik, Russia
Immunal from 281 rubles Sandoz, Switzerland
Ismigen from 490 rubles Nizhpharm JSC, Russia
Broncho-munal from 515 rubles Lek d.d., Slovenia

Flashes colds often occur in the autumn-winter period and early spring. Symptoms such as pain when swallowing, sore throat, tingling lead a person either to an appointment with a therapist (otolaryngologist) or directly to a pharmacy.

To treat a sore throat, oral cavity and further protect against pathogens, the drug Imudon and its analogs are used. To understand the variety of these drugs, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of Imudon substitutes and instructions for use.

Imudon is a unique immunomodulator that contains lysates or a combination of bacterial antigens that are causative agents of sore throat. In the body, bacterial lysates do not cause the development of infection, but make the body’s own immunity work.

What are the advantages of Imudon?

  1. Stimulates 4 factors responsible for immunity:
  • in saliva the content of an enzyme with a bactericidal effect - lysozyme - increases;
  • activates phagocytes - cells that capture and digest pathogens;
  • increases the number of immunoglobulin A molecules, which provides local immunity;
  • The production of interferon, which prevents the penetration of viruses, increases.
  1. Protects the throat and oral cavity from infectious agents.
  2. Treats and prevents relapses.
  3. Used in otolaryngology and dentistry.
  4. Shortens the period of illness.
  5. Effective when the first symptoms occur and at the peak of the disease.

Indications for use of Imudon:

  1. Elimination of inflammation of the pharynx, including:
  • long-term tonsillitis;
  • preparation for tonsillectomy and postoperative recovery period.
  1. Prevention and treatment of oral infections:
  • periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis;
  • ulcers from dentures and others.

Imudon - instructions for use

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm, Russia

Dosage form: lozenges

Ingredients: bacterial lysates

Imudon is approved for children from 3 years of age, up to 6 tablets per day.

For adults and adolescents over 14 years old - a tablet every hour (8 pieces per day).

The duration of therapy is 10 days; prophylaxis will require 20 days.

The regimen for taking Imudon for the purpose of prevention is the same for all age groups - 6 pieces per day at regular intervals.

How to take Imudon - before or after meals?

It is advisable to take Imudon after meals and not drink or rinse your mouth for 1 hour so as not to reduce the effect. Imudon tablets can only be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Imudon is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, since there is no reliable clinical trials about the safety of the drug for women and children.

Patients with bronchial asthma should refrain from taking Imudon to avoid exacerbations.

Undesirable side effects when taking Imudon are rare. Dyspeptic gastrointestinal disorders and allergic reactions to the skin may occur. Over-the-counter drug.

Analogues of Imudon

Imudon is a local immunomodulator that has no analogues in composition and area of ​​effect.

The drugs that will be discussed below as analogues or substitutes for Imudon have similar indications - diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

The price of Imudon depends on the number of tablets, the region of sale and pricing in a particular pharmacy. On average, a package of 24 tablets costs from 300 to 470 rubles, for a package of 40 tablets the price ranges from 490 to 700 rubles. You can get acquainted with analogues that are cheaper than Imudon in the table below.

Analogue Price, in rubles Manufacturer country
Imudon tab. No. 24 300–470 Russia
Tonsilgon N tab. No. 50 310–430 Germany
Faringosept tab. No. 20 150–250 Romania
Laripront tab. No. 20 180–220 Egypt
Hexalize tab. No. 30 280–350 France
Immunal tab. No. 20 320–430 Slovenia
Galavit tab. No. 10 280–390 Russia
Dorithricin tab. No. 10 360–430 Germany
Polyoxidonium tab. No. 10 680–820 Russia
Lizobakt tab. No. 30 200–330 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ismigen tab. No. 10 470–650 Italy
Broncho-munal caps. No. 10 445–700 Slovenia
Grammidin neo tab. No. 18 230–420 Russia
IRS 19 spray called. 20 ml 420–580 France

Manufacturer: SAN-FARMA, Romania

Ingredients: ambazone monohydrate

Imudon's analog Faringosept is a local antiseptic that suppresses the proliferation of gram-positive flora in the lesion. Has no effect on intestinal microflora. Used for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, as well as stomatitis and gingivitis.


  • bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal effect (inhibits reproduction, but does not cause the death of pathogenic flora);
  • necessary for therapeutic effect concentration in saliva is observed only on the 3rd–4th day of administration;
  • It is recommended to abstain from food and drink for 3 hours after taking the tablets.

Manufacturer: Sandoz, Slovenia

Dosage form: tablets, oral solution

Ingredients: Echinacea purpurea juice

Immunal is a plant analogue of Imudon based on an extract from echinacea juice. The immunostimulating effect of echinacea has been proven in numerous clinical studies.

Immunal relieves inflammation, suppresses the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. Unlike Imudon, the Immunal analogue is used to strengthen the immune system during frequent colds and long-term antibiotic therapy.

The drug has age restrictions for use up to 12 years and an impressive list of contraindications.

Manufacturer: Medize Arzneimittel Pütter, Germany

Dosage form: lozenges

Ingredients: benzocaine + benzalkonium chloride + tyrothricin

A prescription analogue of Imudon, Dorithricin, is an antiseptic with a three-component composition. Affects some viruses, gram-positive bacteria and Candida fungus.

Besides general indications with Imudon, used on initial stage sore throats, reducing pain when swallowing.

Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age.

Imudon or Lizobakt – which is better?

Manufacturer: Bosnalek, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dosage form: tablets

Ingredients: lysozyme hydrochloride + pyridoxine hydrochloride

Lizobakt is an analogue of Imudon from the group of antiseptics, supports normal local immunity.

  • Lysobact acts on the cause of sore throat;
  • wide spectrum of action on Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria, viruses, fungi, but does not affect beneficial microflora;
  • allowed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Lizobakt's indications are supplemented by herpetic lesions of the oral mucosa;
  • enhances the effect of antibiotics.

Indications for analogues are similar (used for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis).

Lizobact is used exclusively for treatment, and Imudon for both treatment and prevention.

For an adult working person, the advantage of the analogue will be a smaller frequency of administration: for Lizobakt - 3-4 times a day, for Imudon - 8 times.

Lysobact is indicated for children over three years of age.

The drugs belong to different pharmacological groups and have a different mechanism of action from each other: Immudon enhances the body’s own defense, and Lizobact fights pathogenic microorganisms.

Accordingly, the answer to the question - what is best for the throat - should be approached individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.

Imudon or Ismigen - which is better?

Manufacturer: Bruschettini, Italy

Dosage form: tablets

Composition: lysates of 8 bacteria

Imudon's analogue is an immunostimulant, treats respiratory infections and protects against recurrent episodes.


  • supports local and systemic immunity;
  • wide range of applications (diseases of the respiratory system);
  • Convenient administration - once, in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tablet under the tongue.

The disadvantage of Ismigen is the treatment of oral infections only as an auxiliary drug.

Thus, an intelligent choice in favor of one or another analogue can be made based on the patient’s exact diagnosis.

Imudon or Broncho-munal

Manufacturer: Lek, Slovenia

Dosage form: capsules 7 mg and 3.5 mg for children

Composition: substance OM-85 (mixture of bacterial lysates)

Broncho-munal is an analogue of Imudon from the group of immunostimulants. In combination with other medications it is prescribed for acute infections respiratory tract and for protection against relapses of chronic bronchitis.

Analogues of Imudon Broncho-munal and Ismigen are similar in composition and action in the body, they differ in the form of release and the presence of Broncho-munal in a children's dosage, permitted from six months.

Broncho-munal has conflicting reviews about its use: some patients encountered side effects(diarrhea, abdominal pain, cough, rash), while others tolerated the drug well. Therefore, the attending physician will help you choose the appropriate drug after studying your medical history.

Imudon or Grammidin - which is better?

Manufacturer: Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Russia

Dosage form: tablets

Ingredients: gramicidin C hydrochloride + cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate

Grammidin Neo is a combined medicine for the treatment of the throat and oral cavity. The components in the analogue determine its antimicrobial and antiseptic activity.

It exhibits a bactericidal effect against most pathogens of throat infections and does not cause resistance.

Grammidin Neo alleviates pain, facilitates swallowing, relieves inflammation in sore throat and other acute conditions.

Grammidin Neo is approved for children from 4 years of age.

Side effects include allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Which drug will best choice– Imudon or an analogue of Grammidin Neo – depends on the patient’s disease picture.

Both analogues are suitable for the treatment of infections of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat; for prevention - only Imudon for a course of 20 days.

Imudon or IRS 19

Manufacturer: Mylan Laboratories, France

Dosage form: nasal spray

Composition: bacterial lysates

IRS 19 is an immunostimulant, is of bacterial origin and exhibits antiviral and antibacterial activity. Spraying a nasal aerosol helps quickly develop a local immune response in the body.

Distinctive features of the IRS 19 analogue:

  • produced dosage form– nasal spray;
  • used for the treatment and prevention of infections of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi (rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis), but is not suitable for the oral cavity;
  • allowed for infants from 3 months;
  • high cost of the drug;
  • it is necessary to comply with the storage conditions of the spray - temperature from 2 to 8 degrees.

The above differences between Imudon and its analogue IRS 19 will help you decide on the choice of a drug that meets the needs and demands of the patient.

It is important to remember that the doctor prescribes drug analogues based on treatment experience, medical examination And clinical recommendations for the management of a patient with a similar diagnosis.

Answers on questions

  1. Imudon - an antibiotic or not?

    No, Imudon belongs to the group of immunomodulators. Used in combination with antibiotics if necessary.

  2. Imudon – homeopathy or not?

    No, Imudon is a drug of bacterial origin.

  3. Is it possible to use Imudon for pregnant women or not?

    Imudon should not be taken by pregnant women.

  4. What cheap analogues can replace Imudon?

    Affordable analogues of Imudon are antiseptics for the mouth and throat Laripront and Faringosept. The price for 20 tablets is about 200 rubles.

  5. What analogues of Imudon are there for children 5 years old with pharyngitis?

    If a diagnosis (pharyngitis) is established, the following drugs are suitable for a 5-year-old child: Tonsilgon drops, Faringosept, Laripront, Polyoxidonium, Lizobakt, Grammidin Neo, IRS 19. Before use, consultation with an otolaryngologist or pediatrician is required.

  6. What analogues of Imudon tablets are available without a prescription?

    Over-the-counter analogues of Imudon in tablets: Tonsilgon, Faringosept, Laripront, Hexaliz, Galavit, Polyoxidonium, Lizobakt, Grammidin Neo.

  7. What analogues (besides Imudon) are produced in Russia?

    Domestic substitutes for Imudon: Galavit, Polyoxidonium, Grammidin Neo.

  8. How to replace Imudon for an adult with stomatitis?

    To treat stomatitis in adults, drugs from the group of local antiseptics are used: Lizobact, Grammidin Neo, Faringosept, Laripront, Hexaliz.

  9. What substitutes for Imudon for a sore throat can you buy at a pharmacy?

    Pharmacies offer a wide range of medicines to treat a sore throat. For example, the analogue of Imudon Hexaliz eliminates the cause of inflammation in the throat and has an additional analgesic effect.

  10. Does Imudon have analogues on iHerb?

    Imudon’s analogue on iHerb is OralBiotic dietary supplement, manufactured by Now Foods, USA. Contains a strain of the bacterium Streptococcus salivarius, which inhabits the oral cavity and supports the body's natural defense mechanisms. Used for ear, nose and throat infections, inhibits the growth of yeast in the mouth. The drug is thermolabile and can be stored in the refrigerator.

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